#also sorry this has like 6 pixels. don't know why
likethecastle · 7 months
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genuinely loved the book and it's still rotating in my mind in many other capacities but also the knockoff canon spirk killed me
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moshieee · 2 months
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
Oh hi @bixell-pixell I'll include you even if we're not mutuals I think you're pretty chill all things considered
That's kinda it idk you that well
You didn't specify so I'm going to list all my mutuals in the order of oldest to newest on my following page that I remember sorry of I missed anyone and for the @ s
@e-the-village-cryptid (I don't have a tag for e yet but it would probably just be E)
Not only the first person who I became friends with here but also the first one I ever started sharing my stories with, even if we don't talk too much I'm glad Every time we do and I see them on my dash, (they bring some of my favorite posts and when I do send posts sometimes I mix up and send them their own reblogs) I'm so glad we're still friends, thanks for letting me ramble about stuff for 6 hours hehe
@jaqofallgenders (no tag for jaq yet either)
my in person friend and the longest friendship I've ever had with someone, love you 🫶. I'll be more specific on Monday if our ADHD doesn't kick in and make us both forget
@strawberry-seal77 (seal-berry!!!)
Hi hi hi yellows my friend 👋 the person I consider to be the second ever friend I made on here, a lovely person as well and wait waaa and an amazing artist too 👀??? Love you silly goofball and the amazing posts and jokes you have we should chat more often I thinkith.
@rabid-mercenary16 (Rabid jumpscare)
Hey hey hey .... BWAMP! Hope you feel better soon
I probably have the most to say about Rabid but all try to make it a bit shorter. besides being the first artist to do art jokes and include me, with we also became mutuals and interacting around a time when my life started to get a lot better. Even if she's not the only factor in that I definitely associate her with stuff improving, and she did play a big factor in it (I already explained a lot on my Valentine's Day gift to her and the others). Also she's just an awesome person to spend time with and be goofy, amazing sense of humor and I just love being friends with such an awesome person and artist.
@dia-smthidk (Dia fren)
I'm assuming you don't want a bowl of soup
I also said a lot about them in my Valentine's Day gift, but we've become closer friends sense then even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like to. I relate a lot and am surprised how we have so much in common. Amazing artist and person as well and I wish we could hang out more, idc if they think they're bringing down the mood when/if they bring stuff up about irl, and maybe I won't figure out their timezone but oh well, please take care of yourself gender sibling.
@bunnybunnsowo (BUN BUN BROTHER!!)
little brother 🫶🫶💝💞🫶✨👋❤️!!!
(I could have sworn we became mutuals before Dia?)
another person I shared a lot about with the Valentine's Day gift, I love you my little brother! Seriously one of the kindest people I've met and I'm so glad they have bug in his life. Bun deserves the world and they keep sending me opposum images!!! Gona die from cuteness and his kindness one of these days istg
@spookykittyzzz (greaah why don't I have a tag for you???)
A very kind person and artist I don't know too much sense we're not that close yet but love the few chats we have had so far. Hope we get to hang out more even if I'm awful at reaching out to others and saying hi.
@glitchyk (goop buddies)!!
Nooo the parallels
One of the first people who was interested to deep dive into my creations and ask about my stories and worlds They're probably competing with Rabid with how much I have to say about her/silly. Seriously it's incredible how much we have in common and now I get to share and collaborate our sonas stories together it's amazing. And as someone once said "you can yap for hours". I love how creative and clever they are, I just wish they would be kinder to herself. One day I'll make glichy see how awesome she is.
@unfunnyaceartist (Floridian disadvantage) I feel like I should change that
When I say I was shookith when ace asked to be friends I mean I was shookith first person so show up and ask that (the others kinda just happened). Amazing artist and don't believe her lies she is funny. I'm so heckn glad we're friends., love the goofy and silly idc if she's a bit of a simp they've helped me a lot start to understand slang and references I'm supposed to understand shhshsh (such is the curse of how I grew up) we need to make our mafia sonas interact at some point I can already imagine the chaos /silly
@neptunestoast (plushy slime)
Hugs hugs hugs*
Trying my best not to baby talk I swear. amazing person first person to show up and be like "hey I Wana do something for you and your friends". Love their humor and another gender sibling!!! Hugs for ever for as long as they're ok with it. I love their creativity as well and Noodle is so adorable. I just want to pick them up in a hug so much. Kibbity/silly
@ner5y (no tag woops ill figure something out)
What are you doing here??? How are we friends???
I was absolutely confused and startled when they followed me especially since it was during a spoons argument . Amazing artist like holy heck I wish I was allowed to curse on this blog. Their humor also took me by surprise when I got invited to the discord, and even if they doubt how well they're running it I think they're doing amazing. And I love our silly interactions like this one
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@vexation-816 (chaotic ADHD buddy!!!)
