#alternate ephram
greywayfarer · 2 years
So I’m kinda curious about your age swap au of ‘in the blood’….how far would Seneca go to keep secrets from ephram and how far would ephram go to uncover those secrets 😂 and would it all depend on the secret
Oh boy. You can just imagine how Ephram would be as the older brother, more in control of Seneca and therefore more obsessed. He would never leave him alone, would probably have a network of servant spies that would report to him on Seneca's every move when he wasn't with him. There would be nothing he would not know.
And in turn, Seneca would do everything in his power to keep hold of his own privacy, his own secrets. I think being the underdog in that way would make Seneca more shrewd, more crafty in his everyday life, just to get out from under Ephram's suffocating shadow.
Rydan would try and help Seneca in this cause for the amusement of it, Isen would be none the wiser in his brother's antics and Conrad, in every alternate universe of their lives, would be a shit about it all for the hell of it.
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ephrampettaline · 4 years
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ephrames · 5 years
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@cassiegermaine, @ephrampettaline - red right hand gangster au
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hartlost · 2 years
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astraseason · 4 years
i’m looking at my list of muses ( as i cry bc i realize i have to remake a lot of icons ) and figured i’d just jot this down really quickly before i go to bed... or at least try to because i really should but i want... the ashen wolves dlc... to download... so i was wasting time waiting for it and it’s still not here...
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as far as feh goes, i hc seasonal alts to only be outfit swaps for a festival or ball or beach trips or what have you. legendary/mythic/brave alts are the same way because the idea of brave versions of a character being ‘created’ by the hopes and dreams of the people sounds... dumb to me. if a pre-existing character like, say, lucina is given the title of brave or legendary, it is simply new power bestowed upon the character. 
the only time there will be multiples of a character in the order of heroes is if they are from significantly different points in time (ie; inigo vs laslow, owain vs odin, the robins vs the grimas, hector vs hector+lilina duo hero), explicitly stated to be from another world with vastly different circumstances (brave camilla who is queen of nohr or brave veronica who was explicitly stated to be Not Our Veronica, og!azura and shigure vs performing arts!azura and shigure, who are heavily implied to be from conquest specifically).
the askr trio alts are simply alfonse, sharena, and now anna dressing up. i do not hc that bruno stayed with the order in a bunny suit; he left after the festival but will come again when the spring banners return for veronica’s sake.
obviously if there are two of any given character in zenith, they can dress up for festivals too if they want.
so here’s my take on every character with an alt in feh so far, whoops-- my muses are bolded! this is relevant to coralin’s order of heroes so i figure i might as well get it out of the way.
alfonse -- regular alfonse, spring alfonse, and new year’s alfonse are the same character. (lif is also alfonse, but obviously from a different time and world and so different that he barely counts anymore. if you want to split hairs, though, there are two alfonses.)
alm -- he’s actually kind of tricky. original alm might be his own version as he’s implied to be from earlygame while brave, legendary, and valentine’s alm are the same unit. this one is up to interpretation, but given og!alm has falchion for now i’m saying there is only one alm in zenith. there may be two. 
anna -- regular anna and new year’s anna are the same character.
azura -- original, legendary, and new year’s azura are the same character. performing arts azura is conquest azura specifically, then young azura is obviously young azura. there are three azuras in zenith.
 berkut -- dancer and original berkut are the same character. fallen berkut (+vestal rinea!) are a separate character. there are two berkuts in zenith, and two rineas by extension.
the black knight and zelgius are separate characters if only because they’re stated to be the por and rd incarnations of each, and there is a timeskip between the two games. no one is confused by the black knight any more, though. there are two zelgius...es... in zenith.
bruno is the story bruno. he showed up for the festival and left when it or the tempest concluded, whichever came first. he is not in coralin’s order of heroes.
caeda and bride caeda are the same character.
original camilla, spring camilla, summer camilla, new year’s camilla, and hot spring camilla are the same character. brave camilla and dream camilla are both separate incarnations, the latter being baby azura’s dreams given form. there are three camillas in zenith.
camus and sirius are two separate characters as they are from two different points in time. there are two camus...es... and if we get zeke there will be a third.
