#also i have been told i look like both OB and loki
professional-termite · 7 months
me and my friend squid have started calling lokius "media literacy" because of a meme i made. additionally, when i told him about the "loki and mobius are put into smaller and smaller elevators until they make out" post, he said "they do that anyways"
basically what im saying is calamari time is temporarily postponed. squiddle boy lives another day
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woodelf68 · 6 months
LOKI 2.4
I don't see why they can't keep Dox in Holding forever; they had no problem pruning Lokis into the Void for forever. >.>
Dammit, Sylvie, it would have taken OB and Victor five seconds to sign each other's copies of the TVA Guidebook; could you not let them have their brief moment of fanboying joy?
OB's explanation of the Loom is very helpful here; it reminds me of the Doctor on Doctor Who explaining sciencey things to his companions on screen so that the kiddies (and adults, lol) at home could understand what was going on. (Okay, so the TVA as a TARDIS, discuss. Look at all those long corridors its got for running in!) I loved OB's "...the backlog of branches that was created when someone...*looks accusingly at Sylvie* ...killed He Who Remains and released all those branches and ruined my life." (Aw, come on, OB, you're out of the basement now! You're making friends and meeting admirers of your work!)
Loki claiming that the little figure in the model was clearly not him so why did he have to be the one to 'hoof it' and lob the throughput multiplier into the Loom? Well, Loki, you have very long legs and can run fast, also tradition has been established that your character is the one who gets sent to do the hard jobs for others; just be glad you're not being asked to steal Surtur's flame and doom Asgard this time around. (Of course, your decision to abscond with the Tesseract has already caused the TVA to erase the Asgard of your timeline, people and realm both, so...uh, never mind, pretend I never said anything.)
MOBIUS AND HIS PIE AGAIN. I SWEAR TO GOD THAT THE TVA LACES THE PIE WITH DRUGS TO KEEP ITS WORKERS DOCILE AND HAPPY WITH HAVING NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF WORK AND POSSIBLY ACTS AS A CONTINUAL DOSAGE OF SOMETHING THAT KEEPS THEM FROM REGAINING THEIR MEMORIES? MOBIUS CAN'T GO TOO LONG WITHOUT ANOTHER SLICE OF PIE BECAUSE HE'S EXPERIENCING THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS OF AN ADDICT. I was so happy to hear Sylvie call him out on his pie-seeking habits and his refusal to try to find out any information about the timeline he was pulled from. Like sure it might hurt to remember a family whom he'd lost, but I'd rather honour the memories of loved ones by remembering them than being too cowardly to do so.
I have to agree with the point I saw raised in another post of 'WHY do they have to fix the Loom? Surely all the multiple timelines managed to exist just fine on their own before it was created?' Also, hoo boy, did Loki's speech about how you can't free a people and then leave them to look after themselves remind anyone else of Asgard's justification of being the ruler of the Nine Realms? Keeping a military presence on those conquered worlds? AND NO, LOKI, YOU'RE NOT A GOD, YOUR DAD TOLD ME SO IN A BIT OF THE SACRED TIMELINE YOU DIDN'T GET TO EXPERIENCE. Although this time at the TVA is Loki's post-Thanos period when he was claiming the same thing in the Sacred Timeline, wanting to be a 'benevolent god'. So...that actually ties in.
Um -- do we all agree that Miss Minutes looked orgasmic watching everyone (except Brad) be crushed in the cube thingie?
(Was Loki pruning himself related back to the time slipping thing? I still don't really understand what the point of that was.)
OB: But if I reboot Miss Minutes, we'll lose the magic dampeners in the TVA!
Oh hell yeah, Bradley, prune that bitch! I HOPE YOU END UP IN THE VOID WITH A HUNGRY ALLIGATOR, RAVONNA.
Kudos to Timely for sensibly asking if it's safe before sticking his head inside some alien machinery and not just blindly following instructions.
LIGHT! BEAUTIFUL LIGHT IN THE TVA! I don't care what this means as long as I can properly see what's going on!
Oh. Oh shit. Spaghettification is what's going on, huh. *Salutes Victor Timely* May you get the afterlife you hoped for, sir, you died a noble death. Guys. Guys, stop staring into the blinding radioactive light; I'm sure that's not good for your eyes.
And...what a cliffhanger; it's like FINALLY all the pieces are falling into place and the story is getting to someplace exciting. That was a good episode; I hope it keeps up this pace next week and something good happens if the Loom is going pear-shaped. I gotta try to remember to watch this on Thursday for a change.
@delyth88 -- finally felt inspired to make a long reaction post! (And my stupid computer glitched about 2/3 of the way through and I had to rewatch what I'd already seen to remember what I had been commenting on! I blame the TVA.)
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 5 months
As much as it is certain (for us) that Loki was speaking to Sylvie during the “for you” dialogue, the real big question for me is, did she understand it ? Did she understand that Loki’s “for you” was for her ?
