#also porgs are cute
nobutseriouslywhat · 1 year
Boyfriend's cat has adopted me as one of her humans I'm going to cry
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hannibalzero · 7 months
I like to think Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka live together in the temple. They all have their own rooms but kitchen, living room and sun room are all shared. Anakin makes breakfast, on Tattooine food is shown as pure love. Making breakfast is seen as the greatest love.
Obi-wan makes lunches, he packs the most healthy bento box styled lunches. Perhaps he hides a bit of sweets and treats into their lunches along with notes of encouragement. Anakin’s bento box is the largest, it has a design of gears and a wrap in blue along with a large thermos of tea. Anakin just burns calories so he eats the most. Obi-wan’s is very balanced, he has a box with lunar bunnies on it with a deep blue background the wrap is yellow and also a thermos of tea. Ashoka’s people are meat based, she doesn’t handle grain or vegetables well. So egg bread buns filled with delectable meats, skewers and bacon…aka dessert. Ahsoka’s bento is shaped like a porg winking and holding a fork. Her wrap is red. She gets tea as well.
Ahsoka makes the midday snack, preparing steamed buns and tea for her and her masters.
Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-wan cook dinner together and talk about their day.
Idk I think it’s cute
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happy-beeeps · 6 months
Day 9/10: Sweater and Boots
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Summary: you and Din bundle up for a walk through an idyllic winter town.
WC: 1.1k
Warnings: none!
“Ok, are we feeling warm bud?”
You get a noncommittal babble of a response from Grogu, typical, as he wiggles in front of you. He’s bundled up as best you can get him, and Din is nervously puttering around behind you.
“You sure he’s fine?”
“Din, he’s fine. It was colder on the last system we took him to.”
He gives a grunt in an answer, before moving towards the rucksack of clothes he hangs in one of the door jams of the ship—you’ve been lovingly referring to it as his closet.
He comes out carrying a thick, black bundle of fabric that looks all too familiar.
“But are you going to be fine?” He hands the fabric to you and you hold it open. It’s his sweater, one of the ones he wears beneath his armor on colder systems. It’s big and heavy and so deliciously warm, and you put it on over the wool underlayer you were hoping to compensate with a heavy scarf.
In fact, he is quick to pull your scarf back on, wrapping it up and over your neck and around your head.
“Lose 30% of your body heat with your exposed.”
“Bet you’re always toasty in there then,” you tap his chest and he chuckles, adjusting your scarf again.
“I don’t just wear it for looks.”
You pick up Grogu and hold him to your chest while you wrap a loose bundle of fabric around your torso. Not only do you not have to worry about losing the little guy on your walk, but now you get to share a little extra body heat.
Din is already at your feet, holding your thick, woolen boots in front of you, lightly tapping an ankle for you to lift your foot in. It’s a little ritual you’ve picked up as so many systems have entered a winter-esque season on your travels, while you distract Grogu, Din gently guides your foot in your boot.
He pauses before he puts the second one on, and you can feel his gaze heavy on you. You wiggle your toes, already knowing the words coming out of his mouth.
“Are those… lothcats.”
“And what about it?”
He laughs, quietly, then, “What happened to the porgs?”
The rest of your foot is guided into the boot, and your spread your toes wide on the squishy fabric. “I lost my left sock, so if you see any porg stuff, you let me know.”
This system is cute. It’s quaint, which made it ideal for a supply run, and just populated enough to attract the safety in crowds. It’s also not ridiculously cold, and beneath Din’s sweater and your scarf, you’re comfortably warm as you walk through the town.
The buildings are all cream and dark wood, and people bustle in and out of them carrying food, bolts of fabric, and wrapped gifts. Outside, patrons chat with one another in a few languages, some you can recognize and others that sound foreign to you. It’s a delightful sound, lilting and bright with hard consonants and long, drawn out language.
Honestly, you’re just surprised it’s so dark. According to your chrono, it should only be a little after midday, yet the sun has completely set in the sky. You know that some of these systems of solar cycles so baffling that in the summer it’s bright all day long, but you’re just surprised to see it in person.
Grogu is loving the town, snuggled warm against your sweater he reaches his arms out at everyone and everything. Din walks strong next to you, one arm tucked comfortably on the small of your back. It’s nice when he’s like this, easy and relaxed, such a rare treat these days.
You go to step into a small shop when Grogu spots a sweet stand nearby, his babbles turning into cries as his small hands stretch forward. Din looks at you, the door held open, and you swat him away, gently.
“I’ll take him for a treat, he’s been good today.”
