#also i was traveling a lot and havent been here
xxlumos · 2 years
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hello my fellow pocket friends, how y'all been doing?? I've been quite busy with life, a lot has changed, a lot less stress and much more happy days :))
Gonna answer some asks and post some drafts-thoughts <33
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cloudcountry · 11 months
SUMMARY: vincent sees a masterpiece in you.
COMMENTS: GAHHH SHUT UP OKAY SHUT UP. HE'S SO KIND. i havent played hsi route yet but i am brainrotting a little. also i was inspired by myself because i realized how animated i am and i was immediately like "omg an artists muse" bc WOW all my facial expressions and body language could give an artist a career I MOVE TOO MUCH!!!!
anyway yes he's sweet but i don't really know a lot about him. do vincent kissers even exist!??!?!?!
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An artist at heart, he’s accustomed to noticing the beauty of everything around him. From the way your eyes widen when you’re surprised to the way they crinkle when you’re happy, from the way your lips stretch across your face when you smile at him to the way they purse when you pout, from the way you drag your hands down your arms when you’re cold and trail them down your legs when you’re stretching, to the way your fingers position themselves around a pen when you’re scribbling out annotations in a cookbook.
Or maybe, he’s just become accustomed to noticing your beauty.
“Vincent.” you call, “You’re staring.”
He makes a soft noise of acknowledgment and flashes you an awkward smile. His eyes fall to the notepad in front of him, and he ignores the way his cheeks flush a tender pink. It’s a lovely feeling, the pitter-patter of his heart in his chest and the shaky breaths that come with knowing you.
He’s in awe of the artist that sketched you out and brought you to life. He's envious of the paints that colored you in. Vincent wishes there was a part of you for him in your masterpiece, a blank space that only he could fill. He would fill you with blues and yellows and browns, he would paint the night sky in your eyes and sunflowers along your legs. Each petal would be delicately sketched out along the flesh of your thigh, and his paintbrush would travel down your calves as he sculpted the stems. He would worship you like you deserve, treat you with reverence, and treasure you like nobody else could.
“Sunflower.” you whisper, right next to his ear, “Are you alright?”
Vincent snaps out of his trance once again, an easy smile falling across his lips. His chair groans against the floor as he pushes away from the table, staring up at you as you stand in front of him.
“Of course. I’m sorry for worrying you.” he says softly, looking up at you through his lashes, “Did you say something?”
“Nothing important.” you smile, like you know exactly what he’s been thinking.
You probably do. Vincent blushes, ducking his head to the side so you can’t see his face.
“Can you come to my room later? After you’re done here?” he asks, reaching out to touch you.
His hands rest on your hips, and you let him pull you closer. Your eyes are full of intrigue, and he knows you'll say yes, but he needs to hear the words from your lips.
“Of course.” you hum, leaning down to his level, “I wouldn’t go anywhere else.”
You kiss his forehead, and his heart stumbles in his chest. Right there, he sees it. He sees you. You’re made up of so many shades of color that belong to everyone you’ve ever met and loved, but right there, on your lips, are swirls of gold and blue.
And as you pull away, he sees sunflowers in your heart.
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wolfies-toys · 8 months
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it is finally time to post my backpack pattern! i've been meaning to do this for a while! so if you'd like to try sew your own plush backpack i've drawn up a basic pattern i've been using that should be easy to edit to suit whatever shape you'd like. Please note i'm a newby at making patterns that are readable to others so apologies if it's a little messy. This pattern is intended for personal use only, i would love to see what people make if you do give it a go! Pattern and basic walkthrough images will be under the cut!
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here is the basic pattern! it's very simple and i've written some rough instructions onto the pieces themselves as well. note that the side darts on the front of the bag can be completely ignored if you like. it just adds some extra shaping but isnt strictly necessary.
if you want to resize it should be relatively straightforward to, just adjust overall shape and size to your liking, i would recommend printing out the pattern and seeing how it sizes to your plush of choice, this pattern makes a backpack the size of what twig the bright orange fox is wearing in the photo, it is quite wideset, and will fit most bears but will be a little wide for something like a medium bashful jellycat. for something like a medium bashful i would suggest reducing the size overall of the main bag and keeping the bag strap length mostly the same. please note you will loose some length in the overall bag chamber once the flap is added. the most important things to keep in mind when resizing is width and bag strap length.
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first you will want to cut out all your pattern pieces, first starting with the straps, fold in half and sew along the long edge, then turn the resulting tube through.
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once your bag strap is turned through position the strap flat down on the sewing machine and sew along both edges to help it sit flat, you can iron the strap beforehand too if it's giving you a bit of trouble staying in position. that should leave you with two flat backpack straps! if you dont want to go to this trouble to make the straps, you can also just use some ribbon or elastic and skip this step
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next you will want to sew on the little bit of velcro to the lining of the bag flap. and then to the corresponding front of the bag both while they are not sewn to anything else so it will hide the stitches.
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then if you have cut the darts sew closed the darts on both the outer front and lining front. if you havent added the darts you can just skip this step.
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you then want to sew together the bag flap lining and outside piece, making sure you sew inside out and then turn through.
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pin or clip your main bag chamber lining together, i've found if using cotton you will loose a little length on the back piece if you sewed the darts, once sewn you can just cut the excess off.
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next sew the outer back and front together, leaving little gaps at the lower corners for the bag straps to be sewn in place, then poke them evenly through the holes and sew them in place.
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Turn through the main outer bag chamber, place the lining inside, and fold the edges of the front together, sew the front edge closed, leaving the back open for now
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next you place the open end of the flap in between the lining and outer back of the bag and fold the edges of the lining and outer back together with the flap in the center, pin in place but dont sew it up just yet.
