#and blushes when sonic puts his hand on his shoulder. and also whatever they had going on in frontiers
sonknuxadow · 1 year
idk what happened to make everyone start yelling about the non canon gayest bitches blog but can i just say they were so wrong for having sonadow be the only sonic franchise rep it should have been sonknux ok. they just fit the idea of "characters who have a lot of gay moments but arent actually canonically gay" better if you think sonadow deserved it more you are lying to yourself
to be clear i was not invested in that poll at all i only saw a few posts from it in passing and i dont care as much as this post may lead you to believe i am just a little hater
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Part Seven. Cooties, Discall, and Flirting
warnings: swearing, also I used the word “flirt” so many times it no longer holds meaning so beware word count: 4k 
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: putting it up here this time!!!! i liked this chap so i hope you do too!!!!! if you didn’t see the missing dms from part 3 (which are now actually in part 3), bugsy agreed to a minecraft date with dream in exchange for karl touring her on his smp!! anyway, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The frosty air bit at Y/n's skin as she hurriedly shut the car door behind her, starting up her car in an attempt to find warmth as quickly as possible. "Why do I live here?" she asked through chattered teeth, causing Naomi to laugh.
"It's not that cold!"
"I don't know how you're okay with this."
"Do you want me to drive? You're so stiff you'll crash,” Naomi offered as she looked at Y/n.
"I'm fine, I just need to warm up for a second," Y/n assured as she rubbed her hands together in front of the heater.
Naomi giggled and took her hands, rubbing them to help heat them up.
"Thank you, ma'am."
"Now hurry up, I have a work meeting in like 30 minutes."
"What?" she gasped, quickly putting her gloves back on. "Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have spent so much time looking at Christmas decorations!"
"I'm just kidding. But Karl will be mad if he has to wait for his food any longer."
"You're seriously the worst." She smacked Naomi's arm and started driving, much less panicked than a few moments prior.
"You love me."
"Whatever. How's your internship going by the way?"
Naomi sighed. "Good. It's really hard to be motivated to go since it's unpaid but it's the last thing I need to graduate so I have to do it."
"But you enjoy it, right? I mean it's what you want to do."
"Yeah, no, I love it. I just wish I was getting paid so I didn't have to work at the grocery store too. I wish I could get paid to play video games like you."
Y/n deflated slightly. She hated when people put it like that, it made her sound like it wasn't a real job but it was challenging in its own way. "I'll teach you how to pvp and you'll be on your way to the top."
"Maybe then I could actually meet George myself instead of waiting around for you to do it."
"Wait!" Y/n gasped. "Did I not... did I not tell you about the other night?"
"Uh... I guess not? What happened?"
Y/n squealed. "Dude! Make a Discord account right now. Get your phone out and make one."
"Why? What is that?"
"It's the thing we all use to voice call during streams and in private and stuff. Come on!" Y/n used her right hand to urge Naomi to grab her phone. "George said you can't have his number but you can have his Discord."
"Wait, really??" Naomi gasped. "Wait, what does that mean!? I can talk to him on it!?"
Y/n laughed. "Yes, yes! You can text or voice call or even video call but I don't suggest that right away. Don't scare him away."
"He really said he'd add me back? Wait, when did you talk to him about me?"
"On Dream's stream. After the movie, I went and talked to them for a few hours."
"Is that why I heard you giggling at four in the morning?"
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up. "Okay, well, that was just with Dream. George and Sapnap left the call around one and two."
"Sounds to me like someone doesn't want GeorgeNotFound's Discord..."
Y/n saw Naomi cower shyly. "Sorry. Please give it to me."
"I don't know it off the top of my head, silly. So be nice for the rest of the car ride and I'll get it when we get home."
"Is Karl meeting us at our apartment or his?"
"Ours. Can you tell him we're almost there?"
"I don't know if I have the strength to... talk to someone who's such good friends with... my love..." Naomi started with a dramatic sigh, "it just reminds me of the pain I go through daily... without him..."
"If that were true, you couldn't talk to me. I'm also good friends with Mr. Not Found."
Naomi threw her head to glare at Y/n, who just laughed. "Come on, text Karl. Please. His food will get cold."
Y/n watched as Naomi typed away on her phone. Soon, the two pulled up to their apartment complex and headed upstairs. Y/n turned the corner and walked down the hall to see Karl standing at their front door.
He looked up quickly from his phone and beamed at them. "My heroes!"
"What are you doing outside, silly?" Y/n asked. "Don't you have a key?"
"Naomi made me give it back after I pulled that prank on you guys last month," he explained as Y/n unlocked the door.
"Well deserved. I still find glitter everywhere."
Y/n set the food on the counter and the other two crowded around. "Thank you, mother, for lunch," Karl joked and kissed her cheek loudly, his love language of physical touch jumping out of him. Y/n grimaced playfully as she wiped her cheek on her shoulder.
Karl pouted. "I thought we were best fwends, Y/n . Best fwends don't have cooties."
"You do. You're a boy."
Y/n's phone lit up as Karl started going on a joking rant about how Y/n  always is so mean to his affections and he can't help wanting to show his friends he loves them and how she's so mean and, "Y/n you're not even listening to my complaints how are we supposed to be best friends when you're too busy talking to your boyfriend all the time and—"
"Boyfriend?" Y/n looked up quickly, worried he had seen the text from Peter that she just read. He was still trying to convince her to talk to him even after she bluntly told him no and why.
Karl walked over to the couch with his food and sat next to Naomi. "I was just joking... why, is there someone?" he giggled. "Dreeeaam maybe?"
Y/n shook her head, and her lack of defensiveness made Naomi and Karl look at each other. Normally she turned bright red and stumbled over her words when they joked about anyone being her boyfriend, but she was stone cold silent as her phone continued to illuminate her face.
"Y/n... What's up?" Naomi asked. "Is it Peter again?"
"Peter?" Karl's eyebrows raised and his food almost fell out of his mouth. "He's been texting you?"
Y/n sighed, locking her phone and sliding it in her pocket before finally joining her friends on the couch. "It's nothing."
"No, it's not."
"He wants to talk," Y/n mumbled.
"What?" Karl asked genuinely.
"I said he wants to talk."
Karl just stared for a few moments before looking at Naomi, who nodded, then back at Y/n. "You're not going to, right? Right? You've got to be kidding me, Y/n, he's a selfish dick and he's just going to keep hurting you. Why do you keep giving him the benefit of the doubt when he's proven time and time again that he's nothing but a fuc—"
"Karl!" Y/n interrupted. "I'm obviously not going to talk to him."
Karl's face flushed, probably embarrassed that he had assumed the worst and ranted. He sighed, exasperated. "Why don't you just block him already?"
Y/n shrugged. "He's harmless now that I don't let his words get to me."
"I'm just glad you finally decided not to meet up with him," Naomi said.
Y/n  shrugged like it was an obvious choice, but deep down she couldn't help but think about the exact reason she had come to that decision. Besides all the pain he had caused her, how could she consider getting back together with her ex when she finds herself giddy about talking to someone else over Discord? Simple: she couldn't. The possibility of liking Dream briefly crossed her mind, and she knew that in the few weeks she had talked to him, the faceless man she had never met in real life made her feel better about herself than her ex-boyfriend ever did in the two years they dated. She wasn't sure quite what that meant, but she knew it was something.
"Can I have George's Dis...call or whatever it's called now? Please?"
Y/n laughed at the failed attempt at remembering the name of the application and pulled out her phone, directing Naomi on where to add friends and listing off his name and hashtag. Naomi then gave Y/n her name so she could tell George who to add back. "There, now leave me alone about George for the rest of your life."
Naomi giggled giddily before going to her room, eyes glued to her phone for the moment he would add her back.
"I'm sorry for being so bossy when it comes to Peter," Karl muttered.
Y/n shrugged and cuddled into the couch, hugging a pillow to her stomach. "I get that he was awful, but you have to trust me to know what to do."
"I do! I promise I trust you but..." Karl paused to groan, "but he just makes my blood boil. I've never hated anyone in my life but I would love to slice his head off if I ever got the chance."
"Thank you for being protective, but I promise I can handle myself."
Karl looked at her sadly. "Why did you stay with him for so long? Even after he cheated on you and said all those horrible things?"
She shrugged shamefully. "I had no one else."
"You had me and Naomi! Y/n, you've never been alone."
"That's not what I mean, Karl. I love you guys so much but it's not the same as dating someone, you know?"
"I guess..." he sighed. "But wouldn't you rather be alone than with someone who's so possessive you're afraid to tell him about your real job?"
Y/n dropped her shoulders. He had a point. She really shouldn't have stayed with Peter as long as she did. He was scary. "Yeah."
A scream from the other room snapped them out of their serious conversation. "HE ADDED ME BACK!"
Y/n laughed and Karl shook his head. "Poor George. He's about to regret so much," she predicted.
"Noooo... I'm sure he and Naomi will get along great," Karl argued. "They'll be friends at least."
"Maybe. Hey, any updates about cameragirl?"
Karl blushed immediately and Y/n smiled.
"Is that a yes??"
"I... may have... finally spoken to her. Y/n, she's so cute. Like, she's so nice and I want to protect her from everything."
"What did you guys talk about?!" Y/n gasped, sitting up quickly.
"You're going to be so disappointed in me..."
"Did you talk about Sonic the Hedgehog again? Karl, I swear—"
"No! But I only said like two words."
"What two words?"
"Um, I said hi, and then she asked how I was and I said good."
"I know!" he said as he buried his face in his hoodie sleeves. "I'm the worst! I don't know how to talk to her! She's so cute!!!"
Y/n laughed endearingly and pulled his hands away. "My offer still stands, I'll teach you how to flirt if you want."
"No, I still don't believe that you can actually flirt."
"I totally can, but fine. Ask Naomi to help you if you don't trust me. She'd teach you if you want." Y/n looked down at her phone as it lit up with notifications from Twitter.
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As if he knew by the smile on her face who it was, Karl challenged, "Flirt with Dream to prove you can."
"I have nothing to prove to you," Y/n mumbled, standing up. "But he wants to call me so I'm going to my room. You're welcome to stay here or go home since Naomi's still in her room too."
"Mkay," Karl said. "I'll just stay here for now. Thanks again for the food."
"No problem, dude." Y/n disappeared to her room and opened Discord on her computer, waiting for Dream to call her. She answered when he finally did.
"Hi, Dream," she smiled into her headset.
"Hi, Bug. What are you up to?"
"Nothing. I was just explaining to Karl how good I am at flirting because he doesn't believe that I'm good."
"I don't either."
"What?" she laughed. "Why does no one think I can? Have you seen all the thirsty people flirting with me on Twitter? You included."
"Yeah, but you hardly flirt back. You just insult us."
"I can flirt when I want to."
"Prove it."
"...I don't want to."
"Why? Because you can only flirt with your boyfriend?"
"Are you trying to get me to admit I have a secret lover?"
"Well too bad, I don't."
"Interesting... so you," he paused, careful with his words, "so you decided... not to listen to whats-his-face?"
"Mhm," she hummed, not trusting her voice to stay steady. Why was she nervous? She crossed her fingers hoping that he wouldn't ask how or why she came to that conclusion. She didn't have a lie ready to hide the fact that it might have something to do with Dream.
"Then there's no reason you can't flirt with me."
Y/n sighed dramatically but still smiled. "Why did you call me? Just to make fun of my flirting abilities?"
"No, I called because I'm bored."
"Wow, so I'm just a backup when GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap are busy?"
"Actually, I called you before I tried either of them."
"Interesting..." she mocked him and he scoffed.
"Stop changing the subject and flirt with me!!! Give me your best pickup line!! Why won't you?"
"How about because I reserve flirting for people who deserve it?"
"Oh, it's that good, huh? You have to be on a VIP list to be flirted with by you?"
"Yeah," she laughed, completely joking. "It's life-changing."
"How do I get on that list?"
"Why do you want me to flirt with you so bad, you weirdo?"
"Because you said it's life-changing! And because I just don't believe that you're good at flirting."
"Why? What about me screams that I'm an awkward mess?"
"Everything!" he laughed. "Every time I've witnessed anyone flirt with you you just get all embarrassed and change the subject. Or on Twitter when we flirt with you, you almost always just reject us outright. People like that aren't smooth."
"Fine. I'll flirt with you, Dream. Not now but when you least expect it and it'll leave you so speechless that you'll never question me again."
"Good. I'm excited."
She snorted lightly and shook her head. "You're ridiculous."
"Oh, hey, you know how I said Sapnap, George, and I wanted to do a big hangout thing with everyone?"
"Yes! Is it happening??"
"Yeah! We still don't know exactly when but George mentioned he thinks New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are stupid holidays so we want to get everyone together in person for that to prove it's a great holiday."
"I mean... I'm kinda with George on this one," Y/n agreed.
"What?! How? It's the start of a New Year! It's an excuse to kiss someone and you start the year with all your friends and loved ones and-"
"It's literally just another day. The only thing that changes is people accidentally put the wrong year when they write dates down for the first month."
Dream laughed. "That's stupid. No. It's a good holiday."
"Whatever. You'll just have to prove to me that it's good."
"I will."
"And the thing you said about having an excuse to kiss someone is stupid. If you wanna kiss someone, just kiss them."
"That easy, huh?"
Dream hummed thoughtfully, a mischievously playful tone to it that made Y/n change the subject slightly to spare her heart from beating too hard.
"So he's coming for New Years'?"
"Okay, yeah, so he doesn't know exactly what date but we're trying to get as many of our friends as we can to come so we have to plan around everyone. Also obviously you and Karl and Naomi are invited."
"Oh, Naomi too? Good, because I think they're talking to each other right now."
"They are," Dream laughed. "George texted me when she added him and he panicked because he doesn't know how to talk to girls."
"What?!" Y/n gasped in offense. "That's his and my thing! Why didn't he text me panicking??"
"He said he was going to text you but since it's your friend he felt awkward."
She grunted. "Fine. I guess that makes sense. Except, I know her better than anyone so I'd be waaay more helpful than you."
"You saying I don't know how to talk to girls?"
"I mean, you've used so many pickup lines on me on Twitter and I'm still not wowed, so yeah, I'd say you aren't as smooth as you'd like to think."
"Bug! What?! I'm totally good at talking to girls," Dream tried to defend, pulling excuses out of his ass. "I just haven't used my best tactics because you're easier to scare away than most. As I said, you can't dish it or take it so I have to use special moves."
"They still haven't worked." The quick beating of her heart and shaking of her hands informed her that that was a lie. Every time he replied to her tweets, the painful grin on her face proved it was a big, fat lie. Maybe she was a little impressed at his "special moves" but she wasn't going to ever admit that to him.
"Whatever, you liar. Anyway, we were thinking of renting a cabin on a lake or something like that for everyone to stay in."
"Oh! Yes, that sounds so fun! I love lake houses so much."
"Good. I'm gonna talk to George and the other brits and see if that's doable. It's gonna happen. I promise. I'm tired of not seeing my friends."
"Wait, how many people are you guys thinking? I'm still nervous about showing people my face..."
"It's a rough list but basically Sapnap, George, Quackity, Karl, Wilbur, Niki, um, Tubbo, Tommy, who else.... I think that's it right now. We'll make sure you know them and are comfortable with them so you don't feel pressured to show strangers who you are."
She nodded to herself. "Okay. I could also just not come if I'm not comfortable with someone—"
"What?!" he asked loudly, genuinely surprised. "Wha— no. We just wouldn't invite them."
"I'd way rather have you there than anyone else. Hell, I'd kick George or Sapnap out if you didn't want to show them your face."
"Wait, really?"
"No pressure but I really want you to come and I want to make sure your comfortable."
"What if I don't want to show you my face?"
There was a long pause and Y/n knew he was trying to control his voice so she didn't know he was disappointed or slightly offended. "I mean... I don't know. I guess I... wouldn't go."
Her heart cracked at the sadness in his voice.
"I really don't want you to be pressured into—"
"Dream," she said. "It's okay. I'm probably most comfortable with meeting you over anyone else."
She didn't trust her voice not to sound too sappy and giddy. She didn't trust it a lot when she was around Dream. "Mhm."
"I'm glad," he said happily but softly. "It will be fun. Also, give me your phone number."
"So forward of you, Dream."
"Shut up, I wanna make a group chat."
Y/n laughed and told him her number. "I'm really excited now, Dream! I haven't hung out with people in so long and it sounds like a fun little vacation."
Dream laughed at her excitement. "I just want to hug the shit out of George."
It was Y/n's turn to laugh loudly. "Have you met him in real life yet?"
"I doubt he'll even let you touch him. He doesn't seem touchy."
"I don't think he is but I don't care. I am very touchy so he won't have a choice but to hug me."
"Ugh, another touchy person. Gross."
"Are you not?"
"Not really. Karl is the touchiest person I have ever met so he's kinda rubbed off on me a little over the years I think, but in general no."
"Oh, yeah, he's already threatened to kiss all of us as soon as we meet," Dream said with a laugh.
"Best to just let it happen. He pouted earlier because I wiped my cheek after he kissed it."
"That doesn't sound like something someone who can flirt would do."
"Because I'm not flirting with Karl!" Y/n groaned but a laugh was behind her words. "What is with you guys?"
"You just can't be on Karl and my level of flirting if we don't see it! Can't be in the gang if you don't show us your skill."
"Just you wait, Dream. You'll see."
"Wait, what about our Minecraft date?"
"What about it?"
"When we do that, you have to flirt with me!"
"No, I don't," she protested with a loud laugh.
"Um, I'm pretty sure it's very rude to not sweet-talk your date. You have to flirt with me then."
Y/n giggled. "Oh yeah? And what if I don't?" She hadn't meant for her voice to come out laced with something suggestive, but if Dream noticed, he thankfully didn't show it.
"Well, we'll just have to keep going on dates until you do."
"Pretty sure forcing someone on dates is illegal, buddy."
Dream laughed. "You agreed to it!!"
"I agreed to the first one," she corrected. "I agreed to one date in exchange for you letting Karl tour me around your server. One."
"Don't worry." Unlike Y/n's, Dream's voice was purposefully laced with something suggestive as he told her, "after our date, it won't take much for you to agree to more."
"Oh whatever," she scoffed, trying to cool her face down with her icy hands. Even they were no match for the heat on her cheeks. "When are we doing this stupid thing anyway?"
"Ah, the smooth talking has begun, I see."
"Dreeeamm..." she whined, growing increasingly tired of the butterflies in her stomach. Why did she suddenly feel so nervous around him? It's not sudden, she told herself.
Dream's cute laugh interrupted her thoughts. "What about tomorrow?"
"I'm streaming Among Us tomorrow."
He groaned. "You never make time for me."
"I cannot stand you," she joked, laughs slipping through her annoyed voice and blowing her cover. "You're the one who said you were too busy to join my lobby. So really you don't make time for me."
"No, no, no," he protested. "I'd make time for one-on-one time with you, just not a game where I hardly get to talk to you."
"Oh my gosh." She rolled her eyes. "How did you turn this around to sound cute again."
"Aw, Bug, you think I'm cute?"
"You ruined it by asking. What are you doing tomorrow anyway?"
"I have to finish a plug-in by tomorrow night so George and I can test it. There's still a lot to fix so it'll probably will take all day."
"Oooh," she cooed. "What's it do?"
"It changes the world every time we take damage," he explained with a hint of pride in his voice.
"What the! That sounds awesome!"
"Thanks," he said shyly, proudness gone now that he was being complimented. "Anyway, George is really busy next week so we have to test it tomorrow night so we can record the next day."
"You probably should finish it then."
"Or you could cancel your stream and we could go on a date."
"Dream!" She laughed. "No! How about next week. Between you editing the video you record, we go on a Minecraft date. How's Thursday?"
"I guess I could fit you into my schedule..."
"I hate you."
His cheeky grin could be heard through his stupid words. "Keep telling yourself that."
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A/N: *sniff* *sniff* yall smell a hater in those twitter screenshots?? hmmm..... 
taglist: OPEN (At the time) (if your blog is in bold, i couldnt tag you, so check your settings so that blogs that dont follow you can tag you!!)  @hydrate-tion​ @loraleiix​ @tinaswagbd​ @charsdummb​ @smileyyuta​ @1ghoste1​ @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge​ @queestionmark​ @carnations-red​ @letsloveimagines​ @the-fictionwriters-hairdo​ @boiled-onionrings​ @a-cryptic​ @fee-btheweeb​ @erwinss​ @just-a-stan​ @axths​ @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​ @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn​ @millavalntyne​ @automaticcomputerpaper​ @nikkineeky​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​ @sprucekot​ @jabby16​ @mae-musicbitch​ @hungoverhellhound​ @dreamyteam​ @kuroo-icedtea​ @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​ @fangeekkk​ @haseulreturns​ @queenwastaken​ @peteysgf​ @losingvienna​ @bi-narystars​ @zero-nightshade​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​ @youhyakuya​ @danny-devitowo​ @clubfairy​ @loser-keiji​ @oi-itsemily​ @alm334​ @katastrophe-kam @wreny24​ ​ @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99 @spacecluster @justonemoreepisode199 @strawbrinkofdeath @aha-red​ 
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viacursecasting · 3 years
Sonadow Scenario #38
It was a quiet evening until the doorbell chimed. Shadow's ear flicked in annoyance as he thought about ignoring it but curiosity got the better of him, so he set his mystery novel aside, getting up to check the front door's peephole. When he saw a familiar shade of blue, his nerves skyrocketed. He suddenly thought about if his quills were unkempt, if his armpits smelled, if his place was messy. Should he just pretend to not be home—?
"I can see your shadow under the door, faker."
The lifeform cursed, taking a breath to calm himself. When he opened the door, he was greeted by an azure hedgehog, cupcake with a lit candle in hand. But no fire could ever outshine the hero's confident grin, the one that made Shadow's heart seize every time without fail.
"Happy birthday, Shads."
"I..." Ahem. "Thank you."
"...This is the part where you invite me in."
"Oh. Right." He stepped aside for the hedgehog.
Sonic handed the dessert to him with a wink. "I hope you like chocolate cake with mocha frosting."