There’s a sigh, but you know he’s smiling. “He’s gonna be up all night.”
You place your hand on your cheek in mock suffering, “I guess I’ll have to share with him. How will I survive!”
Din shakes his head and moves to step into the shop, careful to touch your waist and feel for the hidden blaster tucked under your layers. When he feels adequately confident in your safety, he disappears inside.
“Cmon, let’s see what kind of trouble we can get in before your dad comes back.”
The cart in the square has warm drinks that smell of rich spices and an ooey, gooey cheese melted across a warm piece of bread. This feels like the perfect compromise between the sweets your menace of a child had been trying to get into earlier, and you’re happy to share the rich meal with him while you sip your drink in the square.
It really is a beautiful town, it reminds you of the small villages you’d seen images of on Alderaan. There’s lampposts with candles along each street corner and tall green trees with rugged bark dotted here and there. Along the cobbled streets and between the snow, red flowers dot through the earth. You could sit here forever, and you intend to ask Din the name of the system again—and how you can come back.
He’s back before you know it, a large bundle in his arms.
“Shopping spree?”
“With the way this one eats?” He looses a hand on the bundle to rub the kid’s tummy, who babbles in response to the touch. “Let’s go home.”
There’s a flurry of snow falling on the walk back, just enough to land on your lashes and crunch beneath your boots. Din is walking quickly, and notably carrying the bundle as far away from you as possible. Dads you say, there’s almost a pep in his step?
When you do get back to the ship, you quickly tuck Grogu into his pram while Din sets the supplies aside. You’ll most likely just sleep here tonight, seeing as the planet is safe enough to not have take off immediately.
When you’ve both finished your tasks, Din motions you towards the small bed you share on the Crest, something tucked ominously behind his back.
“It’s for my peace of mind, so you can’t tell me it’s too much.”
You quirk an eyebrow confused, until he places a pile of fabric in your hands. You pull the soft knit outward it’s stretches just as big as his, black and white with a little snowflake pattern embroidered in. And… wait… is that…
“Are there porgs on this!?” You squeal, and from his laugh you know you’re right. He’s already taking his helmet off and setting it beside him, and now you can see the twinkle in his eyes before you kiss him, soft and sweet. “Thank you.”
He kisses you again, then pulls you in close to his chest.
“Don’t thank me yet. Wait until we get to the porg sanctuary tomorrow.”
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I want an "Old Luke lands in TCW" fic where he brings along a porg.
Everyone is like 'that is so cute but also what the fuck is it' He keeps making plans to visit Ahch-To to get more because they're social animals and his accidental pet needs friends.
A Particularly Weird thing I tend to pick up on in fic that doesn't matter too much but does pick at me: Porgs being mentioned in prequels fic. They are very cute, yes! But they are native to Ahch-To and were not exported from the planet until 34 years post-ANH. The prequels cast don't know what porgs are.
This is not a detail that matters to basically anyone, but I notice every time.
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drc00l4tt4 · 11 hours
How would your borgs react to a reader that's really protective of them? Like full on "I will beat the shit out of someone for you" protective
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I love this question. I love this question so much. More people should send in asks like this. Im screaming.
Also I might've derailed a bit between protective and caring but I think they go hand-in-hand so <//3
(Links to the borgs' carrds are connected to their names. Villainborg's is the only one that's finished but you can find image references and basic information for pretty much everyone. Hopefully the carrd will be completed soon now that I've found the time to work on it.)
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❥ He doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing how protective you get makes him feel all kinds of mushy. He's not used to someone caring about him this much, let alone protecting him to such an extent. He doesn't really know how to act when it happens. He does make sure you're alright afterwards (and if you end up getting physical, he'll make sure you're taken care of.)
❥ "Oh, dear — I could've handled that myself, you didn't have to.. Well, when we get home, you'll rest, alright? Yes — I know you aren't bruised or anything, but still."
Super-School Borg ( Villain School Principal )
❥ Oh he fucking needs the protection. Working in a villain school where shit can go south in the blink of an eye means he can easily find himself in dangerous situations. He doesn't want you to get hurt in place of him, of course, so he tries to tell you that he has people who's sole reason for being hired is to keep him from getting harmed, but you don't listen.
❥ "You know I have people who are meant to take care of situations like that. That's one of the things Splotch is for. ... I know he isn't constantly around me, but I'm not a helpless child that you need to take care of, I can handle myself. I don't need you getting hurt."
