#also its so hot right now im about to complain so much
tiredfox64 · 1 month
You can see from miles away that Bi Han is touch starved as hellll, im talking STARVING.... so I honestly see that man just feeling turned on from simple kisses. Like, 1 min of kisses, BAM, ready to go! I feel like that intimacy may get him going, since thats a rare thing in his life
This isn't a request for a fic ( unless you want it to be 👀 ) but I am obsessed with Bi Han and I just realised this while drinking my coffee this morning
Just Some Kisses
Prior notes: I fuck with your vision! So I did something short cause how could I not work with that even though this was not originally a request.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive hehe
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You were feeling extra lovey today. Just the sight of your boyfriend made you all giggly and your heart warm up like a cast iron on a hot Arizona day in July. Okay, maybe not that hot but you get the picture. Fresh baked cookies kind of warm. Yeah, that’s better.
You were practically skipping over to Bi-Han’s office where you strolled in all innocently. He didn’t look up but he knew it was you walking in. Usually you would sit next to him or anywhere else in his office when you came to spend time with him. Nope. Today was different. Your seat would be Bi-Han himself.
You came closer to Bi-Han and started straddling his lap. You caught him by surprise. This was the first time you ever did this. He’s not complaining surprisingly.
He was about to question you until he felt your lips on his face. All over his face actually. You were leaving kisses wherever you could as you held his face in a loving manner. His cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, even neck. You didn’t see it but Bi-Han was starting to blush. Awww he likes it.
He didn’t know what to do with his hand. No one has ever done this to him or given him this much attention. His hands were gripping the arms of his chair while you were kissing his neck. You heard him make a low growling noise that you took as a sign of delight. You were right but he was also struggling to contain himself.
When you started making out with him that was the hardest part for Bi-Han. Feeling your soft lips against his was pleasurable torture especially once you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Your hands were feeling him up. One hand was sliding down his chest while the other went to his hair, letting his hair down from its once tight bun. Damn! This felt too fantastic for him. Your fingers running through his hair was the final nail in the coffin. You felt his hands grab onto you and squeezed you gently. He let out a groan before tearing his face away from you.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” You asked innocently.
Oh you sure did do something.
Bi-Han pushed you down on his lap more and you finally felt his hard on. How the heck did you miss his bulge?! You saw how embarrassed Bi-Han was. He was all hot and bothered, not very used to being kissed, touched, and loved this much. You didn’t even mean to get him started like this. The man was really struggling to hold himself back. He froze the arms of the chair trying to contain himself. But now that you know…ah fuck it!
With one arm he picked you up while the other arm swept his desk clean of anything. Every paper and writing utensil fell to the ground. He placed you on his desk, pressing himself against you. Now you’re the priority. The work can wait, he can’t. He’s all horned up and ready to go! Don’t make him wait any longer after you teased him like that.
You didn’t even mean it but okay, go off I guess.
Well, hope you have fun—oh my gosh
Oh damn is he gonna pay to fix your clothes?
Wow, i didn’t know you were that flexible!
I’ve never seen that position before WHEN DID HE LEARN THAT?!
You two are making a lot of noise…oh…he wants that…cool.
The desk is squeaking HAVE SOME MERCY!
Woah! Alright! That’s a lot that came out!
You uh…you need a tissue? Or some Bounty paper towels? A towel actually?
He definitely was touched starved, ohhh mighty.
After notes: You spat this vision out at me. I’m more of a tea vision kind of person but coffee visions work too.
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 4 months
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BE MINE. - bff!yangjungwon x bff!reader
- genre : bffs to lovers
- warnings : kissing, lovesick idiots, fluffy
- a/n : hi babies!! haven't posted in a hot minute but since it's jungwons birthday i decided to post something quick for him:) happy birthday kitty!
- wordcount : 490
being one of jungwon's very close friends meant occasional cuddling, going on picnic dates and skinship. who would've though there was something much deeper behind that? not you! 
as a person who hated hugs but has always been surrounded by people who give them, you weren't suprised when jungwon started hugging you whenever he got the chance. you weren't the most comfortable at first but you warmed up over the years of your friendship. 
to all honesty, you've also developed a crush on him. i mean, who's suprised? definitely not me. little did you know that he's also developed one for you.. or well he's actually been into you since you two accidentally met in a grocery store and found out you go to the same middle school! oh how long its been since then.
around six years.. speaking of years, its jungwon's birthday today!
you, being the bestest friend anyone could ever wish for got the great idea to confess your feelings for him on this day. you've planned it all, invited him out on a picnic date to celebrate his 20th birthday with cake and wine. he immediately agreed, who would waste time at home by themselves when they had a pretty girl waiting for them with a bottle of red wine? 
"gosh i can't believe it started raining five minutes in.." you groan, kicking your shoes off by the door at jungwon's cozy apartment. he chuckles softly at your constant complaining about the rain and follows after you to the couch in the living room. "it's okay, i mean we can have the picnic here." he smiles at you comfortingly. you roll your eyes and lay your head on his lap. "that's not the same and you know it. i wanted today to be special. i mean come on! it's your 20th birthday."
jungwon runs a hand through your hair lovingly and sighs. "it's special enough if you're here." at that, you stop frowning and look up at him. "well, good because that wine was expensive." you both laugh quietly and continue staring into each other's eyes. he suddenly leans in and leaves a quick peck at your lips before his eyes widen and he slaps a hand over his mouth.
"oh my god im so sorry i don't know why i did that-" you sit up and grab him by the collar of his shirt, slamming your lips onto his.
he lets out a soft gasp but quickly goes back to his senses and begins kissing you back. his left hand moves to the back of your head to press you deeper onto him. your lips move in sync and three minutes pass without you two even realizing it. needing a fresh breath of air, you pull away from him while breathing heavily.
"guess right now's a good time to ask you out, right?" you roll your eyes and kiss him again. "just be mine already."
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lakesbian · 3 months
what are your animorphs thoughts on how the characters have been changing over the course of the series so far? also, do you have a favorite animal moment in the ones you’ve read?
okay this got long due to my rambling so its going under a cut
well i can't say i have any profound analysis on how they've been changing but it's fun...jake rocks because he very rapidly went from "why are you guys saying im the leader im not the leader stop saying im the leader" -> someone has to be the leader, they want it to be me, i'll take the responsibility for making the calls that could get people killed and he Is becoming more repressed and solemn over time about it but he's also great at like. having internal spirals over it and shaking like a leaf and becoming very reactively resentful of both himself for not knowing what to do and everyone else for expecting him to know what to do. & sometimes people are like aww jake it's not your fault but sometimes they yell about how he's the one that got them into this mess so he has to get him out of it while internally regarding him as genuinely being the facade he puts up (<- even marco does this it's dire for jake) so you know. he's not doing so hot. shoutout to when cassie is like so what you're not supposed to be human? and he's like that's exactly right i'm not supposed to be human. it's fucking over for him marco has started calling him Prematurely Middle-Aged. he is turning into brian laborn. i like how they know they can still strategically coerce Whimsy and Immaturity out of him (e.g. 'letting' them sneak into a hollywood concert thing) by appealing to specific teenagerisms of his (shaq will be there).
veryfunny how they. put an arc about tobias navigating [checks notes] accepting his therian identity in the 90s children novels. just straight up. they gave birdboy a stomach-fluttering creeping lack of ability to stay in denial while a higher being was showing him his ideal body moment. They gave birdboy a "rachel is forced to accept who he is and stop solely thinking of him as a human tragically locked away by finding that only appealing to his true self as a red-tailed hawk rather than as a human can bring him out of being lost in a morph" moment. Also, he was autistic about dinosaurs as a child. i fear perhaps he'll have less focus for the rest of the series because his personal arc has like. more or less been sorted already. he's good now. there is the chosen one™️thing coming up still but i like that significantly less than him being just some guy so that's not really exciting. it's nice for him that his life is cool and awesome now though. i will say it's funny how almost every time the animorphs describe each other in their books they're just so wildly off-base (generally in the 'falling for the facade' way but it was funny when marco just confidently rattled off statements about rachels purported secret insecurities that were not even remotely accurate) and with tobias everyone is still like. poor soul. forever trapped in the body of a hawk. and then you cut to tobias and every time he's not in hawk morph he's complaining and bitching and moaning about how he wants to be back in his REAL body with his REAL eyes because they're SO MUCH MORE AWESOME. he's good, guys. he's fine. he's chill.
i am on the. checks notes. second chapter of the Cassie's Spontaneous Mental Break Over Doing Violence book. i like how she had an entire book dedicated to that one specific experience some kids have of being A Kid Who Loves Animals (TM) and then processes that bad things happen all the time in nature + human morality with regards to caring for animals is complicated and biased and gets really distressed about pondering the matter. like you know that type of experience. love that she gets an entire book dedicated to having it. fantastic character trait that she's the most prone out of all of them to having morality debates with herself and distress over the idea of choosing wrong to the point where she genuinely needs someone (marco) to explain to her that inaction is in itself a decision. girl who is very sick and tired of bloodshed, and also keeps accidentally murdering people. remember when she's like [trying 2 joke] i dont want to decide...could you just decide for me jake and jake is like [seriously, completely aware she wasn't kidding on a deeper level] do you Want me to decide for you? it is perhaps most necessary for her over all the other morphs that she gets to Not Be The Person Making The Final Calls. this does not stop her from having increasingly many little moments of nervous breaks before she gets so upset she tries to hard-quit though. should be interesting to see where that goes over the course of the entire series because she has a lot more books to suffer badly through
rachel is like. i think she's the slowest boiling pot here. she's had one (1) moment of really getting snappish about her role being The Brave One but other than that she's largely going "unfortunately i cant stop talking (instinctively immediately calling marco a pussy when he says something is scary and then throwing myself into it to motivate everyone even if i am also so very scared)" and then continuing to play out her role. it's been cute to watch her friendship with marco develop they're by no means each others favorite but they're playful with each other and they're learning how to read each other. i like when rachel is like hmm i think i hear your mom on a submarine and hes like thanks rachel [thinking] if she says youre welcome shes lying to be nice and shes like. Thank you for having better hearing than you? Loser. and hes like oh thank god. it's also very cute when he steals the tv remote while they're all hanging out in a hotel room and acts like he's gonna turn it to baywatch and she gets annoyed and then he puts it to xena warrior princess for her and shes like oh ok :). she is always getting ripped and torn to shreds and almost dying and it may actually be traumatizing the other animorphs marginally more than it traumatizes her. i think thus far my favorite scene with her is when she's traveling with tobias during megamorphs 2
aximili is like. he can be kind of nothing when it's not his book but his characterization is overall really solid. kind of enamored with how much having dinner with cassie impacted him. i want to see more of his developing friendship with tobias...i like how in his head he's like "and we're Best friends :)" without checking to see whether or not tobias also thinks this. deeply deeply funny character in terms of literally being a jock who didnt pay very much attention in school sent back 400 years and expected by everyone he meets there to, like, explain how to invent electricity when all he knows is what electricity is. i think during the dinosaur episode he should have started insufferably asking the other animorphs to explain how to invent a cellphone/water purifier/etc to make a point. bonus points because he comes from a society where being considered more technologically knowledgeable than other warriors is literally a huge diss. he wants to be a jock but he's being considered a nerd by all of his friends just for knowing what is to him basic fact. which obscures the truth that cassie is the real nerd of the group. sad! i disagree with the people who think he's genuinely weird compared to other andalites and not just on earth btw. just a side note. i really like his character development and internal struggles over geopolitics while being Extremely Fifteen. he is fifteen and they are making him undergo the horrors. i would like to see more scenes like where he's invited to dinner at cassie's or where he remembers the dinner at cassie's as smth very fond/important to him but at the same time i can get behind him having a like...undersiders-type relationship to the other animorphs where the connection is simultaneously very superficial and very deep because he wouldn't be in proximity to them if not for Being In A War Together and they don't really have any intimate interactions with him but they still have the intrinsic closeness of constantly fighting for each others lives. i like how he's objectively rachel's least favorite & least trusted and they would still bite claw maim for each other!
