#american cowslip: divine beauty
cartyrs · 3 months
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My piece for ReaperZine 2023!! I wonder who left Alan this bouquet..
I designed these stickers for the physical orders as well :))
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If you missed ordering a physical zine, you can still buy a digital copy here! Flowers & all their meanings below cut :)
Alan's bouquet from Eric:
american cowslip “you are my divinity”
amaranth globe “immortality, unfading love”
peruvian heliotrope “devotion”
erica “love of solitude”
milkvetch “your presence softens my pain”
balm of gilead “cure, relief”
Alan & Eric
dandelion “faithful to thee”
red tulip “my feelings are true / passion, love, & lust”
white jasmine “love, beauty, purity”
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fayrism · 2 years
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[ID: TMA fanart of a tarot card against a bed of tall grass. The tarot card is VI--The Lovers and features Jon and Martin's skeletons, covered by tattered clothing and curled together tenderly. Colorful flowers as named below bloom around and from them. Below them is the text "May you find your rest where no shadows are cast, and no eyes may see you slumber." Below the text is a closed eye. End ID]
thank you @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID!
Somewhere Else - made for the EXCELLENT fic by @pyrrhlc "vi. the lovers" seriously go read it, I haven't nearly done it justice, it is absolutely beautiful
flowers in the piece (taken directly from fic) and their meanings:
poppy - eternal sleep
wild primrose - youthful love
corn cockle - gentility
lady's bedstraw - peaceful rest
buttercup - joy, youth, purity, charm
chicory - faithful love, endless waiting
columbine - folly
musk mallow - healing, peace
harebell - constancy, everlasting love (scotland); death, grief (rest of uk)
cornflower - hope for the future
forget me not - do not forget me
honorary mention to cowslip (winning grace, pensiveness; divine beauty, you are my divinity[american]), yarrow (everlasting love, cure for a broken heart) and cow parsley/queen anne's lace (sanctuary) which didnt make it into the artwork but were included in the fic
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: For as long as he could remember, someone has given him at least one bouquet after every performance he's ever had. Viktor thinks that it's high time he figure out who it is. Warnings: Mentions of possible stalkers Word Count: 4,710 Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: Here's the next installment! I wanted to include the meaning I found for all the flowers in here so that it makes more sense when you read it. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Flower index: Acanthus (arts), Canterbury bells (acknowledgement), amethyst (admiration), white pink (talent), southernwood (bantering), musk roses (charming), american cowslip (divine beauty), purple lilac (first love), Deep red carnation (Alas! For my poor heart), yellow acacia (secret love), fennel (worthy of all praise), peach blossom (I am your captive), Arum lily (magnificent beauty), blue periwinkle (early friendship), red tulip (love confession), Coneflower (health), laburnum (pensive beauty), lily of the valley (return of happiness), snowdrops (gratitude), laurestina (I die if neglected), ambrosia (love returned)
flower language - mission fic - pet/child acquisition - "why are you?" - sunshine - fantasy/medieval/dark knights of steel au
The first time that Viktor got a bouquet that was from someone outside of his family, it was in his early college days.
He had joined the college orchestra as he minored in their music program and majored in teaching. It wasn’t a career that was going to pay a lot, he knew that, but he’d have plenty of opportunities no matter where he went and he’d be doing both of the things that he loved so he pressed on with it. His mother and father had been very supportive of it, as they had been with all of his musical pursuits growing up. They were both professional swimmers, and while they had hit it big enough to get into the Olympics and give him a steady childhood, neither of them were shy to the harsh realities of picking a non-typical job.
The college orchestra was small and intimate because not many people that were pursuing the music program there played an instrument that could be easily worked in. They played a few concerts where all the proceeds went to helping them or funding certain trips that they wanted to make to see bigger orchestras and performers. Mostly they helped give the theater company that worked with the college some more authenticity. The theater manager always said that live music had a bigger effect on the audience that the pre-recorded stuff, so they knew that they always had something that they could do there.
Viktor hadn’t been performing with them for very long because it had taken him a lot of time to get the courage to audition. He had immediately slotted into second chair violin only because the senior holding first chair was going to be graduating in a month. As soon as she graduated and had to leave the orchestra, he rose up in the ranks without having to prove himself with another audition.
The bouquet came after a play where he was brought up to the edge of the stage to play. He had never gotten stage fright, too used to having to say things to big crowds of people because of his parents' careers. The nerves mostly came from his anxiety about being able to play it correctly. He didn’t want to ruin the performance that so many of the actors had been looking forward to for so long.
They had brought him up and he had played his piece, which had gone perfectly. He hadn’t been in anyone’s way and several of the actors from the show sought him out after their parts had been finished to tell him how lovely it was to have him included in what they were doing. That by itself was enough to make him fall in love with the idea of theater and continue working with them. 
He had only been more confirmed into that idea when Ben had come to find him. Viktor had been standing near the green room while trying to calm some of his anxiety from earlier. He had his head pressed back against the cool painted cement of the backstage area so that he could lower his internal body temperature. He always felt like he developed a fever when he was nervous, so the cool radiating off of the stone was very welcome.
“Did you know that you have a dressing room?” Ben asked. He folded his hands behind him as he fell back against the wall as well. Ben was majoring in art and minoring in music, something that he refused to explain to anyone. He played a cello and was the best friend that Viktor had at the university, the official best friend title going to Diego who attended the police academy at the city limits.
“I did,” Viktor replied with a small nod. “What about it?”
“I got overwhelmed by being in the green room between everyone else and went to hide out in it. I figured that you wouldn’t mind since you were going to be up on stage anyway. Just wanted a place to read and I would never go through your stuff,” Ben quickly explained.
The smaller man reached over and shoved his arm affectionately. “I know that you’re stalling. You know I’m not the type of person to get bent out of shape about sharing a space with my friend,” he teased.
Ben relaxed a little bit. He turned his head towards the dressing room and then pushed himself up off of the wall. He and Viktor may have only known each other for about six months, but it was still easy to see what he wanted. The duo slowly made their way down the hall so that they were standing in the doorway to the dressing room that Viktor had been given since he actually had a part in this play and needed a secluded space to tune before the performances.
“What is it?” Viktor asked, confused about why he had been dragged away from his spot and his thoughts for seemingly nothing.
Ben pointed to the little table in the corner of the dressing room. Between the afternoon matinee and the evening performance Viktor had left his violin there since he knew it would be safe, but it had been empty when he left to go up on stage. The blanket that he had been using to sit on while he was in there alone was untouched other than the book that Ben had left on it. The bag with his clothes in it was just as he left it as well. “When I got up to go to the bathroom that wasn’t there but it was when I came back,” the taller man explained awkwardly.
In the center of the little table was a small vase containing a bouquet. Viktor wasn’t exactly unknowledgeable when it came to receiving flowers for things that he had done. His parents had loved to do it whenever he had a performance in high school, even if it was the ones that could be purchased at the front of the supermarket. These had obviously been chosen with a lot more care.
The main part of the bouquet, the part that took up the most space, was white carnations. Sprinkled throughout was amethyst flowers and canterbury bells that added a pop of delicate purple in between the large white petals. The surrounding flowers that were ringing the edge of the whole arrangement were acanthus, which made the colors inside shine because they were so muted.
“This is lovely,” Viktor whispered as he walked over and picked it up. There was a note tied around the pretty ribbon that was keeping all of the flowers together inside of the water-filled vase. Viktor held it in between his fingers as he flipped it over.
“What does it say?” Ben asked as he came to look at it over Viktor’s shoulder.
“It says ‘I hope that your performance today goes wonderfully, it certainly did in rehearsal’,” Viktor read off. He turned to face his friend as he set the flowers back down on the table where he had picked them up from. “Do you think that it was someone on the cast?”
“Well the note certainly suggests that,” Ben shrugged. He winced when he heard his phone go off in his pocket, which alerted him to the fact that they were both going to be expected in the pit soon. The flowers and who they belonged to were mostly forgotten as they rushed off to get into their spots before they were missed.
The second bouquet came during his senior year performance. He had managed to hold the first chair position in the orchestra the entire time that he was participating, which meant that his leaving was kind of a big deal. 
He had been nervous since the beginning of the day. He knew a lot of people that he cared a lot about were going to be coming so that they could hear him play. His parents had flown in from Russia where they had been staying during the past six months to take care of his grandparents in their last years. Most of his friends from the music and teaching program were coming when they could get the time off work and classes. Of course all of the orchestra friends he had made were going to be attending since they would be playing alongside him. Diego had even managed to get the night off so that he could take Viktor out for dinner with his parents after it was all over.
As a joke, the orchestra conductor had given Viktor a dressing room, which was really just a changing stall that they had moved from the back of the theater when it was being remodeled a month beforehand. They had decorated it with a bunch of sweet pictures from their years together and programs from all of the performances that they had already put on.
It was something that he had almost cried about before he had gone on stage, but then he had gotten into the mindset that he always did when he was performing so that thought had been put out of his mind. After everything had been played and every last bow had been taken, Viktor returned back to the little dressing room that they had made for him. He was reeling from how well everything had gone, the only hiccup being that the pianist came in a little bit later than he was supposed to to accompany them on their first song. Viktor was able to forgive that very quickly though because over the last several years that they had been working together he had developed quite the crush on Five, not that he would ever be bold enough to act on it.
He could hear some of the others coming over to him so that they could wish him well as he graduated and they all stopped seeing each other. They all had classes and jobs and other pieces that they had to worry about learning, so they’d be going pretty soon. It was bittersweet, knowing that he was one step closer to doing what he wanted with his life but also losing so many people that he adored.
He opened the dressing room stall so that he could stash his violin in it and then focus on talking with his friends but then he paused. Another vase was sitting directly in the center of the floor, flowers basically bursting out of it in their hurry to show off their beauty.