This is a really interesting question, because the bit right before, where he says he knows what he wants and what kind of god he needs to be, he and we the audience, know that this is a follow on from the conversations he had with Sylvie in the bar and OB's timeline workshop. But those conversations never happened for this Sylvie, so she's not going to recognise that connection.
She also isn't aware that the alternative choice that Loki had was to kill her to stop her from killing HWR and preventing the timelines from branching.
Despite not knowing the connection to those conversations though I still think she recognised Loki's intention and that he was doing it for her. She does still remember the conversation they had at the Citadel where he told her that he didn't want a throne he just wanted her to be ok. Also during the scene where Loki makes that sacrifice, whilst the others are all very confused about what is going on and what it is Loki is doing, Sylvie is the only one who does understand what it is he's doing and she communicates it to the rest of the group, 'he's giving us a chance.' She also has alot of emotion in her voice when she says this, you can hear that she is choked up and holding back tears, but it seems to me like she's also in awe of what he is doing, in awe that he's doing it for her. To me she also has this look of absolute love on her face. I think she is feeling alot of overwhelming and conflicting emotions and its a very bittersweet moment for them both.
I think Sylvie knows and understands Loki so well that even without knowing or remembering those conversations they had, she is still able to understand what Loki was saying in this moment and what he is doing. I like to think that she also knew that the 'for you' was for her. I mean he's looking at her and his speech is in response to her calling his name. He ignores both Sylvie's and Mobius' initial calls and ignores their questioning and honestly I think his initial intention was just to leave without saying anything. It's after Sylvie's last desperate call that he does turn back to them and explains what he is doing. As I said above whilst everyone else was confused, Sylvie seemed to understand what he was doing from that point forward, she is desperate to get out there to him, she shakes her head at him when he turns back to look at her because she understands that he is sacrificing himself for her, just like he did in the void when they were facing Alioth.
Also, as you said, it's pretty clear that its directed at her and I think that would have been obvious to her as well.
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You found me
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Summary: It's been five year since what happened. David and I have been married for four years and we have two daughters with another on the way. When we went to spend Thanksgiving with my family David told me a man that he helped put away had escape. He said that the man Jack Daniels swore to take away from David that was taken from him. Which happens to be his family.
It took about an hour before an OB walked into the room wheeling the ultrasound back into the room. “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Loki I’ve been made aware of your situation. Now you were unaware that you were carrying twins?” The OB asked as she rolled up my grown again. “Yes before everything happened I was only about three weeks along and there was only one baby.” I said as she squirted the gel onto my stomach. “Usually it’s at the sixth or seventh week that it would show that you are carrying twins. You should know that it is very rare to conceive again during pregnancy.” The OB said as she put the wand on my stomach. “But it could happened right?” I asked. “Yes but again Mrs. Loki it is very rare. We only have about 10 cases of it on record. Now there they are. Now one baby does look bigger than the other but again that is also normal when it comes to twins. Now did you get told the sex of both babies?” The Ob said. “No the nurse just old her us one of them was a girl.” David said. “Well looks like you’re also having a boy.” The OB said. “A boy?” I asked. David kissed my head. “Yeah it’s a boy.” The OB said as she looked at us and smiled. The OB wiped the left over gel. “I’ll give you two some alone time.” The OB said as she rolled my grown then rolled the ultrasound out of the room.
“Do you feel better now?” David asked. “A bit. But she still said it could be possible.” I said. “But she did say it is extremely rare. You probably have always been pregnant with twins.” David said. I nodded. “We’re having a boy.” I said smiling up at him. “And another girl.” David said. “I know Amelia want me to name her Mal or Evie.” I said laughing a little. “Yeah she does. What should we name the boy?” David said. “I have no clue. Do you have any ideas?” I said. “To be honest I never thought that we would have a boy.” David said. “Well we have time to think of a name.” I said. “That we do. I’m going to go call your parents so they could bring the girls up.” David said as he caught up from his seat giving me a quick kiss then walked out. “I can’t wait to see them.” I said. “They can’t wait to see you.” David said before he walked out. Once David walked out the doctor walked in telling me since they were able to talk to Jack and since he told them that he never once besides knocking me out when he took me hurt me in any way that they were just going to keep me over night just for observation and I would be able to leave in the morning. I thanked him and he gave me a nod then left the room. It was a few minutes later when David walked back in. “What did the doctor say?” David asked as he sat back down next to me. “Jack told them that he besides knocking me out when he took me that he never once hurt me. They are keeping me overnight for observation I can go home in the morning.” I said. “That’s good news. The girls should be here.” David said as he kissed my head.
It was about thirty minutes later when a nurse came in and took me to my room and David never left my side. Once I was settled into the room David climbed back into the bed with me. I buried my head on his chest. David wrapped his arms around me kissing me on the head. “Why don’t you get some rest before the girls get here.” David said. “You should too. You look tired David.” I said. “I just wanted to get you back. I don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to you. What would have the girls done. They are still so young there could have been a chance that they would have forgotten about you. What would I have done then?” David said. “I know that you wouldn’t have let that happened.” I said as I looked up at him then kissed him. I smiled as I felt David put a hand on my cheek. I pulled away and put my head back on to his chest. I closed my eyes and tried to get a little sleep before the girls got here.