catria i’m up in the air for. original and spring catria are DEFINITELY the same person, but falcon knight!catria may be from further in the timeline, making her separate. i’m saying fuck it, they’re all technically falcon knight!catria, but this is up to interpretation. there may be two catrias.
cecilia and winter cecilia are the same character.
much like alm, celica is very much open to interpretation. original, legendary, brave, and valentine’s celica may be the same character, while fallen celica is separate. or original, leg/brave/valentine’s is the same character while fallen and original are different. there are at minimum two celicas, maybe three.
chrom, spring chrom, horse chrom, and winter chrom are all one individual, though horse chrom is up to interpretation. there may be two chroms in zenith. 
conrad and valentine’s conrad are the same individual.
cordelia, bride cordelia, askr cordelia, and summer cordelia are the same individual.
male corrin and new year’s m!corrin are the same individual, and i hc f!corrin may also dress up for new years if she pleases. dream!corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form. there are two male corrins in askr.
female corrin and summer f!corrin are the same individual. dream corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form and fallen corrin is from an alternate world. there are three female corrins in askr.
delthea and tatarrah-possessed delthea are two separate individuals.
dorcas and halloween dorcas are the same individual.
eir and new year’s eir are the same individual. 
eirika, legendary eirika, and winter eirika are the same individual. mage eirika is separate. there are two eirikas in zenith.
elincia and festival elincia are... i’m tentatively saying the same character even if two different games are listed. elincia is queen by the time of radiant dawn and her kimono alt title is “estival princess”, so... yeah. there just aren’t enough changes to justify there being two.
elise, hot springs elise, and summer elise are the same character.
eliwood, brave eliwood, legendary eliwood, and valentine’s eliwood are the same character.
ephraim, legendary ephraim, and brave ephraim are the same individual. the ephraim that appears with lyon as a duo hero is a separate one from pre-fe8. there are two ephraims in askr.
fae and winter fae are the same individual.
faye and valentine’s faye are the same individual.
felicia and picnic felicia are the same individual. 
fjorm, new year’s fjorm, and bride fjorm are the same individual.
flora and picnic flora are the same individual.
frederick and summer frederick are the same individual.
gaius and summer gaius are the same individual.
genny and picnic genny are the same individual.
gunnthra, new year’s gunnthra, and summer gunnthra are the same individual, but not the story gunnthra who perished at surtr’s hands. we have seen two gunnthras, but only one is playable.
hector, valentine’s hector, brave hector, and legendary hector are the same individual. halloween hector is a parent, therefore from a later point in time and a separate person. there are two hectors in zenith.
helbindi and summer helbindi are the same individual, but not the story helbindi who is assumed to have died in muspell. ... actually, no, he IS that helbindi because i like to pretend we live in a nice world. regardless there’s still only one of him.
henry and halloween henry are the same individual.
hinoka, kinshi hinoka, and hot springs hinoka are the same individual, but gee hinoka why does intsys let you have two mounts?
hrid and new year’s hrid are the same individual.
ike, brave ike, and valentine’s ike are the same individual. legendary ike is older, therefore separate. there are two ikes in zenith. 
inigo and laslow are separate characters from two different points in time.
innes and summer innes are the same individual.
ishtar and dancer ishtar are the same individual.
jaffar and winter jaffar are the same individual.
jakob and halloween jakob are the same individual.
julia and legendary julia are the same individual.
kagero, spring kagero, and halloween kagero are the same individual.
l’arachel and halloween l’arachel are the same individual.
laegjarn, new year’s laegjarn, and summer laegjarn are the same individual, but not the story laegjarn who perished in muspell.
laevatein, new year’s laevatein, and summer laevatein are the story laevatain. (or she may not be, but there is still only one of her.)
lief and legendary lief are the same character.
leo, summer leo, and picnic leo are the same character.
lethe and new year’s lethe are the same character.
lilina, valentine’s lilina, and summer lilina are the same character. young lilina in hector’s duo hero is a separate character. there are two lilinas in askr.
linde and summer linde are the same character.
lissa and winter lissa are the same character.
loki and spring loki are two separate individuals. spring loki is story loki and not part of the order of heroes. there are two lokis in zenith.
