#although i think a better solution for this ''problem'' is to simply not give the dog dry food
waspsinyouryard · 7 months
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Thoughts and opinions
It is abundantly clear to me now that the Devil is real and spreads his profane word through Tumblr advertisements.
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chokochip27 · 11 months
genshin characters learning that you can fight (part 1)
| alhaitham, zhongli
part two
warning: blood, violence, reader is visionless and can be the polar opposite of the character (you share some similarities, of course), genshin charas may be ooc
although the two of you were admittedly polar opposites, it was exactly that contradiction that made him fall in love with you.
to alhaitham, you were capable and trustworthy. you are not a scholar, you are a librarian and a normal citizen in sumeru. you help people with their stuff, travel through far distances safely and giving easy suggestions and solutions to problems that are hard to solve for others.
it's not like you can keep up with everything that he can do, considering that he has a mind that not everyone can easily understand, you are sometimes confused at the words that leave his mouth. but to him, that was completely fine. you were very eager to learn despite not being a scholar. and you knew that even if people had different ways of thinking, it was exciting to understand the thoughts behind it.
unlike him, you were considerate, always thinking of the people around you, how they would feel in a situation if you do something—no matter who you were with—a stranger, an acquaintance, a close friend—you treated everyone with kindness and decency.
you were also quiet. maybe that was the similarity you shared with him. you're not the type of quiet that isn't confident to speak, but you were just quiet because you didn't speak when it wasn't necessary.
you are also very gentle with the way you speak, you always spoke softly that people would mistaken you as weak and delicate.
in spite of the fact that your manners were demure and tranquil, you did not avoid people. in fact, you enjoy other people's company, but you're the type to listen to them.
to alhaitham, you were serene. you are a comfort he never knew he needed in his life. so when the two of you got together, the love he had for you got softer, still deep nonetheless.
instead of bringing blossoming butterflies and explosions in his stomach, instead of giving him wild blushes that would reach from his chest up until his ears—you made him feel warm and comforted. your existence alone to him was comfort.
alhaitham wanted to know everything about you. and probably because of that eagerness to know that he actually knows you better than you know yourself.
"haitham, it is rare for you to come to aaru village."
you were here because you are currently working on building a library in the village, so that the people in the desert can access to more books. he missed you, so he headed here. he did not know the exact location you were in and asked questions to the people he knew here. and since he already stayed here during the operation of saving lord kusanali, the people gladly helped him and he was able to reach you quickly.
a sporadic upturn imprinted on his lips as he gazed at you softly. he reached out, cupping your cheek and tilting his head slightly to meet your gentle eyes.
"certainly. but, you are here."
you simply smiled. "i am flattered that my lover has gone here just to see me," you said, leaning your head to alhaitham's chest. you breathed out, feeling the tiredness seeping in your veins to disappear at the mere contact with him. you felt his hand caressing your head and his free arm wrapping around your waist.
alhaitham leaned his cheek on top of your head and pecked your temple. "tired?"
"yes, but it's nothing that i can't handle. thank you."
"i see. why don't we go outside and get some fresh air?"
"great idea, let's go."
the two of you went outside and walked through the soft sands of the desert. alhaitham held your hand the entire time while you had your arm encircled on his. the little walk was quiet yet comforting. there was no awkwardness or tension at all. the two of you are not the type to converse that much and each others' presence were only needed to know that you love one another.
but all of that was disrupted by a scream.
you and alhaitham were startled. without hesitation, you ran to the source with alhaitham obediently following you and guarding you in case that someone ambushed from behind.
you ran and in sight, there was a group of eremites. there were twelve people, ganging up on a single person. you were about to approach them to alleviate the situation, but alhaitham gripped your arm. you turned to him, worried for the person, but you stiffened after seeing the glare on his eyes.
"do not ever rush in. i'll handle it."
as soon as he said that, his sword went flying towards the eremites. he controlled it with his vision, making it seem like a boomerang. it hit the five eremites that were close to the person who was being hurt for no reason. they collapsed, earning the attention of the other eremites.
"who's there?!"
"the akademiya?!"
"get him!"
when the remaining eremites rushed to your lover, knowing that he could truly handle this, you calmly went to the person and cut the ropes that she was tied into. "are you alright? are there any injuries that i must take note of?"
the person shook her head. "i'm alright... j-just some gashes on my arms and legs."
"do not underestimate gashes, young lady." you tore a portion of the long skirt that you were wearing (it was clean, you made sure of it before going out) and wrapped it around the wounds that were visible to your eyes. "depending on the severity of those, you might have to get them stitched. you wouldn't want that, no? being stitched is painful," you told her.
the lady laughed at your tone. "i wouldn't... thank you for coming to my help."
you chuckled and shook your head. "i didn't do anything, after all, it was my lover who—" you were cut off by seeing the horrified look on her face. you inclined your head in confusion at her reaction and turned at the source of the shadow dawning before you. you turned, only to see a blade aimed to your head.
alhaitham heard the call and gritted his teeth to see you being confronted by an eremite. he kicked down one of his enemies and ran the fastest as he has ever been to reach you. "(y/n)!"
even though to the two—to alhaitham and to the person you were helping, that you were about to die—but to you, you were going to be fine.
it has been a while, you simply thought.
without a moment of hesitation, you reached for the small dagger sitting quietly on your thigh and sliced the outer skin of the eremite's whole arm with such intensity and accuracy. the eremite let out a scream of pain, however you stood unfazed and composed. you slid on the sand and kicked the eremite's legs, causing them to fall with a groan.
you saw another eremite approaching closely, they seemed startled at your stunt, so you took that advantage to run over them and elbow them in the face. you threw your dagger to the other eremite's blade that was coming up behind you and jabbed them on the front of their neck using your heel.
you didn't feel gazes of bloodlust anymore, so you stretched your arms carefreely in the middle of battle and thought that there weren't threats anymore.
you yawned out of exhaustion and lack of sleep. i haven't moved like that in a while, so it really is tiring, you thought.
"(y/n)!" you turned to the exclaim of your lover and were startled to feel arms wrapped around you. you tried to return his gesture, but before you could do, his hands were on your shoulder, and you could see could feel the slight shake in his body. you blinked at the unfamiliar expression on his face.
why does he look so scared...?
"be careful next time... you shouldn't have rushed in to help so quickly."
you nodded and patted his hand. "i will. thank you, haitham. and i'm sorry."
he pursed his lips and shook his head. "you... don't have to apologize. i'm just glad you're alright." he frowned. "i'm sorry for not being able to protect you."
you continued patting his hands. "don't apologize, haitham. it was my choice to get in the middle of the fight, so i will take responsibility for it. it's not your fault."
alhaitham let out a shaky sigh and nodded at your words. "alright." he backed away, but still held your hands in fear that you would disappear at any moment.
he could still remember everything that you did and he could only stand there in shock.
he thought he knew everything about you, but never did you mention or show skills that you could fight. you handled those eremites without a vision with such ease and effortlessness. he thought that you could never make him feel so erratic about love, but he admits that his heart beat wildly at the sight of you fighting against eremites like that. he could even feel his face heating up at the moment your gentle eyes glinted dangerously at your enemies with unbreakable focus.
he watched from behind as you helped out the injured lady and covered his face that was painted with a volatile color of pink, the scenes of you fighting against the eremites repeating in his head again and again.
he wished that you would never get into harm's way again, but at the same time, he secretly wishes that he can see you fight like that again.
"haitham? are you alright? are you not coming with us?"
"no. i'll be there."
his heart was still thumping loudly on his chest.
it was so different from the usual you that was so soft and tranquil.
he wanted to see that unexpected side of yours once more.
"where did you learn how to fight like that?"
"my father was a mercenary and i love watching him train at home back then, so he taught me along the way."
"father was a mercenary? i never would have thought... why did you never tell me though?"
"you're a genius, haitham, so i thought you knew."
"i didn't. you and your father never made it seem it like you knew how to fight like that."
"yes. when we get home, please tell me more about yourself, so that i am prepared."
"prepared...? for what exactly?"
