#and also is like I’m fine! don’t worry about me!
formulawolff · 2 days
vii. the in-between - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 5.2k
warnings: buckle up y’all cause we go. angst, cursing, size kink, edging, praise kink, FUCKING, LOTS OF FUCKING. toto being a simp, banter, yearning, mentions of divorce, mentions of alcohol use, creampie, teasing, yadayadayada… y’all know what’s about to go down
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“it’s fine, mom. really.” 
bringing a hand to your temple, you begin to massage, attempting to alleviate the accumulated pressure. 
“i mean, yeah, i’m not in trouble or anything. as far as i know, the fia is letting me race in suzuka. it was my first offense so they dropped the investigation. as long as i publicly apologize for my actions, everything will be cleared up.” 
do you know how many people have asked me about you? baby, people approach me at the goddamn grocery store asking me why you beat up that poor little british boy! he’s built like a twig for god’s sake! 
rolling your eyes, you lean back in your chair, keeping the phone pressed against your ear, “mom, his name is george russell. he drives for mercedes. he’s not some little boy.” 
all right, all right. well maybe he needs to come over for some dinner or something. get some meat on those bones. anyway, did i tell you that your father has been scouring ebay trying to purchase sports cards with your car on it? well, he’s found ones with you on them too. he wants to make a booklet of his favorite kiddo. 
with that discovery, your heart swells, “is he really? tell him to look up topps chrome cards. those are the best ones. since i’m not as popular as max or lewis, they should be pretty cheap. and mom, i’m your only kiddo.” 
that’s why we’re so proud of you. even if you get into fist fights, we still love you bunches. when do you think you’ll come home? your dad wants to take you out in his baby. he’s made some modifications to it. he thinks you’ll appreciate it more than i will. 
“where is dad? is he asleep?” 
yes honey. he’s asleep. snoring away on the couch with the dogs. i wish we could give you a taste of home somehow. maybe i could have a care package sent to japan? 
“mom,” you exhale, “that would be so much money. don’t worry about it. were you guys considering flying out for miami?” 
oh yes, about that! you perk up in your chair, anticipating your mom’s response. we are going to be there. we can’t wait to see you. we miss you so much. it’s so quiet when you’re not home. will i be able to meet some of your coworkers? 
letting you a giggle, you shake your head, “mom. they’re my fellow drivers. we’re not coworkers. but yeah, i could probably introduce you to a few of them. daniel wants to meet you two.” 
what about that handsome fellow with the bright blue eyes? he drives for redbull! and yes, i would love to meet daniel. 
“max verstappen?” you arch a brow, “we’d have to see about that one. he’s a very busy man.” 
okay, okay. the line cuts out briefly. hey honey, i think i need to head to bed. i love you so much. keep in touch, okay? we’ll see you in a few short weeks. 
nibbling on your lower lip, you nod, “i love you too, mom. tell dad i love him. i miss you guys. i can’t wait to see you.” 
me either. goodnight honey, or good morning or afternoon or whatever time it is over there. i’ll text you when i wake up! love you. 
“love you,” your lip trembles, hands clamming up as you the line goes silent. 
fuck, were you homesick. 
you just had to make it a few more weeks. then, you could finally reunite with your parents in miami. although you knew you would be so fucking busy, you would make time. 
you always did when it came to your parents. 
also, you had another plan brewing as you scroll through your contact list, searching for a certain dutch assassin. a certain dutch man who happened to be a three-time world champion. 
somehow, someway, your mom was going to meet max verstappen. 
you had to make that happen. 
you had to. 
currently, you were sitting on the edge of a bed in a suite in london, anxiously awaiting the arrival of your driver. a decently-sized suitcase sat near the door, a carry-on stacked on top. 
this driver was provided specific instructions to transport you from london to brackley, dropping you off at the door of a certain team principal’s home. 
yet, you were well aware that it wasn’t going to be just any old home. 
this man was billionaire, after all. 
buzzing in your grasp, your phone notifies you of a new text. 
from none other than toto wolff. 
the driver is on the elevator, heading up towards your suite. DO NOT handle your bags. he will do that for you. i don’t want you to fuss over a single thing. from there, he will bring you here, where he will punch in the code for the gate. i will be waiting for you at the door. 
i can’t wait to see you, schatzi. i miss your beautiful face and sweet laughter. 
oh, and i can’t wait to kiss you. 
(and yes, i am pacing around in my office as i type this. i can’t focus on anything else but your arrival) 
with sazuka quickly approaching next week, you would only have a couple of days with the team principal before you had to part ways. he would have prep, meetings, press, where he would then fly out to sazuka. meanwhile, you would have to catch a flight, meet with your team, prep, and potentially meet with press, fans, and the other drivers. 
additionally, you had to address the incident that occurred last week at the australian grand prix. to your surprise, the fia had dismissed the investigation, finding no substantial evidence that the two of you needed to be punished. due to the nature of the accident, george was not punished, as he did no illegal maneuvers or intentionally attempted to take you out of the race. 
on the other hand, the fia was adamant that if this happened again, you were going to face consequences. you would have to shell out a pretty penny for fines, and then you would be immediately disqualified from three future races, deeming you unable to participate.
although they were merciful, the fia made it very clear that since it was your first offense, they were going to be fair.. 
however, if there was a next time, they would not be so kind. 
a crisp knock rang out, startling you. 
springing to your feet, you open the door, an older man smiling in greeting. 
“you must be golden girl,” sticking out his right hand, he dips his head, “i’m theodore. i’ll be your driver to brackley this evening. i am here to not only be your escort, but to tend to anything you may need. mr. wolff made it very clear that you were not to fret over a single thing.”
“good morning,” the corners of your lips curl into a quaint smile as you shake his hand, “thank you. i’m eager to see the english countryside.”
“i’ll handle your bags ma’am,” theodore clears his throat, “you just take it easy.”
“will do,” you nod, “how long is the drive?”
“about an hour and a half,” theodore responds curtly, slinging your carry-on around his shoulder, “don’t worry, it’s not too boring. follow me this way, my lady. our chariot awaits!”
following him down the hall, he presses the button for the elevator. there’s a silence between you, but not an uncomfortable one. theodore’s presence was warm, inviting even.
upon meeting him, you understood why he was toto’s right-hand driver. once he escorted you to the car, he opens the door for you, ushering you inside. when you settle into the backseat, you notice the glint of a redbull can, along with your favorite snacks and candy. 
“mr. wolff wanted to ensure you wouldn’t be hungry,” theodore states as he climbs into the driver’s seat, pressing the button for the ignition, “he told me that you can be a little cranky if you don’t have any snacks.”
“oh? he said that?” a giggle bubbles up in your throat, “did he say anything else about me?”
“oh yes,” theodore chuckles, turning the gear shift, “he’s told me all about you. to be quite frank, he hasn’t shut up about you the last week or so.”
“so you know who i am?”
“of course i do,” theodore nods, flashing you a grin in the rearview mirror, “you’re one of the best formula one drivers on the grid. you drive for williams racing. you’ve only won one grand prix, but i believe you’ll win a few more this season. your hometown is in yuma, arizona. you’re twenty-two years old, and from what toto has shared with me, you have a very bright future ahead.”
“are you a formula one fan?” you arch a brow, punching open the can of redbull. 
“who isn’t?” he shrugs, “well, ms. golden girl, we are going to begin our journey. if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to speak up. if you’d like, you can tell me a little bit more about yourself. we will have plenty of time.”
as theodore promised, the drive to brackley was painless. yet, as the car pulls up to the gate, your heart skips a beat.
this was no quaint english cottage.
toto’s brackley residence was a sleek and sprawling two-story home, a black and white exterior with massive, thick windows. your jaw almost drops, and theodore notices, letting out a hearty laugh, “don’t act so shocked, golden girl. i’m sure you’re aware toto is a very wealthy man.”
“i thought he would have kept things somewhat simple.”
“oh love,” theodore shakes his head, “you and i both know that toto is anything but simple.”
rolling down the window, theodore punches in a code, the gate sliding open. as the car lurches up the drive, your heart thumps in your rib-cage, blood roaring in your ears. 
this was really happening. 
you were really staying with toto. 
“nervous?” theodore senses the shift in energy, “you have no reason to be nervous. he’s been anticipating your arrival. he’ll be happy to see you.”
“thank you,” you manage to muster a meek smile, “i-i just didn’t think we would get this far.”
“well savor the time together. time flies, especially in our world. one day you’re at a track, the next you’re in another country. he adores you, golden girl. so don’t you fret about that. just relax, and enjoy your time. i will be here in a couple of days to bring you to the airport for your departure to sazuka.” 
“thank you,” at his words, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief, “i look forward to our next drive together!”
“as do i,” shifting the gears, theodore puts the car in park, slipping out of the driver’s seat, “we have arrived. let me get your bags.”
he strolls over to your door, opening it as you clamber out, stretching your sore legs.
no matter how much time you spent in a car, there was always that persisting stiffness. 
you’d probably need a double-knee replacement by the time you were forty, but that was the least of your worries. 
out of the corner of your eye, you notice a figure strolling towards the car. with the large stature, you knew it could only be one particular individual. 
he’s dressed in a royal blue button-up, paired with khaki slacks. on his feet are earth-toned dress shoes. the blue hue of the button-up complements his dark hair, almost brightening his features, giving them a youthful glow. tufts of his hair are all over as the wind blows. 
yet, he looks as gorgeous as ever, his toned muscles rippling under the thin fabric of the button-up. 
“welcome to brackley schatzi,” the grin enveloping his face is radiant, “i hope the drive wasn’t too bad.”
“not at all,” you shake your head, the team principal nearly sucking the wind out of your lungs as he wraps his arms around you, squishing you against his chest. 
“i missed you so much,” tender lips connect with your cheek, “good afternoon, theo! did she behave herself?”
“of course,” theodore promptly places your bag next to the entrance, suitcase in tow, “i have another commitment here soon, mr. wolff. i hope it is all right i placed her bags next to the door?” 
“don’t worry about it,” toto’s fingers find yours, intertwining them together, “i’ll get them. please drive safe, theo.”
“i will, mr. wolff,” theodore dips his head, turning to you, he takes your hand, shaking it, “it was lovely to meet you. i look forward to our next meeting, golden girl. enjoy your time together, you two!”
“we will,” toto squeezes your hand, “goodbye, theo.”
“goodbye, mr. wolff!” theodore spins on his heel, making his way to the car, “behave, you two!”
in response, toto gives a thumbs up, theodore slipping back into the driver’s seat. as he peels off, toto shifts his body, facing you.
“charming, isn’t he?”
“he’s great! kept me entertained the whole drive!”
“i told him you have a short attention span so to keep you occupied,” toto shooks you a wink, earning an eye roll. 
“i can’t stand you.”
“you’re standing right now, aren’t you?” his chuckle is light, “come, let’s head on in. i have lunch waiting for us.”
“you made me lunch?” 
“yes, i’m going to drive you all the way out here just so starve you,” he scoffs, yet his tone says otherwise, “i have food ready. and wine, if you want some.”
“don’t tell me you want to get me drunk so i’ll confess all my secrets.”
