#and cori on the other hand is like okay i know my king would never want me in *this* way
senia-gaudete · 3 months
dream who sees his relationship with the corinthian like some kind of angsty ust unrequited love situation and the corinthian who is so used to loving his king he thinks it’s obvious to everyone in the dreaming and outside of the kingdom as well
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itslunarwritesstuff · 4 years
Sixteen Candles
First Date with Shawn Hunter 
Word Count: 5,549
Pairing: Shawn Hunter x Fem! Reader
Summary: Shawn Hunter and Y/N Y/L/N have been close friends since they first met at age seven. They have also been in love with one another just as long, but Y/N was not  allowed to date until she is sixteen. Her sixteenth birthday comes and Shawn asks her out on a date where they make milestones in their relationship/friendship. 
Contains: Tooth rotting fluff, Young Love, First Kisses, Cuddling, and did I say Fluff already
Y/N: Your name    Y/L/N:Your last name 
Y/D/L/N:Your Dads last name  Y/N/N:Your nick name 
They were seven when they first met; no one wanted to play with her in the slightest chance they could catch the mythical “cooties” and no one wanted to play with him the so-called “trailer trash”. 
So they made their own fun together, imagining a world different from their own. 
Age 16 
“Y/N come on stop dodging my question” the boy exclaimed. 
He brushed his hair out of his eyes in that way that make’s all the girls swoon. “Shawn what am I supposed to say” she laughed half out of the comedy of it and half because she was frustrated. 
“You could say, I don’t know...Yes!”. “I don’t know Shawn, every other girl you have gone out with has been a two-week thing tops. And I don’t want to be another notch on your belt” Y/N opened her locker, set her books in and finally made eye contact with the soft-haired boy in front of her. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I don’t own a belt” flashing a dopey but charming smile her way, in hopes to lighten the situation. She rolled her eyes to prove she wasn’t amused by his joke.
“Okay look Y/N…” he slowed as his tone got serious “...The whole reason I went out with those other girls is to fill the time until now. Your parents have that rule about no dating till you’re sixteen.” He grabs her free left hand and holds it with his gently. “That is why they only lasted two weeks. I wanted to get good at dates so when the time was right, then I could make sure it is perfect”. 
His eyes darted down to the floor, hair falling over his doe-like eyes, after a moment she caved.
Bending down slightly she looked up at Shawn’s face that was dangling in defeat; her right hand brushed the stray hairs behind his ear and squeezed his hand in the other. Looking at her he couldn’t help but smile in the slightest like one does at a sleeping puppy. With her hand wavering on Shawn’s cheek she spoke, “Is that the same story for the kissing I suppose” a cheerful smile showing no malice on her face. 
“From what I recall you stole my first kiss Y/N/N” Shawn laughed lightly at the memory sending a wave of nostalgia his way. 
Age 12
It wasn’t a secret that Shawn had a crush on Y/N for years already but she never let that get in the way of their friendship, even though admittedly she had a crush on him for equally as long. 
It seemed like every day he was asking her to marry him, probably because it was in fact, every day.
She never showed it but she loved his persistence, even if she always turned him down. 
On this particular day, Y/N was wearing an overall type of dress that had a sunflower pattern on it with pockets and underneath it, she wore a white long sleeve blouse perfect for the fall weather. 
Hot on Y/N’s heels was Shawn with Cory and Topanga following farther back in their own conversation 
As if on cue Shawn says smoothly “Y/N that dress is pretty on you, I look forward to seeing how beautiful you will look on our wedding day”. Cory and Topanga join the two near the lockers and Cory says in a  fake deep booming voice “You may kiss the bride” as Topanga joins in on the fun humming of ‘Here comes the bride’. Y/N looks at Shawn as he closes his eyes and puckers his lips in a comedic way, not expecting anything to come from it. Y/N grabs Shawn by his shirt collar and puts him back to the locker, his eyes widening in confusion and fear thinking he is about to get pummeled. 
But instead, Y/N plants her lips on his in a kiss, it only lasted not even a moment ,but it still left the both of them breathless. 
Sliding down the locker onto the floor both of them said a unison “Woah”. 
Blushed faces, Pink lips, and an understood adoration of one another was the recipe of Shawn and Y/N’s relationship. But that first kiss would have the pair yearning for the next, for years to come.
Back at age 16
“And I wouldn’t trade it for a second, Shawnie” her hand still cupped Shawn’s cheeks and his face turned a shade of red that Y/N loved to see travel to his ears. 
Regaining a bit of his confidence with hearing his nickname from her he says “So will you go out with me Y/N Y/L/N. I promise you won’t regret it.” 
Y/N stared at Shawn for a few seconds taking in and soaking his words up, she didn’t have much to lose and even if she did, losing whatever it was  for the gift of Shawn Hunter would always be worth it. 
“Yes, Shawn I’ll go out with you. But you better have something phenomenal and never before seen planned since you talked your dating game up so much”. 
“Just you wait, darling” he lifted her hand up, their fingers still interlocked and kissed her hand princess style. Y/N leaned over and kissed Shawn’s nose, her face turning red this time. 
Shawn got all giggly, Y/N had never seen him this way but she was definitely enjoying seeing a different side of him she was pretty sure only she could bring out of him. 
“So I will see you at 6,” Y/N said, giggling a little now too, pulling her hand away from his, she could only get a two-thumbs-up from him as a response. At the same time, Mr. Turner came and dragged Shawn away, and to class still unable to do anything but giggle. 
Y/N was swapping her books in her locker when Mr. Feeny came up behind her and says “I just saw Mr. Hunter down the hallway it was as if he was on laughing gas, you didn’t happen to know anything about that now would you Miss. Y/L/N. Because I believe you broke the poor boy.” Mr. Feeny put a hand on her shoulder and laughed with his coffee in the opposite hand. He had watched this dance between the two for years, growing and maturing as young adults and destined lovers. “Love is a precious thing that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially young love, for it is at its most precious time of a person’s life” then he walked away without saying another word. 
Later that Friday night Y/N stood in front of her mirror and smoothed her casual pink dress out. 
Staring at her reflection she thought to herself “I cannot believe I’m going on a date with my best friend”, but she was smiling ear to ear. Shawn and Y/N’s friendship was unique in the way that they behaved as if they held the label of boyfriend and girlfriend, what with the hand holding, him carrying her books, and his arm slung over her shoulder being a regular sight. But when anyone would ask it was always the same response “We are just friends” or the occasional “She’s not allowed to date yet” coming from Shawn. But after a long nine years the night is finally here. 
Hearing the door shut from downstairs she hears chatter and then her father calling her down shortly after. 
Coming down the stairs she could imagine how cliche she looked based on the way she felt, that was until she saw how Shawn looked at her. Eyes glazey, mouth slightly hung open, and his hand scratching the back of his neck (a nervous habit that he couldn’t ever kick) she loved every bit of it. He looked at her like she put pieces of her soul into the sky and that's what made up the stars, and somehow she knew only he could ever make her feel as if she really did.
There was an electric charge in the air and the words between the nervous teens seemed to dissipate. 
No words were needed anyways they both knew.
“Um, Y/N … wow, you’re so beautiful” Shawn couldn’t hold his tongue any longer even if it was in front of his date's Dad. 
“You look great too Shawn” Y/N walked forward, grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers showing no discomfort in front of her Dad. 
After being best friends for almost ten years Y/N’s family knew Shawn was going to become part of the family one day and this was just the beginning of it, they only had that rule so the pair could do some growing up before getting their hearts involved even more than they already are. 
“Go have fun Sweetie I trust you and Shawn to stick to the same rules,” Y/N’s Dad said cheerfully.
“Thank you Mr.Y/D/L/N I’ll have her home by 11 'o'clock  as usual sir” Shawn knew the rules indeed and surprisingly they were the only ones he followed.
Going out the door hand in hand was a new feeling that Y/N relished in, she knew that when she was with Shawn everything would make sense eventually and from experience, she knew when Shawn Hunter was around everything made sense in her world. 
“So what do you have planned for us tonight, so-called King of Dates”.
“Well first off it is not something as lame as King of dates, many like to refer to me as ‘Oh great one’.”
His eyes locked onto her features taking in every slight curve of her soft face then continued. 
“But that’s behind me, now I have my girl here and nothings going to ruin that without going through me first.” 
Y/N blushed walking with him further. 
After taking the subway and walking for a while Y/N could see it in the distance it was the park where she and Shawn had first met, except this time the jungle gym and trees had twinkling lights strewn everywhere and there was a blanket laid out in a clear area.
The look on Shawn’s face was immeasurable to how he actually felt inside, his chest was on fire but then again so was the rest of him but in the best way. He only feels like this around her, perhaps it's because she knows the real him and not the fictitious version everyone at school knows him as.
Turning his head he looked at Y/N’s expression, it was priceless. 
He swore he had never seen her eyes go this big, it was as if she held the suns rays in her irises
Shoulders hunching up slightly Shawn asked nervously,“Do you like it” ?
It took her a moment to answer and he started to panic, fumbling over his words he says “If you don't I totally get it we can go and do something else or…”
Putting both hands on the shaky boy's shoulders she said “Shawn this is better than any date we’ve had in my dreams”.
Finally coming back to reality Shawn’s voice goes soft and questioning “You dreamt about our date”?
Y/N giggles at the same softness that Shawn used “Only since we were seven, you goof”. 
“Wow I had no idea, glad I could exceed your expectations Y/N”. 
“Shawn you always have, there has never been a moment where you have ever let me down” Y/N’s hand fell down from Shawn’s shoulders and reached for his hand then pecked his cheek.
Now it was Shawn’s turn for his eyes to explode with happiness. 
“Well then let's get started m’lady”. 
Hide and go seek a game that has been Y/N’s favorite over the years and now here they are playing it at age sixteen. Usually Shawn would feel childish and refuse playing such a game any other time  but with Y/N everything changed in the best ways, if she wanted to do something he would move mountains just so it happened. 
For the first round Shawn was the hider and Y/N was the seeker, hiding on top of the jungle gyms roof , it took a lot of willpower for Shawn not to laugh. 
“3...2...1...ready or not here I come Shawnie”! She yelled from below. 
When she opened her eyes she went straight for the tree’s, looking around every single one with a large trunk. When she realised he wasn’t there then she went to every other area, not even thinking of looking up to the roof. 
Shawn watched as she looked around confused, he was so in awe with her he zoned out and lost track of her, that was until she shouted from underneath him “Found you”!
Then they switched positions Y/N was now the hider. When she hid she didn’t try as hard, she actually wanted him to find her. She climbed their tree, the one where they had first played all those years ago.
It was a medium sized tree easy to climb but sturdy enough for something like a tree house, thick branches and all. 
It took Shawn longer than expected to find her but what matters is he did. 
“Found you” He said softly. 
“You always do” she jumped down,  him guiding her with his hand.
She kept his hand in hers as she pulled him down gently to the blanket underneath them, sitting down legs spread out next to one another.  
He complied doing as she silently asked, just as he always did and always would. 
“This tree holds a lot of memories” Shawn says pulling her into his side wrapping his arm around her, their hands still clasped together.
“It sure does, do you still carry that pocket knife you got for your tenth birthday” Y/N asked curiosity filling the air. 
Pulling out the pocket knife in question Shawn says “Yeah, why”?
“Could we add one more memory into this tree by engraving out initials into it” .
Shawn's heart was a mess at this point, he obviously did something right if she wants their initials engraved into their tree, he thought.
Wasting no time or words he untangles himself from her disappointedly, and starts carving. 
You would think there would be hurt feelings at some point because of Shawn’s active dating life and Y/N’s lack thereof, well before this of course. But it was actually the opposite, I mean sure sometimes Y/N would get a tad jealous at him going out with these other girls. But soon she realised that they only get him for a few short hours every saturday night, while she has him every other day of the week. She also had realised that what she has with Shawn they are never going to have, certainty. Y/N always had known she was going to have Shawn by her side no matter what and she would be by his, whether that would be romantic or not. 
Finishing up the last letter he took a moment to look at his handiwork then decided to add the finishing touch, a heart to enclose it all. 
Shawn looked up for Y/N’s approval and she was beaming, if smiles were lazars then hers could cut steel. 
“Shawn I don’t know if I have ever told you this but, You’re my favorite person” Y/N grinned but her words were spoken with solid truth.
“Even over Cory and Topanga” Shawn joked. “Yes, each and every day”.