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once that is positioned you can bring the bag straps up to the fold and place them inbetween the flap and the outer back, and make sure they arent twisted. then you can sew it together.
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you should then have a finished plushie backpack that you can decorate with mini pins, bead keychains or just keep plain, and fill with lots of treasures from your plushies travels!
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thebrainrotsreal · 30 days
Invincible Fic Recs
Also bored as hell so here's Invincible fic recommendations because I can, in no particular order. This fandom's weirdly small (from what I can see) but there are people making fics and I will treasure and cherish them until the sun explodes. Thank you fanfic writers, I love you fanfic writers, doing incredible work, fanfic writers <3 Maybe you've read all these already, or hopefully you can find a fic to adore! TBH a lot of Mark-centic fics because I am biased <3 Feel free to add on!!!
 something better, pushed right back by umanta | Word Count: 13k | Tags to Note: PTSD, Homophobia, Racism, Child Abuse | Oneshot
Being invincible has less to do with the body and more to do with the soul. Mark's friends use the power of teenage shenanigans to help him find his feet again.
Notes: Literally one of my fav Invincible fics of all time. They're just teens and I love all of them so much.
me and myself by avisisisisisissss (joyfuldreamlandcheesecake) | Word Count: 4.6k | Tags to Note: AU, Torture, Evil Mark, Dimensional Travel | WIP!
Mark is dealing with Angstrom's death and the stains of blood on his hands. Meanwhile, Mark has been captured by Cecil, who is torturing him to get him to answer to him. ...It's complicated. Or, when his evil version from another universe ends up in this dimension, Mark starts to feel like someone threw gasoline in his dumpster fire of a life.
Notes: Me biased? Pshhh, not at all. But AU based on a post of mine, please read it, it's really incredible already :)
in the end, you're all i have by orphan_account | Word Count: 1.4k | Tags to Note: Post-Season 1, Hugging, Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Oneshot
Amber’s incredulous look is only brief before she reaches over and grabs the book, opening it to the last page that she was reading. Mark’s eyes are fluttering before she even makes it through the first page; his body goes slack against her, breathing lulls, attention wavers. But she keeps reading the words on the pages, brushing her hand through his hair until she hears soft snores whistling through his nostrils and he finally succumbs to his exhaustion.
Notes: I love Amber and Mark and this is such so soft and good. Truly lovely.
Architect of Your Own Demise by Marzi | Word count: 7k | Tags to Note: AU, Role Reversal, Canon levels of violence, | Oneshot
A lot of his dad's stories were about a beautiful wizard saving a prince from a tall, lonely tower. His dad had a whole series of adventures they went on once the prince was rescued. Though he still seemed to get into plenty of trouble, the wizard always helped him escape. Finding out the stories were true had been thrilling. His mother did save his father when they first met, but she hadn't used spells. She was an alien. She was a superhero. And one day, Mark would be too.
Notes: In all honesty, Marzi writes so many epic Invincible fics, it's had not to list them all, please check them out if you somehow havent' already??? I am weak for Role Swaps though and this is does it so well.
Cold Snap by Marzi (series) | Word Count: 11.9k total | Tags to Note: what if debbie was also allowed to make bad choices, possession, potentially disturbing mutilation based impulses | WIP!
The edge of her mouth twitched again, like it was caught on some hook. She was smiling. She was laughing at him. That wasn't his wife. He moved forward, hand outstretched and on her throat. He had her pinned against the counter before he finished blinking. "What are you?" She leaned into him, unconcerned with the threat against her. It also clearly didn’t care about hiding anymore. "Think you have time to find out?"
Notes: Another Marzi fic because I love Debbie. POSSESSED DEBBIE LIKE HELLO??? I had to share.
Spill the tea boy by mandaree1 | Word Count: 1k | Tags to Note: Set After "It's Been A While", | Oneshot
Mark is visited by friends on Thraxa.
Notes: Crying sobbing begging for more GoG & Mark interactions like these. They heal me ok, thank you, op.
all the things left behind by cadastre | Word Count: 28K | Tags to Note: AU, Captivity, Forced Cohabitation, Aftermath of Torture, Survivor's Guilt, Nolan Grayson's A+ Parenting | WIP!
Mark is invincible. When the world ends, that becomes William's problem.
Notes: Omg fucked up Mark and William interactions??? HELLO? Yes PLEASE? No one is having a good time <3 I haven't seen a fic quite like this so please read!
from a body that used to be yours by thislittlebagofdreams | Word Count: 30K | Tags to Note: Angst, Self Hatred, Alien Biology, Binge Eating, | WIP!
After his dad reveals the truth, Mark returns home to find half the silverware missing. Or: After his dad reveals the truth, Mark reminds his mom too much of his dad.
Notes: I haven't seen an alien bio fic either for this fandom and this is STELLAR! I love the change that Viltramites can't cry, that's such a epic idea???
All Alone Now by YingYangKay | Word Count: 2k | Tags to Note: Solitary Confinement, Dissociation, | Oneshot
Imprisoned and alone, (Evil) Mark has plenty of time to self-reflect and think about his life choices.
Notes: ILY EVIL MARK! I just adore his POV as he reflects, entrapped, and alone. Angst my beloved.
Again, feel free to add on! :D I hope someone finds a new fic to read and adore!!!