“consider that my new goal for the afternoon,” toto grabs your bag, along with your suitcase. pushing open the door, he clears his throat, “welcome to my home away from home.”
as you step in the entrance, your eyes widen, lips parting.  
the space was truly a reflection of toto. refined and elegant, with a hints of charm. the marble floors gleam under the soft lighting, rays of sun shining through the vast windows. the walls were covered in a menagerie of decor, from pieces of art to mercedes memorabilia. it was not the typical billionaire’s home, where the air felt sterile and cold. 
this place was warm and full of life, coaxing you to stay. 
“cat got your tongue?” his breath fans against your ear, a hand gliding along your back, “follow me, schatzi.”
“your home is beautiful.”
glancing over his shoulder, you are met with his gorgeous smile, dimples and all, “thank you, love. i’m glad you like it.”
trailing behind the austrian, you stroll down a long hallway, turning into the last room on the left. toto places your bag and suitcase next to a glass door, “this is my bedroom. you’ll be staying here with me.”
“straight to the bedroom huh?” you fold your arms across your chest, teasing, “you just couldn’t wait–”
“come here,” toto growls, hands grasping your wrists, bringing you in, “no, i can’t wait.”
looking up, you match his gaze, cocking your head, “what are you going to do about it?”
at your rebuttal, toto’s eyes narrow, “what do you think i’m going to do?”
“fuck me.”
“hmmmm,” he hums, leaning in, “you’re right, schatzi. i am going to fuck you. i’m going to fuck you till you’re weeping me for me to stop.”
“weeping?” your hands roam, tugging on his button-up, “i’d like to see you try.”
“oh schatzi,” he tsks, “you don’t know what you’re in for.”
“show me then.”
“i will,” lips ghost over yours, “i’ll show you how badly i missed you baby.”
as he kisses you, it’s tender at first, brimmed with the sweetness of reunion. one of his hands wraps around the base of your neck, tilting your head back as his tongue gains access to your mouth, the tang of redbull tracing your mouth. yet, as you whimper, a fiery hunger sets ablaze.
fuck, he missed you. 
he missed you more than he liked to admit.
tension hangs thick, clouding the space as his mouth places sloppy, wet kisses down your jawline, finding your neck. nipping gently, it takes every fiber in his being to resist the urge to just mark you all over. to leave marks where they could see. to make them wonder who was doing this to you.
but he couldn’t. not there. 
in response, your hips buck forward, grinding against his. toto groans, his head rolling back. 
there was not a single coherent thought in his mind. 
only lust. and fuck, was it consuming him whole. 
scooping you into his arms, he brings you over to the bed, your back meeting with the plush mattress. 
“i can’t wait,” he pants, chest heaving, “i can’t wait any longer. i need you.”
“then take me,” your words drip like honey, oh so sweet, “make me yours, toto.”
jesus fucking christ.
he was going to fuck the shit out of you. right here, right now.
there was no going back. 
he ached for it. he yearned for it. the fantasy flooded his dreams at night.
the things he wanted to do to you? 
downright filthy. sinful, even 
he couldn’t lose his inhibitions. not yet. he had to hang on. 
however, at this point, toto was hanging on by a thread. 
peeling your leggings and panties off, he tosses them to the floor, “sit up.”
you obey, nearly trembling with anticipation as fingertips hook the hem of your crewneck, pulling it over your head. nimbly, he hovers over you, finding the clasps of your bra. he undoes them, a crimson hue dusting his cheeks as he takes in the sight of you completely naked beneath him. 
god, you were absolutely breathtaking. 
every inch of you was stunning. every scar. every mole. every freckle. every stretch mark. 
you were so fucking beautiful. 
his hands fly to his button-up, eager for what was to come. 
yet, your hands find his, “let me.”
toto bites his tongue as you carefully undo the buttons of his shirt, his cock twitching, aching for your touch as your fingers delve towards his belt. you unbuckle it, tilting your head back, batting your thick lashes.
fuck. fuck. fuck. 
could this moment last forever? 
“i-i don’t know if i can take it all,” there’s apprehension inflected in your tone, almost as if you were embarrassed, “to be honest, i’ve never–”
oh god. 
this was going to ruin him.
just like he was going to ruin you.
“don’t worry,” a tender hand cups your cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “i’ll go slow. i won’t make you take it all. i’ll take care of you baby, i promise.”
you nod, lips pursed as you tug on his slacks, hooking the hem of his boxers, “you’re just so fucking big. like holy shit.”
pride swells within the austrian for a moment, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, “i promise you that it’s not as big as you think.”
“can i see for myself?” the question is so innocent, so pure. 
yeah, he was going to ruin you.
he was going to make a mess out of you. 
“lay down schatzi,” he orders, authority oozing into the words. 
kicking off his slacks, he curses slightly as his boxers stick around one of his ankles. this wasn’t going to be perfect, but he wanted it to be. for you. 
he wanted this to be a moment you remembered for the rest of your life. he wanted this memory to fill your thoughts every second of every day. he wanted you to touch yourself to this, desperate and oh so wet, throbbing for him. yearning for his mouth. for his touch. for him.
carefully, he climbs onto the bed, hovering over you. as you look down, you can feel his gaze searing into you, burning right through. 
his cock was far bigger than your fantasies. it was thick, approximately eight or nine inches. you couldn’t tell. his tip was tinged pink, the glisten of precum catching in the light. veins wrapped around the length, throbbing as your hand wrapped around its base.
“fuck,” as he moans, you lick your lips, realizing how much you loved the sound that just filled your ears, “let me feel you, please.”
“please toto.”
swallowing thickly, he inhales sharply as he positions his tip at your entrance. applying pressure, a whimper rings out as he pushes in, your walls stretching. 
your pussy was heaven. absolutely perfect as it wrapped around his cock, begging for more as he pushed further and further. you were absolutely drenched, the juices slick and oh so sickeningly sweet. he didn’t even have to taste you to know. he just knew you were sweet. like pure ambrosia. 
perhaps he could get a taste.
“toto,” your lashes flutter, his name so perfect from your lips, “you feel–”
“your pussy is perfect,” he finds a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of your tight hole, “absolutely perfect baby. fuck, you’re perfect.”
skin connects with skin, the temperature of the room elevated as his hands found yours, pinning them to the bed. lips collide, the kisses desperate, hungry and bursting with need. as he picks up the pace, moans fill his mouth. 
fuck, it felt like he was going to split you into two. 
“t-toto,” there it was again, his name. music to his ears.
“yes baby?” a sheen of sweat clings to his forehead, tufts of hair dampened, “what is it? does it hurt? do you need me to slow down?”
“no. fuck me. just fuck me.”
oh god. 
oh, fuck. 
his cock twitches, the pleasure building in your abdomen as the tip brushes your g-spot, back arching, begging to be closer. closer to him.
could you be any closer to him in this moment? was it even possible?
before you know it, his arms wrap around your frame, picking you up off the mattress. he holds you close to his chest, one hand holding your head, cupping the back of your skull. the other remains on your lower back, gripping you tightly as the new angle sends bliss rippling all throughout your body.
he fucks you, and god there was no holding back. his cock was pounding into you now, showing no mercy. your ass slaps against his thighs, filthy noises flooding the space. 
as you bounce, you tense, your walls practically squeezing him, “toto, oh my god, i’m going–”
“good girl,” his coos, “be a good girl, baby. cum for me.”
as you get closer and closer, toto watches. fuck, the way your lips were parted ever so slightly. the way hairs clung to your forehead. the way your lashes fluttered. all he could see was pleasure. pure, intense pleasure. 
you unravel, coming undone. 
that sight alone was enough to make him cum.
“come here,” toto hisses through gritted teeth, “come here baby.”
the moment his lips mold with yours, you feel his cock throb, pumping threads of cum into your weeping hole. your muscles spasm, shuddering as he pulls out. 
the two of you study one another for a moment, catching your breath. fingertips brush stray hairs from your temple. 
“i’m sorry.”
“for?” you nuzzle into his collarbone, relishing the way his cologne lingered, mixing with his natural scent. 
“going too far.”
“that was not too far.”
tenderly, the austrian pulls you down with him, letting out a sigh as his head hits the pillow. your head remains against his chest, admiring the definition and tone for a moment. he peppers kisses along your forehead, browbone, and cheeks. 
“if i ever go too far, let me know.”
“i think we’re both in too deep,” you murmur, “you’re lucky you had the blinds drawn.” 
“that would be something,” his chest vibrates as he speaks, “could you imagine? some random mercedes intern witnessing the team principal fucking the most beautiful woman on the planet?”
however, a gleam catches your eye.
on his left ring finger, your heart sinks as you notice the ring. 
his wedding band.
toto senses your silence, the way you tensed up against him, “what is it schatzi?”
“why are you still wearing your wedding band?”
oh, so you had noticed.
“it’s complicated.”
“complicated?” your voice falters as you prop yourself up with your elbow so you could meet his gaze, “you’re wearing your fucking wedding ring. it’s not that complicated.”
“yes, i am, wearing my ring,” he exhales, “would you prefer me to take it off? it has no meaning anymore. susie and i are divorced. we finalized it last december. when we signed the papers, we made a mutual agreement to wear our wedding bands when we were in the public eye. it keeps the speculations at bay. it’s mostly for the sake of my children. and for her sake. we respect one another and i would hate for her hard work to be diminished by rumors and gossip.”
although his words were sincere, your heart races still, anxiety a swirling torrent in your stomach, “how long have you been separated?”
“almost three years. we separated in july of 2021.” 
“oh,” you suck in a breath, shame washing over you, “i-i’m sorry for the sudden questions. i just–”
“it would complicate your feelings for me. and no one wants too mess around with a married man. i get it baby, i really do.”
although he provided a very base-level explanation of his failed marriage, toto was more than willing to go into more depth. that is, if you wanted. more than anything, he wanted you to know. that aspect was becoming increasingly frustrating, as the team principal tried to maintain that dominant, bold, persona.
you were making him weak. his little soft spot. 
well, not so little these days. 
“i cannot stand how well you read me,” rolling your eyes, you turn your back to him.
“don’t turn your back on me now,” he tsks, “do you believe me, schatzi?”
“i don’t think you could ever lie to me.”
“i couldn’t,” toto leans over, placing soft kisses all over your shoulders, “i think it would destroy me. the guilt would be too much to bear.”
“if we’re spilling secrets now,” you roll over, face-to-face once again, “i have another question for you.”
“all right.”
“why did you approach james about my contract behind my back?” 
for once, the team principal is caught by surprise, his heart skipping a beat. 
the hurt plastered across your features is clear, your brows furrowed, eyes narrowed. there’s a glimmer of anguish in their depths, slightly glossy from the threat of tears. 
“i wanted to gauge how he felt if you were to leave williams,” that was the truth, really, no other intentions behind it, “he was not too keen to discuss it, but i just wanted to know how upset he would be if you were to sign with another team. i did it for you, to soften the blow.”
“soften the blow?”
“yes,” toto nods, “to soften the blow when you tell him you’re leaving williams and signing with mercedes.”
“you don’t know that for–”
“but i do,” his voice hardens, “i do know. we can’t just lay here and deny that in your heart, you want to be with me at mercedes. you’ve made the decision already. you just haven’t figured out how you’re going to approach james, alex, or your team.”
biting your tongue, you turn your head, averting his gaze.
toto was right. you had made your decision. 
it was just a matter of time before you had to face the facts. 