This time, the bouquet was primarily made out of musk roses with cowslips scattered amongst them. There were four or five acanthus and purple lilacs each, which mixed the cool hues of the deep pinks and dark reds with some brown and popping purple. The very edge was ringed southernwood that was just purple enough that it pulled the bouquet together without being distracting.
“What’s this?” Ben asked as he walked up behind his friend and then saw what Viktor had been staring at. “Woah, this one’s even bigger than the one that you got when we were freshman.”
“I know,” he whispered. He knelt down beside it and flipped over the little card tied to the outside of the vase so that he could see what it said. “It just says ‘I’ll miss you’. No name, number, address, explanation, anything.”
“Well not a lot of bouquets come with a spelled out explanation. I think most of them are given as congratulations for a performance. And it’s perfectly usual for someone to give someone else flowers as a going away present,” Ben reasoned. He fished his phone out of his pocket and snapped a picture of the flowers, no doubt to send it to Fei or Klaus, his best friend and boyfriend respectively. 
“They’re not your usual flowers though, are they?” Viktor asked as he looked them over again. He wasn’t very knowledgeable on flower language outside of what he remembered from a brief obsession as a child and pop culture references. He wasn’t given a lot of time to think about it either as the rest of his friends quickly approached them and he was dragged away from the dressing room for the celebration of his graduation from college orchestra.
The third bouquet that was more than what his parents brought him whenever they were in town for a performance was one that he remembered very fondly. 
He had kept playing even after he graduated college and left that specific orchestra. The first thing that he had done once he had his degree was get a job with a local high school, teaching orchestra and sometimes choir just like he wanted to. He lived in an apartment with Diego and Ben since the former was working as a police officer around the city and the latter was working on getting a steady job going so that he could move in with his long-term boyfriend.
The second thing that Viktor had done after graduating was look for another orchestra that he could play with. He knew that it was a little presumptuous to think that he would get into the best one in The City on his first try when he had only ever played in college and never professionally, but he had auditioned anyway because Klaus had been there to egg him on. To his surprise, and no one else’s, he had gotten in.
He had risen in the ranks in the last year so that he was playing at second chair and got a lot of the solos that were played by someone in the orchestra other than the first chair. It was invigorating to be able to perform with a group as talented and passionate as that one. He had adored his college orchestra, but they weren’t the best of the best the way that his current one was.
They finished up another one of the winter performances that they had been doing for the last two weeks and Viktor immediately began to pack up. He usually liked to hang back with some of the others so that he could talk with them and get to know them better as they were all very kind and he enjoyed their company. Today he had to rush so that he could get back to the school by the time that he needed to tutor the kids that came in on the weekends for extra help. It was something that he also enjoyed doing, but on Saturdays where he had a matinee it left him feeling a little bit discombobulated. 
He made his way down to the green room, where he was going to leave his violin until he came back for the evening show. He paused when he saw a very familiar shaped vase sitting on the center table. He slowly approached it and then turned over the tag that was around the bouquet. It was only when he saw that his name was on one side and a small note was on the other that he let himself take in what it looked like.
Five peach blossom branches were sticking up in the very center of the bouquet, striking and beautiful with their delicate pink color. Surrounding them was a deep red carnation and yellow acacia assortment that was only broken up now and again by stalks of green fennel. The card itself read: I thought that this afternoon’s performance was wonderful, I can’t wait to see you ascend the ranks of this orchestra like you deserve.
He couldn’t help but wonder who had sent him these. He knew that on some level he should feel creeped out that someone had managed to follow him all the way from college to this performance, but he didn’t. They had never tried to send flowers to his home nor had they ever approached him in person. It was possible that whoever was doing it was one of his friends, trying to make him feel better or even his parents not wanting to admit that they had spent so much money on something as small as flowers. He knew logically that it wasn’t either of those options because he should have been able to figure out who the handwriting belonged to, but it was the only explanation that he could think of.
“What are those?” Sloane asked as she entered into the greenroom and walked over to him. She played base with her fiance and had quickly befriended Viktor when he began to play in their orchestra. 
“Just some flowers. They’re from the same place that I used to get bouquets from before I graduated from college,” he said as he handed it over.
She turned it over and looked at all of the flowers. “It’s a very… interesting arrangement. I didn’t even think that anyone would have fennel to put in a vase.”
Viktor laughed. None of the bouquets that he had ever gotten from this secret admirer of his had ever been traditional. The closest that they had gotten was when they had been primarily a stereotypical bouquet flower like the musk roses, but even then it was still full of non-traditional flowers. “I think they all mean something,” he said after a moment of thinking about it.
“Do you know what they mean?” Sloane asked as she brushed the tips of her fingers over the peach blossoms.
“I know what they are,” he shrugged and shook his head. He wished that he had invested more in figuring out flower language before he had gotten his next bouquet. After the last one, he had been distracted and then he kept meaning to but he was too wound up with all of the activity that came with moving and getting a job.
“Shit, I have to go,” Viktor swore as he looked down at his watch. “Do you think that you could keep an eye on those for me? I’ll bring them home after tonight’s performance but I don’t think that they would do well in the cold of my car while I tutor a bunch of kids so that they play Jingle Bells a little less poorly.”
Sloane laughed. She knew that Viktor cared deeply for his students and that he thought they had great potential, but no one every played amazingly well when they were in high school orchestra. “I can do that. Have fun and be safe!”
Viktor gave her a quick wave as he darted out of the room so that he could make it to his class before the students began to get anxious. He almost ran directly into someone that looked familiar to his college days, but he figured that he had just been thinking too much about the other bouquets and was mistaken. He completely forgot about looking up the flower language to find out what the gift had meant and who it might be from.
The fourth was one that he hadn’t been expecting to get. He was very disappointed by that fact because he had been looking forward to getting the little gifts. During that specific string of performances he had been receiving little single flowers in the same vase that he left in his dressing room for that exact purpose. When he left to go on stage it would be empty, and when he came back it would have cloudy water and a single flower sitting inside of it.
He had gotten a arum lily first, then a blue periwinkle, and lastly a red tulip. He had been told that there was a flower the night that he had to take off because he was too sick to come but he hadn’t been told what it was. Helen had also mentioned something about the gentleman that had dropped them off but she absolutely refused to tell Viktor who it was or if he had said anything when he did so. She had always been like that, even before Viktor had tried out for the first chair and gotten it despite her holding it without competition for years up to that point.
Knowing that whoever his secret admirer was had passed the check that his friends and fellow musicians had done on him was reassuring. Something had been sinking in his gut every time that he thought about the bouquets that he was being brought. He switched between thinking that it was his common sense kicking him and telling him that this was something that he should be concerned about and his brain trying to tell him that he had forgotten something without letting him know what it was supposed to be.
He had to miss the second to last day of performances because he had spiked a fever overnight from working himself too hard. He had stayed home and slept for about forty eight hours at the stern direction of his best friend and roommate, which meant that he felt well enough to play one show by the time that he woke up.
The show had gone well and the crowd had been overjoyed with the solo that he played in the middle. It was something that he would never forget, even if the back of his mind was filled with sadness and disappointment that he wasn’t going to see what came out of the gifts that he had been receiving. It felt a little silly to be put out about not getting flowers, but he let himself have it since he was complimented so little.
He made his way up to the green room where the orchestra had been stationed and collected his coat before he checked by the dressing room that he had been using. It was easier for him to change in there instead of with the rest of the orchestra, especially since it was usually empty. Not a lot of theaters booked another performance group when the orchestra was doing their spring shows and rehearsals there. During the winter it was packed, with a performance happening almost every single minute of every single day until Christmas when the Nutcracker was performed by the ballet company and then the theater workers went home for the holidays.
A smile spread across his face as he realized that he had finally found a place where he was comfortable enough to notice little things like that. He had always felt kind of out of place when he was a child because of how often his parents had moved around when he was younger. He was constantly being shipped off to live with different relatives when they were doing their seasons, sometimes even to other countries. He had been living in not only New York, but The City for long enough that he had begun to notice things like the pattern of the theater.
The smile stretched over his face only got wider when he noticed that there was a gift waiting for him on the table despite his absence from the performance the day before. He quickly walked up to it and flipped the card over to make sure that his name was neatly printed on one side before he read the message on the other. “‘Get well soon’, that’s sweet,” he mumbled to himself before he took in what the flowers were.
The main flower in the mix was coneflowers, but they were all different colors so that it was a rainbow. There were lily of the valleys scattered carefully throughout, delicate and white in between the sturdier colors. The vase had five laburnum flowers draped over the sides so that it shed a couple of delicate yellow petals on the table that it had been set down on.
Viktor assured himself that he was going to learn flower language and figure out what his secret admirer had been trying to tell him for years now. He couldn’t let this continue without being aware of what he was receiving.
The fifth was one that he made himself. He had special ordered a lot of the flowers that he was going to use after pouring over a book about flower language for longer than he wanted to admit. 
It had taken them a month to get all of the flowers that he wanted, but in the end they were all there. He had taken specific care to make sure that the flowers meant exactly what he wanted them to. If he only had once chance to do this and the person that had been sending him the gifts for long was already knowledgeable on the subject then Viktor really didn’t want to fuck it up.
It certainly wasn’t as pretty as a lot of the bouquets that he had received, but the meaning behind it was very poignant. The bouquet was made up primarily of ambrosia flowers with a few laurestina popping out from between them. Snowdrops ringed the very edge of the vase that they were in since they were supposed to be the background message.
His nerves were bothering him more than they had since his first day at university. He knew that he shouldn’t have been nervous because it was very easy to parse out who had been sending him the gifts when he did a little bit of snooping and knew what they meant, but he was still anxious that he had somehow singled out the wrong person. He didn’t want to have wasted a bunch of money for a love confession that was going to be shot down or possibly wasted on the wrong person, both of which would ruin his friendship with them.
