#amoroso roll
fieriframes · 1 year
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[Grinder's Burnt End Philly sandwich on an Amoroso roll shipped in from Philadelphia, all the way shipped to California at this point. Walk me through the burnt ends. though choose to believe me, good.]
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fierifiction · 1 year
Grinder's Burnt End Philly sandwich on an Amoroso roll shipped in from Philadelphia, all the way shipped to California at this point. Walk me through the burnt ends. though choose to believe me, good. I ordered the pepperoni from the street and then we had the roasted pork. We also had the tomato sauce on the side and we were able to make the chili the best we've had in a while for those who don't wish to put up with tomato.
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susieporta · 24 days
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Ci sono donne che sposano un rocker, e poi c'è una donna che ne ha sposato due.
Pattie Boyd era una bionda, ragazza dagli occhi da cerbiatta del sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra. Dopo aver trovato il successo nella moda, fu scritturata nel famoso film dei Beatles del 1964 ''A Hard Day's Night ''. Recitò la parte di una scolaretta la cui unica battuta era "Prisoners". Per quanto piccolo potesse essere stato quel ruolo, fu abbastanza per far sì che George Harrison la notasse.
Alla pausa pranzo, lui le chiese di uscire con lui, o più specificamente, gli chiese: "Mi vuoi sposare?" Boyd aveva un ragazzo al momento, e rifiutò.
"Ma sei scema? Lascia subito quel ragazzo'' gli disse un amica, così Boyd lo scaricò.
Pattie e George diventarono una coppia iconica. Lui era il timido Beatle, lei la modella di Vogue . Quando alla fine si sposarono nel 1966, Boyd disse: "Ero così felice che pensavo di poter scoppiare".
Il loro matrimonio fu segnato da diverse pietre miliari. La più famosa fu "Something", la canzone dei Beatles scritta per Boyd da Harrison. Fu lei a introdurre Harrison alla meditazione, gestendo il viaggio altamente pubblicizzato dei Beatles in India nel 1968.
Nonostante l'eccitazione, Boyd affermò che dopo il ritorno dall'India la spiritualità di Harrison lo rese sempre più isolato. Trascorreva ore da solo a cantare e meditare.
Nel frattempo, Harrison era diventato un buon amico di Clapton, che spesso frequentava la loro casa. Boyd capì presto che Clapton era interessata a lei.
Cominciò così l'ultimo triangolo amoroso rock and roll. Mentre Boyd si sentiva trascurata da Harrison, Clapton la riempì di attenzioni e complimenti. Non era solo un flirt leggero. Clapton si era infatuato di lei.
Come racconta Boyd, Clapton la invitò nell'appartamento di Londra che condivideva con i suoi Derek and the Dominos. Voleva farle sentire una canzone su cui stava lavorando. "Era una canzone incredibile", disse. Riguardava un uomo completamente affascinato da una donna, che la supplicava di essere sua. Si chiamava "Layla"
Ci fu una festa quella stessa sera. Boyd, Harrison e Clapton erano presenti. Ad un certo punto, Clapton andò con nonchalance al suo amico e disse: "Devo dirti una cosa. Sono innamorato di tua moglie. "
Harrison diventò furioso, disse a Pattie di andarsene con lui. Invece no, lei rimase con Harrison per altri tre anni. Ciò che alla fine convinse Boyd a lasciarlo fu la scoperta della relazione che Harrison stava avendo con Maureen Starr, la moglie di Ringo Starr.
Boyd e Clapton andarono a vivere insieme e si sposarono il 27 marzo del 1979.
Il che negli anni ruggenti degli anni sessanta, potrebbe essere anche considerato un lieto fine. Se non fosse per il fatto che il loro rapporto fu anche pieno di infedeltà e disordini: presunti amanti da entrambe le parti, le tendenze sempre più alcoliche di Clapton e infine un bambino avuto da Lory Del Santo, provocò una separazione nel 1987 e un divorzio nel 1989.
