#also i’m writing this from my phone and it’s showing massive gaps between the bullet points and IDK how to fix it so sorry for that!
pennielane · 2 years
I’m thinking of starting a Beatles blog but I’m worried about having like, no followers. I saw that it was recently your one year anniversary on here (congrats!) so I’m wondering if you have an advice about growing a follower base on here? Thanks I love your blog!!
hi! great question. i will start by saying that i’m not sure if gaining a big following should be your #1 goal (it will likely just put a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself and might make this a stressful space instead of a fun one!). that being said, when i first joined i wanted to do two things: (i) make gifs because that’s my favourite way to express myself on tumblr; and (ii) have meaningful interactions with the community. i did not want it to feel lonely on here when i logged on. i’m a naturally shy person so this was VERY hard for me at first, but then i learned that this fandom is so lovely and mostly everyone is so kind. anyway, here are my tips:
engage engage engage! reblog, comment, ask people questions, message them directly. i admit i can be pretty terrible sometimes at answering messages but honestly, everyone i’ve spoken with in the fandom has been wonderful. everyone is always game to talk about the boys (i mean it’s why we’re all here, right?) so don’t be afraid to reach out to people and talk about the agony of not having live footage of we can work it out! (or is that just me and @idontwanttospoiltheparty’s own personal tragedies?)
use your tags. pretty much the #1 way i follow someone is if they use funny/interesting/thoughtful tags in a post they reblog from me. these kind of tags will always catch my attention; I promise you, people who make original posts on here (gif/text/image etc.) are always checking the tags on their reblogs (or maybe that’s just me idk)
find your niche and make posts! if amassing a big following is really your goal, this your best bet. however this is also the best way to make connections with people, so it’s a win-win either way! i would say the blogs on the beatles fandom are split into three different categories: the content-maker blogs (gifs, still images, art, videos, etc.), the discourse blogs, and the reblog-blogs. there are some sub-categories too (like certain discourse blogs i would categorize as more humour blogs because the content they produce is hilarious) and also lots of overlap (for instance, lots of great giffers also produce great discourse and i am definitely not one of those). if you can choose one of these avenues and stick to it, it’ll help create a sense of consistency with your blog and i think people will feel more inclined to follow. but also don’t put too many barriers around yourself! if you make gifs but also feel like spilling your guts out about the white album in a long discourse post, do it!
enjoy being here. this is the most important one. if being on here starts to feel like work, it will reflect in your posts. so make sure you keep your blog as fun for yourself as possible! as you gain a following you may feel a sense of obligation to make certain posts, or to post a certain amount every day, but you have to remember that this is your blog, and you (probably) started it to bring joy to your life. so try your best to keep it that way, and don’t be afraid to log off for a bit and come back refreshed.
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g0ldpainted · 7 years
chocobros react to s/o having powers like Negasonic Teenage Warhead?
Hey Anon! Thank you so much for requestion something!
Sorry that this took so long! Aaah and this is only part ½ because this post would be too long otherwise. The second part can be found here and it contains Gladio and Ignis!
This one only features Noctis and Prompto.
I’ll be honest, I had no clue who Negasonic Teenage Warhead was until I looked it up - and I found out there are two versions with different powers. All info’s been taken from the Marvel wikia (1, 2).
I didn’t quite know if I should just flat out write one scenario for all of them or headcanons for each of them. But then I felt like HC would be too repetitive. So I just decided to write little scenarios for each character and write some “sum-it-up”-headcanons before.
I hope you enjoy it. :)
They’d all be very surprised 
They’d all be very curious and supportive
Wait you can travel through time? Can I do that, too? Can you make me travel with you?! How does that even work?!
They’d love to be able to use them
Not even once upset you didn’t tell them before 
Oh lord, his S/O’s abilities will definitely be used during fights! They. Are. So. Useful.
Of course not if they hurt them
But if they’re fine with it and they don’t cause too much damage for them; go ahead. 
They’re rooting for their S/O (especially Prompto)
Hey, she’s preparing her special attack! GO (Y/N)! GO (Y/N)! 
They all admire those powers tremendously
Can you imagine all the cool new combat strategies? Oh, hell yeah.
Scenarios start beneath the read more! *app users open in phone browers pls I’ll find a solution to this soon*
Noctis: (“Nuclear Detonation” & “Reality Warping”) (plays pre-game)
“Watch out!” his s/o shouted from afar as a magitek assassin prepared to attack their precious lover.