Y/N leaned into Shawn’s space, even closer than they were before.
It was as if a spell had been cast onto him, he was so nervous and yet so calm. 
Leaning towards her as well, now engulfed in each other's breath Shawn rests his forehead to hers.
Hands finding one another blindly on the blanket, no map needed.
“Shawn…” she says with a  softer voice than he has ever heard it.
“Hmm” He hums, eyes fluttering open to look at her. 
“Thank you” she leans back to look him in the eyes properly. 
“Y/N the pleasure is really all mine..” but before he could finish she interrupted him.
“No I mean just thank you for everything, not just this… date. Thank you for being everything to me”.
Shawn's heart swelled more than he ever thought it could. Taking a moment to find the words he says 
“Y/N you’re not only the most beautiful girl I have ever known on the outside; but the brightest soul on the inside as well. You remember the first time we met yeah?”
“Of course, no one wanted to play with either of us, so we played together,” she said, absentmindedly playing with his fingers in hers. 
“Yes that is true. But what you don’t realise is how lucky I got, meeting you is why I am who I am today, So...thank you right back.”
Y/N didn’t protest, she just smiled and then her stomach growled so loud; it was as if it was hooked up to a loudspeaker. 
The pair fell into a pile of giggles, true belly laughs forming every passing second. 
Pulling Y/N to her feet Shawn looks to his watch and says “Okay we have plenty more than enough time to go and grab a burger from Chubbies; how does that sound”. 
The laughter still hung in the air between the two of them. 
“Sounds great, let’s go” Y/N says , eager to go and eat. 
Shawn reached out for her arm to stop her “Um one second, I have a surprise for you”. 
“I had somewhat of a plan on how to give this to you, But I guess this will have to work; Close your eyes”
He instructed and she listened, not wanting to ruin the surprise. 
With her eyes shut she only heard a bit of rustling from beside her. 
Shawn had hid her surprise behind their tree covered with a dark cloth so she wouldn’t find it too early; but instead he was struggling to find it himself. 
“Okay here we go” Shawn mumbled when he finally found the familiar box he placed her surprise in. 
“You can open your eyes now, Y/N/N” and when she did there he stood nerves and all, with a baby blue box and a dainty ribbon tied around it. 
“Shawn” Y/N says with a look that is serious. “I know, I know you don’t like presents but please just let me do this” and she does. 
He hands her the box with shaky fingers; her eyes dart up to his when their hands brush together during the transaction. 
Staying relatively close to her as he awaits her reaction, she unwraps it painfully slowly. 
After taking off the ribbon she ties it to her wrist, knowing she’ll want to keep it as a memento. 
Then finally she opens the small box and inside is a weathered silver heart shaped locket.
Her hand flies up to her mouth in surprise, tears filling the waterline of her eyes.
“I remember you telling me when we were about nine or ten; how your Dad had given the locket to your Mom when they were our age…” he taps her hand as if to silently ask if it's okay if he grabbed the said locket from the box.  “...you loved that necklace so much I told myself that one day I would give you one of your own. And I also took a page from your Dad’s book as he used the locket to ask your Mom to be his girlfriend”. 
The silver chain and locket attached to it dangled expectantly in Shawn’s hands. 
“So what I’m saying is...Will you Y/N...Will you be my girlfriend” a flustered Shawn asked his childhood friend. 
Y/N wiped the tears away from her eyes and nodded her head profusely, this being one of the few times he has seen her at a loss for words.
Shawn just let out a relieved and breathy “Really oh my gosh”; but wasted no time going behind her to clasp the jewelry around her neck. 
Lifting up her hair and angling her head down to make it easier for him to do so. 
She was beyond happy and once he said “Okay”. 
She spun around so quickly she got dizzy; and basically jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck into a hug, in return he wrapped his arms around her abdomen. “Shawn I love it, thank you so very much” she whispered into his ear  “Anything for you darling”, her face growing a flame at the use of the pet name. 
When the hug died down, Y/N bent down and grabbed the blanket they had used earlier. And wrapped it around her shoulders, grabbing his hand and walking in the direction of Chubbies. 
Shawn stopped in his tracks and she gave him a confused look. 
“What” Y/N asked as Shawn took the blanket off of her shoulders. He shrugged off his own jacket and said “Here take my jacket, it will be much warmer” a blush tinted both of their cheeks and they continued on to Chubbies. 
The walk was silent besides the sounds of nature and Y/N breathing in the scent of Shawn’s clothing hanging from her shoulders, a smell so unique she could only classify it as Him. 
Y/N rested her head on his shoulder as they walked, knowing they would be at the restaurant within a few short minutes. The display of affection even though it was small was enough to make the butterflies that resided in Shawn’s stomach since he met her, go insane. In his defence even though touches between the two were a normal behavior, she has never done this and he honestly loved every bit of it. How she trusted him to have these most precious moments with, of all people. 
Arriving at Chubbies it was packed as it usually was on a Friday night, every inch of the place filled with bodies. Except one booth in particular, their booth. Y/N’s head snapped up to look at her now, Boyfriend. 
“Shawn, What did you do?”
“I used the best friend card” Shawn points as they make their way down the stairs and Y/N sees Cory dressed in a suit with black sunglasses; and everytime someone even goes near the booth he says “This booth is reserved for two of my best friends” How sweet Y/N thought.
Taking a seat Shawn lets go of her hand and takes a seat opposite from her; But she reaches immediately back for his hand which makes him happier than he’d care to admit to anyone but her. 
“Thanks Cory, see you later,” Shawn says. “My duty is done, I got it. Have a good night love birds” .
After a burger and countless fries it's surprising that the pair haven’t run out of things to say to each other. 
Right now they’re reminiscing about how Shawn dressed up as a girl for an article for the school newspaper. “Yeah and you came to my house, because you and Cory ran out of pantyhose” 
“The funny part was you weren't even shocked. You were just like ‘Yeah which shade’? When you obviously know I am a medium tan.” Y/N busts up laughing letting out a snort in the process. 
On anyone else that would be obnoxious but because it was Y/N, Shawn was in awe. 
Once the laughter died down between the two of them Shawn realised something important;
Pulling back the sleeve of his sweater covering his watch he panicked...It was ten thirty and taking the subway would take well over half an hour. 
When Y/N asked Shawn what was the matter he just showed her his watch as he ran to the counter, paid for the food and tried to think of a faster way to make sure she got home on time. 
“What am I going to do, your Dad is going to kill me if I don’t get you home before curfew. And what if he never lets me see you again that would be a terrible way to start a relationship…” shawn rambles. 
“Shawn, he would never do that over a broken curfew. Just give me a minute”. 
Y/N scans the room for anyone who could help the couple, and across the room she spots Eric, thankfully not on a date. 
“Okay I got this” Y/N says to Shawn to possibly help calm him. 
Y/N bassically sprints towards Eric, so hard in fact she runs right into him. “Woah there buttercup, whats going on” his tone goes from going to concerned quickly when he sees her face.
“Curfew is in thirty minutes and could you possibly...drive us” Y/N asks, nervous of his answer. 
Sure her family and his were close and even though Eric was the closest thing Y/N had to an older brother, that doesn’t mean he will say yes. 
With the most nonchalant attitude he says “Yeah of course let's go. I have a late anniversary present from my parents to yours anyways that I need to deliver”. 
Even though Shawn and Y/N no longer had to worry about her missing curfew there was an awkwardness in the car because Eric was giving Shawn the ole big brother talk, while she was in the vehicle. 
But to her astonishment Shawn was taking it like a champ, agreeing with practically everything Eric was saying. It was at this moment that Y/N really felt how much Shawn cared about her. I mean of course she knew it in her mind but it wasn't until now that she felt it deep inside her heart and it made her heart soar beyond words.
When they arrive at her house Shawn and Y/N race out of the car as fast as humanly possible. Rushing to the door Shawn checked his watch and it said 10:58pm. Ringing the doorbell there is no time for anything except a rushed “Goodbye” before she is ushered into the house. Before closing the door Y/N’s Dad laughs saying “See you tomorrow”.
When Y/N is in the comfort of her own room she shuts the door and slides down it, squealing with glee.  She realises that she is still wearing Shawn’s leather jacket so she brings the collar up and takes a deep breath of her Shawn and lets herself get lost in thought rewinding the night in her mind. Her hand placed over the locket that hung over where her actual heart was. *Tink* She hears not thinking much of it going back into her daydream. Then a knock against her window makes her jump. Looking over to the window she sees Shawn hanging from the large oak tree directly outside her window. Quickly she opens it then rushes back to her door and locks it, eliminating the possibility of anyone walking in unexpectedly. 
“Not that I mind but what are you doing back here” Y/N pushes her hair out of her face and behind her  ear. Shawn steps closer and puts his index finger on top of her locket “Well I remembered you never looked inside of the locket and I wanted to see your face when you did”. 
Shawn eased his finger up off of the pretty object and made eye contact with her waiting. 
 Wasting no time she did just that; and upon looking at the inside of the locket is on one side a picture of the two of them aged seven… the day they first met. And on the other a picture of her that she's never seen before, her face deep in concentration as she was reading a book. It was just a simple photo, she assumed he took it. 
Looking back up at Shawn she was so overwhelmed by emotion she said what was on her mind. “Is this how you see me” she asks and if voices could have textures hers would be a flower petal. “Yeah I do, I think you’re gorgeous Y/N and as I have said plenty of times before not only on the outside but your soul too. I don’t know why or how but our souls are meant for each other Y/N and I hope you feel the same way” Shawn says heart in his hands. 
“I do” she holds the eye contact with him as she awaits whatever he is going to say next. 
“Good cause I also forgot one more thing” he says wasting no time. 
Puts his hands on Y/N’s face leans in and closes the agonizing space between them. It takes no time for Y/N to move her lips with his, her hands placing atop of his and then moving them to his face she deepens the kiss and wishes she had done it sooner. It was a kiss filled with nine years of friendship, adoration, and something more than yearning. 
After what feels like not long enough they break apart for some air, foreheads resting against each other for support just as they did earlier that night. Words of true emotion slip from  Y/N’s mouth “I am in love with you Shawn Hunter”. He doesn’t even hesitate before replying with “I am in love with you,Y/N Y/L/N. And god I should have kissed you sooner. That was five years of torture.” She giggles before placing her lips back onto his, smiling in the process. This was right, she couldn’t explain why but she just knew. 
After many sweet kisses and hushed talking, Y/N looks at the clock, the time being a quarter past midnight. It was definitely way too late to let Shawn walk home to Turner’s apartment alone, and even though Shawn protested claiming that he can take care of himself; Y/N was not having it. 
“You aren’t leaving and that’s final. You can call Mr. Turner on my landline and tell him the truth. At least he will know you’re safe, besides it is not like this is your first time spending the night here.”
Shawn nodded deciding his response could wait until after his call. 
Shawn tells Turner what happened and that he is safe at your house for the night, the details of this impromptu little sleepover didn’t matter, at least Turner didn’t have to wait up any longer for the boy sat beside her. 
During Shawn’s phone call with Turner; Y/N went to the bathroom and grabbed some pajama pants for Shawn to sleep in.
When she returned there he was waiting silently for her, she handed him the Pj’s. Y/N went to the opposite side of the room in order to give him some privacy and turned away. 
“Done” he said to give her the okay to turn around, and when she did he looked so comfy she could have melted right through the carpet. 
There was a sting in the air, full of nervousness and uncharted territory. As they both knew they were going to sleep in the same room together, perhaps even the same bed. But neither of them would admit just how much they wanted to sleep next to the other, not in a sexual way either cause they both knew there was time for that later on in life. But in a ‘I just really want to hold you in my arms’ sort of way. 
“Just for the record this is different cause all of the other sleepovers we have had, had been in your living room on two seperate couches.” Shawn broke the silence first and Y/N’s face dropped, she hoped this didn't make him uncomfortable. But he spoke up again before she could continue the assumptions in her head “But different isn't always bad”. He reached for her hand resting on her lap and curled his fingers around her own. Instead of speaking Y/N just leaned forward and kissed him much like she had plenty of times during this night, but this kiss was different in the good way; it said ‘I trust you completely’ because she really did. 
 After getting under the covers the pair laid on the edge of each side of Y/N’s full size mattress, too scared to touch one another. As the awkward tension grew; Shawn knew neither of them could sleep like this so he scooched closer to Y/N putting a hand on her arm in the gentlest way possible as to be sure not to scare her and said “Can I hold you please”?
