#also idk what I wrote there it was longer and then shorter and i'm still in a creative block and its 2am so like. idk.
jayjamjary · 4 days
light and/or L for 6/9/25?
I'm alive againnnnnn! So I can finally answer this.
Okay so I wrote a lot and don't want to make people scroll a mile at least on mobile to get past this post so answers under the cut lol. I hope you like long winded paragraphs.
Also here's the thing I'm doing this from.
L 6, I've stolen so many of his mannerisms and my posture is worse for it. His moral code (made pretty clear in L Change The World) is one I like as well and reading that book helped me consider a lot of my own moral codes that are still kinda works in progress probably forever. I'm also rather logical with a side of social awkwardness and bluntness like he is. Obviously I'm not as smart as him (I don't know if that would even be possible????) but I know a lot and I'm good at analyzing information (except when it's social information. I can't read faces I can't read tone and I suck at understanding neurotypical people's behavior). I've also taken martial arts lol but just taekwondo not the capoeira-esque thing he does. Oh and I'm snacky. I operate best on too much sugar but also then I sometimes start shaking.
Light 6, Sometimes I have to stop myself from thinking I'm above everyone else. I only get in that mindset occasionally though, like once every few years and then I just have to humble myself by remembering I'm not that cool. I've just always been really good at school stuff, and, especially this year while taking AP Bio, it's hitting me that I'm Really Good At Some Stuff Compared To My Peers. Like top of the class and I do not study and I do almost all of my work last minute and then I draw on the notes in class when the teacher is lecturing. I'll keep thinking I'm going to fail a test or something and then we get it back and I'm the top or near the top of the curve. It's odd. Anyway, aside from academics, when I was younger and first watched death note, like Light, I also didn't understand how his method was bad. Because I was like 14 and hadn't considered morals much at that time. But I've been there so I understand. If I had that kind of power and hadn't had the opportunity to analyze his methods from and outside perspective, I could see myself doing something quite like what he did. Oh also, when I was little (like ages 5-12 maybe), I was a manipulative bitch. I've lost my edge though because. I can't read people and also I'm not terribly good at producing the correct tones myself anymore :p plus I'm smarter now and realizing lying willy nilly all the time isn't the best tactic. Oh, and right now, we almost have the same haircut. My hair's a little shorter on the side but that's it. K even have brown hair too.
L 9, that's a really interesting question to answer. I would think so but only under some conditions. He would have to minimize screen light (like from computers or phones) while I'm trying to sleep. Like cover the screen and his head in a blanket and block out the light from the rest of the room or something. Then uh he would need to share his yummy little sweet treats because they look yummy. If he doesn't want to share he just needs to learn which ones I don't like and get more of those. Which should be easy because I'm very picky (I don't like most chocolate, I don't like most cake, I don't like most pastries, I'm picky with cookies, etc.). I would also appreciate if Watari came along sometimes too. In L Change The World, L takes pretty good care of himself alone, but that was a crisis situation. In a normal situation he may be more inclined to let stuff slide for being able to work longer and I don't want him forgetting to shower or eat or sleep or anything. I could try to take care of him myself but idk if he would listen to me and idk if I would always have energy.
Light 9, Could I be roommates with him? Yes. Would I want to be? No. Well maybe. If we're talking Light with no Kira I think it'd be okay, but if we're talking Light with Kira that's a solid pass. Light with no Kira is a pretty okay guy, and I feel like he would learn to respect me even if he initially looked down on me for my generally alternative style and lack of social skills since I'm pretty smart and stuff. Not only do I think Light with Kira would be judgier but also I don't want to deal with his rehehehe shit. I don't want to live with a roomate who's constantly plotting and scheming and all that.
L 25, ahhh I watched death note for the first time like 4ish years ago so I barely remember. I think I liked him a bit, like I thought he was silly, but I was weirded out by how many shots of his feet rubbing together the anime had.
Light 25, once again, I remind the reader that I was young and dumb when I first watched the show so don't judge me here. I agreed that the world is a trash fire sometimes and I was pretty on board with Light's methods of dealing with that. I thought he was kinda an ass but that was it.
Thank you for asking me the silly questions and sorry for taking so long to get to them lol.
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derry-rain · 17 days
"Who's your favorite oc?" and "How many drafts do you write on average?"
📑 How many drafts do you write on average?
Drafting is something I'm trying to get better about. I tend to edit and chop around as I go, so it looks like multiple tiny drafts of sections. This works brilliantly well for the shorter form stuff I do - up to 5k, but the longer stuff absolutely not. So... maybe it's like, one or two drafts, but this represents huge numbers of edits and changes.
🙋🏽‍♂️ Who's your favorite oc?
Cutting this bc it got long and bc there's art at the bottom.
So this question sent me into a SPIRAL because I think you're one of the few people who knows I dabble in original fiction AND fan fiction and then I wasn't sure how much of my fanfic OC stuff you see and then I also remembered we're Bioware-unwell both and so I just tossed a bunch of OCs in the air and saw what fell out.
Anyway, staying in the realm of fandom, here's one I love, I wrote a lot about and I don't think published anything of. I still think about her from time to time.
Marthe Caron - so IDK if she technically counts as an OC, because she's my Orlesian Grey Warden, which is the PC you get when you don't import a character into Dragon Age Awakening. But I'm claiming her anyway because it's not like DAA gives you a whole lot to work with. She's in her late thirties/early forties, two handed warrior and mother of a teen daughter who comes along with her to Amaranthine. After playing DAO with what felt like quite young protagonists, I loved the idea of this older lady being parachuted in by the Wardens after the Hero disappears (in this canon, the Dalish warden fucks off after the final battle, and Alistair has made the ultimate sacrifice for them, so Anora is queen) and having to navigate her way around a Ferelden that's suspicious of her and still reeling from the Blight.
I even commissioned art of her at one point (nine years ago!), with her late-in-life love interest, Garevel (the captain from Awakening, yes).
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Since this was nine years ago, and the blog I had is long deleted, and the trail for this is long deleted - I have lost the artist's name, if they're still around on Tumblr. It was I think onemooncircles but there's no legit blog there now - if anyone knows, I'd love to hear!
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sam-loves-seb · 4 months
new year's ask game for fic writers:
thanks for the tags @mybrainismelted and @rayrayor !
1) What fic did you have the most fun writing this year and why? Or, if you can’t decide, what was most fun about writing this year for you?
i had the most fun writing what we stay alive for this past year, it was really a passion project of mine that turned into this wonderful labor of love
2) What’s a scene/story that you finished and felt “wow, I really accomplished that, that actually went so well”?
probably loving you with no conditions, i've always really wanted to write a fic with that premise but i put it off for a long time because i was worried i wouldn't do it justice. but in the end, i think people really liked it, and it's one of the fics i'm most proud of tbh
3) What helped provide the most inspiration for stories, if anything? Was it poetry? A song on repeat? A gorgeous gifset? A walk outside? A book you read that made you want to change everything? Whatever it was! Tell all.
unfortunately the thing that inspires me most continues to be running/exercise. i cannot even begin to tell you how many plot bunnies/outlines i wrote in my head during runs last summer when i was training for a race. idk what it is, but when i'm locked in with my headphones on, my mind starts to wander and it gives me some really good ideas (and some wild ones, but those are fun too from a creative standpoint)
4) What is something you want to share about what you’ve written this year? A particular line, a comment that made you feel really good, a scene that was difficult to write — you get to choose! What do you wish someone would ask you about when it comes to what you’ve written?
god, i don't know. i've gotten a lot of really wonderful comments this year, too many to pick just one.
a scene that was difficult to write would probably be all of chapter four of orange juice, that fic overall is hard to write (but i still want to finish it someday)
but i write more fluff than anything so i also wanted to add a scene that was really fun to write, and that was writing mickey high as fuck in i need you (like cake on my birthday)
and to start off 2024…
1) Do you have any writing/creation goals for the year? What are they?
my goal for the year is to write two (2) complete multi-chapter fics. i mostly exist in the oneshot world in the shameless fandom, but i miss plotting big long fics and i really want to try and stick with at least two this year.
2) Is there a fic or idea that you’re really excited to be able to continue to work on in the new year (shout out to my fellow fic writing folks who take forever to finish wips, sometimes it’s nice to be able to continue working on something even if you wish you’d gotten it done! Now you get even MORE time with it!)
i think rock star mickey au is the idea that i most want to see come to life in 2024. i've been plotting it in my head since like july and one day i want to be confident enough to actually write the vision that plays on a loop in my subconscious.
3) What’s something new in your writing you want to try/are going to try? A different writing style? Different fandom? Darker works? Fluffier? Longer or shorter?
god, i mean, i guess i want to try writing more smut? i don't write a lot of it rarely any ever but i want to put a little bit in my big bang fic, and maybe some in some other fic ideas i have too. so yeah. maybe i'll try more of that in 2024 idk don't quote me on it.
4) What’s something you love about your own writing that you will continue to appreciate in the new year?
honestly i really like the way i write dialogue. it sounds very natural to me, idk if anyone else agrees, but when i re-read some of my fics i'm just like yeah exactly he would say that
(and maybe it's bad or wildly out of character but idk. i like it.)
tagging anyone who wants to play <3 happy 2024 my friends!