Super-School Porg ( Hero School Principal )
❥ Like original Melvinpporg, SSPorg doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing you do so makes him love you more and more. He's more experienced when it comes to dealing with threats than original Porg is, however, due to working in a hero school that's rivals with SSBorg's villain school, so he could more easily convince you that he doesn't need your protection. He's understanding on why you're so protective, though.
❥ "Sweetheart, I can take care of myself just fine. I know why you worry, and believe me, I appreciate it more than you could fathom, but I don't want you getting hurt. I'll try to stay safe for you, alright?"
❥ He doesn't understand why you think he needs protecting. At all. He grew up on a farm, he took care of livestock and fields, he knows how to use a gun. He thinks it's cute that you're protective and you think you can actually do anything.. until you eventually end up getting hurt because of it after an altercation with some other cowboy.
❥ "Th'fuck were you thinkin'? I don't care what they said about me, I can hold my own just fine, y'don't need t'get involved in fights for me! You were bein' wreckless! I — No, darlin', I ain't mad, just — don't fuckin' do that again."
❥ He thinks it's hot when you get all protective of him. He gets hurt often, comes with the territory, so your protectiveness shows frequently. You've bandages up cuts, bloody knuckles, bullet wounds — anything and everything, really. He'd listen to you rant about how you'll beat the shit out of whoever hurt him (as if you could even figure out who it was — it's not like he knew which specific cop managed to land a hit on him.)
❥ "Baby, you'd have to fight the entire Piqua police force if you wanted to put hands on the guy who managed to hit me. You'd get arrested. ... Yes, of course I'd get you out of jail, but that's not the point. You're a persistent little thing, aren't you?"
❥ Well you can't really protect him now, he's dead, but you do angrily say you would've protected him when he was alive, and he thinks it's cute, amusing. You couldn't have really stopped his death from happening, but you could've made him a lot happier than he was.
❥ "Would've been nice if you were there, but we can't really do anything about it now. You and that loose screw* are the only two who can really see me now, so it's not like you'll have to defend me anytime soon." (*the loose screw he's referring to is Krupp/Captain)
Vil ( Fallen Angel Borg )
❥ He's bewildered. He's a demon, why on God's green earth do you want to protect him? He doesn't need it, he can hold his own. He's more worried than anything. He's so fucking relieved that you can't follow him back to hell because he'd hate to see what you try to do to the demons that make fun of him. You'd probably die.
❥ "I don't understand you. At all. ... Yes, other demons are absolute assholes, but that doesn't mean you can just waltz into hell and demand that they respect me. They don't respect anyone! ... No, you cannot follow me through the summoning portal, that's not how that works."
Endenemey's ( FNAF Movie / William Afton Borg )
❥ This man is a hypocrite considering he's murdered people but he doesn't want you getting into trouble. He's a gentleman to you (and literally no one else,) he should protect you, not the other way around.
❥ "Darling, please, I can take care of myself just fine. I know you're protective, and I absolutely adore you for being such a wonderful little protector, but I don't want you getting into trouble."
Voidborg ( The Inevitable Theory )
❥ He doesn't really leave your house (aside from glitching in and out of the void) so you can't really protect him from anything; so it's a similar situation as the one with Ghost. You just rant about how you would've protected him in certain situations he's been in in the past.
❥ "If I ever start to stabilize and stop glitching like this, you can come with me wherever I go and be my personal bodyguard so you can get all that rage out. Sound good? Great."
❥ Despite having knights and bodyguards and an entire army, he absolutely loves how protective you are. He's a tyrant, and having a little yes-man who'll defend anything he says makes him feel giddy. He's watched you punch someone who started talking badly about him and he absolutely loved you for it.
❥ "I love you so very much. Hm? No, I am not saying that just because you punched someone to defend my honor. Though that was quite entertaining to watch and you should do it again should anyone else question me."
Survivor ( Infection AU )
❥ You're going to give this man a fucking heart attack. It's bad enough that there's an outbreak of who-knows-what going on, and now you're putting yourself in harm's way to make sure he has food and water. He hates it. He wants you safe, with him, in the panic room.
❥ "I appreciate you - so very much for all this, but please, stop leaving. I can't handle you going out anymore, okay? We have enough food for now, it's fine, please don't leave me."
Dr Sneedly & Mr Cog-Gear ( Jekyll & Hyde AU )
❥ Cog absolutely adores how protective you are and encourages it — Sneedly hates it and wants you to stay safe and not get into fist-fights for his honor. They're both flattered but react very differently.
❥ "Darling, please, do not get into fights for me. I know that Cog is spewing nonsense but he doesn't understand how dangerous this is! You could get hurt! You should stay safe, don't worry about me, about us."
