#and he and Rooster teaching her to fly
libraford · 1 year
Okay so here's what's going on with the bird crimes.
On thursday I was going to Powers Park when I saw what I thought were 2 chickens hanging out in the parking lot, and a lady watching them from the fence. I thought... they could belong to the lady, but chickens aren't the kind of pet that you just let hang out loose.
I approach.
Lady: "These aren't mine."
I look closer. Its actually 2 roosters, one of which is a very small breed and is missing his tail feathers. Both of them have an injury to their backside- like its been plucked.
So we talk about what to do, I end up calling Animal Control. The actual Animal Control officer doesn't get there until noon, I get a police dispatcher. She says she can send one of the cops to grab them until the actual professional gets there.
I tell her that the roosters are being kept by the woman I met, she's coaxing them into her house.
I post about it on the facebook group in case someone knows who they belong to. The comments are full of jokes, obviously. But no leads. Eventually the big rooster gets caught by someone running a sanctuary for abandoned and abused livestock, but they're still looking for the little black one. Evidently they got out of the lady's backyard and were loose again.
I figure he's going to be a coyote snack and don't think about it for the rest of the week.
So now it is Sunday and I'm opening up the bathrooms. I'm at Summit Grove park and as I'm about to reserve the shelter for a birthday party I see...
A black pigeon.
Pigeons are not a common animal in this area- you're more likely to see house sparrows, crows, and mourning doves. So that's odd. What's more, she doesn't seem to be skittish and is definitely accustomed to humans. And she keeps trying to bite my fingers, so she associates hands with food and she's skinny as a rail so she's been abandoned for a minute.
Why does this keep happening to me? Is this the Morrigan come to teach me a lesson in pigeon form?
So I remember the number of the woman running the sanctuary and I give her a call. I tell her I've got a pigeon here that can't fly, is super hungry, and doesn't seem to have any issues biting fingers. She says she can't take her, but she can find a home for her because pigeons have specific needs. But she won't be able to get there until 12:30. We (my work partner and I) have to deal with the bird in the meantime.
We absolutely cannot take this bird with us on our route because we are in a tiny truck cab and don't have a cat carrier to put her in. So our solution is to lock her in the janitor's closet until the rep can get here.
Around 12:15, we head back to the shelter to make sure she's still there and hasn't been disturbed... and I realize that the reason I even saw her in the first place...
...was because there was supposed to be a birthday party at the shelter at noon.
The party is strongly underway and they have shoved a table against the door of the closet.
The sanctuary lady comes by and waves, we ask the party people politely to move the table slightly because we're trying to rehome a pigeon that's inside that closet.
They move the table, but not all guests see this interaction- because it looks like a bunch of maintenance people are just here to boss folks around during a little girl's birthday party and this draws a crowd.
The sanctuary rep arrives and we open the door just a little bit to let the bird out. She bobbles towards us, hoping for food, when one of the older ladies at the party exclaims:
"Does that ANIMAL just LIVE in there?!"
I mean... sure. For the past few hours, she did live in there.
"Do you have any IDEA how many DISEASES pigeons carry?"
The rep scoops the pigeon into her arms and takes her out of the shelter area to inspect her wings, feet, and back. She shows us her breastbone and explains that its been several days since the bird ate anything, which was why it was going for fingers.
Meanwhile, Aunt Ornithophobia over here: "I can't BELIEVE you would just TOUCH a BIRD like that in front of CHILDREN!"
We take the bird away to the van so the rep can thank us and explain what likely happened- which is that someone abandoned the bird when they couldn't take care of her anymore they just let her loose.
"I understand you got one of the roosters," I said.
"Yes, the big one. But the little bantam rooster is very fast- he darted into someone's backyard and I never found him again. If you see him, give me a call."
"I've been told that chickens are legal to own here, but roosters are not."
She gets an exasperated look on her face. "If you're going to allow backyard chickens, you're going to have to allow roosters. It's impossible to sex an avian chick and they don't get their dimorphic traits until they've reached the young adult stage and chick sellers don't care about whether they're a hen or a rooster. They care about the sale. We get roosters more often than egg-layers because someone sold them a male as a female and they don't want to pay the fine. I'd rather have the laws allow both, or neither. But disallowing roosters is patently stupid."
"Hm. Well. Note to self."
"Anyways, you're heroes to this little rock dove and I want you two to know that. She's going on a trip to a bird sanctuary in Toledo where she'll have lots and lots of snacks to eat that aren't fingers."
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
All of my tgm imagines, blurbs and series can be found here
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Slow Down, You're Gonna Crash
Howl At The Moon (And I'll Howl Back)
Her Seat (smut)
Bradley's girl had her Seat. It was his lap.
Roosters Girl
Roosters life is bliss. He had his own house, had the dog he had dreamed of owning since he was a child, was married to his soulmate and they were expecting a baby. This is a glimpse into a day off for him.
New Perspective (Smut)
Bradley knew how it had happened. She told him that she'd never been eaten out, batted her pretty eyelashes at him and he was on his knees, face buried between her lips. But it had turned her into a pillow princess, Bradley eagerly diving between her spread legs whenever she asked. Something had to change
Ignorance is Kind
Seven months ago Bradley Bradshaw attended a barbecue hosted by Jake Seresin. Seven months ago Bradley met a girl at said barbecue. Seven months ago Bradley railed her. And here she was at Jakes next barbecue, even months pregnant.
Pride (bob x reader x rooster)
A shitty relationship with a homophobic asshole and she doesn't know who she is. For three years it remain unaddressed, until her current boyfriends both come home with pink, purple and blue flags painted in their cheeks
Kisses (bob x reader x rooster)
Can anybody think of a better way to spend an afternoon than helping one of their boyfriends help cover their other boyfriend in kisses?
Domestic Bradley spending time with his family before he's called back to Top Gun (or fluff, fluff, fluffy, fluff)
Rooster x F1 engineer
Rooster x cowgirl
Another Rooster x cowgirl
Rooster teaching reader to fly
Cowboy Roos
more cowboy roos
bob x reader x rooster
trained like a damn dog
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Jake and Bug
After Chasing Sunsets
Slow Ride (Smut)
Jake saves her from a creep at the bar. She repays him in the best way she can think and rides him to his favourite song
Mrs Hangman (Smut)
Jake Seresin and his wife have an incredibly healthy sex life. That's how they find themselves role-playing as strangers in a bar, meeting for the first time.
Jake x driver!reader
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
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Summary: You are the younger sister of Natasha Trace. You've just moved to San Diego to teach 4th Grade. You never expected to fall for an older man in a Hawaiian shirt who happens to be her best friend.
Warnings: Language, Drinking. Smut, Age Gap, Daddy Kink. Minors DNI 18+
Next Part
You'd noticed him the moment you and your friends had walked into the club. He was with a group of guys leaning up near the bar. He looked entirely out of place with his Hawiian shirt and aviators. He had a thick mustache that accentuated his almost familiar face.
He was still there when you walked up later to get a drink.
"Can I get a Titos and cran with Sprite?" You asked the bar tender. "Titos?" He commented. "Classy." He smirked before taking another sip of his beer.
You laughed before turning to him. "I'm trying not to hate myself in the morning. I spent enough time in college drinking bottom shelf shit out of a trash can in a frat house. I've done my share of hangovers. Thank you very much." You tell him.
He turns his body to face you fully. You catch the quick slip of his eyes as he scans your body.
"College? When was that? Last year?" You can't tell if he's joking or not.
"I graduated six years ago. I'm twenty-eight, not a child." You tell him. "What about you. When did you graduate Old Man? 1950?" You laugh.
"Old Man? Really? What makes you say that?" He asks you. "The 'stache and the Hawaiian shirt." You say nonchalantly.
He laughs. "Well, it's been about thirteen years since I graduated college. Didn't realize thirty-five was old." He shakes his head before finishing his drink at the same time the bartender comes back with yours. You go to hand him your card, but your new friend stops you.
"This one's on the Old Man." He winks at you.
"Thank you. You smile at him. "I'm Bradley, by the way, but everyone calls me Rooster." He puts his hand out for you to shake. You tell him your name, and then it clicks. He's one of your sisters coworkers.
She would kill you if she knew you were flirting with him, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
"What do you do for work, Rooster?" You asked him. You knew the answer. "I'm a Naval aviator, I fly jets and stuff." He says it so casually. "Oh, that's cool. I've got a few family members in the Navy." You tell him. That's not a lie. Your sister and your soon to be brother in law were both in the Navy. You didn't want to tell him who they were, though.
"Cool. What about you? What do you do for work?" He asks you.
"I teach. Actually, I just got hired to teach fourth grade at the elementary school near the Navy base here in San Diego." You tell him.
"No shit? I know if my teachers had been as pretty as you are, I might have paid better attention. But on a side note, I've got a couple of friends I work with whose kids are going to be in fourth grade there." He tells you.
Little does he know that those kids are your niece and nephew.
"Well, maybe I'll get to see you around then." You finish off your drink and set it on the bar, just as one of your favorite songs comes on. 'Unholy,' you thought—how fitting.
You grab him by the hand. Come dance with me, Bradley.
He happily follows you to the dance floor and pulls you flush against him as your body moves against him.
His hands have a tight grip on your hips. You turn to face him and start singing along with the music. You don't miss how his fingers did into your flesh a little harder each time the word 'Daddy' leaves your mouth.
As the song finishes, you decide to push your luck. You lean up on your tip toes and whisper in his ear. "How about be get out of here, Daddy?"
You smirk as he grabs your hand to lead you to the exit.
"Did you drive?" He asks the moment you're out of the club.
"Ubered." You tell him. "I drove, fuck, follow me." He says.
Moments later, the two of you are standing by a classic blue Bronco. You don't even have time to admire it before he pushes you up against it and kisses you roughly.
It takes all of the willpower he has not to fuck you in the parking lot.
It takes him ten minutes to get back to his bungalow. He's undressing you the minute you get through the door.
Your clothes are strung haphazardly throughout his home. It's a miracle the two of you make it to the bed. But you do. Soon, he's got you laid out before him, and his face is buried between your legs.
He eats your pussy like it's his day job, all the while his hips rut into the mattress. He makes you cum twice on his tongue and fingers.
"Condom?" He asks as he prepares to fuck you.
"Clean. On the pill." You tell him.
"I'm clean too, fuck, you want me to hit it raw?" He growls.
"Yes, please, Daddy." You tell him with hooded eyes.
As he slides into you, you know exactly why they call him Rooster. He's huge in length and girth. He's splitting you open in the most delicious way.
He fucks into you hard, fast, and deep. He takes one of his large hands and presses it on your stomach. You can feel him in there.
"Fuck, you feel how deep I am?" He ask you. You nod your head. "You like feeling Daddy so deep in this tight, perfect little pussy?" He groans.
You whine out a response as he toys with your clit.
"You gonna cum again for me baby?" He asks you. "Yes, Daddy, close!" You moan out.
"Fuck, I can tell. Can feel you clenching so hard on me. That's it darlin, be a good girl and take Daddy's cock." He tells you. Soon, you're falling over the edge, screaming for him.
"Good girl, such a good girl." He praises you.
"Baby, I'm close, where do you want me to—" He asks but you cut him off before he can finish
"Cum in me! Fill me up, Daddy!" You moan out. You don't have to tell him twice. Rooster cums and fills you up with his spend.
He collapses on the bed next to you. After a few minutes, he gets a cloth to help you clean up. You try to get up to find your clothes, but he pulls you closer to him.
"Stay, I'll make pancakes in the morning." He tells you.
You know you shouldn't, but you stay anyway.
The next morning, he does make you pancakes. The two of you get to know each other all morning, and he asks to take you out on a proper date that night.
"I can't tonight. I have to babysit my niece and nephew, but I'm free tomorrow." You tell him.
He agrees. A few hours and several orgasms later, he's dropping you off at your apartment. You have just enough time to make it look like you haven't spent the day getting fuckeswithin an inch of your life before your sister shows up with her fiancée and kids.
The doorbell rings, and Catia and Cristiano run in to greet you. "Aunty Thena!" The cry as they both hug you. You laugh at the nickname. Your sister and her fiancée and almost all of their friends were aviators with callsigns. You didn't have one but were given the honorary callsign "Thena" after the goddess Athena by your future brother in law. He claimed it was because you were both wise and scary. Even though you were barely nineteen when her sneaky link turned into her baby daddy, you were still a force to be reckoned with and wise beyond your years.
But Coyote stepped up when Nat found out she was pregnant. Their casual hook ups turned into something serious. Your parents had wanted them to get married before the twins were born, but they didn't want to get married just because Natasha was pregnant.
You supported her through her pregnancy and their relationship. You had even helped him pick out the ring.
The both of you still laugh when he tells she story about why he and the kids call you Thena.
"Cat, Cris, please don't kill your aunt before she has a chance to watch you!" Coyote scolds them as he walks into your home.
"Javy, they are just excited to see her. It's been months since she last visited. Natasha tells him as she comes in.
"Hey, little sis!" She smiles as she comes to hug you. "I'm so glad you moved out here!"
"You just like that you have a free baby sitter now." You joke with her.
Coyote laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
"Now listen up terror twins." He addresses his children. You laugh at the nickname for them. It's funny because it's true. You and the twins have gotten into a few messes together. Catia, the oldest, was definitely the mastermind, while Cristiano was, more often than not, the unwilling accomplice.
"Your mom and I will be back in a few hours to pick you up. We have to finish a few wedding things. Be good for your Aunt Thena and listen to her. It will be good practice for when you start back to school and she is your teacher." Javy tells the kids.