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not-poignant · 2 years
Reading you say you just don't feel like writing fanfic anymore made me sad, because I've felt the same for years. Even shows I really did like just.. Arent inspiring? I watch things and enjoy them, but I don't feel any desire to produce something from it, and I no longer even look for fanfic that much. I felt the grief, too, so in a way, I'm glad it's not just me :/ It's a sucky feeling, really.
I hate it, honestly. I haven't closed the door to it, in weird ways it feels like the door has been closed on me instead (because of the pandemic, and life, and fandom changes).
I'm definitely not ruling it out! I'm also just not sure when things will change.
And then additionally, I've been in a 6 month lockdown that shows no signs of changing because I'm immunocompromised and disabled and everyone else is living kind of selfishly as though people like me don't exist and don't deserve protection (specifically re: masks and mask-wearing). Protecting disabled people really stops at mask wearing, even though folks wearing a mask does less protection for you and more protection for the *people around you* and vice versa. I've gone to a cafe once this year. I've been inside a shop once. It's kind of hard to get that old enthusiastic fandom vibe personally.
I think it will change eventually re: fandom because the media landscape is changing all the time, and nothing is static anyway. Things feel like they may have changed forever, but the reality is it's only been about 2 years out of about 13 of writing fanfiction?
But yeah I also no longer look for fanfic that much. It's harder than it used to be. People used to joke about looking for needle in haystacks but the reality is with AO3 and tag-surfing/narrowing/limiting it was, at least for a while, a lot easier to find fics you liked. These days it feels like...idk...
Also just factually, there's less longfics then there used to be. I talked to a friend about this and we both agreed it's probably connected to how short-lived fandoms are these days. A lot of the time it can take time to come up with a longfic concept, and it can be even harder to execute it in a dead or quiet fandom. I am primarily a hurt/comfort + happy ending longfic reader, and a PWP reader. There are still a lot of PWPs, but I've found no longfics I've really enjoyed in about 2 years. At some point, I just...gave up. I'm sure they're out there, but not really in the fandoms I was last active in, and not with the pairings I was looking for. And by the time I thought 'I'll write a rarepair longfic' the fandom was dead and I think every fic writer can write for a dead fandom a few times, but not many can do it forever. Even the last fanfiction I wrote was way way shorter than my normal ones, almost as though even then I was afraid to commit to anything longer than around 20k.
Anyway! Yes. It does suck and it is sad and it's kind of depressing. I'm very lucky that I can still get 'fandom feels' with Fae Tales, which has helped. But my writing life doesn't really feel complete without fanfiction, so it's been a weird two years. Falling Falling Stars came close to filling that gap because it's so whumpy and hurt/comforty, but that's going to be over soon.
Be interesting to see what happens to fandom during the pandemic/s (1 million cases of monkeypox now predicted by September). And hopefully you find your way back to fandom eventually, or that many of us do. You're definitely not alone. I know so many people kind of deep in this issue (many of them previously longfic writers), and while I do know a few people still writing fic, the 'old guard' of writers who actually still kind of want to be writing, or in fandom, or feeling that feeling, just...can't.
I don't think it's 'growing out of fandom' personally. For me, I really think it's connected to the change in the fandom experience + global issues + personal issues. So I am hopeful it's not permanent. But still sad that I can't tell people when I'll be writing fic again any time soon either. x.x
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hospitalterrorizer · 8 months
i got bored and used mouthwash is how my day is going.
not, like, in a stupid way. i just literally washed my mouth with it. i also just did the last workouts of the day, 36 hip thrusts and 30 squats (on top of my earlier in the morning 30 squats + leg lifts and other stuff i do on my back (not euphemistic)) now i am relaxing by listening to usurp synapse, who i was listening to earlier and i felt like i uncovered some kind of fact in how they structure their songs and went on to make another obscenely short song, my second one of the day.
i did get to record today, i've nailed down a song i didn't think i'd ever even get to honestly, re-wrote the lyrics to it too. i also, like i mentioned earlier, made two obscenely short songs. one is an 8 second long song with a 12 second long intro which i think i'm going to use as an intro for the album i'm working on, the other song is 23 seconds. idk where i'll fit it in but it's so short that it can basically go anywhere, as long as i can make it fit in the album emotionally/pacing wise.
tomorrow idk what i'm gonna do, i think what i'll do is leave the song i basically nailed down today, come back to it in a couple days or so, so that way i can come back with a clear head/ without obsession, and instead tomorrow i'll do a new song, maybe the new short one w/o vocals, and another shorter one, with more lyrical content though, and if my voice is up to it / i get them both handled well, i might go try another screamy song. i need to figure out some songs that don't require that though, i might try one of the longer (longer is so relative here, the longest song that's for sure on the album is going to be like 3 minutes. so longer meaning 2 minutes-ish) songs out that's less screamy and more freaked out androgyne stuff.
otherwise, today i prepared dinner for 4 nights tonight, i made miso butter chicken tonight, tomorrow or the next day, or maybe even the day after, idk what i'm gonna do with this other filleted chicken breast i have, maybe pan fry it after putting it in flour, idk what to do for sauce, it's already seasoned. the other 2 nights, i'm marinading stir fry. when i cut the chicken up, i always call it mr. chicken. tonight he was still kind of not totally thawed so the butchering was so cold it hurt my hands but this brand of chicken is honestly much easier to handle than i thought it'd be. idk why the other one feels like, denser, or something. what are they doing with these chickens. freaky stuff.
my mom texted me today to let me know that she is officially on the autism spectrum and i told her about how since highschool i've wondered if i'm autistic. i used to care a lot more about diagnoses then, i think i wanted to be told that i had everything wrong with me and that i was totally sick because if i were, i guess it made me more desirable, in a way, at least i felt like that. like if i were hopeless someone would really have to kill me. now i don't want any diagnosis and i hate psychiatry mostly but when my mom or really most other people talk about it helping them i'm just happy that they feel better in their life anyway they can, cuz everything is so miserable anyways. sometimes it does seem to confer a kind of condescension, some people begin speaking on behalf of their experts, outsourcing a sector of thought to an expert who sort of speaks through them in suggestions, like, you should get that checked out, maybe you need x, and whatever else. but it's easy enough to ignore people telling you (you generally, not a specific you, not pointed back at myself) why therapy is incredible and you should try it.
i don't even always hate therapists. i know some people would say i'm weak for that but they're just people caught up in a fundamentally fucked way of seeing people and trying to make that positive or helpful. they're losing so severely it's hard to not be sad for them.
a fairly light day i guess, or productive w/ music.
i found my gf's bone necklace, it has coyote bones on a chain. it wasn't really lost but i felt like i could lose it, it was under some books, i figured i'd need to find it sooner rather than later because i imagine she'd want to wear it.
she also didn't finish dinner tonight which she usually doesn't, so it's leftovers for me tomorrow cuz she doesn't eat leftovers. but that makes me worry about what she'll eat, i dunno. i can do ramen i guess but she'd feel ill over that probably.
i really want to re-mix the stupid stupid short song, i need it to be a little more legible.
oh all my soreness is gone and i'm still all sorry for myself because i feel like i am still falling short of completing everything.
tomorrow i need to find a bunch of photos of maggots, grubs, caterpillars, and maybe a chrysalis or two to agglomerate into something for cover art.
i think i need to figure out the kick drums but the song sounds better now.
uhhhhhhhhhh whatever. i think this enough for today.
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newromanticsmuses · 11 months
munday meme 1, 2, 4, 10 [pick your fav], 12, 14, 15, 19, 22
When did you start writing on Tumblr? 2013! So this is my 10th year....
Who was your first muse? Kenny McCormick from South Park (at least on Tumblr); I rp'd X-men before that and mostly wrote Kurt Wagner and Kitty Pryde
Favourite thing about roleplaying? Exploring the headspace of various characters! I like just learning about where the characters are coming from and their motivations.
Would you be friends with your muse if they were real? I think I'd be friends with most of my muses! I want to be friends with Stan and Jean the most... idk
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Yea... I never fully leave a muse behind and I'm mostly willing to bring them back over time. Right now, I'm bringing back Dee because season 16 of It's Always Sunny is so on point so far!!!
Who is an author that inspires you? My basic ass says Stephen King (especially for rp). Also, Janet Fitch and Donna Tartt, especially for my own writing and OCs
What do you look for in a rp partner? Someone patient, number one! Who will still be around and pick up where we left off when I inevitably peace out. Someone willing to commiserate on everyday life and not just RP. Someone who likes shipping and isn't shy about it but will build lots of different dynamics! Also... anyone open to deep platonic ships! (@idcnticxl is great in this way!)
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? Depends. Sometimes I do. I have lots of muse playlists; sometimes I just listen to whatever I'm into at the moment. It can really help me focus but sometimes it also distracts.
Short, medium, or long threads? I think there's space for all three... 12-15 lines is like my sweet spot. I can write longer but it makes me take longer to respond usually. I can do shorter as long as the other person is still building on what is said and giving good details/body language/dialogue to respond to. But a lot of times I find shorter threads die out.