lucina, legendary lucina, brave lucina, and spring lucina are all the same individual. masked lucina, “marth”, is the lucina from the tempest trials and not part of the order of heroes. my main lucina heroes verse, incidentally, focuses on tempest trial lucina. regardless, there are two lucinas in zenith.
lukas and picnic lukas are the same character.
lyn, nifl lyn, bride lyn, valentine’s lyn, legendary lyn, brave lyn, and summer lyn are all the same character.
lyon and the lyon who appears in the duo hero with ephram are two separate characters, as the latter is pre-fe8. there are two lyons in zenith.
mareeta and fallen mareeta are separate characters. there are two mareetas in zenith.
marisa and spring marisa are the same character.
marth, groom marth, legendary marth, and winter marth are the same character.
mia and halloween mia are the same character.
micaiah, brave micaiah, and festival micaiah are all the same character... though i could make an argument that brave micaiah is separate because of the lil ghostly yune. there may be two micaiahs in zenith.
mist and valentine’s mist are the same character.
nephenee and dancer nephenee are the same character.
zero and halloween zero are the same character.
ninian and bride ninian are the same character.
nino, winter nino, and pegasus nino are the same individual, though i’d be willing to make a case for pegasus nino. there may be two ninos in zenith.
nowi and halloween nowi are the same character.
owain and odin are two separate characters from two separate points in time.
olivia, performing arts olivia, and flier olivia are the same character.
olwen and thunderhead olwen are the same character.
reinhardt, sword reinhardt, and dancer reinhardt are the same character, though i’d be willing to make a case for sword reinhardt. there may be two reinhardts in zenith.
female robin and summer robin are the same individual, though she may dress up for winter if she pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one female robin and two grimas in zenith.
male robin and winter robin are the same individual, though he may dress up for summer if he pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one male robin and two grimas in zenith.
roy, brave roy, legendary roy, and valentine’s roy are the same individual.
ryouma, festival ryouma, hot springs ryouma, and legendary ryouma are the same individual. gee, ryouma, why is intsys letting you AND hinoka get two mounts?
sakura, halloween sakura, hot springs sakura, are the same character.
sanaki and bride sanaki are the same character because there aren’t enough differences to justify them being separate despite the game saying so.
selkie and new year’s selkie are the same individual.
sharena, spring sharena, and the new year’s sharena from alfonse’s duo unit are the same individual.
shigure and performing arts shigure are separate characters, as performing shigure is implied to be from conquest like his performing mother.
sigrun and bride sigrun are the same character.
silque and valentine’s silque are the same character.
soren and valentine’s soren are the same character.
sothis and winter sothis are the same character.
takumi, summer takumi, and new year’s takumi are the same character. fallen takumi is the final boss from conquest. there are two takumis in zenith.
tana and summer tana are the same character.
tharja, bride tharja, and winter tharja are the same character.
young tiki, summer young tiki, and legendary tiki are the same character. fallen tiki is from a different point in time. adult tiki and summer adult tiki are the same character. there are two young tikis in zenith and one adult tiki.
titania and valentine’s titania are the same character.
ursula and summer ursula are the same character.
brave veronica and spring veronica are separate individuals. spring veronica is story veronica and does not join the order of heroes. there are two veronicas in zenith.
xander, spring zander, festival xander, and summer xander are the same individual. veronica has a xander of her own, even if we have no idea what happened to him. assuming that xander survived surtr, there are two xanders in zenith but only one is with the order of heroes.
ylgr and summer ylgr are the same character.
yune and the yune in brave micaiah’s alt may be separate. there may be two yunes in zenith but only one acts individually while the other remains with micaiah. ... wait shit doesn’t regular micaiah have a bird yune too? maybe there’s three??? send help.
zephiel and winter zephiel are from different points in time, making them two different characters.