Y/N’s eyes twinkled with the reflection of the moonlight bouncing off some unknown source, “I was just about to ask you the same thing” soft whispers filled the air. 
Y/N tucked her head into Shawns chest as his arms wrapped around her arms and overlapped at her back. Their legs tangled together practically on their own, comfort between the two coming quickly. 
As Y/N’s breathing slowed and Shawn’s eyelids became heavier he said “Happy Sweet Sixteen, My girl”.
A smile woke its way onto her face before they fell asleep for the night. 
  In the morning before the new official couple woke up, Y/N forgot one important thing when you’re to sneak a boy in to spend the night in your room….Remember to re-lock the door. When Y/N’s family came in to wish her a happy birthday they discovered the childhood friends and now Lovers strewn together in the comfort of Y/N’s blankets. But instead of being angry her parents smiled and her mother captured the blissful moment of Teenage love, forever in a photograph.
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mofoxwriting · 5 years
NaNoWriMo Day 1
Enjoy reading below if you are curious to see my writing for NaNoWriMo on day 1!
The ocean seemed to part around the ship's bow as it moved silently across the surface. Moonlight barely illuminated the deck, despite both moons shining in their full majesty. The crew stood silent in the scene, eyes cast to the open waters, scanning for the first sign of danger. 
A half shifter, Alala, found herself perched on the bowsprit. A rope to the foremast tight around her wrist. Hung loosely in her hand was her blade, still stained from their last fight. She gave it a hungry quiver but remained at her post. Her golden eyes were narrow beneath her dusty brown hair. Large ears twisted slowly on top of her head as he cut tail flicked dangerously. Even the brown fur on her arms and legs bristled with her want for the rest of a fight.
Gentle hands held the wheel steady, Collie's silver-blue eyes fixed forward. She was stiff and silent as the air. Her lips pursed tightly, holding back her anger. Her hands were clean, unlike everyone else's. Her pale skin was the only thing that was reflected in the moonlight. The white witch magic kept the hiding spell away from her alone. Her silvery brown hair was tied back tightly in a bun.
High in the mast, a figure moved. Perdido tucked his large, grey and brown wings close to his back as he shifted for a better angle. His pistol tapped his side eagerly but remained holstered. Silent as the night, Perdido made his way slowly around the mast, gently using the sails to guide him. His wide, grey eyes scanned further than any others, waiting as he gently fiddled with a symbol that hung from his neck. His freckles ware hardly visible in the dampened light, even so far in the sky.
The only other figures on the deck were three who stood in the center. Captain Wolf held herself with an air of majesty, as a gentle lullaby sighed from her lips. The words barely reached the air before they seemed to curl in on themselves and turn into the shadows that blackened the escaping ship. Her vibrant green eyes appeared almost to glow as they stared forward, unblinking. A gentle breeze made her deep grey hair ripple. Wolf didn’t stop her spell, however, unbothered by any movement.
Next to Wolf, bouncing and grabbing a broad sword was Corrion. His deep tanned skin glowed softly with the fire his blood harbored. One could almost see the embers behind his red eyes as they darted from railing to railing. His own short, ruddy red hair seemed to smolder like a hot coal the longer he stood there. He towered above Wolf but stayed still while her hand rested gently on his arm. He knew better than to break her spell.
Leon stood on Wolf's other side. His large golden eyes swept the scene before him over and over again. Leon had only been on the ship for six months, and Wolf's magic had never ceased to amaze him. The silence felt like deafness, all except for the fact that the water still splashed somewhere in the distance of the barrier. His blue hair was darkened into ebony by the shadows, and his dragon shifting blood turned cold in his excitement of the getaway. 
Wolf's song stopped on a gentle note that caused the shadows to slither away, its dark fingers pulling weightlessly on every crack until the ship filled with the soft blue light of the night. Her eyes drifted shut for a moment, letting the sounds of the ocean wash back over the air. As if heaving a sigh, the boat gave a long groan, adding to the ocean's chatter beneath them. Wolf laughed and looked back up at the ship's crew. Those scattered across the ship slowly made their way to her.
Alala brushed the salty air from her hair and stretched. "That was too close, Captain, " she commented, her voice laden with a thick accent of the warriors, "almost lost the rest've my tail." 
"I wasn't expecting such heavy guards on the ship, that was my fault, " Wolf answered back kindly. "I am glad you made it through. I'd hate to find another First Mate."
"I ain't that easy ta' kill." Alala appeared taken aback for a moment before grinning at Wolf. "But yea already know that." Wolf closed her mouth to bite back her comment. Alala smiled and looked at Corrion, who was visually steaming, tight trails of evaporated water drifting off his shoulders and into the air. "Speaking of a good fight, Cory, we'll need ta work on yer form before the next heist." 
"I did fine, " Corrion argued back sharply. "Don't go riding your high horse around me, Tripsy." 
"It's called a feint, an' I ain't the one who got pinned down by the smallest guard by losin' my blade."
"Not now, you two." Wolf's voice was soft though scolding. "We all made it out safely; let us celebrate that."
The pair paused a moment before they nodded. Alala smiled and rubbed Leon’s head. She ruffled his colorful hair until it stood out in every direction, blue mixed with yellow and green. “An how was your first real raid, Lit’le Leon?” she asked.
Leon beamed at her and began to sign. His hands whirled around in his excitement until Alala held up her own. 
“Woah there,” Alala said. “Slow down a bit, kay? I’m still learning all that.”
Leon blinked and looked at his hands. He seemed to think for a moment before he started to sign again, slower. “It was amazing,” he began, watching the others as they processed his phrase. “I hope I helped with the distraction.” Everyone’s faces changed a bit at the sign. Leon quickly spelled it out for them and showed them the sign yet again.
“Oh, yeah! You did great!” Corrion said kindly. He had cooled down quite a bit, the seawater resting on his skin again without being boiled off. “We knew you would do great though.”
Leon beamed and continued to sign, complementing everyone.
“It’s getting late,” Wolf spoke up after a while. “We should get some rest before we divvy out the hoard tomorrow.”
“Fine,” Alala sighed. “Anyone taking post tonight?”
“I will,” Perdido said softly.
The others nodded, each one patting the Avain on the shoulder as the passed to wish his the best before heading off to bed.
The next morning Wolf was up early. She quietly walked the lower decks, her shoes tapping lightly along the boards. All was still, but the quiet was disturbed by the only person that would ever wake earlier than the rest of the crew.
The soft sizzling of pots and pans whispered down the hallway from the kitchens. Kale was awake. He was the chef, despite being a nixie, but whatever his past life had been must have worked with food. Even with the barest of ingredients, he managed to make food fit for a king. Kale seldom spoke unless spoken to. He was reserved.
Wolf smiled as she neared the kitchens and softly knocked at the wall as she peered in. Kale’s blue, nearly transparent skin and ocean deep hair seemed to shift in his shock. “Not enough water to turn invisible?” Wolf asked jocularly. “I didn’t mean to spook you, Kale,” she continued as she walked in. 
“No, I wasn’t paying attention,” Kale said sharply, his pearl-like eyes glossy but somehow focused. “G-good morning, Captain!”
“Good morning, Kale,” Wolf responded kindly. “How was your night?”
“Good, you all went for a raid, right?” Kale asked, stirring the oats he was making, his eyes fixed on them.
“We did, and I found something for you,” Wolf spoke softly and calmly, keeping herself at a distance for the boy. “May I give it to you?”
Kale looked at Wolf. Every time she asked him a question like this, he went through the same process. “What is it?” Kale asked.
“Foreign spices from the kitchens of the raided ship.”
“Did you hurt the chef?”
“No, I explained what was going on. We split the spices.”
Kale frowned and looked down. He thought for a long while before his eyes finally moved back to Wolf. “Okay,” he said softly. 
Wolf smiled and walked over. She showed Kale the bag she had retrieved for him before placing it gently in his hands. “There we go. Some more spices to experiment with.”
“Thank you, Captain,” Kale said stiffly.
Wolf nodded to him and stepped back, letting Kale relax a bit. “If you need anything, you know where to find me,” she assured to Kale. “Have a good morning.”
Kale gave a short nod before he returned to cooking. Wolf sighed and let him before leaving him to his work. She knew it was going to be a long road for Kale, though she hoped that he found a comfortable place on the ship.
“Alala!” The scream from down the hall alerted Wolf to Calsfer’s waking. No doubt her first made had played a prank. Wolf glanced down toward the room where a door had swung open. Calsfer stood in the frame. He was short for a boy and built like a vine. His hair was an orange-brown with a blond patch near the top. Despite being a human who did not wield magic, his eyes were nearly as green as Wolf’s, fooling everyone who met him into believing he was magic. 
“Calsfer, everyone is asleep,” Wolf scolded the angered boy kindly. “What is the shouting for?”
“This!” Calsfer dumped his boot over, a very fresh and slimy fish sliding out of it onto the floor with a wooden slap. 
Wolf looked at the fish for a long few seconds. Part of her hoped she had been asleep for this, but she was very much awake. Calsfer was steaming as he waited for the response. 
“Well,” Wolf started slowly, “I suppose this is her way of making up for taking your dinner the other night...”
“Are you seriously taking her side?’ Calsfer asked, exasperated.
“No, I am not, I am trying to see her reasoning.’
“She’s a jerk, that’s her reasoning!” Calsfer explained.
“Right,” Wolf nodded. “I just think you two need to learn to talk.”
“I’ll learn when she does!” Calsfer snapped before he picked up the fish and walked to Alala’s room.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
10 Western Media That Would Make Great Anime
When we anime fans tire of lamenting for the adaptation of manga after manga, or light novel after light novel, we tend to turn our imaginations away from Japan. After all, anime is no stranger to adapting western media. Many books, shows and movies have been adapted from western media into anime form, including Deltora Quest, Spider Riders, Witchblade, Howl’s Moving Castle, Highlander, and Supernatural just to name a few.
This got me thinking of my own wishlist of western media that would make great anime. Here are 10 shows, books, and movies that would make awesome anime adaptations.
  Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve Book Series - Dream Studio: Production I.G. - Dream Format: TV Anime
If you’ve never heard of Mortal Engines, no sweat. It’ll be your new favorite thing in no time. This YA quartet from British author Philip Reeve follows Tom, an apprentice historian atop the city of London. When he’s thrown out of the city, he sides with Hester Shaw, an assassin with the resistance after the life of his master, Thaddeus Valentine, who she blames for the death of her mother.
Sounds pretty run of the mill YA right? My bad. I forgot to mention all of the cities run on tractor wheels. Oh, and the cities eat other cities for resources. Oh, and there’s this huge conspiracy surrounding the city-eating cities, and this huge plot to destroy them. It’s cool that Peter Jackson’s directing a film adaptation of the series, which is due out this December, but just imagine this as an anime...
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling Book Series - Dream Studio: A-1 Pictures - Dream Format: TV Anime
Does Harry Potter really need an introduction? I feel like we all know about the boy who lived and his battle with he-who-shall-not-be-named. The cliffnotes version of Harry Potter is that an abused orphan turns out to have an incredible magical gift required to stop some of the wizarding world’s most malevolent forces. In addition to his studies, he must juggle fighting the dark forces, and maintaining the friendships he makes at Hogwarts.
  Harry Potter is essentially fantasy shonen in book format. It has the magical boarding school. It has the perfect shonen protagonist and sidekicks. The duels would be incredible to see animated. Hagrid would be moe AF. The mythical creatures would be a sight for sore eyes. But most importantly? QUIDDITCH EPISODES!
Railsea by China Miéville Novel - Dream Studio: Madhouse - Dream Format: Movie
China Mieville’s Railsea is an interesting reimagining of Moby Dick. Except instead of a sea, it’s a giant desert covered in endless, winding train tracks – the titular railsea. And there’s no whales. Only giant moles. The story follows Sham Yes ap Soorap, a young assistant doctor on a train that hunts giant moles for meat (think whaling but with moles). Her journey among the pirates, monsters, and salvagers alike kicks off when she comes across a series of photographs aboard a trainwreck that hint at the impossible existing.
The history behind the now-derelict world of Railsea, coupled with the mixture of gripping drama and havoc reminiscent of kaiju films, would make for a solid animated feature, the visuals of which I’d only trust to Madhouse.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin Book Series - Dream Studio: MAPPA - Dream Format: Movies
Okay, so it’s Game of Thrones, but all the characters are moe idols. That’s it. That’s the show.