Both of them promised to be on their best behavior. You wave goodbye to Nat and Javy. As soon as they are gone, you and the kids are ordering pizza and finding a movie to watch.
You're careful to make sure they don't see your phone and who you are texting.
You hadn't meant for it to go this far. After your first date with Rooster, you swore you were going to tell him who you were, but you liked the idea of keeping your relationship to yourself. You didn't want to hear what Nat had to say, but honestly, it wasn't any of her business. You were an adult.
The sex with Rooster was amazing, but he was a great boyfriend, too. These had been the best six weeks of your life.
You were currently lying in bed with him after a bit of afternoon delight.
"You really are the best partner that I've had Bradley. Most guys my age last like five minutes and don't even care if I cum. But not you. To be an old man, you sure can keep up." You tease him as you prop yourself up on his chest.
"I'm a Top Gun graduate, babe. The top 1% of Naval aviators in the entire fucking nation. Longevity and stamina are hard wired into me. Don't you know the reason why everyone wants a classic car now?" He asks you. You shake your head.
"Because they can keep their motor running for much longer." He smirks before rolling you onto your back for another round.
You were still in a post sex haze when you're phone went off.
"Shit!" You shouted and jumped up. "What?" Rooster asked you.
"I'm late! I'm supposed to meet my sister for some wedding stuff. I've got to go! I'll text you later!" You shout over your shoulder as you head out the door.
You and Natasha spent the evening working on some last-minute wedding plans. Once you were done, she suggested that you, her, and Coyote go out for drinks. His parents were keeping the twins for the weekend, so they wanted to take the chance to hang out without worrying about Cat and Cris.
You thought everything would be fine. You were wrong.
Everything was fine until you pulled into the Hard Deck and noticed a familiar blue Bronco. Shit. This wasn't good.
You tried your best to stay cool. You were attempting to fire off a text to Rooster, but Nat was pulling you towards the door.
She looped her arm in yours as she walked over to the group of pilots. You spotted Rooster and his Hawiian print shirt with them. His back was to you.
"Guys! This is my sister that I told you about!" Natasha announced proudly as she introduced you to the group. Everyone smiled and greeted you.
"Bradshaw! Say hi to my little sister!" Nat said, punching him in the shoulder. You didn't miss the color draining from his face when his eyes met yours.
You smirked at him as you introduced yourself.
The evening was awkward, to say the least. You didn't miss the glances Rooster kept sending you. You did your best to avoid him, but ultimately, both of you were sent on a drink run.
You walked up to the bar to order them, with him hot on your heels.
As soon as you'd ordered them, he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"You're Nat's sister! How could you not tell me you were her sister?" Rooster whisper shouted at you, as the two of you waited for the drinks.
"It never came up and you never asked." You replied nonchalantly.
"She's going to kill me." He groaned.
"Don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure she doesn't." You smirked at him.
"You can't call me that!" Rooster shushed you as he looked around to make sure no one was watching the two of you.
"Why not? You weren't complaining about it earlier today when I was face down and ass up and you were pulling my hair while fucking me into you mattress." You teased him. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you said 'oh baby, your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around Daddy's cock. Come on darlin cum for Daddy. Make a mess all over him.'"
Rooster turned as red as a beet. "Why didn't you tell me? We've been dating for six weeks!" Rooster stated.
"I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore. I liked keeping you to myself. Once people know, they give their opinions, and they put their nose where it doesn't belong. Also, do you think Nat is going to be cool with this?" You tell him.
"She's going to kill me. She's going to cut my fuel lines, or she's going to use real guns during training. I'm so dead." Rooster shook his head.
Just then, Penny appeared with the tray of drinks for everyone. Rooster picked it up and turned towards you and sighed.
"Don't worry, baby, I promise we will figure this out. Just smile and nod until it's time to go home." You tell him. "Okay." He sighs.
"Now, let's go get these drinks to them before someone comes looking for us. Don't freak out, I promise I'll take extra good care of you tonight, Daddy, when I come over." You smirk at him.
Rooster shakes his head and follows you back to the group.
You were both too caught up in your conversation to notice a certain Weapons Systems Officer who had come to get more peanuts, and who had unfortunately overheard the end of your conversation.
"Well, well, well." Bob sighed. "This isn't going to be good."
Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @withahappyrefrain @sebsxphia @afterglowsb-tch13 @emorychase @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock
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newwritergirl · 16 days
Starting over | Part 15
This is another steamy chapter before Jake and Bradley have to fly out. If you don't like steamy smut you can skip it and wait for chapter 16.
MINORS DNI!!! This is pure smut!
Summary: After clearing up the mistunderstanding, the three have some time for themselves before Jake and Bradley have to leave their girlfriend.
Trigger warnings: pure smut! 18+, minors DNI! piv (wrap it before you tap it! this is fiction), some dirty talk, threesome action (anal play, dp), the guys making out, oral (both men receiving)
Word count: 3.7k +
If someone would've asked y/n month ago if she would ever consider having a boyfriend who is a well decorated naval aviator she would've just laughed bitterly. But here she is watching both her boyfriends touching each other, hearing their moans and grunts.
"Fuuck, Bradshaw. Your mouth is heaven. No offense sweetheart, I love yours just as much" Jake winks in y/n's direction while Bradley is licking and sucking the other man's raging hard member.
Watching these two make out is such a turn on for the young woman. She can feel her thong getting wet even further with Jake sitting on the bed and Bradley kneeling between his legs, his head bobbing up and down. Jake fists his hand into the other man's soft brown locks, eyes closed in pure bliss. Y/n can't help it and starts to touch herself. She plays softly with her breasts whishing one of the men in front of her would finally start to play with her. But the cocky assholes agreed that it would be a proper punishment for their girlfriend when she has to watch both of them making out.
But she doesn't want to be on the back burner anymore, so she cautiously crawls in Jake's direction to get a closer look on his delicious looking cock which occasionally disappears in the brunette’s mouth.
"You two look so good together." Y/n practically purrs in the blonde's ear while her soft lips wander over to his neck, sucking on the soft flesh.
He uncurls his right hand from Bradley's curls and lets his forefinger dancing on the bare chest of the woman kneeling beside him.
"Look what I found, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw." He speaks up in a sultry voice teasing y/n with his soft touch, circling her nipples but never touching them. The smaller woman cups her breasts in both her hands in a needy manner. She needs so badly to being touched, licked, bitten.
Bradley's head shots up from his position between Jake's legs, letting the other man's cock free with an audible pop. "Princess, he tastes so good. What a shame you're only our little bystander today." The brunette teases his girlfriend with a short gentle flick to one of her erect nipples. Her head falls back and a loud mewling sound is heard in the bedroom. She starts to pinch her sensitive nipples by herself humping the air in her kneeling position. She watched Jake and Bradley make out for nearly 15 minutes and then 10 minutes more when Bradley literally devouring Jake's huge dick.
"So touch starved and on the edge, poor babygirl." Jake purrs bringing his lips so close to hers not stopping teasing her.
"Please…" She pleads with her doe eyes directed at Rooster. He stands up from his kneeling position on the floor likewise naked with a raging hard cock.
"What do you think, Seresin. Is it time to stop our punishment or should we teach her another lesson?" Bradley cups the woman's head not bringing her into a kiss but torturously licking her lips until they part in a mewl.
The blonde aviator breathes into the shell of her ear, his hot breath making her shudder even more. "His tongue is heavenly, isn't it? Imagine his tongue licking a long stripe from your cute belly button right down to your wet folds. Are you wet, baby?"
But y/n is not able to answer Jake's teasing question Bradley's tongue too damn distracting by licking her lips. She parts them wider to let him slip inside her mouth but he also just teases her. When he softly bites into her lower lip it's only Jake's arms which hold her in a sitting position.
"You have to answer us, Miss y/ln." Jake chuckles when he grazes on of her stiff nipples with his forefinger.
Bradley tilts her head back to give her the chance to answer his lover. "Princess, are you already wet for us?"
"Y- yes. I'm so wet, watching the both of you makes me so needy. I need you both, pleeease." Her last word is nothing more than a moaned word. During her stammered answer he let his finger wander further down her body until he finds his destination. His finger softly brushing through her folds extending his pressure when he touches her sensitive clit.
 "She's telling the truth, Rooster. Her thong is soaking wet. Maybe we can reward her a bit and you take off her wet panties."
As he was told Bradley slowly drags her wet thong down. "Lay down, princess. Otherwise I can't release you from the wet fabric."
Jake helps her untangle her nearly numb legs from under her, guiding her into a laying position in the middle of the bed so both pilots would have access to her squirming begging body.
"Look at you, babygirl. Your body is a dream come true. Your silky hair, your soft skin, your breasts, these sensitive nipples, your cute bellybutton and your needy cunt." With every description of her body he touches the particular body part in a torturous slow pace, allowing himself to devour the woman with his eyes. She arches her back off the mattress, her touch starved body tingling with every touch Jake is giving her. Her eyes are closed and her small hands fisting the bedsheet under her. She desperately wants to feel her boyfriends in every way.
"What do you need, princess." Bradley asks when he pinches one of her nipples making her gasp loudly.
"Please, I need you. I need you and Jake. I want to feel you so bad…" With one hand she reaches out to touch Rooster's big dick but he just takes her hand in his clicking his tongue.
"What a needy little thing. But unfortunately I think we should tease a bit more, after all Miss y/ln disobeyed a direct order from two highly ranked Lieutenant Commanders." Jake said in a chuckle one more time brushing against y/n's aroused folds. But soon wander over to his other lover kissing him passionately while fisting his cock. Both men get into a steady rhythm while fisting the other. Y/n has a direct view of both cocks leaking precum. She once more arches her back off the bed humping the air and kneading her breasts.
"Come on, princess. Touch yourself maybe with a good show you can change Seresin's mind." Bradley pants.
The young woman immediately let one hand wander between her legs, hungrily stroking over wet slit. Without so much as a preparation she starts to finger herself never looking away from her two lovers. The sight of their girlfriend touching herself, pinching her nipples and finally driving two fingers into her tight cunt is driving both pilots feral. Jake lowers his head and starts to lick and suck Bradley's member like the brunette did minutes before. A loud growl is tumbling out of Roosters mouth, one hand tightly fisted in blond wavy hair his other hand playing, kneading and pinching the soft flesh of y/n's breasts.
"Jake, look at that, how she plays with herself." Jake lifts his head, gives the other man's cock one more kitten lick before he admires the sight beside him.
"Well I think we can teach her another lesson." Jake pulls away her hand which is slowly fingering herself and licks her wet fingers, tasting her sweet juices he craved for the last hour. On the other side Bradley brings his huge dick in front of her face, slowly smearing the precum on her parted lips begging for entrance into her soft and warm mouth. "Yeeees. Princess. Keep going…Jake she deserves it, give her your cock."
The blonde pumps his cock with his wet hand and positions himself between y/n's legs. With gentle strokes he brushes both hands over her body making her shiver and moan. He teases her clit with his dick, rubbing softly along her slit increasing the pressure when he's directly over her swollen clit.
"Is this okay, baby? Are you ready for me?" Despite all the dominance he and Bradley have he wants her consent and their girlfriend to feel absolutely safe while they're having sex. When she confirms her consent he can go further and slip back into his cocky dominant Hangman demeanor.
"Jaaake, fuck me already." She nearly shouts, difficult to form a coherent thought let alone a whole sentence. She needs to feel him, his big member stretching her rubbing her insides and pounding her to her first orgasm.
Jake just chuckles at her dirty mouth. Only on rare occasions the small woman uses such a strong language. But he loves her dirty mouth especially in bed and with that he pushes inside her in one go rolling his hips before he stills completely enjoying the show in front of him. Y/n is still eagerly sucking Bradley's cock, one of the brunettes hands fisted in her soft wavy hair the other traveling down her body. The woman whines around the cock in her mouth being on the edge for so long, watching her lovers play with each other. She opens her leg wider to give Jake more access to her throbbing core, as if on cue he grabs her legs and puts them on his shoulders slipping even deeper into her. When she feels another hand rubbing small circles on her swollen clit she lets out a breathless gasp releasing Rooster's dick out of her mouth.
"Breathe baby. Oh God you feel so good. Relax…" Jake huffs out as he feels her clenching on his member. He starts to roll his hips before he starts to withdraw them. Y/n watches his thick head teasing her entrance one more time. She moves her hips in his direction in need when his cock popping past her wet entrance and stretching her walls.
"She takes you so good, Jake." Bradley breathes out while fisting his own rock hard member and circling y/n's clit with his other hand. The blonde aviator falls into a steady yet slow rhythm. The only thing that was heard is y/n's labored breathing. "You tell me if I hurt you?" Jake asks, his hands tightening on her thighs. The sensation of him inside her and Bradley touching her is too much, so she just moans and nods her head. "Please use you words, baby." Her nod is not enough for the blonde pilot he needs her clear confirmation. "Y-yees. Please fuck me already. I can't… I-" But before she can stammer more words Jake starts to drive faster into her, nearly feral while Bradley adapts his pace.
When Jake feels her getting close, feeling her walls flutter around his cock he pulls out. Y/n's eyes fly open in a shocked expression. "No, no, no don't stop. I was so close…" She whined but she has no time to complain any further when Bradley lays down on the bed bringing her with him. Her soft chest pressing into his muscular one. She feels his wet and hard dick poking into her stomach. She eagerly sits herself up spending no time and guiding his thick cock into her wet core. Slowly lets him slide into her to the hilt.
