#and Guzma knows the family pretty well
i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Guzma as an expecting father! headcanons
ignore the fact I'm a day late for father's day, it's dilf! guzma time!
features: pregnancy and discussion of symptoms, a smidge of angst, and some mild references to sex
Oh shit.
Well, this wasn’t part of the plan
It’s not necessarily unexpected though
Admittedly, you two had been rather lax when it came to protection
And as much as he talked up his pull-out game, Guzma found it very hard to put his money where his mouth is when he’s about to bust a fat nut
So here you are
His baby
His fucking cinnamon applin
Almost in tears as you tell him that you’re pregnant
From all the shock, he doesn’t know what to say
He doesn’t know what to feel either
His mind is a swirl of emotions
It takes him a moment (or several minutes) to fully comprehend the situation
Not great, since you’re freaking the fuck out waiting for his response
Eventually, he just gives you a big, reassuring hug and tells you that he’s here for you, and your baby too.
In reality, Guzma likes the idea of having a family with you
And you’re his boo, he’d do anything to support you, no matter what
He really really wants to be a good dad
A provider for your burgeoning family
The kind of man you deserve
So first things first – well after he takes you both out for malasadas to calm yourselves down and celebrate - he’s gotta get a job
He’ll take anything
Fast-food chef, janitorial duties, cashier, Pyukumuku thrower…
Hopefully some professional battling to get some legit earnings
Next thing, you two are moving OUT of the Shady House
And by extension Po Town
That place is not suitable for babies
You don’t stray too far though
Getting yourselves a cramped (but thankfully two-bed) apartment in Malie City
And by that, I mean HIGHKEY
Guzma thinks you’re hot af pregnant
Man is like 100 times more handsy
Which is wild considering how handsy he already was
But his touches are a lot gentlerand loving
Though still quite protective and possessive
My man may or may not have shed a tear when he felt that first kick
Guzma goes back and forth on whether or not to propose to you
On one hand, he loves you, and he wants to give your baby a more stable home
But on the other, he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s just doing this because you’re pregnant and it’s “the right thing to do”
Plus, weddings are so stressful
And expensive!
Eventually, he decides to wait until after your baby is here to propose
After all, they’d make such a cute little flower boy/girl on the big day!
God-mon Plumeria!
You two set up the cutest little nursery for youe baby
Ideally he wanted to fill it with brand-new stuff
But that wasn’t totally feasible, so many things are second-hand
Some from when you were born!
One of the new items though, is a cutiefly teddy
It was the first thing he bought for the baby
First thing he bought from his first pay-cheque actually
Walking home tired and stressed from his first week on the job
He’s usually pretty good at dealing with your symptoms
Gives you back-rubs, holds your hair back when you’re getting sick, over-indulges your weird-cravings…
Seriously he went out at four a.m. trying to find somewhere that sold pickled lumberries so you could have them with some yogurt and peanut butter
Though considering the fact he is new to all this + he has 0 patience things can get a bit hairy sometimes
Like he is not good at handling any mood-swings
Or when baby kicks him in his sleep
One thing he does enjoy about you being pregnant is that you’ve taken to wearing his clothes a lot more
They’re big on you, so they’re perfect for your changing body
We all know how he feels about you in his clothes 👀
He keeps ultrasound pictures on him at all times
Just as a reminder of his little larva
Makes the tough days easier
He loves being the big spoon even more now
Finding great comfort and excitement in holding you and cradling your bump while he falls asleep
When baby finally comes
Yall know ya boi is gonna be right by your side
Doing his best to support you through this traumatic, demanding time
(though I can also totally see him just chilling, casually eating a sandwich while you’re pushing out a LITERAL human baby from your bits)
Once baby pops out, and you get to hold your little one
Guzma wraps his arms around both of you, gazing at the wonderful life you’ve created together
And after a moment he asks:
“So, Guzma Jr.?”
“Absolutely not!”
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If you were going to turn the Pokemon villains into Pokemon as punishment, what would be the best choice for each one?
Haha, thanks for asking.
Standardizedbogey and I were talking about this last night because of her fic (which I highly recommend) were Giovanni was turned into a lillipup as a punishment, with doggy instincts and all. Some of these are my own ideas, some we came up with together.
Giovanni: okay, I couldn’t come up with anything as good as a lillipup, but yamper could work for the same reasons of being a small, helpless-looking dog (and we all know he’s a huge cat person), plus, this one gets the zoomies.
Silver: The best way to teach him a lesson in there being more to Pokémon’s worth than battle strength would be to turn him into a Pokémon that’s weak but nonetheless adaptable and determined. Perhaps an abra, which, while incapable of fighting, is intelligent and excellent at escaping bad situations.
Maxie: something very sensitive to changes in the environment. Perhaps a slowpoke would work- they live near water and require the health of a saltwater species to survive. Plus its instinct might deprive Maxie of his ability to use his intelligence.
Archie: like with Maxie, you could have him think twice about his goal by turning him into something that needs a very specific, non-watery environment. Perhaps a numel would work, as they’re very sensitive to water and would surely be wiped out if Archie went through with his plan. Doubles as punishment because numel are slow, weak, and can’t go in water.
Cyrus: Eevee. Just destroy his lone wolf aesthetic and fill him to the brim with instincts to be friendly and want to be with people and cuddle up on their laps because they’re sad. Or because they seem nice. Or because he likes their hat. Or. Or. Or. Or. As a bonus, Mars looks after him for a while and he evolves into a pink ribbon dog that might as well have “I love my friend” written across his forehead and has empathy as a superpower.
N: N doesn’t deserve a punishment, but he’d really hate being a slugma. There’s no handling Pokémon in need if you’d only burn them.
Ghetsis: Ghetsis needs to be taken down a peg in terms of power, so a regional rodent would be good. I think bidoof would be the best choice because then its absentmindedness would keep him from scheming without zoning out. Also, he’d probably have to rely on N for protection because Colress would definitely want to run some experiments on a human-turned-Pokémon.
Lysandre: a good punishment for Lysandre would be to become something insignificant and filthy, so I chose a gastrodon. He’s identical to numerous others of his kind living all across the map, he’s hideous and slimy, he has instincts to bathe in mud and algae, and people look at him with disgust when he visits populated areas. Used to being respected and revered, now people won’t even let him on their carpets.
Lusamine: I don’t really have an idea for her, but she definitely wouldn’t like being a trubbish. It’ll be pretty hard to command the Aether Foundation’s respect like that.
Guzma: Petilil. Guzma would hate being something weak and dependent, and a small, sensitive plant Pokémon would really ruin his aesthetic, plus he’d look tasty to bug-types! Plumeria will look after him, don’t worry.
Piers: Whismur. It can’t do any of the three things Peirs cares about: rock out, battle well, or help his family and community. Marnie would probably have to look after him, and he wouldn’t want that. Its evolutions are stronger and louder, but are just as unable to produce appealing music.
Rose: honedge. It drinks the life force of others, actively undoing what he tried to do. It can’t be around people without doing that, which he’d hate as a massive extrovert.
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microwave-core · 1 year
Oh God it's more Headcanons
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To prepare for XC3 (because the DLC drops at like 9pm for some reason) I wrote more headcanons, mainly because I didn't have a specific character in mind to drabble about.
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Sonia my beloved. God, Galar has so many great characters and yet I just don’t have the time to write for all of them… even those with banger designs. Anyways, Sonia. Where to even start with her.
Her hair is a mess. Humidity is her worst enemy. She spends dozens of minutes a day attempting to detangle it when the weather goes to shit. She would be forever indebted to you if you brushed her hair for her. Please just be careful, she will complain if you tug too hard.
Also be careful if you sleep next to her at night, because you very well may end up choking on her hair. Even just cuddling is risky business. You are never safe, not even if you are the little spoon. But it’s worth it because Sonia runs very warm, so it’s always comfy to hold her or rest in her arms.
Speaking of hair, she wants to style yours. Doesn’t matter what kind of hair you’ve got, she’ll find a way. Straight or curly or coils or braids or what have you, she will play with it. Doesn’t matter how long it is either. If you ask for a specific style, she’ll do it, but at some point she will weave little hearts into it to match her own. Don’t ask how she does it, it’s a secret.
Anyways, enough about that. I am absolutely obsessed with the idea of a kid rocking up to get their first pokemon from the Professor and her wife and their adopted son assistant. She’s just… so powerful I love her so much. 
Hop loves you. He ships you so hard with Sonia it’s unreal. He is Galar’s best wingman and will do everything in his power to get you two alone together. You guys could literally be married already and he would still be trying to set you guys up. And Leon is no different. Sonia’s his best friend and she talks about you all the time. This guy knows how much Sonia loves you and wants nothing more than for you two to be happy together. Sometimes a family is just a professor, her wife, their assistant, and his brother.
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Not enough content for Big Sis Plumeria. She’s gotta take care of basically all Team Skull because they would never get anything done without her around, so she’d be immensely grateful if you either helped corral them or help her relax after constantly chasing after them.
She’s very much an “asshole to the world, sweetheart to her girl” type of girlfriend, mixed in with some tough love. She would never raise her voice at you or seriously insult you, something she does often with the grunts. The most she’ll do is mildly insult you for doing something stupid (as in she would call you an “idiot” or something along those lines), but it’s always evident that she’s more concerned than upset.
