#and as soon as the credits rolled i was like haha wtf wtf wtf wtf
kateis-cakeis · 10 months
Every day since watching Episode 6 has been thinks about the kiss thinks about the kiss thinks about the kiss thinks about this kiss
thinks about the music, the line deliveries, the way it all hurts, the shaky breaths, the quivering lips, the setting of expressions as realisation dawns, the kiss, the kiss, the kiss
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you wore a Band-Aid and why? Not too long ago because of a hangnail that was bleeding.
Do you like ketchup or mustard better with your corn dogs? I dip it in both.
A trip to California, the Bahamas, New York, Wisconsin, Utah, or Canada?  I’d love to go to the Bahamas, Canada, and New York.
What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Changing up the words to a song so that they sounded funny and relatable to the situation I was in, I guess <<< Haha I like doing that, too.
Do you like the way your hair looks right now?  No. It badly needs to be dyed.
Do you ever find yourself just writing/typing out your feelings?  That’s what I do in these surveys.
If so, does that make you feel better?  Sometimes. It’s nice to have an outlet where I can just vent and ramble freely.
Whose house were you at last, besides your own?  My aunt’s last year.
Any big plans for this summer? Summer is overrrrr. Even though it still feels like it here in California. :/
Are you missing school yet?  I’ve been done with school for 5 years now and I haven’t missed it.
Do you like your teeth? No.
Are you in a hurry to grow up? No. I was never in any rush to grow up. 
Who was the last person you were in a vehicle with other than family? It’s been a few years now since I’ve been in the car with anyone other than family.
Does piano music tend to calm you down?  It’s not something I ever turn to when I’m feeling upset or anxious, but I do love piano music. It’s beautiful. 
What’s something you need to get done soon?  Hmm.
Is your best friend awake right now?  No.
Are any of your friends or family members out of town right now? One of my cousins went to Oregon for her birthday. 
If I came to your house, could I find any kind of chocolate?  Yeah, my mom bought some Halloween candy at work.
What size bed do you have?  Full.
What is the last thing you charged?  My phone.
Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it? My mom.
Have you ever held a snake?  NOOOO.
Do you like peas?  Ew, no.
What is the last cd that you listened to in a vehicle? I don’t remember; it’s been several years since I’ve listened to a CD.
Do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower?  No.
What would you like to drink right now?  I’m fine with water for right now.
When is the last time you ate pudding or yogurt?  I don’t remember. Not a fan of either one, so it’s been a long time. 
Would you rather go to a beach, an amusement park, or a water park? I’m sad I didn’t get to have my beach trips this year.
Don’t tell me lies, so where’s your man?  I don’t have one.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?  Yeah, I had a few guy best friends.
Has anyone said they love you in the last week?  Yes.
Have you faced any of your fears lately?  No.
Have you ever kissed under water? No.
Which friend are you most similar to? 
Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say?  I wouldn’t even answer.
Would you get back with your last ex if they asked you?  No. I can’t imagine that ever happening.
Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a M?  No.
Would you kiss the last person who texted you, on the lips?  No.
Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends?  Hotel with a few friends. I’m not a camping/outdoorsy kinda gal at all.
Do you want someone dead?  Wtf, no.
Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to?  I honestly don’t think about him much anymore except when asked in a survey. Although, questions about exes are in like every survey. *eye roll* It’s not a lasting thought. 
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? I’ve never smoked and have no interest or desire to start whatsoever, so yeah.
Do you have alcohol in your house?  Yeah.
Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have? Of course.
Are any of your friends virgins? 
What’s annoying you? Blah.
How is your boyfriend/girlfriend doing and where are they now?
Do you have anything to pay off?  Yeah, credit card debts.
What are you wearing right now?  Leggings and graphic tee, as per usual.
What are you listening to? An ASMR video.
Where did you first hear this song?  It’s not a song.
Are you the one that normally makes the first move? No.
Do you drink/smoke?  Nope.
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The Day We Met
So I got so much positive feedback from the one-shot The Day We Met that I made another chapter/one-shot that follows it. If you want to read the first one to understand the weird way they met you can but this can be read on its own. Credit again, of course, goes to @booabug for the idea. 