Why did it take me so long to follow you istg
ADHD ADHD ADHD my buddy oh pal we both got that and it's driving us insane/silly. Love how creative he is and the ideas for his sona and character lore. Also one of the first people who shared a character they added to my nightlight au. This is getting twords the end and I'm tired of whiting so much and am on a timer oh no. But your amazing dude don't ever forget thag
@butlerbugbunny (anxiety bunny buddy)
This is why I didn't respond to the DM yet hshsh
New friend who I feel anxious talking to sometimes but a wonderful kind bunny who I'm also incredibly happy to be friends with. Love his art so much it's amazing (shoot shoot timer is going off) I'm glad he's their for bun and wish them the best I possibly can 🫶.
@lilithloves-you (lillith my be-loathed?) need to change that
Don't you dare bring up grilled cheese
Glitchys friendo who I'm also friends with now. We don't interact too much but I've sent her on missions to go hug glitchy (to help both of them feel better but shhh). I hope we become closer friends in the future.
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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So far I’ve only played DGS and AA1 out of the Ace Attorney games and have been having so much fun!
Sorry for all the attacks on Edgeworth LMAO I tend to curse out the prosecutors when they get too smug
Close ups and text below!
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Stickers by Halmistax on Redbubble and NoodlesAndTeaShop on Etsy!! Christmas and assorted stickers are from the store Daiso
I think it’s so funny that Ace Attorney is a shocking mystery game not just because of how the cases play out, but also because the dialogue is so insane . Like what do you mean Phoenix used to tip cows and Edgeworth has a chess set that is specifically modeled after himself and Phoenix
Typed out writing!
Rating: 9.1/10 Played: Wi 2023 Port: N. Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y Series: Ace Attorney
Love the pixel art, very smooth animations
Revealed the killer in the first animation??
Super easy first case? TGA was not only longer but had a more compelling case
So far I like Phoenix and Mia but not Larry
Edgeworth's a dirty, cheating bastard. Where's the integrity T^T
I am so happy Nick and Miles are 24
The dialogue is crazy, everyone is so mean
Lmao Edgeworth gay ass
Sal Menalla...... these damn names omfg
This kid is hilarious
Ohh mia and maya are sisters
Nick, my non driving king <<<<<<3333333
honestly love Maya, she's so funny (& Gumshoe!!)
Ayyy Christmas on Christmas [I played Dl-6 on christmas lol]
Love the animation similarities between Edgeworth and von Karma
Very much an errand game...
Poor Gumshoe T_T
I absolutely love the corruption of Edgeworth and the drama 10/10
What is with Prosecutors and Tragic backstories
There's so much inspo for DGS in this
Edgworth is such a repressed gay man who is so bad at hiding his feeligns
Switch version isn't pixelated?
Credits? I thought there was another case
different art and animation for case 5???
Don't like the way the cowboy drinks
Edgeworth's room and sports car lmfao
The silence was so loud lmao
Feenie's a cow tipper???
Love the Gant and Stronghart/Vortex parallels
Edgeworth you bastard stop stealing my objections
not the jumping out of a window reference
oooo Edgeworth, you like to talk about Phoenix???
Game Dev Notes
Really great art, style, and animations - very unique
limited music, no character themes
new case as a bonus for the DS edition at the time
iconic quotes and cases - referenced every year
love the resolution of the characters in the credits
last case introduced 3D investigation - really fun and loved
incredible character design and emotional growth
Summary: What an incredibly start to a series. I completely understand why people love Ace Attorney so much. Amazing characters and development, great and insane humor, blatant homoeroticism, and well thought out mysteries. Although it's not to the scale of TGAA, you can see all the major inspiration TGAA took from just the first game. I believe AA1 would be just as phenomenal as TGA if it had all of the same resources. I absolutely love these characters, they have so much personality and Capcom really knows how to utilize humor. The relationship between Phoenix and Miles is great. They complement each other so well and learn to embrace each other's passion to create such a beautiful duo. They are the lawyers to be feared because they will stop at nothing to discover the truth. They're also so in love with each other and they're not subtle about it. I loved each case as they really highlighted everyone's personality and motivation/ The discovery of Edgeworth's past and how Phoenix helped him, hell, saved him and shaped him to pursue a future filled with integrity. The art is so amazing. The switch version doesn't have the pixel art but for such an older game, the art is incredible. There's limited music and there's a lot of running around but the charm of the characters and great mysteries is what boosted the score. I am so excited to play more of these games and meet some of the fan favorite characters. The AA community is so talented and loving. I am so happy to be here!
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kalpasio · 1 year
Yo hey! 