As long as you're her girl, no one is going to mess with you. Especially if you have a storied history. Asshole ex? Shitty family members? Straight up enemies? You don’t have to worry about those people anymore. 
Oh also all of the Team Skull grunts look up to you and would literally die for you. You’re Big Sis Two, their third favorite person. Also, if anything happened to you on their watch, they would have to face Plumeria’s wrath, which might as well be worse then Guzma’s
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Slightly older contest-star Shauna who, despite being pretty girl-crazy, attempts to navigate her first serious relationship. I realize that I like Shauna more than most people, but hear me out.
When she went on a journey through Kalos with her friends, like stated above, she was completely girl-crazy. Literally every girl she met was the absolute prettiest woman she had ever seen (especially Diantha). But she never ended up getting into a relationship, despite wishing otherwise.
When she meets you, she is absolutely smitten. When you’re just friends, she dreams about you every waking minute. She really, really wants to hold your hand and kiss you and go on cute little dates to restaurants and picnics and do contests together and go shopping together and and everything else girlfriends do. She is obsessed. 
But once you start dating her, she’s a mess. She has all these things she wants to do with you, but she doesn’t know how to go about doing any of them, so sometimes she comes off as a little awkward in the most endearing way possible. She’s a little clumsy and hesitant when initiating affection, but every little thing you do together makes her so happy. It’s got the energy of a cute high school romance, just two dumbasses in love with each other.
Also she’s super supportive of you. Like Marnie, she is your personal cheerleader. She’ll bring up your achievements to everyone she comes across because she needs everyone to know how great you are and how lucky she is to be dating you. Please be supportive of her in return, she would actually ascend to heaven if she saw you in the audience of one of her contests.
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Zisu… big woman. I don’t even have words to describe this absolute unit of a woman. She is far too powerful to fully put into words. Her strength is seemingly unending. She canonically trains with pokemon with her bare hands and could absolutely fuck all of them up.
She can bench press your ass, no matter your size or stature. She’ll carry you anywhere you want whenever you want, she’ll get anything you need off of the top shelf, she will lift up anything you need for whatever reason, and she will give you a little kiss on the forehead because she loves you very much.
If you’re afraid of Pokemon (which is pretty likely given the time period), she will do whatever it takes to help you get over your fears. Zisu is all the protection you need in Hisui. No Pokemon will ever get past her. But she would also like to help you get more comfortable with them, if nothing more than for her peace of mind. She can’t be there all the time, given her position in Team Galaxy.
But if you have a strong team, she would love to train with you. If you managed to beat her, she would love you forever. She’s hella strong, so she finds you being stronger than her in one aspect incredibly attractive. And if you managed to beat her in hand to hand combat? She would never recover.
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I think Larry is objectively the funniest gym leader, but I whole-heartedly believe Iono is right behind him. I just think she is a funny little guy with an absolutely banger design.
As the most popular streamer in Paldea (I think), people across the region are going to know that you're dating. There is nothing you can do to avoid it. And Iono doesn’t want to hide your relationship. She wants to show you off.
Showing up on stream at least a few times is a mandatory part of dating her. Both Iono and chat love when you’re there. Sometimes Iono will warn you about what she’s planning beforehand, but other times she’ll leave you in the dark. Don’t worry, though, she won’t ever do anything that will make you uncomfortable.
More importantly, when dating Iono, you get to see the normal her, without the energetic streamer persona. Not to say that she’s completely different on stream, she just amps everything up for the camera. Off camera, she just wants to lay down with you and chill out. Let her complain about the weird people in her chat while you hold her close, she desperately needs it.
Outside of that, this girl loves to gossip. Tell her all about the drama you're dealing with or about the people you just don’t like, she eats that shit up. Likewise, she’ll also “spill the tea” as the kids say. She’s got a lot of people and things to tell you about, both big and small. Just promise to not blab to others about those she complains about. She already has to deal with too much weird shit to have time to deal with additional drama from other people.
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Flannery is, like, an og waifu, or something like that. Anyways I like her because her design is sick and so is her gym aesthetic (at least in oras). Girlypop is confident in her abilities but she also only has a vague idea of what she’s doing and is just trying her best.
Being a rookie gym leader is hard, even if she is highly skilled. More importantly, it’s stressful. Thankfully, Lavaridge has a hot spring, giving her a perfect way to relax at the end of the day, and she is borderline desperate for you to join her. Listen, she just radiates disaster lesbian. Being in your presence helps her unwind as is, so pairing you up with the hotspring makes her melt. 
She is very dedicated to her training and would love it if you were to join her sometime. Be warned, it gets uncomfortably hot and you will most likely regret it almost immediately, so be prepared. She doesn’t ask you to join her because she doesn’t want you to accidentally strain yourself due to how rigorous it gets, but she’d let you if you asked (after warning you of how difficult it would be, of course).
She seems like someone that would enjoy hiking. Conveniently, there is a volcano right nearby to track up. Flannery desperately wants you to come with her because it would give her a chance to share something she loves with someone she loves. Don’t worry about getting tired, she will carry you up the remainder of the track, no sweat. When you make it to the top (or just find a clearing to rest at), you get to gaze at the beautiful scenery with her. 
Okay I now realize that I didn’t do much outside of the first point to show how much of a disaster she is but she just like… is. I cannot explain it, that is just the vibe she has. So even if she seems confident and held together in your presence, she is screaming in her head because you’re so pretty and she loves you AAAAA.
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Oh shit I forgot about Tymeand Ryme for the gilf section of the last headcanon post fuck. Uhhhhh, I like them in the same way as the other gilfs in that they’re cool but ultimately they are funny little grandmas, so here comes your grandma posting.
Like the others, Tyme would totally bake you cookies and while eating them would help you do math. I don’t care if you’re not taking some kind of math class or if you're a student at all, she is going to help you do math. Someone has to teach you how to do your taxes, right? If that is not enough to entice you, then perhaps you would like to see her very cool rock collection, because she would totally have one, and a big one at that. Unrelated, but if you give her any kind of rock she could identify it immediately and would also cherish it dearly.
Ryme is the cool grandma. She doesn’t have time to bake cookies (she isn’t very good at it), but she makes up for it in other ways. You want to see a band or artist live? Just tell her, she’ll find a way to get you to that concert. She’d also let you get away with a lot of things, letting you off easy where others would be upset. Like, if you got into a fight with someone, she would lightly scold you then immediately ask if you won. She’d be really proud if you did and would comfort you if you didn’t. Also teaches you how to rap, but that much should be obvious.
Hopefully this is the last of the grandma posting because if I do this again it means I forgot someone else and I don’t think I did. I guess if there’s one major appeal to the gilfs it’s the domesticity of them? Like, you get the ideal of living your life alongside one another for such a long time, which is the dream, really. Girl I don’t know I’m gonna get back to regular unhinged scenarios sorry about this.
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One professor was not enough for one post apparently because I wanna talk about Professor Juniper, the original hot professor. Ever the reliable woman, she will do all she can to lend a hand should you need it, but in return you need to put up with her deciding to do things before confirming with the other people involved beforehand.
Unlike most professors, Juniper has another professor to rely on, that being the other Juniper, so she does have a bit more free time on her hands. That being said, she is often doing things for other people, so she is pretty much as busy as the others. But because she’s just helping out other people and not completing research, she is definitely more accessible. Not going to say that she would hold off on helping someone to come help you if you were to need it, but she would do that (assuming that what she was doing before wasn’t urgent).
She loves to travel around the region, and would love it if you joined her. It’s not really a date, but it’s good quality time. Most of it is taken up by her rambling about the Pokemon that can be found in the area. She would also love it if you lent her a hand in her research. It’s a fun and cute little bonding activity, and it means you can spend more time together afterwards.
Like Sonia, the idea of rocking up to a lab only to be met by the professor and her loving wife is a very powerful one, but Sonia remains more powerful. After all, Juniper doesn’t usually give kids their starters in person, nor does she have an assistant whom she and her wife can semi-adopt.
As a side note, I considered using her first name because she has one, but I don’t know if that is common knowledge. It pops up at the very beginning of B2W2, but I didn’t realize it was there until, like, two days ago. 
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Oh my God I forgot about Professor Magnolia because she isn’t even on my list of characters. I am so upset. And no I’m not going to fix this my moving her up to be with Tyme and Ryme because I need it to be known that I fucked this up here’s your grandma posting again and if I mess this up for a fourth time I’m going to be so upset with myself.
Magnolia is just a chill grandma. She always has cookies in her kitchen to give to Sonia. I’m pretty sure they live together so it’s not like she’s visiting her, but she feels that her granddaughter should always have access to finely made cookies. If you were to come over, she would break them out along with tea and have a surprisingly intellectual conversation. She may have given the professor title to Sonia, but she continues to delve into research, if nothing to fulfill her own self-interest.
These visits are especially interesting if you were, say, dating Sonia. She would give you all kinds of stories from when she was growing up. They aren’t particularly embarrassing, per say, but they usually embarrass Sonia anyways. She’s happy that her granddaughter has found both a path in life and someone to spend it with. In general, she would be interested in you as a person. She wants to have a good relationship with her future granddaughter-in-law, after all!
