#also this was so fun to do! kit’s art is like paper crafting to me. so shapey and crunchy!!! nyam
rendevok · 1 month
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7yg narumitsu collab with Kit @wr1ghtw0rth! He did the sketch and i did the colors ^^
The other half of the trade is here 💜
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armoreddragon · 4 months
how did you first get into making this stuff? do you enjoy it?
There's a lot of possible answers here.
For a couple years after college, I worked at a laser engraving and cutting shop. Leather was a material we knew we could cut, but nobody ever asked for it, so I looked up some basic info and put together some masks as demo pieces. Then I got fired for unrelated reasons, but decided to keep going with the masks on my own. A decade later, I’m still going.
I've always enjoyed making things. The focused calm of working a craft, the challenge of finding the problems that need solving, followed by the satisfaction of holding in your hands something that hadn't exited before. It’s hard to beat that feeling. If you haven’t done it for a while, I highly recommend making a habit of it.
Sometime in college I realized that if I kept making things just for myself, I would eventually run out of both space in my closet and money in my bank account. So I took the best photos I could of what I had, and started posting it up on Etsy.
In high school ceramics class, I had an idea to try and make a flexible dragon skin out of little bits of clay, all glazed differently. I had no idea how to do this. A friend of mine was like "Yo it sounds like you want to look up how to make chainmail for that." She was right.
I work in architecture by day, and the decision to do that was unrelated but definitely related to my crafting obsession. Designing a kitchen, a café, a house, takes months or years of work, most of which is tedious details like picking tile patterns or looking up exactly what order to layer different sealant tapes to make sure the walls are watertight. Designing a crafting project gives me a creative outlet that is immediate. I can sit down for an afternoon and take an idea from a sketch on trace paper, to a final mask formed up out of leather. There's an excitement to that. A reminder that, yes, I can make cool stuff quickly, without needing to sink two years into a project.
For a while I worked to teach myself to draw. I managed to get pretty decent at sketching from life, with a moderate understanding of anatomy and perspective. I liked art, so I thought I wanted to make art. But I struggled with it. If I was drawing something from my imagination, no matter how well I managed to put the lines down on the paper, I would ultimately look at it and just be sad that it didn't exist in the real world. So eventually I gave up on the drawing part, and focused on the part I seemed to actually care about.
I can't envision a version of myself that doesn't make things. I think on some fundamental level, I measure my worth as a person based on what I put forth into the world. I don't know what else to do.
When you decide to turn a hobby into a business, it of course takes some of the delight away. It's no longer something you do when you want to relax and have some fun. It becomes an obligation, to make and ship orders on time, to pack up your stuff and bring it to craft fairs, to track your expenses and file your taxes, to stay on top of the constantly changing social media landscape. But it also lights a fire under your ass. You can't just keep making the same thing you made three years ago–you have to keep making new stuff, keep improving your techniques, keep reaching for new ideas that have never been made before. You lose some of the joy, but you gain a lot of satisfaction.
All through my childhood I filled my closet with little handicrafts kits, that I got as gifts or that caught my eye when following my dad to the art store. Calligraphy, wood carving, weaving looms, boondoggles, spirographs, knitting, crochet, fancy nautical knots, sculpey, and more that I can't remember. After all those different things, I’m so glad that I found a couple specific crafts that really grabbed me, that take enough work to develop expertise, that have expansive enough applications and possibilities, that I could devote a decade or more of my time to focusing on them.
I’d been interested in the furry fandom ever since little fantasy reading teenager me tried looking for stories where the dragons were the main characters, and I found people online who were doing just that. There’s a powerful do-it-yourself attitude that’s baked into the core of the fandom: The world isn’t giving us the art that we want, so we’re going to make it ourselves. I keep having ideas for things that I want, that don’t exist yet. If I want them to exist, I have to be the one to make them.
My dad was a photographer, and I spent many childhood afternoons with him in his darkroom in the basement, delightedly washing negatives, turning them gently over in their canisters of chemicals, sitting still in the dark as Dad unspooled the sensitive film, squinting in the red light as the projected images magically re-emerged on the clean white paper. What could be more amazing, more normal, more right, than having your own little space to work such magic for yourself.
In about 2008 or 9 I ordered my first batch of metal scales, with the idea of trying to make a dragon tail in time for Halloween. It took probably a couple weeks to figure out how to make it, and within a week I had thought of how to do it better and disassembled the entire thing. By the 3rd or 4th time I'd rebuilt it, I thought that it was probably good enough that I wouldn't feel embarrassed to post it online and see if someone might want to buy it.
Of course I love working on these things I make. But I don't think that's exactly why I make them.
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pancakeke · 2 years
How were you able to get into so many different crafts? Do you have a dedicated craft room? (Ur entire setup is aspirational to me as a college student!)
I have an office that has become my craft room!! My computer is in there and I work from home so I work in there too, but most of the space is dedicated to different tools/workspaces.
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MESSY but here's the majority of my office. I have 3 desks in a big C shape. The left desk has all my sewing stuff, middle has my cricut and computer, then right has all my resin casting stuff and little SLA 3D printer. There's a paper drying station above it that I made from vinyl record racks mounted sideways lol
Off to the far left you can see part of an enormous shelf where I store other tools abd materials (keyboard building stuff, rug making stuff, knitting machine, spray paints, bulky sewing materials, dremel kit, serger, regular printer, sewing patterns, unfinished sewing projects, my old sewing machine, packaging for my store, god what else...)
If you want to get into a lot of hobbies it will seem really daunting with how many tools you need to buy, but realistically you shouldn't expect to get everything you want/need all at once. (DON'T get into leathercraft unless you can buy a lot of stuff immediately btw)
I started just with sewing years ago. The sewing machine I had was a tiny little Kenmore my mom got me for Christmas when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I stuck with that for a long time while slowly picking up more stuff.
Second hand is the best way to go for getting new tools when you join a hobby. Ebay is ok but people will try to rip you off sometimes. Shopgoodwill randomly has amazing deals on equipment. I you can get lucky with them for sergers and sewing machines if you're ok waiting around for specific models or buying older models that are available.
Joann Fabrics has great sales every so often on various sewing machines, but I've become partial to Ken's Sewing Center because they carry refurbished items with pretty decent discounts. Costco also has sewing machine deals but I haven't explored that option super well. Heads up though sewing machine and the like prices have gone up a lot the past 2 years :/
My knitting machine I got for an AMAZING deal on eBay because it was from an estate sale (like $100 shipped, which is nuts), and the serger I'm "borrowing" from my sister. Also I got a TON of knitting needles and crochet hooks from goodwill once for next to nothing.
Being buddies with boomers can get you cheap or free tools too. My stepdad gave me a dremel he never used and also a hot knife that I have somewhere. Also keep your ideal purchases in mind and watch out for sales rather than impulse buying. My 3D printer was on sale for $100 from $150 so that guy wasn't too costly.
Um I kind of went off here lol but just keep a list of what interests you and have patience and you can build up a mighty collection of tools. Just be careful because space becomes a premium after a while :')
As for actually getting into different crafts, I like to see what other artists are making and watch tutorial videos for random stuff to see if the craft seems fun. and like 99% of the time whatever the thing is does seem super fun to me. it's especially interesting when a new craft is something I can incorporate with a craft I already know to expand upon a skill I already have.
This is why I love when my friends show off their art and why I set up a discord for sharing your art. It's so inspiring just to be around other artists and bounce ideas around with them!!
I think the only craft that's ever turned me off though was macrame because you have to be ORGANIZED to do that and omg I am not.
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sro0305 · 1 year
The Allegory of Truth and Wisdom
For this assignment we were to pick a peace from before 1850 and conduct a thorough color analysis. For the first exercise I created a color chart that helped me expand the colors that had come in my kit for the class. By doing this I was able to grasp how different colors can show in different shades and hues. The class was also given opportunities to read about color and other exercises to help understand the full effect color can have. As an artist I had a fun time exploring different mediums and techniques to grasp this concept. For this project I chose a piece that stood out to me the most, from that piece selected the warm and cool colors and made my color palette which I later turned into an abstract shaped color wheel. From there I enlarged the portion of the piece I felt would give me a variety of color best and pixelated it to later remodel it with color aid paper. The color aid process was very tedious, but taught me how color can be so different when viewing from the naked eye rather than from the computer itself. The final portion was to recreate the piece. Instead of working traditionally with paint or simply things like buttons and toothpicks I decided I wanted to challenge myself with an even more tedious task, thread and thumbtacks. For this process I carefully studied the colors from my printed piece and went to the craft store to select the embroidery floss desired, I then bought and painted the cork board to my desire and began laying the thumbtacks out. In this process I did conquer challenges brought when feeding the thread through and around the thumbtacks such as running out of thread, and trying to figure out how to make the model look like the original. I also had not thought about how the thumbtacks would be clear over the color thread, so I later had to correct those spots with paint that I had to mix to match the thread accurately. Overall, this project really challenged the art of studying color and the different types one can work with especially when studying and trying to recreate a piece to the best ability. I learned how to work color more into my work, and I also learned how to appreciate the mood and meaning it may give a piece overall.
The following is a mix of all my progress photos!
The piece I chose below plus the color wheel color study and color wheel. The next step was picking an square and making it an 8x8 piece. When picking the image I selected just below the cherub and pixelated it digitally and later went in with color -aid paper to recreate a physical piece.
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The final piece is that last image above , but the materials and process behind that was collecting the proper color from embroidery floss and looping it through and around the thumbtacks. To make my purge look neat I color matched paint to the floss and painted to layers over the stub part of the thumbtack. Ta-da! Our rendered version is done!
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panergy888 · 2 years
8 Arts & Crafts That Are Perfect for Camping - Panergy
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All you need are rocks, paintbrushes and washable, water-based paints for this easy kid-friendly project. “Some of the stones we end up bringing home, but most of the time we leave them alongside the lake for others to enjoy later,” says Dan Morris, a chainsaw enthusiast who camps in New Zealand. His family does their rock painting by their favorite lake for swimming as it’s an easy way to clean up any mess.
