#and everyone has the chance to grow ans be happy
wayward-wren · 1 month
Endeavour is so fun I love all Five seasons and I also love how season five had One extra episode then usual with five episodes sure is a great time!
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zwhoreo · 10 months
what would happen if Luffy ans reader have a Big argument ?
ty for the request!! :) this is my angstiest one yet ooo (but I could never have a non-happy ending)
careless scars - luffy x gn!reader
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angst (fluffy ending)
summary: luffy recklessly abandons you in a dangerous situation to find and save zoro, and you get injured. your feelings are hurt and your heart is broken, and your ensuing fight with luffy leaves you not speaking for days. until, of course, you find each other again for comfort
contains: distressing emotional situations, reader hits luffy, everyone is sad, but happy/comforting ending <3
words: 2.4k
The dungeon is dark and Luffy holds you. Only his precarious torch guides you through the midnight catacombs, knee-deep in dark water, you’re terrified and shaking and Luffy’s hand on your waist is the only thing you have right now. He’s tight-lipped and facing straight ahead, you’re wordless, you hope you aren’t lost.
Evading the monsters of the dungeon has taken a lot out of you, mentally and physically, as you and the crew have battled for escape and now it feels like hours since you’ve all been separated, terrified and in a ceaseless search for light. Luffy wouldn’t leave your side, partly because you’ve clung to him this whole time, you had lost your cutlass and twisted your ankle, your shirt is torn, you’re very vulnerable and you need him. You’re not proud of it, usually you’re reliable and independent, usually you’re someone Luffy can count on to do well on your own, even in the worst of times, but today isn’t like that. He can tell by how your nails dig into his shoulders.
Every corner turn feels agonizingly slow, your organs tightening with each knot of anticipation, there can only be death or light or more darkness and the three possibilities war within you with every step. Dust falls from the dungeon ceiling. Stone creaks, how far are you below the sky? Not knowing when you’ll find the exit, or when you’ll find your friends, or if they’ll make it out too, you’re left in a limbo of uncertainty and dread. You’re forced to move slowly because of your ankle, you’ve been trying to walk it off but the unclean saltwater is making the inflammation burn.
A scream echoes through the tunnel in front of you, freezing you and Luffy in place. You know that voice, it’s Zoro, tinny and distorted from the stone and water but so real and so filled with agony and desperation. It’s a call for help.
“ZORO!” Luffy yells back, his heart pounding in his chest, breathing becoming erratic, “please! Where are you??”
But there’s no answer. Luffy turns to you, fear-filled eyes watering, and he places a hand on your shoulder, determination filling his voice.
“Stay here. I need to go help Zoro. I’ll be back for you, [name].” And before you have a chance to react he lets go of your body, your warmth and light leaving you, racing off down the corridor and disappearing.
You trip and fall to your knees without him, soaking you up to your waist. You’re left with nothing and no one and you’re too scared even to scream. You can’t do anything, left weaponless and injured, the water ripples around you and you can’t even move. And you’re forced to wait like this until sound ricochets behind you, an inhuman and ancient sound, the water exploding around you and stone crunching as if it were sand. Writhing, ink-black eels with unseeing eyes and too-symmetrical fangs are bursting from the walls in a tidal wave of suffocation, blood-lust for your fear. You can tell they’re eels from the way they squirm and splash against your body, and the walls cave in and stone tumbles upon you, but it’s only these sensations of pain and cacophonic sound that guide you to your horrible new reality because there’s no light anymore, not at all. Immobile, all you can do is scream and swing wildly with your hands as you’re dragged to the ground, plunged beneath the water that now grows thick with the fallen stone and with your blood.
You’re convinced for a moment that you’ve died, your brain can’t process the warmth and the flood of air to your lungs. Your eyes fly open as you soar from the ground, carried securely as the ceiling overhead shatters, you’re drowned in beautiful, beautiful light and sky at last. You’re laying bridal-style in Sanji’s arms, with one powerful kick he’s freed you both from the dungeon, the island luckily not far above. You look up at him, your head resting against his chest, he’s breathing heavily, staring stoically upwards. It’s all over.
You wake up in Chopper’s office. Your head is ringing and you feel so heavy, and your left leg is numb, and the whole room is blurry. Chopper rushes over to you, hopping up on a stool and resting a hoof on your shoulder.
“[Name]! Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake, how’re you feeling?” he says, smiling down at you.
“Not… ah, I mean, my leg just…”
“Mm. You got a pretty big gash on your lower leg. I've been trying to fight off the infections all night, but you seem to be stabilizing. It’s lucky how fast Sanji was able to find you.” Chopper’s ears twitch a bit with nerves.
“Thank you, Chopper.” You manage a smile for him. “Is everyone else ok? Did we all make it out?”
And so Chopper tells you how yes, everyone’s ok, the whole crew escaped the dungeon and found the ship again. And you and Zoro are the only two who ended up with serious injuries, Zoro with three broken ribs and you with your mauled leg. But you’ll both make full recoveries, so it’s alright. And you’re told that you’ll have to be very careful for at least a week, until the stitches and staples can be safely removed, that’s a long time to limp around the ship and lie in bed but you’re just grateful right now that everything’s all over.
Worried about Zoro and his whereabouts, Chopper leaves you to rest and stare at the ceiling. And that’s when Luffy bursts in, coming over to you and sitting on the bed, looking at you with concern. And you stare back at him, neither of you say anything, until he leans in to give you a hug and starts asking after you.
“Don’t touch me, Luffy.” You look away, your voice is ice.
He freezes. He isn’t used to this from you, he looks betrayed, a bit, and confused, this makes you feel angrier because how can he not see what he did wrong? His eyes narrow and slowly he gets up, and turns, and leaves, and now you’re here alone again.
You’re sitting alone on the deck. You’re getting air, your leg is raw and in pain and the cool evening air is refreshing against your face. Your hands are folded in your lap, you just want to sit here in silence.
Steps you don’t want to hear, a tap on your shoulder you don’t want to feel, you don’t want Luffy to be here right now and you don’t want to have this conversation but he’s perched next to you, leaning over you. He wants a hug, probably. He misses you.
“Hey, are you mad?” he asks in a small voice, head cocked.
“Yeah,” is all you say.
He just looks at you, biting his lip.
“You left me alone in the tunnel when I was hurt. I could barely walk on my own and I didn’t have a weapon or… or anything!” Hey, no, don’t cry yet, you think to yourself. Your voice is breaking. “I really, really needed you!”
Luffy sort of curls away from you, his fists are balled tightly. “I had to help Zoro! He was in trouble! I don’t know what you wanted me to do, [name]!”
“Really? Really you don’t know?” You’re so upset and sad, you stand up to get away from him, stumbling on your burning leg, defiant. “You could’ve carried me! You could’ve put me on your back! You could at least have found somewhere dry and safe for me to hide, you could have given me a light, I don’t know, Luffy! You could have done so many things…” You’re really, truly near tears now. “I was hurt, I was defenseless, I was scared, I thought you knew all that…”
“Zoro needed my help.” Luffy is scary when he’s mad, it’s awful when he’s mad at you, when his voice gets authoritative. “I’m not sure what to say, [name], I was going to come back for you-”
“But you didn’t! Sanji saved me. I could’ve died, Luffy!”
He makes this little angry whine in his throat and then says, “I just needed to rely on you! I had to help Zoro!”
Which makes you snap. “Stop saying that!” you shout, “I was hurt and scared and I couldn’t fight!” And out of rage and cloudy pain you scream, “WHY AREN’T YOU LISTENING TO ME??” and strike Luffy across the face.
You expect this not to hurt him. It shouldn’t, not with his rubber body, it’s more a display of your deep anguish and frustration, but he cries out in pain and clutches his face. He begins to cry. Your heart is crushed into sand.
But you can’t do this anymore and you just limp away.
These two days are so long. They’re so, so long, longer than two years. Your leg flares up in horrible, unending pain and your heart wails to you but you can’t do anything. You’re so angry. You and Luffy aren’t speaking, he avoids you, he looks away stoically when you’re close by. This has never happened to you, you miss that loving, sweet boy attached to you like a koala, you miss getting kissed, you miss everything. But neither of you know what to say. You’re both sad and torn up inside, Luffy just feels so confused and frustrated all the time now, shutting down completely.
Everyone else knows what happened. Zoro feels really terrible but he doesn’t say anything to either of you, he just retreats, cursing to himself over his own weakness, blaming himself and his vulnerability in that dungeon for hurting two of his best friends. Even with his broken ribs he trains and trains and reopens his wounds. And nobody knows how to help any of you. Not even Chopper, his pleading eyes begging Zoro to stay in bed, words stuck in his throat as he rebandages your wound, wiping blood away with shaking hooves.
But finally in the deep light of one sunset, at the end of those two days, you’re making your way slowly off of the deck when you hear your name screamed from behind.
You turn your head and Luffy scoops you up and slams you against the mast, he’s crying and shaking and holding you tightly in his arms.
“Please, please, I can’t do this anymore! I don’t wanna be mad at you, I don’t! I hate this!” he shouts in your face, voice loud and wavering.
You don’t know what to do but this feeling enveloping your body is incredible, so warm, your soul craved this in spite of it all.
“I’m so sorry, I feel so bad, I didn’t mean to get ya hurt, [name]! Oh, god…” He sinks down the mast onto the deck with you in his arms. “I don’t wanna forgive myself. I shoulda carried you, but I didn’t wanna put you in danger ‘cause I didn’t know where Zoro was, I really thought it was gonna be ok, and I was gonna come back for you, I really was!”
“Luffy… it’s ok, I’m sorry…” You wrap your arms gently around his body, your own tears coming now. “I just wanna forget all this, I hate when we’re mad at each other… I love you.”
“Mm- I love you too!” Luffy grins, eyes closed, face wet. “I just wanna keep you safe, that’s all I want.”
“It’s hard sometimes,” you whisper, “you love us so much, I know it’s hard, I know you get scared too.”
“I do get scared,” he murmurs, nuzzling into your shoulder, leaving tear streaks on your neck. “I just wanna make it all better…”
You’re smiling now. This is such a relief, such a weight off your heart, so you carefully lift his hat so you can ruffle his hair. “This is a good start.”
His hand goes to your leg, caressing timidly up and down your skin, his face is against yours but he’s looking down at your bandages, eyes scared and concerned.
“Ooh, [name], Chopper was teaching me how to make scar tissue stronger!” He taps the center of his torn chest. “You use two fingers and uh, like, make these little circles on ‘em, maybe I can do it on your wound and you can feel better?” He’s staring at you excitedly.
His kindness makes your chest feel warm. “You’re sweet, Lu, but it’s not a scar yet. You shouldn’t touch wounds when they’re fresh. I’d like that when it’s healed up, though…”
“Oh.” He’s a little disappointed, but understanding, and now he’s going back to thinking more, nibbling your shoulder a bit to get his mind working. “Sometimes when I’m hurt, Robin gives me massages. They feel real nice, do you want one?”
This sounds so good and you snuggle against him with the promise of such a perfect gift. “I’d really like that, actually. Maybe on my thigh? It’s pretty sore from all the limping.”
So Luffy leans into you in joy and relief, turning you around and pulling you into his lap, you turn your head to look up at him and everything seems to be ok now. You lay on his chest and his hands find your thigh on your hurt leg, he’s clumsy and doesn’t know what he’s doing but you feel him shivering in concentration, kneading your sore muscle with his fingers, and then with his palms, his skin smooth and calming against yours. He’s breathing softly in your ear, you close your eyes and let yourself be bathed in his touch, in his unwavering love for you.
Maybe you’ll need to have a real conversation about this with him, later. But now all you want to do is sit here against him, his weight shifting against you as he rubs your skin and hums quietly under his breath to soothe both of you.
“I love you,” you say again, very quietly, “and I’m gonna love you forever.”
He nods. He knows this well. His nose presses against your cheek, lips seeking yours, wanting to taste your words. And he echoes, “me too. Forever.”
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mankaithings · 3 years
May I request Banri showing interest in Juza's lil sis and vice versa please~? Wouldn't that be hilarious.
anonniee thank you so much for the request!!! It was really fun writing this 😆😆 it was fun imagining the whole scenario! I hope you like it as well
Banri Settsu
It was a peaceful Saturday in the dorms when you decided to visit, Sakyo was scolding the kids and Omi was cleaning the table after everyone had their lunch
Your brother was playing a game with Itaru by the couch in the lounge when Taichi suddenly exclaimed your name upon your arrival causing your brother to pause his game and turn to look at you
“Miss your big brother that much?” He smirked but you just gave him a look of disgust and rolled your eyes at him
“Why would anybody miss someone like you?” You scoffed and proceeded to give your attention to Taichi
“Is Juza here?” Your brother noticed the sudden change in your voice, from talking so venomously to him to a sweet almost candy-like tone
As if he was waiting for his name to be called, Juza finally entered the lounge where you were ans the others at
“Juza!” You waved at the older male who seemed surprised to see you on such a day but his look of surprise soon morphed into those of happiness once he sees what you had in your hand
“The bakery we often went to together had a new menu and I thought you might want to try it with me!” You beamed
Banri watched you and Juza move towards the kitchen, his eyes not missing the way Juza smiled when he stole a glance at you when you weren’t looking at him
He wanted to puke, who knew he got to see Juza giving that kind of look...especially to his sister
The way his eyes widened as he stared after you two, he didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh at your taste or give some kind of talk to Juza who was so obviously also interested in you
Excusing himself from Itaru, he followed you and Juza to the kitchen and saw you two were sitting beside each other
He wanted to get in between but he knew you would just give him that look and make him move away
So he decided to sit in front of you two, nonchalantly pointing out that you actually went out, dressed up and even got cake just for a simple visit
You didn’t miss a beat by answering him: “Juza might like it.”
He also didn’t miss the way Juza got flustered by your little comment
Now he wasn’t sure if he was proud of you for being so upfront about your feelings or make fun of Juza who was getting so flustered from something so simple
Throughout your stay in the house, Banri would follow you and Juza around, even when you tried to shoo him away to mind his own business, even using your older sister as a threat to him
He gotta admit he got scared for a moment but he’ll deal with it once she sees her
He didn’t enjoy seeing the sight of his sister giving those lovey dovey eyes to someone-especially Juza- nor did he enjoy seeing Juza giving those looks back-especially to his sister-
But for the sake of your safety, he decided to be that annoying brother and tease you or Juza every moment he can, not really about you two but your expressions or the way you talk so sweetly to Juza or how Juza tries so hard to seem soft
“Look Juza, doesn’t this picture we took together look so cute?”
“It has Hyodo, how can it?”
“I-it does.”
“God Hyodo how fuckin’ bad are you at flirting?!”
Not gonna lie, Juza wanted to actually legit fight Banri
But for your sake he won’t
But Juza just ignores him and proceeds to listen to you, his whole attention focused on the words you were saying, completely unaware of how a smile was slowly growing on his face and how lovestruck he looked as you continued to ramble on
Banri wanted to puke
By the time you were about to leave, you didn’t miss the chance to jab your brother on his stomach, glaring at him and promising him that he will most certainly hear from your dear older sister
Once you were done saying goodbye to Juza and getting out of the dorms, Banri wasted no time in pulling Juza to their room. Ready to give him the talk
But he was surprised to hear Juza speaking first -albeit more quieter- and asking him if it was okay to ask you out on a date, wanting to make sure that Banri doesn’t have any problem with you going out with him
Banri hated to admit it but at that moment he felt as though Juza was a reliable man and besides, even if he said no, Banri knew that you were going to find a way to go out with Juza
So he said yes
Of course without missing the chance to remind Juza to take care of you and telling him how difficult you can be
But Juza once again said he can handle it with that look of adoration on his face
Banri, from then on, decided that if you and Juza were to hang out in the dorm again, he would be sure to stay in Itaru’s room
Hyodo Juza
Since both your brothers and cousin were in a troupe, you decided to help them out. It became a running joke in the company how the Hyodo/Sakisaka family were slowly taking over Mankai
“Oh no it is the stack of the Hyodos!”
“What is he saying?”
“I think he means attack.”
Of course, to spite your brother, Banri started to flirt with you. It wasn’t anything serious and everything was just to mess with Juza
“You look great today, I even forgot that Hyodo over there’s your big brother.” 
Juza, who was protective and always looking out for his younger family members didn’t miss the way Banri flirted with you, even going as far as talking to Banri and telling him to make sure he wasn’t playing around with you or else
But Banri ignored him and continued with his ways but somehow, for some odd reason, he found himself falling for you, someone who had Hyodo on your name and the Hyodo genes in your blood
At first he tried to stop it because how the hell did he fall for Juza’s little sister?