I swear to God if I forget another grandma (besides Cogita because I already write about her plenty) I’m going to lose it.
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Let’s end this one with Misty. She’s normally sweet and bright, but she has a tendency to get snappy when annoyed, which tends to leave a greater impression on people than her regular nature since she easily gets frustrated.
Like all gym leaders, she has lots of responsibilities and is busy and also has an affinity for the type she uses. This is especially true for her since most of her designs are just swimsuits (good for you girlie). She will take you on walks all over Cerulean, as well as swimming in the water surrounding it. It’s her happy place, and she gets really annoyed when people interrupt the tranquil moment.
Sorry to say that it usually falls to you to keep her temper down in those situations. Remind her that it’s probably just a challenger looking to continue their journey and that you’ll get to continue your little date when she’s done. She’s still going to be annoyed, but it’s hard for her to remain bitter when she knows she gets to spend more time with you soon.
At some point, she wants to leave Cerulean and its gym for a while in order to go on a journey of her own. When she does, she wants you to come with her. Nothing sounds better to her than getting lost (metaphorically, she can’t stand actually getting lost) in nature with you by her side. Hopefully you don’t have something that could fry her bike because that would be pretty unfortunate.
I would say her sisters are supportive but they aren’t really there enough to know much about you. Sorry Misty. It’s a shame that they’ve been on the same cruise for twenty years. Someone should really check in with them.
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scarletkilometers · 2 years
Seven Snippet Sunday
it’s monday afternoon but I wouldn’t worry about that. tagged by @bumblerhizal-art, tagging @guzmascanary, @cryptidpiers, & anyone else who wants to do this. taken from various in-progress pokemon fics
1) I Just Wanted To Illustrate A Headcanon About Possession And Delayed Amnesia And Now I’m Researching Folk Medicine, How Did I End Up Here
You turn your attention to the hearth where you’ve left a soup broth bubbling for your guest; kelp and dried fish, something simple and nourishing that he should be able to keep down even if his stomach isn’t cooperating. You leave it be and go about preparing an herbal tea to soothe his fever as well as any pain he might be in. Lady Sneasler sniffs the curling steam and recoils, giving you an offended look that can most politely be interpreted as You're not seriously feeding him that, are you?
"Oh, pardon me, I didn't realize you’d become an expert in herbal remedies. I've seen you eat Stunky carrion, My Lady, don't go acting like you have some kind of refined palate." Lady Sneasler gives a mollified sniff and stations herself at the head of the stranger’s cot.
2) Fun Times With Outsider POVs
You're about 6 inches from the door when someone calls out "Excuse me!" You turn to see a shy-looking girl jump up from the bench and follow you to the door. Your immediate impression of this girl is paaale, from her flax-colored hair to her all-white outfit to her suspiciously pristine shoes. 
"You were able to beat the gym leader, right?" She points at the Cerulean gym badge pinned to the strap of your bag. "That means you're strong, right?" 
"Sure, I guess so." You shrug. It's only your second badge so far, but if she wants to flatter you, you're not going to stop her.
"Then would you mind having a battle with me? I need more practice." The girl enunciates very carefully, and speaks with a noticeable accent. Probably foreign, then. 
3) Lunch Time With Selene And The Champion Of Alola
"It's some bullshit that Goli can't learn U-Turn, though," he grumbles. "Fuckin' obscene is what it is." 
"You gonna do League Regulation about it?" You half-tease. You take the basket and start helping yourself to the fried squash. "You're the law until I feel like taking my title back, and all. 'Can he get all the paperwork processed before being ultimately dethroned?' Think of the new layer of challenge that would add--"
"Shaddup, brat." He yanks the basket away and starts rooting around for any onion pieces you've left behind. "Pretty sure it don't work like that. You can't exactly regulate a Goldeen into bein' able to use Fire Punch, you dig?" 
"You can if you're not a weenie!" Guzma beans a piece of eggplant off your forehead. "Fi-i-i-ine, but does Kukui know you know that?" 
There is a moment of thoughtful silence before a wicked grin spreads across his face. "I think I'm gonna have to give the Professor a call after this."
4) The Existential Implications of Parasect
There might be Parasect in Galar somewhere, but if there are, they wouldn’t be anywhere near Spikemuth. So this is the first chance you’ve ever had to get familiar with one. You're struck suddenly by its eyes; what you’d taken from a distance to be cataracts is actually a film of fuzzy, fibrous growth that completely covers the creature’s eyestalks. managing the family grocery budget and making sure there was always good food in the house, recoils in horror. Mold! That’s mold, you idiot! You shut it right up. It’s not a strawberry that’s gone past its sell-by date, it’s a pokemon, and it belongs to your very good friend. Even if it is a creepy little thing.
“Cute, ain’t he?” Guzma sighs, touching his cheek to yours. 
5) Real Cahoots Will Change Your Life
It is far from a secret that the two of you came from another time and place, but there are many aspects of that experience that you simply do not refer to in mixed company. In some cases your shared status as outsiders allows others to overlook social missteps, and in others, it is an excuse to look at them twice as hard. There are feelings you don't acknowledge, opinions you do not voice, because doing so in mixed company would serve no purpose but to emphasize that you are not truly one of them. The atmosphere it creates is as oppressive as a hand on your throat. And for the two of you, strangers in a strange land, mixed company is thus far the only kind you've had. 
That, you suppose, is why you said yes. It is a kind of loneliness that cuts straight to the bone, and persists even as you find yourself surrounded by people.
6) I’m Pretty Sure This Is How Everyone Reacts To Seeing Leon For The First Time
The guy’s about Kukui’s height with a pretty similar build, but where Kukui is attractive in a relatively ordinary way, this guy is—there’s no other word for it—boy band pretty, with miles of shiny purple hair and absurdly sparkly gold eyes. He looks like a Disney princess and he’s wearing lime green running shorts and an awful tacky souvenir tee-shirt that reads Hulbury Aquarium over its stretched-out decal in giant orange letters. What the fucking fuck.
You know you’ve been staring too long when he clears his throat and asks “Are you alright?” His brows are creased slightly with concern. Fuck, those eyes. How are they so expressive? You force your jaw shut and try to come up with something non-obnoxious to say.
“Yeah, m’fine.” You are not fine, you’ve got twigs in your hair, dirt all down your front—that shirt was white, fuck your hot life—the pokemon you wanted to catch is long gone, and you’re apparently too brain-scrambled to manage complete sentences in the presence of the most stupidly pretty person you’ve seen in the last ever. Fuck this trip, you’re going home.
7) Cyrus Goes to Space & is Only 75% as Much of an Asshole
It’s night when you finally arrive on the island of Melemele, which suits you both just fine. After so long in the dark and gloom of the Ultra Beasts’s domains, the daylight of this world is like a sawblade to the eyes. While you have every intention of fulfilling your promise of delivering your companion back to his team, it quickly becomes apparent that neither of you are in any condition to do so. You’ve both been away from this world for weeks and you need to readjust, to light, to noise, to being in a world with people in it. Guzma is faring much worse than you in that regard. Even the minimal amount of human contact he had to endure on the voyage left him overwhelmed and glassy-eyed. You have no idea how long he had been in those dark, smothering caves prior to your arrival; you never asked.
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: who are some of Leon's closest connections?  /  unprompted.
His closest confidant is Dani, which probably doesn’t come as too big a surprise. He wouldn’t have married someone he couldn’t trust completely, and she’s the only person (bar Mattieu, his therapist) who has any idea just how deep his trauma goes. After both Eternatus meetings, the second Darkest Day and the ‘reunion’ on Pasio, Dani was the only one to see the nightmares, weakened self esteem, and general emotional aftermath.
Next up are his brothers! Hop, obviously, but also Red, James and Allister. Leon loves all four of them dearly, is absolutely their biggest supporter and will go above and beyond to help them achieve whatever goal they set their minds to, but there’s still that tendency to be the helper rather than the one being helped. This is much more obvious with Hop and Allister - partly because both Red and James know him well enough to feel when he’s in a bad place without waiting for Leon to mention it - but he’ll always want to help ease their stresses before tackling his own.
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Next come his friends, which I’ll split up rather than force into a single paragraph.
Sonia and Raihan, both people who’ve known him since his Gym Challenger days. He cares deeply about them both and always takes the time to visit them whenever he’s in Galar. There are still televised matches between him and Raihan (just because he’s no longer Champion doesn’t mean their rivalry’s dead) and he takes a lot of pride in seeing how they’ve both grown since the last match.
Rengoku. Kyou, his buddy his pal his childhood bff !! They met back on the Isle of Armor and have been close ever since. Leon made sure to stay in touch with Rengoku during his Champion years (though that did often mean downplaying how overworked he was), and has always considered him to be a much-needed boost of energy and motivation. He’s fun to be around! Leon hopes to train at the family dojo one day, though he intends to brush up on his Johto language and culture knowledge before requesting admission.
Can’t forget about Guzma! Outside of Dani and Leon himself, Guzma is the only person trusted with full responsibility over his adopted pokemon. Marshy is the one most often handed over, especially during big events like New Years’ when the noise and lights of Lumiose become too overwhelming for the Quagsire to handle, but there’s been a fair amount of times where Marshy himself has wanted to visit his friend. 