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waterghostype · 3 months
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a bit of an unconventional post but here is rosel!!! struggling princess and novice of void she is my ninjago oc bc ive been infected with deadly oc brainrot disease…
oc ramblings under the cut lel
she is a princess with a tragic backstory . super original i know
in all seriousness she basically conjured up in my head while i was thinking “what could they ever do to recover harumi’s character from crystalized in dragons rising” and it all went downhill from here
she’s super energetic, lively, dramatic, basically a cringe theatre kid who doesnt shut up at all. she loves animals and nature and life and being elaborate and performing and all that jazz.
she’s basically harumi’s surrogate little sister. after being on her own for a bit and traveling all across realms she landed in this weird magical realm (one that i made up. lol) and was taken in by the royal family as a knight (basically) after she brought back rosel when she got lost in the forest. she’s having a terrible time in there BUT she’s staying because… there is a freakazoidal organization trying to take them down. super original once again.
harumi feels like shes sort of called to do something about it to somehow atone for her wrongdoings but she doesn’t want to do any more than she has to aka she doesn’t want to get close to rosel bc shes obviously very Not right in the brain and also because of her past
rosel originally had an older sister who was supposed to be the actual heir to the throne and she was totally chill with that! she liked to just have a second say in important stuff and do a lot of commercials like that was her whole thing and she enjoyed it. then her sister got assassinated so now she has to be the one to worry about everything and just be an heir all of a sudden. this is part of the reason why she got very easily attached to harumi and harumi knows this and understands what’s going on in rosel’s brain because a losing family then getting badly attached to someone bc you think they can fill that hole in your heart?? yeah not cool
doesnt help that harumi currently hates herself and thinks shes the worst person in the world (tbf she did do All that.) but the difference is when she was being unhealthily attached to garmadon he mistreated her BAD but here harumi actually tries protecting rosel and gets unfortunately attached as well which sucks! it’s like that grumpy old man adopts daughter trope except it’s a ~20 yo girl and a little sister
before she died rosel swore she hated her sister and they would fight allll the time. older sister (havent decided on a name) is really strict and pressured to do all her work as an heir and the oldest princess and i could go into more detail abt their relationship but just think oldest sibling vs youngest sibling shenanigans. theyd fight abt how rosel would never understand the pressure of being the heir in their political cilmate thing (yeah the made-up realm is going through it) but too bad so sad she got executed in front of literally the whole kingdom.
after a surprisingly short while rosel gets back on her feet after her sister’s death but shes just fakering oops. she has a bunch of bottled up issues but it’s ok! it’s ok!
also shes the elemental master of void. oops
this one is fucky wucky complicated but BASCIALLY my bs reason for her little mary sue op power is bc time twins were stuck in that weird time vortex all throughout everything And then the merge happened and the merge’s weird elemental energy whatever caused the time vortex and the twins’ elemental powers to get weird and because time is being messed up reality can be messed up and so this basically broken version of the time element gets transferred onto my girl rosel as if it was a regular degular elemental power which sucks bc it’s even harder to use and control and she doesnt even know how to fight so shes just struggling
she finds this out while on a journey with the ninja and harumi. like if it was a season itd be like episode 15+ she finds out. this is because she accidentally caused an important artifact to disappear out of nowhere, got sad about it bc she messed everything up, and then she accidentally makes a whole bunch of stuff (including living things) disappear too. yikessss
she doesnt want to hide it she tells the ninjarumi right away and theyre all like What the hell and shes freaking out but after some help she can at least keep herself from destroying literally everything.
until she messes up gets mega emotional loses control of her everything and starts voiding a bunch of stuff so she gets even more stressed which makes her void even more stuff and now shes basically destroying the kingdom shes been trying so hard to be able to rule. ooooopsies
after a whole thing with the power of siblingship and empathy harumi snaps her out of it and now shes absolutely baffled with what shes done and is a bit crazed abt the whole thing. bc of this she decides it’s best to train with the ninja (idk if she actually becomes one) so she can use her power better. btw harumi was able to snap her out of it and give her a hug without being voided because a) power of friendship and b) overlord resurrection she’s literally dead inside She basically is already voided in a way
so thats basically what goes on very sorry this is too long but i hope it all makes sense… i swear her story is better than the way i explained it (or maybe it’s not idk) i just have many MANY MANY thought abt her! i might ramble even more in the future so be cautioned. thx
heres zoomed in ver of the notes in case u need it
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littlegeecko · 2 months
Whats the "Feel good AU" from the michase post. Tell me how things went right somehow!
its a very out-there au, simply to deposit all of the cute ideas there without big repercussions
basically, syd is alive, first and foremost. You gotta have at least a basic understanding of my syd before diving in here to understand a few things but yea, he's there.
After the events of echo (most likely following jenna's route good ending) they all kinda separate for a while and do their own lives.
Jenna and TJ are faraway (separatedly), Flynn and Carl are together and living relatively closer, but not in a place like Payton or anything, far from Echo, the same goes with Syd and Leo (also together) living in the same city/state as Flynn and Carl
And then u have Chase. Chase tries something with Micha after the events and surprisingly it worked pretty well until they started to have issues about Micha wanting to travel around the states and be away from Echo and Payton, while Chase wanted to stay and "settle down" with him. Micha is a free bird while Chase is scared of doing new things, especially right now. So...they cut things off, and Micha goes away.
So Chase kinda stayed on his own path lookin for jobs, possibly finishing his major since it was in such a latter state already anyway and later trying with being a historian...all of that while his friends basically knew little about his whereabouts and continued on with their lifes wondering where the fuck chase was...until he came back
The thing in his head is a lot quieter than before since the events, so hes been...alright, picking up the broken pieces of his own being and doing an effort in getting better...He visits his friends and realizes some of them even have families (Beck for Carl and Flynn, Leon for Syd and Leo -i havent shown him yet-) and even surprised to see some of the tetanus gang still kicking and getting better just like Micha.
So since things ended on a high note last time, they welcome him with open arms...
now, the picture with Micha is possibly them at a gathering where Jenna's living, its kinda far, but it seemed to coincide with where Micha was staying for the month-week, he received a text from someone telling him about the reunion, so he showed up and...caught on with Chase, too.
