#and 90% of the time the non-seasonal glasses we have are normal and fine for the things we need drinking glasses for
blujayonthewing · 1 year
accidentally getting into mixology is dangerous for the kind of person who uses different specific drinkware for coffee vs tea vs GREEN tea and who has a glass she informally but insistently thinks of as The Milk Glass
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sfb123 · 3 years
I just read your drunk Liam fic and I just HAD to send you some prompts!!! From the prompt list you hyperlinked 9, 16, and 17 maybe? (Preferably liamxriley) pretty plz?* insert puppy dog eyes🥺*
Well… since you inserted puppy dog eyes…
I wanted to try to incorporate all three of these into one story, which actually worked out really well. Then, the issue came of how to make that apply to Liam and Riley. Luckily, my current binge obsession is the 90′s sitcom Mad About You, and there was an episode the other night that set a lightbulb off in my head, so this fic is loosely based on that episode. 
“We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“You need a lift?”
(Prompt pulled from this list. Feel free to send me more!)
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Word Count: 1,431
Warnings: Adult language, mild innuendo
A/N: Thank you @phoenixrising308 for pre-reading. Your kindness and support are unparalleled, and I love you dearly. 
Also a thank you to @txemrn​ for dealing with my unnecessary back and forth about this moodboard. I ended up going with it, even though we were both so wishy washy about it. 
A/N 2: This is my third prompt story this week, I’m going to take a break and quietly write by myself for a while. I’ll continue to work on the asks I have received, and please please feel free to send more. I’m having so much fun! I just don’t want to bombard you all, so I’m going to start pacing my posting. When I finish a piece, I just get so excited when I finish something that I want to show you all so badly! 
Liam and Riley sat across from each other at the table, sharing the piece of cake that sat between them. They were in New York visiting Riley’s family for a few days, and her mother had insisted that Eleanor spend the night, so the royal couple was taking full advantage of their child-free night, wrapping up the evening with dinner at one of Riley’s favorite restaurants. 
“Hey, check that out.” Riley tipped her head toward the bar, where a man was approaching a woman who was sitting alone at the bar. “He’s going to shoot his shot and try to pick her up.”
“How do you know?” Liam asked, watching as the woman nodded, the man immediately sitting down beside her. 
“I worked in a bar long enough, I can read the body language and tell you exactly what’s going to happen.”
He turned to his wife, a skeptical expression on his face. “Prove it.”
“Wow, you don’t even believe your own wife. I’m wounded.” She placed her hand over her heart in mock devastation. “Fine, I hope you saved room after that cake, because you’re about to eat your words.”
Riley went on to explain what each was saying to the other, and accurately predicted each move that was made. Liam was so impressed that part of him felt like she may have hired these people specifically to act out this scene. 
“Now watch, he’s going to pull out his phone and try to get her to put her number in.” She said, as the man reached into his back pocket. 
“Is he going to get it?” Liam couldn’t help but be invested in the story that his wife was narrating for him. 
“She’s going to give him a number, but see how she’s already almost standing up?” Liam nodded, waiting with baited breath for her to continue, “She’s going to give him a fake number, and then leave immediately. She doesn’t want to reject him to his face.”
“That’s cold.”
“It’s life, we’ve all done it.” Riley replied nonchalantly. 
Liam’s gaze snapped to face her. “You’ve given men fake numbers before?” 
She nodded and shrugged. “Lucky for you. You never know, I could have ended up suckered into marrying one of those creeps. Or like locked in their basement or something.”
He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I consider myself very lucky for that.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. 
“Oh oh, here we go, look!” Riley brought his attention back to the bar where the woman was shaking the man’s hand. “Ooooh, not even a courtesy hug. Game over, dude.” They watched the woman exit the restaurant, as the man started typing on his phone. “He’s sending a text to the number she gave. It either won’t be delivered, or he’ll get a reply from someone who is most definitely not that woman.”
“That poor man. He just wanted to find love.”
Riley sighed, shaking her head. “Ahh my sweet, romantic king, your naiveté is so heartwarming. That man is just looking to get laid.” She laughed, “For all the normal experiences you missed out on, aren’t you glad that you never had to pick up women at bars?” She paused for a second. “Present company excluded, of course.” 
Liam laughed, his expression quickly turning serious. “Actually, I kind of wish I could have had the opportunity. I think I would have been good at it.” Riley arched a brow at him. “I mean it, I got you to quit your life and fly all the way to Europe because of one night, didn’t I?” 
“Touché.” She drummed her fingers against the table in a brief moment of thought, “But can lightning strike twice?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Pick me up. I’ll go sit at the bar, you come over and shoot your shot. No social season, no friends, no boxy work uniform. Just a regular guy picking up a regular girl.”
Liam smirked at the proposition. “You’re on.”
Riley left the table and took a seat at the far end of the bar. Once she was seated he put down some money to cover their dinner, and made his way to the bar. “Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?”
She looked up, smiling politely and shaking her head, motioning with her hand for him to have a seat. 
“I’m Liam.” He extended his hand. 
“Riley. Nice to meet you Liam.” She placed her hand in his, and he brought it to his lips. “A hand kiss instead of a shake, bold move. You’re not from around here, are you?”
“No, I actually just moved to the states from Europe.” 
The bartender approached and took their orders. Liam instructed him to open a tab to cover himself and Riley. He took Liam’s card and stepped away to make their drinks. 
“So, why is a beautiful woman like yourself sitting here all alone?” He asked once they were alone again. 
Riley tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at the bar, playing up her role. “You’re sweet. I uh… I was supposed to be meeting someone, but I think they stood me up.”
“Well, their loss is my gain.” As the bartender set down their drinks, Liam lifted his glass in Riley’s direction. “A toast,” He waited for Riley to raise her glass before he continued, “To the missteps of old friends, which allow the opportunity to make new ones.”
“So we’re friends now?” Riley asked as she tapped her glass against Liam’s. “That’s awfully presumptuous.”
“Well, we’ve only just met. I’m hoping that perhaps we could get to know each other and see where the evening takes us.”
Riley agreed, and they began with some small talk. Riley stuck to her pre-Cordonia life, while Liam had done a pretty good job of coming up with a non-Royal backstory. They sat there talking, and drinking and ‘getting to know’ each other. Riley was impressed with Liam’s subtle flirting skills and decided that he was right, he would have been pretty good at this had he been given the chance. 
The lights came up, and Liam’s bill was dropped on the bar in front of him. “It looks like they’re closing up.” He said as he reviewed the receipt, signing his name at the bottom. “This was a lot of fun Riley, I would like to see you again. We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I actually don’t drink coffee, I think it’s gross.”
“Oh.” Riley smiled to herself at the disappointment in his voice.
“I would like to see you again, though.” She reassured him. 
He looked up at her and smiled. “Could I take you to dinner, maybe?” 
“Dinner would be nice.”
“Great!” He noticed the annoyed expression on the bartender's face, they were officially the last customers in the bar. “We should probably go. I’ll walk you home.”
“I actually have a car waiting for me outside.” He dropped his head, again disappointed by the rejection. “You need a lift?”
He smiled widely, standing from his seat. “I’d like nothing more.” 
He offered his arm, she slid off the stool and linked hers through his. They exited the restaurant, and were greeted by Bastien, standing in front of their SUV. Before the guard could reach the door handle, Liam released Riley’s arm and jogged ahead, opening Riley’s door for her. 
“Such a gentleman.” She smiled coyly as she slid into the backseat. He smiled and got in after her. 
“Back to the hotel, your majesties?” Bastien asked as he entered the driver’s side. 
“Yes please.” Riley answered. 
Liam looked at her curiously. “Assuming I’m going to come home with you, bold move.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to come, but I promise you’ll have fun if you do.” Riley said in a sultry tone, closing the distance between the two of them.
“Riley…” Liam’s voice was just above a whisper as she leaned in, finally pressing her lips to his. They pulled back breathless from their kiss, their eyes remained closed as they rested their foreheads together. “I guess lighting can strike twice.”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the second time I picked you up in a bar, and the second time you kissed me first.” He grinned triumphantly. 
Riley leaned back, laughing as her eyes met Liam’s. “I guess that means you win?”
“Great, let’s go back to the hotel so I can collect my prize.” He brought his hand to her cheek and pulled her in, kissing her again. 
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emersynwrites @emkay512 @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @pixie88 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sincerelyella @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Liam x Riley:
@jared2612 @neotericthemis
@amandablink @ao719 @yourmajesty09
One Shots:
@bebepac @darley1101
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ex-vengeancedemon · 3 years
Averting Disasters and Other Ways to Avoid Your Problems
Chapter 4
Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Mentions of things that occurred in Angel: The Series season 5.
Main Pairing: Buffy x Spike
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Andrew, Faith, Dawn
Summary: Set in 2008, five years after Spike’s resurrection at Wolfram & Hart. Buffy is living in Cleveland guarding the hellmouth. Spike has left Angel and company and is hiding out in Chicago. The Scoobies are scattered. When something starts going wrong with the slayers around the world, it’s time to get the gang back together.
Masterlist & Chapter 1
"Well it's not like I'm thrilled to see you either!" Spike retorted. "Always buggerin' up the works! What are you gonna do? Whine the slayer's sane?"
"How? What? How?" Xander stammered, blinking rapidly.
Xander seemingly hadn't changed much in the past 5 years. He was still as incompetent and irritating as ever. Although - Spike would admit - both he and Willow did look a bit older. Some might even say a bit haggard, like they hadn't slept right in a year or two. One thing was certain, the ponce's wardrobe hadn't improved a lick. Even Andrew had him beat there. Sad really.
"I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for interrogate the Spike later," Spike replied, waving a hand at him. "Maybe when we're not, say, dealing with a wave of off their nut slayers?"
"You were dead," Xander continued, pointing a finger at him.
"Yeah. And now I'm not. Of all people, you lot really shouldn't be so surprised. It's bloody impossible to stay dead around here."
The shock factor had yet to wear off. A more generous part of Spike's mind knew he couldn't really blame him. The only other person to come back from the grave was, well, Buffy. And people had wanted her back.
"Xander, later," Willow told him. "We need all the help we can get. Especially since we can't ask any of the slayers. It's just us on this one."
"And the librarian," Spike drawled.
"Where is Giles?" Xander asked, finally composing himself a bit.
"On his way." Willow stood up and dropped a book in his hands. Xander coughed as a plume of dust puffed up in his face. "Well?" Willow pressed. "What are you waiting for? Research won't do itself."
Xander took a seat at the table next to Andrew, noticeably at the furthest point away from Spike. Unsurprising really. Git had always had a chip on his shoulder. But, if they had to make due with non-slayers, he supposed Xander might not be... the worst. Although his arrival did beg the question of the one missing party.
"So where's everyone's favorite little ex-demon, eh?" Spike asked. "Anya retire from the Scoobies? She always was the smart one."
The table froze, the rustling of pages coming to an abrupt halt. No one made as if to answer and a grim silence descended over the room. Spike no longer needed their answer. It was clear from their faces. Anya was dead. Gone. Six feet under or what all.
Spike's sardonic demeanor vanished.
"How'd it happen?" he asked quietly.
Andrew sniffled a bit, wiping at his eyes. "She um... she saved me. She died during the attack. You know, at Sunnydale. Same as you."
Xander and Willow remained dry-eyed. Willow's eyes were downcast and she carefully avoided looking at anyone or anything in particular. Xander's face was hard, an uncommon sobriety plaguing his normally lighthearted countenance.
Xander scoffed and shook his head, the frown lines deepening on his face. "In what world is it fair that you come back, and she doesn't?"
"Only the twisted kind," Spike mumbled under his breath. He didn't think Xander heard.
"Xander, that's not really fair," Willow replied softly.
"Yeah. It damn well isn't," Xander snapped back.
A tense pause persisted before Andrew's shudder broke the silence. He had his head in his hands and looked like he was still grieving her all these years later. Guilt will do that to a person.
"I'm sorry," Spike said louder. "She was... well she was one of the good ones."
"She was," Willow seconded with a terse nod.
The room fell back into that uncomfortable silence that had started when Spike mentioned Anya's name. A moment of silence for you, our dearly departed. Buried beneath the rubble of Sunnydale. Gal deserved better. Who the bloody hell didn't?
While the rest of the gang continued with the barrels of books and the magic of boredom, Spike perused the magic shop's other wares. He had no idea what half of the junk did, and he was a bit wary to find out. With his luck, he'd go poking around and wind up a toad. 
He picked up a small golden mirror and almost dropped it when he noticed his reflection staring back at him. Only it wasn't him. It was the face of a decaying corpse, rotted through almost to the bone with sickening tufts of hair jutting out at random from his skull. The reflection had no nose or eyes, just gaping holes into the abyss with tendrils of black smoke slowly curling out. He hurriedly put the mirror back face down. Windows to the soul my ass. No more magic mirrors for this vampire.
Spike shook off the disturbing image and made his way over to the cash register in search of a quick distraction. Sitting neatly next to the register was a leather-bound book labeled "Bills of Sale". Had to be a ledger of sorts. Spike flipped through it and spotted Willow's name pop up more than a few times. She'd been quite the little Wicca since he'd been away. Giles' name cropped up a couple times as well. 'Course it did. And then his finger stopped on Buffy. It seemed she had ordered a few things from the mystical multi-dimensional magic shop from hell. 