“i’m right, aren’t i?” 
“you are,” you huff, squeezing your eyes shut, “i-i just don’t know how to tell everyone. i don’t know how to tell my parents. i don’t know how to bring it up to james. it’s just so.. fuck. it’s so fucking overwhelming to think about.”
“then let me help you.”
“how?” you inquire, “how would you possibly do that?”
“i’ll keep my distance from here on out, but i will help you draft up a letter that you can give to james. or, i can help you practice what you’re going to say. just let me help you schatzi,” fingers grasp your chin, turning your head. 
“you hear me? i’ll help you.”
“can we just worry about it later?” 
“of course,” strong arms envelop your frame, drawing you in against his body, “for now, we can snuggle. would you like that?”
“i would.”
your tough exterior completely crumbles as his mouth hovers by your ear, murmuring words in german. desperately, you ache to know what he said. was it something important? or just sweet nothings? 
sometimes he was a difficult man to decipher.
“hey, have you opened that gift yet? the one i brought to you in jeddah?”
“no,” you admit, heat billowing into your cheeks, “i have a hard time accepting gifts.”
before you can respond, he’s up from the bed, strolling over to your bags. unzipping your carry-on, he searches for that parcel. fishing it out of your bag, he sets in on the bed, sliding on his boxers before plopping it in front of you.
“open it. right now.”
“right now?” you echo, “toto, i–”
“open it.”
“fine,” nimbly, your fingers untie the bow, peeling away the wrapper. 
underneath the paper, there is a tiny velvet box. it’s long and slender, rectangular in shape.
“what is this?”
“open it and you’ll know,” toto urges, following your every move, anticipating your reaction.
opening the box, your heart swells at the sight before you.
it’s a bracelet, a dainty figaro chain, complete with a charm. the charm is an outline of the saudi arabian track. picking it up, you inspect it, noticing a date engraved on the backside of the charm. 
“how were you able to get this so quickly after the race?” 
“i have my ways,” toto bears a sheepish grin, “do you like it?”
“like it? i love it.”
well, you didn’t love it. you fucking adored it. it was perfect, and so you. it was something that you could wear everyday, a constant reminder of the years of effort to get you here. not to mention it was gorgeous, the chain shiny, freshly polished. 
a hand reaches out, plucking the chain from the box. his brows are knit together with concentration as he slips the chain around your wrist, ensuring it’s safely clasped.
“i figured it would be something you could always wear. a reminder of when you made history.”
“it’s beautiful,” sitting up, you shift your weight to your knees as you wrap your arms around his neck, “thank you, toto.”
“always, schatzi. don’t worry, i will always spoil you.”
as toto nuzzles into the crook of your neck, he was well aware of one thing.
you had made your decision. 
you hadn’t outright said it, but he knew you made your decision. 
you would be signing to mercedes for the 2025 season. 
you were finally going to be by his side every day. 
there was no more in-between. no more will she or won’t she. no more nights of him lying awake, wondering where you stood. no more driving himself insane pondering all of the possibilities that could unravel. 
he had you. 
you were all his now. 
and god, did that leave such a sweet taste in his mouth. 
taglist: @joalslibrary @martwll @prettiest-at-the-party @pucksandpower @kravitzwhore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @annewithaneofthegreengable @persona1lies @zoeyjadetice2010 @whoisss @sinners-98-world
if i missed anyone, please let me know! also, you are more than welcome to be added to the taglist! thank you for reading! <3
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midnightsxblue · 2 days
carl grimes x fem!reader
tags: SMUT!!! p in v, RIDINGGGGG BABYYYY, unprotected sex (be safe!)
masterlist here!
i wrote this so i could get motivated to write again, it’s the first fic i’ve written that wasn’t requested in a long ass time, so this one’s just an idea from me and a fic for myself i hope u like!!! (also thanks to my bsf @delusionaldolly for helping me describe sex positions LMAOOOO i don’t write smut often i needed opinions.)
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Carl was always telling you that you needed to be safe outside the walls. He always told you if you were to go on a run, the only people you should go with was Daryl or Glenn. So, when he told you he couldn’t go on a woods date because he’d be going out for supplies with the two of them, you wanted to go with. But he still refused.
“I don’t understand, I thought you said it was fine if Glenn and Daryl took me, you said they’re the most reliable. We were supposed to go to the woods anyway…” You reason, following him through the house as he gathered his belongings. “We can go on the date tomorrow, anyway this time’s different. We’re going to the store on Miller street, the last time the guys went, it was filled with walkers.” He makes his way out of your guys’ room and down the hall. “Well why’re you going then? I don’t want you to.”
He stops just before the stairs and he sighs, turning around to look at you intently. “It’s just how it is, okay? I don’t want to have to worry about you out there, and you definitely don’t have to worry about me.” He explains. You’re sort of annoyed at the fact he thinks he has to take care of you. He continues down the steps and you follow after. “You don’t have to worry about me, I don’t understand. You’re being quite the hypocrite.” You refute. He shakes his head and grabs his bag before heading towards the door.
“Seriously Carl, what the fuck?” He places his hand on the handle and turns to you. “I’ll see you at eight.” He opens the door and leaves, shutting the door behind him.
You stayed home the whole day, quite pissed to say the least. You babysat Judith, which didn’t bother you at all but you’d rather have gone with him. You felt worried, not to mention left out. By the time they came home, you were sitting on the floor in the living room with Judith, playing with her toys. “Here, bug, this one has jingles.” You shake the toy in front of her and she yawns, grabbing it but dropping it. You hear the front door open and you see Carl and Daryl walking through the door. AKA your signal to get Judith up to bed.
You stand up and pull Judith up as well, letting her stand on your feet as you take slow steps towards the stairs. They both acknowledge you and Carl’s the first to say something. “Hey, how was babysitting?” He asks, noticing how focused you are on keeping Judith on your feet. “It was fun. We gotta go to bed, don’t we Judith?” You reply dismissively, Daryl and Carl share a knowing look while you head up the stairs.
You get Judith changed and in her crib, you exit and closer her door quietly before turning to be met with Carl just standing there. “Oh sh-” You put your hand over your heart and he sort of giggles at you. “Jesus christ make a noise or something.” You roll your eyes and walk down the hall and he follows after. “I’m alive, see? The run was a breeze.”
He tries his best to make you realize you were wrong about not wanting him to go out. “Yeah no shit, I see that but that doesn’t make the whole situation any less frustrating.” You retort. He closes the door behind you guys and you sit on the bed, kicking your boots off your feet and he does the same. “I was left here alone, not to mention you ditched our date.” You stand up to start changing and he watches you from the bed. “I know, and I’m sorry I just- It seemed like the best way for me to get practice with knives. I’m still not the best since…my eye.” He replies quietly. You turn from the dresser to look at him.
Well you just feel bad now. “Shit I just feel sort of selfish…I’m sorry.” You sort of sympathize with him and walk over to run your hand through his hair. “Don’t worry. I get it, probably more than anyone.” He holds the sides of your thighs, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth over them as he looks up at you. “But, if you wanna make it up to me, and if you’d let me make it up to you…I can think of somethin we could do.”
Within the next couple minutes you’re both stripped of your clothes, Carl is sitting back against the pillows while you’re on his lap. He has your tit in his mouth, his eyes shut, just enjoying the feeling of your nipple against his tongue. He moans against your skin and your hand goes up to tug on his hair a bit. He pulls away from your chest to look up at you breathlessly. “Please I need to feel you.”
You smile and adjust your position on his lap, slowly sinking onto his dick. The both of you moan at the feeling, he leans his head against your chest as he feels your heat surround him. His hands go to your hips, yours go to his shoulders to steady yourself. He guides your hips back and forth, only making the pace quicker. “Oh fuck you drive me insane.” He mumbles into your chest, his eyes half lidded and his grip on your hips getting tighter.
You can feel him start to buck his hips upwards, pushing his dick farther into you. You lean on him a bit, resting your weight on your knees as you straddle him, allowing him to thrust up even more. He rests your hands on your waist and looks up at you, watching as your eyes roll back into your head at the pleasure. He slows a bit and you pull away to lean back on your hands, his cock still penetrating you while you steady yourself. This put your body on display, he could see everything.
You start to move yourself back and forth, practically fucking yourself on him. Carl’s eyes go wide at the way you grind on him, he could cum from the sight alone. And he almost did. “Fuck- m’gonna-” He said shakily. You’re breathing heavy, the feeling leaves you unable to speak and Carl leans forward to rub your clit with his thumb. That basically sends you over the edge and you cum, moaning quite loudly. The feeling of you clenching around him added on top of your moans causes Carl’s orgasm to follow shortly after.
A couple of minutes went by and you were cuddled together in bed, he’d cleaned you up and pulled your clothes back on for you. You loved aftercare with him, he was always the sweetest. The two of you soon fell asleep in the comfort of each other’s arms.
─── ⋆⋅ ꩜ ⋅⋆ ───
The next morning, you had perimeter watch so Carl woke up early to make you breakfast. Or try at least, he made you eggs and selected some fruit for you to eat before leaving. He sat and talked with you, making you laugh before leaving for work. You did a ton of different stuff at Alexandria, perimeter watch was your least favorite. You’d even faked having a bad headache one time to get out of it.
So, you stood there watching carefully when you hear a voice from the bottom of the post. It was Glenn. You peak your head over. “Can I come up?” He asks. “Yeah go for it.” You step back and continue to watch around the gates while you waited for him to climb up. Once he did, he looked at you and sort of laughed awkwardly. He was being weird but he’s always sort of like that so you didn’t pay any mind to it. “Did you need something?” Your focus is still on the scenery in front of you as you speak.
“Uhh…yeah there was sort of something I need to tell you about the run yesterday.” He was nervous and it was evident with his tone. You turn to him, your eyebrows furrowing a tad. “Okay..explain.” He nods and swallows hard. “Just- don’t get angry okay? I mean I’m not really meant to be saying anything but I feel horrible to keep it from you and-”
“Oh my god please just spit it out.” You cut him off. “Right. Yesterday Carl had a close call with a walker, it basically tackled him and was really close to just-” He stops for a moment but continues. “It almost bit his face off. Daryl saved him last second when I’d got close enough to hear their conversation…I guess they didn’t see me, they made an agreement to keep it from you. Not to tell you about it.” He explained, somewhat ashamed.
You stop to think. You felt shitty about it all, for sure. He’d gotten pissy at you about wanting to go, made you feel bad for not wanting him to go, and used the excuse of his eye. He told you it all went well. He lied to your face, then fucked you after.
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a/n: part two is coming soon :)
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @evilnight07 @ilikestrawberriesandwomen
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Butcher!Simon x gn!reader Part 7 whooohooow. We get the cofee date and more conversation! Yay
Also I'm dead tired, going straight to sleep after posting this forgive any spelling mistakes. Also please point it out to me if I messed up the gender of the reader anywhere. I promise that's just because these are horribly self indulgend and I might slip up and put my own gender in there. But I wanna keep these as neutral and inclusive as possible because we all deserve to be self indulgend with these. Love you all!
< Part 6 | COD Masterlist | Part 8
Simon’s running late and he‘s cursing himself when he opens the door of the café he’s supposed to meet you at (he’s so glad you didn’t tell him to meet up at Johnny’s bakery, he wouldn’t have survived that).