The pic shows them talking in the frontyard about this and that, and who knows what will come out of that
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cyberr-v0id · 8 months
I should probably make a proper introduction post so here goes
Hi hey hello wassup sup howdy hola hooray
My name is Hecate but I also go by *lists a ton of names because I am genderfluid as hell, can’t choose just one, have a complicated relationship with my irl name, and eventually toss aside every name I go by* here’s the link to my full name post: https://www.tumblr.com/cyberr-v0id/731097944976228352/ok-so-as-i-apparently-use-a-lot-of-names-here-are
My main blog is @cyberr-v0id but I have a ton of side blogs, because I’m addicted to cool usernames??? Apparently??? But I’m only really active on four or five of them
I use he/she/they/fae and occasionally it sets of pronouns, and I am a genderfluid, afab, asexual, lesbian oriented demiromantic. Deal with it or leave :)
I currently have a crush on one of my awesome friends because I only develop crushes on people I have a strong bond with and/or have know for a while . Aka: my friends. It can be low-key awkward but we roll
I am Romani but don’t travel because reasons and I am kinda detached from my culture, but heck of I don’t defend it till my last breath
Now onto what I am interested in ehhehehehe
Ok so, I have never been diagnosed with anything ✨brain wise✨ however pretty much every autistic person I have ever met has said that they think I might be as well, without me even bringing it up, including my AuDHD brother. My mother has said repeatedly throughout my lifetime comments such as ‘are you sure you’re not autistic’ and ‘that is very autistic or you maybe we should get you diagnosed’ but then she denies it if i bring it up
My dad thinks I am adhd, my mum thinks I would be add rather than adhd because I am, to quote, ‘not hyperactive like [brothers name] is’. He is a twelve year old boy. I am a fifteen year old girl. I also take apart all my pens in lessons if I don’t have something less destructible to fidget with. Take that how you will
I personally have done a lot of of research into the both, and feel that I could be either, but slightly more likely adhd
I have a weird issue with my feet where the bones are too close together in places, which means I have really clicky ankle joints, am much more likely to have my ankles roll, twist, or give way, and often my legs hurt pretty bad, and my feet as well, while walking or standing for a long time. But hey! They’re getting better finally :D
Onto other interests:
• mythology in general but the one I know the most about and am obsessed with the most is Greek mythology
• the owl house
• Percy Jackson, obviously
• amphibia
• the inheritance cycle
• the dragon prince
• miss peregrines home for peculiar children
•avatar the last air bender
•dragon age absolution
• how to train your dragon (books, films, series)
•the wizards of once
•dragons themself as a thing
•folklore and faeries
• nimona
•and a heck ton more that I cannot think of. I’ll rant about it eventually if I love it that much
The main sports I do rn are archery, paddle boarding, and skateboarding, as well as dance through my musical theatre group. Also lightsaber fighting in my street
I do art and writing and reading and acting and lots more I do a lot and then I abandon my hobbies for a while, and jewelry making and sewing and
I’ll link some more posts here that may be useful to y’all:
And remember, this blog is ran by an Odysseus obsessed teen above all else
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estrophore · 10 months
Signalis Post (barely coherent thought vomit)
So I finished signalis on Monday and i think ive just about recovered enough for me to make a gush post about it on tumblr dot com, which i think i have to do cause i dont think any other game has really hit me as hard as this one. Spoilers obvs.
Being pre-transion, with that associated depression and closing off from oneself, ive always found it difficult to get out my feelings, even in private with just myself, and yet signalis has filled me throughout with its beautiful romantic melancholy and left me genuinely sobbing for the gay robot and her space girlfriend (almost worried that if id played this game on estrogen it might actually have just killed me on the spot). the only other times i can think of where i really cried were playing We Know The Devil near the beginning of the year, which really fkin hit the part of me that struggles to accept myself, and that time i rewatched the last episode of she-ra after reading the ‘Word War Etheria’ fanfic, which brings the characters so much more to life i fell for them all over again.
Signalis is a game that calls back to a lot of classic horror like resident evil and silent hill, which i havent got round to playing any of yet, but i think nostalgia works both ways sometimes and i’ll be playing them sooner now. sometimes horror gets stereotyped as all death and violence, some games fill themselves with skulls and corpses, and big ugly monsters and basically shout ‘DEATH!’ in your face repeatedly and it all just comes off as a bit garish and ridiculous and not actually very scary really. Signalis sits at the other end of that scale (with some of my other fav horror games like soma, cry of fear) where its environs are most usually just… quiet. Still. Muffled. Sad. just as often as theres tension or creeping fear because of this i find theres a strange kind of comfort too. Maybe its just that in most other genres of games theres so much of music, UI elements, pickups and interactibles with vibrant design. Here, theres room for your mind to just occupy the space. A soft fog. A dimly lit room. An empty train. Snow out a window. Liminal spaces that dont expect anything from you.
Signalis is a game thats just simply, unapologetically gay, and i dont think i would have been quite so invested in Elster and Ariane’s relationship if they were a straight couple. Its why representation is important, if art’s way for us to explore our emotions then its important to have media that we can relate to. Even Adler’s role isnt typically masculine. Our replika characters are manufactured, designed for certain roles in the base. Notes from the tough Stars and Storchs in the shooting range, the dollish Eules with the fairy lights and music player in the dorm. I couldnt help but think of groups of Eules sat around chatting, together, and im yearning for that feeling of togetherness, of understanding a friend that closely. I somehow missed the couple in the mineshaft (next playthough, ill find you v_v ). Despite the harshness of life in the Eusan nation (especially for the gestalts) the characters in it are defined by their feelings of belonging and hope. With the obvious parallels to east germany, i think of posters of cosmonauts and space travel from the time. Propaganda, sure but also made with the genuine belief in something greater. When the events of the game take this away, well, we find the last Kolibri, whod rather lose herself than lose her [ah. Im not sure theres a word here to properly describe the relationship they embody]. Its a game defined by loneliness.