Stick looms are another great craft that utilizes natural materials (although you should first make sure you’re in a place where it’s OK to take them).  Craftiments has a great guide that details how to make your own. In addition to the twigs, leaves, bark and flowers you collect, you’ll need yarn to hold it all together.
Tracey Beni is a long-time crafter and camper. One of her favorite projects to complete while camping is needle felting. “It’s small enough I can have everything I need with me and I can complete an entire project while on the road, in the passenger’s seat,” says the founder of Baker Street Living. Her biggest tip for beginners is to start with a ready-to-make kit that comes with all of the tools and wool you’ll need.  
“If I’m sitting, I’m knitting,” says Krista, a full-time RVing nomad and the founder of ExploreWithKnitsy.com. She does it on travel days as well as when she’s sitting around the campfire. That said, she’s so good at it now she can easily knit while walking, too. “I even do it at the zoo and museums!” Her tip for beginners is to seek out the nearest yarn shop. “They’re everywhere and most yarn shops love new knitters so it’s easy to schedule a lesson or pop in to ask a question.”
Krista is also a big fan of crocheting. “I always have at least 2-3 projects with me – and yarn stashed away for many more!” Crocheting is a bit easier to learn than knitting since it uses simpler techniques and tools. Even kids can pick it up if they have the patience. Just make sure they start with thicker yarn and bigger hooks which aren’t as hard to use. Fun fact: crochet even has a “camping stitch.”
After getting settled at his campsite, Mark Joy starts songwriting. “I find I’m inspired and calmed by being away from the normal daily grind,” says the musician and founder of Mark Joy Blogs. “I can get in the zone and quickly come up with chords, melodies, and lyrics that I’m happy with.  I will then take them home to record a full production in my studio.” When he’s short on space, he brings his travel guitar which is much smaller. For beginners, he recommends bringing a guitar and books on songwriting and music theory. “This is a great time to learn while you don’t have distractions like school, work or nagging chores.”  
Before she was a working artist and settled with a studio, Barb Toland was living full-time in a motorhome. She traveled the country for seven years. “During this time I taught myself how to paint using watercolors,” says Toland who had no clue she’d just stumbled upon her future career. She painted from her camp chair while sitting outside, from the dinette in her RV and she even packed her paints in her backpack for hikes. “I painted the beautiful images and landscapes that surrounded us and used them to record beautiful memories of our time on the road,” says Toland.
Britannica defines calligraphy as “the art of beautiful handwriting.” It’s been practiced by different cultures around the world for thousands of years. These days, it’s what Candice Criscione – who has traveled the world working as a hiking and cycling guide for Backroads – does when she’s on the road. “It’s the perfect hobby for traveling because I just need a pen and paper,” says the founder of MominItaly.com. Her tip for beginners is to get a flexible book light that you can attach to your notebook so you can work in low light conditions. “Also, make your calligraphy about your trip. Label pages and attach photos, ticket stubs, etc.”
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rainytomorrows · 2 years
Security breach | head canons pt 2 (crush edition)
What I head canon the characters would do if they had a crush on you. Lets get into it, enjoy! ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡
Freddy -So sweet oh my god -He probably takes notes tbh. Like your favorite pizza and all that -If Gregory isn't in his chest cavity there's a first aid kit or a gift in there. Literally always prepared to help -Idk I just see him as like- COMMITTED. Some may say its a bit much but he just wants you to be in absolute bliss and safety around him -Once he gave you a band aid with his face on it and you were silent, he never did it again. (I'm assuming it was a "oh that's cute" silence but its up to interpretation) -Gave you a little top hat to match him once it was adorable -When he finds lost coins he puts them together and gives them to you so you guys can play arcade games together
Monty -He doesn't know whether to be sweet or bully you -"He's a tsundere" I can't see it he seems so blunt -If he doesn't admit his crush quickly he just openly teases you all the time -Once he literally went through the trouble to pretend to be missing so he could (gently) tackle you from behind (The others knew it was fake but he asked them to go with his plan) -You know when a dog jumps on you because they're excited? He told you that's what you look like when you run up to hug him. Makes fun of you but makes sure you know its all with loving intent -Made you wear cat ears once (my oc is a catgirl so if that's your case too just- you already had em) and you had to wear them on stage to introduce them, Monty would NOT stop patting your head and all that. Don't let him know if you enjoy it he'll never let it go. Ever. -Definitely flexes his strength around you. Will randomly pick you up just for shits and giggles
Roxy -Also bullies you with love and flexes her strength -I just feel like her and Monty are really similar -She won't admit she likes you half as easy though, if you mention it she'll get all flustered and deny it and make a bunch of half assed misdirects -"NO! YOU DO!" half of me is pained to head canon that she isn't just super tough super strong always confident woman but, come on look at her. -Gives you gifts when you aren't looking but also puts her name on it and makes sure you know SHE gave it to you and no one else -Sleepovers. She tries to be nonchalant about it but she really wants to "not cuddle" with you.
Chica -Takes time to make healthy recipes that taste like your favorite foods so you can eat them all the time no worries at all (like less stomach aches and cavities) -Makes you pizza so often you could live on it -SO SWEET OH MY GOD hypes you up so so often -Will literally spend hours complimenting you if need be -Will run little fashion shows with you after hours. Like she'll give you outfits to try on (ones that you like) -Like each outfit you go on the lifting stage and walk down, doesn't matter who of the gang attends she will clap and compliment you each and every time -Applies makeup on you if you want it and you'll look so nice with it
Sun/Moon -So many arts and crafts -Sun makes sure he gets your favorite color of everything. whether it be glitter glue or construction paper so on -Draws pictures for you all the time. Like all the time he'll come up to you and show you a picture of him and you hanging out together. (both of them) -Makes the best napping spots. If you're someone that struggles with sleep they make like "nests" and really good beds so you can sleep well, or at least rest.
Vanny -Literally insane I'm sorry -I don't have much to say she's just bat shit crazy -Watches you on the cameras probably -Will give you secret gifts as well but way creepier -I'm sorry if you like Vanny she's just- REALLY crazy
(BONUS) Map bots -Draws cute pictures on your maps -Might cut your maps into cute heart shapes or stars etc -Makes you hats and stuff out of maps
Hope you enjoyed! Head canons beloved <3
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katyobsesses · 3 years
Katy my darling <3 I have a very fun ask for you!! What method of arts do each glee characters prefer and what is their favorite thing to create?
oooooo this is a fun ask!
I'm gonna do S2 New Directions for now, but may add S3-6 ND or other characters later 💛 (warning... this is LONG)
Artie: Film. 100% film. He loves using visual media to tell a story, he also really gets into the sound design side too when he learns it in College. He loves making music videos and after Uni that's mostly what he does. He also directs a lot of movie musicals and musical TV shows. Basically he loves making visual media for songs.
Blaine: Performing - mostly singing. He also love writing songs, which we never see in the show but I can imagine him learning about songwriting in NYU and loving it as a way to express his feelings. it's like a step up from using someone else's words to express them.
Brittany: Obviously dancing! I like to think that after marrying Santana she either goes to college for Dance, or maybe owns a dance studio/goes on tour with Mercedes a lot (with Santana as a guest singer) She really loves teaching little kids how to dance, she knows how to interact with them on their level and the kids love her.
Finn: Singing? I honestly can't think about what he likes. Like singing is the closest thing. He sings in the shower a lot and obviously he loves singing on stage. But he's not that much of an art person outside of that. He likes consuming it but not making it.
Kurt: Sewing, obviously, as well as sketching clothes. He loves making accessories for friends - scrunchies for the girls, bow ties for Blaine, a dog bandana for Sam's golden retriver (because you know he gets one) etc. - but he also loves designing and making costumes for small productions. Maybe he volunteers/works with a small theatre troop and makes & designs all of the costumes while also performing.
Mercedes: Mercedes likes making cards for everyone for Christmas and Birthdays. It started because she'd forgotten to buy a card for someone but had some card and pretty pens on hand and it spiralled from there. She now owns a fancy die pressing kit and lots of card toppers and pretty glitter pens and washi tape and all of that. She has a small kit she brings on all of her tours, it helps relax her after a show - making cards for the crew as a thank you/maybe selling some for charity because she makes so much? When she finally gets back together with Sam they both work together to make Christmas cards from them with cute pictures of themselves in terrible christmas jumpers and their golden retriver in a Kurt made bandana and later their kids in matching outfits.
Mike: Like Brittany he's a dancer first and formost. That's his art. He later goes on to be a professional on Dancing With The Stars where he reconnects with Matt on set (maybe they even get together in the end and the DWTS fans love their relationship and their jokingly competative instagram stories) He loves creating a story with only movement and music. Mike also really likes doodling.
Puck: Photography. I don't know why but I see Puck loving to take pictures of places he visits in his travels. He also scrapbooks but only Quinn knows that - he has a whole scrapbook of pictures of Beth that Shelby sends them and later makes them for all of his other kids too, and he has, like, travel journals and scrapbooks of roadtrips he's been on. Basically he's a Bullet Journal guy. He really likes washi tape and pretty papers and stickers and what-not. He will never admit this.
Quinn: Quinn's a writer. In my head she goes on to write a book that's losely based on her high-school years and it becomes a best seller and is later adapted into a Netflix series directed by Artie. I just like the idea! Maybe Rachel plays, like, the Miss Pillsbury character... or Terri! Or maybe Shelby? I dunno one of the adult characters.
Rachel: Obviously her art of choice is performing. It's singing and acting and standing on a stage or a set and making the words in her script her own. Also scrapbooking/moodboard making.
Santana: Santana likes knitting. She won't admit it but she likes knitting little plushies for Brittany, her favourite is a little bi flag coloured bunny. She makes knitted plushies and blankets for all of her friends when they have kids but she never tells them she made them - everyone knows though, they're too perfect for the couple/person (a cat in a scarf or a toy poodle in a bow tie for Klaine, a teddy adorned with gold stars for St. Berry etc. etc.)