But still, no matter how hard he tried, his feelings won’t budge
So he decided to move according to his feelings
Instead of flirting to annoy Juza it soon to make you feel flustered, he liked seeing you all red, he never fails to point out how adorable you look all shy for him
Juza didn’t miss this, whenever he looked at you and Banri acting all close, he would feel a surge of protectiveness going through him, he didn’t know whether he should pull you away and bash Banri on the face or let you be because you look like you were having a blast
Thankfully Kumon knew exactly when to get inbetween you and Banri before anything else could happen:
“So, there’s this place I want to go with yo-”
“It’s time to go home now sis, come on!” Kumon says as he pulls you away from Banri while giving him the stinks eye
Muku was already betting on when you two were getting together but shhh he was enjoying watching the whole thing unfold
But of course, Juza might be a bit protective but your always happiness comes first
So he asked you if you had any feelings for Banri and when you responded that you indeed do, he was confused on what to do
“Hey...do you have any kind o’ feelin’s for Settsu?”
“Banri...I guess I kinda do.” You replied feeling embarrassed of admitting that to your brother but you knew him and you knew that Juza won’t do Banri any harm
He was both taken aback and torn inbetween supporting you and pulling Banri to talk to him or asking you out of everybody in the dorm why it was Banri
But it wasn’t like he didn’t trust Banri, he’s fully aware that Banri’s a good actor and knows his way with the other gender and dating but there’s still that small feeling in him that just can’t help but shield you from the possible heartbreak
So while Kumon continued to interrogate you on your way home, Juza was thinking quite deeply
Once they were back in the dorm, Juza’s eyes were instantly on Banri. Watching his every move, from when they were in rehearsals, dinner and hanging out with the others in the lounge, Juza’s eyes never left Banri
Well maybe there were times where he let his eyes rest from looking too much at Banri’s animal prints
If Banri was to be honest, he was kinda freaked out but he kinda figured out that it was going to happen since he was making moves on Juza’s little sister
Once they were in their room, Juza wasted no time on asking Banri whether he was taking you seriously or just playing around with you
For once, Banri felt quite nervous. He is talking to the older brother of the girl he’s going for
But he just answered honestly and admitted his feelings for you
That was enough for Juza to allow him
Of course, just like any older brother he told him to take care of you and never hurt you because there will be consequences
Of course Banri knows that, he lives with three of your relatives
Surprisingly, Juza’s actually very supportive of your relationship with Banri. Sometimes even giving Banri date ideas: telling him what you like and where you wanna go
He doesn’t like it when Banri scoffs at him and tells him he knows you well enough but for the sake of you having fun then he’ll endure his roommate, besides, perhaps you could be a good influence on him
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*cracks knuckles* Clearly I’m going straight for the Blackout. 
Under 1000 Words
take my burdens (and bury them deep) by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M Nothing makes me happier than a fic of my favorite BroTP, especially when Obi is offering to disappear Kiki’s dirty dealings. Content warning for attempted sexual assault and Obi doing what he does best: getting rid of the body.
A Fic That Got You Involved In Fandom
Seven Suitors for Shirayuki by @sabraeal​ Rated T Look. You all are just going to have to accept that there is a certain generation of this fandom that was dragged in, kicking and screaming, by this fic. I wanted to diversify by saying something else managed it, but no. It was the fact that this story was stuck on chapter five for MONTHS that made me vibrate until my own fic fell out. XD
Made You Laugh Out Loud
An Extra Rise Before Dawn by @sabraeal​ Rated G I don’t often worry that I am going to pee from laughing so hard when I’m reading something, but this one definitely does. In one spot in particular. You might be able to guess it. It is simultaneously an incredible sweet and incredibly funny fic that hits all the right notes for me.
Favorite Trope Reversal
Fussing with Firedrakes by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T 1) Dragons. 2) Damsel in distress is no damsel and she is NOT in distress thank you very much 3) Kiki is a DRAGON 4) Obi is cursed, and 5) DID I MENTION D R A G O N S ???
Fic That Made You Friends With the Author
The Wide Florida Bay by @sabraeal​ Rated E I had to think about this because while I read Seven Suitors first, this was the series that made me start sending anons and eventually made me join tumblr where I proceeded to endlessly play the ‘what if’ game with Jen. CLEARLY this is where our friendship was forged.
Action-Packed Fight Scene
Agent, Parts I, II, and III by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated T Like Jen, I was positively torn, because both Andi and Sarah do fight scenes SO WELL, but Agent ultimately won out because there is just something so delightful about Shirayuki flailing and clinging to Obi like a cat that doesn’t want to go in the bath while arrows zip all around them
Edit: Screw it, I’m reccing them both
Republic of Tanbarun by @claudeng80​ Rated T An action adventure series where romance is involved but is by no means the focus. Zen and Obi adventures abound. Politics galore. And some masterfully done slow-motion to quick motion fight scenes that I L O V E D
Gen Fic
Fugue in Three by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G Ryuu casually destroys Obi and Shirayuki by breathing as they count down the days until he comes of age. Technically this fic has a romantic pairing, but it is by no means the focus of this fic. If you don’t agree, you are welcome to meet me under the Big Oak between the hours of 12 and 4 for a duel.
Missing Scene
Like Brothers Do by @claudeng80​ Rated G Obi is clearly Kiki’s annoying big brother and handles Mitsuhide’s rejection in the best way he knows how. Also read: Mitsuhide gets what’s coming to him. (ง'̀-'́)ง
Canon Divergent
We work at the mall by @kaedix​ Rated T With how many AUs we got floating around this fandom, I was hard pressed to choose a favorite. But there is just something so sweet and wholesome and American teenager about this. It just latches onto you and never lets go. (Also the gang all work at my favorite places in the mall when I was growing up. What’s not to love?)
Steamiest Kiss
Were Hearts Not An Unknown Country by @sabraeal​ Rated T LOOK. SOMEONE was going to have to go dig this out of the rubble of her compilation fics and it might as well be me. Also the birthplace of the much loved AnS fandom practice of solstice kissing.
Contains Your Favorite Headcanon
The road to Clarines is Gravel by @codango​ Rated E Not the focus of the fic as a whole, but like, Torou and Obi are siblings. GALAXY MIND EXPLOSION. I mean, I loved that so much that I wrote a pre-canon fic of this fic. Additional note totally not related to the bingo square: I will ALWAYS be here for positive sex worker representation in fics. Fair warning, though, this is the most unfair AU in existence because the brain screams that it SHOULDN’T WORK and yet by some sort of writerly sorcery, it DOES. PLEASE READ IT IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY.
Wept Real Tears
let it make you by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M It’s not every day that someone manages to write a fic that makes me stare numbly at the very first line for a solid 15 minutes, big fat tears rolling down my cheeks, but Hymn did it. And then she somehow managed to kiss it better. All in 1100 words.
Free Space
AnS Role Swap AU by @owlsshadows​ Rated M This series has it all. Shirayuki as an assassin. Obi as both a royal bastard and a pharmacist. A mysterious meeting out in the woods where it makes you question whether Nanaki and Obi are two different people or the same. Also Zen having some very conflicted feelings regarding his royal authority and how he can choose to handle rejection.
Edit: Since I’ve already doubled up once, let me double up again, I have so much love to give and not enough space to give it!
Blizzard by @nebluus​ Rated T This is one of the earliest fics I read in this fandom and it remains to date one of my absolute favorites. Obi gets hurt protecting his Miss and a blizzard rolls in. Thankfully they find a cabin where Obi, who is definitely on his death bed if no one finds them and SOON, proceeds to still fuss over his Miss. Best scene: When he warms her hands with his. Also the second chapter is all sorts of delightful domesticity I IMPLORE you to please read it and soon.
Favorite Fan-Made OC
All Pain Will Turn to Medicine by @sabraeal​ Rated M All y’all should’ve seen these coming from ten miles out. I fucking LOVE Herr Anda, the cantankerous little bastard. And Jen knows this because she designed him specifically with me in mind. Academic catnap >:|
AU That Made You Find the Source Material
All Knotted Up by @sabraeal​ Rated G Admittedly, there are a great many AUs out there that made me look up the source material, but this Tangled AU is the most recent because I finally got on Disney+. And yes, Mitsuhide is the horse. Ryuu may be Pascal a little bit, but Mitsuhide. He’s The Horse. XD
First AnS Fic You Read
Loyalty by Evelyn Fiedler Rated K+ (which is basically G on AO3) My one and only ff.net rec from my earliest days in the fandom when I was combing for absolutely any content I could find, begging the fandom to help me decide if I was down for Obiyuki and all that it implied and this author most assuredly delivered.
Favorite Minor Character
Undertow by @jhalya​ Rated E The fic itself is a space odyssey of sorts. One mission among many where humanity attempts to colonize Mars. However the real selling point here, if you didn’t know, is Lord Seiran. He is a delightfully eccentric billionaire who clearly always wanted a large family, judging from how easily he fills out the adoption paperwork.
Caulk dirty to me by @leewritingrecs​ Rated E Have I mentioned I love the sex worker trope? I. Love. The. Sex. Worker. Trope. Also Obi is clearly divine at all of his jobs. Shirayuki already got to experience his skills at one of them. I wait with BAITED BREATH for her to experience the other :3
Canon Compliant
Thicker than Blood by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G In the aftermath of the death of King Kain, Izana and Zen must decide on which path they will take moving forward. Amazing fic. Unfinished, but a wonderful look into the dynamics between the Wisteria brothers and their absent mother.
Worth his Weight in Rice by @claudeng80​ Rated T AU set in an Edo-adjacent Period where a disease has wiped killed off a significant portion of the male population. Resulting societal shifts occur. If you go into the comments, I have a couple of pages worth of reasons why I love this AU, but what I appreciate even more is how you have an absolutely perfect oneshot in this fic. It is a well-translated universe where we get a delightful clear, beginning, middle, and end, all in 5k. NOT an easy feat. Please enjoy.
Rare Pair
the fog pushing through my mind by @thelionshymnal​ Rated E Obi/Yuzuri, friends with benefits. Two pining idiots with some sore feelings decide to get stoned and take comfort in another warm body for the night. I just really enjoyed the casual intimacy of the encounter and how this is clearly neither of their first experiences with a one night stand. Neither of them are going to make it weird in the morning, they just need to take the edge off, ya know? Additional bonus for Obi being ready to stab the dumbasses who made Yuzuri feel like she was a weirdo in her past.
AU You Took a Chance On (And Now Love)
Lightning in a Bottle by @jhalya​ Rated M I mean, if Jules is gonna play dirty by making Obi the hot fish man running around without his shirt on 99% of the time, then of COURSE I’m going to enjoy Deep Blue Sea. It’s, like, one of my favorite movies now.
Favorite Trope
Moonshine Phantom by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T We got a murder muffin who ALSO used to be a sex worker? Sign me the fuck up, I am 1000% here for this. Also all the showgirls who clearly love their coworker and only want him and his adorable wife to have the best. They may have never heard of her before, but she looks sweet, and they all have a silent agreement between them that if she breaks his heart, they’ll cut her.
Fic That Gave You a New OTP
What the Heart Wants by @sabraeal​ Rated G Haruto/Mukaze. An attempted kidnapping and subsequent rescue makes Zen and Shirayuki painfully aware that their parents have had, at some point in their lives, sex. Izana may not be happy about someone banging his mom, but is HE rather pleased at having a new sister. >:3c
The Wolf in the Woods by @krispy-kream​ (YES I STILL HAVE THIS BOOKMARKED) Rated G Everyone knows that I have very delicate food feels and this ALMOST went under the Wept Real Tears category, but I like to spread out the crying as much as possible XD Shirayuki finds a boy at the edge of the wood and decides he needs something to eat. Filed under: Guaranteed to wreck me in 500 words or less.
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creativemessbyvd · 4 years
Fic Idea Vault #1: Guardians of Arcadia - post-Wizards idea (not counting the movie)
I’ve had a bunch of thoughts in these 24 hours since the finale, so I’m gonna just post them here bc I don’t think I could get a full written fic out of it. Enjoy!
2/12/24 - This was before the movie came out, so its an AU now that would breach the end of the shows with my version of the movie. Im fixing up things around my blog, ans seeing if I can gather all my ideas to maybe work on them.
Also, this includes characters from all three shows (Trollhunters, 3Below and Wizards) in case anyone is confused by some of the names. :D 
P.S. IT GOT LONG HOLY MOLY! Check out more under the read more :v otherwise it would be a loooong post. 
Aja is extremely concerned when she gets texts from her human boyfriend and neither him nor Krel answer her texts, and its not even been 24 hours since they left. Amidst trying to keep Varvatos and Zadra to stay and not rush out, and Eli from freaking out too much, Krel finally calls them and after yelling to be heard is able to explain what had happened.
He has to assure everyone he (and Steve too, gosh can you not be yucky right now Aja?) are fine and then his phone is taken away by Steve. It takes him five minutes to get his phone back and voices all around him get everyone off planet curious as to where he is. 
After Douxie and Nari had left, they had been found by Stuart and some of the Area 49B people who had been concerned and considering everyone was exhausted they had been given a lift back into town. Jim had immediately been taken to see his mom, who after many tears had invited everyone to dine and rest. Claire’s family and Toby’s Nana had also been invited and soon a full on party was being held. Steve’s phone had been without charge and so had Krel’s communicator, that’s why he wasn’t receiving any of his sister’s messages.
After a couple of more reassurances, and even turning around the camera to show all the trolls and humans around the house, Krel could finally finish his story and stop another overprotective invasion from occurring. Aja was a little jealous about Krel meeting wizards but was happy no one was hurt, and that even Jim had been able to be turn back into a full human. Promising to keep in touch and even promise after Akaridion 5 had been set right to visit, they left them. 
Krel was very interested to meet Strickler and NotEnrique, and after experimenting with Tech and Magic, he was considering trying to make a device that would give the changelings their human disguises back, even with their familiars in the same plane. 
After talking to Zoe, who wasn’t happy to find her shop destroyed and had come looking for Douxie, she was interested enough to help him out in such an experiment. Strickler had been thinking about restarting the Janus Order but now to give Changelings a chance to meet others like themselves and actually not have to be under anyone’s command. If Krel and Zoe could pull this off, they would have something to offer the changelings, after they had earned it by proving they wouldn’t be going around making bad things. 
After the party was over, everyone went about their different ways, and Krel was even roped into gong with Nana and Toby. She refused to leave Varvatos’ charge all alone, prince or no, he wasn’t going to be left to fend for himself. Toby would have space since Blinky and Aarrrgh would be leaving to help out the Trolls still in New Jersey. Claire early in the morning after having her strength back managed to send them off and while Jim was afraid that he would be pushed aside, the trolls were actually very happy. They had gotten to see their fleshbag trollhunter grow into a capable warrior before he had becoe half-troll, and they had honestly missed him. after explaining everything, Blinky and Aarrrgh remained while the humans got to go and rest back with their families.
With some time, Krel and Zoe managed to make an amulet for changelings that would let them change between their two forms, hidden in a Janus Order Emblem, each face triggering one form or the other. Strickler and NotEnrique were their guineapigs and soon after Nomura too. They let other changelings know and offer them this chance, if they came back and did some helping around town, still very much destroyed by three different end of the world battles. Changelings had a bond with their human familiars, enough that the Nuñez’ started to trust NotEnrique around Human Enrique, and slowly adopting him as well. This change led Jim, Toby and Claire to try and get other Changelings to get close to their human counterparts, further making many of them want to change sides and earn their amulets (they were allowed to keep them for a couple of hours until they ran out and had to be returned, a failsafe Krel had installed to make sure none ran off or try to copy them). Even if they had been staying afloat with taking care of around 30 babies, both Barbara and Strickler knew they wouldn’t be able to take care of all of them. So, they started seeing if couples around town would adopt the babies + a probable changeling that wouldn’t stray too far from them. Many LGBT+ couples, not being able to get children via the government, were happy and welcomed their new children and changeling combo.
Jim, after a week of pretending that everything was fine, finally ran away and ended up at Trollmarket. Toby was the one who found him first, since Claire had been otherwise busy on the other side of the world helping Douxie escape the Arcane Order with Nari. The two best friends could finally talk and let out everything they had been keeping silent for so long, and made up before they were attacked by zombified Gumm Gumms, Toby had forgotten to mention them and they weren’t very fast. Jim knew that the new Heartstone in New Jersey wasn’t big enough for all of the trolls, and that leaving this Heartstone like this wouldn’t be beneficial if any zombies got out. Toby then wished that they could give it back life or at least keep it running like Merlin had done with Camelot, powered by magic and frozen in time. Jim got an idea and told Toby he was a genius. On their way back up, they got excited bc this might end up solving all of their problems.