❥ "You're just a little firecracker, aren't you? It's a good thing, darling, a very good thing. You look so breathtaking when you defend me, you should do it more often. ... Oh don't listen to Sneedly, he's such a bore."
Mobster / The Borg ( Mafia AU )
❥ As attractive as he thinks you look when you get protective, he doesn't want you getting shot, or worse. Really anything could happen if you say or do the wrong thing around the wrong group of people when you're in mafia territory. He's worried enough being in public with you, he doesn't want anyone to have a reason to do anything to you.
❥ "Listen, I know you want to protect me, but you can't. You know full well how dangerous my job is, doll, I can't just let you yell at strangers. Anyone could be a threat around here. You understand, right? If we're around the gang and someone says something stupid, you can put them in their place. In public, it's not worth it. Alright? Good."
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kersplosion99 · 1 year
No more roast porg OR no more backrubs?
Definitely no more roast porg! They are too cute I can't!
Also I really NEED backrubs. I get achy a lot. Kix said something I don't really remember about it. I might know explosives and explosions, but medic stuff I stay away from. I just try and do what they say.
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ilum-you-so-much · 2 years
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Aaaaand another @codywankissbingo prompt fill, "forehead press" and also another fill sweet enough to give me cavities. Which need more fills.
Set in yet another AU where Obi-Wan is knocked out cold fighting Palpatine and Cody grabs his lightsaber to buy time for the Jedi to finish the old creep. It does the trick but also Cody gets badly injured, because it wouldn't be Palpatine if he didn't make things worse no matter what. He gets prosthetic arms and a long vacation on Alderaan because mountain air is good for you.
The loth-cat and porg are just two of the hundred or so cute but wildly inaccurate stuffed toys everyone bought him.
Bingo card under the cut!
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chromium-siren · 9 months
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I was watching an episode of Face Off where they made alien beauty pageant queens and this came to mind. You decide who will win, though I think Jannah might be the winner. (I’m going to say that the other contestants are Bazine Netal, Omera, Padme, Leia, Sabine, and Ahsoka. Sabine didn’t want to do it.)
Welcome to the Miss Galaxy Pageant! All of these ladies are being mentored by last year’s winner, Maz Kanata, who represented Takodana. And here are some of the contestants now!
Meet Miss Hays Minor. She is a skilled mechanic who plans on opening her own workshop and helping people throughout the galaxy. Her hobbies include tinkering, collecting scrunchies, and riding fathiers. She even has a mini porg sanctuary inhabited by her feathered friends from Ahch-To, many of whom she has named. She’s also looking for a potential Miss Right, but for now she’s focusing on her current career as a member of the Resistance. Say hello to Miss Hays Minor!
Meet Miss Kef Bir. New to the pageant scene, she wanted to participate in order to try something new. In her spare time, she likes to swim, work with the Resistance, and is a skilled archer. Her dream is to provide aid to anyone who defected from the First Order as well as to enjoy her independence. She would also like to try her hand at fostering tooka kittens. Say hello to Miss Kef Bir!
Meet Miss Parnassos. She grew up on a planet ravaged by the ConStar Mining Company, which has shown her resilience and how to adapt. She is in charge of a battalion of stormtroopers and is quite the taskmistress. Her greatest desire is to become Supreme Empress of the Galaxy and to keep leading her army of stormtroopers. Her hobbies include drilling her troops, metal craft, singing, and seducing generals. Say hello to Miss Parnassos!
Meet Miss Nunya Jakku. Miss Jakku is, in her own words, an absolute newcomer to pageants. She is skilled in the Force, and her greatest dream is to be an eventual Jedi. In her spare time, she enjoys scavenging for things to upcycle, enjoying all sorts of snacks, and going on dates with that cute former stormtrooper who is also a Jedi like her. Say hello to Miss Jakku!