He steeled himself as he walked down the long corridor of the university. He knocked on the door to the office that he was going to enter before he was bade to do so. The handle clung to his hand in his body’s last desperate attempt to get him to chicken out on what he was planning to do. He ignored it and entered, closing the door behind him so that it would be harder for him to turn and run when he finished. 
He walked over to Five’s desk and and set the vase of flowers down. He and Five had kept in contact after they graduated college, though Five stuck around so that he could work as a teacher’s assistant until he got his doctorate and could work at the university himself as he had already been promised a spot there. They hadn’t gotten closer than they had been when they were in college, only talking when one of them found something to send to the other, but that was mostly because Viktor didn’t allow himself to be closer. He was nervous about doing that in the same way that he had been nervous in bringing in the bouquet in. He didn’t want to destroy a friendship that he cherished because of feelings that had festered inside of him since he was a wet-behind-the-ears teenager.
“Viktor? To what do I owe the pleasure?” Five asked as he set his red pen down to look up at the other man.
“This,” Viktor replied as he turned the vase so that Five’s attention as going to be brought back to it.
The taller of the two tilted his head down so that he could see what it was. When he looked back up towards Viktor, the other took the leap and then leaned down to connect their lips together. Five immediately responded by reaching up so that he could cup the back of Viktor’s head so that he could bring him closer.
They snapped apart when they both had to breathe. “I figured out that it was you because Lila’s parents own a flower shop and the two of you have known each other for years. Why did you never tell me?”
“I guess I was just scared to actually say it with words,” Five replied after a moment of thinking.
Viktor let out a small laugh and then leaned down so that he could have another kiss.
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Tales of Nature - 300+ Followers Event!
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As thanks and to show my appreciation for everyone I have decided to host this event! It will run from the 4th of September until the 18th of September. 
The requests will be written as either drabbles or short fics and there will be no limit to the amount of requests I’ll take. You can find both my rules for requesting and fandom/character list here!
To request simply choose a flower/plant and a character, in example: “Could you do Dazai and apple blossom?”
You can also mix prompts, for example: “Could I please get fern and tansy with Childe?” 
Feel free to be more specific or keep it simple! You may also specify things such a genre and time period, though it’s not necessary. 
Requests for this event are now closed, thank you all for participating!
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 -> Green Willow - “False love”
 -> Asphodel - “My regrets follow you to the grave”
 -> Honeysuckle - “Devoted affection; bonds of love”
 -> Spindle Tree - “Your image is engraved into my heart”
 -> Astragalus - “Your presence softens my pain”
 -> Sticky Catchfly - “Invitation to dance”
 -> Diphylleia - “I will show you my true self, clarity, honestly”
 -> Zinnia - “Thinking of you, sentimentality”
 -> Tansy - “I declare war on you”
 -> American Cowslip - “You are my divinity”
 -> Thorn Apple - “Deceitful charms”
 -> Narcissus - “Unrequited love, selfishness”
 -> Purple Heather - “Solitude, admiration, beauty”
 -> Gorse - “Love in all seasons”
 -> Hydrangea - “Heartfelt gratitude for being understood”
 -> Clovenlip Toadflax - “Please notice my love for you”
 -> Fern - “Magic, enchantment”
 -> Cypress - “Mourning, sorrow”
 -> Star of Bethlehem - “Atonement, reconciliation” 
 -> Fungus - “Loneliness, disgust”
 -> Thistle - “Warning”
 -> Scabius - “Unfortunate attachment, I have lost all”
 -> Coreopsis - “Love at first sight”
 -> Cornflower - “Please be gentle with me”
 -> Poppy - “I am not free”
 -> Apple Blossom - “I prefer you before all”
 -> White Lily - “My love is pure”
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jeweledflowers · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞.
𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵!
i have not included all of the flowers or plants here. i went through several dictionaries, and picked those plants that i wanted in the prompt list.
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Acacia (Acacia). Friendship.
Acacia, rose or white (Acacia). Elegance.
Acacia, yellow (Acacia). Secret love.
Achilliea Millefollia (Asteraceae.) War.
Aconite Wolfsbane (Aconitum). Misanthropy.
Aconite, Crowfoot (Aconitum). Lustre.
Adonis, flos (Adonis). Painful recollections.
African Marigold (Tagetes erecta). Vulgar minds.
Agnus Castus (Vitex agnus-castus). Coldness; indifference.
Agrimony (Agrimonia). Thankfulness; gratitude.
Agapanthus (Agapanthus). Love letter.
Almond (common). Stupidity, indiscretion.
Almond (Amygdalus communis) (flowering). Hope.
Almond, Laurel (Prunus laorocerasus). Perfidy.
Allspice (Myertaceae). Compassion.
Aloe (Aloe vera ). Grief; religious superstition.
Althaea Frutex (Syrian Mallow) (Common Hibiscus). Persuasion.
Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) (Sweet). Worth beyond beauty.
Amaranth (Amaranthus) (Globe). Immortality; unfading love.
Amaryllis (Amaryllis). Pride; timidity; splendid beauty.
Ambrosia (couldn't find the scientific name but the subfamily is Asteraceae). Love returned.
American Cowslip (Primula Meadia). Divine beauty.
American Starwort (Sabulina fontinalis). Welcome to a stranger; cheerfulness in old age.
Amethyst (Browallia Americana). Admiration.
Anemone (Ranunculaceae) (Zephyr Flower). Sickness; expectation.
Anemone (Ranunculaceae) (Garden). Forsaken.
Angelica (Angelica). Inspiration.
Angrec (Angraecum). Royalty.
Apple. Temptation.
Apple (Blossom). Preference ; fame speaks him great and good.
Apple thorn. Deceitful charms.
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower (Campsis radicans). Separation.
Ash Tree (Fraxinus). Grandeur.
Aspen Tree (some, but not all, are classified in the genus Populus). Lamentation.
Aster (China) (Callistephus chinensis). Variety; afterthought.
Asphodel (Asphodelus). My regrets follow you to the grave.
Auricula (Primula auricula). Painting.
Azalea (Rhododendron). Temperance; fragile and ephemeral passion.
Bachelor's Buttons (Centaurea cyanus). Celibacy; single blessedness.
Beebalmn (Monarda). Sympathy.
Balm, gentle (Melissa officinalis). Pleasantry.
Balm of Gilead (Cedronella canariensis). Cure; relief.
Balsam, yellow (Impatiens noli-tangere). Impatience.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Hatred.
Bay Leaf (Laurus nobilis). I change but in death.
Bay (Rose) Rhododendron (Rhododendron--that's just the higher classification). Danger; beware.
Bay Tree (Laurus nobilis). Glory.
Baby's breath (Gypsophila paniculata). Everlasting love.
Bearded Crepis (Crepis). Protection.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna). Silence.
Begonia (Begonia). Caution.
Bellflower (Campanula). Gratitude.
Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis). Good luck.
Bird of Paradise (Strelizia reginae). Magnificence.
Blackberry (Rubus). Envy.
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia). Justice.
Bluebell (Hyacinthoides nonscripta). Constancy.
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis). Passion.
Bouvardia (Bouvardia). Enthusiasm.
Broom (Cytisus). Humility.
Buttercup (Ranunculus acris). Ingratitude.
Cactus (Opuntia). Ardent love.
Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica). Modesty.
Camellia (Camellia). My destiny is in your hands.
Candytuft (Iberis). Indifference.
Canterbury bells (Campanula medium). Constancy.
Carnation, pink (Dianthus caryophyllus). I will never forget you.
Carnation, red (Dianthus caryophyllus). My heart breaks.
Carnation, striped (Dianthus caryophyllus). I cannot be with you.
Carnation, white (Dianthus caryophyllus). Sweet and lovely.
Carnation, yellow (Dianthus caryophyllus). Disdain.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Energy in adversity.
Cherry blossoms (Prunus cerasus). Impermanence.
Chervil (Anthriscus). Sincerity.
Chestnut (Castanea sativa). Do me justice.
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum). Truth.
Cinquefoil (Potentilla). Beloved daughter.
Clematis (Clematis). Poverty.
Clove (Syzgium aromaticum). I have loved you and you have not known it.
Clover, white (Trifolium). Think of me.
Cockscomb (Celonia). Affectation.
Columbine (Aquilegia). Desertion.
Coreopsis (Coreopsis). Always cheerful.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Hidden worth.
Corn (Zea mays). Riches.
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus). Joy in love and life.
Cranberry (Vaccinum). Cure for heartache.
Crocus (Crocus). Youthful gladness.
Cypress (Cupressus). Mourning.
Daffodil (Narcissus). New beginnings.
Dahlia (Dahlia). Dignity.
Daisy (Bellis). Innocence.
Daisy, gerber (Gerbera). Cheerful.
Daphne (Daphne). I would not have you otherwise.
Daylily (Hemerocallis). Coquetry.
Delphinium (Delphinium). Levity.
Dittany (Dictamnus albus). Childbirth.
Dogwood (Cornus). Love undiminished by adversity.
Dragon plant (Draceana). You are near a snare.
Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum). Noble courage.
Elder (Sambucus). Compassion.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus). Protection.
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis). Inconstancy.
Everlasting Pea (Lathyrus latifolius). Lasting pleasure.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Strength.
Fern, maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris). Secrecy.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium). Warmth.
Fig (Fiscus carica). Argument.
Flax (Linum usitatissimum). Argument.
Forget-me-not (Myosostis). Forget me not.
Forsythia (Forysthia). Anticipation.
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Insincerity.
Freesia (Freesia). Lasting friendship.
Fuchsia (Fuchsia). Humble love.
Gardenia (Gardenia). Refinement.
Geranium, oak-leaf (Pelargonium). True friendship.
Geranium, scarlet (Pelargonium). Stupidity.
Gladiolus (Gladiolus). You pierce my heart.
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Hope.
Hazel (Corylus). Reconciliation.
Heather (Calluna vulgaris). Protection.