marco is becoming increasingly complicated 4 sure. kind of enamored with his character trait where he's completely fine with going "ATTENTION EVERYONE: i am so terrified and scared and afraid that i am shivering and crying hysterically and peeing myself and i've almost fainted as well" but he simultaneously considers the idea of anyone finding out about deeper emotional vulnerabilities of his and pitying him to be intolerable. which kind of clashes in an interesting way w/ how the other animorphs are all pathologically obsessed with the notion that it's fine for anyone Else to be afraid, but They can't be afraid or they're a coward and should be ashamed of themselves. i forgot the specific context but shoutout to when marco fully genuinely says that something is very scary/he's very scared and he wouldn't blame anyone who decided to go home and then cassie projects her own insecurities onto the statement and makes a kind of snippy remark about how she's not going to back down despite the fact that it was in no way targeted at anyone. i like how it's sort of his job to be The Sensible One (although this has shifted over the course of the series now it's more his job to be The Funny One i.e. the emotional medic) but his brain just completely shits out when he's scared and he frequently has to be reminded of common sense things during fights. i like how this does not stop him from being extremely impulsively angry and violent and poorly restrained around things that hit home for him. i like how when jake tries to go "are you ok? asking because you have not made a singular jest and thats worrying to people" marco takes it as "alright fucking fine i'll do better at doing my job and making jokes" instead of emotionally engaging. it's gonna be interesting to see where he goes he's one of the more complicated ones to see the perspective of
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ashascoven · 29 days
❃☆ showering w/ the pyromaniac rat man ☆❃ pt. 2
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☆ the demons im fighting to post this... the embarrassment is REAL!!
☆ anyways, hi! this is the part 2 to my junkrat x reader fanfic, except.. this one's.. smutty / NSFW
☆ here is the first part of the fanfic, it's also just on my profile, but you can very much enjoy this without needing pt. 1 !!!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! junkratxreader ☆
THIS IS SMUT / NSFW, meaning it is 18+
reader is a female who's known for working with plants, plant themed nicknames and female genitals are used here
praise, stuttering, edging, mostly dom jamie + fluff?? its intense out here yall..
want a playlist to shuffle to while reading? here's the one i made to write this to <3, i promise it's a hot listen!!
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☆ FOR READERS WHO ARE JUST HERE FOR THE SMUT but would like to know about pt 1. without reading it!
part 1 was essentially about the reader and junkrat being sent on a duo mission together. they're temporarily staying in a semi-abandoned hut that resides in a struggling town targeted by Talon, a well-feared terrorist group. anyway, junkrat's annoying and stinky to sleep with, but he likes being cuddled! so, he agreed to only shower (with the reader) if they cuddled under the water of a decently sized shower-room. the reader ends up bathing him, and junkrat opens up about himself, thanking the reader for not treating him differently. this leads to "cuddles"..
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“Oh screw you, mate!”
“You probably would.”
“Ya know what? Maybe I woul-” He stopped himself from immediately snapping back, covering his mouth like his life depended on it. His eyes were wide, and yours were closed shut from your own laughter.
“Pfft!! You know what? Fine! Yeah, sure!!” You yawn-giggled, putting your soap and loofah to the side and leaning your back against his chest with a closed eyed smile.
“Uh-huh?? W-what're ya’.. d-doin’, mate??”
“Didn’t you say you wanted.. uh, bath cuddles? Surely you wouldn't mind holding me instead right nooww..” You yawned.
“O-Ohoh! Phew!! Seems like it’s my turn n’ cuddlin’ a fine lookin’ celebrity!” He giggled, not minding a single bit in being able to lowkey return the favor of you cuddling him earlier and cleaning him now.
He happily wrapped his lanky arms around your waist again, his hands landing a little further than intended and was resting on a certain area of yours, but it wasn't on purpose.
This woke you up, and with a little slight gasp at the touch, “I-I.. Jamie..-”
"Oh! W-wait! I-.. Sorry! It.. w-wasn't intended, my brain’s just lost from our talkin’, I swear, mate-!”
“I wasn't complaining..” You admitted painfully.
As if the shower steam wasn't strong enough, a guilty blush overheated your face.
“I-I.. Oh… O-oh..??!?”
“I w-wouldn't mind it if… ya know..” You slowly put your hand above his. You don't know what came over, but you couldn't find it in yourself to ask directly.
“..n-not that i-i’d force it or a-anything! I mean, we a-are still on a mission on after all and we aren't.. even.. together like that!? My mind wandered t-too far anywa-”
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“o-ooh~.. J-Jamie..?” You gasped in surprise, not expecting him to actually go through with it.
“lettin’ ya know i’m.. probably not the best a’it..” He hovered over you from behind, mumbling into your ear. His fingers started rubbing between your legs.
“haah.. I-It’s okay, but y-you really.. oh god~..! y-you don't have t-to- mmh..” You fumbled on your words, your back leaning deeper against him. 
“shh,” he hushed you, his robotic hand covering your mouth gently as his normal one kept rubbing you, “I’ve got ya’ now.”
“m-mmh.. hnnmhh~..” You moaned into the sealed metal, feeling your hips slowly grind against his fingers. Your hands were now gripping on both of his arms, but you didn't want out.
“just- let me help ya out.. least I could do for a pretty princess..” His voice was a bit more serious, but it made your heart race. You really didn't expect to see this bolder side of him so soon.
He moved the hand from your mouth to one side of your chest, giving it tender squeezes and pinches that earned loud moans out of you.
“a-aah! Jamie~!” You screamed out, throwing your head back in pleasure.
“i’m listenin’, my angel”
It was as if he knew all of the right ways to tend to your buds, ways you could've sworn only you grew to know. The running water also helped touch all of your body, making your senses go wild.
“whew doll.. ya’ sound like sugar n’ sweets to my ears, surely you.. taste the same?” He breathed out, starting to bite down at your exposed neck. 
He switched hands, his metallic one now tending to your garden below as his normal fingers played with your other breast. The temperature difference in metal to skin made shivers of excitement run through you upon much contact.
To say he was good at multitasking would be an understatement; he was amazing at it.
“agh! nngh..” was all you managed to get out before continuing your cries of pleasure and repeating his name. All of the sensational spells he had you under only made you so drunk for more.
“i knoow, me’ sunflower..~ le’it all out for me..” 
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“you’ree soo pretty soundin’.. i could take your beauty in like this aaalll daayy..” He could feel his ears get warm from his own words, grateful to be able to practically worship such a beauty in this moment.
“aaaah~.. p-pleeaaasee..!”
“you're doin’ so good for me,” he praised, his fingers getting quicker, “this feels nice, don't it?”
He rubbed those two magical fingers in all the right circles that had your toes curling for more.
You never wanted him to stop.
“y-yeeaah~.. I-I’m.. alreeaady c-cloose..!” You whined, your hands finding a place to grip on his thighs. You felt your back arch as you neared your release.
His hand below your waist moved even quicker. The other hand that was squeezing your breast moved downward to help your heated area, slightly spreading your folds open with two fingers as he tended to your pearl.
Then, he suddenly slowed down, just enough for you to not reach the top of the hill yet. Earning a whiny moan out of you, the knot in your stomach subsided from the painful change of pace.
“mmmh.. w-why'd youu haaave to stopp..?”
“not yet.. ‘m not done with ya’ just yet, doll..” He breathed out, moving both of his hands to hold at your love handles. You felt himself press against your back as he buried his stubble-haired chin into your neck. He felt.. excited.
“mmghhhh… waarrmm..” He snuggled against you once again, using this moment to take you in a more cozier way. His hands moved up to your chest again, slowly kneading into your softness.
It was honestly kind of like a warning, knowing this man who’s enjoying himself just from hugging you is probably about to absolutely ruin you. 
His height? His touchiness? The way he sweet-talked you? All of those things said it all, and you were so into it.
You shuffled around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands made their way to your ass.
He still managed to enjoy cuddling your neck as you moved, letting out a moan at the way one of your hands reached into his now semi-wet hair.
“crikey, I don't think ya’ even.. know what you're doing to me, lady..” He groaned into your neck, before starting to leave a trail of marked kisses going upwards to your chin.
“aah..ahah, I can definitely feel it.” You moaned into a chuckle, trying to kiss his nose as he kissed your face. 
His grip on you tightened as the kisses you two shared grew more passionate. 
His lips, slightly unchapped from the water, pressed against yours. Both of you leaned into one another with closed eyes, dancing around each other's tongues and enjoying the tango under the shower’s rain.
You loved the way his mouth felt, how it felt like a new cavern to explore while preparing for the real ride he had waiting for you. The way his gold teeth felt slightly different from the rest that your tongue grazed over made you soak into how real all of this was. 
As badly as you wanted him to take you at your core, you enjoyed kissing him up here too. You could get used to this. <3
One of his hands made its way up to your hair, it now being his turn to run his fingers through it. The way he massaged at your scalp as he took his time searching you with his lips made you moan into the kiss.
“mm, you're soo.. pretty..” He muttered, pulling away for a couple seconds before going back to attack your lips. This made you smile against his face, unconsciously pressing yourself closer to his body. 
He'd do this a couple more times, murmuring about your beauty in-between catching his breath.
He didn't need open eyes to know that the person he was about to ravish was beautiful. 
He could feel your body against his, the way yours still managed to be softer and hotter despite being under the same water as him, and this drove him wild.
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His lips moved back to your neck, his kisses going lower and lower. 
He made sure to kiss any mark and crease his mouth could find before eventually having you against a wall with his arms wrapped around your legs. 
He was basically laying on his stomach, your hands struggling to hold yourself up as he held at your lower body, fully ready to eat you up like ice cream on a hot summer day.
“so.. gorgeous…” He marveled at your display for him, making you silently look to the side in your own embarrassment.