Though he never expected to develop such a friendship, he’s grown pretty close with Emmet too! Leon feels like he can indulge in his interests without worrying about being judged for it, and he found it surprisingly easy to shed his Champion self and just be Leon. He can’t wait to go through the Battle Subway and challenge the bosses to a proper all-out fight.
And a final shoutout to Ree. Leon cares about that kid so much, he just wishes that they’d get away from the idea that they need to be worthy of his time. He doesn’t care about what Kukui or the Tapus did or didn’t do - that’s irrelevant! Ree’s his friend and that’s all the justification Leon needs to keep hanging around them.
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torterragarden · 2 years
guzma for the ask thing
ooh thanks!
First impression: He had my heart the second he introduced himself with "it's your boy Guzma"
Impression now: He is the ugliest man and he is my boy and I LOVE him he is a DELIGHT. He's so fun and pretty interesting I like that he and Kukui have similar backgrounds as talented trainers who were never really given the respect they were looking for, but came away with very different outlooks. Also Guzma obviously loves Team Skull and it's very cute they're just a family of troublemakers and misfits, it fits in very well with the found family feel that the protag and their friends have, and I would die for all of them. I love his battle theme too and I love how he squats the whole battle it's a real power move. I would like to marry him
Favorite moment: I like his introduction, and I also like when he flat out calls Lillie and the player stupid in Ultra Space lmao
Idea for a story: idk
Unpopular opinion: don't know if I have one
Favorite relationship: I think his relationship with Lusamine is interesting in a very sad way, and his relationship with Kukui is fun
Favorite headcanon: can't think of one off the top of my head
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poke-h4unt3d-dumpy · 7 months
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Gladion, The secret Traveling Secret Agent
While Lillie and Hau were having these soul-searching adventures, Gladion just wanted a moment to take a breather, he admits that he was being reckless when he decided to take over the Aether foundation, but what surprised him was that no one stopped him, a 15-year-old, from taking over a multimillionaire corporation with its name now stuck in the mud.
The stress was too much, even more so when he would always get bombarded with meetings and calls from the press, wanting to know what he'd be doing as the new president of the place, but he wanted out, immediately, but he couldn't just leave everything to poor Wicke, that woman was also very tired, maybe more than him, even if what the foundation did was unforgivable, some workers still berated her for choosing to side with the ex-champion and Hala's grandson in defeating their fellow workers and getting them sent to jail.
One night he couldn't just take it anymore, so he ran away into the pouring rain, not daring to look back but also not paying attention to where he was going, crashing against something hard enough to knock him out.
When he woke up, he was in a hospital gown and in a room that was within the Pokemon center, it took him a while to turn his head and see he wasn't alone, as Guzma himself was sitting in the chair, sleeping, he tried to not make noise but his surprised gasp was apparently enough to wake him up.
"huh? Oh, you're finally awake, you got us all worried, punk"
"What in world is going on, and more importantly, why are you here?!"
"Well, I was the one that found you in the rain with Gkins, so we sort of told the nurses we were family so I could keep an eye on ya while Gales deals with the nurses"
"So you two lied?"
"Would you rather be alone in a hospital room with no idea of how you get here, and to top it off, with the press outside"
"Yes and...no, they are outside, but not in front of the Pokemon center if you wanted to know-" Gladion smacks him with his pillow, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"
"You are not being helpful, I would rather have Gael here than you...You don't even care about me! Bet he made you stay here"
".....Yeah, something along those lines...you feeling okay?"
"well, if a broken leg means healthy then yes...How did this even happen?"
"A tauros ran you over, the doctors think you might have gotten hurt by hitting something or getting hit by the pokemon"
"i see...."
"...Wanna play Uno?"
Gladion was forced to stay with Gabi and Guzma while he recovered, he expected him to not like his presence there but turns out the Bug-type trainer was pretty much used to him, he even got visits from some team Skull grunts with gifts and treats, sometimes they would stay while both Gs were out in Alola so Gladion wouldn't be alone, in his mind, he was being spoiled, but what bugged him the most is how Guzma had changed so drastically, he thought that maybe the fact he was now in a relationship made him soft but there was more to it, but now wasn't the time for speculations.
When Gladion was given a pair of crutches, walking around the house was a complete chore, Golisopod, however, was a great guide on how to help him walk around with those, almost as if it had done it before. The giant bug was very gentle too, sitting him on the sofa so he was comfortable, and getting him snacks, Gladion felt like he was on the lap of luxury, but despite all of this, he knew that as soon as he recovered, all this attention would cease to exist, they would go back to their lives and not speak to one another ever again, he guessed Guzma noticed that and so one night he brought the young boy to his house's porch and sat there with him.
"You scared or something?"
"What? No! You know me, I was in the most brutal missions in the team back in the day, I'm not scared"
"Well, i don't actually know you but i know a scared kid when i see one"
"Of course, you used to scare everyone with your gang"
"Actually...Not many people were scared of me, what I meant is that I was once a scared kid"
"....Okay, who are you and what did you do to Guzma?"
"Glads, I'm serious"
"I know!....I just..."
"It's fine, not many people expected me to grow up either, not even my family"
"Kid, you know why i chose you to stay in my team?"
"...Because I'm the son of your ex-boss?"
"no, I actually had no idea you two were related...I chose you because you reminded me of myself when I was your age, feisty, didn't follow the rules of those who wronged me, and tried to show everyone I was mature enough...Even got myself in family trouble...Not really like yours but you get it"
"...Gael and I won't stop talking to ya when you get back to business, out of all people, you deserve some company after what the last 19 or something years had done to you and that blond girl"
"...I don't....I don't want to go back...."
"...Can't you talk to that wiki lady and do something?"
"I can leave all of that in the hands of Wicke, she already deals with so much..."
"so you would rather have the foundation standing on its last legs under the guidance of a young and traumatized child than with an adult you trust who knows how to handle this sort of thing?"
"Rubbing salt to the wound won't help"
"I'm just pointing out what is happening, think about this, when you get back there, you should be in bed, you might be an adult but has your brain really aged that much?"
Gladion let out a sigh, and with Golisopod's help, he went to the bedroom he was staying in, but he only went to bed after a long phone call with Wicke.
Gladion managed to bring some of his stuff from the office to Gael and Guzma's place, so he could talk to Lillie about her journey while being in a better environment, still managing to pull some strings until she got back from her journey.
Once Lillie took over and Gladion managed to leave, he dedicated the rest of the year to exploring Alola, but to also become stronger, as he was going to join the new corporation of ex interpol agents to maybe harvest all of the potential Silvally had to offer to the world, he was already amazing during the exam, especially after some heavy training with the soon to be Kahuna Guzma, maybe he could also answer a question of his own regarding his biological family, but that could wait, for he had now a better home.
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summertimelyn · 8 months
Skull’s Gem ch 2: Love Is Hard
After her visit to Po Town, Sapphire returned home and flopped down on Kalani’s couch, screaming into one of the throw pillows.
Kalani: That doesn’t sound like a happy business woman. What’s wrong?
Sapphire started explaining but her words were muffled by the pillow. Kalani chuckled as he sat next to her.
Kalani: Can’t hear you, sis.
Sapphire sighs as she turns her head.
Sapphire: The man I’ve been in love with for over a decade is now the leader of the team that’s been bothering trial goers.
Kalani: Guzma’s Team Skull’s boss?
Sapphire: Yep. *sigh* I always wondered what happened to him when I left Alola.
Kalani sighed and patted her leg.
Kalani: Well, sis, I’m afraid I can’t offer much in the way of advice, other than to be patient and follow your heart.
Sapphire: Easy for you to say. Your crush wasn’t a “crime” boss.
Kalani: No, just a hot-headed, head-strong researcher. Love is never easy, Sapph. Don’t give up on Guzma because of Team Skull. Everything will work out in the end.
Kalani stood up and kissed her head then went to his room. Sapphire sighed again as she got up and went to her room. She sat at her desk and started sketching until she heard a small ping on her window. Sapphire stared at the window in confusion for a few seconds, then turned back to her desk…until another ping sounded on the glass. Then another and another and another. Sapphire sighed as she got up and walked to her window, ready to scold the local kids for playing pranks, but froze when she saw the white of Guzma’s hair reflecting the moonlight as he stood on the beach. A light blush dusted her cheeks as she left the house and approached him and his Golisopod.
Sapphire: How’d you know where I was?
Guzma: A) Yer family has lived in this house for years, and b) Goli’s a master tracker. He remembers yer scent.
Sapphire giggled as Golisopod nuzzled her, tickling her with his antennae.
Sapphire: Hi, Goli. I missed you too.
Sapphire started petting Golisopod and Guzma just watched her with a small smile on his face. Sapphire noticed and blushed.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Guzma quickly turns away from her, clears his throat and scratches the back of his head.
Guzma: So, uh…w-wanna take a walk and catch up? We didn’t really have a chance earlier.
Sapphire: Yeah, I’d love to.
The two began walking along the beach as Golisopod swam in the ocean next to them. Sapphire smiled as she let her Primarina and Vaporeon out to play with him.
Sapphire: You did a wonderful job training him.