Talking with Zoe, Krel, Douxie, Claire, Nari and Archie, even getting some input from Charlie, Archie’s dad, they managed to figure out that Nari could use the spark of life within the NJ Heartstone for Arcadia’s own, which still had enough magic to make zombie trolls, she had after all given Morgana life as per Claire’s memories. With the Heartstone back to life and with its ancient magic they would then use it to power a city wide protection that would keep the Arcane Order and anyone with evil intentions out of Arcadia. The Heartstone would then become what the Heart of Avalon had been for Camelot.  
Douxie had just managed to escape the Arcane Order in the 3 weeks they had been out, and hoped this would be enough to keep Nari safe. She was send to Akaridion 5 under the protection of Aja, who was more than happy to keep a refugee of Earth safe as she had been once. Work was hard but it payed off. Arcadia’s Heartstone was given life once more and they were able to return all Trolls and then some back home. With many changelings now residing there and the Janus Order helping them be better, Trolls and Changelings started to build their relationship once more, and soon the word ‘inpure’ was banned from being used against anyone. 
Area 49B kept Arcadia safe from outside government intrusion, and their program, helped by Sergeant Costas and Stuart to better a relationship between Extraterrestrials and Humans. Their program worked so well, that soon Arcadia had an out of world tourist inflow that came to see how Humans, Trolls, Changelings, Wizards and Aliens lived together in harmony. Trollmarket was now always open for anyone to come and go, Krel even being able to make a similar amulet for trolls to use like the changelings, though only Blinky (having been human once before) and Aarrrgh took them, no one else was interested in looking human. 
After Arcadia was safe for Nari, Zoe and other magic users asked Douxie to teach them be stronger (Claire still took lessons from him) and soon enough the first ever School of Magic was open. Not everyone wanted to have a staff and be powerful enough to bend time itself, but many wanted to learn more from someone who knew his way around ancient tomes and could read the few surviving books from Merlin’s time. With Charlie around, they also got to learn Ancient Dragon and even Douxie could get better and stronger each day. 
Jim took six months to just adjust after the year he had had. He still was helping anywhere he could, be it among the Trolls and Changelings, or when the gnomes got out of control that one time, even by making sure that everyone was eating properly bc no one seemed to be able to have time to eat among their busy schedule. Everyone in town knew that Jim was the best chef they had, and multiple people ended up encouraging him to consider it a career choice. However, Jim still had one thing in mind, something that bothered him. And after six months, he finally went back to Excalibur. Many others had tried to take it out, but the sword had moved for no one else. He however was able to take it easily, and knew that his friends and family had been right all along. He just needed to be reminded that human or troll, he would always be Jim, and thus worthy of carrying the sword. On his way back in town, everyone was not surprised and even cheered for him.
Nari had a great new life, she was always with someone, be it the Wizards or the Trolls, she could be at peace knowing that balance could be possible among magical creatures and human beings. The Guardians of Arcadia, even those out of the planet, grew everyday, trained hard and continued to be prepared. No one was foolish to believe the Arcane Order would leave them alone for long. And then, they revealed their weapon: the Titans.
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obiyuki-beebs · 4 years
I found this in chapter 56 and I thought it was kinda interesting. While Zen is comforting Shirayuki as she's crying, Mitsuhide says,"But this is about Zen and Shirayuki. I don't think this sudden distance is a big problem. It's not like being apart would cause their existence to become smaller in each other's lives." Maybe it's foreshadowing they will separate? What are your thoughts on this? Do you think ObiYuki still has a chance or is it just the author toying with us?
hi anon!!  ( ̄ω ̄)
Short answer:
Yes, Whoaboy get ready I have some THOUGHTS, YESS!! and No.
I have been sitting on this ask for a long time sorry for le wait
The vast majority of this post is below the cut. I hope it is not too much / addresses what you meant. 
Here are some notes before I subject whoever reads this to my madness:
These little moments of “It’s okay to do what you want to do” always strike me, and I think about them when I’m considering Zen v Obi endgame because it opens up the possibility that things can change.
Yes it’s a shojo and shojo protagonists tend to stick with their initial love interest... blah blah blah. I don’t think this preconceived notion of how shojo manga ‘always goes’ is a valid point anymore.
So .... I think the comments we are both thinking of usually refer to Shirayuki’s Path and how she must be able to Stand By Zen’s Side as an Ally, etc. So I’ll kind of be thinking of this from the angle of a Journey. 
Everything discussed is also after The Play We Believe is Foreshadowing (except for the panels pulled from ch 9 and 20) which I think should be considered for the context of the plot. 
If it is actually foreshadowing for an eventual Obi & Shirayuki story arc -- which tbh we might be in the midst of (currently) at ch 117 without realizing it -- then it’s relevant to how we frame the comments made afterwards. At the end of the day, Akizuki-sensei is an author. She is telling us a story. I think it’s reasonable to seek out clues to foreshadowing in fictional stories. So I’m operating under a 90% certainty that the play is foreshadowing.
I have found that the best (fictional) stories are ones that have been planned carefully. I have no way of verifying if AnS has been so precisely crafted to weave in so much foreshadowing that we speculate over, but damn it sure feels like it was. 
The manga was originally just the first chapter, so we can assume that after writing that chapter and deciding to make it into a series, there was some planning done.
ANyway............... strong speculation ahead. I think I was ~60% thorough in my search to find material relevant to Foreshadowing of a Separation.
Please enjoy! 
1) So we’ll start with a panel from ch 9, 
where Zen is considering his relationship with Shirayuki and his growing crush. 
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This panel is, as stated above, part of the story that Akizuki expanded on after the original one-shot. In the first chapter, we get a lot of cute fate-chitchat between Zen and Shirayuki, but I think -- after deciding to continue the story -- Akizuki changed the tone to allow for more character development, and to challenge the Fate tropes often seen in romance. 
Thus, the statement above from Zen that they may not always be together.
foreshadowing ?!   ( ˙▿˙ )
2) In Chapter 28,
we have the crew essentially saying they are all growing stronger for the sake of each other, and lending their strength as needed.
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Within the story, Akizuki-sensei has established a theme of moving forward and changing as needed as a way to get stronger.
Mitsuhide says this to Shirayuki, also in Ch 28:
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Why .... does Mitsuhide look so serious as he says this to her? Is he reconciling the fact that Shirayuki and Zens paths may diverge at some point, as they do for the Lyrias arc?
He follows up the above statement with:
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He goes on to say, 
“I want you to follow your heart so you can stand on your own wherever Zen takes you.” 
So... maybe that context takes away some of the significance for fellow lovers of AnS. But I don’t think we should just ignore the statement.
I think she’s being given permission to change her mind; that it’s okay for her to have feelings for Zen, but it’s also okay if she chooses to end things. Mitsuhide will support her either way.
Even though the the full remark still has to do with Zen, she is being encouraged to stand on her own. She is her own person. She has friends who will still be there even if she chooses something different from what people expect of her.
In this case -- pertaining to AnS as a whole, from the perspective of everyone who ‘knows’ about ZenYuki in-story and also (meta!) the manga readers -- Shirayuki is expected to someday marry Zen. 
After this, in Chapter 29, Izana is a bit derisive to Shirayuki after she gets the title from Tanbarun. I think his comments are intentionally made to make her uncomfortable. He says,
“Hahahaha! What an unusual title! Amazing!”
- cue confusion from Zen and Shirayuki -
“I wasn’t poking fun at it, it’s just a bit strange. Hmm... before, I said a nobody like her at your side would sully your name, Zen, but with this you can be friends without any such worry, right?
“Shirayuki, I’ve never asked what kind of relationship you want to have with Zen. And I don’t know if it’s something that can be said.”
Alrighty. So. Izana says in front of Shirayuki that he had described her as a nobody. This seems like something said meant to disquiet her, and her initial reaction is, “taken aback,” so we can safely say it was at least temporarily disconcerting for her to hear. I imagine it’s hurtful to hear you were once thought of as someone unworthy of notice.
Don’t get me wrong, I think most of what Izana says and does is in relatively good faith. I think the fandom has come to a general conclusion that he’s testing their relationship. 
Obi finds her in the early morning and he notices that she’s upset, commenting that she’s making a strange face. She is still thinking about what Izana said, and Obi asks,
“Is it about the path you want to take?”
“....No. It’s that I haven’t given it any thought.”
Zen already wishes (though I don’t think he’s explicitly stated it the way he does later in ch 33) to marry Shirayuki, and we see her here facing emotional turmoil because that part of her future isn’t something she has thought about yet. Interesting, to say the least.
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I’m not really sure about this, but it seems like she either means where Zen is taking her and / or where she can stand on her own.
And then .......
“Obi, will you lend me a hand?”
“Didn’t I tell you before that I’ll take you wherever you want to go?”
This part of the story is still heavy ZenYuki, but I think Obi saying this to her right now is significant. Akizuki has repeatedly weaved Shirayuki’s path into the themes of the story so far, while contrasting that Zen will meet her at her destination, while Obi will be at her side for the journey. 
Zen and Shirayuki meet and talk. They basically address that Shirayuki doesn’t really know what the future holds, but that she still wants to stand by his side, and says that even though he’s a prince she wants to think it’s okay for her to feel that way. 
You almost forget about the significance of Obi and Shirayuki’s relationship when it’s followed up by this ZenYuki scene. I wonder about the aforementioned nature-of-planning involved in the story and the future of the characters at this point.
gnah how did this post get so long already
3) Zen has presumably given his blessing for Obi to be happy in love
In chapter 31, while the group is stranded outside Wistal due to rain, Zen and Obi are in the bath talking about the possibility of Kiki and Mitsuhide getting married.
“It’s fine with me as long as they can say that they’re happy. I intend to make sure of that.”
“You’ll make sure of that?”
“The same applies to you too, Obi.”
More foreshadowing? Presently it seems that the MitsuKiki ship has sunk, so contrasting this conversation to current-manga-events is titillating to me. ESPECIALLY because Zen says that he wants to make sure Obi is happy when Zen knows how Obi feels about Shirayuki. So it’s established that they will support one another as friends.
Later, Kiki and Mitsuhide are talking after dinner and discuss how the nature of Zen and Shirauki’s friendship never changes (that’s the impression I got from it). Mitsuhide recalls when he and Zen talked about the same thing:
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I think what Kiki and Mitsuhide are referring to is that Zen and Shirayuki have made a conscious effort to become friends despite the barriers they’ve encountered so far, by way of them showing the strength of their mutual respect and desire to aid one another. I get a similar feel from the conversation between Zen and Mitsuhide. 
And then .....
“The two of us will always be friends.”
Zen saying this -- in context to everything from the past four chapters -- implies that Zen is okay if their relationship is not romantic. If it is true that the mangas plot was deliberately planned out, these chapters will become increasingly interesting to look back on as the plot progresses. 
The direction of the story has changed since then if we are only looking at the big turning point of Mitsuhide rejecting Kiki.
And despite that rejection, the group is still a group despite their physical distance. 
Brief note to say that in Ch 33 Izana says to Zen,
“Let me be an ally as you and Shirayuki follow your own path.”
While this is a ZenYuki comment, I see it as Akizuki reinforcing that each character is following their own path and they will be supported as they do.
3.5) After this point is the first Lyrias arc, 
where obiyuki shippers are starting to salivate over how much is packed in just for their relationship. I mean .... remember when she pushed him to the ground because she thought he would get hit by snow? And he gives her those moony eyes just like it didn’t stop ... my heart
UGH JUST SAYING IT BECAUSE context! Shirayuki’s path is changing slowly, and Obi is still by her side.
4) A period of transition
I think this is around the time the Bergatt arc is actually beginning, leading up even to current-manga-events.
In Chapter 53
And thus, they head towards the path that a new wind blows upon.
The times are changing.
While Shirayuki is preparing for her and Ryuu’s move to Lyrias, Zen and co. are at Wilant meeting with Haruto, who describes fools aiming to throw the country into turmoil. This is a seed for the plot that develops, ie, the Bergatt arc that was not actually resolved when Touka gets taken down at Sereg in ch (?) 86. I bring this up because I think it shows the level of planning that Akizuki has put into the story at this point.
In chapter 55, after Shirayuki has finally been able to tell Zen she’ll be away from Wistal for 2 years, and they have this conversation (slightly paraphrased) after he’s processed for a short time:
Zen -
“Sorry. The fact that you would be leaving the castle was something that I’d never considered. So my reaction was a little slow.
“I’ll hear it. I’m sure there was more you wanted to say.”
Shirayuki -
“I’m really glad that I got to meet you and come to the castle! I’m where I am now because I wanted to become Zen’s ally; and i achieved that by coming to the castle and becoming a royal pharmacist.
“I’m sure that, like how it’s always been, there’s something ahead connecting to my path now. That’s why, because there’s a place I have yet to go, I want to be there.”
This is Zen’s face after she says the above:
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What is he thinking? Is he worried about their romantic relationship? I interpret it as preemptive disappointment that they may not stay together.
Shortly after we get to the point you made in your ask (sweet anon) re ch 56 with Mitsuhides comment. This adds to the reinforced theme that change is okay and they will all still be friends and allies regardless of where life takes them.
BUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER Mitsuhide says that in reference to Zen and Shirayuki, Obi responds:
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Is Akizuki drawing a parallel between MitsuKiki and ZenYuki? No idea. maybe. But somehow I do not find it coincidental.
This seems like a MitsuKiki hint, meant to fuel the ultra-shippable pair that we all loved... but after the rejected proposal, it’s hard not to see the whole situation differently re: zenyuki / obiyuki and mitsukiki / hisakiki.
Then the first true ObiYuki hug, and this:
“It feels as though Obi might suddenly appear in Lyrias!”
girl you already knew. Shirayuki knows that Obi will follow her.
Obi deliberately postpones going to Lyrias, though, in order to consider his feelings for Shirayuki and how to tell Zen.
Then!! in 58-59 we get long-awaited confirmation from Obi that he has feelings for Shirayuki, and after this beautiful moment Obi goes to Lyrias to be at Shirayuki’s side, and after everything that has happened so far that is a clincher for me regarding our beloved Foreshadowing.
While discussing Obi’s crush on Shirayuki, Obi asks Zen
“Aren’t you going to propose?”
“.......................Well, I’m.. making her .. wait.”
“Master ... I don’t recommend postponing it, you know.”
I wonder about this comment. Is this a clue for us that Zen postponing engagement is going to be a negative thing in the future? 
idk maybe ╮( ̄ω ̄)╭
Either way ........ This transition period, in between Lyrias 1 and 2, shows us that the story is changing.
I have definitely not covered all of the possible moments of foreshadowing and am actually going to leave off on that topic for the time being. I might do a part 2 as its own post. 
But for now I will switch to previously mentioned point that...
5) Obi and Shirayuki’s paths are walked together
I think the following two panels are a great way to frame their relationship. Chapter 20 in early Tanbarun arc:  
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And then, much later in chapter 106 as they stand by the fire and Shirayuki tells Obi he’s handsome in the light:
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“... because you come with me.” ( ╥ω╥ )
And then more delightful talk from chapter 104 that I think is ... gasp 
foreshadowing !!!!!
They are having this discussion after they’ve found out about Kiki becoming engaged to Hisame.
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“It’s necessary to have the courage to make a decision and take a step down that path, isn’t it?”
Shirayuki is possibly saying this due to the implications of Kiki’s letter. Kiki has made the choice to take a new path from the one she had been on by marrying Hisame. 
So what about Shirayuki’s journey? Has her growth led her to a path she didn’t expect, and now it will take courage to step down it?
In recent chapters Shirayuki is shown to be seeing Obi differently and as a man:
overhearing him calling her beautiful and being surprised that he is embarrassed she heard
witnessing him going to a marriage meeting
that little moment where he is holding her wrist as a Lyrias knight tells him that the knights sister wishes him luck in love
the firelight comment oh my god
realizing she lost the pin Obi gave her and tearing up as she literally stared at him; upset that the gift she cherished is now missing and potentially realizing how very dear to her Obi actually is
fake dating and the 10 seconds of ... just... I still cant even 
Obi is the one who is by Shirayuki’s side. They developed a bond through years friendship that is now being reframed by Akizuki. The nature of their relationship has been slowly changing and I think we approaching a time in the manga where Shirayuki will realize it.
