#altmal feels
fedvifeels · 4 months
haven't been able to draw these two properly for a little while, might as well share whilst I can.
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chesterjesterr · 5 months
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greenlaut · 3 months
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[WIP] altair wake up your rival is bringing you tea and dates
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ibnnlahad · 3 months
altaïr being so clingy and cuddly, holding malik’s hand when they’re in private, overall behaving like a lovey-dovey nuisance and malik pretending that it bothers him but it doesn’t!!!! it doesn’t, actually, he loves him to the moon and back and finds him endearing, even when he behaves as he does when he’s all that comfortable; as comfortable as he only lets himself get when they’re together
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teecupangel · 7 months
I have been thinking what about if Desmond turned into a Pegasus, a Hippogriff or even better a Griffin. I just really like the image of Desmond's ancestors riding into battle or just flat out jumps from Desmond's back mid flight leap of faith style.
To be honest I like Griffin Desmond more. The combination of bird of prey and big feline is just so fitting for the Assassin's Brotherhood. Aerial superiority plus the stealth agility and flexibility of a cat. Plus imagine Altaïr finding cub Desmond during AC1 and thinking he is just a cat sized chubby ball of fluff that can fly and claw at the enemies faces (and also curl up with him at night and purr, Desmond's feathers and fur are very soft). Then fast forward a few years where baby is all grown up, can claw through steel and armor, is bigger than most horses and capable of easily carrying two people comfortably on his back and still have space for a third (that doesn't stop Desmond from sleeping in Altaïr's bed much to Altaïr's delight displeasure).
Also could put some AltMal in there with cub Desmond helping mend their relationship (Kadar is alive because I said so, maybe he saved him at the cave). And bringing those two for a nice flight.
Desmond goes down in Assassin history as a legendary creature whose chosen rider/companion goes on to do great things.
I wrote a pegasus idea but I can’t seemed to find it :(
I think I also wrote Griffin version but I’m soooo unsure so… have this little scene instead? XD
It was the sounds of quick feet hastily walking away that alerted him.
Altaïr raised his head and placed the quill back to the small ink bottle next to the journal he had been writing on, the two pages filled with the ongoing designs for Desmond’s armor with notes all over concerning the materials and possible alternatives.
He stood and waited for Malik to open the door to reach the mentor’s office from the second floor of the main keep. Altaïr kept his face blank, observing Malik’s face.
He was frowning with lips set on a grim line.
But his eyes did not bore any darkness nor blaze.
So… annoyed but not murderous or angry.
Altaïr could work with that.
… he just have to find out what he did wrong this time before Malik’s annoyance boiled into anger.
“Malik…” Altaïr greeted cautiously with a nod.
“Follow me.”
With that said, Malik walked out of the office and Altaïr grabbed the journal, not wishing it to be seen by anyone. He kept it open though because of the ink but followed Malik quietly, ignoring the way the other Assassins and scholars rushed (while walking) out of their way.
Malik led him to their private quarters and Altaïr was trying to remember if he had forgotten something.
Did he leave books haphazardly again?
Altaïr was sure all the books had been organized this morning. He hadn’t even touched any of them, having been woken up by Kadar before dawn because of a new merchant who thought he could pull a fast one on Kadar with the absurd prices he had set for supplies.
Kadar was the reason why he had woken up but it was Kadar’s assistant, a young Assassin who had to leave the field due to a severe injury, that had woke him up and begged him to intervene before Kadar pushed the merchant off the fortress wall and make it look like an accident.
… not that it ever happened before.
Was it because Altaïr left in a hurry with no time to-
Malik wouldn’t be annoyed by something so small.
They entered the room and Malik led him to…
“Care you tell me about your bedwarmer when I’m not here?” Malik asked dryly.
To anyone else, they would probably assume Malik thought Altaïr had been spending the night with another behind his back.
Desmond stared at them, wings twitching slightly as he remained curled on the bed, currently in disarray with feathers all over.
One of the pillows (the blue one that no one really uses anyway) had been eviscerated, its guts flowing out from the telltale talon marks.
“I can explain.” Altaïr started.
It was bound to happen.
Malik didn’t know that Desmond would come into their room and sleep with Altaïr whenever he was away.
Altaïr wasn’t even sure if Desmond did it to comfort Altaïr or if he wanted some comfort but it had been a habit they formed since he found Desmond as a cub, so small he could fit in one of Altaïr’s arms effortlessly.