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homemade-clones · 8 months
🎫 🎫 for charm and cake please? :)
Hii Blue! Here are some tidbits about them 🌟 CHARM 1. He really enjoys holding hands, be it platonically or not! It makes him feel connected to the other person in a way he can't quite explain, and when he gets that soft hand squeeze? It grounds him so much. Would hold hands for a whole day if possible/allowed to. 2. Charm would love to have a porg as a pet. He finds them absolutely adorable, and can be found wasting away his free time watching cute videos featuring them round birds. The only thing really stopping him from smuggling one in the barracks is that the massiffs would think of the new team member as a treat instead of a sibling 😔 CAKE 1. Back in his smol cadet days, Cake used to be the kid that bit others when upset. And he also had the shortest fuse of his batchmates. While both parts of his behavior improved greatly now that he's an adult, if the situation pushes for it, an enemy will be (unpleasantly) surprised to learn that the squad's massiffs are not the only ones who will resort to chomping during a fight :'D 2. Playing with his hair is a sacred privilege granted to few people other than his twins. It's a vulnerable moment for him because he relaxes to the point of falling asleep, and he doesn't enjoy feeling defenseless around people he doesn't trust 100%. But if the person unlocked the perk, he will low-key badger them to play with his hair as often as possible. He craves relaxing and letting down his walls for his loved ones, as often as humanely possible.
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fantasticalleigh · 2 years
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been drawrin lots of TLJ stuff lately. also I can’t draw porgs they are cute and round but I cannot draw them why is this why do I fail every time
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Getting Shipshape with Starfleet Ship Shapes: Part 3
By Ames
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A Star to Steer Her By is continuing to test-fly all the starships we see in Star Trek, as we did in Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog miniseries. We’re getting to some big redesigns this week as we see more new interpretations of the USS Enterprise, some of them successful and some of them, well, you’ll see.
Scroll on to see all the screengrabs and schematics of Starfleet ships from the Kelvin movies and from Discovery, and listen to this week’s podcast coverage (discussion starts at 50:43), as we have quite a lot to say about J.J. Abrams that you’ve probably all heard before but with our patented snark, anguish, and occasional crackups. Let’s fly.
[images © CBS/Paramount, Ex Astris Scientia, Eaglemoss Ltd., Star Trek Shipyards, Star Trek Timelines, probably others]
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USS Kelvin
After we finish trying to figure out which piece of the Kelvin is a nacelle and which isn’t, we find it’s not a bad design. Having what we’re assuming is your engineering section above your saucer strikes us as leaving it terribly vulnerable, but that’s not taking 3D space into account, as no one ever does. We can see in its circular saucer and cylindrical nacelle shape that it still fits in the prime universe pretty well since it would have been christened before the timeline split. Which is probably good for it because, as you’ll see, we’re not big fans of the more Abramsy designs in these movies.
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USS Enterprise (Kelvinverse)
When the reboot movies penciled out their version of the Enterprise, they entirely redesigned what a Star Trek ship is. Jake, for one, specifically hates this ship. It’s like they decided to change things AT RANDOM. Look at the shape of those nacelles: they’re like bulbous alien eye stalks. The engineering hull now has titillating double D-cup cleavage bouncing under the saucer. Like its bridge chair we discussed earlier, the ship looks like a plastic toy designed by Apple. Maybe it’s also meant to be earbuds or something.
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Furthermore! How big is it even? Ex Astris Scientia has a bunch of info and charts and diagrams with straws to display these points. Long story short, the official size of the ship is over double the original Enterprise because they had the designers hit the old magnify button on it when it seemed too small. What a train wreck. Nerds everywhere are still in heated debate over the size of this thing when there’s really only one conclusion: someone done effed up.
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A future design we get out of the 2009 movie is this adorable Jellyfish. It’s a cute little ship that looks like its namesake. Maybe too much like its namesake? We doubt there are jellyfish on Vulcan, after all. Now the biggest question is: would a Vulcan have really designed this thing? It strikes us as more organic-looking than other ships we see, especially from our pointy-eared allies. Like the porgs of Star Wars, these things just seem like they were designed to be toys.
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USS Enterprise-A (Kelvinverse)
We don’t see much of this slight update of the Enterprise, but there are a couple small differences. The caps on the ends of the nacelles are way better at not looking like eyeballs. However, the nacelle pylons are just strange. It’s just way too swoopy and curved and overdesigned. And like its predecessor, it looks like it’s made of plastic. The newest movie Enterprise might just be too extra for us.
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USS Vengeance (Dreadnought class)
What a boxy behemoth. Most of the Kelvin designs are very rounded, so it’s at least different to see some more angles and lines on this one than the others. Mostly, it looks like a LEGO ship, made all with dark-colored blocks to boringly depict how evil it is. Chris calls this one “an amazing failure of aesthetics,” and frankly, we’re pretty unimpressed by its saucer cutouts, pointy shape, and blocky feel.
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USS Franklin (Freedom class)
This one’s way better, especially if you can get past Caitlin’s comment that it looks like it’s at its gynecological appointment. The Franklin also falls somewhere in the original timeline, and like the Kelvin, that seems to have helped it adopt some of the established shapes that no one needed to go overboard redesigning. It’s a nice touch that it definitely looks like it could be close in time to the NX-01 family. You also get the best look in these shots that Kelvinverse ships have windows instead of viewscreens, which is sorta strange.