He’s not even sure why he’s late and he’s glad Price doesn’t know about it, the old man would give him hell for not being on time, especially when it means making lovely little you wait. God, he can't believe he's making you wait, his chest tightening up slightly. What if you already left?
As soon as he steps in, he spots you and has to take a second to take the scene in. The café is cute and cozy; you’re nestled into a booth at the back anxiously watching the sidewalk through the window, your mutt laying by your feet. You’re probably looking for him and that makes him hastily walk towards your table. He really wants to kick himself for being late. Way to go and show you how important this is to him.
When you hear him approach you look up and your dog sits up, eyeing him. Your eyes are big and you look like you didn’t expect him to show up at all. Honestly you look like a deer caught in the headlights, like one wrong move might make you bolt (he really needs to tame you, put a collar on you so you won’t run).
Your expression makes Simon want to crumple to his knees so he might beg for forgiveness. His chest is slightly heaving from his race against time and you raise your hand in an awkward little wave.
“Hi…”, you say and hearing your lovely voice immediately makes his heart speed up.
“Hi, sweetheart. So sorry for being late.”, he apologizes and extends his hand for your dog to sniff. The beast recognizes him and deems him harmless, so he pulls out a chair for himself opposite of you. You already have a drink in front of you and you self-consciously stir the apparently empty cup (god, you’re adorable in your nervousness).
“It’s fine. I’m sorry I ordered already, wasn’t sure you were gonna show up.”, you admit quietly, eyes downcast looking at your drink. Simon’s heart breaks. He wants to cover your hand with his and tell you that nothing could keep him from showing up for you even if it means crawling from another grave.
Instead he starts taking off his jacket and says: “I’d never stand you up, sweetheart.”
That makes your eyes snap up to his and he feels his traitorous heart stumble over the next beat. A smile appears on your lips and he forgets what else he wanted to say when your gaze lands on his newly exposed forearms. Your eyebrows slightly lift seeing his tattoos.
Simon’s just about to grow worried that you don’t like tattoos (shit... maybe he should get a laser removal?) when he catches you biting your lips. This time it’s clearly not nervousness.
He’d never admit it but maybe he deliberately flexes his hands and makes a show of getting comfortable without his jacket until your attention is ripped away from him by a waiter asking for your orders (he could seriously knock the poor sod out for that).
When Simon looks at you again your eyes are on his face, your brows slightly furrowed and you cock your head (that would be the perfect angle for him to press his lips to yours). Suddenly he realizes that you’ve never seen him outside of the shop and you’re probably put off by the mask.
“You can ask.”, his voice is gruff and curt and he curses himself. He couldn’t have sounded more uninviting. This is just perfect, at this rate you'll end up leaving before you get your second drink.
“So… I assumed the mask was a hygiene thing but…”, you vaguely gesture to his face. “… evidently it’s not. May I ask why you’re wearing it?”
He barely suppresses a chuckle. Seems like you’re not as reserved as he thought. The pairing of your openness with your timid and shy demeanor makes for an interesting mix.
He finds himself appreciating your directness, something he hadn’t anticipated from you. Then again this date is for you to get to know him and decide whether he’s worthy of being in your presence again (apart from just buying meat).
“’s a habit from my military time. Now it feels odd to go without it.”, he explains simply. He doesn’t see any reason to be dishonest with you. He wants to get to know all of you, uncover all your secrets and hidden parts. If you find him interesting enough to ask about him too, who is he to deny a deity the knowledge about their worshipper?
You nod slowly, scrutinizing him. The next smile you send him is crooked and a bit apologetic. “Doesn’t make it all that much easier to trust you.”, you say.
“And seeing me would? What more would my face tell you?”, he genuinely questions.
That makes you pause for a second and he decides to go on. “People hide intentions behind expressions all the time. Now I might hide my expression but never my intentions.”
Instead of answering directly you look down at your dog.
“Well, Wraith likes you, which really already tells me a lot.”, you say and Simon nearly raises his fist in victory (he’s glad he didn’t forget to put some treats in his pocket).
Wait… “Wraith?”, he nearly chokes on his own spit when he repeats your dog’s name in question. Even after all this time he never asked for the name and never got a good look at his name tag.
Wraith…. a ghost. A ghost!
Your expression turns soft. Simon wishes you’d look at him like that. He’d happily lay on the floor by your feet if it would mean you’d look at him like that. “Yeah… Wraith.”
He watches you in rapt attention when you continue: “I just…”, you chuckle self-consciously. “I never found the idea of ghosts intimidating. And the idea of one of them appearing to you before or after death always sounded more like a guide or companion than horror and fear. Which is kind of what Wraith here is. Most people look at him and find him intimidating, they’re scared, when actually he’s the sweetest, purest pup and best companion anyone could ask for.”
Simon barely keeps from looking at Wraith again. To look for whatever you see in the ugly fucking dog. He’s glad he keeps his attention on you, because you look up, the slightest hint of embarassment on your face, the expression so adorable he feels like fainting (would you look at him like that if he called you his good little lovie?).
“I… sorry it’s silly…”
“It’s not.” Fuck why does his voice sound so raspy. “I like it. Appreciate you tellin’ me”, he quickly adds battling down the sudden urge to tell you about his own Ghost. He consciously keeps his hands from reaching for his mask and running over the skull print.
“I’ve always been afraid of ghosts.”, he admits and your eyes widen incredulously.
“You? You look like ghosts should be afraid of you, not the other way around.”, you blurt and he can already sense the oncoming apology so he makes sure he’s quicker.
“Thank you, lovie. That’s very flattering of you. Not sure how much these…”, and he flexes his biceps obnoxiously for you. “.. would do against incorporeal entities.” (Oh fuck was that weird? He was going for a joke but fuck that was weird wasn’t it? Shitshitshitshit you’re gonna think he’s one of those airheaded only brawn guys)
Simon’s about slap himself when you snort, cover your mouth and giggle, the sound settling warm in his stomach.
Then you seriously nod at him. “Don’t worry, big guy, I’ll protect you from ghosts. They might slip right through your big beefy arms but they’ll miss mine.” You flex your arms too and Simon bites back a grin when he's reminded of how much smaller you are than him. “Thin like trip wire, they won’t know what hit them. Literally.”
He chuckles, earnestly and from deep in his belly, and you grin at him, evidently more at ease. When you settle more comfortably in your chair, not as tightly coiled anymore like you might need to jump into action at any moment, Simon can’t help the protectiveness flaring in his chest. You’re too precious for your own good.
But you don’t need to worry anymore, especially not around him. He'll keep you safe.
You’ve got two guard dogs now.
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fanficwriter284 · 12 hours
Chucky so I have anxiety and the only thing that calms me down is my Chucky doll 🍑 I start 8th grade in August but my parents won’t make acomódate so I can take him to school got any tips?
“Yeah don’t get used to a damn accommodation that’s the right word…Right? Eh whatever where was I going with this? Oh right your anxiety. Yeah don’t get use to that, shit makes you dependent. And 8th grade? How old are 8th graders? SLAP! How old are 8th graders?”
“Like 13 or 14”
“Alright imma assume you’re like 14. You’re a young adult kid. 4 to 5 years your ass is gonna be grown. Ya gotta be able to function and stay calm without a damn doll. Ya can’t expect the world ta cater to your needs cuz when you get out in the real world it don’t give a shit about your feelings it’ll eat your alive. Ya just gotta roll with the punches. Coming from experience”
“Excuse my brother. However he is correct in regards to dependency. I suggest finding others objects or positive habits or a safe space for you to enter if you feel anxious or someone to confide in. A school counselor should suffice. As for the doll allow yourself to spend time away from it and find other methods that keep you calm”
“Coming from someone who has ADHD I suggest getting a fidget, for me it helps me focus. Might help ya regulate your thoughts and process stuff”
“Yeah! Those fidget rings help me out! Also try and keep a cool head. Everyone’s gonna be nervous on the first day and worrying about themselves! I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
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vintageshanny · 2 days
Waiting for Love - Part Nine
There’s No Escaping
Content: March-April 1971, some smut and a lot of fluff. There will probably be a bit of angst in the next chapter if you bear with me. 18+
I have embedded a link here and within the story to my one shot For the First Time, since Elvis is recollecting his first experience.
Catch up on the series here: Waiting for Love
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Late March 1971
“So, he’s really insisting on paying for your apartment?” Roxanne’s voice held a note of disbelief. “When you first told me that, I thought for sure he was just feeding you a line.”
“No, he actually was really upset when I told him I was looking for a new job or that I could move in with you. He wants to take care of me.” A little smile spread across Vivien’s lips as she remembered their conversation in the hospital bed. Their conversation and everything that came after… She tried not to blush as she thought about the sound of his moaning as he pulsed in her hand.
“Wow. He wants you to be a kept woman and you’re not even doing the deed yet?”
Vivien could feel the blush engulfing her now as she bit down on her bottom lip and looked away.
“Wait a second! Are you kidding me, Vivien? When?” Roxanne demanded, her voice equal parts anger and curiosity.
“Um, when I went to see his shows in Las Vegas,” Vivien whispered, adjusting her glasses and twirling a strand of hair nervously with her fingers.
“Vivien! That was a month ago! I asked you how the trip was, and you looked me in the face and told me it was fine.”
“Well you had just had a big fight with Michael. I didn’t want to gloat about what a magical time I had. Plus I didn’t lie! It was fine. Veeeery fine,” Vivien sighed with a big goofy smile.
“Okay,” Roxanne said, still sounding a little miffed. “Well, Michael and I are fine now, so give me all the juicy details.”
“So, when I first got there, he had picked out this beautiful dress for me to wear to the show…” Vivien started off, her mind drifting back to that evening as she replayed the events leading up to the big moment. “...and when I told him I was ready, he was just so patient and sweet and reassuring. He said he wanted to make sure it was special for me.” Vivien beamed and looked at Roxanne.
“Vivien!” Roxanne scolded. “That was very sweet, but there was not a juicy detail to be heard. How did it feel? How long did it last? Give me something!”
“Rox, you know I don’t like to share all that personal stuff. It feels like, like I’m betraying his confidence. And he already has a hard time knowing who to trust, I can tell.”
“You’re no fun,” Roxanne pouted.
“Okay, I will tell you that it felt amazing,” Vivien compromised. “I didn’t know I’d feel so…overwhelmed with emotion. When he was inside of me, it was like I felt complete. Like a missing piece of me was-”
“Inserted?” Roxanne filled in helpfully.
“Very funny!” Vivien chucked a pillow in Roxanne’s direction. “No, it was just so magical, I don’t know how else to describe it. I started to cry afterward. And he was just so understanding about it. He told me it was really special for him too, and he looked like he was about to cry also.”
“Wow,” Roxanne responded softly, trying to keep the suspicion out of her voice.
“What? You think he was putting on an act?”
“No, Viv, no, I just wonder how many women he’s been with and said that to. I’m happy for you, but you know I always worry.”
“Well, you don’t need to worry. I have someone to take care of me now. And I want to take care of him, too. He’s everything I was waiting for.” No amount of negativity could stop Vivien from floating on cloud nine.