"my heart."
you are very much like zhongli, a chatterbox. but a more optimistic and cheerful version. you have a way of making other people comfortable. the atmosphere around you was extremely approachable and people wouldn't hesitate to talk to you simply because your company is easygoing to be with.
you have a way of telling stories. you use sound effects way too much and you make gestures with either your hands and arms. it was so funny and interesting to look and listen to you because your happiness was way too contagious.
if zhongli was polite, elegant, serious, and regal, you were the complete opposite of that.
you were a happy-go-lucky person and admittedly loud, but not in an irritating way. in fact that way you were loud brought joy to others. you laughed and smiled a lot, you talked a lot and you are quite the weird person, but that doesn't mean you were immature. you just knew how to have fun in life. that was your motto, 'for life to be as laidback and happy as possible'.
and probably, you know how to be serious when needed. probably.
zhongli didn't know when, but you easily made a way to his heart. just one moment, he was taking note of all of your habits. he was watching you all the time and his gaze followed you every single time you were close. to him, you were an enigma that he couldn't predict nor read. yet you were so endearing and loveable at the same time.
you worked as a deliverywoman. it actually suited you because of your jolly personality. you always greeted customers with enthusiasm and treated them as if you have been friends for a very long time. zhongli knew this since there are a lot of times that he comes with you during his free time.
you have been together for two years. yet there was never a time where zhongli hasn't seen you frown or be in a mood where you are sad. whenever you two are together in private, you are still the chatterbox and happy person he knew, just a little softer than the usual.
he was actually worried that you didn't express your sadness, but you told him to not worry as you told him that you don't remember the last time you have been sad. you were the type to always look at the bright side. he was glad that you aren't exhausted from being like that every single day.
from the thousands of years that he has been living in teyvat, he has never met someone like you. it may be an exaggeration, but he was telling the truth. and he was extremely glad to meet you. not to mention, to be together with you, entwined as lovers was an eternal bliss to him that he wouldn't trade for anything in the world. no contract would be able to break it.
today, the two of you were walking in guyun stone forest to delivery a package coming from a strange address. you told zhongli about this and he was worried since he didn't know if there were actual houses in guyun. because of this, he came with you.
"whoa! i've heard of stories from you, love, but i didn't expect guyun to be this... cool and so... wham!" your eyes were sparkling in excitement, causing your lover to smile affectionately. "although..." he hummed and pointed all his attention to you. "...it's swarming with monsters, haha!" you exclaimed, laughing at the hilichurls and ruin guards in the place. you even saw some abyss mages on top of the mountain.
zhongli chuckled. normally people would be scared, wouldn't they? you really are such an enigma. he wrapped his arm around your waist and told you, "indeed, so you have to stay close to me at all times."
"i will be protected by the god of contracts himself! my, what an honor!" you joked, poking his cheek. zhongli only chuckled more and leaned closer to you.
"what does the address say?"
"well... i actually wouldn't know since it only says at the corner of guyun." you sweatdropped and crossed your arms with a pout. "to whoever sent this, if this is a prank, i'll bonk you! there are so many corners yet you weren't specific at all! i love my job, but i would be having a date with my lover if weren't for this, you know!" you declared, your words only making your partner laugh.
you were ranting and your usually vigilant lover was going along with your antics, so you two didn't notice the large lawachurl approaching from behind.
zhongli heard the footsteps, wrapped his arm around you and immediately summoned his shield to protect the two of you. the lawachurl's fist stopped midair and you were left flabbergasted at the exchange, but you snapped out of your daze and jerked your head towards zhongli. his amber eyes were glowing a bright gold, yet you still couldn't help but be concerned for him.
under his protection, you cupped his cheek, asking in alarm, "li! are you alright?"
he blinked at your concern and smiled. "of course. why would you ask that, my beloved?"
you breathed out in relief and shook your head. "it's nothing..." you assured him and gripped his clothes tightly. you looked around, gulping at the swarm of lawachurls surrounding the two of you. can li really handle this...? you glanced at zhongli who was holding dominance over the lawachurl in front of him. i know he's a god, but... you sighed shakily at the number of ruin guards approaching you two. there are so many of them.
if only i could help him and lessen his burden... your eyes caught sight of an old great sword coincidentally laying on the ground. oh, speak of the devil, you thought and crouched down to hold it.
"(y/n), i will handle this, so please stay here." before he could even get your response, your figure ran past him.
zhongli has never felt so much fear in his life.
his heart dropped as he yelled your name, "(y/n)!"
he gritted his teeth and was about to chase after you, but he was stumped, stupefied beyond belief at what he saw.
you just sliced a lawachurl into half.
he stood there, stopped in his tracks as he watched you continue to evade the attacks of the monsters and cut their limbs, you effortlessly swung the claymore at them and defeat them in the blink of an eye. you were similar to him in a way. defeating opponents without even batting an eye.
as you fought, you were still wearing the smile he loves so much. the difference is the feeling behind it. unlike your normal smile that was filled with joy everyday, your smile right now was calm and confident as if you completely knew what you were doing and you weren't going to lose anytime soon.
a god like him has witnessed all sorts of phenomenon and events in this world, but never would he have thought to see his beloved partner—not to mention, you did not have a vision—defeating monsters so easily. you were just using pure strength to fight the lawachurls.
how come he didn't know anything about this? how come you never told him that you could fight this gallantly and professionally?
his mouth separated, gaze shimmering as he watched you in complete awe.
you didn't even need his help. your strength even rivaled those to who have visions, maybe you were even more powerful. that's how strong you were.
and that's exactly why he was just standing there. he was so enamored with you. he didn't even notice the slight blush that was covering his cheeks and the love swirling in his eyes.
why do you constantly do things that surprise him?
"li!" you called him, breaking him out of his bafflement. you grinned, throwing the package away and lifting the claymore easily with one hand. "come on! we gotta finish this, right?"
his eyes fluttered in confusion, but he quickly smiled and summoned his polearm.
"i suppose you're right."
he has fallen for you all over again.
"how in the archons' names were you able to do all of those things?"
"hm? didn't i mention that i was a former pirate, li?
"you mentioned that, yes, but... i thought you were responsible for cooking food."
"yeah! that's true! ohhh, i think i forgot to mention that i sometimes substituted for captain beidou if she had things to do! i've been friends with her for so long after all, so i eventually learned how to fight like boom, whack, fwam, too!"
"you never told me that..."
"awww, sorry! stop pouting at me like that! uwah—you're so cute!"
"you're cuter. and don't do such reckless things next time."
"yes, my lord!"
note: sorry, i just love characters that have a certain duality in them! like y'know, they change according to the situation and they're like a different person? holy moly, that's so hot. anyways, i hope you all enjoyed this! part two will be ayato and kazuha. idk when will i be able to write it, but hopefully, i can write it shortly after this. have a great day!
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skyeslittlecorner · 2 months
I know it's late but can I ask for the' kings'reactions to a MC who dislikes sexual activities (maybe because of their past)?
I'm craving the angst now 🤤 but maybe it will end with happiness as always 🫶
Honestly, I don't think the kings would have a big problem with lack of sex. If you smack them in the hand to keep them from touching and tell them why you don't want it, it will flow off them like nothing happened. Maybe they'll get a little angry at first, that's all. They want the best.
If we want angst, let's be creative. Assume that this aversion to sex is heightened to such an extent that it prevents the sharing of demonic energy and threatens our lives.
Satan is surprised that you don't want sex and annoyed that you don't want to cooperate. You need demonic energy to live in Hell. If you refuse everything related to it, even slightly, you will not survive here. Your words that you can then go back to earth where you belong are driving him crazy. You promised you would help them. Are you going to break your promise? If so, then go ahead and come back, but then he doesn't have to keep his end of the deal either. When you come back, Minhyeok will be dead again. Your argue will be fierce, the castle will shake to its foundations. If you really want to survive without sex, you better find a demon who will politely put you back home, because Satan has no intention of helping traitors.
Mammon is… unmoved. My imagination is too small and his love is too great for me to imagine a scenario where he is furious by his master's behavior. If you refuse sex, he will mainly be sad and concerned. Will suggest a lot of other solutions. The main one will be giving you milk from the horns to drink, without telling you what it is. When you find out, you'll get mad, wanting nothing to do with sex, but even then, he won't raise his voice to you. He won't let you die in such a stupid way, and order you to drink it. Although, it breaks his heart. He can be firm when he wants, and you either accept it or have it forcibly injected into your body.