The fight wasn’t going well. They had been ambushed in the middle of the night by a swarm of magitek infantry. From close combat magiteks to range attack magiteks - they were all on the field. Some wielded their rifle, others their axes or swords and snipers were also nearby, aiming at them. Their tent was surrounded by vicious enemies, there was no way out. It was kill or be killed; fight or die. They chose to fight.
Noctis turned around only to face the assassin who was already lunging back to strike his attack. It was close, very close but his S/O managed to protect him. For the first time in months, they used their powers by altering reality, creating a wall of stone right behind her lover to shield him from the attacks.
“Wh-what?!” Noctis stuttered in confusion as he finally managed to dodge an oncoming attack and warp away.
Once beside his S/O, he seemed utterly confused about what was happening while they were planning their next move. “There is only one thing I can do..” his S/O thought as they dropped their weapon and balled their hands up into fists.
“What are you doing?! Are you insane?!” Noctis growled, not understanding what they were doing.
Bullets kept flying their way, Noctis managed to protect himself by using one of Gladiolus’ old shields. It took him a few moments before he saw how flames were beginning to radiate around his S/O. But once realization hit him, his eyes widened but before there was anything he could do, his S/O wrapped their arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace.
“Close your eyes” they commanded as they combined their powers and only seconds later caused a massive explosion around them, sending enemies into the distance, killing them with the shockwave or the flames.
Grass burned, enemies broke apart but Noctis and his S/O were okay.It didn’t take long before the flames died down and their body grew limp against Noctis’ body.
“Holy.. Six.. - What just happened?! Is.. Is that some new magic? Did I mess up, was that one of my flasks and I overloaded it?!” he panicked as he held their body.
They sighed, shaking their head as their body started trembling. Seconds later, they passed out. Noctis brought them back to their car. Their clothes, their tent and other items were all burnt, there was nothing left to pack up. The little lovers trip they both planned was officially canceled and he drove both of them back to Insomnia. 
“I’m sorry I put you through this, this is my fault” Noctis blamed himself as he drove, always checking on his S/O by looking through the rear mirror.
They were sleeping peacefully in the back, regaining all the power they used in an attempt to protect their beloved prince from all the magiteks.Roughly an hour later, the Regalia drove in front of the Citadel. Although the prince lived on his own in an apartment, he believed his S/O needed urgent care by one of the King’s own personal nurses. One of them was always on duty, even at 4am in the morning.
“They used one of my flasks and I think I did something wrong - they must’ve gotten hurt!” Noctis called out while he entered the Citadel, holding his sleeping S/O in his arms.
Much to his delight, the guards came to aid him by calling their nurse. Turns out, Noctis’ S/O was only overly exhausted and needed rest. Nothing made sense to him. He took the blame, the scolding by his father, King Regis and helped his beloved get good rest. It took them 2 days to finally wake up.His S/O found themselves in Noctis’ bedroom, on his soft, King-sized bed. Their head laid in Noctis lap who gently brushed through their hair.
“You’re finally awake..” he whispered, taking on of their hands into his.
“Yes” they replied, their voice weak and rough from lack of usage and water.
“Here, have something to drink” Noctis leaned back towards his nightstand, quickly pouring water into a glass before handing it to his S/O.
They slowly sat up, leaning back on their elbow before they took a sip.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve known.. I didn’t know I messed up a flas-” he began to excuse his actions and what happened the night they camped outside but his S/O cut him off.
“Ssh, no,” they hushed him, placing their index finger on his lips, “There’s something I have to tell you.”
At that, the prince went quiet, his eyes pinned on theirs, listening intently.
“Ever since I was a child, I’ve been having these.. Special skills,” they began to explain, “As far as I understand, it’s similar to your magic but not granted by the Six… because I’ve been experimented on back when I was younger.”
With a soft gaze, he pulled them into his embrace, cradling their body carefully.
“You’ve been experimented on?” he wondered, placing a soft kiss on their hair.
“Yeah but.. It wasn’t painful or anything. I.. I just have these powers,” they elaborated, wrapping their arms around Noctis’ body.
“So you’re saying.. You caused those flames and that stone wall behind me with your own powers?” he asked, curious of what his lover had in store.