"Oh princess. You're so tight, even after Jake fucked you. You have a vice grip on my cock." Rooster murmurs when he brings his girlfriend down for a kiss. Y/n starts to rock her hips feeling the whole extant of the man's huge member inside of her. It was like heaven but y/n craves more. She wants, no she needs to feel them both at a time. "Jaaake…" She moans when Bradley hits the hidden spot inside her relentlessly. The blonde aviator pushes his broad chest flush into the woman's back and whispers sultry in her ear. "Yes baby. Does it feel good, you riding Rooster's big cock?" Occasionally rubbing her swollen clit. She tries to concentrate, she needs to concentrate. The woman stretches her left arm to reach the nightstand beside the bed. Her hand came back with a small bottle, holding it out to Jake. He exactly knows what their girl is holding in her hand. She must've bought that by herself. He takes the small bottle of KY-Jelly out of her hand. Inspecting it before he brings his lips to the shell of her ear but speaking loud enough that Bradley can make out their conversation.
"What do you want, baby. Tell me…"
She's nervous, a flush creeps up her neck and a wave of heat and arousal is setting in her stomach. Rooster stops his hips, just rolling a bit while staying inside her warm core. She bought the lube days ago when she was alone doing the groceries for the week.
"I want to feel you both, please. I need you badly. Please let me feel you both."
To give Jake easier access to her puckered hole she lays down on Bradley's chest who starts to stroke her back in a soothing manner still slightly rocking into her.
The blonde man starts slowly with licking gently and passionately from where y/n is connected with the other man. His tongue touches Bradley's shaft and y/n's dripping entrance, hearing both his lovers moan makes him smirk. With one hand he cups Rooster's testicles softly massaging them when he lets his tongue wander further up until he arrives at his target. He silently moaned when he sees y/n's round ass and her small hidden hole. His tongue dances over her sphincter before he slowly pokes it inside her. Y/n clenches around Rooster's cock when she feels Jake's tongue pushing inside her tight ring. The feeling so overwhelming that she lets out a load moan. She's not new to anal sex but it was never good for her. It always hurt her and didn't bring the anticipated feeling, at least not for her. But with Jake and Bradley taking care of her she's more than sure that the sensation of Jake and Bradley simultaneously inside her will rock her entire world.
After some minutes of licking and preparing her tight hole and kneading her firm ass cheeks he squeezes a small drop of lube in the middle of her ass slowly massaging it in. Y/n feels the somewhat cold liquid on her tightest hole with Jake’s finger gently massaging it in, slowly testing the resistance with the tip of his forefinger. She feels his first knuckle slip in and being pulled back until he gets more confident and pushes deeper past his second knuckle until his fore finger is nestled deep in her tight passage.
Her guttural moan gets lost into Bradley's mouth who's currently passionately kissing the mewling woman on top of him. Her heartrate picks up and her hips start to rock faster and with more force fucking herself on the brunette's dick and on Jake's finger. The latter slowly adding a second finger.
"Fuuuck, princess." Bradley shouts when y/n clenches violently around him as Jake starts to move both his fingers in a steady rhythm.
"Baby, you feel good?" The blonde aviator asks while fisting his own cock.
"Sssooo, good. Please, I need you…"
He slowly pulls his fingers out of her tight hole and starts to lube up his raging cock and squirted another generous amount of the KY onto her sphincter. Gently he spreads the clear liquid with his pre cum leaking cock head. Meanwhile Bradley sneaks his arms around the woman who is still steadily rocking on his dick and grabs her ass cheeks, cautiously pulling them a bit apart.
"Rooster…you should see her small hole, clenching and waiting for my cock."
Y/n lets out a loud moan, she loves Jake's dirty talk. When she feels his cock rubbing up and down and over her puckered hole she squeezes Bradley's shoulders to ground herself.
"Princess…" Bradley half moans half whispers into her ear "…tell us if we hurt you. We want you to feel good, okay. This is about you, not us!" But she can't form a coherent answer she just nods her head eagerly when she feels Jake's thick cock pressing into her tight hole. Slowly he presses his cock against her sphincter but when he feels the tight hole finally opens up and he slips in the sensation is nearly too much for him.
"Y/n, fuuuck. You good?" He moans out as he feels the tight grip on his cock head.
"More, please more." Their girlfriend starts to rock her hips back and his cock slips in deeper. With a loud shout her eyes roll into the back of her head. She feels them, she feels them both inside her and it's so overwhelming, so good. Bradley cradles her deeper into his chest, she feels so much tighter now and he can feel his lover's dick slowly pushing deeper into the woman who's a mewling mess, mumbling incoherently into his chest.
"You take us so good, princess. Good girl…" With Bradley praising her she starts to rock harder taking Jake deeper until his testicles touching her. "…easy. Shh, not so fast." The brunette aviator tried to calm her down to give her more time to adjust to both of them inside her but she lets out a grunt of disappointment. She needs to feel them both moving, she wants to be taken completely. Her stiff nipples are rubbing against Bradley's muscular chest when she rocks for another minute, giving her a new sensation.
She feels Jake's bruising grip on her hips when he finally starts to thrust into her. A mix of moans whines and clapping sounds is dominating the bedroom. All three of them so high on the feeling of arousal. When Jake and Bradley finally find a rhythm together y/n feels like she's floating, the men's praises of 'good girl', 'you're so tight' and incoherent moans is slowly driving her to her orgasm.
"More, please more. I- aaah I'm so clooose…" Y/n shouts when the brunette pinches one of her nipples but when Jake sneaks one of his hands to her front and starts to circle around her clit all she hears is a white noise and she nearly drools on the pilot's chest under her.
"Come for us, baby. Come for us, we got you. Come…" With each 'come' Jake increases his sweet torture on her clit. Both men feel the woman between them clenching on their cocks. They're both not far behind when y/n comes with a loud shout. Her whole body is shuddering. It's the biggest orgasm she's ever had. Bradley uses his strength to lift her body and bounce her on his dick, guiding her through her orgasm. Each thrust from both of them is driving her deeper into that blissful spiral. Bradley takes her head in his hands locking eyes with her. Her fucked-out look and her mouth hanging open a clear sign for him that she's closer to heaven than ever.
"Look at me, good girl. Stay awake, feel us come inside of you…" She weakly nods her head but when she feels both cocks twitch inside her hitting her sweet spot inside of her over and over again she comes one more time, her cunt gushing, wetting Bradley's thighs even more. Her body goes slack with her last moaned breath, eyes rolling into the back of her head, head lolling to the side finally resting on the warm muscular chest under her. Bradley’s muscular arms hold her steady on his chest that her limp body doesn’t slip. He feels the blonde man enveloping y/n in a hug caressing her back. Jake is no stranger to dirty and passionate sex such as Bradley but this was so different. The trust they all have in one another and especially the trust y/n has in both of them is giving him an entirely new feeling. He’s never felt so good, so aroused and so content.
“Wow, that was…I don’t have words for that.” Jake breathes as he finally came down from his high, cautiously slipping out of y/n and placing himself beside Bradley and their girl. He presses a soft kiss on the other aviator’s cheek before the limp body on Rooster’s chest gains his attention.
“Sweetheart?” He asks when he brushes her tousled hair out if her face. Her eyes are closed her head lolling further face down into the brunette’s chest. He throws a worried glance in Bradley’s direction. She had a bad migraine yesterday which led her to take heavy pain medication plus the emotional shock this morning and the blood loss from her injury, maybe it was all too much for her. Suddenly he feels a bit of panic bubbling inside his chest. They should have let her rest properly not wearing her out. He stretches arm to touch her delicate neck, feeling her pulse at her carotid with his fore and middle finger. Relieved when he feels it strong but a bit elevated.
Bradley watches his lover face going from adoration to worry right up to full blown protective mode with a touch of panic.
“Hey it’s okay. She’s good. She’s breathing steadily.” Bradley tells his lover. He feels y/n’s warm breath tickling his chest with every puff. “She will come to sooner or later. As long as she is breathing steadily…” Of course he is worried that she passes out every time they have sex. But on the other hand so far she always came to after some minutes, feeling good without any unsettling symptoms.
“Princess…” He cradles her small body on his broad chest while Jake cups her cheek stroking his thumb softly under her left eye. “…you with us? Come on wake up, otherwise Jake is calling the cavalry.”
A soft moan is coming out between her parted plump lips, her eyelids fluttering until her eyes open fully. Her small hands feel the warm and soft skin of Bradley’s chest under her and his steady heartbeat calming her down immediately. When she fully opens her eyes she is greeted with Jake’s worried glance.
“Baby, thank God. I’m so sorry if it was too much. We shouldn’t have…” Jake stammers, his cocky dominant attitude suddenly completely vanished.
Y/n brings her hand in front of his face, hushing him with brushing her soft fingertip over his lips.
“Shh, Jakey. I’m good. Never been better.” A smile spreads over her tired face. Jake grabs her hand and plants soft kisses on her fingertips. How should they survive two weeks without each other? He will miss her soft skin, her doe eyes and her kindness, Hell he will miss her so fucking much and he knows that Bradley feels exactly the same.
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softspiderling · 2 years
drabble: you're married (but in secret) | j.h.s.
"and since she is one of the best the navy has to offer, I expect you to be on your best behavior. I give you Captain Y/N Y/L/N, call sign serpent" Cyclone said, before making space for you at the podium
Jake's head whirled around when you were introduced, his eyes lighting up when he saw you walked to the front
you hadn't told him that you were called to teach at top gun, he thought that you were still in the naval station at pearl harbor. The look on his face was worth it though
after explaining what you were planning for the exercise, you dismissed the group
"I was told that you guys did something similar with Captain Mitchell, but the way you're flying right now makes me think he didn't really challenge you," you spoke into the com after a few hours into the exercise "you're not taking it easy on me because I am a woman, are you?"
the coms filled with laughter
"we would never, ma'am. We know better than that."
"don't mind them sweets, they're just star-struck," jake pointed out
the nickname just slipped out and he hadn't even noticed it before phoenix' com crackled to life
"uh, hangman, did you just call captain Y/L/N sweets?"
"yeah, she likes that."
"dude," rooster breathed out, not believing his ears. "you're way out of line."
"alright guys, I think that's enough for today," you said, biting back a grin. "I'll see you on the ground."
after everyone has changed out of their flight suits, they were regrouping in the rec room, crowding around Jake.
"what the hell was that, hangman? she's your superior officer, not some girl from the bar you can sweet-talk," phoenix exclaimed and the others murmured in agreement, but jake waved them off
"lieutenant seresin," you spoke, stepping into the room. the candidates straightened their backs, looking to you. "a word?"
jake stood up to make his way over to you, a smile spreading over his face. "captain."
"sweets? Really? I thought we retired that back in '11?
"well, I guess I was feeling a bit nostalgic."
"is anyone else feeling uncomfortable?" fanboy whispered and payback elbowed him
"you look good," you said
rooster sighed "don't you say it, hangman."
"well, I am good. I am very good."
"Oh god, he said it."
"permission to approach?" jake asked and you only shook your head at him, laughing.
jake immediately grabbed you close, dipping you down before kissing you soundly
the rest of the group only watched with dropped jaws.
"what the hell is going on?" rooster muttered and phoenix finally laughed, enlightened.
"serpent is hangman's wife."
"no. way," coyote said in disbelief. "you're married to serpent and you never told me?!" he asked, when you and Jake finally broke apart. "what kind of friend are you?"
"don’t worry, coyote," you said with a smile, overwhelmingly happy to have your husband by your side again. "I heard a lot about you."
coyote scrambled to shake your hand, and so was everyone else. "how about we take this to the hard deck? first round's on me."
the group cheered and phoenix patted jake's shoulder with a grin. "she is so much cooler than you. So much."
"don't I know it," jake beamed at her, pressing a kiss on your temple
author's note: i am pretty sure I have run out of ideas now on how to write secret marriages, lmao. hope you enjoyed it.
taglist: @lizzieann143
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fandomxpreferences · 2 years
Mission Accomplished
Pairing: Rooster x female!reader
TW:angst with happy ending, swearing, I think that's it
Summary: You’ve spent the last two years running from your past but your luck runs out when you come face to face with none other than Bradley Bradshaw. (Based on this request)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: a month later and I finally got around to tackling this request. I hope it lives up to your expectations nonny!
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You take a deep breath as you walk down the beach in front of the Hard Deck. It's a regular occurrence now, it helps you clear your head. You transferred to Hawaii when you and Bradley split after the Uranium mission two years ago, but after a recent injury, you were sent back to San Diego. You've been teaching at Top Gun for the last three months and you just received medical clearance to get back to flying.
You were hoping to be sent back to Hawaii, but you just found out you're being assigned to another special detachment. The briefing is on Monday and you're taking the weekend to sort out your emotions. You're praying they don't bring the Dagger Squad back together but with your luck, the past you've been running from will probably be waiting for you bright and early. 
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a confused shout of your name, followed by feet hitting the sand. You stop in your tracks and your entire body tenses. It would seem that past you're trying to avoid couldn't wait.
Before you can think of an escape plan, Hangman is standing in front of you with a bright smile. "I'll be damned. It is you." He pulls you into a hug and you relax a bit. The two of you were close friends when you were both stationed at Top Gun. You always felt bad about leaving Jake behind when you took off, but he was a tie to Bradley and you couldn't stand it at the time. 
He pulls back and you return his grin. "In the flesh." You laugh while doing a quick pose. He shakes his head like he can't believe you're really in front of him. "I'm guessing you're here for the detachment?" He asks and you nod your head. 
"I'm assuming if we're both here, the rest of the Avengers aren't too far either?" You sigh and Jake laughs at your old nickname for the team. He nods his head to gesture behind you and you turn your head slightly. You groan when you see the rest of the team, including a certain curly-haired pilot.