The subtle scent of coffee made Shadow's mouth water.
Sonic caught a spark of intrigue in those crimson eyes. "I'll take that as a yes."
As Shadow closed the door behind him, he asked, "How did you know it was today?"
Sonic raised a shoulder cheekily. "I may or may not have bribed Rouge with a trip to Angel Island."
"Are you mad?"
Shadow gave an amused huff. "No." He was actually a bit flattered someone would go through such lengths for him.
Sonic let out a sigh of relief. "Good."
"But I can't accept this," Shadow confessed, returning the cupcake.
Sonic was dumbfounded to find the pastry in his palm again. "What? Why?"
"I'm not entirely sure it's my birthday."
"What do you mean?"
Shadow glanced out the window, spotting the silhouette of a shy moon hiding behind the clouds. "The passage of time was different on the ARK, so my 'date of birth' is technically inaccurate."
"That's perfect!"
Incredulous, Shadow asked, "How so?"
"That means you can choose whatever day you want!"
He had never considered that. "I suppose—"
Sonic was practically bouncing with excitement. "Do you want it in summer so we can have an outdoor party? Or during Halloween so we can dress up? Oh, oh! In winter during the season of giving—!"
Shadow put his hands on Sonic's shoulders to bring his head back from the clouds. "I think today is just as good as any."
Especially now that you're here, he thought.
"Oh," Sonic replied. The agent was standing real close, so Sonic cleared his throat to mask his blush. He held up the cupcake between them with both hands. "Does that mean you'll make a birthday wish?"
Shadow cradled the hero's hands, lifting them just a touch. He closed his eyes for a moment, deep in contemplation. "I wish—"
"Wait, don't say it out loud!" Sonic warned. "Or else it won't come true!"
Shadow seemed to understand, for he closed his eyes again before gently blowing out the flame.
Sonic couldn't help but fixate on those pursed lips, perfectly positioned to be kissed. It took every ounce of self-control to hold himself back.
They enjoyed the silence—save for the pounding of their hearts—a moment longer before Sonic asked, "Do you think it'll come true?"
Shadow took a deep breath of courage. "It's about to."
He suddenly filled the gap between their lips, swallowing the hero's gasp. Shadow himself couldn't quite believe it either. He just thought his chest was going to burst any second if he hadn't done anything. That being said, he may as well have been on the verge of a cardiac arrest, for his blood pumped madly in his ears, drowning out any doubts.
To Sonic, it was too good to be true. He felt floaty like he was in a dream, except he could also feel Shadow's hand on his cheek, tilting his head for better access, could smell his crisp cologne, a hint of lavender calming his senses, could taste the teasing flicks of his tongue. He tasted like chocolate, smooth and sweet.
Their lips continued their finely timed waltz, natural as the ebb and flow of waves. When the agent hummed with pleasure, Sonic's knees began to buckle, so he was grateful when Shadow slipped a hand around his waist, steadying him. Without breaking the lip-lock, Sonic set the cupcake down on a nearby table before combing his fingers through ebony quills, pleasantly surprised by how soft they were.
Just when they thought the kiss couldn't get any deeper, it did. Shadow thought he heard Sonic utter his name, so he clutched him tighter to coax another whine out of him, caressing the underside of his back quills where he was sensitive. He inhaled more of the hero's scent, cool as a breeze, addicting as a drug. He craved more of it—more of him.
As if reading Shadow's mind, Sonic gently pushed him against a wall, sending shivers down the agent's spine. It made Shadow feel... vulnerable. But because he was with the hero, Shadow didn't mind, even welcomed it. He knew he was in good, firm hands...
They finally parted, slightly out of breath. Sonic half-expected to wake up from this illusion, but he was pleased to find he was still awake. "Sorry, I... You're just... Wow."
The lifeform let out a soft chuckle, which was music to Sonic's ears. Shadow couldn't help it.
He had never seen him so speechless.
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration, Year 3, Day Seven & Eight.
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three, Day Seven & Eight: Slip & Rest.
Due to work wearing me down some I took day seven off and combined both prompts together since they can work nicely together. I had a blast again this year, and maybe I can muster the drive to get my solo-writing back on track, as well as get back to some hiatus’d RP’s I owe people.
Slip & Rest:
Setting her stylus pen down, Sally’s eyes glanced over the proposal she had finished penning on her tablet device. Once she was satisfied with the outline, and it’s concise word usage, she manually saved the document, and then had it sent to each of the Acorn Council members to go over, and give their input before they agreed on a finalized draft to implement. “Done, and done! Nicole, what's next on the docket for today?”
Materializing from one of the many holographic emitters through the castle, Nicole the Lynx appeared. Sporting a rather nice looking lavender, women's business suit. With the dress shirt under the suit jacket a lovely cream-pink. Hands folded, she smiled at Sally as her eyes closed briefly. “Absolutely nothing else! You’re finished for the day!”
Sally blinked, and looked at the clock at her desk, “How can that be? It’s only two o’clock, I should have more work until four or four-thirty. I could have sworn I had a remaining proposal to look over-.”
With a simple wave of her hand in a dismissive gesture, Nicole interjected politely. “You did, but I delegated it, as I did the rest of your itinerary.”
Flabbergasted, Sally pushed back from her desk, but remained sitting. “W-why?! Why did you do that Nicole? Some of those documents could use my oversight!”
“Yes, but also no. None of them were documents that couldn’t be looked over by the right delegate who is knowledgeable of the topic. They will have to cross your desk again, but for today others can do your work.” Hands now behind her back, Nicole’s smile faded, her expression now mild disappointment, and also full of concern. “You’re starting to overwork yourself again, and above all else, you’re still recovering from your ‘slip’.”
Grimacing, Sally looked down at her right leg, which was in a cast. “I’m sitting down, and off of it-.” “Doctor’s orders were to elevate it as much as possible. You can’t do that at a desk.” The Lynx stated in a firm, chiding manner as she moved closer and eyed the leg in question. “Why aren’t you doing this from bed or a couch at least?”
Sighing, Sally dragged a hand over her face. “Because, I get comfy, and I want to rest, I start to let my mind wander, or get nap-craven…”
An amused expression crossed the cyber-lynx’s face as she steps closer and places a hand on Sally’s shoulder. The nanites in her hologram made her body solid so she could do so. “That’s what you get when you don’t get enough rest. Your body will eventually start to remind you it has needs.”
Whining a little, a rarity from Sally unless she was ‘tired’. “I just have so much to do-.” “You have people to delegate your workload, myself included.” Reminded Nicole with an all-too-familiar tone of playful snark. “Sally this isn’t the war, you don’t need to take the world on your shoulders.”
Running a hand through her hand, Sally sighed again. Deep down she knew Nicole was right, but she had her reasons for being hyper-focused on certain aspects of work. “I know, I know, but after what happened in Spagonia last year, I wanted to hit hard on stemming any further diplomatic issues that have cropped up since-.”
The hand on her shoulder softly squeezed, empathy deep in Nicole’s voice. “I know you’re worried about a repeat of the kidnapping. Nor have any relations with other countries soured over bad diplomacy; but the whole incident was staged by a handful of greedy jerks.”
 “Greedy jerks, with a lot of pull, and a decent sized following of morons who bought their spiel, hook, line and sinker.” Sally reminded Nicole, shuddering as the memory of the whole incident made her heart clench in terror. The fear of someone wanting to hurt her babies to get back at her never truly left her. “I can’t let that happen again, ever.”
“None of us want it to happen again. That’s why we made those bracelet watches with two of my A.I.’s to be with them at all times. Whisper and Tangle are their new bodyguards and they’re among the best, and you and Sonic have been teaching them to defend themselves. In fact…” Nicole gestured to Sally’s leg. “That’s how you got that, you got over-zealous showing them some of your moves.”
A blush formed on Sally’s cheeks, going up to the tips of her ears. After the kidnapping incident, both Sonic and she wanted to start the children learning some basic self-defense. They made it a full family event with all four of them practicing, and the kids were really receptive. Then again, they always liked to see their parents show off for them, and neither Sonic nor she could resist those eyes, and pouty lips for too long.
So Sally decided last week to really show off some of her acrobatics. Even after all these years, a lot of it just came back to her, even the skills she rarely used since the war (she did keep up some of her training as an exercise regime) she found herself slipping back into use without too much catch-up practice. However, Sally was now over thirty, and was a bit more… ‘filled-out’ since her teen years. So during one wall-flip and somersault onto another surface maneuver, she miscalculated and ended up landing on her one leg, the wrong kind of way.
Luckily the break wasn’t bad, but of course Dr. Jolene had insisted on bed-rest for the majority of the next month, and to stay off the leg as much as possible. For the first two weeks, Sally obliged the order; until the itch to crack at her work got the better of her. Deep down Sally knew she was being somewhat unreasonable, but she couldn’t just be lazy all day when things had to be done!
Realizing she’d been silent for a time, and Nicole was looking at her with curious concern. Sally shook her head. “I'm well aware of how my leg got injured.” Hands on her desk, she stood up, making sure to lean on her good leg, and not let go of the desk. Reaching for her crutches, she managed to slip them under her arms and eased from the desk. In such a quick motion, Nicole didn’t have a chance to offer to help her with them. “In anycase, even if my other tasks have been delegated, I can still stop by the Council Chamber to-.”
Having had her fill of indulging the notion Sally might listen to reason and ‘rest’, Nicole decided to act and clapped her hands. Instantly she was connected to the intercom of the library. “Sonic, your lovely wife is trying to hobble out to the Council to work when she should be resting.
Eyes wide, and panic setting in, Sally glared at the Lynx who just smiled widely. “Nicole you traitor!” She turned to try and ‘hobble off’, but she could already hear not one, but three ‘booms’, followed by the sound of fast footsteps. Sally could only make a ‘meep’ sound as the door to her office flew open, and there stood her husband and children. “H-hey you three, you didn’t need to interrupt afternoon reading time. I was just seeing myself-.”
Sonic didn’t say a word, he simply crossed the distance, and instantly scooped Sally into his arms. Carrying her just like he always did. “Save the excuses for the Doc, you’re going back to bed. No work, at all. Nicole hun, can I count on you to do your thing?”
“Always my main Hog.” She smiled ever widely, nodding and with a bow, her physical form dissolved as she rejoined the castle’s nanite-network to go about her duties.
Wiggling in Sonic’s grasp, Sally puffed her cheeks, trying to look miffed, but only made herself look like a petulant child. “I can move on my own! I have crutches!” “Denied babe, kids, can you pick up the crutches for me?”
“Yes Dad!” The two seven year olds each grab and crutch and heft the item. The two lay their gazes upon their mother, practically mimicking their Father’s disappointment.
“Mama…” Kathleen puffed her cheeks, and attempted to intensify her glare. “You’re supposed to be resting!”
 As they followed their Father into the hallway, J.C. began to count off as he joined his sister in roasting their mother. “Doctor’s orders, Dad’s orders, Auntie Nicole’s orders, Aunt Bunnie and Uncle Twan’s orders-.”
“I know, I know!” Sally threw up her arms, admitting defeat, if not entirely in a graceful manner. Arms crossed she grumbled as Sonic carried her, she looked to her husband. “Isn’t carrying me a bit much?” She seemed to get more antsy about this fact, than her family putting her in the spotlight.
“Nope.” With a foot he kicked the door open softly, yet swiftly.
“...Aren’t I heavy?”
“Still nope.” Sonic eyed his wife, taking notice of his wife’s look of self-consciousness about the weight comment. “Hey kids, can you do me a solid?” He turned his head to regard the apples of his eye, smiling all the while.
“What can we do for you Dad?” Asked J.C. as he set the crutch he had carried against the wall. Something his sister mimicked as they both gave Sonic their full attention.
“Zip to the kitchen, and if Miss Cream’s there, ask her to whip up some pasta, garlic bread for dinner, and whatever else you two want. After you’re done, go and play, I got Mama from here.”
“Are you sure Daddy?” Kathleen raised an eyebrow. “Mama can be wily.”
He chuckled, gosh the kids were picking up those fancy words their Mama liked to use. “She can, but I can be more, that word you used. I got this.” He smiled and winked at the two children.
After a beat, the two children shared a look. “They’re gonna be gross.” Kathleen surmised after a moment. “Probably.” Her twin nodded, and the two rushed out of the room, making sure to close the door behind them. “Sheesh, us gross?” He grinned at Sally as he brought her to the bed, carefully settling her into her side. “How slander’in can you get? By our own kids!”
Unable to help herself, Sally giggled, lifting her leg as Sonic fit a pillow under her cast-laden limb. “Well to them, us kissing and being cuddly can be seen as gross.”
“Maybe.” He shrugged, gazing at his beautiful wife for a moment. Soaking in the view before taking her hand into his. “Something up Sal? I mean besides you not taking bed-rest orders, why’re you so touchy about me picking you up? Do you really think you’re heavy or something?”
“W-well…” The blush returned, from her neck to her ears. As those emerald eyes gazed upon her she looked away. “W-well I am, thicker than before-.” “Sal, it’s called having kids. Even I know most women have some ‘thicc’ added afterward. You’re still gorgeous as ever, plus you still work out, and keep in shape.” He raised an eyebrow. “You’re the last person I’d consider fat hun. Why did someone accuse you of such?”
“No, no this is entirely on me. I’ve just noticed it more, at how ‘thicc’ I am as you’ve put it. Plus without being able to work out due to my leg, it’s like...I just notice so easily when I’ve gained weight.” She rubbed her arms, feeling so vain about being worried over her figure or weight. “I just, wonder if I was off my jump that messed up my leg because of all this extra weight on me…”
“Ahh, I see…” Sonic still felt she was being silly, but he knew he shouldn’t dismiss her concerns either. Kicking his shoes off, he rounded the bed and climbed on from his side so he could sit next to her. Slipping his arm around her waist he leaned in and rested his cheek to hers. “Sally, sweetie, trust me you’re still fine as ever. That said, I could ask the Doc if there’s some exercises you can do without your legs, and we can ask the cook staff to give ya’ mostly light meals until you’re well enough to exercise properly again.”
“I think I would like that…” She murmured, leaning into him and enjoying the contact.
“As for your weight being why you got hurt… We’re both getting older, but Sal, babe, lookit me.” Once she did he leaned in, kissing her softly. “Just cuz’ your hips, boobs and thighs are a li’ thicker than before. Doesn’t mean you still aren’t looking after yourself, you keep in shape, and well… babe, last year you tore through a buncha armed idiots with just a sword, boots and fists. None of em’ laid a hand on you. You are not losing your touch.”
“I guess, I am being a bit silly…” Sally was still not entirely convinced, but it was nice to hear Sonic’s words. Sure he could charm and butter up anyone if he tried; but she knew him well enough when he was BS’ing. Now wasn’t the case. “Although I could argue you are biased.”
He merely grinned. “So I’m biased, I happen to enjoy being biased toward the woman I married.”
“Good to know, though truth be told.” Nuzzling his cheek, Sally peppered him with soft kisses. “I’m rather biased toward the wonderful man I married.”
After the two embraced again, Sonic leaned back and gently booped her nose. “Now if you’ll just relax and get some rest…”
“I get it, I get it, I know when I’m licked Sonic.”
His eyebrows waggle, “I haven’t done any of that… yet.” A laugh tore from her throat as she lightly smacked his arm. “Sonic!! Hahaha, oh you’re terrible!” “I dunno, you didn’t complain last time.” Arms reclining behind his head, the hedgehog clearly enjoyed his wife’s laughter at his admittedly naughty commentary.
“N-no, I didn’t…” Snerking, Sally shook her head, fighting another blush on her cheeks. “I’m sorry I’ve been difficult, I just… I feel compelled to see things through myself.”
“I get’cha Sal, still, relax, rest.” He insisted as he eased her against her pillows. “I’ll rest with ya’.”
“Going to keep an eye on me, huh warden?”
“If the shoe fits.” He shrugged, his infuriating smile remaining on his face. 
With a dramatic sigh, Sally reclined against the pillows, arms up as if she expected to be cuffed and hauled away. “I submit myself to the court.” “Just be sure to repeat that, as the kids are just as concerned as I am.” He stated playfully, going for one last dig. A bit low, but he wanted her to contemplate on that.
“Ouch… right, ughh.” She dragged a hand over her face. “I probably haven’t been setting a good example for them…” Knowing her children, they would milk that for all they could.
“Eh, I can’t be the only one giving em’ bad habits.” Sonic conceded with a mild shrug, before wrapping his hand over hers. “Now, how about we just lie here and chill here until supper is ready?”
Smiling softly, Sally squeezed his hand. “It’s a date, Sonic.”
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope - chapter 2 - Starting something new..
They were almost ready, all they needed was the one thing every revolution heroes needed: Badass outfits. For that, they counted on Griff to make some patterns to stick on their outfits or whatever weapons they carried, Kip suggested to make stickers to glue them around the city whenever a crime occured and they came to the rescue, to leave a message that something happened. Everyone loved that idea, and eitch one got to work in making their outfits, stickers and whatever else they needed to start the revolution for real...
With stickers and acessories settled, now they needed the main thing: The outfits. But.. No one knew how to sew or make clothing.
"Wait!" Maria shouted. "I know someone! Ya'll remember Maggy yeah?" She added with a tone of excitement.
"Ah, isnt she the one who draws the Metal Werehog and how you joke she refuses to tag you in them?" Togekiss answered with a tone of sass. Maria blushed and pouted her lips.
"Yeah yeah. Anyways she's visiting here for a local con, selling her drawings and prints, did you know she actually sews and knits clothes?" Maria added with a tad of admiration.
"Really? Well shit badass then" Blink added with a soft smile. "How do we get in contact with her?" She asked.
"She should be at the event center setting up her booth stand. If we leave now we'll have plenty of time to talk to her." Maria answered with a confident tone.
"What are we waiting then?" Kip added. "Let's go!"
Everyone nodded and made their way to the local event center.
At that same event center, Maggy was setting up her booth, putting her prints up on the sides and on top of her desk, showing the kind of work she does and displaying her various pieces she drew herself, whether it was her OCs, Silent Hill or Sonic theme, eitch was individually beautiful and unique. She also set up a small cashier and some paper and pens for possible requests on the fly, or a doodle with an autograph, you can never be too prepared.
She was organizing her papers when a small hand knocked on the wooden booth to call her attention, she looked up to see the entire Future Hope crew, with Maria in front and smiling confidently.
"Maria!" She exclaimed happily, going around the booth for a hug, who Maria happily accepted the hug.
"It's so good to see you!" She said with an excited tone, she pulled apart from the tone and looked at the remaining others, many she didnt recgonize. "And.. Who are these?" Maggy asked.
"Ah, Maggy these are some of my Tumblr friends, like you! Im sure you know Griff already" Maria said referring to Griff, who had a hand behind his hand and sheepishly smiling. "But you see.. We kinda need a moment to talk to you, if that's OK" Maria asked, practically whispering to Maggy.
Maggy nodded, and leaded them to another area of the convention center which was emptier, so they could have some privacy. Once they got there, Maria explained as basicly as she could about her and Future Hope, the wishing fountain, their new powers, their intentions.. Maggy listened quietly, but intriguied as anyone would be.
"Woahh.." Maggy said, finally hearing the end of the story. "You guys really are gonna be super heroes?" She asked with a spark of excitement. "And I get to help?"
Maria nodded with a smile. "We need you to make outfits for us, whenever you have the time of course. None of can sew but we have the designs here for you. That is, if you-"
"Yes!!!" . Suddenly being cut off, Maggy got up with smiled with pride, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I'd be honoured to help! This'll be so cool!! I'll have those made for you as soon as I can!" She said taking the designs from Maria.
Maria smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I knew I could count on you.." She said softly. "Of course" Maggy responded. "After all: Nós portuguesas têm que contar uma na outra né?"
"Haha! Falou e disse amiga!" Maria responded in portuguese, both laughing together while leaving the others clueless, but nonetheless happy for them.
"Well." Maggy said. "I should head back, the con will start soon". Maria nodded and looked at the others, who agreed it was time to go home and wait, with a final hug, they said their goodbyes and headed back to Maria's house.
They werent simply gonna stand around and wait for the costumes to be ready, until then, they decided to fix up the one thing every SuperHero group needed: An HQ. A place to reunite, plan, organize and discuss strategies whie also knowing about whatever recent crime could be going on.
But of course, they were only a couple of young and very, very broke adults. Griff's Youtube Channel was starting to blow up but nothing too extreme yet, but he will get there soon. Same for Maria and her animation channel, they were started to get discovered but they had a long way to go. But it'll happen.
In the meantime, Maria does have a big and very spacious basement, they decided they would settle there for now. Blink and Kip started brooming the floor, Muffin and Spooks were dusting the walls, Muffin used her wings to reach the roof and corners, and Spooks enjoyed the darkness of the basement to summon her Dark Hands to help the job go quicker. Rooko and Rooki decided to go to a hardware store and get some new materials and give the basement a better fixer upper, install some new lights, maybe install a window...
Spike and Togekiss were out looking for things to decorate the HQ, a table, a rug, some chairs, a new wallpaper perhaps.. Meanwhile Maria and Griff were online shopping for some cool props to decorate the HQ as well, using Maria's laptop, they scowered the internet.
"Oo!" Exclaimed Griff, pointing at the screen. "This life-size Master Chief would really spice up the place!" He said excitedly, Maria shook her head with a soft smile. "Griffy we're only looking for small decorations, not turning my basement into nerdvana" She answered.
"Oh.. Right.. Sorry.." He sort of mumbled out, Maria raised a brow in concern and set the laptop next to her, placing a hand on his arm. "Is something wrong..?" She softly asked..
".. It's just.." Griff started to answer. "You know how overly-excited I get. You know how hyped and impacient I get for these things.. Im just worried that... That.."
"Yes..?" Maria asked.