“I.. I guess I did” they nodded.
“But that doesn’t hurt, right?” the prince continued his row of questions.
“Not really. It’s just a.. Little.. Exhausting” they replied, nuzzling their face in the crook of his neck.
“A little, sure,” he joked, leaning his head on top of his S/O’s.
“Yeah” they laughed, knowing that it full on rendered them unconscious.
After a few minutes of holding each other, enjoying the other’s near, Noctis was the one to break the silence: “Your powers are amazing. You’re insanely strong, I admire that. You just blew those magiteks away like they were weightless?!”
Again, his S/O laughed.
“Those skills are absolutely unbelievable, yet I witnessed them with my own eyes. I bet you’ve got more in store!” he exclaimed, full of excitement.
“I.. I actually do” his S/O shyly admitted.
“Oh Six, you have to show me!” he proclaimed, “Tell me everything!”
Never in his entire life had he imagined that he’d meet someone that had equally - or even more powerful - skills than him. And his S/O was an absolute badass at using them as well.From there on out, they became a perfect, matching team.
Prompto: (“Telepathy”) (plays right before the time skip)For their 3 year anniversary, Prompto took his S/O out for a trip to Galdin Quay. The past months hadn’t always been easy. Daemons roamed the world, he was on a dangerous trip with his best friend, therefore had less couple-time with his S/O. But, for now, it was all over and they desperately needed some time together. Although they deeply loved each other, Prompto leaving to accompany his best friend caused a gap between the two. His S/O understood, didn’t hold him back but as weeks and even months passed by felt neglected. Prompto knew. That’s why he saved up as much money as he could and gave you a voucher for a day at Galdin Quay. This included a night at the hotel, dinner and breakfast and a trip to the spa - the full program. Only the best for his S/O.
“This is delicious, don’t you think!?” the energetic blonde called out as he took a bite of his Galdin Gratin. 
“Yeah..” his S/O replied, poking their fork into their Steamed Crab with Rock Salt.
“Too salty?” Prompto wondered while he continued to devour his dinner.
“I’m just not hungry,” their S/O stated, attempting to eat.
“Oh.. Okay” he murmured, confused by his S/O’s cold demeanor.
“Their mood was so good earlier.. Why are they acting so strange right now?” Prompto thought, frowning lightly while he ate.
“I’m sorry, maybe you’re right and I’m acting strange” his S/O read his mind and replied, “But this simply doesn’t feel.. Like us.”
Prompto’s eyes widened, shocked by what his lover said. 
“Did I say that aloud or did they just read my mind?” he thought, staring at his almost empty plate.
“Oh.. Sorry..” his S/O quickly apologized, realizing that they mistook his thoughts for his said words.
Prompto’s eyes met theirs in confusion.
“What do you mean this doesn’t feel like us?” he asked, trying to remember if he spoke his thoughts out loud or not.
“W-well.. You’re dressed in a fancy tux and your hair is styled differently.. And this is a very expensive place..” they started explaining, continuously shoving forks full of food in their mouth, not wanting to waste the food.
“Y-yeah but it’s our 3 year anniversary.. I.. I thought I’d take you out to some fancy place..” he reasoned, “It’s something special after all.”
“They don’t like it” he thought, gulping hard.
“It’s not that I don’t like it.. But I fear you’re wasting all the money you saved up on this” his S/O continued.
“How do they know!?” he thought, his eyes widened lightly.
“Prompto, we’ve been together for three full years. You’ve been working very hard as of lately and then you suddenly take me to this place. Adding both of these aspects together I assume you worked hard so you could afford this - for us” his S/O accidentally replied to his thoughts again.
“Exactly - for us. We haven’t spent a lot of time together lately and I really just want to make it up to you” he elaborated, biting his lip softly.
“But, love, why don’t we just go for a hike or camp somewhere like we used to?” his S/O suggested, watching him intently.
“I can’t tell them that I saw them talk to that rich guy.. He was so into them..” Prompto thought, sighing in reply.
“Are you jealous?” they wondered, catching him off guard again.
“N-no” he stuttered, blushing furiously because he was lying.
“You saw me speak to that one guy, didn’t you?” they continued to ask, putting down their fork and leaning back into their chair.
“I..- N-no” he continued to lie, searching for some other topic to talk about by glancing around the area.