Heliotrope (Heliotropium). Devoted affection.
Hibiscus (Hibiscus). Delicate beauty.
Holly (Ilex). Foresight.
Hollyhock (Alcea). Ambition.
Honesty (Lunaria annua). Honesty.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera). Devotion.
Hyacinth, purple (Hyacinthus orientalis). Please forgive me.
Hyacinth, white (Hyacinthus orientalis). Beauty.
Hydrangea (Hydrangea). Dispassion.
Ice plant (Carpobrotus chilensis). Your looks freeze me.
Impatiens (Impatiens). Impatience.
Iris (Iris). Message.
Ivy (Hedera helix). Fidelity.
Jasmine, Carolina (Gelsemium sempervirens). Separation.
Jasmine, Indian (Jasminum multiflorum). Attachment.
Jonquil (Narcissus jonquilla). Desire.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis). Glory and success.
Lavender (Lavandula). Mistrust.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Cold-heartedness.
Liatris (Liatris). I will try again.
Lilac (Syringa). First emotions of love.
Lily (Lilum). Majesty.
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis). Return of happiness.
Lobelia (Lobelia). Malevolence.
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Purity.
Love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus). Hopeless but not helpless.
Lungwort (Pulmonaria). You are my life.
Lupine (Lupinus). Imagination.
Magnolia (Magnolia). Dignity.
Marigold (Calendula). Grief.
Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus). Farewell.
Migonette (Reseda odorata). Your qualities surpass your charms.
Moss (Bryopsida). Maternal love.
Narcissus (Narcissus). Self love.
Olive (Olea europaea). Peace.
Orange (Citrus sinensis). Generosity.
Orange blossoms (Citrus sinensis). Your purity equals your loveliness.
Orchid (Orchidaceae). Refined beauty.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Joy.
Pansy (Viola). Think of me.
Passion flower (Passiflora). Faith.
Peach (Prunus persica). Your charms are unequaled.
Peach blossom (Prunus persica). I am your captive.
Pear (Pyrus). Affection.
Pear blossom (Pyrus). Comfort.
Peony (Paeonia). Anger.
Peppermint (Mentha). Warmth of feeling.
Periwinkle (Vinca minor). Tender recollections.
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Bury me amid nature's beauty.
Petunia (Petunia). Your presence soothes me.
Phlox (Phlox). Our souls are united.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus). You are perfect.
Pink (Dianthus). Pure love.
Plum (Prunus domestica). Keep your promises.
Polyanthus (Primula). Confidence.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum). Foolishness.
Pomegranate blossom (Punica granatum). Mature elegance.
Poppy (Papaver). Fantastic extravagance.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Benevolence.
Potato vine (Solanum jasminoides). You are delicious.
Primrose (Primula). Childhood.
Protea (Protea). Courage.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Strength and health.
Queen Anne's lace (Ammi majus). Fantasy.
Quince (Cydonia oblonga). Temptation.
Ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus). You are radiant with charms.
Raspberry (Rubus). Remorse.
Redbud (Cercis). Betrayal.
Rhododendron (Rhododendron). Beware.
Rhubarb (Rheum). Advice.
Rose, burgundy (Rosa). Unconscious beauty.
Rose, moss (Rosa). Confession of love.
Rose, orange (Rosa). Fascination.
Rose, pale peach (Rosa). Modesty.
Rose, pink (Rosa). Grace.
Rose, purple (Rosa). Enchantment.
Rose, red (Rosa). Love.
Rose, white (Rosa). A heart unaquainted with love.
Rose, yellow (Rosa). Infedility.
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis). Remembrance.
Sage (Salvia officinalis). Good health and long life.
Scabiosa (Scabiosa). Unfortunate love.
Snowdrop (Galanthus). Consolation and hope.
Spirea (Spiraea). Victory.
Starwort (Stellaria). Welcome.
Stephanotis (Stephanotis floribunda). Happiness in marriage.
Stock (Malcolmia maritima). You will always be beautiful to me.
Stonecrop (Sedum). Tranquility.
Strawberry (Fragaria). Perfection.
Sunflower (Helianthus annus). False riches.
Sweet briar (Rose rubiginosa). Simplicity.
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus). Delicate pleasures.
Tansy (Tanacetum). I declare war against you.
Thistle, common (Cirsium). Misanthropy.
Thrift (Armeria). Sympathy.
Trillium (Trillium). Modest beauty.
Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans). Fame.
Tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa). Dangerous pleasures.
Tulip (Tulipa). Declaration of love.
Verbena (Verbena). Pray for me.
Violet (Viola). Modest worth.
Water lily (Nymphaea). Purity of heart.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Cure for a broken heart.
Zinnia (Zinnia). I mourn your absence.
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scriptflorist · 2 years
Hey! I love your blog so much, and I'm so happy that I found it (it's helped a lot)! I was wondering if you could do a list of flowers that mean (or fall into the category of/are similar to): Obsession, Obsessive love, 'til death do us part, I want your attention, I belong to you, you belong to me, etc., etc. Along with this, I'd also like to know what flowers are native to New Jersey (And also which ones bloom in the fall, if any?) Thank you, and have a lovely day!
That should be possible with some creativity given that obsession and bonding don’t exist as meanings themselves, but it leans well enough into the Victorian flower language to get something out of it still. Hope there’s something in here that works for your story.
arbor vitae – live for me, unchanging friendship
baby’s breath – everlasting love, innocence, pure of heart
bay leaf – I change but in death/dying
broom-rape – union
carnation (pink) – I will/I’ll never forget you, women’s love
cedar leaf – I live for thee
clover (white) – think of me
columbine – I cannot give thee up, folly, desertion
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
cowslip (american) – divine beauty, you are my angel, you are my divinity
currant – thy frown will kill me, thankfulness
daisy (double) – affection, I reciprocate your affection
daphane (rose) – I desire to please
eschscholzia – do not refuse me
euphorbia – persistence
fleur-de-lis – I burn, flame
foxglove – I am not ambitious for myself but for you, a wish, stateliness, occupation, insincerity, youth
furze – love for all seasons/occasions
gladiolus – you pierce my heart, generosity, I’m sincere, flower of the gladiators
heart’s ease – you occupy my thoughts, forget me not, think of me, thoughts
heart’s ease (purple) – you occupy my thoughts
hemlock – you will be my death
honeysuckle – generous and devoted affection, bonds of love, the bond of love, devotion, I would not answer hastily, fidelity
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
honeysuckle (wild) – generous and devoted love
japonica – sincerity, symbol of love
jasmine (indian) – I attach myself to you, attachment, separation
laurestine – a token, I die if neglected, delicate attention
mallow (syrian) – consumed by love, persuasion
rose (carolina) – love is dangerous
shepherd’s purse – I offer you my all
spindle tree – your charms are engraven on my heart
tulip – (a) declaration of love, perfect lover, fame, beautiful eyes
tulip (red) – declaration of love
virginia creeper – I cling to you both in sunshine and in shade
Plants native to New Jersey that bloom in fall/autumn:
allegheny monkey flower
american angelica
american arrowhead
american blue vervain
american lotus
american water-willow
ashy sunflower
bigleaf aster
black-eyed susan
blue bead lily
blue cohosh
blue mistflower
blue star
blue wood aster
bottle gentian
bowman’s root
brown-eyed susan
bushy aster
canada goldenrod
canada wild ginger
canadian violet
cardinal flower
carolina geranium
caroline redroot
closed bottle gentian
coastal plain joe-pye weed
common boneset
common evening primrose
cow parsnip
crooked aster
cutleaf coneflower
cup plant
downy skullcap
early goldenrod
false aster
false sunflower
field thistle
flat-topped white aster
foam flower
fringed bleeding heart
fringed loosestrife
golden crownbeard
grass-leaved goldenrod
grassy arrowhead
gray goldenrod
great blue lobelia
hairy aster
hardy hibiscus
heath aster
hoary vervain
horizontal calico aster
jerusalem artichoke
joe-pye weed
late boneset
marsh betony
maryland golden aster
maximilian sunflower
meadow phlox
narrowleaf mountain mint
new england aster
new york aster
new york ironweed
nodding lady’s tresses
orange fringed orchid
orange jewelweed
patridge pea
pearly everlasting
pink tickseed
prairie sagebush
purple-head sneezeweed
purple mountain saxifrage
red baneberry
rock harlequin
rough goldenrod
salt heliotrope
sawtooth sunflower
scarlet bee balm
seashore mallow
seaside goldenrod
showy black-eyed susan
showy goldeneye
showy goldenrod
showy tick trefoil
slender buch clover
slender dayflower
smooth beggartick
smooth blue aster
spotted joe-pye weed
stiff goldenrod
stiff sunflower
swamp sunflower
swamp thistle
sweet goldenrod
sweet-scented joe-pye weed
tall boneset
tall cinquefoil
tall goldenrod
ten-petaled sunflower
threadleaf coreopsis
virginia meadow beauty
water arum
western sunflower
wild bergamot
wild cucumber
wild potato vine
wild senna
white baneberry
white goldenrod
white panicle aster
white snakeroot
white turtlehead
white wood aster
whorled milkweed
woodland sunflower
wreath goldenrod
yellow jewelweed
yellow pond lily
This website gives a breakdown by county in form of excel lists, albeit it doesn’t say whether the plants bloom in fall or not.
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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things that remind me of you, things I’d like to say to you; via the art of floriography, the secret victorian flower language; a bouquet for k; i / ?.
forget-me-not. true love, respect, remembrance, don't forget me.
rainflower. i love you back; i must atone for my sins; i'll never forget you.
purple myrtle. diamoric love; love between aphrodite/us and adonis.
green carnation. achillean love; love between men; homosexuality.
milkvetch. your presence softens my pains.
marigold. prophetic prediction, grief, remembrance.
american cowslip. divine beauty; you are my angel.
red rose. romantic love.
enchanter's nightshade. witchcraft; sorcery.
apple blossom. preference; fame speaks him great and good.
currant. thy frown will kill me.
spanish jasmine. sensuality.
give me a person, or a character / introject and i& will interpret what flowers i& or the character in question would give to another person/character/introject.