New reader here, but I was confused as to why you described kalpas in your fic, “The Chef in the Shitty Kitchen”, as OOC? I might be biased because I love exploring how other sides of characters surface in different scenarios. I feel like it’s our job as a fandom to expand on our blorbos! I’d just like to know your thought process (that was actually my favorite fic, I love domestic kalpas. Imo it’s much better to be a carb addict than an alcoholic—)
On the other hand, thank you for single-handedly keeping the kalpas fan club afloat. I scraped Danbooru for some kalpas content, but in 60% of the pictures he was like 6 pixels in the background.
Moving from genshin to honkai where there’s a severe lack of content almost made me implode, so I’ll try my best to help out! Although I’ve only written two fics, and both times my wrists hurt so bad I had to stop.
They were only 1k words. 💀 
Fellow kalpas lovers, rise up!!! (Sorry for being wordy but I didn’t want to clog up your ask box, you’re probably already in really high demand 😭 )
I think I say he's ooc in all my fics because I'm nervous lmao but that one especially I wrote before the golden courtyard anime came out and it was like entirely made up from brainrot? so I was like this is NOT real kalpas, and I can say it but if someone else said he was ooc I would definitely start arguing lol
I feel like flame chaser kalpas 1) has seen Some Shit, 2) been through Some Shit, and 3) does not have access to a kitchen so his personality is very different than it would have been if honkai hadn't destroyed his life. Golden courtyard kalpas is what I guess he would be like if he had actually gotten a chance to live his life I guess? idk he deserves a little happiness ya know? also domestic kalpas is a bean, change my mind
tbh moving from genshin to honkai and seeing so little content was part of what made me start writing for kalpas? I was like "oh Thoma has no content" because he only had like a couple hundred fics and then kalpas had like. two. and I was SO Mad I swear even if I write for something else if I ever get a chance holy shit I will always come back to Kalpas
my wrist HATES me which is problematic so I completely understand lol I usually end up taking breaks and writing things down on notes so I can come back and elaborate when my hand isn't about to fall off? still makes me sad tho. also 1k words is 1k more words than we had before!!! if you feel comfortable with it I'd love to read your works 🧡!!
asks are unfortunately all I've been doing lately because of school so you don't have to worry about sending any in! tbh my request list is so long because I have some that are literally over 100 days old and I am just dying rn 💀
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stardew-atlantis · 1 year
Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE your oc's? And can I ask for some fun facts abt them?👀🤌
YES, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN 🥺omg I love talking about my OC's
(Idk which ones you wanted facts from but I'm gonna do all of them because why not)
while it's not explicitly written into the fic, SJ is actually demi-romantic as well as asexual. It's why she took so long to realize she wanted to be more than friends with Harvey, they needed to develop that bond and trust first before she was able to see him as a romantic option.
SJ teaches Harvey to play Minecraft. They have their own server together. (Harvey mostly builds things and takes care of animals while SJ mines and fights the monsters for him)
SJ knows how to play piano. (Zephyr wanted them to get along better, so he got Elliott to teach SJ piano as a way for them to spend time together)
SJ got her name from that kid in The Blind Side because I thought the name SJ sounded cool XD
My face claim for her is Marisha Ray (with glasses)
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I've probably said this before but I literally can't find the post on my own blog so I'm gonna say it again. Zephyr was actually based on a DnD character I made for a campaign that never got started. It was a cyberpunk themed campaign, so that's why his last name is V, and he was a cybernetically enhanced human/wizard. Which is ironic, because he's basically my only fully-human OC 😅
Zephyr got his name from fantasynamegenerator.com because I wanted a cool robot name. To explain it in stardew, I headcanon that his mom wanted a "Unique" name for her son so she named him Zephyr. (Also since people have asked me this, it's pronounced 'Zeff-er' in case you were wondering)
SJ was the first person Zephyr came out to when he started identifying as bisexual. (He knew for a while, but didn't actually tell anyone right away) Zephyr knew his parents wouldn't approve, so he decided to tell his sister instead. In return, Zephyr was the first person SJ told when she realized she was ace.
Zephyr has done art studies of Elliott. After they start dating, Elliott offers to be a live model for him.
My face claim for him is Bryan Dechart
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Isaac is in his early 30's, about 6 feet tall, and he was originally supposed to be an OC for Haunted Chocolatier, but I wanted him to have a stardew backstory so I added him into the main fic. (Yes I already have fics planned for when HC comes out XD)
I don't have a face-claim for him but I made him on the sims before I made his in-game sprite/portrait. He looks like this! (His eyes were originally supposed to be grey but I am still new to pixel art so they're brown, for now...)
I'm still developing his story alongside the others, so I don't have a ton of lore for him yet, but it's coming!