You look back at Jake and see his eyes light up as he gets an idea. "We're playing dogfight football. You should come join." He's barely gets the last word out before you violently shake your head no. "Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea."
Jake rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, taking a wide stance in front of you. "Come on, it's the least you can do after disappearing without so much as a 'fuck you' two years ago." He smirks and you give him a death glare. "That's low, even for you."
"Maybe," he shrugs. "But it's working isn't it?" You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "Fine," you point your finger at him. "One round. That's all you're getting. And you owe me a drink." Jake gives a victory fist pump and small cheer before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. 
"Deal." He says leading you to the group. 
Phoenix is the first one to notice the two of you and she shoots up off the sand. "Holy fuck. What are you doing here? Last I heard you were in Hawaii!" She runs forward and pulls you into a bone-crushing hug, all but squealing in your ear. 
You laugh lightly and hug her back. You forced yourself to lock away anything to do with this portion of your life, and you didn't realize just how much you missed everybody. 
She pulls away and leads you to sit down where you're met with a chorus of excited 'welcome backs' and a few fist bumps. You feel Bradley staring at you but do your best to ignore his presence. 
"I got hurt during an ejection a few months ago so I've been teaching here." Phoenix's eyes widen at the information but she stays silent. "Just got clearance and the first thing they do is put me on a special detachment with you clowns." You jest and Jake laughs as he sits and passes you a cold beer. 
Jake claps his hands together and stands abruptly. "Let's get this party started. Dibs on Y/N." You smile and stand next to him, gently bumping your shoulders together. You hear Bradley scoff and don't bother to hide your irritation. 
"I don't think that's fair. You can't call dibs on another person." He gripes rising to his feet. 
You eye him with annoyance and place your hands on your hips. "It's a real shame nobody asked for your opinion." You bite out and you hear Jake cough to cover up a laugh.
Bradley's face is hard as he stares at you, but you can see emotion swimming in his eyes. If you didn't know any better you'd think it was hurt and…longing? That doesn't make any sense though. Last you heard Bradley has a revolving door of girlfriends.
Your focus is brought back when the group finishes pairing off and starts walking further down the shore. One round your ass, you're here to win now.
An hour later and the two teams are neck and neck. You watch as Bob passes the ball to Bradley and before you can think, you're sprinting after your ex.
You tackle Bradley around the waist and he falls to the sand with a loud 'oof'. "Don't let that hurt your ego too much." You taunt and he smirks up at you. You narrow your eyes and point an accusatory finger in his face. 
"Quit looking at me with that stupid expression. You're pissing me off." You turn on your heel and stomp off, not noticing the rest of the group watching the interaction. 
Phoenix shakes her head and turns to Jake. "When are those idiots going to realize they still love each other?' She sighs and Jake shrugs. "Maybe they need a shove."
After another few minutes, you score the winning touchdown and laugh loudly as Jake picks you up to spin you around. He lingers for a second and you notice him look at your lips before he sets you down.
Your eyebrows shoot up at the behavior, but before you can ask what the hell it was about, Jake has you thrown over his shoulder with his hand just below the curve of your ass. "Let's get you that drink, Champ."
Meanwhile, Bradley feels his face get hot and his fists clench as he watches the two of you. Jake? Really? The two of you had always been close but you wouldn't go for your ex's frenemy. Would you?
Jake sets you down on the patio of the Hard Deck and you look up at him with adoration. Jake is a handsome man, but the two of you have never come close to crossing that line. He looks behind you and gets a mischievous look in his eyes.
Before you have time to question it, you hear Bradley. "Get lost." His voice is laced with venom and Jake raises his hands in surrender before sending you a wink and leaving the two of you alone. 
You turn to Bradley with a scowl. "What the hell was that about?" His eyes are dark and he's in a defensive stance. "I could ask you the same thing." He scoffs and you feel confusion wash over you. "I know what you're doing! The last time you smiled like that, you were looking at me." He spits.
Within seconds you feel rage replace your confusion. Truthfully, you would never go there with Jake, but you want nothing more than to hurt Bradley right now. 
"What I do and who I do it with is none of your business." You bark. "If you're here to talk about feelings, I'm out." You turn to walk into the Hard Deck and Bradley grabs your wrist. 
"Don't walk away from me." He frowns and you whip around. "Let go of me." You seethe. "I'm not the one who walks away Bradley. That's you, remember?" Bradley can see the pain you're trying to mask and he softens a bit, releasing your wrist.
"I didn't want to hurt you." His voice is soft and you laugh bitterly. "You didn't want to hurt me? Well, guess what asshole, you hurt me." You shake your head in disbelief at the man in front of you. "We could have had a future, you know. I wanted it all with you. But you ruined it."
Bradley feels his heart snap and you walk towards the entrance to the bar but stop with your hand on the knob. You face him once more, this time your voice less lethal. "Why do you care who I'm with anyway? You've moved on. Can't I do the same?"
You look at Bradley through your lashes and he looks puzzled. His brows furrow and he takes a tentative step toward you. Your heart flutters when his cologne wafts over to you. He smells exactly the same, and you fight to keep your knees from wobbling. 
"Do I look like I've moved on?" The question is rhetorical and you don't move back as he takes another step forward. He's only a couple feet away now and you feel your breathing start to quicken at the proximity. 
"You're all I can think about. I feel your absence in everything that I do, everywhere I go. I've loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. It's you. It's always been you. I was an idiot, I thought that losing you on purpose would be easier than you being taken from me. It was never because I stopped loving you." He's directly in front of you now and he reaches up to wipe a tear you didn't realize had fallen.
"When I heard you got hurt, my soul left my body. I requested this assignment when Mav told me you were here. I'm so in love with you it hurts and I can't bear to be away from you anymore." You're full-on crying now and he leans forward to place your foreheads together. 
You feel his minty breath on your lips and you whimper. "I know you love me too. Please, tell me you love me too." He begs and you try to put distance between you. Bradley can hear his heart break when you pull away and a tear falls down his cheek.
You take a deep breath and will your voice not to crack. "I don't love you, Bradley." 
His throat constricts and he frantically shakes his head. "Don't say that, baby. I know I fucked up. I know I did but don't shut me out. Let me in. Please let me in." He chokes and you feel your willpower crumbling.
He lurches forward to grab your face in his hands and brings your head up to look at him. You squeeze your eyes shut, well aware that being this close to Bradley will break you. 
"Open your eyes." He whispers and you slowly peel them open to see his tear-stained face. " Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me. Tell me you hate me and you never want to see me again and I swear I'll listen."
Another round of hot tears make their way down your face and onto your neck as you stifle a sob. "Please don't make me say it again, Roos. You know I can't." You plead and he kisses the tears off your cheeks. 
"Please, give me the opportunity and I will spend the rest of my life earning your trust back." You swallow thickly and lean into his hand. "Okay."
He leans back in surprise. "Okay?" You nod your head and let out a watery laugh. "Yes, okay." Bradley lifts you up and spins you around with his head buried in the crook of your neck.
After a minute he leans back. "Can I kiss you?" He asks hesitantly. "You better." You quip with a smile and within seconds Bradley has you captured in a breathtaking kiss. You spend the next few minutes like this before breaking apart for air. The two of you share a bright smile, happy to be back in each other's arms.
Inside, the rest of the team watches, cheering when you finally reconnect. Jake clinks his beer against Phoenix's. "Mission accomplished."
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missathlete31 · 10 months
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Natasha Trace is used to people making assumptions about her. She's a woman in a male-dominated industry. Beyond that she is an elite pilot in a male-dominated industry and judgment is just a part of her life. She's managed it well, all things considering, and learned to surround herself with people who respect her for her talents and intelligence rather than demean her for her sex. Of course Bagman is always good for a disparaging comment or two, but Phoenix has caught him defending her to men who dare to question her abilities when he thinks she is out of earshot, so she knows where his true feelings lie.
Ignoring all the nasty assumptions made about her: sleeping with superiors, hired for optics, among other things, there are some rumors that are just plain funny. Take for example, her personal life. Fighter pilots are notorious for Daddy issues and a lack of settling down (i.e the Roosters and Mavericks of the world). Phoenix herself has never really caught the 'marriage and babies' bug that most other women her age experience, and she's fine with that. Setting down isn't something she particularly avoids, just something that doesn't fit in her life at the moment. It isn't to say it never will though.
There are rumors she is a lesbian, which while are untrue, she doesn't necessary consider insulting. Finding love with a woman, man or any other sexual orientation or preference isn't something that someone should ever be judged for and Phoenix herself would never criticize anyone else's penchants. No, what she finds eye rolling is that a strong woman must be lesbian. That because she flies planes, and wears bulky helmets that mess up her hair, that because she can play football in the sand and not care if she is sweaty or smelly she has to "bat for a certain team." It's silly, archaic and most importantly wrong. Natasha's hobbies or abilities don't dictate her love life and when she finds love, with whomever she does find it with, she looks forward to those rumors finally settling.
But then she will always have her family gossip.
Despite what some might think, Natasha doesn't have any unresolved 'Daddy Issues'. Her father Matthew is a normal dad. Stern in his desire to raise children that worked to do good and be respectful, but also kind in his teachings and loving in his affections. When Nat had shared she wanted to be a pilot, Matthew encouraged it wholeheartedly and he and Phoenix's mother Rosa offered all the support they could to help their daughter reach her dream. Every milestone or commendation, Natasha's parents were and still are always in attendance, both smiling brightly at not just the achievements of their child, but her happiness too.
Rumors say her father is Hispanic (his family was from England actually, where as Nat's mother is Mexican). They say he works on cars or carpentry, or something with his hands. They say he's a man's man, someone who would take a daughter and push her into boy things, but it's the furthest from the truth. Matthew is a quiet man, preferring a book or listening to soft rock music while his wife chatters endlessly in the kitchen. He teaches at a high school in California; English because that was the only opening (though his passion was always history), and he even advises a few of the clubs on campus. He knows nothing about planes, certainly nothing about F-18s or any other fighter jets, and he looked just as confused about Natasha's sudden desire to fly as Nat's mother did. But, like any good parent would, he rolled with. He bought her books about flying when she asked. He parked them close to the airport one day when she talked about watching take offs and landings, and he hugged her the hardest on the day she was accepted into the Naval Academy.
As the years passed, Natasha's father has picked up a few things about his daughter's job. He's learned a few terms, makes sure to always know where she is based out of or what carrier she is on, and he's very particular about knowing the name of the WSO assigned to her. Matthew Trace might not be what the rumors say he is, he can't rebuild a car from scratch or fix a broken pipe (he usually ends up with a concussion from hitting his head against the sink counter too many times) but he is a great father. And though he didn't push her into flying, he and Natasha's mother always made sure their daughter knew that they were with her in the skies; ready to watch her triumphs and catch her just in case she falls.
Beyond the rumors of her father, there is also this belief that Natasha should have an infinite amount of older brothers. She is expected to have been a tom boy growing up, following on little legs after brothers who were taller, faster, and stronger; all of them eventually steering her into sports and planes. The first time Nat and Bob shared their family history, the WSO looked at her funny when she shared about Anna.
"Only one sister?" Bob questioned, a furrow gracing his face.
"Yup" Phoenix nodded, "one older sister, works for an insurance company in Sacramento."
The man turned back to his drink, "huh" he mused.
"What?" Nat couldn't help feeling on the wrong foot. She didn't think Bob was judging her but she couldn't help the sinking feeling that settled in her stomach from his clear perplexity, "what is it?"
"I don't know" he shrugged before meeting her gaze, "I always assumed you had a bunch of older brothers."
He wasn't the only one. The first time Rooster met her family he looked actively surprised when a gaggle of men didn't come bursting from the house. She tried to tell him many times she only had a sister but Bradley still seemed to think she had somehow misled him, expecting Nat to be the influence of someone else. She had been angry for a moment, annoyed at how many people felt she couldn't just love to fly on her own accord and not pushed by outside force.
Soon enough she learned to embrace it, along with all the other stereotypes and conjecture labeled to her.
When she arrives to a fellow pilots wedding in a tight dress and full makeup and hair, stunning the room silent and earning surprised glances from every man and woman, Natasha keeps her head high and walks over to the other Daggers, remembering the hours she spent as a teen watching make-up tutorials because even 'Tom-Boys' like to look pretty.
When she lands a particularly rough tackle in Dogfight football and Yale grumbles about how her older brothers must be so proud; Phoenix laughs as she thinks of the afternoons with Anna, the two of them playing dress up and dolls and having all the fun in the world.
When she changes Halo's tire for her one night and the other woman pouts that she wishes her father taught her this lesson, Nat smiles good-naturally and remembers how her father had waited 2 hours for AAA one time because he attempted to change a tire and lost the lug nuts in the brush on the side of the road.
When she catches Payback reading one of the books in her father's curriculum on the beach one day, she doesn't even hesitate to bring up some of Matthew Trace's discussion points. Reuben chats with her, clearly impressed, and assumes that when she explains how her house is filled with books, it must be from Nat's mother. She doesn't bother correcting him.
And when her family arrives for the Dagger BBQ hosted by Penny and Mav after they all survive the mission, Natasha smirks at the surprised faces of her teammates when they take in her glasses wearing, sweater-covered father, her loud and boisterous mother and her singular female sibling. The rumor mill clearly having never been so wrong.
But that's life isn't it, especially for someone like Natasha Trace. Assumptions are always going to be made and Phoenix is always going to love to prove them wrong.
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All we Need - Jake Seresin x Reader - Part 2
A/N: Here is part two, I have enjoyed writing this hence why I am getting the parts up pretty quickly. Feedback is welcome and so are request!