"... What if I blow it?" He asked, with a tone of sadness. "What if my powers arent as good as I thought? What if instead of helping everyone, I just make everything worse..?!" His voice tone got louder as he started to slightly panic. "Im a big, musculent WereRabbit, that HAS to be scary in a way isnt it? Im practically a Mons-"
"Dont you dare finish that word!!!" Maria shouted at him, gripping his shoulders hard, looking at him straight in the eye, her black eyes glimmering like a starry night without the moon.. Glimmering with worry.
"Listen to me very, carefully. No matter what you are, or what you do. You.. will never, be a Monster.." "Monsters arent the big unknown creatures we see in movies, they're out there, looking like us, gaining people's trust just so they can take advantage of them, taking or ruining innocent lives, people who have their heads so far up their asses they've become blind and see nothing but themselves. THOSE ARE MONSTERS!!!" She raised her voice, shaking a little bit. Griff only stared at her, shaking a bit as well, until suddenly Maria placed her head on his chest, pulling him in for a hug..
"You're not even close to being like them, and your physical appearance doesnt define your heart.. Please, never doubt yourself like that again.. Because you are better then this, and you know it.." She quietly spoke, waiting for a reply.. Which she didnt receive. Griff embrace the hug back, and that was all that needed to be said, without words whatsoever. Between those two, the message was clear:
Monsters are the ones who cause darkness around them, and not them, or their friends are even close to being them, they are the opposite. They will be the light, a new beginning, a new..
Future Hope..
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starbornvalkyrie · 4 years
what we could be | part four
A/N: I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to update this one! This part fought me hard, to be honest. It’s a little shorter than the previous parts, but I just had to get past it to move the story along. I’ll leave you with this: things have to get worse before they get better. Enjoy!
warnings: language, smut, alcohol.
to recap: part three | what we could be masterlist
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“What did you just say?
He heard a huff on the other end. “I know you’re not that dense, Rowan,” she growled, “You know exactly what I said.”
“But… but…” he stammered. So unlike him. “But how?”
“How? Hm, well, when a man and a woman both consent to it, they get naked, then the man takes his dick and--”
Rowan snapped. “Aelin, shut the fuck up, I’m not an idiot.”
“Coulda fooled me,” she mumbled, and Rowan let out a sigh.
“You’re pregnant.”
“About nine weeks, yes.”
Rowan paused. “And it’s mine?”
Aelin barked a laugh with no humor behind it. “Unless you’re also accusing me of cheating, then yes, it’s yours.”
“I’m just trying to make sense of it all,” he retorted. Rowan’s head is spinning. It feels strange, not being able to control his emotions. He wants to suggest they start the conversation over, a little more calmly.
But of course, it’s Aelin. She’s a firecracker on a good day, and he had to assume she hadn’t had a good day in a long, long while. “What is there to make sense of? We fucked, you didn’t pull out, and now I have another life form growing in my stomach.”
He was about to correct her on the location of the baby when his brain caught onto her tone. “Hold on. Are you… mad at me?” he asked, rubbing his temples to chase away the impending headache that was forming. 
“Yes! No… agh, I don’t know! Damn hormones…” She said that last part more to herself than to him, and he was starting to soften up to her mixed feelings when she yelled, “You got me pregnant!”
“Well, it takes two to tango, Aelin!”
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
“Gah, Aelin!” 
“Rowan!” She screamed so loudly, Rowan could have sworn he felt the sonic boom from across the ocean.
He had to remember who he was talking to, had to think about what she’s going through. As calmly as he could, though there was still a slight bite to his words, he said, “I think… I think I need some time to process this. Can I call you later?”
There was a pause so long that Rowan had to check to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. After a minute, he heard her take a deep breath, something he knew she did whenever she was trying to prevent herself from saying something stupid. Or mean. Or all of the above.
“Later… Got it. Bye, Rowan.” And she hung up. Rowan wasn’t sure how long he stood there with his phone still to his ear, but he pulled it away and stared at it, willing all the answers he wished he knew to appear from out of nowhere. When did he even stand up?
Aelin is pregnant.
Aelin is pregnant with his child.
From the sounds of it, she’s going to keep it. Gods, they hadn’t even gotten that far in the conversation.
Aelin is pregnant.
Rowan is going to be a father.
He thinks he’s going to be sick.
Deep breaths, Rowan.
Rowan waited until he was sure he wasn’t going to lose the sandwich he ate on the way home, then left to find Fenrys.
Fenrys will either know what to say or sit with him while he drowns himself in liquor. Either way, Rowan just needs his friend.
Rowan ran from his housing to Fenrys’ classroom on Mistward’s campus and got there just in time to see him flirting with one of his classmates.
Fenrys looked up at him and grinned. Rowan wasn't sure what his own face looked like, but he could see concern flash through Fenrys’ eyes. 
“Hey, Whitethorn, why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Fenrys clapped Rowan on the shoulder, trying to lighten his mood.
“Aelin is pregnant.” Fenrys’ smile faltered, his grip tightened ever so slightly. He looked over his shoulder to tell his classmate he’ll catch up with her later then guided Rowan towards the edge of campus where the bars are. Rowan had never felt more grateful to have a friend like Fenrys.
They made their way to the hole-in-the-wall tavern they found their first week in Wendlyn. The bar food is subpar, but they have a top notch selection of beers on tap. Rowan, however, went straight for three shots of tequila then an old-fashioned to sip. Mixing tequila and whiskey at three in the afternoon probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but Rowan didn’t feel like being smart.
Fenrys waited until Rowan ordered his second old-fashioned before speaking. “So… Aelin is pregnant.” It wasn’t a question, but Rowan nodded. “Wow. Okay, um, how do you feel about that?”
Rowan took a long sip of his drink before answering. “I don’t know man, I haven’t really given myself time to process it. She called to tell me, we fought, we hung up. And now I’m here,” he lifted his glass. Drink. “Gods, I’m also pretty sure we broke up before I left for the program here.”
“What do you mean you’re ‘pretty sure’? Are you together or not? And what on earth did you have to fight about?” Rowan drank for every question Fenrys asked, finishing the glass. His brain was finally getting muddled, his racing thoughts becoming an ugly, incoherent blur. He signaled for another drink. 
“I don't know, man. We fought before I left, and I told her we’d talk when I got back to Terrasen. Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean.” Rowan thought drinking with Fenrys would help him, but it actually might be pissing him off instead.
Before Fenrys could pester him some more, he tossed back the old-fashioned in one go, and stood up on shaky legs to leave. “Hey, let me help you get back, dude.”
“No, thanks, you’ve helped enough.” A hurt look flickered across Fenrys’ face, and Rowan felt guilty for a moment. It wasn’t his fault Rowan was in a shit mood, but he couldn’t do anything about it in this state. He made a mental note that he hoped he’ll remember to apologize and have an alcohol-free conversation with him later.
The walk back to his housing was a blur. Rowan had to stop multiple times to settle his stomach, but luckily he made it back without ruining the pristine Wendlyn sidewalks with his vomit. He had hardly sobered by the time he found his building.
Rowan’s feet took him in the opposite direction of his room, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He didn’t care to. Next thing he knew, Remelle opened the door to his incessant knocking for the second time that day. She looked like she was about to yell at him again, so Rowan grabbed the back of her head with one hand and her waist with the other and crashed his lips to hers. She didn’t protest.
He pushed her back into her room and slammed the door behind him. He led her towards her bed, clothes flying along the way. When she laid back against her pillows and spread her legs, he didn’t hesitate to climb on top of her and enter her roughly. There was no passion in their coupling, only the urge to release, to forget.
They stayed in bed through dinner, alternating between laying there, panting, and fucking each others’ brains out. It wasn’t until Rowan slid into Remelle for the third time that night that he let himself realize what he was doing--let himself realize that even though he was in bed with Remelle, he was imagining he was with a different blonde across the sea.
He pulled out of her abruptly, much to her dismay, and gathered his clothes. Not bothering to don his shirt, he ran back to his room.
In the privacy of his own quarters, in the silence with his thoughts, Rowan allowed himself to cry.
After Aelin’s conversation--if she could even call it that--with Rowan yesterday morning, she thought she’d panic. But instead, she felt hollow, alone. She didn’t know what she was supposed to expect. Whatever it was, it wasn’t that.
She’d spent the rest of the day in bed, only getting up when Lysandra forced her to eat something and to take a bath where she stayed for two hours.
She’d wished that her mother was there to tell her what to do next, but then she cried thinking that her parents would never meet their grandchild. Her baby would only know about Evalin and Rhoe through stories, her memories. She’d always thought that if she did one day find herself pregnant, she’d have her mother there to guide her.
But her mother was dead, Rowan couldn’t even speak to her, and Aelin was alone.
Eventually, Lysandra got sick of Aelin’s wallowing, no matter how supportive she was trying to be. Aelin thanked the gods for keeping Lysandra with her. When they had dinner last night, Lysandra suggested she needed to go out and do something to distract herself from the pit Rowan left in her heart.
At the same exact moment, she’d received a text from Chaol asking if she was feeling better.
Lysandra took that as a sign and urged her to reach out and reschedule their coffee date.
So here she was, sitting at a table in UT’s campus coffee shop. Aelin sipped on her lemon-ginger tea--not her favorite, but it helped her stomach--as she waited for Chaol to get out of his class. She couldn’t stop checking her phone for any messages from Rowan, but there were none. Even a quick Instagram search revealed he hadn’t been active since yesterday morning. With a sigh, she silenced her phone and put it in her purse.
After a few minutes of people watching through the window, she spotted Chaol’s tall figure coming from the chemistry building. Aelin waved at him as he entered and watched as he went to order before joining her.
“Aelin! I’m so glad we could meet. You’re feeling better?” He sat down across the table from her, but the table was small and his legs were so long, his knee brushed hers. The subtle touch made her blush, and she tried to keep the color at bay.
She smiled at him. “A little. Enough to be out and about, not enough to scarf down a whole chocolate cake no matter how badly I wanted to.” He laughed and the sound made her heart flip. Damn pregnancy hormones.
“Well, when you feel like you can eat again, I’ll gladly buy one for you.” He moved to grab something from his backpack-- a stack of papers. “I know this is the last thing you’d want to think about right now, but before I forget, these are the notes and everything from the lectures you missed. You still have to make up a lab, but the professor said you have until the end of next week.”
Aelin took the papers and thanked him. She suddenly felt guilty for how sweet he was being to her without knowing the extent of the situation she’s found herself in. She likes Chaol a lot and didn’t feel that it was fair to string him along.
“Can I actually--”
“So, Aelin--” They both spoke then broke off at the same time, chuckling at their synchronicity. “You can go first,” he said.
She released a steadying breath through her nose. “Okay, there was a reason I wanted to meet with you today. I have something to tell you, but I’m not entirely sure how you’ll react.”
“It’s alright, Aelin. You can tell me anything, I won’t judge.” Too sweet. Too damn sweet, this guy.
“Okay,” she repeated. “I- I’m pregnant.”
Aelin watched Chaol as he processed the bomb she just dropped. She noticed his eyes widen ever so slightly, his mouth gaped open. After a few agonizing moments, he shook his head to clear the daze. He was about to reply when the barista called his name to pick up his order. 
With an apologetic glance, Chaol stepped away. Aelin closed her eyes, mourning whatever could have happened between the two of them. She opened them when she heard Chaol take his seat across from her once more.
“So, you’re pregnant.”
“I am.”
“And I’m assuming… Rowan is the father.” She nodded apprehensively, knowing his acquaintanceship with Rowan was tense, at best. The two men never clicked. They had only met once last semester when Aelin and Chaol had to work late for an inorganic chemistry lab, and whatever vibes they gave each other were not pleasant. Ever since, she tried to avoid the two of them ever crossing paths again, though Rowan frequently expressed his displeasure whenever she brought up their work in the lab.
“Wow. How are you really feeling then? You’ve been having morning sickness, I take it?” Aelin tried not to show how shocked she was by the genuine concern and automatic acceptance in his voice. Why couldn’t this have been Rowan’s reaction?
Nonetheless, she nodded. “It actually hit me for the first time when we originally planned our coffee date. I went straight to Lysandra’s house to take a test and had it confirmed at the doctor at the end of the week. I think I’m still processing it all, actually.” 
“That’s understandable, Aelin, this is huge. And Rowan, does he know? He’s studying abroad in Wendlyn this semester, right?”
Aelin let out a humorless laugh. “Oh yeah. He knows. Not that he cares.”
Chaol narrowed his eyes, likely figuring out how their conversation had gone, but he didn’t pry for more details. Aelin was grateful for that. Grateful for him. “Well, I’m not going anywhere, Aelin. I get it if you’re not looking to date anyone while you figure this out with Rowan, but I still want to be around you.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I like you a lot, I have for a while now, in all honesty, but a friendship with you is better than nothing.”
Aelin stared at their joined hands, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, Chaol. Your support means more than you know.”
He leaned across the table to kiss her on the cheek, and Aelin couldn’t stop her blush this time. They steered the conversation to other topics, talking endlessly about everything they could think of.
Though Aelin was sad at the thought of what could have been, she felt hope reignite in her chest.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all!
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pinejayy · 4 years
Where Evil Grows ( Dr. Robotnik x F!Assistant Reader )
Author's note: I wanted to write this for me okay because wow I'm thirsty for him okay? Okay :)
Description: What if you were Dr. Robotnik's assistant, the Doctor may seem like harsh man but what do you expect from a guy who wasn't loved as a child, but you know deep down he has a soft spot somewhere. He says he hates everyone in the world or does he?
Word count: +1.6k
L/N = Last Name
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Ever since you started working for Robotnik, life has been more interesting! You don't quite remember how you started working for the Doctor but it was been the most thrilling job you ever had. But you had to admit at first you really disliked the idea working for him, considering all the things you herad about him, and oh his attitude was something special. But as time passed by those feelings started to fade away, and you couldn't help it but fall for him. Yes I know it's wrong to fall for your boss who treats you like total crap but something about him just makes you get butterflies.
Currently Robotnik and you and some other people were heading to the small baseball place they have in this small town. Since last night the whole town power just went out. The government thinks something or someone did this, and they wanted to get to the bottom of this. You don't know why everyone was freaking out over the power being out honestly.
You sighed, you were with your Boss in his semi truck since he said that he wanted you by his side most of the time. As you guys were approaching your destination you looked at him, he was working on something. So gently tapped his shoulder.
"Sir, we are almost at our destination." You said softly.
He jumped slightly not expecting to hear you. He turned to look at you, putting whatever he was working on down. He stood up and he just had a smirk on his face. "Thanks for informing me Agent L/N." He said. He grabbed his sun glasses putting them on. "And Agent L/N make yourself more presentable, we are about to get off."
You quickly looked down, just nodding. You straighten out your clothes, made sure your makeup wasn't a mess and fixed up your hair. As the vehicle came to a stop, the doors opened and the Doctor just stepped out, you quickly followed behind and just walked besides him. He seemed to walking towards a guy that looked in charge, Robotnik took off his glasses and just handed them to you.
"Are you in charge here?" He asked the army guy, as he was about to answer he got interrupted with a loud a NOPE, WRONG AND ME. Man the Doctor wasn't letting the poor guy speak up.
You then held up a small tablet screen, showing something that he was proud of. You soon after put it away. As Robotnik was just going on and just basically letting everyone know he was in charge. Soon after he let his drones go on for a search.
After that both of you went back inside of the black semi truck, as his drones were searching around and when it got something he called you over. A screen was showing a foot print of an animal but what animal?
"Look at that Agent L/N, we've got something. Now we best be heading there."
You just nodded and mumbled a "Yes sir."
As the truck started to drive, you looked at him you couldn't help but just admire him, you honestly felt bad for him. He was really a smart guy, he had a gift actually. And you're not gonna lie he was handsome you shake your head. "No you can't be having those thoughts like for your boss." You thought to yourself.
As the truck came to a stop he stood up, you were about to stand up but he pointed a finger at you. "You stay there, I don't need getting hurt or in my way got it."
It was hard not to roll your eyes but you just nodded. And just stayed put, and soon after he was gone. You sighed heavily, he never said that he wanted you to stay because he didn't want you getting hurt. Your cheeks turned a bright red but sighed you really shouldn't be thinking to much about this.
As time was passing by you were getting bored, you thought he was going to be back quickly. But you herad loud noises it startled you a bit. Oh no what if Robotnik got hurt! You quickly got off but as soon as you got off a car just raced off. You quickly ran into the house seeing Robotnik on the floor you rushed to him and helping him up.
"Oh god, Sir! Are you okay? What happened?" You asked him, as you helped him up. You pointed behind you. "They got away."
He looked at you, giving you a face. "And why didn't you do anything to stop them."
"I just wanted to check if you were alright Sir." You spoke softly looking down. You just herad him scoff at you.
He grabbed your chin gently quite harshly and making you look at him and with his other hand he patted your cheek. "Look at you caring about me, but we have work to do. I found out what made the power go off." He said and letting go of you. "It's something but it seems to have amazing power and I must see what makes it tick." He grabbed his sun glasses from his coat, putting them on and they seemed crooked. He just took them off throwing them to the the side.
"Agent L/N make sure you call the ophthalmologist and tell them I need new glasses. They know what I like. And make sure you bring that quill." As he walked out.
You just nodded, and grabbed the quill and followed him. As you guys went back to his vehicle he just sat down on his chair. Assuming he was gonna start working.
You just looked at him. "Is your cheek okay? Do you want me to get the first aid kit?"
Robotnik just looked at you, and looked away. "No, thank you. Now we must look for this thing."
Time skip
As a day passed by and you guys finally tracked the two criminals. Both of you were in the semi truck as Robotnik was sending one of his robots at them. As both watched as it chase a car. But the blue alien seemed to be fighting back, which just caused him just to ruin Robotnik's robots. You can tell he was getting really upset.
"OH GIVE ME A BIG FAT BREAK!" He yelled out.
But as smaller robots went after them, as you saw them freaking out and pulling their car to the side. As you two just watched one of the small things just explode. Robotnik had a smile up his his face but once he saw the smoke fade away they seemed to be okay, well not entirely.
"Wow look there they are, those two are some real survivors." You said.
Robotnik just made a face, he looked at you. "Can we have a moment." He said walking away. Ah you did it as you followed him. "Pin yourself against the wall."
You blushed slightly and went against the wall. And he just got near you. His face literally inches away from yours.
"You think I will miss the human race or you especially once I destroy it. No I have my machines that never fail me." He said.
Ouch that hurts but you just pushed him back, you just narrowed your eyes. "Never failed you huh? Did you just see what just happened right now! They failed to catch that Tom guy and that blue thing!"
"Did you just talk back to me. Your boss."
"Uh yeah that's how a conversation works Doctor." You just hissed. You were about to walk away but he grabbed you by your arms and he just pinned you against the wall. He just chuckled.
"Something about you Agent L/N has always caught my eye." He said.
You just looked away. "What does that mean? You said you wouldn't care if I was gone."
He just sighed. "It's not true, look I actually quite enjoy your company more or less." He said. You raised your eyebrow. "Look what I'm trying to say is I care about you and just hearing you say those things just does something to me. It makes me upset almost sad. Because God damnit I have these weird feelings towards you."
"Are you saying you like me Sir?"
You cut him off since you placed a small kiss on his cheek. "I also care about you Sir. So much! You're smart and quite handsome." You said with a blush.
His cheeks went a slightly red, and he just looked at you he touched his cheek. He smiled slightly, a real smile.
"This might be unprofessional, but I want you to be mine. Will you be mine." He asked. You smiled and nodded. "But please do give me some time to adjust to this, I've never been loved or don't know how to love someone right." He said looking down and finally backed away.
"There's always a first for everything. Sir." You said, you placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the lips. At first he didn't kiss back back soon after he started to kiss back. He just held you close, like he never wanted to let you go. He then pulled away.
You had a shy smirk on your face, and pulled out the blue quill out showing it to him. He quickly grabbed it. "Good job Y/N" he said.
You blushed and nodded, you saw that he was bringing the quill close to his mouth. "Oh Sir, I don't think you should do that."
But he soon after zapped himself, you just made a face but patted his shoulder. "Come on we have an alien to catch." You said.
"Yes we do." He said with a smirk.
Finally those feelings you had inside of you and you didn't have to stress out to much. You could finally teach the poor Doctor to love. Things were going great what else could go wrong right?
@pepper-somerset @bastardtozier @coffeeandslashers @chamille-trash @gumitooth
You guys wanted it there is something I thought about! But feel free to send in some Robotnik request!!
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idjitlili · 4 years
What can I say I like a climb.
Thorin xhalf elf!reader
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A/n:Bruh imagine having a crush on Andy from the office before just because you had a dream about him dressing up as Gaston and coming to your old high school only to see you slip on the grass. Yeah it happened a couple of months ago when I was still in high school
Summary:growing up as Gandalf's adopted daughter ,being apart of the company only to pass through Rivendell,only to make thorin rage with jealousy
Word count:1921
It was no secret that Gandalf wasnt your real father, you both looked nothing a like. However this didnt stop him loving you like you were his actual child,you werent sure if wizard could have children. You wondered if he ever got horny,it disturbed you but you did wonder. Anyways yiu didnt know your parents ,they were killed by orcs ,Gandalf found you crying as babe ,and thats all you know. You were half elf ,half human ,mostly Thorin didnt like that very much when he found out ,it just meant you lived longer than a human would.
So how you ended up in the company of Thorin Oakenshield was; simply because Gandalf didnt want to leave you with the elves again ,or leave you at home where you could be in more danger. You were more than capable of defending yourself,due to your many vists with Elrond they had trained you very well. You also became best friends with Lindir since he was responsible for most of your training ,plus being your tutor. Lindir was also abandoned as a child but was taken in by Elrond. He grew to become a marchwaden.
Lindir was a shy elf ,as were you ,yet around each other you were very comfortable. Many of your visits he would have to carry to your room ,because you had fallen asleep against him looking at the stars while he told you a story. You both very much enjoyed each others company.
However your feelings towards the dwarven king were much different to how you felt about Lindir. You knew you liked him as soon as you saw him at Bag end ,yes you were very much taken back by his looks ,you swear you fell in love with him right then and there. Of course you thought he could never like you ;he's a bloody king. Oh how wrong you were. He had no choice but to allow you on this quest ,being gandalf,s daughter and all. Gandalf told him to basically to shut the fuck up ,you were coming.