As soon as he started kissing at your core, you felt your nails nearly scratch into the tiles you were sitting on, the fluttery feeling from before making way to your stomach once again.
“aaahh~.. James..” You gasped, your eyes squinting in pleasure.
He kissed all around, making sure to let his mouth tease at your petals. 
His tongue traveled inwards when you were quieter, and outwards when you whined for him. He purposely ran it over your bud, swirling around your clit the way his fingers did before, only to slow down when you got louder.
It was a cycle of teasing you and figuring out what made you squeal, just so he could eat you out for as long as he wanted. <3
“J-Jamie..! ohh, g-god..! please~! it f-feels so~oo.. so g-good..” You panted and stuttered a storm for this man, your brain melting to mush at the way he handled you. 
You had no chance at being wet on your own; his tongue soaked in all of your juices for him to swallow, quickly replacing it with the wetness of his own mouth. 
His hands gripped harder at your thighs. He couldn't get enough of the way you smelled and tasted. 
You smelled so.. natural, and tasted so-so-so delicious. His bomb-driven brain couldn't process it any better than going faster with his tongue.
“..nngh~! J-Jami-.. Jami~soonn..! s-so c-close~!”
Your hips rode at his face and his grasp on your legs, one arm shaking at holding yourself up while the other pulled at his cloudy hair.
He groaned at the hair pulling, slithering one of his arms from holding your legs down to help tend to your core.
Two of his fingers made it inside, making your freed leg rise and spread further from all of the pleasure. The hand you had in his hair was now covering your own mouth, desperately biting at your knuckle from being so overwhelmed in the steamy tension.
You didn't know what to do with yourself, your hand immediately making it back into Jamison’s hair as you kept crying his name.
“h-huff.. Jaa~mie..!”
You breathing his name out the way you did made him pump his fingers more quicker, the sound of you being so wet for him making his lower stomach ache more for you.
His fingers curled into you as his tongue focused on circling your clit, occasionally dipping into its hood and making your whole lower body twitch in rhythm with his movements.
It was too much now, and you were gonna burst.
“a-aah! I-I'm..~ I'm g-gonna..! hnnghh~..! nngh-!”
With the last flicks of his tongue on you, you came, your release making you roll your eyes back in pure ecstasy. 
Catching your breath, you struggled to focus on Jamison, looking at the top of his hair rise with a daze in your eyes. 
He pulled away proudly, admiring his work as you slowly oozed all over his fingers. 
The sudden air replacing his tongue and caressing your bare sweetness made your liquids come out with more sudden pressure, truly a sight for him to behold.
He took you in fully with his half-lidded eyes.. the way you closed your eyes and panted because of him, the way your hips buckled in pleasure because of him, the way you were turned on and sent to heaven because of him.. he felt honored.
He reached down to taste you one more time, just to drink at what you had just served him. With some of it dripping from the tip of his nose, he raised himself up with a smile.
“..t-that was the bomb, wasn't it-?”
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Now, what he didn't expect was for you to immediately tackle him down afterwards, your lips once again pressed into his.
He grunted in surprise, but happily kissed you back and ran his hands all over your waist.
You pulled away from him with your hands holding his face, staring into his love-drunk eyes with your own of the currently same type. 
Your noses were touching, lips nearly doing the same, and the tension that was once released found its way back again.
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything yet, so you spoke through attacking his neck with your own mouth, giving him a taste of his own gunpowder.
The way he looked under the dimmed light and running water made you want to just litter his body in kisses, and god he loved it.
“o-ohh..! d-doll.. mmgh..”
It was his turn to seep into a melty mess, nearly drooling at the way you pecked kisses onto his Adam's apple.
Both of your hands were now on his shoulders as you made your way all over his chest, moving down to his sides. 
You left hickies all over his body, the ones you left near his v-line making him squirm the most in his spot.
Your legs held him down, your warmer spot dangerously close to his, but you made sure to make the most of this position, continuing your kissing while grinding against the waist area right above his cock. 
Being able to feel the prickly hairs down there rub against you only fueled the fire between you two more.
He groaned under you, throwing his head back with a ‘oh, you've really done it..~’
You looked up at him as you made your way down to his legs, your fingers already teasing the tip of his dick.
He squinted at you with a blush all over his face, all over his body even, shamefully covering his mouth with his metal hand for the time being.
“o-oh? I see now,” you chuckled, “someone wants my help, y-yeah?”
Guiltily, he nodded his head, groaning into his arm as you tended to him. 
Your body was still recovering from before, so you saved your shaky voice, reaching for his free hand, guiding it to his own shaft and starting to make him rub himself.
Your hand was resting over his as you slowly brought it up and down, occasionally kissing him or his waist.
He didn't think you could've turned him on anymore than he already was, but he was so wrong. 
He felt like he was flying, your desirable pecks on his body making him whine even more into his arm in bliss. The way your mouth and hands felt so perfect on his body made his longing to be inside of you much more stronger than he thought was ever possible.
You started to kiss all over his tip, your tongue slowly making way to the skin right below it. Your teasing tongue made his busy hand move to your head once again, your own hand now working on its own.
Up and down, up and down, you rubbed him, making sure to look up at him every time your mouth made it onto the top of his hard member, each kiss making a ‘pop’ that caused him to twitch in even more pleasure.
“g-gosh, woman.. y-you’re reeaall- mmh.. good a’this..”
“y-you're so done when i get to ya’- oouh~..”
“mmmmhh..” you responded, moaning as you took most of his length into your mouth. 
His legs were already weak at how warm your throat felt around him. The grasp he had on your scalp tightened as you moved with your mouth, making sure to really suck at his cock and cover it in your spit.
“augh..~” he threw his head back as he unconsciously started to push at your head every time you went down, “j-just like that.. o-oh yeah..~”
His sides shuddered every time your teeth slightly grazed over his foreskin, making him slowly thrust himself into your mouth. Your hands held at his legs as you enjoyed the taste of him. 
His slightly salted taste made your insides throb impatiently to feel him. His largeness made you daringly excited, so you kept swishing your tongue all over, desperate to keep the taste of his liquids in your mouth. 
“m-mmgh.. o-ohoh.. this f-feels.. amazing~..” 
“i w-wanna be inside o-of you.. soo~oo baad, princess..~”
“dooll~ please..”
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You took it on yourself to climb back onto him, quickly positioning him into your entrance and slowly letting yourself down on it.
“mgghh.. p-princess~..” He groaned, his hands quickly finding their way to your sides.
“aah.. ohh J-Jamie..!” You followed, your hands on his shoulders as you started to let yourself adjust his length. 
God, he was so big, and so tough; he felt like caramel inside of you, hardened like caramel candy and wet like syrup all at the same time.
Those butterflies in your chest wasted no time expanding down to your core, eventually reaching all over your body. You felt like jittery honey, your tight sweetness wrapping around him in eager neediness.
You needed him, you needed him real bad.
Your hips were tired, but the pleasure made it worth pushing through. You had to lean on him, your chest of perked out buds rubbing against his as you slowly started to move.
He felt something surge through his bones, making his hold on your sides turn into him pounding your softness onto his cock in desperation.
“h-hngh-! a-aah.. b-big..! ha-aah..”
His excitement didn't give you much time to adjust, earning all sorts of whines and squeaks out of you, but you couldn't complain. 
His magic tongue from earlier had prepared you more than enough for what was to come.
His length reached all the right spots in your warmth, you already felt so full of it, so full of him..
“hnngh.. you're so.. r-ready for me, aren't ya’?”
“y-yeahh~.. b-been so- aah~! s-so.. ready..!” You huffed out, your face burning endless heat waves.
“yeah you aare.. mmh, so w-warm.. y-you're so..~ hot..” He groaned into your ear, his breath making you shiver in enjoyment. 
His praise and gruff voice vibrated through your whole body as he panted between sentences, eagerly thrusting into you. 
You were so addicting to him, being inside of you was like opening his senses to a new world of paradise.
He felt himself lose his bearings, thinking of nothing but getting to release all over that pretty body of yours.. getting to admire his work on an ethereal body of art known as you. Whatever he was groaning out about loving your body was unconscious yet so filled with his thoughts.
“need t-to.. take you i-in moore~..” You felt your body try to encapsulate his length deeper into you, but this upright position wasn't enough, and he sensed that too.
Wasting no time in grabbing at your legs, he pushed you onto the tiled floor, now hovering over your laying body with his cock still buried deep into you. He continued his thrusts, his nails nearly digging into the back of your thighs.
“a-aah~! it feels.. h-huff, s-so good-.. p-please~! don't e-ever stop.. nngh..! b-begging-!”
The excitement to get to lick and kiss you all over when he was finished only made him move more quicker, more vigorously. 
All he could think about was you, how you looked in every intimate moment you two had just spent together.. how you were going to look, absolutely soaking in his hard work, all wet and heated because of him.
He couldn't even think of anyone, or anything else, just you.
He raised your legs over his shoulders, his face warming up more at the way your stomach pudged together as he kept moving inside of you. He couldn’t stop internally gushing about how real and natural you were about everything, how any type of acne or hair you had made you all the more alluring to him.
“J-jamie~..! y-you’re.. amazing~! aah, g-god..!”
His mind got lost into how pretty you sounded.. how you called his name, praising him and pleading for him.. He was so lost into you, fucking you ruthlessly just to keep taking you in, just to keep inhaling you like some sort of addiction. He was so damn addicted, who even knew when he planned on ever stopping?
Slowly, he started putting one of your legs back to its previous position, trying to get an even deeper angle at reaching your insides. One arm was wrapped around the leg on his shoulder for support, the other making its way downwards. 
“you take me.. s-soo~o well~.. augh~..”
“d-damn right i do..~ a-aagh, r-right there..~!”
Your hands squeezed at your own chest, neck, and ran through your own hair, sometimes reaching to touch at his waist. You didn’t know where you wanted to grab, too dazed into the moment to care.
He couldn’t help his hands from really touching you again, his thumb finger rubbing your clit, knowing that it’d make you feel even more great. 
Your pleasure was his pleasure, the way you looked and felt made him feel like the luckiest man on Earth just for breathing the same air as you.. He had the honor of making a queen feel good, burying himself further and further into your guts.
“i-i’m.. so f-fuckin’ close~! k-keep going..! y-yeah~.. i’m s-so- aah~! p-please-.. so c-clo~ose..!”
You were so fucked stupid, all you could get out were pleas of never wanting this to end. 
Any thoughts about being tired or annoyed by this man were long gone; only wanting the feeling of his thrusts, kisses, and rubbing to never end. 
“J-jamie~! Jamie-! I..- I’m~!”
“let it aaall outt~.. i’m a-almost there too, l-love~..” He huffed, making sure that he moved fast enough to get you both over the edge.
“aaahh~!.. J-jamie.. mmhh~..”
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The feeling of that blissful knot below your stomach releasing itself was holy on its own, the sensations from all over your body coming together to relieve you with such a well earned orgasm. 