To answer your last question ... I do think ObiYuki has a chance and I do not think the author is just toying with us. I’ve talked a lot about my ObiYuki Endgame feels in previous posts/asks. I could probably talk about it forever but this post is absurdly long .... sorry
Thank you so much for the ask! and wow thank you so much if you actually read this whole thing! 
<3 beebs <3
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userdokja · 4 years
The8/Minghao x Reader Soulmate AU | Rain
There’s a small mark on your hand which symbolizes what would happen when you first make contact with your soulmate, sometimes the marks aren’t clear but the moment your skin makes contact with theirs everything will make sense. 
Word count: 1108 
Warnings: None? 
S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua |  Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | The8 | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino | Soulmate AU masterlist 
You had an umbrella with raindrops above it for a symbol on your wrist.
Just a simple umbrella, nothing special about it your friends have made theories about it but you just thought that it must be raining the day you meet your soulmate, you didn't need it to be magical like for some people who literally had butterflies around them out of nowhere.
Marks weren't that bland, everytime your soulmate touches them you'll feel tingles on your own. Yours seem to admire it too much, because sometimes you'd flinch at the sudden tickle on your wrist.
The sun was blazing when you walked outside, no signs of clouds to shadow over you, it also meant no soulmate.
"Y/n, come on! Christian said he's already there." Y/f/n said, Christian was her soulmate who she met a year ago. That was when you realized how beautiful it must be to meet your soulmate.
"Why do I have to join to this picnic of yours again? to be a third wheel? " You groaned as she dragged you with her.
"You're not the third wheel, some of our friends are joining too! And.. maybe you might meet your soulmate too!" She smiled at you, you'd normally agree with her but as you felt sweat trickle down the side of your head you rolled your eyes at her.
You arrived at the park (It's privately owned by Christian's family because they're rich af) where your group of friends had been waiting, a couple of them waved at your direction while some of them were busy setting up the food.
"Y/n! It's been a while! how are you?" A boy... probably Christian's friend who you've met before asked, although you had no idea what his name is.
"I'm... doing great!" You gave him a warm smile anyways, when a group of boys walked over you realized that there was going to be a lot of people around than you expected and most of them were Christian's friends that's why you were forced to tag along.
You made eye contact with one of the boys, you felt like you didn't want to look away so you both just stood there staring at each other. The awkwardness was soon cut off when one of his friends called him over, soon it was time for everyone to gather up and eat. You sat between Y/f/n and another person you were familiar with.
You were silent for the whole meal and just listened to everyone's conversations, You looked around ans saw the same boy looking at you, but this time you gave him a small smile and waved at him, he nodded back at you and continued chatting with his friends.
After eating you were yet again forced by your friend to join the game, everyone voted for hide and seek so here you are hiding under the tree house. As the given time was over a person dashed into your hiding spot.
"C-can't you find another hiding spot?" you whispered to him. "It's too dangerous for the two of us to hide here."
"If I go out do you think I have a chance to find another one?" He whispered back, you sighed and nodded.
"What's your name?" He asked as he walked over to you.
"Why do you need to know?"
"..Just because? And, I need to stop calling you 'That Pretty girl' in my head." He shrugged, You blushed at his words, you opened your mouth to answer but you heard the seeker's voice near your hiding spot. "Shh.."
You breathed slowly as you kept your eyes on the seeker's feet.
"I know someone's here!" He stopped walking and peaked under the tree house. "Ha!"
You let out a light scream and ran away with the.. still unknown but good looking guy following behind you, you turned around to look at him for a quick moment. "Run Faster!"
"What do you think I'm doing?" He yelled back. You laughed at his response, your legs were growing weak and your breathing was unstable, you started slowing down until a hand grabbed yours, a wave of electricity radiated from your wrist.
You looked up and saw the sky suddenly darkening, raindrops fell down from the clouds.
"Holy shit." You muttered under your breath. The dark haired guy looked at you then at your hands, he turned your wrist around to see your mark and looked at his matching one.
"I guess you're my soulmate?" He panted. "Can I get your name now?"
"...It's Y/n." a grin made its way to your face, you ignored everyone panicking around you and muttering on how it suddenly rained.
"Nice to meet you, soulmate." He smiled. "I always thought I'd meet you during a... hurricane or something."
You laughed at him. "I never thought meeting a soulmate could change the weather completely.. But I'm just happy I found you now, I'm tired of my friends making theories about who your are."
"I hope they were good theories?"
"One of them was about you being a serial killer. Although they were right about one thing."
"which is?"
"That you were a handsome guy but cute at the same time." He scoffed and looked down at his feet. "Ah, the rain's stopping."
"...Wanna ditch them?" He motioned to everyone gathering around. "I know a place with good food."
"You have like.. 12 friends who's going to notice you're gone in a minute." He tilted his head at you, "But I can't say no, huh?"
"Of course you can't it's your first date with your soulmate, you should be excited~" He dragged you away from the park.
You both walked your way to the place he talked about while talking about stuffs about each other, you found out about how savage he could be sometimes, and how he was amazing at dancing, He told you about the 12 other boys he came with, he said they were like his brothers.
"..Wait, I just realized I don't know your name yet." Your eyes widened in realization.
"Why do you need to know?" He raised an eyebrow at you, you playfully pushed him and he laughed. "It's Xu Minghao."
“Xu Minghao.” You repeated. 
Your conversation died down until everything was silent, you still had a smile on your face when you turned your head to look at him.  After all those years of trying to find your soulmate in the rain he's finally by your side as the sun shined brighter than you've ever seen it shine before, and yet you couldn't feel the heat, you could only feel the butterflies in your stomach and your pounding heart.
A/N: I hope that was ok? Tell me who you want next!
Seventeen taglist: none yet. 
97 notes · View notes
thelagendjz4 · 3 years
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) Project
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) - Decentralized international NFT marketplace.
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#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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Buy our NFTs from the first Original NiftyPlanet drop!
#niftyplanet #digitalcollections #NFTs #ETH #Drop
NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Our first ever AMA session is live. Only for Chinese people!
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#AMA #Niftyplanet #digitalart
For more information about niftyplanet
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Bitcointalk UserName : Thelagendjz4
Bitcointalk Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2577207
Telegram Username : @Thelagendjz4
ETH Address: 0x45365defCa88A8c888e9A67F57e0c315f2B1e5F2
1 note · View note
ayuwandira · 3 years
[NFPL] NiftyPlanet
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
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About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
NIftyPlanet Video Guides - What are NFTs?
#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
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Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Here are some important links of Nifty Planet:
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Author: Ayu Wandira
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3239934
Telegram Username : @ayuwandiraputri01
ETH Address: 0x0B2DbA0771d4b6562AEFFa7f9D9256c74ecD14dc
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Something We’d Never Have
Jasper x Vampire!Reader
Warning - none
Summary - The news of Bella and Edwards baby makes the family tensions grow.
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Two solid weeks have passed since the magical Edward and Bella wedding. Everything on our side had gone normally until Alice after a vision gathered the whole family. Mumbling and stuttering about some vision. Our resident Alice translator was gone meaning we all were left to attempt to decipher the panic jumbles. All we've managed to get was something was wrong with Bella.
"Here Ali," I say as I dial Edwards number then hand the phone to her, "call him to check on them." She nods taking the phone. After a minute she starts to talk.
"Bella? Are you all right?" Alice asks frantically over the phone.
"I'm not 100% sure," I hear Bella on the line as I move closer to the girl. I'm practically on top of Alice trying to here.
"Why? What's wrong?" Alice asks frantically.
"I just..."
"You just what? Alice, what did you see?" Bella asks harshly. Alice hands off the phone then looks over to me. 
"Here's Carlisle," She says.
"Bella, what's going on?" Carlisle asks.
"l don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?" Bella asks. We all listen carefully.
"Has Edward been harmed?"
"No," Bella says, "l know that it's impossible, but l think that I'm pregnant." The entire room on our side goes completely silent. There is no way that can be possible I mean its absolutely insane. "Whoa! Carlisle, l swear, something just moved inside me." Suddenly Edward's voice replaces hers.
"ls this even possible?"
"I don't know," Carlisle says, "The sooner Bella's here, the sooner we can find out what it is. I need you to get to the mainland at once."
"Yeah, yeah, l will."
With that, the whole family went into a panic. Carefully we were waiting for them to return to learn what the hell is happening. At the end of the day whatever they do directly affects our ability to live. The panic separated us into groups. Ones who wanted to help Bella keep the baby and ones who were against her letting her throw away her human life for the chance of the baby surviving. Tensions were growing high and everyone was walking on thin ice. Only for it all to be set off when dog breath came to our house.
We all were sitting together in the living room. Watching the figure of the girl as she mumbles nervously. Her features were sunken in all besides her protruding bruised Belly.
"Jake, is that you?" She calls. With loud stomping suddenly the dog is amongst our group. Rose stands firmly between Bella and Jacob. A harsh look is exchanged between them. Jasper clutches me tightly sensing the anger radiating off me. "I'm glad you came."
"Close enough," Rosalie says harshly.
"What's your problem?" Jacob asks harshly.
"Rose, it's okay," Bella says. Rose moves away revealing the terrible looking girl to her old friend. He sits across from her. I can tell by his demeanor he is relieved to see her alive but of course, is worried about her appearance.
"You look terrible," Jacob says chucklingly lightly. Bella does the same.
"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too," Bella says. 
"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?"  Jacob asks her.
"Rose, you wanna help me up?" Bella says. Rose moves to Bella's side helping her up. Suddenly her belly is exposed to the group and I force myself to look away. She looks awful. Anger fills Jacobs aura. Jas sense's this and nudges me. 
"You did this!" Jacob growls lunging towards Edward. I lift my hand thrusting a table between the two as Emmet grabs Jacobs shoulder.
"We didn't know it was even possible," Carlisle says trying to calm Jacob down.
"What is it?" Jacob says harshly.
"I'm not sure," Carlisle says, "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."
"l can't see it, either. And l can't see Bella's future anymore," Alice admits.
"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on," Carlisle explains, "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."
"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob says harshly.
"This is none of your business, dog," Rosalie says harshly.
"Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella," Esme adds.
"The fetus isn't good for Bella," Alice snaps.
"Say the word, Alice," Rose says harshly, "'Baby.' it's just a little baby."
"Possibly," Jasper says from behind me.
"Who cares what you call it? Baby, fetus," I snap, "it doesn't change the fact that it's not our decision to make."
"Carlisle, you've gotta do something," Jacob says almost begging Carlisle.
"No it's not his decision," Bella says, "it's not any of yours."
"Jacob I need to talk to you," Edward says. The two move out leaving the rest of us with Bella. I move away from my mate to her side. 
"I know you want a baby," I say to her, "I'll respect whatever decision you'll make Bella but I need it to be an informed one. It's an emotional subject I know but it's your life at stake. And that's not just your human life." She nods. I place my hand on her shoulder supportively as I see my mate's harsh glance. I know he's against this. But I can't help but feel for the girl I mean she's getting something that I've always wanted. I'm jealous and I want her to have this baby but I do understand what it means. 
"Thanks for the support," She says to me. I nod smiling lightly at her. Alice scoffs harshly at me.
"You are supposed to have more sense than this," She huffs, "I mean it could kill Bella. The Voltari could kill us all for it." I sigh lightly looking away from them "I know you have some emotional attachment to the idea of having a baby but don't be selfish."
"I'm sorry that I want Bella to have something none of us can," I say harshly, "I know what it's like to have your options ripped from you. I just want her to have a choice."
"A choice to die!" Alice yells.
"A choice on how she lives her life!" I yell back, "she'll be the only one of us that gets to have this. To have a baby. Do you know how long Rose and I have wanted to have kids? I grew up with the dream to have a family and I got that ripped away from me when some freaky pervert bit me because of some grudge he had on my dad. I lost my choice. I just want to make sure she does."
"Don't get emotional about this," Jasper says, "I know why you want to help her but she'll suffer."
"But at least she gets what she wants," I say harshly, "she'll get her happy ending. While the rest of us are stuck here looking on wishing that even for another moment we could feel alive!"
"You're being selfish!"
"So are you!"
"Girls!" Esme yells.
"Why can't you just understand that this isn't about your mother fantasies!" Alice yells, "you lost your chance it's in the past this is about Bella dying."
"Alice we all lost our chance," Rose growls, "but that doesn't mean we can take away Bella's!"
"If she's dying then we should!" Alice screams.
"We can't force her to do anything," Carlise says.
"Why not?" Jasper adds harshly, "she'll die before she can even have the baby."
"Jasper," I say to him trying to get him to not be as harsh. 
"Its the truth," He says at once. I scoff.
"Why can't you guys just understand?"
"Understand what?" Alice asks harshly, "that you are using Bella as a way to get some sick fantasy of yours filled." I move attempting to jump at Alice but Jasper grabs me stopping me. Emmet moves between Alice and I to further keep me from moving forward.
"Darlin think about this," He cautions me. He uses his power to calm me down. I pull back as I growl at Alice. "Let's take a walk." I move with him out of the house. We move sitting down on the stairs. "Do you really want a baby that bad?" I scoff looking down to the gravel.
"Yeah," I say to him, "I've always wanted to be a mom. But that's not what this is about. I want Bella to have the choice of what she gets to do. I didn't get one. Rose didn't get one. Neither did you. She is the only one who does I want her to cherish it. To have a chance to enjoy it." He sighs looking down at me. "I didn't think that would become an argument. I'm sorry." He moves his hand to cup my cheek. "Jas do you ever think about what it would be like? Us having kids?"
"Two little bloodsuckers running around?" He asks jokingly.
"No no like if we met before-"
"Before we were vampires?" He asks me. I nod smiling lightly.
"Like somehow we met before you got sent off to war when I was a simple noblemen's daughter," I say to him, "and we fell in love without having to become vampires." He smiles as his hand moves from my cheek to my hand gripping it tightly. 
"Well we could have a couple of cute babies," He says to me, "lived in a nice house. Had a family. Watch them grow old."
"Elizabeth and William," I say to him, "those would be their names." He chuckles the nods.
"Sounds good darlin," He says to me, "watch them start their own families while you and I grow old together." I layer of sadness falls over me. "Is this upsetting you?"
"No," I say to him, "no I'm enjoying this. William would be our oldest. Ans Elizabeth would always have her dad and her big brother to protect her."
"Oh she'd have her mother too," He says, "you'd make sure she'd be safe. You'd give them both such amazing lives." 
"We'd teach them how to live and love," I say to him, "we'd be amazing parents." A feel my eyes burning as if I'd cry if I was able to. I move into Jasper's arms. He tightens his grip on me as we both feel remorse for something we'd never have.  
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(HD)™ ▷ [Les 100] — (7x12) Saison 7 Épisode 12 Streaming VF/VOSTFR
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joue maintenant: Les 100 Saison 7 Épisode 12 én ligné
🎬 Cliquez ici 👉👉 https://bit.ly/3fWW1iB
🎬 Cliquez ici 👉👉 https://bit.ly/3fWW1iB
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Aventure, Drame, Science fiction
Titre original : The 100
De Jason Rothenberg
Avec Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos
Nationalité U.S.A.
Chaîne d'origine CW
SYNOPSIS & INFO : Après une apocalypse nucléaire causée par l'Homme lors d'une troisième Guerre Mondiale, les 318 survivants recensés se réfugient dans des stations spatiales et parviennent à y vivre et à se reproduire, atteignant le nombre de 4000. Mais 97 ans plus tard, le vaisseau mère, l'Arche, est en piteux état. Une centaine de jeunes délinquants emprisonnés au fil des années pour des crimes ou des trahisons sont choisis comme cobayes par les autorités pour redescendre sur Terre et tester les chances de survie. Dès leur arrivée, ils découvrent un nouveau monde dangereux mais fascinant...
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Film is a Work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others.
Definition and Definition of Film / Movie
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story.
There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others.
That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run.[citation needed] In “DC1&”, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In “DC1&”, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍
Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!
Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited.
Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Fingers crossed for more Essek tonight
Did Matt get a haircut?
Oh lord Sam xD
"Cryptonic Override" lol hi Laura
Lol Laura xD
She’s such a good friend
"0010011 which is binary for YES" is it tho I wanna know
I love how the ads have become an arc xD
I’m pretty sure the gauntlets are forfeit already based on the time limit they gave her, but I hope Matt just ignores that
Also TravelerCon keeps getting further and further away I swear lol
he came for dinner to hang out with them and he brought a gift I’m crying
OH MY GOD he stopped floating
He’s like!! Relaxing around them!!
Guys I’m so stupidly happy.
He’s opening up just a little bit
Not only is he a prodigy but his mom is the head of his Den?