We dont lie up at night scared by some corrupted android. We arent stuck with horror at the flesh everywhere, not on its own. We lie awake thinking about Elster and Ariane’s love for each other, the horror of their decline, the futility of trying to hold on forever. Its existential horror done perfectly. It shows an ending postponed and stretched far beyond its limits, and so squarely reminds you that you do, in fact, have to die one day. You’ll break down. One day you’ll say your last words to the people you love and you wont even know you have. Ariane’s final few diaries arrive with the full force of the narrative behind it, like a spear through my heart. For the record, I got the promise ending. Im still sad. It's a game about raging desperately against an unfair ending. I might think about this game for the rest of my life. I would sincerely say its an artistic masterpiece, by the sure definition of video games as art.
I like that the story leaves a lot open and abstract. I think it makes the emotional themes takes centre stage more. And i havent had nearly enough time to sift through it and come up with my own takes, we’ll need a few more playthroughs for that. And theres so much more to say that cant go in just these few paragraphs! Signalis is a game about two girls who had to run away from everything to find someone they belonged with. The universe may be cold and bleak, but you have to try, you might just find something beautiful, even if it doesnt last forever. I think if anything, we should all have the chance to find love and happiness like that, and we shouldnt have abandon a world that doesnt work for us to do it.
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familyofpaladins · 25 days
ABBY Whats your absolute fave BNHA fics of all fucking time
Okay, I havent really read any bnha in like 2 years, and i hadnt bookmarked any (because at the time I was reading I just didnt utilize the bookmark function. I'm working on fixing that lol) so here is an incomplete list off the top if my head in no particular order
Pretty much anything by @anonymoustwit . Especially the Hero Sense au. Certain people, regardless of quirks, can sense when people are in or going to be in danger. (Deku, bakugo, all might, and todoroki ((and others)) developed this ability. It's not the main focus of all the fics in the series, but it's often there in the background) They're excellent Bakugo fics.
Synapse by WynterTwylight. Space au. But also cyberspace. Deku and Bakugo are drift compatible (but it's not a Pacific rim au). Honestly it's been long enough I dont remember a lot of details but I know it's good
What we lost to the fire. Au where Hisashi is endeavour's brother and little izuku has to live with the todoroki's , meanwhile the bakugos are trying to adopt him (and everyone else is searching for Hisashi who killed inko)
I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIND THIS FIC. EDIT: THANKS TO @granny-griffin FOR FINDING THE FIC . With(out) you - Villains break into one of class A's practical classes to kidnap izuku. They run away though when allmight shows up. But izuku got paralyzed from one of the villains quirks, but all might thinks he's dead for a little bit
Momo and bakugo switch quirks (not the actual title becasue the title is really long but that's the gist of the fic lol)
Nightmare house (fanfiction.net) the first mha fic I ever read. Izuku and a few other members of class 1a take shelter in a cabin after helping to capture some villains, but find out that the house isnt so safe and amy end up killing them.
A letter to me. Time travel fic where villains go after the young versions of deku and bakugo so class 1a steps in to save them
(I think theres another time travel fic I like. But I cant remember enough details to look for it)
Once forgotten, twice removed. Izuku gets transported to an alternate related where he works for AFO and wants him to kill all might. Alternate universe shenanigans
If all of these dreams might find their way into my day to day scene. Class 1a gets aizawa to run their hero agency. He goes to hero con to support them (half a social media fic)
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queerbuckleys · 9 months
hii, i am going on vacation for like the next tenish days and need a break from tumbles <3 i wrote a big long dramatic note originally but it felt too *handwaves* it's under the cut if you wanna read more about why i feel like i need to take time away, but basically i have lost some of the joy of being here and creating and havent actually taken a proper break since 2021...so yeah! if you wanna reach out on discord or if you have my number pls do! it is not a moratorium on friendship :P just the hellsite. if you want a way to contact me over the next ten days and don't have a way to do so, i will be around for the rest of today so shoot me a DM and we will figure it out! see ya on the flipside, ily!
The other thing I have kinda stopped doing more unintentionally is reblogging sets and stuff, and I really don’t know why. I feel like I used to do that a lot more, and be far more expressive in the tags cause I know that is one of my favorite things about creating so I want to give that to others as well. And it feels as tho I am fulfilling an obligation when I reblog rather than expressing my love for the creation.
I have also not been reading basically any fics and I am hoping that my new glasses will help that situation but idk that I can actually catch up to all the things that I have missed no matter how excited I was to read them 😭
It just feels like being here is more work than it’s worth and I am letting people down atm, including myself. And this is supposed to be my happy, safe, creative space and it just isn’t right now and I want it to return to that.
Right now kinda presents a perfect opportunity since I will be traveling, visiting family, meeting new people over the next ten or so days so it just works very well to take an intentional pause. also i have been meaning to take a serious break since like...may, and several things kept me from doing so, but now all those things are past-- or at least will still exist to create for when i come back. as well as complicated things in my brain coming to a head.
so! i will be gone for a bit, i think it's like ten days or so to focus on my travels and existing as a person outside my apartment and outside tumblr. And when i get back i hope to do a little celebration of sorts 😉
if you have my discord or number feel free to hmu/ chat/ check-in! and if you don't have that and would like to contact me over this time, send me a DM today and we can sort it out!
i love you all! see ya in september <3
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thekingofwinterblog · 9 months
So next are the cutscene images, which uses what is very clearly in-game models.
On thing that struck me about a lot of these, that i havent seen anyone comment on, is that there is snow. That means these take place in the south of Thedas, not the north that is supposed to be the main setting of the game.
