#also picked up tarot stickers for journalling
lunapwrites · 2 years
i've apparently really started to lean into my aesthetic and have started collecting shiny rocks and various occult items which teenage me would have swooned over, and adult me is... well, still swooning over.
anyway i realized that i reference runes way too often in my writing to not have a quick reference so i just... bought a set of rune stones. because this is just who i am as a person i guess.
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celerydays · 10 months
could you walk us through what notebooks & journals & pens /etc you use - they look so good!
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I would be SO happy to, you have no idea!!
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Alright, let's fucking GOOOO~
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Starting off with my current "workhorse" pens - I have like *checks notes* 36 fountain pens and a bit too many inked up atm, but these are just the ones I'm currently reaching for or have inked up more often than not:
TWSBI Go (F): Kinda ugly! But also kinda cute! It's cheap and works great (I friggin love TWSBI pens tbh) and it has a little hole on the cap where you can attach a lanyard or charms, like I did! Makes it cuter imo and it's kind of my emotional support pen these days.
Opus88 Pocket (EF): This 2022 edition has a little Moon tarot design on the cap so it's pretty much the pen I use exclusively for my witchy/tarot practice journals! A lil bummed the cap doesn't post, especially since its a shorter pocket-sized pen, but not a deal breaker and I still love it.
Pilot Custom 823 (F): My grail pen that I've literally coveted for years and just recently acquired at the DC Pen Show this weekend! It's only been a day but I think it could potentially become my favorite pen. Ever.
Pilot Prera (CM): This is my third Prera lol. I just think they're great and really underrated pens! Also a recent acquisition from the DC Pen Show and this cursive M nib is suuuuper fun to write with.
Pilot Vanishing Point (EF): My favorite pen for planning! Super fine-tipped for writing task lists and schedules and love that it's so convenient/quick-draw with the click mechanism.
(I'm totally a Pilot pen ho, can you tell? asdjflaglsg)
Journals/Planners/Notebooks under cut–
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Sterling Ink B6 Common Planner: For a good chunk of this year, I was in this planner because I honestly love the size and all the layouts. Super practical and flexible as a system. 10/10 would go back. I've used it to plan, as a reading journal, as a tarot log...
But I get the itch to move around so it's been sitting a little unused since like June, oop.
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Leuchtturm A6: I started craving something tiny and minimal so I've been bullet journaling in this pocket notebook for the last month or two and I'm really enjoying it!
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Standard-sized Tomoe River Paper notebook: This is pretty consistent in that I don't change up the system itself, but I'm in and out of it for memory keeping/scrapbook journaling! It's almost always a Tomoe River paper notebook of SOME kind that I usually buy in A5 size to go to FedEx and get it cut down to standard. Though I'm thinking of getting a blank Midori MD A5 to have cut down next time - I've been liking the freedom of blank pages for journaling instead of anything lined or gridded.
I really need to catch up with it tbh, but I love sitting in an explosion of printed photos, stickers, and washi and going ham with the pages.
(I do have a flip through of my January-March 2022 pages on YouTube)
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Midori MD Cotton B6 Slim: I also have this sketchbook that sorta turned into a visual sketch diary of sorts. I fell off a while ago but want to get back into it because it's super fun to work in and to look back on!
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Wide-sized Cosmo Air Light notebook & A5 Filofax Malden: These are my tarot/witchy journals. Grimoires I guess? One is for journaling and all my messier notes while the other is more for reference and ease of organization.
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A5 Leuchtturm: I didn't know if I should include this guy, but I've been writing it in a lot recently so I guess I will lol. This is like truuuly a miscellaneous™ notebook.
I got this A5 notebook back in 2017 to use as my very first bullet journal, then found out that this size is personally waaaay too big for me to use as a bullet journal so I hopped off of it pretty quick. It now sits on my desk because since it's mostly blank I'll just pick it up to use it to write literally A N Y T H I N G.
Most recently, I wrote like 5 pages in one night on notes for a fanfiction piece I was working on (I'm not a writer, this fic is never gonna see the light of day by anyone but me lololol. Hyperfixation is so wild; I've put 80k+ words within just 10 days into it so far and it's been hella therapeutic.)
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That's all, I think!?
It's funny because I actually have a NEW notebook arriving tomorrow that I'm going to try out as a bujo/commonplace/omni journal of sorts?? I might write an update post after I've set that up and see how I like it <3
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halamet-chalamet · 11 months
hey there lovely! i wanted to try out the spencer reid x reader headcanons, even though i feel like we're both quite the opposite (preferably with earlier seasons reid cuz i'm only in my early 20's!! thank u♡)
i'm an ambivert; i seem a bit cold and closed-off around new people, but once they've taken the time to get to know me more i become outgoing and i would often crack jokes
i love summertime! going to the beach and amusement parks are my favourite things to do, i'm an adrenaline junkie when it comes to rollercoaster. and i still run to an ice cream truck whenever i hear that jingle
my love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation!! i love receiving and giving hand written letters, but i'm not too big on physical touch unless i'm REALLY comfortable with the other person. i also love listening to others ramble even if it's about a topic i don't understand well. i'm easily influenced to pick up a new interest or hobby as long as it's with someone close to me.