He followed right after, pumping himself deep inside of you with a relieved sigh. Both of his hands were now pinning yours against the floor, your legs curled up on their own.
He made sure to really take in this moment, slowly pulling himself out with one hand and watching as you were dripping in his liquid. 
The way he pulled out of you felt so warm and icy at the same time, the air of the room hitting your bare, sensitive areas once again. With the now-cold running water, the heat masking both of your bodies drifted down the drains.
He marveled at your body, admiring in awe at how you were truly such a masterpiece. No bomb or heist could’ve made him as satisfied or joyful as he was with what you two had just accomplished.
It felt like all of the hairs on your body raised from all of the build up, only to calm back down with ease. Your muscles were definitely sore, but you were too starstruck at the handsome man above you for it to even be painful. 
The only thing you were consciously doing right now was looking into his eyes, panting, and feeling yourself flow out onto the tiles just to be washed away by the water. 
The temperature switch stung your weak bud, making you twitch ever so slightly, but it wasn’t unpleasant. You felt so relieved, and any tension or frustration in your body was now gone.
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He took in the way that your chest rose and fell after what you two had just done, falling to your side and kissing graciously at your face.
You let yourself melt into his lips again, kissing him back here and there.
Suddenly, you felt a sneaky hand holding a loofa make its way to your back.
“..are you trying to clean me up right now?”
“I.. was the one who.. made the mess all over ya’..”
“It’s fine.. We should just dry ourselves off and head to bed-”
“B-but I need to wash you off, mate!”
“You’re one to talk about someone else needing to be washed..”
“W-well! You’re one to talk considerin’ how I had ya’ laid out 2 minutes ago!”
“..Your point? If you wanna do me again, just say that, ‘mate’ <3 ”
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☆ once again, if anyone actually makes it this far, tysm for reading! feedback is always 100% welcomed and appreciated
☆ i may continue this fic more if people end up liking it, but i also have other fanfics in the making along with a soon-to-be request page!!! >:D
☆ i dunno how i got this finished honestly.. i mean i finished multiple times but still.
☆ literally feeling like that "passed out 8 times but your cinnamon rolls are done sir!" except the rolls are just this fanfic.. fighting DEMONS i tell you, DEMONS!!!
☆ this is my first time writing an australian accent, so if there's any mistakes anywhere pls lmk!! hit my line yall, i dont bite >:D
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☆ thank you, eat + stay hydrated, and enjoy your night/day!
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
Kip Sabian.
Please go off.
anon i respect you so much for this but i hope you know what you have just done LMAO
tl;dr - hes absolutely perfect in every way possible. love of my life
hes just.. so innovative. his character work is absolutely fucking masterful, no matter which one it is. all of them are so delightfully different from one another but you can still see the same man behind all of them and thats just talking about the range of the character work and the clear work and effort he puts into everything he does, be it just the characters themselves, the promos, in-ring work, anything. he always goes all out, hes creative as hell with them (name me one other person that gets over with a box on their head i dare you) and it truly shows how loving and passionate he is about this whole wrestling thing and that he just absolutely gets it. also he just has fun with it and it shows. anything from cocky indie superbad to coward best husband superbad to boxman to whatever the cringe failure era was lmao and now the sex idol. he just does it all and he does it flawlessly and i will throw hands with tk if he doesnt capitalize on this man soon i sWEAR TO GODDAMN
his in-ring work is incredibly good. watch literally any sequence hes ever had with orange cassidy and you see what i mean. hes improved from that too (since the last one of those was a quite long while ago now), he can hang with pretty much anyone. i like it the way he says it himself, he can literally make anyone look good and no one has ever complained about having to work with him in the ring. which says a lot about how good and talented he is imo. he can do it all, be it more grounded moves or recently hes been doing a lot more jumps and top rope moves which! exciting!! cause it just adds to his arsenal and shows off that flexibility even more and its just so insanely good. like fuck man if you can get someone who can hang one-on-one with someone like vikingo like he did a few weeks back, thats a fucking keeper. dont you dare forget that
im not gonna take this moment to talk about his promo stuff cause i will literally be here forever. watch this and get back to me later about why im right that hes incredible at this shit with the tone and again character work and just overall presentation. even if its now a bit more comedic with the sex idol, its still an absolute delight. also i could listen to him talk forever, he has my favorite voice in the entire world and his accent is delicious and good fucking lord
PRESENTATION. hes just really fucking hot okay. i thought he was cute before but my god. the hair, no matter the version, on point. the eyeliner, gorgeous. nail polish, good lord (he needs to bring it back tbh its been a while). the outfits, holy shit i cant say words. i have done an extensive gear study to show how truly insane he makes me about his looks, not to mention the goddamn casual fits/suit game. jesus take the wheel. his smile is fucking out of his world and the laugh lines he gets are maybe my favorite feature on any human ever. hes fucking delicious and what of it
also arms. i dont think i need to say anything more i have also turned into a back admirer girlie (gn) because of him so like. uuuuuh
AND THEN. hes just a fucking delightful human being in general. is he stupid and cringey? yes, but arent we all. it just shows how human he is. just like us. ive so many times wondered how if we lived on slightly different timelines, we might have genuinely been friends cause he reminds me so much of guys of the same age that i know and im friends with. like we would have meshed pretty well together if circumstances were different lmao. that just shows me how genuine he is tbh. hes just fucking nice, hes very supportive, tries his best to be a good ally (i have both seen this and have first hand experience on it so dont @ me saying im wrong or its performative, i have way too many cases to prove that hes fr fr) and.. yeah. ive never heard anyone that actually knows him say anything bad about him. he has his flaws, obviously, cause nobodys perfect, but he makes up for it with what ridiculously good he has in him. this is a man with so much potential and love to give to the world both in his personal and professional lives and hes just needs his chance to shine so fucking badly, in all areas of life
im gonna stop now before i get too emotional but. yeah. he means fucking everything to me 💜💜
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romanoffprentiss · 2 years
Emily's Car
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A/N: I am seriously running out of Emily GIFS to use, also requests are always open
Working with a bunch of profilers left little to be secret. If it wasn't them profiling you then you were sure your son, James' excited blabbing would reveal anything. One secret he seemed to keep very well hidden was your late night companion. Emily and you originally were just fooling around. You didn't want anything serious just stress relief during cases, your job kept you busy enough the little time you did have you wanted to spend with your son. Despite your best efforts you fell for Emily quickly and even more so with how open she was about your son. It helped that James was well acquainted with the rest of the team so when Emily came over for movie nights, he wasn't thrown off.
Slowly her role became bigger, your heart melts whenever they interact. Emily never complained about it, she would gladly be on daycare duty, and offered to coach his t-ball team when the coach backed out. Which led to her most recent purchase. You were almost annoyed with how much time she took researching and double checking to find the safest possible car seat.
After two hours in the store Emily walks out with the carseat feeling accomplished,
"you know this means he's going to want to go with you everywhere now right?" you inform her and she smiles as she begins to try and install it,
"exactly that's how I get his hot mom in the car too" she winks and you scoff and gently push her aside to help her install the seat.
Just as you anticipated the second James found out about the seat he wanted to go with Emily everywhere. She had already spent most of her time at your place that every morning James would pout until Emily could take him. You would have to drive separate for the sake of keeping things secret from the team.
Though the day was simply a paperwork day you ended up staying a lot later than planned and your sister picked up James and brought him to you. Once your sister put him down Penelope held her arms open for James but he quickly ran to Emily,
"Emmy ! look what I drew today" he squealed as he showed the paper of his scribbles,
"oh who knew you were an artist" she complimented and he giggled before squirming out of her arms and ran over to Penelope,
"you got a new favorite aunt now?" she teased and he kissed her cheek,
"alright I forgive you" she relented and you chuckled. JJ and Derek didn't miss the way the James gravitated to Emily the whole time and decided to plan to investigate further.
When leaving the office that day you left quickly saying how James was getting tired but really you didn't want the team to hear James beg to go with Emily since that would surely give it away.
That night with James in Emily's lap and you snuggling into her side as Cars plays you look at her phone to see her looking at houses,
"baby?" you ask and she looks at you kissing your head,
"just thinking" she comments and you smile,
"send me ones you like" you say and she grins,
"aye aye captain" she salutes but James quickly shushes you both.
about a month later and you are standing in an empty house with James on your hip. Emily's heels can be heard clacking against the floor upstairs,
"welcome home Jamie" you say and he smiles,
"Is Emmy staying forever now?" he asks and you nod with a smile,
"yep we are all going to live together now" you tell him and show him around showing him where his room will be. While you watch James excitedly explain how he wants his room, Emily walks in and wraps her arms around you from behind, settling her chin on your shoulder,
"I think its time to tell the team" she comments and you nod,
"yeah Im surprised Jamie hasn't given it away yet" you joke and she chuckles,
"I want the world to know, also we will have to put in an address change so that might give it away" she says and you smile turning in her embrace and kissing her gently,
"EWWWW!" James runs over pushing your legs to push you two apart,
"well I have to give kisses to someone" Emily teased and chased after him making a kissy face as James screamed and ran giggling. You were so glad that they could run around now, no neighbors to complain about James' squealing, Emily had already ordered a play set outside for Jamie along with a tee ball set and had plans to take him to buy his first glove tomorrow. Telling the team didn't seem so scary anymore. It excited you to be able to tell everyone how happy the profiler made you. Too bad you won't remember telling them.
It was a tough case and Rossi offered to buy drinks and you can't really object to that. The whole team went over to the local bar and drinks were flowing. Emily offered to be the Designated Driver which everyone appreciated but in reality she had to be up at 6 to coach James' first tee-ball game.
Once it was getting late and only Derek, JJ, Penelope and yourself and of course Emily. You all pile into Emily's car,
"Em?" JJ asks as she climbs inside,
"yeah jj?" she asks looking into the rear view mirror and realizing she didn't put the carseat in the trunk,
"oh shit how did that get there" Emily plays dumb and you let out a loud laugh. They look at you confused as you turn to Emily.
"that's Jamie's, he loves being with his Emmy...almost as much as I do" you say clearly drunk and turn to the team,
"now get in the car, James is still with my sister for the night so I want to get laid all over our new house" you wink and relax into your seat closing your eyes as the rest of them stare at you in shock,
"surprise?" Emily shrugs and Derek grins,
"oh I knew it ! you finally bagged the hot mama" he patted Emily's shoulder and she chuckled shaking her head,
"yeah now buckle up I have a tee-ball game to coach" she says and they all buckled with smiles on their faces seeing how happy you two were as you held Emily's hand over the console.
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Summer wedding: Thanksgiving before the separation drabble
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Ok it got a bit long. Kissing implied doing more than just kissing. Only 2 sentences. Nightmares.
Comments welcome and reblogs. No publishing translating or posting
Ari come here and help me pick out a Turkey.
He goes to grt the biggest.