More seriously though, A Song of Ice and Fire would make a downright wicked fantasy anime. This large-scale fantasy epic has such an incredible assortment of characters, rich history, and gratuitous violence that would be a treat to see in anime form. It’s tough to really pinpoint the plot, since so much is going on, but A Song of Ice and Fire centers on a number of noble families – such as the Starks or Lannisters – vying to claim the throne of Westeros.
If there’s one studio out there that could handle A Song of Ice and Fire, it would be MAPPA. MAPPA’s history with dark fantasy anime series such as Rage of Bahamut or Garo only strengthens my confidence in their ability to breathe some animated life into the franchise.
A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick Novel - Dream Studio: SHAFT - Dream Format: TV Anime
You may know A Scanner Darkly from that weird rotoscoped movie where Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., and Woody Harrelson play a rag-tag group of friendly drug addicts. The movie itself was based on the Philip K. Dick book of the same name. It follows Bob Arctor, who lives parallel lives as both a drug addict and undercover police agent. Undercover agents report to their superiors in scramble suits, which scramble their identities. The kicker here is that Bob Arctor’s undercover gig? Spy on Bob Arctor.
The drug-addled, paranoia-fueled philosophy behind the day-to-day of drug addicts living in a world where the war on drugs was lost makes for an interesting dynamic, especially with the sci-fi enhanced police work behind it. The only studio I’d trust visually with this would be Shaft, if only to see drug-addict head tilts.
  Peep Show British Comedy Series - Dream Studio: Kyoto Animation - Dream Format: TV Anime
I know this sounds like a weird one, but stick with me. Peep Show is a British sitcom that follows mismatched flatmates Mark and Jeremy – Mark being the uptight 9-5er and Jeremy being the easy-going partier. They don’t always see eye to eye, but sometimes friendships need that. Sometimes Mark needs to loosen up a little. Sometimes Jeremy needs to grow up a bit. As long as they have each other, nothing bad can really go wrong, right? Well, as human nature would have it, things tend to go wrong – quite often, rather quickly.
KyoAni’s bread and butter tends to be slow-paced slice-of-life shows, so if any anime studio would revel in adapting a sitcom, it’d be them. The gimmick of Peep Show is that the camera angles don’t tend to be traditional, and often are shot from the direct view of Mark or Jeremy. It would be interesting to see how that worked in anime form.
Kitchen Nightmares Reality TV Series - Dream Studio: David Production - Dream Format: TV Anime
If Kitchen Nightmares were adapted into an anime, I think it’d probably be a lot like Food Wars!, but Gordon Ramsay yells at Soma every 5 minutes. More realistically, it would follow a rather manly Gordon Ramsay on his trek across Japan in search of crestfallen restaurants in desperate need of an upgrade. Now throw in some Jojo-styled manliness – the likes of which only David Production could replicate – and we have ourselves a recipe for the perfect anime.
The translation of Ramsay’s infamous potty mouth would be a peculiar one, but seeing a muscle-clad Gordon Ramsay faffing about a kitchen screaming oi, teme at the sous chefs would be a treat we could all sink our teeth into.
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham Novel - Dream Studio: Wit Studio - Dream Format: Movie
There’s always room for more horror and suspense anime, ones about sentient walking plants doubly so. The book follows Bill Masen, a scientist who specializes in the care, study, and cultivation of triffids – towering venomous carnivores cultivated for their oils. After waking up from temporary blindness following a triffid strike, he finds everyone is now blind from green flashes brought on by comets the night prior. Now Bill must make his way through the streets of London in search of safety.
  While horticulture itself usually isn’t scary, there’s something eerily unsettling about the fact that poisonous man-eating plants walk the streets. Wit Studio would probably be the only studio which could replicate that suspense and terror, having done it perfectly in Attack on Titan and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.
  Star Wars Sci-Fi Media Franchise - Dream Studio: Ufotable - Dream Format: TV Anime
With Ufotable’s success at adapting large scale media franchises such as Fate, this sci-fi space opera could be in no better hands. Anime is no stranger to the world’s 2nd largest media franchise either. There are loads of references to the movies in various anime and manga, including Daicon IV, Berserk, Gintama, Doraemon, and Princess Jellyfish, just to name a few. Some fans have gone as far as to draw parallels between the Jedi of Star Wars and Newtypes of Gundam (whether that’s intentional or a coincidence being how close the two were to releasing).
  The coming-of-age rebellion story, coupled with the gratuitous tie-fighter dogfights and lightsaber battles, would make for one show you’d be on the edge of your seat for week after week. I think each trilogy could probably be adapted in one cour, but at this point, I’d even take seeing Clone Wars reanimated in its entirety as long as Ufotable got their hands on it.
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Book Series - Dream Studio: Bones - Dream Format: Movies
From spaceship-stealing presidents to poetry-loving aliens, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has a special charm that boys, girls, and little green people across the universe can love. It follows the incredibly British Arthur Dent, who in attempting to stop the demolition of his house, learns from his best friend Ford Prefect that the Earth is about to be demolished. After a few pints at the pub, the two hitch a ride on a ship and proceed on a journey through the stars in search of answers to life, the universe, and everything.
Anime has the unique marketability to sell just about anything. Look at Dr. Pepper sales after the first series of Steins;Gate aired back in 2011 after all. If the Japanese towel industry ever finds itself in a slump, anime studios know just what British science fiction series to adapt.
BONUS: King of the Hill Animated TV Series - Dream Studio: P.A. Works - Dream Format: TV Anime
You got that right: we’re doing a meme entry! King of the Hill has already claimed some notoriety in anime fandom as being one of the greatest anime of all time (if only second to Cory in the House).
King of the Hill follows the Hank Hill, his family, and their dysfunctional band of friends and neighbors as they navigate the challenges of daily life, propane, diminished glutes, lawnmowers, and more. Sometimes Hank’s modest sensibilities are challenged, but as a man of his word and a man of character, he never stands down.
While the closest we’ll probably ever get to a King of the Hill anime was the 1-hour episode where they went to Japan, we can only hope that one day, you’ll get a Crunchyroll notification that says “Release: King of the Hill - Episode 1”.
What about you folks? Got a favorite book, comic, TV series, or movie you want to see in anime form? Sound off in the comments below!
  Zach Godin writes about the manga he reads and collects over at his website, Rusted Culture. Feel free to say hi on Twitter: @zachjgodin
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seriestrash · 7 years
You Me Her
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Chapter Seventeen: The Third Side
Word Count: 3,502
↠ ♥ ↞
Riley walks calmly down the hall until she’s out of sight. Once she knew Lucas couldn’t see her anymore she hurries out of the building, wiping her damp cheeks with each quick stride. 
Out in the fresh air Riley takes a deep breath. It’s was her quick exit through the doors that startled Ms. Mitchell, the drama teacher and one of the evenings chaperones. The quirky older woman drops a lit cigarette in her hand and tramples it with her boot. 
“Just a little stress reliever.” Ms. Mitchell nervously swats away the lingering smoke. 
Riley just nods lightly in attempt to conceal the fact that she was crying. Before the brunette could make up an excuse to leave Ms. Mitchell ropes her into a very one sided conversation. 
“You’re leaving a little early aren't you?” Ms. Mitchell questions. 
“Ah yes, I’m not feeling very well.” Riley lies. 
“Well this might help perk you up.” Ms. Mitchell bounces excitedly. “I shouldn’t be telling you this but what the heck?” 
Riley narrows her brows in confusion. 
“Congratulations Riley, you’re the class valedictorian!” Ms. Mitchell says proudly. “The official announcement is on Monday but I wanted to tell you first, since I accidentally told you about your nomination before that was announced I thought it would be fitting if I jumped the gun here too.” The drama teacher produces an excited squeal. 
Riley lets out a small laugh of disbelief and chokes a little on the lump in her throat. Before she can say anything Kai finally catches up to her. 
“Oh Kai, hello.” Ms. Mitchell greets him politely. 
Kai gives her an awkward wave but is more focused on Riley. Ms. Mitchell could sense the awkwardness so she excuses herself to go back inside. 
Riley tries to walk away from Kai without a word but he stops her. “Riley wait.” He grips her wrist firmly and spins her back around. 
“Did you come out here to tell me ‘I told you so’?” Riley shrugs weakly, tears quickly building in her eyes again. 
“The exact opposite actually.” Kai frowns. “I wanted to see if you were okay.” 
“Of course I’m not okay.” Riley blinks out the tears. “I was stupid enough to let myself believe for a moment that it could be different for me and Lucas.” 
“Maybe it can be.” Kai says. 
“You’re the one who has been advocating against him this whole time.” Riley states. “Suddenly you’re on his side?”
“I’m on your side, always.” Kai knew she was just upset but the insinuation still hurt. “I know I have been anti-Lucas but I can see that he cares about you.” Kai says truthfully. 
“It honestly doesn’t matter.” Riley shakes her head. “He’s Maya’s ex-boyfriend. Part of him will always be linked to her.” 
“Ri, everyone has history.” Kai says. 
“Yeah I know. He’s my history, they’re both my history and I don’t want to relive it all.” Riley cries. “I was heartbroken when Lucas didn’t choose me, tonight has just reminded me that I’m not enough.” 
“Shut your perfect mouth.” Kai says feeling super emotional himself at the sight of Riley so upset.
“They’re King and Queen. How can I compete with that?” Riley sniffles. 
“You’re Riley.” Kai stresses the only title she should care about and in his eyes the best title. 
“I’m tired.” Riley says in the same stressed manner Kai had but more deflated. 
“I know.” Kai nods gently. “But Lucas wants to be with you, Riley and if you want to be with him you should. You don’t owe anyone anything so if he’s what you want then forget about anyone else and go for it.” 
"I owe it to myself to want better than this.” Riley sucks back the tears and tries to compose herself. 
“But this wasn’t Lucas’ fault.” Again Kai is uncharacteristically defensive on Lucas’ behalf. 
“That may be so but tonight has shown me that I can’t do this anymore.” Riley shrugs a shoulder. “I can’t open myself up to be hurt-” 
“But, Ri, you can’t be closed off...” Kai cuts in. 
“I’m not, but I am closing the door on Lucas.” Riley nods. “I’ve had my heartbroken too many times when it comes to him, whether it was his fault or not, okay?” 
“Okay.” Kai nods feeling the desperation in Riley’s voice. “I just want to know that you’re not doing this because you think you're betraying Maya or you’re not as good as her-” 
“I’m doing this for me.” Riley states firmly. 
“Okay.” Kai nods again. 
“I want to go home.” Riley says defeated. 
“I’ll take you-” 
“No.” Riley shakes her head. “I really want to be alone right now.” 
“No, you don’t have to be.” Kai holds her hand. “We can get ice cream on the way and watch movies or-” 
“Kai, please,” Riley breaks their connected hands. “I really want to be alone right now. Go back inside, enjoy the rest of prom with Noah-” 
Although Kai further expresses how he can’t enjoy himself knowing that Riley’s upset, he does respect her wishes to be left alone for the time being. 
Riley arrives back at her apartment and beelines past her mother whom had been given the heads up from Cory who was still at the prom. Riley insists she wants to be alone and locks herself in her bedroom to cry further. She’d allow herself one night to be sad and she’d wake up tomorrow and forget about Lucas once and for all. 
After twenty minutes of feeling very sorry for herself, rustling on the fire escape catches Riley’s attention, she lets out a groan into her pillow. Then there’s a knock on the glass window. Riley lifts her head with a sulky sigh, “I told you I wanted to be alone, Kai-” Riley stops abruptly when she finds the person on the other side of the glass wasn’t her best friend, at least not her current best friend. 
Riley sits up on her bed but doesn’t stand right away, it’s like she was seeing if her eyes were playing a trick on her. 
“Can I come in?” Maya’s voice is muffled behind the glass. 
Riley snaps out of her trance like state and moves towards the bay window. She opens the window and Maya climbs through awkwardly holding her heels.
“They kept getting stuck in the metal holes.” Maya waves the shoes and answers Riley’s silent confusion as to why she was holding them. Riley just nods, her mood is too off to do anything else. 
“Can we sit down?” Maya shyly points a thumb towards the bay window seat. Another nod from Riley and they both sit in the window. 
An awkward silence passes. Maya hadn’t been in the window since she told Riley about Adam’s cheating scandal and before that it was Thanksgiving of sophomore year. 