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JS (Jess) is an actual save file that I made in order to do the Joja route in the game. She was supposed to be the Anti-SJ and I'm not creative with names so I named her JS. Her full name is Jessica Sharp.
JS was the reason I first went for Harvey in the game XD I actually married Sebastian in my first ever save file, but after going through all the bachelor's routes on the joja file, I just fell in love with Harvey and he is best boy.
If you count each sentence spoken by JS in "Everest Farm", 22 of those sentences were lies.
JS is an only child in the family she was adopted into.
Despite SJ being asexual, JS is straight (And my only straight OC)
I do have a sim for her too
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Thanks for the ask! Sorry for the Essay, I never get to do this XD
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vinyylz · 2 years
since everyone is rating these outfits i decided id rate them too-
u r gonna have to ignore the fact that the quality is 3 pixels blame twt for that
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Buster bros
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• why
• he looks like he's about to go skiing and very prepared
• who decided to give him that haircut..for what reason...
JIRO 7/10
• not that bad but could be better
• his jacket under another jacket ?? worn like that?? i don't understand how it works but i don't think that's how u wear a jacket jiro!
SBURO 6/10
• it's decent
• he looks like he tried to match his hair with ichiro and failed
Mad trigger crew
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• looks great!!
• nothing much to comment about his
JYUTO 6/10
• decent, could be better
• the white stuff on his shoulders makes it look like the beginning of a maid outfit that slowly morphs into a sherlock holmes style trenchcoat and idk how to feel about it
• incredibly rare sight of jyuto without gloves
RIO 9/10
• i like it
• i like the jacket and the turtleneck!!
• he is actually rocking it i think
Fling posse
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RAMUDA 2783820/10
• he isn't a fashion designer for nothing
• absolutely flawless it looks amazing i love everything about this
• i love gentaro but i find this fit mid sorry
• his hair is ruining it hypmic stop doing their hair like this please
• the clothing itself looks alright i like it it's just the hair
DICE 8.5/10
• pretty simple but it's what makes it look good!!
• fits his color scheme!!
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JAKURAI 7.5/10
• what did they do to you
• i like the clothes...but the hair...
• i think it's not that bad though i can get behind this
• i am starting at this very intently and it's growing on me a little
• he looks like he took all his money he got from " "kittens" and blindly picked out the ugliest coat from gucci
• his hair is horrendous matenrou has all been cursed with the middle part hair
• hifumi this isn't you
DOPPO 2/10
• doppo...ily....but what are you wearing man..
• his coat looks 5 sizes too big. which i would not mind if the HAIR.
• his middle part is by far the worst what have they done to you
• i fear no thing...but that thing (doppo middle part haircut) it scares me..
• he's been forced into this there's absolutely no way he'd do this willingly
• i am trying to convince myself it's not that bad actually (i am lying to myself)
Dotsuitare Hompo
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• i actually like it
• the ear mufflers (?) are cute
• love the coat too it's a nice fit good job sasara
ROSHO 10/10
• one of very few who actually knows how to do his hair (insert applause)
• he gives off teacher vibes which yk..it fits because he is one
REI 6/10
• decent!
• he just looks like ur average old man in a coat but at least it's not horrendous
Bad Ass Temple
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KUKO 10/10
• his glasses reminded me of saiki k
• i love both his outfit and glasses and hair extremely epic
• he looks alright but something about it just throws me off
• i can't place what exactly though
• his hair looks cool
• i think the fur jacket might be throwing me off but also it's not that bad?
HITOYA 8.5/10
• he looks like he took clothing advice from kuko
• i love his hair...
• he kinda looks like a middle aged mom....in a good way...the best way actually
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oasisspringstownie · 3 years
FAME: A Legacy Challenge
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Sul sul simmers!
Like many of you, one of my favorite things to do in The Sims is play Legacy Challenges. They lead you to explore new aspects of gameplay, give you new imaginative ideas, and facilitate storytelling. So, a couple of nights ago I got the idea to create a new kind of legacy challenge revolving around different aspects of fame.
The goal isn’t exactly to become the most famous using said career/ skill, but to play around with different elements of the fame system in the game. You by no means need all the packs to play through this legacy. While the experience would be more complete and you will be missing careers and skills and stuff you can obviously adapt it to your need. Also, you are more than welcomed to use mods to enrich your gameplay. I myself can’t play without mods and look forward to see what kind of chaos mods can add to this challenge.