Sam: This could be an essay for me (and kinda is opps). Sam is the Art nerd of the group and tries every type of art he possibly can. Macaroni art, illustration, digital art, traditional art, crafts, pumpkin carving, glass blowing, handlettering, graphic design, knitting, crochet, rag rugs, sewing, card making, pyrography, etc. He will try everything he can in terms of visual art. He doesn't, however, write because dyslexia, and he can't wrap him mind around, like editing and film stuff - he does try though because why not. He also really likes songwriting and music arranging.
All of this i'm trying to do as close to canon as i can but going off of canon let's say Sam goes to Parsons for illustration because he's so good at art, he stays with Mercedes in her brownstone and they never break up, after graduating he becomes a comic book illustrator (which i believe is literally a minor at Parsons, so let's say he does a Major in Fine Art/Illustration with a Minor in Comic illustration) and illustrates a run of Young Avengers comics and becomes a fan favourite artist.
In canon, however, he loves teaching the new generation of New Directions but he misses art because he doesn't have that much time anymore (because being the teacher of the new directions is a full time job, apparently, judging by the lack of adult friends or hobbies Will has lol) he loves loves loves arranging music, however, and that becomes the type of art he does the most. He does doodle a lot during faculty meeting (also he does a music teaching certification during his first few years of coaching the nNDs) and goes all out with pumpkin carving at Halloween, and loves decorating his apartment and the choir room at Christmas. He loves doing sets for the musical (and has a lot of fun staging it too) and helps out with the decorations for Prom.
Basically Sam loves to be creative in any way he can. He loves making things, whatever they may be.
Tina: Tina writes fanfiction and draws fanart. She's a nerd 100%, she watched Supernatural, she was a SuperWhoLockian, she loves Merlin, she's loves Twilight but more ironically than, say, Mercedes, and prefers books like Morganville Vampires or PC Cast's series that I've forgotten the name of. She loves the Hunger Games and Firefly and Star Trek and Star Wars. She definately has a tumblr. She mostly writes all sorts of fanfiction and is a huge name in the Supernatural fandom. Only Sam and Blaine know about all of this becuase they found one of her Star Wars fanfictions and in an authors note she said something that they recognised - idk she ranted about Santana or Rachel or something.
This was so much fun omg, thank you for the ask Myle 💛
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you usually take blame or blame others? Depends on the context, I guess? When things go wrong on a very deep and personal level between me and people I deeply care for, I usually try to find reasons to blame myself. But if it’s something superficial, like if someone messes up at work through no fault of my own, then I’m able to point my finger to whoever fucked up.
Have you ever been to a McDonald’s in another state? I’ve been to McDonald’s in different provinces and also  in different countries. The McDonald’s we went to in Baguio was so surreal because we discovered that they were still using styrofoam containers that they had already phased out years ago everywhere else, and they also never changed the original spaghetti and chicken recipes I grew up with. It was such a blast from the past. As for other countries, I’ve tried out the McDonald’s in Malaysia, Indonesia, and China and made sure to order items that we didn’t have back home.
Have you ever seen 50 First Dates? Yeah, it’s one of my semi-guilty pleasures. It’s such a cheesy movie, but idk the concept is unique and the supporting characters made the whole movie enjoyable for me.
Do you like or hate the smell of fish? The fishy smell at the market can be pretty strong and bleck, but generally I don’t mind the smell of fish. I live in an archipelago, man. We live and breathe seafood. Idk anyone in real life who doesn’t like fish.
Have you ever been to Sea World? No.
Do you know someone who suffers from short term memory loss? I don’t think so, no.
Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? Yeah, but the only one I’ve gotten to read in full was The Fault In Our Stars. I also got to start on The Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns, but because I only borrowed those copies from friends I never got to read either until the end. All were okay, but I don’t find John Green’s writing to be as great as it was once hyped up to be.
If so, which one is your favorite? I guess TFIOS, since that’s the only one I got to read through to the end.
Are you a protective person? With my loved ones and pets, yes.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Yeah I’ve felt a lot but fortunately it’s never been a severe one. Just super brief earthquakes where the most that happened to me was a little swaying.
Would you rather go to a beach or city for a vacation? I love beaches, but a change in scenery would also be nice because I already go to beaches for vacations fairly often. City.
Does your license plate number contain the number 8? I never actually memorized my plate number LOOOOOOL I think so? It’s either a 6 or 8.
Were you ever a ghost on Halloween? Nope.
Has someone ever held the door open for you? Yeah, security guards tend to do that for customers/guests. Sometimes, nice strangers that I enter a place with will do it for me too.
Are you a fan of penguins? I think fan is pushing it far lol. I like penguins, but I’m not obsessed.
Have you ever stayed up all night on a school night? Just a handful of times, and it was always as part of a groupwork. I’d never willingly go through an all-nighter for myself.
What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos or Pringles. We also have a local brand that makes these deeeeeelicious salted egg chips, but I’ve never actually taken note of what the brand is.
Has anyone ever sang to you? Not to me. But a lot of people have sung around me.
Are you a good painter? No. That’s why I opt for paint-by-number kits, because those come with a guide haha. I can’t actually craft images by myself – that skill belongs to my sister who has an insane talent for painting.
Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I’ve never bought a car by myself; my dad takes care of the car purchases. I know he test-drove the Vitara, but idk about the other cars we have.
Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? Hmm, I don’t write poems. I don’t find the vast majority of them appealing, and only once in a while will there be a poem that is able to speak to me.
Do you like pineapple? Nope.
Have you ever met your favorite author? I don’t have a favorite.
Do you look more like your mom or dad? Most comments point to my mom, but I’ll get the occasional remark that half of my face is my dad’s as well. I’m a good mix of both.
Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? This hasn’t happened before.
When was the last time someone called you babe or baby? Maybe August? I’m not too sure. It’s been a few months.
Do you have an older brother? No. But I’m super close with my eldest cousin on my mom’s side and we grew up together and all that, and I pretty much consider him my older brother. He’s definitely more a brother than a cousin to me, and it has always felt and been that way.
Are you a fan of art? Yes, especially paintings and dioramas.
Did you get your mom or dad’s eyes? My mom’s, I think? I really don’t know, I’m bad at recognizing this kind of stuff. You’d have to ask people who actually see me on a daily basis.
Have you ever seen the movie My Girl? Is this the one with the really sad scene of a boy’s funeral and the girl’s like, “He can’t see without his glasses”? I haven’t seen the movie, but I’ve heard about that scene a million times.
Do you watch Teen Wolf on MTV? Ugh, MTV’s teen shows are such a cringefest to me. I never followed it, but I’ve had to watch a few eps back in high school when my friends would watch it while we were at someone’s place. Not my cup of tea.
When it was on, did you watch Cory In The House on Disney? I watched a few episodes, especially when it was still new. But we were also in the process of moving then and we didn’t have cable for a few years in our new house, so I had to miss out most of it.
Do you have any blackheads? I don’t.
Do you have any freckles? Nope.
Do you have a movie that you have to watch during the summer every year? No, but I have something similar. I like watching Love Actually at least once every year, during the Christmas season. I like watching Two for The Road once a year as well, regardless of the time of year.
Do you think that life isn’t fair sometimes? I mean yeah. It doesn’t revolve around me, so I know it won’t always be fair.
When was the last time someone bought you flowers? Valentine’s Day last year.
What was the last book you read? Midnight Sun. Haven’t touched it since September, though.
How many books do you plan to read this summer? It’s past summer, and I haven’t been doing a lot of reading in general.
Does your house have a dishwasher? No, not a common appliance here.
Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? I probably do. But I haven’t seen people outside of family for so long that I can barely remember who has which tattoos. I’m pretty sure I know someone who has flowers.
Do you like the name Carter? It just reminds me of the underwear brand honestly, so not a fan.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? No. Should there be one, they shouldn’t be having high hopes; I wouldn’t be interested in the least.
How many different languages can you say goodbye in? There’s English, Filipino, Korean, Spanish, German, French, Japanese – 7.
Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies. Disagree for the most part, but 50 First Dates is cute.
Did the last type of shoes you wore have laces? Yups. I wore sneakers when I went out to get Starbucks last Friday evening.
How much money did you spend yesterday? The charging cable that I ordered arrived yesterday, so I had to shell out ₱140 for that.
What genre is your favorite movie? It’s a romcom/drama. My other favorite is a drama.
Are you texting anybody right now? Nope. I’m all alone today, which is the way I want to be for this weekend.
Who was the last person you were in a car with? My parents.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? I really do, hahaha. I don’t know why the people at the LTO gave me a pass, but I had been allowed to smile with my teeth. That helped make my license photo turn out super well and I no longer feel embarrassed whenever I have to take it out and present it somewhere.
What’s your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie? Potato Corner fries. Can’t be any other type of fries.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? July or August when this random guy slid into my PMs. I had never had so much fun blocking somebody so fast.
Was the last person you met a male or female? The last new person I met was male.
Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around? Angela or Andi.
Do you own a map of the world? I mean, I guess. I have a collection of the World Almanac for Kids books, and it had always included a world map in its Countries chapter every year.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
Is the light on in the room you’re in? No, doesn’t have to be as it’s bright out and I can see the sun from my window.
Who did you last spoon with? Gabie.
Are you currently watching TV? No.
Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Never. Hope I’ll never be needing one.
Do you own any clothing that has animal print? I have a tank top with cheetah print that I sometimes wear at home.
Does your family eat dinner together? Yes, every evening. We don’t eat together when my dad is working abroad, but since he has stayed home for all of 2020 because of Covid, we’ve gotten to eat together as a family all year.
Where do you work? Somewhere in Metro Manila; I’m not giving the city away.
Are you in high school? I got out of there nearly five years ago.
Do you have a TV in your room? I used to, but not anymore.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? My phone and laptop both are.
What was the last video game you played? Mario Kart 8.
Are you hungry?: I can def go for a snack, or maybe even a full meal. It’s taking everything in me not to order Popeye’s or Army Navy from Grab rn.