“Where’s your crown?” Riley finally speaks up. She doesn’t mean to sound bitter she was just genuinely curious. 
“I gave it to Sarah, she was the one who really wanted it.” Maya says. 
Riley nods again. She herself had voted for Sarah to win. 
“Look I had no idea that people were going to vote for us- or even why they’d vote for us in the first place-” 
“Maya, please.” Riley cuts in. “I don’t want to talk about it. It has nothing to do with me.” 
“It has everything to do with you, Riley.” Maya says passionately. 
“Why are you here, Maya?” Riley asks. “Did Lucas send you?” 
“No.” Maya answers honestly. “He actually specifically asked me not to come.” 
“Then why are you here?” Riley presses. 
“Because this isn’t Lucas’ fault. You need to know that.” Maya huffs. “Huckleberry has spent months begging me to tell you my side of the story and tonight, after the crowning I told him I’d fix it and he asked me not to. It was his dumb sad face that made me realise how selfish I’ve been with refusing to explain things to you.” 
“Because you’re still in love with him.” Riley says weakly. 
“No!” Maya scoffs. “Not at all.” 
“I don’t believe you.” Riley steadies her voice. 
Maya holds Riley’s gaze even though the brunette is sheepish under her stare. “I have never been in love with Ranger Rick.” 
Riley bravely tries to stare back at the blonde girl as she repeats, “I don’t believe you.” 
“And I don’t believe that you weren't mad at me for dating him in the first place.” Maya gets defensive. “I was so upset when you told me that you didn’t want to be friends anymore I bought your lame excuse about finding new interest. But really it was because of Lucas. It’s always been about Lucas!” 
Riley closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. After slowly opening her eyes Riley calmly says, “Maya, get out.” 
A little taken back by Riley’s demand, Maya narrows her brows. “Riley-” 
“No.” Riley holds a hand out to stop her. “I told you I didn’t want to talk about it, so I’m not going to.”  
“No.” Maya says equally as firm. “I owe it to Lucas to tell you my side of the story and I think I deserve to hear you tell me the real reason by you dumped me as a best friend.” 
Riley’s mouth hangs agape at Maya’s snap remark. “You deserve it do you?” 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Maya softens. “I just mean, I knew you were angry at me back then and you continued to claim you weren't but you were. I deserve for you to be angry with me.” 
“It hurt when Lucas didn’t choose me. It hurt to see you two together.” Riley tries to calm herself down. “But I was never angry at either of you for being together. I was angry at myself for lying to both of you about my feelings. I felt like a terrible friend for still liking Lucas even though he was dating you.” 
Maya believed Riley about not being angry. It was the blondes own guilt she had about the situation that wanted Riley to be upset with her, like the punishment she felt she deserved. “Well you should be angry at me.” 
“Why?” Riley lets out a defeated breath. 
“Because I dated Lucas even though I knew you liked him.” Maya states.
“That was kinda the whole idea behind the triangle.” Riley shrugs. 
Maya feels like everything that’s going to come out of her mouth next will seal the fate of their already dead friendship once and for all. “I dated Lucas when I knew you liked him and I didn’t.” 
“What?” Riley is a bit quieter with her confusion. 
“You’re right. I love Lucas.” Maya says simply. “There I said it, I love that stupid cowboy. I love him because he reminds me of you in so many ways. I love him because he’d never hurt me or anyone he cares about on purpose. I love that he lets me make fun of him even when I take it too far. I love that he’s considerate and protective. I love Lucas, he’s the closest thing to a best friend that I have.” 
Riley shrinks in place. The declaration didn’t exactly feel great to hear. 
Maya continues. “The first time I told Lucas I loved him was the day after our one year anniversary. You know why?” Maya asks with a slightly menacing smile but she doesn’t allow time for Riley to answer. “Because we both forgot it and the only reason I said it was because Zay pointed out how weird it was that we hadn't said it and that we forgot a major anniversary.” 
“Everyone develops relationships at their own pace.” Riley shrugs a shoulder. 
Maya shakes her head slightly. “Lucas walked me home from our group movie date that night and I told him I loved him because Zay made me feel weird about it.” Maya crinkles her nose. “When I said it, I’m sure that’s how Satan feels when he touches a bible.” Riley doesn’t laugh at Maya’s joke, not that the blonde had expected her to anyway. “Lucas looked at me completely panicked and he said it back in exactly like I had, like he didn’t mean it. It wasn’t until we broke up that I actually meant it when I told him I loved him.” Maya says. “I love him like a brother, that’s how I felt about him, not you.” 
“You don’t just date your brother for nearly three years.” Riley says a little more bitterly than she meant it.
“Do you really want to know what our relationship was like?” Maya asks. 
“You’re the one who came here to tell me your story.” Riley folds her arms. Riley refrained from using the word ‘force’ in her sentence.  
“Fair point.” Maya shifts in place unsure if Riley actually wanted to hear it or not she continues anyway, “Dating Lucas was like going through a checklist. Step one; hold hands, step two; kiss, step three-” 
“Okay I don’t want to know.” Riley cuts in with a scrunched up face.
“Riley, we never...You know...” Maya doesn’t say it. 
“I don’t want to know.” Riley covers her ears in a panic. 
Maya pulls Riley’s hands away from her head. “Lucas and I held hands because that’s what couples do. Lucas would walk me home from study sessions because that’s what couples do. After winter break freshman year we were pressured into kissing for the first time. My first kiss came out of peer pressure because we’d been dating for a few months and normal couples would have kissed by then.” 
“First relationships can be awkward.” Riley says. 
Maya lets out a groan. “Yes they can be and they can also be a complete waste of time!” Maya exhales loudly. “Lucas and I never talked to each other and when we did it was about you. Literally all we had in common was you and then when we acknowledged that talking about you was weird too we’d go back to talking about nothing.” Maya takes a breath as she tries to string together the jumbled thoughts as they rush around her head. “Then there’s Zay- I spent more time with him in my first month dating Lucas than I had in the whole two years we’d known him. Zay became a crutch for me and Lucas. We’d get him to tag along on our movies dates just so it wouldn’t be so awkward that we couldn’t speak to each other- Dating Lucas was like hanging out with a friend you don't have much in common with, a friend that you feel obligated to kiss and hold hands with occasionally if other people are looking...”
“How romantic.” Riley says sarcastically.  
“But that’s exactly the point, Riley.” Maya shuffles an inch closer to her former best friend. “I love Lucas and he loves me but we have never been in love with each other.”
"Why would you date Lucas for two and a half years if it was as bad as you claim?” Riley questions still trying to make sense of this odd explanation. 
“Our entire relationship was waiting for the other one to end it.” Maya lowers her gaze to her lap. “Neither of us could do it because ending it meant that we both lost you for nothing.” 
It’s quiet for a moment and then the strangest sound fills the room; Riley’s laughter. 
“Why are you laughing?” Maya is confused. 
“Because you and Lucas both seem to think that telling me you were unhappy will magically make things better for me.” Riley tapers off her laughing but she’s still smiling manically. “You two dated each other... For me?” More laughter from Riley. 
“I know it sounds ridiculous and granted we didn’t handle things well but it’s the truth.” Maya says. “Once we finally admitted that we didn’t have serious feelings for each other it was like our true friendship finally began.” 
“I still don’t believe you.” Riley says after her laughter tapers off. 
“Why not?” Maya asks. 
“Because after Lucas defended me to Adam you were clearly upset with me. You were jealous.” Riley says as a matter of fact. 
“I wasn’t jealous, I was scared.” Maya frowns. “After I spoke to you the day before, for the first time in a long time I had hope that maybe we could be friends again. Seeing Lucas risk everything he’s work so hard to leave behind for you made me realise that he still loved you and if I lost him to you that means I would have no one.” Maya chews on her bottom lip. “So for whatever dumb reason I spent a month trying to be some crazy in love girlfriend because I knew I had more of a chance keeping Lucas than I did getting you back. Then finally Lucas did what we both had been struggling to do; he ended the relationship and for the first time ever we had an honest conversation about everything. We both spoke about how we felt and why we didn’t work and things were better than they had ever been with us.”
“Did you ever like him?” Riley asks softly, still unsure if she believes Maya’s words to be true. 
“I thought I did.” Maya is honest. “I thought I wanted what you had with him.” 
“When did you realise that you didn’t like him?” Riley questions. “Because if you knew before ski lodge you could have just said it.” 
“I didn’t know then, after I changed back to the old Maya or the new Maya I didn’t know how I felt about anything.” Maya explains. “I was just waiting for someone to tell me how I felt so I could try and understand.” 
“But when did you know you didn’t like him?” Riley presses again. 
“I think part of me always knew. I mean there was no denying that we were completely off as a couple but I think I really knew during A Midsummer Nights Dream.” Maya says. “I saw you with Lucas and how stressed you were about kissing him and I realised I didn’t care if you did. I thought about breaking up with him then. I actually came to talk to you about it but the window was locked, I think that’s when I realised that you still liked him and you didn’t want to kiss him because of me but because of your own feelings.” 
“You got all that from a locked window?” Riley jokes but it falls short. 
“You never locked your window.” Maya says with a sad smile. “It kinda felt like you were shutting me out. I already knew we were drifting but I felt it most when I couldn’t climb through the bay window.” 
“I didn’t mean for it to feel like that.” Riley frowns. “I just was trying to work through it, so we could still be friends.” 
Maya nods. “Thanksgiving happened before I ended things and well, we ended up here.” 
“Maya,” Riley sighs. Maya says she came for Lucas but a stronger part of her was hurting more about her own broken relationship with Riley. Riley senses that and tries to lightly mend what she could. “You dating Lucas didn’t make me leave our friends. I left because I couldn’t be around him and you because I felt guilty about my feelings.” 
“And now that you know I didn’t love him, does that change anything?” Maya questions. “Do you hate me?” 
“I hate that friendships were lost and time was wasted because we were all too scared to say how we really felt.” Riley answers truthfully. 
“But it doesn’t have to be like that now.” Maya insists desperately. “You don’t have to take me back as a friend but I need for you to give Lucas a chance.” 
Riley wears a small and sad smile. “Maya, I couldn’t choose between you and Lucas back during thanksgiving, that’s why I told you I didn’t want to be friends anymore. I couldn’t choose so I chose myself. I’m doing that again can you please just.. get that?”
Maya nods. 
“Hey Maya?” Riley softens her voice. 
“I’m sorry.” Riley says. 
“What for?” Maya knits her brows. 
“For letting a boy ruin our friendship.” 
“He wasn’t a boy, he was Lucas.” Maya half smiles. 
“Can you tell him I’m sorry?” Riley asks. 
“Whatever you want.” Maya says with such pain in her eyes that it hurts Riley deeply. Maya stands and turns towards the open window. 
Before the blonde can climb out Riley jumps to her feet, “Maya?” 
“Yeah?” She turns around. 
“I’m sorry for letting anything ruin our friendship.” Riley corrects herself. 
“Me too.” Maya nods sadly.
“I’ll see you around, Peaches.” Riley wears half a smile. 
The use of Maya’s old endearing nickname was too much for the blonde and it triggered the tears as she climbed out the window. 
End Notes: Okay this chapter is a legit mess I am so sorry. You can pretty much disregard everything you read and just take this lousy summary as it’s what I intended to convey: Lucas respected Riley’s wishes to stop the chasing but Maya saw in that moment how much he really needed for her to explain things. (In Lucas’ mind Maya and his mutual agreement that they never loved each other should make it easier for Riley to open up to him) So Maya goes over there in a desperate attempt to fix things for Lucas (and Riley) as she feels solely responsible for messing things up in the first place but as she pleads Lucas’ case by telling her side of the story, her own hurt feelings about her friendship with Riley ending keeps breaking through in the conversation. So the back and forth is supposed to be messy. Like Maya wants to hash out the events of their friendship ending up also is trying to make a mends between Riley and Lucas bc she thinks they deserve to be happy together like how it should have been to begin with and blah like I said MESSY!
Next Chapter: THE LAST CHAPTER. (I’m still deciding if there’s a need for an epilogue...) Graduation. What’s happened in the month since prom? What happens next? Will Riley graduate with any regrets?
also if anyone is concerned about Riley being forced to listen to explanations pls dw. This has been intentional and will be touched on next chapter!