Per quanto drammatica fosse la situazione, l'amicizia di Clapton con Harrison sopravvisse. Harrison disse una volta: "Preferisco che lei stia con Eric piuttosto che in compagnia di qualche droga"
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hunting-songs · 24 days
Night had already fallen when Kurapika joined Senritsu in bed. Although they were used to sleeping in tents or hotel rooms, once in a while, having a real cozy bed felt good. And Kurapika's little shelter had the perfect bed, plus some good blankets and extras in case it got really cold and they needed them. He made sure they were both well covered by the blanket and then one hand went around her waist and he snuggled against her, spooning her. The night was incredibly silent, although from time to time they could hear some fluttering of their feathered friends settling in before going to sleep as well. Kurapika leaned down a little, and buried his face in the crook of her neck, remaining like that for a few moments. Then his lips gently touched her skin, and moments later he left a light kiss. Then another, and another. A soft, slow path of kisses was drawn from the crook of her neck to her shoulder and then back to the starting point.
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The walls were thin and she could hear everything outside clearly. Of course the walls were thin, after all they were not molded of steel and concrete. Still the walls were thin and she could hear everything outside clearly. Of course the walls were thin, wood could not hold back the rustling of the feathers from the Pikos outside, not the sound of the wind running through the grassfield, not the gurgling of the water that was far away so quiet it was barely a whisper. Still the walls were thin and she could hear everything outside clearly. It was a welcome change from the buzzing of the electronics of the highway, the permanent creaking of asphalt under so many cars wheels on streets that seemed to never be empty, and the rushing of sharp winds against the cars metal which seemed to never, at no second, ever slowed down. The quietness of the noises outside were in contrast to the permanent buzzing of the citystreets always swelling and hectically becoming quieter but never silent like the breathing of a feverish body, as soothing as a lullaby. And Senritsu, even if she could not fully fall asleep, enjoyed listening to that lullaby during her light dozing. In the last nights in the car she had barely even napped at all and counted the days until they would reach the Body-part-collectos convention only for that to end up as a disappointment as none of the collectors meeting there had been owners of a pair of Scarlet Eyes. The trip had been for nothing and the way back into the city very long, very exhausting and very loud. But the way to Kurapikas small hidehout had been short, a night ina proper bed sounded refreshing and the quietness of the lonlieness of the cabin was welcoming.
In the quietness of the room fell Senritsus giggle as Kurapikas lips caressed a line over the side of her neck to her shoulder and his breath tickling along her skin softly. There was a heavy rustling of cloth when the woman rolled around, gently leaning her forehead against the others. The bed quietly creaked by the shifting of weight, a sound that was barely hearable at all but made Senritsu still chuckle- it remainded her of the creaking wood of her mothers varda that she would listen to as a child when she could not fall asleep, almost as if the wood was breathing calmly. "....Well, hello handsome stranger who happned to climb in my bed, amoroso evening to you too.", Senritsu whispered and nudge the tip of her nose against Kurapikas, she still had her eyes closed, half awake and half lightly dozing in the comfortableness of the warm bed, Kurapikas arm around her waist, and the mans quiet heartbeat as a lullaby in her ears: "Why exactly aren´t you sleeping when we need to, and I quote someone who happned to be also in this room right now but whos name i am not telling out of respect 'need to get up early next morning', mhmmmmm?" Eventually she did opned one eye and reached out with the one small hand she was not laying on to run it through the others hair, brushing it out of his face - it was so quiet this far outside of the city that even this little gesture made the rustling of his hair sound loud and in the blackness hanging like a cloth in the room Senritsus one open eye searched for Kurapikas face. The womans voice was a whisper, not a seductive humm or joking trill, but quiet, gentle, with a worried singsang behind her words: "Are you alright? Do you regret making this stop?" [ @skarletchains ]
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anamelessfool · 4 months
Plz plz plz talk to me about 1972 Phantom (and all of your ghouls at all times plz thanks) 💜💜💜
Someone else mentioned they wanted 1972 Phantom, so I'm giving you 1789 Cumulus, which was brought about after chatting with @gravehags about Rococo Ghouls. (I'll tag you when I post the Phantom one!)
Cumulus and Rain are serving Papa Henri LeClerc, a Belgian Papa Emeritus. They are visiting Versailles.
“I have but one final treat for you! Now, a new one…I invite you to sing along if you know the words. Yes, dears, you!” Papa gestured broadly out to the crowd, then coaxed his ghouls to begin. Cumulus began a cheery little wisp of a song on the harpsichord and there was a few chuckles from the audience. Papa tossed his head back and held onto his coat, and with a jovial grin he began.
“*Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso! Notte e giorno d'intorno girando…Delle belle turbando il riposo! Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor!”*
It was the most recent tune from that genius from Salzburg, and Papa hung onto every word with an amusing eyebrow wiggle here, a broad grin there. His voice was deep but good natured, just like he was. The softness of his form, his friendly rotundness reflected the inner warmth and generosity of his spirit. Papa Henri scanned the room as he sang, caught Cumulus’ eye and threw her a wink.