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noszkass · 5 years
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garrison “grady” oliver knox.
parallels: jughead jones, connor walsh, nancy drew, stiles stilinski, xander harris.
the corner booth at the local diner; twilight zone background noise; the smell of coffee; sweeping honesty; the truth is out there; ring around the rosie was about the black plague; anti-social social club; dry sarcasm over milkshakes; swear jar that has his name on it; hours in the basement stacks; the company misery loves; mean nerd aesthetic; late nights in the studio with great music and a constant opinion.
exclusively goes by grady. unless you’re his mother. which, you are not. waverly native. coffee addict. missed out on a lot of his formative years due to acute lymphocytic leukemia. doesn’t like to talk about it and if you weren’t somehow involved with him during that time, then you legit just don’t know a thing about it. definitely an introvert, but he’s not at all shy. and he’s not at all the type of guy who wants a physical confrontation, but he’s been known to stand up for the things he believes in and if that’s the outcome, then so be it. conspiracy theory nut. his entire podcast is based around the paranormal, supernatural and unexplained. when he was younger he wanted to be a journalist, a photographer and novelist and you can tell. too curious for his own good and heavily believes in checking his sources and questioning everything. still very much walks around with a camera around his neck. lowkey the annoying activist, but it’s bc he’s got a good heart deep down okay?? uncharacteristically caring/nurturing. will deny it if you ever bring it up. pretty much just wants to eat, sleep, toke and live the life he’s built for himself. if he hadn’t gone into business with ephram, he’d probably still have his podcast but there’d definitely be a food truck happening js.
needs; he’s part of eph’s friend group, so check that out if you haven’t already! alternatively, he probably has a half-sister who moonlights as his best friend. yeah, i know it’s cringey, don’t make it weird. grady is bi-demi, so while he probably doesn’t have a lot of romantic history, i’m sure the ones he did have were significant to him. which means if he does eventually get a ship, it’ll have to be an organic build up (unless we’ve shipped before with him?? then i’m good taking it from where we left off). i expect a ton of people who just don’t like him. he’s pretty opinionated and will often say shit just to elicit a reaction. and it’s not that he doesn’t like people, he just… isn’t good at the socializing thing, which is why most of his close friends have known him since the proverbial sandbox. maybe someone he does his podcast with?
template inspiration.
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ashnadir · 6 years
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Ephram and Freddie + G2 and F1 - the future is now
I’m not even sure how these two ended up being some sort of dystopic future-punk alternate reality but here we are and let’s have fun.  @freddiewatts, @ephrampettaline
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years
Catalogue of Choices
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2kMNwNf
by mountain_ash
Dean should just drive away. He has a case to work. Besides, Cas had asked him to leave. He wouldn’t want to know Dean had seen whatever had just happened here. Despite this completely sound logic, Dean was opening the Impala door anyway and striding towards Nora’s house on legs that shook beneath him like jelly.
They talk about happiness, choices, and the relative merits of salt. Ephram never shows up and Dean will deal with him tomorrow. Tonight is about Castiel's smile.
Words: 6140, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Episode: s09e06 Heaven Can't Wait, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Dean is Bad at Feelings, But he's trying, Human Castiel, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Sad Castiel, Blushing Castiel, Observant Dean Winchester, Movie Night, Awkward Flirting, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Link: https://ift.tt/2kMNwNf
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greywayfarer · 2 years
Do Ephram's soldiers actually know what's going on? It sort of sounded like it, from Seneca's last thoughts. Like, did Ephram give an 'I want my brother to submit to me, but I'm not going to kill him because I'm going to make him my Consort and you'll just have to accept that' speech (that would be hilarious, but maybe more in style for Kaldir, and it really makes me wonder how he'll break the news to the rest of Nasria) or did they just figure it out (because Ephram hasn't really done much to hide his feelings, so I feel like a lot more people than just their father and Isen knew, they just wouldn't dare admit it)? Are they all so loyal to him (or, alternatively, so scared of him) to just roll with it? Another option is them thinking he wants to completely humiliate Seneca before killing him, I guess, but Ephram's already wasted plenty of opportunities to do it, and making Seneca kneel like that on the bafflefield in front of his soldiers after defeating him is degrading enough for a Prince, isn't it? Would it be acceptable for a Prince, even one who's a bit of a wildcard like Ephram, to keep stalling the succession for such a purpose? But more in general, is it an acceptable thing to do in Nasrian culture? Because some warrior cultures treat their opponents with respect, in the sense that they find anything other than a fair kill in battle as dishonorable and they generally don't humiliate/torture the defeated party. Does that apply in this world?