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l0v3lyr0ses · 2 years
hey love! i read your security breach s/o headcanons and i am absolutely enamored with how you portray moon — it’s literally SO canon to me <333 may i request further headcanons in relation to moon as a s/o? thank you so much, and happy holidays! <3
Aaa, thank you so much!! Sure thing, happy holidays to you too <3 idk what pronouns you wanted the reader to be so it'll be gender neutral here
um these are bit shorter but for some reason i truly believed someone like me who sucks ass at writing would be able to write long HCs-
im not gonna lie sun and moon's official names are fucking confusing bc some ppl say sunrise/moondrop while others say sun/moon pls give me explainations-
im not sure if I understood correctly bc I have a few learning disabilities which make it sometimes difficult to understand things-
I'm sorry if I wrote it wrong, pls contact me and explain sjsj
um, i spent the day trying to make this longer but then my parents made me go shopping with them but im pretty satisfied with this result! and i hope you are too anon :D
Moon as your s/o HCs
Dating Moon would certainly be for the patient ones!
it takes time for Moon to properly open up to someone and in truth, he's never really opened up to anyone before you.
tho he's also scared that if he opens up that you'll leave him
also, Moon took ages trying to figure out his feelings before you established a romantic relationship
and then spent even more time building up the courage to act on his feelings.
everything takes a bit of time with Moon, it even took a few weeks for him to feel comfortable being close to you
bc he thinks he doesn't deserve you and will hug you too tight and accidentally kill you
he just needs time and comfort and a lot of reassurance
Moon loves holding your hand and giving back hugs <3
he'd also melt if you peppered his face in kisses
surprisingly Moon is quite affectionate, even if he sometimes denies it
Moon wants you to know just how much he loves you
He will let you nap on his shoulder during the night shifts
Moon will scold you if you get hurt, no matter if you did it or not
he lowkey thinks that humans are so fragile and that you have to be careful, if you fall what if then you bleed to death and die
he's always watching over you,wherever you are in the pizza plex he isn't far off.
not bc he's planning to spook you so much that you shit your pants-
Moon hates it when you aren't in the daycare, he won't admit but he finds it lonely without you.
sometimes he'll sneak out of the daycare and carry you back
he gets moody if you aren't with him or moodier than usual
you call him Moody Moony
it sends him into outer space with how much it irritates him-
Moon likes hearing about your day, what you did during the day? (who you talked with for research purposes), what groceries you bought, he wants to know everything about you.
Moon likes reading your bedtime stories, even if you're too old for that.
Moon will do it especially if you're not feeling well for whatever reason, he hopes bedtimes stories and his presence will cheer you up
he will also tell you that no matter what you're still his darling which he loves so much <3
he may call you mean nicknames, like dumbass but he does love you.
Moon has low energy levels, even tho he can't really 'sleep' he'd love to cuddle you while you sleep!
Moon thinks you look precious completely vulnerable and relaxed as you are when asleep
Every time you say goodbye, he always gives you a long hug and tries making up excuses and making messes to keep you with him longer.
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Prom with Peter Maximoff
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CW: none, just some sickening fluff, Jubilee and Kurt are 💅 because I said so, Peter is a bumbling idiot but not annoying levels of it, I didn't go to prom so this is probably not at all accurate, no prom queen/king for one, also no slow dance??? Idk why not I might rewrite this completely but I do kinda like this so I'm posting it, I wrote this with F!Reader in mind, but other than that Reader wears a dress it's Gender Neutral, I wrote this to distract myself from cramps, and as always, lazily edited
You take a deep breath and run your fingers over the fabric of your dress, the silver lightly shimmering under the light of your dorm. You were waiting for your date, Peter Maximoff, to come get you and take you down the hall to the large gymnasium at Xavier's School for the Gifted where the dance was.
You and Peter weren't dating when he asked you to the dance, but you might as well have been, since the two of you were practically attached at the hip ever since he saved the school from exploding and then enrolled. It was kind of cliché to wait for him, since the gym was only 20 yards from your dorm, but Peter said it would feel like a more authentic dance this way, so you agreed with a laugh.
Just as you were starting to wonder what was taking the speedster so long, a knock at your door sounded. You got up, smoothing out the lines in the dress and grinning when you opened the door.
Peter was dressed in a pair of black slacks (they hung a bit big on him, leading you to believe they were probably borrowed from Erik) and a light blue and silver striped dress shirt, silver and blue flowers pinned to the lapel. It was simple and the two of you matched quite well. His hair was combed to the best of his ability but still hung loose around his face. You resisted to urge to ruffle your hands through it. His eyes sparkled as he looked you up and down in awe and pure adoration. You wanted to kiss him but decided against it, how silly to have you two's first kiss be minutes before the dance, standing half in the hallway half in your dorm.
"You look stunning," he breathed out. Your face heat at his comment and you patted your hair nervously.
"Thanks, you look great too," you told him. He grinned at the praise, clearly proud of himself for managing to clean up.
He stared at you for a few more seconds before a though occured to him and he cleared his throat. "I got you this-" he reached behind him to something he had clipped to the back of his pants, pulling out a clip on flower lapel to match his own- "it's fake so you can keep it forever." You smiled at the sentiment and helped him pin it onto your dress. He held out an arm to you and you stepped forward and placed your hand in his own, letting him lead you two to the gym.
Jean and Jubilee had been in charge of decorating, and while they did an excellent job, you could clearly see where each of their influence showed. Jean had a clean snack table set up at the end closest to the main door, a plastic cover set over- silver, funnily enough- to catch any spills from the three different punch bowls. There were huge -silver- letters above the door that spelled out "PROM" and streamers and confetti carefully placed in meticulous order. It looked great.
Jubilee's side was pure chaos. She used the same streamers and confetti as Jean, but it was thrown wherever without any semblance of a pattern. A makeshift stage was put up and the resident band, the Musical Mutants (we're not naming ourselves that) (we totally should it's hilarious) (no) (you're outvoted), was playing a cover of some rock song you didn't recognize, but it had a nice beat, and Peter took your hand to join the rest of your friends on the dance floor.
Jean and Scott greeted you as they held hands, Scott occasionally twirling Jean around, Jubilee gave you a big hug and Kurt waved awkwardly before they introduced you to their partners. Jubilee girlfriend Kess was a tall dark haired woman in a light pink dress, who you vaguely recognized from around the school, and Kurt's boyfriend Wally was a shorter guy you were pretty sure you had science with. You all had agreed to go as a group about a month before Wally asked Kurt, and then Jean asked Scott, Jubes asked Kess and Peter asked you, so you ended up as one big quadruple date.
You all talked for a while before a particular song came on and Jubilee and Kess ran off to go dance, Scott and Jean excused themselves- "to go make out" as Peter put it, despite your playful slap to his chest at the comment, and Kurt and Wally went off to go say hi to some of Wally's friends.
"They ditched us," Peter said in faux sadness. You shook your head lightly and smiled.
"They probably didn't want to stand here much longer watching you stare at me."
He did his best to look offended. "I was being discreet." He turned up his nose and looked away. He quickly turned back though as the realization of what you said kicked in. "You saw me?"
You smiled at the blush crawling over his cheeks and nodded. He shook his head and muttered to himself about being more careful, which only made you laugh more. Satisfied with your happiness, he took your hand and sped you around to say hello to all of your friends.
This continued well into the night, Peter and you bouncing around from person to person, group to group and conversing with your friends, stopping once in a while to dance or sing along to the a song, and by the time the band took a break, you were exhausted. You made one last stop at the snack table to give your compliments to the band before leading Peter out to the big field that was sometimes used for class. Next to it was a small garden a few of the Botanokinetics and other gardening enthusiasts kept up. The two of you sat down on the bench, your hand in Peter's lap to let him fiddle with the beads of your bracelet to help him keep still.
The sky was dark, stars dotting the horizon, sun long gone and the moon taking up it's place in the sky. Music could still be heard fairly loudly from the gym but it didn't bother you two as you lay a head on his shoulder, listening to him talk about arcade games, and stared off at the small group of students running in circles with sparklers far out by the lake. You could almost spot Jubilee out with them, making hearts around Kess with her powers. You smiled up at Peter as he continued to ramble. He stopped when he realized you were staring at him.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's okay. I like hearing you talk about things you like. I feel.honored you want to share that with me." He grinned at your sentiment.
"Why the hell did I not ask you out sooner."
You shrugged and pulled off his shoulder. He reached out, very suddenly for you, though you suppose it must've been a normal rate from his perspective, to cup your cheek in his hand and pull you ever so slightly closer to him. You gulped and glanced at his lips as he leaned further, stopping a few inches from your mouth to wait for you to close the gap. You waited for a few seconds before leaving in and pressing your lips to his.
There wasn't any fireworks, there was no magic switch that clicked in your brain, just Peter's lips, so soft against yours. There was just Peter's hand on your neck, pulling you closer. It might not've been showstopping, but it felt like heaven, and that was enough.
[not my gif @anakinskywalkers ]
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itsadamcole · 3 years
graduation day
fem!reader x finn balor
Finn is reader’s English professor. He's spent the semester doing everything he can to make sure he doesn't do anything deemed inappropriate to her. Little does he know that reader feels the same way. The day of graduation, reader stops by Finn's office and the two confess how they've been feeling .... "is this what you want?" & "i've never wanted anyone to fuck me this bad before."