"…*farfallone amoroso!”*
Cumulus found herself smiling behind her mask. The human was a fascinating creature, filled with jokes and surprises. This was the smallest retinue of ghouls in an age, but they were a tight knit circle of oddballs. There were nights where they tried to outdo each other with stupid harpsichord tricks or increasingly bizarre riddles. Games of an elaborate version of strip baccara that Cumulus Ghoul always seemed to win.
Cumulus caught Rain rolling his eyes at her as he played his cello. The instrument uttered the exasperated groan the prissy ghoul desired to make.
Thanks for the ask! The WIP game is here!!
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simscatarina · 2 years
Aurora: a Mestiça #4
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Aurora deu um beijo amoroso em sua mãe, esperando que isso derretesse seu coração e permitisse que passasse algumas poucas horas com seus amigos.
— Tudo bem, mas não volte tarde. — A mãe foi derrotada.
— Oba!
Aurora gave her mother a loving kiss, hoping it would melt her heart and allow her to spend a few hours with her friends.
“Fine, but don't come back late. “Mother has been defeated.
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Aurora ouviu o som de buzina de bicicleta e correu para se juntar aos amigos.
Aurora heard the sound of a bicycle horn and ran to join her friends.
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Após uma caminhada de bicicleta os três resolveram descansar. Renan desabafava sobre problemas com o namorado.
— Termine logo com ele! — Esse era o conselho favorito de Paloma.
Aurora observava o céu enquatno os amigos discutiram. As luzes da cidade cobriam as estrelas brilhantes, mas a luz da lua naquela noite estava radiante, tão redonda e prateada!
A garota percebeu que eram quase oito horas disse que teria que voltar para casa.
After a bike ride, the three decided to rest. Renan vented about problems with her boyfriend.
"Break it up with him!" That was Paloma's favorite piece of advice.
Aurora watched the sky while her friends argued. The city lights covered the bright stars, but the moonlight that night was radiant, so round and silver!
The girl realized that it was almost eight o'clock and said she would have to go home.
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Renan e Paloma se ofereceram para acompanhá-la, assim conversavam mais durante o trajeto.
Renan and Paloma offered to accompany her, so they talked more along the way.
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Distraído por conta dos problemas amorosos que enfrentava, Renan não percebeu um carro que vinha em alta velocidade na sua direção.
Distracted by the love problems he was facing, Renan didn't notice a car coming at high speed towards him.
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O garoto jogou o seu corpo para a calçada por puro reflexo e caiu rolando no chão. Paloma e Aurora correram para socorrer o amigo.
Renan parecia bem, mas acabou se machucando e sangrava um pouco.
The boy threw his body to the sidewalk by sheer reflex and fell rolling on the floor. Paloma and Aurora ran to help their friend.
Renan seemed fine, but ended up getting hurt and bleeding a little.
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O volume de sangue era pequeno, mas tinha um forte cheiro metálico misturado a outros aromas adocicados que deixou Aurora encantada, ela melou os seus dedos com o sangue do amigo e o levou aos lábios.
The volume of blood was small, but it had a strong metallic smell mixed with other sweet aromas that left Aurora enchanted, she smeared her fingers with her friend's blood and brought it to her lips.
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A história é inspirada no meu livro, que está disponível no wattpad. Link aqui. The story is inspired by my book (in portuguese), which is available on wattpad. Link here.
Reshade preset: Ss Sea Salt by @solstice-sims
Skin Detail by @pyxiidis, @tamo-sim, @nolan-sims, @miikoccfinds, @ratboysims
Skin by @nesurii
Eyes by @cloudcat
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist
Hair by @simcelebrity00, @simandy, @qrqr19
Acessories by @atashi77
Clothes by @deathpoke1qa (original)
Poses by @starrysimsie, @rinvalee, @salsifychip, @sciophobis, @motherlodesimsposes, @eclypt0sims, @samssims, @natalia-auditore
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fredborges98 · 2 months
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)
Quanto do nosso destino é calculado?
Nunca saberemos.