Pairings: Jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem!pilot!Benjamin Reader
Warning: Angst Fluff Naval Inaccuracies mentions of death and mentions of the mission from the movie
Note: this is a bot of an AU where Iceman is fine and better!
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Jakes POV
“Daddy,” I hear a whisper next to me and a slight tap on my shoulder opening my eyes to see my daughter with a sad look on her face.
“What’s the matter Daisy?”
“Thena gone.” She replies tears brimming in her eyes and I shoot up out of bed, any indication that last night was a dream gone as I look at the tears threatening to fall.
“No baby maybe she just had an early start you know how she likes to wake up early to go make sure everything is safe for you.” She nods and starts making grabby hands indicating she wanted to be picked. I picked her up and headed toward the kitchen to start breakfast looking at the clock seeing that it was only 7am, Sarah wouldn’t be here for another half an hour to pick Daisy up. We eventually sat down for breakfast when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Sarah standing there a wide grin on her face as she stepped through the house.
“Hi miss Daisy” Daisy lifted her head with a small smile.
“Hi grandma Sarah”
Sarah shot me a confused look and I sighed normally Daisy would jump out of her seat for Sarah.
“Y/N got home last night, but was gone before we could wake up.” Sarah nodded immediately understanding the gloominess of the two Seresin’s.
“I am sure she will be home tonight Daisy, until then did you want to spend some time with me and Papa Ice and we can go to the zoo” Daisy head pops up and she sprints to her room to get ready suddenly excited at the sound of going to he zoo.
“I will grab some money for you to take her to the zoo, Sarah, thank you for looking after her.”
“Don’t you dare Jake, it is always our pleasure, since Ice got better he loves spending time with her and besides I know how hard it is for kids to grow up in this lifestyle.”
“Thank you” I say giving her a hug, for some reason this last deployment of Athena’s seemed harder than normally and now with this mission we are all stressed, the only silver lining was that Iceman was better lifting everyones spirits slightly. “Can you help Daisy get ready, I need to be on base in 30 mins.” Sarah nodded before walking into Daisy’s room.
After getting ready I waved to Sarah and Daisy before heading off towards base. When I arrived I walked into the classroom to noticed I was the last one to arrive with still no sign of Athena anywhere I start thing maybe she hadn’t been recalled and was just home early from deployment. As I took my seat next to Coyote, Warlock and Cyclone walk in explaining the details of the mission.
“And now to introduce the pilot instructed to teach all of you how to successfully fly this mission……Captain Pete Mitchell call sign Maverick.”
I turn to see Mav walking down the centre of the chairs, he hives me a subtle nod as I see Coyote Payback and Fanboy drop their heads while an angry look crosses Roosters face.
“What did you do Coyote”
“We throw him overboard about 1 min after you left last night.” I laugh lowly as Mad starts talking about the F-18 handbook.
“Today’s training will be basic dogfighting, you will be going up in pairs, first up Hangman, Payback and Fanboy, be ready in 15, I will meet you in the air.” We all start to stand up and head towards our jets, I see Rooster looking angry.
“Rooster man you okay?” He rolls his eyes at me
“Go away Hangman.”
“Okay but just so you know you can talk to me I know normally you would talk to Athena about it but you can talk to me.”
“I really thought she would be here.”
“Me too.” We turn to look as we hear a jet take off from the 2nd runway where the instructors planes normally are.
“Well that must be Mav that’s my cue, don’t let whatever is getting to you get to you Rooster.” I leave it at that and walk toward my jet before doing pre-flight checks. Once I was ready to go I lined up on the tarmac as Payback and Fanboy take off, after I have taken off we start idling above the training area waiting for instructions.
“Morning Aviators and welcome to basic dogfighting, you are not to go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. The goal shoot before you get shot down.”
Mav starts through the radio before Payback interrupts.
“What happens if we don’t, sir”
“I shoot back.” I can here the snideness in his voice.
“How bout we put some skin in the game.”
“What are you thinking Payback?”
“Whoever gets shot down has to do 200 push ups.”
“Alright you are on Payback.”
“Guys. That is a lot of push ups.” My heart nearly plummets to the ground when I hear the voice through the radio, a voice I would no anywhere suddenly the sun is blocked out of my canopy and I look up as I see Athena had moved her jet so she was upside over my jet.
“Hey cowboy, miss me.”
“Shit is that…” Payback breaks through the radio and Fanboy finished the sentence
“Athena, shit.”
Readers POV
I giggle as I hear Payback and Fanboy swear looking down at Jake just able to make out the shocked expression, i knew he knew i was home but I had still managed to surprise him.
‘Alright boys, its on.’ I quickly break away from my inclined position getting into a fight position, I knew Jake was going to be the tough one to beat, i also knew he had a bad habit of leaving his wingman so I went after Payback and Fanboy first, the put up on hell of a fight radio for Jake who i had seen sneak up behind me arrogance in his voice.
“This fellas is how you kill a goddess.”
“Right Hangman, time to teach you a lesson,,,,you’re out Payback.”
“Copy Athena” i break away and Jake follows as i start flying toward the sun, i can hear him asking payback for help to which payback responds with ‘i’m dead dickhead.’ And I giggle knowing i am now out of jakes line of sight i pull the control stick and flip over the top to land behind him.
‘You’re out Hangman, next time don’t leave your wingman.’ I see him hit the canopy before we all head back to base. I was the first to land, after i landed i popped the canopy and climb down the wing as i hit the ground I was wrapped in a tight pair of arms.
‘I missed you too Roo.’ He didn’t say anything just hugged me tighter.
‘I havent seen you in what a year and you dont even call to tell me your back.’ Before i can answer two more sets of arms wrap around me I look to see both Bob and Phoenix hugging me
‘Good to see you both as well.’ I reach up and ruffle bobs hair to which he groans through a wide smile.
‘Phe, we need lots of drinks tonight, on me.’ She nods
‘I missed you thena’
‘Me too Phe.’
I spot Jake over Phoenix’s head I smile before sprinting across the tarmac, Jake smiles even wider as I leap in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist.
‘Miss me did you Thena.’
‘You know I did, sorry I didn’t call, I didnt know I was coming back till I was practically on the plane.’
‘Daisy was upset you weren’t there this morning.’ He says placing me on the ground. I lower my head, suggesting ice cream and movies before we go to the Bar tonight.
‘I gotta go see Mav, but I will see you all in the classroom soon yeah.’ And i take off towards where Mav is standing with Cyclone.
Jakes POV
I watch as she takes off running toward Mav and Cyclone so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t hear Rooster come up behind me
‘That was odd.’ I turn to Rooster.
‘What are you on about man she just needed to talk to Mav.’ I replied though Rooster was right we hadn’t seen each other in months and she said two sentences to me. Rooster just shrugged and walked towards the classroom where everyone else was gathering. I walked it taking my seat next to Coyote normally Athena would sit on the other side but right now she was standing still fully kitted up next to Mav. Cyclone moves to the front of the room gaining everyone’s attention
‘Now the she has graced as with her appearance can I introduce your team leader and co-instructor for this mission, the only pilot on active duty to be an Ace by having five air-to-air kills, and the best pilot that Navy has had in decades Lieutenant Commander Y/N Benjamin, call sign Athena.’ I turn in shock to look at Phoenix and Rooster who are also looking with at the front in shock as she moves to the front, Coyote taps my shoulder whispering in my ear
‘She is an Ace and got a promotion and you didn’t tell me.’
‘I didn’t know.’ And i turn back to the front of the room my full attention on Athena.
‘Most of you I know and have flown with before for some it is the first time, the point of these next few weeks is to teach you all how to fly this mission and get you all home safely.’
I took note of the way she was phrasing the mission objectives and how she was always saying you and not us, I made a mental note to talk to her about it in private, we all knew this mission was dangerous but the way she is speaking is that someone is coming home and that someone is her.
‘Now next in the air going up against Maverick is Rooster, Phoenix and Bob.’ Rooster shoots a small glare at her and she shrugs slightly.
‘As for the rest of you report to the rec room there is a schedule there of who is flying and when except Payback, Fanboy and Hangman.’ I flinch at my call sign coming out of her mouth through all our years she has always referred to me as Jake.
‘Ma’am where do we report.’ Fanboy asked.
‘To Hondo, Fanboy, you three owe me 200 pushups.’
Readers POV
I saw Payback and Fanboy groan as the head towards Hondo, I glance to Jake who looks hurt that i had kept the promotion and the fact i was now an Ace a secret. As he stood up i yelled out to him to get his attention to stay back.
‘Ma’am is there something i can do for you.’ I could hear the sarcasm in his voice with hints of anger
‘Cut it out Hangman, I was going to tell you I just hadn’t got time to.’
‘How could you not get time is your phone broken or something.’
‘I got told i was being recalled then shoved on a plane before i finishing packing my bag, by the time i got home I just wanted to sleep.’
‘What happened on you last mission Athena?!’ I saw his face soften as i struggled to control my emotions a flash of sadness making its way across my face, before i could answer Cyclone called me to report to his office.
‘I want to tell you Jake, but I don’t know if i am ready, tonight can we go together to get daisy and then maybe grab some ice cream by the beach.’ He just nodded in response and i patted him on the arm before walking to cyclones office.
‘Athena, how was it being back in the air after everything today?’
‘Fine sir, no issues at all it felt like i never left.’
‘Losing a wingman is never easy Athena if you need to talk to someone whether its professionally or Iceman you need to talk about it.’
‘I know thank you sir, with regard Iceman is helping me as he knows the details of the mission.’
‘Very well and well done on the promotion, I am sure you are happy’
‘Yes Sir, thank you.’ As he dismissed me and i headed toward the locker room hoping Phoenix was still in the sky. As i picked up the pace tears threatening to spill i crashed into a hard chest looking up to see who it was i widen my eyes in surprise.
‘Uncle Ice?’
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Taglist: @dory-98
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inkandarsenic · 2 months
Mav’s Daughter fic idea that I’ve been bullet pointing out in my notes app:
- 28 year old Naval Aviator Lieutenant Anna “Impulse” Mitchell is the product of a brief summer fling Mav had between deployments
- Her mom and Mav broke up when Mav deployed again, and her mom found out she was pregnant not long after.
- Mav did know about Anna and tried to be in her life for the first few years, but ultimately ended up putting all of his focus on Bradley and the Navy, and by the time she’s five, Anna just sort falls to the wayside. Mav sends Christmas and birthday cards for a few years after that but by the time she’s ten those stop too
- Anna’s mother moves them to Hawaii when Anna is seven because she gets a job at the Pearl Harbor base. Anna grows up surfing and sailing and learning to pilot, her first real job is at a helicopter tour company.
- After college, Anna follows her dad’s footsteps into the Navy’s aviation program, against her mother’s wishes.
- Her mom thinks Anna is chasing after the love and attention of a father who cares more for his job and another kid, and she thinks Anna is just going to get hurt
- Anna definitely takes after Mav in that she is a natural in the sky. She is referred to Top Gun by Cyclone, who was one of her instructors in the academy and sort of took on a fatherly role in her life. He knows she’s Mav’s kid and makes sure to let her know that Mav is teaching at Top Gun.
- Actually met Cyclone when she was 14 and her mom finally let her start learning to fly. Cyclone was stationed in Pearl Harbor and was kind of sweet on her mom so he offered to teach Anna how to pilot
- It irritates Mav to no end that someone else taught his kid how to fly and that Anna credits Cyclone for her ability to fly. He has no one to blame but himself.
- Maverick is not aware that his daughter is even in the navy, let alone top gun.
- He finds out when he and the Daggers are given the line up for the new top gun class.
- Rooster never met Anna and only knew that her mother had moved them to Hawaii and Mav didn’t get to see her very much
- Mav tries to talk to her about their relationship after classes one day, but it’s been 18 years since Anna’s even heard from him, so she shuts that shit down by only calling him captain Mitchell and telling him that she has no interest in anything but a professional work relationship
- She also doesn’t like Bradley much. She knows it’s not his fault but she feels like it’s unfair that he got Mav all to himself and feels however irrationally that he took her dad from her
- She gets along great with Phoenix and Bob and she and Payback bond over being from Hawaii.
- Her phones lockscreen is a picture of her, her mother, and cyclone at her college graduation. Mav sees it once and doesn’t know how to feel about it. (Or maybe it’s a picture she has in her jet? I don’t know for certain if that’s a thing)
- At the annual Navy gala, Cyclone asks Jake to accompany Anna, because her asshole ex-fiancée is going to be there and Cyclone doesn’t want her to be there alone
That’s kinda as far as I’ve gotten, but the Navy gala is like the beginning of Jake and Anna getting closer and eventually getting together.
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Can I request reader begging rooster to teach her how to fly?
im basically riffing here, i have no idea what i'm talking about but im such a slut for this man
Rooster Masterlist
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"Please, Roos," she whispered as her fingers danced across his chest.
Roos. That name and Bradley would do anything she asked. And she knew it, too. The amount of times she'd asked for something, for him to carry her to the bedroom, for him to take her home early from The Hard Deck to ravage her, for him to let her drive the Bronco. Just 'Roos', and he'd do anything she asked.
But this? He'd been putting this off for weeks now. Every time she asked, he shook his head and kissed her to shut her up. But his resolve had worn thin over the last few days.
Not only would he have her in the air with him, but she'd watch him do what he did best.
Ever since they reconnected, Bradley and Pete (Mav, as Bradley insisted they called him) had a hangar they shared. In it was a plane Pete had restored, and one that Bradley had bought using the money his mother had left him.
Bradley parked the Bronco. As always, he opened her door and took her hand, helping her out of the car. He squeezed her hand as they walked into the hangar.