Two weeks later
“Elvis?” Vivien asked as she nuzzled her head against his soft fuzzy chest.
“Yes, baby?” Elvis sounded tired but still alert. They were finally curled up in his bed at Graceland after watching movies for half the night at Crosstown Theater. The TV was playing softly, but Vivien had already set her glasses on the nightstand, so everything just looked fuzzy.
She fiddled with the button on his pajama top as Roxanne’s concerns refused to leave her mind. “How many women have you made love to?”
Elvis leaned up a little bit and glanced down at her, but she was very focused on a tiny stray thread coming off his button. He cleared his throat and tried a casual response. “What makes ya ask that?”
“I don’t know, I guess I was just curious. And maybe a little worried,” she admitted.
“Honey, ya ain’t got nothin’ ta be worried ‘bout. The past is the past. You’re here now cuz I want ya here.”
“I know. But for me, all these feelings are brand new. You’ve probably had this feeling lots of times, that someone is so special you can’t stop thinking about them. Maybe I’m just one in a long line of special girls.” Vivien swallowed the lump in her throat. “You’ve probably been making love for decades.”
Elvis tried to stifle his laughter at her nervous declarations. “Decades, huh? You’re makin’ me feel old, baby.”
“You know what I mean, though, right? How do you know your feelings for me won’t pass? Did you feel that your first time was this special?”
Elvis quietly reflected back on his first time all those years ago as he rubbed his thumb soothingly over Vivien’s shoulder. “Naw, honey, it was nothin’ like this. I had waited a long time, or at least it felt like a long time. I was ‘bout 19 or so, and I s’pose I jus’ really wanted ta experience what it was like. All these girls throwin’ themselves at me, and I didn’t even know what it was like ta really be with one in that way, y’know. The gal, well she had been around a little bit I think, but she was sweet too. Sweeter than I thought she’d be. She musta guessed how inexperienced I was, but she didn’t make me feel bad ‘bout it.”
VIvien just listened silently as Elvis opened up to her in this way. She could tell from the start that he could be shy and sensitive, but he usually covered it up quickly with little jokes. Now, though, it was like his heart was totally exposed. She didn’t want to speak and spook him back into his defense mechanisms.
“I did feel like it was somethin’ special at the time, but nothin’ like how I feel ‘bout you, Vivien. And the other women, I mean, I can’t give ya an exact count, honey, but it’s probably not so many as people might think. There was a time in the army when I got a little wild I s’pose, tryin’ ta hide my loneliness after…” he trailed off for a second before continuing. “But it didn’t mean anything. And love-makin’ that don’t mean anything, what’s the point in that? It took me a few years really to realize how unfulfilled I was jus’ foolin’ around with whoever happened along. I need a mental, emotional connection to a woman to really be satisfied. And I ain’t never felt so connected ta someone as I do ta you, baby. Ya understand me?”
Vivien nodded, her eyes welling with tears
“Baby, feelings like this, they don’t just pass. Ya got me in your clutches, woman.”
Vivien leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to the side of his face, right where the little silver roots of his sideburns were growing in. “You’ve got me in yours, too. There’s no escaping.”
Elvis smiled but remained a little bit pensive. “I got a question for you now, baby. Would ya still love me if I weren’t Elvis Presley?”
Confusion flashed across Vivien’s face. “If you weren’t you? Who would you be instead?”
“Naw, I’d still be me, but I wouldn’t be, y’know, superstar Elvis Presley. Maybe I’d be electrician Elvis Presley. Or truck driver Elvis Presley. Or washed-up entertainer Elvis Presley. Or…”
“Okay, I get it,” Vivien smiled as she put a finger to his lips.
“I’m serious honey, what if I jus' decided ta stop tourin’? Would ya still love me?”
“Of course I would. There’s no question in my mind.” Vivien answered without hesitation.
“But when ya came ta meet me, it was because I’m famous, right?” Elvis challenged. “I mean, I know ya said ya were jus’ passin’ by on your way home, but I had some trouble believin’ that,” he added with a little wink.
Vivien blushed and considered how she could explain herself. “Okay, maybe I purposely took that way home hoping I’d get to catch a glimpse of you one day,” she admitted. “But not because you’re famous. Did you ever stop and think how you got so famous?”
“Right place at the right time?” Elvis guessed humbly.
“No, it’s just not possible for that to be the only explanation. Elvis, there’s something in you that touches people’s souls. That’s why they love you. Your voice is a beautiful gift, but it’s that light in you that people are drawn to. Even truck driver Elvis would be able to capture my heart with that light. And your intelligence, your kindness, your goofiness…these are the reasons I love you. Not because they’re gonna vote to name the street after you. Although it will make it a lot easier to remember your address,” Vivien teased.
Elvis chuckled and wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes. “Honey, ya have no idea how much that all means ta me ta hear that. It’s hard always havin’ ta question if people really like ya for yourself or cuz they want somethin’ from ya.”
“Well, I will reassure you as many times as you need to hear it.” Vivien whispered, toying again with the button at his chest.
“Baby, you’re gonna pop that button right off. If ya want me ta take my shirt off, jus’ say so.”
“Okay. I want you to take your shirt off. And everything else.”
Elvis let out the big uninhibited laugh that Vivien loved so much. “Oh yeah? Ya gonna have your way with me?”
Vivien nodded as she eagerly unbuttoned his shirt. “Absolutely. There’s no escaping for you either.” She leaned down and kissed him deeply while her fingertips traced over his exposed chest, drawing a soft moan from his lips.
Elvis pulled her nightie up over her head and let his eyes linger on her bare chest. “Baby, would ya do me a favor? Would ya get on top of me and bounce up and down on me? I wanna see your beautiful body while we make love.”
Vivien nodded shyly. “I would do anything for you.”
She pulled his pajama pants down his legs, exposing his semi-hard penis. As she made her way back up, she stopped to lavish her attention on this magnificent appendage, running her tongue over every inch, savoring the taste of his salty skin in her mouth.
“Oh, dammit baby, c’mere and take me all the way in,” Elvis moaned, reaching for her hands. He helped her balance as she straddled his midsection and slowly, carefully lowered herself onto his dick, consuming him with her warm welcoming pussy.
Vivien somewhat tentatively rocked her hips, unsure of exactly what motions he wanted her to do. She felt a little bit self-conscious as he watched her, his eyes clouding over with lust as he watched her breasts bounce with each movement.
“That’s right baby, jus’ like that.” He grabbed her hips with his large hands and helped her find the right rhythm.
“Oh, God, Elvis,” Vivien cried out as he pushed his hips upwards into her, his dick so deep inside of her she could barely handle the pleasure. Elvis grabbed her hands and helped hold her upright as her body rocked forward in ecstasy.
“Yes, baby, tell me how good it feels,” Elvis moaned as Vivien cried out his name again and again. He could feel his warm seed spurting inside of her as she came down from her high, laying her bare chest against his. “Honey, that was so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, running his long fingers through her hair.
“Mm-hmm,” she responded lazily, her lips pressed against his soft shoulder.
As she finally rolled off and back into the crook of his arm, she smiled a little bit. “Y’know, I was a little surprised that you weren’t even younger your first time. What with you being so handsome and all, every girl probably wanted you.”
Elvis chuckled and closed his eyes, thinking back on his high school days. “Naw baby, I had some dates, but I wasn’t too much of a ladies’ man. People thought I was kind of a weirdo back then.”
“Oh just back then, huh? If only they could see you now,” Vivien teased.
“Hey now woman, I don’t think ya wanna start debatin’ ‘bout who the weirdo is,” Elvis laughed, reaching over to tickle her sides. “Aren’t ya the one who likes ta give Little Elvis a goodnight kiss?”
Vivien giggled. “Oh, speaking of that, I should make sure he’s doing okay. And thank him for the ride.” She inched down to give out some sweet kisses as Elvis let out some strange hybrid noise, half laughing, half moaning.
Tag List: @whositmcwhatsit @lookingforrainbows @arrolyn1114 @thatbanditqueen @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @from-memphis-with-love @pebbles403 @deniseinmn @everythingelvispresley @little-laamb @annapresley8 @leapresley @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @atleastpleasetelephone @gatheraheart @richardslady121 @helen06dreamer @arg-xoxo
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lovezbrownies · 2 days
I'm a new Anon and would love to make a request, please!
May I request Gen Ludenhart's darling escaping to Xelera's enemy country. Not only that, but darling took the kids with them and they are now under protection of the Queen of that country.
Your loss. (Yan!Chief of Military x GN!Reader.)
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Hello!!! Thank you for the request!!! I'm so so sorry this took so long, have had some stuff on my plate ! Before you read this I couldn't see darling being able to escape with like 6 or 8 kids with them so I had made it to be Reader's two kids from their previous marriage. Also this is uneditted!!!! Please excuse any mistakes!!
Gen Ludenhart x GN!Reader
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Today, Gen decided to take you with her to work, you, however, didn’t want to go. Mostly because you fear some servant is going to hurt your kids. The kids you had with your previous wife, Anaya, before Gen had cruelly killed her in cold blood. But you also didn’t want to go against Gen’s wishes, fearing she might hurt your kids to teach you a lesson, though she had reassured you time and time again that nothing bad would befall your precious children, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe the woman who’s killed people in your name.
One positive out of this is Gen lets you wander around the palace, you prefer to stick to the quieter places like the gardens and libraries that are scattered around the palace. Right now, you were sat on the ground of one of the gardens, plucking up some tiny flowers and tying them to each other. Creating flower crowns was a new pastime of yours, it was so peaceful, contradicting the mess that is your mental state. “Mind if you make one for me as well?” You flinched at the sudden voice, you spin around, panicked. You spun around, your peaceful pastime has now been spoiled. You saw a tall elegant woman, probably taller than Gen. She looked to be around 50 years old, a smile adorning her slightly wrinkled face. 
You didn’t like this, whenever you speak with anyone other than Gen something horrible befalls them. You stammer, “It’s okay just take this one, I-I have to go anyways.” You give the woman the flower crown you’d just finished, not wanting to cause any further trouble to the people of the palace you ran off, unaware of the woman’s worried gaze following you. It took a while of walking around the maze that is the palace to finally find Gen’s office, and just as you were about to open the door, Gen opened it.
The devil smiled at you, “Ah, there you are my love, I was just about to look for you! Either way, I’m going to an important meeting and I need you to stay in my office, got that? If you leave this office I will know. Don’t want you hurting yourself while I’m away.’’ Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you close, pecking you on the forehead before leading you into her office, “Be good for me, doll.” And then she shut the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Sighing, you went and sat on her office chair, wanting to play a few games, watch a show, anything to pass the time while imprisoned in her boring office.
Seems like whatever meeting Gen has it is very important because it’s been well over an hour and you’ve grown bored of the computer, you yearn for human interaction, for the outside, for your old life back. You yearn for your kids, to make sure they’re both fine, to make sure that no one’s going to hurt them. Yet, you’re stuck in your captor’s office. Sighing you got up, stretching as much as you can to release some of the tension in your body, spotting the big open window you let out a breath. You lied windows, the outside looked so tempting from a window. To see the greenery that you’re used to from above just reignites your love for nature. 