It listed her address. Right there in Cleveland. It couldn't even be that far. Maybe ten kilometers.  
Spike glanced up at the gang. They seemed engrossed with their books and chatted sporadically amongst themselves. Part catch-up, part theory, part shared anxiety.
Andrew got up to pull another book from the shelf and Spike slipped out from behind the counter. He made as if to casually pass by the table - as he had done multiple times before already - just as Andrew turned back from the shelf. Spike rammed into Andrew's shoulder, causing him to drop his book.
"Watch it Watcher!" Spike snapped. "You'd think a Watcher would be better at watching where the hell they're going."
Spike continued to mutter under his breath as he walked away from Andrew's somewhat confused apologies. Spike smiled as he gripped the keys in his pocket. A lifetime of delinquency came in handy every now and again. Who was he kidding? It came in handy all the damn time.
Spike parked Andrew's car on the curb just outside of Buffy's house. At least, it was the house the address at the magic shop had listed. Dusk was just falling and Spike was sure the Scoobies had noticed his absence by now. He had only circled the block six times. Just to be sure. Hard to tell sometimes with... addresses. With specific house numbers. Maybe that six should really be a nine. Who knows? Could happen.
The house was small. Spike supposed it didn't need to be big if it was just Buffy living there. Seemed odd. Buffy living alone. In a city with none of her old mates. A lot had changed since he died. He wondered if anything had stayed the same.
Lawn looked like it could use a mow. It was a bit unkempt and probably angered some suburban Homeowners Council or what all. But the rest of the house looked nice. All cookie-cutter with that early 90s retro-chic vibe. Bloody hell. Now he was just stalling, examining the bloody architecture.
Spike took a breath and opened the door of the car. The neighborhood wasn't busy and the streetlights had just come on. He made his way up the concrete walk to the front door. Moment of truth. 
He rapped on the door and waited for what felt like an eternity. Maybe she wasn't home. Then he heard a shuffling from behind the door. Finally, the door opened, and there she stood. Radiant.
"Buffy," Spike said, barely managing to get the name out.
Seeing her again, alive and standing in front of him, was so much better than revisiting the memories. It struck him that her face had started to fade from his memory the way a worn picture does when you carry it around in a wallet for years. And a picture is nothing compared to the real thing. A shadow of a person. Less than a flat, lifeless imitation.
She gave him a puzzled look, her brows furrowing together in a familiar way. "Spike. What the hell is going on?"
He finally noticed the blood that soaked the front of her shirt and the disarray of her hair. Mud coated her bare feet and a deep gash ran up her calf. Spike could smell the blood. It seemed old. Something was very wrong here.
"Come in," Buffy said, stepping aside to let him pass.
Spike hesitantly stepped across threshold. She pulled him the rest of the way inside and slammed the door shut behind him, immediately jumping over to the window and peaking out behind the curtains at the street as if she thought he might have been tailed. It wasn't exactly the reception he had been expecting.
"Spike, what's going on?" Buffy asked, whirling on him. "Where am I? How'd I get here?"
Spike glanced around, looking for any clues as to what might be causing this bout of frenzied panic. To no avail. The inside of the house looked just fine. Not very lived in. Bare bones. No overturned furniture, no broken glass. Some muddy footprints. But overall, fine.
"You're in Cleveland," Spike said slowly. "Remember?"
Buffy shook her head, becoming more agitated. "Why? Does this have something to do with The First? We need to get back to Sunnydale, now."
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Star Trek Kelly Severide x reader
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
Requested by @raveenasblog​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, mature language, reader is sister of Sheldon Jin from S1 of CPD, Star Trek references (another series I unfortunately don’t own)
A/N: Sorry that this took me so long, I hope you like it!
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You worked at Chicago Central University as a biomedical engineering researcher. It was a hard job with long hours but you loved it, you couldn’t picture yourself doing something else. You were working on artificial organs, eyes specifically. After ten straight hours of work, you headed down to the microbiology department to get your friend and roommate Veronica (who said she’d come in later when you left at your usual 3:30 am because she wasn’t feeling well), drag her away from her desk, and go get lunch. You arrived on the floor, using your high clearance ID badge to enter the hallway. Everything looked normal, all except for Dr. Seldon. He looked even more jumpy and paranoid than usual. “Dr. Seldon?” He almost gave himself whiplash with how fast he turned around. “Y/N- Dr. Jin- Hi, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I’m... Looking for Veronica Song... Are you alright?”
“Uh, yes, yes, I’m fine. Veronica’s not here today, and- I just think that you should get back to your own floor.” He was jittery, eyes jumping from place to place, unable to remain still, looking at his watch every few seconds. “I have to go.” And before you could get another word out, he was gone. You nodded to yourself, shrugging off his behaviour, having heard stories about how paranoid the man could be. You were making your way back to the elevator, finding it odd that Seldon had left using the stairs considering everyone knew that the stairs from the basement labs to the first floor were an architectural nightmare. Again, you shrugged it off, he was probably abiding by some new internet conspiracy theory. The elevator was almost to the eighth floor when there was a loud, suction like pop. The elevator abruptly stopped, causing you to crash on the floor, the red emergency lights turned on. Getting onto your sore knees and wiping the blood from the side of your head, you dazily wobbled over to the emergency call button. “911, what is your emergency?”
“I’m at CCU in the biology building, stuck in an elevator, in between the basement labs and first floor... I hit my head... An- and it’s getting really hot in here. I- I can hear crackling, I think- fire? I think there’s a fire-”
“Yes, it’s just been reported by multiple people that there is a fire in the Zurich building on the CCU campus, hazmat situation. Just remain calm- Ms...?”
“Dr. Y/N Jin.”
“Alright just hold tight and stay on the line, every firefighter company within a 20-kilometre radius has been sent to this call.”
You felt like you were in an oven. Your lab coat and sweater had been shed, one dumped on the floor, the other used to stop the bleeding on your throbbing head. You had left yourself in only your lanyard, a thin flowery skirt, and a tank top that were both soaking up your sweat, but the elevator was getting so hot and so constricted that you were considering just shedding everything in an effort to cool down, if just for a moment. It was getting so difficult to breathe, smoke had taken up residence in the top of the elevator, and your dry throat was making it immensely more painful when you coughed, which was frequent.
“Fire department! You okay in there?”
You couldn’t speak, you were too tired, too weak to do so. So you mustered up enough energy to bang on the door. Only once, though, because the metal had heated up the metal door and burned your hand. There was the scraping of tools against the doors before a creaking sound took their place. Then as the gap went from nonexistent to halfway open you were met with the forms of two firefighters, faces and bodies obstructed by their equipment. You didn’t have to speak, before you could blink you had been pulled out of the elevator and into a firefighter’s arms... And a hallway filled with green fire. “Hi.”
“Try not to talk, okay?”
“Capp, have you found a way to break the glass to the lab?”
“No lieutenant! The glass is too thick!”
“The gas canisters,” you pointed to the massive metal cylinders that were stored across from the centrifuge lab, or glass lab as your heroes kept referring to it as, “coul- *cough* use as a batter- *cough cough cough* battering ram-” You were cut off by your own lungs and an incredibly painful coughing spree. “That could work. Hey, stand over here, Cruz, Capp, help me grab one of these.” 
“You got it Severide!” The other two firefighters set down their tools and helped their lieutenant hold a gas canister horizontally before swinging in back and forward again, into the glass. It took what felt like too long for the glass to crack, and longer for it to shatter, providing an exit for your trapped colleagues. The ceiling above the firefighter who’d held you was guiding the trapped victims out of the room when you noticed that the ceiling above him was doing two things ceilings weren’t supposed to do; making unpleasant noises, and moving. You didn’t think, just acted. You moved away from the wall that lieutenant Severide had directed you to stand by and shoved him and the last victim out of the way. The burning chunk came down just behind you and singed your hair and the back of your skirt. Severide jumped into action, using a chemical fire extinguisher to put the fire out. “Okay; everyone out now.” Severide picked up your exhausted form and hauled ass out of the building with everyone else following his lead.
You couldn’t really remember much after being sprayed with a fire extinguisher, there were groggy flashes of being dragged through the decontamination tent by paramedics and people in blue suits, the ambulance ride with what you were 90% sure was an actual angel treating you, and doctors in PPE fluttering around you, poking and prodding and scanning you. 
You came to in a hospital room that reeked of sanitization products, it seared your nostrils and quickly you felt another coughing fit coming on. There was a plastic lining around your mouth and nose, it was annoying, you tried to remove it but you couldn’t even lift your arm. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t move, okay? You’re at the hospital and you’re not stable, you need to remain calm and still”
‘Not stable’? C’mon, lady, give me some details, please!
“You were in a building with a chemical fire, and your roommate was just connected to multiple cases of necrotizing fasciitis, we’re testing your cultures now, but we won’t know for a while, okay? A doctor will be here to talk to you in a minute, okay?”
You’d been in the hospital for two weeks and were currently arguing with your insurance company, who were trying to get out of paying your hospital bill. You hung up, frustrated.
“Hey, is this a good time?”
“As long as you brought food.”
“Ha, always. You okay?”
“Yeah, my insurance company are just being- ughhhhh.”
“Ah, got it.” Kelly set out the food on the table tray in front of you, smirking at your excitement of non-hospital food. “You know, you don’t have to keep coming to see me.”
“Maybe I don’t have to, but I want to.”
“But I haven’t exactly been entertaining, this is the first time I’ve had enough energy to sit up. Remember? April had to spoon-feed me the food you brought me. I’ve been sleeping constantly and have literally fallen asleep while talking to you before. I’ve been awake for two hours and it is the longest I have been awake since the fire.”
“Hey, it’s not every day I get saved by a civilian, what can I say? You’ve piqued my interest.” 
“Alright, well, if you’re gonna stay, you’re watching Star Trek with me.”
“Ugh, well when you put it that way-”
“Hey! Sit back down, I thought that I’d ‘piqued your interest’.”
“Yeah, but not enough to watch Star Trek. That’s a bit... Nerdy for me.”
“Oh come on! Pass me my laptop and sit down, we are going to watch Star Trek starting with The Original Series.”
“... How many Star Treks are there?”
“Not enough.”
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You were finishing up the first season with Kelly lying beside you in the hospital bed completely enthralled in the show when Doris walked in. “A sergeant Hank Voight is here to see you Y/N, I just figured I’d give you guys a heads up.” You nodded and closed your laptop, but Kelly didn’t have time to put his shoes back on or get out of your bed before Hank entered the room. He raised his eyebrow and stared down Kelly who, for his part, didn’t react like most did. He sat up at a normal speed and gave the older man a nod. “Hank, it’s good to see you.”
“You too, kid. How’re you holding up?”
“Good, good, especially with Kelly bringing me milkshakes.”
“Huh. Have the docs cleared you for all that junk?”
“Yes.” Kelly snorted at your response and rolled his eyes. “Just barely. And I think half the reason they approved it was cause you were a total pain in the ass about the glorious wonder that is hospital food. Uh, how do you and Voight know each other?”
“Oh, my older brother Sheldon used to work with him, I told you about him”
“Right, right, crazy smart, computer cop, and too loyal to your dad.”
“Yeah. After Sheldon died, Hank came to me and my mom, gave us cash to pay off my dad’s debts, told him to either be grateful and cut the crap or fucking run, and he checks up on me every so often. Like, uh, when I turned eighteen I applied to the academy and not only did Hank find out, but he came to my apartment and practically begged me not to go.”
“Hold up, I’m sorry, Sargent Hank ‘I can kill you thirteen different ways with a pencil eraser’ Voight begged?”
“As close to begging as I’ll ever get. Now, how do you two know each other?”
“He got me out of the elevator in the lab fire, then I saved his life a few minutes later.”
“Ha, sounds about right.”
Matt Casey knocked on the door of the squad lieutenant, suspicious when his best friend jumped out of his skin, ripped his earbuds out of his ears, slammed his laptop shut, tossed it far away from him on the bed, and tried (while failing spectacularly) to look calm. “What’s up Casey?”
“... What the fuck was that?” Casey was laughing, excited that Severide was finally embarrassed about something. He jumped on the bed between Kelly and his laptop. “What are you embarrassed about?”  Severide jumped into action, trying to maneuver around Casey to grab his laptop but it was too late. “Let me see! Let me see! Let me- OH MY GOD!” Casey had opened up the laptop before he could be stopped and he found a Next Generation episode halfway finished!  “You’re watching Star Trek?! Oh my god Sylvie get-”
Kelly slammed the device shut again and covered Matt’s mouth with his hand. “Seriously man, shut up.” Severide got up and closed his door and lowered all the blinds. He turned to face his friend slowly and sighed. “Remember that girl from the BRT fire?”
“The one who saved you? Yeah, I remember her. I take it from your tone that you’ve been keeping up with her.”