So without further a do below are the 10 generations I concocted like a fever dream at 2 am on a Saturday evening:
Gen 1: A Shaky Foundation
Traits: Cheerful, Ambitious, Self-Absorbed
Career: Acting, Style Influencer (Trendsetter Branch)
You move to a new city full of hopes and dreams. You initially pursue your dream of becoming an actor. However, your career is cut short by the unexpected arrival of your first child. You retreat from the spotlight in order to raise your baby and put all of your energy into making sure they have the best future possible. The rest of the time you spend either working or trying to unwind from your demanding life. What will fate bring you and your descendants?
Move into an empty lot with 1600 simoleons for the bare minimum.
Start in the Acting Career, but abandon it for the Style Influencer career once your first child is born. Remain in the Style Influencer Career and eventually choose the Trendsetter Branch.
Max out the Style Influencer Career.
Reach level 10 of the Parenting and Wellness Skills.
Be close friends with all of your children and make sure they each age up with at least 2 positive character attributes.
Gen 2: Get Your Head in the Game
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Outgoing
Career: Athlete, Entertainment (Musician Branch)
Your parent might have seemed very overbearing at the time, but they instilled a work ethic in you like no other. Your entire life you were split between your two passions: basketball and singing. Okay, fine, you're Troy Bolton. After succeeding in the sports world you still find yourself feeling somewhat unfulfilled. You enter the entertainment career later on in life to live out your dreams. Will this be the start of something new?
Max out the Athlete Career and then switch to the Entertainment Career (Musician Branch).
Max out the Fitness and Singing Skills.
Be in the drama club in high school.
Gen 3: Going for the Stars
Traits: Clumsy, Loner, Genius
Career: Astronaut
Your parent always told you to shoot for the stars, you just took it a bit too seriously. This world was always a bit too pedestrian for you and you yearn to finally lay your eyes on the astronomical craters of Sixam. There's just one problem: you're terrible at it. It's not your fault, you're just a bit clumsy; but will your two left feet keep you from reaching your dreams?
Work in the Astronaut Career your entire life. Get demoted and fired at least once in your lifetime.
Destroy and repair a rocket 3 times.
Live in a tiny home for your young adulthood and adulthood.
Have at least one set of twins. *You can cheat for this!*
Gen 4: The Finer Things in Life
Traits: Materialistic, Hates Children, Lazy
Career: None
You've seen all the generations before you work their little pixelated butts off for every simoleon, but you're not about that life. You were destined for the finer things in life.
Reach level 10 of the Charisma and Mixology Skills.
Marry and survive 5 spouses. Take that wording however you want. Divorce is not allowed. You must be the last once standing. After all, spouses are like infinity stones. Meaningless.
Never have a job. Only make money from spouses, family, or children. If you get desperate enough you can ask a friend for a loan or steal, but no working of any kind.
Each child you decide to have with one of your rich spouses comes with a 20k trust fund. If they get taken away or die before coming of age, all the money has to be returned to the evil capitalist overlords. You can't get rid of them that easily.
Own at least 1 restaurant/ retail/ business with one of your spouses. Decorate it, assign the uniform, and hire everyone, but you never run it. Why would you go through the trouble?
Gen 5: My Precious
Traits: Art Lover, Kleptomaniac, Self-Assured
Career: Criminal
Your childhood was pretty hectic and you felt like you barely knew your parents. Who needs them? You've never needed anyone else anyway. On your 18th birthday, you receive your inheritance and use it to buy yourself an unfurnished apartment in the nicest building you can find and that's when your money runs out... literally. However, will a new job as a tough guy be the first of many great ideas or will it only be the beginning of the end for this famed family?
Once you become a young adult give yourself enough money to buy one of the apartments in the Uptown Neighborhood in San Myshuno. It must be unfurnished. After moving in set your money to 0 simoleons.
Complete the Criminal Career.
Reach level 10 of the Mischief and Dancing Skills.
Gain an atrocious reputation and spend the rest of your life trying to cover it up.
Steal 10 paintings from a museum and exhibit them proudly in your home. You are never allowed to sell them. As an adult, hide them in a secret attic nobody else has access to or knows about. They are your precious.
Gen 6: The Muses
Traits: Creative, Family Oriented, Insider
Career: Painter
You could have anything you wanted in the world thanks to your family's empire so you pursued your passion: painting. While you were never close to your other family members you were always very close to your art teacher. This led you to have very close ties to your friends, co-workers, and eventual children. Will your legacy remain for longer in the memory of strangers or your loved ones?
Complete the Painter Career
Reach level 10 of the Painting, Cooking and Baking Skills
Have a better relationship with your art teacher than anyone else in your family until you're a teen.
Move to a new world once you become a young adult and cut ties with your family.
Be the leader of one club for all your young adulthood and adulthood.
Be close friends with 3 co-workers and all of your children.
Prepare a meal at least once a week with the help of your children. *I know we don't have this in the game yet technically, but I'm hoping to have Cottage Living by the time I play with this generation*
Hang 5 paintings in a museum.