They climbed into the little plane. Bradley was in the pilots seat and she was behind him, watching what he did over his shoulder. "I'll let you fly her one day, pretty girl," he said before he started it up. "But you're gonna need some practice first."
She kissed him and settled back into her seat.
Bradley got them into the air. There was little he loved more than flying, aside from her, of course. He'd been thinking a lot about what he would do when he retired from the navy. Move them somewhere quiet, become a commercial pilot.
When Bradley had them safely in the air and they were flying steady, Bradley beckoned her over. She climbed into his lap, trying not to obstruct his view of the skies.
As soon as she was sat down, Bradley kissed her. "You can't distract me up here, okay?" He said and she giggled. No, she could wait until they were back in the Bronco to grind her ass against his cock.
Bradley let her fly... sort of. He had his hands over hers, controlling what she did. "That's it, baby," he said. "You're a natural." She wasn't, and Bradley was doing all of the work, but she didn't mind
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redfurrycat · 9 months
🐓👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👧🤠Kid Fic - Single Dad & Parents Fic Recs🤠👨‍👨‍👧👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦🐓
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: AnadoraBlack, Aphroditedany, Barnes_Brain, Bradleybirdshaw, Broke_Traveler, Cryinginthebronco, FabuMazX, Flyingfightingfishy, Hockeyandfootballismyish, HoneyWhatever, Jeston17, JuliaBloodyMeow, LadyLanera, Lemqnie, Nickies_Nonsense, Nimuetheseawitch, Pado_hyuck, Perishablealex, PVB, Quantumoddity, Ravens_Words, Renai_chan, RoseFlavoredLatte, Sleeping_maple, Slowridesr, Smallestwriter, SunMonTue.
> Big Brother Bradley Bradshaw
my dads are better than your dad by smallestwriter {G}
period trouble
their daughter gets her first period and Bradley and Jake lose their minds
spinning out (waiting for ya)
“What if we borrowed Mav’s plane? You said it’s ready to go, right? It shouldn’t take long for us to drive out to Mojave and start that sucker.” Bradley stared at him. Dear god, he married an insane person. “You’re not serious, right?” “Nevermind,” Jake huffed. “There’s no landing strip at the school.” “Right, ‘cause that’s the only problem with your idea.” or, the one where Kinsley gets stuck at school and Bradley struggles trying to calm Jake down.
Teen trouble by Aphroditedany {T}
It was an ordinary day. A day like all others. Go to Top Gun, finish today's lessons with your husband and then you both pick up the kids from school. A normal day. Right…???
Love Nest series by AnadoraBlack {T} {E}
Bradley Bradshaw and his son throw Jake Seresin's life upside down, but he's willing to follow them for the ride… Love Nest Series [Podfic] by ReformedTsunderePodfics
Forever by Renai_chan
Is Forever Enough {T}
Jake is shot down on a mission, and Bradley keeps vigil at his bedside until Jake's family fly in from Texas to visit him. There, Bradley meets Jake's parents, his sister... ...and his daughter. He was already half in love with his wingman. She sent him head over heels.
Forever and a Day {T}
A collection of drabbles exploring Bradley's relationship with Jake and his daughter.
To Save a Horse {E}
Jake and Bradley spend some time in Texas on the Seresin farm with Elise. They find a bit of time in the afternoon for themselves and enjoy... erm, the outdoors together.
All Around the World is Sleeping {E}
It's Christmas morning, and Bradley's feeling a bit frisky, despite Jake's firm insistence that it's five am, Bradley. Like, why?
He's My Sugar Cookie Kind of Sweetness {T}
Jake and Elise bake cookies and turn their kitchen into a huge mess. Luckily, Bradley is there to help them clean up after.
I Gave You My Heart {G}
Jake gives Bradley a present.
Hangster Parenting by sleeping_maple
Shaving the 'Stache {G}
Rooster is forced to shave his mustache after an injury. It's the first time that anyone's seen him without a mustache in years. And the first time ever that his daughter does, to some mildly hilarious results.
Broken Arm {G}
Jake swore that his back was only turned for five seconds, but now his daughter was screaming and crying about a broken arm. Jake blames himself but hugs from Rooster and little Caroline remedy his self-doubt.
Come Home {T}
Caroline has a nightmare that Hangman doesn't come back from his deployment. Rooster comforts his daughter.
First Word {G}
Rooster and Hangman try to get Caroline to say her first word. Hangman wants her to say 'Dada' and Rooster wants her to say 'Papa.' When she says 'Ma,' their hearts sink a little, up until Rooster realizes that 'Mama' isn't the only name that starts with 'Ma.'
Take My Breath Away {T}
Baby Caroline refuses to sleep. Rooster and Hangman try everything. They discover that one song seems to lull her to bed successfully every time. Too bad it's a S-E-X song.
New Addition {G}
Rooster and Hangman welcome a new baby, making their family a family of four. But Caroline isn't fully convinced. Luckily, Uncle Javy's there to sneak her a snack.
Great Balls of Fire {G}
Rooster teaches Caroline and Nickie how to play 'Great Balls of Fire.'
Scare {T}
Bradley has to go in for an additional cancer screening and doesn't tell Jake, who reacts accordingly.
The Parent Trap by Broke_Traveler {T}
Annie and Hallie had no clue they had a twin or who their other dad was, but a chance encounter has these two mischievous twins hatching a plan to get their dads back together.
“come on, roo, you’re gonna make us all cry.” by inspgadgetz {_}
rooster and hangman finally meet their baby.
it's lily's world and sereshaw are just living in it by pado_hyuck {T}
Little Chick
It was supposed to be a normal exercise. Well, to be fair, it was a normal exercise. They got their asses kicked by their instructor, who Hangman (oh so conveniently) dragged out of the Hard Deck the day before being introduced, as they prepared for their new mission that brought “the best of the best” back to Top Gun. Only the aftermath changed everything he ever thought about Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. -a single parent au
cuz i'll be in love maze
“Love is like a maze,” his mom said while scooping ice cream into two big bowls for the two of them. “You run in and hope that the person you choose will stay with you to the end. Today, you entered that maze, but she wasn’t your match to take you to the end. You will meet many people in this maze, but there will be one fit for you.” - a prequel to "little chick" through bradley's point of view
Life Still Goes On by Renai_chan
Got to Make It on My Own {E}
Jake and Bradley spend one night together under the heavy, heavy influence of alcohol. It does not go well. But it goes worse for Jake than it does for Bradley because he wakes up with a bonding bite and his new alpha nowhere to be found. When they're recalled for a special training detachment eight years later, Jake finds out that Bradley doesn't remember giving him the bite at all and Bradley finds out about it for the first time. It still does not go well.
This Time I Know It's for Real {E}
This takes place two years later when Jake and Bradley's bond has settled down and Jake's heats have turned regular again. Or so they think. On Bradley's first deployment away from Jake, Jake suddenly finds himself in the throes of an unexpected heat, and with Bradley halfway across the world, he has to again deal with it without his alpha. Except this time, he's already gotten used to having Bradley to help him through them, and not even Javy can suffice as a substitute anymore.
I Can't Get Over the Way You Love Me Like You Do {T}
Bradley reflects on being a dad and a husband.
O, I Love You by FabuMazX {E}
No One Can Find The Rewind Button
It was only one night. But that's all it takes, isn't it? Bradley and Jake are on good terms since the mission. Friends even. But they're not together, not like that. So why the universe decided to force them together with an unexpected surprise is anybody's guess.
Even When I'm Hard To Love
Nicholas "Tommy" Bradshaw-Seresin. He wasn't planned. But damn if he isn't loved.
Hangster + IceMav Alphabet Challenge
A-Z Alphabet challenge with Bradley/Jake and Tom/Pete.
When the Feeling Sinks In. by RoseFlavoredLatte {E}
Pete feels like he's hit again with a flashback to the past, looking at the mini Bradley bouncing on Hangman's hip.
A Life With Blondes by Aphroditedany {T}
Two years after the events of Top Gun : Maverick and an ugly accident involving Jake, Bradley and Maverick, the Dagger Squad members discover an interesting fact about Jake's personal life.
of a feather by dracculaura {G}
jake and his three-year-old daughter, sophie, run into bradley while trick-or-treating
Brought To Light by perishablealex {G}
Bradley is officially introduced to Jake's son, Sam, in a night of trick or treating.
Practice makes Perfect by Barnes_Brain {T}
In 2027, Bradley Bradshaw’s season is going to be painted in Gold, Silver and Platinum too, but first, he’s gotta practice, a little guy comes to help.
You're a Bad Habit I Can't Shake Off (but I still want more) by HoneyWhatever {E}
They don't date, they are not even friends, what they have is similar to a bad habit you want to quit. And now they have to figure out how to be parents together.
Jack Bradshaw-Seresin and the Downfall of the Tooth Fairy by cryinginthebronco {G}
It’s just a few weeks after his 8th birthday when Jack Bradshaw-Seresin starts to suspect that his dads are lying to him.
The Perfect Lemon Cookies by quantumoddity {G}
Ice and Mav would say they're pretty good at keeping their little granddaughter, Poppy Carole Bradshaw, occupied. So when they're asked to watch her, just like any other day, they say yes. But this isn't just any other day. And as he and his granddaughter make lemon cookies, the same way he made cookies with his babushka, he thinks about how they got here.
Adventures in Babysitting by sleeping_maple {T}
Bob and Phoenix leave their daughter Amy in Rooster and Hangman's care for the day. Amy learns a new word.
I’m so in love with loving you, that's all I do by hockeyandfootballismyish {M}
Jake Seresin has never had an easy life. From being his father’s punching bag after his mother died to bouncing around in the foster care system until eventually his foster father took it upon himself to mate him because after all, who would want a troublesome omega? Much less one who was pregnant. Or that’s what Jake thought until he met Bradley Bradshaw.
Valentine's Surprise by LadyLanera {T}
Hangman and Rooster are preparing for the birth of their first child while navigating life post-Navy and all the ups and downs that have occurred in their family since October 2019. They have lots of time, though. . . or not.
Caroline Bradshaw by Ravens_Words {T}
been you all along
Somehow, in a truly horrifying twist of fate, Bradley's mortal enemy became his daughter's favorite person. Or Five times Jake was his daughter's favorite person, and the one time he was Bradley's too.
if my heart was a house, you'd be home
Jake gets hurt. For the first time, when he wakes up in the hospital, he's not alone.
many happy returns
Jake's birthday is a little (a lot) different this year.
little love
Jake is deployed. He, Bradley and Caroline try to deal with it.
Valentine's Day at the Bradshaw-Seresin's by JuliaBloodyMeow {T}
Before he even opens his eyes, Bradley’s brain is rushing with the list of all the things he has to do today...
I will come back to you by slowridesr {G}
"Would you... wouldn't you mind if... if something happened between me and Bradley?" "No! Then he would be with us more often and we would eat pizza, and…" "Okay-okay, I understood, am I really that bad?" Ginnie raised her head and frowned while Jake was still smiling widely at her. "You're the best dad in the world," Ginnie whispered half asleep after Jake put the book aside. "And you are the best child. I love you," Jake leaned over and kissed her hair. "I love you too," Jake turned off the lamp and headed to his room, thinking about tomorrow. Maybe he has a chance? * Jake have a beautiful daughter, and still in love with Bradley.
Cowboys and Motorcycles by bradleybirdshaw {G}
How Long Does It Take? by HoneyWhatever {T}
A passionate goodbye leads to long lasting consequences for Jake.
Two-Way(s) Forward by Barnes_Brain {M}
Jake Seresin was the LA King’s best two-way forward, leading not only his line, but his team with the coveted C on his chest. But when an injury sends him to Bob Floyd, PT extraordinaire, in hopes of getting back on the ice, he finds a little more than a path back to his career.
New Beginnings by Nickies_Nonsense {G}
Bradley swallowed hard, “do you think I can do this?” he whispered. Slider’s hand landed on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “Never doubted you for a second kiddo,” he said. Or, being a new Dad is HARD. Good thing Bradley’s husband Jake is there along with the dozen other aviators they call grandparents. Fluff, cuddling, and dubious child-raising follow.
the fox you feed by lemqnie {M}
It is 1885. Bradley Bradshaw undergoes the worst thing in the Wild West: a three-month long journey with his enemy (Jake Seresin) and a 13 year old (Maddie Whitman). or they're cowboys travelling west to deliver a 13 year old girl to her parents.
Years of Salt and Sunshine by PVB {E}
His whole life, all Bradley Bradshaw has ever wanted is to join the Navy. But his mother kept him shielded from the darker side of the Navy - especially its conservative views of omegas. Bradley finds this out first hand at twenty-two years old, when he goes to a party at his new CO's office and meets his omega - Jake Seresin, Bradley's summer camp crush. Only it's Jake Prentiss now, with three small kids and another on the way, held captive not by laws but by the oppressive weight of his family, his duties, and the Navy's idea of a good omega.
Treat by Jeston17 {G}
Jake has babysitting duty for his nieces on Halloween, getting roped into trick-or-treating. While taking the girls around the neighborhood, they find a lost boy named Nick, and help return him to his father. Jake just might end up getting a date out of the whole ordeal. Or: in this au, Jake meets SingleDad!Bradley on Halloween and they hit it off.
Baby Talk by flyingfightingfishy {T}
“Are you reading him the big NATOPS? As a bedtime story?” Mav asked incredulously. Ice shrugged. “I have a NATOPS check coming up, he wanted a bedtime story, so I asked him if he’d like to help me study and he said yes.” OR Ice doesn't know how to baby talk. He didn't when Bradley was little, and he still doesn't when Bradley has a child of his own.