Beelzebub thought it was some fun at first. He tries to get to you, and you pretend to be cold and distant. However, he slowly begins to get impatient. He takes you on trips to earth all the time, so you don't need demonic energy. But why do you reject him, don't you even let him embrace you? He will start to forget about you, if you hate him so much, stay in hell where you have demons that you like more. When he finds out that you don't want energy from them either, he will be just irritated. He will come back regularly to take you back to earth, but the atmosphere between you will become more and more intense, until one day he will simply disappear and not take you back to hell.
Leviathan finds the matter very simple. You don't want demonic energy? Then die. He may even help you and throw you into a coffin to be eaten, hanging would be an honor you don't deserve. He knew you were stupid, but to be this stupid? Not respecting a life that can be lost so easily? And all this because of idiotic grimaces? Sometimes you have to do something you hate to survive. He won't let you die only if he absolutely needs you, and then he will force you to accept demonic energy. He won't touch you because he knows how it hurts. But he will pour milk from the horns down your throat, whether you like it or not.
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horse-girl-anthy · 4 months
could Anthy have walked out of Ohtori from episode one?
essay under the cut.
my basic answer to this question is no, but there's a lot of complexity behind that no.
when Utena first encounters Anthy, she immediately thinks there's something wrong with her and tries to talk her out of the whole "Rose Bride" business. while Utena makes several crucial mistakes during this early stage of their relationship, her instinct isn't necessarily wrong. if you met someone who said their inherent position in life was to be a slave to the will of others, wouldn't you have some concerns?
by episode 23, Utena has begun to understand Anthy better, to feel the magnitude of her plight.
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such moments have long since led me to the conclusion that Anthy couldn't leave Ohtori until the final episode. however, that doesn't mean that I knew what "not being able to leave" truly implied. here's the thoughts I've come up with.
in life, we all have times when we know what we should do to improve our circumstances, but we find that we simply cannot do it. the barrier to "not being able to do something" is not physical, not easily explainable. I'll give an example from my life. I spent a couple years as an alcoholic. obviously, there was a very simple solution to this problem: stop drinking. but I just couldn't do it. my life was pretty bad at the time, but I've gotten through other bad times without guzzling alcohol. during the course of my addiction, it looked like I wasn't making any progress. then one day I just stopped. people say you're an alcoholic for life, but I don't believe that. I know I'm done; it's over.
I've started to take Anthy's character as, in part, a grand metaphor for being in such a position. a simple action, one that you're physically capable of, would solve everything. but you can't do it. until one day you can.
that's not the whole answer to the Anthy question, of course. the show has a system, a social landscape, which has to be taken into account. there's the swords of hate, there's Akio. Anthy is truly oppressed, and so, even though she eventually reveals that she's capable of walking out, to give such an explanation is facile. I gave an example of a situation where I knew what I needed to do to get my life together; for Anthy, it's more of a case where she cannot even believe that her life could change. either leaving Ohtori doesn't occur to her, or she thinks it's impossible.
taking a more thematic approach, Anthy is a representation of the suppression of women. she's in an impossible situation; she constantly denies her own agency; she has been so badly hurt that she is afraid to be herself in any capacity. so the question of "could Anthy just have left Ohtori from the start?" could be rephrased as "can women just shake off their socialization?" Utena, who attempts to do just that, can't escape from it in the end either.
but the reason RGU is such a beloved story is because it is about liberation from gendered socialization, as well as other mental prisons. with this in mind, I think Anthy not being able to leave at the start was necessary for the narrative. it can't be easy for her to leave, or there's no story, and it won't feel real.
the process of liberation isn't easy either, or necessarily explicable. the show centers on the dueling game, a system which treats Anthy as an object, which encourages conflict and possession. the characters always seem to fail at their objectives. they never resolve their complexes--they only spend them out. Utena wins and wins, and although she is loving, she is not prying Anthy out of her coffin. Ikuhara once described the final arc as being full of stories that are wrong. there doesn't appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel.
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right when you think Utena and Anthy have achieved solidarity, that they both want the same thing, Anthy reveals another of her faces, stabbing Utena in the back and acquiescing to her fate yet again. it's only then, after every single option has been eliminated, that the revolution can occur. strangely, the power of the final episode comes from the "empty movement" of the previous 38. all along, it looked like no progress was being made. Miki and Kozue break apart almost as soon as they've reached an understanding. Touga challenges Utena to another duel, despite knowing that that's what Akio wants. Nanami won't let go of the spotlight she so craves. Juri can do nothing but surrender. and yet.. and yet.
a lot of fans view Ohtori as a bad place, an evil place. certainly, evil happens there. Akio is at the helm, an embodiment of the sick childishness of an adult who refuses to grow up. but I don't know if Ohtori is evil. it provides the setting for the process of liberation to occur. staying there is the problem. but perhaps for Anthy, and for the other characters, Ohtori served as the shell--a thing of protection--which allowed them to reach adulthood and emerge into the world. the dueling game was all a grand play which gave them an outlet for their issues, a testing ground to be left behind when they were ready. through failure, they found out that what they really wanted was something beyond their imagination. they struggled and fought with one another, only to find out that underneath at all, there was love, unlooked for, rising from shared alienation.
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let's put it one more way: Anthy could not leave Ohtori from the start, because she was still a child, no matter how jaded she was. she hid her child-self away long ago and then forgot it was there. when that child woke up, she found that she had a friend who wanted to go out into the real world with her. that was all she needed to become an adult, and so, at last, she left Ohtori for good, a whole person. in the words of Ikuhara:
The prince chose to sleep on, and the princess chose to wake up. At the top of that tall tower, the princess bid farewell to the prince. No - she wasn’t the princess any longer. She quit being “a person (thing) ruled by someone.” The victory bells rang, but there was no “tower (rule)” beyond them now. She’d learned where freedom lay. She crossed the threshold of that “Door of Revolution” which had always been closed for her before, and began walking. The “girls’ revolution” lay in the girl’s future.
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kingsdespair-if · 9 months
The hickey ask is always so heartbreaking..... here is the mandatory follow up!
How would the ROs react if the 'hickey' turned out to be something else altogether, like a nasty bug bite or a bruise?
Dear, let's mend your broken heart then
Here's some fluff for you
Let's goooo!
"Oh, RO, hey! Do you know how to treat these bug bites? They're really bothering me. I think I might be allergic or something," you ask, scratching your already irritated skin.
Amisha: "B-bug bite? Sure! Come here, I'll help you," relief is evident on her face. Although she may have no idea how to treat a bug bite, she is determined to find out for your sake. She will read any book and consult any healer, even if it means bothering poor Kaellë, until she finds the best plaster to relieve the pain and itchiness. Silly kitten.
Veleena: She looks at you skeptically and asks, "A bug bite, really?", when you show her your neck, she feels a twinge of guilt for assuming the worst. She takes you to a chilly waterfall where you can bathe and relieve the itch. Before leaving you to find a solution to keep mosquitoes at bay, she plants a shy kiss on your cheek.
Khalid: Khalid is furious with himself. It's just a bug bite, after all. You would never replace him with someone else. It's absurd! He decides to buy the most expensive bug repellent for you. Perhaps you should consider sleeping in his tent with him? That way, you can share his mosquito net, of course.
Veldon: "I don't know much about healing, darling. Do you want me to kiss it better? Or maybe I can give you some love bites to replace those marks with a better one?" he smirks at you. Rolling your eyes, you go to find proper help for your problem.
Kaellë: She is ready to help you with anything you need. She has salves, plasters, bug repellents, and healing magic to relieve your itch. She will be delighted that you've asked for her assistance, and may even stutter and stumble over her own words. "Certainly! Of sure-course! Please take a sit. I prefer you to remain standing while I apply the medicine. Just give me a few seconds, alright?", she didn't even realize that half of what she just said simply makes no sense while she searches inside her cabinets.