i love music!! i play the guitar and i love singing as well. i'll listen to anything from metal, grunge, indie rock to pop, r&b and hip-hop/rap.
i've recently picked up on new hobbies such as, embroidery, scrapbooking/journaling, and reading. i've mostly read horror and thriller since it is one of my fave genres!! i'm into spooky/creepy things, and halloween is my favourite holiday cuz i love to dress up and shamelessly eat candy. i'm also spiritual, i've been practicing tarot, and i'm very drawn to the moon as well as cats!! i wish to adopt 2 someday :')
i also collect stickers, perfumes, crystals, and lots of hello kitty stuff. i love anything pink and hyper feminine but i also adore alternative fashion, i never limit myself to just 1 style. i love thrifting and diy-ing my clothes whenever i can!!
i have red dyed hair, dark brown eyes, 5ft tall, and i have a tiny heart tattoo on my shoulder. i've been doing my own "tattoos" lately, but i limit myself to only poking faux beauty spots on my body before i do actual designs.
Sorry I was kinda dead the past few days :)) I’m back!!
Okay sis! Early seasons Reid is coming your way!
Your ambivert personality is perfect for Spencer!
If he need less you can be less if he needs more you can do that too! (In regards to social situations)
Pshhh when he gets feeling real cheesy he calls you the summer to his winter brooo
Once he gets over how many germs are shared at amusement parks through the railing, the seats, the line, etc he loves to go with you
We all know Spencer loves a good adrenaline rush (hence his job)
Loves to go to the beach with you but alllllways overpacks and gets scared if he goes too far in the water
Just imagine you hearing the ice cream truck and dragging Spencer out with you so he awkwardly runs behind you
And him being all giggly and happy eating his ice cream 😭
Please introduce him to new music my dude he needs to broaden his horizons a LOT and your eclectic taste will do that!!
Gets sooo excited that you don’t get weirded out by horror stuff
He shares his books with you (of the thriller genre)
And definitely asks to do a matching costume!
Spencer picks up on things really easy
So he’ll watch you and your hobbies and learn to do them with you!!
I imagine him loving your hyper femme side
It kinda reminds him of Garcia
I could see you two being friends which makes Spence SO happy
He traces your “tattoos” and thinks they look adorable
It’s a quirk of yours he’ll never get over
And suggests you get the really pretty ones permanent <33
Okay okay okay I’m so sorry this took so long school has been crazy!! But it’s here I hope you enjoy it!! Love you all byeeee 💖💖
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softlimefluff · 2 years
Jean Pierre Polnareff (little irl things for your JoJo f/o)
Requested by @leftsidebonfire
-First off, little merch you can work into your life! Pins for your jackets or bags include this officially licensed zen monkey studio sparkly one and a fan made SDC one on etsy
-For stickers, there's an adorable froggie polnareff a very very squishy pol the jojo chariot card as a sticker and a very cute Polnareff face I want to squeeze (I mean look at him:
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If you want some official JoJo merch, there's this cool metallic p5 card and a p5 shiny can badge!
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-Unfortunately this etsy shop is taking a break atm, but they have the coolest coco jumbo and key friendship necklace set!!!
-Good news though, there's still an officially licensed turtle key keychain!
-Since Pol's favorite color (according to Araki) is gold and his tarot card is the chariot, I think this necklace is the perfect nod to him!
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-When I think of Pol, the scene where Silver Chariot skewers the coins stands out, so here's a cool yes/no divination coin you can have in your pocket for him
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-Another little Silver Chariot nod you can wear are these cool moon and sword earrings!
-Next, here are some accessories and clothes if you want to work his outfit into your wardrobe:
-Clear heart earrings like his and a few different finishes in the same style from an etsy seller (like glitter, solid, metallic)
-A black one shoulder shirt like Pol's (that goes up to 2x)
-Cuff bracelets that give me similar vibes to his
-Instead of just a rucksack, there's a cool oversized green corduroy tote
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-If you want to learn some French phrases and conversations to connect with Pol, here's a pocket reference book
-And if you want to make french food as another way to connect, there's a great "kids" cookbook with some basic but delicious recipes as a way to dip your toes into the cuisine!
-I also think Polnareff is really into fashion, so having some french magazines around to flip through can bring him into your space! I recommend the Vogue Paris Collections magazine (they usually release after fashion week and I've found it at Barnes and Noble before!)