"What are you doing?"
"What its a turkey? Go big or go home."
"How about go big and have to wake up at 3 am to cook it."
"Oh," he thought for a second "but I want to give you and Maya the best Thanksgiving ever so that's fine."
"Ari and what are we going to do with the leftovers? "
"Who said anything about leftovers?" he was rubbing his stomach. 
"Fine but when you're bloated and gassy don't come to me complaining. "
I still grabbed him some Tums and gas-x and some kid medicine for Maya just incase. 
"Ok" I said as Ari wrapped his hands around my shoulders,
"We got Turkey, stuffing, pie cranberry sauce and real cranberries, corn muffin mix, we can just buy them you know."
"No I am making it."
Thank god I didn't tell Ari about making your own stuffing then we'd probably never eat. And I was also smart enough to tell him cranberry sauce is just mushed cranberries and sugar and that half the fun is how it comes out in the shape of a can  "Gravy don't its my favorite gravy you can make yours too from whatever but just in case, biscuits, butter and  We just need ice cream and cookie dough."
"Ice cream and cookie dough?"
"Yea me and Maya need to eat something before you finish cooking. 
Maya flew in the night before Thanksgiving and she was so excited to experience a "real American Thanksgiving." It was practically impossible to get her to bed. But after three stories and if your father doesn't get to sleep now so he can wake up, well never eat explication she closed her eyes.
I layed back in bed tired I thought Ari was too but he has this smile.
"What are you so happy about?" I turned on my side to face him. 
"I've got everyone I love under one roof.  You're happy,  Maya's happy. What else could a man want?"
Ari was happy. He wasn't sure how he ever found love again but he did and it was even stronger. He was happy just holding her pinkie. There was something about her smile that just made him feel fulfilled, whole. And holding her was heaven all the nightmare about bullets and prisons, holding her just eased it all away into oblivion. 
He gave her a kiss, "you tired?" 
"Yes" she giggled and rolled her eyes. "Your daughter is right down the hall and you have to get up early did yiu set the alarm.
"Yes" he rolled his eyes 
"Don't. I want to eat before 9pm and trust me that's happened. And you know I get hangry." 
Ari turned on his side with a smirk.but really her hangery… she should join mossad though, things would get done faster.
"What are you doing?" 
"Going to sleep like you asked" he sighed.
"Two can play that game" she thought. 
"You always hold me." She said with a whimper and sniffle.
He turned over with an immediate "babe come here im sorry."
"He was too easy," she thought h. But it's true he'd walk over hot coals for her without a thought. He pulled her in close and gave her another kiss.
"You knew I was only teasing baby right?"
"Well I was hoping."
He was just studying her face for a moment or two swiping his thumb across her cheek before wrapping his arm around her waist. 
"What?" She asked with a bit of a smile.
"You're so beautiful. I love you so much you know that right?" He was sincere and she was blushing.
"Ari where is this coming from?"
"I just feel so happy, blessed to have my , my family under one roof. I'm just-"
There was a knock on the door 
"Glad we just kissed aren't 'cha." He rolled his eyes but she was right. 
"You can come in sweetheart."
"Abba I had a nightmare. A giant turkey was chasing me."
"Oh no!  Well I can promise you there are no turkeys around here.  Minus your father. He's a big 'ol turkey."
"I thought we were having turkey tomorrow."
"We are but its all ready to be cooked ok no turkeys are alive in the state."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
Ari watched the scene gaining from ear to ear as he played with his girlfriends hair. She being used to it didn't pay any attention but this family scene made him happy. So happy.  Maya felt comfortable seeing comfort in his girlfriend not just with him. 
"You want someone to tuck you back in?"
"No I'm ok as long as you promise no yurkey."
"No turkeys."
"Goodnight Maya 
"Goodni-" was all Ari could get out before Maya closed the door. 
"Well I'm insulted."
"She likes me better"
Ari smirked as she stuck her tongue out. 
"Not too fond of your attitude"
"Oh yea you gunna fix it?"
"No I've got a turkey to cook. I need my sleep." He crossed his arms
"What hey I thought we were cuddling."
"Sorry babe come here." He opened his arms and she rushed close to his heart. She loved hearing his heart beat.  It was slow and soothing. And Ari couldn't sleep without her warmth the way her lips just brush against the base of his neckline at time or how her hand had seemed to lay claim to his body as he would never move it once she had fallen asleep. Holding her was something he  could never give up. He watched for sleep for a while and then pulled her closer.
"Ari go to sleep" she sounded a bit drunk but she always did she when she said this in the middle of the night. Somehow she always knew when his mind needed to be told to rest. So he kissed her forehead.
"Yes my love" she smiled and with that he went to sleep. And he'd need it because the next day he really regretted buying the biggest turkey. 
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@patzammit @nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
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Alright, I'ma be honest here- there are a few episodes in CS which I just NEVER rewatch, and this one is kind of one of them. I don't know why. The start of Season 1 just never really invites me to click on it...BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY!
Every time I DO watch them I really like them!! So weird little mental block. ANYWAYS you know the drill by know let's get crack-a-lacking (or crackle lacking...his memories lmaooo)
WOO HOO our first caper episode!!! I love the caper formats- such a staple of the series (at the same time I wish we'd have gotten some deviation sometimes for...character based episodes or something but oh well).
see the intro sets up a sort of mystery and finesse about carmen's character i wish we actually got more!! like she seems so mysterious but they infodump everything about her onto us in the first two episodes immediately. i promise ill stop complaining about the infodumping thing now though
okay also but the moment in the episode when it match cuts to carmen walking from the tower to the crosswalk its sooo fucking gooood
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Carmen Sandiego Fun Fact: That guy who's Agent Zari's partner in Season 1 and shows up sometimes is actually not one guy but three identical ones who keep switching out
OH also the shift into color as she looks up godddd its so good i will talk about the intro more than the fucking episode
also the!! she does the thing from s2 e1 in the intro!!! in rio!!
the tone of voice she uses when she says "looky-loos" i didnt know that word could be kind of hot
i like how offended she sounds "I DID" djfdhasfdg shes like player of course i fucking did what do you think i am an amateur
calling vile sleazy is so funny as a kid (13 yo) watching for the first time i thought sleazy was kind of a bad word (its not) and it caught me so off guard
zack's first line....its so zack
ALSO i love the intro cards so much i didnt mention it last week (two weeks ago?) but theyre so fun
carmen: hey we've got a tail
zack: im going to shake my ass all night oh yeah
i love how little carmen is doing about the acme agents shes just like zack can we not :/ we KNOW she can do shit on boats, seeing as she clotheslined devineaux in s3 or whatever she did. threw a tree at him. what the fuck did she do to devineaux i dont remember
zack: HOW TO DRIVE A BOAT SAFELY (continues talking whilst not looking where he's going)
the background couple that gets doused with water twice as the boats go by and then are never acknowledged again are so funny why didnt they have more funny background moments like that jadshfgahdsgah
imagine if acme had actual projectile weapons like idk tranq darts carmen would be so arrested immediately
ivy did it first (talking about the suez canal)
love how ivy didnt need to have that beard on at all. really didnt honestly. she should have dressed in drag more actually i think
can you imagine the thoughts going through zari and jawline's heads when the frenchman turned into a 20 year old bostonian
how the hell did they scale the side of that boat
i like ivy's dumb orange cat energy in jumping 30 feet off of a barge without looking
i do agree with whoever else said they wished she'd gotten a better intro though. i don't think they quite knew what they wanted to do with ivy, and by the time they were like "hey maybe her thing with red drone is because she like builds stuff or whatever" they kind of. only got to relay that by having baby ivy go "hey we should give that lady a gun" in the boston tea party caper
the combination of three languages <3 never change ivy
"while i picked up carmen at the train station" okay so the river they're driving on is the river seine, right? its right by the eiffel tower as we see. fun fact: the nearest train station? 4 minutes away or less! cool detail
ivy definitely had time to get him food just saying . also still confused about why carmen took a train to paris but ive already hounded that detail last week so whatever
carmen completely blank faced saying "yum baguettes" to tease zack is so funny you didnt have to do that
i relish the intrigue and enthusiasm in carmen's voice when she goes "SO off to indonesia" we don't even see her face but she sounds so excited to go there agh
infodumping sections beloved. ive actually learned so much from them. we were talking about coffee and how it can be called java and i was like "OIHOOHOGFOGIHOOGOOGOG JAVA IS AN ISLAND IN INDONESIA HOME TO "THE BIG DURIAN" OR THE CAPITAL WHICH IS JAKARTA"
player: i have cool facts!! this is so cool!
carmen: i stopped paying attention five minutes ago actually sorry about that my thing now
so interesting btw that all records of acme agents are taken off of anything?? why dont they have identities anymore??
how?? did the cleaners manage to get crackle out if he "only woke up moments ago" which implies that someone like. watched him do that. moments ago. the cleaners just sliced a hole in the wall again like they do in s4 jkhfkhsadf
i like how devineaux thinks carmen would go after the gigantic blue diamond but also steal some more aussie shmuck's wallet AND his train ticket for good measure
the mints were suck a weird little thing to have devineaux have and i love that he had them?? idk if it was for the sole purpose of julia following them to the ACME Closet TM but theyre a cool little character thing that i kinda forgot about (bc the writers did too after the very start of the next season lol)
is crackle implying that he has crawled through sewer tunnels? is he referencing the shawshank redemption? is he referencing black sheep crawling through the drain pipes?
bellum is so funny "I AM LASER FOCUSED" (swimpes through fifteen unrelated tabs that are actively open) adhd icon
hey by the way why did she have missile launch sights and bomb tests and gun blueprints open. because. why didnt that ever go anywhere. i know she's orchestrated some of the most strange but also deadly capers in the show but. i. okay
"the student formerly known as black sheep"
part of me wonders if shadow-san intentionally breaks up the height slant to make him feel out of place. if they wanted everything to look cohesive he would be sitting...maybe after malestrom. but he isnt, hes on the end and his height, in the lineup, is jarring compared to the slope of everyone else's.
mael also has some pretty good nicknames for her
love that one of their finest operatives is a year-in-the-field catgirl
the little silent laugh carmen does when zack starts reminiscing about how they met awww
r&d they make it sound so sinister. it means research and development
hello trailer scene. i love how carmen runs off screen for the trailer shot and then slows down to walk with them immediately because she actually has to be in the scene
the animation when she said "plan a" was so snappy
#feminism red drone is a she
(a bunch of lights flashing and making pew pew noises)
zack: STATE OF THE ART???!?!?!!
just kidding zack love ya
that tracking shot of red drone going through the lasers?? mwah
red drone out here with a strontium nitrate fire damn
what was their plan if someone was at the lab
that light moving behind them as they walk forward into the labbbbb
SEE theres the transition sentence for next ep!