Mauthak: He has no idea how to deal with your bug bite or the itch. If you are near the north, he will walk to a glacier, tear off a piece of ice, and gently press it on your neck. His efforts to be gentle may not be perfect, but he tries his best. "Is this better?" he asks, frowning, as he holds a large piece of solid ice in his enormous hands. If not, he will simply apply a large amount of mud or volcanic soil to your bug bite. "Soil heals everything. I've heard of an Orc general who was able to reattach his head to his shoulders using a bit of mud. Orc healers claim that it actually works," he truly believes his words.
SECRET: "Let me see," they beckon for you to approach. As you do, they lick at your bug bite, trying to determine if you have actually lost any blood or if it was caused by someone else. With a faint taste of your blood on their tongue, they will be satisfied and trust you. That night, no one will be able to sleep due to the citronella smoke that Secret managed to infest the camp with. No more bugs will come near you.
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lizzydizzyyo · 5 months
Listen I'm not american I don't know shit about what you're going through, and to be honest, between the people who keep telling everyone to vote blue no matter what and the people who say both dems and reds are equally bad, idk who to believe anymore because I'm not there.
In perfect circumstance, you won't have to vote for either. The thing is, if you don't want to, you have to put in the work. You have to go down the streets and make your own grassroot movements to make sure you get enough people on board with an independent candidate. You need to do some sleuthing and deep research, quickly. Then stick with that.
I'm sure the "vote blue no matter what" people want to vote for a decent candidate too, but at this point, there isn't one that is feasible. Dems are slightly, marginally, microscopically better, so they latch onto that because there is nobody else. If you want independent candidate to be elected, you need to do more than just reblogging and writing tags about how "vote blue no matter what" people are fucking dense and evil and part of the problem.
These people latch onto dems because they don't know anyone else having good chance of winning, that is just not republican. Yes, you can argue all you want about how Biden is just as bad when it comes to immigration and Palestine genocide issue (although he was trying very hard to find ways to absolve student loan and codify gay marriage before everything went to shit, and for better or worse, he took US army out of Afghanistan in 2021). But you still don't know how much worse/better/similar it would be if Trump were in charge right now. It's not like when Trump held office, there wasn't any major Palestine/Gaza conflict or immigration issue either.
You need to convince these "vote blue no matter what" people to switch to your side, not with derision or insults or swearing or blaming, but by presenting them with an option who actually has a chance of winning. This candidate also needs a lot of backing because they're not just going against one party, but two parties.
You need to choose one independent candidate, at the very least by March, and do hardcore hands-on campaigning for this candidate until ballot day. Again, not with insult but with educating the plus points of this candidate and call for action. You need to be willing to be vocal beyond reblogging angrily on tumblr. You need to get over yourself and get the fuck off your high horse and start picking and sticking to your independent candidate you choose.
As someone coming from a country with upcoming election in 2024 too, who actually has three pairs of candidates to choose from (and mixture of parties, because there are over a dozen parties in my country and they can form coallition freely), it isn't the end-all-be-all that you think it is. It isn't easy or reassuring because the "good" candidate cannot rely on party backing or culture backing (one of the candidate is hardline syariah muslim campaigner so they have religious extremists' backing, and the other is the right hand man of my country's past dictator who reigned terror over the country for decades so they have the military's backing).
It's not the magical solution that you think it is. Some people simply plan to not vote at all because they have no hope that the "good" candidate will win and they don't want to give any vote to the other two either (Sound familiar? Anyone?). "But your country has popular/ranked voting!" Yeah, and guess what, when my country's dictator was the president, the "election" was by popular voting too.
Fact of the matter is, your country doesn't have it, and won't have it anytime soon. So be realistic.
If you want an independent candidate to win, you need to suck it up and be kind to the "vote blue no matter what" people. Present them with hope and solution instead of compounding their already deep sense of impending doom. You're doing yourself, your country, and the world (yes, hate it all you want as I do too, but USA unfortunately has quite a big influence globally) disservice by alienating them instead of inviting them to become your comrades in championing a decent independent candidate.
You need to make "vote blue no matter what" your allies, not enemies.
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glasshalftrue · 4 months
Just finished “Return of the Obra Dinn”, and I think it’s absolutely brilliant. Two things I think it does really uniquely and effectively (slight spoilers ahead):
The way it handles solutions. Games are all about player input and agency, but the reality is you can’t really let the player do anything, so when it comes to investigative games like this, the usual approach is to have them select from a predetermined list of possible questions/answers. The problem with this approach is that it artificially limits the possibility space, and often times that unintentionally reveals information to the player in a way that undermines their ability to figure things out themselves (e.g. "oh, one of my dialogue options is asking them about the missing fire poker, so that's probably something relevant"). This is technically true for “Obra Dinn” as well - there’s a finite number of names and fates - but practically speaking, there’s so many possible combinations that it’s impossible to just randomly guess and brute force your way through it (to an extent; the “reveal-three-correct-guesses-at-a-time” mechanic means you can often trial-and-error your way through an identification as long as you have two other correct ones to back it up, although you still need to have narrowed it down to a reasonable number of possible solutions). In addition, there turn out to be many fates (suicide by anything other than gun, being killed by a foreign enemy, expiring from old age, etc.) that never actually end up occurring. It’s somewhat counterintuitive, but by limiting what the player needs to do - simply identify each person and what happened to them - it actually maximizes the player’s range of choice, and it's why I generally tend to prefer linearly-structured games over more open-ended ones: if you give the player a wide range of options, the developer has to spread its investment and resources across all of those options, reducing the complexity of each individual one. But if you give the player a very narrow and specific goal, you can focus all your attention on making the experience of achieving that goal as deep and interesting as possible.
How you go about solving the mystery. There’s a lot of different approaches you need to use to figure out everyone’s identity: you need to pay attention to what people’s accents are, what their relationships to the other characters are, where they’re located, what they’re wearing, and so on. And sometimes someone’s identity isn’t able to be easily ascertained to just one person, forcing you to work on other characters until you can narrow it down by process of elimination. It all feels like the kind of work you’d do as an actual investigator, rather than the more “game-y” style of puzzles that other games usually have. You often do need to just make assumptions and educated guesses, rather than simply rely on completely logically airtight deductions: as mentioned, a tactic you’ll often need to use is figuring out what people’s relationships are, e.g. determining the Mate of an Officer. Sometimes this is easier to determine, like when the dialogue directly has the Officer refer to the Mate as such, but more often you simply need to pay attention to things like how often they’re seen next to each other, or the general way that they interact with each other. 
Anyways, between this and “Papers, Please”, Lucas Pope is ludonarrative dissonance's greatest hater; both his games so far have done a better job of almost any other game I've played at seamlessly melding gameplay with the intended narrative and tonal experience.
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nathansmmrs · 1 year
Life gets you done sometimes for the simplest of things like a friends mom dying or how you react to the circumstances. I've never been one to show emotion in others' misfortune, but it affects me all the same. I never know what to say or do in situations, and I feel half-hearted in words of comfort. It's possible that I can't relate or empathize with emotions, and I feel empty inside when I can't help friends in their troubles. I try to suggest solutions and tell them what I would have wanted to hear, but I can't relate. The advice I give is taken half heartedly, and the recommendations work for me, but more times than not, they fall on deaf ears. Emotional turmoil might be too much for me, and while I hand out my opinion freely, they are not a one size fits all. The shoes of many are too big and have run out of stock a long time ago. Comfort isn't something I'm good at as anyone can tell, and going anywhere beyond skin deep is hard for me to understand. Why can I succeed, but others struggle? Why am I the only one able to piece together the solution. Maybe I'm being pretentious in my wording or am unable to fathom the struggles others go through as I have found my solution. Although I am not perfect as I too struggle to keep promises even with myself as I fall in despair of simply being ignored or if it is unwanted. I don't have too many friends, and I always seem to mess up friendships over what I think is right, not what is most profitable for those around. It's lonely to think that others ignore me and even worse to think I might have pushed them away. Thinking of solutions is easy, but implementing them is a struggle as even in my day to day life, I fail to uphold my own standards. What could be worse than lying to yourself that you're going to change a bad habit or implement stricter rules on yourself. Thinking back, I'm always shoving my foot in my mouth with eyes wider than my mind. I can't help but think what if I just thought of a better solution or said words with more meaning. I speak with my mouth half open and mind shut to the chain that might react from my actions and words only. Thinking after the fact in the solace of my room of what I have done. I'm lazy in my life in everything I do, only half fulfilling promises that end up hurting those around me. I'm always saying I will change, but the gut-wrenching courage I would have to muster is too much. I regret it a lot and am stifled by my own lack of action. I just want to sleep, read, or watch movies to escape from the never-ending problems both in my life and those of others. My mind runs crazy as I hear words of depression and utter disaster from every which way. I wonder if I will be able to handle the hurdles of leaving others' problems but unable to speak out with cherry-picked words. I want to be more direct, but I never know how far it is too far and if I'm even in the right to say what I think. I agree on the outside, but inside, I have an internal struggle letting go of opinions and ideas I find absolutely crazy. Why must those around me tell me their problems if they are simply going to throw away my ideas? Wouldn't it be worth a try. Yet again, I think I might be full of myself, an I should be happy that my friends and others come to me to vent. Though I hope one day I can be taken seriously.