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-For a cute solo date, buy yourself red roses from Pol, grab a baguette and some garlic and herb cheese (the laughing cow one!) and (if you're of age) some sweet sparkling white wine like a moscato (don't forget a glass)! If you want extras, pick up some fresh strawberries or melon, meats like salami or ham, and your favorite chocolates. Grab a blanket, find an open spot, and have a picnic <3
-Finally, music suggestions!! Pol's namesake is Michel Polnareff (and I love how he absolutely claims the character, it's so sweet:
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You can check out his whole discography, but my personal reccs are Lettre á France , Fame à la mode, Radio, and Sur un seul mot de toi
-Other french artists I think he would love are Phoenix (If I Ever Feel Better), Daft Punk (Digital Love), Stromae (Tous les mêmes), Madeon (Pay No Mind ft. Passion Pit), M83 (Walkway Blues), and Justice (Randy)!
-As always, I recommend writing your f/o a letter (either in a journal or on @ jojolovenotes), sketching your favorite screenshots, rewatching the episodes your f/o shows up in, and making a playlist inspired by your f/o (including their music namesakes).
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suntara · 2 years
hiii jia! what are your favorite things atm? 💐⭐ hope that life is treating u well 📬<33
hi ash !! omg this is such a splendid ask i HAVE to make a list
1. claw clips : i went to a fair and got like four claw clips i am so so obsessed with they make me SO happy . i love them so much . I wore a golden heart one to school and felt SO cool i love them
2. gulabari rose water 💪 : this is ELITE it works wonders all of the time use it on ur skin on ur hair it fixes everything !!!!! it's just very cooling i don't drink coffee or tea so i put it under my eyes to keep me awake lmfao (it very kinda works)
3. tarot cards : i picked up tarot again !!! I've been trying my best to do readings here and there and I'm still very rusty but I'm having fun !
4. stationary : if i made a list for every single thing i like this post would be ENDLESS but . a sof right now pen pencils, click gel pens, tombow brush pens, stickers, washi tape, wax seals and silver and gold paint pens have been my FAVORITES i wish i could take them all everywhere . ugh. if only. postcards and watercolours are also incredible but i haven't been able to use them lately ): .(btw glue tape is a LIFESAVER
5. the jia book of love : I've started an art journal in August and i was very intimidated by it but i drew all over a few pages and stuck stickers and clipped on little drawings and stuff and :]] i hardly ever do anything artsy for myself so this makes me feel very very warm .
7. purple sweater : i got a new sweater and !! it's so undeniably me it's asTOUNDING i am so fond i am saving it for a special occasion
8. stuffed animals : i have these two stuffed bunnies I picked up from the baby section of Zara home in spain and looking at them makes me so 💓💓💓💓 i want to learn to sew outfits for them fr
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changeling-crafts · 2 years
Setting the Stage
Before you can play, you’ll need to figure out what sort of game you want to play in the first place! Get out something to write on and brainstorm things you want from this solo game. Having a good grasp of your goals from the get-go keeps things on track and prevents getting several hours in only to find you aren't having fun. Having the brainstorming sheet on hand to reference is great if you ever get stuck and don’t know what you want to do next.
What sort of world do you want to play in?
Genre and tone?
Magical girls
Scope of the story/world?
What stuff exists there?
Talking animals 
Magical weapons
What media inspires this game?
A dream you had 
Tv shows
Video games
Board games
A beautiful painting you saw
What sort of things do you want to do in this world?
Explore and map
Discover new potions 
Bounty hunting
Help people
Collect cool treasure 
Prank people
Save the world
Steal stuff
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With all this in mind, next we need to select and prepare the stage for this game. I generally recommend a physical thing of some sort. Some fantastic options include:
That beautiful journal you’ve been holding on to, finally getting its chance to shine
A 3 ring binder for easy organizing
A coloring book
A journal cobbled together from junk 
Random novel from the clearance section, thousands of prompts hidden in its pages
Box full of loose pages and trinkets
The canvas I’ve chosen for my game is the humble composition notebook; they’re easy to find, easy to store, and typically inexpensive. The final step of setting the stage is to add a handful of visual prompts to your canvas. Picking colors and techniques to suit your setting adds to the immersion to your game. For instance, for a sci-fi game about flying around in space ships I might use ball point pen, highlighter, charcoal/ graphite, geometric shapes, and black marker; whereas for a magical girl game I would probably use markers, glitter pens, stickers, and coloring pages.
In the interest of keeping this as accessible to everyone as possible I have chosen to limit my art supplies and keep a rough tally on how much I would have spent on supplies.
Total tally of supplies I used
Watercolor palette: 3.50$
Composition notebook: 99c
Handful of broken crayons: a new 8 pack is like a 1.50$
Pen, pencil and marker I found on the ground: free, about 4 bucks new
Regular printer paper: about 5$ for 500 sheets but I just yoink them from offices when I get the chance
8 Colored pencils I already had: about 4$ new
Shirt I don't wear anymore: free
A lone sock: free
Ball of cotton yarn: 3.50$
Index cards: 2.50$
Gluestick: 99c
Thread: 1.15$
Magazines, catalogs, and old books: free, check free libraries and ask your friends, save cool bits from junk mail
Visual prompts also provide inspiration mid game: a page of splatters might become a constellation, a cluster of fairies, the dust settling in the foreground after a battle, or just a beautiful background to write on. They also alleviate blank page anxiety by preemptively messing the pages up. I chose to add something about every 4th page, and I’m saving a bunch of extra collage materials in the back of my book for later.