“Oh Six, how do they know?!” he asked himself in his thoughts, internally panicking.
“Well.. Prompto, maybe it’s time that I tell you something special..” his S/O changed the subject after hearing his thoughts. 
“O-okay” he stammered, forcing another spoon of food into his mouth.
“Come here” his S/O leaned forward, ordering him to close the distance.He did as they demanded.
“I can read your thoughts. I know what you’re thinking.. I always do” they whispered into his ear.
Again, Prompto’s eyes shot open and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Are you serious?” he questioned their words.
“Yeah, wanna test me?” they smiled as they sat up straight again.
“I.. I actually do” he nodded, not knowing if they were teasing him or actually telling the truth, “Tell me what I’m thinking about right now!”
“You hope that I’m lying” they quickly replied, raising on eyebrow while they smiled, “And now you thought that.. You’ve been wondering why I replied to your thoughts.”
“Exactly!” he proclaimed, carefully slamming his fists on the table from excitement, “That’s incredible!“ 
After both of them laughed for a few moments, his S/O’s expression turned back into a serious one.
”I know about your insecurities. I know that you do this because you saw me with that guy. Prompto, I’d never leave you. I don’t care about what we do all day; we could watch a movie at home.. Create a very bad version from one of Ignis’ recipe(h)s.. Or build a sandcastle in a sandbox - I don’t care. As long as I’m with you, everything is fine with me. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate this but.. I fear it’s rather forced“ his S/O suddenly said, explaining their behavior earlier.
”Y-you.. I.. - Oh..“ the blonde couldn’t find words to say, ashamed of the mention of his insecurities.
”Hey.. No” they spoke softly, gently reaching out for Prompto’s hand on the table, “Because I could always read your thoughts, I decided to be very honest with you. It just makes it fair. And I highly appreciate that you never, not even once, lied to me. The only things you hardly ever talk about are your insecurities. I found out about them because you.. You think of them all the time.”
“That explains why you always know the right words to say” he joked, smiling at them for a short moment, “You can literally read me.”
“Yeah” his S/O chuckled then squeezed his hand reassuringly, “I want you to know that you’re perfect the way you are. It’s been bothering me all day that you’re so.. So not yourself.”
“Wanna ruffle through it?” Prompto suggested after he noticed that his S/O stared at his slicked back hair.
“I’d love to” they nodded, reaching out for his hair and ruffling through it tremendously.
Eventually, his hair began to rise back to its original state - perfectly resembling a chocobo’s butt.
“So much better” his S/O smiled at their gorgeous boyfriend.
“Didn’t think you would prefer the messy-hair-me,” Prompto ran a hand through his hair to ensure it was in place as he spoke.
“This is more you; the funny sunshine I know” their S/O assured him.
“Okay, now tell me more about your amazing talent!” he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement 
“What do you expect me to say? I know that you don’t feel good enough for me but I can assure you, you’re better than anyone else I’ve ever met. Also, it’s very cute how you always think about my butt” they went on.
His cheeks flushed more than before and he hid his face behind one of his hands: ”Oh Six, you know that, too?“ 
”I also know how much you love that one special lingerie set because it hugs my behind very well“ they began teasing him.
”Holy,… - that’s so embarrassing..“ he quietly admitted, ”Even though your little power is incredible maybe.. Don’t use it on me next time, please?“
”I enjoy reading them, though“ they started drawing hearts in their lover’s heart. ”But those are so..-“ he rung for the right word to say.
”Intimate? Yeah. But guess what?“ their S/O finished his sentence only to find something new to tease him with, ”Look at me for a second.“
Tugging at their clothes, they revealed that they were wearing his favorite set of lingerie right then and there. The blonde removed his had and glanced at the beauty before him while chewing on his inner cheeks. It was a lot to handle for the awkward and somewhat shy Prompto - at a public dinner spot, too.
”I know about your plans for tonight - I prepared myself for it just right, didn’t I?“ they said seductively.
”Oh holy astrals, oh six, oh mother” he cursed, hiding his face again, not able to handle it.
You bet that night ended interestingly for the two lovers. It took Prompto a day or two to finally let it sink in that his S/O had superpowers. But once it had settled, he found lots of fun and smart ways to use it. It’ll surely benefit future quests of him and his best friends.