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junker-town · 5 years
All 53 NBA players at the FIBA World Cup, RANKED
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Greek Freak, indeed! | Getty Images / SB Nation illustration
The 2019 FIBA World Cup tips off Saturday in China. As you have likely heard, very few American NBA stars are participating. James Harden and Anthony Davis were pegged as the stars to lead this edition of the team, but both begged off to prepare for very big NBA seasons coming up. A number of other players backed out, preventing the coaching staff from actually having to cut anyone.
The result: a roster that includes Mason Plumlee, Derrick White, and Joe Harris.
Yet some of the biggest international stars did show up, leaving the FIBA World Cup with some measure of star power. To put all of that star power and Team USA’s apparent weakness in perspective, we decided to rank all 53 NBA players expected to play in the tournament. Note that players continue to be cut and drop out — Oshae Brissett of Canada and the Raptors, and Isaac Bonga of Germany and the Wizards, were ruled out on Wednesday — so the list may remain a little malleable.
First, a couple of side notes.
Teams without any current NBA players: Poland, Cote d’Ivoire, Venezuela, China, Russia, Argentina, Korea, Iran, Puerto Rico, Angola, Philippines, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Senegal.
NBA emeritus players you’ll love or hate to see: Luis Scola (Argentina), Ike Diogu (Nigeria), Yi Jianlian (China), Andray Blatche (Philippines), Leandro Barbosa (Brazil), Hamed Haddadi (Iran), Renaldo Balkman (Puerto Rico), Paul Zipser (Germany), Anderson Varejao (Brazil), Luigi Datome (Italy), Rudy Fernandez (Spain), Mindaugas Kuzminkskas (Lithuania), Semih Erden (Turkey), Nick Calathes (Greece), Georgios Papagiannis (Greece), Nando de Colo (France), Hamady N’Diaye (Senegal), Andrew Bogut (Australia).
And now, all 53 NBA players expected to play in the 2019 FIBA World Cup, ranked.
(Note that NBA status and national team status both factor in here. Players with small NBA roles and big FIBA roles will end up higher than players with small NBA roles and iffy FIBA roles. NBA salaries do not matter: I’m not moving Harrison Barnes down the list because he makes a grip of money. Also, keep in mind that we have really limited data and observations on a bunch of these players, especially at the FIBA level, since very few of them have played anything but warm-ups since 2016.)
All that said . . .
53. Chimezie Metu, Nigeria/Spurs
Two important notes about Metu: he graduated from USC in three years, and the Spurs believe in him to some degree. Sounds good to me!
52. Vincent Poirier, France/Celtics
Poirier will be a rookie if he makes Boston’s roster, but he’s 25 and apparently the Celtics tried to sign him before last year’s playoff run. And by “playoff run” I mean “swift and brutal death spiral.”
51. Salah Mejri, Tunisia/Mavericks
Did you know Salah Mejri is 33 years old? I didn’t know Salah Mejri was 33 years old.
50. Khem Birch, Canada/Magic
When we were promised the Canadian national team would have NBA talent in the future, Khem Birch is not exactly what I had in mind . . .
49. Yuta Watanabe, Japan/Grizzlies
Japan has a spot in the Olympic tournament as the host nation, but it’d be really cool to see Watanabe led his country to a nice showing in the World Cup and then turn that into NBA success this season.
48. Thanasis Antetokounmpo, Greece/Bucks
The Bucks put him on their roster, perhaps to please Giannis. Did Greece do the same thing? Nah, Thanasis is good enough to have earned this spot. Note that Kostas Antetokounmpo, one of Giannis’ younger brothers, isn’t on the roster.
47. Daniel Theis, Germany/Celtics
This guy might be the starting center for the Celtics this season.
46. Frank Ntilikina, France/Knicks
It’s so sad that Frankie Smokes is this far down the list at this stage in his career. I mean, to be below ...
45. Matthew Dellavedova, Australia/Cavaliers
... wow. Just wow.
44. Juancho Hernangomez, Spain/Nuggets 43. Willy Hernangomez, Spain/Hornets
Silly NBA teams keep picking just one Hernangomez. Spain wonders, why not both?
42. Cristiano Felicio, Brazil/Bulls
Felicio isn’t the first Brazilian big man I get irrationally hyped for (someone say hello to Bebe Nogueira for me), and won’t be the last. He has not really put much together in the league, though.
41. Mason Plumlee, United States/Nuggets
I have some news for you, though: there are only three players in the entire tournament who have already won FIBA gold: Marc Gasol (2006), Rudy Fernandez (also 2006) and MASON M.F. PLUMLEE (2014). So, there.
40. Aron Baynes, Australia/Suns
In the NBA, I’d actually take Mason Plumlee over Aron Baynes. But Plumlee isn’t going to play much in the World Cup, and Baynes will be central to Australia’s chances. So Baynes gets the edge.
39. Ersan Ilyasova, Turkey/Bucks
Ilyasova is somehow an 11-year NBA vet with eight seasons averaging double-digit scoring. He’ll never catch Hedo Turkoglu as the greatest Turkish player in the NBA history, but he’s drawing pretty close to Mehmet Okur at this point.
38. Bruno Caboclo, Brazil/Grizzlies
Like Bruno, Brazil men’s basketball is always two years away from being two years away.
37. Maxi Kleber, Germany/Mavericks
You know and love a Mavericks fan who would put Maxi Kleber in the top 10 on this list, and both you and they know it.
36. Cory Joseph, Canada/Kings
Cory Joseph might be the oldest 28-year-old in the league. It’s really too bad the other NBA talent in Canada is skipping this tournament, because the team could have made lots of noise and perhaps secured an important Olympic berth.
35. Furkan Korkmaz, Turkey/Sixers
My kingdom for a Furkan Korkmaz-Bogdan Bogdanovic shoot-out in the knockout round.
34. Boban Marjanovic, Serbia/Mavericks
Folks, in the Serbia-USA match-up everyone is dreaming about, we’re going to get Boban and Brook Lopez battling off the bench. I ... I think I have Boban too low ...
33. Josh Okogie, Nigeria/Timberwolves
Lord let Josh Okogie show out for Nigerian or AT LEAST dominate the dunk reel from the World Cup.
32. Derrick White, United States/Spurs
Derrick White could be an integral part of the United States gameplan, or he could have four DNPs in the tournament. Is he really better than Cory Joseph when you set salary aside? I struggle with Derrick White in context.
31. Nicolas Batum, France/Hornets
Batum should make way more sense in a two-week sprint for France than an 7-month marathon for the Hornets.
30. Marco Belinelli, Italy/Spurs
What even is an Italian national team with Marco Belinelli, but without Andrea Bargnani?
29. Rui Hachimura, Japan/Wizards
Okay, I know this is way too high for a rookie we haven’t seen in the NBA yet. Like way too high. But he was a top-10 pick, and he was awesome at Gonzaga and in Summer League. And he freaking destroyed Germany in FIBA warm-ups to give Japan apparently its first-ever win over a European team in men’s basketball. I’m all in on Rui.
28. Joe Harris, United States/Nets
I would like to be all in on Joe Harris, except I can’t over the fact that Joe Harris is on the United States men’s national basketball team and he’s not even the least accomplished OR SECOND LEAST ACCOMPLISHED member! He should be no more than the Christian Laettner of this team. He’s, like, the Chris Mullin?!
27. Nemanja Bjelica, Serbia/Kings
We could have had three-quarters of the Sacramento Kings roster in this tournament had two of the three American contenders not dropped out. It’s probably for the best, as Bogdan and Jelly, plus general manager Vlade Divac, might have made De’Aaron Fox and Marvin Bagley III feel bad about silver . . .
26. Jonas Valanciunas, Lithuania/Grizzlies
Did anyone notice that Valanciunas put up incredible numbers for Memphis after being included in the Marc Gasol trade? He put up “some contender is actually going to trade a pick for him at the deadline this season” numbers. Get the Lakers jersey ‘shops ready.
25. Tomas Satoransky, Czech Republic/Bulls
Satoransky is the star for the Czechs, so his place on this list is a little inflated given his NBA status. But hey, he’s also pretty good.
24. Al-Farouq Aminu, Nigeria/Blazers
Really glad to see Aminu continue to represent Nigeria, which has a shot to make the knockout rounds. Aminu is the team’s best player, but not it’s only good player. Interesting player, interesting team.
23. Brook Lopez, United States/Bucks
The new Brook Lopez is kind of a perfect FIBA center, and yet this thing with Gregg Popovich does not seem to be working for some reason. It’s weird that Lopez and Khris Middleton, the two Bucks on Team USA who thrived under Pop’s acolyte Mike Budenholzer in the NBA last season, are totally struggling under Pop. So weird.
22. Patty Mills, Australia/Spurs
The inverse Derrick White situation: Mills shouldn’t be this high based on NBA status, but is a star at the FIBA level and will put up numbers and get wins. Just ask USA Basketball circa last week.
21. Harrison Barnes, United States/Kings
Salaries don’t matter here. Barnes is a darn good player, and versatile enough to get work at multiple positions in the tournament. Look at the wonders Pop has done with Rudy Gay in San Antonio.
20. Cedi Osman, Turkey/Cavaliers
CEDI TIME. Between Osman and Korkmaz, I’m irrationally excited about Turkey shaking off the dust of the stodgy Omer Asik-led teams of the past and getting wild.
19. Marcus Smart, United States/Celtics
Smart is the only American player who dealt with injuries in the training portion of the schedule and stuck with the team. I’m sure the Celtics front office is pleased as punch about that.
18. Dennis Schroder, Germany/Thunder
On the one hand, Dennis Schroder is a legitimate NBA scorer. On the other hand, he’s Dennis Schroder, and it’s only fitting that he would drive Germans as mad as he drives fans of his NBA teams.
17. Ricky Rubio, Spain/Suns
Remember 2008, when the teenaged wunderkind Ricky was low-key the best reason to watch Spain in the Olympics? Time is a cruel mistress.
16. Evan Fournier, France/Magic
France’s golden age is probably over with the aging out of Tony Parker and Boris Diaw, but Fourner is quite good and the French are pretty deep on talent. Lots of good NBA shooting guards in this tournament.
15. Myles Turner, United States/Pacers
No idea what to make of Myles Turner on Team USA. He’s probably going to have to defend Nikola Jokic at some point, though. Good luck, man.
14. Bogdan Bogdanovic, Serbia/Kings
A name so sweet, we say it twice. Low-key contender for the All-Tournament team. I really hope we get the Bogdan-Donovan Mitchell shoot-out we deserve.
13. Domantas Sabonis, Lithuania/Pacers
Sabonis is the centerpiece for Lithuania, and this tournament could be huge for Dom’s mythos going into the next NBA season, especially considering it appears Indiana will have to make a decision on whether to keep Turner and Sabonis together or move one of them. Sabonis is another All-Tournament team contender.
12. Joe Ingles, Australia/Jazz
It kind of feels like Jingles Season, but then doesn’t it always? Ingles is steady, so it’s hard to say Australia’s hopes rest on him — you know what he’s bringing every night. But if Australia succeeds, Ingles will almost assuredly be central as to why.
11. Khris Middleton, United States/Bucks
Middleton was an All-Star last season. He should be the starting small forward for Team USA, and it’s best defender and deep shooter. But he’s just looked absolutely awful in warm-ups. It’s pretty bizarre.
10. Jayson Tatum, United States/Celtics
Usually comparing Tatum to Carmelo Anthony is considered an insult (which is an insult to Melo), but we’ll take it here: if Tatum can be FIBA Melo for the next two weeks, USA Basketball can and will win this tournament.
9. Jaylen Brown, United States/Celtics
dontletjazzfansreadthisbutIthinkjaylenbrownmightbethebestplayeronteamusarightnow [cough cough] Oh, yeah, uh Jaylen Brown! Pretty good!
8. Marc Gasol, Spain/Raptors
I want to see Marc smile for a month. I want to see Marc battle Nikola Jokic for 40 minutes. I want to see Marc win one for his brother. I want to see Marc lead Spain back to the Olympics next summer. Marc deserves everything he wishes to receive.
7. Nikola Vucevic, Montenegro/Magic
Montenegro is more of an upstart than a power, but Vucevic has “No. 2 scoring average in the tournament” written all over him.
6. Danilo Gallinari, Italy/Thunder
Gallinari was really good last season for the Clippers, and will probably be really good for the Thunder next season, so why not be really good for Italy in between? The Italians have a good shot at making the knockouts. Gallinari has to be excellent for it to happen.