Here are some ideas of stuff to add to get you started!
Paint splatters
Coloring pages
Pressed flowers
Magazine clippings
Book pages
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Tomorrow we will talk about how Tarot works in Fortunes Path!
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
How To Use Vision Boards To Enhance Your Witchcraft
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A vision board is any type of space you use to visually represent what you want your life to look like in the future. It’s a collage of images, quotes, and meaningful items that you arrange on a board (or paper, poster board, bulletin board, wall space, etc) with the intention of bringing those things into your life. Basically, a vision board is a tool to manifest your goals.
This tool works based on the Law of Attraction principle “like attracts like”, meaning if you are vibrating at a certain frequency, you will attract people and things that are also vibrating at a similar frequency.
What Do Vision Boards Do?
Vision boards are useful for two reasons. They help you get clear on what you want. The process of finding and sorting images allows you to figure out what things you actually want to bring into your life, not just what you think you want.
Vision boards also keep you focused. They are typically placed somewhere you can see them regularly. Every time you glance at your vision board, you’re immediately reminded of what you want. That gentle reminder will strengthen your intention every day.
How To Make Your Vision Board The Witchy Way
Vision boards, though not inherently witchy, are a perfect addition to your magical toolbox because all magic benefits from strong, clear intentions.
Here’s how to go about making a vision board to use in your spellwork.
Begin by gathering your materials. Get creative here and allow yourself to be led by your intuition. You can pick up supplies at a craft store, or rummage around your home to find what you need.
Ideas for things to potentially include:
A “board” of some kind. A small or medium-sized poster board will work well, but you can also use a piece of wood, the outside of a shoebox, the cover of your journal, a page from your grimoire, a corkboard, or anything else that you feel drawn to.
Old magazines, catalogs, or books that you don’t mind cutting up.
Images printed from the internet
Printed quotes
Markers, pens, and/or paints
Pieces of foil
Glue, tape, or any suitable adhesive for the material you’re working with
Scissors and/or a utility knife
Ideas for magical materials you might consider using:
An assortment of herbs
Essential oils or oil blends (Note: Getting essential oil on your skin can be harmful, so be careful when working with these!)
Crystal chips
Dried flowers
Coloured Ribbons or string
Old tarot or oracle cards (or copies of your favorite magical cards)
Materials you find in nature like leaves, sticks, bark, feathers, or even bits of dirt. (Note: Be mindful of where you’re collecting pieces of nature. Some places have laws restricting what you’re allowed to remove, so familiarize yourself with the local laws before you do this.)
How To Weave Witchcraft Into Your Vision Board
Direction & Element Magic
Divide your vision board into four different sections and assign a direction to each section. North can be positioned at the top of your board. East can be to the right. South can be at the bottom. West can be on the left side of your board.
As you look over the different pictures, quotes, and symbols you’ve gathered, organize them by element. North is typically associated with the element of earth. East goes with air. South with fire. West for water. For example, if you have photos of someone hiking the Pacific Crest Trail because that’s something you’d like to do in the future, you might choose to place those images in the North/Earth section of your vision board.
Another example is if you have words like “healing” or “self-love” for your board, you might choose to place those on the West/Water portion of your board because you associate those qualities with the water element.
You can also use this technique when arranging your magical materials on your vision board. Maybe you choose to add a dab of oil to the West/Water area of your board or sprinkle your favorite incense onto the East/Air section.
Colour Magic
Certain colours can be associated with different types of magic. You can use color magic when decorating your vision board. For example, if you have an image of the romantic partner you desire to attract into your life, you may choose to outline that image with a red pen. If you have a number representing the amount of money you’d like to make this year, you can shade it in with green or create designs of gold glitter around it.
Here’s some basic color magic to get you started:
Purple—Intuition, psychic connection, and divination
Red or Pink—Romance, unconditional love, friendship, relationships, and self-love
Orange—Courage, creativity, and goal setting
Blue—Communication, problem-solving, and learning
Green or Gold—Luck, prosperity, and power
Black—Ambition, banishing, and home blessing
White or Brown—Abundance, success, or peace
This list is by no means complete, and there are a lot of variations for what colors go with each type of spell. Use your intuition when picking colors. Oftentimes, you find yourself drawn to certain colors for whatever reason. Follow those impulses.
Tarot or Oracle Card Magic
Use images of tarot or oracle cards to add power to your desires. The characters in the Major Arcana are excellent for this. For example, the Hierophant or High Priestess can support your goal of maintaining a regular meditation practice. Place this card (or a photocopy of this card) next to a picture of a person in prayer or meditation. If your intention is to get a promotion at work or complete a college degree, use the energy of the Chariot to bring you determination, strength, and victory. Use the images of your oracle cards in the same way, place cards near images that match the energy.