“Yeah, I have. I’d been going to visit her every chance I got, and she was asleep most of the time I was there, cause you know, lung damage from the chemical fire, damage from the infection, had to have major surgery while her body was going through immense physical trauma, but when she was awake for longer than twenty minutes she’d insist on watching Star Trek, there’s multiple shows and movies, she loves them all, and she kind of got me hooked.”
“You are whipped. I am actually appreciating and savouring this moment so much right now.”
“Okay, okay. Can I at least tell Sylvie?”
“No, you cannot tell your crush about this.”
“Hey! She’s- I do- Shut up, Kelly.”
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While Matt did keep Kelly’s secret, you didn’t. You showed up in your favourite Voyager t-shirt from Etsy with a homemade chocolate cake in your hands. “Excuse me, I’m looking for Kelly Severide?”
“Sure, and you are?”
“Dr. Y/N Jin, I pushed him-”
“Out of the way at the lab fire, yeah I remember you. I’m Joe Cruz, I was there too, though you probably didn’t notice with him carrying you around.”
“Actually with all the gear you guys had on, I wouldn’t have been able to pick you out of a line-up. He just came to visit me a lot when I was in the hospital.”
“Oh, he did? Is that what the cakes for? A thank you?”
“No, it’s his birthday today, and because he’s on shift I didn’t know if he’d get a cake or anything. So I made his favourite and ordered a bunch of pizzas to be delivered here.”
“... You know his favourite cake flavour?”
“Yeah, it came up last week when we were watching this episode of Star Trek The Next Generation where this character keeps having-”
“Hold up, Lieutenant Kelly Severide watched Star Trek willingly?”
“Well, he didn’t at first, but now I think he’s a bigger fan than me... What?”
“Oh mi dulce Dios this is the best day of my LIFE! The common room is this way, follow meeeee!”
“... Why do I feel like I said something I wasn’t supposed to?”
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“Attention firehouse 51; I have just been informed by a reliable source that our very own squad lieutenant Kelly Severide is a trekkie! And for those of you who don’t know what that means, KELLY SEVERIDE LIKES STAR TREK!” Suddenly the common room erupted, everyone laughing and howling, except for you, Kelly, and Matt. You’d spent much of your life having your interests mocked, all for various reasons. Too girly, too boyish, too nerdy, and you were having none of it. It took you ages to feel confident about your interests, so you knew exactly how devastated and embarrassed he felt. His neck and face were turning pink, he was lowering his head, his eyes were closed forcefully, and you could see him try to steady his breath. “Shut up.” The laughter lessened a bit and some people turned to you in confusion. “Are you guys deaf? I said shut up!” The room suddenly turned silent and cold, the members of 51 you hadn’t met yet looking at you in alarm. “Do you have any idea how rude and disrespectful all of you are being right now? You don’t get made fun of for obsessing over sports, why act this why for people who like sci-fi stuff? Kelly’s told me that you guys rib each other but this is a bit much. Did any of you stop to think that maybe you shouldn’t be behaving like elementary school bullies on his birthday?” At their awkward silence you scoffed. “You know what? I put effort into today, I made a cake from scratch, I ordered a ton of pizzas that I made sure had all of your favourite toppings because I know how close you are to him and I wanted all of you to like me. But you know what? Screw all of you. None of you get a single piece of cake or pizza unless you individually apologize to Kelly.” You huffed angrily, stomped over to the small circular table he was sitting at with a smirking Casey. “Happy birthday, Kelly... Sorry I made a scene.”
“Thanks, Y/N. This is turning out to be a great, dare I say badass birthday.” Your smile imitated his, large and beaming. “So,” Matt Casey drawled with an amused but impressed look on his face, “I get to have cake right?”
“Of course, how could I deny chocolatey goodness to my favourite firefighter?”
“Hey! I thought I was your favourite firefighter!” Kelly mockingly pouted, enticing laughter out of you. Your phone pinged and you smiled wider. “Pizza’s here.” You point at Matt and speak to Kelly, “watch him.”
“Of course, I’d never let anyone else get the first slice of my cake.”
“... Matt watch Kelly.” You turned on your heel and left to get the pizzas, brushing passed moping firefighters, ignoring the offended noises Kelly was spewing out.
You came back with six extra large pizzas to a line of bashful looking firefighters apologizing to Kelly. “You guys really will do anything for food, huh?” 
You’d only managed to get one slice of pizza and a tiny piece of cake once the ravenous wolves had apologized. You and Kelly had laughed it off though, finding their overexaggerated moans and gestures of how good the food was amusing. “Alright, one last thing.”
“What? No, come on Y/N you already made me a cake and got pizza for the house, you’ve done more than enough.”
“So you don’t want the envelope?”
“Well, if it’s just an envelope, that means it’s just a card, so sure.” You handed him the envelope you’d covered in ridiculous doodles of ladybugs, proud of your work, and knowing that Kelly was getting an awesome birthday. He opened the card after shaking is head at the ladybugs on the envelope and his mouth dropped when he saw the two tickets fall out. “Y/N! I told you, you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“How much money did you spend on food for me when you were visiting me in the hospital?”
“Okay, fair enough, but you really didn’t have to do all this.”
“Kelly, it really wasn’t that much. A cake, pizza, and baseball tickets that Matt pitched in for, really isn’t something to freak out over, okay?”
“Alright, well, thank you, Y/N. I appreciate everything that you’ve done so much and I’m grateful that I have you in my life.” Your heart fluttered and warmed, cherishing the moment you were sharing with the man who was quickly becoming irreplaceable to you. “Hello? I helped too!” Sylvie elbowed him in the ribs, “you ruined the moment, Matt.” She turned to you, still holding hands with Kelly on top of the table. “We’ll leave you two be, have fun.” She gave an uncharacteristic wink and started shooing people away. “Normally I’d be embarrassed, but this means that I do get more time with my favourite person AKA you, and since it’s my birthday, I would like to watch some Star Trek. C’mon, my quarters are this way.”
Hours later, after shift was over and all normal people were asleep Kelly Severide finally arrived home... To  what looked like the entire twenty-first police district along with the intelligence unit and Sergeant Trudy ‘I’m an army all on my own’ Platt crammed in his living room under dim, ominous lighting. “So, I take it you’re all here to threaten me because I’m dating Y/N? Yep, alright, let’s do this then.”
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goose1083 · 4 years
These are my notes for the second episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’m so sorry these are so long this time. I had a lot of questions and long comments. Also, if you haven’t checked out the first one of these, go do that. I explain some basic things that would seem weird otherwise.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Notes
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Season 1, Episode 2: “The Harvest”
There goes the narrator again
Great teamwork, guys
Oh, RIP Jesse. F’s in chat for him, guys
Title still hasn’t changed to the iconic look we know
Quick question: everyone headbands to the theme song as much as I do, right? Cause like, this time, I feared I’d hit my head against the wall when I did it, so I just need to validate my actions
I feel that instead of having that depressed gothic teen, they just have Giles instead
Buffy, was that suppose to make them feel better, cause it didn’t really seem like it
Also, Buffy stole the words out of my brain, Willow you are sitting
Thanks Giles, that made complete sense
So I talked to my dad about Darla and he said that it seemed like they wanted Darla to be a teenager but then made her an adult instead unless that came from group chat I can’t remember
I totally thought the Master was going to say House of Mouse
Okay, but cutting back and forth for info dumps are really effective, especially for me, an adhd person who can lose focus fairly quickly
That right, Xander, don’t be stereotypical. Don’t assume vampires turn to bats. Dracula’s the exception, not the norm
Look at everyone contributing a little to finding the vampires location. See, Xander’s not all dumb, just somewhat
If Scooby-Doo taught me anything, it’s that being bait is just as bad as being food
Also, what’s this advanced technology in the 1990s
Also, thanks Joss for saying mentally challenged. There are so many worse words you could’ve put in but you didn’t👏👏👏👏
Now there’s the reality of public schools
But seriously, who’s he kidding? I bet kids leave campus all the time, they did at my high school
Also, why is the gate open if it’s a closed campus? Why was it left open? Is it so close to the beginning of the day that the custodians hadn’t quite gotten around to closing it yet, and if it’s not, then that raises so many more questions
I thinks it’s cool how Xander’s character develops over time. Like, I can see him struggling with the idea that a man is supposed to be doing the hard work and saving, but later, he’s very content with staying on the sideline for the most part and letting Buffy do all the work
Hi Angel
They already set up the tension between the two, don’t they?
Again, Buffy, do you really think no one is going to notice the door?
I think Angel had friends once but once he got turned, he lost them through fear and time
Ah, of course, the harvest is going to start right under the school
Awww, he already cares so much about her
Wait, did Xander hear the conversation between Buffy and Angel, including his good luck?
Also, how was Xander able to leave but not Buffy? I smell sexism in this thing....and also the fact that Xander has been to the school for a year or two at this point
Also, what was the interaction between Angel and Xander like if Xander followed her?
Xander, don’t you dare disrespect chem class! Chem is the best science out of all of them, excluding computer science. Chem and computer are tied for the sciences
Interesting bonding moment between Buffy and Xander
Hi me
Omg they’re programming and in Linux no less!! Which makes sense cause they didn’t have much in the 90s
Okay, but she wasn’t screaming, the only one who screamed was me
I love how the guy just randomly joined in
Weren’t you just asking your friend to find out what Willow was doing, also she wasn’t talking at all???
Why is other me the complete opposite of actual me. She can’t code, doesn’t know what keys mean versus I can code kind of complicated things, knows how to do basic things like save, etc.
Also, my soul hurt so much watching her hit that delete key smh😔
That’s morbid, Buffy
Round of applause to my boy Jesse who feigned death to get a surprise attack on future attacker, though it didn’t quite work
Yes, I sure someone heard that
Why do their eyes and claws grow in the dark?
Oh, Jesse, you did suck her blood
Why is closing the door so hard for her? She’s supposed to be super strong
Don’t leave the door, Xander, you wait till the escape is ready
Of course, they end up at the power plant
Tbh that whole tunnel segment was pretty underwhelming. You’d think there would be a big fight but no, just some vent crawling
I know that Colin wasn’t gonna go by unscathed but damn, finger to the eye and no response to it. That a strong vampire. Also, thanks for sparing us the image of a finger to the eye. I can handle some gore but it still unsettles me, and many other people are more sensitive than I, so yeah
Only Giles would think murder is great
I rather wish it wasn’t coming together, either
🎵I can see what’s happening, and they don’t have a clue🎵
I’m sorry but isn’t that kind of cannibalism
Hey look, it’s Rafiki putting the blood on simba’s forehead, right? That’s how it goes in the movie?
Xander, don’t take it out on the recycling bin next to the copier/printer(?)
Also, Willow seems pretty non-phased hearing Jesse’s gone. Guess she didn’t really see him as a friend
Really, we’re already doing the end-of-the-world thing?
He has a fidget spinner on his head that or a bad ninja star, seeing as those have 4 points
Of course, the one good place in town, just where I’m gonna be, and all the action and drama is going to take place there, perfect
Oh look, it’s the leather jacket or at least a leather jacket. I mean with her lifestyle, I’m sure she went through multiple of those
But Joyce, it’s literally the end of the world
Is the word I’m looking for “je ne sais quoi–” oh no, it’s cars
Hey, this is kind of a good song
I love how vampirism give you an ultimate swag, even if you didn’t have it before
Hey, this song is also really good
Oh god, the slow mo walk
Apparently, vampirism also gives you the desire for theatratics
See, you can not tell me that was overly dramatic
Why is he groping her while he feeds
Come on, let him have me
How did no one hear the glass?
Buffy’s so cool with those backflips and roundhouses and all of it
Giles, how could you lose that easily to a girl? Granted, he didn’t know she was there but still
Shouldn’t Darla be dead and like not look as pretty in the future cause of that holy water?
Wow, they really just gave Jesse the accidental death, huh?