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space-id1ot · 2 years
Hiya! :) I was hoping to be able to receive a match up for either hazbin or helluva boss? :) Please pick witchever you'd like or both ofc! <3
This bio I sent is like one that was already pre written so I am sorry if it's alote to read lol-just feel free to use any amount of info <3333 Thankyou! And I hope this wasn't a bother!-
I am a demigirl who goes by she/they pronouns, I consider myself to be omniromantic and asexual, as I find that I just have no interest in sexuality really but when it comes to romantic attraction I have found myself being open to being with anyone of any orientation, although I have noticed that I do seem to have a preference for more feminine presenting individuals if I am being honest lol!
Now when it comes to my personality I do tend to be more on the timid side, as I really do not like confrontation and more so look for peaceful solutions to my problems, I consider myself to be at least polite, as a little tact never hurt anyone in my opinion, I'm typically pretty go with the flow and like experiencing new things when it comes to activities although it does take me a little while to warm up to new people as I tend to be shy when I don't know somebody that well, although if I'm being honest once I get comfortable with someone enough i become a bit of a chatterbox xD, I do tend to people please and it's hard for me to stand up for myself, I've been told that I tend to be in my own little world alote, often opting for daydreaming and or fantasy over reality if I'm being honest, so it makes sense gvhvb, my view on things is that the world can be a cruel and scary place and it would just be so much nicer if people simply cared a little more, about others, the planet and everything in general although they don't and although I try to do my best in making things at least a little bit better by showing courtesy and kindness to those I come across, and or just doing small things to make it better, I do understand that the world isn't changing anytime soon and it does frustrate me a bit sometimes so I tend to be a little bit pessimistic, my humor to counter my personality being a bit dark at times as I tend to self-deprecate.
// I'm sorry if this is too much information I'm just trying to give as much as possible hvnhvjh //
Sorry I didn't get to this earlier! 😅 this wasn't too much to read it was just enough to give me an idea!😊
If you don't like this matchup, then feel free to tell me and I'll fix it!
Also, I've decided to do both and I did platonic and romantic!
Hazbin Hotel
I think platonically you would go good with Charlie! you guys both seem to match perfectly as best friends! you both have similar opinions so I feel like you guys would both become friends in no time!
now I think romantically you would go with Cherri bomb
Cherri Bomb is great at comforting people but also encourages things like fighting- she loves to talk and will try and get you to do new things with her! Cherri can be chaotic at times and likes to prank people and crash parties. Cherri isn't used too affection, so she blushes very easily- She will always comfort you when you feel down and agrees that the world is a cruel place. 👍 Cherri relies on violence to fix problems so your gonna have to try and help her be more peaceful because if someone says something she's definitely not going to be afraid to hurt someone. 💀 if you're daydreaming, she'll most likely ask you what your doing-🤦‍♂️ then continue on with her day though she also daydreams about things. 👍👍 she will stand up for you if someone tries to get you to do something you don't want to do like I said she isn't afraid to beat someone up- eventually she's going to try and get you to stand up for yourself too.
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basementrambles · 5 months
Still Chugging Along
I've officially reaping the consequences of my inability to do work. Of course this was like at 10:00 PM last night, when it's pretty much morning in South Africa, for those that followed up about how their needs were not being met for months/last-minute communications. I just wished my motivation worked as demanded. That because I simply NEED to, I can muster enough motivation to just get it done. I think about how I could be in an even more terrible job, that I am lucky to work with decent people as supervisors and that if I was on the other end of the delinquent tasks, I'd be just as mad/frustrated as they are in their shoes. Without this job at its current salary, I can't fund ANYTHING that I ACTUALLY enjoy if I don't STAY employed. I just don't understand why I'm struggling the way that I am now. After the psychiatric intake visit, I've been feeling insecure about whether or not I have ADHD and that the cause of my unproductivity is even simpler - burnout. They keep saying the solution to burnout is to rest and take a break from what's causing the distress, but like, does anyone really have the time? At minimal, I've gone ahead and finally submitted the temp. request for more help. That's on majority of lists, to get more help if you're burning out from the sheer overwhelm of the workload. I've been in and out of crying today after trying to fix the work problems of late last night, and maybe I just need to cry it out while working. At this point, I really have no choice, the things must get done. The things MUST get done. THE THINGS MUST GET DONE. Maybe I should reframe? I get to do okay work with people that I don't hate. That I get to NOT work in an environment where I felt bullied by a colleague and demeaned. That I get another day, another hour, another opportunity to do my best, that I get to give grace to myself that all I can put in is my best. That the mistakes I've committed means it's over, and that although I can't undo it, I get to have another opportunity to redeem myself and try again to fix it. It's absolutely frustrating to simultaneously understand the really great spot that I am at, and STILL hate it. That I can't bring myself to find ANY motivation to get me to get shit done. Self-esteem really has taken a hit because of it, I guess more so than usual BECAUSE I see the work falling apart under my hands. I really dream of simpler jobs, things that just don't make me feel I'm incapable as I do now. Would I be able to handle the massively lower pay? I don't know, but somehow, I do glorify the idea that at least, my mental health wouldn't be as fragile and broken as it is now in jobs that are simpler than what I'm currently doing. I don't know if writing about it helps, but figured I should try and put it in paper, and think about what I could be doing differently maybe that could help me for the better?
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skadee17 · 5 months
IV- Far from everything
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Self-reflection, that really characterizes my life. The past year has been catastrophic; between medical school and the end of the world, I would have preferred to stay at the university. Working, helping people, that's what helped me cope after my father's death. I missed him so much that I immersed myself in studies. But what good did it do, after all?
Now, I'm killing more people than I'm saving, and sometimes, I even wonder if the medical student Bella still exists. That girl, that's not me anymore. She disappeared a long time ago, yet I keep clinging to her. At least she was human. Even though life was complicated, she kept hope and tried to get through it.
Human? Am I still one? Are all the problems we face simply the result of our actions, and if the people we were simply hid behind this survivor label? And what if? Damn it, Bella, you think too much. Stop thinking, stop, stop, stop, stop.
I've been anxious since I was little, and nothing has ever been able to stop this torment. Over time, I learned to live with it, and I spent the following years trying to tame it. But no one can, and it's really awful. I have to stop dwelling like a lunatic escaped from the asylum. Although, maybe I would have fit in there, who knows.
Alicia entered the cabin, pulling me out of my thoughts. I thanked her inwardly; she just saved me from an infernal psychosis. Then Nick entered, as if they had coordinated, or as if there was a meeting I wasn't aware of. I'd prefer they just get bored and seek my company, but I doubt it. Nick sat on a bunk, and Alicia took out her knife, spinning it around in all directions. If I thought I was the only one with a psychological issue, I now realize it's definitely a family thing.
It didn't take long for my mother to arrive, her forced cheerfulness visible on her face, as stiff as someone working in a morgue.
It was Nick who broke the ice:
"These people don't want us."
"Most don't care," replied my mother, "we'll convince the reluctant ones."
"You want to convince Troy?" I teased her.
"I'll eventually get there," she continued, "in the meantime, keep your distance from him."