Another way to use magical cards on your vision board is to ask, “What energy can I embody to achieve this goal?”. Note the cards you pulled for each goal on your vision board, so you can reference that card’s energy each time you look at your vision board.
You can also try this simple spread with your tarot or oracle cards and incorporate the cards you draw into your vision board design.
Card #1: What is the energy of this vision board?
Card #2: How will this vision board help move me closer to my ideal life?
Card #3: A message of guidance from my intuition, spirit guide, or higher power.
Lunar Magic
Charge your vision board supplies in the energy of the new moon or the full moon. These two lunar phases are also ideal times for creating your vision board. The new moon is helpful for intention and goal-setting. The full moon is a powerful time for manifesting your desires.
Other Magical Materials:
When using your magical materials on your vision board, be creative with ways to include spellwork into your design. To do this, think of what materials you use to perform different spells and see if there’s a way to bring that magic to your vision board. Don’t be afraid to try something new.
Create a circle of protection around the images on your vision board by glueing a ring of salt along the edges of your board.
Glue crystal chips to your vision board. Selenite bits are self-cleansing and self-charging, which are great energies to bring to your board.
Mix dried herbs and spices with glitter and glue them to your vision board. Use herbs that will support your intentions, such as dried basil near a money goal or dried patchouli for a relationship goal. You can also make tea with your herbs and use the water to “stain” your board or paint interesting designs. Add a bit of dirt to your water to create a rich brown hue.
Diffuse essential oils or light incense as you put together your vision board. You can also adhere incense to your vision board or mix a couple drops of oil into your paint.
Use knot magic to power your vision board. Tie knots in a ribbon or string to represent each goal you’ve included on your board. Glue the knotted string, or poke holes along the outer edge of the board and weave the string through.
Vision Board Candle Spell
Do this spell in a sacred space where you know you won’t be disturbed for at least twenty minutes. Sit in a comfortable position in front of your vision board.
Count how many goals you have on your vision board.
Take a tall candle and make notches in the wax, so you end up with one section of the candle per goal. Carve a symbol or sigil in each section of the wax that represents your goal. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, as long as it holds meaning to you.
Once you’ve marked your candle for each goal, light the candle.
Notice what section of the candle you’re burning. That will be the goal you will focus on for today’s spell. As that section of the candle melts, visualize yourself having achieved that goal. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the feeling of having manifested that goal. Connect with all the sensory details of that moment (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound). The more vivid and emotional the visualization, the more powerful the spell. Use your vision board as a focal point, or gaze at the candle flame if you prefer.
Once that section of the candle has melted, extinguish the candle. Allow the magic to work as you go about your day.
The next day, perform the spell again for the next goal. Repeat this process each day until the entire candle is burned and you’ve visualized all your goals.
Perform this spell on your vision board as often as you feel called.
Witchcraft and art pair perfectly with each other because both are incredibly creative. Every spell or ritual ever created is the result of someone thinking up a creative way of tapping into their power. Likewise, every piece of art is an individual act of creation. Self-expression is a uniquely powerful act in a society that tells us to stay quiet and conform to expectations. In my Art Magic & Magical Crafting course, we’ll cover some of the many ways you can create magical art to enrich your witchcraft and cast spells. From there, you can use these guidelines to create your own art magic spells. Click here to begin your Art magic journey today!
There are so many ways you can use a vision board with your witchcraft, and I invite you to explore all of them. Hold a ceremony with your fellow witches and make vision boards together. Maybe you’d like to make a vision board for your country or the world. Go as big as you want. What if you made a vision board for things you’d like to banish from your life, and you ended your ritual by burning your vision board? There are no rules when it comes to vision boards, so you are free to tailor your vision board to your personal witchy practice. Enjoy the creative process!
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alfredjonesbae · 4 years
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because i am bored and it is not my study day. 📖 let me introduce you to my array of 2020 (and beyond) notebooks/planners! 📖 first up is my vent notebook. when i have a really bad day, i write on it. however, i dont write the date along with the entry. i keep track using my other planners, though, so i know each date. i got this around three years ago from my uncle, and i started using it last year, 2019, when i thought i was "okay to be gay", so to speak. 📖 second is my sketchpad. i used to fill up ten sketchpads per year, now, with studies and exams, i cant even get the drive to draw like i used to. occasionally, i do get inspiration. i'm currently working on some drawings, and i love flipping through the ten pages i've filled up. i got this one from my sister two years ago. 📖 third and fourth photos are the front and back of my grimoire. it's traditionally black, but i like a bit of color in my otherwise gray existence. this is where i place all my studies of the occult (astrology, crystal cards, tarot, card spreads, etc). i love this one and i almost always carry it around. it's the one i consult the most because i have friends who ask about their zodiac signs and i happily interpret for them! i placed stickers all over it. i collected most from all the svt concerts here (DE, IC, OTY), and a couple from my girl En and our good friend Koreen. 📖 fifth is my 2020 daily planner. my sister gave this to me last year, and i decided to use it as a journal for everyday stuff. it also has all my friends' birthdays, and helps me keep track of my expenses, bills, and events. it is spiritual, too. 📖 sixth and seventh are my twin cbtl planners. 📖 the green one is the one i picked, and i am now using it to study two tarot cards a week (or during the quarantine, a day), and it's helpful for me to quickly understand and memorize my cards. i like studying things at a glance or in a simplified manner. 📖 the pink one is the one the store provided in lieu of the delayed shipping of the christmas tumbler. i use it to track my gym progress, and i bring it everyday when i go to the gym, though now i'm using it to keep track of my home workouts, courtesy of the gym app. https://www.instagram.com/p/B94KE1FphzHLG_PngsIMwg3fcDuhjpPCnmxpAk0/?igshid=b3cr3t44tf73
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June Week 1: Intro to Symbology and Tradition
Alright guys! If you thought last month was packed with info, this month is gonna blow that out of the water. The focus for June is going to be symbols, personal tradition, ancestral traditions (both magical and mundane, as well as how those two intertwine), spell and ritual design, and much more. 