Guzma: Yeah, the two of us are thick as thieves. Goli’s my best friend.
Sapphire: *smirk* Oh, is he now?
Guzma: My best Pokemon friend, sassy pants.
Sapphire: *giggle* I know. I’m just teasing you.
Sapphire smiled as she began collecting seashells while they walked.
Guzma: So, ya managed to achieve yer dream. Big time fashion designer, huh?
Sapphire: Yeah. I still can’t believe it’s real sometimes. It’s amazing. I love seeing the joy on my clients’ faces when they wear my clothes. It makes me so happy.
Guzma: Ya’ve certainly come a long way. Remember when ya blew up Ma’s sewin’ machine?
Sapphire: Arceus, yes. I felt so bad. We spent weeks doing odd jobs to pay her back.
Guzma: And then we ended up givin’ her more than she needed…
Sapphire: …And she used the extra to buy me my first sewing machine.
Guzma: I remember the day she gave it to ya. Yer eyes sparkled like the prettiest sapphires I’d ever seen.
Both of them blushed dark red and Guzma cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Guzma: U-Uh…that is…ya were just real excited to get the sewin’ machine.
Sapphire smiled as they reached their favorite spot on the beach and started skipping rocks.
Guzma: Bet ya got a pretty boy boyfriend waitin’ for ya somewhere.
Sapphire: Ha, no, not anymore. I dated a guy in the Hoenn region for a bit but my heart wasn’t in it. I knew I wouldn’t live anywhere other than the Alola region. I may travel all over the world, but Alola will always be home.
Guzma watched as her midnight black hair blew softly in the wind.
Damn. How could she have gotten even more beautiful since I last saw her? Duh, Guzma, she grew up. She’s not the same little girl ya knew. Now she’s…
Sapphire: Hey, Goli! You hungry!? Got your favorite berries!
…She’s perfect. No! Stop that, Guzma! Ya can’t give yerself false hope like that. Ya ain’t good enough for her. Yer a no good degenerate failure and she’s a successful business woman. Ya can’t get in the way of that.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Sapphire snapped her fingers in front of Guzma’s face and he snapped out of his daze.
Guzma: Huh? Sorry, did ya say somethin’?
Sapphire: Are you okay? You were spacier than a Psyduck.
Guzma: Yeah. Totally fine. Nothin’ to worry about.
Sapphire sighed as she stared at the moon. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him but she didn’t dare. Not now, anyway.
Sapphire: So, Team Skull, huh?
Guzma: Yep. A bunch of kids who got told they’d have no future by shitty grown ups.
Sapphire: That’s horrible!
Guzma: That’s why we chose Po Town. Keep those people out and hang out with our Pokemon and each other. We take care of ourselves, our Pokemon and each other.
Sapphire: I just don’t understand how people could be so cruel, especially to kids.
Guzma: Some people, especially grownups, will surprise ya, Sapph.
Guzma spaces out again and Sapphire looks up at his face, studying his features and attempting to get a read on his emotions, but he was too guarded. She sighed and put on his cheek, snapping him back to reality. Guzma blushed as he looked down into her eyes.
Guzma: S-Sapph?
Sapphire: I know there’s a lot you aren’t telling me, and I won’t force you to, but I want you to know that I’ll always be here if you need to talk.
Guzma: Sapphire.
Guzma moved a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, making her blush.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Without answering her or breaking eye contact, Guzma put his hands on her waist and lifted her off her feet. Sapphire’s face turned bright red as she put her hands on his shoulders.
Sapphire: G-Guzma!? Wh-What!? What are you-!?
He stops her by bringing her face down to his and kissing her lips with a force that could rival that of the waves crashing behind them. Sapphire’s eyes widened in shock before softening and closing as she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Guzma snapped back to reality, broke the kiss and set Sapphire on her feet.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Guzma: Sorry. I…I gotta go. Goli, come on!
Guzma ran off, Golisopod running after him.
Sapphire: Guzma, wait!
Sapphire watched as he ran away, confused about what just happened. She sighed, recalled Primarina and Vaporeon, and went home. Kalani was pacing outside of the house and waiting for her when she got back.
Kalani: There you are. A note would have been nice. Are you okay?
Sapphire: Y-Yeah. F-Fine.
Kalani: You sure?
Sapphire: Yeah, just…confused. Guzma came by and we went for a walk. We talked while our Pokemon played and then…he kissed me.
Kalani: He kissed you!?
Sapphire: Yeah and then he ran off. He’s guarded, too guarded, so it’ll be hard to get close to him again.
Kalani: But if there’s anyone who can break through his walls, it’s you, baby sis.
Sapphire: It’s not going to be easy, is it?
Kalani: Like I said, love never is. Come on. I’ll make us some Tapu Cocoa before bed.
The Kukui siblings went inside and shared a cup of Tapu Cocoa before going to bed. Several weeks passed and Sapphire hadn’t heard from Guzma since that night on the beach. She hadn’t had time to dwell on it though because she had received a large commission from a woman named Wicke who worked at the Aether Foundation, a Pokemon research facility and safe haven floating on a lone island in the middle of the Alola region. Sapphire packed up the last of the order and loaded it onto a pallet.
Kalani: Are your Pokemon going to be able to carry that?
Sapphire: I have Salamence, Charizard, Pidgeot, and Aerodactyl. They’ll be fine.
Sapphire let out her Pokemon and tied ropes to them and the pallet.
Kalani: Hey, don’t forget about the lantern festival on Ula’Ula Island tomorrow. I heard there’s going to be a Mantine Surfing competition before the main festivities.
Sapphire: I know. I’ll be ready. My kimono is just about done.
Kalani: And?
Sapphire: And yours and Talia’s are already done and hanging in your closet.
Kalani: And?
Sapphire: And I promise to stay close to you two so that creeps don’t hit on me.
Kalani: That’s my girl. Go be a business woman.
Sapphire hugged Kalani then climbed onto Salamence’s back and the four Pokemon flew off. Sapphire smiled as she enjoyed the breeze while they flew. The Pokemon soon arrived at Aether Paradise, landing safely and safely dropping the shipment. Sapphire gave each of the Pokemon a berry and recalled them.
???: Sapph?
Sapphire turned around and saw Guzma, Plumeria and a few of the Team Skull grunts leaving the Aether building.
Sapphire: Guzma.
Guzma: What are you doing here?
Sapphire: Dropping off an order for a Miss Wicke. You?
Guzma: Job opportunity.
???: Oh, goodness! Is that Wicke’s order!?
Sapphire and Guzma turned to see a beautiful woman dressed in all white with long blonde hair approaching them.
Sapphire: Yes, it is. And you are?
Woman: Oh, how rude of me. My name is Lusamine. I’m the president of Aether Paradise.
Sapphire: It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m-
Lusamine: Sapphire Kukui, owner of Gemstone Designs. Wicke’s assistant couldn’t stop raving about you. Guzma, I hope you haven’t been bothering our guest. That would be quite rude.
Guzma blushed and stammered as Sapphire giggled.
Sapphire: No, ma’am. Guzma and I are childhood friends. He was just saying hello.
Lusamine: Oh. I see. Well then, Guzma, why don’t you and your team start helping the others carry these boxes in and I will give Sapphire a tour?
Sapphire: Oh, I wouldn’t want to be in the way.
Lusamine: Nonsense. Come along now.
Lusamine walked back inside and Sapphire smiled.
Sapphire: She seems nice.
Guzma: Yeah, but she can be impatient. You better go. We’ll catch up later.
Sapphire nodded and followed Lusamine. She looked around in awe as they walked through the facility.
Sapphire: This place is amazing.
Lusamine: Isn’t it? We research and cure hurt Pokemon so we decided to build areas for different environments.
Sapphire: From a business standpoint, I’m glad to see so many Pokemon here, but on a personal standpoint, it’s sad.
Lusamine: Yes. It’s hard to tell if the Pokemon we come across were hurt by other Pokemon or by humans, but we shelter and treat them all the same.
We finished bringin’ in the boxes that Sapphire brought so I went lookin’ for her. I was a real jerk, kissin’ her then runnin’ away and ghostin’ her like I did. I found her on the second floor at the conservation area, playin’ with the Pokemon. Her smile could be seen from space, judgin’ how bright it is.
Lusamine: It’s rude to stare, Guzma.
I stood up straight when Lusamine walked up next to me.
Guzma: S-Sorry, boss lady.
Lusamine: So, when did you realize you were in love with her?
My face heats up as it turns red.
Guzma: Why do people keep sayin’ that!? First Plumes and now you!
Plumeria: When they were teenagers.
I turned to Plumes and glared at her.
Lusamine: Young love is precious, but I do have to ask, Guzma. Why haven’t you confessed yet?
Guzma: *sigh* She’s too good for me. Ya know my story, boss, my darkness. She doesn’t and she’d leave the second she found out. Besides, look at me. I don’t fit into her world.
Lusamine: So, you’re giving up without even attempting to fight? I’m surprised with you, Guzma. You wouldn’t be where you are now if you hadn’t fought to get here, so why stop now?
Guzma: I-
Lusamine: You’re stubborn and gruff, yes, but you deserve love too. Instead of running away, you should fight to show that.