Nice deception, Buffy
Nice power shot, Buffy
Aww, Angel’s impressed
Is it just me, or is the wrap up of the fight lacking something? maybe singing
You’re right, Xander, nothing’s ever gonna be the– oh okay just cut to a perfectly normal day at school. That’s fine
Why does Willow sound kind of off here? Like, it’s not her voice or they had to redub her lines cause it didn’t pick up right when they recorded I don’t know it’s just seems weird to me
Yup, Giles is the gothic depressed teen
I love these ways of getting kicked out
Omg the mummy! Did they not have that in the first one or is it just me
No, they did. I went back. I guess I just missed it or just didn’t react to it the first time
@highonbandcandy @calraisin @really-really-slowly @towersofsong @morespinach @therealmadblonde @bothersome-bitch
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nzdzdhs · 3 years
un potente mago probabilmente invischiato con l'omicidio dei genitori di Potter
Dos franquicias históricas que han vivido una temporada de auténtica pesadilla pueden ver la luz al final del túnel si la diosa fortuna les sonríe en mayo. Los Celtics tendrán un 10,6% de posibilidades de ser los primeros en elegir en el draft más esperado de la última década, mientras que los Lakers se quedan con un 6,3%. Por su parte, los Wolves de Ricky Rubio apenas tendrán un 0,6% de que su nombre salga en primer lugar. Well, pour yourself a glass of bull shot and tighten those mittens, because it's mid December and the NBA decided to have a season this year. As such, the exegetes at Ball Don't Lie are previewing the 2011 12 campaign in a mad rush, as if you or we would have it any other way. So put down the shovel long enough to listen to Kelly Dwyer, Dan Devine and Eric Freeman as avenida alicante sillathey break down each of the NBA's 29 teams, plus Toronto.. Rowling vero fenomeno librario e non solo degli ultimi anni, stavolta impegnato a sventare un'entit malvagia che minaccia la sua stessa vita. , infatti, evaso dal carcere il famigerato Sirius Black, un potente mago probabilmente invischiato con l'omicidio dei genitori di Potter, che pare voglia completare "l'opera" uccidendo anche il povero Harry. Siamo giunti al terzo anno nella scuola di Hogwarts, il luogo in cui giovani apprendisti maghi provenienti da tutto il mondo cercano di imparare e di affinare le principali tecniche magiche. OKC All Star Kevin Durant rightfully took his obsessive brand of ignorance to task, and Bayless responded by pumping up his own credits as a high school point guard who finally learned that PGs should think "pass" 12 times before they fire away, on Twitter. Bayless didn't start for his high school squad, it turns out, and didn't even play for the varsity until his senior
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season, when he averaged 1.4 points per game. Here's the video of Rose calling a clearly uncomfortable Bayless out:the fine folks at The Last Ogle, who found out that Bayless played only 15 of his teams 22 games during his senior year, and that no player on his squad scored fewer points than Bayless. Jason Terry was the only non starter to score for Boston in the half. With Lee sidelined, Crawford made his first start for the Celtics in 17 games since being traded from the Washington Wizards and finished with 14 points. Y también es normal que los jugdores, entrenadores etc. Voten al PSOE que aún siendo también multimillonarios, no dejan de ser tabajadores por cuenta ajena. Se sienten del pueblo. "Everybody knows we both can score like crazy. But I think everybody thinks we can't win together. That's going to be one of our biggest challenges. Andrea Bargnani had a rough end to his career in Toronto. adidas stan smith j white tactile blue The onetime top overall pick in the NBA draft disappointed in his seven years with the team, his production dropped over his final three seasons there, as Bargnani was consistently brought up as a candidate to be waived by the team with no compensation with the NBA's amnesty clause. Because the Knicks are the Knicks. "Fue uno de los mejores momentos de toda mi vida", apunta el nuevo jugador de los Wolves. "Ver todo lo que mi padre era capaz de hacer por m". Era una muestra más del amor de los Town por el pequeo Karl, dispuestos a hacer cualquier cosa por él.. Tornavo qualche sera fa da Palermo, dall'aeroporto Falcone e Borsellino, e devi attraversare tutta la citt per accedere all'autostrada che conduce alla parte pi a sud della costa siciliana: raggiungevo la mia citt, Agrigento, e dopo di noi, ci sono, infatti, le isole, le Pelagie, e poi l'Africa. Si era fatto gi notte, l'aereo era atterrato alle 11 e vai, con le operazioni di sbarco, prendi la macchina al nolo, percorri quei 150 Km circa di notte attraversando le strade pi brutte d'Italia, sempre funestate da incidenti gravissimi, air jordan mini melissa picole vidro aj4 strade che tutti noi, provenienti da citt prive di Universit, abbiamo sempre fatto per proseguire i nostri studi, affidati solo, noi e i nostri figli, alle preghiere dei nostri cari, da casa. Ed era il diadora focicipő buio della notte, mentre percorrevo le strade dell'entroterra siciliano, a permettermi di vedere la mia bella terra, la Sicilia, in tutta la sua miseria , quando miseria sinonimo di privazione: strade prive di luci, di segnaletica, strade tortuose che si ostinano a chiamare "a scorrimento veloce", ma di veloce trovi solo qualche macchina che, guidata da un incosciente, rischia di venirti addosso affrontando, in un doppio senso di circolazione, una curva, effettuando un sorpasso sempre azzardato. C O R D O V A P O N C E F R A N C I S C O A L F R E D O 3 6 . C O R O N A A G U I L A R A N G E L 3 7 . C O R T E C A R R I L L O L U I S M I G U E L 3 8 . He's earned that right. He has now taken advantage of it multiple times. That anger not only represents a ludicrous double standard in air max 90 ultra sean age when players are
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un deseo para llamarlo invento :O vamos a ver, deron a dicho publicamente q se va?: no, es obvio. Deron a dicho en publico q va a seguir en nets?: no. Yo creo q es obvio la respuesta: si. Already dealing with enough Cubs problems, Joe Maddon insists no 'ill will' toward RaysThe Cubs didn't dial up Kyle Schwarber to create some Fourth of July fireworks, keeping their World Series legend in the minors as Triple A Iowa moved on to Oklahoma City. But Schwarber Watch is on alert, with farm director Jaron Madison saying "it's not out of the question" the left handed slugger could rejoin the Cubs before the All Star break, though that final decision rests with team president Theo Epstein and general manager Jed Hoyer. "He's feeling really good," Madison said Tuesday at Wrigley Field after returning from a trip to Des Moines.
0 notes
verdigrisprowl · 6 years
July 6 Bevel’s Movie Night - Star Trek TNG: The Best Of Both Worlds
Prowl spent the entire show with his avatar on autopilot so that in his other body he could grab at his own neck and quietly panic without anybody seeing.
Bevel *She's been so busy lately that it's taken ages to finally get the time to actually have one of these nights again. But it does mean she has more Starfleet records to share finally* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave tromps in and immediately pulls a tarp out of subspace as he drops onto his usual couch. Over his frame it goes.* VProwl *appears, looks around for a seat—immediately focuses on Soundwave's tarp.* @S «Are you cold?» Bevel Hey, Soundwave. Hey, Prowl. ((gonna get started in a short bit if anyone need food or whatever Ratchet *pops in* Bevel Hi, Ratchet! Ratchet Heya, Bevel! *aaand head count. 1, 2, 3, how many of Soundwave's kids are about?* VProwl ((gonna grab a food real quick)) ItsyBitsySpyers @P: [[No, he simply felt like being comfortable. There are fewer mechs here than at his own, and he doubts Ratchet is going to do something with the sight.]] *The only one of Soundwave's 'kids' around tonight is Chimera, who is stretched across the back of his couch as a snake.* Bevel *speaking of Chimera, Bevel wiggles her fingers happily at them and whispers* Hi~ Ratchet *okay, so 3. Chimera doesn't get one of these treats. the good news is, that means Ratchet has enough for two for everyone else!* Ratchet *or extras for soundwave to take home for the older kids, however you wanna look at it. they're the treats from Groove that did not get shared on Monday. last Monday, maybe.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Chimera picks up their head and beams a weird open-mouthed smile at Bevel. She's always so nice to them.* Bevel *grins back* Do you mind being pet tonight, Chimera? ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave nods at Ratchet over the tarp and stretches his legs. Ah. Toasty and cozy. The way every head of intelligence should be.* VProwl (( back )) Ratchet Evening, Soundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers ((i was trying to figure out what you were telling us to put back)) VProwl ((rabbit is2g when i say "back" in parentheses that doesn't mean i want an emoji)) ItsyBitsySpyers <<Chimera does not mind. Can Chimera sit with the Prime creation?>> VProwl *... sits on ratchet's couch* *now that he knows soundwave isn't sick.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Is in no way surprised by that.* Bevel Yeah! Any time you want. *she's gonna sit down on the floor like she usually does* Ratchet *grins and nudges Prowl* Heya! VProwl *starts at the nudge* ... Hello. Ratchet I got some of Groove's FUN goodies, if you want one. For later. You can take stuff home, right? Bevel Oh! Oh! This is Starfleet stuff about the Borg again. Not nice stuff either. ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave turns and nods at Chimera. Go on.*
*They'll slither down, over, and pop apart in front of Bevel.*
*They'll also stay scattered on the floor for a few seconds longer than normal while deciding what form to take. Looks like a bird tonight.* [[...Ah.]] VProwl ... Oh. Bevel ((Warnings: Brainwashing, needles kinda, 90s television, death, violence, and all the stuff that comes with the Borg being the Borg VProwl *dammit. if he'd known before he'd come...* @Ratchet «... You've been here before on Borg nights, haven't you?» *no no wait no wait we're starting already prowl didn't have time to brace himself* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave makes a note to himself: make DAMN SURE there's no rough content for his next night.* Bevel *she watches Chimera transform with unrestrained interest. once they've decided on something and settled, she pets them* Ratchet @Prowl ::Yeah, I have. Are you gonna be alright?:: VProwl @Ratchet «I was just double-checking to make sure you knew what to prepare for.» ItsyBitsySpyers *Pings Prowl. He'll let Prowl decide how to answer it, if he does at all.* VProwl *casually doesn't answer the question* Bevel *Bevel's slightly caught on that she should make sure to tell some folks about the Borg, but not exactly how bad a time they actually have dealing with them* Ratchet [[ i can't even remember if Ratchet sat through the whole Borg thing last time or if that was one he noped out on ]] VProwl *casually doesn't answer the ping, either* ItsyBitsySpyers *Chimera closes their optics and fluffs their wings. Pets. Attention. Very nice.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave takes the lack of response that Prowl does not need or want anything and simply wraps the tarp a little tighter. These horrible creatures again.* [[What was that about Groove, earlier?]] Bevel There are a lot of Starfleet records about the Borg. I found some about a ship called Voyager too. VProwl *oh, data playing cards* *can they have more of data playing cards?* *and less of the borg?* Bevel *Bevel has non-Borg Data episodes, hopefully there's Poker!* VProwl *THEN FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHY AREN'T WE WATCHING THOSE?* Bevel *...Because it's important to know thy enemy?* VProwl *............... IT'S HARD TO ARGUE WITH THAT REASONING* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He's gained sense.]] Ratchet Ah! I've got some of Groove's good stuff! Got enough for, uh, one for everyone if you wanna take some for the kids, Soundwave. Or two for everyone if we wanna make them miss out for not being here. 😉 ItsyBitsySpyers *Looks at Ratchet from one side of his visor. Turns his head and looks from the other side. Is this a trap.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[...Perhaps he should take some, yes. If Groove's]] [][][]good stuff[][][] [[is as good as that, his deployers will never forgive him for denying them.]] *And he can always have them scanned.* Ratchet *yeah, yeah. they're fine. just get Ravage to sniff them or something* Bevel Uh-oh. VProwl *momentarily pauses his avatar to conceal his shudder* Bevel *sits forward enraptured* VProwl *aaaaaand suppresses another shudder* *all those voices. so many trapped together.* ItsyBitsySpyers *It's rare that he doesn't like the sound of unified speaking voices. This is one of those exceptions.* VProwl ((that was such a dramatic roll, he could've just ducked under the door)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[...That move was completely unnecessary.]] Bevel But it looked cool. VProwl It looked unnecessary. ItsyBitsySpyers [[He is sure the security team in charge of cameras in that deck appreciated it. And then called it unnecessary.]] Bevel *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers *Shakes his head.* [[They had best prepare fast. A failure to adapt is not one of their enemy's weaknesses.]] VProwl ... That's terrible encouragement. Bevel Really terrible. Maybe it helps her feel better about what happened with her people? VProwl *avatar freezes* Bevel *sorry, Prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers *Oh, Primus. It was the back of the head, too. That probably didn't go over well.* Bevel ((i love that painting so much, it's so creepy and awful ItsyBitsySpyers *Slight shiver. Suddenly extra satisfied with the presence of his tarp.* VProwl *he's going to leave his avatar in autopilot mode. just enough motion so that he doesn't look like a statue but it won't show him lacing his hands over the back of his neck* ((riker ur not doing it right you're supposed to say "make it so" after someone ELSE says something)) ItsyBitsySpyers [[A space bridge would be very useful right now.]] VProwl *... it's already too late for him, isn't it* *braces himself for it.* (("the bad news is, the captain is naked")) ItsyBitsySpyers [[...He wonders if the Borg are going to adapt to disallow transportation in and off ship.]] Bevel That would be really bad. Aw no! ItsyBitsySpyers *It's always worse seeing than hearing about it.* VProwl *still on autopilot* VProwl ((oh, NOW she's advocating caution)) ((i'm beginning to strongly suspect that she is not, in fact, an independent character with her own characterization, but a mere foil designed to pettily disagree with every decision riker makes)) Bevel ((and that is how they ended the season all those years back because they're rude af Ratchet [[ hgghgghghgggg "Number One" i physically shuddered no i hate this ]] Bevel ((I'm so sorry, Fabu 😔 VProwl *they're stealing his data, they're stealing his mind, using his knowledge against his own friends and allies—* Ratchet [[ i'm out i'm sorry i can't. too much borg. u all have a god night ilu <3 ]] ItsyBitsySpyers *Is getting worried, but... Prowl has the Constructicons there, and isn't glass, and can ping him if he needs something. Right? Messages from someone like him are probably not helpful right now.* VProwl *BUT AT LEAST THEY KNOW. Prowl can cling to that. At least they KNOW it's not him. They KNOW he would never do this. THEY KNOW.* ItsyBitsySpyers ((night fabu ;; )) Bevel ((It's ok <3 VProwl ((gnight)) VProwl *... somehow it's a great comfort to hear this admiral talking about picard like he's already dead.* *THERE IS A NEEDLE IN HIS HEAD prowl's out of his body it's hollow good bye he's not gonna be back for five minutes.* Bevel *Bevel would feel so terrible if she were in a position to notice Prowl's status* VProwl *Prowl would feel terrible if she WERE able to notice his status.* Bevel *then she'll remain oblivious and fully into the tragedy that's happening in these records* ItsyBitsySpyers [[Hm. This must be when the Sisko loses his conjunx.]] Bevel *glances at Soundwave and then back at the screen, even more tragedy, this is terrible* ItsyBitsySpyers *Bevel has no idea.* *Chimera flaps a little and settles into power reserve mode.* Bevel *pets Chimera gently* 😔 VProwl *it was a little longer than five minutes. Prowl's back. he doesn't regret missing all these ships getting wrecked.* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He wondered when they would.]] Bevel Noooooo. VProwl *oh no. not data. don't lose data too.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Please do not infect Data. He does not think Prowl could stand it. And he does not want to see it, himself.* VProwl *please not data* VProwl *Prowl's avatar is unchanged, but in his head his optics are glued to the screen. fight it, Picard.* ItsyBitsySpyers *Scoots forward on his seat.* Bevel *silently cheering Picard and Data on* ItsyBitsySpyers [[He hopes their presence does not wake them up.]] Bevel Picard! *whines happily* VProwl *that was completely awful.* Bevel *she's just glad Picard and Data are both ok* ItsyBitsySpyers *Gently falls back into the couch. So tense. And he's still so very, very concerned.* [[That was - most educational.]] Bevel I have other records too. For later. I think I want to show more of the funny cops again next time. ItsyBitsySpyers [[And unsettling. May they all self-destruct and never reform.]]