Summary: “So…” Marinette started awkwardly “Is princess your go-to nickname for me now?” She laughed nervously fiddling with her fingers. Ok, she’s joking. That’s a good sign, right? Maybe I haven’t screwed up everything yet? “Haha, well it was a pretty strong first impression but I can stop if you want?” he rubbed the back of his neck. “As long as I’m not the damsel in distress type of princess I guess it’s kinda...cute” She looked down shyly. “Oh, of course not! I see you as more of a Tiana or Mulan definitely.” Adrien hastily explained.
Finals week~
“Hello?” the little bell Adrien installed ringed as Marinette stepped into the small shop and placed her black coat on the coat rack as she had done the last three times she had come.
Oh my kwami, she’s not tired of me yet. Ok, be cool Adrien. You can do that right?
“Oh, Marinette glad am I-uh I mean I’m glad you’re here.” He chuckled nervously. “Did you stay up studying for that English test?
Smooth Adrien smooth.
Today she looked a bit more composed than last week. She wore a white sweater that said ‘motivated by cats and caffeine’ in cursive black writing, black leggings, and boots. Her hair was up again only this time the bun was held up by a pencil.
“Yep, I don’t understand why I need to know English as a fashion major” She yawned “anyway I brought back your umbrella since I keep forgetting” She held up a black umbrella.
Plagg ran up to her meowing excitedly.
“Don't get me wrong I love your company but you didn’t have to drop it off so soon especially during finals week.” He gave an empathetic smile.
She picked up Plagg “I had to come back to cuddle with this cutie anyway.” She hugged him squishing her face to his.
He sighed I wish that was me
“Is that still ok?” She asked
“Oh,” He snapped back to reality “uh yeah of course!”
She smiled and went to sit on the small sofa bring Plagg with her. Adrien stood still.
Would it be super awkward to sit and talk to her? It’s working hours but there’s no one here yet maybe I can just hang out? No, it’ll seem weird that I take a break just when she gets here. She’s not even here for me, she’s here for Plagg. Ughh, make a decision Adrien, you probably look like an idiot just standing there.
Adrien sighed and went to the back and grabbed a few books.
Work it is then
He grabbed the wheeled ladder and brought it to section C trying to stabilize it as he climbed higher with the heavy books.
Marinette giggled at Plagg and from Adrien’s position he could just see as Plagg had jumped off the couch and was trying to get back on with little luck. He smiled leaning a little to see her face light up when Plag finally got up.
The wheels wobbled a little as he put more of his weight on the right side then Adrien’s luck ran out. Adrien lost his balance and grabbed the shelf for stability however that only caused the books to fall as he did while letting out a high pitched yelp.
Oww, oww, oww kwami that’s so embarrassing. I hope Marinette didn’t hear or see that.
“Oh my kwami, Adrien are you ok?” a blurry figure asked.
He made double finger guns “totally”
Finger guns?! That’s it, I’m officially the lamest person in the world. Just end it all now
“You sure? That looked like it hurt a lot” She extended her hand to help him up.
Dazed he answered, “How could I not be when there’s a beautiful princess here that cares about me?” Adrien gently pressed a kiss on the back of her hand.
His eyes widened realizing what he just said and got up quickly. “I um, I’m going to um going to uh get a cart for these instead. But um yeah thanks I gotta go.”
He nearly ran to the back room not that he needed to rush as Marinette was too busy overheating where he left her.
Wtf did you just do?! Oh, my kwami! I should be banned from watching cheesy romantic movies before going to sleep. No! I should be banned from watching cheesy movies for the rest of my life after that craziness. Holy cr- I mean what were you thinking?! That was so creepy. I need to just move to China or something. Yeah, I’m pretty fluent in Chinese I could do that. Wait! Didn’t she mention yesterday that her last name was Dupain-Cheng? She might visit China one day and then it’ll be the same problem!
He hit his head against the wall a few times until he got tired and sighed.
Ok...I guess I have to get out eventually? I’ll just never mention it and maybe she’ll forget?
He grabbed a cart and walked out of the back room as natural as he could which to be fair after modeling as a teen worked pretty well. That is until he got in front of her.