Por: Fred Borges
Um tributo ao anti- herói em Kurt Cobain
Sempre há uma contribuição para o desfile de hipérboles, sobre Cobain é que ele pode ter sido a estrela do rock mais complicada desde Bob Dylan, um artista mainstream que transformou a inescrutabilidade numa forma de arte. Isso sugere que ele não queria ser preso, e duvida-se que ele pretendesse transformar o Nirvana em uma máquina de fazer dinheiro para toda a vida, em turnê eterna, como os Rolling Stones.
Quando há exagero em alguma expressão para dar ênfase a alguma característica. O exagero da hipérbole é perceptível. Por isso, a hipérbole não usa o sentido literal das palavras, e sim o sentido figurado.
Se matar de amor é uma hipérbole, apesar que aqui, não foi e nunca será o caso.
É um exagero dizer que ele representou toda uma geração.Ser bipolar e consumidor de heroína não lhe faz representar nada além de seus conflitos existenciais.Se suicidar deixando uma filha foi tão forte que ela própria depois se drogou e gastou boa parte da fortuna de US$450 milhões de dólares do pai.Não importa quanto dinheiro você herda, a herança sempre irá acabar um dia com você ou juntos, você e a herança sucumbirão.
Hipérbole na vida, na música, descompensa, desequilibra, tira do eixo, mente, corpo, espírito devem estar alinhados, alinhados devem estar os companheiros dessa jornada chamada vida!
O mais do mesmo num relacionamento amoroso pode ser um desastre, e foi, foi, foi, e foi, e para sempre será!
" Meus heróis morreram de overdose!" Cazuza
Sem ideologias,sem utopias, sem ilusões, somos o que somos, nunca o que esperamos!
Sim...desde quando heróis se envenenam, se entorpecem, se acovardam diante das adversidades?
Preferível ter e ser anti- herói!
Preferível ter exemplos de integridade, firmeza de propósito, trabalho, amor pela vida!
Mas nem tudo é Ebony ou Ivory, nem tudo é harmonia, e aí, é hipérbole!
Cuidar da alma, da mente, do corpo,do lar, do ir e do voltar, pois um dia não se volta mais, e ele faria 54, mas é uma condicionante estar numa boa com seus asfixiantes, fantasmas, e conviver com esqueletos- marcas não cicatrizadas da infância e aí, carne e esqueleto,deu no que deu:
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rlewisphilly · 2 months
National Cheesesteak Day (3/24)You’ll see lots of photos of some tasty ones today.I wanted to share where the flavor started:  1940’s South Philly.Thank Pat and Harry Olivieri for giving us this combo of chopped steak and onions on an Amoroso roll.  Cheese?  That came later.  How do you eat a cheesesteak?  Very care-PhillyAt times I think I’m a real whiz at these posts. :0) Mangia!
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diarioelpepazo · 4 months
Emily Ratajkowski protagoniza vestida con una franela del Inter en el vídeo musical de Travis Scott ENRIQUE CORBELLA Emily Ratajkowski ha sorprendido apareciendo con una camiseta del Inter de Milán en el vídeo sensual musical "I Know?" que acaba de estrenar Travis Scott, el exnovio una integrante del clan Kardashian (Kylie Jenner) que está promocionando su álbum UTOPIA. Es la primera participación de la famosa modelo estadounidense en un vídeo musical en más de una década. El vídeo, con un alto contenido sexual y que relata un ardiente triángulo amoroso, está protagonizado por Travis Scott, Emily Ratajkowski y la también modelo Anok Yai. Travis Scott - I KNOW ? (Vídeo oficial) Letra de la canción I KNOW? de Travis Scott Tell me, is you still up? (Up) It's 5 AM and I'm drunk right now Tell me, can we still fuck? (Fuck that shit) One of one, I'm in the zone right now Tell me, am I still? Mm Tellin' you just how I feel right now You say it's just the drugs, and I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I lied too, way before, before Before I had you right inside my arms Then again, I could be drunk (it's lit, yeah) Baby, I don't wanna sound righteous (yeah) I got twenty bitches suckin' like bisons I just eeny, meeny, miney, roll the dices, I pick her (pop it, pop it) She ain't really even my type, been out here She been losin' herself to the night shift She been losin' herself, and I get it, oh, girl, yeah, I get it Yeah, yeah, you've been fightin' for your shot And you've been searchin' for your spot Girl, I feel it, yeah, girl, I feel it, yeah Oh, you think you got your groove But you want someone like you Tell me, is you still up? (Up) It's 5 AM and I'm drunk right now Tell me, can we still fuck? (Fuck that shit) One of one, I'm in the zone right now Tell me, am I still? Mm Tellin' you just how I