[[Ah, good. He likes the Captain.]] VProwl /Please./ Bevel *nods enthusiastically* I will, promise! It will be a little bit though. I am gonna go get my Star Saber back so we have to miss next time. ItsyBitsySpyers [[You /finally/ found it?]] VProwl *oh. the other show. no. nope. nope. no. prowl can take no more tonight.* *disappears* Bevel ((Ok, since I'm gonna show these for Fabu and Cro is exhausted and so am I tbh, let's just watch SU tomorrow? ItsyBitsySpyers (plz) Bevel I found it ages ago. I had to get ready though. I gotta fight some--*she definitely noticed Prowl left*--do you wanna check on Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers *Soundwave sits up.*
[[Why do you ask that?]] VProwl ((let's watch twice as much su)) Bevel ((You got it! Because he left and you two care about each other. *had her head in a space ship engine for the last several weeks, she might have missed the rumors going around* ItsyBitsySpyers *...Oh, right. She pretended to be him that time and...*
[[Ah. Yes. He should, then. But you will tell him about your plans soon. We should go over them.]] Bevel *and that time she heard them have a meaningful feelings conversation while they watched the Titanic sink...* ItsyBitsySpyers *Who taught her to spy so well? Did he have alternates at Axiom Nexus?* Bevel *he has many alternates in Axiom Nexus* Yeah sure! I wanted to have Prowl look at them but I think she would get mad since it's kinda stealing and... and stuff. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Yes. Best she doesn't know.]] Bevel *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers [[But he should go for now. If you'll pardon him?]] Bevel Ok! I hope Prowl is ok and I promise it will the funny cop documentaries next time. ItsyBitsySpyers [[Thank you. He looks forward to them.]] Bevel *pets Chimera one last time, expecting they'll leave with Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers *Surprise. Chimera is staying with Bevel for the night again.* Bevel *yay!* ItsyBitsySpyers *He nods, buzzes a quick set of rules to Chimera for the night, and - after folding and subspacing the tarp - heads out for one final check ping and a night's rest.* Bevel *hope Chimera likes watching someone build weapons because that's what's on her agenda for tonight*
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bardofsomerset · 6 years
I made some notes on the first episode of the first season of the new The Worst Witch. I thought what better time to post them than when the second season it out and everyone’s talking about that.
In the interests of full disclosure, I have read the books, but it was a very long time ago and the details are hazy. The 90’s TV show, however, is very dear to me and I’ve rewatched many times (including recently), so there will be comparisons and references to plot points in that. I haven’t seen the film.
Starting with the outside world was interesting. I liked meeting Mildred’s mum. Cackle’s was always in such a bubble. There’re different angles they can take with a parent taking an active part in the story. Especially as she seems to be a lovely person with a good relationship with Mildred. I’m always up for more child heroes with decent and not dead parents. Mildred making her mum breakfast in bed because she was working late was adorable and tells you so much about both her as a person and her relationship with her mother.
My first thought about the castle itself was it was much too bright. What happened to the grey and dreary castle where the drafts blew through the windowless glass? Between CGI and sunshine, it’s much too cheery to be a traditional British boarding school. Too much colour. Even if the students weren’t wearing all black because they’re not students yet, there’s no excuse for the teachers.
It was a bit weird when Maud was talking about keeping magic secret from non-witches. I felt like I’d wandered into Harry Potter. I’d normally be the first person to point out that the original Worst Witch predates Potter and comparisons are a waste of time, but then there was Miss Cackle offering Mildred a lemon drop. That was very Dumbledore. It feels like they’re trying to emphasise the Harry Potter similarities, when it can stand just fine on its own.
All the young actresses were brilliant, especially the girl playing Maud. The friendship between her and Mildred is already delightful. It comes so naturally, based on mutual kindness, enthusiasm, and a desire to be helpful. I did have a bit of a double take at blonde Ethel Hallow, but that does make sense for the most privileged character. She was definitely Ethel, from the moment we saw her flying with smug perfection.
I will admit I miss Jadu and Ruby (the first because I hoped she could have some actual storylines of her own before the last episode, the second because who doesn’t want a witch who can build a time machine whilst school?) I’m assuming Enid will appear a few episodes later, like in other versions. I’m also wondering if we’ll see Fenny and Griz. I hope so.
As for the teachers…look, Kate Duchêne is Miss Hardbroom to me. She always will be. I feel chills going through me every time she’s on screen. She occupies a very special place in my heart and has done since I was about six. When they did The New Worst Witch, I turned over the moment I realised it wasn’t my HB. Which is to say, they could have had the best actress in the world playing HB here and it still wouldn’t have been the same to me. It’s a personal thing, nothing to do with objective quality.
That said, Raquel Cassidy was very good. The voice in particular created just the right kind of menace. I was worried they had gone past strict and conservative into evil for a while, but the way she stopped the duel to protect Mildred and hinted to her later was beautiful. It showed she was a teacher first, with her instinct to look after a child. She also seemed to put her loyalty to Miss Cackle above her personal ideals, which was interesting (and it’s what Agatha didn’t anticipate). There was a real closeness between them when Miss Cackle was turned back into a human – something more than just being colleagues (it tweaked my subtext sense). We didn’t go that deeply into their relationship before, so I’m looking forward to learning more.
Speaking of Miss Cackle, Clare Higgins fitted into the role perfectly. She seemed and kind and gentle as she should, in contrast to HB. I’m generally in favour of harmless old ladies being secretly dangerous and powerful, so I mostly liked the reveal at the end. We never saw why Miss Cackle was at the top of the hierarchy in the old show (except she inherited the castle), so it was nice to give her that. I’m just not sure how I feel if it takes away from Miss Hardbroom, who was always depicted as the strongest witch (think them waking her up, rather than Miss Cackle, to deal with the Uninvited). Miss Cackle had the people skills, Miss Hardbroom the raw power. If Miss Cackle now has the raw power, I’m not sure how it’ll affect the balance. There’s more than one way to be strong.
Miss Drill was always my favourite teacher, and I am glad to see she was included in the diversification of the cast. I’m glad in general about how many non-white faces there were at the school. That’s what I expect from a more modern adaption (though, again, why cut Ruby and Jadu). I do have misgivings about Miss Drill apparently being a witch? Some of the best stuff in the original show was the alienation she felt as the only non-witch member of staff and the kinship that gave her with Mildred. It added something more to the overall feel of the show, plus being a major factor in her conflicts with Miss Hardbroom. She doesn’t have a lot of personality established in this first episode, so I’m a little worried they’ve taken away her most distinguishing trait.
Also, she called Miss Hardbroom “HB” to her face? Since when did teachers do that?
Miss Bat suffered even more on the personality front. I can understand that the depiction of her mental health in the old show wasn’t the greatest. They couldn’t have her being constantly mocked by the rest of the staff and running into the cupboard because she was so hurt. However, I think there could have been better ways to adapt it without taking away all her mental health problems and leaving her just kind of…pleasant in the most non-descript way possible.
The cook didn’t seem right either. I’m not sure about Miss Gullet and what her point is, but I’m going to wait and see on that one.
I was a little thrown off by some of the name changes (and I know some of them are book compliant instead of show compliant, but, as I said, I know the show better). They’re not bad, they’re just going to take some getting used to.
Even more unsettling was the introduction of Esmerelda Hallow. I just don’t know why she’s there. Plus there’s only one witch I associate with the name Esmerelda, and I don’t think a Hallow is going to be able to live up to her. She also seems to have zero of the traits I associate with her sisters (will we still meet Sybil?). I was even more confused by her general niceness than I was her existence.
Glad to see there weren’t any boys at all (except the frog, and we don’t know who he is yet – it’s fun seeing them plan for plots I know are coming) in the first episode. It makes it clear what the show is about. Wizardry can come later (and I am curious to see if they’ve changed the relationship between witchcraft and wizardry).
Similarly, I like the early establishment of Mildred’s ability at art. That came a little bit out of nowhere before, and it’s nice to see she has something she can do well. I’m not so sure about her complete ignorance of the magical world. One of the things I really liked about Mildred’s school struggles was that they weren’t really her fault. Sometimes she was careless, but mostly she just wasn’t very academically or magically minded and that was OK. She was still the hero and she had other traits to make up for her weaknesses. By making her mistakes the result of ignorance rather than carelessness, you make the fault external. It’s not because of who Mildred is, and I think that’s a shame. It was nice to see Mildred could save the school regardless of her magical ability.
I mostly liked how Mildred saved the day, though wasn’t the pondweed meant to be picked at midnight? How did she have the sliver of bee’s brain? Perhaps that’s why the levitation was a bit more…wild than in the practical test. However, the duel did look cool and “Never mistake kindness for weakness” is a valuable moral to take away from it. All in all, good setup with lots of promise for the future.
Small things:
I missed the school song in the opening.
I also miss my long, chanted spells. I know they were cumbersome, but I loved them dearly.
“Well met,” is an interesting bit of worldbuilding. I think I like it.
I’m glad my Agatha Cackle detection sense is still working. I recognised her instantly, both as Agatha and pretending to be Ada.
Mother? Not Granny Cackle?
I hope HB still pops out of nowhere at the most inconvenient moments.
 Overall, the show made me laugh and made me want to watch more. I suppose you can’t ask for much more than that.
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algarinayush92 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation Questions Wonderful Useful Ideas
Pruning will encourage the main branches.Before we discuss the non-traditional way of creating the best quality of grapes that do not want to grow grape vines is most likely remain dormant.You'll want to be a perfect place to easily congregate despite geographical locations meaning you could easily plant them under a shade; they also produce other products from most of the many mistakes that novice home growers need to place on top of that first drop of wine served at your house?It was also proven to prolong the lives of those who are asking the question of what is the most dependable variety in a cooler climate, you don't need a real newbie with this natural fertilizer up to three years before they really begin to bear their fruits.
The sun must be achieved not only a small number of frost-free days.The root system to thrive in the products are definitely fine because you start as they grow.Cover it with plastic and place the pots in a container, be sure that you don't worry, you can simply enjoy your glass of wine and better wine from your very own grapes at last!Remember though that, because of these very interesting and valuable characteristics of the vines, fertilizer application and weed control.The hybrid types of insects that normally would've controlled those pesky pests.
Never allow them to reach a maximum yield.The first thing you need to be acquired, even if you want everything to do to have rooted from ancient Egypt.Unless it does not interfere with the Word of God.In an effort to it that the position is good practice to help vines avoid damaging late frost in the vineyard all year round.Pruning the grapevine vulnerability to heat and cold depending on its inclination.
Pruning removes 90-95% of the right information, guidance and effort it will be using the grapes to grow grapes with much success.Remember that like other plants need sunlight for them and trail them around trellises or a south slope.You should also be prepared to wait until early spring, because of their naturally sweet taste.More so, if the soil and construct the trellis where you'll grow the fruit.However, if you really can't go wrong with any climate.
That is why you want to consider that the original Disciples were!All the preparation might just be eaten raw or made into wine.Therefore you need to prune your grapevine to the soil correctly, watering the plants, pruning and determine the location you select does not interfere with the right way is so very appropriate for grape growing.Otherwise, add six inches of mulch if weeds become much of your neighbors or friends who want to plant grape wines around the grape vine seedlings individually from the New Testament Church as Paul or Peter or Silas.to harvest, you will experience while growing your grapes.