What color is the chair you’re sitting on?: I’m sitting up in bed; my sheets are blue with gold/yellow prints.
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: I got bottled coffee when I went to 7-Eleven a week ago.
Do you like salsa that has fruit in it?: ...Don’t all types of salsa have fruit in them though? It would be brand-new knowledge to me if I was told not all salsas have fruit.
Have you ever opened up your computer to clean the fan on the inside?: No. I’d rather have professionals do that.
Can you count in binary?: No, and I never even understood how it works.
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: No. Mostly because it reminds me of cathedrals.
Are you a chocoholic?: Nah. I like chocolate, but I can live without it.
Are you scared of snakes?: I mean if they were venomous or obviously wanted to eat me whole, of course. But I’ve also already held a couple of snakes before.
Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?: No.
Do you like hard or soft pretzels better?: Soft all the way. I find the hard ones too salty.
What was the last magazine or catalog you looked through?: I don’t even remember. Maybe Tatler? My grandma has loads of those at her house.
When was the last time you wore a raincoat?: I don’t think I have ever worn a raincoat.
Have you ever been carded when buying something?: Idk what that is but nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened to me whenever I’ve made a purchase, so I’m gonna go ahead and say no.
Do you eat meat?: Yep.
Corn and mashed potatoes, or beans and rice?: Both pairings aren’t really a part of our cuisine, so neither sound appealing to be honest. As someone who thrives on rice, I hate the idea of eating beans with it; so I would go with corn and mashed potatoes even though I’m having a hard time imagining how it would work.
Can you sleep with the light on?: I probably can, but it would take me a lot longer to fall asleep.
What’s your operating system of choice?: Mac/iOS.
Have you ever broken a bone?: Never.
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: I don’t have a favorite color to use, but I prefer pastel shades in general over neon.
Do you have a flashlight?: My phone has a built-in flashlight, but we also keep a couple of emergency flashlights at home in case of blackouts.
Do you like watermelon?: I like some watermelon-flavored stuff like candies, but I’m not fond of the fruit.
…Honeydew?: Hahahahahaha. BoJack Horseman, anyone? Anyway, I’ve never had honeydew and probably wouldn’t like it considering my established opinion on fruits.
Can you shoot a gun?: I’ve never tried, so I’ll say no. I’ve always been meaning to go to a shooting range though; I feel like it’ll be such a cool experience.
Do you like salad?: Not for the most part. The only kind I enjoy is spicy tuna salad, which only has lettuce in it alongside tuna sashimi and spicy mayonnaise.
When was the last time you smashed your finger?: I don’t know if I ever have? This doesn’t ring a bell to me.
What color is your computer?: Silver/gray.
Have you ever made ice cream in chemistry class?: No, my chemistry classes in high school and college were never that fun.
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: Sure.
What color hair do you have?: Black.
Do you use the microwave often?: I wouldn’t say so; just a couple of times a month.
Are you good at spelling?: Sure, I’d claim that. Thank the movie Akeelah and the Bee; that movie made me super passionate about spelling and dictionaries for a time. I can still feel its effects today because I’m still very much particular about spelling more so than any other kind of writing/language mechanic.
Have you ever petted a donkey?: I’ve never even seen one before :o but I’d love to have the chance to pet one, heh. It would make me so happy.
When was the last time you went to the doctor’s for a physical?: 2016.
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: Sure.
Have you ever painted a room? Never have, but would like to give it a try.
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jamies-overalls · 4 years
how about prompt with Alex/Lucy being neighbors ? + Kara and James as matchmakers
I’ve never written Alex/Lucy before, so I hope this is good (and maybe I’ll start writing them more after this)! Thank you for the prompt, I love it! I might do a part 2 if y’all want it, since this one won’t be able to cover the full prompt.
Alex had a new neighbor. The people who used to live in the apartment next to her had gotten evicted a month or so ago, and now someone new was there. Since Alex worked so much, she didn’t get the chance to actually meet the person until she got injured on the job and was forced to take a week of vacation. 
Kara was over at Alex’s place one afternoon, keeping an eye on her and making sure that she actually got some rest. 
“Have you met your new neighbor yet?” The blonde asked while she took materials out of the arts and crafts kit she’d brought over with her.
“Nope. I’m always out early and I get back late. I know literally none of my neighbors, let alone a new one.” Alex shrugged. She wasn’t particularly bothered by this. But somehow, her words got Kara excited.
“Then, now is the time to do it! You’re home all week, you’ve said yourself that you’re so bored it’s driving you crazy...” She grinned.
Alex stared at her. “What do you want me to do, randomly show up at their door and say ‘hey, you probably don’t care but I’m the person who lives next door to you’?” 
“Not in those words, no.” Kara rolled her eyes. “Knowing you have welcoming neighbors around can be really comforting when you move to a new place.” 
“Okay. Fine. Then what should we do? How do I introduce myself?”
Kara glanced at her arts and crafts supplies, a grin immediately appearing on her face. “We could make welcome cards for them!” 
Alex glared at her. “Kara, please. That’s so cheesy. I’m not the kind of person for that. You are, but you don’t live here.” 
Kara continued taking out markers and glitter and colorful paper despite Alex’s protests.
“It’ll be fun, Alex. You wanted something to do, didn’t you? And we were gonna do crafts, anyways.” 
Alex grumbled in response, but nodded. “Whatever.” She sighed and grabbed the colors and materials she wanted. 
The two of them worked for a little while, putting together a couple of cards for whoever was living next door. It was a little difficult when Alex had no idea who had moved in, so the cards were rather generic. But, Kara doused hers in glitter, so Alex figured it would be fine. About an hour later, they headed next door to see if whoever it was happened to be home. Alex knocked gently on the door. They waited a few moments, but nothing happened. They shared a glance and Alex tried again, firmer this time in case she hadn’t been loud enough.
“Hold on, hold on! I’ll be there in a second!” came a muffled shout from inside. Kara’s eyes widened slightly, much to Alex’s confusion. The door swung open and a young woman stood there, a brunette and a little shorter than Alex. The woman’s eyes first went to Kara and the two of them looked surprised, as if they knew each other. Then, she glanced at Alex and she looked even more confused. 
“Um. Hey, Kara. Of all the people knocking on my door, I wasn’t exactly expecting the girl James left me for. You’re a nice girl, believe me, I just...” Her voice trailed off. Alex had to fight a laugh as she realized what was going on. 
“You’re Lucy, then? Lois’s sister?” She asked, seeing as Kara was now too flustered to speak. 
“That’s me.” The brunette grinned. She looked at Alex for a moment. “You must be Alex, then. James mentioned Kara having a sister.” 
“Anyone who knows Kara also knows I exist. I remember wanting to meet you, James always made you sound like a badass. Military, right?” 
“Damn right, I’m a badass.” Lucy smirked. “Listen, you seem cool, but I’ve gotta ask why you and especially your sister are here.”
Alex turned slightly red, now remembering the paper cards in their hands. 
“Ah. Well, I was telling Kara how I knew I had a new neighbor but I don’t get to meet anyone here because I work such odd hours,” Alex began.
“Wait... are you the one who slams the door shut at 4am when you leave?” 
“Guilty. Sorry about that. My work keeps me up early. Anyways, I’m home from work this week because I got injured at work. So, Kara reminded me that this would be the perfect time. She suggested we make you these cards.” Alex handed them over. “Sorry about... all the glitter.”
Lucy chuckled as she examined them. “Wow. That’s... a lot of glitter. And, of course this one is from Kara. She’s sunshine personified.” 
Kara rolled her eyes. She had regained her dignity by now, but was now watching Alex and Lucy with interest.
“Yeah. Anyways, that’s why we’re here, we won’t bother you again.” Alex said quickly. Lucy stopped her as she turned to leave. 
“Well, hey, you’re home all this week, right? Come by sometime, if you want some company.” She suggested. Alex looked surprised.
“Oh. Uh, yeah, sure. That sounds pretty cool, honestly. I’ll see you around.” She smiled and nodded before leaving. 
Kara was pretty sure she’d noticed something between them, even if Alex would flat out deny it later that night. But Kara knew what she saw and she’d find a way to get Alex to see it too.
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ginnyzero · 5 years
My Fashion Connection
I’ve been trying to pin down lately why I love fashion and fashion design. Because I don’t love clothes and designing clothes and the choosing of fabrics because of the glitz and glam of high end runway shows and the glossy pages of Vogue magazine and adulation of famous design houses. Most of that I didn’t even know about until I went to school. I didn’t choose fashion because of any of those things. I really wanted to go into Computer Game Design because of games like Myst.
Growing up in a very small town in the middle of the southern tier of New York, fashion wasn’t anything that anyone in our town was interested in except the town pageant queen who had a ‘reputation.’ It’s dairy country. My town was and is much more interested in dirt bikes, hunting and fishing and kegger beer parties. There were a couple of families that were more well to do and worked at Cornell or IBM and thus wore nicer clothes but out of a town of say 50 to 100 people, there were more cows and farmers and retirees. It’s the type of town when two of the young people marry each other, the entire town becomes related.
My mother is a home sewer. I hate the term sewer in professional capacity because it has the connotations of a house wife sitting at home making amateur garments. My mother made a lot of my sister’s clothes growing up and when she started sending me to Christian schools with dress codes, she also made clothes for me. (Mostly jumpers.) Eventually she either got tired of sewing or felt that we needed to buy things to keep up appearances and she stopped. (This ended up with us shopping in budget discount overrun boutique shops. Yes. A thing. Family Dollar and Dollar General didn’t exist yet! And mother hadn’t discovered the “joys” of the Salvation Army and second hand or they simply weren’t close enough to shop at.)
In a tiny town, you have to drive almost an hour in every direction to get to anything that remotely resembles a fabric shop. Except, between our tiny town and the city of Ithaca we got lucky, because out in a nowhere more nowhere than our nowhere was a tiny fabric shop run by a petite old woman named Leona.