Let’s dive in with the intro week, pretty head first.
Monday: Alphabets
Research/ New Page- This one is optional. For some it will be easier to make the entire book written in the language that you already speak. But at least for fun, let’s make a single page written in a different alphabet. Define and describe what makes an alphabet, and ways that can be used in a magical, spiritual, or ritual capacity. Look up older grimoires, even if its a basic image, or older alphabets, and write a page written in that alphabet. No matter what the page is, be it a journal entry, or simple the page that translates this other alphabet into the one you regularly use. Or, if you’re feeling extra crafty, create an alphabet all your own! Make it as simple or complex as you see fit!
More Research- Are there specific alphabets that have been used for various forms of magic throughout time, and only for that magic? (Think the symbols used in alchemy). 
Tuesday: Languages
Research/ New page- Pick a language that you don’t speak or one (like Latin) that no one really speaks anymore. Look into the basis of that language, find an accurate translator and look up some magical words in that language. Make a list of them to use in incantations, prayers, spells, rituals and the like. It helps if you know more about your lineage and can connect your ancestry to that language. It gives you stronger connection to the words. Tie that in to this prompt, ask your parents or grandparents, aunts and uncles, anyone who might know, where your family comes from and what languages they have spoken in the past. 
New Page- Along with the language page, keep a page with basic info on the ancestry you’ve discovered. It will come in handy later on this month for other prompts. 
Wednesday: Runes
Research/ New Page- Pick a group of runes you know a little about or one you know nothing about. (Like the Elder Futhark). Create a page or two dedicated to those runes. Draw each rune, write out its name, and its meaning. Look into the history of those runes, who used them, and what for. Were they an alphabet? Part of a zodiac? Used for divination? A combination of those? Decorate the page with color and designs, stickers, doodles, anything!
Practical/ Hands on prompt- Make a set of these runes. Use what you have, they don’t need to be fancy. Popsicle sticks and a maker? Awesome. Stones and paint? Great! Paper, pen, paperclips and tape? Perfect! Look up a way to make them with whatever you have at hand, or if you wish, find a set in a store or online! Once they’ve been made, practice memorizing their names, if not their names and meanings. 
Divination/ Journal- If you’re handy at and have done divination of other kinds, try your hand at divination with your new runes! Look up a method (even tarot spreads can work for runecasting!) and perform a simple rune divination. Journal the experience, down to what runes you pulled, what they mean, and how they fit into the casting you performed. 
Thursday: Sigils, again
Research- If you recall our former page on sigils, pull it back out and add some stuff to it! Pick up the research where you left off. What are sigils? What can you use them for? How can you make them? Where can you put them? How do you use them in every day magic and in bigger spells and rituals? 
Practical- We also made a sigil before, make a new one! This one for whatever you wish! Anything from finding love to gaining knowledge!
Friday: Other symbols
Research- Look into other various magical or religious and spiritual symbols. What do they represent? What are they made of? Are there different versions? If so what does each version stand for? Again, think the symbols from traditional alchemy. You can even use that for the basis of this research and make a new page dedicated to this group of symbols. If you’d like, make a list of other topics and their symbols for yourself to research later on. We are on a constant path of learning. 
Woo! Another week. There was a lot of broad stuff here, but it will get more specific as this month goes on! And remember that if any of the prompts don’t jive with you, you’re welcome to skip it and go back to another prompt you felt you didn’t get to complete! Your grimoire is a garden, tend it and it will grow!
Best of luck and happy crafting witches!
-Mod Basil
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35 facts about velvet!
buckle in lads because this got long
velvet welch is, if you haven’t guessed, not japanese! wow, surprising, i know. they were born in the united states, and moved to tokyo about a year and a half ago. they’re of white, syrian, and libyan descent— mostly syrian, though, although i don’t have the exact percentages figured out. 
their family is christian— southern baptist, specifically.  velvet is not, even though they were raised baptist. however, they are extremely spiritual. 