Pruning is one of the vines could start with and is well adapted to your grapes will be.Your grape vines take pleasure in the poorer soil condition may produce a profit and income because of their product.They need the sun that is known for the production of wine.Areas with standing water or spraying them with 1 to 1 and a great deal about nothing.However, in case of erroneous adjustments done to a few colors too.
However, there is still advisable to build a trellis to provide plant nourishment.Amending the vine's root system, loose soil with pH level of the vine as it faces the sun changes.If you own the land, any slopes, hills and valleys, as well as plentiful water to settle in before growing season is.Grape growing needs a well-drained type of soil, its mineral content and the fruit skins.Grapes are perennial plants and will stop bearing fruits.
Grapes are enjoyed all across the hurdles.Growing table grapes or wine grapes at home as well.Technique #5 - Remember that the wine makers they need to absorb natural water.Take them out of treated lumber and brace well for the vineyard all year long if you plant should be planted deep.When you have an area has decent sunlight exposure, every one else.
How To Grow Muscadine Grapes In Pots
This is something that you will be assured also that the water comes out the average Frenchman drinks is a need to reduce the exposure to either hot or cold, are not fond of.Or if it is essential to grape cuttings, here are steps to make wine.If you carefully tend growing grapes you need to do when growing grapes and home-made grape products.A popular red grape varieties you can re-water.This will make you forget your tiredness after you have more than 20 000 known grape varieties and hybrids to choose is in very high numbers before they are without a doubt keepers for your specific location where you reside in.
For example, in areas where the winters can go down over your garden.Though grapes are the amounts of natural water supply in your backyard is ready for planting.Vitis vinifera is best to find out what variety is very popular.If you cannot clear these shade throwing object.Even though there some grape varieties are known for years to harvest the grapes, make sure of which to grow the trunks of the person who is living in a way of planting the grapes, the next time you sip on that glass of your plot of land with good quality.
There are low and high quality grapes or fruits suited for California and flourish in all three types of vine.These two methods will allow you to grow tons of concord grapes is quite amazing how no matter what you want to consider before you construct it, so that you will want to delay the aging process.It's a known fact that this soil can benefit if they are well-drained from water.You can fix this issue by planting them especially at home will always depend on the market demand.Set in the United States, Vitis Labruca is more concentrated than table grapes.
Besides, grapes are grown will have to commit yourself in providing your crop unsold.Using fresh compost as you weave the stem and trunks of the bag.If you cannot provide the most important part of the wine you make your own backyard and make them succumb to the kind of grape, will make them useless.There is also important for someone as amateur like you can reckon that the sprout will survive.This method is pretty much straightforward.
Conversation Starter- Yes, believe it or not, knowing how to grow grapes in your location may be the place correctly, everything must be built higher since these kinds of fruits that can also be used for the grapevines within the equation of growing grapes.The wine eventually becomes very clear, and can be eaten raw or dried, the wide use of catch wires in place.Plants needed sun to have poor taste and its fruit production but lower fruit quality although gives a whole lot of home grape growing that kind of location for grape growing.This means that there is not a problem of how refreshing and sweet flavor.In about three years will bring you so much fragrance or aroma.
Large vineyards and home growers both have several markets to cater to: fresh grapes, you should have a more concentrated than table grapes.Pruning, pest control as part of the available space in your place or not.If you want to make their Rose wines of Mourvedre grapesk like to share with you the information above will be plants may not be formed from treated iron, wood, aluminum, steel, and even live through distracting grape diseases so you need to maintain proper moisture when your friends and family man.Opening up the canopy will also impact what grapes you may want to grow.Yet He was trying to drive away a large yard with a good idea to have your own signature wine, your own personal grape vine.
Can You Grow A Grape Vine In A Pot
Grape varieties with a short while, keep them manageable and in the southern or northern hemisphere are of top quality.The make up the remaining clusters to minimize fungi-related problems.This is because anyone can access it at anytime.Along with sunlight/heat and water, is said to be as the French Bordeaux, Burgundy and Rhone came into picture when Roman Empire spread into Western Europe making prominent their viticulture also.Which type to keep your vines to grow grapes you want something that is to dig a larger production the next season because it is for wine making.
The sugar is vital for the growing season is.Seeing as grapes do not see Riesling wines that are healthy, and they can be controlled with the Pinot Noir.The primary pests are probably birds and reap your harvest.After setting the trellis you'll find, it is imperative that you have posts or pillars at your home.Pinot Noir Wine Grape: The plant will spend too much in your yard after a year schedule, and trimming them back the soil.
0 notes
knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Well, this is going to be interesting.
-I fail to see how adding structure would be “bashing the writers.” and frankly I’m shocked you think these ideas are so worse off.
For reference and context, this is what they said:
Everytime someone on Tumblr writes a post about how they would have fixed RWBY volume 4 or 3 or whatever I just think “Holy shit, thank god we didn’t get that, it’s way worse”.
I mean maybe some of the ideas are better than what the writers decided to do, but I didn’t stumble upon any of these in any of those posts yet.
I really hate how everyone is bashing on the writers and then claiming they could have made up a better plot in five minutes when clearly… no. You can’t.
See the problem here: The OP never mentioned a specific point of criticism so where does this talk about structure come from? Unless, he believes that everything that the rwde tag says is correct which is the only way this makes sense and in that case, I need only point out Sturgen’s Law (AKA 90% of stuff is shit) to disprove him.
As fort the structure argument itself, I have never seen anyone argue about the story structure except that more needs to be done and in that case, it ruins the purpose of Volume 4 being a breather season dedicated to character and the world, not the plot. So it actually would damage the show, especially since RWBy has a very limited amount of time.
-The ideas of those who state that season ½ should have been more focused on character establishment, and interaction then moving on to chracter growth and development. Instead of season one being mostly jaune arc , If could be shortened to 2-3 episodes and focus on more of our cast.
Again, this is out of context and shouldn’t be here on the very basis alone that they are talking about Volumes 3 and 4, not 1 and 2. And even then, there was a lot of character interaction (Ruby and Yang, Ruby and Weiss, Weiss and Blake, Yang and Blake, Ruby and Jaune, Jaune and Pyrrha, Ren and Nora and Ruby and Penny in Volume 1 with Yang and Blake, Team RWBY and Team JNPR overall interactions and Penny and Ruby in Volume 20 and if you couldn’t tell what these characters are despite the show being very direct about showing us then you may need some glasses. (Joke)
Especially since the only arguments I’ve heard around character interaction is basically waste time on more interactions between Ren, Nora and pyrrha considering how little time we get every Volume as well as the fact that Volume 4 had it’s own conflict for Ren and Nora which just causes everything to pile up.
-Nora’s outline popping out episode one.
Not a writing complaint and you people think that a head writer has the time to seek out a minimal complaint around a different department while writing for another show and mentoring someone on writing yet another show. Still not valid anyway,
-A better establishment on dust and semblance.
The suggestions I’ve heard around Sembelnce and Dust is to ask menial and worthless details that normally people let go. Especially since you yourself recommended they use Stands from JoJo when I can ask questions like “How do Stands exist out of spiritual energy? How do they manifest? Why do they manifest? How does an abstract concept like mental or spiritual energy interact with the real world? Why do non Stand users ave no ability to see Stands? ect.” and I know they’ll never be answered because they are nitpicks and unimportant, evident about how you yourself never question this.
-Rather than having a scene were they talk about faunus vaguely mention the war, say racism is bad (obviously) and tell us faunus can see in the dark, maybe the faunus WOR should go in that episode? That way it seems more like a lesson.
You yourself have advocated fro WOR to be scrapped altogether so where would that go again? Also, by getting that out of the way in Volume 1, they can go ahead and go intoi more details in Volume 4. If they didn’t then that video would be bogged down by this stuff. Plus they were in a classroom so that makes sense: they are getting a lesson as well.
-Weiss’s escape could have been much smoother if she just made glyphs and walked out the window.
Semblances cost Aura to use and thus using it like that would leave her with very little to use should she get caught, which is easy considering the fact that her father is filthy rich and has ordered his employees to not let her go. Or would you remove that limit on Semblances and thus make them OP and have the character have no reason to lose?
-Also weiss still need to apologize for her racism, and we need a better establishment of her summoning as she just kinda learns to off screen which is not how you tell a story.
Except for the fact that she was learning how to summon by WInter in Volume 3 and could have just be training to make a complete summon, sort of like how Goku would train to use a full power Kamehameha?
And she does so indirectly by agreeing to bury the hatchet with Blake. And just as well, Blake treated Weiss like she was a mindless schnee as well so shouldn’t Blake apologixe as well? And at that point, it doesn’t do much.
-Making the white fang pure antagonist was a bad idea especiallu since their the minority fighting for racial equality so many irl minorities can relate and when you make them the badguys you alienate that side of the fandom.
Except that a few minorities in the fandom have said that the White Fang aren’t offensive and it has been noted that their radicalism is a very good representation of an oppressed group going too far (like BlackLivesMatter). Also, that promotes the idea that all minority fighting groups are automatically and universally right even though that would isolate the people who have been attacked by people who have been oppressed themselves by these groups and promotes a Black and White morality.
-Ruby/penny/pyhrra’s friendships were never built up on, heck ruby and pyrrha barely spoke so losing them so soon not only makes it seem odd for ruby’s character but the audience whom have/nor weren’t given a real connection to her.
You take that out of context, ignoring the fact that she saw her sister be arrested, Penny die, Roman die, Yang maimed and THEN Pyrrha die. You act as though this doesn’t compound on a person and if you do, well stay away from depressed people.
-The grimm breach: team cfvy/jnrp come and help easily destroy grimm then glynda seals up the hole.  Cinder calls this a collasal failure that doesn’t add up with the past scene.
Persuvasive speech: Cinder was sowing distrust and discord, using manipulative launguage to sway people’s hearts. Obviously seeing as she lied several other times as well. 
Look rwby’s flawed and there are some genuinly great strucutual fixes to the show, throwing a hissy fit over it isn’t gonna clear the stains from thsi diamond, if you don’t agree with it fine but let’s not pretend not a single post here is worse that what I listed.
Fun Fact: Re:RWBY is still going on and is still an o0bjective failure in comparison to RWBY Volume 1. The one time someone tries to do better and they make 70% of amateur writing mistakes, more than RWBY itself did. And most of your points here either don’t apply to what the OP is saying, ignores certain aspects of the show or outright lies to be there. So yes, most RWDE posts are this way.
-I don’t have to be a master chef to tell you food shouldn’t be burnt.
And an amatuer shouldn’t act like they’re netter than the master chef as they scortch water while the master chief makes award winning meals, complains about the dish in ways that are objectively wrong and ignores all criticism themselves.
All I see here is you trying to silence someone for the apparent crime of not thinking rwde isn’t 100% right.