"I'm not sure I can do that, and you, Bella, I don't like how he looks at you," growled my brother.
I knew my brother was protective of Alicia and me, but that remark bothered me. I'm not five years old anymore, and I know who I'm dealing with. I've encountered guys like Troy a lot in medical school, pretentious jerks convinced they're the best human beings on Earth. And on top of that, an ego bigger than the moon, unfortunately.
"Well, you'll have to make an effort. He can get angry for no reason; you've seen it, he can't control himself," said my mother. 
"Okay, but if we stay, we have to find a solution," he demanded. 
"What does that mean? Don't do anything stupid, Nick. He's already got you in his sights; don't give him another reason," I warned. 
"I'll find a solution," pleaded my mother. 
"Wait, explain it, Nick. What's your solution? Do you want my knife? Are you going to use it?" asked my sister. 
"All I'm saying is we should start over somewhere else. We could find a house, cultivate the land. We don't have to stay in this place, that's all." 
"You're a farmer now?" I mocked. 
"We're not going to leave," insisted my mother.
"We're not leaving!" she insisted. 
"Why are you so convinced that we have to stay here, Mom?" 
"Because it's our only hope, because we won't find anything better, because we pulled you out of that hole, and it cost Travis his life," my mother exclaimed.
My heart shattered into pieces. I never thought she could say something so horrible, and the worst part was that I didn't even know if she meant it or not. We had all changed; we had become ruthless beings, but family was all we had left. Sometimes, I felt like I was facing strangers, especially my mother. She had a knack for destroying everything she touched, which is why I had decided to go as far away from her as possible for my studies. But despite everything, we were still a family, for better or for worse. It was a pact, whether we liked it or not; we were together against the hell of this world.
Alicia left first, and I followed closely. That meeting had come to an end. But before passing through the door, I turned around to warn my mother:
"Never say something like that again, because we all know it's false. You want revenge? Fine, me too. But look your son in the face and question yourself. If you think it's his fault, then you're no better than those who actually killed him."
Without a word, I walked out the door, a lump in my throat and a pain in my chest. What had we become?
A few minutes later, Alicia and I were outside by a paddock with horses before Nick joined us.
"Are you going to ride?" I asked my sister. 
"Dad often took me to the equestrian center," she sighed, "no, I don't feel like it. I'm waiting for Gretchen to go to my first Bible study class. If we're staying, efforts need to be made. You're both invited," she clarified, looking at both of us.
"So, that's it? Is that what you both want? You want to stay?" 
"No," I replied, "but we don't have a choice. You know how it is outside, and I don't want to lose someone else I love. So maybe it's not so bad," I hinted.
"Sorry for what Mom said," my sister added. "She's not wrong," replied Nick. "It's not the time to have a conscience."
With these words, Alicia turned around and headed towards the group of young people. I knew she was no longer a little girl; she was strong and independent. But every time I heard her say things like that, I couldn't help but think that I hadn't managed to protect her from all of this, my little sister...
Nick and I remained together for a while before I decided to leave. I think the three of us needed some time alone. Things seemed so complicated; the more time passed, the more I felt far from everything. Far from myself, far from who I once was, far from who I could be.
While walking, a woman approached me to ask for help with the crops. Having nothing else to do, I agreed and followed her towards the fields. During the journey, we talked about us, our lives, and mainly about her children, whom she introduced to me right away.
Once we arrived in the fields below the ranch, I saw Jack talking to a man who was partially hidden by him. I didn't pay attention and went to get my gardening tools from a nearby shed.
Upon my return, I finally managed to distinguish the man Jack was talking to, and it was none other than Troy. With him around, I would feel completely confident. Is it wise to leave tools in the hands of that lunatic?
We exchanged a glance; he had an inquisitive look. What could Jack have told him to put him in that state?
The woman named Nella explained to me what I needed to do. I immediately started the task after her instructions and took no breaks except to hydrate. It was hot in that region, so I decided to take off my shirt and stay in a tank top.
But from being crouched down to unearth the vegetables, my knees were on fire. So, I decided to stand up and glanced at Troy, but he had disappeared. Good riddance, I despised that guy.
Suddenly, a man stood in front of me, quite tall and muscular, wearing military attire. Probably a militia guy. I asked him: "Can I help you?"
 "It's for you to tell me," he replied. 
"I don't understand? Where are you going with this?" The man looked me up and down, licking his lips as he did so. What a pig!
 "I'm a little hungry, you see, and you're like a little candy," he insisted.
Feeling uncomfortable, I moved away from him. "Go to hell, you pig!" I shouted.
Damn jerk, he wasn't even trying to be respectful. What did he think? That making more than inappropriate insinuations would drive me crazy and make me sleep with him?
I walked back up the ranch road when a hand grabbed my wrist and led me into the stables. Panicked, I tried to struggle before hearing:
"Calm down, it's me."I turned around and saw Troy, his hand gripping my wrist. 
"Damn it, Troy! Are you out of your mind? You scared the hell out of me!" I attacked. 
"Calm down, Bella, it's just me. Are you okay? You don't seem alright," he asked concerned.Was he worried about me? Definitely not, not a sociopath like him. 
"I'm fine, let go of me now!" 
"What's wrong? You seem annoyed," he irritatedly asked. 
"Not at all, everything's fine. What's it to you?"He stared at me for a few seconds, and I saw anger in his eyes. Then, in a dry tone, he replied: 
"Absolutely nothing."
I stayed there, in the stables, alone with myself, and of course, the few horses in their boxes, who also didn't understand this altercation. He seemed angry, worried, but why? Certainly not for me; he couldn't have seen the scene with that creep; he wasn't there. What just happened, exactly?
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hypexion · 10 months
It's the final return of the Akuma Tier List. Monarch finally had a good idea or two. I'd say it didn't help him in the end, but it sort of did.
Also some of these supervillains were created for goals other than getting the Miraculous, so they are probably being judged on their own metrics.
S Tier
Hoaxer, Ms. Sans-Culotte, Perfect Alliance
Two of these are already skating in the on different goals rule, but a win is a win. Sure, Hoaxer completed her own goals, rather than Monarch's, but she's still a perfect mind control akuma who only lost because she wanted to. Meanwhile, Ms. Sans-Culotte ironically helped Monarch dispose of a problematic mayor and install a new one. She also gets points for being the "Madame Guillotine" akuma, which I didn't think they'd actually do.
Then there's the Perfect Alliance plan, which leverages negative emotions to transform a signifigant portion of the world's population into soldiers for Monarch. It's the Catalyst plan on a global scale. Now this is supervillainy. It's incredibly effective, and only "fails" due to luck. Fighting the millions of Alliance users simply isn't possible, even if you remove some of the rings. Eventually, you'll make a mistake, and it's over. In many ways, being in the Agreste Mansion when things started saved Ladybug, since the relatively enclosed space reduced the number of Miraculised she had to fight at once. All in all, a very good plan.
A Tier
Darker Owl, Manipula, Safari, Gold Record, Queen Mayor, Nightormentor
A pile of good ideas, although less than before. Manipula is probably the weakest here, but she came with a whole army and performed pretty well. If only the power of Determination worked on wax. The rest all do something fairly dangerous, like "never miss (with paralysis arrows)" or "invisible killer robots". Nightormentor is down here because he technically didn't complete his goal of finding Adrien, and his second appearance gets folded into Perfect Alliance.
B Tier
Ikari Dozen, Pharaoh 2, Kikou, Riposte Prime, Vanisher 2, Matagi Gozen
This time around the B tier is split good ideas with bad execution, and bad ideas with good execution. Giving five powers at once is good, but making two of them defensive is a waste. Matagi Gozen is also dubious, wasting a slot on Clout instead of more useful ability. Meanwhile, Pharaoh could use his truth powers to get the heroes' identities, but he does not.
Riposte Prime and Vanisher are slightly weird in that they're specificly Anti-Marinette akumas. Riposte Prime traps her in a Shelter Sphere, which is not a long term solution, while Vanisher fails to frame her. Riposte is especially strange because it's not like Gabriel had a problem with her impaling his son.