(velvet welch isn’t their birth name btw, but it is the name they have listed on all of their official japanese papers. they’d really prefer if you don’t try to pry and figure out what their dead name is.)
fun fact: i got their name from an old 90s instructional video teaching old people how to use the internet. i’m not joking. this was yuro’s idea.
they’re from myrtle beach, south carolina! as the name suggests, it’s a beach town. and as that implies, they love the ocean? it’s like home to them. i could go on and on with this fact alone because i may or may not have been self indulgent and plopped them in a city i’ve visited multiple times a year for like, the past ten years of my life, but. 
velvet’s family consists of their parents and their eleven-year-old sister, rachel! she really looks up to them, and they used to babysit her when she was younger. they’re really good with kids, which is surprising for a lex character.
velvet makes friendship bracelets when they’re bored, anxious, or trying to relax. it’s something they picked up when they were fourteen— their sister wanted to try it out, and velvet (as her babysitter) ended up getting into it as well. she eventually grew out of it (after like, a couple months), but velvet still enjoys it. they usually wear a bunch of bracelets, and will carry around half-finished ones. it calms them down. they will make bracelets for your oc. 
this is the important one, guys: they have a pet cockatoo. she’s going into the game with them because she’s kind of a handful and they didn’t feel right leaving her with their flatmates. her name is felt. she’s basically a small child and velvet adores her. good birb. 
oh yeah, they’re sharing an apartment with some friends, i may or may not make a separate post about them at a later date. 
they love animals in general (and i mean looooooove), and have always grown up around them. their parents have two dogs, their other friends have a bunch of cats, they had a hamster growing up, and they’d really like getting more pets in the future once they have a bigger living space.
velvet is a huge furry, and their fursona is a goat! one of these days i’ll draw it. also hashtag kinfeels. this is why you’ll see me calling them the goat kid a lot, btw. 
their first job was working at a candy store! they love sugar tbh. they’re especially fond of things like sour gummi worms and ring pops, but they like most sweets in general.
they also really love soft serve ice cream! like, a lot. there’s a place on the boardwalk that boasts over 100 flavors of soft serve, and it’s their aesthetic. they especially like chocolate soft serve dipped in a cherry shell!
they wear those LED light up sneakers. like. these
they’re a capricorn! i’m planning on filling out a natal chart for them soon. i associate them with the hierophant card, followed by the devil, the high priestess, and the star! 
they fucking love cool ass rocks. they’re also a steven universe fan. i think their favorite rocks are bismuth, any kind of quartz (especially aura quartzes), opal, and amethyst? i have no idea what their gemsona is yet.
they have four piercings— both ears, a septum, and a medusa! they’ve considered getting more. if they were to get more, they’d probably want a bridge piercing, a labret (maybe? that or snake bites, but not both), and/or probably some extra ear piercings. not sure if they’d go for an industrial bar there but [shrugs]
they've recently been trying to learn how to cook, with varying degrees of success. they’re not bad just..... still in the process of learning. and they’re fairly forgetful
[ear trauma implied?] velvet suffers hearing loss in their left ear and wears a hearing aid! 
they love glitter. especially in their makeup. they’re also the kind of person that’ll wear cute little stickers on their face for fun. they also like rainbow sprinkles and confetti
they follow a bunch of stimming accounts on instagram? they’ve made slime for themself before, and really like that kind of stuff in general. they like slime and frosting stuff more than kinetic sand and paints, though.
they own a bunch of decks, including:
the starchild tarot (which i desperately want)
the 1980s tarot deck 
the hardy tarot deck
the golden thread tarot
tbh i can’t decide between this, this, or this so i might just say they have all three
they also have the food fortunes deck but that one isn’t an actual tarot deck. it was a holiday gift
their hogwarts house is hufflepuff, and their god tier is the seer of light! yeah, they’re rose lalonde. they’re also an ESFP, a chaotic good, sanguine, and enneagram 2w3 (the giver)! they’re right-handed, type B blood, and yes i’m throwing all of the cheap facts together in one slot.
they know english and japanese! their japanese isn’t perfect, and sometimes they don’t make sense, but they’re trying. they also know ASL, but don’t practice it often, so they’re not that great at it. 
i feel like their handwriting would be similar to the woodlands? in english, they write in cursive! 
they love sweet tea. i don’t get it. i live in the south and i fucking hate sweet tea. but, in general, tea is their drink of choice? whether its iced or hot! herbal teas are super nice too, but you gotta be in the right mood for them, y’know? otherwise, they like strawberry lemonade.
alright lets break out the musical aus because you know i love them:
in hamilton, they’d be john laurens
in heathers, they keep accidentally being JD when I AU with sieves, but in all honesty they’d probably be ms fleming
reefer madness? jimmy harper
(”what musical do you associate the most with them, lex?” ha ha, well, that’s a secret)
i mentioned this in my earlier post, but they currently live in ikebukuro! they love the city aesthetic, almost as much as they love the boardwalk aesthetic. 