Girl Scout Cookies by nimuetheseawitch {G}
Second Hand News
It seemed like every conversation he walked past on base was about Hangman. Bradley kept hearing the callsign paired with words like “cute” and unenlightening statements like “I had no idea, did you?” People who he heard just yesterday bitching about Hangman’s ego were gushing about the man, and Bradley was starting to feel like he’d entered the twilight zone. Bradley overhears people talking about Hangman, and he can't make sense of it, or how it makes him feel.
Take Your Daughter to Work Day
As he was about to leave and head back to his own office, Bradshaw called out, “Wait! When did you want to bring her by? Ice wants to pick up his cookies in person and give her a tour.” Jake was barely able to hide his surprise that not only was Admiral Kazansky buying an absurd number of cookies, he also wanted to give his daughter a personal tour of the base. How did Bradshaw just say this stuff casually, like he wasn’t talking about a Navy legend? But he pulled himself together and answered him. “Belle’s staying with me for her spring break, and I got some leave approved. I was planning on helping her deliver cookies on one of my days off. I’ll shoot you a text with possible dates.” “I’ll share that with Ice.” Bradshaw smiled warmly at him. “We’re all looking forward to meeting her, Jake.” 
Can't buy me love by SunMonTue {E}
Jake doesn't need help around the ranch, but he's not going to turn down cheap able-bodied labor either. He's not stupid. The fact that Bradley knows nothing about ranching doesn't exactly help his case, but he's a fast learner.
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motherofplatypus · 13 days
Miraculous and Historical Figures
I've been obsessed with historical figures ever since i read Record of Ragnarok, Majo Taisen, and Tenkaichi, and i really wished that the Miraculous universe expand themselves with these historical figures and show how big of a role miraculous have in the history that we know of. Like, there's a LOT we can have here.
Im just gonna list off the one figure for each miraculous so the list won't be too long. Anyway, here's my take on historical figures who probably use a miraculous.
Wu Zetian, China's first empress, user of Ladybug miraculous. She was a cruel empress and would be amazing to know we have evil Ladybug in the past. Using the power of creation to climb her way to the top with any means necessary.
Edward Teach aka Blackbeard, the notorious pirate from England, user of Black Cat miraculous. Sinking every ship with his Cataclysm, becoming more and more deadly and famous as time goes by.
Cleopatra VII, ancient Egypt's queen and historically the most beautiful woman ever, user of Fox miraculous. In her late life, she'll get older and less pretty but use the illusion to make her always look pretty. Or maybe she's just normal but use illusion to make herself look astonishing.
Leonidas, king of Sparta that's claimed to be descendant of Heracles, user of Turtle miraculous. Spartans are well known to fight with spear and shield, the turtle would be perfect.
Leonardo da Vinci, Italian legendary painter, user of Bee miraculous. Can you imagine him using its power on Mona Lisa so he can paint her perfectly? Making sure the model doesn't move for the whole duration?
Alexander the Great, Macedonian king and greatest military leader in history, user of Butterfly miraculous. Giving power to his soldiers to boost his army and conquer many lands. Having an army that's not only strong physically but also magically? Near unstoppable.
Mary Shelley, English novelist who wrote Frankenstein, user of Peacock miraculous. Creating a sentimonster gave her the idea to write a book about human creating monsters themselves.
Yuenü, China's earliest known swordswoman, user of Dragon miraculous. I was gonna put Sasaki Rui, Japanese master swordswoman, but we already have Tomoe Gozen, and plus this miraculous is based on the Chinese dragon, so surely its only fitting we have one.
Michel Nostradamus, a French seer well known for predicting the future, user of Snake miraculous. Like, being a grown up he has no time limit, so maybe he goes after certain point and return back, that explains a lot why he predicted so many things, right?
Lillian Bland, Irish woman and probably the first woman in the world to design, build, and fly an aircraft, user of Mouse miraculous. Doing feats that's impossible to be done by one person.
Harry Houdini, a Hungarian escape artist, user of Horse miraculous. Shown us how such a simple power can help you greatly.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French man and father of anarchism, user of Monkey miraculous. Honestly idk how to connect the two, but two are chaotic by nature.
Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun, the Chinese generals known as the Five Tiger Generals, users of Tiger miraculous. Maybe their title were quite literal (definitely not an excuse because i can't find someone who's suitable for the tiger)
Florence Nightingale, English nurse and founder of modern nursing, user of Pig miraculous. Using the power to help those at their last moment to be happy, and the shining power of Gift made it seems like she's holding a lantern, thus giving her the title The Lady With The Lamp.
Marie Curie, a Poland pioneer of radioactivity, user of Ox miraculous. I headcanon that the Ox also provides protection against poison and radioactivity, but Marie Curie earned it late or lost it during her experiment, but it gave her enough time to invent.
Hind Al-Hussinie, Palestinian woman who made the first orphanage after Nakba 1948, user of Rooster miraculous. With so many orphans after the massacre, this broken miraculous would surely be helpful to fulfill what they need.
Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter known for her realism paintings, user of Goat miraculous. What if her realism painting was, in fact, physically realistic, that'd be quite funny.
Nikola Tesla, Serbian inventor and electrical engineering, user of Rabbit miraculous. Explains why his inventions are so advanced and futuristic for his era.
Bonnie and Clyde, America's notorious criminals, users of Dog miraculous. Maybe they use it to help them rob banks and steal gun. We need more inconvenient miraculous being used for evil.
There's a lot more figures i wanna put and the idea of time travel fic and meeting these figures started getting to my head, but feel free to add your own headcanon of which historical figures use which miraculous.
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callsignlucky · 1 year
talk to me, lucky (part 7)
summary: You're Maverick’s kid. You’re also Bradley Bradshaw’s best friend—or at least, you were. What lies between you two now is uncharted territory.
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw/mitchell!reader
wc: 1370 (sorry it's a short one y'all)
a/n: heyyyy....how y'all doin.....
so what happened was i actually died BUT they uploaded my consciousness into a robot so i could keep this going. everyone say thank you to miles teller's superbowl ad for reviving top gun summer into top gun spring anyways LOVE U GUYS MISSED U GUYS :))))
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Aunt Sarah smiled at us as she met us in the foyer, though the smile didn’t entirely reach her eyes. Seconds later I knew why. 
It came back, she said. Nobody knows. 
I wasn’t much of a crier, but the sight of tears in Aunt Sarah’s eyes had my breath catching in my throat. She smiled sadly at me, reaching up to cup my cheek in her hand. “Oh, sweetheart.” She whispered, and I leaned into her hug as she pulled me into her arms. 
“I’m so sorry.” I choked out, voice shaking, and she nodded as she pushed me back by the shoulders to look at me. 
“Me too.” She replied, brushing some hair away from my face. “He’s waiting for you two in his study.” She knew we knew where it was, and I felt dad slip his hand into mine. 
“Come on, Birdie.” He urged softly, and walked along with him down the hall. He gave me a moment to quickly wipe my tears away, before the door was pushed open. I stepped in first, heart breaking with each cough Ice struggled against. He turned at the sound of his door opening, and his face lit up like a little kid on Christmas. He grinned at me, opening his arms wide, beckoning me over with his head and a wiggle of his fingers.
In turn, I felt like a little girl again as I rushed forward to wrap my godfather up in a hug. He laughed a little at the force of it, his hand coming up to cup the back of my head. I buried my face in his chest, fighting against the tears as I clung to him. His other hand rubbed slow circles on my back, lips coming down to kiss the top of my head—a habit he and my father shared that I’d never grow tired of. Eventually I pulled away with a sniffle, and his hands cupped my cheeks. “It’s good to see you, Uncle Ice.”  
Ice nodded in agreement before holding an arm out to Dad. He joined the hug, and I felt safe, wrapped up in the arms of my constant. The only two men in my life who have never left me or let me down, not even once. The two men who made me feel loved and cherished and supported, made me feel like I could conquer the world and then some. After a moment Dad moved to get Ice seated again, and I pulled up a chair for dad before making myself comfortable on the edge of Ice’s desk. 
“How’s my wingman?” Dad asked, although we already knew the answer. Ice leaned forward, fingers flying across the keys of his computer. 
I want to talk about work. 
Dad sighed softly, shaking his head a little. “Please, don’t worry about us. What can we do for you?” He was looking for a genuine answer, and I hid my smile behind my hand as Ice stared at Dad for a moment before pointing at the computer. When Dad turned his head to busy his eyes with something on the wall, I rolled mine. 
“Rooster’s still angry with him about what he did.” 
Dad huffed through his nose, lolling his head to look at me. “I thought eventually he’d understand why. I hoped he’d forgive me.” 
Ice leaned forward, typing. 
There’s still time. 
I nodded in agreement, but Dad shook his head at us. “The mission is less than three weeks away. Kid’s not ready.” 
Then teach him, Ice said, and I had to agree. If anyone was capable of getting Rooster ready for this, it was Maverick. I knew that, obviously Uncle Ice knew that—Dad was here for a reason. I just didn’t understand why he couldn’t see it. 
“He doesn’t want what I have to give.” I could tell he was getting frustrated, and as Ice leaned forward to type again, Dad shook his head quickly, waving his hand. “Ice, please. Don’t ask me to send someone else to die, don’t—don’t ask me to send him. Either of them.” He paused, side-eying me sitting on the desk. “Send me.” 
My heart slammed to a stop. I hated thinking about what Dad was implying. His demise. It was inevitable, especially given his chosen line of work, and yet the mere thought of losing him sent my mind hazy with a fog of anxiety. I felt my face twist into confusion and hurt as Ice’s keystrokes filled the room. Why does he think he deserves to die on this mission? Why is he convinced someone has to die?? 
Dad’s breath caught in his throat as Ice stopped typing. 
It’s time to let go. 
Something in the room shifted. This wasn’t a conversation I needed to be involved in. I wanted to give my dad the opportunity to mourn Goose all on his own, with the only person who could help him through it. Iceman and Maverick may have had their differences in the beginning, but there wasn’t anyone else on the planet who knew what kind of toll the burden of Goose’s death took on a person. If anyone blamed himself for Nick Bradsaw’s death as much as Pete Mitchell, it was Tom Kazansky. Silently I slipped off the desk, squeezing my dad's shoulder before letting myself out of the room.
As they talked, I stayed in the hall and eyed the photos lining the walls, smiling faintly at the memories trapped within the frames. It was a healthy mixture of both personal and professional snapshots, which was very on brand for Uncle Ice, and I stopped about halfway down the hall when my eyes landed on one of my favorites. 
I couldn’t have been older than fourteen, sitting beside Bradley on Goose’s grave having a picnic. It was a tradition we did every year on his birthday for as long as I could remember, something I wish we hadn’t lost in our time apart. We always talked to Goose like we had known him our whole lives, but between Aunt Carole and Dad and Uncle Ice and the various other pilots we’d encountered over the years, we did know him. That, or we had the closest thing to it. I sighed heavily, pressing my fingers to the headstone. 
“Talk to him, Goose.” I whispered. “Tell him it’s okay.” 
The door opened behind me after a little while longer and I turned to find Dad and Ice standing there, and I smiled sadly at Dad when I noticed the red around his eyes. “Aww, did the old man get a little weepy?” I asked Uncle Ice as he opened his arm to me, sliding into his side and hooking my arms around his middle. Ice huffed out a laugh with that big grin of his, nodding. 
“Well, he’s always been emotional.” He said with a half shrug of his shoulders, and I grinned up at him with a little laugh. Ice squeezed me tighter as Dad mumbled something about him being the emotional one, which Ice pointedly ignored. “How’s my favorite copilot?” He asked softly, and I squeezed him around the middle. 
“Tip top and ready for takeoff, Iceman.” I replied, and Ice smiled fondly with a nod. 
“That’s what I like to hear.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I closed my eyes, savoring it for as long as I could before we finally split apart. “Hungry?” Ice offered me his arm, and I nodded. 
“Good. I want to hear more about you and Lieutenant Seresin in the shower.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and I groaned in annoyance, my head falling back. 
“Oh, come on--you know about that??” 
Ice laughed out loud, and I’m sure it probably hurt him but it was a sound I loved hearing. “I know everything when it comes to my Lucky.” He informed me in a whisper and I rolled my eyes, looping my arm through his and helping him along down the hall towards the kitchen. Launching into detail of the whole sordid affair, we left my father standing in the office doorway dumbfounded, before he blinked himself back to reality and hurried after us. 
“Hold up--when were you in the shower with Hangman??”