More speciffically, this picture is set somewhere east of the Froatback mountains, as you can see with the fact there's at least one ancienct alamarri/avaar statue in the pic.
As for the picture itself, this giant tree reminds me of the stories about Flemeth, of those gnarly, huge trees she's infamous for stringing people up on.
And of course the red gloeing things at the base of the tree is there to illustrate that wherever this is, the next few shots are there as well.
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I have no idea what this place is, or why it's important, but again, i can tell you its somewhere east of the frostbacks.
Its q ruin, and the archway and rail reminds me of the ones you can find in the Exalted Plains, so probably Elvhen ones.
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Whatever it is, it's main feature seems to be this blighted stuff that looks like moving, soft, blighted lyrium veins.
Maybe that's what it is?
This could have been how lyrium looked like back in the day(minus the red blighted bit) when the Titans were fully awake and the veil did not exist.
Maybe Solas big plan for the idol will take place here, and the importance of these shots is the moments before the climax, the calm before the storm as the Fade seeps into the world as Solas is in the process of tearing the veil apart.
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A shot of a Twvinter city or palace of some kind. You can tell by the parts jutting out to the sides and hangs in the air with no supports.
You only see those in Tevinter and the Black city.
I would say this might be Minrathous, but those mountains makes that very unlikely. Though again, the architecture does match with the city from the next shots.
Minrathous. Clearly Minrathous.
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What I find most interesting about Minrathous from a visual perspective is not the clear opulence, magical nature, or decadence, but the fact that even now, even in modern day after everything that has happened, The Tevinter imperium still has a giant, floating palace floating over the city, very clearly modeled after the black city.
That is such a clear cut thematic point of how little Tevinter has actually learned, and why it is certainly doomed to fail.
Also that thing is coming crashing down on the city sometime in game.
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This mural is interesting for a number of reasons.
1. It showcases what is very clearly the events of the game, which means that someone, at some point had a vision shoeing Solas return, that there would be 2 Elvhen Gods besides himself left, and that the entire event would be centered around a return to the Black City that was at the center of the creation of the Veil to begin with.
2. Despite shoeing these events, the black city is not black in this mural, it's red. Which means it either will, or has already gone through another transformation. One most likely also connected to blighted lyrium.
3. Don't think I didn't see you in the lower corner there Meredith, we all know you're coming back for Dreadwolf as a walking red statue. Your appearance in Absolution proved that much.
4. Solas is pondering this mural, which suggest he is honestly considering the same question as us. Who the hell made it? How much did they know? HOW did they know it?
Given the mural can't be that old, maybe Sandal maybe? He spent a lot of time in Ferelden. Maybe he made this during him and his father's travels into ruins.
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hhawkeye · 7 months
feel like i havent really been around here a lot. hello. i was supposed to be in los angeles right now but i Got Scared and didnt go and im SO MAD ABOUT IT but im also like whatever. bc 90% of the reason for the trip was to visit one of my bfs but! she came over here instead!!!! and we're having a really good time. i am upset about missing out on various things we had planned and i am angry at myself for not being able to just. go on the trip. but i am trying to be kind to myself. i Will attempt to get therapy so i can try to work on fixing the reasons behind my Getting Scared and not being able to go. i Will get better and i Will go places and i Will have good travel experiences! but in the meantime i get to cuddle with one of my boyfriends in my own bed in my own house (sometimes with my dog snuggled in between us because she Needs Attention) and i am happy.
HOW ARE ALL OF YOU. also sorry for using the blogging platform as a blog. i will return to reblogging random shit right meow
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yokakaiju · 1 month
doro modern(?) au
i am so tired while writing this, so apologies if some of it doesnt make sense bleh.. i will happily answer any and all questions to the best of my ability tho!!
okay so ngl... it's really not that different from canon i think? i really don't know much abt my own damn au atm cause i mostly think of it during work and for some reason i literally NEVER write anything down?? idk why???
this shit is all 100% subject to change later btw:
• genuinely just abt everything that took place in doro takes place in the past during this au, but not in the same way or with the same characters. ik some stuff 100% wouldnt make sense because of this, BUT BLEHH ILL FIGURE IT OUT LATERR!!! literally jist like.. remove everything involving aikawa and risu and replace it with violent social unrest or smth idk yet...