they’re also a huge fan of like.... idk how to describe it but? they like kitschy cheap tourist-trap souvenir shops with bright neon hoodies advertising the city (side note— they fucking hate that tan / pale blue “life is better at the beach” style of home decor. hate it. their parents love it.). on this note, the gay dolphin. it’s legendary. truly a landmark in myrtle beach. 
and they like... i don’t know how to describe this flavor of psychic advertisement. they also really love miss cleo commercials. because i love miss cleo. they also binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. because i binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. they also like that old VHS tape aesthetic. and neons. 
they prefer animated movies and tv shows tbh, and cry over them a lot. their favorite movies include howl’s moving castle, song of the sea, zootopia, and bee movie finding nemo? all animation is good tho. they also really love pokemon!
they’re kinda lowkey goth. on the inside. they went through a (closeted, as best as they could do when their parents would kill them if they get scenekid hair) scene phase when they were younger (it was kind of embarrassing in hindsight), and a lot of their friends are goth, so they still really appreciate the subculture, even if their everyday style is more colorful and floral and obnoxiously neon at times. on occasion, they’ll get dressed up in something trad, but...
they absolutely hate feeling stuffy and restricted in their clothes— you’d be hard pressed to catch them dead in a button-up shirt and trousers and a sportcoat. not happening unless the suit is bright pink or otherwise fun. 
they keep a dream journal! i hate that this became a popular meme.
they’re gay  (...pansexual and very polyamorous, to be exact, and prone to getting crushes on their friends and being super affectionate in general but. gay)
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softlimefluff · 2 years
Hi Ari! I know you have some rqs already but may I ask for an f/o list with Dio? It can just be in general, I have too many AUs to indulge in every part he's been in 😅
Hi Sofie! Thanks for being patient for this! :D
Dio Brando (little irl things for your JoJo f/o)
-First off, there's a ton of pins available from Zen Monkey Studios!
It was me Dio with red glitter Pastel Dio with the stone mask and Dio's famous hand/joestar mark pose with black and multiglitter
-Need a keychain/keytag? Dio has your back. There's an embroidered one here and a little SDC Dio rubber one here and this hilarious "diodorant" acrylic one
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-There's a DIO and The World kimono wrap here if you want to wear your man and his stand in public >:D or there's a super cool Dio sweatshirt here
-there's still a Phantom Blood Dio tomonui plush (plus stone mask) available at aitaikuji! (and the tiny tiny Chimi Tomonui from jojo world 2!!)
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For stickers, there's a The World JoJo tarot card and this DIO TAKE THE WHEEL one I've been cry laughing over ever since I saw it
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-For accessories inspired by Dio, I picked this gold and green watch and this alex and ani green and gold heart necklace (to be like Dio's headband and outfit in SDC)
-I also found these hair claw/clips shaped like hearts with a green one like Dio's!
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-For a subtle nod to Dio's stand (The World), here's a pair of gold globe shape earrings~
-If you'd like a few more gothic vampire-inspired accessories, there's this bat and ankh necklace and these red teardrop earrings that kind of remind me of blood
-Keeping with the gothic vibes, there's this claw ring that reminds me of Dio's pointy nails
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-For nail polish options inspired by dio, obviously you could do a basic black, but here are a few others:
Go Garnet Sally Hansen Insta Dri (almost black with a little hint of red!!! I saw it in person the other day and it was perfect)
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For a shade inspired by Dio's nail color from JoJo World 2, I found the Sally Hansen miracle gel shade Hollaa-Gram (which has a green shift, which is a fun nod to his SDC color scheme)
Then this swatch online of OPI's "I'm Not Really a Waitress" looks very similar to the original product shade.
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-To match elevated Dio's green lip, I suggest either Sephora's 70 Margs (which I have tested and it's good as a Jolyne lip too!) or a deeper shade liquid lipstick in Dark Forest
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-If you're more into a blood red lip, here's a pretty Dior shade (because I've always though Dio's name influence came both from the band DIO and the fashion brand Dior)
-When Dio was younger in Phantom Blood, we saw him read books (specifically Araki's Gorgeous Irene in the anime and you can find a copy here) and he enjoyed playing chess (so here's a small magnetic set you can keep around and play to remind you of him)
-This one is kind of a joke reference, because I looked up Stone Mask and found beauty products instead of a JoJo replica xD but here's a Dio green stone mask you can chill in the fridge and relax with
-Dio enjoyed wine frequently as a young adult and then after turning, obviously, blood. If you're fine with alcohol you, can sip red wine to think of him, or sparkling red grape juice instead for a nonalcoholic alternative!
-You can also watch some classic vampire movies like Twilight, What We Do In The Shadows, Dracula, etc as a solo date night. Order in pizza and have your own private movie night!
-For Dio's musical name influence, you can listen to songs from DIO like Rainbow in the Dark and Straight Through the Heart
-As always, I recommend writing your f/o a letter (either in a journal or on @ jojolovenotes), sketching your favorite screenshots, rewatching the episodes your f/o shows up in, and making a playlist inspired by your f/o (including their music namesakes).
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