To get to Leona’s shop, you took this very twisty road over and through the hills and turned right when you finally hit another ‘major’ road. And then off to the left less than a mile was a huge stand of pine trees and in the middle of these pines was a dirt drive. You’d drive up the hill between these tall pines the rocks in the dirt crunching under your tires that opened onto a clearing on top of a hill that held a farm. Leona ran her shop out of her home, a one story mixture of a red roofed, white trailer with an add on to make it an L shape. The barn hadn’t been kept up and the red stain was fading and the barn was falling apart. You parked on the edge of the drive, hoped it hadn’t rained lately and it wasn’t pure mud so you could get back out. (If you got stuck, there was always the local farmer with a tractor and chains to pull you out.) You had to park on the edge because despite the fact the farm wasn’t an active farm, she rented out the land and your cars needed to be out of the way for the tractors to get through.
She had the shop in the add on built on the back of the trailer. Firewood piled up next to the screen door and cats lounged everywhere. Leona liked hoarding things so the walkway had gnomes, garden statues and benches and wheelbarrows and yes, there was a tiny garden windmill in the middle of the circular drive. If it was winter, salt crunched under your boots and you had to walk carefully across the ice covered mud slush. If it was spring or summer, there were flowers peeping up among the grass.
And once you crossed the threshold, warmth, Leona smiling with her curly short white hair and the measuring tape around her neck behind the measuring counter. Bolts and bolts of colorful and textured fabrics lined the walls and the blank spaces of walls over tables were old fashioned wall paper in dark red with ducks or cream and pink rose prints and warm golden colored wood panels. Painted sawblades provided decoration. The clock might have been a novelty item, a cow or a cat or even something with shears for the hands. I can’t remember. (There might have been all three.) It smelled mostly of sawdust, dust and in the winter, the sharp smell of a burning fire from the potbelly stoves. Leona’s help were also middle aged or older ladies like her and they weren’t quite as friendly, but they were helpful.
Leona stocked her shop by going down to NYC and buying overruns from the warehouses. (Overruns are fabrics that designers don't end up using and fabrics manufacturers make too much of because they predict more sales than they make. Most fabric retail stores are stocked by overruns.) She mostly had colorful cotton prints and upholstery fabric. There was a little fashion fabric and by the time I hit high school, she had things like stretch velvet. She mostly sold to quilters and people like my mother. Cornell doesn’t have a fashion design program, only a science textiles program, but she’d occasionally get students. Her hours were irregular. I don’t know if she ever turned a profit. She encouraged touching the fabric. (Though she didn’t like children taking bolts out of the shelves for good reason.) She didn’t mind that I wandered about away from my mother. She always remembered me no matter how much time had passed.
But every time I go into a fabric shop, there is still that bit of magic from going to Leona’s. When I returned from college, I wanted to go and show Leona some of my projects. She died before I got the chance and I still regret that.
Professional shops like Mood, Britex, B&J’s and to an extent the discount fabric warehouse that I used during college in San Francisco make me shake my head because the workers don’t always feel helpful. They don’t make you feel like every customer is important. They aren’t like Leona, as frail as she was, with her sunny smiles and slightly raspy voice, glasses, and cheerful attitude and love of textiles.
I also had Barbie. I’ve talked about Barbie and my love of Barbie. I would play with Barbie rather than with baby dolls. (My baby dolls took lots of naps according to my mother.) And I loved the clothing packs. I loved dressing and undressing her and trying new outfits out of the outfits I had. Barbie was a safe present to buy for me when I was growing up, because a) that meant my group of Barbie’s got new clothes and b) if this Barbie had different color hair or skin then I got more variety in my Barbies. (My favorite was the long red headed mermaid with the teal outfit. This was back when the tail was a “Skirt” you could take on and off.) I had maybe one Ken and I inherited a lot of clothes from my older sister who grew out of Barbie about the time I started getting interested. Some of them were homemade but I couldn’t get my mother to make more and she wouldn’t teach me how to sew to make them myself. (In fact, she said it was too hard and downright discouraged it. Guess who doesn’t really like sewing? Me.)
Today, I love Monster High and Ever After High, but if they’d existed when I was a child, I wouldn’t have gotten them because of my parents’ extreme dislike of anything related to monsters, ghosts or Halloween. (I am a November child people. This is ridiculous. Come on, I share a birthday with Bram Stoker. OKAY.)
And somewhere in that time, (1992 apparently, man, I was younger than I thought) when I was getting a pittance of an allowance and had saved money from Christmas, I had enough money to buy a new Barbie or a Crayola Fashion Design stencil/tracing kit. This was before Project Runway. This was before the idea that these Fashion Drawing kits were thought to be remotely popular. No one thought that little girls might like drawing clothes! (Go figure.) The Easy Bake Oven was still the biggest and most innovative thing for a girl’s toy. But Crayola came out with a stencil kit with a bunch of papers that had design outlines, and pattern rubbing plates and a light box. Everything in the kit was meant to fit in the light box. The light box was plastic, pink and ran on D batteries (not included bummer.) And I had just enough money to buy it or a new Barbie. (I think my only other difficult choice that compares to this was the Star Craft Battle Chest and something else and I chose the Battle Chest.)
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(I can't believe I found a picture of that, someone is selling one on ebay.) Because, I mean, a new Barbie would only give me one set of new clothes, with this fashion design kit I could draw clothes, lots and lots and lots of clothes. I had always been an artistic child. I liked drawing. This had never really been encouraged except in the “here, have another set of colored pencils, pastels, watercolors, no lessons included.” So, here was Barbie in paper form! I didn’t have to take the clothes on and off. I could just trace what they had on the sheets or try to come up with stuff myself.
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Pages of my Fashion Design Kit Now
I’m not going to say I was very good at it. The point was, I had fun, this was something to do that didn’t involve playing a game on the computer or reading a book or practicing my piano and I hadn’t gotten into writing at this age. So, from using this stencil, I started with encouragement of one of my friends, to try and make it more real life proportion and draw the figures myself (once again without any sort of drawing classes. The art classes at my school were a joke.) I bought sketchbooks and took them to school with me. I started writing because of this same friend.
It was frankly an escape. My allowance never grew bigger. So, it went towards buying new books to read, sketchbooks and replenishing my Crayola colored pencils. (Though Imperial ones were better but I only got those out of the colored pencil color by number kits.) I didn’t buy fashion magazines. The idea of fashion as a career wasn’t on my radar. I didn’t have a career on my radar. College was one of those, “I’ll think about it later,” things.
The girls at my school who were cheerleaders and liked fashion weren’t precisely my friends and felt like complete foreigners and strangers to me. I didn’t ‘get’ them. We had our groups and we stuck to them. Having arrived to this school after the groups were formed, I fit nowhere and living so far away from everyone else, there was no way that I could feasibly see to hang out with them after school in order to get to know them well enough to fit into one of the groups at all.
Magazines were a luxury in our house. Vogue never made it into the house ever. It took until after 7th grade and a major fight that we even got the newspaper. So by the time I hit eleventh and twelfth grade and college was ‘mandatory’ and I had a list of requirements for what college I could go to, I had to look through what the colleges offered versus what I was interested in and thought I could be good at. (Let me say that writing wasn’t considered because my mother was very anxious about me being able to have a ‘real job.’) And the practice test for the ACT in 10th grade came with this odd employment aptitude test thing to help you find the job that would be the right fit. (Goodness knows if it was remotely accurate.) Fashion design was in my “right fit” category. And between all the majors, there was a tiny college in Ohio that happened to have a Fashion Design degree under their Health and Human Services Major. And since the only computer graphics and gaming major I could find was at a Calvinist college in Michigan, I thought the Mennonite College in Ohio was probably a better idea.
I didn’t read fashion magazines. I didn’t know really how to sew. (Sewing lessons with my mother were a complete disaster.) I couldn’t make a pattern. I had absolutely no portfolio. There were three things I liked, writing, computer games and drawing clothes. And let’s be clear, I wasn’t that great at drawing clothes and my designs at the time probably weren’t that innovative. I had to make a choice and what very little information I could glean from the Ithaca Public Library (seriously, you’d think having Ithaca College and Cornell, the library would be better,) fashion seemed the way to go. It was a massive industry. It had to have work available after I attained my degree.
Oh to be that young and naïve again. Probably sheltered is the better term.
I was over a year and a half into my fashion degree at this tiny college when someone finally thought to clue me in that “to get a design degree you have to have an art minor.” Realizing that this was utterly ridiculous and that making patterns in ¼ of the size wasn’t really going to get me anywhere after trying to talk with one of the other students about whether or not we could really get work after going to this school, (I’m sorry, sweetie, I hope you realized I was trying to convince myself as well as you,) I transferred out and into the Academy of Art. (And this took another large fight.)
Where, I had a lot of credits but I essentially had to start from the beginning. So, having those credits wasn’t actually to my advantage because the numbers of credit hours earned made it appear that I had more experience than I did. This got me more scrutiny and really a worse college experience.
Let’s understand something, I grew up in New York. The Fashion Institute of Technology is part of the SUNY system of colleges. I was a New York resident. It would have been fairly cheap for me to go to FIT. My parents didn’t want me in NYC or at a secular school. Parsons was always out of the question because it’s as costly as Cornell and I understood that. FIT would have been an extremely LOGICAL CHOICE.
Oh well, I loved San Francisco. I loved the big city/small town feel of it and the ability to walk most places and the public transit. If it wasn’t so expensive to live there, I might still be there.
So, schooling wore away at me, but it didn’t dim my love of creating clothes. My love of creating clothes was never founded or predicated upon the idea that success was a runway show and a big fancy store and my name in lights. I didn’t want to be the next Coco Chanel. I didn’t know who she was and at the time I started drawing clothes, I frankly didn’t care. My going into fashion was me going “here is something I love and enjoy doing, can I make a job out of it? Yes. Yes. I can.”
No one can take that from me. I might get bored or tired, but you can’t take the love of creating away from me.