feel right now You say it's just the drugs, and I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know (ooh, it's the kid, know it, damn it) I lied too, way before, before (how they feelin', how they feelin', ooh) Before I had you right inside my arms (feelin' like some money, tonight) Then again, I could be drunk (yeah) I know, mami, I know (know), it's 2 AM, don't stress At three, that blue shit kick in', in thirty you'll feel your best I turned my whole spot to Crucial, it's crucial, the way I left (it's lit) Upstairs is like a low, my new bitches be the best (let's go) I'm lookin' at her, when her startin' to turn to you (her) Now you startin' to fuck up my mind, is it you, is it her? We brought booby trap to the 'burbs F29 is my address, in case you ain't heard It's floodin' upstairs, it's a leak I don't make it squeak, make it squirt I make this shit beat, bon appétit when I feast Slippin' and slide through the streets, it takes a finesse Especially in this Cabriolet Jeep, engine make chaotic creep Just leave the gate open, through the side door, I'ma creep (ooh, ooh) Are you by the Turrell? And are the kids downstairs asleep? And are you upstairs by yourself? A minute from there Is there some room for me? Baby, do tell, do tell Tell me, is you still up? (Up) It's 5 AM and I'm drunk right now Tell me, can we still fuck? (Fuck that shit) One of one, I'm in the zone right now Tell me, am I still? Mm Tellin' you just how I feel right now You say it's just the drugs, and I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I lied too, way before, before Before I had you right inside my arms Then again, I can be drunk Letra traducida al español de la canción I KNOW? de Travis Scott Dime, ¿sigue despierta? (Despierta) Son las cinco de la mañana y estoy borracho en este momento Dime, ¿todavía podemos follar? Uno de uno, estoy en la zona en este momento Dime, ¿todavía existo? Mm Diciéndote exactamente cómo me siento en este momento Dices que son solo las drogas, y lo sé Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé También he mentido, mucho antes, antes Antes de tenrte en mis brazos Pero nuvamente, puedo estar borracho (¡Es un éxito, sí!)
Nena, no quiero sonar autoritario (Sí) Tengo veinte chicas mamando como bisontes Solo elijo al azar, hago mi elección, la escojo (Póntelo, póntelo) Ella no es realmente mi tipo, ha estado por ahí Ella ha estado perdiéndose en el turno de noche Ella ha estado perdiéndose, y lo entiendo, oh, nena, sí, lo entiendo Sí, sí, has estado luchando por tu oportunidad Y has estado buscando tu lugar Nena, lo siento, sí, nena, lo siento, sí Pero piensas que tienes el ritmo Pero quieres a alguien como tú (¡Vamos!) Dime, ¿sigue despierta? (Despierta) Son las cinco de la mañana y estoy borracho en este momento Dime, ¿todavía podemos follar? (Pon esa mierda) Uno de uno, estoy en la zona en este momento Dime, ¿todavía existo? Mm Diciéndote exactamente cómo me siento en este momento Dices que son solo las drogas, y lo sé Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, lo sé (Ooh, es el chico, más fuerte) También he mentido, mucho antes, antes (¿Cómo se sienten?, ¿cómo se sienten?, ooh) Antes de tenerte en mis brazos (Sintiéndome como dinero, nena) Pero nuevamente, puedo estar borracho (Sí) Lo sé, mami, lo sé (Sé), son las dos de la mañana, no te preocupes Dos-tres, esa mierda azul está pegando, y treinta, me siento mejor Convertí toda mi casa en un lugar crucial, es crucial, cómo lo dejé (¡Éxito!) Arriba es como un [?], me encanta, simplemente es lo mejor (Vamos) La miro, ensayando lo que te voy a decir (Ella) Ahora intentas confundir mi mente, ¿eres tú o es ella? Llevamos a Booby Check a los suburbios F29 es mi dirección, en caso de que no lo hayas oído Está inundado arriba, hay una fuga Hago que esto chirríe, que chirríe Hago que esto golpee, buen provecho cuando como Resbalando y deslizándome por las calles, se necesita un toque de elegancia Especialmente en este Jeep descapotable, el motor suena caóticamente sigiloso Ella deja la puerta abierta, por la puerta lateral, me deslizo (Ooh, ooh) ¿Estás lista? Demasiado real, ¿y los niños de abajo están dormidos? ¿Y tú estás arriba sola? Un minuto desde allí ¿Hay espacio para mí? Nena, dímelo, dímelo Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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comidaparalobos · 5 months
Bailando en la oscuridad
Hay canciones que tienen la cualidad aérea de sonar bien en sus múltiples versiones. El jefe Bruce Springsteen ha compuesto muchas.