what braincell of zack's saw a pile of white rice in a petri dish, first thought "that must be someone else's food" and then thought " i should eat this stranger's petri dish food"
also i am in love with how he just was about the bite down on the whole dish at once
the teeny tiny twitch of carmens teeny tiny nose as she sniffs the petri dish dahdjhdsdsg
cleo's capers: im going to steal four dresses >:)
bellum's capers: i will cause a famine for the entire population of the fourth largest country in the world and force them to either starve or submit to me via creating a monopoly of overpriced rice which is shit quality but their only choice, and will do so by releasing an untested superspore which hypothetically could mutate and wipe out all life on these islands if all goes wrong. teehee cat videos
zack and ivy's dialogue sounds like. you know when a teacher presents a problem and then in a really dumb vice they suggest an obviously bad solution? that
"we're thieves" ivy tomorrow you're going to tell a goat that your boss's name is carmen san jose and then almost die five times in the next week
ivy's so supportive. no braincells on planning but such a cheerleader /hj
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here we see the majestic long-necked ivysaur stretching her neck for a leaf
pls zack looks so hungry and sad
"so vile can make a quick buck hehaha she has a surprise coming 😌"
she looks so hot when she jumps on the roof of the jeep and then jumps off a cliff. well right before anyway lmaoo
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ok just thought the glider mechanic was cool. anyway
"HYASSSSSS" tigress never change
i love that they kept the consistency in the boston bean caper that tigress wasnt there- just the gays
tigress free plastic surgery!! good surgery? no. but free
i love when cs does high motion shots and the background just becomes one streaky color
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zack driving down the cliff so true actually
ivy saw carmen climb on the hood and jump off a cliff and did the same thing. ivy dont do that
i also love the consistency of ivy being able to pick locks. she's been able to since the boston molasses disaster caper
carmen almost falls off of very quickly moving vehicles quite a lot
yes i would thats why im asking pls this show
carmen isnt really so much protecting the face as dodging very quickly and hoping
the animation of the car swerving as the durian hits it 👌
i like how immediately ivy goes flying and ZACK COULDNT SEE THE WHOLE TIME??? HOW DID HE NAVIGATE THAT TURN
that weird "eYAHOO" ivy makes is playing my my head 24/7
vile ops constantly have carmen in situations where they could do anything and they just let her do whatever. tigress. you had her hands bound and she was under your control why did you kick her in the back
also i love how carmen is getting batted around all day but tigress kicks her once and she can't get up
ivy and jumping 30 feet into vehicles
ivy's voice when she shrieks about the durian is so cute
ok its 4:30am im sorry im gay
why are there so many roads that go to the same place
"sky rockets" what other kind are there
carmen u literally have a glider you could have NOT shot the tire and caused zack and ivy to almost crash and die
love how zack hits her with the car
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me too honestly zack and ivy
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i like how the car is at normal speed but carmen is in slow motion at the same time
this episode doesnt even get to what specifically vile is doing for the caper until 16 minutes in and its still good i love it
zack and ivy changing the tire just like their racing days </33
what time of year is it that player was contemplating both new years eve and 4th of july
chase is like a bad parent like julia says something and then chase calls it her fault ihgahsgajds
the glare julia shoots chase jshdgsh
i love when she's sarcastic
the way she stares right at the camera when she says "details are lurking just out of view somewhere in the shadows"
why do they keep putting ivy high up. poor ivy
"tigress, you know the rules. but i will say them again for the audience's benefit"
fedora the explora!!!
that kick had to hurt so bad
just imagining carmen on her new phone on like. facebook tapping "unfriend"
the way carmen just takes tigress out wheeze
cat lesbian <3
this fight is honestly so good
the confused looks as they keep playing music kills mee
the curtsey and the way carmen just keeps lying there for a little while for the dramatics is hilarious
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tiny layering issue
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and here (and once more too lazy to ss it tho)
love how she lit that match with her finger
also love hot the fuse just gets eaten. no burnt rope only FIRE
i wonder where?? like under lock and key...where?? po box?? lol
poor zack hasnt eaten in a day
oNe jUmPy RoO
the please from mael...ugh
mr. crackle
the poor sad puppy noises gray makes in the chair jdgsahdgds
that mindwiper really honestly sounds like shes gonna just kill him. yeah crackle it wont hurt. we're gonna send u to live on a farm
Okay sweet!! Solid episode. See ya next Saturday wink wink its not 5am on sunday i promise i didnt stay up for 5 hours doing this
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katkafe · 2 years
because i am the biggest dumbest nerd when it comes to the addams family: ive made a crappy list of why wednesday is everything i hoped for and more and why it is absolutely fucking perfect. spoilers.
im not entirely sure on how to start slow with this one so im getting right fucking into it. enjoy reading the disaster of my thoughts on this masterpiece:
AMAZING CASTING. jenna is incredible as wednesday, catherine and luiz are the perfect morticia and gomez, i adored seeing christina ricci KICKING ASS. gwendoline christie was amazing as weems, fred armisen as fester???? lost my shit he was so perfect. i don’t think there was a single cast member i wasn’t amazed with.
no genuinely i loved all of the nevermore students
fell in love w enid so fast omg i was rooting for her so hard her arc was so awesome (her and ajax are so cute too)
rip rowan you would’ve loved wenclair
THING!!!: its not the addams family without thing, and its especially not the addams family if thing isn’t being a little shit stirrer the whole time. perfect beautiful i love him A++ 
THE WEDNESDAY/PUGSLEY DYNAMIC WAS SO ON POINT they literally have the actual best sibling dynamic
i now know that you have not lived until you’ve seen wednesday addams stuck in a love triangle. she is not a character that you would expect to have a romantic interest but now in my mind she’s just beautifully a-spec and probably demiromantic. yes obviously i love xavier.
don’t get mad at me but i don’t ship her w enid that much?? at least not romantically but hey i would not complain if we had a polycule or qpr!!!
also it was genuinely so cute to see wednesday making friends like. why was i sobbing so much when she hugged enid. holy fuck.
i am referring to both her actual dancing and ofc “they couldn’t even spring for real pigs blood. its only paint.” so real.
cant even stop myself from mentioning that jenna ortega looks very hot covered in blood which happens a lot in this series. like almost every episode. jesus fucking christ i am so in love with her.
i am a huge edgar allen poe nerd so i fucking adored every little reference to his works. also the idea that he was an outcast is so real to me.
speaking of outcasts: ngl definitely could’ve come up with a better name, “outcasts” just made it sound weirdly like some awkward teen high school drama but you get used to it
wednesday’s visions were so cool??? i loved the whole goody addams thing their interactions were really cool and god i just was not expecting that at all.
ok tbh it was really weird that her name was goody, since “goody” is the puritan equivalent of “mrs.” (its short for goodwife) so idk why they did that but ok i’m still here for it
honestly in general they do a really good job of keeping you guessing. i was suspicious about almost every single character throughout the whole series. 
in retrospect i should’ve known tyler was gonna be an asshole from the start cause. i mean. his name is tyler. no offense to my tylers, but be real when have you ever seen a tv show character named tyler that wasn’t a douche. i’ll wait.
i’ve typed tyler too many times and it no longer looks like a real name
episodes are nice and long but i obviously wish the series was longer, but it was super bingable and i’m probably gonna rewatch it 3 million times until the next season inevitably comes out.
not to be dorky but i loved how every episode title was a pun w the word “woe” 
i have really horrible media literacy in the sense that i overthink EVERYTHING so to me like almost everything in that was beautifully executed symbolism and maybe it was but when i say i lost my shit when i noticed wednesday stand on enid’s side of the room and fsr thats the only example i can think of rn BUT STILL
overall 5 stars 10/10 show i cant wait for more i love the plot i love the characters i love the cast i will be recommending it to everyone ik and more
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desrac · 1 year
From what ive gathered online its lookin like this weeks hot topic is Beyonce goin on tour and pricing her concert tickets starting at $500? Thats what the girls are ranting about correct? Now A Beyonce tour isn’t really where Im putting my business this week but whats on my mind is the audacity and ridiculousness of this situation. Everyone is posting memes and making comments about having to skip their rent to get their coins together to be able to afford a B ticket, which is just silly. The internet has been going on for weeks about not even being able to afford the price hike of eggs and she has the audacity to charge like four weeks salary for middle class. 
Yea yea I get it, the production value of a Beyonce tour just goes up every year and her shows get bigger and bigger she’s a performer and gives the theatrics but dam are you really telling me she cant find producers to fund her over the top ideas? Instead she is forcing the girls to give up their rent money, bussy, and legs to see her for a couple hours?
Now I have no interest in attending a Beyonce concert and her newest album don’t concern me but whats bothering me is that this affects the bigger picture that Ive been seeing lately in the art and commerce world. Big companies and top artists destroying and building unhealthy standards that then become requirements that independent artists are expected to meet. A Beyonce ticket being $500 is only going to show other artists that they should steal as much as they can from their ‘fans’. Beyonce makes an album referencing ballroom culture, house music, and the gurls, yet pricing the show at silly ass numbers that cant no one afford without fucking up their monthly expenses....Zoooming out back into the art world these clients and companies expecting us to produce dover street quality while paying us wal-mart prices. They expecting us to make pitches and decks with references, that they aren't looking to reference but instead expect you to make an exact copy of what you are ‘referencing’, instead of adding any originality to it. Ive been on so many jobs where Im in the production stage and the clients are complaining or insisting that this doesn't look like the reference......ok are you serious? Did you not hire me for my style and direction????? nooo, you've hired me to reproduce the same recycled bullshit that we have all been regurgitating for the last 5 years and will forget about 10 minutes after viewers have liked the post and moved right on. Stylists are pulling from these corporate designers and then expecting independent designers to also deliver to them in the same capacity and pay them nothing for their work. You want deliverables in like a three day turn around but wont provide the funds for a team that can hand those over. Make-up and hair are paying thousands of dollars out of pocket beyond their fee and acting like its normal because thats what they've been doing. 
And the gag is all these independent artists are still taking on these jobs in desperation for work just feeding the whale so that it can turn into a shark. Theres a lot of demanding going on with no hands coming the other way and its its bad business.
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kagejima · 2 years
Oh-kay so I just spent the last however much time catchin up on your blog from the last week and a half —cause I usually have your post notifs on but I’ve been not on here in a minute.
BUT all this to say that I’m thinkin bout some nsfw Ushi things and since Wakatoshi Wednesday is upon us I thought I’d share with ya
—so I guarantee it’s been though of before but it’s fine lmao
Wakatoshi who doesn’t really acknowledge the size difference between you at first, because most everyone’s smaller than him so yeah of course his new partner is smaller that’s not abnormal
Wakatoshi who doesn’t pay attention until Tendou meets his partner for the first time and makes some comment like “they’re so small compared to you!” and “jeez that’s quite the size difference” and “you’re careful with them right?” in a teasing tone as he’s wagging his eyebrows “knowingly”
Now it’s “knowingly” in quotations because y’all haven’t done anything yet because Ushijima is respectful and the relationship is still on the newer side
But Ushijima is slowly becoming more aware of how much smaller you are than him—he thinks it’s … cute? Thinks you’re adorable
And when he finally decides to put you between him and a flat surface, caging you against the wall, with Tendou’s words hot in the back of his mind he realizes just how small you are. Just how much he towers over you and how much bigger he is.