And by the way, I still don’t read Vogue. It’s out of date before it’s printed and 75% advertisements. I also still don’t care about a runway show or seeing my name in lights as a “name” of a brand. That’s not the fashion price point I do or understand. And that’s okay, despite the push by fashion schools to design for that price point and that should be your goal, there is a lot more to fashion than ready to wear. Maybe that gives me an advantage, maybe it doesn't. That's not my connection to fashion. Magical fabric shops, Barbie, Crayola, the joy of creating, those are my fashion connections. And those are a lot more tangible than a runway or a name in lights by my account.
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peace-coast-island · 5 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Trying out bookbinding kits!
This week’s arts and crafts theme is bookbinding! Last year we tried a bunch of art kits, including a book making one by CraftyCrafty. Since everyone had fun with the craft kits, I figured why not have a day where we try out various kits relating to a certain art project? Bookbinding won by a landslide!
It took about a year, but Butch and I managed to find five different bookbinding kits that met our standards. And by that, we mean kits that have all the supplies, aren’t too pricey or complicated, and have fairly good reviews that are three stars or more. There’s not a lot of bookbinding kits out there so it’s a bit of a challenge finding good ones. Luckily, we managed to find five different kits that we can’t wait to try out!
Knifty Knits What makes this kit catch my eye is the fact is it’s from Knifty Knits, which involves knitting. In terms of bookbinding, it’s for a coptic stitch book with a plain chipboard cover. The kit also comes with three different colors of yarn - jewel tones, water lilies, and rainbow -  and a pair of knitting needles. Since it’s for a book cover and it’s not supposed to be bulky, the yarn is super fine and the needle size is quite small. 
As for the bookbinding itself, there isn’t really anything that sticks out. The paper quality is like a $10 sketchpad, so it’s pretty good. There’s the usual tools like an awl and bone folder - both are decent quality too. As for the knitting portion of the DIY, I was impressed! Since the yarn and needles are small, it takes quite a bit of time to make the book cover/sleeve. But if you’re like me and find something like knitting relaxing, then it’s all good. The colors of the yarn are pretty and the quality is pretty good - especially since super fine yarn isn’t really something you find in stores. As for the leftover yarn, I’m gonna use them to make two more journals! 
Rating: 4 skeins of yarn out of 5 
Plushiemania Like the knitting one, this kit focuses more on the cover than the actual bookbinding itself. So you get to make a cute plush animal cover, which is super cute! There’s six patterns for six animals - dog, cat, bunny, elephant, duck, and alpaca - and they’re easy to follow. The kit comes with the usual bookbinding supplies minus the bone folder, along with squares of plush fabric in various colors. The fabric feels soft and durable - though I won’t really know for sure how wear and tear will affect it until time goes on but according to online reviews it seems to hold up well. As for paper quality, it’s noticeably thinner than the previous kit - but still good enough for writing and sketching without too noticeable or distracting ghosting. I guess the thinness of the paper is to make up for the bulkiness of the book cover since the front will have a bit of polyester stuffing to add to the plushie appearance.
Overall this kit is fun and cute! I enjoyed making the cover and the patterns are easy to follow - though if you’re a beginner at sewing it’s best to do some practice runs so you’re comfortable with the stitches. There’s so many cute designs to choose from as well as colors of fabric - and like the previous kit I plan to make the other designs with my own supplies. However the only thing about this kit is that the front cover will be a bit bulky - not by too much as I initially thought, but it’s noticeable. It’s a cute front cover, but is is practical for use? Guess I’ll find out when I put this journal to good use!
Rating: 3.5 plushies out of 5
Pleather Crafts A traveler’s notebook kit with saddle stitch booklets and a leather cover! This kit’s on the pricier side - mainly because of the pleather quality according to the website. The kit comes with two large sheets of pleather in brown and black, a pad of decorative paper for the inside of the leather cover as well as covers for the booklets, charms, elastics, and the usual bookbinding essentials. What’s different about this kit compared to the other two is the paper. It’s thicker and a lot higher quality- the kind of paper that can be used for painting - and it’s cream colored with rounded corners. And of course, there’s instructions as well as dimensions for the cover. There’s enough paper to make three booklets, which is how many books the cover can fit. 
I love everything about this kit! From the high quality pleather to the pretty patterned decorative paper to the whimsical charms - it’s my favorite kit out of all the five we tried out! The size of the traveler’s notebook is perfect for putting in a handbag without being too small or bulky. I also love the simplicity of the design along with its whimsical touches. A pricey kit, but worth every cent! 
Rating: 5 butterfly charms out of 5 
Travels Beyond Another traveler’s notebook kit! This is for a passport size book and the cover is made from laminated cardstock instead of pleather. Also, the paper for the inserts are dot grid instead of blank. And since it’s smaller sized, the paper is noticeably thinner than the previous kit - about the same quality as the plushie kit. The paper for the covers are maps - which are a very nice aesthetic that fits in with the traveler’s journal theme. Like the pleather kit, this one also comes with all the bookbinding essentials. There’s enough paper to make three inserts - you just need a paper cutter so they’d be passport sized.
This kit is pretty simple - something you can make at home of you have all or most of the supplies. However the tricky part was laminating the cover, which took me a couple tries. There were a lot of air bubbles but I didn’t want to waste supplies so I did my best to pop them with the bone folder and that ended up working better than I thought. There’s not too much to say about the kit except that I love the aesthetic, especially the airplane charm! 
Rating: 4,5 airplane charms out of 5
Secret Belgian Binding After watching a tutorial on this method of bookbinding, I was intrigued. There’s not a lot of kits for this binding so it was like finding a rare bug or fish when we came across it online. The binding looks complicated but the actual process is easier than we thought! Also the cover bends all the way back, which is cool! So we’ve got the essentials as well as high quality chipboard for the covers. There’s colorful paper for the pages - all pretty decent quality and colors of the rainbow. The selection of decorative paper for the inside cover is colorful too, adding a much needed pop of color to the cover. 
The front cover is a cutout, so the kit also comes with patterns and templates as well as blades. Basically you cut the templates, tape them on the cover, and cut out the shapes. It’ll take a few tries to go through the chipboard and it’s best to practice on a scrap so you’ll be comfortable with the blade. I love how the cover turned out - not bad for my first time doing something like this! And the binding was pretty fun! Like I said, it’s not as complicated as I thought it would be and it turned out very nice! However it does involve quite a bit of prep - like making a spine and stitching the cover first then the signatures - so I recommend using a cutting mat to make sure the measurements are even or else the cover will turn out wonky.
Rating: 4.25 cardboard flower cutouts out of 5
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maria82871 · 5 years
Box 1 of Glossy Box
So as most of you know I have an addiction. Some might think it’s shopping, music, movies, food shopping... (Yes, I said it twice lol) Others might have thought it’s handsome men watching...(Well, that’s like a hobby like bird watching HAHA) But truth IS I love makeup. (shoes is the other one ;p) I love trying different looks,enjoy watching youtubers putting makeup. Getting a makeover, samples, etc.  I love to look natural, to classy and depending when and where even crazy (never trashy) My love for makeup started around the age of years old. My parents bought me make it your self makeup kits. I’m talking old school early 80′s barbie style. From the time I was able to wear make (back in my days we waited until our teens) and colors were limited I always wore my “Go to colors” But these days with so many brands out there, different ways to express yourself with colors Sky’s the limits Ladies!
I have a few different subscriptions which I will be writing about. Sharing my thoughts on these beauty subscriptions. Especially if these are good for women over 40! I’m over 40 & proud of it. I’m glad to see my generation embrace our age. We aren’t like our grandmas. Even our mothers who are now grandmother’s are looking amazing with out any medical procedures. Not there is anything wrong with them. Personal I would love to get lip injections and some fillers around my eyes and forehead. But I can’t afford them. (Well explain on another blog) 
Let’s get started. Glossy Box offers  5 premium beauty products every month worth over $60 dollars. I signed up for buy 3 boxes for $58 plus one free. Plus Free Shipping and Handling.  I added the links on Glossy and each item I’ve tested so feel free to check them out. Also Glossy Box offer great deals. And if you are a member of  Rakuten you get cash back.  I’ve been waiting to see if Glossy will live up to the hype that I’ve been reading on Instagram  
Glossy Box  
The packaging  from the shipping box to the product box I was impressed. The shipping box is black with beautiful white logo! So cute! (Yes, I will be adding pictures)
When I got to the box itself I knew that I was going to be in for a real treat... The pretty in pink box with blush pink tissue paper tie up with a black ribbon is very chic.  This packaging sophisticated and chic. As you can tell I really like there packaging. I tend to save boxes for arts and crafts projects, storage and these boxes themselves (aside from all the products) is great to use as a present/ gift box (Christmas and Birthdays)  ;) Let’s be honest pretension is everything! From a scale from 1-5 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, I’m giving them a 5! 
The pamphlets: Ladies let be honest, after 40 we know that sooner or later we are going to need reading glasses. One of my problem is, I’m just like my mother who is always losing them. lol Unlike some other beauty boxes the pamphlets have tiny print that you can’t barely read the product information with reading glass and a magnifying glass. And if my nephew is around being he’s only 10 I have to bribe him to read it for me. (Not for an all American Boy lol) Imagine my delight this pamphlet actually have normal size print.  The way the print them balance out of darker and lighter shade that flows well with the pictures of items.Unlike some other beauty boxes they offer one page writing as much as they can squeezed on an 4X6 size paper.  On a scale from 1-5  pamphlet is 5
OK, OK let’s get down to “Nitty Gritty” The AWESOME ITEMS!