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*cracks knuckles*
Do Ephram’s soldiers know what is going on? A select few do, ones that Ephram can completely trust and are his inner circle of veteran advisors that have been with him through thick and thin, who he can even call friends. The rest of his soldiers only know that they are fighting the last battle of the succession and winning the throne in favour of their Warlord. We can assume that Ephram’s little stunt was a pretty big surprise. 
Are they all so loyal to him (or, alternatively, so scared of him) to just roll with it? I mean, there may be a little fear/awe of Ephram. He is a Warlord, a Prince, and dear god he can barbeque like the best of them. But it’s mostly loyalty on the soldier’s part. This guy has seen them through the worst conditions imaginable on a human mind, he’s kept them alive against a vindictive enemy, and he has shown that he would avenge any of them in the most cruellest, decisive way. Most Courtiers can’t even drum up enough energy to learn their servant’s names, and yet Ephram would die with them if he had to. Not to mention that he was putting through that land reform bill that would set them and their families up for generations to come. If Ephram wanted to break a thousand years worth of tradition by, not only keeping his brother alive, but as a Consort, they would see it happen. 
Would it be acceptable for a Prince, even one who's a bit of a wildcard like Ephram, to keep stalling the succession for such a purpose? But more in general, is it an acceptable thing to do in Nasrian culture? Not indefinitely. Some would see Ephram’s decision as noble, others would see it as softness. That his attachment to Seneca was stalling him and that is a grave weakness in a Nasrian King. Ephram would have no choice but to bring it to a decisive conclusion as Seneca regained his strength. Which is why Seneca booted him out of the castle and to make a grand show of their last fight, Nasria must have her sacrifice. 
some warrior cultures treat their opponents with respect, in the sense that they find anything other than a fair kill in battle as dishonorable and they generally don't humiliate/torture the defeated party. Does that apply in this world? It can apply in this world, though it is a little twisted. Nasria’s culture demands complete supremacy and suppression and can be pretty finite. Saying that, Nasria doesn’t enjoy the humiliation of their enemy as it is considered crude practise. The only time it is considered as warranted is if they are themselves dealt with an insult, like it did with the Ventari. What the Ventari did to Nasrian soldiers was despicable and a lesson was needed to be taught. Most wars with Nasria generally don’t end that way. 
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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all titles taken from songs by nick cave and the bad seeds.  thank you to everyone who participated for lending your characters, your time, and your creativity <3
part 1: death is not the end
part 2: darker with the day
part 3: right out of your hand
part 4: we call upon the author
part 5: the kindness of strangers
part 6: your funeral my trial
part 7: sweetheart come
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ephrames · 5 years
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@cassiegermaine, @ephrampettaline - red right hand gangster au
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
What role would you be in a rock band (or any music band) and why? Elaborate as much as you want! (Type of music your band plays, style, other members, career path etc)
“Oh I would be the worst member of a rock band, think Dave Mustaine from Megadeth, the only remaining member of the original line up because everyone quits because he’s such a shallow dickhole. I’m just too controlling, I like things my way, so I need complete creative control. I’d do better as a solo artist. Hypothetically I did start a band though maybe it could be very Evanescence, where I am clearly the lead, and everyone else is just ‘in the band’ but no one really knows their names.”
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Run Down on Bleed Cream
Bleed Cream is an American alternative pop band founded in Soapberry Springs, in 2014 by singer Bellamy Barnes and guitarist Ephram Pettaline. The band released their first full-length album, Moonshone in 2015. Moonshone sold more than 17 million copies worldwide and helped the band win two Grammy Awards out of seven nominations. A year later, Evanescence released a smaller EP, Pyewacket, which sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. In 2017, the band released their second studio album, A Meal of Frosting, which sold more than 20 million copies featured none of the original members, bar it’s lead singer. The alternative pop vibe became noticeably more pop than alternative, many classified it as ‘sadcore.’
Ephram - Guitar & Song Writer - Originally as prevalent in the band as it’s leading lady, the two writing as if they had one hand, Ephram was considered a major player and was a scouted songwriter, collaborating with other artists. Bella did not have the same such luck, her music tending to be more self involved and lashing out she refused to perform any songs Ephram had written alone or with anyone other than herself. Half way through the EP Ephram left after Bellamy, in a fit of rage, threw his own bass at him. His contract was ended with limited royalties on the EP and he conceded a substantial amount to the label for their first album to cash out of his contract. He happily married a record producer who worked at the label, Freddie Watts, and continues to write music for emerging artists. This actually included a song performed by the Bleed Cream in the second album, written under a pseudonym. 