• ne way, this takes place 100 years after the kaiman holey fight, but in this au it wasnt our kaiman
• the sorcerer and human world have been permanately sealed off from each other since hole fight
• humans at this point dont necessarily believe sorcerers even exist anymore due to this, but the older generations (the few people who live to be like 80-100+) are still somewhat afraid of them and think that some may still be in hole (they are)
• abt hole and this is gonna need a lot of reworking, but like.. idk. basically some humans worship hole as a modern god, taking everything that happrned as absolute truth and churches sprung up around holey, worshiping large statues made of his bones and stuff. the statues do still work as they did in base doro, but they arent as widespread anymore? theyre way more popular with older people and thr newly religous folk, but most people see them as some sort of novelty at this point and they arent widely owned outside of churches and hospitals anymore
• the refuse lake also is back kinda? but its mostly a normal lake now, but the water is still extremely tar like in some parts so its still gated off
• in the socerer world, all information regarding humans and the hole have been banned from being spoken about or learned by the general public. personal doors are also prohibited to be used/learned to be used and anyone who CAN use them that uses them unsanctioned will face capitol punishment or smth. really only the devils and en family know abt hole and shit (theres more people of course, but these are details idk yet)
• n e way, in modern era nikaido and aikawa (sigh we will get to him last...) work together at the hungry bug still
• nikaidos story is literally almost exactly the same. she is still being pseudo hunted by the en family because they got word of a time traveling socerer like howveer long ago and are trying to hunt her down in secret (they dont know its her directly tho)
• kasukabe/haze is still just chillin tho. he is nearly unchanged, still wrote books on socerers (however they were written more historically for a while, then eventually he met haru and they became research/science based) snd took ai as an appretenice, but his work outside of human medicine is thought of as crackpot conspiricy talk or entirely fictional. him and haru are stil married/divorced, haru is also atill a devil and he still has a skin door to the sorcerer world
• ive had some ideas abt shin, mostly that his mom was killed alongside his dad after someone tipped off the  militia that there was somehow still sorcerers in the hole. they investigated their home for a bit and caught her using a door, so they raided the home and slaughted his family in front of him. from there shins story doesnt change much at all rn tbh
• the en family is still highly regarded and very opressive in the socerer world. they dont destroy schools anymore because duh no black powder, but they (with some devil influenece as well) heavily regulate what is taught. resistence against the en family, namely trying to learn about doors and hole, are cruely punished to show they arent fucking around, despite them still having acess to the hole and knowing (somewhat) the true events of what lead to them being separated
• i havent put much thought into the fate of the cross eyes in this au yet, but ive had some ideas? they arent the cross eyes (yet) but, they (our commanders + natsuki and risu) were low ranking memebers who are part of a resistance against the en family that attempts to fight their opression/censorship of history and some higher ups (not the commanders rn) are even trying to figure out how to make a door to the hole or smth
• this is abt all i have rn (im also super tired writing this ugh), so sigh... aikawa time i suppose... this part is gonna be long and confusing and 99% of everything ive talked abt so far was stemed from this, so heres a barely tldr tldr becase im probably making a seperate post when im not so tired. okay TLDR: ai was always disallusioned with being a human becauee his grandpa told him about sorcerers and magic and shit, so he fully bought into hazes entire catalouge of books taking thrm as gospel. eventually he meets haze and works under him, getting close enough to see some of his studies on sorcerer corpses. due to the corpses having smoke/black powder and were killed with hatred for their fellow sorcerers (they were killed by the en family), it starts to slowly affect ais young brain and the seed of a new hole have been planted blah blah, anyway he starts having horrific nightmares from the pov of hole from over a century ago and starts hearing shit cause hes already really mentally unwell. pretyu much from here it goes thr same as base doro for rn. he begs haze to help him become a sorcerer, he has all his plans snd shit tk make it work with the "fresh corpses" (either murders or bodies provided by haru) haze has access to, but haze refuses. ai just gets worse as time goes on, but him being a little emo freak he never actually vocalizes it, but as per cannon he decided to just force hazes hand. one night haze and ai were illegally hunting for potential relics of hole or the events surrounding that around the older parts of the refuse lake whrn ai ended up throwing himself into the tar. however instead of throwing himself in the refuse lake cause he needs a corpse he was compelled by hallucinations or smth to throw himself in. haze saves him and ends up doing the surgery om him blah blah literally its not that different from here, ai still "dies" and is buried he was also made of the 9(?) corpses so hes till got all his heads ans shit. when he rises this time tho instead of going to the sorcerer world he goes to haze again immediatly and begs him not to tell anyone. from here on haze hides him ot smth since he looks so different now no ones gonna recognize him or whatevs
this aint a fuckin tldr whoops. anyway uh.. ill make a seperate post abt aikawa/kai/EVERYONE ELSE IN THERE later cause i fell asleep twice writing that
please ask questions if you have any!! i will work on this more as time goes on i imagine and ill try to start actually writing ny ideas down now
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kittycowboy · 5 days
babe. do you have any anime recs
OF WHAT KIND. What sorta genre are you going for? Feel good? Lighthearted? Or smth more action-filled?
Are you lookin for a short series or smth longer? Generally they come in sets of 12, 24, or. super long. Or maybe movies?
For sweet/happy ones, Makoto Shinkai movies are MY FAV. Particularly I enjoy Weathering with You and Your Name. And if you like those, watch Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop- its literally one of my favorite movies of all time ever. Its super cute n sweet + has a beautiful style.
For more intense I would say MONONOKEEEEE not the ghibli movie but that ones really good also. Mononoke 2006 is a 12 episodes (+ 3 in a prequal series) with this super interesting style. Its about a shaman sorta guy who like. exorvmcises evil spirits? Just watch it pls pls pls
Dementia style (<- More like. heavy & confusing) I wld always say Serial Experiments Lain. Is ur into psychological movies check out Satoshi Kon's work- he was a GENIUS in that genre frrrr
Im a big fan of Sci Fi so some popular ones you should watxh are Trigun ('98 is closer to the original manga bit like. barely. Stampede is more entertaining tho), Cowboy Bebop, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. OOOH and Cyberpunk edgerunners. That ones super gorey tho.
If you like Cowboy Bebop or even if you dont u should watch Samurai Champloo. Its abt this girl, a samurai, and a vagabond sorta dude on a mission to find this "samurai who smells like sunflowers". Its SO good and the music is AMAZINGGGGGGG
CHECK OUT SCIENCE SARU'S STUFF ALSO my favs from them are Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken- its a 12 ep series abt the three most autistic girls ever starting an animation club in their school. And then Japan Sinks 2020, which is abt a family surviving after a tsunami starts to literally sink Japan. SUPER sad but also beautiful.
If u want a mystery one watxh Erased- its a time travel sorta show abt a guy who goea ba k jn time to solve the murders of these three kids from his elementary school. Oshi no Ko is another mystery show with beautiful art abt idols and solving the protags moms murder.
Heavenly Delusion is one I havent actually finished but its 12 (?) episodes in a post-apocalyptic future? Its a litte hard to desvrjbe but its rlly cool.
OOOOH the great pretender is a fun show abt scamming + a new movie for it is coming out soon. super cool style as well.