5 full side items:
1- Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer 
 “Lux Be A Lady” (shade’s name) I love this color. it’s a neutral shine soft brown earthy color. It would be approved by The Queen of England for the all the Princess could wear on the list. HAHA (The Queen would hate me I love loud both bright and dark nails HAHA) It’s has a creamy texture with a full brush. Also this product doesn’t have a storng odor like some other nail polish have  I was able to do one hand without having to re dip for more polish. However I suggest that 2 coats per nails will make them look like you got them done at the saloon
2- Sleek MakeUP’s: Sun Is Shining Eye shadow Palette  
Has an array of back-to-basic soft nudes, subtle golds and warm peach shades, perfect for chic daytime or nighttime fun! 12 shades of mineral based higly-pigmented Long lasting trust me you don’t have to worry about touching up while at work. During the day have a matte look and before going out on blend those colors. These intense color pay-off! FYI, the price is GREAT! $12.99 which is prefect for us ladies who can’t afford $150 for eye-shadow palettes. This brand truly cares about quality
3- Emma Hardie Purifying Pink Clay Mask:
OK  this is a sample size. But it goes a long way! Aside from being a little on the thick side make sure you put it one lightly. It’s works amazingly well. Putting it on makes me feel like I’m at a spa. You can feel it working. A deep botanical-rich exfoliate purify pink clay mask that: exfoliate, detoxify  balance, and refine pores. Scale from 1-5 I’m give it a 4 My reason I have another clay mask that I like better. But this would be on my top 5 list of face mask for sure. 
4- Invisibobble The Waver: I got the clear. Which is good for any women at any age. At first glance I thought it was going to be flimsy especially because I have very think hair. Those that knows me and knows my hair. I’ve been famous for breaking brushing while combing my hair,hair pins, barrettes, even ponytail holders! Lord have mercy!  My hair is like the Hulk without being green. LMAO Well these two little hairpins was able to stay, hold my hair in place when it was 3H outside working on my garden! Scale from 1-5... 5 for sure! 
5- Omorovicza Cleaning Foam: This delicately scented blue cleansing foam swiftly purifies and refreshes the skin. It’s sulphate-free. It does an Okay job on removing makeup. Not so much for eye makeup. If you have sensitive skin this product is good for you. On my scale from 1-5 I’m give it 3. I’m on the fence with it. 
6- Hask Unwined Provence Rose’ Deep Condition and Brut Rose’ Deep Condition. (I loved both of them. My hair is silky smooth, soft and helps with protecting my hair from harsh chemicals from dying it. I personally liked the smell from Provence Rose a little more.  Scale from 1-5 they both are getting 5. I would buy these for myself and as gifts for my girls. 
Well my peeps this sums up my review of box one. I’m still testing box two. Plus I have a few other beauty items I’m excited about writing soon. I hope you all enjoy my review.s Feel me to drop me a line and share with your friends, family and so on! 
Have An Amazingly Bless Day! 
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legalroad43 · 2 years
Owden Professional 27 Pieces Alphabet Stamp Tool Set For Leathercraft
They are very difficult to maintain varied with a flange of my projects of skin that loves the slip and that causes a creaser to roam in an account. They can be used, but is more difficult that use that mine another flange has heated creases tools. Such the smallest increase in an extension of a “lip” in these creasers there would be me attributing 5 is in place of 3 is. Amiably polished with smooth feeling and adds bosses of look of utmost ebony in a storm of tool. Dustin Loftis successfully owns and operates The Dusty Hide Leather Co., a business known for its beautiful custom-made leather goods. Dustin not only bridges traditional leatherworking techniques with contemporary design, but passes on the fine art of leatherwork by offering classes and workshops. The beautiful look and feel of garment grade pigskin suede at an economical price is what you get with our chrome-tanned Soft Suede Splits. We take your credit card information over the phone. In order to maintain our safety protocol, we cannot accept cash or other forms of payment at the time of pick-up. Fantastic Instructional Videos - If you’re looking for some really great insider leatherworking tips and tricks, definitely check out Mascon Leather’s Youtube Channel.
OWDEN Professional art fonts stamping tools kit for jewelry stamping & Craft.
Before you settle on a product, you may need to ask yourself why you’re buying it in the first place.
Our mission is to provide you with the most up-to-date and objective information about the Owden products, helping you make more informed buying decisions.
Their Baotongle Leathercraft Maul is your tool if you want a small tooling maul you can use for stamping and can easily move about with.
https://bestreviews.tips/owden-leathercraft-supplies_899920/ An only prong chisels the corner of cutting flange is like this bad probably does not use never has embezzled another star. One 2 flange bevelers the 5 in accident and 4 in legislation. The Craftool® Sharpening Plate is the ideal accessory for keeping flat or rounded bevelers perfectly sharp to extend their working life. I've made plenty of mistakes buying tools, and it would be delighted to prevent you from doing the same. It's my absolute pleasure to share my experiences with anyone who's interested in pursuing Leather craft.
Similar Brands
Weaver Leather supply is located in Mt. Hope, Ohio. Danny Marlin makes high-end, custom, leather cutting knives. Going into great detail regarding everything leathercraft with in-depth articles for beginners and experts alike. Jason was happy enough to give some fantastic advice regarding his favorite tools, where to buy them, and advice on getting started. Like many, STR Leathercraft, founded by Tom, started as a hobby and eventually become a full-time job as his skills increased and he built a following from his fantastic work. The leather maul, while an age old tool has seen tremendous improvements as the mauls we have today have astonishing look and feel. So, In this article, I did some research on the best mauls for leather work and here are the best of the best you can go for today. Owden brand have many kinds stamping tools for jewelry working , Pls visit our store. Owden Professional precision knife, Suitable for hollowing and cutting leather,Paper,Cork, Scrapbook, Cloth and other soft materials.Not suitable for left-handers. OWDEN Professional 13Pcs.leather hole punch set, The Tool has a slim design to better maintain the verticality and smooth for the leather hole. As with any toolkit, the tools included in leather sets may not always be of the highest quality. OWDEN 2Pcs Leather edge paint tool set, We have prepared 2 tools to save your purchase cost. You can also let your family and friends experience the fun of handmade. By the side of every leather enthusiast, OWDEN high-quality tools have been with you, helping you to better complete every leather handicraft. OWDEN will also create better products for our consumers, Trust OWDEN. The punches of the owden brand are made of high-grade alloy steel. After heat treatment, the hardness is maintained between HRC55-60 and can be knocked on any material. With which closely examining a beveler there is remarked some looks of flange of the yard to have the chip on that. I think that that a product has potential to be add and will be to spend he until owden. I am expecting and sure that owden will send the substitution.
Leather Stamping Patterns
Along with respect toward the craftsmanship, they make our best effort to capture the essence of the spirit. They prioritize both practicality and functionality of our product and are based in South Korea. Ron’s Tool Company has evolved from the need to have good quality leather working hand tools. The design of each tool is the result of leather working experience and knowledge of how the tool should perform. Ron’s uses the highest quality steel and other components to manufacture a tool that is unsurpassed in composition and utility. Uncompromised Quality in high-performance swivel knives, custom head knives, trim knives, and other leather craft tools.
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This tool is suitable for both professionals and beginners who love to do leather carvings and stampings and simply love to see beautiful tools do awesome works. That compliments the solid white or black nylon head it comes in. The handle feels great and the head is 16 ounce, just about the weight you will need for most carving and tooling. The Barry King range of tools are handcrafted and made of stainless steel which helps prevent corrosion and extends the life of the tools being used frequently. The design of the Barry King tools are tailored for the “Sheridan Style” carving, but can also be used for other styles as well. They offer quality products that improve efficiency, security and comfort. Their hand tools have been researched and developed with cutting-edge technology in our workshop in Thiers , France. Quality Material The leather craft stamp kit is made of Superior Zinc Alloy steel. The House of SLC’s is a leather work supplier brand that deals in a lot in leatherwork tools and materials.
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badjonesrising · 4 years
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Shop Update: Papers from “Back to School” kit.
I have spent multiple days working on my shop update— which is totally live btw! I see famous instagram ladies that talk about the big update and it all comes out so seamlessly on the internet. Let’s be honest here- you know it’s not real! What you see, is what you get guys. I am one person and I only make art when I can and I am limited in supplies and space. I think it's fun to see all the new and surprising bouts of inspiration (and motivation). I made a lot of art this month and I am so excited, but I just can't share it fast enough. I have taken LOTS of photos though. I want to be able to document everything, and not worry if it gets shared on the internet.
Anyways, enough of me ramblin'. I am so glad that I took pictures of some of these awesome papers. I also photographed the painted ones that I threw in the "Back to School" kit, because how beautiful are they!? These particular stacks were all a blur. I busted out some construction paper, old vintage stuff, and some weird bits from mail and trades. I just used markers, crayons, and cheap craft paint to make marks. I wanted to make sure they looked "fun" and "playful" like the ATCs and postcards I made. I remember back in school, you had to use what the class had. I remember being mad that kids didn't treat art materials the way I did, and they way I thought they should. I was drawing and making marks on these and thinking how less is more, and a black marker on yellow paper will always make me happy. I put all of these papers together with some tags and jazzed it up a bit.I also cut up an unfinished painting on paper I did. It was my second failed attempt at it and I kept it thinking I might finish it. I just cut it up and gave each piece away.
This was also a fun way to use Poscas because they dry so fast. You can write big and the ink will continue to flow, if it's shaken well. Poscas splatter too, which is a must for me. I love those bold, word patterns so much that I think I am going to make some digital printables for the shop. I have an ultimate goal about memory keeping and hybrid scrapbooking, but I won't get into that now. I do know though, I have a plan and it's a good one. I just want to mix all my colorful art with photography somehow, and I think I know exactly how I am going to do it. I am so excited! It was a lot of fun to make these "kits" and I am thinking I might make more. It would be fun to change the theme every month.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by ashleybayle
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity? Yeah. The most popular opinion I get is Anna Akana and a local singer named Kakie, and then more occasionally I’ve also gotten Lucy Hale. Of course, all of these people are absolutely gorgeous though so it’s hard to accept comments like these lol
When was the last time you got something done to your hair? Professionally, late February. But I trimmed my bangs last Saturday.
Do you have any change on you right now? Barely. I only have a few 1-peso coins and a couple of 25-cent coins left.
What color is the pillowcase(s) on your bed? They’re pink with white lines.
Do you have a favorite day of the week? I like Monday mornings because we have weekly video calls for work and it’s really the only time I get to talk to other people anymore. Even if I can’t really count any of my colleagues as my friends, I’m able to get the human connection I’ve been hungry for and it always leaves me feeling good for the rest of the day.