Lusamine walked away as I rubbed the back of my neck while returnin’ my gaze to Sapphire. Should I really give it a shot?
Sapphire was escorted outside to the landing pad by Lusamine, followed by Guzma and Team Skull.
Sapphire: Thank you for the tour, Miss Lusamine, and for letting me play with the Pokemon.
Lusamine: Anytime, Sapphire. Don’t wait until our next order to visit, either. Our doors are always open for you.
Sapphire: That’s very kind of you, thank you. Oh, and don’t worry about placing anymore orders. I’m going to start making a personal donation to Aether Paradise like I do for the Paniola Ranch nursery.
Lusamine: Oh, how sweet of you! I need to borrow a moment of your time before you head off, dear. Step over here with me.
Lusamine and Sapphire walked away from Team Skull a bit until they were out of earshot.
Lusamine: Sapphire, you truly are a gem, and I’m not the only one who sees it, don’t you?
Sapphire blushed as they both looked at Guzma.
Lusamine: He’s afraid of dimming your shine. He won’t allow himself to approach the relationship more than he already has. If you’re willing to fight for the relationship, it’ll be up to you to make the next move.
Sapphire: Will it be worth fighting for?
Lusamine: If it’s true love, then it always will be. Especially when you have to fight to break through his walls.
Lusamine smiled at her as she walked away while Guzma walked over to her.
Guzma: So, um…hi.
Sapphire smiled up at him.
Sapphire: Hi.
Guzma: Look, I’m…sorry for leavin’ ya the way I did that night on the beach. I was…
Sapphire: Scared?
Guzma: *blush* N-No! Ya boi ain’t scared of nothin’!
Sapphire giggled and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. Even slouched, he was too tall for her. She smirked as she looked up at him again.
Sapphire: Alright, big bad boss, if you’re really not scared, prove it. I’ll be on Ula’Ula Island tomorrow night for the lantern festival. If you really aren’t scared, find me.
Sapphire called Salamence and got on his back.
Sapphire: Oh, and stop by Nanu’s before you head home. He has a package for you.
Salamence took off, leaving Guzma to stare at them as they flew away.
Guzma: Alright, Sapph. We’ll see what happens tomorrow night.
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blue-orb · 1 year
He supposes it's a bit different for the Aether siblings.
He was going to be their Uncle. Like Guzma. A part of the family, bonded by linked Nihilego (a famously family-oriented species).
He's talked it over with them sometimes. They don't bring it up, but he knows kids. So he explained, when they were small and lonely and scared, that he'd join eventually. When N didn't need him so much.
His duty is helping N, like how their Mother found little Lillie and heartbroken Gladion. He can't do that with the Nihilego bias.
But he'll be with them in a few years. When N is twenty, he thinks.
It's a duty. Lillie understands that. She has a duty greater than any of them, after all. And even if he's alone, he'll help however they need.
They've done well with that. But they're pretty good kids anyway, wiser than any. Most children here are.
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ash-imagines · 1 year
Hey! I saw that your requests were open! ^_^ and I wanted to ask can u do a fanfic where y/n is guzmas sister and he gifts her a pokemon because she's been begging for one for ages and he finally decides to get her one! ^_^
Idm which pokemon you can choose!
Anyway please and thank you if u choose to do my request :)
You've always really liked Cubone. How could anyone not? It's hard not to wanna scoop them up and give them a big hug... But maybe it's just The Trauma™ that endears you to them. Not having your parents around when they should have been and all that... Guzma got the worst of it, but that doesn't mean the neglect didn't affect you.
Anyway, everybody knows how much you love Cubone. You've got all kinds of things with Cubone on them - shirts, hats, bags, keychains, plushies, anything you can think of with a Cubone on it. They've been your favorite since you were little.
Unfortunately, you aren't much of a trainer yourself. The prospect of battling has always made you a bit sad. You don't want your Pokémon to get hurt. Even if there's a Pokémon center nearby or a potion in your bag, it just feels wrong to make them fight. Guzma doesn't have the same aversion to battling as you, which is fine. He's kind to his Pokémon, which is what matters the most at the end of the day, it's just not for you.
Still, you wish he would tell you what he gets up to with that team of his. You're not really sure about other regions, but at least in Alola, having a "team" (of people anyway, not Pokémon) is pretty much just code for like, criminal activity. If you're in a team, and especially if you're a team leader, it means you're probably stealing people's Pokémon from them (among other things). Guzma assures you that he and his crew aren't doing anything like that, but you're not so sure. He's certainly not forthcoming with what things he and his team actually do get up to, anyway.
But you can't stay mad at him. Not when he says his team is like family to him. You understand. When your own family treats you about as well as they'd treat Raticate droppings, and when you feel like society treats you about the same, you band together with the other outcasts because they're the ones who understand you the best. It's sad all around. But you get it, and it's at least heartwarming that he's created someplace where everyone feels like they belong and are appreciated.
You might be the younger sibling but you stood up for Guzma probably just as many times as he stood up for you. Sometimes you think maybe you still have that protective streak in you, even though he can definitely fend for himself these days.
So when you find a sweet little Cubone all curled up and sleeping on your bed, you know exactly who's responsible. Obviously you're delighted, but you hope he knows that this doesn't mean he can get away without giving you a phone call on your birthday. Once your sweet little Cubone has woken up from its nap, you'll give him a ring so the two of you can brainstorm some name ideas.
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Guzma with a transitioning S/O headcanons
Thank you so much for the request (u know who u are :) ) Hope you like it!
I hopefully kept it vague enough to work for all kinds of transitiom.
warning: non-descript mentions of transphobia
disclaimer: i am not trans so if i have gotten anything wrong or misrepresented something, please don't be afraid to reach out and let me know :)
Guzma, well…
He’s not the most knowledgeable about being trans
Bit unaware of a lot of the terminology and discourse
"Pronouns? Like on and in and beside and shit?"
"A binder, you mean like, for school??"
However that doesn’t mean he ain’t an ally!
Plus there are defo trans grunts in team skull
Only natural, since it's full of misfits seeking a new, more accepting home
So he's already supported others with their transition
He is very much supportive of you! 
After all, you’re his boo - no matter what!
You were nervous when you came out to him
It can take a lot of courage and emotion to come out, having him react so receptively - it was such a relief
Do NOT listen to Guzma when it comes to choosing a name (if you're changing yours)
They will all somehow be super edgy or bug-related
In other words, very cringey
Actually something like Spyder would be pretty dope ngl
If you're transitioning to something more masculine/androgynous, Guzma can really help you out there
After all, he's a pretty masculine guy, basically came out of the womb that way, so he's happy to take you under his wing and lend you his stuff to make your transition easier
do you really want his 7-in-1 body wash and Haxorus body spray though??
If you're leaning more towards a feminine identity, he'll do his best to help, but Plumes is the one who'll guide you!
Acting like a big sister and all!
You need a new wardrobe?
Boy’s got you covered!
He doesn’t have a lot of money, but he’s trying his best
So it’s mostly second-hand places
And maybe some of the grunts use their five-finger-discount to sneak you some stuff
You try discourage that... but they don't listen lol
It's for a good cause, okay?
Guzma'll try direct you to the sluttiest outfits 
He’s shameless, what can I say?
That being said, it's your body, it's your choice in how you present yourself, so he won't push too much
But still, it's nice to know that he still thinks you're hot AF
Also, the grunts are a crafty bunch, so your clothes can be altered too!
Leave it to Plumes to deal with your hair
Even get you some wigs if you're looking for longer hair
You know team skull is at pride every year
Guzma's obviously there too, and if you're ready for it, he'll proudly show you off!
And I mean anyone
Who misgenders you
Or is just flat gross to you
Is either
a. Bout to be sent home to their mama’s by his troop of fearsome insects
b. Attending an impromptu meeting with his fist
He will not stand for transphobia  at all
But towards you? - the bigot is straight up FUCKED
Knowing you have big bad Guzma on your side, makes everything easier
He loves you - he’ll protect you no matter what
In the unfortunate event that your family isn't supportive
You know you've got a loving, supportive (if a bit choatic) home over in Po Town
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The Rise of Team Skull, chapter 2: A Clean Break
This is a three-chapter story that goes through Guzma’s backstory, from childhood to fairly close to Sun and Moon’s canon. This chapter will get pretty intense, and I suggest staying away if you are sensitive to subject of parental abuse.
As it turned out, Plumeria was right. There were all kinds of teenagers and young adults down on their luck who had needed some money, something to be good at, and a way to get back at The Man. Guzma let them join in on his little contraband business, and they became best friends. His family. They were Team Skull, and they were thriving. By the time he was a year into his little business venture, he’d raked in thousands of dollars, and his numbers had swelled to twenty-five.
It wasn’t without sacrifice. Guzma had had to ask Wimpod to stop hanging out with him. Gang activity would be terrifying for the little guy, not to mention dangerous. It was sad, but it was for the best.
Team Skull had finally gotten big enough to catch the attention of Melemele’s other major street gang, Team Crossbones. It had to happen eventually: Guzma had done everything in his power to piss them off, from undercutting their business to choosing a similar name. They’d had little member-to-member skirmishes, and a full-out gang war seemed more or less inevitable.