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cygnusdoesthings · 1 year
January third: cowslip (primula veris)
" Our gold cowslips," he adds, " look like a full branch of large clustering king-cups; they carelessly raise themselves on their firm stalks, their corollas gazing upward to the changing spring sky, as they grow amidst their pretty leaves of vivid green. They adorn almost every meadow, and shed a glow of beauty wherever they spring."
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Hoo boy. Are you all ready? Gods, I am NOT. but, uh, let's do this! Cowslip is a perennial bloom which can grow up to, uh.. yeah I'm not bothered to search that up. Nevermind, I stumbled across it anyway. Up to 25cm or 5 inches. Yellow in colour and bursts of flowers, cowslip is said to be one of the star sign 'Leo's' flowers, and ruled by Venus, under water.
There are multiple different types of cowslip. There's American cowslip and just.. cowslip cowslip. So, that being said, normal cowslip is the one we'll be talking about today, with a couple mentions of the others.
Cowslip has many monikers, among them being 'keyflower, lady's keys, key of heaven, password, buckles'. Now, you may notice a theme there. Keys.
Yes! That is indeed correct. The origin story of cowslip, or the key flower, is that Saint Peters (guardian or gatekeeper of heaven) dropped his keys. Also called that, because they resemble keys.
Because of the meaning of 'key to heaven', it was said that those who found the flower won the grace to get into the Big Upstairs. This is how it got the meaning 'winning grace, divine beauty, charmed, birth/youthfulness'. As it's yellow (dryly said), it's also associated with happiness.
Cowslip is also a herb; which means that it does have medicinal properties. When soaking cowslip flowers in boiling water to make tea, or grinding up the roots and combining with honey and water to make a syrup, there is scientific proof that it has beneficial properties to thin mucus, and help with bronchitis and common colds.
There are some sources which also suggest that the flowers can be a remedy to help subdue muscle spasm and headaches.
Again, people. Do your research. I'm not saying 'hey, this is definite', so please don't come after me saying 'you're an idiot, ha you believe in homeopathic remedies' b- actually I'll just make another post lmao.
So! Cowslip: grace, I have been charmed by your beauty, divine beauty, birth/youthfulness, happiness.
Paired with hawthorn, symbolises hope for a new prospect.
Paired with honeysuckle, it serves as a gift for your significant other's parents.
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flawediamond · 3 years
Floriography Masterpost
Abecedary - Volubility Abatina - Fickleness
Acacia Blossom -  Concealed Love, Beauty In Retirement, Friendship, Chaste Love
Acacia Rose - Friendship
Acacia Rose White -  Elegance
Acacia Yellow - Secret Love
Acalia - Temperance
Acanthus - Arts
Achimeness - Such Worth Is Rare
Acorn - Nordic Symbol Of Life And Immortality
Agrimony  - Thankfulness
Alstroemeria  - Devotion
Althea - Consumed By Love
Alyssum - Worth Beyond Beauty, Sweet
Amaranth  - Unfading Love, Faith, Immortality
Amaranth (Globe) - Immortality, Unfading Love
Amaranth (Cockscomb) - Foppery, Affectation
Ambrosia - Your Love Is Reciprocated
Amaryllis - Splendid Beauty, Pride, Pastoral Poetry
American Cowslip - Divine Beauty, Beauty Divine
American Linden - Matrimony
American Star Wort- Welcome To A Stranger, Cheerfulness In Old Age
Amethyst - Admiration
Anemone - Sincerity, Expectation, Forsaken, Daintiness
Angelica - Inspiration
Angrec -  Royalty
Apple Blossom - Preference, Better Things To Come, Good Fortune
Arbutus - Thee Only Do I Love
Arbutus  Trailing - Welcome
Arum - Ardor
Asparagus Fern - Fascination
Asphodel  -  My Regrets Follow You To The Grave
Aster - Symbol Of Love, Daintiness, Talisman Of Love
Aster (China) - Fidelity, Variety, I Will Think Of Thee
Azalea - Take Care, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbol Of Womanhood
Baby's Breath  - Innocence, Pure Of Heart
Bachelor Button - Single Blessedness, Celibacy
Balm   - Sympathy, Pleasantry
Balm Of Gilead - Healing, I Am Cured.Relief
Balsam - Ardent Love
Balsam, Red - Touch Me Not. Impatient Resolves
Balsam, Yellow - Impatience
Belladonna - Silence
Bell Flower, Pyramidal- Constancy
Bell Flower (Small White) - Gratitude
Bells Of Ireland  -  Good Luck
Bird Of Paradise - Given Today From A Woman To Man As A Symbol Of Faithfulness
Bittersweet  - Truth
Black Bryont/Lady's Seal - Be My Support
Bluebell- Humility, Constancy, Gratitude
Blue Bottle -  Delicacy
Borage -  Bluntness, Abruptness, Rudeness
Broom - Humility, Neatness
Buck Bean -  Calm Repose
Broken Straw -  Constancy
Bulrush -  Docility
Burdock -  Importunity, Touch Me Not
Buttercup -  Childishness, Riches
Butterfly Weed -  Let Me Go
Cacalia -  Adulation
Cactus - Endurance, My Heart Burns With Love
Calycanthus/Carolina Allspice/Sweet Shrub - Benevolence
Calla Lily -  Magnificent Beauty
Camellia - Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift For A Man, Gratitude
Camellia (Pink) - Longing
Camellia (Red) - You're A Flame In My Heart
Camellia (White) - Adoration, Perfection, Loveliness
Canterbury Bells/Bell Flower - Gratitude
Cape Jasmine -   I'm Too Happy
Cape Jasmine Gardenia - Transport, Ecstasy
Cardamine -   Paternal Error
Cardinal Flower/Scarlet Lobelia  -  Distinction
Carnation (General) - Fascination, Devoted Love
Carnation (Pink) - I'll Never Forget You, Women's Love
Carnation (Red) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
Carnation (Deep Red) -  Alas! For My Poor Heart
Carnation (Purple) - Capriciousness
Carnation (Solid Color) - Yes
Carnation (Striped) - No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You
Carnation (White) - Sweet & Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
Carnation (Yellow) - Disapointment, Rejection
Carrot Flower - Do Not Refuse Me
Catchfly (Red) -  Youthful Love, I Fall Victim
Cattail - Peace, Prosperity
Cattleya  - Mature Charms
Cedar  - I Live But For Thee, Think Of Me
Celandine/Pilewort/Figwort - Future Joy
Cereus (Creeping) - Modest Genius
Cereus, Night Blooming - Transient Beauty
Chamomile/Golden Marguerite/Anthemis - Energy In Action
Cherry Blossom (Single) -  Education
Cherry Blossom - Spiritual Beauty
Chickweed - I Cling To Thee
Chickory  - Frugality, Economy
China Aster - Love Of Variety, I Will Think Of Thee
China Aster, Double -  I Partake Your Sentiments
China Aster, Single -  I Will Think Of It, Deliberation
China Or Indian Pink -  Aversion
China Rose - Beauty Always New
Chinese Chrysanthemum -Cheerfulness Under Adversity
Christmas Rose/Helleborus - Relieve My Anxiety
Chrysanthemum (General) - Abundance & Wealth, Cheerfulness, You're A Wonderful Friend
Chrysanthemum (Red) - Love
Chrysanthemum (White) - Truth
Chrysanthemum (Yellow) - Slighted Love
Cinquefoil -  Beloved Child
Clarkia - The Variety Of Your Conversation Delights Me
Clematis -  Artifice (Ingenuity)
Clinging Woodbine - Fraternal Love
Clover (Four-Leaf) - Be Mine
Clover (White) - Think Of Me
Clover (Red) - Industry
Colchicum (Meadow Saffron) -  My Best Days Fled
Columbine - Columbine -Desertion, Folly
Columbine (Purple) - Resolved To Win
Columbine (Red) -  Anxious
Compass Flower  - Faith
Convolvus Minor/Bindweed - Uncertainty
Convolvulus Major - Dead Hope, Extinguished Hopes
Convolvulus, Pink -  Worth Sustained By Judicious And Tender Affection
Coreopsios -  Always Cheerful
Cornflower -  Delicacy, Refinement
Coronilla/Crown Vetch  - Success To You
Cowslip - Rusticity, Winning Grace, Healing, Youth, Pensiveness
Coxcomb -  Foppery, Unfading Love
Cress  - Power, Stability, Always Reliable
Crocus -  Cheerfulness, Abuse Not, Gladness
Crocus, Spring -  Youthful Gladness
Crocus, Saffron -  Mirth
Crown Imperial/Fritillaria  - Majesty
Cuckoo Plant -  Ardour
Daffodil - Regard, Unrequited Love,  Sunshine, Respect, The Sun Shines When I'm With You
Daffodil (Yellow ) -  Chivalry
Dahlia -  Dignity And Elegance, Forever Thine
Daisy  - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity, Beauty
Daisy Ox-Eye -  Patience
Daisy (Red)  - Beauty Unknown To Possessor
Dandelion  - Faithfulness, Happiness, Love's Oracle
Daphane Cneorum/Rose Daphane -  I Desire To Please
Daphane Odora/Winter Daphane -  I Would Not Have You  Otherwise
Dracaena/Dragon's Blood/Dragon Lily -  Inner Power
Dead Leaves -  Sadness
Delphinium - Big-Hearted, Fun
Dill -  Lust
Diosma -   Your Simple Elegance Charms Me
Dog Rose -   Pleasure And Pain
Dogwood (Flowering) -  Am I Indifferent To You?