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word count: 3k+
warnings: smut, a brief student/teacher relationship, sex in a semi-public area (office)
— enjoy this that i wrote at 3 am bc i was bored and couldn’t sleep .... idk what made me even think of this honestly. maybe it’s the thought of finn in a suit, idk .... there also could be a part two to this, i may need to think about it tho —
masterlist || part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You've always found your English professor attractive. He's made the school day bearable. Everyday at 3 pm, you'd walk into that classroom and everything would instantly feel better for that hour long class.
When he would teach, you would look at how his muscles looked in his shirt or how well his pants hugged his butt. He'd notice you looking at him but never thought anything of it because he thought you were just paying attention to the subject of the day.
Finn's always found you quite attractive as well. You've made his school day exciting. Everyday at 3 pm, you'd walk into that classroom and his day would instantly get better for that hour or so of class. After he'd assign his students their work, he'd always sneak glances at you.
You had noticed these glances but never thought anything of them because he occasionally glanced up to make sure everyone was doing their work.
It was graduation day today. Your white gown and cap hang in your car as you pulled up to campus. You hoped that Mr. Balor would be here. He'd told his students on the last day of classes that he'd be in his office from noon until 3 on graduation day to make sure everyone's grades were okay or if anyone needed to talk about how nervous they were to be graduating college.
It was 2:45 when you parked your car in your usual parking spot in the student parking lot. No one was here on campus. It was practically empty. Everyone wouldn't be arriving until five or six for the scheduled seven o'clock graduation ceremony. Only faculty members wandered around campus, packing up the last few things from their offices no doubt.
You got out of your car and checked the time again on your phone. 2:47 pm. The English building was at least a five minute walk from the parking lot. You'd just barely make it.
So you ran. In your white three inch heels you'd decided to wear to graduation. The skirt on your white dress you decided to wear under your gown was flaring out as you ran toward the English building. You pressed your hands down on the skirt so nothing would be revealed to any onlookers. You were terrified that you would pop out of the dress too as the neck dipped very low, revealing a lot of your cleavage. The dress looked a lot like the famous white Marylyn Monroe dress, just a lot shorter and the neck was more lowcut.
Finn was wrapping up in his office as you made your way across the large campus. He finished filing the last papers he had to and he turned off his computer. He leaves his office to run down to the teacher's lounge area to clear out his things from that room.
You check the time again when you arrive to the doors of the English building. 2:52 pm.
You'd been to this building so many times. The classroom you looked forward to coming to everyday was located in this building. His office was located two floors above the classroom.
You take the stairs, running up to the fourth floor.
As you walk down the hallway of the office floor, you check each room's name plate as you walk by, looking for the "Mr. Finn Balor. English Professor" name plate on the door.
One room door was open. You approach it and look at the name plate on the wooden door.
Mr. Finn Balor. English Professor.
You swalllowed, walking into the medium sized room.
Everything was neatly packed away. Everything filed. Computer off. His supplies were neatly placed on his corner desk that took up about 25% of the space in the room. His jacket hung on the back of his desk chair. The backpack full of summer work sat on the black leather love seat that faced the desk on the other side of the room. The door marked the halfway point between the desk and the love seat. Two book selves were placed opposite the wooden door. The medium sized room had a cozy feeling to it.
You had never come to his office before. You were too scared. Scared that something would happen and he would know about your little crush that you've had on him since day one of class in January.
Finn noticed this. How you'd never ask for an appointment or stop by his office for a question. Your grades were excellent and that's why he assumed you never stopped by.
You wait a few minutes in his office to see if he had gone somewhere and will come back. 3 pm approaches and your hopes diminish. He probably left.
You let out a defeated sigh as you make the decision to leave.
As you walk out the door, you physically run into something. Not something. Someone.
"Miss L/N," the all too familiar Irish accent said. "Nice of ya to stop by. I was just thinking about ya."
You finally meet Mr. Balor's too blue eyes and you ask, "You were?"
He nods and walks around you into his office. You swallow nervously as you stand in the doorway and watch as he places a box full of objects on the large desk. "I was hopin' to get to see ya before the ceremony," he says. "I'm glad ya are here."
"Why's that?" you ask curiously, walking into the center of the room.
Mr. Balor looks over at you before he says, "I wanted to congratulate ya on your big day and because ya passed Honors English with flyin' colors. Ya should be very proud of yourself, Miss L/N."
You say, "Thank you, Mr. Balor."
He blinks at you before he says, "Ya graduate today, Y/N. Let's stop with the formalities, shall we? Call me Finn."
"Finn," you echo, trying to get his first name to sound more familiar than foreign. Calling your professor by his first name is not something you had done during the semester.
Finn smiles as you say his name. "So, Y/N," he says, dropping all professionalism. "What brings ya to my office on graduation day? I know it's not to talk about grades."
You shake your head and say, "No, it's not."
He packs a few pictures on his desk away into the box he'd just brought into the room as he asks, "So what do I owe the pleasure?"
Nervously, you say, "I wanted to come talk to you, um, about how I've been feeling for a while."
The packing stops as Finn looks up at you. "Nervous about graduation?" he asks.
You rub the back of your neck and say, "Not really."
"What's going on?" Finn asks, leaning back on his desk. He crosses his arms over his chest and his ankles.
The light grey button-up shirt Finn is wearing is tighter than usual and accentuates his arm muscles when he does this simple movement. It's tucked into his black dress pants. The first few buttons are unbuttoned. He's dressed somewhat casually.
You say, "I graduate today. In about four hours, I will no longer be your student and you will no longer be my teacher."
Finn nods along as you speak. "That's correct," he says.
Before you say anything else, you quickly run your fingers through your Y/H/C color curls. "I thought that now would a good time as any to tell you that over the semester, I've developed some feelings for you and I find you very attractive," you blurt out, trying to speak as slow as you can but it still comes out as a mess.
He's caught off guard by that statement. In that one sentence, he's realized that when he thought you were paying attention to the content on the board, you were looking at him. He's realized that you never came by his office was because of your crush on him. He's realized that you feel the same way that he does about you.
You watch as Finn lets out a sigh of relief and you tilt your head in confusion. "I'm so happy that you said that," Finn says. "Because I've been feeling the same way."
That's when you realize that the glances he's been stealing from you all semester were because he felt the same way. He could never keep his eyes off of you while you concentrated on your work.
A smile forms on your lips as you look at your soon to be former professor.
Finn smiles at you as he walks over, closing the door in case anyone was around.
"It has killed me over the past four months to be your teacher," he says as he approaches you.
You look up at him and ask, "And why is that, Mr. Balor."
He smiles and says, "Because it's prevented me from doing this." He leans down and lightly presses his lips to yours.
You've envisioned kissing Finn a bunch of times, his his soft kiss exceeds all your expectations.
As your lips move against Finn's slowly, you drop your arms. You hadn't realized that you crossed them over your very exposed chest while having that conversation with Finn.
The light kiss continues for a second before Finn pulls away and looks down at you. Even in heels, you're about five inches shorter that Finn's five foot eleven frame.
"Ya look absolutely stunning in that dress, Y/N," Finn says, complimenting you.
Your face turns a light red as you say, "You don't look too bad yourself, Finn. Is that what you're wearing to the ceremony tonight?"
He shakes his head and says, "I had a suit I was going to wear tonight but now, I don't think I'll be wearing it."
"Why won't you be wearing it?" you ask.
Finn says, "Because if ya think I'm going anywhere right now, you're crazy. I won't have time to go get the suit from my place and make it back here on time for the ceremony."
You glance at the time on the clock in the office. It's close to 3:30 now. You look back at Finn and say, "There's still about two hours before everyone starts to arrive for the ceremony. There's plenty of time to kill."
His eyes scan you as he says, "I plan on killing every second."
In one movement, his lips are back on yours. This time, they move more harshly and passionately than they did the first time. Your hands fly to cup Finn's face.
Finn's hands go to your thighs and he lifts you up, walking you over to his desk and setting you down gently on it. His tongue makes its way into your mouth as the kiss intensifies.
You find your fingers on the buttons of Finn's button-up after you pull the shirt up to untuck it from the waistband of his pants. Your fingers work to undo each button quickly but carefully.
He shrugs off the shirt and your hands run up and down his toned chest and abs. Finn's fingers are under the skirt of your dress as you kick off your heels. The digits slowly slide up your thighs, closer to your throbbing core. You are aching for him, just like you have all semester. Except now, you'll get the satisfaction of his fingers instead of yours.
The thought of Finn's fingers inside of you is enough to make you wet. Well, wetter than you already are. The white colored panties you're wearing are probably ruined at this point.
Finn's free hand works at sliding the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. The fabric falls, exposing your breasts to Finn.
He pulls back from the kiss to look at your exposed chest. "So beautiful," he mutters under his breath. "All mine."
Finn pushes you back on his desk and stands between your legs as he starts to kiss and suck on each breast. You let out soft sighs as your core starts to pulsate again.
You need Finn to touch you before you explode.
"Finn," you gasp.
He looks up at you with his eyes and he asks, "Something wrong, my love?"