One night, Guzma was out walking in Po Town with Plumeria and two other Team Skull members when they saw five young adults wearing Team Crossbones bandanas coming their way. By the smirks on their faces and the pokéball clutched tight in their leader's hand, it was clear that they were looking for a fight. There was no backing away, but Guzma would have to hope that things didn’t get physical: Guzma’s little pack was nothing but teenagers, the youngest one only thirteen. These guys were grown up and bigger on average.
“Alola, assholes,” Guzma greeted them, spreading his arms wide, “What brings you to our streets this time o’ the night?”
“Skip the talk and let’s fight,” replied their leader, a tall, bald-headed man with a bandana over his face. “You know exactly why we have to run your butts out of town.” The man’s voice was low and serious, but Guzma recognized that he lacked an admin uniform. Maybe he could talk his way out of this.
Guzma snickered. “Now, listen here. You can’t beat us, so you might as well join us. We won’t tell your boss.”
“Not gonna happen. Raticate, out!” The man threw his pokéball, releasing the rat.
“Have it your, way!” Guzma remarked, and Plumeria took out her salazzle.
“Letting your admin fight for you? Some team boss you are.”
“You must not know who you’re talkin’ to. I’m your bou, Guzma, and I’m destruction in human form. Plumeria beats you down with her Pokémon, and then I beat you down with my fists!”
The battle didn’t last long- Plumeria incinerated the grunt’s team with her salazzle and dustox, and afterwards, the rival team turned tail. Unfortunately for them, Guzma wasn't about to let his little threat stay empty. They ran after the rival gang members. Guzma tackled their leader to the ground. Pinning the man down with his legs, Guzma began pounding the man’s face with his fists, yelling out as his victim began to bleed through his bandana.
“What kind’a boss am I now, huh? What kind’a boss? I don’t need Pokémon to be the toughest boss on the whole damn island!”
Then, police sirens blared, and all nine gang members ran.
At the time, Guzma didn’t give their little conflict much thought. He’d had other little scuffles like it. He went to bed in the early morning hours that night, got up a few hours later, managed not to fall asleep in school, and started making his way home so he could finally get some rest. This double life was tiring. He couldn’t wait to finally drop out and dedicate himself completely to Team Skull. Guzma yawned and opened the door to his house.
His father standing there waiting for him. He looked furious.
Guzma froze solid.
Guzma’s father stepped towards Guzma and handed him a folded piece of paper. “Close the door,” his father ordered. “and tell me what this says.”
Hands trembling, Guzma unfolded the letter. It had his school’s logo on it. With effort, he read the letter despite his nervousness.
“It says... it... it says,” Guzma swallowed hard. “I’m expelled.” He never thought this would actually happen. Or at least, he thought it would be able to hide it.
“That’s right,” the old cop said, beginning to pace around, “Expelled from the only high school on the island for introducing your fellow students to gang activity. They gave you warnings, but you thought you were above the rules, so you left them no choice. And now, I either have to put my own son in juvie, or I have to move to another fucking island so that you can graduate. Wanna take a guess how I’m feeling right now?”
Guzma said nothing. All he could do was tremble and try to hold back tears. His father picked up a golf club from the bag sitting against the wall.
“But what really gets me is the time of when all this started. According to that letter, it started right around the time my houndooms ran away. It takes money to start selling contraband, Guzma. Now tell me: what happened to my houndooms?”
“I sold them,” Guzma sobbed, eyes focused on the golf club. his voice was barely more than a whisper.
“Guzma, what is wrong with you!?” his father roared, swinging the golf club at Guzma.
Guzma dodged it. The action surprised them both. Normally, Guzma would have crumpled to the ground, blocking his face and waiting for it to be over. It seemed like street fighting had changed his instincts. And when they’d last done this two years ago, he’d been looking up at his father. Now, they were eye to eye.
“I don’t have to deal with this anymore!” Guzma yelled, voice still wet. His father ran at him, but Guzma ran to the dining room and smacked his father in the face with a chair. His father recovered quickly, and soon they were trading blows. After taking a few punches, Guzma’s father wrestled him to the ground, where Guzma quickly found a knee on his back and his arms pinned behind him.
“You think I don’t know how to deal with rowdy criminals, son? I’ve been doing this since before you born. Let me know when you’re ready to be civil and I’ll let you up.”
“I’m not a little boy anymore, and I’m not gonna act like one!” Guzma growled, trying to wriggle out of his father’s grip. “When I get up, I’m punching your face out for treating me like shit!”
“I treat you like shit? You threw away every opportunity I ever gave you, you ruined my reputation, and you stole from me. You are nothing but a criminal and a disappointment!”
Outside, it was a peaceful afternoon. The sun was warm on Wimpod’s back, the birds were chirping (and thankfully keeping their distance), and it was a very special day for him. He’d been fighting other wild Pokémon to bring his level up ever since Guzma sent him away for his safety, and now he could feel evolution coming on. Hopefully the rare candy in his teeth would do the trick. And once Guzma saw that he was big and strong, maybe they could hang out again!
As Wimpod approached the house, he could begin to make out muffled yells. He scuttled towards the house faster and climbed the wall of the house, and through the window, he saw a metal object fly through the air. Guzma, his face stained with budding bruises and distorted with anger, blocked it with a metal pot and then chucked the pot at his father. A split second later, his father was coming in to tackle him and Guzma was running away. Wimpod squealed in fear. It almost ran. But then, it remembered the rare candy in its teeth.
Wimpod crunched down, and immediately felt itself grow until it could no longer fit in the window sill and fell into Guzma’s living room with a loud crash.
The two men had ceased fighting to stare at the sudden intruder. Golisopod picked itself up with his newly long and armoured limbs and stood to his full height, now taller than either of the humans. For a moment, he was too stunned to do anything else. Then, he scooped Guzma up in his arms, punched Guzma’s father out cold, and scurried for the window, only to find that he was too broad to even try to fit through it anymore.
“The door,” Guzma suggested, clinging to Golisopod’s neck.
Of course. Golisopod ran for the door, then ran with Guzma deep into a wooded area before putting Guzma back on his feet.
Guzma was still trembling from all the adrenaline. “Th-thanks, bud,” Guzma stammered, pressing his forehead against the giant bug’s. “I guess I just ran away from home. No way am I ever goin’ back.”
Guzma looked into the woods. The sun was setting. “I know you meant well by bringing me here, but I can’t live out in the bush. Think you can get me back into town so we can go to Plumeria’s? You can stay with me if you want. I'm doing some real scary stuff, but if you think you’re up for it, Team Skull would be happy to have you.”
Golisopod nodded. Then, he dropped onto all fours, rubbed against Guzma’s stomach, and whirred.
Guzma petted his back. “Yeah, yeah, I missed you, too. Welcome to Team Skull.”
As crazy a reaction as it was, Guzma found himself laughing. He was fifteen and a runaway with nothing but the shirt on his back, but this is what he wanted, right? To dedicate himself to Team Skull and make it profitable enough to live off of? And he had so many friends to help him in his time of need. It would be okay. It would be okay. At least, he hoped so.
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Name: Sana
Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Sexuality: ???? He's never put though into it before
Lives: Shady Mansion
Profession: Programmer
Personality: A little bit clueless, clumsy, forgetful, determined to a fault, can't tell what people mean a lot, free spirited
Likes: When her code works, Hot chocolate, pinap juice, soup, frozen yogurt, pretty much just food in general, exploring new places
Dislikes: When her code doesn't work, people insulting those he cares about, getting wet
Story Significance: Serves as the protagonist of Sun and Moon.
-Guzma- Boyfriend! He love Guzma to bits and thinks he's the coolest guy around. Loves to hype him up!
-Cherry- Best friend. They get along very well and video call frequently.
-Lillie- bby who must be protected.
-Hau- A good person who she likes a lot. The two grew close over their adventures
-Professor Kukui- Thinks he's really nice! He's known him for a long time so he's like family to her
Pokemon Team:
Primarina (female)
Mammon (Meowth, male)
Leviathan (Alolan Meowth , male)
Battling style: Unpredictable. No one ever knows what she's going to do, but she seems to know what's going on. Prone to panicking but her pokemon pick up the slack. Her pokemon also make decisions for themselves half the time. But she allows it and finds it works out better that way. Him and his pokemon are in perfect sync, with her rarely having to to give complicated commands. Often one word is from her is enough, which keeps the enemy on their toes. A master of double battles, whether it be with two of her pokemon or battling alongside someone else. His easy going nature and welcoming vibes are all it takes for the other person to get in sync with and trust him.
Random Facts:
When she moved to Alola she lived with professor Kukui at first as there were complications with her housing arrangements but she couldn't just fly back to Kanto.
Professor Kukui is a family friend, and her parents would always come to Alola for vacations to meet up with him.
Her parents first met Kukui when she was pretty young, so she's known him for a while.
HATES the ocean. Guzma teases her constantly about moving to Alola if she can't even handle getting a little wet
Is a big baby about temperature. Anything below 73 F is too cold!
Came to Alola with her two meowths. She caught the alolan one a few years ago while on vacation.