Albergando un nodo de emociones en las vértebras lumbares, que toman una inespecífica forma de dolor y se llama 2023, encontré una linda forma de soltarlo: trabajo en mi propia versión de Dancing in the Dark.
Gracias mi profesor Dr. Rock& Roll, estará lista para cantarla el 2024. Capo en el cuarto traste y cinco acordes para poder declarar:
You sit around gettin' older There's a joke here somewhere and it's on me I'll shake this world off my shoulders Come on, baby, the laugh's on me Stay on the streets of this town And they'll be carvin' you up alright They say you gotta stay hungry Hey baby, I'm just about starvin' tonight I'm dyin' for some action I'm sick of sittin' 'round here tryin' to write this book I need a love reaction Come on now, baby, gimme just one look You can't start a fire Sittin' 'round cryin' over a broken heart This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancin' in the dark You can't start a fire Worryin' about your little world fallin' apart This gun's for hire Even if we're just dancin' in the dark Even if we're just dancin' in the dark
Mientras ensayo y junto coraje para cantar en público, les dejo un cover de un talentoso joven de noruego, para que compruebe como una canción puede apropiarse del aire, recorrer el interior de un cuerpo y en conjunto cambiar la respiración de toda la audiencia y transferirle una emoción.
Que el #2024 sea más amoroso, digno y justo para todos y todas.
"Goodnight America, wherever you are”
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sir-mistery · 8 months
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Livro disponível em Wattpad!
Jonny era o líder carismático, mas com um lado obscuro e solitário, da banda "The Thunderbeats", um grupo eclético de músicos talentosos empenhados em criar músicas que movessem corações. Sua voz carregava a promessa de um sonho, seu olhar continha a chama do sucesso e seu coração pulsava no compasso do rock.
Ao lado de seus amigos e companheiros de banda - Luna, Eddie, Ricky e Maddox - Jonny Almejava alcançar o estrelato, quebrar barreiras e deixar sua marca na história da música. Entretanto, em meio aos acordes que ecoavam em suas almas, emoções intensas começavam a se entrelaçar em uma dança complexa.
No epicentro dessa narrativa, estava Sarah Thompson, Uma jovem de 25 anos, de cabelos dourados e pele branca, uma talentosa jornalista musical que caiu sob o feitiço do músico misterioso Jonny. O amor deles era uma nota alta em um concerto emocional, uma canção que prometia perdurar. No entanto, como os acordes de uma canção de rock, a vida também tem seu solo improvisado.
Isabella, com raizes porto riquenha, típica beleza latino-americana, de cabelos negros logos e ondulados, uma fã fervorosa e amiga íntima da banda, e Luna, a explosiva Luna, de cabelos loiros manchados de azul quase todo desbotado, e lingua bastante afiada, uma guitarrista virtuosa com um espírito apaixonado, tornaram-se peças peculiares dessa história. A sinfonia do destino tecia seus caminhos, criando um triângulo amoroso que desafiaria as harmonias e melodias da vida de Jonny.
Em meio a conflitos de emoções e o desejo voraz pelo sucesso, Jonny foi descoberto por uma produtora renomada, lançando-o em uma jornada de altos e baixos, promessas e sacrifícios. O mundo do rock foi eletrificado pela presença magnética de Jonny Tyler, transformando-o no maior astro da década.
Prepare-se para vivenciar uma história onde os acordes do amor, a batida do coração e a melodia da vida se entrelaçam. "Road Of Life" é uma odisseia pelos ritmos do passado, um tributo ao amor e à música, uma jornada pelo cenário do rock 'n' roll, onde cada compasso traz consigo a promessa de uma canção eterna.
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mattykelevra · 11 months
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Monk's BBQ. We’re making this fan favorite tonight for #whiskeyweinerwednesday- The Texas Twinkie dog! {Smoked all beef hot dog topped with chopped brisket, Angry Texan BBQ sauce, chopped bacon wrapped jalapeños and a drizzle of raspberry sauce served on a toasted amoroso roll and melted provolone cheese!} 🔥
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rutaalrocknoticias · 1 year
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Hellsingland Underground, próxima gira en abril de la banda sueca de rock por España.