You swallow and say, "I need you to touch me. Down there. Please"
Finn crouches down in front of his desk between your legs. "Of course," he says, pushing your skirt up to expose your panties. "Already so wet for me."
"Only for you," you sigh as Finn runs a finger over your clothed core.
He takes the waistband of your pantie in his fingers and pulls them down slowly, almost teasingly. He sees just how wet you are. Your folds are soaked with arousal.
Finn kisses your thighs and says, "I've always wondered what you've tasted like."
You throw your legs over Finn's shoulder and say, "I want your tongue. Please." Desperation is laced in your voice.
He smirks and runs his tongue slowly through your folds. You gasp and smile. He sucks on your clit for a second before swirling his tongue around it. You feel him push a finger inside of you, making you moan softly. Finn moves the digit slowly, teasing you.
You reach down and run your fingers through Finn's short hair as his finger speeds up. He soon adds a second finger. He stands back up, hovering over you as he fingers you. You're a moaning mess beneath Finn's touch.
Finn kisses your neck gently as he moves his fingers a little faster. Your body jerks under his touch occasionally as you're pulled closer and closer to your pending orgasm.
"Ya taste so good," Finn says against your neck. "And ya take my fingers so well."
Your fingers run up and down his back lightly as he speeds up his fingers, adding a third one. You gasp and moan as his fingers move inside of you.
Right as you're about to reach your orgasm, Finn pulls his fingers out and you whine. He sucks on the three digits he had inside of you before he says, "Get on your knees for me, my love."
You nod and get off the desk. You get on your knees in front of Finn. You reach up and start to undo the button on his pants. You pull down the article of clothing and run your finger over Finn's hard member. You free him from his boxers. You're shocked by the size of Finn's member. You knew he was packing but not this much.
You take Finn in your hand and pump him a few times before you take him in your mouth. You start slow and shallow before eventually taking most of him in your mouth. You move your head, sucking occasionally. Finn starts to thrust into your mouth as saliva drips down your chin.
Finn groans softly as you suck him off, but it's not long before he stands you up and his lips are on yours. You push the dress off your body, stepping out of it.
He turns you around so your butt is pressed against his erect member. He gropes your breasts and kisses your neck. You gasp and moan as his member runs through your folds.
You're bent over the desk and Finn spreads your legs apart. "Is this what ya  want?" he asks.
"I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this bad before," you admit.
That's all Finn needs to hear before he pushes himself into you. You grasp onto the desk as he pulls out, only to thrust hard into you again, making you moan.
Finn's trusts are hard and deep from the beginning. He's waited a while for this moment, and so have you. He's not going to be gentle with you.
You pull your left leg up onto the desk and hold it, giving Finn more access. He thrusts harder and harder, making you moan loudly.
When Finn finds your g-spot, you let him know immediately. "Oh, Finn," you gasp. "Right there." He starts slamming into the spot over and over again, making you moan louder and louder.
After a few moments of this, Finn stands you up and turns you around, laying you on your back across the desk. He thrusts harder into this time and his lips are on your neck. You gasp and moan as he moves.
One of Finn's fingers rubs your clit as he thrusts hard into you.
You lift Finn's head up and kiss him roughly. Your tongues battle for dominance and his hand rests around your throat.
A thin layer of sweat has formed on both your bodies as he continues moving.
Your walls begin to clench around Finn and he pulls back from the kiss, resting his forehead on yours. "Come with me, princess," he says, out of breath.
"Tell me when," you gasp.
After a few more seconds of movement, Finn says, "Now."
The two of you come together. You let out soft moans and whines as Finn helps you ride out your climax. He collapses on top of you. The two of you sloppily kiss for a few seconds before detaching from each other.
Both you and Finn get dressed but the kissing and touching doesn't stop. You make your way to the love seat, where you lay and makeout with Finn until six.
He walks out of the building with you and walks you to your car. Other seniors have begun arriving by this time.
Finn says, "Come by my house around nine tonight. I'll show ya a real celebration then."
You stand in front of Finn and look up at him. "What will this mean for us?" you ask. "Will we get to see each other after I graduate?"
He says, "Let's cross that path once that graduation cap is in the air and you've officially graduated."
You giggle and nod. "I'll come by at nine," you say. "Tell me the address and I'll be there."
Finn tells you his address then says, "See ya when ya walk across the stage."
"I can't wait."
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miss-ingno · 2 years
Here’s a few more: 5, 10, 29, 35! 💜
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
This is gonna sound like such a cop-out because it was literally a gift for you, but I'm still super proud of Dark Stars, Burning Hearts? 😂 Especially considering the time limit I wrote it in—there's probably several things I could smooth out if I had more time, but also idk if I would've gotten around to writing it if not for the wishlist event? So thank you <3
I'm also really happy with how fluffy I managed to make this is how the war is won despite its premise, and the level of mystery drama I achieved in In The Middle Of The Night :D
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
Okay, I know this doesn't count as a "genre" per se, but I really really love writing fight scenes and witty banter both? So. Action/Adventure works I guess, even if I don't do it often because I prefer writing shorter plots if possible (because longfics intimidate me with the level of commitment). Fluff. Domestic fluff? Also brilliant. And I've really developed a ken for casefics since joining Guardian <3
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Answered here. Another project is something I haven't written yet—the Dead Dove one, e.g., and the Arranged Marriage AU too. Like I said above, I'm not terribly fond of committing to fics longer than 20-30k (and even that's super high for past!me <.< like how did I get here that I'm comfy with THAT many words!? I used to think 8k was impossibly long) because they're both very lengthy, plotty stories with a lot of elements and moving pieces, and I hope I can do justice to them.
With the Arranged Marriage AU, I've actually tricked my brain into being more comfy with it by splitting it into two Arcs. I only need to finish the first Arc before posting! The second Arc can be the sequel! Tada :D! (for the record, the first arc ends with the wedding night lmao)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Something I adore is people getting inspired by something I wrote, and ending up creating for it. I've been fortunate enough to have gotten fanart and aesthetics made for fics I wrote before, and it's one of the best feelings ever? Also the first time someone used the "inspired by" feature on Ao3 on one of their fics from one of mine, I swooned. I really hope it wasn't the last time, because I adore this type of fandom interaction <3
Also, whenever I notice a fic of mine got recced? Which... I really don't unless someone points it out to me lmao so please do so I can go 🥰 (trust me, you'll make my day!)
Questions for Fic Writers
(answers to 6, 7, 33; 8, 9, 29; 12, 19, 27; 12, 17, 35)
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serendipetite · 3 years
100% agree with you about being disappointed by the producers for the upcoming track. I am already anticipating this being another like 2 min long song with what I can only call rap "teasers" as they are only a couple seconds long. I understand wanting singles to follow "trends" in the music industry but idk if you watched Lee Hyun's reaction vid to Butter but Pdogg expressed the issue with these shorter, mainstream tracks so well and it was nice to hear he felt similarly, that there is not enough room to show what the members are capable of and their diff styles and personalities. Half of me is like, okay, fine, I understand why they're doing this but the other half is like...you're the biggest band in the world do you really have to worry about following trends? I guarantee if they released a self-produced single that was 4 or 5 min long it would blow up just as big as any of these other songs.
I'm just ranting but idk. I should be happy bc my friends who didn't listen to BTS loved Dynamite and Butter and they'll prob love this new song too if it's following that pattern, and they are songs I enjoy listening to like it's impossible not to get either stuck in your head and they do make me happy but it's not showing what they are truly capable of. It makes me frustrated bc while they ARE good songs they are not showcasing the members' full potential to new fans. My friends are now paying attention, are for the first time asking me about their music, asking me to send the singles and MVs when they drop, asking me who is who, etc. when they see them pop up on their twts, but they're not going back to listen to old songs or the rest of their discography on their own, they're listening to what gets dropped in their laps next and if I were BigHit I would want to use that captive audience and give them a song that truly shows off the members' talents and shows the diversity in their discography. And I recognize to a certain extent they ARE thinking that, but they're thinking "we got their attention, let's KEEP IT" by repeating the same steps. I mean I showed my friends some of their other music, including other singles, and they were SHOCKED to find out they weren't producing just catchy little pop songs and that BTS has dipped their toes in so many different genres.
I guess what I'm saying is, I know short pop songs are always going to have mass appeal, I know hundreds of pop songs that I will belt out in a car on a summer drive, that I know all the words to bc I've heard them a hundred times and they always make me feel good and they always get me dancing, but you know what? I cannot for the life of me tell you who wrote half those songs or what the titles of them are or what album they're from and if I do know those things, I couldn't tell you another song from those artists. I might love those songs but I never bothered to go look for more and I just don't want that temporary high to happen to the boys, I guess.