Retire from Painting Career to help care for your grandchildren.
Gen 7: Mole
Traits: Good, Perfectionist, Paranoid
Career: None
You always had a good relationship with your parents. You told each other everything... well, almost everything. You never understood why but one of your parents never talked about the rest of your family members. They explained that they simply never had a good relationship and would rather not talk about it. You respect this until their death when you return to their seemingly abandoned childhood home. While exploring the house you find a not-so-subtle bookcase door and a long forgotten attic filled with paintings. You take them in hopes of returning them but unbeknownst to you, you are being watched.
After an unfortunately unavailable nail-biting car chase, you shake off your attackers. You can't just lead them home to the rest of your family and what would the police do? They don't even arrest Vlad when he's trying to bite all of your sims!
Sorry, different rant.
So you do the only logical thing: you sell the paintings you just stole for some cash to buy an empty lot and skip town. A new life awaits you... just a bit underground.
Reach level 10 of the Writing, Logic, and Handiness Skills.
Complete the Best Selling Author Aspiration.
After your parent dies, you visit Gen 5's main home and retrieve the paintings hidden in the attic generations ago. Sell them and use the money to buy an empty lot in a completely different world.
Use your remaining money to build a small underground bunker. You can now never leave your bunker or risk immediate death.
You make your income by writing books under your new name. Oh, didn't I mention that? You changed your name to avoid detection. Your children may carry this new fake last name or your partner's.
Gen 8: Part of Your World
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Geek
Career: Social Media
All you knew was the bunker and it's not that you hated it, you just wanted a bit more. You're basically the little mermaid, except you don't get to be a mermaid. You just get a bunker you can never leave and a desperate yearning to explore the outside world.
Your outlet is the internet. From a young age you loved using it to play video games and make friends. As a teen you began to make videos and fostered a community online. Will you finally take your place in the world or remain hidden underground?
Reach level 10 of the Media Production and Video Gaming Skills
Complete the Social Media Career.
You're never allowed to leave the underground bunker until you're a teen.
You aren't allowed to go to school. Instead you play video games and use your computer for outside interaction.
As a teen you start developing your online presence by posting on social media and making videos on the video station.
You are only allowed to move out of the household once your parent dies and you have enough money in reserves to buy a furnished home.
Gen 9: Natural Born Performer
Traits: Gloomy, Unflirty, Adventurous
Career: Entertainment (Comedy Branch)
Due to your parent's fame, it was always expected you would follow in their footsteps. While a bit more gloomy than most, you are happiest when you make others laugh. So you join the Entertainer Career where you flourish as a comedian. You're also a bit unlucky in love. Will the family name's fame and your own notoriety keep you from finding true love or are you destined to a lifetime of gold diggers and one night stands?
Complete the Entertainer Career (Comedy Branch).
Reach level 10 of the Comedy and Rock Climbing skills.
Complete Serial Romantic Aspiration
Have four children.
Die suddenly and *mysteriously* in your adulthood.
Gen 10: A Grand Finale
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Ambitious, Perfectionist
Career: Actor
After losing your parents at a very young age, you and your siblings were sent to live with some distant relatives you didn't even know about. While you and your siblings are all very different and you bicker plenty, you always stick together.
After learning you are a descendant of some of the most famous and infamous sims in history, you are determined to meet and surpass their achievements. Will you come out on top or have you flown too close to the sun?
Complete the Actor Career
Achieve level 10 of 10 skills of your choosing.
Become a Global Superstar.
Get a star on Starlight Boulevard.
Throughout your lifetime you must go on vacation to every house you lived in throughout all previous 9 generations. Oh, and your three other siblings need to come along too. Think of it as Narnia meets It. Also make sure to steal something from each of the houses as a souvenir and display it proudly in your own home.
After you've completed all the things above, get turned into a vampire and choose to end your mortal legacy here... or start a whole new type all together.
Thank you so much for indulging me in this insanity. While I haven't played through any of these generations myself as of yet, I look forward to see the chaos and cuteness possible in The Sims.
Happy simming!
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segafan37 · 3 years
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Shadamy Snippet: Emergency Meeting Pt. 1
Author's Note:
This Shadamy snippet used to be a Teaser Snippet for Chapter 6. I wasn't planning for it to be part of the story at all. It was just a old deleted scene that I wanted to share to give you, the audience, a broad idea about the upcoming chapter. However, after my sister read the teaser, she insisted that it be apart of the story. So, after some tweaks, the former Teaser Snippet is now apart of Chapter 6!
I hope you enjoy it! 😁 Art by @drawloverlala
Inside Dodon Pa's Mansion
[Normal p.o.v.]
