hugscakeanddragons · 12 hours
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hugscakeanddragons · 12 hours
I have OCD and with that comes quasi-hallucinations, and I grew up watching a ton of horror films so some of the worst of mine are the standard white skin/black hair demon girl type shit.
However, because a lot of them are based on horror film I have found comfort in doing things that “go against” horror films and being like “see? This could never happen.”
(It’s irrational. I know that. But shut up. This is how I cope.)
For example: I started hearing garbled whispering from beneath my table, so I started playing the muppets sound track. Because they would never play Movin’ Right Along when the protagonist is about to get attacked. That won’t happen. Disney, who owns the muppets, wouldn’t give them the rights.
And it fucking worked.
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a goodra day ~ my june community day print ~ limited to an edition of 60 ~ goodluck shiny hunting ya'll
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hugscakeanddragons · 3 days
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hugscakeanddragons · 3 days
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
Malayan night heron
His Undulations
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
i dont think the average therapist even understands OCD at this point. like you actually have to find a specialist to speak to someone who wont suggest things that are just horrible fucking ideas. like i've had 2 non-OCD therapists who went "okay, when you have intrusive thoughts, write them down so you can look at them later and realize how ridiculous they are!"
and i know theyre just. anticipating the average "intrusive thought" to be "i'm not good enough :(" or "i'm so ugly :(" and not shit that, if written down on paper, would 100% provoke even worse self-hate and disgust in their patients to actually see it written out in front of their eyes (and kept on hand??? accessible???)-- and hey god forbid someone else reads what's on that paper and calls the fuckin cops
versus the OCD specialist i saw who just asked me to answer yes or no to "do you have this category of thought." and literally just being able to say "yes, i experience that" in front of a completely non-judgmental person who assured me that i would not act on these things was 5000x more helpful than an extremely nosy non-OCD counselor who's continually tried to get me to verbalize and record my intrusive thoughts
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
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we’re passionate tonight about animal and plant products apparently. very good. very good.
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
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hugscakeanddragons · 4 days
A spoon's only objective in life is to make soup go upwards, and it knows this. That's why when you put one under a running tap it blasts the water way high. The spoon thinks there's suddenly TONS of soup to deal with and it freaks out.
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hugscakeanddragons · 5 days
I think the most fucked up thing about intrusive thoughts is it's really difficult to discuss them without discussing their content, because without a discussion of their content it's impossible to get across just how distressing and debilitating they are. "Oh, you have unpleasant thoughts sometimes? Yeah we all have that, I guess."
But if you discuss their content there's this huge risk of people just pulling away in disgust. "Oh god, you have THOSE sorts of thoughts? They should lock freaks like you the fuck up!" As if they think people act on every single thought they have.
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hugscakeanddragons · 5 days
Fishs cross the road.
Anabas is a genus of climbing gouramies native to southern and eastern Asia.
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hugscakeanddragons · 5 days
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I wanted to make a backstory for the time I found this in pokemon Violet XD
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hugscakeanddragons · 5 days
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hooray for blue charmander!
somehow I've done another Chartodile family moment
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