Walking over to the window, there was a small chair right next to it, to sit on as you watch the outside world through the glass. Looking down you’d only just realized. The garden you most frequent, was always always underneath Gen’s office. Even in subconscious you’re somehow glued to her. You were too tired to be upset, whatever. If she watches you even as you relax, who cares, as long as she doesn’t hurt your kids you’re fine. 
You spot the woman from before, she’s still there for some reason, she was sitting on one of the benches of the garden. You can slightly see her struggle with something in her hands. Oh, she was trying to make a flower crown on her own as well. You wished you could go down and help her without having to pay for your empathy. Leaving the office would be one punishment, but talking to another woman? Regardless of the woman’s age you’d be done for. 
Suddenly the older woman looked up, straight at you. Even from up above you can tell she’s smiling tenderly at you, like a maternal figure. Spooked you closed the windows and went back to using Gen’s computer. Whoever she is she better not mention you to anyone, not only will she suffer, but you too. Soon enough Gen comes back, happy to see you still there. She forced you to sit on her lap as she continued on with her work. 
And for the entire week Gen’s forced you to come to work with her, not only that but the flower crown woman kept seeking you out and everytime she found you you’d run off to Gen. It wasn’t like you were fearful of the nice old lady, but you were fearful of what would happen to her, so you kept your distance. But she just wouldn’t let it go. You’d change places, from gardens to libraries you just couldn’t shake her off. Today however is so much more different than every other day, because she’s trapped you. Curse the public bathroom you rushed to.
You stare at her, unsure of what to do or say. What if Gen knows what’s happening, what if she busts in here and kills this woman right in front of you like she’s done before. While you were lost in your thoughts the woman spoke up, “Well, looks like we can talk without fleeing now, right?” She had a gentle expression on her face to try and calm you down, but it only made you more tense. You’ve seen that same expression on Gen right after she finishes punishing you, telling you how it’s your fault and how remorseful she is to have to resort to torture.
You look down to the side, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, now if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to my… wife.” You tried to sidestep her but she pressed herself against the public bathroom’s door. She looked relaxed, her arms crossed. If you couldn’t leave the room then the best you can do is to put as much space between you two as possible. Even if this old lady’s being an ass right now, her life would be at stake if Gen took the time to look for you.
The woman tilted her head, her smile evaporating, a worried look coming across her face, “You don’t like her do you? Your wife, Chief of Military Gen Layla Ludenhart. She killed your loved ones, kidnapped you and your kids, and now you live in fear. Is that right?” What the fuck, who is she, what does she want from you? How does she even know you have kids? That you were stolen away? That Gen killed the people you loved? You tried to keep up a calm face, for all you know this weirdo could be another stalker.
You met her gaze, she still looked worried, why the hell is she worried she doesn’t even know you. “I… I love my wife very much, my kids from my previous marriage are happy and so am I. You must be thinking of someone els-” 
“Liar. I know who you are, I know which hospital you were born in, I know who your first wife is, I know you’re scared of her. You don’t have to be,” The woman took a deep breath, slowly walking towards you, every step she took forward, you took two steps back. “I want to hurt her like she’s hurt me and my country. And the best way, ironically enough, is through you. Gen’s trophy spouse, she likes to hurt you, but I know how she reacts when you’re in danger, when you’re not nearby.” Your back hit the wall, you were frantically looking around, you needed to find a weapon.
The woman bent down slightly so her face is right in front of yours, and you can’t help but look deep into her eyes. “I am a queen, who’s been hurt more than you care to know. I can save you and your children, long as you manage to steal some documents with you and learn more about her war strategies.” Your kids. If they can live a happy life, even if you don’t then you’ll do anything but first you want to get to know this so-called queen.
As it turns out the stalker of an old woman was the Queen of Dacos, Estoria Niland. Estoria had explained that she found out about you after hiring Xeleran spies to spy on Gen, find a weak point, and to get any information regarding Gen’s military tactics. These spies would send videos of how Gen would lose her cool completely when she can’t find you, seeing that Estoria decided to find out all she could about you. With that came the guilt and pity. For you and your kids. Gen liked to act loving but it was obvious, one step out of line and out comes the hardened military chief. She would make fun of your own Queen, Nia, by talking about how naive Nia was for believing that Estoria would ever come to Xelera to discuss peace and cooperation with each other, though you don’t know Queen Nia much the conversation made you slightly uncomfortable, I mean Nia has been the queen of Xelera since your birth! And also since you still love your country and in extension the Queen.
Estoria explained that Gen had killed many of Estoria’s daughters during a very difficult war almost a decade ago. Thankfully the youngest of the daughters was too young to participate in the war and was the only surviving Niland princess. Gen was the previous Chief’s favorite soldier back then, with a huge kill count that impressed the Queen of Xelera, Nia Bloodwen. Queen Nia was so incredibly impressed that she had appointed Gen as the Co-Chief and threw an entire party in Gen’s honor.
Hearing that her daughters’ killer is being celebrated, Estoria had felt vengeful, so she set out to make sure Gen pays for her crimes. It took years to dig up any dirt on the Chief, Gen always making sure to show a strong and steady front, no matter the situation and always kept her personal life to her life. But that murderer slipped up, the moment Gen had sent out wedding invitations to every person she’s come to know Estoria was on her tail. And now, she will have her revenge, in all of her daughters’ names.
Hearing the Queen of Dacos’s sob story and knowing that if you agree to escape with her that you’d be in very safe arms, you nodded, fully anticipating freedom at last. Estoria told you to gather information for her first, to find any document you could regarding Gen’s military strategies, the approximate number of soldiers under her watchful eye, and the name of each high-ranking military officer. You collected all you could, from Gen at-home office to Gen’s work office. You gathered all the paper documents and copied down whatever was on Gen’s computer while she was away. It was incredibly easy, she trusted you enough to let you wander around her office whenever. Terrible decision really.
Then came the day. “Get your kids ready and bring them here tomorrow. We leave while the rest of this shithole is in another fucking meeting.” You did everything she said, obeyed all that she ordered. And now you cradle one of your tired kids in your arms as you sit in silence with Estoria in her car. Estoria said that they’ll find out she’s left soon due to the checkpoints you two had to pass to get out and after that would come finding out you’re missing. When it comes to that she will tell the driver to move to a more secretive road to Dacos, a road hidden by large forest trees.
Nonetheless, you’re happy now. That was a long time ago and while it was stressful and hectic you can finally rest easy again. Your kids are no longer children anymore, fully grown successful adults who take every opportunity to spoil you with whatever they can. It took you a while at first to readjust, Estoria was gracious enough to allow you to live with her in the palace temporarily, but then it became more permanent as you got closer to Estoria and her youngest daughter, they are now like family to you, Estoria the worried mother and Yara the joyous sister.
Therapy was a must, Estoria would preach when she could. And you did get a lot of therapy. At first you had underestimated the wonders that is therapy, I mean, what can talking to a professional whose job is to listen to your problems even do? Well, it did a lot, and helped you move on from your trauma and accept the permanent psychological effects it had on you. It was hard to find love again, whether you settled down or stayed single till your timely death is up to your interpretation, you’re a knockout nonetheless.
Gen… Well Estoria made sure that no talk of the blasted woman comes near you, you have no idea what happened to her and what she had done in order to get to you, all you know and care for is that your family is safe and your kids are happy. 
Gen on the other hand couldn’t handle losing you, and what was even harder for her was that you were living with her mortal enemy. After a few years of constantly firing and attempting to start wars upon Dacos– which all failed– Gen had given up. She was found in her home a few days after she had poisoned herself with rat poison.
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yunjinkisses · 2 days
So I just finished reading the Danielle smut and... DAMN! (Loved it^^) But I'm really curious about Y/N explaining everything to Minji and Haerin, like, I need to know what she said + the girls reactions!?!?!?!
EXTENSION TO DANI X F READER, explaining to minji and haerin..
i’m actually so glad you asked this and thank you so much!! here you go! i’m so glad i get to write this extension! enjoy, mwah<3
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later at y/ns place
“so are you gonna tell us what that was , and what exactly is with all the hickeys on you is about..?”
minji spoke in a stern voice but knowing her she wasn’t upset just curious , haerin just nodded along with minji
“okay well..dani-unnie invited me to have a sleepover with her or a hangout during our talk , and after we exchanged numbers-“
“wait wait wait , danielle after the first time talking to you,at the volleyball game,invited you to HER house , and gave you her number..????”
minji said then haerin spoke up
“really? that’s so cool,maybe danielle has liked you for longer than you thought!”
i started to think about what haerin said but shook my head getting back to the topic
“guys let me finish! as i was saying,we exchanged numbers , then we were texting and she was making sure i was coming over ,so i had arrived at her place with a bag of some stuff-“
“okay can we get to the start of everything..?”
haerin asked and minji agreed with her
“jeez alright .. i guess it started where i was in her room and she noticed me with my glasses , she hadn’t seen me fully with my glasses on,and she called me cute , so i told her she looked more than cute herself , and things escalated from there …”
“escalated from you saying that,how exactly..?”
haerin asked and minji also seemed curious
“jesus you two are nosey , but she asked if i was calling her hot i got defensive but i didn’t say no,she said she can..uh..show me how hot she can be..”
i mumbled the last part a bit but they both just exclaimed ‘what’ really loud in shock
minji seemed extremely shocked
“so what did you two exactly do for you to become all covered in markings,and what’s she like in bed,is she good?”
and suddenly a certain someone walked out from my room
“i’d like to think i am,considering how y/n was whining , moaning ,and begging quite a bit!”
i slammed my hand into my face forgetting i handed her an extra key to my place
minji exclaimed and haerin was also shocked
danielle just plopped down onto the couch where we were all sitting , she sat right next to me
“it’s okay guys don’t worry,but anyways personally i would think im pretty good!,but what we did was nothing different from anything normal,i praised her,degraded her very softly,she clearly has a thing for my voice though-“
“i do not-“
they all looked at me suspiciously obviously doubtful , i just got embarrassed and was blushing
“okay fine..”
danielle just giggled and continued
“anyways ,there was obviously a lot of hickeys,some teasing , and how would i put this …breeding~?”
haerin and minji said in unison
“dani-unnie why would you say that,that’s embarrassing!”
i shoved my head into the crook of her neck embarrassed but she lifted it and told me
“it’s okay , i think it’s cute!~”
which made me more flustered..
“well we are glad you two had fun but we better get going before we end up catching you two having more fun..wouldn’t wanna ruin the moment!”
they start to leave but danielle stops them
“im not sure about you haerin but minji , if you’d want you can stay and watch us , i have another friend who would also wanna stay so you wouldn’t be alone ..”
i looked at her shocked that she was actually bringing this up,we did talk about it but it’s embarrassing
“i mean..if you guys wanna..”
haerin was thinking about it but got a call from someone and had to go , she seemed disappointed,minji on the other hand when haerin left immediately nodded her head
“great! i’ll call hanni over and you two cuties can watch,and if you even want four people i can also call shuhua over ,and i’m sure y/n could call minnie over!”
“mhm..i can do that..”
“oh and when everyone gets here , feel free to tell the others that everyone’s welcome to take photos and record as much as they please !”
then the night began
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yxlnst · 2 days
Obsession’s Embrace
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Obsessed!Joshua x Student!Y/n
🎀 Summary 🎀 : Joshua, a mysterious and possessive boy, harbors a deep obsession with you, leading to a twisted yet captivating love story.