"I’m not imposing, am I?" Oh honey never
They’re making him so at home guys I’m so emotional
I live for all this domesticity
Cad’s cooking, Essek is chilling casually with them. I’m so happy.
Oooo that’s an interesting take. Essek is consecuted but he doesn’t really buy into all the religion aspect, feels like it distracts from good things that could be done
Oh my god Laura just connected a dot from AGES ago
E: "I can see a similar spark in you, Caleb. I want to unlock these mysteries.... To pursue beyond the limits of what you’re told is capable. To seek the impossible. To do what every archangel before us has failed to do."
Like not to get too shippy on main but Caleb and Essek could be SUCH a wizard power couple
Beau I understand what you’re getting at and you’re right but let the wizard boys geek out about endless magic possibilities
Ohhhh no now he’s talking about things that would definitely interest Caleb
...Okay I can see now though how he and Caleb could not be good for each other, if neither is likely to restrain the other. If they’re both just the sort to delve headlong and get lost in it (even though Essek said they’d go slow) it wouldn’t be healthy.
Essek’s like where is this happy fun ball where is it
He’s a lonely boy who just wants to be friends!
He needs hugs tho and to be slightly less aloof still but it’s fine he can work on it
Y: "do you ever get lonely? In your solitude?"
E: "I didn’t think so, until recently. How about you?"
Y: "Yes, I think so... to be honest, I... didn’t feel lonely in my solitude until I became friends with them."
Also Beau likes him which means the whispers were good
Fjord talking about how his goals are now to keep the group safe I’m EMOTIONAL
There’s a lot of sweet things being said I’m crying
I’m so torn about the Traveler because on the one hand for Jester’s sake I do not want him to be malicious (he was her only friend for such a long time, and who would she be without him in her own eyes), but also story wise it would be so fascinating.
J: "trying to find... you know... where I fit in...." oh honey
Jesus Essek you’re dropping the HEAVY lore oh my god
He got his dad killed??
"Doesn’t bother me necessarily, he wasn’t a great man. He had... little aspirations." Hmm... see okay that’s a side I don’t like and a side I don’t think would be good to have around Caleb.
Like doesn’t that sound a bit similar to the Trent/Astrid/etc way of thinking? What’s a life in the face of aspirations? What’s a life when that life doesn’t value what *I* value?
That’s something I hope we get to see Essek grow out of, but for the time being I’m gonna have to admit that suddenly I’m not vibing with Essek/Caleb as much. It doesn’t seem healthy just now.
Here’s another question: is Yasha consecuted
Is there a chance her WIFE could be consecuted?
I get what he’s saying and why he’s advising it, but it would backfire so hard if the Bright Queen ever found out
Ohhh that’s an interesting take. They want to "stop" the war so the war stops prying into what they’re doing
Oh man I forgot about the potion I’m glad they have it.
Oh my god he’s gonna dip in the hot tub xD
Getting some Cad lore and more found family feels
"Supported then as they’ve blossomed into heroes" babyyyyy
"These are good people, despite themselves." That’s the ultimate description of the M9
Beau cutting in is good because Caleb/Essek is now a potentially dangerous thing but I still crave that Caleb/Essek interaction
"It is one of many things that are fascinating about him." Goddd Liam
They’re trying to give Jester pointers for recruiting to her cult
And it’s actually kinda working xD
"Jeff is sold" that’s so sweet Fjord
And then she mentioned the volcano and it’s done xD
Talking about Cad’s stuff now
As much as I love the overall arc I’m ready to get back to character’s personal arcs too
Oh my GOD
"When you’re at an orphanage they give you a shit last name. Mine was Stone."
Oh my god if this is a coincidence it’s an AMAZING one
Caleb taking some time to encourage Jester
C: "I’m the transmutation wizard but... you’re the one who changes people. I see it every day."
J: "Really?"
C: "Ja. You’re a good friend; and you move people. I don’t know if you see that, but you do. Every day."
Oh Jester, honey... it’s not your fault, sweet pea.
Caleb offering to use major image to "decorate" to cheer her up
God they’re such the best
I’m cryyyyying god remember when they used to snip and snap at each other and now Caleb’s being so soft and sweet with her
TT: "You were my first, and you will always be my favorite." See that seriously lends to my personal favorite theory that he just didn’t exist until Jester imagined him into being and then he became a god because she believed so hard
Awww Yasha ans Cad sleepover because she doesn’t sleep well alone right now oh honey
Cad taking care of them all has just been my favorite. I can’t wait for them to get to/have to take care of them.
Yasha: slightly more buff
Beau: is aroused
It’s so cute that she was so determined to pay for them herself, didn’t want anyone to feel obligated to help her, and everyone was like NOPE
Also I’m so glad that Matt just let her have them and ignore the original time limit
So the first two hours were chilling with Essek, hour three was shopping, hour four will just be trying to decide where to go next
I’m imagining Essek just like sitting there at the table with all this breakfast food wondering when they’re going to show up and wondering if they just forgot or if he scared them away last night and they don’t really want to have breakfast with him, and when he gets Jester’s message he just jumps up and then has to try and play it cool
I love how he stopped floating as soon as someone mentioned it
Are they trying to
They are trying to teach him how to swagger now xD
He’s like please just eat the cheese and stuff I laid out
Caleb geeking out over Essek’s magic tower god they need to stop being cute
Oh my god we could get Veth fully back TONIGHT
Fuck I wish I hadn’t decided Essek/Caleb was probably not a good idea because I am LIVING for the shippiness right now
Like the whole exchange of “we should work together more” like GOD
Okay okay okay slow burn slow burn is fine they’ll have time to work out their issues and learn to reign each other in and it’ll be okay I can live with that and still slow burn ship it
But anyway this is about Nott
I’m... gonna. Miss Nott a lot of she leaves.
Oh fuck oh god it’s happening
Oh god oh god
Caleb is gonna miss her
I mean they all are but if she leaves Caleb will miss her the most. They started this together.
This can’t possibly be the end I can’t tolerate the idea of saying goodbye man
Sam why do you do this
Fjord coming in to say he understands the fear of making the choice to change
Oh god oh god oh god
It’s fine for Sam to crush us all huh
I’m crying guys this whole thing
Oh no oh god
What’s going on????
oh god she’s cursed??
Matthew MERCER
what the FUCK
The episode was a ROLLER COASTER
What if she’s just cursed?! What if she didn’t actually die??
On the one hand I’m glad Nott won’t be leaving but FUCK what a plot twist
Goddamn that was good
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minicoopdetat · 4 years
Sweet Talking
Discord thread featuring:  Cooper and Ryleigh (@ryleighmeadows​)
Where: Ryleigh’s (Aiden’s) Apartment
When: A Week Ago
Description: Cooper talks Ryleigh into letting him come over and keep her company with his big strong arms
Trigger Warnings: Smut.
Thank goodness Aiden has pretty much taken to staying at Cordelia's. Pretty much meant Ryleigh had free reign over his apartment, including inviting her friends over whenever she wanted without having that awkward, 'Oh, I live with my brother' conversation. Things get weird after that and Ryleigh just wants... Cooper helps her forget about everything else. He's spontaneous and unpredictable, but in that way you can't help but find endearing if not a little insufferable at times. She enjoys that about him. He gets her out of her own head. Ryleigh hates being caught up in her head. By the time she arrives at the apartment, Coop is already standing outside the door, and she immediately passing him two of the shopping bags she has in hand. "Here, hold these," she says in greeting, but does stop to lift up and kiss his cheek, before she's sliding her key into the door and pushing inside. "Can you just set those over there, please?" She nods toward the table while taking the back she currently has over to the kitchen counter.
"Do I look like fucking Jeeves?" he asks, a smirk lining his features as he takes the bag and looks at his outfit. "Is it the clothes, cause I clean up well and I could definitely pull off more of an Alfred" Batman had no fucking clue compared to Alfred. That man deserved a fucking medal for putting up with all that angsty bullshit. Bruce Wayne was loaded, skilled af, and had women throwing themselves at him daily. Could that buy happiness? Who cared, but sure as hell could help if he wasn't being so much of a sad sack. Coop followed after, eyes wandering as he plopped the bags on the table. "What's with the creepy Hannibal Lector vibe?" he asked, nodding toward the wall of books, "Just know, my skin is fucking moist af. I do skin care regs daily so I don't need any cheap ass lotion,"
"Jeeves?" Ryleigh chuckles at him. "No, but you were there and I needed help, and since you like me, you're going to help me," she bats her eyelashes at him before they enter her apartment. "It's my brother's apartment. He's staying with his girlfriend at the moment, though, so I've got his place all to myself. He... likes books," she tells him as she begins pulling items from the reusable grocery bags she'd brought him. Ryleigh doesn't know how much Aiden wants to keep hidden, so she doesn't offer up that her brother's an author, choosing to save that for another time. "A little help?" She motions towards the bags, motioning for him to join her.
She had him there. Besides, never hurt to help out. Good karma and all that. His eyebrow raises at the mention of her brother and nods, "Ah yeah, I get that. I was thinkin it's a bit masculine for you. I imagined lots of pinks and purple. But i get that. Phaedra and I have a similar deal. She's off perusing the coasts of Greece and I get to do as I please. Only my first move was to take all her shit to storage," he chuckled moving over to help. He pulled a few things out of the bag, turning them over in his hands, "I see someone's on a mexican kick, is mi verga still on?"
"Pinks and purples? Why does everyone automatically go to those colors when they think of me?" He's not the first one to do it, but blue is actually her favorite color and if she had a choice to decorate anything? She'd have a French theme, or an ocean view theme. Pink ane purple is a little overrated. She's not that... bubbly... is she? "That must be so amazin' for her, though. I can't wait to see the world," she sighs, beginning to put a few of the items away in their designated spots. "I'm making tacos, yes. That's what's for dinner and for dessert," she answers, finding the single white peach she'd found, and tosses it in his direction. "Found your peach," she grins teasingly, taking the cheese from him to put it in the fridge.
"So I've been set up," he replied, arms crossing over his chest, still smirking "You always lie on the first date, cause you definitely told me Lavender that first night," Maybe she was expecting not to see him again. Fat chance. He would've found a totally none stalkery way to see a vixen like her again. Coop shrugged, "For her? Fuck yeah. Though all she does is sit around and drink in them fancy hotels. I get it, you're 90 Phae, but get your ass in that sun and live a little," He chuckled, passing her some ingredients, not missing she totally skipped over his question. "Don't think you're slick. I see you changing the subject, but I like peaches so I'll eat this one...as long as I get to try yours later,"
"Did I?" She smirks knowingly, unable to help herself. He's just so easy. Cooper's one of those easy going guys who literally doesn't allow anything to bother him and she appreciates that about him so much to the point where she wishes she could be that good at letting things roll off her back. "Hey, let her live her life. Don't judge," she remarks, keeping everything organized so she can put them away in the proper places. "Changing the subject on what? I don't know what you're trying to tell me, Coop. Maybe you should tell me in plain English?" Ryleigh's only teasing, but she also knows two words in spanish and neither one of them had been what he said.
Don't judge. She didn't know Phae. She ate pixies like Ryleigh for lunch. Read'em for fuckin filth. He loved her, but he could definitely judge her. "OK-- here's english for you. My dick. Are you having my dick, as like an appetizer or..." he can't help but laugh as he hands her the last of the groceries and leans against the table, "Look at me and say i'm not a snack,"
Ryleigh laughs, because how can she not? He's fucking ridiculous ninety-eight percent of the time. "Oh, you're definitely a snack, Coop," she remarks, plucking the peach from his hands after she's finished putting away the last of the groceries. "Do you really want me to suck your dick that bad? You can't even wait to be a little surprised by when I do it?" Ryleigh asks, leaning against the counter opposite him and biting into the peach she'd bought specifically for him, her free hand lifting when she feels a trickle of juice drip down her chin.
"the fuck," he laughs, swiping for the stolen fruit, but she's faster. That or he's not trying too hard. "I do, I really really do-ooo," his voice is sing songy as he steps forward, his reflexes quick enough to catch her hand this time. "Don't worry, I gotcha," It's a light push to her wrist as he closes the gap and his head dips, his tongue wiping the trail of sweetness clean before pressing a light kiss. "I'd apologize for being overeager, but sorry, I'm not sorry. I really like you," he says, bringing his hand to cup her cheek as he pulls back, thumb caressing gently"And I'd really like your lips around my cock, but if its a no go, I get it. Tell me no now and I'll drop it for the rest of the night. Pinkie promise,"
Her breath hitches in her throat when his hand catches her own. Coop is flirty. He's loud. He's so unlike anyone she's ever known before, yet she's drawn to him. Their friendship, however unexpected, is one she craves because he makes her think less and act more. Before she can react, his tongue is swiping up the sticky trail on her chin, and he's kissing her. It's brief and light, but need strikes hard and fast behind her naval. I really like you. Is she really that weak? Yeah, she might be a little. Ryleigh takes another bite of the peach before she's setting it down on the counter before her, chewing her bite and swallowing the bitter sweet fruit. She pushes him back so he's leaning against the counter again before lifting up onto her tip toes to kiss him. A whisper of a touch of her lips against his, but a kiss all the same. "I really like you, too, Coop," she whispers softly as her small hands drop to his pants. "How much have you thought about it? My lips around your cock, I mean," she asks innocently, almost too sweetly, as she peers up at him with those sparkling green eyes of hers, one of her hands slipping beneath his pants to press her small palm flush against cock.
His back hits the counter, not hard, but enough to make his cock twitch as her lips brush his. It's barely anything and it leaves him wanting, though her words? It's got him half chubbed, zero to sixty. That was a lie. Just texting her had gotten him worked up, but that was beside the point as her hand dropped, ghosting over the elastic and then beneath. He took a breath, his tongue pressing to his canines as he fights the urge to moan just yet, "Like-- a lot. A fucking ton," He can't hold it in, a soft groan escaping him as her palm connects with his cock. He never wore underwear, he told her as much their first meet, and feeling her bare skin against him had his head tilting forward, snagging another kiss, this one deeper than the last. "From the moment I met you, I knew they'd look so perfect..." he murmured into the kiss, before chuckling softly, "definitely top ten spank bank material,"
From her vantage point, she's granted an exceptional view of his jaw, of the day old stubble she can feel when her free hand rises to brush the back of her hand against him there. His groan makes a wave of heat flush over her body, cheeks growing pink, her hand palming his cock pressing harder, with more purpose, enough to make him feel good but not to hurt him. "From the moment we met, huh?" Ryleigh teases, smiling into the kiss he gives her, her hand falling from his jaw to graze down the front of his chest. He's so handsome, ridiculously so, and the fact that he wants her mouth on his cock? Ryleigh's filled with a sense of euphoria as she uses her free hand to work his button free, to push down the fabric of his pants until they're pooled round his ankles. His length springs free and Ryleigh nips at his lower lip once before she sinks to her knees in front of him. "Top ten but not number one?" She asks softly as her small hand curls around his cock, dragging up the length of him in one slow stroke before she's pressing the softest of kisses to the already leaking tip. Her eyes never leave his face.
Despite those sweet innocent features, Cooper had known there was much more beneath her angelic exterior. No one with lips that perfectly plump could be. She was fuckin built for this, the perfect trap to anyone unsuspecting and Coop? He would dive in cock first anytime. His breathing hitches in his throat as he wets his lips, forcing his eyes to stay open as she works her magic, sending a surge of pleasure through his core with every stroke. "Down to the second. I thought 'Fuck those are the most perfect BJ lips I've ever seen," He feels the button pop and a shaky breath escapes, feeling the cool apartment air as his cock, thick and already pulsing, is exposed. He shifts, chuckling as he kicks his ankles free of the material and she slinks, in fucking slo mo, to her knees. The sight alone is almost enough to make him come undone but he tightens his core and fuckin prays he lasts longer than 60 seconds. "For now. Gotta allow for some growth you know, but keep this up, baby girl, and you be top 3 in no time," he chuckles again, his body trembling at the soft touch of her lips. One of his hands dip into her hair, dragging his blunt nails through the blonde tresses. "Damn that feels nice," The words came out with a sigh, his whiskey hues still connected with her bright blue.
Most perfect BJ lips? Her own shaky exhale washes over his skin where she's got her mouth poised above his cock.  "And what if I want to be number one, hm?" Ryleigh queries with a soft, teasing lilt in her voice - giving him a small pout as her hand continues to work along his shaft in effort to make him  trembled or her. That previous, shaky breath he'd let out, she wants to hear it again. She shifts on her knees, her thighs pressing together as he uses that little pet name for her and when his fingers sink into her hair, those blunt tips grazing her scalp, Ryleigh doesn't bother quieting her own whimper of pleasure. She doesn't offer him another response, but instead, with her hand working down his length, wraps her lips around his bulbous head, suckling softly on just the tip. Like it's her favorite flavor popsicle and she can't get enough of the taste.