C Tier
Glaciator IV, Reflecta EX, Bugfighter
The violence akumas that have nothing else going for them. Really, the big winner here is the Better Reflecta, who is finally dangerous for once. Meanwhile Glaciator returns again, without anything to make him even slightly effectual. Lots of Clouters are actually hazardous. One is not.
Oh and Bugfighter is the big loser under "reversed timelines count" rules since she just kept shrugging off the akuma. Like she could grab Cosmobug, but it didn't help.
D Tier
Sole Destroyer, Dark Humour
One last "akuma that makes the Miraculous irretriviable" for the road, eh? In theory she only existed so Monarch could do the ambush, but she also got defeated offscreen. Let's not count this as a Chloé akuma so that she can keep her streak of incredibly good akumatizations going. Dark Humour has the problem that a) he has the worst Miraculous power and b) there's no certainty that making Ladybug and Chat Noir jerks will make them easy pickings. Hell, Chat was already ready to catacylsm Dark Humour, and he might have still found it funny after getting hit.
F Tier
This is the kind of thing that makes me wonder if I need an even worse tier. Ryukomuri is literally incapable of acquiring the Miraculous. Oh, and Monarch's choice of akuma object could have been fatal to Kagami, which would have immediately turned Tomoe Tsurugi against him. At which point she would murder him and Monarch would inexplicably become a woman. Just a full round of WTFs here, since the outcome for Gabriel is that Kagami turns back and he gets no Miraculous, or Kagami dies and Tomoe kills him. And if he somehow manages to avoid Tomoe's wrath, Felix might do it a few days later anyway.
The overall meta-analysis is that I think over time, Gabriel produces better akumas. Not all of them are hits, but there does seem to be a general progression away from poor-quality combat akumas, and an increasing emphasis on nasty tricks and unusual tactics. This all converges in the Perfect Alliance, which combines mind control and mass akumatization to an almost crushingly effective degree.
If only he'd put all that effort into being a better person!
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selormohene · 11 months
day 24 (thursday, july 27th 2023)
(Written Friday morning, posted Friday afternoon because currently at Sue’s cabin and relatively off the grid.)
I wanted to read a bunch of books this summer and that hasn’t necessarily panned out. (Well the literature I’ve made some progress on, the social science not so much.) I also wanted to do a bunch of math, and that’s been happening, although much more slowly than I’d anticipated. Partly due to the omnipresent problem of sleep and partly due to the fact that what I’ve been studying so far (calculus, a little linear algebra) was only a preliminary to what I really wanted to study, (differential topology, and in particular, the algebraic and categorical aspects of differential topology). But it now occurs to me that in trying to follow my interests, as I’ve mentioned before sometimes getting into the groove is more important than following a specific path. Of course this can sometimes have adverse effects such as only being inclined to study stuff you don’t have the prerequisites for and thus not being able to study them properly, and which is precisely the problem I’m currently trying to fix. But I think the point is that being unwilling to study because you don’t like what you’re working on can be just as much of a failure mode as only working on stuff you enjoy without having an adequate grounding in the fundamentals, which will just end up working against you. The real solution, I think, is some combination of discipline and freestyling, which I’m trying to carry out but could probably do a better job of doing. That is, realise that you have to eat your vegetables but find the best way of making them go down (or develop a taste for them), but also add a little bit of meat and potatoes every now and then to the extent possible to make the meal as a whole more palatable.
On the social science front there were a few books I’d wanted to read but couldn’t get into. But I’m currently reading The Anatomy of Racial Inequality by Glenn Loury and it’s really good. I can’t remember when I first came across his work but I do have respect for his general position on and complex approach to racial issues in the United States, most of all the fact that he doesn’t seem to be primarily interested in recapitulating progressive bromides despite his sympathy, at various points in his career, with various of them. For instance all the talk about self-confirming stereotypes, adverse selection, and differentiation are best seen as challenges to perhaps uncomfortable notions we may have regarding racial self-perceptions and behaviour informed by them, without falling into moralising generalities about respectability politics and the like, which is what takes the place in popular discourse of the sort of game-theoretic argument he’s advancing. This represents, to me, a vindication of heavy-duty mathematically informed theory in wielding a more complex vision of things and in so doing giving us the ability to make more sensitive moral assessments of the situation in question. Many of us ignore the theoretical complexity of the world or just can’t perceive it and don’t realise that we can’t, which is bad, but even worse is recognising that the world is complex but somehow also thinking that all the complexity filters down to moral assessments which happen to align simply with our prior simple moral beliefs.
This reminds me of the accusation of pandering to the beliefs of whites — of being a “coon” or “Uncle Tom” — the levelling of which I’ve always found distressing. Like “pick-me,” it comes across to me as partly a form of projection, in the following sense. If you can’t assess the truth of a socially relevant belief in others (or even the potential utility of some purported piece of socially relevant information) independently of what white people make of it, it seems like you’re the one who has them living in your head. Of course there’s a difference between realising that what white people think (and more importantly what they do) matters, and adopting an evaluative system based on theirs. Your evaluative system should be based on your own values, and should incorporate the values of racist white people only as relevant information (regarding what use they will make of certain information, how they will react to you, how other people will react to them, etc). In particular I’m not trying to deny that there are black people whose value systems are entirely oriented around those of white people, I’m just saying that a more subtle and ultimately self-defeating way of having one’s values so oriented is manifested in only assessing people whose beliefs, prescriptions, motives, actions etc. seem to align with values that white people also hold as being motivated by alignment with white value systems, and only assessing the content of their beliefs or prescriptions or actions in terms indexed to white value systems yourself. In particular it shouldn’t be that hard to say “person X is only saying this for white approval and/or claim X is exactly what a racist would want to be the case, but it could still be a useful thing to consider the relevant claims and what to do in light of their potential truth and/or their prevalence.”
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shoptrendthingss · 2 years
To Be Or Not To Be [Celibate] - THAT Is the Question
Why on the earth am I writing about celibacy?
Excellent question! Because on adult entertainment Tues night I'll be attending a huge public debate on "Celibacy in the Catholic Church", in London, simply days before the Pope's go to. Sky News and the BBC are protecting it; celebrities are worried, including Frank Skinner who's on the facet of "seasoned Celibacy". Also Boy George is rumoured to be bringing his boyfriend along for the evening so it is set to be an thrilling event!
The debate will start with the aid of showing a function length movie "Conspiracy of Silence" which increases tremendous questions about negative consequences of celibacy in the Catholic Priesthood. Although it would not continually do it eloquently, raising these problems for debate within our society is a completely essential thing to do.
Before I jump right in and inform you exactly what my perspectives on celibacy are, I'd want to proportion with you a touch bit about myself: So, if you're sitting simply? Then I shall begin…
In my more youthful years I had a lifestyles changing revel in, my lifestyles was a mess, I'd dropped out of university, couldn't find a activity I preferred, and I became miserable. My existence modified once I were given help to apprehend how I'd ended up in the ones conditions, and started out taking non-public obligation for re-growing my own lifestyles the manner I desired it to be. I determined that I might build a career, buy a house, and find someone to have a loving intimate, devoted dating with. By the time I became 27 I'd executed all of these, because of my endured commitment to my very own non-public increase & taking advantageous movement closer to my desires.
One of the numerous things I did on my own private journey became to be "Celibate" for 1 12 months, now I used the word "Celibate" meaning abstaining from sexual sex with others, despite the fact that the proper definition includes abstaining for existence. I completed this and it gave me time to recognize extra about myself as an man or woman, which helped immensely once I chose to be in a dedicated loving dating. That specific courting lasted only five years, in spite of my belief that it might be "till demise us do component", hiya, as Forest Gump says, s**t occurs…
Earlier this year I decided that I desired to attention by myself non-public increase and improvement and I made a decision to be "celibate" for 30 days, absolutely chaste- in act and concept. Now initially that changed into a challenge, believe converting even your mind! No greater wishing I might encounter Brad Pitt! But I had resolved to do that, and try this I could! At the give up of 30 days I determined to do every other 30 days, on the stop of these 30 days I decided to do some other 30 days and so on….