Cutting your hair extremely short, would you do it? Yeah. That’s what I did last February; I’d do it again once my hair gets too long. I’ll probably go even shorter the next time because depression.
Have you ever been in an art show? I’ve been to art exhibits, if you’re referring to the same thing.
Would you considered yourself to be well-exposed to life or sheltered? I was sheltered for most of my life but I’ve been trying to get exposed to more scary life things so that I slowly start to detach from people I used to normally depend on, like my parents.
How high is your pain tolerance? Not high at all. I bruise like a peach and have near-meltdowns over sharp objects especially if I get pricked by one.
Have you ever played the game Halo? I don’t think so. I could have watched others play it in the past, but I’ve never played the game myself.
Are you wearing any jewelry at the moment? No I’m not.
Is there a sport that you love to play? Table tennis! Futsal was also fun the one or two times I played it, and it was in playing that sport that I learned I apparently make a good goalkeeper. In an alternate universe I probably play football, ha.
Has anything made you sad in the past 48 hours? Yes. That’s a constant state of mind now.
Have you ever had to learn lines for a play/skit/movie? Yes. We were required to do so many skits in high school so making scripts and memorizing lines was part of a normal day.
Do you like your nose? I’ve never complained about it. I don’t normally think about my nose either.
Is there a hair color you prefer on the opposite sex? No.
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind? I’ve never tried it, so I don’t have a solid opinion.
Would you ever like to be a stunt person? Sounds fun but I’m barely physically fit for such a role and I’d break a bone almost immediately. Even professional stunt people get injured, so...
Are you a pyromaniac? The furthest thing from it. I’m terrified of fire.
How soon is your birthday? Six months and a day.
Are you one of those people who listen to songs on repeat? Isn’t everyone prone to doing that once in a while? But yeah, I guess I’m ‘one of those’ people.
Can any of your friends sing very well? Lots of em. Hannah, Tina, Ed, Andi, Michelle, Nacho, etc.
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant? That does not sound interesting to me.
Do you have piano fingers? No :(
What is your preferred curse word? Fuck.
When someone's drunk, the truth comes spilling out, correct? I guess, for some people. Other people express their drunkenness in other ways. But I for sure lose my filter once I’m drunk; it’s a lot easier to ask me questions once I’ve had a few glasses, ha.
Have you ever shouted something random at someone out a car window? I’m sure I’ve rolled down my windows to cuss out a stupid driver once or twice.
Have you ever slept on a beach? No. I know my mom does, but I personally find it risky/dangerous. When it comes to open spaces like the beach, I find it hard to trust people to not be thieves.
Would you like to be taller? It’s not an active wish of mine. It’d always be cool to be taller, but I’m also okay with my current height.
Are you a fan of piercings on the opposite sex? Not necessarily. I wouldn’t say I’m attracted to them.
Have you ever listened to Celtic music? Nope.
Do you enjoy making up words? I’ve never done that, no.
Have you ever been attacked by an animal? Aside from the time a giant bird kind of charged at me at a safari and getting playbites from Cooper, no. Cats hiss at me all the time, but I get out of their vicinity before they can attack me or whatever.
Who did you dance with last? Rita, Blanch, Mik, Laurice, Jum, a bunch of strangers.
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers? Yeah. That’s my favorite.
Is there a movie that makes you cry every single time you watch it? This is gonna get some eyerolls but...Titanic. Forever one of my faves no matter how overrated people find it, hahaha. The “Rose Dawson” scene gets me all the time.
Do you ever talk to the TV? I mean if I have comments about the show I’m watching, yeah I guess I’m technically talking to the TV. But I don’t talk to the TV like a camera, if that’s what you mean.
What's your opinion on Johnny Depp? I feel for him and all the shit he’s gone through with Amber Heard. I’ll always feel bad for having sided with Amber in the past. Movie-wise, not really a fan of his repertoire but I respect his craft and abilities nonetheless.
Have you ever watched the Tudors? Nah but I hear of it a lot, so I’ve always been interested.
Can you speak in different accents? No. My dad’s super good at accents though since he travels a lot for his job. He can do American, Indian, Singaporean, Chinese, Australian, etc.
Who was the last person you mocked/mimicked? The annoying person at the BIR who wasted my time. 
If you write, isn't writer's block the most horrible thing? I’d say it’s inconvenient, but it’s not the worst of my worries whenever it strikes.
Can you sew or knit? No but I’ve made up my mind about learning how to :) I put some cross-stitch kits on my online shopping cart recently and I can’t wait to get my hands busy.
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans? Yesssss. They’re the only pair of jeans I wear these days, on the rare times I have a reason to go out.
What size shirt do you normally wear? XS.
Are you good with money? I’m good with saving if I absolutely have to, but I’m equally good at spending all my money in one go lol
Has anyone ever aimed a gun at you? No. Don’t know how well I’d fare in that; I tend to freeze up and forget words when I’m terrified.
What is the first letter of the person's name you last kissed? G.
Do you use myspace for following celebrities, and facebook for friends? I never regularly used Myspace, and Facebook is for sharing memes, staying updated on the news, and connecting with family and friends. At least up until I deactivated last month.
Have you ever written a song? Maybe in grade school when it was an assignment for class, but never on my own time.
Do you believe there is life on other planets? Other planets in other galaxies perhaps in other universes, sure.
If you think about the universe long enough, it's baffling isn't it? Doesn’t take long for me, but yes it is.
When was the last time you fell? I haven’t in a while.
Are you a fan of Christian Bale? I wouldn’t say so. I don’t think I’ve seen any of his movies. I’ve been meaning to watch American Psycho for years but just never got around to it.
Do you have any sort of debt? No.
Is there an accent you prefer? I don’t know if prefer is the right word since I don’t have any favorite accents, but hmmm I can listen to Florence Pugh’s accent all day.
Have you spoken to the person you love today? Yep.
Would you ever travel to Los Angeles? If given the chance sure, but I honestly prefer other cities.
Have you ever been through a natural disaster? A lot of them.
Is there a specific time period that interests you? I don’t think I’ve ever been hooked to just one specific era...I’m interested in all of them and read about them an equal amount.
Do any of your friends own an expensive car? JM used to drive a Lexus to school on Fridays.
Have you ever been on a train? Just once. I had to go to Manila for a journalism class but I wasn’t willing to drive all the way there, so I took a train and had Jum keep me company because I didn’t know how commuting worked.
Is there a memory that embarasses you to think about? I mean yeah, there are a lot.
Have you ever used different colored paper clips? Possibly.
Where exactly are you right now? In a corner in my room.
Don't you admire those people who know exactly what they want to do? I admire anyone who’s able to make the best of what they’ve got, no matter what their progress is in life. Life shouldn’t be a contest of who gets their shit figured out the earliest or the best way possible.
Is there a guy you can talk to about anything? No.
Have you ever been in a parade? I know I said in a previous survey that I haven’t been to a parade, but now that I think about it I’ve been to several Pride Marches, which kinda count as parades...so yeah, I have been.
Would you ever consider being a news reporter? My entire family wanted me to end up being one, but it was never an interest of mine. I was just too shy to tell them that that’s not really my goal. I like staying behind the camera for the most part.
Are you, or anyone you know, an atheist? Yes and yes, I know several people who are.
Has anyone ever told you to "get a grip"? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten those exact words before.
Do people say you look your age? Or younger or older? Younger.
Have you ever sent a celebrity fan mail? Kind of. Five years ago my friend Heather and I were at YouTube Fanfest where Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, and Oli White were part of the line-up, and we didn’t anticipate that so many fans would come with gifts even though there was no guarantee of meeting them. We came up with a little gift of our own, which was really nothing more than a tiny post-it saying that we love them lmao (we went to the venue straight after school, hence Heather having school supplies HAHA). It was such a poor-looking gift. We went to their assistant who was SUPER nice about it and didn’t make us feel like shit for our gift which was pretty much worthless and could easily get lost – it was literally a piece of post-it. I doubt it ever got to them, but we gave it a shot anyway.
Are you ashamed of how you acted when you were younger? Some parts of it, definitely. I grew up in a violent household, so I was violent towards my brother when he was a baby, not knowing how serious my actions were. I was also a pain in the ass while I was going through puberty.
Do you ever have those days where you feel you're the ugliest person ever? Yes.
Beauty is both external and internal, correct? Sure.
Have you ever been in a musical? Yeah, in grade school through high school. Never had a solo role, though.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? July 2019.
Is there a friend's family that makes you feel like you're family too? Angela’s. At one point, Katreen’s too, before we grew apart.
How do you know someone is your best friend? When I don’t feel like filtering my words around them, and when I allow myself to be fully vulnerable with them.
When was the last time you used a highlighter? Sometime in February I’m guessing. Before the lockdown and when I still went to school and had readings.
Has a flashlight ever ran out batteries on you in the dark? I don’t think so.
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rawk-chikk · 6 years
I have so many things to put together, make, and do right now, I dunno where to fucking start 😁.
Just took delivery of a Paper Nano Hong Kong skyline kit, with LED plate for lighty-uppy goodness. It's dinky. Not as dinky as Metal Earth but probably just as fiddly on account of the material being much more fragile.
Thank fuck for tweezers is all me and my gorilla fingers can say 😝.
I've got a wooden eagle thingy mum bought me in Northumberland last year, and 2 mechanical wooden model sets from a couple of xmasses ago which have been languishing in storage. Also have a handful of foil art kits in there too. And then there's the polymer clay and Doh Vinci stuff my sibs got me for Xmas just gone.
Oh, and the half finished Titanic model. And all my art stuff.
All that plus I'll have a big ol' chest of drawers to put together in the next couple of days. Fun!
No seriously. Fun. I love a flatpack, me.
Let's just hope my motivation sticks around. I craft much like I read (actual books about real life or original characters, not fic which I consume pretty much daily): I'll go hard for weeks/months and then do fuck-all for about as long.
Which is why I'm still a mediocre guitar player after 25-odd years 😭.
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