5. Donovan Mitchell, United States/Jazz
It’s not too much to say that Team USA’s fortunes rest largely on what kind of player Donovan Mitchell is during this tournament. This could be a gripping entry in the Donovan Mitchell origin story on his path toward All-NBA nods and MVP votes, or it could be a cautionary tale for the Jazz. Either way, it’s compelling as hell.
4. Kemba Walker, United States/Celtics
Meanwhile, Kemba Walker is real good, but he’s also kind of small and FIBA ball is known for being physical. That concerns me a little.
3. Rudy Gobert, France/Jazz
The top three players in this tournament are on teams other than the United States. Let that sink in.
Gobert is the best or second-best defender in the entire tournament, and assuming France’s guard play on offense is in order (and gets Rudy some dunks), he should be a shoo-in for the All-Tournament team. Team USA, which relies on two ballhandling drivers, should be deeply concerned with how it’s going to score on France if the threes aren’t falling.
2. Nikola Jokic, Serbia/Nuggets
Jokic isn’t anyone’s secret any more, of course, but most fans haven’t seen him in a FIBA setting before. Serbia is stacked to the jowls with talent, and with Milos Teodosic out due to injury, the team will rely on Jokic’s preternatural playmaking. But the game goes two ways, and you wonder if Popovich, for instance, will run the agile Myles Turner down Jokic’s throat. Just how good will Serbia be on defense? Is Jokic’s offensive skill enough to overcome it?
1. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Greece/Bucks
The best player in the tournament, hands down. The reigning NBA MVP. Maybe the best player in the world?
Greece should win its group. It will play the United States in the second round (which is not the knockouts — it’s a second group stage). This will be one of two games certain to break through the American disinterest in FIBA play, with Serbia-USA being the other. Greece doesn’t have to win that game to move on to the knockouts, but Giannis will desperately want to win that game. He wants to win every game, and he certainly wants to prove he’s the best player in the world by being the guy to beat Team USA.
Can he do it? Does he have enough help? Didn’t we just ask similar questions about him a couple months ago, but with the Warriors as Team USA? Didn’t the Raptors derail that quest? Kawhi Leonard didn’t sign up for USA Basketball, did he? No? Good.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1287
Monday, November 11, 2019
 Lest we forget, today is Remembrance Day. This day brings back memories of going to elementary school at Percy Street Public. I was chosen one year to participate in the Remembrance Day tribute to the fallen. The old World War II uniform I had to wear was super itchy and I remember thinking "how could the soldiers live in them?". I remember getting in trouble when I used my hand as a bugle and imitated blowing taps during rehearsal. Our teacher ran backstage thinking one of us had turned on the reel to reel tape player and I had to admit that it was only me and my big mouth. She was not amused. I am grateful to be living in the true north, strong and free and honour all the men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.
 Superman Up In The Sky #5 - Tom King (writer) Andy Kubert (pencils) Sandra Hope (inks) Brad Anderson (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). It's beginning to bother me that Superman is so focused on rescuing this little girl that has been abducted by aliens. Is this story just showing what he is willing to endure to save someone? If so, I'm not impressed. We already know that Superman will fight to the death as seen in his battle with Doomsday. I'm going to keep reading because the writing is very good. We see Darkseid this issue and there's a mystery villain coming up in the next issue that I want to meet.
 Savage Avengers #7 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Patch Zircher (art) Java Tartaglia (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). There are three subplots in this issue and one of them made me laugh. First we have Brother Voodoo being a guest of the wizard Kulan Gath. Then there's Elektra getting help from Doctor Strange to find Brother Voodoo's brother. Finally the funny part is Conan getting shanghaied in Brazil by a mystery bad guy and taken to his humble abode. I like this implausible team of heroes.
 Daredevil #13 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Oh yeah, I like where this is going. Matt gets schooled by Elektra on his road back to wearing the horns. Detective North is ordered to take time off and does what I wish I could do when confronted by disrespectful punks on his way home. I really hope Daredevil and North form a bond.
 Web of the Black Widow #3 - Jody Houser (writer) Stephen Mooney (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Natasha eliminates one person who might be impersonating her by teaming up with Yelena on a mission to steal data. I think there's a hint to who the real villain is in the flashbacks to the old Red Room.
 Lois Lane #5 - Greg Rucka (writer) Mike Perkins (art) Gabe Eltaeb (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). I'm really liking this story of Lois rooting out corruption with a side of The Question beating up henchmen. I'm also enjoying the Stumptown TV show that is based on a comic book that Greg Rucka did. You should watch it too. Cobie Smulders is great in it.
 Young Justice # - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) John Timms (art pages 1, 8-10, 13-22) Nick Derington (art) Gabe Eltaeb & Dave Stewart (colours) Wes Abbott (letters). I'm glad that's over. The good Young Justice finally beat their evil doppelgangers and get back to their own universe. There they meet their new member.
 X-Force #1 - Benjamin Percy (writer) Joshua Cassara (art) Dean White (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I am not familiar with the writer and artist names in the credits so that puts this new X-book at a disadvantage when it comes to it possibly making it on to my "must read" list. Benjamin & Joshua did an okay job with the last page making it necessary to follow up with the second issue but it wasn't good enough to make it on to the list.
 The Infected: King Shazam #1 - Sina Grace (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Belardino Brabo & Matt Santorelli (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). I don't know why they call this Year of the Villain version of Shazam King Shazam. What's a king of, cruelty? This one shot starts off with a very bad Bill Batson mouthing off to his foster parents. Then he says the magic word and is transformed into evil Shazam and goes on a rampage beating up mythological gods like Atlas and Thor. When his sister Mary catches up to him, he infects her too. If it wasn't for Joe (The Immortal Hulk) Bennett's art I would have left this on the rack.
 New Mutants #1 - Ed Brisson & Jonathan Hickman (writers) Rod Reis (art) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). That was fun. The gang's all here even though Rahne had to be hatched. Then it's off to Shi'ar space to bring Sam home. There's a new member, Mondo, and Warlock is missing but Doug is here. These guys first appeared on the racks in 1982 and have gone through some roster changes but overall are a fun young team. I liked this enough to recommend it but not enough to want to keep reading.
 Batman Universe #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) A Larger World's Troy Peteri (letters). That was cool. Nightwing joins his old Dynamic Duo partner to hunt down Vandal Savage and the egg of power. We find out what's inside when the egg hatches and that's the cool part.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #33 - Nick Spencer (writer) Patrick Gleason (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Not much of a 2099 cross-over to begin things before we get back to Spider-Man and his spy sister getting an explanation from Silver Sable to what's going down in Symkaria. This leads to an assassination attempt at the UN. That plotline interests me far more than Spider-Man saving 2099.
 Black Cat #6 - Jed MacKay (writer) Mike Dowling (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). Mike Dowling is a new name on my artist list and he sure can draw a hot looking Felicia. I hope he stays on this book for a while. The Black Cat goes on a date with Batroc while her mentor The Fox is attacked by what looks like The Hand. A rescue mission will have to be mounted.
 Fantastic Four #16 - Dan Slott (writer) Sean Izaakse (art) Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Part 3 of "Point of Origin" has the separated team members figuring out how to reunite. Trust Reed and Sue to come up with a plan. I really like how Sean draws the Thing.
 Legion of Super-Heroes #1 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ryan Sook (pencils) Ryan Sook & Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). The super hero team from the 31st Century is back on the racks. Let's see how long this lasts. This time it's the Jonathan Kent Superboy that joins the team which makes this book fresher for me. I cringed a little when time travel reared its ugly head briefly but they didn't go there and I hope they steer clear of it. I love Ryan's art and this is a Bendis book so I'm going to keep reading.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #12 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles stops his uncle Aaron from completing a contract hit and now there's a bounty on the Prowler's head. Lots of action with a fight between Miles and the Prowler and then they team up to fight Man Mountain Marko who looks like Logan on steroids. This sets up Miles and his uncle having to get to Red Hook through a gauntlet of killers. I wonder what other old bad Marvel guys are going to come out of the woodwork. Man Mountain Marko. Seriously.
 Doctor Doom #2 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I love the art but I don't like this portrayal of Victor. First he surrenders himself and then he goes seeking help from a fellow villain. I'm hoping this isn't the real Victor Von Doom because then what happens on the last page won't matter. It's a cliffhanger ending that ensures my reading the next issue.
 Batman #82 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). This is what we've been building up to for while now. The inevitable fight with Bane. The Bat and the Cat make a great team and Selina has never looked fiercer. I didn't like the intervention of Thomas Wayne but it did make me curious to see what happens next.
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djrelentless · 7 years
“Florida Is Not Only A Vacation Destination...”
July 14, 2013 at 3:10pm
Okay….I have taken some time to think about the verdict in the Zimmerman trial. And I am sure plenty of people are gonna disagree with me with what I am about to say. Watching CNN on the Sunday afternoon after the verdict really made me think about what this case meant.
Remember when the O.J. Simpson verdict was handed down? I do. I was living in New York City. There were so many people who were upset and other who were cheering. That was an extremely important moment in race relations between Black and White America. I got a phone call from an ex (who happened to be Latino) who wanted to express his excitement over the verdict. "Finally black people got justice for all the shit that this country has put them through!" I, personally, was upset that O.J. was acquitted. I felt that a crime was committed and he walked. The bottom line was that two people lost their lives and we knew who did it. But after looking at the justice system and the trial as a whole, I discovered that he walked on a technicality. The L.A. Police Department had tampered with evidence and because they did the case went completely different than they hoped.
Unfortunately, this is history repeating itself. That 911 tape of George Zimmerman describing Trayon Martin tells us everything we needed to know. Racial profiling was definitely in full play. Was there a confrontation between Trayvon and George? I believe there was….but I bet if we could actually see what happened we would find that Zimmerman followed Martin and confronted him. I bet the gun was concealed. I would bet my last dollar that Zimmerman provoked the entire situation. Martin probably saw a slightly overweight non-black man and thought I can take him. They fought. When Zimmerman thought he had been injured enough, he pulled out the gun and ended the confrontation.
The second 911 call from a female neighbor tells us there was someone yelling for help. Someone got shot. Civil Rights took a major blow at that moment. All the ghosts of the past racial incidents began to rise again into our consciousness all over again. The first name that came to mind was Emmett Till. The murder of this 14 year old African-American boy believed to be flirting with a married white woman in Mississippi in 1955 was so horrific that I protested Lil' Wayne's callus reference to it earlier this year on a rap song called "Karate Chop".
So, when I got the news of the acquittal of Zimmerman after my show last night in Huntsville I could barely sleep. I had just had a wonderful time entertaining a crowd at Nuit Blanche North. A mother brought her 14 year old son to the show and they waited to meet me afterwards. The joy on the boy's face when I signed one of my CD's and gave it to him was priceless! It was so lovely to see a mother embrace her son and his lifestyle. It was amazing to be a part of that. I was on cloud nine! So, between the news of Zimmerman and the overdose of Cory Monteith my mind went into overtime. I mean….Michael Vick was sentenced to two years for dog fighting, but this guy is acquitted? In the Rodney King beating where all the officers walked, it is hard to comprehend that the justice system is working in the United States.
I was trying to explain to my husband about what life is like for minorities in the state of Florida. When I left Tampa, Florida in 1992 I had no real concept of politics. I had no idea that New York City would teach me so much Black History in my first couple of years there. As a DJ, there was all this music that I had never experienced. As a young gay man, there were so many things I did not know about living in a large city with a huge gay population. And as a young black man, there was so much I never knew about the contributions of the African-American. So, imagine my surprise when a whole new world had been opened to me. I never wanted to be political, but as you get older and live more you can't help but become political.
The Trayvon Martin murder trail was political….make no mistake about that. There is a rise in the Republican control of what will and can happen in the U.S. They are gearing up for 2016. They fought really hard to bring Obama down and he still won two elections. Republicans have been very clear in their message to the public that it has been their mission to make sure he is a "lame duck" President. So far….they have kept their promise. He's still accomplished a lot, but these next couple of years are gonna be long and hard.