Thorin would never admit it but he did always make sure you were safe,and eating ,covering up with shes such a burden,or whatever. What about when he found out you were part elf? Yeah so you had just bathed and your hair was wet and pushed back and he saw your ears he was like
"you are fucking elf?" he had literally grabbed your elf ,whilst you were standing up ,looking at it ,you had groaned at the contact. Lets pretend that didnt make want Thorin touch your ears more roughly."part,not full,cant you tell compared to elves im an orge." and with that you had pulled your ear from his dwarven fingers walking away. He was left in shock ,how you could thik so low of yourself. shrek is hot though,but you thought you were an ugly orge.Thorin didnt like elves,but he definitly liked you had thought you were absolutely beautiful. With your e/c eyes ,h/l h/c hair,your height ,our form your personality everhting.
Anyways you had just arrived at Rivendell,Lindir hadnt seen you in a while ,and hadnt noticed you yet. You were led to dinner ,with was all veg,you had to agree with ori you could do with some chips right about now,or even some lembas bread. You werent surprised that he didnt recognise you you had developed more in body wise plus you were muddy and wearing a big coat and hat. He had looked for you when he saw Gandalf but when he couldnt see you he assumed you were at home ,he was disappointed..
Kili was sat next to you and Bofur ,he was admiring the elves,saying they didnt have enough facial half. "though that one isnt  bad." he had gestured to a male elf,making the whole company burst out with laughter. "that isnt a  elf maiden." kili face flashed red in embarrassment. You had nudged him still giggling "dont worry,young prince, I know which male elf I would fuck too." you had smirked eyeing lindir ,of course you wouldnt but if you had to you would. The company had laughed again "shes got a dirty mouth laddies." dwalin had pipped up, you smirked pulling off your coat and hat,as the company watched in confusion.
Standing up running over to Lindir ,jumping up onto him wrapping your legs around his waist,arms around his/ next. The company had gasped in shock."is she allowed to do that...?" bilbo had questioned,Thorin watched with a scowl on his face,Dwalin noticed laughing at his friend ,who scoffed. You had pressed a kiss to Lindir's cheek,who's arms now went around your back holding you to him,securely. "mellon, Its been a time." he had spoke placing you down,hugging you briefly. "it has indeed , I missed my bestfriend." you stood in front of him ,smiling ,thorin was still not convinced he was just your friend.
 "youve grown mellon nin." he smiled ,speaking quietly trying to ignore the dwarves ,Thorin almost scoffed louder than a waterfall,as it was obvious what he meant.  The dwarves watched carefually as the next  thing out your mouth really made them think that they really didnt know you. "I know! my breasts have grown finally!" you had literally squished your boobs together over your tunic,making lindir blush in embarrassment ,but laughing. Kili  and fili had watched you ,before looking at their uncle smirking ,he didnt even look at them.  " i meant your slyness," you had giggled at him before hugging him again,before informing him you would talk to him later ,joining the dwarves again.
In which they all stared at you intensely. "so ,you and the elf then?" kili had spoken ,nudging you in the ribs like you had down to him earlier. "yeah we are bestfriends." thorin had scoffed,you had looked at him confused at this gesture. "just friends? right" his tone stern and disbelieving."we have been friends since I was a babe,thats all." you tried to hold eye contact with  thorin but he just looked away with a hard expression. "but you said you rough it up with him." Dwalin tried defending his best bud. "it was a joke thats it,hes my bestfriend that all. not that it is any of your bloody businesses. " you stood up abruptly. "thank you elrond for dinner ,may I be excused."he had simply nodded his head ,you gathered your coat,and hat one for Lindir to come over taking them leading to you to your room.
His hand on your mid back,leading you away from the drama ,Thorin had watched you leave almost gulity for making you upset. Once he had gotten you to your room he had began to sort you a bath ,brushing through your tangled hair first,slowly getting you to relax."Ooooh I'm a dwarf I can give a joke ,but I cant take one, also my nose is bigger than my dick" you had mocked as Lindir finished your hair ,pulling you up shoving you in the bathroom. "you know they are only doing it because Thorin thinks you like me and not him. You mouth gapped open as he shut the bath room door aallowing your privacy.
You couldnt sstop thinking about what Lindir said so much so once you were in your night gown ,exiting the bathroom to meet with Lindir for a stroll in the gardens. You had tripped on your own feet, and Lindir didnt see as he was reading a  book in a chair.  Turns out you landed badly on your wrist ,screamed out in pain,Lindir became sonic rushing to you.You didnt even get a chance to explain before he rushed you to the healers. In which they gave you some herbs for the pain and wrapped up your sprained wrist,putting it into a sling.  
Lindir had held out his arm for you ,and led you to a bench in the gardens  ,your damp hair pushing it out your face in annoyance. Lindir notices this forces you to sit down,before he braids it swiftly ,before a voive clears their throat. Lindir finishes tying the braid off with a ribbon,he places a hand on your shoulder,before bowing his head at at someone leaving. You turn to see Thorin standing in front of you ,you quickly stand,hiding your arm in robe. You knew he would be furious if he saw what happen. His face is unreadable ,he's scowling as usual.
"uh..hi?" you had spoken unsure where to look,just generally confused why he was here. "you aren't together ,but he braids your hair?" he scowls ,you groan in annoyance,walking closer to him. "you know what you are bloody getting on my nerves, dwarf." you had growled out his eyes go wide slightly at your outburst,before returning into a scowl. "for the last time I am NOT dating lindir. The only reason he was braiding my bloody hair was because I sprained my wrist , and couldnt. Secondly even so he can because to elves and humans braids dont suggest we are bloody fucking." you had pointed your left hand ,pointer finger into his chest harshly. You tried not to go weak at the knees ,feeling the muscle he had on his chest.
Yet Thorin had became unbelievably calm as he forced you to sit with him on the bench,by guiding you with his hand on your mid back. "how did that happen?your arm." his hand reached over to move the robe from covering it,his hand lightly grazing the bare skin on your upper arm. Of course you were wearing an night gown under ,just incase you forgot. "..uh..weell i bathed ,then i walked out and tripped over my own feet ,thats it. Before you say anything thats why I was screaming not because lindir had his dick in me." you looked at him deadly serious ,he had sent you smile which was completely new to you.
"I believe you,y/n. I'm sorry for the way I werent around trying to find out if you were free to court?" you had choked at his words. "wait Lindir was right ,you do want to court me?" you had  almost whispered ,he had nodded at you before you threw your one arm around him,hugging him tight ,which he does the same yet carefually,not wanting hurt your arm more.
"Lindir is going to tease me till the end of time,i swear."
bonus~in greenwood .
"and why does a half elf travel with dwarves." Thranduil had asked you circling you both , in reply you had jumped on Thorin ,wrapping legs around his waist.
"what can I say I like to climb" Thorin smirked at the elven king.
"guards remove her!"
"dont tell my dad!"
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
You know something occurred to me. I think in the Sonic game canon Sonic is nicer and more open to Amy post Lost World (not saying he was mean to her before or anything but he did push her away a lot when he probably didn't have to). This is probably because that was the first real instance in which he wasn't in time to save her. Amy died. Temporarily but she died and even did the "last words confessing my love." He definitely seems more comfortable with her and maybe near death calmed Amy down
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They smiled at one another. It was a little weird.
As they both looked away, ducking their heads down slightly, they knew why they were personally acting this way... but it was a complete mystery why the other was doing the same.
Sonic took the initiative to change the subject, jumping down from the low-riding branch and walking over towards the open field while scratching his nose in the awkwardness.
“Fine day for a run, huh?” he was horrible at small-talk, and this effort just made Amy smile even more, but hid it with her gloved hand.
“It is a nice view.” she stared in a sweet wonder at him, and as though sensing her true meaning, he turned around to look back at her as well.
Again, the strange staring...
He kicked the ground a second, as though letting out some nerves as he scanned the ground again, opening his mouth as though to change the subject yet again, but squinted his eyes shut and fully faced away from her. He folded his arms, seeming to just look at the scenery and not comment back.
“You don’t have to do that, you know...” Amy placed her hands together, then dangled her feet from the branch, feeling her spines prickle a bit at the cold weather.
Her back was fully exposed, and so she hopped down, hoping to stand in the descending sunlight with Sonic.
She was still bubbly, but she also felt a bit like her giddiness had been restrained. She had a long... long day.
But it was exciting!... in all the wrong ways.
When Sonic only looked down, she noticed the small fall of his shoulders as well, and immediately wanted to lighten the mood.
If changing the subject helped him, she tried to look around for one. She reached out to him, but pulled back and put her arms behind her back, growing restless again, “Ohh! Look at all the butterflies!” she pointed to maybe two that were below them a ways, “Do you see them? Over here, over here!” she wiggled her arm towards them and then dashed back to grab Sonic’s arm. “I said..!” she started dragging him over, as he lost balance of himself and was forced to let her take him along.
“W-wah, Amy!”
“Here!” she pointed once again as enthusiastically as she had before.
The butterflies had left by then...
“Ohh...” Her face held her disappointment, but she quickly made sure her smile never shifted too much, “Let’s try and find them! With your speed, I’m sure we can find them again!” She held her fist up, encouragingly.
He smiled gently, nodding to her. “A butterfly chase it is then.”
She wasn’t expecting that.
Her eyes blinked a moment in amazement... “You... You’re eyes...” she stepped back a moment, as he looked her over in curiosity, wondering if he did something off or wrong.
She let his arm go, “They’re so caring... so sincere.” her eyebrows arched in worry, “I’m not used to you being so... Ah! Nevermind, nevermind! It’s probably just me! Don’t sweat it!” she shook her hands out, not wanting to make the situation worse.
Or at least... more awkward.
“Right! With the Blue Blur by my side, we’ll find those flowers in no time!” she struck a pose, as Sonic shook his head and silently chuckled to himself, swaying his body in a relaxing way up next to her.
He put his hands to his hips and tilted his head charmingly towards her, “I thought we were looking for butterflies?” he gave her an irresistible grin.
She blushed in her embarrassment, tapping her head lightly and losing her peppy pose. “R-right... guess I’m just feeling a bit ditzy today.”
“It’s not a bad thing.” Sonic walked on down the hill, “I wouldn’t mind a run after that nap.” He stretched a little bit more. “But while Tails and Knuckles took off a while ago, you stuck around... I can’t say I blame ya.” He first worked on his arms, then his legs, before bending all the way to touch his toes.
“Whoo!” he sprang up and spread his legs fully out, showing some flexibility in the air before running in spot on the ground. “Ready?” he looked jazzed, which calmed Amy’s fears down a bit.
Maybe they both had nerves... and maybe they were fighting things left unsaid...
She placed her hand warmly to her heart, feeling it race as fast as his feet.
“Sonic... I’d love to.”
Those words slowed Sonic’s fast, in-spot running and he looked down at the ground again, before slowly turning to look back at her, weakly showing a vulnerability she had only dreamed of seeing before.
“Sonic?” her body pushed her towards him, a few steps at a time, as though instinctual wanting to comfort him but not knowing why he had suddenly shifted to that low point again.
“...I would, too.” he finally stated, and smiled up at her again. “I’d like that very much.”
A flash of light burst from Amy’s heart at such a sweet response. It was full of endearment and honesty... there was not a trace of deception or of the typical boy ‘not revealing his feelings’ go-around.
It was straight and to the point.
His heart was talking, and Amy didn’t want it to shut up.
In a trance almost, she came back to reality and looked off of his face to see he had extended his hand to her.
“Shall we?” he tilted his head, invitingly.
Her mouth moved as if to speak, but only air escaped at a soft push... She took his hand, not sure what new emotions were coming over her.
But they were wonderful.
They felt amazing to experience as she took his hand and felt him pull her closer, hold her a split-second longer than he had ever before.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t held her before, but as his arm wrapped around her waist... she felt it.
That extra second of a tug, a small force.
Usually, he would just scoop her up and be off, but he was tenderly being cautious of each move... and her heart sang in it, but she tried to not spook him with it.
When she felt weightless, she honestly thought it was from the fluttering feelings, not from him caressing her up into his arms as though a princess he was attempting to comfort.
She hadn’t felt that presence from him in so long, mostly because they had known each other for years now... He didn’t seem to feel the need to keep up appearances so much, but he always did anyway for her.
A hero... was so much more than the mask he wore.
She could feel him swallow, and looked up from being awestruck at the way he was handling her and looked to see his eyes were on his hands, figuring out the best way to portion her in his arms as though wanting the trip to be just as light as she felt so now.
“...I really like this.” Amy turned worried, a sudden panic as she took his face in her hands, making sure he was looking at her now.
“H-huh?” He seemed pulled out of whatever anxious thoughts he must have been experiencing.
“It’s amazing, Sonic.” She giggled, cutely nodding her head and closing her eyes with the action. “I really, really appreciate this. It’s lovely.”
“...All I did was pick you up-” he paused in his delivery and then lowered his eyes at the trick he thought she was obviously making. He shook his head with a sigh and was about to race on.
“N-no! I mean it! Honest!” she realized he had mistaken her and let her hand drift away from his face.
His eyes met with hers again and she looked away, “I... I don’t know why you’re doing this... this way... but I don’t mind it. Not one bit.” she looked back and hoped he saw the truth in her words.
His expression turned gentle again, and he pulled up from being about ready to race off. “Amy... I got your message.” he finally stated.
Amy’s heart sank beneath a shallow puddle. Burning hot with the flashes of her death... that heated sensation of power draining from her very core... and the puddle not soothing her despair one bit.
She didn’t know where to look now, but couldn’t—no... wouldn’t see his eyes again.
“O-oh..? That silly thing? D-Don’t worry about it. It was wrong of me to leave that. I should have trusted you more, b-be-believed everything would be alright in the end. Crazy to think so much happened in such a small time frame, huh? H-he-hey! Those are the butterflies I saw!” as though fate would have it, the butterflies did return to the valley, but by this time, Sonic was already fixated on her... watching her try desperately to remain cheery and optimistic, trying to look passed the fact that she had sent, what appeared to be, her last words to him through that video message.
Her breath flinched in her throat, and in her anxiety, she continued to point at the butterflies, but forcing her words out only made her nerves more obvious. “D-... Do you see them now?” it was shaky, and her eyes were beginning to fill with water, but she refused to cry in front of Sonic.
He hated crying...
“Amy...” his voice would have undone her efforts if she didn’t shake her head and smile boldly to him.
“Em-mm, I’m fine! See! Full of life and vigor!” she swung her arms, but her voice hesitated on the one word she didn’t want to reflect on.
“...It’s in the past.” She quickly tried to cover up her blunder. “And like you say...” she gripped her dress, looking down and away from his empathetic eyes...
 “Don’t worry so much about what happened... just keep moving forward... right?”
He didn’t speak for a long while... and the butterflies flew and danced by the two as though they weren’t even there...
“Right.” he finally said, looking off of her as she dared to finally look up at him, her eyes pleading for him to be alright.
“Like a bad dream...” he looked up into the sky.
She waited a moment, wondering if the Sonic she knew would return to her...
He finally did, looking back at her with a typical smile of peace. “Well, since we found those butterflies, why not look for those flowers of yours too, while were at it?” he gave her a joking smirk and she batted his face away, not able to resist smiling too.
They took off as the butterflies tried to flap against the whiplash from the wind, and Amy held on tightly... glad that at the end of it all...
Sonic and her knew... that these moments were precious, and shouldn’t be so few in number.
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thestarwrites · 4 years
All right, All Might: Ch. 4
Word Count: 3,757
Rating: PG
Painting: Toshinori Yagi X FemOC
The UA Guidance Counselor, a quirk user with Pathokenesis, is shocked to find out her personal hero All Might is coming to be a teacher. The road they walk as a parallel starts to merge and there’s no telling what could happen.
Keri sat in her office, it was early in the morning. She took a deep breath and tried to push down her nerves. She was extremely excited to welcome the students from classes 1-A and 1-B, as well as the support course heroes — but she was dreading seeing /him/. Toshinori Yagi.
The rest of the summer had passed without them seeing each other. It killed her. It had nothing to do with the fact he was All Might, and everything to do with how much she missed his idle chatter, his laugh, his smile, the way his deft fingers felt when he held her hand. She missed her friend. Keri thought of a million ways to apologize, to reach out - but they never seemed good enough. And he never reached out either, she figured it was pointless.
She had bought him a new set of handkerchiefs with his own initials branded on them to use as the pocket squares in the suits he wore - they were in America’s colors. Maybe it would be the kind of apology gift she needed to get things back on track with him. It sat under her desk in a gift bag with a bottle of sake.
Looking down at her phone, she watched the time tick to the next minute before setting her forehead down onto the desk with a groan.
“Can I come in?”
She felt her skin prickle with the somber masculine voice behind her. Turning she looked up and was met with the blue eyes of Toshinori. He was dwarfed by the extra fabric of his suit, “Of course, All Might…”
He took a few steps forward and closed the door, “Keri- I-“
“All Might, I’m so so sorry.” She blurted out first.
He looked taken aback and he walked to her, getting onto one knee and grabbing her hand in his, “No — I’m the one who’s sorry. You were in distress and I took is personally—“
“No! No you were just trying to protect me and Izuku and I was behaving like a spoiled kid—“
“No you weren’t, please—“
She started to cry as she slid off of her chair and wrapped her arms around Toshinori’s neck, “I missed you so much.”
He felt his own eyes prick with tears as he held her firmly to his small form, “I missed you too. The last couple of weeks have been so hard — I was lost without you.”
Nodding against him she squeezed a little tighter, “I wrote about a zillion I’m sorry texts— nothing seemed right…”
“I did the same thing—“ He admitted, “I- one night I was outside your apartment with flowers looking like a burglar… I couldn’t face how ashamed I felt… the way I lashed out at you…”
“I said horrible things to you All Might - I didn’t mean any of them…” She pulled back to look at him, “You’re my hero, you’re my friend… I don’t think anything bad about you.”
He nodded and swallowed down tears, “I don’t think anything bad about you either.”
“All Might I’m —“
“Keri… please… stop calling me All Might,” he pushed her hair back, “ My name is Toshinori. I’m your friend. Right? I’m just plain old annoying Toshinori.”
She nodded and hugged him, “Toshi…” She whimpered gently into his ear.
He relaxed into the embrace finally once she said his name. He felt complete again now that he and his best friend had made up, he had been so lonely. When he hadn’t been doing entry videos, paperwork, hero work, or training izuku, he was in his shabby apartment alone, thinking about her and how badly he messed up.
Pulling back she wiped a tear from his cheek, “Oh I— I have something for you…”
“You got me something…” he watched as she went to grab the bag from under her desk and return with it, “Keri - you didn’t have to get me anything after what happened, there was nothing to—“
“Open it, please,” she started, “as an apology, and also as a congratulations for your first day as a teacher.”
All Might looked down, taking the bag and opening it, “A bottle of sake —“ he stopped and pulled out the pocket squares and smiled brighter.
“I- I figured you might not have pocket squares that fit your personality - and since you might need a spare handkerchief now and then-“
He ran his fingers over one he pulled out, “This has my initials on it.”
“Yeah of course,” She smiled, “You’re a professor, you should have something fancy.”
He swallowed and looked up at her, “I love them.”
Smiling she wiped her eyes, “Here— let me help you put it in your pocket.” Patho showed him how to fold the perfect pocket square, and she placed one into his suit pocket, adjusting it, “There. Now you look perfect.”
All Might looked down at it and smiled thoughtfully, “You’ll come over tonight to help me drink this sake, wont you? To celebrate our first day as coworkers, and our first day back to being friends?”
“Sure thing,” She nodded and hugged him again, “I’m so glad we’re okay.”
“Me too, Patho.”
Taking a deep breath she stood, offering her hands to help him up, “Okay Mister Yagi, you better dust yourself off and get ready for a day of being inspirational!”
Standing with her help, he powered up and towered over her in his buff body, “I won’t let you down, miss.” He chuckled and winked, kissing both her hands, “You’re going to be great today too. God I’m glad you don’t hate me.”
Keri moved to jump into his arms, wrapping her arms around his thick shoulders, “I’m glad you don’t hate /me/!” They laughed and he spun them around before setting her down.”
She laughed as he exited the class room.
After orientation, Keri rushed to head up to the teacher’s lounge where she knew All Might would be resting up, getting ready to bulk up and teach. She skidded into the room, “Toshi— Aizawa he—“
“I know, he’s got Midoriya.” He hummed miserably, “This is going to be hard.”
“Homeboy made his class skip orientation, they’re outside using their quirks to do physical tests. Last year he made a girl cry saying someone would be expelled—“
“WHAT.” All Might sat up straighter, “He can’t! He’s going to single out Young Midoriya— He can’t use his quirk yet—“
“Calm down. He never expels someone on the first day— but it makes my job hard for the first few weeks of school.” She grunted, “I just wanted to let you know- I’m going to go down there and keep my fucking eyes on him. He hates that.”
“I’m coming.” He bulked up and adjusted his tie.
She rolled her eyes, “Now it’s going to seem like more than just me going down there to keep his harsh ass in line.”
“No I— I’ll hide and watch from the sidelines!”
“You. Hide.” She looked him up and down, “Toshi, you’re huge.”
Rolling her eyes, she pulled her sweater on, “Whatever you say.”
The two heroes headed down to the field. All Might stopped behind a building to look on, a concerned smile on his face as Keri walked with an authority he had never seen before onto the field. She did not walk like a new teacher under thirty - she walked like… Nana…
The older man hissed at Deku, “—You’d be nothing more than a liability-“
“AIZAWA.” The female’s voice rang out as he had Izuku wrapped up in his scarf.
He grunted, “Get out of my class, Patho. I’m working.”
“Making my life a living hell is what you’re doing.”
He kept his red eyes on Midoriya as Keri approached, “I’m teaching. I don’t need your schoolgirl play nice crap. We don’t even need a guidance counselor here. And besides, Nezu warned you about interfering.”