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Ash - Bassist - Unintentionally becoming a member of the band Ash agreed to help Bellamy and Ephram record some demos for a label but was practically demanded when seen by the label. His appearance, style, and youth matched that of the lead singer and he was heavily promoted, however, Ash was only ever prioritised by the label when it involved photoshoots and though he was a fan favourite he went quite ignored by others. He remained after Ephram’s departure from the bad but only until Pyewacket was completed, Bella’s controlling nature had him anxious and stressed with little to no reward. He left the label with his royalties, only because his family was able to buy him out. Ash joined a more indie band not long after and though not featured on Billboard’s Top 100 he has more imput into the decisions for the band.
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Ruby - Drummer - Ruby was the first member of the band to leave, not making it beyond the first album. By the end Bella had already pushed her so far to the back of every interview, photoshoot and contract negotiation that she was practically always in tears after a session with the band. Only having joined for Ephram when the album was done and he began working with other artists and used Ruby, who was a singer in her own right, to sell his songs, in the process setting her up with an indie folk artist, Aedan. The two became a critically acclaimed duo, writing and recording their music in a small studio in Ireland they built.
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Ryden - Guitarist - A guitarist chosen by the studio to replace Ephram, Ryden fit the studios vibe for the second album, along with Bella’s own creative vision. Difficult to work with himself, he’d been fired by an individual artist who grew tired of his lack of professionalism, but fit very well with an artist who needed someone to almost ignore her tantrums in favour of his own intentions. It was not long before the pair were sleeping together, delaying the albums release by six months as Bellamy rewrote half of the album. The first single released off it was an aggressive duet, against the studios wishes the two drunkenly released the song on Soundcloud. Ryden has insisted he is leaving the band since he joined but has never gone through with the decision.
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Album Example
Teen Idle - Marina & The DiamondsBody Electric - Lana Del ReyDead - Madison BeerNeedy - Ariana GrandeUnholy - Hey Violet11 Minutes Away - Yungblud & Halsey ( feat Travis Barker )Idgaf - Ängie
@ephrampettaline, @ashcaplan, @scarlettxruby, @rydenbolt, @freddiewatts, @aedanthewitch
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years
Catalogue of Choices
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kMNwNf
by mountain_ash
Dean should just drive away. He has a case to work. Besides, Cas had asked him to leave. He wouldn’t want to know Dean had seen whatever had just happened here. Despite this completely sound logic, Dean was opening the Impala door anyway and striding towards Nora’s house on legs that shook beneath him like jelly.
They talk about happiness, choices, and the relative merits of salt. Ephram never shows up and Dean will deal with him tomorrow. Tonight is about Castiel's smile.
Words: 6140, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Episode: s09e06 Heaven Can't Wait, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Dean is Bad at Feelings, But he's trying, Human Castiel, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Sad Castiel, Blushing Castiel, Observant Dean Winchester, Movie Night, Awkward Flirting, Ambiguous/Open Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kMNwNf
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trashmykrp · 7 years
Here's the tea on Ephram. He's a muse that works a cafe owner, but yes, spends his time in his club that is meant for people with an alternative lifestyle. Now.. if you're searching for tea on the mun as you're obviously doing, I'll throw it out there as well.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
the urbz sims in the city nintendo ds
the urbz sims in the city nintendo ds
The Urbz: Sims in the City cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
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Get the updated and latest The Urbz: Sims in the City cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for The Urbz: Sims in the City.
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Also Known As: Sims in the City, The: The Urbz
Genre: Simulation, Life Development Sim Developer: Griptonite Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 17, 2004
Storage Areas
The following places are unlocked by reaching the maximum relationship with the following people:
Lost cave in Sim quarter: 100% relationship with Ewan Watahmee.Old broken down school bus near the thrift shop: 100% relationship with Giuseppi Mezzoalto.Garbage can near the entrance to Club Xizzle in Glasstown : 100% relationship with Phoebe Twiddle.Projection booth (door behind the snack counter of the cinema in Glasstown): 100% relationship with Theresa Bullhorn.Hole behind the poster in the jail: 100% relationship with Detective Dan De Mann.