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USS Shenzhou (Walker class)
Make way as we leave the cinema, curl up on the couch, and fire up Paramount+ for some Discovery ship ogling, starting with the first one… the Shenzhou. We cannot be more proud of the idea that the bridge is underslung instead of right on top of the saucer. We do not see that enough since it feels like such a less vulnerable position. The froggy shape is kinda halfway between the NX and the Miranda classes, so points for that. And we also mostly like the nice paint job, like racing stripes on an Indy car!
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USS Discovery (Crossfield class)
Go to Black Alert with us on the eponymous Discovery! This interestingly tan ship is also fairly flat except for its saucer section which lifts upwards like a whale coming up for a breath. The triangular design of the secondary hull also has us intrigued because it aids in keeping that long flat shape. Its signature move is that rotation of the saucer section, which provides for more dynamism in a ship than we’ve certainly seen before. Though we do wonder a little why exactly does it need to do that? Does it become like a gravitron in there? Whee!
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USS Discovery-A (Crossfield refit)
Seasons three and four introduce all the weirdest future ships that are too weird even for this blogpost. What we will take a closer look at is how they upgrade the Discovery with future tech, specifically the floaty bits. They LOVE floaty bits in the future and it strikes us as just showing off how science fiction you are. Is there a reason other than making it clear that it’s the fuuuuture? Not really...
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Pike’s USS Enterprise (Constitution class)
Kelvinverse ships take note: This is how you reimagine and update a classic ship design. There was a lot of love put into the updated Enterprise for Discovery and Strange New Worlds, and it shows. Everything’s a little sturdier, but it’s still clearly the Enterprise. The modifications take elements of the refit from TMP like the swooped-back nacelle pylons and a less precarious neck, and added some minor details like the fins on the nacelles and the sleek little cutout in the pylons that are nifty but don’t detract from the original design. What we’re left with is a nostalgia-inducing design that’s been polished to a bright and shining glow! Hit it!
We’ve got one more installment of Federation starships to look at next week, so keep watching this space for the thrilling conclusion of the rest of the Nu Trek designs. You can also keep up with our voyage through Voyager on SoundCloud, hail us on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t fix what ain’t broken, JJ!
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alligatorjesie · 1 year
Stop using us as a shield for your racism. A fandom that is nearly 70% white is already massive in comparison to other marginalized groups. You’re that racist to not bother to distinguish us as separate groups. How many of us are Native American? Black? Asian? Latinx? That 30% you’re latching onto dwindles real fast when you actually look into these groups and stop grouping us together as though the two races in this world are “white” and “browns”. Needless to say, you can find those same numbers in almost every fandom. Why do you think we keep telling you how much racism there is here- sincerely a Vietnamese-Haitian reylo tired of you people using us as props
Well boys and girls it looks like we got another one of those poopybutthole anons who says they’re a reylo but then says shit like this.
This one is going to be another one of those long rants with a lot of charts and shit. Understandably some ya’ll ain’t gonna want to read all that hot mess so I’ma post the cute reylo shit first then spend the rest of the post yelling at Anon here.
Which here you go Ben and Rey and porgs with a bunch of babies.
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Lookit the little one on his tail!
Alright now that we got that out of the way.
For context about what Anon is complaining about here I just made another
long post about the very real racism in the star wars fandom and spoiler alert it’s not the reylos
and in the post I made these nice little charts to help illustrate the absolutely mind boggling statistic of white vs. ‘other’ races in the reylo fandom, which is an impressive 68%.
Hey Anon, you do understand when I or anyone else says 'Other' we're not grouping all the races as 'white vs browns', you understand that right? No where in that post do I imply that 'other' is only brown people.
Where the fuck did you even get that?
Now understandable on paper this number feels high but when compared to other online fandoms is actually an impressive statistic most fandoms that have roots in America don’t share.
Obviously things that originate in places tend to have a larger place of origin population in those statistics. Like K-pop for example. A large number of any band fandom surveyed is probably going to be largely Korean, that's completely normal.
Star Wars originated in America, so it's larger population of fans is going to be Americans who are statistically white. Thankfully that statistic is changing but at the moment in the year of our lord 2023 it is still largely 'white'.
But I'm no incorrect, the reylo fandom, which is a subset of Star Wars fandom, which originated in America, is in fact largely American.