Dragon Root/Green Dragon (Arum Draconium) - Ardor
Edelweiss/Alpine Cudweed - Daring, Courage, Noble Purity
Eglantine/Sweet-Briar/Rosa Eglantaria - Poetry, I Wound To Heal
Elder Flower - Zeal
Endine - Frugality
Epigaea, Repens/Mayflower/Trailing Arbutus - Budding
Eupatorium/Hardy Ageratum -  Delay
Eremurus - Endurance
Euphorbia - Persistence
Everlasting  -Never Ceasing Memory
Fern - Magic, Fascination, Confidence, Shelter
Fern (Maidenhair)  - Secret Bond Of Love, Discretion
Fern (Royal) -   Reverie
Filbert -  Reconciliation
Fir  -  Time
Flax -  Domestic Symbol
Flora's Bell  - Without Pretension
Flowering Reed  - Confide In Heaven
Forget Me Not   -   True Love, Memories
Forsythia - Anticipation
Foxglove/Fairy Thimbles/Dead Men's Bells - Stateliness, Youth
Foxtail Grass -   Sporting
Freesia  - Innocence, Trust
Fuchsia (Scarlet) - Confiding Love, Taste
Furze - Love For All Occasions
Gardenia - You're Lovely, Secret Love,  Purity, Refinement
Garlic - Courage, Strength, Get Well, Ward Off Evil & Illness
Genetian (Fringed) -   Intrinsic Worth, I Look To Heaven, Autumn
Gentian (Closed) -  Sweet Be Thy Dreams
Geranium  -  True Friend, Stupidity, Folly
Geranium (Apple) -  Present Preference
Geranium (Ivy)   -   Your Hand For Next Dance
Geranium (Lemon) -   Unexpected Meeting
Geranium (Nutmeg) -   I Expect A Meeting
Geranium (Oak-Leaved) - True Friendship, Lady, Deign To Smile
Geranium (Penciled) - Ingenuity
Geranium (Rose) - Preference
Geranium (Scarlet) - Consolation, Melancholy
Geranium (Silver-Leaf) -   Recall
Gerbera  - Innocence
Gladioli -  Generosity, I'm Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators
Globe Amaranth  -   Unfading Love
Gloxinia  -  Love At First Sight
Ginger - Strength
Golden-Rod  -  Be Cautious, Encouragement
Gooseberry -   Anticipation
Goosefoot  -   Goodness
Gorse -  Endearing Affection
Grass  - Submission
Grass/Citronella/Camel Grass/Lemon Grass/Ginger Grass - Homosexual Love
Guelder Rose/Snowball  -  Winter
Harebell/Campanula  -   Humility, Grief
Hawkweed -  Quicksightedness
Heart's Ease/Purple/Johnny Jump Up -  Think Of Me
Heart's Ease (Purple) - You Occupy My  Thoughts
Heath -  Solitude
Heather (Lavender) -   Admiration, Solitude
Heather (White) -   Protection, Wishes Will Come True
Heliotrope -  Devotion
Helmet Flower (Monkshood) -   Knight-Errantry
Hemp -  Fate
Henbane -  For Males To Attract Love From Females
Hepatica (Anemone Nobilis) -  Confidence
Hibiscus -  Consumed By Love, Delicate Beauty
Holly -  Defense, Domestic Happiness,  Am I Forgotten
Hollyhock -  Fruitfulness
Hollyhock (White) -  Female Ambition
Honesty/Lunaria/Dollar Plant/Money Plant -  Sincerity
Honeyflower -  Sweet, Secret Love, Generous Affection, Sweetness Of Disposition
Honeysuckle -   The Bond Of Love
Honeysuckle (Coral) -  I Love You
House-Leek -   Domestic Economy, Vivacity
Houstonia/Bluet/Quaker Ladies -  Content
Hoya/Wax Plant -    Sculpture
Huckleberry  - Faith, Simple Pleasures
Houstania -   Innocence, Content
Humble Plant -  Despondency, Humility
Hundred-Leaved Rose -   Dignity Of Mind
Hyacinth (General) -  Games & Sports, Rashness, Flower Dedicated To Apollo
Hyacinth (Blue) -  Consistency
Hyacinth (Purple) - Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow
Hyacinth (Red Or Pink) - Playful Joy
Hyacinth (White) - Unobtrusive Loveliness, I'll Pray For You
Hyacinth (Yellow) -Jealousy
Hydrangea -  Thank You For Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness
Hyssop -  Cleanliness
Iceland Moss - Health
Ipomaca - I Attach Myself To You
Indian Cress/Nasturtium -   Resignation
Iris - Faith, Wisdom, Promise In Love, Hope, Wisdom & Valor
Iris (Yellow) -Passion
Iris (German) -  Flame
Ivy - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
Ivy (Sprig Of White Tendrils) -Anxious To Please, Affection
Ivy Leaf -  Friendship
Ivy Vine -  Matrimony, Marriage
Jacob's Ladder - Come Down
Japanese Rose -  Beauty Is Your Only Attraction
Japonica -   Sincerity,  Symbol Of Love
Jasmine (Indian)  - Attachment
Jasmine (Spanish) - Sensuality
Jasmine (Yellow)  -  Modesty, Grace, Elegance
Jasmine (White) -Amiability
Jasmine (Spanish) -   Sensuality
Jerusalem Oak - Your Love Is Reciprocated
Jonquil - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy
Julienne (White)  -  Despair Not
Jumper -  Asylum, Aid, Protection
Justicia - The Perfection Of Female Loveliness
Kalmia (Mountain Laurel) -   Treachery
Kennedia   - Intellectual Beauty
Kings-Cups -  Desire Of Riches, I Wish I Was Rich
Laburnum - Forsaken, Pensive Beauty
Lady's Slipper  -  Win Me, Capricious Beauty
Lagerstraemia (Indian) -   Eloquence
Lantana  - Rigor
Larkspur - Levity, An Open Heart, Lightness
Larkspur (Pink) -  Lightness. Fickleness
Larkspur (Purple) -  Haughtiness
Laurel -   Glory
Lauristinus -  Cheerful In Adversity
Lavender - Love, Devotion
Lavatera -  Sweet Disposition
Lemon Blossom -Fidelity In Love, I Promise To Be True
Lilac(General) - Beauty, Pride
Lilac (Purple) - First Emotions Of Love
Lilac (White)  -  Youthful Innocence
Lily (General) -  Majesty & Honor, Purity Of Heart
Lily (Calla) -   Beauty
Lily (Day)   - Coquetry, Chinese Emblem For Mother
Lily (Eucharis) - Maiden Charms
Lily (Imperial) -  Majesty
Lily (Orange)  -  Hatred, Dislike
Lily (Scarlet) -  High-Bred, High-Souled
Lily (Tiger)  -  Wealth, Pride, Prosperity
Lily (White) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly To Be With You, Youth
Lily (Yellow) -   I'm Walking On Air, False, Gay, Gratitude
Lily Of The Valley  - Sweetness, Tears Of The Virgin Mary, Happiness, Humility
Liverwort - Confidence
Lobelia -  Malevolence
London Pride -  Frivolity
Love In A Mist -  You Puzzle Me
Love-In-A-Puzzle - Embarrassment
Love-Lies-Bleeding/Amaranthus - Hopeless, Not Heartless,  Desertion
Lotus -  Estranged Love, Forgetful Of The Past
Lucerne - Life
Lungwort -  Thou Art My Life
Lupine   - Imagination
Lychnis/Campion/Maltese Cross - Religious Enthusiasm
 Magnolia -Nobility, Perseverance, Nobility
Magnolia (Chinese) - Love Of Nature
Magnolia (Grandiflora) -Peerless And Proud
Maiden's Hair -  Discretion
Mallow -Delicate Beauty, Sweetness
Mallow (Marsh) - Beneficience
Mallow (Syrian) -Consumed By Love, Persuasion
Mallow  (Venetian) - Delicate Beauty
Marigold (Common) -Pretty Love, Sacred,Affection, Caress, Sorrow
Marjoram -  Joy, Happiness
Marvel Of Peru/Four O' Clock  - Timidity
Meadow (Lychnis) -Wit
Meadow (Saffron) - My Best Days Are Gone
Meadow (Sweet) -  Uselessness
Mercury -  Goodness
Mayflower - Welcome
Mezereon   - Desire To Please
Mignonette - Your Qualities Surpass Your Charms, Health
Milkweed - Hope In Misery
Milk Vetch - Your Presence Softens My Pain
Milkwort - Hermitage
Mimosa - Secret Love
Mint   - Virtue
Mistletoe -Kiss Me, Affection, Difficulties, Sacred Plant Of India
Monkshood - Beware, Danger Is Near
Moonwort/Honesty  - Forgetfulness
Mouse-Ear Chickweed  -Simplicity
Morning Glory -  Affection
Moschatel - Weakness
Moss -  Maternal Love
Mossy Saxifrage - Affection
Motherwort - Secret Love
Mourning Bride -  Unfortunate Attachment, I Have Lost All
Mouse Ear -  Forget Me Not
Mugwort/Wormwood  - Tranquility, Happiness
Mullein  -  Good Nature
Myrtle - Love, Joy, Hebrew Emblem Of Marriage
Myrtle (Wax) -Discipline, Instruction
Narcissus - Formality, Stay As Sweet As You Are
Nasturtium - Conquest, Victory In Battle
Night Blooming Cereus -Transient Beauty
Oak Leaves - Bravery
Oleander - Caution
Olive Branch -Peace
Orange Blossom -Innocence, Eternal Love, Marriage, Fruitfulness
Orchid - Love, Beauty, Refinement, Chinese Symbol For Many Children, Thoughtfulness
Orchid (Cattleya) - Mature Charm
Osmunda - I Dream Of Thee
Ox Eye -Patience
Palm Leaves -Victory  & Success
Pansy - Merriment, Thoughts (You Occupy My Thoughts)
Parsley - Useful Knowledge