Malik raised an eyebrow as he said, “Alright, I’m listening.”
Desmond slowly got up and tried to make himself look small (a fruitless effort considering his actual size) while crawling towards the now open door.
Desmond froze at the sound of Malik’s voice.
Desmond stared at Altaïr, his big eyes seemingly becoming bigger, glistening with plea.
Altaïr turned his eyes away.
Desmond made an almost clicking sound before walking towards Altaïr, going on his haunches next to him.
“Well…” Malik glared at Altaïr, “Go ahead, Altaïr.”
Altaïr stared at Malik and wondered.
… what the hell was he supposed to explain?
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project-zorthania · 6 months
Yup sorry don’t mind me in your altmal tag, it’s so well curated! The altmal to eruri and back pipeline is so real.
oh no not at all, by all means!! It always brings me joy to see my activity feed populated with notifications from people who share similar tastes <3
and don't even get me started on the altmal to eruri pipeline- or i will never stop talking *SOBS*
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Fic Masterlist
Because Tumblr search features are shit. Fandoms, Fics, and Series are organized in alphabetical order. Each link will send you to the Tumblr version but there will be a link to the AO3 version within that post. If you would rather go straight to AO3, my account is linked in the post pinned on my blog.
Assassin's Creed:
Of Blades and Parchment Series
Tumblr tag: #Of Blades and Parchment
Altmal AU where Malik never became an assassin and instead works as a crippled bookseller. Series is in progress.
Here's Where You'll Stay (3082 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Here's Where You'll Stay
"As John stared at the door preparing to get his face mauled, he couldn’t help but incredulously complain that this was not how he wanted his weekend to go. He had plans! He supposes that he would be willing to put them on hold for Phantom’s sake, but he wasn’t agreeable to the incoming face mauling. "
When Phantom comes down with Core Sickness it's up to John Constantine to save the ghost from fading.
Nothing Says "True Love" Like Being Given The Soul of Your Murderer (1510 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #nstllbgtsoym
Addition to a post by @nelkcats
"Another snarl caused him to lose his staring contest with the Bat. Nightwing was now standing between the two of them and appeared to be trying to placate the crime boss while Red Robin made the bloody stupid decision of trying to sneak up behind him. Red quickly paid the price for his folly, finding himself flat on his back pinned underneath Hood's boot while he honest to God snapped at Nightwing like a rabid dog.
"It's my gift! He gave it to me. Now fuck off before I m̶a̷k̸e̸ ̵y̶o̸u̶."
Yeah. Someone should probably interfere before they pissed him off anymore.
"You should corral your kids before one of em' loses a hand."
"Hngh." Batman leaves to break up the fight with Nightwing's aid. Hood scampers off to one of the corners of the cave, cradling the violet ball in his gloved hands as if it was the most precious thing in the world. It sounded like he was purring. John was suddenly very tired."
Rending Flesh From the Bone (3093 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #RFFTB
Dick wasn't so sure about Jason's "gut feeling", but what are brothers for if not to support each other during paranoia episodes? Now, deep underground in an abandoned subway tunnel, Dick is starting to have regrets as he watches the scene before him.
TW: Gore, Cannibalism, Vomiting, Zalgo Text
Slap a Bow on It (4752 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Slap a Bow on It
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
 "Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t stupid. He could be a bit oblivious, but he always got there in the end. So when Danny woke up the next morning and realized that last night wasn’t a dream, he had an epiphany. He was being courted by the super hot and apparently undead crime lord who ran the haunt on the other side of the street."
TW: Danny is thirsty as hell, mentions/allusions to nsfw but nothing explicit
Star Shoes (2772 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Star Shoes
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
"Things had been going so well for him lately. He should have expected the other shoe to drop. Or the metal pipe in this case."
In which Danny and his totally normal boyfriend who is definitely not Red Hood are abducted by cultists. Danny is super concussed, but he's got the spirit.
The Double-edged Blade of Chance (5309 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #The Double-edged Blade of Chance
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
Not everyone gets to meet their soulmate. It was just a fact of life. There was always a chance, but chance was a double-edged blade. 
Jason quite literally runs into his soulmate at the young age of eight.
“Sorry! I thought you were a ghost!”
"Why would I be a ghost?”
TW: Major Character Death, Child Neglect, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Drug Addiction, Depression
Unnamed fic (ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic)
Tumblr Tag: #ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic
Addition to a post by @starwrighter
Fic is currently a work in progress with only a minimal amount released to the public under the Tumblr post. Once it's completely written chapters will be posted and linked independently.