“And Nezu warned you too.” Her body started to glow pink, balls of light forming over each fingertip, she pointed at Eraserhead, “Let the kids finish their own ways. You have no right. They all passed the same exams.”
He shot a look at her and her glowing stopped, “Don’t use your quirk on me.”
“Then don’t use yours on Izuku.”
The kids looked on in awe.
“Who the fuck is that, nerd? What is she twelve?” Bakugo grunted under his breath.
A boy with red hair stepped up, “She was glowing like… like in that Wizard of Oz movie…”
“That’s the lady that came to make sure I was okay after the exam,” Ururaka started, “Mister Aizawa is right, she’s the guidance counselor. She has a quirk that can help you to feel better.”
“A quirk that can make you feel better? Psh- what baby shit.” The blond grunted.
“I returned your dangerous quirk. Take your final throw.” Eraserhead backed off of Izuku and then shot a warning look to Patho, who moved to stand with the other children. The triangle on her head glowing pink once more.
“Excuse me- miss?” The Redhead came over to her with a bashful smile, “I’m Eijirou Kirishima.” He held out his hand.
She chuckled and shook it, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eijirou. I’m Keri Chairo, the school’s guidance counselor. I think we should respect the class and pay attention to Izuku, but if you’d like to talk after class, my office is right upstairs, okay? Door’s always open.”
He blushed and smiled, “Thank you Miss Keri.” He turned his attention back to Deku.
“Nerd.” Bakugo chastised.
Ida whispered to Ururaka, “She’s so diplomatic.”
“I know! And look at her cool haircut! Shaved on one side, long on the other…” She whispered back.
Keri looked over to the worried face of All Might and she steeled herself - she wouldn’t inspire Izuku, that wouldn’t be right. He could do it, he was tenacious. Swallowing she looked back toward him as he moved to throw the ball. The sonic snap that came with it flung the ball into the sky and she grinned.
After a few moments of silence, “Mister Aizawa.” He grunted and looked back, “Look, I’m still standing.”
Patho grinned, “Excellent—“ She stopped, her skin prickling as she felt pure unadulterated rage and jealously from — the blond. What was his name again - Katsuki?
“WOW! That was so cool!!” Ururaka jumped up and clapped.
Ida held his chin, “It looks like his finger is broken… what a strange quirk.”
“WHAT!??!!?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, WHAT DID YOU DO!?” A scream erupted from Bakugo as he started to run at Deku. Patho began to jump into action when Aizawa’s scarf flew into action first and strapped around the teenager. He struggled and screamed, “WHY IS YOUR DAMN SCARF SO STRONG!?”
“Its made out of carbon fiber and a metal alloy. Stand down Bakugo.” The blonde grunted and finally relented.
“I’ll leave you to the rest of your class, Aizawa.” Keri finally stated, tossing a glance over to see All Might standing there. 
He sighed, “its about time.”
Rolling her eyes she walked up to Bakugo, a fierce look in her eyes, but the boy held his ground- he was afraid of nothing, “Katsuki. I want to see you in my office after class.”
“What?! What did I do!? I’m not going to the stupid guidance office!”
She gave him a look, “Listen to me young man, I am a teacher at this school and if I say jump you say how high- understand?”
He clenched his jaw and his fists.
“I said, I want to see you after class, Katsuki.”
“Whatever.” He looked down, he felt angry and fucking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
He hissed out, “Yes ma’am.”
She nodded and turned, waving to the class before she started to head off. Before she was out of earshot she heard Aizawa say something she’d never heard him say before, “Patho is a great support hero - you would all do well to respect what she says and her office.”
Smiling she turned the corner, only to have someone grab her arm — squeaking out the beginning of a scream until another hand covered her mouth - he realized it was All Might. Mumbling against his hand he raised his brows, “Ah! Sorry — I just didn’t want you to get too far—“
“Toshinori you scared the crap out of me!” She whispered.
“Wasn’t that cool!! Did you see what Young Midoriya did!?”
She nodded, “It was impressive. But you need to take the time to train that boy. He’s dangerous to himself — I personally am worried about that Katsuki Bakugo. His rage and jealousy and… hurt… is off the charts.”
“Well - if there’s anyone who could help him, it’s you, Ree.” He gave a thumbs up.
Sighing she shook her head, “I don’t know… He went to the same middle school as Izuku - back when Izuku had no quirk. This… this can be really dangerous, Toshi. I’ve looked over his scores too, he had some of the highest written exam grades, and he got the most points in the mock battle. He’s not stupid. He’s going to figure out there is a connection between you and Izuku sooner or later, mark my words.”
“That shouldn’t be so bad… they’re classmates.”
An exasperated breath came from the woman, “Toshi you don’t get it. I can /feel/ emotions. I can feel your pride on you, your doubt, your fear. I can feel it clearly if I concentrate specifically- but I can always feel emotions clearly if they are very strong. Katsuki is dripping with anger and something else…” She paused and thought about it for a moment, her eyes looking back and forth, “It’s a form of deep hurt, like- betrayal. He’s hurting really bad. That hurts me.”
“You’re so compassionate, Keri… you are going to be a good influence on these kids.”
Gently rubbing his arm she smiled, “You gonna come back upstairs with me - or do you want to stalk the kids some more?”
“Ah— I’m not stalking!”
She smiled mischievously and winked, “See you later on, Toshi.”  Walking back up toward the entrance of the school, her face turned grave once more as her thoughts drifted to Bakugo. He was hurt in some way, it was her duty to speak with him, to try and help. She wasn’t much older than these kids - only twelve years their senior - which is something Principal Nezu said was an advantage. That they would probably want to talk to her before anyone else.
Taking a deep breath, she moved into her office to wait for young Katsuki.
About ninety minutes passed and then the door to her office opened, “I’m here.” The gruff voice called out, “What the hell is this about?”
"Good afternoon Katsuki,” Keri said with a soothing smile, “Come in — can I get you some tea? I think I have some cake in the fridge.”
“I don’t like sweets.”
She smiled, “Tea?”
“No. Can you just tell me what the hell this is about so I can go home. I have training to do.”
Keri took a deep breath and motioned to the sofa, “Please, Katsuki, sit down.”
“I don’t need a shrink.” He said angrily.
“I just want to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you. You’re a loser.” He let his temper get the best of him - besides, she was young, and she had a stupid quirk. She wasn’t a hero.
Kerri just smiled and nodded, “I knew a lot of boys like you when I was in high school.”
“Tch- you didn’t know anyone like me. I heard you didn’t even go to UA.”
“No, you’re right, I didn’t.” She sat down, setting two cups of tea down, picking up her own and taking a sip, “I went to Ketsubutsu Academy High School.”
Bakugo let out a chuckle, “Thats fucking pathetic you know. How are you even a teacher here?”
There it was. Interest. Kelly shrugged, “I know it’s pathetic - I dreamed of going to UA you know, when I was a kid. I wanted to be just like All Might and save people with a smile on my face.”
“Yeah, me too, big deal. That still doesn’t tell me why you went to such a loser school. Is it because you’re a loser?”
“My quirk allows me to feel and manipulate emotions,” She looked up at him over her eyelashes, “ I wasn’t strong enough to be a fighter as a teen, but I knew that All Might wouldn’t give up, so I didn’t either. So I went to the school I could, and then I went to college.”
“College? Heroes don’t go to stupid college.” Katsuki drifted to sit on the other chair with his arms crossed.
“I did. Because I knew how hard Hero Academies were, I cried all the time.”
“Nerd.” He absentmindedly reached for the tea, taking a drink of it black.
“Exactly. When I picked my hero name, Patho, the boys in my class who were the strongest called me Psycho-path.”
He smirked, “Thats pretty good.” He hummed for a minute, “I would have called you Patho-logical.”
Kelly laughed, “Thats thinking out of the box all right - I think you’re probably smarter than most of the adults in this school, Katsuki.”
Now that caught him off guard, and he sipped his tea. Even his own mother didn’t admit things like that to him, “Yeah I know.”
She sipped her own tea, letting that one sit for a minute.
“What kind of cake is in the fridge?”
“Its a lemon cake.”
There was a long pause as he looked out the window, “I like lemon.”
She nodded and stood up, crossing to the little kitchenette area, “Your quirk is really impressive, you know that already I’m sure. I didn’t see any kids last year with a quirk as strong. And you already seem to know exactly how to use it - that puts you ahead of your classmates, Katsuki.”
He nodded, listening for once.
“That makes you… a big brother in some way.”
His ears perked and he looked over from where he stared out the window, “What?”
She set the cake and a fork in front of him and smiled, “That makes you like… a big brother to your class, like a guardian. And with that, like being a great hero, comes with a responsibility to help steer them in a good direction.” If she couldn’t talk to him about his feelings, she could use his ego to manipulate him without him realizing.
He picked up the cake, eating in silence.
“I understand how confusing it must be for you knowing Izuku all your life — when I met him about a month ago, it didnt appear he was much to look at.” “Got that right. Deku’s a loser.”
“But I am too, right?”
He looked up, “Yeah.” He huffed, “But you’re okay to talk to I guess. You’re not stuck up and preachy.”
“All losers have some purpose you know, Katsuki.” She smiled, “Even if its just to give teenage boys lemon cake.”
“So what was going to college like? Probably shitty.”
Keri smiled and ate her own cake, “People there are either quirkiness or have some sort of intelligence quirk - or even ones that aren’t very useful.”
“Like you.”
“Like me.” She nodded, “But I decided to go into a field that helped me use my quirk to its advantage. I mean - think about all the people down on the streets during disasters or villain attacks. They have to be afraid, or sometimes they’re foolish enough to think they can run into battle to help.”
“That nerd Deku did that.”
“I’m there to make sure they stay calm. That no one gets in the hero’s way.”
Bakugo knitted his brows together, “I guess - that’s a good idea.”
“And that’s what I do here too, but its to make sure a young upcoming hero doesn’t get in their own way.”
He looked up.
“You have so much potential, and you’re focusing more on things that don’t benefit your promising career, understand? You want to be the best. You have to focus. You’re a strong guy, Katsuki, the other kids will follow you. If you show them you’re a leader- they’ll follow.”
He finished his cake a cleared his throat, pushing a hand in his hair, cheeks slightly pink, “Is it okay if I get going?”
She nodded, “Of course- its getting late, and you need to train.”
“Yeah, I do.” He nodded, “Uh- thanks for the cake and whatever, Pathological.” He smirked.
Kelly smiled and moved to open the door, “If you ever have any questions or want some snacks or sweets- you know where I am.”
“Yeah. Yeah I— yeah.” He cleared his throat, “See you, nerd.”
“Have a safe walk home, Katsuki.”
The boy left her office and she nodded to herself, feeling like she accomplished something today.
After half an hour, Toshinori walked into the room in his small form, “We still on for dinner tonight, Ree?”
Turning she smiled, “Hey— yeah of course,” She nodded.
“You look pleased with yourself… I just saw young Bakugo walking out of the building, did you have him up here?”
She nodded, “Yeah, I had to figure out how to start to establish a report with him… I got through a bit with flattery and self deprecation.”
“Self deprecation!?” He grunted.
She took a deep breath, “He made fun of me and called me a loser, and I let him, and played into it. It slowly got him to ask questions and have a piece of cake so… here’s hoping.”
Sighing Toshinori came to her and wrapped his arms around her, “You’re not a loser.”
Keri held around his thin frame, “I know, Tosh, I’m just trying to use what I know to get through to him, she looked up at him and he kissed her forehead, “Thank you.”
He smiled, “Hey, don’t even mention it, what are friends for? You obviously touched on something with young Bakugo if he sat down and let his guard drop a little,” Sighing gently he nodded, “Come on, let’s act like a tree and leaf.”
“You’re such a goon.”
“You keep saying that.” He smirked, “Watch out or you’re going to give me a complex.”
Keri laughed and wrapped her arm around his, “Come on- lets go.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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pandaplxys · 4 years
Akaashi x fem!reader
2.4k fluff oneshot for Akaashi’s birthday! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
relationships: Akaashi x fem!reader
characters: Akaashi, reader, Bokuto, mentions of Fukurodani team, brief mention of Tsukishima
warnings: none
~ my ao3 profile ~
Pov: You are a second-year studying in the school's library and you're looking for the last copy of a book that another boy, who was in your class, was also looking for...
"...over there dear." "Thank you." You bowed you head to the librarian in respect, letting your long (h/c) hair fall in your face and glasses. You walked over to the bookcase where the last copy of the book you needed for a research project. You saw a boy following you, but paid no attention to it, assuming he needed something from the same aisle. As you reached for the book you needed, he also reached over to grab the book. You both stopped in your tracks in confusion. "Did you need this?" He asked you in a soft voice. "Oh no, it's okay, you can have it." He stared at you for a few seconds. "Wait, (l/n) (f/n)? Second year right?" "Yes.." You answered slowly, unsure of how he knew your name. "I'm Akaashi Keiji. I'm in the same class as you." Something finally clicked in your mind. He was the Akaashi Keiji, setter for the school's team the Fukurodani Owls. "Oh- you're that setter right? Sorry I don't know much about volleyball." You chuckled. You were the one of the most forgotten students in your class due to the teacher constantly skipping over your name for attendance. You always sat in the back corner in the classroom where everyone could easily overlook you, so you were even more confused as to how he knew your name. "It's okay. And you got my position right, I am in fact the setter!" He quietly clapped, making you blush out of embarrassment. "Well, since we're both working on that research project.. maybe we could share the book?" You offered. "Sure. I don't mind." He gave you a small smile. "We could work at my table if you'd like." "Sure." He followed you back to your table with his backpack and sat with you. You both started up some small talk, learning more about one another. From how he knew you and noticed you in class, to a few things about volleyball. Both of you realized you had a lot in common. About how you both were only children and you both even had the same habit of fiddling with your fingers when you were anxious. After a couple hours of working, the librarian warned both of you that the library would close in 5 minutes. You both wrote down important parts from the book so you could return it and started packing up your things. "Hey, we should do this again sometime." Akaashi said to you. "Yeah." "Oh- nevermind... that would be a pretty dumb thing to ask.." You mumbled out loud. "What is? I doubt it would be stupid." He asked curiously. "I was wondering if you would like my number..." You mumbled. He pulled out his phone. "Well, what is your number?" You noticed your face heating up out of embarrassment, knowing he noticed too. "I- uh-" You stammered trying to get your words out. "It's okay, take your time." You finally gave you number to him, along with him giving his to you. You both parted ways, heading back to your own houses.
You were the one to text him first. You were a pretty reserved, quiet, and introverted person, but you had your occasional boosts of confidence. After figuring out what you wanted to asked him, you came up with what you wanted to say. You asked if he wanted to facetime each other sometime and he said yes. 5 minutes later your phone lit up with Akaashi's name.
You both compared what you wrote down from the book and gave each other pointers and tips. Eventually his mom was calling him to eat dinner and he had to go. You finished up writing down more notes as you put away your things and laid down on your bed. Even though you two never talked about it, you both became quick friends, and for you he was your first friend since starting high school. You got lost in your thoughts as you drifted to sleep.
At school he talked to you a lot more, wanting to know even more about you. You partnered up with him in his AP classes, you sat with him alongside Bokuto, who was confused as to why Akaashi invited you to sit with him, knowing he wasn't a sociable person. He overlooked that and gladly welcomed you to their table. You started coming to his volleyball practice, and was shocked to see you there, writing something down on a notepad. Then you two would facetime each other usually every other day, sometimes for the project, sometimes just to talk. Eventually one day at school, you couldn't find him anywhere. You asked Bokuto, but he had no idea either. He ended up texting you saying he didn't feel well and was taking the day off. You felt bad for him, with him telling you his parents were out of town for a month, he would be at his house all by himself. You remembered him saying something about his address one before on a call before. You made a plan to see him after school.
"Come in, the door's unlocked." A hoarse voice called out. You opened the door and found Akaashi lying down on the couch with a box of tissues beside him. "Oh- what are you doing here (y/n)? What if you get sick because of me?" You silenced him by putting a finger up to his lips. "Shhhh. I'll be fine, just rest for now." "Is there anything you wanted? Something to eat or drink? Extra covers?" "No, I'm good..." He said as he drifted to sleep. You sat down beside him, quietly humming a song that had been stuck in your head for a while. "You have a really pretty voice.." Akaashi mumbled. You blushed profusely in response to his compliment. As the sun set you told him you were heading back to your house. You told him to call you if he needed anything, no matter what time it was. He nodded his head as you walked out the door. As you walked back to your house, the only thing on your mind was how pretty Akaashi looked. "Damn he's hot." All you could think about is how he looked even more peaceful asleep. How his beautiful black curls framed his face perfectly. How his chest rose and fell slowly. You could go on and on about it all night. All your thoughts remained unspoken, especially about how big your crush on him grew bigger.
The research project that you and Akaashi helped each other on was due, and both of you got the highest grade in the class. You both smiled each other and talked non-stop at lunch. You offered him to come over to your house, and he accepted. You guided him through your house and letting him into your room, filled with multiple posters from famous bands and a Playstation in the corner of your room. "Wow." He said in awe. He pointed out some of his favorite bands from your posters. You put on some music as you handed him a controller to play something on your PS3. You loaded (any 2P game but i'm using Sonic The Hedgehog 2 bc that's my fav game) up and started playing. "Um (y/n), I.. I don't know how to play this game." "Don't worry, I can teach you!" You can the Tails to my Sonic!" You laughed at each other when you fell off the moving platforms in Chemical Plant Zone, or when you fell into the hole that led into Hidden Palace Zone. You both congratulated each other when you each passed an act together, or when you both defeated Robotnik and set the animals free. He almost jumped a little when you put your head on his shoulder. "I wish time could freeze right here in this moment." You mumbled softly. "Hm?" Your eyes widen as you realized what you said. "Uh- nothing! I didn't say anything!" He chuckled. "Whatever you say." You both fell asleep leaning against each other.
"Ooo, does Akaashi have a crush?!" "Bokuto, not so loud! And no, I don't. I just want to be friends with her, well for now at least." "Oh, okay then!" He didn't bother telling Bokuto about last night, knowing he would get the wrong idea. He didn't have a crush on you, at least that's what he wanted him to think. If he told Bokuto now, he would accidently let it slip and tell you. Besides, he didn't think you would like him back anyways. It was like unintentionally friendzoning each other. But he didn't think he had a crush on you, he never really thought about it. He saw you as a person he could easily relate to and get along with and share a close bond. The last thing that would cross his mind is being in a relationship with someone. But after some deep thinking, he realized he might've actually caught feelings for you, but not wanting to act on them just in case you didn't feel the same way, remembering what you said last night about him being the Tails to your Sonic, assuming you just wanted to stay friends and nothing more. Sighing in defeat, he looked through his phone and even though he wouldn't be the best person to ask for advice, it was better than risking word getting out. He called Tsukishima, knowing he was together with Yamaguchi. "Hello?" "Hey um, it's Akaashi." "What did you want, and why are you calling me out of all people?" "Listen, I need some advice." Tsukki paused. "With what?" "Um- I don't know you to say this but-" "Just spit it out already, I don't have all day." "Um- how do you know if someone likes you, and how do you confess to someone?" "I don't know, I'm not Google, just look it up or something. I have to go now. Bye." He hung up on him while he sat in confusion. He opened his laptop and began to find the answers to his questions. After searching through the internet, he finally gathered enough info to put something together. Now he just needed the courage to actually ask you.
Two months went by, and he still hasn't confessed yet. You two would still facetime each other, except it was almost every night now. You would go over to each other's houses and even walk home together. It was when one breezy day when you two were walking home together when everything changed. You had everything set up for what you were going to do. You had your note in hand, and you checked to see the wind was blowing at a wind speed not too gusty, but not too light either. You had your note in hand and everything was set. "Ah, my note!" You exclaimed as your note flew away from your hands. Using his quick setter reflexes. He successfully caught it with the right side facing up. "Perfect" You thought to yourself. As he was about to give it back to you, he noticed his name on the front of the note. "Oh? Why is my name on hee?" "It's for you actually." You chuckled. He opened the note and his eyes widened. Inside was a handwritten confession in your handwriting to him. He blushed as he wrote the last sentence. "Wow (y/n) I- I didn't know you felt the same way." Now it was your turn to blush. "What? I didn't think you would like a girl like me back.." "I've liked you for a while (Y/n) It's been what, two almost three months now? I wanted to tell you sooner but I was just a stupid coward and I was just too scared to-" You silenced his rambling with a kiss on his cheek. "It's okay, I understand where you're coming from. But now, you can be the Sonic to my Amy." You both walk home together flushed.
It was when Bokuto noticed you holding Akaashi's hand for a brief second. He asked you two about it. Neither of you knowing what to say, you both were a stuttering mess. He finally put two and two together and realized you two were in fact dating. In response you both nodded your heads. He jumped out of excitement, with Akaashi asking him to keep your relationship private. He asked if he could tell the team. Knowing Bokuto would have a hard time keeping a secret like this He allowed it with your consent. Just between you three and the team. The team was super supportive of your relationship, vowing to keep it a secret. You took more notes on the sidelines and even stood next to Yukie, the third year manager of the team and talked to her, asking some questions. After practice, he asked you what your notes were for, but you never answered him, you always told him it was a secret.
~ timeskip one year later ~
You both were in your third year together, still in your relationship with him. It was a lot quieter without Bokuto around, but after hanging around Bokuto a lot, you finally came out of your shell and let your louder and more mischievous side come out more. You cheered on the team from the sidelines, waiting to tell him about some good news. He was overjoyed when you told him on the walk home that you would become the team's manager. He was so excited he kissed your lips out of excitement. When he realized what he did. He bowed his head and apologized. "I'M SO SORRY- I SHOULD'VE ASKED FIRST-" You lifted his chin up and you kissed him on the lips this time. "No, don't apologize. I really liked it actually." His face was painted with shades of red as you kissed him. Your soft lips meeting his just as soft and perfect lips. You teased each other as you both walked into your bedroom, with him taking your glasses as you ruffled and played with his soft hair. Everything about him was perfect, not a single flaw. You stood in front of your PS3, unsure of what game you both wanted to play. "Sonic?" You asked. He nodded his head in response. You walked back over to your bed, planting a quick kiss on his forehead. You both shared another kiss as the loading screen popped up. You laid your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you as you both played.