Passion Flower -  Faith, Religious Fervor
Pasque Flower -  Unpretentious, You Have No Claims
Patience Dock -  Patience
Pear  -Affection
Peach Blossom  - I Am Your Captive
Peony -  Shame, Happy Marriage, Compassion, Bashfulness
Peppermint - Cordiality
Periwinkle/Vinca/Myrtle - Early Recollections, Sweet Memories
Periwinkle (Blue) -  Early Friendship. Early Attachment
Periwinkle (White) -  Pleasures Of Memory, Pleasant Recollections
Persicaria -  Restoration
Persimmon -  Bury Me Amid Nature's Beauties
Peruvian Heliotrope -  Devotion
Petunia - Your Presence Soothes Me
Pheasant's Eye/Adonis - Sorrowful Memories
Phlox -  Our Souls Are United, Unanimity
Pimpernel/Poor Man's Weather Glass - Change
Pine - Hope, Pity
Pink- Pure Affection
Pink (Mountain)   -You Are Aspiring
Pink (Clove) -  Dignity
Pink (Double-Red) -Pure And Ardent Love
Pink (Indian, Double) - Always Lovely
Pink (Indian, Single) - Aversion, Dislike
Pink (Red) -Love, Ardent And Sincere, Pure Love
Pink (Single) -Pure Love
Pink (Variegated) - Refusal
Pink (White) -  You Are Fair. Ingeniousness, Talent
Pink  (Yellow) - Disdain
Poppy (General) -Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
Poppy (Red) - Pleasure
Poppy (White) - Consolation
Poppy (Yellow ) -  Wealth, Success
Pomegranate Flower - Elegance
Pride Of China - Dissension
Primrose - I Can't Live Without You, Woman
Primrose (Evening) - Inconstancy
Primrose (Red)   - Unpatronized Merit
Prince's Feather - Unfading Love
Pussy Willow -  Motherhood
Ragged-Robin -Wit
Ranunculus  -I Am Dazzled By Your Charms
Raspberry -  Remorse
Red Catchfly -  Youthful Love
Reeds -  Music
Rest Harrow -  Obstacle
Rhubarb -  Advice
Rose (Austrian) -  Thou Art All That Is Lovely
Rose (Bridal)  - Happiness
Rose (Burgandy) -  Unconscious Beauty
Rose (Cabbage) -  Ambassador Of Love
Rose (Campion) - Only Deserve My Love
Rose (Carolina) - Love Is Dangerous
Rose (Christmas) -Relieve My Anxiety
Rose (Cinnamon) -  Without Pretension
Rose (Coral) -  Desire
Rose (Damask) - Freshness, Persian Ambassador Of Love
Rose (Dark Crimson) - Mourning
Rose (Dog) -  Pleasure & Pain
Rose (Green) - I Am From Mars
Rose (Hibiscus) - Delicate,  Beauty
Rose (Leaf)   -  You May Hope
Rose (Lavender) -Enchantment
Rose (Orange) - Fascination
Rose (Pink) -Perfect Happiness, Secret Love, Grace & Sweetness,  Indecision
Rose (Dark Pink) - Thankfulness
Rose (Pale Pink) - Grace, Joy
Rose (Peach) - Immortality, Modesty
Rose (Red) - Love, I Love You, Respect, Beauty
Rose (Deep Red) - Bashful, Shame
Rose (Tea) - I'll Remember - Always
Rose (Thornless) -Love At First Sight, Early Attachment
Rose (White) -Innocence, Purity, Humility, I Am  Worthy Of You, Secrecy, Silence
Rose (White & Red Together) -Unity, Flower Emblem Of England
Rose (White-Dried) - Death Is Preferable To Loss Of Virtue
Rose (Yellow) - Joy, Jealousy,  Friendship (One Yellow Rose With 11 Red Ones Means Love & Passion)
Rosebud  - Beauty & Youth, A Heart Innocent Of Love
Rosebud (Red) - Pure & Lovely
Rosebud (White) - Girlhood, Heart Ignorant Of Love
Rosebud (Moss) - Confessions Of Love
Roses (Bouquet Of Full Bloom) - Gratitude
Roses (Single Full Bloom) - I Love You,  Simplicity
Roses (Garland Or Crown Of) -Beware Of Virtue, Reward Of Merit, Symbol Of Superior Merit
Rose (Musk Cluster) - Charming
Rose-Of-Sharon - Consumed By Love
Rosemary - Remembrance
Rush/Horse-Tail -Docility
Saffron Flower -  Do Not Abuse, Excess Is Dangerous, Beware Of Excess
Saffron (Meadow) - My Happiest Days Are Past
Sage  - Wisdom, Great Respect
Sardonia - Irony
Satin-Flower (Lunaria) - Sincerity, Forgetfulness, Am I Forgotten?
Saxifrage (Mossy) -Affection
Scabious - Unfortunate Love
Scabious (Sweet) -Widowhood
Scarlet Lychnis - Sunbeaming Eyes
Schinus -  Religious Enthusiasm
Sensitive Plant - Timidity
Shamrock - Lightheartedness
Sloe - Difficulty, Austerity
Smilax - Loveliness
Snapdragon -Gracious Lady, Strength
Snowball  -Thoughts Of Heaven
Snowdrop  - Hope,  Consolation
Spearmint - Warm Sentiment
Speedwell -  Female Fidelity
Spider Flower  - Elope With Me
Spiderwort -  Esteem Not Love, Esteem, But Not Love
Spring Caroline - Disappointment
Solidago - Success
Star Of Bethlehem -Atonement, Reconciliation
Starwort -  Welcome To A Stranger
Stephanotis -Marital Happiness, Desire To Travel
Stock- Bonds Of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful To Me
Stonecrop  -  Tranquility
Straw Flower  -  Agreement
Straw -  Agreement, United
Straw (Broken) - Broken Agreement
Sumac/Sumach -Splendid, Intellectual Excellence
Sunflower ( Dwarf) -   Adoration
Swallow-Wort -Cure For Heartache
Sweet Briar  - Poetry, Simplicity
Sweetbrier (European) - I Wound To Heal
Sweetbrier (Yellow) -Decrease Of Love, Let Us Forget
Sweet Flag - Fitness
Sweetpea - Good-By, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You For A Lovely Time
Sweet-Sultan - Felicity, Happiness
Sweet-William -  Grant Me One Smile, Gallantry
Sytingia/Mock Orange/Lilac - Memory, Fraternal Love
 Teasel (Dipscaus) -  Misanthropy
Tendrils Of Climbing Plants -  Ties
Thrift (Armeria) -   Sympathy
Traveler's Joy   - Rest,  Safety
Tremella - Resistance
Truffle - Surprise
Trumpet Flower/Angel's Trumpet/Datura -  Separation
Tuberose - Dangerous Pleasures, Voluptuousness, Sweet Voice
Tulip (General) -Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland
Tulip (Red) - Believe Me, Declaration Of Love
Tulip (Variegated) - Beautiful Eyes
Tulip (Yellow) - There's Sunshine In Your Smile
Tussilage - (Sweet-Scented) -  Justice Shall Be Done You
Valerian (Common) - Accommodating Disposition
Valerian (Greek) - Rupture
Valerian (Red) - Readiness
Venice Sumach - Splendour. Intellectual Excellence
Venus' Car - Fly With Me
Venus's Flytrap - Caught At Last
Venus's Looking-Glass -Flattery
Verbena - Pray For Me, Sensibility
Verbena (Pink) - Family Union
Verbena (Purple) - I Weep For You, Regret
Verbena (White) - Pray For Me
Veronica - Fidelity
Verinoca Speciosa - I Dare Not
Veronica Speedwell -Fidelity
Vernal Grass - Poor But Happy
Vervain - Enchantment
Vetch - I Cling To Thee, Shyness
Vine - Intoxicating
Violet - Modesty, Virtue, Affection
Violet (Blue) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, Love
Violet (White) -Let's Take A Chance On Happiness
Violet (Dame) - Watchfulness, You Are The Queen Of Coquettes
Violet (Purple) - You Occupy My Thoughts
Violet (Sweet) - Modesty
Violet (White) - Purity, Candor, Modesty, Innocence, Let's Take A Chance On Happiness
Violet (Yellow) - Modest Worth, Rural Happiness
Virginian Spiderwort - Momentary Happiness
Virgin's Bower/Clematis -Filial Love (Filial: Referring To A Son Or Daughter)
Viscaria - Will You Dance With Me?
Volkamenia - May You Be Happy
 Wall Flower/Gilly Flower - Faithful In Adversity, Fidelity,  Lasting Beauty
Watcher-By-The-Wayside -   Never Despair
Water Lily -  Purity Of Heart
Wax Plant - Susceptibility
Windflower - Sincerity,  Symbol Of Love
Wintergreens - Harmony
Wisteria - Welcome
Witch Hazel -A Spell
Wolfbane/Aconite/Turk's Cap/Friar's Cap/Bear's Foot - Misanthropy, Chivalry, Knight
Woodbine - Fraternal Love
Wood Sorrel -  Joy, Maternal Tenderness
Wormwood/Artemisia  - Absence, Do Not Be Discouraged
 Yarrow -  Cure For Heartache
Zephyr Flower - Sincerity, Symbol Of Love
Zinnia (Magenta )  - Lasting Affection
Zinnia (Mixed ) - Thinking (Or In Memory) Of An Absent Friend
Zinnia (Scarlet) -  Constancy
Zinnia (White)  -  Goodness
Zinnia (Yellow) -  Daily Remembrance
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celticpagans · 5 years
Herbs 3/10
Cabbage White Root – Luck.
Cactus – Protection and Chastity.
Calamus – Luck, Healing, Money and Protection. *POISON*
Camellia – Brings Riches and Luxury, Admiration and Perfection.
Camellia, Pink – To Gain Love or to Mesmerize.