“So…” Marinette started awkwardly “Is princess your go-to nickname for me now?” She laughed nervously fiddling with her fingers.
Ok, she’s joking. That’s a good sign, right? Maybe I haven’t screwed up everything yet?
“Haha, well it was a pretty strong first impression but I can stop if you want?” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“As long as I’m not the damsel in distress type of princess I guess it’s kinda...cute” She looked down shyly.
“Oh, of course not! I see you as more of a Tiana or Mulan definitely.” Adrien hastily explained.
“I get Mulan because most people go for that but why Tiana?” she smiled thankfully it didn't seem too forced or awkward.
“I could write a whole essay over how much you and Tiana are alike. Like you both have a clear goal in mind and will work towards it the right way no matter hard it is and your both kind to others like unnecessarily so. Like last time that the kid accidentally dropped a whole bunch of books you consoled him telling him it’s ok and helped him pick everything up.” Adrien's eyes lit up with so much enthusiasm and warmth. “You won’t take laziness and complacency and I know I already said it but honestly you know how to be realistic yet still have those huge dreams that you definitely deserve so you take things in little steps and work ahead to make it a reality and that’s super inspiring and-”
The sound on Adrien’s words was drowned out by her ears burning.
“Oh my kwami, Adrien stop!” She laughed her face beet red.
“Sorry it’s true though” he smiled
She smiled back but couldn’t maintain the eye contact and looked at the floor.
Dammit, Adrien, you overdid it and we barely got over the hand kissing thing.
“...Rapunzel…” Marinette mumbled
“What?” Adrien asked.
“You would be Rapunzel.” She said louder
“Haha, the blonde hair?” Adrien joked.
“No, you’re...you’re like sunshine.” She explained as Adrien felt the temperature in his face increase “Like you always see the best in people, and are kind to everyone. You’re a huge optimist and encouraging and so curious about everyone and want to find out the best way to brighten up their day. You’re new to being independent yet you’re honestly doing better than me” She laughed softly “You’re a little naive especially for reading so much but it’s...endearing. You work hard and everyone can see it I mean you’re what 22? 23? And everyone knows this cute little shop you created is the best place to find a good book even if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Actually especially if you don’t know what you want because you don’t get impatient and you ask them what they like to help them find a book they’ll love. And I know that they do because they come back to thank you.”
Adrien dramatically placed his hand on heart “No more, mercy, please. Oh, my kwami princess you’re going to give me a heart attack.”
She rolled her eyes “Nevermind you might be too dramatic for Rapunzel.”
They both looked at each other smiling for a few more seconds before bursting in laughter and it occurred to them that maybe that's how it was going to go with them as another silence fell over them. But it wasn’t awkward anymore it was kinda nice actually.
As Marinette went back to Plagg and Adrien cleaned up his mess the same thought repeated in their minds in sync It’s too late, I’m too far gone
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pekorosu · 5 years
ep 24... the final one... here goes...
- they removed the bit with the barrier falling on the men, right? i remember it shocking me in the manga
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- i usually skip the op but i’ll indulge just this once
- lmao i don't actually like this song but those lyrics really stick with you
- looks like they left the bit with ash escaping up to our imagination haha. i think that’s a good choice, since they’re pressed for time and the viewers already know how ridiculously crafty ash can be
- can the stream not DIE just when the eiji bits start
- JESSICA YESSSSSSSSSSSSS her entrance was so cool
- i actually like max/jessica’s reunion. it’s a bit short, but it’s not as overdramatic as the manga
- omg they changed the sing/blanca bit right? i remember they were climbing upwards instead...