Her primarina was a gift from Kukui as a moving in present
Despite having not one, but TWO legendaries on his side he prefers to chill at home and continue working on his projects
Works for a professional company(remotely so he can stay home). But she also works on personal projects like games and software to help make life easier
Guzma borrows them from time to time for battles and such.
Him and Guzma cleaned up the Shady House and live there now. Some of the Team Skull Grunts do as well, occupying the guest bedrooms.
Her jacket was a gift from Guzma, he actually custom made it for him. (Yeah, Guzma can sew!)
Didn't actually learn to battle as a kid. It wasn't until she was 19 that her best friend, Cherry, taught her.
Pretty bad eyesight and probably would benefit from glasses, but he somehow hasn't noticed yet that his eyes being that bad aren't normal.
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nostalgiaknight · 2 years
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Alright here’s all the Team Bosses in Koki’s world. Because of Giovanni’s journals, his descendants were quick to make sure that these bosses didn’t become well…evil. In hopes to stop any world destroying problems. So Koki’s family did sometimes butt into people’s lives and sorta nudged them in the right direction. 
How much Koki’s family interfere does range a bit…from ‘Did practically nothing’ to ‘they are literally part of our family’ 
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Can I request Ingo, Emmet, and Guzma (separately) with a Vespiquen hybrid reader? Her lil combee babies being overprotective for their momma and nudging them away when they stay too long >:(.
OOO!!! I love it, god tier taste my friend!
- He truly thought you were a sight to behold.
- Just fluttering around on your cellophane like wing, the occasional yellow and black stripes poking out whatever you’re wearing that day, you looked so human yet so otherworldly. So beautiful.
- You thought him to be so kind. Unova is an entirely new region to you, so it was nice to have made a friend.
- The combees that follow you didn’t like it however. The usually skittish Pokémon bump into him trying to get him to leave if they feel he’s over stayed his welcome.
- Even when courting and you have him some honey to begin, the uproar that caused in your tiny hive.
- You tried telling your little combee children just how much Ingo meant to you, and how you hoped he was the one and only for you, wanting this courtship to turn into a mateship.
- Oh they didn’t like that at all.
- You don’t know what they see wrong in Ingo.
- Normally you listen to them when they don’t like someone. But Ingo has never even shown the slightest red flag.
- You eventually snapped at them when the stole Ingo’s work hat and ruined it in honey.
- It was a loud and harsh scolding.
- You felt bad about it afterwards but the combees left Ingo alone after that.
- The subway boss felt bad as well, he didn’t want to cause problems between you and your Pokémon, you obviously have a familial bond with them, and he didn’t want to get in between and ruin that.
- But they slowly come around to welcoming him into the hive.
- It took a while but he’s dad now. Your Combees have accepted him and they flutter around you two.
- They are even protective of him now too!
- he will admit, at first he swooned over just how ethereal you looked, truly a deity flying before him!
- And you had tiny Pokémon combees with you! How cute!
- Emmet was quick is showing his interest.
- Even better when he’s falling in love with you! You two bond quickly over Pokémon (specifically bug types) and he even swoons seeing you coo and baby his galvantula.
- He didn’t get the same luxury from your combees though.
- He’s very happy they don’t have stingers with how the bump into him. Full of intent for their tiny, non threatening selves.
- At first he found it all cute how they tried to protect you. But as the relationship continued it was getting kind of annoying that they’d try to usher him away after 30 minutes.
- He’d pout and whine, even hold onto you whining, playfully of course, about your combees bullying him.
- Even you found it cute but tried nipping it in the bud.
- It only stopped when Emmet’s galvantula had enough and posed a threat. Causing your combees to flee behind you.
- They seemed to have a silent conversation before coming to an agreement of sorts.
- Emmet still wonders what was said because after a month he was welcome into the hive and your home.
- They were even the flower bees and ring beearers (as emmet said) for your wedding!
- this man has always been weak to bug types.
- But that didn’t stop him from calling you a fairy.
- “Ya wings are pretty and you fly around, seems like a fairy to me.”
- He was surprised that landed him a laugh and you following him.
- He was happy to show off his bug Pokémon to you. He’s especially happy you like Golisopod so much.
- Though confused on why you’re a little stand off-ish with Ariados, then he sees the combees behind you and gets it.
- Guzma is rough around the edges but he’s so sweet to you.
- He was scared to hug you cause he didn’t want to hurt your fragile wings. So you always initiate hugs, but kisses are all Guzma.
- You have him Royal honey and bashfully said you wanted to start a courting process with him.
- He still laughs about it to this day, he knew hybrids had different ways to date someone but a ‘courtship’? With him? That’s precious.
- He obviously said yes. Man adores you and your mean bees.
- They bump and thump into him while aggressively buzzing at him. Only fleeing when Ariados is out.
- Even then they form a circle around you to protect you.
- Guzma tries not to complain about it but it’s hard to show you affection like this.
- Nothing ever really happened. Not that he was aware of.
- But you finally broke down crying one night while home alone, you just wanted to love Guzma and be loved by him in return, you feared he’d leave you because your combees kept making him feel unwelcome.
- You didn’t know your little baby bees heard you.
- Both you and Guzma were shocked at the overnight change.
- The combees actually grow to like the ex skull boss and his Pokémon.
- The combees like resting on Golisopod.
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tastypurevanilla · 2 years
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ɢɪꜰ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛꜱ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɢᴜᴢᴍᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ: ɴᴏ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴇᴅ (ɪᴛꜱ ꜱᴀɪᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡᴇᴀʀꜱ ʙᴏxᴇʀꜱ)
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 885 (ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ)
ᴛʏᴘᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ
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ʟɪɴᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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It's been a few years since you've lived in Alola and became champion. You were waiting for the day another prodigy child came to claim your title. You were currently flying/boating home from visiting your family in Kanto. You told a certain former skull member when you would be back and he was ecstatic for your return.
After a few hours, you finally made it to your destination. As you were getting off with your luggage, you were instantly pulled into a hug. You squeaked as he picked you up but hugged back none the less. A giggle sounded from you as he put you down but still held you close.
"I'm so glad your back babe! I missed you." He said, saying the last part gently. "I missed you too. How was it here without me?" You asked, pulling away slightly to look at him. "It's been OK, would have been better if ya weren't gone but..." You smiled more and kissed his cheek. "Let's head back to the house. I'm pretty tired and would like some alone time with my favorite person." Guzma smiled and agreed instantly, helping with your bags.
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The walk home was fairly long but it meant you two would get some time without being bothered. Once you entered your cozy home, he told you to go put your bags down cause he had a surprise for you. You went to your room and left the bigger bags on the floor while your smaller one was put on the bed.
He quietly opened the door while you were lost in your thoughts. Guzma scared you once he covered your eyes. "What's up babe?" You asked him, letting go of your bag. "The surprise remember? It's something you've wanted for a while now." He mumbled. You smiled and gently grabbed his wrist. "OK, then let me cover my own eyes and you lead me." He chuckles and removes his hand, but holds onto the one that held his wrist, effectively spinning you around. "Nah nah, you don't need to do that. Is right here." He said as you looked at his hand, moving from behind his back.
There was a great ball in his hand and you were confused. "A great ball?" He shakes his head and holds it out you. "Here. See what's inside." You were confused. You released the pokemon from its ball and gasped. "No I... I can't Guzma..." The little Axew was confused as it looked up to your teary eyes. It instantly went to comfort you which caused you to cry a little.
You gently picked it up and hugged it and it snuggled into you, making your heart melt. You looked up to your boyfriend and he was smiling widely at you with a soft blush. "Look. I know you've been wanting one ever since you saw it on the internet, and every time you went to catch one, if you could find one, it would run. I went through a lot of trouble to get it with trading and such. They said you could name him." You set the little dragon type down on the bed and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you..." He hugs you tight and rubs your back gently. "No problem baby." The Axew decided to make itself comfortable on the pile of pillows. "Oh! We should introduce him to our pokemon." You said pulling away from Guzma. "Maybe. I know your (FavPkmn) can be kinda scary at times. And you know Golisopod might get scared of the little guy." He said with a laugh after. You laughed as well. "We'll only know if we try."
And try you did. Axew, who you named (N/N), warmed up to your (Pkmn) quickly, and they, surprisingly, accepted him pretty quickly as well. Golisopod however, was scared of the little guy at first but was coaxed by Guzma to give him a chance. Golisopod warmed up to (N/N) eventually and that made you happy.
After a while, the two of you put your pokemon back in their pokeballs and left them in the room with the rest of your teams.
"Let's go to bed. It's getting late and I'm exhausted." You claimed with a yawn. He smiled and swept you off your feet, causing you to grab onto his neck for dear life. "Curse you and your hidden hight." You mumbled, hiding your face. He chuckled and kissed your head as you two went to your shared bedroom. Guzma set you down and started to undress. Ever since he started staying with you, he stripped for bed which at first made you blush. It still does but your much more used to it now.
You set your bag on the floor and stripped as well, at least until you had your boxers and a tank top on. He laid down with you and pulled the blankets up. You cuddled close to him and he pulled you into a kiss. A shiver ran down your spine as he slipped you tongue, which you hesitantly accepted. He tangled your legs together and you pulled away with half lidded eyes. "I really missed you babe." You said, smiling and gently rest your head on his chest.
"I really, really missed you too."
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