Finding The Secret Lab
Between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m., go to the executiveoffice (the third floor) of the King’s Tower. Goto the farthest corner from the bottom of thetouch screen. There should be an arrow thatappears when you stand in front of it. Press A,and it will open a secret passage. From there,just look around the lab for the blueprints.
For Mission S
When looking for the three workers they are Monkey aka Pro. Keys, must be over 40 with him, Jack I. Deal as drink person again over 40, and Busta as the game person also must be over 40.
Dancing Nutria
In Mission 4, Roxanne Moxie will tell you get a Dancing Nutia. Once you get your fan boat go to Nutria Island by going under the 2 bridges and keep doing until you see an island with monkeys.
Splicer Island Plans
When in Urbania, go to the dumpster near theuniversity and large brownstone. Look at it andpress A.
Getting To Splicer Island
First, you need to uncover the details of SplicerIsland by giving Monkey (the hobo in the park)some food. Next, you must the Simquarter open bycompleting mission set 2. Talk to Sharona Fasterat the docks and she will tell you about a watertaxi service that she has. Do what she says and aboat will appear. Go on it to get to Splicer Island.
Get Chopper To Splicer Island
Get the chopper by completing the “Daddy BigbucksAnd The Xizzle Factory” mission. Take it out tothe docks where the boat to Splicer Island islocated. Ride close enough to the boat so that yousee the yellow arrow hanging over the boat. PressA, and you are free to roam around Splicer Islandon your chopper.
Change Furniture Color
Stand next to a piece of furniture, then press R.Note: Not all pieces have alternate color.
Curing Boo
The cure for vampirism is the Chocolate Decadencerecipe (2 Chocolate + 1 Flour). Feed this to Booto cure him of being a vampire.
Crystal At Club Xizzle
If you fall asleep while Crystal is following you,she will get up and leave.
Extra Xizzle Beads
When you get a Xizzle Bead from any person whenyou get their relationship to 75%, do not talk toany person you got a Xizzle Bead from until theirRelationship is below 40%. Then, make friends withthem again and get the Relationship back up to75%. They might give you another Xizzle Bead. Thisis useful in multi-player mode to get more Xizzlesfrom a friend.
Reality Show
When doing the reality show on mission 5, get youmotives up (Sleep, Food, Bathroom, Shower, Fun,Comfort) so that you can survive the eight hours.Pick up all questions before taking them to Pritchard.
Carnivale Mission
On mission 4, “Carnivale, the Dancing Natria infound on the small island in front of The “Twins’Bayou Shack” on the map.
The Bigbucks Players Mission
On mission 4, The Bigbucks Players, you need fivethings for decorations. Do not put anything on thestage you want to keep; you do not get them back.Use the things that people give you ashousewarming gifts for no money loss.
Land Ho! Secret Mission
To find helpers talk to the monkeys and get therelationship past 50. They like to play, rubdownand scratch. Then talk to Futo Maki.
Mission For The Mann: Saving Time
When you do “Mission for the Mann”, do not go tothe bulletin board. Simply search the shrubberynear the museum.
Lowest Bills
Once you have gotten your bills down 40%, you canget them down even lower. If you get a roommateyour bills will go down by half.
Do Not Pay Bills
When the screen with “BUSTED pay bills next time”appears, you will go to prison. You can go to thegate and pay bills. Do not do this. Instead, youwill sleep for about a day and the gate will open.By doing this you will not have to pay your bills.
Easy Popularity Gain
Unlock the garbage can location from PheobeTwiddle and put basic furnishings in it (bed,shower, fridge, etc.). Then, go into Club Xizzlenext to it and talk to the people inside until youraise your Popularity. Make trips back to thegarbage can to refill your needs.
Easy Rep Points
Get any rival rep group member up to 100, then askhim or her to move in with you. If they do, kickthem out. You will receive a rep point for thatrep group’s rival. Then, repeat the process. Forexample, a Richie lives with a Streetie. Richiekicks the Streetie out and receives a rep pointfor Richie. Streeties hate Richies. Richies hateStreeties. Artsies hate Nerdies. Nerdies hate Artsies.