- wtf foxx swinging the pole was so funny
- i feel like the song is taking all the seriousness out of the fight scene. but it’s very shounen anime vibe i guess lol
- oh my god that’s disgusting... they made foxx’s stabbing so much more disgusting holy shit HOLY SHIT holy shiT
- shit that was so disturbing. even their facial expressions
- how the fuck is he still alive after getting LITERALLY DRILLED
- the ash vs dino thing is the most anticlimactic thing ever lmao
- omg all of yut lung's goons suddenly look so high quality
- sing & yut-lung’s convo. good scene, good scene. for once the conversation is being given the time it needs to pan out
- okay the credits rolling shocked me a bit bc i thought it was gonna end soon like ARE THEY ENDING IT AT THE 2ND LAST CHAPTER *SUDDENLY OPTIMISTIC* and then i remembered 2 eps ago they rolled the credits early too ><;;;;
- it's nice that ash & blanca’s conversation is also proceeding slowly. nice. very nice.
- fuck its coming. im scared. i DONT WANT THIS I DONT WANT THIS
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- re: sing & ash’s convo. not gonna lie i laughed when reading this scene in the manga bc sing's shirt had the word “HONKI (MAJI)” in HUGE BOLD LETTERS. but at least it’s not as bad as his “killer of the sea” shirt in GoL i guess lol
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- the letter is word-for-word taken from the english localisation right?
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- listen. listen. LISTEN. if ash didn't die from being STABBED HARD BY FOXX WHY DID HE DIE FROM A NON-FATAL KNIFE WOUND. ALSO MOBILE PHONES! MOBILE PHONES EXIST!! honestly i think the anime version is extra tragic bc it means ash CHOSE this ._.
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- welp at least we got a gay rainbow
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- afterthoughts:
haha i didn't shed a single tear even though it did hurt, which i'd expected. they also didn't use “prayer” at all or either of the EDs, which is interesting. overall, i think the ep was supes excellent quality, but i wasn't really fully immersed bc i had been in Big Anxious mode. so i'll def be doing a rewatch later.
now i'm just waiting for news on garden of light bc there's NO FUCKING WAY they would leave that out :v (i hope)
i’ll still be blogging about banana fish at my usual pace, which is... not very often... but i DO still have some translations i’m working on. idk how that’s gonna work out with my blog being flagged now though... but anyway. i’ll probably be more active on my scribble blog, so do check it out if you’re interested! 
what a ride. thanks @ everyone who has been reading my rambling liveblogs!
edit: WAIT......... it just occurred to me that they played both OPs in here... if they were to make like an OVA for garden of light do you think they’ll play both EDs in there................ o_o
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ennergetics · 7 years
bad first dates | kim jaehwan
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(image credit)
sungwoon | jaehwan | minhyun
one day you get a message saying you’ve won an all-day express pass to an amusement park and at first you think it’s a scam
but your friends assure you that it’s real 
you’re the only one in your friend group not dating or in a relationship and they signed you up for a singles raffle 
so it’s also???? a date???
but of course you’re going because you’ve never been to an amusement park before plus it’s free
when you get to the entrance early in the morning, the amusement park employee greets you with a chirpy smile
“please take pictures and post them on social media with the appropriate tags!!!!!!” 
you’re looking around and your date is nowhere to be found but right when you’re about to enter, he arrives
he looks a bit like a cute goat, his ears sticking out from the side of his head
you’re already judging his bright-printed-shirt-and-checkered-long-sleeved-polo look a lil bit
you introduce yourself politely enough, and when it’s his turn it’s like a switch has turned on
“kim jaehwan, but you can call me vi-sho bc i’m a visual shock”
“but really, call me jaehwan”
“or you can call me ‘the most good-looking and talented boy you could have gone here with'” 
and you roll your eyes
loRDT this is gonna be a long day
you snap a pic at the entrance and post it to your twitter with the hashtag to get the employee off your back
(you also send it to your friends on kkt with the message “i hate u all”)
but he’s game to try everything just like you are, which is exciting??? plus you don’t care what you look like in front of him
while you’re walking to the first rollercoaster you’re going to ride, you hear him hum under his breath and think of how you could make today more fun
“yah, jaehwan, i dare you to start singing in the middle of that crowd”
he’s got one hell of a voice!!!