Florida is the state where an ex of mine has adopted 3 kids and is scared to have a boyfriend because he could lose them because it is against the law for gay couples to adopt. Florida is the state that used to have laws on the books that if you are pulled over by the police and you are in drag, you better have on men's underwear or you will be arrested. Florida is where Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her 2 year old daughter. And Florida is where the "Stand Your Ground" law allows anyone with a gun to use it to protect themselves if they feel like their life is being threatened. And Florida is also a Republican State that does edit and censor news stories that does not comply with the Republican way of life. News stories about events like the Rodney King Beating looked really light compared to what it looked like in New York City in 1992. It's a little harder to keep stories under wraps these days with the internet, but there is still attempts to hinder minority voters. It's actually happening all over the U.S. right now.
But what I am witnessing on social media is a widening divide happening. This verdict has polarized Americans. People who live in large cities cannot comprehend this verdict. A hoody and loose fitting jeans should not make you a thug. Walking slow and talking on a cell phone while being black should not be a problem. But The Right Wing America is upset. They don't like that the numbers of African-Americans and Latino-Americans are on the rise. They feel like they need to take back their country. That American is spinning out of control because it doesn't look like the America that they grew up with. I am watching online friends identifying themselves as supporters for both sides. How will we ever fix this? We can't and we won't……not today.
The message that this verdict has sent is that I as a black man can be a target while walking down the street to get to work or home or anywhere. The message that this verdict has sent is that racial profiling is okay. And it also sends the message…."This is for the O.J. verdict! Don't forget that we run this country and we control you."
And it was really interesting listening to Van Jones and Newt Gingrich (the new hosts of CNN's "Crossfire") debate what this verdict means for America. Hearing Zimerman's lawyers and brother talk about they are worried for his life. Even though he was acquitted, he will no live in what I call "O.J. Land". For the rest of his life he is going to have to watch his back. He may get away with this but he may get time or arrested for something else which this trial will be remembered when he is sentenced. He will not have a good life after this acquittal. He has to be careful who he associates with from now on because accepting finance help from groups like the KKK or some other hate group will send the message that this was all racial. And believe it or not….Zimmerman is planning to sue NBC for editing his 911 call. And for the rest of Zimmerman's life if he makes any money off of this trial the Martin Family can go after him for it.
When I said that history has repeated itself, Zimmerman basically got acquitted through a technicality just like O.J. The prosecution failed to submit all the information and photos involved in the case. The prosecution over-charged Zimmerman when they seeked a second-degree murder charge. Perhaps if they had only seeked a manslaughter charge the verdict might have been different. I don't know what to think. I'm trying to make sense of a world where someone is stalked and killed and allowed to walk free and have his gun returned to him. I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that George Zimmerman's father is judge. I am trying to understand why there were only six jurors. And most of all I cannot see how deflecting blame is going to make what Zimmerman did not be perceived as a win for vigilanteism.
I presently spend most of my time in Toronto because I married a Canadian. It is definitely different here. It's nice to walk into a store and not have security follow me because they believe I am there to shoplift, but I do witness other racial issues here. It's just different and the targets of profiling are different. Some would like to believe that racism is a problem only in the U.S. They are oblivious to the racism that is blatant and in your face acts that pop up from time to time. For the Black Communities of Canada I hope that they see this verdict as something that effects all people of the world. I know that there will be some who won't say a word and won't take a stand on the issue of racial harmony. For them....I feel sorry because this is really a Human Race problem instead of a black, white, red, yellow or brown problem.
I worry for my family that still lives in Florida. I worry for all the young people out there who might be walking home from the store while wearing some casual fashions of today. It probably won't be a problem for our white and latino youth, but the reality for the U.S. black male....you might as well wear a target on his chest. Hate crimes are on the rise and as a black man I have been moved to the front of the line.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1270
Monday, July 15, 2019
 I'm not much of a gardener even though I worked for two years at a garden centre. Penny does most of the work and I am around for the heavy lifting. I try to be a supportive spouse and I assisted with some of the weeding yesterday. I get the same feeling of satisfaction after cleaning up a flower bed as I do after reading a pile of comic books. The added hubby points are a bonus.
 Detective Comics #1007 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Kyle Hotz (art) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The team-up with the Spectre concludes with the rescue of Jim Corrigan. This was a nice 2-issue story and now the Spectre leaves Gotham City. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
 Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #1 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Michael Walsh (art) Nate Piekos (letters). I thought this was going to be a tam-up story but it's the old switcheroo where the two super hero teams wind up in each others' universes. I'm guessing the rest of this 5-issue mini will be each team trying to return home. This is good exposure for Jeff Lemire's Black Hammer characters which I liked, so you should check it out.
 Catwoman #13 - Joelle Jones (writer) Fernando Blanco (art pages 1-14, 19) Hugo Petrus (art pages 15-18) Joelle Jones (art pages 20-22) John Kalisz (colours pages 1-19) Laura Allred (colours pages 20-22) Saida Temofonte (letters). That crazy Creel woman finally gets her hands on the artefact but the rest of the story will have to wait until Selina gets through the "Year of the Villain" (YOTV) tie-in. Catwoman is made an offer that she can refuse, or not.
 Thor #15 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) Mike del Mundo & Marco D'Alfonso (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Four Thors and seven realms ago this whole thing started. Now that it's over find out what happens to everybody in this epilogue to War of the Realms. I particularly liked the fate of Malekith. I am so looking forward to the next story arc with art  by Esad Ribic.
 Naomi #6 - Brian Michael Bendis & David F. Walker (writers) Jamal Campbell (art) Wes Abbott (letters). Origin story complete. From the looks of things on the cover, Naomi is going to meet up with Young Justice and that's okay with me. This book is every bit as good as Ironheart used to be.
 Ironheart #8 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Luciano Vecchio (art) Geoffo (layouts) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Riri goes to Doctor Strange for help in finding out what's been happening in her life for the last few issues. There's s portal of power that she needs to track down so she goes from Chicago to New York City to who knows where else. This is so exciting and I've got to say I like the slightly more mature Riri that Eve is presenting.
 Symbiote Spider-Man #4 - Peter David (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). A new and different element is added to make things fun and exciting in this Spider-Man versus Mysterio story. This reminds me a lot of the old Amazing Spider-Man plots where Peter gets ambushed by some super villain while on his way to see Aunt May. Will our boy make it to breakfast? Find out in next issue's thrilling conclusion.
 Young Justice #7 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) John Timms & Dan Hipp (art pages 2-3) David Lafuente (art the other pages)  Dan Hipp (colours pages 2-3) Gabriel Eltaeb (colours the other pages) Wes Abbott (letters). Lost in the Multiverse part 1. This was a lot of fun. I really liked Doctor Fate.
 Second Coming #1 - Mark Russell (writer) Richard Pace (art) Leonard Kirk (finisher earth pages) Andy Troy (colours earth pages) Rob Steen (letters). Holy bible Batman, this is some weird super hero comic book. Here we have a wisecracking God and his hapless son Jesus trying to make sense of humanity. God sends Jesus back to earth to learn from a Superman-like super hero. I like this parody. It reminds me of Herbie and the Inferior Five. I will be getting s second helping of this book when #2 hits the racks.
 Invisible Woman #1 - Mark Waid (writer) Mattia De Iulis (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Did you know that Sue Storm was a part time spy for S.H.I.E.L.D.? Me neither. That fact sets up her mission to find her former partner, fellow spy Aiden Tintreach. Y'know, I was thinking that this story would have been better suited to the Black Widow and I was right on when I got to the last page. Mattia De Iulis's art was the main reason I read the latest Jessica Jones graphic novel and he's why I will add the rest of this 5-issue mini to my "must read" list.
 Batman Universe #1 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed (letters). There's another Batbook on the racks and this one's a 6-issue mini. I think Bendis is going to throw as many DC heroes and villains into this story as he can with the Riddler starting things off, leading to Jinny Hex. If you don't know who she is you should go read the most excellent Young Justice. The story goes international and this issue ends in Amsterdam with the appearance of Deathstroke and Green Arrow. I want to know why Oliver Queen is way over in Europe. Going to read the rest of this one too.
 War of the Realms Omega #1- If you're wondering about the spin-offs and changes wrought by the War of the Realms then this $4.99 US epilogue is the comic book for you.
 Daredevil played a significant role while wielding Heimdall's sword and his story continues in "God and the Devil Walk Into a Church" by Jason Aaron (writer), Ron Garney (art), Matt Milla (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters).
 The double-page ads for "Jane Foster: Valkyrie" has me looking forward to the first issue hitting the racks so reading "The Job I Have to Do" by Al Ewing & Jason Aaron (writers), Cafu (art), Jesus Aburtov (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters) was a nice prelude.
 The God of Mischief and now King of the Frost Giants has been a favourite character of mine for decades so I am also anticipating the release of Loki #1. Daniel Kibblesmith (writer), Oscar Bazaldua (art) David Curiel (colours) and VC's Clayton Cowles (letters) gives us a hint as to how Loki will rule in "Born Small".
 Finally, we can't forget Frank Castle the Punisher. His never ending war will continue in "Punisher Kill Krew" and the calm before the firestorm is chronicled in "War Orphans" by Gerry Duggan (writer), Juan Ferreyra (art) and VC's Cory Petit (letters).
 Marvel's mega crossover events may be predictable now but I like that this one makes some interesting changes to characters that I have followed for a long time. I loved when (spoiler alert) Jane Foster was Thor. Ditto when Loki was a good guy with the Young Avengers. I'm hoping that their new books are worthy of my time. I doubt that Daredevil having magic Asgardian billy clubs will change much in his book but it would be cool to see what they can do and how he uses them. And as always, the Punisher will continue to kill bad guys.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). When last we left Miles he had been captured by some unknown super villain. This issue details the extremely dangerous predicament that he's in. I know Miles will survive these tests and experiments but boy, they sure put him through the wringer this issue. The creative team did an excellent job of making me feel immersed in the story.
 Avengers #21 - Jason Aaron (writer) Jason Masters (art) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe "Jason" Caramagna (letters). It's practically an all Jason issue. The team relaxes in the aftermath of the War of the Realms. I don't like She-Hulk speaking monosyllabically but she thinks in proper sentences in her thought balloons so that assuages my annoyance. Black Panther didn't get the memo and confronts Phil Coulson and his Squadron Supreme of America. I think this is Jason Aaron's dig at the current administration in the White House. I'm waiting to see where the next global threat will come from. Will it be domestic or alien?
 Batman #74 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). "The Fall and the Fallen" concludes. I'm not a fan of Thomas Wayne being in this reality so I hope it's the last we see of him for a while. Comparing what Bruce and "his father" are doing with the story of the animals in the pit was very clever and the inconclusive ending heightens the suspense for the next issue.
 Black Cat #2 - Jed MacKay (writer) Travel Foreman (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). The Cat will burgle while the Sorcerer Supreme is away. Felicia and her crew break into 177A Bleecker Street in this weird heist. Getting in was easy. Getting out will be a problem. There was a double-page spread featuring an M.C. Escher staircase that could have had the word balloons and captions arranged better. I had to read the things a couple of times to get the flow right. Other than that minor annoyance this is another fine issue. The last page by Clay McLeod Chapman (writer), Alberto Alburquerque (art), Brian Reber (colours) and Ferran Delgado (letters) was a bit of a puzzler. Is it a teaser for the next story, or what?
 The Amazing Spider-Man #25 - Don't judge a comic book by it's cover. Case in point, this issue looked good so I saved it for last. We've got Spider-Man front and center with Mary Jane, Mysterio, Electro and Kindred in the background. This issue sets up a lot of stuff so let's have a look see.
 The main story is called "Opening Night" by Nick Spencer (writer), Ryan Ottley, Humberto Ramos, Patrick Gleason & Kev Walker (pencils), Cliff Rathburn, Victor Olazaba, Dexter Vines, Patrick Gleason & Kev Walker (inks) Nathan Fairbairn, Edgar Delgado, Dave Stewart & Laura Martin (colours) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) has a brief appearance by Kindred and Mysterio but it's mostly about Electro (the new female one) holding an actress for ransom at a theatre. Mary Jane is the one who comes to the rescue. The Spider-Man subplot has Peter rescuing Doctor Curt Connors from depression. A set up for future stories happens on the last page where a new team of super villains is introduced called the Syndicate. They want Electro to join. Then we have 5 pages that ends with the appearance of Spider-Man 2099. I wonder where Miguel has been? Then there's a 10 page story leading towards a team up with Doctor Strange. The issue wraps up with a 5-page cartoon for the kiddies by Keaton Patti (writer), Dan Hipp (art) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Yes, it's 60 pages of Spider-Mania but even a Spider-Maniac like myself cringed after reading this.
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