Faster Sleep And Comfort
Get the Bamboo Double Bed from the girl on theisland near Paradise Island. You will notice thatwhen you sleep in it, your Sleep and Comfort willturn green faster than a normal bed.
Easy Relationship With Ephram Earl
You need to get popularity high for threedifferent goals. You may have seen the “EasyPopularity Gain” trick, and are talking to peoplein Club Xizzle. If you have been talking to him,you have difficulty being friends with EphramEarl, the ghost. This is because Ephram Earl onlylikes being talked to. Trying to cheer him up,entertaining him, telling him jokes or bad puns,or even making rude gestures or insults, andcrying just makes him angry. This takes away 6points of relationship. You must talk to him. Heloves to talk about anything. You will gain 2points, but it will go quickly. If you buy theXizzle, Jibba Jabba, it does not do anything to him.
Magic Lamp
Become friends with Crystal until yourrelationship is over 90. Invite her over yourhouse. If she accepts, she will arrive instantly.Go to her and she will give you a Magic Lamp. Youcannot place it anywhere, but can go inside thelamp by selecting it on the pocket menu. There areonly two things you can do inside the lamp. Thereis a big golden toilet and a big bed that you canuse.
Free Services
Call Services (works with all service calls). Whenthey are almost finished, go outside then go backin. They will be gone. You can finish the workyourself and you will not have to pay.
If you have your Cooking skill at eight, whateveryou bake will work.
Trash Piles
Pick up and save all the trash piles you findbefore they are gone. They will disappear afterawhile. You will need them later, for the ArtsiesRep Mission.
Telephone Calls
Always pick up your telephone when it rings. Itmight be a prank call or wrong number, butsometimes you can win things.
Detective Dan D Man will give you a safe if youinvite him to your house.
Change Self-drawn Picture Colors
Stand next to a self-drawn picture (talk to thepainter in Simquarter) so that the yellow arrow isover it. Press R, and it will invert the colors.
Rep Missions
You need to have 100% relationships with thefollowing people to get rep missions unlocked.Note: Make sure to collect piles of trash whilethey are still around. This is one of therequirements in the Artsies missions. They willdisappear after awhile; act fast and do notrecycle them until after unlocking the Artsiesmissions.
Luther Bigbucks: Richies missionDarius: Streeties missionPolly Nomial: Nerdies missionRoxanna Marie: Artsies mission
Getting Recipes
When you are looking for cooking recipes ask everybody except Jack I Deal. They will tell you certain recipes. Giussepo: Strawberry Tiramasu
Motorcycle Upgrades
The best upgrades for your motorcycle are:
Suspension: SportEngine: AnnhileratorNitrous Tank: SmallTires: RacingChassis: Heavy
Strange Movie Color
When you are in the room that has the moviescreen, talk to anyone. Exit the talk screen. Themovie screen will be in a strange color, but thefootage is the same.
When you beat Dusty Hogg in the motorcycle race, he’ll give you your own motorcycle. It is VERY useful!
Keep Your Hoverboard
Keep it because later in the game walking will be illegal.
When your gaurding the graveyard, you will have to choose exactly the right words and no matter what dont let him in. Then Daddy Bigbucks will send Darius to the graveyard to deal with you. If you choose a goofy name, he will just walk right by you. It has to be a crazy name. Then you’re done with the graveyard.
Make Big Money
If you whant to get $1,000 all you need to do is go to club xzizzle then go to “Buy Xzizzle”. Then buy the one that says “get rich”, but I dont know if thats right. But it does mintion something about Money. To get it you need 3 xzizzle beads.
Accessing Moon Base Zeta
Purchase a green meteorite off the Internet shopping. Then, with the meteorite still in you pocket, go to Sim Quarter and use the telephone booth. The moon base, where you can buy the Rocket Bed and Cheese Modulator will now be open.
Club Xizzle Password
The password to Club Xizzle is “bucket”.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Urbz: Sims in the City yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Urbz: Sims in the City yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Urbz: Sims in the City yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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ephrampettaline · 4 years
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