#also me thinks that we were gonna have a whole episode dedicated to amity and willow
perrypixel · 3 months
thinking about how dana originally thought they were gonna have an additional 13ish episodes for season 3 makes me think maybe hunter was supposed to have a (unrequited) crush on luz
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colourful-void · 4 years
A potentially ‘perfect’ ending for The Owl House.
For a while, I’ve thought about how The Owl House might end, and how I could make everyone happy. After all this time, i think I’ve finally cracked it. This is my prediction for how the series could end if it were to have a ‘perfect’ or ideal ending.
This idea gives each character their moment to shine, as well as sets up the world for the characters to live their lives happily and truly thrive.
For the ending, I propose this. The civilians revolt and seize Belos’s portal, creating free travel between the human and witch worlds.
But to get there, we need to start simple...
Beyond the season one finale destroying Eda’s door, what is stopping Luz from going back and forth between the human and demon worlds?
Really, nothing beyond her mom! Given the show’s treatment of Camilla so far, I don’t really think shes a villain, she’s for sure misguided and needs to have a heart to heart with Luz, but Luz means a lot to her and vice versa. So my guess is that Luz gets the same idea i have about free travel, and seeks out her mom to agree.
Luz, about to leave: I just... I wish there was a way I could live in both worlds! With my mom, and with all of you... Luz, eyes widening: hang on a moment... why can’t I?
The witch and human worlds now have free travel, meaning Luz can go back and forth between the human and witch worlds whenever she wants. With Eda and her Mom’s permission she operates on a timeshare type schedule (similar to children of divorced parents) where she stays with her mom part of the time in the human world, while staying with Eda the other part of the time.
Not only does Luz get to spend time with her parent/parental figure, but this would also let her spend time with all her friends, go to witch school, while still enjoying all the pros of the human world (like nonlethal rain).
“But the portal was destroyed at the end of the finale!” You say, and you’re right! See this is where the rest of the plot comes in.
The series ends with Belos completing his portal, trying to use it to do something somethign evil, blah blah blah.
With the power of all of Bonesbourgh working together in an epic civllian revolt to seize the portal (led by Gus and Willow because this works better imo if the people being oppressed free themselves than someone else coming to ‘save’ them.) the witches (and Luz but she’s got more of a protag side plot going on where Gus and Willow have the numbers to tear down the government and are doing that as she like, goes and punches Belos in the face or something similar epic and deserving of Luz’s awesomeness that gives her a chance to shine.) defeat Belos and take control of the government and by extension, the portal.
(whether the isles turn to democracy or just go by a leaderless system with group contribution is up to you)
Now the portal is free access! Here’s some highlights from the battle.
Luz gets to do her epic protag thing, giving a speech while beating the sh-t out of Belos, probably quoting some Azura, She combines magic from all the tracks, knowing a whole lot more spells now. In the end, she destroys him as a result of her own hard work and dedication, being able to embrace her individuality and self expression as a chaotic force of good.
Willow got to do some really cool magic, proving once and for all she is the most powerful and capable witch. The respect she’s always deserved is granted to her by the greater isles area, but in general Willow isn’t all too concerned because she was just being herself. (maybe along the way she saves Boscha who does the whole ‘why did you save me’ thing, prompting willow to go ‘look Boscha, you’re a jerk and you need to work on yourself, but I don’t want to die. You’ll never learn if you’re a corpse.” and then Boscha is learning how to grow and be less mean when the story ends, working to earn Willow's forgiveness.)
Gus also gets to do cool stuff, perhaps taking over the local broadcasting system (similar to the season one finale but on a grander scale) and organizing everyone over radio/crystal ball i guess.) Best part is now that we’re A) in the future and B) not trapped into covens, Gus decides he wants to expand his education even further by being an Earth Exchange Student! (if Luz can do it, why not him!) He’s so good at school on the isles he graduated early, and he becomes the first witch exchange student on Earth. I really can’t think of a better ending for Gus considering everything I know about him, his character, and the show as a whole.
I don’t actually have a lot to say about Amity, but my best guess is a rebellion against her parent’s where she sneaks out the window and joins the revolt, led by Gus and Willow. (I don’t really see Amity as a leadership type, but 100% a stronger fighter, and support!) I’d really like a badass fight scene where she and Luz do the back to back fighting thing, with it ending by Amity taking a hit for Luz so she can go on and defeat the final villain.
Amity: *falls to the ground, mildly injured* Luz: Amity! Amity, it’s alright, we’re gonna fight the emperor together! Amity: No... you... go on without me... Luz: Amity no! Don’t die on me here- Amity: I’m not dying! You think I can be taken out that easy? No way! Luz: But- Amity: We don’t have time for this Luz. This is your chance, we can’t afford to lose this. Luz: Amity... are you sure? Amity: Don’t tell me you’re backing out now! You’re Luz, the strongest and most amazing witch I know. You can do this! Now, go!
Lilith and Eda both fight, of course, with Lilith now being redeemed after season 2 (or 3 if there is a 3rd season) they fight together, showing off to each other and boasting they can punch more soldiers than the other. Simultaneously heartwarming and badass! Eda ends up rallying a bunch of witch children, wondering when she got so good with kids, while Lilith just kinda glares at sad children like the emo she is.
(For King, your mileage may vary depending on whether or not you believe in my theory that King is actually incredibly powerful, but my guess is that King regains his once lost power, gets really big and strong, and helps destroy a bunch of things preventing the rioting witches from getting into the castle, and all around gets a bunch of people to love him and follow him. After the fight, he’s heralded as a hero, to which he says while he always protests that he is terrifying and should be feared, but really he’s thrilled everyone is giving him the praise he deserves.)
Every side character is in the fight, the trouble makers, principal bump, the twins, Skara and her boyfriend, the other students whose names i forget, everyone gets a few seconds to show off their magic and fight in the overall revolt.
Similar to Steven Universe Future, the fight itself takes place during the Semi-finale or at least part way through the Finale so there can be proper time to show off how the isles have changed now that Belos is gone. Maybe a time skip episode?
In the final moments of the show, Luz narrates how happy she is with her life, how she truly gets to be herself surrounded by the people she loved, and the show finally ends.
and that’s my guess!
I have more thoughts about the finale, other guesses and such, but I think this idea is the best ending for everyone with the pieces I currently have available. I might edit this later, but right now, I’m happy with this. Considering that this will likely not be canon, I’m calling it Free-travel Ending!AU so if I ever make content with it, which is likely, it’ll be tagged as that!
(if you like this idea and want to make content with it, please please do, tag me, i wanna see it)
That’s it, hope you liked it!
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