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@daydreamingallthetime-world | @zzsloth | @boringusername | @sydneejean | @mosebypineapple | @erinswrld | @roosterschanelslut | @mirandastuckinthe80s | @mak-32 | @shrimping-for-all | @rosiahills22 | @gretagerwigsmuse | @callsignbirdie | @hopefulinlove | @ponyboys-sunset | @maverick-wingman | @itscheybaby | @alanadetigy | @shanimallina87 | @actuallybarb | @majdoline | @belledawnidk | @srh5605 | @18crazybutcutealsopsycho | @hey-its-kayla-claire | @notanordinaryprincess95 | @callsign-hollywood | @roostersluvvr | @callsign-blue | @callsignfrostbite | @greaser9902 2 | @megan-schulz | @hotch-meeeeeuppppp | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @caswinchester2000 | @kkrenae | @perseus-666 @awesomebooklover17 | @w0nderw0man-reading | @j-deimos | @can-this-be-a-fanfic | @justanothermagicalsara | @itevilhag | @nonniecannie | @caldodemazapangourmet | @dracosluvbot |
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mignonricciardo · 2 years
intro + masterlist
hello! I'm em, and welcome to my little space where I let everything in my silly little brain come to life :) I write mainly motorsport works, but there are some fics I love too much to go unpublished. learn a little bit more about me and access my masterlist⬇️
about me:
I'm american, but my family is from france so I speak french and a bit of Italian and spanish (these two might be a stretch)
I love most sports including f1, indycar, soccer/football, rugby and even american football
some of my favorite f1 drivers are daniel, mick, pierre, carlos, charles, lando and seb (but really I support most of them)
I also love books and reading and music <3
a one sentence summary is below each fic. for a longer summary, please check link of the original post.
as a note, I am an adult, so most of my work typically contains allusions to adult themes and/or adult themes. I will try to tag all of my work appropriately, but please be sure to check the more specific tags in each individual fic for specific mature content.
fics containing smut are denoted with a ★
motorsport/formula 1
august | sneak peek | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
things have changed since the last yearly visit to the winter beach house, but if there's one thing that hasn't, it's the magnetism between callie o'connor and her best friend daniel. with an unspoken history and the urge to navigate their changing lives, the two bring the crew back together for one more winter at the house. is this the august trip that truly changes everything?
simply the best | pt. 2 (★)
dan has covid in bahrain, and you come down with it, too.
holiday jitters
the aftermath of two friends hiding their feelings sharing a drunken kiss.
taking care of him
taking care of lando during and after the spanish gp.
lando wakes up sick before the brazil gp and he knows just the medicine he needs
pancakes for dinner
charles has pre-race jitters, and only he won't feel better until he admits something.
stuck in my brain
following the French GP, charles searches for comfort from his best friend.
surprise, surprise | pt. 2
family vacation, holiday around the corner, unexpected pregnancy. what could go wrong?
compromised (★)
sneaking around mercedes team settings hasn't always been easy, especially when you're caught in a compromising position.
massages (★)
lewis is sore after a long day of testing, and you've got just the remedy.
sore loser
you've just lost the champions league, and your favorite boy is a call away.
pierre helps with your chronic illness, assuring that you haven't ruined vacation.
self-control (★)
lance is injured but has little self control when it comes to you.
après ski (★) [written and social au]
lance has some ideas for how your trip's après ski should look. too bad his future brother-in-law has different ideas.
dim lights, thick smoke (★)
mick heads to the bar with his sister's best friend. tomfoolery ensures involving a certain cowboy fashion statement.
a helping hand (★)
a certain conversation with your best friend leads to him teaching you a few things
secret's out
you don't realize max is on stream so you let you some words fly.
3 AM (★)
drunken nights in Ibiza followed by 3 a.m. texts. what could happen?
formula one drivers as romance tropes pt. 1
formula one drivers as romance tropes pt. 2
other fics
home for the holidays
christian is a little homesick for the holidays. you have a plan for that.
can't take my eyes off you
a long history with rooster comes to a head when you're brought back to top gun.
take my breath away (★)
rooster will do anything to make sure you first date happens, no matter the circumstances. [part 2 to can’t take my breath away]
tag list
if you want added to my tag list, shoot me a message! just let me know who exactly you want to be added on to :)
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Masterlist
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
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Third Amendment- Based off a text post by “spn-marvel-nerd”
‘Desperately need a top gun fic based on the 3rd amendment. It’d be so funny.
Like imagine you’re just living with one of them or something and at random times you just kick them out bc of the third amendment.’
Hunting season is open - 18+ Please note fic warnings. You just need to keep moving and you’ll stay safe.
Connected One-Shots/Two-Shots
Spitfire universe masterlist - Connected stories between the Dagger Squad members and their significant others.
Matching Wits - How Jake met his wife. Spitfire Universe
When did you swallow glass? Jake’s wife gets sick Spitfire Universe
Spitfire - “So Mrs. Hangman where have you been hiding and why have you left me alone with these idiots?” Spitfire Universe
Kindergarten Failure - Jake's Spitfire is back and sassier than ever and she's got a lesson to teach or the jealousy fic nobody asked for Spitfire Universe
Whose name have you been screaming in bed? - You're just wondering whose name you've been screaming. Spitfire Universe
Strong people aren’t born they’re built- How did Jake’s spitfire become the way she is? Spitfire Universe
We’re expecting a baby but it could be a dinosaur- Jake’s spitfire of a wife is pregnant. They’re pretty sure with a baby but who knows? Spitfire Universe
Ready or not- Jake’s ready to be a dad. The birth? Not so much. Spitfire Universe
Your Son- Eli is Jake’s son when he doesn’t listen. Spitfire Universe
It was a nudge! - Eli is ready to walk but he needs to wait a minute Spitfire universe
Under two minutes - She thought you couldn’t get kicked out of a bar in under two minutes. What were you supposed to do? Not get kicked out? Spitfire Universe
Your kids are driving me nuts! -Jake can’t wait to get home to you and his two terrors. Two right? Spitfire Universe
Fuck Santa! - Fanboy wasn’t thinking when he taught Jake’s son his new favorite phrase. Spitfire Universe
Christmas Alarm Clock - Jake just wanted to sleep a little bit longer Christmas morning. Was that too much to ask? With a toddler? Oh yes, it is. Spitfire Universe
Ready or not: baby number 2- Ready or not Jake’s wife is having baby number 2. Can the Dagger Squad handle this? Spitfire Universe
Daddy’s getting cock blocked - 18+ Jake and his wife thought having kids would be fun until they wanted to have alone fun… Spitfire Universe
Grumpy Games - Jake’s wife has been grumpy lately and he wants to get her out of her head. He thinks he might have come up with a way to do just that. Spitfire Universe
Forced to go to the strip club - It’s Bob’s bachelor party and their babysitter cannot handle them. Reinforcements must be called in. Reinforcements are sleepy. Spitfire Universe
Do you want a skittle, mommy?- Potty training Spitfire Universe
Wan dat, dada! - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader Jake sent his wife and his son out on a mommy/son weekend but didn't realize just how stubborn his wife's carbon copy is. Can anyone speak toddler? Hangman definitely can't. Spitfire Universe
All Hail the Heartbreaker - Why couldn’t the shy girl get the quarterback? Why couldn’t they fall in love and be high school sweethearts? Get married and have a bunch of kids. Why couldn’t someone like him be interested in someone like you? You knew why… Followed by Be My Escape (Rooster x reader) and Have Faith in Me (Rooster x reader)
I'm just now feelin feisty - 18+ Bradley is such a good boy but you? You’re a brat through and through. Your poor daddy. Hangster x F!reader
I wanna feel good tonight- 18+ Jake makes good on his promise to buy you the strap on you wanted. Follow up to I'm just now feelin feisty Hangster x F!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist -Jake’s felt numb for a while. Outside he hasn’t let anything show, he keeps his typical façade but inside he feels nothing. Nothing at all. Even the thrill of flying is waning and that’s what he left everything for. Soon he’ll have nothing. He’ll be an empty shell of a man.
Take me with you - Six years ago Jake had a motorcycle accident and he lost some of his memories. He’s regained most of them but there’s something he’s forgotten. Something big. Sometimes in his dreams he gets glimpses of things he feels like he should remember but the flashes of memories are gone when he wakes up. Biker!au Connected to Biker!au Bradley fic: But this is love I just can’t live without and connected to Biker!au Bob fic:
*Do not copy, repost, or translate my writing even with credit.
*Reblogs and replies make writers happy and more likely to write more.
* I write from my own perspective as a cis female so any ‘x reader’ will most likely have she/her pronouns unless stated otherwise.
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missathlete31 · 4 months
My Guess for the Top Gun 3 Movie Plot -
This is what I THINK it will be about, not necessarily what I WANT it to be about:
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I think it's going to be way more Rooster centric but begin with Maverick to not scare off the loyalists right from the start. (But also if they begin the title credits with anything BUT planes taking off to the Main Theme, I'll walk out of the theater myself lol).
So it opens with Maverick in his hangar. He will be retired but still flying his own planes and restoring them. We see on his board of memories that Maverick is still close to Bradley and the Daggers (showing some of the other characters and where their lives have taken them) but the most important part will be a yet to be identified woman in some of the photos with Bradley, including what must be their wedding photo. Maverick walks away from the wall, cleans himself off and heads out on his motorcycle- Classic Danger Zone moment.
He arrives at a cute little bungalow type house in North Island. It's Bradley's and he welcomes his Godfather with a hug hello before bringing him inside. There we meet Rooster's wife (let's call her Jennifer to make it easier) who hugs Mav as well, and fusses him to sit while they bring dinner over to the table.
Dinner is a comfortable affair until Bradley brings up that his latest leave is up and he will be getting his orders soon. Jennifer immediately looks worried which Mav notices so he tries to play it off as maybe Bradley will be assigned another teaching position if he can manage not to annoy the Airboss again. Rooster takes the bait, says it wasn't his fault the man was uptight (showing a much freer and fun Bradley than the last movie) leading to them discussing all of Mav's teaching mishaps as well.
The rest of the night goes smoothly, and Bradley walks Pete out to his motorcycle. Before they part, Rooster shares that he has been hearing talks that they will be deployed towards the unrest in (I'd assume the studio will put in the area that will offend the least amount of people). Pete nods, he's heard the same whispers, but has been hoping Bradley's team will be spared. He warns Bradley to be careful regardless of where they go and to keep him informed. When Pete gets home he sees news reports of war and planes crashing and he looks miserable.
Cut to North Island where hopefully Admiral Simpson and Admiral Bates (if both actors come back) stand in the briefing room talking to two Commanders: Bradley Bradshaw and Jake Seresin. Both men stand at attention and listen as they are informed their teams are being deployed together. They will be tasked with aerial support and surveillance for the war area. When they are dismissed we learn they do get along much better now since the last movie. The rivalry is still there but it's more playful, Jake is still cocky and a bit of a jerk but Bradley gives it back just as much. The two head off to their respective teams to talk to them. We meet Rooster's team, a bunch of new pilots, young but good. They all seem eager to prove themselves in combat. Bradley is sure to reiterate to them that this is a war zone, this isn't games anymore, but the real thing. The team looks a bit more nervous now but agree and get to work with shaping up and preparing to ship out.
Back at home, Bradley informs Jennifer of his new orders as they lay together in bed. She worries, as he expects, but he promises to do everything he can to come back to her. She looks like she wants to tell him something but doesn't, and they both look uneasy as they turn off the lights to go to sleep.
Deployment goes well at first. It's all basic routes and routines and both Rooster's team and Hangman's team do well. There would be a bunch of clips of their time on the ship: the teams hanging out off duty, Bradley writing letters or calling Jennifer and Mav, or just interactions with each other.
One day alarms are blaring and all the pilots are woken up. Immediate air support is needed to protect a UN-sanctioned ammunition move that is under attack by the enemy forces. It's a toss up for which team will be sent up but finally the Admiral on deck sends Hangman's team. He offers Bradley a look before he heads out, and Rooster can't help feel like this flight is going to be different. He heads back down to his quarters to tell his team to stand-down, but they all stay to listen on the radio.
What was thought to only be a ground attack escalates very quickly. Hangman's team is ambushed and it is a massacre in the sky. Bradley is forced to listen as planes start dropping, nothing they can do to get out of there as they are out-numbered and severely out gunned. Seresin tries to protect his team and manages to get two of his pilots back but he himself is killed. Bradley is speechless.
The funeral for Hangman brings back a lot of the Daggers (as many as can be brought back due to scheduling). Rooster is really taking it hard as he feels like it very easily could have been him that was up there that day and faced all those enemy fighters. He knows he's lucky it wasn't but he also doesn't know when his luck is finally going to run out. He loves Jennifer and he is scared that he will leave her like his mother was left. Maverick sees Bradley struggling and tries to talk to him but old habits die hard and Bradley pushes him away, focusing on trying to help Hangman's family (because I think he would be married with a maybe a kid or two).
After the funeral Pete learns from Cyclone or Hondo that Rooster has put in to be permanently grounded. He goes to find his godson, learning during the trip that Bradley and Jennifer are expecting. Afraid of history repeating itself, Rooster explains that he can't go back out there, not after watching how easily Hangman was killed, and knowing the same thing could happen to him. He refuses to do that to Jennifer or his future child. Maverick takes the role of  Viper in this movie, talking to Bradley about his fears and telling him that flying is in his blood and he belongs out there. He can't control what might happen up there but he also can't let the fear of the what if's stop him. Bradley tells Maverick he will think about it but still doesn't rejoin his team.
This part is a little less developed but:
As the conflict heats up, Bradley is stationed back at a base on land. He hears of the devastation and learns of the casualties but still he hesitates. I'm not sure what the catalyst will be that gets him back out there (maybe he loses another teammate? Or someone else from the Daggers gets sent instead? I think it would be dramatic and maybe cliché but even maybe Bradley gets to hear his child's heartbeat for the first time and decides that his son deserves a father who doesn't hide and instead fights). Or to give Tom more screen time, maybe the two get to fly together again for a training and Bradley realizes that Maverick was right, his place is in the sky protecting his family and his country. Either way, Bradley deploys and rejoins his team.
Cut back to dogfight scenes. It will be dicey but Bradley will prevail, save the day for whatever chaotic mission needed to be complete, celebration on the deck, maybe even give Bradley his own little protégé that helps save his neck.
Movie ends back at the Hangar, Maverick is walking with his back to the camera over to the wall. When the camera shifts, there is a baby in his arms: it's little Nicholas Bradshaw and Pete is showing him all the photos of his family. The baby giggles at a photo of Carole and Goose, and then we see Bradley and Jennifer come up too, the whole family together and happy.
The End lol
Let it be known- I also think Hangman might live and just be really hurt. Depends on how high they want the shock value. If he's only hurt then he can talk to Rooster too about getting back up there (helping their relationship as well).
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