I made a lot of assumptions about this new song we haven't even heard yet, I could be way off base here. For all I know it will be a longer song with great raps and the memebers will have participated in the lyrics, I could be eating my words but idk all my frustration just came out haha.
beautifully said! i wish i had more time to sit down and type out a full, thought out response to this and i'm sorry i don't, but i just want to thank you for taking the time to share these thoughts with me. i haven't seen Lee Hyun's reaction yet, but i've been meaning to. it's interesting that P Dogg feels the same! there's lots of things i'd want to pick his brain about lol and i also want to preface this by saying i do love butter and dynamite and i know i'm going to love this song too; they're so happy and excited for it which makes me happy and excited for it too, i just am feeling a bit down about the producer list. i just want them all to know they can be just as successful if not more with doing more "in house." i was watching a reactor last night who commented how early bts felt so grassroots, and how that was a huge ingredient to their success. i know growth and change happens but i just want a summer single that'll top the charts to be more their own. i feel like bighit was trying so hard for that grammy and the grammys still screwed them over. i just want them to have that success and number one charting song for a song that isn't necessarily there to fit a mold. but!! seeing their vlive did make me really excited for the new song because they themselves are excited and at the end of the day, i just want their happiness. thank you again for sharing this and i'm sorry i'm not able to respond more at the moment
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deniigi · 4 years
Okay so I'm about 30k into writing a fic, with about the first 20 chapters roughly plotted out, and I was thinking about starting to publish the first chapter with weekly updates, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with the publishing. Do you think it's better to write a large portion then sit back and post regularly or start posting and kinda wing in the end?
What’s a good chapter length?            
Idk if this is the same anon, but these asks seem like they go together I think!!
Okay, so I’m not here to tell you how to live your life or write, but I can tell you how I think about chapter fics and chapters.
Starting with chapter fics and posting:
lot of it depends on your motivation. What drives you? What encourages you and makes you want to write?
If comments and kudos drive and encourage you, then by all means! Go ahead and post a couple of chapters. I often post around 3 chapters of a long-fic to see what kind of reception it gets. If folks are excited about it with me, then chances are that I will extend it into a longer piece than originally intended or plotted out because I want to give those people time and space to play in the space with me. An immediate and broader reception puts a little more pressure on me to keep a fic moving and that pressure often takes the form of excitement, which can be really fun for everyone involved.
If folks are a little lukewarm at first, then I take that as a sign that I’m writing mostly for myself and a handful of super cool folks and that means that I’m going to work at a more leisurely pace and trust that those readers will stick with me and indulge me (and they usually do because readers are great!) This means that I’m still having fun, but I can post in a more erratic way and people aren’t going to mind or notice all that much because we’re all being chill in a little bubble together. In this case, a lot of times, I’ll just write out the whole fic and post it at once or very quickly over the span of a week or so. (Whispering Seas and Level Up were like this. I wrote them primarily for a limited audience and myself and so they went up lickety-split because I wasn’t so invested in building suspense or keeping the momentum rolling. It was about what I was enjoying.)
So from there, it depends on you.
What feelings are you chasing friend? Validation or relaxation? You interested in rolling around in the writing process or are you trying to get/fling an idea out into the abyss because it just needs to be out there?
Either way is totally fine. But knowing which way you lean will help you decide what posting method will help make sure that you finish the fic (because that’s the hard part and the end goal here.)
For chapter-length:
this depends on your fic, your pacing, your writing, and the overall length of your piece.
For me, when I write chapter-fics, I want to give my readers a good 15-30 mins of reading time per update. That feels like a really satisfying chunk of time for an update or chapter to me. I, personally, read pretty fast and luckily, I write at the speed of light, so my chapters tend to be around 4,000 words.
If I’m writing a climax, I’ll take it up to 6,000 words. But when I start butting up against 8,000 words in a single chapter, I’ll start to consider breaking it into 2 because usually there is a natural splitting point in there somewhere and around then, you start to run the danger of having too many ideas in one long stretch.
That can exhaust your reader.
Also for me, personally, I find that chapters that are shorter than 2500 words are a little frustrating. Chapters that are around 1000 words are especially frustrating, because I just have to keep hitting that ‘next’ button and every time I do that, I break out of the story.
So if you’re doing short chapters (around 2,000 words I would say) your pacing needs to be on point. You need to make sure that you are driving those transitions (i.e., there better be a cliff-hanger at the end of every chapter to keep me wanting to crash forward in spite of everything telling me I’ve got important shit I need to do) And you need to make sure that you have a very specific reason for keeping the chapters so short (i.e., building suspense or moving between POVs or settings).
Obviously, this is different if you’re writing a slow burn or if you’re doing something with more purple prose, in which case more is more and less is more, but if you’re trying to drive a plot, these would be my suggestions.
They may not work for you and your story-telling practices and likes, though, so definitely don’t consider them a rule!
Hope that helps, anon(s)!
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
(wrong opinion anon 😁) Don't worry I'm not offended, I would've responded in the same way if I felt the way you do. I guess the hug was just too short for me idk. I'm used to the clinging hugs from Bellarke lol
You’re definitely not the only person feeling that way, there were some replies on the ask you sent agreeing with you. And I don’t know that I can convince you or anyone else otherwise, because I know once people have an opinion, they tend to be firmly set in it, but I can still at least share with y’all why I am loving Bellarke this season.
It could get lengthy, so I’m going to throw it under a cut.
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I figure this is a good place to start. “They’ll come around.” This was the first thing that hooked me with Bellarke this season. Because not even ten minutes into the first episode, we get confirmation that Bellamy himself has already come around. And there are clearly still hurt feelings there (on both ends), but he’s the one person who doesn’t need convincing to forgive Clarke. He does it like it’s second nature. Forgiveness is their thing. (Which is implied further by the BE scene later in 6x01.)
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This next. We’ve never gotten to see Bellarke smile at each other like this. E V E R. And don’t get me wrong, I love Bellarke smiles, but they’re usually muted, understated things that make light of a dark situation. Like, “Some medicine would be nice.” or “You distract him, I’ll shoot him.” or “Mama bears don’t think.” They know they’re fucked, so they joke about it. The closest one to how big and wide these smiles are is We Will Rise, when Clarke and Bellamy almost crash the rover, but that’s a smile of pure relief. They aren’t smiling just for the heck of it.
These smiles are special because they don’t need an instigator from an outside source. It’s not relief, or fear that’s causing them to smile at each other. It’s just the two of them. And just to paint the broader picture, they talk about the radio calls here. You know, what we were waiting for all of Season 5 and didn’t get a semblance of anything close to it until 5x13? Yeah, that was addressed in the first episode. And we know that after four episodes, it’s still not done being talked about. It keeps coming up because it’s imperative to Bellarke’s relationship.
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This is a little more subtle, but the keys were a detail I loved. Clarke kept Bellamy’s key. Clarke. Why not Echo, arguably the person he should trust the most on the planetary exploring mission? She’s his girlfriend and he lived with her six years. Same goes for Emori, minus the girlfriend part, but he should explicitly trust her. Okay, but they weren’t in the same room and we’re going to ignore the implications entirely of why Bellamy and Clarke had to be stuck in the same room even though that’s even more proof of the writers feeding us. But what about Murphy? Again, six years in space. Bellamy is the one to continually tell him he isn’t useless, to have faith in Murphy. But when it boils down to it, he gives Clarke his key. Clarke, who left him in the pits. He still, after everything, trusts her more than anyone.
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Now, I’ve gone over this more in depth before, but Red Sun Rising including the line “I don’t need you anymore” from Bellamy to Clarke was extremely telling. I don’t want to rehash the whole thing here, but you can read that meta if you want at this link. The synopsis is that the eclipse-induced psychosis prays on fears, like Clarke’s fear of losing Madi or Emori’s fear of being heartbroken by Murphy. Bellamy says he doesn’t need Clarke because he’s afraid that he does, and she left him in the pits. If he needs her again, he’s afraid she’ll break his heart again. And just look at her face, she’s terrified, even before the toxin hits her, that he’ll break her heart. She wants to be able to be there for him.
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“We’ll bring Madi back. I promise.” Now, we’ve gotten a lot of focus on Clarke leaving Bellamy in the pits, but weirdly none on Bellamy chipping Clarke’s daughter. This was the rectification for that. They threw in an exact parallel to 5x08/9, except this time, Bellamy keeps his promise. And it means the world to Clarke. She can finally trust him fully again.
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The separated Bellarke for just one episode. Not a longer separation like it usually is when one of them leaves. Suspiciously, Clarke gets a big dress reveal while Bellamy is not there to react. ‘Nuff said.
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Now, before we even get into the hug, let’s dissect this conversation. Bellamy has - from episode 1 of S6 - already made it clear he’s willing to move past Clarke’s S5 mistakes. But Clarke still feels the need to atone because she’s that distraught about leaving Bellamy behind. She wrote it on her lantern. Yes, a girl who has committed/helped commit multiple mass murders to protect her people regrets nothing more than leaving behind a boy who didn’t even die. And Bellamy, bless his soul, wants to avoid this conversation like the plague. This whole episode has a focus on Bellamy being confused about how he feels and it starts with this conversation. We haven’t seen Bellamy express any confusion about his feelings this season until after Clarke tries to apologize and hugs him. A catalyst for Bellamy to have deeper thoughts? Maybe.
And Clarke says “You’re too important to me.” She admits it. She calls him family, something he actively excluded her from last season. This triggers something in Bellamy, because he’s gotten used to keeping Clarke at a distance and protecting himself because he thought she didn’t care. And, of course, the radio calls proved that she did, but that was before he came back. It doesn’t have to mean anything. But now, she’s admitted he means something to her in the present, the current moment. And he’s confused as fuck about it.