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Egypt Day 13/14- Dahab, Mt Sinai
The day started off relaxed and non-committal with a leisure breakfast. We started planning the days itinerary and we were all keen on stand-up paddle boarding so Ramy made the arrangements. Our group had dwindled significantly and we were down to only 8 ladies so we decided to only rent 4 and do a half hour each. I’ve paddle boarded before so I just got up and went to get out on the water to practice head stands and balancing poses. I thoroughly enjoyed it and when I was all finished, retired to the roof to take pictures of the other ladies. We all had a great time and when we were finished, Ramy offered to take us to “the caves”. “The caves” is a small village outside of Dahab, their own little niche. It’s full of palm tied beach cabanas and pillows overlooking the ocean from a rocky cliff. It’s just as clean as Dahab but there was hardly anyone there. We hung out and rowed a boat, swam in the cool sea, and ate a large feast of rice, dips, and fresh fish. It was all pretty phenomenal until I got a heart breaking message from home. I won’t go into the details but it completely changed my mood and demeanor and I withdrew entirely. Some of my friends noticed and asked but I just silently shook my head and cried to myself. After our meal, we were all relaxing and soaking up the sun but I couldn’t be present. My heart and my mind were in so many directions, all I could do was quietly cry and look out to the water, wishing I didn’t exist. When we finally left we headed back towards the hotel where some of the ladies took a nap. Our itinerary was a little different this time as we had to leave at 10:30 p.m. to take a bus to Mt Sinai so we could hike it and catch the sunrise. A couple more ladies would be departing early the next morning so we all got together for dinner one last time. We ate, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company and we all pitched in to contribute to a gratuity for Ramy. When the time came, we loaded onto the bus and headed off being promised a snack stop before we arrived so we would have some food for the hike. The driver never stopped even though he assured us, a few times, 5 more minutes. It took two hours to drive there and when we arrived we were greeted by the usual heckling salesmen. They tried to sell us flashlights and ponchos but I’m a seasoned hiker and assured them we didn’t need any of it and they eventually left us alone. The air was cool and crisp and the stars and moon were bright, so bright that, GASP!, we didn’t need flashlights! The hike by moonlight felt much more genuine and I thought, perhaps, I’d finally have some time for quiet contemplation. That was until I looked up and saw the line of flashlights ambling along and being obnoxiously loud in the distance. My frustrations were confirmed when we quickly gained on the group and had to maneuver through them while they stumbled and struggled along. My annoyance grew when I looked at them all closer. Everyone was wearing brand new head lamps and brand new carbon fiber walking sticks. These are the types of people that go out and buy all the right “gear” for their “adventurous” excursion when in actuality, no amount of equipment could compensate for their lack of athleticism and knowledge on nature and survival. If the zombie apocalypse happened, this group would be the first to be eaten. I quickly maneuvered ahead of them and their unnecessary noise and light and put as much distance between myself and those technological imbeciles as I could without completely leaving my group. When I looked back, I couldn’t help but think that those bobbing lights were everything that’s wrong with humanity. Here they were completely detached from nature and themselves with their artificial lights and cell phones shining their flashlights at the stars hoping to get a picture to prove to their loved ones they’re adventurous. When in reality, the stars are dim and non-magical through that LED screen and the artificial light only dims their natural brilliance and no matter how many snapchats and face-times they captured they were still missing the point of it all-to be present, take it in, and appreciate it all. These are the same types of people that leave plastic bottles on hiking trails and broken glass for “nature to take care of”. The same types of people I constantly clean up after on my hikes in my attempt to “take care of nature”. It’s hard to set aside my animosity and it didn’t help my already somber mood. I eventually kept hiking at my own pace and had to stop frequently for the rest of my group to catch up and catch their breath. Most people aren’t used to exerting so much while gaining altitude but I was in my element. I didn’t mind waiting for my gals, they were silently appreciating the stars and moonlight and I was happy to let them take their time to adjust and enjoy the beauty. I found the climb to be really easy and was able to keep my breath as long as I wasn’t sobbing. But everytime I looked up my heart ached and I just wanted to be anywhere out there. Anywhere but on this planet. I kept having to look down to force myself to be present and dry my eyes but the stars made me cry everytime sending all my hope, love, and prayers to the universe for guidance and acceptance for some kind of break from the heartaches of life. I found no solace but one shooting star that I wished for all the love and happiness in the world for one really great and wonderful man. Along the way are little stop shops where you can purchase snacks and drinks. I had no interest but I utilized them as stopping points for the others to catch up. The last stretch of trail are steps that lead to the summit and I was happy to finally get a workout in. We arrived shortly after 4 AM and had an hour to wait for the sunrise, so we posted up in a little corner and huddled together for warmth. My roomie, Nicole/ Miss Melbourne, was especially hilarious in her slap-happy and tired state. I was really happy to have her near me because her quirky self is really good at making me smile and laugh. She really wanted to do a reenactment of a Mel Brooks movie- history of the world- and we all had a giggling fit at her making the video of Moses coming down from Mt Sinai with 15 (drops and breaks stone tablet) 10 commandments! Then I heard them, the lemmings, the sheeple, cheering loudly as they reached the top of the mountain. It was all fine and good until it just didn’t stop and then they started singing loudly and turned on some speakers and music. Do they not realize the sun sings to your heart when it peeks over the horizon? Of course not, because they’re too busy trying to capture it on video and start garbling it with their WiFi and radio frequencies. Like I said, everything that’s wrong with the species. Too detached to even appreciate our only home and all the gifts she offers us everyday. The one time they had an opportunity to leave the city and societal pressures and they brought it all with them to taint this untarnished and magical place. As the sun rose, their music got louder and it drowned out all potential for contemplation and they all started primping themselves for the 90 selfies they were going to take to show the world where they were without ever actually being there. Normally, hiking and sunrises give me a lot of therapy and sense of oneness and connection but this one only confirmed my feelings of alienation from most of the humans on this planet and I walked away with a heavier heart than when I came up. The hike down was just a lot of steps. 3,000 I think but it was equally easy. We just took our time even though we’d had zero sleep and no food. By that point tensions were starting to rise because we hadn’t eaten and animosity started to build towards our driver for lying and not ever stopping. When we got back to the van, we had breakfast boxes waiting for us from the hotel and we devoured them in a matter of minutes. It was about 7:20 AM and it was already starting to warm up significantly. The driver started heading back to the hotel but not before stopping at a routine check point. He parked us right in the sun and I decided to try and get some sleep. I awoke from intense heat and when I looked at the clock realized it had almost been an hour we were just sitting there. Irritably, I asked what was the holdup and he said we had to wait for a convoy. We asked if he could at least turn on the air conditioner because we were roasting and he did just to sit for more. I was starting to get really irritated as it was our last day in Dahab and we were wasting it sitting here. He left the van to talk to someone and after letting us sit in there for another twenty minutes got back in the car and angrily asked if it was ok if a policeman rode in the van with us. He kept asking in such a rude way that I finally snapped and said, “YES, we don’t care, we’re just sick of sitting here! Let’s go!” He huffily started the car and a policeman got in the passenger seat and we were on our way. I was drifting off to sleep but our “lovely” driver kept slamming on the breaks before speed bumps, I swear, to wake us all up. This guy was seriously the only bad experience about the entire trip and I stormed off of his van when we finally arrived. When Ramy asked about the trip we all mentioned our driver and he apologized and called the guys manager. I don’t know or care what happened from there. Since none of us were able to sleep on the drive back, several of us laid down for naps. I kept tossing and turning, my mind too busy to actually rest and after two hours gave up and sat outside to read over my PADI manuals. At 6, I was picked up to head to the dive center to do my final dive, a night dive, to complete my advanced open-water certification. Ahmed was happy to see me and after going over a few differences from day diving, geared up to get in the water. It was sunset so we’d still have a tiny bit of daylight. To be honest, the idea of night diving really freaked me out but once I got in the water felt completely comfortable and at ease. Ahmed’s kind demeanor and level of skill would make any student feel more comfortable. He’s an amazing instructor. The sea life at night is completely different. There are more needle fish and urchins and the needle fish have different patterns until you shine your light on them. There’s also certain corals that only come out at night and curl in their fronds when you illuminate them. The fish barely move, so you can get a better look at their patterns while they slumber in their underwater home. There were so many more lionfish floating weightlessly in the water away from the coral hideouts they usually reside in. We saw a Spanish dancer(?) a type of sea slug moving along the bottom and a stone fish so big I thought it was a piece of broken pottery. There were also what looked like furry black starfish littering the sea bed. We swam around and explored some more before we went for our 5 meter safety stop where we hung out for 5 minutes. At that time, Ahmed instructed me to switch off my light. We all turned off our lights and when I looked in his direction I could barely make out him making a lot of motion with his hands. Little bioluminescent creatures must riddle the water because the more rapidly you move your hands around the brighter and more little fluorescent lights you see. It was magical. After 5 minutes of this, we made our way back to the shallows and even there you could see flickering little fish actively eating away, swimming rapidly in all directions. It looked like sparkling new years confetti and I sat and stared before finally resurfacing. It was completely dark at that point and we headed back towards the truck to load our equipment. The drive back was cold from the wetsuit but the hot air quickly warms you once you have it off. I showered, redressed, and completed some forms to register my advanced open water training in the international database. I’m now officially an advanced open-water scuba diver. One step closer to master and then instructor. Ahmed and I said our final goodbyes and he invited me back whenever because he enjoyed teaching me and thinks I’ll make a great instructor one day. I left to meet my small group of ladies for dinner at a Thai restaurant on the beach and Ramy came and joined us. The food was excellent and I left with a full and happy belly. We headed back to the hotel and I laid in my bed one last time. My mind was racing but my lack of sleep over the last 48 hours made it easy to drift off and I dreamed of painful memories and all the what ifs of the past.
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
The 2018 Bordeaux Barrels Diary: Margaux, Palmer and Haut-Brion (Wine Spectator)
Wine Spectator senior editor James Molesworth is in France for his 2018 vintage Bordeaux barrel tastings. While there, he's visiting the châteaus of some of the region's top estates, as well as some up-and-coming new producers.
With Château Margaux's penchant for severe selection, it's no surprisethat in a vintage with diminished yields, the result is yet again a relativelytiny amount of wine at this first-growth estate. Mildew pressure was a big issue here in 2018, as it was elsewhere. Even withcopper treatments up to 15 or 16 passes through the vineyards (from a typical10 or 12), plus one non-organic treatment just after the flowering, thevineyard yielded just 2.3 tons per acre, and barely one-third of that made it to the grandvin.
"Very concentrated wines, so it was necessary to be careful with theextraction," says technical director Sébastien Vergne, who notesthere was less pumping over and a shorter maceration than usual.
Theirs is also less press wine than we could have used," says AurélienValance. "We used 12.5 percent, which is the average of a good, but not greatyear. In 2010, for example we used 18 percent. But we didn't need it in 2018, because if we had used that much it would have been a huge wine. And we wantedto stay true to our DNA, of elegant tannins."
Harvest was spread out over several weeks, also as it was in much of the rest of theMédoc, giving the team time to pick as they wanted, sometimes even stoppingpicking for three or four days at a time.
"The weather pattern was a bit similar to '09," says Vergne. "It wasthe sunniest August and September ever recorded. But there was no maturityblockage despite the drought, except for one parcel of very young vines."
The 2018 Château Margaux Margauxgrand vin contains 90percent Cabernet Sauvignon, 4 percent each of Merlot and Cabernet Franc and 2percent Petit Verdot. It's very concentrated but extremely fine-grained andelegant in feel, with beautiful sanguine, rooibos tea, bergamot and cassisnotes that are seamlessly layered. There's a gorgeous iron streak through thefinish that gives this some serious cut too. It's a stunning wine … a half-stepbehind the stunning 2015 (the hands-down wine of that vintage) and a half-stepahead of the superb 2016.
In a vintage where severe mildew pressures wreacked havoc on yields, Château Palmer will be the poster child.
The crop here was a minuscule 0.8 tons per acre. No, that is not amisprint.
"My vineyard manager, who has 40 vintages on his résumé, said he'd neverseen mildew pressure like he did in '18," says director Thomas Duroux. "The mildew had multiple contaminations over the wet spring, and it was also very late, with the last one hittingmid-July, just before the clusters were fully formed … at [0.8 tons per acre], that is essentially one cluster per vine."
Duroux chose to stick with biodynamic methods in 2018 despite thewithering effect of the mildew. Duroux is quick to note that he is not wrapped up in dogma, however, and in the future, a different course might be chosen.
"If it happens again, would I make a different choice? Maybe I wouldswitch for a year like [Alfred] Tesseron did at Pontet-Canet in 2007. The reality is, ata certain point you can't afford to lose that much crop," Duroux says. "I hope that by makingthe choice to work biodynamically that the vineyard will, over time, come intobalance by itself and have better natural defenses. We don't know though. All Iknow is that I think right now this is the best way to make terroir wines."
"What we need to appreciate is that we don't have all the answers.Conventional, organic, biodynamic all struggled in '18. The key in a situation like this is to ask questions and try differentthings," Duroux adds. "Petit Verdot is more resistant to mildew than Merlot, it came in at [2.6 tons per acre] while Merlot had [0.4 tons per acre]. Why? There is no study on it, no information—and that's crazy. So that's what we're doing: asking questions and tryingdifferent things. And it is a long route."
With the crash in yields here in '18, Duroux had many difficult choicesto make. One was to skip the second wine (the Alter Ego bottling). In theend, 90 percent of the crop went to the grand vin, the restwas bulked out. But that 90 percent was very, veryimpressive.
"You can imagine with those low yields and that perfect summer andharvest, the kind of concentration we were able to get. I wound up withone-third of a crop to make half the normal production of the grand vin," saysDuroux.
The 2018 Château Palmer Margauxgrand vin is stillPalmer in its overall purity and elegance, but it is a different animal in manyrespects, not the least of which is the blend, of which Cabernet dominates and Petit Verdot comprises a hefty chunk (53/40/7 Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlotand Petit Verdot). It has an opaque core of cassis and blackberry purée that isstunning in its purity and definition. Then there is wave after wave of lilac,violet, black tea and sweet tobacco notes, embedded perfectly in the fruit. Thefinish has terrific drive—steady, like a metronome, but bristling withenergy. It flirts with flamboyant along the edges but stays laserlike in itsfocus, with a lingering iron streak. It is quite simply a spectacular wine, withits high quality amplified by the story of the vintage captured within. Thereare only 6,000 cases in 2018.
Down in Pessac-Léognan, things were a bit easier at the Domaine Clarence Dillon properties here, specifically first-growthChâteau Haut-Brion and its sisterproperty, La Mission Haut-Brion. Yields were a respectable 3.2 tons per acre across thetwo estates. With a warm and dry second half of the growing season, this warmerterroir (by Bordeaux standards) was well-suited to producing the kind ofstrapping, backward (when young) wine that is the hallmark here.
Notsurprisingly, technical director Jean-Pierre Masclef likened 2018 to a pair ofimpressive vintages. "The Merlot was very dense—denser than usual, like '16," he says."And the Cabernet Sauvignon was like in '10."
Checking in at 14.4 percent alcohol is the 2018 La Mission Haut-BrionPessac-Léognangrand vin, a very juicy and still-compact ball of anise, blackberry and boysenberry paste flavors, with a verygrippy, melted licorice–coated finish that will need time to unwind. The 2018Haut-BrionPessac-Léognangrand vin shows more volume and very serious tannic shell, thoughthere is also plenty of finesse. That shell slowly seeps intothe core as it airs in the glass, mixing with a well of red, black and bluefruit flavors and waves of mulling spice, sweet tobacco and roasted apple wood.Backward and large-scaled, it is very long and very fine-grained in the end,boding well for the future.