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 1,360
🧸- - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - -🧸
Joshua Hong wasn’t like the other students at your high school. Transferring in during your junior year, he quickly became a topic of curiosity. With his serene smile and polite demeanor, he seemed almost too perfect. Yet, there was something in his eyes that hinted at a depth few dared to explore.
You first noticed him in the school library. He always sat in the corner, engrossed in a book. One day, you found yourself sitting across from him, stealing glances as you pretended to study. It was hard not to be drawn to him; his presence was magnetic.
“Hi” he said softly, breaking the silence. His voice was gentle, almost melodic.
“Hi” you replied, feeling a sudden rush of nervousness.
“I’m Joshua” he introduced himself, extending a hand.
“Y/n” you responded, shaking his hand. His touch was warm, almost comforting.
From that day on, Joshua seemed to be everywhere you were. At first, you thought it was a coincidence, but soon it became clear that he was always nearby, watching you with a quiet intensity.
Joshua’s presence in your life grew more pronounced with each passing day. He always seemed to know when you needed help, whether it was with homework or carrying your books. His attentiveness was flattering, but also a bit overwhelming.
One afternoon, as you struggled to open your locker, Joshua appeared beside you.
“Need some help?” he asked, his smile gentle.
“Thanks, Joshua,” you said, feeling a mix of gratitude and unease.
“I’m always here for you, Y/N,” he replied, his eyes locking onto yours.
As the days turned into weeks, Joshua’s attentions became more persistent. He walked you to your classes, waited for you after school, and even showed up at your favorite café. His behavior was borderline obsessive, yet you couldn’t deny the thrill it gave you.
The turning point came one evening when you were leaving the library late. The campus was eerily quiet, and you quickened your pace, feeling a strange sense of unease. As you rounded a corner, you saw Joshua standing under a streetlamp, his eyes fixed on you.
“Joshua? What are you doing here?” you asked, your voice trembling.
“I was worried about you,” he said, stepping closer. “It’s not safe to walk alone at night.”
His concern felt both comforting and suffocating. “I’m fine, really. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“I can’t help it,” he replied, his gaze intense. “I care about you too much.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine. There was something in his eyes that made you feel both protected and trapped.
Despite your initial reservations, you found yourself drawn deeper into Joshua’s world. His obsessive behavior, though unsettling, made you feel special in a way you had never experienced before. He was always there, always watching, always caring.
One evening, as you sat together in a quiet corner of the library, Joshua leaned in close.
“You’re mine, Y/N. Only mine,” he whispered, his voice a mix of love and possession.
You shivered, both from his touch and the intensity of his words. “Joshua, I’m here with you. You don’t need to worry.”
He tightened his grip on your hand, his eyes dark with possessive intensity. “I can’t help it. I need you more than anything. Promise me you’ll never leave.”
Looking into his eyes, you saw the depth of his obsession, the all-consuming need that drove him. And despite the fear it elicited, you found yourself nodding. “I promise Joshua.”
As your relationship with Joshua grew more intense, you tried to set some boundaries. But his obsession was all-consuming. He needed to know your every move, every detail of your life. His possessiveness was suffocating, yet you found yourself craving it.
One night, as you lay together on his bed, Joshua’s arms wrapped tightly around you like a vise.
“You’re mine forever, Y/N. No one else can have you,” he murmured, his voice filled with a dangerous edge.
You nodded, feeling a strange sense of contentment.
Your friends noticed the changes in you, but you brushed off their concerns. They could never understand the depth of your connection with Joshua, the way his presence made you feel both protected and cherished. To them, his behavior seemed unhealthy, but to you, it was a testament to his love.
The turning point came when you decided to confront Joshua about his behavior. You needed to understand the depth of his obsession, to see if there was a way to manage it.
“Joshua, we need to talk,” you said one evening, your voice shaking slightly.
He looked at you, his eyes filled with an intense, almost desperate longing. “What is it?”
Taking a deep breath, you sat down across from him. “I need to know why you’re always watching me. Why you’re always... there.”
Joshua’s expression softened, but his eyes never left yours. “Because I love you, Y/N. I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you. I need to protect you.”
“But it’s more than that, isn’t it?” you pressed. “You know everything about me. You follow me. You control every aspect of my life.”
He couldn’t say anything because he knew he was in the wrong.
He tried to hold your hand, but you pulled your hand away, standing up. “Joshua, this isn’t healthy. We need to find a way to make this work without you suffocating me.”
His eyes darkened, and for the first time, you saw a flicker of something dangerous. “I can’t lose you, Y/N. You’re mine.”
Despite your attempts to set boundaries, Joshua’s obsession only grew stronger. His need to control every aspect of your life was suffocating, yet you found yourself drawn to his intensity. His love was possessive, consuming, and you couldn’t imagine life without it.
One evening, as you lay together, Joshua whispered, “You’re mine forever, Y/N. No one will ever come between us.”
You nodded, feeling a strange sense of contentment.
As the world continued to turn, you knew that no matter what happened, you and Joshua would always be bound together by your obsessive love. It was a dark, twisted form of affection, but it was yours. And in Joshua’s arms, you felt a sense of belonging that you had never felt before.
Week’s passed, and your relationship with Joshua remained as intense as ever. His obsession never waned, and neither did your strange, addictive need for his possessive love. You learned to navigate the complexities of your bond, finding comfort in the knowledge that you were never alone.
Joshua’s presence in your life was a constant, a shadow that never left your side. He knew your every move, your every thought, your every desire. And in turn, you found solace in his unwavering devotion, in the way he needed you more than anything else.
As the future loomed uncertainly ahead, you knew that no matter what challenges came your way, you and Joshua would face them together, bound by a love that was as dark as it was unbreakable.
In Joshua’s arms, you found a twisted, obsessive love that filled the deepest parts of your soul. And as you embraced the shadows of your relationship, you knew that you had found a love that was uniquely yours, a bond that no one could ever break.
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The Other Woman pt5
heres part 5.. i know it took a while but honestly ive been slacking due to the rafe story im writing. i need to get more chapters of this done so that i dont have to stress about it as much as i have been.
Anyways enjoy part 5<3
Slow burn
Summary: Chris, a popular hockey player at school where Y/n went, found himself falling for the beautiful, shy girl. As time went on he found out who Y/n truly was as a person and ultimately, he had to make the choice, his girlfriend, or the other woman.
Part 5
I’m sitting in the parking lot of the cafe. Honestly, I didn’t want to be here. When I got home from the store, I found mom sprawled out on the floor, bottle in hand and puke next to her. I ended up having to drag her to bed and cleaning her mess. I wish I had the money to send her to a rehab place. She needs to get clean. I thought about texting dad and asking him, but I decided against it. I don’t want help from him. I didn’t need his help anyways.
Other than that mess, everything was fine. I ended up having spare time so I went to my plugs house and got a gram from him. Not for now, but whenever I felt like smoking. I had to restock in case, you know?
I sat in my car for about 15 minutes before receiving a text from Chris. 
You still coming? I checked the time. It was 5:34. I sent him a text back. 
I’m waiting on you, silly. I’ve been here for 15 minutes already. I put my phone down on the seat next to me. I reached into the backseat of my car and grabbed my old calculus textbook from last year. My phone rang.
I got here at 5 lol. I’ve been waiting for you since then. I’m already inside by the window. 
I quickly got out of my car. I didn’t know he was here. I rushed inside the small and homey feeling cafe. When I stepped into the building, the smell of apple pie and coffee filled my nose. I liked the smell of this place. I looked around, seeing Chris on his phone next to the window like he said he was. I walked over to him.
“I’m sorry you were waiting so long. I wish you told me you were already here,” I mumbled and sat down in the open seat across from him. He looked at me, placing his phone in his pocket. There were papers and two books scattered on the table, as well as a pastry, what looked to be a croissant. A chocolate croissant with a few bites taken out of it. I loved chocolate croissants.. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I didn’t know you were here either. We probably should have texted each other, huh?” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed. 
“Yeah, that would have been a good idea,” I giggled. “So, let's see what you’re working on.” I placed my book down, next to all the papers and books along the table. 
“Before we start, are you hungry? I’ll pay for it, just order what you want.” Chris smiled at me from across the table. I smiled back.
“No, no, I’ll pay for my food. Thank you though.” He rolled his eyes.
“Oh, come on. It’s the least I can do for making you come all the way here just to help me study.” I shook my head. 
“Fine, but only this once.” I gave him a stern face. I meant it. I didn’t want him paying for me. I’d probably feel bad later for making him pay for me today. 
Chris asked me what I wanted. 
“Hm, I think I’ll get a chocolate croissant as well. Yours looks really good. Also a hot coffee, add sugar and creamer.” He looked at me, taking in the things I asked for. He nodded his head standing up.
“Anything else?” He asked.
“No, thank you.”
“I’ll be back in a sec.” He turned around, walking to the counter to order my food and coffee. I looked at the papers on the table, trying to read the handwriting on each one. Chris didn’t have very readable handwriting…
After a few minutes of trying to figure out what the papers said, Chris came back. He placed my food and coffee down in front of me as well as a water bottle. 
“One croissant, hot coffee, and water for the pretty lady,” He said before sitting back down in his chair. My face started to get warm. 
“Thanks,” I mumbled and looked away towards the window. 
“So, did you find out what all this shit means,” Chris grabbed a paper from the small stack in front of me. 
“To be honest, I couldn’t read your notes. But I could read the typed questions.” He laughed a little. 
“Yeah, my handwriting was never the best.”
“As long as you can read it, right?”
“Right,” he chuckled. He placed the paper in front of me and started pointing out the things he was struggling with. Time to get to work, I internally sighed. 
Helping Chris wasn’t hard at all. He was a fast learner and quick to keep the information in his head. 
Chris groaned and stretched his arms over his head. He leaned back slightly before speaking. “Man, I’m tired. I think we need a break. We’ve been doing this for an hour and a half and I think I got the concept down.”
“How about you do these last three problems,” I scribbled two easy equations and one hard one before sliding the paper in his direction. “Then, we can take a break.”
Chris did the first two problems easily. The last one took him longer than the others but he got the right answer in the end. 
“You’re catching on really fast, Sturniolo.” He smiled at me, a big grin on his face.
“Thank you, Miss L/n.” I felt my cheeks turn pink from that. “You know, it seems like everytime I say something, your face turns pink.”
I felt my face get even pinker, probably red at this point.
“No it doesn’t,” I denied. I knew it did. But would I agree with him on that? No.
“Yes, I think it does. I see it all the time when I talk to you.”
I rolled my eyes.
Chris’s pov
My stomach hurts. It felt like someone was twisting my guts around. She made me so nervous and honestly, I don’t think she notices how she makes me feel. Everything she says makes my heart melt. When she calls me by my name, or even the nicknames she's given me. It makes me want to go feral. If I didn’t have any self control, and wasn’t raised right, then I probably would have. She makes me crazy and I hate it. But God, I love it so much. The feelings she makes me experience are unreal. So unreal to the point that I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure it isn’t all a dream. 
“When do you think we should wrap this up? Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed being here with you today, but don’t you have better things to do?” She looked at me with a dazed face. She looked so pretty.