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Now, let’s actually analyze that hug shall we? You’re on the money, it’s shorter than usual, but I don’t think that’s necessarily bad in context. Because this hug, as beautiful as it is, is unnecessary. They’re hugging just because they can. Think about it. Other Bellarke hugs have a catalyst. A reunion: 2x05 - the running hug, 5x04 - the “And now you’re home hug.” A comfort: 4x13 - Clarke doesn’t get the chance to say goodbye to Abby. A forgiveness: 3x13 - Bellamy agrees to move on, to grant himself and Clarke forgiveness. 
But isn’t this a forgiveness hug, too? No! As I’ve mentioned, Bellamy already forgave Clarke. This entire conversation is initiated on Clarke’s end to give her peace of mind about what she did, it just so happens to stir up confusing emotions in Bellamy. But it’s not the monumental forgiveness of 3x13 because Bellamy hasn’t been angry with her since they got to Sanctum. He forgave her in 5x13.
And just the body language- Clarke does her signature smile of relief while hugging Bellamy. Bellamy looks confused then relaxes into it, relieved, furthering the narrative he doesn’t quite know how to feel when it comes to Clarke. 
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Now, this is the one I’m going to give a point to you for not being sure it’s romantic. I can see how this one, more than the others, is confusing. This isn’t seething-with-rage jealousy. I’ve discussed with with some other and it’s miserable jealousy. I think it’s mixed with Bellamy’s confusion, he doesn’t want to see Clarke dancing with another man and he doesn’t know why, he just knows it makes him sad. 
Right after this, we get the B/E fight and Bellamy snapping at E/cho. His reasons are Monty, Harper, and Octavia. But none of those situations are immediately relevant. What is relevant? What is the ONLY other thing we’ve seen in this scene? Clarke dancing. Bellamy admits that he has no clue how he feels and he says it’s about Monty, Harper and Octavia, but why now? Why in the club only after he’s seen Clarke dancing with someone else?
And I’d be wary about this too, because when I first watched, I wasn’t even sure his line of vision matched up with her. How could we know he was watching her? Upon rewatching multiple times and the flashing between Clarke dancing and Bellamy watching, plus the way the camera pans, it’s clear he’s watching her dance.
All of this and more is why I’m loving Bellarke this season. And I understand frustration that it’s not like the early days because it isn’t. It can’t be. Season 5 wrecked them to a point I thought it could even be beyond repair, but Season 6 is showing that it can still be repaired. They’re not going to immediately fall back into pre-Praimfaya patterns because they’re not those people anymore. But the feelings, the care is still there and THAT is what Season 6 is showing.
Yes, there’s an emphasis on reconciliation and forgiveness, and addressing feelings because it’s necessary. Without it, they’re back where they were in Season 5, not understanding who the other person is after such a long time. They’re falling back into sync this season, not just with their feelings, but also as coleaders, which we see in Clarke being a representative for their people and in the way they lead in 6x02, giving each other their keys.
And what am I most excited about now? Bellamy’s gonna lose her again. I know that sounds bleak. But Bellamy’s focus on confused feelings in 6x04 are setting this up. He’s gonna know exactly how he feels when he loses Clarke again. He doesn’t want to accept the feelings he has for her (proven in 6x02), he wants to be in denial (6x04). But when he loses her again, he’ll know. Josephine!Clarke is going to bring out that Season 1 Bellamy, where a switch will flip and he’ll do whatever it takes to get Clarke back, consequences be damned, the same as he’d do it for Octavia in Season 1. I’m thrilled about the direction this season is going.
To anyone who’s not: that’s okay! You don’t have to be. I hope you can enjoy the show for what it is. I think this - all of it - is relationship setup and romantic setup, but hey, that’s just me.
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xiaoxiongmaos · 3 years
those iconic moments are like ICONIC i think i've seen all of them except for the eunsang one. my favourite iconic moments and the first ones that popped into my head are soobin's "bye guys hi ladies muah" and sunghoon's tiktok video that went viral recently. those moments live in my head rent free. i literally cannot get them out of my head.
and, yeah the cgi in monster was very startling and i have a physical reaction every time i see it.
i'm so sorry that she's left and her favourite group disbanded 😕 and i don't take any offence either!! i know i'm not her because this is my first time writing publicly on tumblr, and none of my favourite groups have disbanded so far.
ooo!!! idk if it's because i don't understand giffiing or because the giffing i see on my dash is so high quality, but if there were a tumblr hierarchy i think giffers should be on top, besides graphics creators and artists. they're constantly keeping up with new content, and giffing all of it in HD (sometimes 4k) with good colouring (even when the original doesn't have good colouring) and i'm just like WOW. i know i could never do it and i respect the grind fr. so, i respect you for doing that, making graphics, AND making fanart at the same time. speaking of fanart, i saw your recent felix one and i am BLOWN away. like, how?? knowing that your canvas was once empty and you managed to produce THAT out of it is literally like... my mind is blown.
ooo yes, i'm picky with who i read too. when it comes to a little read here & there, the quality of the writing doesn't matter much to me. but when it comes to reading longer fics, there are only a few writers who can captivate my attention for THAT long, you know? please don't apologise for studying!! i've been busy myself these days (which is why this is SUPER late), so i completely understand.
and tysm!! your reassurances have definitely broken me out of my shell, and i'm more than ready for the reveal soon! thank you SO much for the reccs! i've noted them down so i will definitely listen to them sometime soon.
today's mission was to give me a playlist, but you've already given me a playlist of recs so now all we have to do is wait for monday! sorry for all of this, but i'm super excited for the reveal! - 🗝 anon
Hello anon, hope you’re doing good!
Ah, how could I forget that… it’s really such a cute and funny vid to watch! Sunghoon’s tiktok? I don’t recall seeing any of his recent ones so I’ll check it out!
Ooh yeah the continuous wait for frames to finish rendering; that’s a pain. But it’s overshadowed by the nice tags people leave after reblogging or some sweet asks; really makes it worth it. Thank you so much, that’s legitimately so sweet of you to say <3 it took a while because it was the first time in a while but seeing the positive response makes my heart happy!
I prefer series over drabbles so I usually have to look for writers whose diction I vibe with and I have found three (used to be a bit more but unfortunately, quite a few left) that are such! I also am kinda selective about genres I read, mostly it’s angst/thrillers/crime but a little slice of life or fantasy here and there doesn’t hurt. I generally don’t like really fluffy or romantic ones— I’m the kind of person who wants the plot to be interesting and read more of what’s happening outside of someone’s love life; same with movies and dramas! Oh and I avoid nsfw like the plague. If you would like to check them out: @/maatryoshkaa (her serial killer au is amazing, I kid you not! Really made me fall in love with her kdrama-esque writing and she’s got a cute highschool series going on for the soft crowd), @/yeonjuncore (one of the most eloquent writers ever; pick up any piece from her and you won’t stop until you’ve finished it —and sometimes are left yearning for more— she has nsfw stuff but was kind enough to help me blacklist tags for them! I’d recommend checking out the stuff she wrote for a halloween special last year, it has some real gold hidden in the nooks and crannies) & @/angelictaehyun (I only recent started reading her stuff and was done with almost all of her Taehyun fics in the span of a day. Her wording has a prim and proper feel to it, but it’s also not awkwardly professional? She writes shorter stuff, at least compared to what I’m used to, but most of her works are cute and really keep your emotions engaged).
No problem! Is it okay if I still make a playlist for you? I’m more of a feel-good, summery and sweet songs kinda person generally —but I like a ton of different genres too haha— so that’s kinda the theme of the playlist (I sprinkled in a couple of non-kpop/kdrama tracks too)!
The feeling’s mutual; I’m really excited to meet you off anon too~ hope you have a lovely day and that you’re doing well!
0 notes
rollychan · 7 years
Mwahaha...you asked for it. OK 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 oh man this is a lot 16, 31, 32, 33 uhhhh shoot 36, 39, 40, 44 you know what fuck it just do the whole damn list man (ps I can totes send you a shorter list this is ridiculous I just started reading the list of questions and this happened I'm so sorry)
Oh boy, I wasn’t expecting any asks on that meme anymore lol But I really wanted to do that one so thanks
Answers under the cut (bc I’m nice and won’t make everyone scroll down endlessly to finally get past this post just because I can’t keep it short for the life of me lol)
2. Favorite genre of fic?
I’m sorry that I’m so boring, but I have to say romance lol (because the right romance fics are so much better than most published romance novels). But I also love love love some other plot in it. Actually, I don’t think I really have a set favourite genre? Whatever speaks to me, basically? Many of my favourite fics aren’t really all that similar to each other. But I guess since I’m looking for romance stuff the most, it’s romance.