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«And this, you mother fucker, is why we can’t want nice things. There is an actual risk of them becoming true, and then we will fucking panic because we don’t know that to do. Did you want kisses? There are your cursed kisses, you whiny! And you can’t kiss back nor pet or…or… Fuck this shit. » Silver is trying his best, Shadow is still very confused, and Sonic...He´s in there, somewhere... (Working title and summary. Going to change them when I have something more solid to put in.) Even though only Shadow and Silver appear in this chapter, Sonic is in there. He is going to appear in the second chapter. So, yes, this is a triple s.
Part one, because I have no self control and this is too large.
In AO3 as well. [But I didnt cut it cuz I was lazy. Maybe later.]
It was amusing, and something that even now surprised Shadow to no ends. His life, now, consisted in a lot of things he never thought about, he never though he could have, hell, things he didn’t even knew existed! So, in a sense, it would be normal for him to have never ever imagined something like this could happen, to him none the less! But it has, and it was… right this second, even!
He looked over his shoulder, gazing straight at his fluffy boyfriend who was sitting by the counter, staring at, well, him, like a very small puppy would. Once he noticed Shadow was looking, he flushed a bit, but didn’t gaze away. Actually, he seemed to preen a bit at having the ebony attention on him, smiling softly, dopey almost, and eagerly sitting straighter, as if showing off his height. The whole display made Shadow look away, chuckling a bit under his breath, feeling how his own cheeks seemed to warm up a bit. It was almost a giddy feeling, his stomach rolling, and his usual stoic stance yeeting itself off the window without asking Shadows opinions first. It was stressing, and annoying as hell. Staying calm and in control of himself seemed to get harder every time, and it wasn’t for the rage or sadness anymore, not at all, at least, but by this very confusing I-don’t-know-how-to-explain-what-I’m-feeling feeling, or this whole shame and need that seemed to take over his whole body wherever they touched, like, you just got a kiss, why do you need another one?! Stop being so clingy and needy, you are going to bore them! Just lay down, go to sleep! What?! No! Stop staring at their hands, you idiot, they are going to notice! Sleep on your side! Sleep on your fucking side you Disaster-bitch! Don’t you dare roll over to them, doesn’t matter how “Oh, soft and fluffy” they look! Don’t you fuckin-Wa-Wah! Oh god! Oh, my chaos! Why is Sonic hugging us?! He didn’t!-He didn’t send a notice first! It was, it was so sudden? How are we supposed to react to this!? We are not ready, we really ARE NOT READY! He is, he is snuggling? Oh my why is he so cute? Who said it was allowed?! We want to fill a compliant! Nono! Don’t you dare tense up nor make a fucking sound, don’t you dare to wake him up! Shit! Had it gotten hotter in here somehow? Their face was going to melt! Was really ruining him. The temptation of just jumping in, out of the blue, and kissing their face or biting on their shoulders was so strong sometimes…He looked down at the mushy thing in front of him, barely time enough to hold the palette once again before he felt a warm weight settling on his back, careful as always with Shadow spines, and maybe not so thick, but definitely strong arms hugging him tightly. — Hiii~. — Silver sung softly on Shadows ear, giggling happily at seeing both of them twitch and fold in reflex. [I almost wrote Infinite instead of Silver. Wow, the ideas.]
Yas. Ok. Thank you, that is…that was exactly what Shadow needed. A reminder of how much of a freaking walking gay disaster he is.
Fighting with claws and fangs and every little bit of sense he had the oh so big urge of squirming, and the even bigger want of leaning into that white chest fluff and purring because, Oh damn, Shadow, who could have been the image of composure and coolness, kept mixing smoothly, soft yet firm wrists moves as a simple “Hello” fell out his mouth.
Nailed it.
— Are you doing other of this, eh, Things? — He didn’t sound sarcastic nor upset in any kind of way while asking, unlike Sonic, who very much did; Instead, Silver seemed to be genuinely curious, staring obviously at Shadows hands and work in progress in his usual child-like fascination. It sometimes made Shadow want to give him another kick in the head thanks to the frustration, but this time, it was almost… endearing. The attention he received from his boyfriend usually threatened with making him blush extremely or freezing him up completely, it was…almost overwhelming, but in a good sense? So…Supportive? Yas! That is what it was!
It completely frightened him.
— Yes. — That was what Shadow always answered when asked, “What are you doing?”
A thing. It was short, true, and didn’t give any detail away. Nonetheless, to be honest, most of the time it was very obvious that he was cooking something, or doing some kind of thing for maybe a kinda craft project? He just…He was just doing things. Sonic hated when he answered like that, though. He would whine, glare, scoff, or walk away, sometimes a rather strange mix of them and a bit more, that always left Shadow blinking and in complete blank.
And Shadow was supposed to be the drama king?
— It smells funny. — Silver declared with a small laugh, perching his head on top of Shadows and looking at his boyfriend work the…flour? (Was that-What was that?) With his fingers now. —I like this. Whatever you are doing, I dunnu, I like it. A lot. I really do.
—Why? — Shadow couldn’t help but ask, wishing to look up into his boyfriends face, but not doing so in order of not dislodging him. This. This was…was part of the long list of things that he couldn’t understand of Silver. If he didn’t knew what the fuck was Shadow doing, and was just seeing him watering the flour, then, how could he like it so much? Say it so confidently, with so much honesty on his voice… How?
—Be-ca-use~…—He sung, again, drumming his fingers against Shadows skin, breathing deeply and sighing so contently Shadows own lungs ached. — I get to see you, and everything you are doing. And you are happy.
«…Ah~…? »
As if sensing his confusion, Silver gave an embarrassed grin, and went on in an explication.
— You are soooo happy and relaxed, you look soo calm, elegant, even, and focused in what you are doing! And I like that! I like how I can hug you tightly, and admire how pretty, erm, precise! Your hands move. — As if trying to prove his point, he squeezed Shadow strongly, which stole a small squeak out of the ebony. Silver had fucking lifted him! — I like that one a lot. I like seeing what you are doing a real lot, being close enough so I can-I can…
— Smell it! Or hear it! I really like it all, how calming and neat you make everything look, even if things go wrong or the kitchen gets messy, you just-just…make it work! You are relaxed, and happy, and so am I. —He changed his position just the slightly bit necessary for him to be able to look at Shadows pretty face without losing or wavering his strong grip for one second, waiting for their eyes to connect before smiling widely. He pecked Shadow warm cheek one, two, three…four and five times before just giving up and nuzzling him enthusiastically, hands kneading and chest rumbling with a very low but pleased purr. (Oh, how much did he love to do this?!) Silver had gotten that habit from Blaze, kneading with his hands-paw in these kind of situations, though he knew as a hard fact that Shadow did it as well. Why? Well, it was just a mystery! (He had never gotten the courage enough to directly ask his boyfriend from where he picked it up, so he just made up stories on his mind. Still, a mystery. ) — I enjoy it, hearing the knife cutting the dried fruit, how your fingers rub the flour and your knuckles tap the bowl, the bubbling when you boil something, the cling of the plates and glass, your laugh or humming… I love it. I love seeing it, I love hearing it, I love…Jeez, even smelling it once it is out of the oven, and how the vanilla, cinnamon or mint or whatever smell will cling into you and follow into our bed. Can you believe the cravings or the weird dreams I´ve gotten thanks to it? Its-Its nuts!
Silver was happy, so freaking happy. He laughed and smiled while talking, always looking straight at Shadow and touching him here, and here, and there and just… couldn’t stay quiet. (How could he?! Shadows fur was always so soft and they were so close and…there! ) He sounded… passionate, almost. And that was exactly what he wanted. What he honestly felt! He was trying to show his interest in Shadows tastes, be a very Supportive Boyfriend™, and highlight that he actually enjoyed this and wasn’t just faking it nor seeing it as an obligation. He wanted to connect with both of his boyfriends, show that he paid attention to them, and that their likes were a very important thing to him. He wanted to be there for them and keep them happy for as long as he could.
Shadow couldn’t hold his snickers anymore at that last line, looking away and basically hiding his smile on his shoulder, which almost made Silver whine in protest. Because, Shadow, Why? His heart was beating quickly, Silver could feel it under his hands, and his cheeks were clearly flushed, even if it wasn’t that strong. It was an almost bashful look what he had, and during Silvers confession, his ears and hell, even his tail, had perked up and twitched occasionally, the last one grinding lazily against Silvers body every so. It was…perfect. So cute, like, Silver couldn’t even.
He must have two of the cutest, and prettier, and sexier boyfriends in the whole past.
—I love holding you, also, just like this… I love you~… I just love you a big lot.
—Oh my chaos, will you ever stop? —Shadow grumbled, cutting Silver rather abruptly and taking him by surprise. — What is this, any kind of thesis? Cut it already, you sap.
Silver found himself gaping for a second, completely dumbfounded. Shadows words stung for a few seconds, and had him blinking and lowering his ears. He snorted then, beaming once again and hugging him tighter than before, hearing more clearly that very low “Mmmmmmmmhhhhhh” long sound. — O-Oh man, I really embarrassed you with that one, Did I not?
Shadow ears were the ones lowering this time.
—Was it…that obvious? —He questioned quietly, and Silver only response was more laughs which only deepened (And wasn’t that a feat!) Shadows blush. Another shower of small kisses peppered all over the ebony face was what followed, as well as a little tease.
—Oh dear, you got as red as a tomato. —Silver snorted, holding Shadow firmly so he couldn’t shy away from his grasp and kisses. He was currently turning his head and pushing slightly with his own body, lifting his shoulders and curling in a poorly made attempt to protect himself. Hands covered in thick gloves and that funny smelling thing laid unmoving in the crystal bowl, twitching with laughter and repressed need to shove. — Stay quiet! C’mon Shadow, let me love you! Accept my love~!
Silver kept giggling and doing obnoxious kissing sounds as he left “loving smooches” and tickling touches on every bit of Shadow he could reach, ignoring how he kept muttering continuous demands for him to stop.
Because, yes, Shadow wasn’t pleading nor begging, and he certainly wasn’t laughing with his boyfriend; No. he was firmly demanding him to leave him alone and to fucking stop tickling him. It was just that he was being ignored and. Well. Maybe he wasn’t fighting that hardly... Shadow was going to find a way to send his retribution to Silver in the moment the younger expected it the least, either way.
[He is in denial don’t believe him, LMAO.]
It must… it must have been planned beforehand. Shadow couldn’t push Silver away without making a mess that then he was going to have to clean, not to mention the additional problem of washing Silvers furs clean of flour, nor could he move brusquely without damaging the bowl. It was… it was…
«Oh my chaos why do you do this to meeeeeeeeeeee! » He whined while mentally squirming. «This is so fucking unfair. Why? WHY? Oh hell don’t touch there! I hate this. I freaking hate this. Oh, but WHY you can touch me but I can’t? That is not the point. FUCK! »
—You really are ticklish here, uh? I can say you want to laugh. Why don’t you? C´mon, give me a smile!
—I’m going to give you a kick, how does that sounds?! — Shadow managed to squeeze out a threat that was met only with more laughs.
«And this, you mother fucker, is why we can’t want nice things. There is an actual risk of them becoming true, and then we will fucking panic because we don’t know that to do. Did you want kisses? There are your cursed kisses, you whiny! And you can’t kiss back nor pet or…or… Fuck this shit. »
Shadows dignity funeral was going to be in three days. There wasn’t much to bury anymore, but still, it was a nice touch to have. It had lasted as long as it had been able to… Poor thing. It gave its best.
—But Shadoooooow. — Silver whined teasingly. That little shit. He really is spending too much time around Sonic. —I really like your smile. I want to see you. Please? Smile for me, just a bit! Or else… Mh…I’m going to tickle you seriously this time! No more kisses play for you!
Too much of a bad influence.
He huffed, looking down at his hands with a frown. — I was doing something, you know?
—I knoow, but, Shadow, Just a little smile won’t take long. Pretty please~?
Sighing in a defeated manner, the flushed ebony looked at his right, meeting gaze with Silver who sported, as well, a very clear and rather strong blush that could challenge Shadows own.  
—Hello there~ — Silver sung, almost in a chirping way that never failed in making Shadow woozy. Goddamn it. He really was awful at this shit. He gently, almost by reflex, lifted his head just a tad trying to make it not that noticeable, and glared. Because fuck you.  
Silver was expecting this, though, and couldn’t help but beaming wider. The thing was, that once you knew what to look for it sometimes was very easy to read Shadows corporal language! This one? It was Shadows non-spoken signal of “Fuck, I want to kiss you bad but hell if I will.” His ears shifted softly in Silvers direction, as if paying close attention. He would look straight at his eyes, never at his lips, like if he were assessing something. (Maybe he was, though.) The tension on his shoulders, that seemed to relax then tense up once again, the tiny quiver on his bottom lip, how he would delicately bite them, and lift his chin, as if saying “Look at them!”
It was so subtle, so quick and small you actually missed it most of the time, or hell, just took it as him being bratty or acting in defiance. But Silver was paying close attention. And so, he cupped Shadows cheek, rubbing with his thumb his cheekbone in a loving manner and tilting his head upwards a bit more before diving in for a kiss that Shadow gladly gave.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 32
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 32 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 32/? SUMMARY:  The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every  day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret,  because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
[A/N - And we’re back!]
Elise and the Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS.
“Why are you still wearing that coat?” Elise asked him.
“What’s wrong with my coat?”
“I don’t like it.”
The Doctor looked around. “Ugh! This isn’t the Alignment of Exedor!”
“Well if the TARDIS dropped us here, it was for a reason.” Elise looked around, trying to figure out where they were. “Hold up. Isn’t this where we met Craig?”
The Doctor smiled. “Good old Craig! We should drop in for a visit!” He pulled out his sonic screwdriver.
They followed the signal until they came to a house where the Doctor knocked on the door. The door swung open and there stood Craig.
“I'm coping on my own!” he yelled at them.
It reminded Elise of their first encounter with them.
“Hello, Craig. We’re back!” the Doctor told him.
“She didn't…How could she phone you? Who is she?”
Of course Craig didn’t recognize Elise. She’d been a child back then.
“How could who phone me? Nobody phoned me, I'm just here. And this is Elise. Who else would it be?”
Elise waved. “Hi, Craig. It’s nice to see you again.”
The Doctor poked his head into the doorway. “Oh, you've redecorated. I don't like it.”
“It's a different house. We moved,” Craig told him.
“Yes, that's it.”
“Doctor, what are you doing here?”
“Social call. Thought it was about time I tried one out. How are you?”
“I'm fine.”
“This is the bit where I say I'm fine too, isn't it? I'm fine, too. Good. Love to Sophie. Bye.”
The Doctor and Elise turned to leave when the lights started flickering.
“Something's wrong.”
The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and ran back into the house. Elise ran after him. “On your own, you said. But you're not. You're not on your own,” the Doctor said, heading up the staircase.
“Just shush,” Craig said.
“Increased sulfur emissions. And look at the state of this place. What are you not telling me?”
“Doctor, please.”
“No, you shush.”
“No, you shush!”
Elise rolled her eyes as the Doctor opened a bedroom door.
“Whatever you are, get off this planet,” he said, his sonic screwdriver drawn.
It was a baby’s room. The baby started crying.
“You've woken him!” Craig snapped. He picked the baby up and cradled him to his chest. “Oh, now he’ll never get to sleep again.”
“Can I try?” Elise asked.
The two men looked at her.
Craig handed her the baby and it quieted down.
They went downstairs to the kitchen, the baby securely in Elise’s arms.
The Doctor sat down at the kitchen table while Elise walked around the kitchen. “So when you say on your own…” the Doctor started.
“Yes, I meant on my own with the baby. Yes. Because no one thinks I can cope on my own. Which is so unfair, because I can't cope on my own with him. I can't. He just cries all the time. I mean, do they have off switches?” Craig asked.
“Human beings. No. Believe me, I've checked.”
“No, babies.”
“Same difference.”
“I'm rubbish at this.”
“At what?”
“Being a dad. You read all the books, and they tell you you'll know what to do if you follow your instincts. I have no instinct. I mean look at Elise, she’s never even had a kid and she’s perfect!”
“Well she’s a female. It’s different.” The Doctor looked at his daughter. Her blue eyes were bright and happy. Holding a baby looked so natural to her. He smiled. Maybe she would have kids one day. Maybe he’d have grandchildren again. Of course they would have to be with…
Craig’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “That's what this weekend's about, trying to prove to people I can do this one thing well.”
“So, what did you call him? Will I blush?” the Doctor asked.
“No, we didn't call him the Doctor.”
“No, I didn't think you would.”
“He's called Alfie. What are you doing here anyway?”
“Yes, he likes that, Alfie, though personally he prefers to be called Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All.”
“Sorry, what?”
“That's what he calls himself.”
“And how do you know that?”
“I speak baby.”
“Of course you do. I don't even know when his nappy needs changing, and I'm the one supposed to be his dad. Oh!” Craig sat down in a kitchen chair and put his face in his hands.
“Yeah. He's wondering where his mum is? Where is Sophie?” The Doctor put his hands on Craig’s shoulders and started to massage them.
“She's gone away with Melina for the weekend. She needs a rest.”
“No, he's your dad. You can't just call him Not Mum.”
“Not Mum?”
“That's you. Also Not Mum, that's me.” The Doctor chuckled.
“What?” Elise asked.
“You and your blue eyes.”
Elise smiled. Baby Melody (and grown up Melody) had mentioned her blue eyes.
“Everybody else is peasants. That's a bit unfortunate,” the Doctor said.
“What are you here for? What's happening?” Craig asked.
“I just popped in to say hello.”
“You don't do that. I checked upstairs when we moved, it's real. And next door, both sides, they're humans. Is it the fridge? Are there aliens in my fridge?”
Elise giggled.
“I just want to see you, Craig! Cross my hearts.” The Doctor made a crossing motion over his hearts. “Elise and I, we’ve been knocking about out on our own for a bit. Bit of a farewell tour for me. One last thing, popping in to see you, then we’re off to the Alignment of Exedor.”
“The Alignment of Exedor?”
“Seventeen galaxies in perfect unison. Meant to be spectacular. I can't miss it. Literally can't. It's locked in a time stasis field. I get one crack at flying my TARDIS straight into it, if I get my dates right.” He picked up a newspaper to check. “Which I have.”
“With my help of course,” Elise said with a smug smile.
“Sounds nice,” Craig told them.
The Doctor picked up the newspaper and looked through it. “So this is me, popping in and popping out again. Just being social. Just having a laugh. Never mind that.”
“Never mind what?”
Craig got up. “No, you've noticed something. You've got your noticing face on. I have nightmares about that face.”
“Ooo, nope, given up all that. Done noticing things.”
The light flickered.
“I didn't even notice that, for example. Well, got to go. Good seeing you, Craig. Goodbye, Stormageddon.”
Elise set Alfie down in his high chair and kissed his head. Elise and the Doctor started to leave.
“Hang on. You said farewell tour. What do you mean, farewell?” Craig asked.
The Doctor ignored the question as they left. “Just go. Stop noticing. Just go. Stop noticing, just go. Stop noticing, just go. Stop it. Am I noticing? No. No, I am not,” the Doctor muttered.
He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the area. “And what I am not doing is scanning for electrical fluctuations.” He checked the results. “Oh, shut up, you. I'm just dropping in on a friend. The last thing I need right now is a patina of teleport energy. I'm going. Do you hear me? Going. Not staying, going. I am through saving them. I am going away now.” The Doctor turned and looked at Elise, who had her arms folded over her chest. He sighed.
Elise was folding up some infant sweaters when her father and Craig came out of the toy department. She caught up with them.
The Doctor immediately took his hands off Alfie’s stroller, allowing Elise to push it. “These funny old power fluctuations which just happen to coincide with the disappearances,” the Doctor said.
“That's just the council putting in new cables, isn't it?” Craig asked.
They stopped at a lift that said “Out of Order.”
“Oh yes, that's it. Mystery solved.” The Doctor smacked himself in the forehead. “Wasting my time. Now, you can go home and I can go to Exedor. Goodbye.” He soniced the button to the lift. “And here's the lift.”
“It says it's out of order.”
“Not any more. See?” The Doctor ripped off the caution tape. “Here to help.”
Craig entered the lift. “It says danger.”
“Oh, rubbish. Lifts aren't dangerous.”
Elise looked at him.
“Okay. Besides that one time.”
“Do I look like I'm stupid?” Craig asked.
Alfie cooed, causing the Doctor to laugh. “Quiet, Stormy. Oh, all right. There's more,” he said.
They all got into the lift, which made Elise slightly uncomfortable.
“Just between you, me, Elise, and Stormy, don't want to frighten me punters. Someone's been using a teleport relay right here in this shop. Missing people last seen in this area.” The Doctor put his finger on Craig’s lips. “Before you ask, CCTV's been wiped.”
“A teleport? A teleport? A teleport like, a beam me up teleport, like you see in Star Trek?”
“Exactly. Someone's been using a beam me up Star Trek teleport. Could be disguised as anything.”
“But a teleport in a shop? That's ridiculous!”
The lights flickered and they were suddenly standing in a spaceship.
“What was that? Was that the lights again?” Craig asked.
“Yes, that's it. That's all. It's the lights,” the Doctor said in a high pitched squeaky voice.
Elise tried to keep calm as she grabbed the back of her father’s shirt.
“Why did you say that like that?”
“Like what?” The Doctor lowered the pitch of his voice. “Like what?”
“Like that, in that high pitched voice.”
“Just keep looking at me, Craig. Right at me. Just keep looking.”
“Well, because, because…”
Craig started to turn around.
The Doctor grabbed him. “Because I love you.”
“You love me?”
“Yes, Craig. It's you. It's always been you.”
“Is that so surprising?” The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and put his arms around Craig’s neck.