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Also we're talking online statistics here. Those don't reflect real life statistics at all. You had to be an active member of the fandom AND on tumblr during the time period this survey was taken. That's a lot of 'what ifs' there.
So we can assume these number's are probably incorrect. The number of 'others' is probably higher in reality.
I made a short post about it here using This 4 year old survey of the reylo fandom by @starwarsnonsense
See Anon, I did compare the reylo fandom to another fandom, the Furry Fandom, which I am also an active member in If you bothered to pull you head out of your ass for five minutes and actually read and comprehend what I posted you'd understand how that 68% is not fucking normal to most online fandoms.
I compared it to a survey done to the furry fandom around the same time, which showed that group being 83% white.
Anon here is upsetty because when I made my chart I didn’t take the time to mark out the other races in ‘other’ but yeah if you wanna be a cunt about, fine, here, lemme literally post an image from the SURVEY I LINKED TO THAT ALREADY HAS ALL THIS INFORMATION.
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That aside, the main reason I didn’t bother to mark out all the other races in ‘other’ was because I’m pretty bad at math and getting the numbers for ‘white/other’ was already a headache. I had already spent like an hour making the chart and I still had your father to bang Anon.
Nothing to do with racism. Everything to do with ADHD and your dad wanting this dick.
But you know what I’m petty so I went ahead and updated the furry fandom’s chart to show you what statistical anomaly that is the reylo fandom compared to a fandom with literally more people in it.
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Bitch that is nearly double the number of 'other' from the furry fandom's statistics. That shit is fucking wild.
I’m sorry but if you read a single line in that long ass post and came to the conclusion I’m the racist then no one can fucking help you. I knew reading comprehension around the world has fallen quite a bit but this is worrying.
I understand that it was long but I’m pretty easy to read, I try not to use big words and I use pictures when I can.
Which is one of the reasons I’m twigged on to you not actually being a reylo Anon. Because if you were a reylo you’d at least agree that black people and reylos are both treated like shit in the Star Wars fandom, which boiled down is really what that post said.
Also you used 'Latinx' with the X and only white people do that shit.
Go on Anon, show me the line where I’m being racist that ain’t the chart I didn’t fill in correctly to you because we already have one of those and I post it regularly:
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Go on meow, git.
Where is it? Is it the part where I posted all those death threats I and other reylos have gotten from Antis? Is it the part where I showed @rootbeergoddess’s 7 year commitment to harassing the reylo fandom, The Fandom You Claim To Be In?
Is it the part where I drew a cactus? Which fucking part was it man?
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I'm watching inhuman
why? *shrug noises*
My Grievances so far:
WHY is your ENTIRE FIRST EPISODE from the POV of the villian?? I know nothing about these characters, nothing about the setting, nothing about their relationships - and you start me with your comically evil Clearly Wanna-be Loki?? Fucking jokes on you he's the only one I know so I am actively rooting for him to win against the "good" guys CAUSE I ONLY KNOW HIS SIDE. I AM NOT ATTACHED TO YOUR PROTAGONISTS AND IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT.
So Black Bolt doesn't speak due to powers (spoiler i guess for the first ep??) and you have him using a signed language. Not Sign Language, a signed language. I'm assuming he's been using it sense the his transgenesis or whatever (another highly confusing scene) and he's a Grown Ass Man - but his family is WAITING FOR MEDUSA TO INTERPRET? THEY DON'T KNOW IT BY NOW?? Are you trying to set up a dysfunctional family? Sadly that's kinda realistic but also??? the fuck?? No one bothered to learn?
The Maximum character assassination is something I won't stand for he had a massive character shift fuck you writers.
What the FUCK is up with Crystal's hair. That is clearly a pokeball symbol and you're gonna get sued.
Also Crystal is annoying. You could have made her not annoying and you didn't.
*Kid goes through magical transformation process* *falls to the ground dramatically after being touched [whump writer in me: noice]* *says "i saw you - snakes attacking you. Pinning you to the wall.* *everyone later: "yeah i dunno can't imagine what his power is."* BITCH. This is a society filled with MAGIC POWER PEOPLE. Take a fucking guess IT'S PROBABLY SEEING THE FUTURE??? At least turn to the guy and be like "huh maybe just watch for snakes?" IT"S NOT THAT HARD???
oh no not the fall of the MOON kingdom that runs on a CASTE system and literally has a genetics counsel??? Noooo save the society it's so good.
What the hell was that room that was supposed to be the rover control center?? Why was it a huge fancy boho warehouse with like 15 desks tucked together in the center of a giant room? Why did you show us this shot? W ha t
Lockjaw is so very clearly audience cute bait and it's not working. Booo get a porg.