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ryandoesfanart · 5 months
🎇 Happy new year to everyone!! 🎆 – Recap at the End!
I hope you guys are doing fine and had some relaxing holidays. 2023 is over and there is a new year coming with lots of fun posts and (ofc) more Altmal content! :D
I want to thank everyone for their steady support and eventho the Altmal-Fandom can feel pretty dry from time to time, we found so many amazing people still remembering and loving these two idiots – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
I'll keep drawing and you guys keep loving them, Deal? 0v0
And now a little recap of our chaotic couple! Remember them all? :P
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isa-belle1367 · 3 months
Little drunk altmal fluff to ease the pain🥰
I heard Altair come into the bureau. It was late at night and he had been out tracking his target all day.
A rich political who spent his time getting drunk, sending money to Templars, and spreading their propaganda.
He recently had a man killed for speaking out against his cruel ways. The drunkard deserved to die.
I watched as Altair walked into the main room, holding up a bloodied feather. He was oddly quiet.
I gave a nod of approval before returning to the map I had been looking at. To my left, I heard the sound of Altair walking behind my desk.
"Altair, what are y-" I was cut off by him sliding his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.
I tensed but he didn't seem to notice.
"Altair, what are you doing?" It was less of a question and more of a demand
"You smell like home." He muttered, burying his face in my neck.
From here, I could smell the faint smell of alcohol on his breath. His target had been a drinker, so it made sense that Altair had to go to a bar. But why was he drunk?
"And you smell like alcohol. Why are you drunk novice." I said while turning around to face him.
He was really close to my face. His hands lingered on my waist.
He frowned for a moment as if trying to remember. "Had to go as a guest. He insisted on me having some drinks."
I sighed. "They could have been poisoned!"
"Made him take the first sip." He muttered while leaning closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Okay, let's get you to bed. You can't fall asleep on my shoulder." I said, trying to gently move him off of me.
He made a whining noise while moving his face closer to my neck. The action made my hair stand.
Great, he didn't want to go to bed. I really didn't want to leave him out here.
"Why don't you want to go to bed?" I said exasperated. Just how drunk was he?
"Nightmares." He muttered. His voice was barely audible, I could only hear him because he was right next to my ear.
I sighed. Most assassins suffered from nightmares, Altair included, so it made sense, but that didn't really help the situation.
"If I go with you, will you go to bed?" I knew I was going to regret this decision, but I'd rather suffer a bit of embarrassment than having a drunk assassin terrorizing the city.
Altair paused for a minute before nodding his head and moving off of me.
"Can you walk, or do I need to carry you?" I said sarcastically.
"I can walk." He said quietly.
I grabbed his hand and led him out from behind my desk. I brought him over to where he had been sleeping the past few nights. I was about to tell him to lie down before I noticed that he still had all of his knives on him.
"Your knives." I pointed out.
He looked down before shrugging.
"You're not going to bed with knives all over you. You're going to stab yourself."
He sighed, clearly unhappy, before sitting down and beginning to remove all of his weapons and gear. He was clearly struggling as his hands fumbled with the straps.
I shook my head, sitting down in front of him and beginning to help him with my one good arm.
I carefully set the knives off to the side, I was less careful with his gear, just tossing it next to the blades.
I tried not to focus on how close I was to him. I could feel his body heat. He was warm. It was a sharp contrast to the cold night. I was half tempted to lean into his warmth, but I refrained.
After all of his gear was off, he flopped down onto his makeshift bed, exhausted.
I laid down next to him, and he quickly moved closer to me, burying his face in my chest.
I sighed. Who knew that Altair, who despised touch, became so clingy when he was drunk.
I wrapped my arm around him, and he moved closer.
I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep myself.
He took a deep breath. "You smell like home." He murmured. It wasn't long before I could tell he was asleep.
I smiled. Maybe this wasn't so bad.
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jhirowolf · 11 months
Ok, i've been playing some of the older AC games (some replaying, some playing myself for the first time) and i got some thoughts i wanna share.
Connor Kenway not only is the one i feel like follows the new creed of freedom and the assassin rules the most, embodying what the order stood for after Altairs reformation of assassins, he is also the most autistic character of the series (whitch just adds to my love of the character).