After Metal and Rouge parted ways to look for Devious, Rouge started wandering through the different crowded rooms and corridors of the mansion. There were four levels to the mansion and Rouge was currently on the main floor. Metal ventured to levels 3 and 4, leaving Rouge to explore the others.
King Donda Pa was never one who lacked in abundance and his mansions were likewise. Each one was styled to attribute the environment that surrounded them, and the one Rouge was in was no different.
The mansion was large and fanciful, displaying the breath of winter. The hallways were long and wide and painted a calm blue. Tall windows filled the rooms and corridors showcasing the fierce blizzards outside. 
The halls were decorated with broad tapestries of cream and royal blue, and the floor was polished marble. The rooms were equally vast with crystal chandilers, honed marble floors and many assortment of decor to accent the rooms.
Rouge scanned the multitude of faces as she made her way throughout the main floor. Everywhere Rouge went she was surrounded by Mobians, both good and bad. Everyone seemed cordial enough, but the bat knew better. She could just feel the tension in the air. 
Rogue would have been lying to herself if she said this whole affair wasn't the least bit unsettling. It was just a matter of time before something or someone causes the inevitable. 
 It took a whole hour, but she had finally explored all of the main floor. Rouge still hadn't found her man though. It was time for her to switch tactics.
Just then her communicator picked up a male voice.
"We can't celebrate yet. We still need Rouge to do her part." 
It was the voice of Slinger the Ocelot.
"Don't you worry your pretty head about me, Ocelot." Rouge cooed, "I'm already in the mansion, and I've got to say, this mysterious dealer knows how to put on a party! I'm surprised that Dodon Pa even allowed this event! But seeing that he never takes sides...I guess it's not too surprising."
"Hey Rouge!" a female voice squealed through her eyepiece. 
Rouge immediately smiled. It was Salkia, her sweet little student. Well, she wasn't little anymore, but Rouge couldn't get the cute little 10 year old out of her head, who wanted to learn how to kick but. 
"If any of the food looks good, save me some! Okay!?" Salkia asked.
"Will do, honey!"
Slinger gave out a groan.
"Just stay focused, alright!"
Rouge rolled her eyes. She could tell he was in one of his moods again.
"Relax, Slinger. No need to get snippy!" she said.
"Yeah! We all know you're jealous!" Salkia added. 
"Mm hmm!" Rouge smiled.
Slinger released another groan, which made Salkia giggle. She knew she shouldn't be teasing Slinger when he's like this, but he's been acting like a big grump the whole day. And she was tired of it! 
Salkia and Rouge continued to pester Slinger with their giggles, until he finally spoke.
"That's not the reason why!" Slinger argued.
This made Rouge and Salkia both fall silent. They knew what he was talking about. [Author: Chapter 4 reference] No one spoke for sometime.
Rouge sighed and decided to change the subject and break the awkward silence.
"By the way, what do you mean by 'Rouge needs to do her part'? You two are the ones assigned to get the package! I'm just here in case there's a slip-up."
"And to secure our escape route!" Slinger emphasized.
"Which I already have covered!" Rouge insisted, "Now you stay focused on your job, while I stay on mine."
Slinger sighed. "Fine. We'll contact you when the package is secured."
Rouge's communicator went silent and she continued to make her way through the crowd, as different fragments of conversations caught her ears. 
"I wonder what makes this relic so powerful?" asked a female.
"Whatever it is I bet it's worth a fortune!" another spoke.
"Everyone's assuming that this relic has power, but for all we know, it could be a hunk of junk!"
"Well, if that were true, then Dodon Pa wouldn't have allowed this event to take place in his mansion in the first place."
Well, would you look at that!, Rouge laughed to herself. It seems everyone's here to get their hands on the relic. Huh! Too bad none of them will have a chance to see it!  
"What I really want to know" a male's voice began, grabbing her attention, "is who this mysterious dealer is? He clearly doesn't care who gets the relic as long as he's getting paid. And I for one, don't trust those kinds of people. If I'm going to get that relic, I need to first know who I'm dealing with." 
"Smart guy." Rouge whispered, as she approached the stairs to the second floor. 
"Okay Rouge, enough eavesdropping. You got a Mobian to find." 
Once atop the second floor, she looked about and immediately identified this level as the party floor. The music was louder here and gambling tables, slot vendors, pool tables and the like were scattered throughout the joining rooms. Rouge felt like she had walked into a casino.
Rouge peered over the corridor's open railing, and took one last look at the faces below, trying to find the one Mobian who would know how to pinpoint Devious. But she had no such luck. Rouge sighed. She knew it was a long shot. This guy was wanted after all, but Rouge couldn't ignore her strong hunch that he'd be here. 