Elise pulled out her own and had it mimic whatever the Doctor was doing. Whatever got them out of this awkward situation the quickest.
“Doctor, are you going to kiss me?”
“Yes, Craig. Yes, I am. Would you like that? Bit out of practice, but I've had some wonderful feedback.”
“Doctor, no. I can't. I'm taken.”
Craig turned his head and looked behind him. “Oh, my God!”
Elise felt bad for Craig.
“Or we could just hold hands if it make you'd feel more comfortable.”
“What is happening?”
“Well, first of all, I don't really love you, except as a friend.”
“What is that!”
A Cyberman was coming towards them.
The Doctor finally set his screwdriver to the correct setting and they were back inside the lift. “Quick reverse.”
“What the hell just happened?” Craig asked.
They stepped out of the lift, back into the children’s department.
“They must have linked the teleport relay to the lift, but I've fused it. They can't use that again. Stuck up there on their spaceship,” the Doctor explained.
They entered the Home department.
“What were those things?” Craig asked.
“Cybermen,” Elise answered.
“Ship. A spaceship. We were in space?”
They exited the department store. It was now dark outside and the Doctor had on the coat Elise hated.
“It's got to be up there somewhere. Can't get a fix. It must be shielded,” the Doctor said.
“But you fused the teleport. You sorted it. They can't come back,” Craig told him.
“No, no, no, I've just bought myself a little time. Still got to work out what they're doing before I can stop it.”
“But if they've got the teleport and they're that evil, why haven't they invaded already?”
“Craig, take Alfie and go.”
“No. I remember from last time, people got killed. People that didn't know you. I know where it's safest for me and Alfie, and that's right next to you.”
Elise admired Craig’s loyalty to the Doctor. It almost rivaled her own.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. You always win. You always survive.”
“Those were the days.”
“I can help you. I'm staying.”
“Craig. Craig. All right. All right, maybe those days aren't quite over yet. Let's go and investigate. I mean, there's no immediate danger now.”
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captainillogical · 5 years
Devil’s Ballroom Ch.4
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants
    The man turns to look at you. “The fuck? Why’re you in the men’s room?” He says, slurring his words a bit, and putting up a hand to brace his weight against the nearest wall. He fucking reeks of liquor that you can smell from here, and his hair is slightly disheveled.
“I’m not in the men's room. You're in the ladies' room," You say, boldly. You feel the alcohol you’ve consumed making its way to your head, and the words flow out of your mouth freely. "And if you don't mind, I'll be leaving." You move to step past him and towards the door. As soon as your fingertips brush the door handle though, a hand shoots out and grabs you by the wrist, stopping you. You freeze.
"You are such a rude bitch, you know that?" He says, pushing himself away from the wall and facing his body towards you. You try and pull your arm away from him, but his grip is tight. What the fuck? You're going to snap this bastard's neck.
"Let go of my arm." You say, livid. You can see his eyes boring into you. He looks down at your collarbone and breasts, his eyes moving all over any patch of bare skin you just happen to be showing tonight. You feel exposed in the worst way possible. Trying to move your arm out of his grip again, you feel his fingers tighten ever so slightly.
"Girls like you, you think you can just get whatever you want by dressing like that and going to a bar," He says, spitting a little and glaring at you. 
"I'm not TRYING to do anything, let my arm go you bastard-" you get cut off as he tugs you forward, he's now only inches from your face and the smell of musty cigarettes and shitty vodka hits your senses. It's utterly revolting, and you hold back gagging visibly. You hear noise coming from outside the bathroom.
"You are taking an awwwfully long time in there, Y/N.” You hear Spinel say from behind you as she’s opening the door. She audibly stops. “What the fuck is going on here?” 
    Before you can even attempt to comprehend what is going on, you hear an extremely loud THUD on the opposite side of the bathroom and you feel as though you are launched several feet forward. You feel yourself squished against something and open your eyes to see something shiny. Spinel is holding you against herself, a single arm wrapped around you. Her other arm is comically stretched out and her fist is huge, holding your harasser against the now damaged wall. 
"You think you can just waltz right into the ladies room? Here? In this bar? You're stupider than ya’ look." She says, and tightens her grip around you. Ohhh my god, you’re such a useless lesbian, because you can feel her breast pressed against your arm and you’re trying SO HARD to not have an internal meltdown right now. You steel your face and try your best to dull your heart beats, because they’re currently Very Loud. Fuck. You hear the man whimper. “I thought I told ya to Leave. My. Friend. Alone.” She enunciates each word clearly, and angrily.
“Look, I don’t want no trouble..” You can hear him say, barely.
“You don’t want ‘no’ trouble?” She says, openly mocking him. “Shoulda thought about that before you came in here!” You hear the door slam open again, and can make out two pairs of feet running in.
“Spinel! We heard a loud noise! You guys okay??” Bismuth rushes over to the two of you, looking very concerned. She notices you in Spinel’s arms, and then the man Spinel is currently holding against the wall. “What happened!?” Lapis is standing next to Bismuth with her hands on her hips, and she looks pissed about the wall damage. Oops.
“This guy here,” Spinel shakes him a bit, and some of the wall crumbles around him onto the floor. You are trying and failing at not looking at Spinel’s gem. It glimmers every time she moves, and it sits perfectly right in between-. You look away before anyone catches you. “Came into the ladies room to harass a girl alone. I stopped him.” 
“Y/N? You okay?” Bismuth asks.
“Yeah. Was just surprised.” You say, like you’re not a complete disaster. 
“I’m just glad no one got hurt.” Bismuth says, and starts walking over to the trapped man. She nods to Spinel, who then slowly lets the man drop into Bismuth’s hold. She lifts him up by his armpits.. kind of like a child. You hold back a laugh. Bismuth holds him out in front of her, and squints at him. “And you.. You sir, broke like, 4 house rules. I’m gonna have to make you leave.” She makes her way over to the door with the man in tow, flopping him over her shoulder. Lapis turns to glare at the wall (and all of its damage), and then at Spinel, and turns to leave.
"We'll talk about this later." Is all she says, as the door closes behind her. 
    It is now so quiet in here that you could hear a pin drop. Spinel is still holding you, and you can hear her breathing ever so softly. “U-um,” You attempt to find your voice.
“Oh! Whoops,” She quickly drops her arm from holding you, and visibly deflates a little in relief. “I was so caught up that I..” She trails off, and her gaze makes its way over to your face. Her pink irises find yours. “I’m just glad you’re actually okay.”
“Me too.” You say, rubbing the side of your arm absentmindedly, still feeling a bit warm where she was touching you. Spinel notices your arm movement.
“Did I hurt you just then? I’m so sorry, I-”
“No, I’m fine.” You cut her off. “Still trying to wrap my mind around all of that. It just happened all so quickly.” You lie. You’ve dealt with worse men, in worse situations. This wasn’t something you couldn’t have handled yourself, if it got to that. She just didn’t need to know that you were having an internal gay crisis over being manhandled by a pretty girl. Alien. Whatever. “And thank you. For saving me, I mean. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come in, just then. Seriously, his breath smelled so bad.” You give her a warm, earnest smile. “I would have done that for anyone, and besides,” You watch her cheeks turn pink as she shrugs. “Someone else was trying to talk to me while you were gone, and I wasn’t really feeling it, and you were taking forever..” She crosses her arms over her chest, angling her face away from you. Is she trying to hide the fact that she’s blushing? Holy shit she’s so cute. You find yourself embarrassed to admit that you’re completely enthralled with this pink alien. In a bathroom.
    Story of your life really.
“So.. you came in here because you missed me?” You say, grinning, and wink at her.
“No! Not at all.” She denies a little too quickly. You suddenly want to make a hobby out of teasing her. “A-anyway, let’s just go back out if you’re finished in here?” You take a moment to look around at the bathroom. It’s destroyed. They will have to re-tile that entire wall.
“Yeah, I’m done here anyway.” You say as you move past Spinel towards the door. You grab the brass handle and pull open the door, holding it for Spinel to come out of the bathroom as well. 
    Outside, the entirety of the bar is still pretty lively. A few people have left as it’s nearing 11, but there’s a good 40-50 people still around. You see a rowdy group of young women laughing and swatting each other playfully while they watch a handsome blond man play a ballad. There’s quite a few spaces open up now at the counter. You don’t see Bismuth there, though. You look around and spot her at the entrance, talking to Lapis and the bouncer. Probably making sure that guy never comes in again, you think. You make your way back over to your previous spot, and Spinel follows you. Once the both of you sit down, you pull out your phone, and open up the right application.
“I hope your beer is still cold.” Spinel says to you as you swipe past a couple messages, getting to the bottom of the group chat.
“It better still be.” You take a swig, and make a face. It’s.. drinkable, you guess. “Also, it’s cider, not beer. I can’t for the life of me stand the taste of beer, it always tastes like shit. Don’t even get me started on IPAs.” You reply to your friends without reading half of the stupid shit they must’ve said while you weren’t paying them any attention.
    Y/N: I was attacked in the bathroom. Wild day, I know.
    Alex: it fucking serves him right to be honest
    Alex: lil bastard had it coming
    Alex: so now my brother cant look at sonic the same ever again
    Alex: w
    Alex: awrfawefaffasdfa
    Alex: WHAT
    Harper: What!? Are you okay????
    Alex: the fucking alien!!!!!!!! i knew it!!!!!
    Alex: she fucking attacked u in the bathroom when u were alone!!
    Alex: she saw her window of opportunity
    Alex: and POUNCED
    Alex: im sorry that ur dead now
    Y/N: I’m fine. The “alien” was actually the one that saved me.
    Y/N: And her name’s Spinel, you shitlord. Have some class.
    Alex: no
    Alex: and make me
    Harper: can’t tell him to have what he’ll never grasp. ;)
    Harper: i’m glad you’re okay though. <3
    Harper: what exactly happened?
    Alex: fuck you
    Harper: no thanks. i know im bi, but even i have standards.
    Y/N: There was this guy that harassed me over drinks earlier, right?
    Y/N: Spinel actually told him off after he wouldn’t leave me alone the first time.
    Y/N: And then, when I went to the bathroom, he came IN.
    Y/N: He literally fucking grabbed my arm ya’ll I was mad af. The audacity.
    Y/N: So then Spinel comes in and punches him against the wall??
    Y/N: Like she killed the wall. Guy was fine. They kicked him out.
    Alex: damn
    Harper: i’m glad she was there to save your ass since i couldn’t be.
    Harper: and what did we learn today Y/N???
    Harper: you go out with US and not ALONE.
    Y/N: Bitch you left me to be across the country for summer. I have new friends now.
    Alex: oh so im chopped liver now huh
    Alex: one sexy murderous alien saves u and now ur too good for us
    Alex: im telling ur fuckin dad
    Y/N: NO.
    Alex: tee hee
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve only ever had whisky.” She replies, taking a drink. You set your phone down for a second.
“I’d offer for you to try mine, but this isn’t in ideal shape.” She raises one of her eyebrows. “It’s a bit warm.” You look at the bottle with slight disdain. “And this isn’t even a great one, regardless. There’s a few better tasting, actually.. you should try those sometime.” “With you?” She says with a questioning look on her face.
“I, um.” You look at her. “I was going to give you a list of suggestions, but if you wanted to drink with me again, we could do that too.” You say as you wiggle your eyebrows at her. She flushes red immediately.
“I wasn’t trying to impose, I just thought-”
“I’m just teasing. But.. if you do want a friend to drink with, I’m all yours.” You say, leaning on your left hand that's on the counter. “It’s not like I’m busy aside from work, anyway.” She’s staring at you with an expression you’re unfamiliar with, which is either longing, or concern. 
“I might take you up on that offer. I don’t have any human friends aside from Steven, and he’s only half.”
“And upon your general pool of human specimens, I’m your best choice?” You say and laugh. She gives you an exhausted look, which makes you laugh even more. “You got a phone?” You ask her, and take another sip. She reaches behind herself and pulls her phone out of her back pocket. 
“Steven gave me his old one a few weeks ago, I just don’t use it much.” You nod and take the phone from her hand. She doesn’t notice that you make sure your hand touches hers on purpose. You tap her phone open, and go to her contacts. And maybe, just MAYBE, you add a heart next to your name cheekily when you add it to her contacts. You text yourself a quick :).
“I added myself to your contacts. You should text me sometime. I also have your number now, too.” You hand her phone back to her. You grab your phone off the counter and the words “her smexy alien” are displayed on the lockscreen. You swiftly turn the screen back off, and down the rest of your nasty ass drink. Fucking christ, why are your friends like this.
“Hey. Spinel.” You turn to the voice in front of you. It’s Lapis. Her full attention was on the gem next to you.
“Yes?” Spinel says. She also downs the rest of her drink.
“You gonna pay for that wall, or what?” Lapis asks, leaning on the counter. She seems tired.
“I did do the damage, so I will, but I seriously think you should try to make that guy pay for this.” Spinel sighs. Lapis considers her for a second.
“We’ll see.” She says, and shrugs. She looks at you. “You want another one of those?” “Yes please.” You say. This will be your last, you think. It’s late. She opens the bottle for you, and swaps it with the empty one in front of you. 
“Yes, I will also take another one.” Spinel says to Lapis.
“I wasn’t going to ask you,” Lapis replies, and Spinel gives her a comically grave expression. “But since you insist, I guess I just might.” She smiles a little. She grabs a new glass, sets it on the counter, and plunks an ice cube into it. Then she grabs a brown bottle behind her, and pours Spinel another drink. She winks at Spinel as she grabs for the used glass. She walks away to a further sink, and starts helping a couple of other patrons who look like they’re about to head out.
“Sometimes, I don’t get her, but for the most part I like her. We both have problems.” Spinel says while watching Lapis from across the bar. She takes a long drink. You think fuck it, and do the same. 
“She reminds me of my cat, if I’m going to be honest.” You say, “Kind of moody, but still wants you to know that it’s there, and it exists.” 
“What’s a cat?” Spinel asks innocently. Your jaw drops.
"You don’t know what a cat is!?” You say, almost offended. You unlock your phone and go to your gallery, searching for your cat pics. You find one of the more recent ones of Jellybean, enlarge it, and show it to the gem. “This is Jellybean. She’s fluffy, stupid, and almost set herself on fire last week, true story.” Spinel eyes your phone screen.
“Oh, those things! I’ve seen them a few times, but they never let me near them.” She says, maybe a bit mournfully. “They look soft.” 
“They are.” You grin. “I should let you meet her sometime. She loves people. She’ll drool on your shoes though, so be careful. She’s a total weirdo.” Spinel looks at you like she’d actually love that. You feel like maybe you underestimated how alcohol would hit you tonight, because you feel it coming to you very quickly.
“I’d love to meet her. I don’t get out much, honestly. I’m still trying to find a balance in my daily life. Steven’s worried that I’ll.. I don’t know.” She shrugs, swirling the drink in her glass. Bismuth walks over to the two of you, grabbing several used glasses on the way and dropping them into a nearby sink.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about what happened to you earlier. Stuff like that never really happens here.” She says to you while making herself busy wiping down the counter. “And Spinel, seriously. Thanks for stepping in.” Spinel gives a noncommittal grunt in reply.
“Bis, if I were even as half as beefy as you are, that wouldn’t have been a problem. I’d dare him, actually.” You say, and finish your drink. You regret it a little, but Papa didn’t raise no quitter and you’ll learn your life lessons eventually. In the meantime, you just feel pleasantly drunk.
“Aw, shucks, Y/N. You’re so kind.” She chuckles and flexes a little. “I have enough muscle for the both of us.” She wipes down Spinel’s side of the counter, and takes the cash handed to her by the couple next to the two of you as they get up to leave.
“Ughhhhh.” Spinel says, slouching on her stool. “I need to walk home soon.. ‘gotta long day tomorrow.”
“You live close?” You ask her.
“Kind of. It’s on the opposite side of little homeworld, and a nearly 30 minute walk.”
“Are you sure you’re sober enough to make it all the way home by yourself?” You grin, teasing her. “You��re not gonna get like, 10 minutes into the walk home and pass out in a bush somewhere?” “No, I’m fine. I should be good enough for the walk.” She says while giving you a half-baked glare, and attempts to get up from her stool, albeit very wobbly. She stumbles a bit.
“Well, I was going to head out soon too.” You say, nodding at Bismuth that you’re ready to pay your tab. She makes her way over to you once she hands back the couple’s change to them.
“You guys good?” She asks. You nod in response.
“Yeah, gonna call it a night though,” you grab your card out of your wallet, and feel a little generous. Maybe a bit ballsy, too. You hand it over to Bismuth, who takes it. “For both tabs, please.” Spinel looks absolutely admonished and is about to argue, so you cut her off. “It’s thanks for earlier. Don’t argue with me.” She shuts her mouth promptly, and Bismuth laughs.
“I like that you two get along well. Warms my heart.” She says, looking at the two of you while working the register. She hands you back your card and the receipt slip.
“Oh, shut up.” Spinel glares. Bismuth just laughs at her and walks away. You put your things back into your bag, and regard Spinel. “Well, I’m off. You should message me soon, and we could hang out.” You say, and turn to move when Spinel takes a single step forward, and slips onto the floor with a loud crash. You look at her, and cannot help laughing.
“OW.” She exasperatedly sighs. You lean down and give her your hand, which she stares at for a second longer than necessary, and then grabs to pull herself up with. 
“Drunker than you thought, huh.” You say, giving her a smug look. You’re drunk yourself, but at least you know what you’re all about.
“Maybe,” She says, dusting off her pants and straightening herself back out. “Maybe I shouldn’t have ordered that last drink.” You still feel ballsy, and maybe a little courageous when you have a particular thought that you verbalize before actually considering in your mind. “Wanna come home with me?” You blurt out. She stares at you blankly for a second, and then her entire face flushes. “Not like that,” You quickly backpedal. “My place is about 10 from here. You can crash on my couch? And meet my cat.”
“I’d love to meet your cat.” She’s smiling, and she looks eager. Or drunk.
“Alright, let’s go then.” You say before you can think any better of it. If your father or friends knew.. Oh my god, your father and friends CAN’T know. Your friends would laugh forever, and what would your dad think!? ‘Chill dad, it’s no biggie, just gonna show this ex-bloodthirsty gem our cat. except she’s cute and cool and nice now’ You give silent thanks to whatever gods are out there that your dad didn’t come home tonight.
    You both meander your way outside of the bar, where the air is still thick with heat and humidity. A slight breeze rolls by, but it isn’t enough to cool your skin where you have already started to feel yourself sweating. You like summer, but hate nights like this. You’re both walking side by side, passing by houses and businesses alike, when she stumbles on a sidewalk crack and nearly topples you over. You catch her by both arms to steady her, impressing even yourself.
“Thanks,” She says and pushes some of her fringe out of her eyes to look at you. “You know.. you’ve been really nice this entire night. Humans haven’t been particularly cruel to me, all things considered.. but I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.” You keep walking with her.
“Well, you didn’t murder me like my friends thought you would, so tonight’s not a total bust.” At that, she laughs very loudly and openly. It’s a nice sound.
    Maybe it’s the warm night, or the alcohol in the both of your systems, but the flush on her cheeks makes your heart feel as bright as the gem on her chest, sparkling in the streetlights.
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Don’t think about the last lines too much.
Eddsworld; fanfic, Ship; EddTom AU; highschool
Description; Edd gets annoyed by people not thinking brown eyes are the shit. (which they are).
Word count: 1,538
“Oh, you’re eyes are like a drop of lovely water in an infinite ocean!” He said, leaning on the locker beside her, pushing a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear
“Oh, haha!” She giggled, fiddling with the bracelets that ran up her arm.
“Ugh.” Edd said, quietly to himself, “How cringy can you get?”
“What?” Tom asked
“Them!” He gestured over to the two love-birds, “Could they be anymore clique?” He shut his locker a bit harder than he usually did. 
“What, are you heterophobic, Edd?” Tom said, referencing something they overheard in the halls the day before, “You’re heterophobia isn’t very nice, Edd.” 
“Shut your fuck up!” Edd laughed, then got quiet as they both shuffled awkwardly past a teacher, hoping they didn’t hear them.
“You are. Oh my-I can’t believe it.” Edd laughed at the face Tom made when he said it, one of mock betrayal, and punched him in the arm. “You think you know somebody.”
“No, but really.” Edd said, pushing open the cafeteria doors, “He said she had ‘blue eyes like on ocean’? Who actually says that anymore?”
“A couple liking each other’s eyes. They should be hunted for sport.” Tom said, which treated him to another punch in the arm.
“It’s just so overused! Aren’t you, like, an aspiring song writer or something? Shouldn’t this tick you off more than me?” Edd said, then waved hello to Matt as he slung his backpack onto the table and flopped down into the chair. 
“No because why the fuck would I give a shit?” Tom asked, taking out his pen and notebook.
“What are you guys talking about?” Matt asked, mouth full of burger
“Edd’s turning emo.” Tom said
“Welcome.” Matt said
“No I’m not, fuckwad!” 
“You hate love though.”
“I HATE that blue eyes are the only colored eyes that get compared to stuff! You don’t know what it’s...” Edd trailed off, then turned toward Matt, “you don’t know what it’s like having brown eyes!” 
“But your eyes are just as beautiful as anyone else’s, and I could compare them to anything if I applied myself.” Matt said, rolling his eyes.
“Easy for you to say; your eyes are like a fucking renaissance painting.” Edd huffed. “There are swirls of blue and green and-fuck! Even fucking yellow!” He squinted his eyes, “You couldn’t even begin to fathom what it’s like having one flat layer of brown.” 
“...” Matt sat staring in awe. “Edd...you realize that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me, ever, right?” 
“Lowkey gay.” Tom muttered, and crossed his arms, slouching over the table and stuffing a half-eaten snickers bar from earlier into his mouth.
“...” Edd’s cheeks turned pinkish. “No, I didn’t...I just wish I could have cooler eyes, is all. Don’t over think it.”
“You already have cool eyes, dumbshit.” Matt said
“Fuckin’ lair.” Edd laughed, “But thanks I guess.”