tbh you feel your insides melt a lil
but you take a vid and post it dutifully
“vi-sho, when you're famous you'd better thank me” 
you get on the rollercoaster and you’re??? a lil scared because it’s your first time
when you near the loop you hear jaehwan take a deep breath
you were anxious but you’ve completely forgotten about it bc JAEHWAN WTF HAHA
after that it’s your turn to do a dumb thing
he dares you to go around the carousel ride like you’re seeing everything for the first time
and you bring out your best impressions
(he likes the pokemon ones the best)
when he’s done posting it you line up for the haunted house
you’re clutching his hand really tightly and staying really close to him
but jaehwan alternates between laughing like a madman and saying the ghosts are cute
you dare him to ask the next one out 
and he approaches the nurse with a big bite mark on their neck and asks if they’d go out with him
the nurse widens their eyes and yells 
and you’re giggling like mad and teasing him about it the rest of the way
“god jaehwan even the dead won’t date you"
you decide to go to the water ride and just your luck, your side gets splashed
he waggles his eyebrows at your wet white shirt but lends you his checkered polo anyway
it’s uncomfortable though so you decide to buy a shirt from the souvenir shop to change into
jaehwan doesn’t want to be left out so he gets a matching one
“now we’re a couple!! you’re cute,” he says without shame
and you’re just about to smile when he adds
“but i’m the cutest” 
the date can’t end without y’all going to the ferris wheel because it’s quintessential!!!
and you take a dumb “couple pic” together
then take a couple of dramatic shots in the dying light of day
“make sure to get my best angle,” jaehwan says, making a face that has you nearly dropping your phone while laughing
(you don’t think you’ve laughed more in your life)
really though the sunset is beautiful 
and after a few moments of looking out at the sky you both get introspective and talk about the future
you’re in your last year of university but you still don’t know what you want to do with your life
and he’s a struggling artist, working two jobs and training and singing in between
you wish each other well and make a pinky promise to keep fighting for your dreams at the top of the ferris wheel
and you spend the rest of it leaning your head on his shoulder and looking through the pictures of the day together
he brings you home and walks you to your door
and you give him a kiss on the cheek before you go 
“today was fun”
and he looks???? shy???? for the first time today
and jaehwan grins before nodding
when you wake up the next day you get a message 
and it’s an ugly af zoomed-in pic of jaehwan’s face from your lil brother’s buddy woojin
“jaehwan wants to talk to u pls kkt him” 
and your phone buzzes with a call 
it’s jaehwan, of course
and at first it’s awkward 
but then he starts to sing rly loudly to fill the silence and you laugh
you save his contact as ‘visual goat’ and agree to meet up soon
you go through your social media bc you didn’t get a chance to do so last night
so you didn’t see your twitter thread blow the fuck up 
you’re scrolling through the replies and the posts
and wtf??? is that a fanfic about you???
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profound-boning · 7 years
Author Interview
tagged by @casskellington ! This got long so there’s a read more cut. I’d like to hear from: @jhoomwrites @formidablepassion and @ozonecologne
1. What inspires your work most? (The show it is based on, the actor who portrays a certain character, maybe the character itself…? It could even be an experience.)
 Uh, pretty much myself and my experiences? Or, in the rare event I'm writing something in canonverse, I'm trying to say something about the situation the characters are in, make a nod at something I like, or point out the horrible flaws in something I dislike. (Looking at you, bucklemming!) But yeah in general I'm writing about myself; any time Dean or Cas is a teacher, that's me. High school and college stuff? I'm probably referencing something I did or heard about someone else doing. Those three things especially I always get so WTF over when I read something written by someone without those experiences. (That and writing dean or cas as a child and like really really fucking it up. Middle class five year olds speak in generally complete sentences. Speech and motor skills development is very well established!) I don't mean to say NO ONE WHO DIDN'T GO TO COLLEGE SHOULD EVER WRITE A COLLEGE!AU because that's just elitist bullshit, but I would suggest to anyone, even United States-eans to DO RESEARCH on your setting. If you don't have direct personal experience, find someone on tumblr or another blogging site who does. Bring them on as a beta or just kind of interview them about what's what. There's a reason that if I'm writing Dean The Mechanic I will stay FAR AWAY from anything that sounds like direct knowledge of that job… it's because I do not in any way shape or form understand vehicles. So why would I try to write in Dean's voice about his work?? It would fall flat for any reader with a comprehension of cars. Related to that, something else I do intentionally avoid is writing about someone with an identity that is not my own. That being said I do write a fair bit about two dudes, and I am not male, but I am cis and I do write Dean and Cas as cis. One time I wrote Cas as questioning and Dean as trans and in those cases I stayed firmly in another POV—aka not putting words into the mouths of those characters/identities—and got help to make sure I was staying in my lane.