Thing I liked:
sees generic looking city scape: "God I am so tired of New York" Screen: Honolulu; Hawaii. Me: OKAY POINTS FOR NOT BEING NEW YORK
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thenegoteator · 2 years
odds for the sw asks, please?
oooh so I've already answered a few odds, they're floating around my blog, so I rounded up the ones I haven't gotten to yet.
1. which era do you find most compelling?
anything pre-ot but I also don't know anything about the high republic. but the rebels/rogue one/obi-wan kenobi era is my favourite!
3. (old) republic or confederacy of independent systems (separatists)
not sure what this is asking tbh? If it's asking which I prefer,,,, well. yes a sith lord is running both of em but we literally saw the separatists testing weapons of mass planetary destruction in tcw (among other things), so like?? idk that this is a "wow both sides are functionally indistinguishable" situation yet
11. how do you feel about porgs?
neutral, cute lil creachers I guess
13. if you could swap places with any character for a day, who would you swap with?
Jocasta!!!!! let me in the jedi archives!!!!
19. if you could pilot any ship in the galaxy, which would you choose?
I would simply not because I can barely pilot a bicycle and the concept of space travel terrifies me
21.do you have any star wars ocs? 
a few, though they're not super developed yet 👀 this is my girl Matas Aliim
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25. which is more important to you: visual effects or sound effects?
hhhhhhhhhh one the one hand I like drawing the visual effects on the other hand the lightsaber noise is iconic. It just has to be a good partnership I think.
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aquarielle · 2 years
✨Star Wars Socks✨
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Posting about these socks again bc
They are cute!
I’m in a very not great financial situation bc of a recent move/other circumstances
These lilac socks are available here, & this pattern can also be found in other colors & on all sorts of merch here.
The design includes Grogu, BB-8, R2, Lo-La, Sith Porgs(yes you read that right), the judgemental sweater-wearing Mon Calamari from Mando s2, & some gonks ☺️
Also the Aurebesh says “oh heck”, which is fitting tbh
Reblogs are appreciated 💖
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deuterosapiens · 6 months
So, I had started watching The Last Jedi the might before, but due to it being two in the morning, I fell asleep shortly after Snoke was killed. Finished it a bit ago.
I found this one very enjoyable.
A bit of research indicates quite a few mixed feelings from fans, the least of which includes Mark Hamill himself. That's honestly valid. This one felt incredibly bleak. Crimes of Grindelwald bleak, really.
I honestly think though that part of the reason I liked this one so much ultimately comes from me naturally not really being into StarWars as a whole. I started these films to appease the cute one, after all.
So, let's talk highlights: Rey's moment with the Dark Side with all the mirrors is honestly one of the single coolest visuals in any of these movies so far (I've got Solo and Rise of Skywalker left so that's likely up to change); Snoke's death is visceral and feels like the set-up to a really cool techno-Saw film (the franchise with actual lasers has a cooler laser bisection than Jigsaw, the franchise without lasers, cue the audible gasp); Kylo Ren and Rey's slaughter against Snoke's guard is peak Protagonist Action (and reminds me a bit of the Bride's rampage from Kill Bill vol. 1, though not quite in terms of numbers); PORGS; Luke's Force Projection fight with Kylo Ren; the Canto Bight casino brought me incredible joy.
Perhaps I'm just a bit bummed-out about Finn/Rose because clearly Finn and Rey have better chemistry, but I'm not too surprised they've gone for Rey/Kylo Ren instead. Speaking of Finn, though, I love this guy. I wish good things for him in the next movie.
I didn't much care for Poe Dameron in The Force Awakens, but his humor adds a bit of necessary levity to the darker stuff in this one. I wish also for good things for him.
The PORGGGGGGG imitating Chewbacca also made me laugh.
I would however be lying completely if I didn't mention that part of the reason I found this one so enjoyable did come from the somewhat more pleasing approach this film had towards original species. Between the fathiers and the POOOOORRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGS, I found myself enjoying the fantastic wild-life more here than in the previous ones.
I mean look at this thing:
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It's like it's intentionally designed to appeal to me specifically. I love it, I want it, I need it in plushy form NOW.
So, to bring us back to focus. I'm not calling The Last Jedi my favorite StarWars film. But I'm considering it to be a hell of a lot better than my least favorite StarWars film.
(I do not look forward to actually compiling that list on paper and posting it; I will be eviscerated most thoroughly, I'm sure)
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