Ushijima who can lift you off the ground like its nothing, like you weigh nothing. Who can twist your body to his liking and have you hovering over his cock that you think won’t fit. Because you’ve been aware of how much bigger he is than you.
Ushijima who encourages you with soft kisses and praises calling you his “pretty baby” and “you’ll be good for me right?” but still pauses and checks in with “you okay baby?” and “it’s okay if you want to stop” as he splits you open on his cock.
Ushijima who can’t help but get even harder as you whine about how big he is inside of you. Who can’t help but feel pride swell in his chest when you complain about being “so full” and he’s not even bottomed out.
Ushijima who watches as your eyes glaze over and jaw goes slack when he does bottom out.
Ushijima who realizes maybe he has a thing for how small you are compared to him. Who uses you like his personal fleshlight, bouncing you up and down on his cock as he praises you “how cute you look taking all of me” “look so small in my arms baby” “look so adorable all stretched out around me” “so pretty when you cum for me, do it again baby?”
Ushijima who fucks you until your whole body goes limp and you can’t do anything but babble his name and about how big he is.
Ushijima who now, every time he’s reminded of how much smaller you are than him, has to refrain from picking you up and manhandling you into whatever position he deems fit at the moment to have you babbling about him all over again.
…anyways. THAT WAS WAY LONGER THAN I MEANT— it’s 2245 for me…I need to go to sleep smh
Hope you have a good day !! <33
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KAZE!!!! KAZE???!!!?!??! KAZE!!!!!!!!!
KAZE, HELLO????? HELLO???????????
also my apologies for having notifications for me and expecting quality stories and its just text post goblin nonsense LMAOOO NFJSNFNSN 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ also when did tumblr start doing that, i gotta start doing that for moots!!!!!!!
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footiehoemcfc · 6 months
- i think atletico de madrid is more annoying and like an unlikable club than real madrid
- indie movies or like movies with a lower budget are better than big movies like marvel movies or dc movies yk what i mean? Like i would prefer to watch let’s say a24 films than the new superheroes movies.
- don’t think its unpopular but all countries in europe are a better option than the united states now for so many reasons
- why on earth did we compare mason mount and jadon sancho to foden? Foden is miles clear, same thing is going to happen to saka we will look back and just laugh about it. I love mason so much bu there was never a time where he was better than foden.
- neymar and brazilian players in general are the most annoying players sorry not sorry. Thier skills is just doing tricks…some are good dont get me wrong, but there are so many who just “look” cool and good but arent actually.
- Argentina was a good TEAM. Not the best ever, but it was good and i feel like now that they won the world cup argentinians think their players are superior to every other player. Individually most of them suck…(juli, messi and dibu are the only good ones i can think of right now)
- wonka was so good!? People who didnt like it idk whats wrong with you, had a really nice message, the sets looked so cool and ik its a musical but it was good
- Sydney sweeny is a big no for me. Very pretty. But she looks like she would be cassie irl lol
- margot robbie is such an underrated actress. Everyone loves her now bc of barbie or guys bc shes hot but she is amazingg!
- christian bale and cillian murphy are better actors than leo dicaprio, brad pitt and Matthew macconaughey.
- star wars looks boring, so does harry potter and so does lord of the rings.
- celebs who play the victome role or complain so much🤢🤢🤢 you are a millionaire who has everything you would need in life. Good for you but, pls, stop.
- taylor swift winning person of the year hands down one of the stupidest things that happened this year. She got it for what? Singing? Making music, again like the old one? Touring? Her pr relationship woth travis?? Really?
- dylan mulvany getting woman of the year and kim kardashian getting man of the year…im not even gonna explain why this is stupid.
- if you are a picky eater, i dont mean like oh maybe you dont like one veggie, but i mean like you really dislike a bunch of stuff GROW UP😂 food is so good just try it!!
- chelsea dont get the same media scrutiny that man city does for soending a billion (bear in mind we did it in a span of year and years, they did it in almost one year) and it’s annoying
- no manager comes close to how good pep guardiola is, not klopp, not mourinho not ancelotti. No one.
- kdb will be a bigger pl legend than salah. He already is a better player, and people who debate this, i get it salah is very good but pls…kdb is kdb
- arsenal fans try to compare all pf their players to city players bc ypu know thats the bar they (man city) have set of overall quality. Also bc they are annoying.
- cole palmer leaving was a shock but i didnt care that much, he was a bench player.
- sometimes drug store make up, or skin care is way better than high end. People just buy high end bc of the brand or packaging
- im so sorry but formula 1 looks so boring…ive tried to get into it but its just a no for me.
Okay i went overboard i think lol
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tetsuskei · 6 months
risu loved your hot take about smut.
also is it just me or like writing smut has always been relatively easier than fluff or even suggestive banter type shit? because in smut, you can bullet point- yeah they gonna do this and this and this and call it a day but fluff requires some depth. a perfect setting for the fluff or angst to actually be enhanced.
And according to each author’s writing style, they have to add imagery, or like metaphors or engaging dialogues to make it work. For me, when I was writing suggestive/banter related fics for kuroo or gojo, I was staring at the screen in despair so that my brain conjures some smart words or a perfect setting for them to act on. So it was relatively harder for me. And if other authors have faced such similar challenges and yet post majority sfws, you can guess the amount of hardwork they’ve put into it and would love for any sort of appreciation of their work. And
Im not downplaying smut authors by any means, every piece of writing takes up a fair share of effort and even I’ve had my fair share of challenges in writing smut too because firstly I experience high key embarrassment proofreading it and secondly, good smut requires the same criteria too (it’s just sfw fics gets the floor to portray a reader’s personality more than its nsfw counterpart) it’s just we want the audiences to interact with these posts with the same enthusiasm and not read and toss it aside :((
to our dear readers, Lores are fun. Just get yourself out of that sex bubble and you’ll see why a simple fic of having breakfast with nanami in scotland is actually so much fun to read and enjoy
happy reading!!
sami thank u for sending this! providing my thoughts under the cut.
i honestly am shocked by how many ppl commented on that. (someone said i was ‘insulting the intelligence of those who only read smut’ and was being ‘misogynistic’. i didn’t intend to do that, and think my words were taken out of context by that point, but it is what it is now.)
i do agree that with smut if i have an idea of the dynamic i want and what the characters might be into, i can plan a course of action for what is going to happen. sometimes i start w smut and then incorporate the plot later tbh.
you’re absolutely right, there’s nothing wrong with reading and writing smut. no one is any better if they don’t read smut than those who do. personally my comment was only towards the select who constantly intake content on here and aren’t always careful about what they read. even heavily more so towards the porn link posts too. hence why my original comment said ‘some’ because obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone.
i really do admire those who are able to world build so fluently and with great detail whether that is in smut or not. i agree with your point that it may be a bit more complicated to build a story without smut if you’re focusing more on characterization, personality, and setting. smut pieces that bring this to the table seem like the longer ones for the most part, but that doesn’t mean shorter ones can’t either. also i know it’s another tricky thing to mention is how people go about making their reader with personality or not bc ppl complain anyway anyhow when there’s something they can’t identify with.
at the end of the day i just wish to keep supporting ppls writing in general but also wish the tumblr community was more friendly like it used to be. a lot of ppl seem discouraged lately about their writing and i hope that things can get better soon.
(btw breakfast with nanami in scotland sounds heavenly! pls sign me up immediately <3)
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rbdbrainworms · 1 year
ok right, let's think about this from diego's perspective for a moment
lets start at the baseline that ur the spoiled son of one of the most powerful man in the contry, the ✨hottest prettiest most popular coolest boy in ur whooole rich kid elite school✨, and you just started dating this rly hot girl
except u also went out on a date w some older girls on the side and got drunk and totalled a car and ended up in the hospital and now u have to do community service and ur powerful dad is manipulative and crazy and overbearing and u dont know how stand up to him and ur home life is a disaster and ur actually really unhappy with your lifestyle and you very likely have a precocious alcoholism problem and you feel u have to hide the things youre most passionate abt - like music - , repress who you might actually want to be and bow down to your father's pressures. but its fiiiiine as long as you dont think abt it too much, right?
right, anyway! the girl ur dating complains abt this annoying new girl in you ~elite~ school, the daughter of a famous singer. apparently shes weird, and mean, and combative, so tacky and rude and unfiltered and disruptive. this new girl heard some mildly incriminating things you and your girlfriend talked abt, and now shes worried. your attitude is, of course, to go up to the new girl and threaten her for no real reason
and she is, well. much like described: strong-minded, agressive, irreverent, no filter. says and does whatever she wants. talks back to you and then some. you grab her and shes like. who tf are you. no i cant get u my moms autrograph. you threaten her right out and shes just, im sorry, are u chapolin colorado?? i think u forgot ur antennas sweetie
(sorry just. her dialogue >>>)
(she also lights up a sinalizer inside as bus beside u bc of it, but you never find that out)
ok,. you go on to your little rich kid school club. you get attacked and stabbed on the way to ur secret community service - yknow, over the drunk driving, - and a little child has to live on the street bc ur dad arranges that his brother is wrongfully arrested over it. youre not happy abt it, necessarily, but also youre not the type of person who would do anything to stop it, especially against your dad
your dad humiliates you and tears you a new one and you're all very frustrated w life. but you bow your head to him and move on, as always, because what else can you do?
you get drunk, again, and ends up kissing your girlfriends' best friend
the next day you stumble upon that girl in the hallway, and provoke her - like before, she claps back immediately. didn't she realize already this is your place, and the rest of your friends', and not for people like her??
heres the answer: she starts fighting your friend for calling her mother a slut (in not so many words) and you get in the way - and she reads you and your dad for filth. then, she gets her finger right at the center of the wound - she'd much rather have her people and her mother's artist crowd and revealing clothes and ""lack of class""" over having a corrupt father who'd sent someone to jail for a crime they didnt commit.
see, she is the type of person who wouldn't let something like that happen without consequence .
you dont really have much to say to that, or much to do really, except. seethe
you say to your friends, the best thing to do is to ignore her!
and then, well, you dont
by the way, you are the ✨prettiest, hottest, most popular boy in school✨ and this girl, as established, is inconvenient, weird, shameless, uncontrollable, she has no class or respect for you or your friends, her makeup is too dark, her hair is strange, her humor is cutting, her bad temper is obvious. you, well, you can have aaaany girl you want - so you're definitely not and would NEVER be attracted to her at all!
anyway, a gossip rag comes up and talks abt you kissing yours girls best friend. even though it makes absolutely no sense for this new girl to be the one to do it - she doesnt even know you all, and really doesn't seem like the kind to say something behind the back rather than in your face- and even though you've talked a grand total of two (2) times (and "talked" here is being generous), you're suddenly Convinced , it Has to be her. bc....... her mom is a famous singer. so. irrefutable proof. right there.
that, ofc, justifies you throwing her overboard into a lake, even though she doesnt know how to swim. all your friends think you exaggerated, after all you couldve really hurt her, maybe even killed her - you shrug and laugh it off.