I wish I could tell her. Just tell her everything. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right about cleaning up. I’m not busy for the rest of the day, but it is getting late. You probably have some things to do, too.”
She looked out the window. “Actually, there is something I need to do.”
My face dropped. I didn’t want her to go yet. Not that I’d admit that to her.
“Well, thank you for the help, Y/n. I really appreciate it.” She noticed the look on my face. 
“Hey, since you’re not busy, why don’t you come with me? I can drop you off at home after if you’d like,” she offered. My face lit up again. 
“Really? Ah, that would be awesome,” I started to pack up my things, standing from my chair after her. 
As we walked towards the door, I asked her, “Where is it you need to go?” 
“First we’ll go to my car so u can put your things in it, then I need to go get a few books I’ve been dying to read. Luckily, the library is just across the street.” She almost skipped along the sidewalk to her car. 
“That sounds perfect.”
We made it to her car. She unlocked the door for me and I placed my bag in the passenger seat. She ended up giving me her old calculus book so my bag was pretty much bursting at this point. 
After we had finished up there, we started walking to the library. There was something soothing about being around her. Even if we didn’t talk, just her presence made me feel tingly inside. 
We made it to the very large building, walking through the automatic doors in the front. I pretty much followed her like a lost puppy.
We had come to a stop in front of the romance section. She dragged her fingers along the spines of some of the books along the shelves. She grabbed one, a thick book with torn edges and yellowed pages. 
“You really like the thickest books out there, don’t you,” I snickered behind her. 
She turned around and looked at me, a smug smile on her face. 
“Yes, maybe you should try reading one? You might learn something from these.” She giggled. I placed my hand on my heart, letting out a fake, pained sigh. She giggled again. “I’m only joking, Chris.”
She faced the shelves again, browsing a little before grabbing two more books. After that, we walked around some more. We went to the educational section, fiction, non-fiction, mystery, you name it. She seemed to have grabbed at least one book from every section. 
We found ourselves in front of the poetry section. 
“Do you need some help with those,” I questioned. She had a stack of at least 8 books in her hands, most of them thick and probably heavy.
“Please,” she sighed, handing me 4 of the 8. After, she looked around the poetry area when she noticed a book on the top shelf. She tried to reach up, failing to grab the thing that caught her eye.
I noticed her struggle and went behind her, reaching up and grabbing the book she had been reaching for. She turned around, looking up at me with a pink face.
“Your face is pink again,” I whispered. We were very close. So close that I almost felt her breath on my face. God, I want to kiss her so bad right now. This was the perfect chance, but I couldn’t. I have a girlfriend. 
“Is it?” She whispered back. I felt my stomach start to flip, once again. It seems to do that a lot these days.
“Very,” I replied. Time seemed to move slowly, not that I minded. 
She stayed looking at me. 
If you keep looking at me like that I might go insane, I thought. Her phone began to ring.  I pulled myself from her eyes, stepping back from her and handing her the big, brown poetry book. She took it, also grabbing her phone from her back pocket. She turned it off, picking her phone back up in the safety of her jeans. 
“Who was that?” 
“My mom,” she replied. “We should probably get going now.” She walked past me, speedily walking to the front of the library to check out the books. I hope I didn’t freak her out or anything. I really hope I didn’t.
Y/n’s pov
Mom texted me a few times after I declined her call. She had asked where I was and when I was going to be home. I shut off my phone, placing it in my lap. The stack of books in the backseat of my car were almost to the top of the seat. Chris had helped me carry them to my car. 
Now, I was driving him home. He sat awkwardly in the passenger seat. I noticed he had fiddled his thumbs a few times. Something people do when they’re nervous.
“You okay?” I questioned him. I kept my gaze on the road ahead of me.
“Yeah, I’m fine.'' I glanced at him briefly. 
“Okay.. If I did something to upset you, you’d tell me right?” 
“You didn’t do anything, Y/n. I guess I’m just upset our little adventure is coming to an end.”
I giggled at his statement.
“Come on, silly. Don’t be upset over spilled milk. We can hang out another day if you want. I just need to get home to my mother. I need to make sure she’s doing alright. I hope you understand.”
He nodded his head knowingly towards me. We ended up not talking the rest of the ride to his house. The music playing from my speakers was barely noticeable, but it left a good atmosphere between us. 
Chris had told me every turn to take until it was the final one into his driveway. Chris had a nice, big house. One that his parents must have worked very hard for.
“Thank you for today, Y/n. I had fun.” He looked at me before grabbing his bag off the passenger floor. 
“Me too, Chris. Me too.”
He opened the door and before shutting it, he said, “Text me when you get home so I know you made it safe. And be careful, it’s late.”
It was now 9. We spent the whole evening together. A few hours at the cafe and library and about an hour drive to his house. 
“I will, have a good night, Chris.”
He smiled at me and shut the door. I waited for him to get to his front door before beginning to pull out of his driveway. Before I could though, I noticed him wave goodbye to me. I waved back, then headed home for the night.
When I got home, mom wasn’t there. She was probably at the bar again. I sighed and went to my room. I grabbed some clothes and went to my bathroom, getting ready for my shower. I picked up my phone off my bedside table and opened Chris’s messages. I sent him a quick text.
I’m home and I made it safely. Not even 10 seconds later, I heard my phone ding. 
Thank God. I was starting to think you got kidnapped or something. I smiled at his message. I walked into the bathroom once again, running the shower on warm water. That would have sucked, wouldn't it?
100%. Then who would I talk to in 3rd hour? Me, myself, and I? I don’t think so.
I put my phone down on the counter by my sink. I stripped out of my clothes before picking it back up. 
If I were you I’d love to talk to myself lol. I waited for a text back for a few minutes, but not one came. I’m going to take a shower. I’ll text you when I’m out.
I shut off my phone and stepped into the warm water. I needed this shower so bad. Today was very, very long. 
When I finished showering, I put on my clothes and grabbed my phone. I went to my bed, getting under the covers and shutting off my light. I checked my messages. He still hadn’t responded. 
It’s nothing, Y/n. Don’t get attached. Don’t wait for his messages. And definitely don’t be upset when he doesn’t text back. 
I wanted to send him another text message, but I didn’t want to seem desperate. I ended up sending him another one anyway. A simple, Goodnight, Chris. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. I internally cringed. Why did I send that?
I shut off my phone and flipped over onto my side. It was time to get some rest. I had work tomorrow and it was already 10. I shut my eyes but when I did, the memory of Chris leaning over me at the library replayed in my head. I thought about what could have happened if my mom hadn’t called me at that moment. What that would have led to. I ended up falling asleep thinking about that. 
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hugscakeanddragons · 1 year
Nemona from Pokémon scarlet and violet has ehlers-danlos syndrome change my mind
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itspileofgoodthings · 23 days
Taylor returning over and over to the falling through the ice accident in the Bolter—everything to me
#like. just. the shock of it all#there’s something about Taylor where her experience of life is so ….. brutal#like I don’t know how else to say it but it just is. life is not easy on her it is always ready to CLOBBER her#and in a way she’s not easy on life. there’s some kind of magnets/opposite poles stuff where she’s just always drawn to the worst things#to feeling them and experiencing them and almost ??? creating them#like I don’t mean to overstate it. and I know she has a family who loves her (thank GOD)#and also she’s very practical and industrious about creating this very Instagram worthy life full of Fine Things and a Fun Time#and of course all the resources in the world at her disposal to create all the trappings of it#whether it’s a celebrity Fourth of July party or the eras tour#and she’ll do it and love it. but as all the best critics know and point out the most fascinating thing about Taylor is always the music#and it’s where all the weirdness and stubbornness and difficulties of her life. her a c t u a l longings her actual fears#her actual terrible awful experiences that she charges headlong down the paths of#is set free! and it’s breathtaking in the most shocking way#like falling through the ice! I always say the first thing that always hits me about a Taylor album is the bitterness#just this blast in the face. and her music is so gentle! in so many ways#and the packaging is so appealing and her voice is so soft and expressive and there is none of that weird experimentation#even musically (remember when she shut down imogen heap for putting a minor chord in clean she was like absolutely not. I’m obsessed)#(with that moment forever)#but like. so much of Taylor’s packaging and life and HER really does SEEM so basic or ordinary or just rich girl ordinary I guess#she likes basic things and wants basic things. but also she is so hungry so restless so angry so wounded the rich internal life is CHURNING#all the time. every second. and it’s spectacular to watch and also I will worry about her until the day I die#or just—-I don’t know. it’s going to be spectacular and it is sometimes going to be awful#but she will keep furiously writing her way through it!!#there IS such a woundedness to her. and it makes me love her so much because it’s packaged in such a way people think it must just be#whining or privilege. but it’s not! it’s just. the human condition and Taylor’s own flaws#okay I’ve lost the plot here a bit in my ramblings but yeah the ice metaphor. insanely perfect
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chilapis · 29 days
Last post before I crash and no-one hears from me until I return from my first final the morrow’s eve (a changed man no doubt) but there’ll never be anything funnier to me than consistently being viewed as a composed and calm saviour by peers while I’m, actively and uncontrollably losing it.
#not said sarcastically or as a vent by the way I genuinely find it so terribly amusing. you think I have it together ? aw <3 you fool.#i’ve been pacing around my room like a starving lion since the past week in whatever free time i’ve had.#and i keep getting people in my messages begging me for last minute help ? which is endearing but. i’m hanging on for dear life myself#helping isn’t foreign to me; i have 4 (?) people in my class who almost exclusively refer to me as ma’am and even refer to me as a teacher.#but helping last minute is so. deeply chaotic.#and I have this issue with me where having others around me makes me immediately drop into a ‘role’ of sorts?#i’ll be freaking out but then someone else starts freaking out around me and my immediate response is to just.#hey. we are going to make it out of this. it’s easy as pie. do you see me worried? no right? <- on the verge of hyperventilating#there’s this one guy in particular who got so excited to find out we have the exact same examination set-up tomorrow.#i gave him like basic pointers and i don’t think i’ve ever been thanked so earnestly and desperately in my life.#i remember during mocks my friends would message me what I wrote in questions and then they’d immediately go oh thank Fuck.#they’d literally just act like they’re absolutely going to pass now just because we had points ​in common.#as if i’m some sort of fucked up correct answer sheet incarnate.#it’s genuinely really sweet to me though; like i’m not posting this ranting or such.#having so much faith in another to the point that you can put yourself completely at ease says. alot i think.#and i’m glad i can be that person for so many.#and I feel like it helps me in a way too because i become so concerned with others that I forget to drown myself in my worries.#i forget that I’m worried because there are others to care about and console and help. so i suppose they help me in a way as well.#but also who is going to be that person for ME. who is going to console ME. im going fucking neurotic /jest#<- woman with ego issues & control issues who would rather die than accept help.#sigh. oh well. I’m sure we’ll do just fine. cannot wait#🥀🍷 — colloquy.
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starting to realize that i’ve formed a deeply emotional parasocial bond w gege akutami and i don’t know how to deal w this information </3
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tequilaqueen · 2 months
My only form of social media is tumblr. I think that says something about me as a person.
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sorrowfulwill · 9 months
istg if I have covid or something I am going to do something sooo mildly infiuriating
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loveofastarvingdog · 6 months
king of deleting my snap story
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