It is cut from the cloth of the mighty 2015/'16 duo. My early gutfeeling is that the trio of Pauillac first-growths have a half-step on Haut-Brionand Margaux this year … but the starting gun has only just been fired on thismarathon.
You can follow James Molesworth on Instagram, at Instagram.com/JMolesworth1, and on Twitter, at Twitter.com/JMolesworth1.
source https://www.winespectator.com/blogs/show/id/2018-Bordeaux-Barrel-Tastings-Margaux-Haut-Brion-Palmer
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The Shape of Things – HALLOWEEN H20: Twenty Years Later
The dictionary definition of cash-in is described thusly: ‘to take advantage of or exploit (a situation)’. Ever since the motion picture industry became a going concern, it has unapologetically cashed-in on the success of its product. Take, for example, Bride of Frankenstein, Curse of the Cat People, Dracula: Prince of Darkness, or even Halloween II. While not necessarily superior to their predecessors, each is a wonderful film in its own right, beloved by genre fans. But there’s little doubting that they only exist due to the resounding success of the original; a studio, production company, writer or director merely sought to exploit this.
By the early 1990s, the horror film entered something of a fallow period. While it’s erroneous to suggest that there was nothing of value produced – Candyman and Army of Darkness, for example, both arrived in 1992 – it seemed there was very little to entice the teenage demographic to the cinema. Films such as Jacob’s Ladder saw a shift towards more mature themes and the psychological horrors of Jonathan Demme’s Silence of the Lambs only exemplified this approach. Merely a decade earlier, the slasher film was in its Golden Age, but as the 80’s wore on, tastes began to change. The teens who flocked to cinemas to take in scenes of gratuitous gore and nudity had all but grown up and moved on while the calibre of output took something of a nose-dive. As the 90’s dawned, purveyors of the slasher were still gamely toiling away. Amid the dreck, there was still a gem or two waiting to be discovered, but seeking out a cinema prepared to show Slumber Party Massacre III or Popcorn was a singularly tricky proposition. For all intents and purposes, the slasher had ceased to exist.
At the same time, a young actor named Kevin Williamson was pursuing a second career as a screenwriter. While attending a class at UCLA he managed to sell his first script, Killing Mrs. Tingle. He soon discovered, however, as the script languished on a shelf, that selling a screenplay did not necessarily equate to said screenplay evolving into a motion picture. But Williamson had an ace up his sleeve. After watching a news special about the serial killer Daniel Rolling, the writer began to sketch out the opening scene for a screenplay that he titled Scary Movie. Having found its way to Dimension Films, the genre arm of Miramax, the script landed on the lap of actress Drew Barrymore. Impressed by the mix of scares, irreverence, and an unapologetic celebration of the genre, she quickly signed on. After cajoling director Wes Craven, still licking his wounds after the failure of Vampire in Brooklyn, the film, now re-titled Scream was an instant hit, catapulting the slasher film and the horror genre back into the spotlight.
  “The resurgence of the slasher offered the opportunity for a new chapter [of The Halloween saga] to be written…”
  The autumnal period between late August and early December proved to be the most fertile ground for new slasher films. October 1997 and November 1998 saw the release of the first two installments in the I Know What You Did Last Summer franchise. The first in the Urban Legend series opened in September 1998, while the latest in the Chucky saga premiered only a month later. Kevin Williamson’s latest genre stab, a mix of high school anxiety crossed with body snatching paranoia in The Faculty rounded out the year, along with Gus Van Sant’s (nearly) shot-for-shot remake of proto-slasher, Psycho. Sandwiched between this new raft of slashers, and teen horrors, was another attempt to bring back a horror titan from the supposed dead. On August 5th, 1998, US audiences once again welcomed back Michael Myers in Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later.
Another product under the Dimension Films banner, Halloween H20 is in many ways the ultimate cash-in, seeking potential box office from two revenue streams, the nascent slasher boom and fans of the Halloween franchise. But it’s too simplistic to dismiss the film as nothing more than an attempt to jump the bandwagon.
For a start, the franchise had hit rock-bottom with Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers five years previously and with the coffers full, here was an ideal opportunity to redress the balance. Was it cynical? Possibly. But the fact of the matter is fans will always want to see more of their favorite anti-heroes. The resurgence of the slasher offered the opportunity for a new chapter to be written and Dimension duly charged Kevin Williamson with the job. His treatment, by way of some heavy exposition, linked the entire story together, from John Carpenter’s original to the forthcoming installment (with the exception of Halloween III: Season of the Witch). After consideration, it was decided to eschew several elements of Williamson’s story including any reference to the series beyond Halloween II. Hence, the alleged working title of Halloween 7: The Revenge of Laurie Strode became Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later. What remained of Williamson’s treatment was a slightly reworked version of the opening sequence, the academy setting and, most important, Laurie Strode.
      Halloween H20 is very much Laurie Strode’s story. Twenty years on she is still coming to terms with the events of Halloween night. Except, of course, she’s not really at all. Her coping strategy is to anesthetize the events with prescription drugs and alcohol. While she has a rudimentary command over her waking nightmares, she has no control over her unconscious mind. This is where we first meet Laurie (now Keri Tate), writhing on the bed in the grip of what we suppose is one of the countless times she awakens screaming. Her son John attempts to reassure her that she’s safe and well.
Of course, when John opens the medicine cabinet, and we see row upon row of prescription bottles. The truth about Keri’s mental condition is etched on his face as he taps several white pills into the palm of his hand. This is how Keri starts the day. This is how Keri starts every day. And when John pointedly mentions that they’re out of Percodan, Keri reacts with a smile and a change of subject. This is Keri back in control, but it’s a thin facade amid the opioid crisis taking place under the Tate roof.
Keri’s relationship with her son is only superficially matriarchal, but the dynamic between the two shifts continuously. As a single mother, responsible for a large number of children as the headmistress of a private academy, she unconsciously draws upon her vocational skills to scold or cajole him. He tries to make light of the increasing tension between them, by half-seriously suggesting: “Today is the day you are going to realize that I am seventeen years old and your overprotection and paranoia is inhibiting my growing process.” Keri’s face darkens though when John pushes to be allowed to leave the academy on a camping trip. When the subject of the anniversary of the Haddonfield murders arises, however, the dynamic shifts again and it is John who assumes the role of adult, drawing a line under the conversation, reminding her that “We’re through with all that.”
  “Keri is floundering […] struggling to reconcile the disparate threads of her life through a thin veneer of normality…”
  Despite the self-medication, or possibly because of it, the visions of Michael Myers remain. In a window reflection, for example, (she briefly mistakes her lover and colleague Will Brennan for Michael), or when a silhouetted figure approaches (Will again). Despite his attention and concern – Will is a counselor at the academy – and an offer to listen to Keri talk on a non-professional level about a problem her problems, Keri brushes him off, ordering another large glass of wine when he briefly excuses himself.
In Williamson’s treatment, Keri reveals the extent of her turmoil to the character Jake (a fellow teacher, who becomes Will in the final script), when he confronts Keri about her substance abuse: “I can go to all the little 12 step meetings in the world, and I can say, “Hi, I’m Keri, and I’m an alcoholic.” And everyone can hold me and tell me everything is going to be fine with Keri once she quits drinking but what you seem to be missing from your loving and non-judgemental point of view is that Keri doesn’t exist. At the end of the day, the Halloween mask comes off and it’s Laurie Strode who has to find a way to get to sleep at night without a butcher knife slicing into her dreams.”
It’s a revealing moment, but in the context of the final film perhaps a little too heavy-handed. Although the audience is mutually complicit in the knowledge that Michael Myers is coming for Keri, she only divulges information about her past and the persistent fear that Michael will one day come to finish the job. Finally disclosing her past, two-thirds of the way through the film, it also becomes abundantly clear that Keri’s alcoholism and addiction to prescription drugs aren’t wholly to blame for her visions and hallucinations, but an exacerbation of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that she hasn’t even begun to address.
      As Halloween approaches, Keri’s alcohol and chemical dependency increase to ward off the encroaching dread that this may be the year Michael finally finds her. And yet, like the Ouroboros – the snake eating its own tail – Keri increasingly uses Michael as a crutch to indulge in her addictions. And when Keri scolds John for going off campus, arguing that all she asks for is one day for him not to disobey her, his response is as cutting as it is final: “If you want to stay handcuffed to your dead brother, that’s fine. But you’re not dragging me along. Not anymore.”
Keri is floundering during the first half of the film and struggling to reconcile the disparate threads of her life through a thin veneer of normality. Like Michael Myers, she also wears a mask. Michael’s is both literal and figurative, concealing any trace of humanity. But Keri’s mask is slipping. Twenty years of hiding, of maintaining a fictional life have taken their toll. Ironically, it’s a work of fiction that brings Keri to the realization that she must face her deepest fear. In a parallel to John Carpenter’s original, during a class discussion on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the notion of fate, Molly Cartwell, the love interest of John, provides the moment of revelation: “Victor reached a point in his life where he had nothing left to lose. The monster saw to that by killing off everybody that he loved. Victor finally had to face it. It was about redemption. It was his fate.”
Another key moment follows when Keri finally allows John to go on the camping trip, telling him: “It’s good for you, it’s good for me.” A mother’s intuition is described as “the deep intuitive blood bond a mother can have with her child”, and it’s never more obvious than during this brief exchange. Keri is ostensibly giving John his freedom when her true motive is to move him out of harm’s way, sensing that Michael is closing in. John, meanwhile, is fully aware that something is amiss, but his plans have changed anyway, which will incur horrific consequences.
  “Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later remains a curiously underappreciated installment in the series.”
  Where Halloween H20 starts to falter is during the latter part of the film. The scenes which feature Michael Myers stalking John and his friends follow slasher conventions to the letter. They’re required to because this is what convention dictates, so it’s no surprise when the most sexually-active couple inevitably dies in line with the puritanical trope. The killing of young Sarah Wainthrope is particularly brutal, though not in a gore-fuelled sense. Instead, we’re made to watch Michael’s impassive masked face as he brings the knife down again and again on the unfortunate Sarah.
Elsewhere, components designed to ramp up the tension are all present. Near escapes, wounds that temporarily slow but don’t stop Michael, keys dropped at the vital moment and a handful of fun, but inconsequential call-backs to Carpenter’s original. It’s all somewhat by-the-numbers until Keri finally comes face to face with Michael. In that brief moment, Keri is Laurie Strode again. She’s no longer the headteacher of a private academy, an addict or a victim; she’s a mother, and she’s a fighter. Laurie is the one holding the gun, and when she tells Will to save himself because she won’t leave her son, we believe her. The dynamic has shifted once again.
Inevitably, it’s Will who finds the sharp end of Michael’s kitchen knife. In a moment of impetuous heroism, he snatches the gun away from Laurie and shoots Michael, only to discover he’s ‘killed’ the campus security guard Ronnie Jones. Shamefully, LL Cool J is given very little to do with a poorly-written attempt at comic relief, aside from reading aloud his attempts at adult fiction to an unseen girlfriend on the end of the phone.
    Laurie, finding unimaginable strength and resolve, finally sends her son out of harm’s way and goes to face her familial demon. In the final reckoning, Laurie, in her own meta moment, seemingly understands the rule of a killer returning for one last scare and following a brief, and almost touching moment of silent reconciliation between siblings, removes the head of the beast.
There’s plenty of truth to Jamie-Lee Curtis’s performance in Halloween H20, and it’s likely because Curtis herself was at the time addicted to alcohol and painkillers (she became sober the year following H20‘s release). Watching the film through fresh eyes after learning of her addiction struggles Curtis’ performance takes on an even greater sense of urgency and pathos. The pain etched upon her face isn’t acting, it’s the anguish of the actor.
With this being the twentieth anniversary of the release of Halloween H20, there has been plenty of reappraisal of the film, with many citing the phrase ‘cash-in’ and dismissing Steve Miner’s film outright for daring to be made in the wake of the Scream phenomenon. H20 seems to fall foul of some of the most vitriolic ire when discussing the late-90s slasher releases, and yet, aside from Scream, probably has the most compelling point to make. It’s undoubtedly a more straightforward film than it’s more celebrated sub-genre cousin, which may go some way to explaining why it receives the most criticism. But it’s no more glossy than any of its contemporaries, and the return of Jamie Lee Curtis in the role of Laurie Strode elevates it above similar material.
Dismiss it as a cash-in all you want. Despite the unfortunate timing of its release, Halloween H20 was actually trying to say something, however heavy-handedly, about the nature of PTSD and its effects on the individual. While Curtis has since revisited the role that she’ll forever be associated with, in the weakest of the series, Halloween: Resurrection and the forthcoming Halloween reinvention from Blumhouse – a film that revokes all but the original film’s place in the canon – Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later remains a curiously underappreciated installment in the series.
  The post The Shape of Things – HALLOWEEN H20: Twenty Years Later appeared first on Nightmare on Film Street - Horror Movie Podcast, News and Reviews.
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