"roberta is very rough" you say. SOMEONE has to show her whos boss, someone has to show her who REALLY has the power here, you tell them. obviously that someone has to be you
could it be possible that you're trying to feel powerful after your recent fuck ups and your dads latest humiliation? is it possible you overdid it bc this girl pushes aaaaall your buttons ? that it irritates you that she's so strong-minded and defiant and you're not?🤔naah don't worry about it
so, she finds out you couldve KILLED her. and then she throws ur 15k guitar into the water as retaliation . as one does. and you are LIVID. it is a 15k guitar, and also the one thing you really actually love - music
as the very not-unhinged person you are, you threaten to drown her, (again). she says she isnt scared of you, and you insist that she is. you tell her you have A LOT of power (do you?) and if she "continues with the gossip rags", which she denies writing, you will certainly "put her in her place"
she clearly has no framework for what she should or shouldnt do, or who she should or shouldnt mess with. but that should show her
so she's actually pretty freaked out. and leaves. you don't see her for three weeks
do you take this is as a win?
nope! you, the ✨ hottest, prettiest most popularest boy in school✨ apparently did not have much better things to do these 3 weeks than obsess over her, bc the first thing you do upon coming back is going out to find her, threaten her (you have to cuddle her to do that, for some reason) and put in place a questionable plot to try to get her expelled
see, you tell her, you always get what you want (do you?) and the thing you want THE MOST is for her to leave the school
why do you care SO much abt expelling her? you've talked what, 3 times. you've certainly had worst, more violent altercations with other people in this meantime. you don't know that she would mess with you again. if you're SO powerful and able to show her who's boss, why worry so much about making her , in particular, leave? weeell, don't worry about it
you're so happy about this plan and managing to screw her over, that you get drunk again! in celebration, you toast to the girl who made you the happiest lately - roberta pardo! . you kiss a pillow as if its her. when your actual girlfriend hears you, she thinks it means youre cheating on her - and who can blame her?
and then! the plan fails. bc ur a villain and the power of friendship defeats you!
also, she's extremely clever. you'll realize in the near future, its rare that you manage to outsmart her - and the times you do, you usually regret . but let's not get ahead of ourselves
you're furious. you vow shes "going to pay" ;.
pay for what? she hasnt actually done anything, other than respond to your attacks - all of the times you've met, she's always been answering your own agressiveness, standing her ground instead of bowing her head.
you have so far: threatened her on sight, insulted her family, thrown her in a lake, accused her without evidence, threatened to drown her, and tried to frame her for theft and get her expelled. she has... insulted you back, thrown your guitar on a lake after you threw her, and outsmarted you, defending herself against your accusations
now, not only did she escape your little plot, meaning she will stay in school, where you'll see her everyday, she doesn't even have the decency to be intimidated anymore! now she has the audacity of saying she's not scared of you, that you're the one who is going to pay, and this has just begun.
you hear all of that very closely, by the way, because you're pushing her against a wall
youre even more ... furious and dedicated to ~~bringing her down
you've known her for what ammounts to one (1) week.
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koishua · 1 year
i have so much to say about these tracks y'all the wait was worth it it always is when it's with them!! UNFORGIVEN as a title track slaps i can't overstate how amazing this turned out thank you nile rodgers this is incredible i adore the beats though i wish that for the "unforgiven girls" part, the vocals were stronger in volume and impression bc it's SUCH a hype section i can already imagine ceremonies starting with that exact part!! the melody just evokes that feeling if you know what i mean?? and yunjin's grungy voice compliments this song and its message so so well. also kkura's deep voice?? she is an icon she has always been the moment but oml zuha's wings and her lines are SO good i won't even start talking about chaewon bc y'all know how i feel about her gosh she never ever disappoints. now for manchae oml she has come so far from fearless and she's getting better and better each comeback and she's starting to solidify her presence on stage im so excited for five years down the line how she's going to turn out!! the choreo snippet from knowing bros had already surprised me so much i love love love their choreos and this one has to be one of my top threes?? anyways not to get too deep into this so im going to just keep it like this and move on. overall 9.5/10
NO-RETURN (INTO THE UNKNOWN) — the bass!! they have a signature feel-good sound to their tracks similar to this you just want to get up and jump or dance around with a smile on your face. the saxophone is that a saxophone in the chorus that took me off guard in the best way really. the brass is so cnncncbc!! chaewon and yunjin carry the vocal heavy parts and they do it amazingly like they may not be the strongest vocalists ever but they're strong in their own ways that fit le sserafim's sound so well!! overall 9/10
EVE, PSYCHE & THE BLUEBEARD'S WIFE — i know a club song when i hear one despite not ever being in one 😔😔 the beat im salivating this is my three am hallucinating dancing in the dark in my own room type of song i swear to you the verses after the first chorus has me in a chokehold. the things i would do to get to listen to this in a concert setting and ascend with the bridge and then the drum pads that come in right after like stfu. overall 9/10
FEARNOT (BETWEEN YOU, ME, AND THE LAMPPOST) — i just started writing a small fic based on this song and its vibes!! this makes me feel all sorts of things and the lyrics are straight out of a heartwarming story. this is one of my most favourite songs from this album. it's so atmospheric with the electric guitar building up to the chorus and the drum beats that kick in and their vocals. the melody is beautiful and i just can't get over the vibes. i cried while i first listened to this half an hour ago actually ;-; i don't have any single thing to complain about in this song. "i go where you go" line being given to chaewon was an amazing decision because her voice is so pure and it felt like i was pulled into another world for the brief moment she sung with the background going silent :') i think this will be one of my most listened to songs on spotify this year. overall 10/10
FLASH FORWARD — this is exactly my vibe i listen to these kinds of songs everyday all day it's just so vibey and you can strut playfully to this song down the street and sway and jam all you want and it feels like flowers of all bright colours are blooming all around you as you go!! it's like it brightens up the world around each step you take :< it's just feel-good. overall 9/10
FIRE IN THE BELLY — when i say hot damn i want to shake my hips and call my latina friends and have them listen to this. the chorus makes something in my chest feel so full with life!! reminds me of my childhood especially the olé olé olé in the background chants ugh im a little tired from all of the jumping and screeching i did within the last hour so my brain is slowing down just know that it's overall a 9/10 for me for this too
CONCLUSION i love them they occupy a large spot in my heart i can't ever dislike any song they release and i know it seems like im giving way too many compliments but i can't help it idc if it's subjective they just make good ass music ‼️
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stevebabey · 4 months
I'm the first anon, thank you so much for understanding. I have those feelings for months now and I'm going crazy lmao.
I wish I could get into character x character stuff, but unfortunately, my stupid brain loves to consume stuff through self insert, so x reader is my preferred outlet for everything :/ I just feel like I don't belong anywhere in this fandom rn in terms of content creation. I'm not into most x reader stuff and I like to explore more character things, but I also don't really belong in there because I'm not a shipper.
It's just so frustrating to see, and the other anon was right. The tiktokification of media and fandoms in general is insane to watch. Like I saw a tiktok that complained that the Poppy War by Rf Kuang was boring because it had no spice. M'am, this is a book about war? 😭 Or, like everything is described in tropes (that's a problem for books, not fanfic per se) for fast consumption, the plot doesn't matter if certain scenarios are not ticked off. Not to mention AI and things like characterAI where people just get quickly what they want without using really their imagination (plus them not caring that this is stealing from real people).
And yeah, the whole minor part. It's insane to tell 12 year olds, that virgins write the best stuff. I'm reading and writing fics since I was 14, and I'm "lucky" I wasn't really exposed to those things until I was 16. English isn't my first language, so fanfics were a bit limited, I guess (plus having a very nieche interest that didn't reach international fame and fandom). Also, I mostly consumed stuff from friends I know irl and we had a few spicy scenes because we were curious, but we never got exposed to hardcore smut. I'm not saying there should be no smut at all, everyone is free to express themselves. It's a problem if the fandom is only that because it creates a space not everyone has access to or gets messed up. Fandom is community and everyone should feel welcome. If I was a minor and all writer blogs tell me to fuck off because they only write mature things, idk if I would even wanna stay. Which is also another problem because fandoms die out so quickly as it is.
Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this exactly because you already said everything and I agree with you. <33
omg you say you don't know where you're going with this but brought up so many good POINTS
you're not crazy and you're definitely not the only one feeling that way!! i understand completely and it's infuriating that the topic of it is almost tongue in cheek in this fandom and lots of people feel they would be better off biting their tongue than expressing that frustration ://
character x character is something that takes a hot minute to get into i've found, i've honestly only just gotten into it within the last year or so (because i also struggle with like ocs and the like) but i am a long lover of the self insert i can't even lie <3
but there's like a difference between the way you describe this!! i think you're very much like me and it's like a genuine love for a character that drives your desire for writing self-insert- its like i love this dude so much and i want them to be happy and i want to be that source of happiness, i want to be that first kiss or gentle touch they need :D
andddd that's my problem with so much of the smut-leaning fics. where's the soul!?! where's the driving heart of the story? the best fics are the most self indulgent because you can see the best parts of someone in them !!!!
i'm really sorry that you feel like you don't have a place in this fandom but you do definitely belong here honey- fandom is supposed to be a community and there's no prerequisite to existing here at all and the fact there feels like there are certain amounts you have to succeed in to be a writer is so just bleh
tiktok is a goddam brainrotting place lmao and every day im not on it is a great one! the trope shit is SO true, like the idea that if you can check a few boxes (one of those things being smut) its the thing that makes a piece good instead of how it's written and the passion for the story like ugh and don't even get me started on ai 😭 that is a shitshow in itself and anyone who uses that to write fics or complete other peoples fics are absolute garbage people
the minor thing is yeah completely fucked and you raise SUCH a good point about how it limits the spaces that they can occupy which is so fucking stupid cos how many of us started in fandom at young ages??? everyone should feel welcome! and god the thought of someone trying to so hard to avoid nsfw content but just to have it shoved down their throat in every other post and also having so many writers telling them to fuck off ur so right, i wouldn't wanna stay either!
and it's just so so so sad because there are a thousand people who i WISH would write their ideas, write their fics, whether its bad or good first time around because THAT is the point of fandom. love for the source! new ideas! people's new takes on old tropes over and over :D
ah you opened the floodgate in me.... you didn't ask for advice but truly, write the most self indulgent stuff ever and it can't lead you wrong. i hope the culture of fandom changes and every time you ignore the urge to write for what u think people will like and just write what you want, we all get a little bit closer to that change :")
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