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anitabyars · 7 years
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Kennedy Ryan shares a special post on the inspiration behind "Bruise," the original piece written for her latest release Grip. (Scroll to the end for the full poem & a signed paperback giveaway.) “Am I all of your fears, wrapped in black skin?” The cursor flashed a warning at the end of the line I’d just typed. Read on its own, the words seared the page, an incendiary challenge. A jagged line in the sand that could shove half my readers to one side, and half to the other. I needed to be careful. I wanted to be fearless. I had to be honest. The hero of Grip, my latest release, Marlon James (Grip to his fans), is a rising hip-hop star, but he’s more than that. He’s a lyricist and a poet. He’s a black man, concerned about black men vulnerable to cops who should be protecting them. He admires officers who run toward danger when most of us run away. He wonders what he can do to bridge the gap between the two. I took several risks writing Grip, confronting, in the context of a love story, prejudices that are often blatant, but sometimes remain hidden even from ourselves. No issue weighed heavier on my mind than that of black v. blue. In the story, Grip gets stopped DWB. Driving While Black, for those unfamiliar. Probably somewhere else in mainstream romance, readers have sat behind the wheel in a black hero’s perspective, glanced in the rearview mirror, seen those blue lights flashing, and wrestled with the fear, frustration and anger born from years of being stopped for no reason...but I haven’t read it. And as I wrote it, I remembered my own husband’s accounts of being stopped most of his life; of him and his friends lying on their stomachs on the ground while their cars were searched. I recalled the first-hand accounts I’d read of black and Hispanic men, even in the last few months in LA, Grip’s hometown, stopped and searched so much more than their counterparts. But I also thought of my friend’s husband, a good cop, a good man who faced down fear every day to protect people like me. Of her anxiety when tragedy strikes, when travesties happen. Incidents that I watch on television from the safety of my couch while her husband wades knee-deep into danger. I wanted to tell both sides of this story. I didn’t want to debate or persuade. I wanted readers to listen; to hear the other perspective. To consider. To understand. To empathize. These are the building blocks of resolution. Our country is more divided than we’ve been in a long time, and many of those divisions still, sadly still, fall along the lines of race. I don’t know how we resolve anything in this current climate. I don’t think we do unless we exchange perspectives; manage to communicate with one another in lower decibels, in reasonable thoughts, in something besides shouty caps on Facebook and Twitter. In Flow, the prequel to Grip, Bristol, the heroine says, “...before we say our words, they’re ammunition. After we’ve said them, they’re smoking bullets. There seems to be no middle ground and too little common ground for dialogue to be productive. We just tiptoe around things, afraid we’ll offend or look ignorant, be misunderstood. Honesty is a risk few are willing to take.” And yet it requires honesty, and giving each other grace to speak with candor and respect, even if sometimes ineloquently. It requires that we step into the other’s shoes. Usually, we are not all right or all wrong. We are more nuanced than that; the issues more complex than black and white. Or in this case, black and blue. This story models that, I hope. In my small corner of the world, with the only tools at my disposal, my pen and my voice, I hope I demonstrated that. I hope someone on one side of that jagged line in the sand understood the person across from them a little better after reading GRIP. This wasn’t about my personal outrage; my indignation as I watched black men gunned down this summer during traffic stops. It wasn’t about my horrified grief as I watched cops in Dallas ambushed, killed. It wasn’t just about either, and it was completely about both. One of my favorite communicators says sometimes we choose between making a point and making a difference. I really hope, in some small way, the words to “Bruise,” the original piece I co-wrote with a spoken word artist for this book, volley right past just making a point, and manage to make a small difference, even if the only difference is that one person chooses to listen and tries to understand. There are so many other things I could say; so many statistics I could cite to sway you to one side or the other. But instead, I’ll let “Bruise” speak for itself. And for those on both sides of that jagged line in the sand. For more on the role of race in Grip, check out Mara White's piece in The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/58b96fd5e4b0fa65b844b200 Signed paperbacks of GRIP & FLOW, the prequel, are up for grabs on Kennedy's Facebook page! ENTER HERE: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor/photos/a.502447269864442.1073741828.438681796240990/1186068878168941/?type=3&theater “BRUISE” Copyright (c) Kennedy Ryan, 2017 Am I all of your fears, wrapped in black skin, Driving something foreign, windows with black tint Handcuffed on the side of the road, second home for black men Like we don’t have a home that we trying to get back to when PoPo pulls me over with no infractions, Under the speed limit, seat belt even fastened, Turned on Rosecrans when two cruisers collapsed in Barking orders, yeah, this that Cali harassment Guns drawn, neighbors looking from front lawns and windows I know cops got it hard, don’t wanna make a wife a widow But they act like I ain’t paying taxes, like your boy ain’t a citizen They think I’m riding filthy, like I’m guilty pleading innocence. They say it's ‘Protect & Serve’, but check my word Sunny skies, ghetto birds overhead stress your nerves, They say if you ain’t doin’ wrong, you got nothin’ to fear, But the people sayin’ that, they can’t be livin’ here . . . We all BRUISE, It’s that black and blue A dream deferred, Nightmare come true In another man’s shoes, Walk a mile or two Might learn a couple things I’m no different than you! You call for the good guys when you meet the bad men, I’m wearing a blue shield and I still feel the reactions When I patrol the block, I can sense dissatisfaction There’s distrust, resentment in every interaction, Whether the beat cop, lieutenant, sergeant or the captain We roll our sleeves up and we dig our hands in I joined the force in order to make a difference, Swore to uphold the law, protect men, women and children, These life and death situations, we make split-second decisions All for low pay, budget cutbacks and restrictions We’re ambushed in Dallas, now where’s all the chatter Gunned down in Baton Rouge, don’t blue lives need to matter? Not just a job—it's a calling, a vocation, My wife’s up late pacin’, for my safety—she’s praying, And yet you call me racist? You wanna trap me with your phone? I’m just a man with a badge trying my best to make it home. We all BRUISE, It’s that black and blue A dream deferred, Nightmare come true In another man’s shoes, Walk a mile or two Might learn a couple things I’m no different than you! Buy GRIP Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2lKfZVt Amazon Universal: myBook.to/GetAGrip Free in KU! Join the Discussion Group once you’re done: http://bit.ly/2m8xEqf Check out the TEESPRING Campaign: https://teespring.com/GetGripped Listen to the playlist on iTunes: http://apple.co/2lWI9ur Listen to the playlist on Spotify: http://bit.ly/2lWrHdS "The story reads like a movie . . powerful and intoxicating ... and sinfully sexy. GRIP has everything—dynamic characters, soulful plot, and a lesson at the end that will change the way you look at life. One of my favorite reads this year. Maybe ever. 5 massive, gripping stars from me!" -- Adriana Lock, USA Today Bestselling Author About GRIP: Resisting an irresistible force wears you down and turns you out. I know. I’ve been doing it for years. I may not have a musical gift of my own, but I’ve got a nose for talent and an eye for the extraordinary. And Marlon James – Grip to his fans – is nothing short of extraordinary. Years ago, we strung together a few magical nights, but I keep those memories in a locked drawer and I’ve thrown away the key. All that’s left is friendship and work. He’s on the verge of unimaginable fame, all his dreams poised to come true. I manage his career, but I can’t seem to manage my heart. It’s wild, reckless, disobedient. And it remembers all the things I want to forget. Download Flow, the prequel to GRIP, TOTALLY FREE! Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lAhSSC Read on WATTPAD: http://w.tt/2kUo8Yk About FLOW: In 8 years, Marlon James will be one of the brightest rising stars in the music industry. Bristol Gray will be his tough, no-nonsense manager. But when they first meet, she’s a college student finding her way in the world, and he’s an artist determined to make his way in it. From completely different worlds, all the things that should separate them only draw them closer. It’s a beautiful beginning, but where will the story end? FLOW is the prequel chronicling the week of magical days and nights that will haunt Grip & Bristol for years to come. Add STILL (Grip #2) to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34642932-still About the Author: Kennedy loves to write about herself in third person. She loves Diet Coke…though she’s always trying to quit. She adores her husband…who she’ll never quit. She loves her son, who is the most special boy on the planet. And she’s devoted to supporting and serving families living with Autism. And she writes love stories! Facebook: http://facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor Book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/ Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kennedy-ryan Amazon: http://amzn.to/2jTjDuU Twitter: @Kennedyrwrites Instagram: @kennedyryan1 Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/author/show/7429243.Kennedy_Ryan Google +: http://plus.google.com/u/0/+KennedyRyanAuthor/posts Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kennedyryan/
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