Rouge gritted her teeth in frustration.
Where is he!?
Time was of the essence. She and Metal only had a limited amount of time to locate Devious, before Salkia and Slinger collected the relic. If her sources were correct, the best and only person who could find Devious quickly would be his favorite broker.
Rouge looked over the crowd again, but she still couldn't spot her man.
That cat could be hiding anywhere! I better check in with Metal to see how he's doing.
"Metal, honey? This is Rouge. Do you copy?"
There was no answer. 
"Metal, come in! This is Rouge. Did you find anything?"
Still silence. Rouge was about to try again, when a deep sinister voice startled her from behind. 
"Looking for someone in particular, my dear?"
Rouge spun around to come face to face with the infamous psychic magician Mammoth Mongul. 
His large tan trunk was almost touching her nose. Rouge could smell thick expensive cologne and winsted.
It was never easy to frazzle this bat; she has faced many dangers before, all without hesitation. Some, even close to death, but Rouge also knows when she's met her match. 
The hairy elephant towered over the bat, making her appear small and insignificant. Mongul's dark green orbs pierced through Rouge's teal eyes, paralyzed her. She remained in his gaze for ten full seconds.
A small smile slowly crept on the mammoth's face. Was Rouge terrified? Yes. Did she want to scream and fly away to safety? Yes. Was she going to show it? Not on her life!
The Bat released herself from Mongul's spell; eyes sparkling with defiance, as she matched the beast's smile with her own.
"I'm surprised at you, Mongul!" Rouge scolded, "You of all people should know not to be here! It could be dangerous for you." 
Mongul smiled at the bat's attempted threat, and decided to give one of his own.
"My dear, Rouge. I appreciate your concern but I can assure you that I am not the one who is in the least bit of danger."
"Is that so?" Rouge questioned, trying to sound unaffected by his words, "Well, even still! I would think you would send one of your mindless followers to get the relic for you to save you the trouble."
"Don't be so quick to judge, bat. I have sent one of my men to take care of the relic. I'm here for a different reason, and being here is no trouble at all."
Rouge raised a painted brow, "Oh?" 
"Yes. Just like you, I'm looking for someone, a colleague of mine." Mongul leaned down to bring his face closer to Rouge's ear. "And perhaps", he whispered "my colleague is the same pink cat dealer you're looking for." 
Rouge took a step back. 
How does he know about Locky!? 
Rouge swallowed, as her heart raced.
"I'm sorry, who?"
"No need to hide it, Rouge! Someone of your acquaintance told me all about it."
Rouge gasped.
Oh no, Metal! 
"No need to worry about your robot friend, my dear; he's perfectly safe. But I know he'll appreciate your concern." 
As he said this, Mongul's eyes met Rouge's and his distinct facial features began to pixelate before her. It was just for a brief moment, but Rouge could clearly see the face of her comrade. 
"Metal, …" Rouge whispered, "I'm gonna knock your bolts right out of you! And turn you into scrap!"
Metal Sonic quickly returned to his cloned form and moved out the way, before a slap could be delivered to his face. Some guests saw the scene and were shocked at Rouge's bravery.
"Why so anger?..." Metal Sonic questioned. His voice was just above a whisper. "Did I scare you?"
"Shut. Up." Rouge growled.
"Okay, okay! I just came down to tell you some news." Metal rose to his full cloned height and peered down at Rouge.
"Then start talking!"
"Not here." Metal instructed, still holding Mongul's deep voice. "Follow me."
Metal brought Rouge to a quiet room somewhere on the second floor. It wasn't like the ballroom, like the other rooms Rouge been in. This was a study. It was large in comparison to most studies, but it was still a study, none the less. 
Once both were safely inside with the door locked, Rouge turned to Metal.
"Now, talk!"
"Why are you still angry?" Metal still was using Mongul's voice. 
"Metal, stop with the cloning for one second and talk to me!"
Metal sighed, and returned back to his normal self. Rouge let out a small breath she didn't realize she was holding. Rouge folded her arms, waiting to hear her comrade's message.
"I was surprised at how many Mobians came to Dodon Pa's Mansion." Metal said simply." 
"That's what you wanted to tell me!?" Rouge screamed.
"Rouge, if you do not wish for us to be discovered in a restricted area, I suggest you lower the volume of your voice." 
"I'll start lowering my voice, when you stop messing around! Now, tell me why you brought me here!?"
There was a silence in the air, as each stared at the other.
"I found him." Metal calmly spoke.
"I found him." Metal repeated, "I found Locky."
Exsert from Shadamy fanfic "12 Years Later: A New Dawn". You can read the rest of this chapter and more on Wattpad, DeviantArt, Quotev, or Webnovel.
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