Connor creating a small community where he isn't the owner, just the glue that holds these people who are left to live by their rules and without anyone ruling over them PERFECTLY showcases what the assassins mean when they fight for "freedom and peace".
I really like that Edward moves differently to Connor and Haytham so Stedes "you have a very specific way of carrying yourself" comment works, because while Haytham and Connor move with broad open shoulders and have small changes to their postures when they start fast walking, Edward is way more closed in and his hands are always open like he's ready to grab a weapon or crawl on something at all times.
Now something for the AltMal shippers, we know Altair reworked the hidden blade thanks to the apple so the ring finger doesn't have to be cut, my question is...do you think the first moment he realised he has done he rushed to Malik with the blade and was like "Try it on, Malik."? Just for Malik to answer "Altair, i would very much preffer to have at least one full arm and a hand, if you don't mind." Just to see a couple minutes later he doesn't have to loose his finger for the blade to be used.
If there's one setting i want to see explored in the AC games would be Great Britain during the Punk movement, because i feel like punks and assassins would fit perfectly together with their ideologies and beliefs.
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curiosity-killed · 2 months
writing wip ask game
tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower!!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
per usual! i am cheating. and also not tagging 90+ folks
trigun girlies terrible roadtrip
tristamp plant fic
trolley fic
MDZS/The Untamed
20200518_Family feels
a thousand branches
burial mounds pov
copy of LWJ thread fic
jc perspective
Jin Ling WWX Empathy
knives for JC
lxc wwx post-whipstitch
sixteen stitches
Sizhui Bow verse
wangji find me
wangxian tumblr prompts (despite the title the only wip in here is sangcheng)
wwx as mdm yu protege
yunmeng bro reunion
yunmeng jiang everyone dies
Altair and Al Mualim
altmal 6 below AU
altmal modern AU
altmal modern soulmates
almal modern swim
altmal sex talk
altmal sparring
altmal time travel (wow do u notice a them with my AC fics)
convict altiar plus future part_OLD
Dragon Alty
Not including Marvel or VLD fics here since those are pretty well abandoned
he xuan and hua cheng bros
hualian makeup
tgcf twt au
hua cheng bro
hualian dance AU
wulian au
alt b4 twt thread
bflf mer au
hualian pygmalion — holy and real
huaqing gay chicken
xianle trio reunion
hualian idev LMAO
Original Fic
20231130_Consolidated draft01 (aka TCP)
again. d1
apostasy_FW 8292017
NaOri reunion
Ren and Avery
20190429_Sotiris and Nadia
20230528_Nadia and Sotiris
crown of string
GEMINI script
OVERWORLD script (??)
Pi & Veria
Untitled Document
The Girl with Red Hands
scorpion grass
wenzhou fix-it
a thousand whirling dreams
atla_light dancer
tagging (no pressure!) @givemeunicorns @vyther15 @fantasiavii @lightshesaid
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fedvifeels · 3 months
haven't posted here for a bit but uh ALTMAL FEELS!
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chesterjesterr · 4 months
i need altmal injected into my veins
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
ok this deserves its own post basically theres this whole altmal fanfic series called sassverse where altaïr and his family (ezio des and all) are all social media influencers and malik starts a blog where he shits on altaïr for being misogynistic and homophobic plot twist theyve slept together before making malik hate altaïr more 😭 now… when i read it before i didnt see the micro aggressions but now… good LORD… they made altaïr have the whole ‘im arab but idk arabic and kebab is the only cultural food i know’ thing going on its like 80 chapters long with other spin-offs or smth idk but its ao3 do read it if u feel like it because i dont think the writings terrible but. its very… weird… ezio and altaïr fight a lot for no reason
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miss-3625 · 1 year
An Assassin's Creed fanfiction (Altmal), that I'm currently writing: (It is finished, since the 01.01.2023)
Eagle Vision on AO3
'Oh,' he thought, and instinct made him activate his other sight. Between one blink and the next, the world was bathed in a soft gray and everything unimportant disappeared from his sight.
'Oh,' he thought again and his heart started beating even faster, his eyes wide open now.
Malik was golden.
If a person is blue, they are a friend. If they're red, then they're an enemy. But if they’re gold, then they’re important.
Malik was golden. Malik was important.
The moment his vision returned to normal, Malik turned his head towards him. His eyes sparkled in the sun and his smile grew.
'Oh,' Altaïr thought a third time. His smile also grew. 'He is beautiful.'