Right now, as I sit here and sort I realize that I might LOVE to remain celibate for the rest of my existence. I recognize a lot of you'll be thinking "Why on earth might you need to do that?" and the solution is straightforward. Since letting cross of the preference for sexual gratification I've been extra focused, more emotionally linked, calmer, and in the end I've felt a deep spiritual connection more than I've ever felt before. I experience GOOD! I'm wondering clearer, making better choices, I'm extra efficient, I'm communicating extra successfully to the ones I care about.
What have I lost as a result? Quite really I cannot think of one thing that being celibate has deprived me of! So even as I might pretty without difficulty say I'd be happy if I were to stay celibate for my entire life; I additionally hold open the possibility that perhaps, I simply would possibly pick to start a circle of relatives in some unspecified time in the future. However, what I am very clear approximately; having had periods of abstention, is that I might select no longer to have intercourse outside of a loving dedicated dating until the day I die. Whether or now not I reap this or not is a wholly exceptional discussion!
So bearing in thoughts my personal existence studies and picks round celibacy, it might not be much of a surprise once I tell you that I whole heartedly assist Celibacy as a demand for the Catholic priesthood.
What I do not however, condone, is the shortage of actual tangible guide to be had for the men that take these vows. What I do not assist is keeping off and suppressing the sexual goals that humans experience naturally. What I do no longer condone is sexual abuse inside the priesthood.
What I do encourage is extra transparency & open-ness in the Priesthood whilst men fail, once they err-so that these guys can sense safe to go for assist right now, so as to get the support they want to resume a wholesome celibate way of life. I remember that there's a big difference between male and woman celibacy, (different biology so I pay attention!) But again, I do not see this as a cause in opposition to celibacy in line with se.
I lately spent a few hours with a Franciscan monk in East London, we chatted approximately numerous matters; spirituality, celibacy, a personal dating with God. He's likely the most grounded, human, down to earth, heat, actual man or woman I've ever met. He took a vow of celibacy and it certainly hasn't prompted him any harm, in reality it's miles an act that supports him in his assignment to serve those who need assist, which he succeeds thoroughly in doing- every day feeding and apparel a hundred's of homeless human beings in one of the maximum disadvantaged areas in London.
I trust it is whilst disasters cannot be brazenly mentioned that sexuality is pushed underground. When sexuality is pushed underground everyday sexual choice can transmute into unhealthy sports which purpose ache and struggling to all concerned. Actively freely choosing a lifestyles of celibacy is very specific from suppressing natural sexual goals.
To be, or Not To Be, [Celibate] that is the query! I sit up for hearing from the panel on Tuesday night time, and mastering more approximately the subject of Celibacy inside the Catholic Church.
If you are inquisitive about the talk, why not come alongside on Tuesday night? Tickets are promoting fast because of the high profile nature of the panellists so I'd suggest getting yours as quickly as you could. If you are going please do let me recognise and say hi to me at the night, it might be super to discuss adult entertainment the controversy afterwards over espresso/drinks/herbal tea.:)
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akilapanchala-blog · 2 years
The most effective method to Solve a Problem: 6 Quick and Powerful Tips
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“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”
Albert Ellis
Might it be said that you are having an issue in your life at the present time?
Provided that this is true, perhaps these six fast tips can assist you with settling it somewhat more straightforwardly.
1. Start by asking yourself if there is indeed an issue.
As I briefly discussed a few days ago in Simplify Your Life, we frequently imagine difficulties that do not exist in reality. So take a moment to unwind. And consider whether this is indeed a serious issue. Will it still be relevant in five years? even in five weeks?
When you quit constructing mountains out of molehills, life becomes much less stressful (or just out of thin air).
2. Recognize it.
You stop “feeding” the problem by pouring more energy into it once you recognize that it already exists and stop resisting.
Now, it only exists (well, more or less, you might still feel a bit down about it).
You can leverage the earlier energy you gave the issue — energy that likely made the issue appear larger than it actually was — to develop innovative solutions to the difficulty.
3. Request aid.
People are willing to give you advice on what to do and what they did in comparable circumstances.
But you might also look for more useful assistance. There are moments when having someone by your side, even if it’s simply for emotional support, feels better than trying to figure out every problem on your own.
People are frequently willing to assist you if you simply ask them, so try it.
4. Invest 80% of your time in problem-solving.
And only 20% of people gripe, worry, and complain.
Although it may not always be simple, channeling your attention, time, and thoughts in this direction is much better for both you and those around you than the alternative.
5. Divide the issue into more manageable components.
Sometimes it can seem overwhelming and impossible to solve a situation. Break the issue down to relieve anxiety and promote clearer thinking.
List the components that it is made up of. Then decide on a workable course of action for each of those components. Use those answers.
They might not be able to address every issue right away. However, those answers can get you going and perhaps address some of the issues.
6. Look for the chance or lesson in the issue.
I’ve discovered that every issue has at least one redeeming quality.
Perhaps it informs us of a fantastic technique to advance our careers or interpersonal connections. Or shows us that perhaps our lives aren’t as horrible as we believed.
Finding this aspect of the issue that is more constructive lessens its detrimental emotional effects. You might even begin to think of the circumstance as a wonderful chance for you.
When presented with a challenge, ask yourself,
“What is this beneficial for?”How can this help me learn?
What opportunity lurks here that I can seize?
Below are the links related to my profession which I can help you to purchase and services.
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fatherepoch26 · 2 years
Memorial Service Basics: Honoring The Deceased, Comforting The Bereaved
https://www.youtube.com/c/funeralprogramsite Are you looking preserve some cash on a funeral service? Would you as the funeral savings guide that will help you make the right choices in your state of grief? Would you like some for what 100 % possible do conserve way even more than you thought possible while still developing a very decent burial for those loved another one?
For instance, if you try, digital camera the rates for funeral in places like Beverly Hills would be different 1 in say, Santa Further ed. So, while it is often better to get a funeral home from the inside of your vicinity, if above are too high, you must get one with lower costs but whose place is small far from your location.
Although he was highly sceptical about Annabel Markov's suspicions about enemy agents attacking him, the small wound bothered him anf the husband decided to slice away an area of the flesh around it, nicely section from a same place from his other quad. He sent the samples to the Metropolitan Police Forensic laboratory at Lambeth.
In 1888 Alfred Nobel picked up a French newspaper and look at his own obituary. His brother had died and in error the newspaper printed Alfred's obituary actually. In it, Alfred Nobel was remembered as the dynamite king, the merchant of death, a individual had amassed a great fortune from explosives used extensively in wars. Alfred Nobel didn't like what he read, and began make a better name for himself. He established the Nobel Prizes, including the Nobel Peace Prize, which today consistently on the honour people around earth who have championed the main cause of peace. Alfred Nobel moved from success to valuation. The card message is personal however, many ideas are 'our thoughts and prayers are with you' or 'with deepest sympathy'. Preserving the earth . also typical not deal with the card specifically to anyone given that funeral director will collect all the cards and give them to the loved ones. When you return a sympathy piece the should clearly indicate can be sending the flowers (last name or company name if appropriate) as it will possibly be confusing to follow up during a stressful energy. You should also put your address for that card to make it easier for everyone when they give out with thanks cards. It seems that this mother had finally succumbed to death after enduring time consuming painful lack of life. She had been receiving care by the local Missionary Doctor but he could only accomplish much. Officially her involving death could listed as AIDS related, there was never an autopsy done of these people. She was Haitian living as Dominican Republic; here only because her family brought her here when she was young to act as a migrant worker their cane land. They simply never left; life am much better here from the D.R. than at home in Haiti. The truth that this woman died following a short tumultuous life is not the only problem either because she left two young daughters behind; now orphaned as their father had also died in solutions year.
One of the ways that we are add more meaning for your life today moment is actually write my obituary. A summation of your legacy when i will leave behind, can direct a powerful course depending upon how we live our life now. Having to be written at some time, we may as well take control button of might and ensure it is reflect who we dream to be when we're still your life. Why spend some time thinking relating to your legacy? Understanding you would like your legacy become and defining your personal vision will shape the opposite six key decisions always be made at midlife. You will need surroundings and support systems that can help you implement eyesight. Your creative expression, your personal relationships along with the work that you simply do all implement that eyesight. Knowing what you want your legacy to be will serve like a beacon that will help you through once they half you could have.
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