“Hey, Tom,” Matt said when he noticed Tom wasn’t writing in his notebook like he usually did, “what’s up? Want my kit-kat?”
“What are you saying? Of course he does.” Edd teases, seeing as Tom’s been gaining just a tad bit of weight
“You know what? Fuck all of you.” Tom stood up, grabbed his stuff, and left the table.
“...What’s got him so pissed?” Matt asked
“What are you talking about?” Edd joked and scratched at his hairline, “That’s classic Tom.” 
“I guess...hey are you going to eat lunch today or what?” 
“Oh yeah.” Edd glanced at the lunch line, which now wrapped around the entire cafeteria. “I think I’ll wait a little longer.” 
“...I still think Tom might be upset about something. Can you talk to him in calc for me?” 
“Sure.” Edd said, doodling a penis in the corner of the table, chuckling, then erased it, “Hey, speaking of calc, can you do my homework for me?” 
“Nah, dude, I hate math and I just got done finishing the test last period. My brain is fried.” 
“Ugh. Well, guess I’ll fail.” Edd shrugs with the confidence of somebody who knows how to cheat.
“Truly an inspiring story of determination.” 
“Hey, Tom-” Edd asked, once they were able to pair up for review before the test, “Wanna be my partner?”
“Um...” Tom scratched his neck and looked around the room. “Sure. You’re the only person here I don’t hate.” 
“Cool.” They both sat down at a table.
“So should we review the first part first, or should we-”
“Why’d you freak out at lunch?” 
Tom sighed.
“It just started to bother me, is all.” He said
“What did?”
“You straight up were flirting with Matthew!” Tom said, a bit too loudly. He looks around the room to see if anyone heard. “I mean, how can someone’s eyes even look like a renaissance painting? How’s that possible?”
“I just said it! I didn’t comprehend it!” Edd defended
“What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know!” Edd said, “What does it even matter?”
“...” Tom frowned, “Just...shut up about it.” 
“Shut up about what, Tom?” Edd crossed his arms, “Tell me before the teacher crawls up our ass about not studying.” 
“...I’ll talk to you later about it, okay.” 
“I already waited until the end of lunch-” 
“Teacher, can I switch partners?” Tom asked, avoiding Edd’s suddenly confused stare.
“Um.” The teacher looked between the two. “Sure, I guess.”
“Thanks.” Tom said, and walked to another group.
“You can study with Jon.” Teacher said to Edd, and the two studied together, with Edd occasionally looking over his shoulder to see if Tom was looking his way, though he never was.
Tom rushed through the double doors, trying to get lost in the sea of people, but Edd could spot his spiky hair a mile away. 
“Tom!” Edd shouted, and he grabbed his arm, spinning him around to face him. “What’s gotten into you, man? First you-” Sensing no out, Tom speaks up.
“Can we talk somewhere a bit more private?” He asked, as a few people gave them weird looks as they passed by.
“Um, sure.” Edd said, still holding his arm, and they walked towards a dead tree that was cut down years before. They sit under it, and Edd finally let go. 
Tom rubs his face and shakes his head a little, “Just...I didn’t like how you talked to Matt, that’s all.” 
“Why?” Edd asked
“It just made me feel weird, I dunno.” When Edd gave Tom a weird stare, he added, “Matt isn’t that pretty.”
“...So, what, you want me to compliment your....you?” Edd said, dancing around the what he was originally going to say.
“No!” Tom blushed, then coughed, “No. Just...it’s weird.” 
“...Right.” Edd put his hand over Tom’s, “You can tell me what’s really up.”
“...I just wish you’d say something nice about me, that’s all.” Tom mumbles.
“Say something nice about me sometimes, I say nice shit about you.”
“Really? When?”
“All the time!”
“To who?”
“Well, maybe I just think it, is that so bad?”
“...Wait,” Edd thought, “So you think nice things about me a lot?”
“No! Yes. I...” Tom rubbed his face again, causing some of his hair gel to flake out onto his hands and the knees of his ripped black pants. “I don’t know, man. It just happens.” 
“...Dude, do you have a crush on me?” Edd asked, then quickly added, “It’s fine if you do! Cute girls, cute guys, it’s both whatever.”
“I...you’re just really...nice and understanding and...” Tom squints at a root growing in front of him, “wait, you think I’m cute?”
“...” Edd self-reflects. He didn’t see Tom as unattractive, no. Thick eyebrows, black studs lining his ears, like a sort of goth-punk hybrid. He was sweet to his friends, funny in a lol so random xd sorta way, and would probably fight anyone if Edd told him they had dissed him. He also had this glow about him if he was talking about his favorite bands, or a piece of music he just learned, and his smile would seem so all-encompassing that it would seize your gaze by the throat. 
Kind of like what it was doing now. 
“Do you think I’m cute?” Tom asked, and began to shake Edd’s shoulders as a joke, rocking his body back of fourth.
“Tom, dude, shut up-”
“Oh my God you do!” Tom slowed down then. “That’s...crazy man.” He rubbed his neck, “Thanks for calling me cute.”
“Thanks for being jealous of me, I guess.” 
“Haha...you’re cute too. But not as cute as Billie Joe Armstrong.” Tom added to compensate for the blush running up his neck.
“Well, of course,” Edd rolled his eyes, “I don’t think that’s even possible.”
Tom laughed, then told Edd about the fanfiction he was writing about Shrek, and even though Edd purposefully zoned out because no matter how punk rock Tom was, he didn’t want to hear about his Shrek x Sonic the hedgehog fanfic, he felt the smile radiating off him. Edd smiled too.
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heroes-writing · 5 years
Hello! There's an ask that I made for other opm blogs some time ago but it never really got answered. Weird as it sounds I would like either a scenario (short story? idk) or headcannons about how Sonic would be if he was hired to kill someone but in the process of stalking them, he became enamored with them? Not in a yandere way (lol) but in a genuine way because the person is so kind and sweet in everything they do. (Anyways, welcome back! I was surprised when I saw you on my dash xD)
Yee! And since I’ve talked to you further about thisrequest, I’ll add some more info for those who don’t know.
The character/oc featured in this as belongs to @vocakira! Andthe timeline is a little before Sonic meets Saitama, while trying to stay trueto Sonic– so he’s kind of crushing in this, but not fully enamored (Yet)! (ALSO I CANT BELIEVE I HIT 3k WORDS WITH THIS skjdbvksjdv)
:D Please enjoy!  
Word Count: 3350
There were a few ways Sonic could tell if someone was a liar.
Unsteady eye contact, hiding of the hands, and a sweaty facewere the biggest tells. His weaker employers, the greedy and the doublecrossing were the ones who he could easily call out.
Then came the businessmen, with their shady contracts, and theirwords holding two meanings. Unluckily for them, they always had an inability tokeep a story straight…
And finally, there came the liars Sonic was the mostfamiliar with:
The hardened killers.
With their cold voices, and their addictions to pitilesscruelty.  
Sonic knew he was dealing with the latter at his firstglance around the facility.
He never walked into a place blind– he always scoped outthe defenses, the ins and outs, the weaknesses and strengths. There were armedguards at every door, sealed entrances, and human sized cages they usedfor who knows what… Sonic could tell by the pristine lab coat of hisemployer and the copious amounts of sedative the facility kept in barrels—hewas in for an interesting contract.
Usually he wasn’t one to judge, maybe they had a real monsteron the loose, but there were too many alarm bells ringing for him to feel likehe could completely trust this place.
They were apparently a medical company, tackling issues ofmonsterfication and psychic powers running wild. Whatever. The detached way thehead scientist spoke of it was so fake Sonic wasn’t too focused on listening.
The contract was to assassinate a hero, after all.
“That’s not very noble of you.” He remarked, as dry as adesert. It was a low A-rank as well.
“She is showing signs of instability and refusing help atevery turn. It’s truly unfortunate.”
Sonic scoffed at first, but then narrowed his eyes inthought.
He was given a thick file, and when he opened it he was metwith a picture saturated with warm colors. A woman. Young. Notlooking at the camera.
His silver eyes ran over paragraphs of text, then large blocksof dense black ink of redacted information. He wasn’t fond of thateither…
Not even upon reaching the second page, his dark eyebrowshiked up his forehead, the rest of his expression twisted in apathy. “She won’teven hear me coming, huh?” He asked in his usual crass way. He shut the fileand fanned it slowly even in the cold lab in which he stood.
The scientist before him nodded and pushed his glasses upwith a thin finger. He had burn scars around his wrists.
“Partially. Her powers are likely to deafen you as well.Explosions and a refined ability for pyrokinesis have made our previousattempts at capture impossible. So, if you would be so kind, please keepher body well preserved. She is like a daughter to me.”
That was the only sound Sonic made.
“This subject goes by Dahlia, and I guarantee you that sheis incredibly dangerous and liable to lose control of her powers. She hasrefused vital treatment, and so we must do what is right…” The man’sglasses glinted. “You understand, correct? This is what must be done.”
“I don’t particularly care.” And that was the truth.Unlike the sketchy man before him, Sonic didn’t feel the need to put on airsfor whatever reason. If what he said was true, then an unhinged opponent wasall too easy to take down, and if he was lying then…
Various instincts Sonic had honed over the years were alreadyblanching in distaste. Perhaps warning him of a broken contract to come. It wasall too familiar to him. This facility was obvious in its exploitative nature—Itcould have been a ninja village in disguise.
He didn’t have the hard proof though, and he was no hero. Hedidn’t have to seek out the truth, yet.
With a slight haughty nod of acknowledgement, Sonic vanishedinto a writhing mass of shadow and silence. He didn’t have to completely agreeor believe what these people told him.
The mission was accepted, regardless.
Sonic bolted through the hot air of the summer afternoon.Leaping from building to building in a black and purple blur, he raced aroundZ-City searching for signs of his target.
…The first step to a successful assassination after all, wascareful surveillance.  
Fortunately for Sonic, he never found that ninja art difficult,it was almost natural. As easy as breathing~
With a confident smirk he knew that his skills inobservation were extraordinary. His senses were keen to deception…
“There’s no disguise I can’t see through. You can’t hidefrom me—" He spoke aloud. The image of her face from the facility’s filewas ingrained into his brain—even if she got surgery to hide her looks, hewould–
“Ah—” Sonic froze on the edge of a grey bricked building, asmall drip of sweat slipping down his temple.
“There she is…”
Flores Dahlia’s red hair may as well have been abeacon in a crowd. Her eyes were orange just like in her reference picture. Herclothes were styled in the same way. Her red hair was so long and striking, itwas easily the first thing he noticed when approaching the main street.
Seeing her for the first time, her stature and expressionwere completely different from his reference picture.
He pulled it out of his back pocket, his eyes glancing backand forth between the image and the person sipping a coffee outside a café.
The image was perhaps when she was younger. Dark circlesbeneath her eyes and a worried expression.
The woman before him now was the opposite. A healthy glow toher skin, and a bright, bright smile.
Sonic realized very quickly that this woman wasn’t hidingherself.
Over confidence? Sonic thought.
Does she think she think she can take me on?
With the corners of his lips pulling downwards, Sonicglowered. For the next few days he spent many hours watching those gentle wavesof red, waiting for his opportunity. From early in the morning to the dark nighthe watched her live her life.
…To his discomfort it was peaceful and happy, to say theleast.
Nevertheless, against a dangerous target Sonic was no fool.He kept his presence carefully masked, and even though she was partially deaf,he used every ounce of his ability to remain silent. Looks could be deceiving, perhapsshe was the type to go berserk during the heat of battle?
Sonic was ready to catch this woman out on some nefariousactivities, or did that scientist think he was that stupid? The detailsof her violent nature were quickly being proven false—but he had yet to see herfight.
She’s a hero, and I haven’t seen her scrambling for fame…
Another half of him came to her defense—Well, she doesn’tflaunt her powers unnecessarily.
Flores Dahlia got up early and left her apartment around thesame time as her roommate. (Apparently another person of interest, but not onSonic’s payroll to kill.)
She dressed modestly, carried herself with poise, but she didn’tseem aware of the bounty on her head.  Shegreeted people politely on the street who recognized her and called her,“Dolly-chan!” Her hero name… She never gave any indication that she sensed Sonic,and so over the days his distance grew closer and closer.
Sometimes he grew near enough to smell her perfume. It wassweet, but not hard on the nose. There were times he brushed against her warm shouldersin the crowd—she met his eyes once and blushed shyly before glancing away. Hehad felt a little pride at that.
Sonic supposed she could be so extremely confident inherself that she became oblivious but…He shook his head gently, making his inkyblack hair sway around his face as he pretended to look at his phone.
This girl’s naivety was clear even after the first day onhis surveillance.  
Sonic rarely saw her without a kind smile on her face.
Even during the times where he tested her, placing himselfin her line of sight, steadily emanating killing intent, she seemed to see thebest in others. She had no idea she was under threat.
And because she was a hero, he was ready to watch herfight already! She didn’t search for opponents– even though that seemed to bethe association’s thing. Heroes always played gimmicks to raise rankings…Insteadhe watched her working a humble day job at a store for most of the time, herfriendliness was brightly apparent in her face and eyes.
There was not a shred of deviousness in them. No sign ofinstability or lack of control.
Today was no different as she treated herself to chocolate cheesecakewhile at a cutesy café. Lunch time always made her particularly energetic asshe would shuck her work apron and don her civilian clothes again. With a blankexpression he watched her take a picture of her food and send it to someone onher contacts list. When she got a reply, she smiled so hard it made herfreckles stand out…
Something in Sonic’s heart contracted a little.
…Maybe it was indigestion from his coffee…He looked at itwith a scowl and threw it expertly in the trash from a distance.
–Then her smile fell as a large explosion plumed from a fewblocks over.
A roar shattered glass in a flashy wave as wind and debrisflooded the street. Sitting at a nearby table from Dahlia, Sonic watched herleap to her feet, and race towards the scene.
Like a mirage, a completely black attire flooded over herform. It covered almost every inch of her skin, much like his own ninja gear…Heassumed the material could handle extreme temperature or high impact.
Finally! He thought.
With a serious expression he changed position to the highbuildings above the street. It was about time– He would see this damnwoman in action…
He watched her break out into a modest run, rounding cornerswith a determined expression. A large monster was throwing a tantrum in a largepark and those large bursts of dust were spiking into the sky at every second.
Silently Sonic followed, perhaps he would get his chance totake the kill while her back was turned…Perhaps he would give her a chance tosurrender…He wanted to get this mission over with, he was tired of thinkingabout her at every second of his day and feeling—something.
He needed a good fight. A challenge maybe? That could beit…
He had never fought someone who could generate flame before,and he wondered if that was enough to even compete with his speed…
“Heheh.” Sonic smirked to himself with his facedarkening…Brute strength can never win, not against my flawless techniques!!
Sinking into deep shadow, he watched this hero race onto thescene. What would she do? He wondered. What kind of brash and chaotictechniques would he see from her that would seal her fate? Would she finallydrop that good girl act?
Dahlia let orange flame gently burn at her hands and beneathher feet, levitating her from the ground smoothly. Her red hair swayed, and ina burst of speed she appeared above the large monster. Red clashed with thesoft blue of the sky.
The monster’s height towered above even the oldest oaks inthe park, but she had cleared the distance without issue.
Sonic’s grin deepened—and with a confused grunt from themonster, it tried to tilt its ginormous head skyward to swat at her like a fly.
She pinched her fingers together, flame bubbling up inbright balls of light. Without warning a rain of fire began to shower and peltthe monster like bullets. Tears and holes in its form blasted the monster away,erasing it with a pained scream that sent shockwaves across the park.
Trees bent over backwards, Sonic covered his ears, butDahlia cut the scream short as the rain of fire became a controlled wave thatcascaded to the earth. The monster was enveloped. Burned away. Gone.
Her face wasn’t smiling, and she looked a little worried asshe descended to the ground and glanced around.
With a wave of her hand, any remained embers that werecatching in the wind drifted towards her fingertips. The heat seemed to siphonaway from the humid summer day like a vacuum.
Sonic gaped at her.
That’s it??!
He watched her sigh and shake her head at the large blacksmear on the ground. She was perfectly calm, in complete control.
“Maybe she needs more incentive!” He growled.
Just as she was turning back to the direction of the street,her expression neutral—Sonic appeared before her like a mirage. His expressionsinister—
“Flores Dahlia prepare your-“
“Oh! You scared me!” Her lips formed a sweet ‘o’ as herhands flew around her.
Why does she have to be so very expressive?
Almost thrown off track, Sonic composed himself, “I’ve come for your life—”
“I’m sorry, sir, can you not hide your mouth in your mask.Please?” She gestured with her hands in quick tandem and dared to step closer.All too nonchalant in her action, but somehow knowing she probably didn’t meananything by it– Sonic’s eyes bulged.  
As an afterthought– a need to stay true to his priority, heslipped into a defensive posture, his hand on his sword.
She blinked at him.
“S-sorry!” She exclaimed in confusion, “I read lips, but Ican barely hear you with my aid…Do you need something?” One of her handsslipped behind her ear, revealing the shell of it and the device attached. Sheshowed him plainly, her posture full of openings. Too many damn openings. If hewas anyone else, he could have killed her by now!
That thought made him feel something like rage, and hedidn’t know why.
And her smile had returned, although uneasily.  
How can she be so unaware?!?!  
With a dark expression he snatched his scarf down with hisother hand, “I’ve been sent to kill you.” He said slowly.
In a calm and benevolent way, he extended his hand towardsher. “However, if you return to your caretaker, I won’t have to eliminate you, FloresDahlia…”
Her mouth remained open, but her eyes were glinting withsomething like acceptance.
“My caretaker? Is that what he told you?”  She shook her head.
“No, of course he told you that…” She muttered.
Her hands moved through a series of motions, “May I ask whatyour name is?”
…Sonic had to admit, he appreciated the polite opportunityfor introduction and straightened his posture.
“Speed of Sound Sonic.” He inclined his head, “Let me startout by saying, no opponent of mine has ever escaped alive. I plan on keeping itthat way.”
He flickered behind her, his lips right next to her ear, “Sowhat will it be?”  
She slipped her hand over her ear, shirking from him. Hisstomach felt a twinge of discomfort at that as she turned around skeptically, “That’sfine. I don’t want to fight you, and I have no intention of going back.” Sheturned to face him fully, her hair swaying behind her.
“If you kill me, I assume it would be quick. Thatpreferable to torture.”
…He hummed thoughtfully, “I’ve been told many things aboutyou—a penchant for lying is one of them.”
For the first time her expression twisted into anger. Hissilver eyes watched her warily, ready for flame at any second.
This was it then, he would goad her into showingher true colors—
Dahlia shook her head, pressing a hand against her chest, “Idon’t lie.”
“My ‘caretaker’ made me this way! Haru and I arestill recovering from his treatments to this day!” Dahlia pointed at Sonic, hersuit flickering away into a bracelet on her wrist. A pink skirt flared aroundher hips again, and a soft white jacket carried the scent of her perfumestraight to Sonic’s nose.
“I’m my own person, can I lie about that?!”
Sonic crossed his arms as Dahlia continued, “What he’s doingis illegal, and if you knew what was really happening in that facility youwould probably never go back—”
Sonic’s expression hardened at the edges, giving her hiscruelest smile. “That’s laughable. Just because you’re weak doesn’t meanthe same rules of your pitiful existence apply to me. No one can catch Speed ofSound Son—"
“Well good!” She exclaimed, catching him off guard.Her vehemence was painfully sincere as she leaned towards his face, her orangeeyes clashing against his silver ones.
“I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone!! I’m serious, Mr.Sonic. Don’t think he won’t try to capture you once you’re done!”
She didn’t fall for his words, instead giving it her all forthat damn hero act… Growing agitated in her presence he did the only thing hecould think of. In a flash he pressed his sword against her neck, a few strandsof her beautiful hair flew away in the wind. Dahlia remained unmoved.
…Sonic found he rather liked that expression, those eyesstaring at him. She hadn’t even flinched, and she didn’t blink when he pressedthe blade into her skin harder.
“Fight me.” Sonic growled, the tension in his stomachwas growing into a tight knot at this point.
“No! I don’t want to hurt you, especially when you’re beingused like this—”
He scoffed, “You think you can hurt me?! You–”
She interrupted him at every turn. Dahlia glared at himsteadily although her lips wobbled, “I don’t want to take the chance. I’m notwhat they told you.” She tugged his sword away and for some reason, he lether.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you…And I don’t know if I couldmatch what they’re paying you—” Her expression turned worried and sad, “Evenwith my hero salary and my–”
Sonic sneered. The mere thought curdled his stomach, “Idon’t want your money!!” He shouted, and her eyes widened.
For a moment, silence reigned over the park. Sonic had lostwhat he wanted to say, and it was all because his interest in this woman wasbecoming too obvious to ignore…
He caught sight of her hearing aid as she adjusted it, andit hit him so suddenly that if what she was saying was true…
“Were you raised in that facility then?”
“I wasn’t born there, I was taken.” Her words became clippedand emotional, “I was normal, and they changed me.”
Steady eye contact, splayed hands, her breathing was even…
A shallow breath was sucked into his chest followed by anoise of anger. It’s just like his village, taking orphans to train, to turnthem into killing machines.
He sheathed his sword, his expression dark. “If I searchthat facility, will I find evidence that you’re telling the truth?” Hespat the word like venom.
She tilted her head, “You’ll find children who want toescape. I know some remember home. Will that be enough?”
He struggled not to scoff, “…I’m no hero, but I will not belied to while under contract.” Sonic turned his back to her—then instantly felta hand against his shoulder, trying to tug him around. Shocked by herforwardness, he remembered she had to see his mouth to understand him–
He obliged, a little red in the face, “I want to fight youwhen I finish taking care of this.” He said it like a threat, and Sonic wassure his face was icy, but she smiled, nonetheless.
“Can I treat you to a dinner instead? I don’t like scorchingfriends.”
His expression twisted. Embarrassment, frustration, and purepride fought across his face.
He didn’t say a word as he disappeared, his cheeks warm andhis shoulder tingling from her touch.  
“I’ll be back for you, mark my words!”
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