It is mostly fluff I guess, with just a little hint of angst and maybe sadness.
Also it is currently in progress; while it was supposed to be a one shot, my fingers just won't stop writing ^^
Feel free to check it out :D (and maybe leave a Kudos and a comment as well)
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Little sneak peaks:
Chapter 1
Altaïr knew from an early age on that he was different from the other boys he grew up with - although it took him a while to realize what was really so different about him.
However, he really realized that he was different the year Malik became more than his friend.
Chapter 2
He sighed in relief. Perhaps he would still escape the nasty complaining of Jerusalem's Rafiq.
As soon as he finished his thought, he felt a thump on his left side and then pain.
Chapter 3
He came to a halt when he finally saw what the problem was.
A broken end of an arrow jutted from Altaïr's left side, the previously white robe was stained red around the spot, and there were small wounds all over his body. Presumably from arrows that only grazed him.
"Altaïr!" he shouted, running towards the injured man, his heart racing.
Chapter 4
He only slightly noticed that the hand traveled from his head down his cheek and cupped his jaw. A thumb gently caressed his cheek.
"I’ll take care of you. You're not alone,” whispered Malik.
Altaïr smiled and fell back into the darkness.
Chapter 5
"You think I'm beautiful?" Malik asked softly and Altaïr grunted in response.
Malik turned his face to Altaïr, who followed suit. Both just looked at each other for a short moment and eyed the other.
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noficbyhalves · 3 months
WIP drinking game
Tagged by @ahungeringknife
Tagging you! person reading this! if you've got a wip and would like to, of course
Rules make a drinking game for your work-in-progress that would give the player alcohol poisoning
Oh boy here we go, I'm doing both. Take a shot every time...
Stargazing is done/discussed/mentioned
An extra shot if the Altaïr/Vega myth is mentioned
A third if it involves Malik overidentifying with Vega/magpies and trying to be Normal about it
Altaïr falls asleep next to/on Malik
Malik uses a nickname/pet name for someone
Extra shot if it's something that would usually be interpreted as an insult
A challenge or bet is issued and taken
Extra shot if it's via something being claimed to be 'impossible'
Altaïr thinks or says the gayest thing in the universe, followed by how Malik is his bestest friend. Platonically. Because he is straight.
A reference to anything queer made by another character goes directly over Altaïr's head
Malik sets something on fire
Malik uses wandless magic
Malik is grievously injured
Malik is blatantly staving off a mental breakdown with just pure concentrated spite
One or both of them does some kind of magic that's Super Fucking Illegal
Extra shot if it's blood magic
Malik gets frustrated by magical society refusing/ignoring 200+ years of progress
Altaïr is fascinated with anything non-magical/lineside
Altaïr is certain that Malik's mother hates him/Altaïr is terrified of Malik's mother
The prophecy involving Altaïr is mentioned
Altaïr's grandfather is The Worst (either onscreen or implied)
William Miles is a manipulative bastard
Kadar is an obnoxious little brother /affectionate
Kadar is blatantly sick of these two being oblivious about each other
Maria is a top-tier badass
Leonardo is Concerned
(I'd say 'every time altmal are codependent af', but you'd have to chug the bottle for the whole duration and that feels like cheating)
Altaïr treats gender like a performance
The line between sparring and flirting gets suspiciously blurry
Altaïr tries to fix her problems by climbing a tall thing
Altaïr is neurotic re: the pressure to be The Best Master Assassin
Or, Al Mualim deliberately adds to that pressure
Malik is Bothered by Altaïr refusing to plan
Altaïr is disdainful about the concept of luck
An orange is shared
Altaïr does or says something alarming as a result of Eagle Vision/The Apple/Isu Bullshit
A treason attempt is had
Malik is real horny about the concept of trust/seeing Altaïr without her mask
Malik concocts another elaborate workaround to avoid having to use Altaïr's fake name
One of them does something that's basically a nonverbal love confession (of varying levels of sanity)
One or both of them is deeply rattled by comparing their childhood to their kids'
Malik gets called an old man
Altaïr does something that's... religiously or culturally questionable
Altaïr is compared to a natural disaster
"I will always come back to you"
One or both of them gets sappy about parenthood
Someone assumes that because Altaïr is no longer young, she isn't as dangerous
Extra shot if that assumption is fatal
Darim or Saaf get clotheslined by one of their parents' hoard of secrets
Darim is compared to one or both of his parents
Saaf is a lil ray of sunshine
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