Hellsingland Underground comenzaron su andadura actuando en los bosques de la región de Hälsingland que les da nombre, en su Suecia natal, en un festival ilegal en el verano de 2006. Las primeras críticas celebraron las canciones de la banda, sus letras reveladoras, sus armonías y el puro y simple placer de tocar su música. El alma del grupo, el cantante Charlie Granberg compone estas canciones sentado en el porche de su pequeña casa en las orillas del rio Ljusnan. La escena podría resultar un cliché en comparación con el sur americano del que Hellsingland Underground tomaron prestadas tantas influencias en sus dos primeros discos, pero es pura autenticidad en mitad del frío nórdico. De ahí la etiqueta que ha acompañado a la banda; “northern rock”, es decir, rock sureño facturado en las tierras vikingas del norte de Europa. Su debut de 2008 supuso en affair amoroso con todas esas influencias comunes del southern rock americano, que se confirmaron en su continuación 'Madness & Grace' en 2010, consolidando también su propia identidad. Un camino que desembocó en 'Evil Will Prevail', donde sus letras se tornaron más oscuras y personales, acorde a los tiempos, serias sin ser pretenciosas, y los arreglos musicales más genuinos sin dejar de lado su poso sureño. Como unos Hellacopters tardíos que hubieran sustituido el legado de MC5 por el de Skynyrd y Allman Bros., o unos The Soundtrack Of Our Lives más tradicionales y apegados a las raíces folk, pero igual de inspirados melódicamente, Hellsingland Underground continúan la tradición de las grandes bandas de rock n' roll que los países escandinavos nos han brindado en las últimas décadas. ‘Understanding Gravity’ (2016) debutó en el número uno de las listas de vinilo en Suecia, siendo su trabajo más aclamado y mejor vendido hasta la fecha. Solos de guitarras dobladas que recuerdan irremediablemente a los mejores Thin Lizzy, pinceladas del blues rock británico de la era dorada y su impronta en bandas de hard rock setentero como Nazareth. El periodista sueco Stefan Nilsson los definió como si Glenn Hughes nunca hubiera abandonado Trapeze y la banda se hubiera establecido en la melancolía nórdica de los bosques suecos. Pero la sombra de Jon Lord llevando las riendas del sonido púrpura también es alargada. Incluso los toques folk que hacen de ellos una rareza única podrán recordar pinceladas de los Pogues o los Waterboys.
Tras pasar por el Azkena Rock Festival, en lo que es uno de los momentos clave de su carrera, la salida del guitarrista Mats Olsson, sustituido por Jerry Ask, marca una nueva etapa para la banda, que se hace evidente en ‘A Hundred Years Is Nothing’ (2019) un trabajo que aunque mantiene los mimbres del sonido del grupo, incorpora nuevos elementos, como sintetizadores, redondeando un sonido que sigue siendo puramente setentero pero hacia terrenos ahora más atmosféricos, psicodélicos, y con pinceladas glam, como un cruce imposible entre The Doors, Pink Floyd, Queen y… ¡ABBA!. La llegada de la pandemia les hace replantearse su lugar en el mundo,y deciden construir su propio estudio de grabación, los Hellquarters, en una vieja carpintería de su ciudad, donde solidifican su amistad, y recobran el pulso por las guitarras a todo volumen sin olvidar la seña de identidad de sus melodías y su groove. Cambio de batería mediante (Johan Gröndal agarra las baquetas) facturan un disco lleno de optimismo pese al pesimismo mundial, que habla de la madurez de una banda de rock sin nostalgia, viviendo el presente y haciendo lo que más les gusta. El resultado es ‘Endless Optimism’ (2022), una nueva y explosiva colección de canciones en algún punto entre Dylan y Thin Lizzy que les muestra clásicos y contemporáneos al mismo tiempo, sentimentales pero íntegros, sin pretensiones, y con ganas de disfrutar de la vida en la madurez al ritmo de la música. ¿Qué más se puede pedir?