He feels her breath, warm and tantalizing, against his flesh and resists the urge to buck his hips. The stroke of her hand feels fucking incredible but the thought of watching his head disappear past those tickle me pink lips, the thought of feeling her tongue swirl and-- god fucking damn. he can hardly wait. "You work for it," he replies, breath already beginning to rasp as he hears her whimper. "Music to my ears. If only I'd been psychic enough to set up my fuckin phone. I'd listen to that all day," But he commits it to memory as he looks down at her sugary sweet features, her cheeks painted pink as her lips part as take him in, no hesitation, and feels the suction draw another soft groan from his throat. Heat flushes his skin, his fingers still working through her hair as his heartbeat quickens. It feels good. So damn good. And the view is everything he imagined and more. he trembles, his back digging into the counter as his head tilts to the side, getting a better angle. "That's it, baby, take it like it's your favorite,"
Work for it. S'not the first time she's heard those words. Ryleigh doubts they'll be the last, but something about Cooper, about being friends with him, makes her want to prove him wrong. Or right? She wants to be so good at this, he'll be dizzy with need every time he thinks about her mouth wrapped round his cock. Ryleigh hums around him, allowing him to feel the vibration of it. She should hate those words on his tongue, hate the way he seems so cocky about this, but a part of her finds a thrill in it if the way her panties are already drenched, clinging to her lower lips. She suckles on him for another moment longer, working her hand down his shaft, her free hand lifting to tease at the heavy sacs at the base of his cock before she pushes forward. Pink lips stretching wide around his shaft as she drops low, lower, breathing in deep until he hits the back of her throat and she can't take anymore of him. With another low hum, she bobs her head, working her mouth along his cock, using her hand to work what she can't fit into her mouth just yet.
She hums, sending little waves of pleasure up his length, that have his fingers tightening in her hair. This position. As incredible as it felt to look down and see his dick practically devoured, his hands felt useless. And he was nothing if not a team player, but-- she seemed to like havin her hair teased, so his free hand pushed past her locks, the other loosening enough to massage her scalp. He feels the pads of her fingers grazing his balls and he swallows hard, the heat continuing to coil and build behind his abdomen as she begins to take more and more of him in. It's hard to say he's ever seen a better disappearing act as he groans deeply, the tip of his cock bumping the back of her throat. "Jesus fuckin Christ," he says breathlessly, his nails raking harder this time, unable to control the pressure as the pleasure builds and her head starts to bob. "God damn, Ryleigh, fuck that feels so so good, baby girl," he groans, his breathing growing more labored by the second.
Both of his hands are in her hair now, one massaging her scalp, the other curling in her golden locks and it's one of her biggest weaknesses the action draws another whimper from her. This one caught in her throat since her mouth is currently occupied, working along his length. Spit is already dribbling down his length from how much she's enjoying herself, and she uses it to work her hand faster, in time with her mouth. His nails raking harder make her nipples harden, a sharp ache building behind her sensitive little clit, not that she expects him to reciprocate. Sure, he mentioned wanting her, but that's not the same as actually doing anything, which Ryleigh expects because this isn't about her. He just had to go and use that pet name again, though, causing her to moan softly and shift herself up in such a way that when she bobs her head down, the head of his cock inches past her throat. Ryleigh gags, but just a little, her cheeks flushing read. She doesn't stop as she swallows, forcing him to feel that tightness contract around him. She hasn't stopped massaging him, either, palming the heavy sacs and she hates how eager she is for a taste of him, for his cum to fill her belly.
She doesn't have to wait long. All of her little whimpers, hitches, moans. The way her hand pumps, moving in perfect sync with those pillowy pink lips along the slickness of his thick cock. The way she damn near chokes herself and does skip a beat and her throat spasms around him. It's too much and god mother fucking damn does it feel eu-fucking-phoric. His eyes shut, his hips arching as one hand clenches her hair and the other drags against her scalp, a deep guttural moan pouring from his lips as he unravels, body tightening, cumming so hard his knees nearly give out. His mind hazes, and he'd swear he passed out for a millisecond as the heat in his dick rushed through the rest of his body, lining his cheeks as his body shuddered and his grip in her hair slacks. He doesn't stop playing with her hair as pleasure washes over him, slowing him down as he fights to find words, "That-- that's definitely number 2 slot-- spank, holy fuckballs,"
Either it's been a while for him or she hasn't lost her touch at all, but Ryleigh is triumphant when she feels his hand tighten in her hair, when she feels his balls shudder and then he's there. A pulse of sticky warmth down her throat, coming in her mouth without warning her - not that she cares because that's what she wanted, but if she'd been anyone else, they probably would've had a few choice words for him. Ryleigh, however, whimpers and swallows every drop he gives her, continuing to work her mouth along him until she's sure she's manage to milk every drop of that creamy substance from his cock for now. He tastes as wild and heady as his entire personality, which doesn't surprise her. A minute later, she finally sits back on her haunches, a knowing grin on her lips as she licks her lips over her swollen pink lips, licking any remnants of him from her mouth. "I guess I'll take number two." She shrugs lightly, voice slightly huskier than normal, before she's rising to her feet and spinning to make a grab for the peach on the counter. There's an ache between her own thighs she'll take care of later, but she doesn't expect him to return the favor.
Cooper takes a few breathes, trying to get a grip on them as Ryleigh rides the tsunami of a orgasm she'd just given him. It's impressive really, as he forces his eyes open to see how she not only takes a load like a champ but swallows every. last. drop. talk about fucking wifey material. but she's still going, the friction keeping his dick from softening though it's sensitive, to the point he actually sighs in relief as she sits back and those big blue eyes connect with his half lidded ones. He cocks a single brow, panting still as she stands and reaches for the peach as if she didn't just rock his fucking world. Cooper's reflexes kick in once more though, catching her hand to spin and pull her toward him, "Aye, and where do you think you're going?" he asked, a smirk lining his features as he dipped to kiss her, "I'd like my appetizer, please and thank you"
When he catches her hand and spins her back to him, Ryleigh goes willingly, if a little surprised by his actions. "Nowhere? Just going to eat my peach," she answers, but then he's smirking and dipping his head to kiss her. Heat flickers down her spine and she wonders if he can taste himself on her tongue. "Appetizer? You don't have to if you don't want to, Coop," she reiterates, face flushing at the prospect of him doing that to her. There'd been that time a few weeks ago someone had done it, but it's all such a blur now, it still makes her blush that someone wants to willingly make her feel good. "I promise it's not a make or break thing," she adds, voice a little quieter. She also doesn't want to have to explain her scars, but knowing Coop, he'd say something adorably dickish and move past them. So... what's really the hang up on her part? Ryleigh doesn't want to be a disappointment to him.
"Really? That's what you wanna do right now? Eat a shitty peach?" he chuckled leaning toward the counter before swatting the peach into the floor like a fucking cat video. "Oops. Guess that's off the counter," He has to bite the inside of his lip to keep from laughing again. She's uncomfy, that's obvious, but she'd literally just given him one of the best bjs in his life stint in-- no fucking life and now she was feeling shy? It didn't add up. "Ryleigh, Ryles, Ry Ry....why the fuck wouldn't I? Actually its kinda selfish of you to wanna to have all the fun. I have needs you know and right now? I need you to sit on my face and let me know exactly how wet making me cum made that sweet sweet pussy of yours," As he's talking, his free hand snakes around her waist, slowly guiding her toward the couch. He's moving slow, slow enough that if she really doesn't want the reprieve, she can stop him, but he sure as hell hope she doesn't.
Her mouth falls open when he smacks the peach out of her hand. "Cooper! What is wrong with you? That was a perfectly good peach!" She manages to argue with him just as he's managed to keep her flush against his body. Her pink lips, now swollen, form into a small pout as he slowly backs her up toward the couch. Sit on his face? No, she's not.. definitely not doing that. She blushes so hard, she can feel the heat in her cheeks, but she doesn't stop him from continuing to guide her back toward the couch. "You can... you can still find out... but I'm not sitting on your face, Coop. But if you really want to... find out... then I guess you can, but remember what I said. No questions, okay?" Ryleigh peers up at him from beneath her long lashes, very reminiscent of Puss in Boots in that scene in Shrek when he's pleading for someone to do something for him. "I want it, I do, I just---- my pleasure usually isn't what people think about." She shrugs, telling him the truth of her apprehension because it's Cooper and they're friends, aren't they?
He doesn't glance over his shoulder as he moves and nearly trips over his shoes, but he recovers like the bomb ass martial artist he is. He doesn't blush but he could probably see the red in hers from orbit. "Oh come ooon. I promise its comfortable. The god's blessed me with the perfect jaw for it, it jut screams 'sit here'," They reach the couch and he lingers for a moment, watching her pull out all the stops. Over what? Did she have like a third nipple down there or something? Because honestly that sounded kinda hot in a weird Picasso kinda way, "Fine, no questions," he replies plopping onto the couch. He wastes no time having his hands massage over denim covering her hips and around to pop their button. He's listening or trying to as he starts to ease them down. "Then you've been with the wrong peeps, baby girl, cause pleasure is definitely a two way street. I mean-- think about it," he began, shoving the denim to her ankles before sliding his hands up her thighs, his eyes up, connecting with hers as one hand slips between her creamy thighs. She's wet...so much wetter than he'd thought and he can't help but groan softly, "Think about how wet you are...you're fucking drenched for me and I barely touched you. If makin me feel good, makes you feel that good, why wouldn't it be the same for me, hm? And if it ain't, then those people? They aint worth your fuckin time and more than likely, the air they breathe,"
Ryleigh takes a deep breath, his words dragging a low, amused little laugh from her at his comment. He does have a very nice jaw, she'll give him that and maybe, one day, she'll be comfortable enough to sit on his face because she wants to and not just because he wants that from her. Her uneasiness settles when he finally agrees to keep his questions to himself.  He plops down onto the couch leaving her standing in front of him, his fingers deftly freeing the button on her jeans. Fabric gives just slightly as he slowly eases them down over her hips, down her thighs, until they're pooled around her ankles. She struggles to work her feet free, pushing the denim to the side once she's able to, her off the shoulder sweatshirt long enough to cover her ass and hide most of her panties from him, but then his hands are grazing up her thighs and it's-- her knees tremble beneath the touch. He's not wrong; she's soaked right through her panties. "I-- I guess I never thought of it that way," she answers honestly in a quiet whisper, her throat tight as she watches him watching her. Her small hands rise to settle on his shoulders and she shifts a half step closer to him. "I don't know if I'll be able to do this while standing because my knees are already shaking and you're only touching me," Ryleigh adds, a quiet whimper leaving her as he continues to touch her.
Her pants discarded to the side gives him more access and he loves the effect his touch has on her. And the amount of juices seeping through those flimsy cotton panties, it's enough to coat the pads of his fingers and he pulls back, popping them between his lips. She tastes like a fuckin main course, the subtle salty with taste only a on point pussy would taste of, and he groans softly as his fingers leave his lips and slip right back between her thighs. "Then come here," he says, drawing her onto the couch so that she's straddling him, his fingers pressing that thin material past her folds to find her pretty-- well he assumed it was pretty, little clit. "What do you think about that makes your nipples hard and your clit throb? Tell me what you want, what you fuckin desire, Ryleigh, and I'll give it to you,"
Cooper's that kind of handsome where you're not sure if he's even real because he's almost too handsome. They'd met at some random party Ryleigh had decided to check out on a whim, spent far too much time outside climbing trees, and now they're here. His lips wrapping around his fingers to taste her arousal on them. Ryleigh files the image away for her own use, later, because it's one of the sexiest things she's ever seen someone do because of her. When he drags her onto his lap, thighs spread to straddle him, Ryleigh's little hands find purchase on his shoulders, shifting herself to get more comfortable but his hands are there, between her thighs again, his fingers finding her clit with expertise and she--- is she really supposed to answer him? What she wants, it isn't real. Being the girl someone can't wait to get their hands on, can't wait to ruin with as many orgasms as possible. She's the girl when there's no one else available, though, and she's come to terms with that a long time ago, so instead of answering him, she sinks her fingers into his hair and drags his mouth to hers for a kiss. Desperate, needy. "I want you to make me cum, Cooper, please?" Ryleigh whispers against his mouth, rolling her hips forward against his fingers. If he wanted to manhandle her a little while he does... she wouldn't hate it.
Coop can feel her warmth the second the gap between them closes and as her weight presses into his shoulders and he gets a glimpse of her amazing breasts, he can't think of a single reason anyone would deny this bombshell the pleasure she so rightly deserved. Yes, she had those innocent doe eyes and those plump little cheeks that made ya wanna squeeze them, but like beauty, sexy was in the eyes of the beholder, and his eyes? They were telling him she was one of the most fuckable girls in Dayton. Her kiss is dizzying and he can taste how bad she needs this. Who was he to disappoint? "That's child's play, baby girl," he replies, lips breaking into a smirk against her lips as he finally pushes the fabric away and the pads of his fingers meet her slick heat, "Im going to make you squirt for me," As he speaks, his hands leave their spots, finding her hips to jerk her to the side and onto her back. Fingers curl into the elastic of her panties and though he was sure he could rip the material, he isn't an animal ( yet ), and he drags them down her thighs and past her ankles. They're discarded, but he doesn't wait before he's parting those beautiful thighs. He can see something there, disappearing as it wrapped around the back, but she said no questions. He'd honor it. For now. And his hand moved to splay her folds as his head dipped, his tongue swatting at her leaking pussy with uncontrolled delight. "You taste so much better than peaches," he teased
Cool air meets her slick flesh when he just barely nudges her panties to the side. His words spoken with such confidence, like there's never been a moment he's been with someone where he hasn't made them squirt. Ryleigh whimpers loudly, much more so than she intends to, but he's quick to jerk her onto her back, her small body easy to move compared to how much bigger and stronger he is. He's not the most overpowering person she's been with, but need still flickers through her at how easily he can have her spread open for him, dragging the soiled material of her panties away from her body. Ryleigh blushes when he parts her thighs, thankful she takes care of herself despite knowing if anyone is even going to be up close and personal with her goods or not. She's bare because it feels better that way and when his fingers spread her slick folds, parting her like he can't wait to--- "Coop," Ryleigh moans, one of her hands reaching down, pushing any thought of uncertainty out of her mind as she focuses on the velvety warmth of his tongue lapping at her center. Fingers spear through his hair, gripping tight as she raises her hips, seeking the warmth of his lips, allowing instinct to guide her.
His name leaving her lips is all he needs. Preferably a need that's recurrently met cause he wants his name in a fucking symphony of groans, moans, and whimpers. He wanted varying volumes, speeds, the works. He wanted his name carved in her memory so that whenever those delicate digits found their way between her own thighs, it was his name she sang out. His name that shook her core and took her to the euphoric crescendo.  and he'd gladly do whatever it took to get her there. Hands push through his hair as his tongue circles the sensitive bundle of nerves, and he had to grin, her hips bucking as he slowed down to take his time, to allow them both to enjoy it as he began to spell. C-O-O-P-E-R.
A knot forms in her throat, because nobody took time with her. Thats... okay, some people did. Some people took their time, but mostly because she liked to tease. Because she loved the control it gave her to have someone throbbing under her mouth - be it a cock or pretty pussy - it didn't really matter. Cooper, though, with every drag of his tongue against her center, she grows dizzy from the weight of the pleasure in her veins. His tongue circles around the sensitive bundle, drawing a breathy little moan from her throat. Her lithe fingers tighten in his hair, tryin not to roll her hips up against his tongue. Lost as she is in the euphoria he's bestowing upon her, she doesn't catch what he's trying to do with his tongue. Just knows each soft, velvety swirl causes goosebumps to kiss her skin and her body to arch up toward his face in effort to make him stop. torturing. her. "Coop, please," she pleads when fire licks down her spine, sweat beading along her forehead. Ryleigh lifts her head to peer down at him, her lower lip catching between her teeth at the sight of him there - jaw dripping with evidence of her need. "I want to come for you," she admits, her face flaming a bright shade of pink at her words. She's not unused to saying them, but she's never said anything so bold to him and it's-- she wants him to think about her after this. When he's alone in his shower, working his fist along his cock. She wants him to remember this moment and how she felt coming on his tongue.