2. What is your favorite fandom to write for?
 This in particular got super fucking long I apologize.
I have created fanworks in precisely three fandoms. My very first fic was for How To Train Your Dragon, I have a plethora of Supernatural works, and I did a podfic for Star Trek: the Alternate Original Series (Films). For HTTYD and SPN I wanted to write a story that gave a conclusion to two relationships I feel are not being given proper closure in canon. Until I got into actual fandom I didn't know what "shipping" was but now that I do, I totally ship Hiccup and Astrid. That was some of the first fanfiction I ever read, over on fanfiction.net. I did read some other stuff in the Frozen fandom because I wanted more of the Anna and Kristoff relationship. Both of these pairings are canon in that they have a kiss and they're TOGETHER when the credits roll, but I wanted… more. I couldn't really put my finger on it, I just… needed to know where they went from there. How did their relationship change? Turns out fanfiction was the answer—people wrote the happily ever afters that I was envisioning and, I'll be completely honest, THEY WROTE ABOUT SEX. I had never seen such a thing outside of porn/erotica. It was this strange like "oh, good, other people think about this, too." (Both the happy endings and the sex.) And then in 2013 my sister got me to start watching Supernatural, and the unresolved anger re: John Winchester and the mounting sexual tension between Dean and Cas brought me to the same place. What the hell would happen if Dean and Sam actually accepted their abuse? (A topic of personal catharsis, for me.) And when Dean and Cas finally fuck?? Oh, yeah. Gimme it. So right now I'm exclusively into Supernatural (Star Trek was a commission and I LOVE IT but I don't seek it out) because we're at season thirteen and I need these two to get over themselves and bone.

3. Which perspective do you prefer writing in? (First-person, third-person) Always third person! I can't read first person, so I wouldn't try writing it that way.
4. Do you prefer writing reader fics or OCs?
 I... assume this was supposed to say "reader insert" and the answer to that is a SOLID NO. Therefore, most OC fics are too because those are just proxy reader inserts. The only exception would be for Original Winchester Child(ren). (Note that if you love these please don't be mad that I've said this, I just genuinely dislike reading them, as you may dislike any number of fics, too. That's life.)

5. Do you prefer writing longer works or one shots?
 Well... everything I've ever written is a one-shot, in that there's nothing that literally needs to be continued. I can't really handle reading WIPs and I don't write them either. I do have longer works (9k, 24k, and close to 40k) but again, they're all "one-shots" as I define them. A couple of multi-chapter works, yes, but still wholly completed works. 

6. Do you take requests? 
I would like to! I've done one work specifically as a request, another is coming soon, and another was like heavily inspired by someone's comments/thoughts/headcanon! But I've never really had anyone drop in and be like "look here's a plot bunny" and then I've gone "hell yeah ..." and written about it.

7. Do you enjoy getting random Asks? 
Haha I would love that but I don't get asks! Or very rarely. They're usually just the chain lovey dovey asks which are AMAZING and it's so nice to hear from my friends. :) But yeah nobody just, like, messages me out of the blue. Some ask games get one or two responses, not too often though. I'm not a very big blog though so that's to be expected!

8. What inspires the names for OCs (or extra character names) in your works? Do you pick them from real life or just select them at random? A mix? 
The only actual OC I've ever done was a side comment in a destiel fic about Jess and Sam having a little boy named Bobby. It was like three sentences total so not a whole lot of development, and the name choice would be obvious to anyone in the SPN fandom. I did also do a Single Father Dean to Baby Emma once but again that (more or less, haha) happened in canon.

9. If your story(ies) have OCs, are their appearances based on real people or celebrities? If so, who? 
Again, no OCs or not enough of an important character to merit description.

10. How long have you been writing?
 Since summer 2015!
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