3. Favorite fandom? 
Another tough question because I am so very indecisive, I can’t have a favourite fandom. I love many fandoms. I mean, I guess I’d have to say Harry Potter because somehow, I’m always coming back to it because there are just so many quality fic in there if you know where to look. It’s kind of also kind of one of my very first fandoms and now I’ve been in it for so long, I can’t just abandon it lol
Just fandom-wise I really really love Haikyuu because that fandom is just so nice? I mean, I’m not all that involved in any fandom I guess, which is why I miss many things and conflicts (e.g. I only found out about all the drama in the MCU fandom re Iron Man vs Cap or the drama in the Teen Wolf fandom through people I follow lol), but the worst I have witnessed in Haikyuu is how some people gave thought-out arguments (without insults) why one character is or is not coded as a “villain” type character (there was/is a dispute about one character because some hate/dislike him and others defend him). And that’s it. Other than that it’s mostly “OMG I LOVE EVERY CHARACTER AND SHIP EVERYTHING” from almost everyone in that fandom lol (or “I don’t care what you ship as long as you let me ship my stuff, ship and let ship”). It’s just really chill. It’s also the fandom that really made me a poly-shipper. Idk, man, I love that fandom.
The Yuri!!! on ice fandom is also really nice. Those people sure like to discuss and explain things lol Also, almost everyone had, literally, the same reactions to the stuff happening in it. Plus, we got a healthy, loving, explicit same-sex relationship in an anime. That’s, like, a really rare thing. The only other genre-anime I know with an explicit same-sex kind-of-relationship is No. 6, and that relationship is so friggin far from healthy it’s not funny (sorry, NezuShi fans, I am a fan of them too, but their relationship throughout the entirety of the series is not healthy by any standard, which is totally explainable by the circumstances, but seriously, they’ll have a lot of growing up to do before it can be called healthy). Anyway, I digress.
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? 
I shall give you MORE THAN ONE, because I can and I will.
Okay, so, first I just have to tell you about my first absolute favourite fic ever, which, I’m really sorry, but it’s in German and it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic lol
It’s “Paw Prints - Pfotenabdrücke” by someone I’m actually following on here ( @goldandcold ) who is an amazing and talented writer and I really have to read stuff by her again asdfghjkl but atm I’m into very different fandoms and just *cries* I need more time so I can watch the stuff she’s watching and writing for lol can someone, like, gift me a hundred free hours? lol
Anyway, that fic has character death in it, which is something I usually avoid at all costs because I know myself and I know I’ll be depressed about it for at least a week if I read character death. I’m like that lol
But I did because I always make exceptions for writers I like. Well, it became my favourite fic, so I guess I can’t complain. I will always remember the last words in there
“Du bist quer über mein Herz gelaufenwie ein kleiner tollpatschiger Hund über nassen Sandund du hast überall deine Pfotenabdrücke hinterlassen”
which roughly translates to
“You walked across my heartlike a little clumsy dog across wet sandand you’ve left your paw prints everywhere”
asdfghjkl I just love those words, they resonated with me so much and asdfghjk *flails* yeah, first fave fic. (also, now I’m in nostalgia land)
Another favourite fic I love to come back to is “Eclipse” by mijan (Harry Potter this time, back then I read it on fictionalley, but the link doesn’t seem to work atm? Is fictionalley down?). I am still entranced every time I read it and whenever I start it I have to continue reading till the end because I just love it so much. The plot is so amazingly intricate and the character development is THE FRIGGING BEST I CAN’T and everything makes so much sense and asdfghjkl it is just very amazing ok. The amount of detail in that story *sigh* *must resist reading it now before all the exams*
Another two favourite Harry Potter fics are “All Our Secrets Laid Bare” and “Stop All the Clocks”, both by @firethesound. AOSLB is just amazing all around, okay, I even reblogged a rec for it here on tumblr (here). I just love it so very much omg *flails* The idea alone to make them investigate Death Eater safe houses and all the FRIGGING DETAILS IN IT!!!!!! THE DETAILS!!!! SO MUCH LOVE!!!! (yes the exclamation marks are necessary)
I wrote a rec myself for Stop All the Clocks here. Weirdly, it also has major character death in it. But, same as above, I do make exceptions for writers I really like. That fic destroyed me though. I absolutely love the parallels in that fic, too. And how it spans many years. Just. Very beautiful, very touching, very sad. Which is why it’s great that there is AOSLB. I also still have to read all the other fics because I just KNOW they’re ALL amazing
And I’m still not done with the fave fics, guys. I’m sorry I can’t keep it short *cough*
Moving away from Harry Potter... the next one is for Free! Anime again lol It’s, weirdly, another fic that doesn’t end all that happily for the romance, and the fic is “With Vega At Your Left” by threesmallcrows. It’s a different take on a soulmate AU. Like, when the person you’re in love with isn’t your soulmate. A side character also deals with an abusive soulmate. Basically, everything that can go wrong with soulmate marks. And it’s just so real. Trigger warning for attempted suicide though (and mentioned abuse - like, the abuser doesn’t appear in the fic and the abuse is only talked about and the repercussions dealt with, but nothing explicit). I love this fic a lot, but it gives me the sads.
Okay, I still have a few favourite fics but I think I need to stop here, I’ll just link to them:
The Fears are Paper Owls by yaboykeiji (Haikyuu!! Akaashi does time jumps to try to prevent Bokuto’s death - kinda like Butterfly Effect)
Savior by dgalerab (Haikyii!! / X-Men crossover - Haikyuu characters as mutants)
Safety in Silence by survivah (Teen Wolf canon divergent soulmate AU with the soulmate “condition” not necessarily being reciprocated, lots of Sterek pining and friendship and angst, really slow-burn and really sweet and cute, very fluffy too, awesome idea to make it different for different species! Also, werewolves and other species are known to humans etc)
Gravity’s Got Nothing on You by FairyLights101 (Teen Wolf Sterek pretend to be dating AU, also the-Hales-survived AU and Laura is an important character in that fic, and because the Hales survived, Allison also lives, double yay)
Seven Deaths by x-parrot (One Piece, no pairings (le gasp!), just Zorro+Sanji friendship, there’s violence (torture) in it, it’s not very explicit, but be warned)
Aaand I think I’ll stop here.
7. One-shots or longfic? 
I think, if you look at my favourite fics, you have the answer lol. Many of them are 100k+, so yeah, longfic lol I love the development that is possible in longfics. I do like shorter fic too, though in my mind, one-shot just means it’s all in one chapter... and there are 20k one-chapter fics out there, you know. But! I do also like short stuff, it just doesn’t really end up being among my favourites.
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? 
Tbh, I don’t remember, but Eclipse is over 287k words long, and I’m not sure if I’ve read anything longer than that.
16. How do you feel about character death in fic? 
I think I’ve answered that somewhere in that novel above lol
Usually, I avoid it like the plague because I get the sads and am down for days afterwards. It’s not that I think those fics are bad or anything. It’s just that I want happy endings lol My heart can’t take too much sad. This doesn’t change even when I make exceptions, so that’s kind of the downside I have to live with when I do lol
In published novels and movies and series etc I don’t mind character death, but fic... well, fic are different lol
31. Do you read AUs? 
Yes! I used to avoid them, but then I guess some fic changed my mind lol I really love all them tropes, soulmate AUs, fake-dating AUs, police procedural AUs, you name it. For some weird reason I’m not all gung-ho about coffeeshop AUs. I don’t mind them, and I’ll read them if they’re good, but they seem kinda boring to me. (oh, and pls don’t come with a/b/o stuff at me, it squicks me immensely and I hate it)
32. Favorite AU tropes? 
Fake dating! Soulmates! Specifically for Teen Wolf: Allison lives! The-Hales-Survived! Idk, there are too many lol Well, my fave is still the platonic bed sharing one (not sure if that counts as an AU trope, since it could also be written in non-AU fics). I also seem to like time travel / time jumps / time manipulation.
33. Least favorite AU tropes?
A/B/O fics. I just hate them and I don’t even wanna see them, they squick me *shudder* I mean, to each their own, and I wish it at least wouldn’t squick me that much (it’s a physiological reaction, I get the creeps and it’s almost like I feel one step away from nausea - same feeling I get when I see reader x character fic, squicks me too and is the sole reason I never visit the teen wolf tag because it’s full of those), but it does.
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? 
I do! But I’m kinda still new to them and they’re not my favourite thing, so I haven’t read many crossover fics yet. I really like that X-Men crossover fic I linked to, and I do like Harry Potter crossovers (like, the other characters as witches and wizards in a wizarding school). Other than that I’ve also read a really cool Criminal Minds/House MD crossover once, and a Criminal Minds/Supernatural one too, and they’re pretty cool. Guess I still have to figure out what I particularly like when it’s about crossovers.
39. Favorite AU fic? 
Savior by dgalerab, as I’ve already linked above :D
This is also the fic that really got me into poly ships. The relatioship between the four characters just feels so natural as it develops, it feels like that’s how it should be. It also deals with past abuse and there is 120% consent invovled. It’s just a really good fic ok
40. Do you like fluff?
So, yeah, I do lol I mean, I do need other stuff in it too, but I absolutely do like fics that aren’t too serious and where the conflicts aren’t life-or-death or heavy on the angst etc. Like, slice of life kind of stuff.
44. How fluffy is too fluffy? 
There is never a too fluffy +_+
Okay, jokes aside, I do want a plot. A story isn’t a story when there’s no conflict, so that’s that. Though that’s the only requirement for me, really lol Otherwise it can be as fluffy as it gets.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anything lol
Rolly out
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