Sorry ive been writi g this between doing stuff in class I gotta stop here for now. If any of these interest you lmk and I can give a list of trigger warnings since almost all of them have. a lot.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
HI THERE it's 🍉 anon !! i havent been on tumblr for ages but as soon i was back i came to check on your blog and i love all the new stuff you've put out here and i did read all of it in one sitting
ALSO i have lots of updates of stuff that has happened between my girlfriend and i. we went on a trip together and it was filled with so much tummy stuff conveniently for me?? on the first day we got really hungry because we went on a four hour car ride without any food and when we got to the town where we'd stay we just couldn't find a place to eat. i got hungrier than her because for some reason she can go hours without eating but i really can't (im supposed to be bulking up also) and she would PAT my stomach or rub it up and down if she noticed i was getting restless. later we were cuddling together and my stomach growled audibly and i apologized but she said it was okay because i was hungry. that same day we had sort of an argument (which strangely reminds me of some of your fics where two characters argue but one of them's sick 😭) and then during lunch i sort of ate more than i could handle. we went to our bedroom together because she wanted to talk about the argument and stuff but then she noticed i was feeling full and she did that rubbing my stomach up and down thing again and. hopefully she didn't notice the way that flustered me. later my mother in-law said that i "had barely touched my food" and my girlfriend actively said "no, he ate way too much" which. jfc. especially because i know my stomach had been looking full and she could tell. we went for gelato afterwards anyway 🤚. on our last day during breakfast i ate my fill then finished what she couldn't and then my mother in-law bought us ice cream which we didn't ask for but she was like "pleaaase eat it" so i grabbed an ice cream sandwich and ate it. THAT was a mistake. i got carsick on the way back and i kept my hand pressed to my stomach like all the way home and my girlfriend kept looking at it. i loved traveling w her but being honest this stuff REALLY made my trip
anyways keep up w the good work !! really love your characters and the plotlines. it's a nice way some sort of outlet if that makes sense. cant wait to read your next fix
🍉 anon
🍉, anon. Please imagine me cradling your face between my hands, squishing your cheeks and looking deep into your eyes: how does it feel to be living a fanfic?
Every single moment you described was the cutest thing I've ever heard, I'm so so in love with this!! I hope she's a sweetheart to you as well, anon, because you sound like one.
(and the carsickness because of too much ice cream was HOT. I'm kicking my feet and blushing here)
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pjisskullourful · 9 months
hi, i’m in love with your damianoxreaderxethan series😍 since the VMAs I can’t stop thinking about that moment on the pink carpet where Ethan looked at Damiano’s chest then turned and Damiano looked at Ethan. Imagine, like, the thoughts that would be running in reader’s mind just looking at that video sitting on the couch and then, like, touching herself and sending a video to them. I mean, just a thought maybe not even a real request but…I honestly can’t stop thinking about it.
psst lemme tell you a lil secret: im in love with it too!
i really really like this idea. infact i like it somuch that i have compiled a lot of notes & some paragraphs of the opening. i love the throuple somuch that i take any excuse to write about them so i could easily dive into this& dedicate my spare time to it
however, that would possibly slow down this months chapter of stained sheets, so yall gotta let me know which you'd rather read first, some throuple smut or chapter 24 of stained sheets
‼️also also ALSO if yall have any ideas of positions you want the throuple to do, let me know! cos i havent quite decided that part yet so give me some smutty inspo‼️
anyways, heres my lil beginning
"Do blondes have more fun?" You asked of Ethan, getting him alone as the makeup artist walked away to set up more things on the countertop.
Before he could answer, Damiano had come over, standing next to you. "No, blondes have more cum."
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Charming."
The two of them were getting ready for the Video Music Awards, Måneskin's second year of attending and performing. It had been decided that Ethan would wear a long blonde wig, along with Damiano's freshly bleached hair, they were all going to be blonde for the night.
There was still time before they had to leave the hotel. You wouldn't be accompanying them to the awards show, once their makeup was done and they were fully styled, you would be spending the night with the other members of their travelling team. But there was still fun to be had in this lead up to the event. You had watched the VMAs with them many times, now you were going to be seeing them at the VMAs. It wasn't just an average day at work for them, this was one of the things you had dreamt of with them and there was excitement in the air of your hotel suite.
For now the nerves weren't getting to them too much. All they had to do was stay still and have makeup applied, no more rushing to rehearsals or sound checks, they could slow down, there was time to breathe. There was time for Ethan to really look in the mirror and decide how he liked this different hair colour. The wig was pinned down securely and the lace was glued to his forehead.
"I've been a blonde longer than you, so I'm the authority here." Damiano said.
You hadn't been able to take your eyes off of Ethan yet. "Do you like it?"
"Yeah." He said, his fingers playing through the light strands. "I really think I'm pulling it off."
"You definitely are. But it's pretty hard to find something you look bad wearing." Damiano said.
"I don't know what it is about it, but it's bringing out this kind of androgynous quality. It's always there, it's just in you." You said. "But with this wig on, it's all I can see. You're giving me more genderfuck than usual and it's quite stunning."
Sassily, Ethan flipped the hair back from one shoulder. "Oh, so I'm stunning now? I'm bringing stunning to the VMAs, well somebody has to."
"Yas baby, feel your oats." Damiano encouraged.
You were interrupted by the makeup artist requesting Ethan at the other side of the room. Before leaving the two of you behind, he tossed the long blonde hair in your direction, getting both of you to laugh. He sat down in the chair and the artist was quite quickly applying products to his face.
Before you could decide what you were going to do next, Damiano had grabbed your elbow. He made a gesture for you to head even further away from Ethan, over to the doors that led to the balcony. You walked with him, he slid the doors open and you followed him outside. He didn't start talking until the doors were securely shut again, any conversation from inside blocked out.
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