Camellia, Red – Positive Love, Contentment and Infatuation.
Camellia, White – Adoration.
Camphor – Chastity, Health, Cleaning, Divination and Prophetic Dreams. *DO NOT INJEST*
Caper – Potency, Luck and Lust.
Caraway – Protection, Lust, Mental Powers, Health and Anti-Theft.
Cardamom – Love and Lust.
Carnation – Strength, Protection, Health, Energy, Healing and Fascination. Bonds Affection.
Carnation, Pink – Unforgettable.
Carnation, Purple – Whimsical and Changeable.
Carnation, Red – Admiration.
Carnation, White – Innocence and Pure Love.
Carob – Health and Protection.
Carrot – Fertility and Lust.
Cascara Sagrada – Money, Legal Matters and Protection.
Cashew – Money.
Castor – Protection.
Catnip – Cat Magic, Beauty, Happiness and Love.
Cattail – Lust.
Cedar – Healing, Purification, Money and Protection.
Celandine – Protection, Happiness, Legal Matters and Escape.
Celery – Mental Powers, Psychic Powers and Lust.
Centaury – Snake Removal.
Chamomile – Sleep, Money, Love and Purification.
Cherry – Love and Divination.
Chestnut – Love.
Chickweed – Fertility, Love, Poultice or Ointment for Skin Inflammations.
Chicory – Removal of Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors and Frugality. A Digestive Tonic. For Gallstones, Rheumatism and Gout.
Chili Pepper – Fidelity, Love and Hex Breaking.
China Berry – Luck and Change.
Chrysanthemum – Protection and Cheerfulness.
Chrysanthemum, Red – Love and Worship.
Chrysanthemum, White – Truth, Honesty and Protection Against Spirits.
Cinchona – Luck and Protection.
Cinnamon – Spirituality, Success, Power, Love, Lust, Protection, Psychic Powers, Mental Focus and Healing.
Cinquefoil – Money, Protection, Sleep, Be Rid of Hexes and Prophetic Dreams.
Citron – Psychic Powers and Healing.
Cloth of Gold – Understanding Animal Languages.
Clove – Protection, Exorcism, Love and Money.
Clover – Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Success, Luck and Exorcism.
Club Moss – Power and Protection.
Coconut – Purification, Protection and Chastity.
Coffee – Ritual Stimulant.
Cohosh, Black – Love, Protection, Courage and Potency.
Coshosh, Blue – Healing, Purification, Woman's Power and Woman's Energizer.
Coltsfoot – Love and Visions.
Columbine – Love and Courage.
Columbo American, Root – Power, Energy and Dispelling Evil.
Comfrey – Good for any Magical Healing. Tissue and Bone Healer. For Ulcers, Colitis, Bronchitis and Back Pain. Money Spells. Safety during Travel. CAUTION: Avoid excessive consumption.
Copal – Love and Purification.
Coriander – Love, Health and Healing. Fights Mystical Evils.
Corn – Luck, Protection and Divination.
Cornflower – Psychism. Patron Herb of Herbalists.
Costmary – Flavor Cakes and Beer. Scent for Hair Rinses and Baths.
Cotton – Luck, Healing, Protection, Fishing Magic and Rain.
Cowslip – Youth, Healing and Treasure Finding.
Crampbark – Muscle and nervous relaxant. CAUTION: The fresh berries are poisonous.
Crocus – Love and Visions.
Cubeb – Love.
Cuckoo-flower – Fertility, Love.
Cucumber – Chastity, Healing and Fertility. Soothing and Cooling to the Psyche. Assists Astral Travel.
Cumin – Fidelity, Protection, Anti-Theft and Exorcism.
Curry – Protection.
Cyclamen – Fertility, Protection, Happiness and Lust.
Cypres s – Longevity, Healing, Protection and Comfort. Increases the Power of Invocations.
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melon-arts · 6 years
Tumblr media
I love sillouettes and flower crowns,,,, Detailed info under the cut.
This is all based on a small cluster of headmates I have that are sort of an acting family to each other. They’re named left to right below, with the symbolism behind their Crowns detailed. 
Claire’s wreath: Trefoil- Vengance Belvedere-I declare war against you  Milfoil-War (Crown) Basil -Hatred
Am’Lasip’s Wreath: Cinquefoil-Maternal affection,  Allspice-Compassion  (Wraps)  Moss- Maternal Love
Ebby’s wreath: Geranium- Steadfast piety European Sweetbrier- I wound to heal  Burdock- Touch me not  (Antlers) Lily of the Valley- Return of Happiness
Erika’s wreath: Cowslip, American-Divine beauty,  Violet, Yellow- Rural happiness  Zinnia- Thoughts of absent friends  (Horns)  Bay Leaf -I change but in death
Voice’s wreath: Bugloss- Falsehood  Honey Flower-Love sweet and secret  Spruce pine- Hope in adversity  (Microphone) Moschate-l Weak but winning
Vannessa’s wreath: Dodecatheon-You are my divinity Daphne Odora-Desire to please,  (Plumes) Goldenrod- Encouragement
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bonni · 7 years
some lesser-known flower meanings;
eglantine - i wound to heal. wild tansy - declaration of war. clarkia - will you dance with me? tussilago - justice shall prevail. american cowslip - you are my divinity. meadow saffron - my happiest days are past. creeping cerberus - modest genius. african marigold - vulgar minds. citrus gum - i shall die tomorrow. love-lies-bleeding - hopeless, not heartless. persimmon - bury me amid nature’s beauties. black mulberry - i shall not survive you.
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scriptflorist · 3 years
Hi! I’m writing a short story where flowers are a big reoccurring motif. So, I was thinking I should be a bit more thoughtful about what flowers I use. I need some advice on flowers that would be suitable to give to a performer (ballerina if you want to be more specific). Basically need to signify perfection, beauty, high-esteem, etc.
Thanks for the help!
Well, technically your character could receive a variety of flowers. There is nothing unique just for performers, it all depends on the person gifting them, as well as the one receiving them and then how much money the bouquet is supposed to cost. Or whether the ballerina in your story is supposed to receive several single flowers instead, or perhaps a floral foam arrangement? The possibilities are not quite as restricted as it’s generally believed. The flowers that are gifted are supposed to something the other character would like to gift or considers suitable for the occasion (at this point the florist generally does help), maybe they’re the ballerina’s favourite colour? Or maybe they have a favourite flower to begin with? Or it could depend on whether the bouquet is supposed to represent their own character or the one the represented on-stage? Maybe it should match their outfit?
That of course hardly narrows it down, so let’s find some meanings for your story.
acacia (rose) – elegance, friendship
acacia (white) -- elegance
alyssum – worth beyond beauty
amaryllis – splendid beauty, pride, haughtiness, timidity
apple blossom – fame speaks you great and good, good fortune, better things to come, preference
birch tree – gracefulness
camellia – perfection, admiration, good luck gift for a man, gratitude, modest merit, my destiny is in your hands
camellia (white) – perfected loveliness, adoration, perfection
cereus (night-blooming) – transient beauty
cowslip (american) – divine beauty, you are my angel, you are my divinity
dahlia – elegance and dignity, for ever thine, novelty, my gratitude exceeds my care, instability, dignity
daisy – beauty and innocence, innocence, loyal love, I’ll never tell, purity
daisy (particoloured) – beauty
diosma – your simple elegance charms me
gillyflower – lasting beauty, enduring beauty, bonds of affection
glory flower – glorious beauty
hibiscus – delicate beauty, beauty is vain, consumed by love
hyacinth (white) – beauty, unobtrusive loveliness
jasmine (yellow) – grace and elegance, elegance, grace, modesty
justiciar – the perfection of female loveliness
laurel – virtue is true beauty, glory and success, glory, treachery
lilac – beauty, pride, first emotion of love
lily (calla) – magnificent beauty, beauty, feminine modesty
locust tree – elegance, vicissitude
mallow – delicate beauty, sweetness, sweet disposition, beneficence, mildness
mallow (venetian) – delicate beauty
mignonette – your qualities surpass your charms/loveliness, moral and intellectual beauty, “without pretension to beauty, possesses qualities which command profound respect and affection”
ophrys (spider) – skill, dexterity
orchid – beauty, refined beauty, a belle, refinement, love, thoughtfulness
orchid (cateleya) – mature charm
peach – your qualities surpass your charms unequalled
pineapple – you are perfect, perfection
pomegranate flower – elegance, mature and finished elegance, mature elegance
poppy (corn) – ephemeral charms, consolation
potentilla – I claim at least your esteem
ranunculus – you are radiant with charms, I am dazzled by your charms, your charms are resplendent
rose – beauty, love
rose (acacia) – elegance
rose (china) – beauty ever new, beauty always new
rose (hibiscus) – beauty, delicate
rose (hundred-leaved) – grace, pride
rose (multiflora) – grace, many charms
rose (musk, cluster) – charming
rose (pale pink) – grace, joy
rose (pink) – grace, grace & sweetness, perfect happiness, secret love, indecision
rose (red) – beauty, beauty and love, I love you, love, respect
rosebud – beauty & youth, a heart innocent of love, girl, young girl
rue – grace or purification, disdain
sage – esteem, domestic virtue, good health and long life, wisdom, great respect
spider ophyrs – skill, adroitness
spiderwort – I esteem but do not love you, esteem not love, transient happiness
stock – lasting beauty, you will always be beautiful to me, bonds of affection, promptness,
strawberry – perfection, perfect excellence, goodness, perfect goodness
strawberry tree – esteem and love, esteem not love, perseverance
sweet flag – grace, fitness
trumpet flower – fame, separation
trumpet vine – fame
tulip – fame, perfect lover, (a) declaration of love, beautiful eyes
wallflower – lasting beauty, faithfulness in adversity, fidelity, fidelity in adversity/misfortune, faithfulness in adversity/misfortune
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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