He can tell she's trying to restrict herself, her hips tense as hands brush over their curves. Her fingers feel fucking great, tightening as she moans for him. Whatever she's trying to hold back, he makes it his goal to expose, because fuck he wants to see her unravel completely. He wants her melt, to be a puddle in the wake of his masterful cunnilingus. Which he'd definitely make a joke about later. But for now she was pleading, her body arching, resolve loosening with every swirl of his tongue. "That's what I like to hear, baby girl. Cum for daddy," he teases, pulling the bundle between his lips to suckle as his right hand slips between them, digits grazing her thickness before circling her heat with his middle finger. She's so fuckin wet and he just can't resist pressing forward, sliding the tip inside her, as his tongue continue working it magic.
She's overwhelmed. Flickers of pleasure licking through her body, making her vision cross and her hands shake as she keeps them tight in his hair. If she let's go, she's not sure she won't float away on a cloud, because this has to be a dream. Nothing could feel this good, could be this intense. Except every swirl of his tongue proves different, her thighs trembling on either side of his head. Full lips wrap around her sensitive little clit right after he says those words. Right after he uses that moniker on himself and it's too much. It's fucking too much and she-- a rush of euphoria crashes over her body in heavy waves, a sweet, lilted cry of "daddy please" coiling off the tip of her tongue like she has any fucking right to say it, but he'd started it and she's coming so hard around his the tip of his finger. Just the tip. Not even the entire thing, and she's a mess. A familiar warmth burns behind her eyes as the intensity weighs heavy on her chest, her thighs fluttering on either side of his head as if trying to clamp down, to push him away, because she feels more vulnerable than she ever has and it's embarrassing.
"daddy please" fuck-- he could've cum right then and there hearing those words. His cock, still hard from their explorations, throbbed, and he had to focus as her walls clenched around his finger tip. He feels the rush of warm there, her shuddered breaths as her thighs tremble, but he doesn't stop. No fuckin way is he not riding it out, enjoying every little twitch and whimper as he slows, his pressure lightening to adjust to what he assumed was now highly sensitive. "such a good girl," he practically purrs against her, feeling her muscles beginning to relax. He sits up a bit, his whiskey colored hues falling on her scarlet stained face. No doubt he's cover in her, but he makes no effort to brush it away not even as he pulls his finger out of her deliciously wet core and pops it in his mouth. "I think I found my new favorite meal," he teases, pressing soft kisses along her thighs. He can see better now...thin sometimes jagged looking scars the wrap around the backs of them. His instinct isn't to ask. No, she already said she didn't want to talk about anything he saw. Instead he brushes his lips along them, peppering kisses down the length of each one as he lifts one of her legs to rest atop his shoulder. "God, you're beautiful," he murmurs against her.
there's such a swell of emotion in her chest and fire sparking through her body, it's hard for her to focus on any one sensation. he doesn't stop,even as she falls apart, but rather licks and touches her through it until she's no more than a softly whimpering mess. she's surprised she feels herself relaxing at all, but he let's up, and finally, she can breathe, but she inhales so sharply, unable to stop the fall of her tears from the corners of her eyes. ryleigh can only let out a half laugh at his words. she can't taste that good.  the petite blonde shakes her head, tries to shift herself away from his attention, but then his head turns and she feels his lips brushing over the back of one of her thighs. ryleigh's fine, if a little tense, and the bubble of emotion she'd felt explodes when his lips brush across one she knows is particularly rough looking, so deep, the skin is raised and puckered pink. she twitches against him, scrambling away from his mouth, from his attention, from those god awful words on his lips. "please don't. they're not... i'm not..." ryleigh curls herself against the corner of the couch, legs tucked against her chest, arms wrapped tight around them. she's crying, and she doesn't mean to, but nobody's ever-- she remembers the pain. remembers every single time she'd felt the sharp edge of the knife dig into her flesh, her vision blurring from the force of her tears. "i'm sorry," she murmurs, voice muffled by her knees.
No no no. This-- fuck. This was not how things were supposed to go. He wanted her to feel good. To feel fuckin pampered. But she was crying. Her frame shrinking away from him completely and it was obvious by her reaction the chance of him ever getting the opportunity to actually fuck her was gone. Not that he cared. No-- she was hurting and his chest ached for her as he sat up, the back of his hand swiping at his mouth as he slipped off the couch and onto his knees next to her, dispelling the space between them with the wrap of his arms around her. "I'm not gonna to say 'its ok' or 'I know how you feel'. It's obviously not ok and I dunno how you feel or why you feel that way and I'm not asking and I'm not going to feed you that bullshit..." he murmurs, his grip loose enough that if she wants to pull back, it's not a struggle, "Never fuckin apologize for how you're feelin though. It's valid, even if no one else understands. And I'm not sorry for what I said or did, because that's how I feel, even if you don't..."
ryleigh expects him to leave. nobody wants to deal with her minor break down after they've made her cum. she doesn't expect to feel his arms around her, or for him to try and comfort her. when he does, though? when his arms slip around her, she's leaning into his embrace, shifting against him so she's buried into his chest face first, her arms caught between her chest and his. she's not sure how long she let's him hold her, or how long they sit together like this, but she's lulled by the sound of his heart beat. "you were great. i'm a mess," she manages to whisper softly, blinking through the burn of her eyes, fingers spreading over the fabric of his shirt. "it's been a long time since anyone's-- i love sex. don't get me wrong. i'm good at it and i love it a lot, but it's never... i've just had some bad experiences and usually, it's not about what i want or how i feel. so it's-- it was just overwhelming. and i'm not proud of my scars. i am, because i survived, but sometimes they just make feel ugly. damaged. it's like this reminder that no matter how much i try to pretend like i'm okay, that i'm whole, i'm not." god, she's word vomiting all over him. sniffling softly, ryleigh lifts her head away from his chest, hands wiping over her face. "i'm sorry. i've... never told anyone that before." she whispers, before realizing this is cooper and this is probably the last thing he signed up for.
he doesn't expect her to lean in. if anything he expected a shove to his chest, maybe a few choked words not so subtly telling him to leave. as dim as people thought he was, Cooper knew he wasn't the guy people looked to for this sort of thing. He was loud and obnoxious and he was fuckin proud of it. He accepted that part of himself, embraced it a long ass time ago. no one brought a fuckin clown to a memorial. but she buried her head against his chest and he can feel his shirt soaking with her tears, but he doesn't move. He's not even sure if he's breathing until he hears her voice, barely above a whisper, breaks the silence. he lets her talk, though he's glad she can't his facial expression shift. he wants to interrupt. To tell her whoever made her feel that way...whoever fuckin did this to her didn't deserve the fuckin air they were breathing and that if he ever ran into them, he'd make it so every breath they took was a fucking struggle. But he managed to keep that, and more than a few others at bay, his jaw flexing as she lifted her head and he met those big blue eyes. They were red-- puffy, but still as gorgeous as ever. Especially as the last of her words fell from her lips and a small smirk curls onto his lips as he presses a kiss just below her eye. He can practically taste the salt as he pulls back, his volume matching hers "Ugh, you gotta stop with the apologies. Does it look like I care? I mean-- I do, but not about that. So stop," he presses another, this time below her other eye, "Nobody is whole, Ryleigh. It's a flippin myth. We all have our scars that make us feel like shit...some wear them on the outside, others on the inside, some are deeper than others and they all effect us differently. Yours at least tell your story of survival...they, no matter how fuckin painful, tell a story. Me? I've got fuckin orbs on my body for shits and giggles. Not even one, Ryleigh. Seven. SEVEN," he said pulling back to show her his wrists.
"But like i said before, your feelings? They’re valid and you can’t help them, sometimes you gotta say fuck it and lean into them to get through them. But you can’t let them define you either, cause your more than that shit--” his voice cut off with a soft chuckle, his eyes pulling from hers as he glances up, “I dunno if that makes any fucking sense. But it feels right to me and I hope you feel it too,”
sharing her thoughts, allowing herself not to be okay-- she's spent three years living another life. longer, actually, if you take into account her childhood. living this half life where she can smile at a complete stranger, yet, when caught in the silence of her own space, she immerses herself inside her own heartache. she never shares this part of herself with anyone, because there's a persona she has. one she's kept up very nicely since arriving in town (minus a few setbacks here and there), but for the most part, she's managed to maintain some semblance of normalcy. her cheeks flush when he kisess first one cheek, then the other, her tears clinging to his lips as he pulls away. a watery laugh catches in her throat at his words, but mostly because it was such a cooper way to answer her, but also surprisingly sweet? red rimmed eyes fall to where he holds out his wrists, orangish hued orbs inked upon his skin, barring stars in the middle. she's not sure what they're for, or why, but she's lifting one of her hands to brush her thumb over the soft, sensitive skin. "shits and giggles? no other reason?" she asks softly, her voice raspy due to the effort of trying to hold in her sobs. ryleigh sighs softly. it's the most she's heard cooper talk about anything without him trying to talk about his dick in the same sentence and it's a lot, but not... she appreciates it. him. leaning into him, she presses a soft kiss to his lips and it should deter her, the smell of her on his skin, but she kind of.. likes it? "thank you, cooper. i'm s-- i didn't mean to ruin the moment. it was just very overwhelming for me to feel so many things at once, and then you were kissing them and calling me beautiful and it-- it was overwhelming." she states quietly, licking her parched lips as she remains leaning against him, pantsless.
he chuckles, the soft brush tickling a little. "I mean-- yes and no. They're called Dragon Balls...they're nothing alone. Paper weights at best. But together they represent this otherworldly magic with the power to grant any fuckin wish you can dream up. So I could give you some bullshit about how each one represents my siblings and I and how together we can fuckin rule the world, but honestly? It's a fun excuse to get naked and grant some wishes," Cooper said, tossing her a playful wink. There were more than a few reasons he liked the idea of tattooing, most of which would make him sound fucking high, but hey-- any way to cut the tension, right? He smiles into her kiss, warmth spreading through him as she seems to relax a little more. he wasn't afraid of a heavy moment, but fuck were they stressful. And stress wasn't a state he existed in often. As she mentioned the moment, he feigned a glance down, his eyes flicking back up with a coy smirk. "I'm not gonna lie, Big Coop's pretty fuckin soft, but I'd be more worried if he were the opposite. Just don't judge him, he's a grower, not a shower," Not that that was ever a problem. He was almost always a quarter of the way chubbed. A problem? Maybe to some, but to him? Definitely not. "I get that. I know I'm a bit of an acquired taste...but I meant what I said, you are beautiful. Every last inch of you," he muses, squeezing her gently before pressing one last kiss to her lips. Now would be the perfect time to linger. To coax her in to something deeper, something more sensual than the few soft touches they'd been sharing. But he shifts, unwrapping his arms so he can stand, because come on-- as much as he'd love to round the bases and bring it home, he's not a fucking sleaze bag. He knew when the inning was over and this was that. "How about you stay there. Relax and I'll start the fajitas and then you can take over when you start smellin smoke," he teased, moving pantless into the kitchen. Sexy times were over, but that was fine. It wouldn’t be long until he had some delicious fajitas-- decent fajitas, and a beautiful woman to snuggle up to. And that? That was all he really needed.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E16 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 352 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 338 Responses
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This episode gained a lot of positive responses with 87.6% rating it at a 5, with only a couple people not so impressed. Hopefully future episodes will keep up the high streak!
As it stands right now, this is my favorite episode from the anime. How the Beast Titan's rampage was animated was so much more horrific and impactful than the manga, I felt more sympathy with Erwin than I did when I read the manga, and the final series of scenes that depict the suicide charge were so masterfully done I felt my heart grow heavy. Absolutely spectacular. I hope the next episode is even better <3
It was fucking amazing. Perfect game, more like perfect episode
Great job all around the board imo. The rock throwing was truly horrifying either the red mist, and the screams were done perfectly
So far easily the most harrowing, depressing episode of the anime :/
Even though I knew what it is going to happen in this ep, wit has managed to surprise me. Best episode of the season so far with the first one.
Favorite episode of the series so far
It was great, but the poor animation quality really ruins some serious moments in this arc, as many people are dying
Just Perfect, the tension and release were just on point 👌
Took the crown from S2EP6 as the best of the series for me.
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A lot of attention was on Erwin this chapter and many were moved by his scenes. Most notably, his charge with his soldiers at the Beast Titan led with 28.9% respondents picking it as their favorite moment. 17.8% respondents said Levi kneeling in front of Erwin and vowing to take down Zeke was their favorite, followed by Erwin’s motivational speech at 14.3%.
Bombardment scene was made 30 times better in the anime.
It was the moment we were all waiting for, and it happened and now I'm like a deflated balloon of emotion. Thank you, Erwin.
The imagery of the fallen scouts chilled me and I loved that included Isabel, Farlan, Isle Lagnar etc but my anger towards Annie has been resurged seeing Petra's face. Female titan I'll never forgive you for wrecking Levi Squad!
Erwin and Levi's relationship is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen, and I was happy seeing how it was portrayed, finally. With them having cut so many of the moments that showed Erwin as human, I'm glad they took the time to draw the moment of his smile so much. Long live my Commander, I would have followed him to hell.
I was astonished at how well they adapted Levi and Erwin's scenes.  Bravo, the animation was top notch, the voice acting was stellar, like wow.
The bodies on the red background was really dark & was the part that had the most impact on me (as opposed to the manga)
erwin and levi's talk made me a lot more emotional than it did in the manga. the whole team did a pretty damn good job with this episode.
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Unsurprisingly, Erwin gains the MVP award for this episode. Some think Levi stands out as well.
Erwin is humanity"s greatest soldier. Rest in peace, Commander.
Ono Daisuke is the goddamn mvp
Erwin made me gay
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28% of respondents can relate to Connie’s stressful comedic moment, with 27.5% believe he has the right to make jokes. Some are rolling their eyes or think this isn’t quite an appropriate time.
I think Connie´s joke was his own form of mental breakdown. It makes him all the more relatable to me.
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If asked to join Erwin on the suicide charge, a majority at 38.8% of respondents would have faith in the commander and hope to survive. 30.1% of participants aren’t sure what they would do, while an equal amount of people are between retreating or surrendering on the spot.
Crack a joke like Connie
If Erwin throw himself from a bridge, I would too! The fuck. Ok but being serious, being in that horrible scenario without a chance to survive, just nod and fight until the end.
Fuck it. I'm going die anyway; might as well go out swingin
cry, disassociate, and die. in that order.
Lads you would not catch me within 1000 miles of a battlefield. I'm less useful than Reiner on a battlefield, and that's saying something.
Pull a Floch and shit myself while crying
I would actually with all my heart follow Commander Erwin fucking Smith with no expectations of survival. Never have I ever encountered a man as compelling as him, real or fictional.
Sorry Erwin but... someone’s gotta keep Floch from being an ass. I’m sure you understand.
Not really but what about trying to hide closer to the wall since zeke will be throwing rocks at erwin and the others... then wait until levi is done with the monkey.
I would have never been stupid enough to join the survey corps to begin with lol
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41.3% of respondents believe that there was no other choice Levi could have made except to defeat the Beast Titan. 39.9% think the plan was the better of the two strategies.
It was the only viable narrative choice, but if it was a real battle retreating with as many survivors as possible might have been sensible.
Levi gave Erwin salvation by making the choice for him and gladly transferred Erwin's own burden of guilt and responsibilities onto his own shoulders. Which also why the word choice of "follow" seems iffy. Erwin is a proven master strategist and brilliant tactician, so of course you always go with his plan. BUT Levi didn't just 'follow' his plan, he made an active *choice* to implement the plan. It is Levi's plan as much as it is Erwin's.
Levi let his personal feelings get in the way of determining what would be the best hope for Humanity's survival.
I sincerely doubt Beastie would have let the survivors go unmolested all the way back to Wall Rose, and Levi knew it which was why he said he doesn't really expect anyone to survive this situation. Erwin had to make his last contribution to humanity in that moment, and they both knew that.
i think the plan should have been to stunt the beast, as we know that he doesn't get killed here anyway (obvs they don't know that), just buy some time ans save as many souls as possible.
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A large majority of voters are willing to believe in Erwin’s encouraging words and die by them no matter the risk.
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Out of the few distracting insults, Sasha calling Bertolt a “massive pervert lord” was the best out of the three for 69.6% of respondents.
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It isn’t often Levi is caught off-guard, so his shocked expression this episode was favored by 41.1% of voters. 23.3% of people thought Erwin had an expressive reaction as well.
Erwin’s face when he got hit... Wish we could’ve seen the gore though.