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giorginos1 · 1 year
Spring Valley, CACheck us out. We use Amoroso rolls for all our cheesesteaks and subs🥖
Open 10:30am-8pm
Deliveries or pickups with #swipeby or #grubhub
#reels #instareels #reelsfood #eatsandiego
#youstayhungrysd #sdfoodie #sandiegoeats #foodporn #eatsandiego #instafood #foodies #Amoroso #cheesesteak #goldenhill
#southparksd #dtsd
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justwebworldzz · 1 year
Wawa Menu Items We Love Even Though We Know
The one sandwich to stay away from Dissimilar to other in and out shops, Wawa is famous for making delectable hoagies for hungry clients who are on the run. Be that as it may, Philadelphia magazine reports there's one sammy you ought to never under any circumstance request, basically as per a mysterious worker they talked with. Give the cool Gobbler sandwich a hard pass. "The ordinary Wawa Breakfast Menu Price Gobbler is hot turkey with sauce," says the unknown insider. "Be that as it may, the cool one is made with cold lunchmeat turkey, and it's a horrible sandwich." Assuming you're voyaging universally, however, these are the best sandwiches all over the planet.
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The representatives like the old moves better, as well Clients are faithful to organizations in view of consistency and quality. Dependable Wawa customers saw an adjustment of the rolls being utilized to make hoagies, and the new assortment simply isn't something similar. "They changed from new Amoroso rolls to parbaked rolls," says Philadelphia's source. "Less expensive yet not as great. We complete the process of baking them in the store so they say they are fresher, however actually the old Amoroso rolls were better."
Try not to be timid about getting sauced In a Reddit AMA with Wawa workers, one proposed exploiting the store's fixings. "I will say I don't think an adequate number of individuals request plunging sauces from the store," says one worker. "Certainly, we sell cups of marinara for mozzarella sticks, however you can get a cup of the meatball sauce from the store that is hot and way better. Additionally, (put) chipotle mayo on everything (particularly the delicate pretzels). You simply need to request it." In the event that you've at any point considered what's in Chick-Fil-A's unique sauce, this is the mystery.
The mysterious menu is loaded with shocks Every one of the greats have a mysterious menu, Wawa included, however dissimilar to different foundations, theirs is continuously evolving. If you have any desire to keep awake to date, you ought to journey around the store contact screens to see what's happening, similar to the ongoing Jalapeno Berry Lemonade drink choice that is likewise accessible in a frozen assortment. They likewise offer signs across their web-based entertainment stages. Wawa isn't the main spot with a mysterious menu — these are the 14 mystery menu things you really want to arrange at your #1 drive-through eateries.
Soup's on For those clients searching for a consoling feast, there's nothing similar to one of Wawa's soups. Various assortments are offered every day and there's regularly a schedule close to the store that will let you know what's on tap when. Notwithstanding, as indicated by a representative on Reddit, there's a straightforward method for getting your #1 soup anytime. "On the off chance that you at any point need a particular soup, you can call an hour prior to you will be there and they can make it for you," says the supportive insider. Not close to a Wawa? More than 4,000 individuals daily are watching the video for this taco soup recipe.
Therefore your #1 side might be sold out Clients go ga for Wawa's macaroni and cheddar (which workers on Reddit propose is reasonable Stouffer's image). As per a Wawa specialist on Reddit, here's the reason it could be sold out: "Macintosh and cheddar is a famous thing that we go through rapidly in lunch and supper surges. We make an honest effort to continuously have reinforcements prepared for when we run out of it on the steam table. Every so often the sacks we heat our food in will break while they are being re-thermalized and we will briefly be out for a brief period."
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
Easy Homemade Cheesesteak Recipe
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All of you are extremely stubborn about your homemade cheesesteak and rush to get down on non-bona forms! Thus, this is one of those recipes that I need to intellectually set myself up for while I'm chipping away at it. An exemplary homemade cheesesteak comprises meagerly shaved steak (normally ribeye or top round) and is customarily cooked on a frying pan. It's a brilliant sandwich. At the point when you chomp into it, you get the exquisite bits of slight steak and melty, gooey cheddar. Include some great bread and caramelized onions and you are in for a treat! It very well may be served performance just stacked with meat or with sauteed onions and peppers. It's for the most part off with provolone cheddar or Cheez Whiz. While the exemplary Philly cheesesteak is served on an Amoroso roll, that is a quite hard find in the event that you're not in the Philly region (I know, what a bummer), yet you can substitute it for a hoagie roll for a similarly heavenly sandwich. In this way, how about we get into it and talk through every one of the delectable varieties, and get behind the historical backdrop of the sandwich alongside the bearings to make one truly awesome homemade cheesesteak? The uplifting news about making it at home? You can make it any way you need! The Best Cut of Beef for Homemade Cheesesteak It's vital to utilize a cut of meat that doesn't need a long cooking time to get delicate. Read the full article
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