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There were a couple unsatisfied viewers, but overall a majority of participants believe the episode was fairly accurate to the manga.
the suicide charge was perfectly done.
that slow mo scene of the first boulder shower was amazing! and then the red mist of blood, the screams and cries of fear, pain, and death of the soldiers, the shock, despair, the ghosts of the dead soldiers, the emotion of Erwin and Levi’s last conversation, gosh this episode was beautiful in a morbid and heartbreaking way
It was very well done. It hurt, but not quite as much as the manga did.
Incredible adaptation. I’m tempted to call it flawless.
erwins soft smile after levi confirms what they must do was so special, especially since they hung on erwins face for a while
This episode was far more horrific than the manga version - the blood mist and the screams really upped the fear.
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There were a few different translations of Connie’s joke depending on the medium. 43.9% preferred Connie’s pun in the manga about Eren having a roof over his head again, while 31.8% thought Connie’s “Yeager” pun in Japanese was the funniest.
The only funny version of connie's joke is the japanese one...
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Erwin’s moment of grief was a somber scene for many, and over half of participants feel the adaptation tugged on their heart strings more than when they read the manga. Less than a quarter felt more sympathetic, with quite a number preferring the original manga version better.
There’s something about actually hearing his voice that made me want to cry again
I dunno, I think both mediums had different but equal impact in terms of the actual speech. The anime is very emotionally and viscerally effective, whereas with the manga you take longer to process what's in front of you at your own pace, in the privacy of your own skull. Both very moving.
Can't reproduce reading it for the first time but this was great.
I really liked it, but the manga is still more powerful for me.
Doesn't matter to me. I felt the same sorrow and overwhelmed like in the manga was a couple years ago. Great job WIT, absolutely!
I prefer the scene in the manga because of Erwin having more moments of being himself instead of colder than a summer day in Colorado, as the manga clues in more to him being a sad old man. However, Ono Daisuke’s voice acting was ON POINT. Erwin’s voice cracks like he was going to cry, the distance in his voice, it just made me cry.
I was practically sobbing on the floor, take from that what you will.
The hidden option of: Both were heartbreaking to me
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Since RtS, Floch has become a paramount character in the current manga arc. Viewing his breakdown in the episode, 37.1% respondents think the moment was great in humanizing him. 18.4% respondents are less moved and found pleasure in his despair. Several were reminded why they used to like Floch and some gave praise to his seiyuu’s performance.
Back when I read the chapters, I found Floch to be annoying, now with the recent ones I really dislike him more. I still felt the same watching the episode but the seiyuu did a good job
Um, a combination of the above options I think. I was always 'meh' about Floch until his jerkface side began to show. So I never actually 'liked' him, but I certainly empathised with him at this point, and his seiyuu was definitely brilliant!
I have never liked him, really
I don't agree with his mindset in the current chapters of the manga but seeing the fucked up shit that he went through being the sole survivor and even then not being able to revive the Commander. I can see that trauma changed him to just follow Eren's instructions that he would let someone like Zeke live on but give far lesser thoughts to his actual saviour, Levi. As such, in the particular episode and the extent of the anime, I pity him and his VA did an amazing job of displaying a normal soldier's reaction.
Independently from his future actions, I think his breakdown is irresponsible and it doesn't help, given the circumstances.
Floch's a prick, but his VA was fantastic here and actually made me sympathize with him quite a bit. Can't wait to hate him again in a few eps though.
I had a lot of sympathy for him at the time in the manga, and seeing it again has made me think about how he's come to the point he has in the current story. PTSD and survivor's guilt explain a lot.
Hate him with a passion. I had forgotten that Levi actually kinda saved him, and now knowing how he wanted to kill Levi in recent chapters made me hate him even more.
I don’t give a floch
I think there still a hidden motive that Floch has since he is definitely following Eren now. I predict that in his mind he is honoring his fallen comrades by acting the way he is in recent chapters. Might be messed up externally, but I think there is more to Floch since his motives likely match Eren’s who we still haven’t quite figured just yet.
Of course we can have sympathy for someone without justifying their actions. I do sympathise terribly with Floch's trauma as the sole survivor of the suicide charge, but I do NOT accept it as a reason to become a militant ethno-nationalist. (His seiyuu was beyond amazing tho, props)
who the fuck is floch?
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Sadly, Marlowe and Moblit’s death scenes will be shown within the next couple episodes. 50.1% of respondents believe these scenes are impactful enough to stick with the manga while 36% would want to see the anime had something more.
Additional scene definitely for Moblit!! Poor boi is so underrated :'-(
Marlowe :( :( :(
I would definitely like to see more of Moblit, we have barely seen him this season. I feel like the only scenes we'll see him in are pre-death and post-death (we could see him as a ghost in Erwin's grief scene). Moblit deserves way more than this. Marlowe is adorable and seeing him die will be enough to break my heart, especially when you think that the only person surviving that suicide charge was not a great person like him, but the disgusting scumbag that Floch is.
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A majority of readers at 69.8% can’t wait to see the infamous first battle between Humanity’s Strongest and the War Chief. 23.3% are more enthusiastic for Armin’s face-off against Bertolt. Needless to say, it’s going to be an eventful episode.
Isn’t it wild that next episode we’ll likely see the defeat of all three of the Warriors? Bye Zeke, Bye Reiner, Super-Bye Bertholdt.
This was the best episode so far that has been aired. The emotions were high, the soundtrack was impeccable, the animation/drawings were fantastic (aka Levi had emotions!!!), and it really did a good job manifesting the hopelessness of the situation to the audience.
I forgot how hopeless the situation was during all of this. The constant narrating on stones in the background and the recruits screams really showed that
My only gripes were the music choice and lack of proper facial expression (Although, maybe that's just because Isayama is amazing at expressions)
That red mist was so horrible and made everything look so gruesome, I was in shock. This episode really hit me hard, I wasn't ready to watch it and now that I have, I'm having a hard time recovering
I was HEARTBROKEN at the end of this episode. Hard enough to read the chapter, worse still to see it on screen. So much sorrow and regret for poor Erwin.
I need that piano ost
Rip Erwin. Shinzou'ed his last sasageyo.
I've never felt something watching SnK until this episode. Erwin's face during the suicide charge was something... That was the real face of fear. He knew he had to let go his dreams for the sake of humanity, unlike previous times where he used this excuse to move forward his dream.
The music and Erwins’s voice actor made it nearly perfect
WIT is playing a dangerous game with the amount of CGI they're using. It hasn't really "ruined" anything for me yet, but they're getting close.
I cried even though i already knew what would happen. Is it normal doctor ?
The episodes have just gotten better and better, and this one might just be my favorite in the series. Definitely top 3. Just fantastic execution all around. It truly managed to bring back that feeling of hopelessness. Daisuke Onoue is an absolute legend. Not ashamed to say I cried about 3 times opon rewatches.
This episode broke me. Literally. I was mourning for Erwin for a while after, still am. I thought having read the manga would prepare me somewhat for the Vow™ conversation, but holy shit. I dunno if this is in the manga but Erwin had tears in his eyes when he sat on the crate. Erwin Smith was *crying*. And his voice (kudos to Daisuke Ono!!!) just. Absolutely wrecked me. Amazing, amazing episode. The kind you badly want to rewatch again and again but can't without bolstering up your emotional strength each goddamn time.
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Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again in a few days!
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nakahara-angie · 5 years
Character cheat sheet
Alright so today I decided to rewatch bungou stray dogs cuz my writing is really lacking when it comes the all the characters. It feels like they’re more often than not out of character. So I wrote down notes on how they behave (and a lot of stray comments) and thought I’d share them in hopes that it might help someone else. Getting all these characters right is really hard after all. So, enjoy! And feel free to add/comment if you want to change something!
Here goes! Part 1/2 The Agency
- very loud
- Lots of exclamation marks!
- Always looks worried, probably is as well
- Assume a lot
- There’s just so much panic in that small body
- Stutters
- Says stupid things to get out of something
- Not confident enough in his abilities
- Puts others above himself
- He needs to actually want to hurt someone or he doesn’t know how to fight
- Good instincts when it comes to fighting as well
- If this boy couldn’t regenerate he’d be dead by now
- Fighting spirit is much fueled by rage
- This naive little thing, stop believing everything people say
- Easily scared
- Jesus he’s gullible, stop listening to Dazai
- His will to protect others is admirable
- He can transform fully he just rarely does it
- Always sees good in people
- He is so done with everyone
- Uses San for almost everyone (as he should)
- Usually answer questions with questions
- Doesn’t correct assumptions
- Doesn’t make them himself
- Neutral/bored facial expression unless he’s teasing someone
- He actually is serious sometimes, actually pretty often
- Watashi
- Does go for some pretty long monologues when he explains things
- Actually listens to kunikidas orders
- Pain does in fact not bother him
- Watch him punch someone with a cheesy line
- He likes to tell the criminal how he figured it out or where they made a mistake
- Hands in pockets, always
- He shows surprise in his eyes
- Very mean when he has to, Akutagawa for example (see: my new subordinate is much better than you)
- Says Chuuya a lot, well people’s names in general
- All this pickpocketing
- I mean he can actually fight
- Also this jumping up from a laying position
- We already know he’s smart but Jesus, how do you write a character that’s smarter than yourself?
- He just sitting against the wall in a 90 degree angle so Chuuya can reach him, cute
- Does in fact not know everything, he does research to find what he needs
- He tells Oda about missions at lupin, lupin really must be mafia owned?
- “The biggest misfortune of Dazai’s enemies is that they are Dazai’s enemy”
- He did still joke a lot in the mafia, same lightheartedness as now.
- Does Dazai know it’s gonna end badly with oda? He wanted to take a picture to remember
- Uses a lot of fancy words even when young
- Carries a lock pick
- He guesses a lot and says he knew
- Dont feed him spicy food
- Fuzz up? I mean I know he curses in the manga but really?
- Basically never uses San (did he with Mori? Yes he does) Ane-San doesn’t count
- I’m happy that the mafia members are still scared of him, they know how ruthless he can be
- Does he have feelings?
- He really doesn’t predict everything, he’s just good at adapting
- He likes slapping people, you backhand that bitch, go dazai!
- Very flippant when he does something to help
- Red eeeeyeeees
- There’s no exceptions to his ability
- I wonder if he dislikes celebrations
- gets angry easily
- Trusts Dazai when there’s need
- Much smarter than I give him credit for
- Super strong
- Acts on his feelings all the time
- Just.. ideals. I hadn’t realized how often he mentions them
- Very straightforward, he doesn’t say things in the nicest ways
- Shows his feelings on his face
- Calculating
- He’s proud of the younger ones but don’t show it
- Likes calling people idiots
- Can be really dense when it comes to normal things, as in not detective related shit
- Please stop listening to Dazai’s bullshit
- serious
- So small and innocently cute
- Looks very cut off from reality, at least in the beginning
- She’s an assassin
- Seems like she just wants to try normal child things all the time, crepes for example.
- Maybe she missed out on growing up (like most others did)
- She’s killed 35 people
- The mafia scares her
- Is she scared of her ability? At least in the beginning
- She basically does anything others tell her
- So scared
- Doesn’t understand how normal people behave, just does as she’s learnt
- Strong independent woman (or 14 y/o)
- sadist
- Always ask if someone’s hurt and gets disappointed when they’re not
- Very nicely threatens people with dismemberment if they’re being a bitch
- Give them hell
- Doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit, if they’re wrong they’ll know
- Yes use that motor saw hon
- She relies on her ability a lot when she fights, though I’m sure she’s a good fighter nevertheless
- Threatens random people who are being unreasonable
- very bored, always
- Does question the president when something is wrong
- He talks more than I actually thought, and it’s not always smart things, usually just rubbish
- Candy
- Very hyped when he gets to have fun
- And teaching Kyouka about candy yes
- “War is so boring” I agree Ranpo-San
- Doesn’t actually figure everything out at first glance, sometimes he asks or need clues
- Seems like he can figure people out in one glance though
- He does stupid things when he isn’t wearing his glasses, it’s a trap dear Ranpo
- Really he’s an idiot without them
- He believes in the glasses thing
- The president is the one who made his ability, sort of
- So he isn’t actually stupid without.. more like he believes he is
- The agency was created because of him
- “I’d look stupid if I turned out to be normal now” so he basically does know
The Tanizakis
- she follows him everywhere
- His ability is so useful why don’t I ever write him?
- This sisterly love is... special
- He cares for her as much as she for him
- She shows everything on her face
- But she is very brave
- He is as well
- The brother is as old as Atsushi
- He worries most when she’s in danger
- “For Naomi I’d gladly burn the world”
- Well he can fly a plane
- cares about everyone in the agency
- Appears out of nowhere
- My dude’s got a boat, probably have more than one safe house as well. Oh and a car. Imagine them owning a plane/helicopter. Note: they do in fact own a fighter plane
- Always knows what’s going on somehow
- Very fair in giving everyone a chance
- Looks pretty cold hearted
- Bet he’s got a thing for saving children as well (Odasaku would do great in the agency with him)
- Takes no bs
- How did Natsume get the permit for them?
- Op fighter, better than kunikida
- Puts it on others to explain plans
- he says such horrible things in such a nice way. (The person would be tied up and thrown off a cliff~)
- Really not aware how the world works
- Happy go lucky
- Doesn’t look at death with any feelings unlike Atsushi
- Knows everyone
- Doesn’t judge anyone based on looks or so
- How are people scared of him
- These people would do anything for him what
- Let’s smile and wave around a pole, it’ll only scare the living shit out of everyone
- Straight forward
- Takes everything at face value
- “If you are sincere you can communicate with people”
- He could take a few hits yes
- Many cows as well
- Lots of mentions of “back home things work this way”
- He actually goes to sleep after eating, thought he only lost his strength
- City folk really are amazing
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whumpbby · 5 years
How would Dick and Jason get together in the green lantern omegaverse au? I'm just really curious
I have no idea atm:O
One thing is that maybe a ring chooses Jason - a red one. It restores his mind, but it also restores his memories of the trauma and death, and the rage over that powers him. 
I was undecided between red and indigo, because Jay is a compassionate man - compassion drives his rage. But I think that anger powered by loss is his calling card, because he keeps loosing things, people, himself. 
Ans after the ring takes him, Dick can’t do anything to save Jay - except, maybe, becoming a Blue Lantern who loves his little wing with all his might and hopes he will be able to find happiness. With him, preferably;] 
Another idea was that Jason is found by a Black Ring, except... nothing goes according to plan, as usual with him, because Jay is dead - but not dead and the Ring kinda bluescreen - Black Rings are used to taking over bodies that are bereft of souls, but this one has one and it can’t be removed, and the will that goes with it is stronger than the Ring’s attempts at controlling it - so they have an impasse, Jay can’t take the Ring off and has some use of its powers, but it can’t really control him.
And that’s an issue, becuase now none of the Corps knows what to do with him -  Black Lanterns are generally horrifying and detested, and some of that carries over Jason, his presence/aura is unsettling, cold and dry and heavy - not many can stand to be in his presence. But the Green Corps doesn’t want to give him up to the Black, becuase Jay isn’t an undead, he’s still considered one of them - and he doesn’t want to go. He’s not evil, just... just colder now, less bothered by death, a bit morbid... and still traumatized and vengeful towards the madman who killed him. 
Dick is there with him, every step of the way, becuase he’d be damned if he left his little wing alone now. Jason’s mind is restored, but the Ring feeds on his death and emotions related to it, so the trauma holds strong and the only chance to fight it off is constant reaffirmation that he’s alive, he’s okay, he’s safe and loved. But they can’t fight it off 100% because then the Ring will leave and Jason’s mind may slip right back into nothingness... in the end smart people sit down for a think and come up with a solution - Jason can feed the Ring with someone else’s death, he just needs to be present by it. 
And so Jay becomes something of a Death Angel - the Ring leads him to the lost and slipping creatures with no hope of survival and by experiencing their last moments, he charges the Ring. It’s morbid and terrible, but he needs to do it. Even if it seems like not worth the effort... until one time Jason just stats to talk to the dying person and discovers that even if he can’t help them survive, he can help them with dying - comfort, reassure, because in death everyone is alfraid and he already went through this, he knows how scary it is... this way he can also appease his own guilt. And that new role is something he can do. As a Robin he was a symbol of hope, now he can so it still, just in a different way.
Dick is so proud and happy - Jason finding his place in the Universe is the best thing to happen. He loves how Jay grows beyond his trauma and focuses on the goodnes that lives in him, not on the darkest parts... and he can see Jason growing, getting stronger, even more beautiful in his eyes... alluring... and Jay seems interested in his attentions... and is he making overtures for Dick’s attention, or is it just an accident? 
It’s not an accident.      
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