I was woken up to someone shaking me. “Come on honey the girls are almost here.” I heard David said. I let out a soft groan as I buried my face into his chest. “Come on honey. It’s time to wake up.” David said. “Okay I’m up. I’m up.” I said as I sat. “You’re parents just called. They are about ten minutes away.” David said. I nodded. “Are you hungry honey? When was the last time you ate something?” David asked. “I’m fine I just want to see the girls.” I said. David kissed my head causing me to smile. Ten minutes came and passed then David’s phone started to go off. “It’s your parents. They just got here and they will be up in a few minutes.” David said as he got out of my bed and sat down in the chair next to my bed.
The door swung opened and Amelia ran in. “Mommy!” Amelia yelled as she ran over to my bed and climbed in. “Oh there’s my girl.” I said pulling her into and hug as my mom and dad walked in. Dad was carrying Clara in his arms as he sat her down on the ground and she ran over to me but she had trouble climbing onto the bed so David picked her up and put her on my bed. Clara climbed into my lap next to Amelia. “Are you okay now mommy?” Amelia asked. “Yes sweetie I’m fine. You’re little sister and brother are just fine too.” I said as I watch Amelia’s face lit up. “You’re having twins?” Mom asked. “Yeah we just found out.” I said smiling. “So you’re finally having a boy huh.” Dad said. ‘Yeah we are.” I said. “How long are they keeping you sweetie.” Mom said as she came over to the other side of my bed and sat down. “Just over night.” I said. “That’s good sweetie.” Dad said as he leaned down to kiss my head.
Mom and dad stayed at the hospital for about another two hours before leaving. They tried to take the girls with them but the girls refused to leave my side so we thought that it would be best to just leave the girls with David and I. By the time they left both of the girls were cuddled up to me asleep. I looked down at the girls smiling and gave them a kiss on the head. “I’m glad to see that Amelia is finally getting some sleep. She’s been having trouble sleeping since that night.” David said. “How did Clara handle it?” I asked as I kissed Amelia’s head again. “She is still too young to understand what happened.” David said. “I wished that they never heard anything. I hope that this won’t have any effect on them in the future.” I said. “Both of the girls are still young. Amelia might remember very little but Clara won’t remember a thing. Why don’t you get some more rest.” David said. “I’m okay.” I said.  “Rest.” David. I let out a small laugh. “Alright fine.” I said as I got as comfortable as I could since the girls where in the bed with me. David leaned forward and kissed my head. I smiled and closed my eyes.
When I woke up I noticed that I was in the room alone. I saw a note from David on the bedside table. The note said that the girls got hunger and he took them down to the cafeteria to get them something to eat and that they would be back soon. It was about thirty minutes later that they came back and by that time my food was brought to me. Amelia came over to my bed and climbed back into bed cuddling into my side. David was carrying a sleepy Clara in his arms. “How long have you been awake?” David asked as he sat down in the chair next to my bed still holding Clara in his arms. “About forty minutes.” I said. “I don’t think she’s not going to let you out of her sight.” David said. “Yeah I know. She looks tried.” I said as I stroked Amelia’s hair and looked at Clara. “We’ve all had a long day.” David said. “More like a long few months.” I said. “I can’t argue with you there.” David said. “Life will get back normal soon. I know it.” I said. “It won’t be normal once the twins get here.” David said. “Mommy?” Amelia asked. “Yes baby.” I said. “You’re going to name the girl Mal or Evie right?” Amelia asked. I laughed a little. “Well I’ll have to talk it over with your father.” I said. Amelia quickly looked over to David. “Please daddy.” Amelia begged. David started to laugh a little. “Like Mommy said we are going to talk it over.” David said. “Okay. Mommy can I turn on the tv?” Amelia asked. “Yes you can sweetie just don’t keep it loud okay because we’re in the hospital and we need to not make to much noise.” I said as handed the remote to her. “Okay mommy.” Amelia said as she took the remote from me and turned on the tv as she looked for something to watch. She settled on Bob’s burgers as she started to watch happily.
I let Amelia watch tv for about another hour before I told her that it was time to go to bed. By that time David had already pulled out the makeshift bed in the couch in the room and put Clara to bed. David had come over to my bed picking Amelia up and took her over to the bed. When he got her settled in he came back over and got into bed with me wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest as he started to stork my hair. “What do you want to name the girl? Amelia is dead set on wanting to name her Mal or Evie.” I said. “How about we ask her which one she likes best.” David said. “Knowing her she is going to say both.” I said. This caused David to chuckle. “Yeah she will. Personally I like Evie.” David said. “I like Evie too. What about the boy?” I asked. “How about we name him after your father.” David suggested. I smiled as I looked up to him. “I love that. I love you. I love you so.” I said as I kissed him.
A/N: I hope that you have enjoyed part 2 to I’m coming apart as I have writing it. I will be posting an epilogue some time soon. But as of right now this is the end of the story. 
Taglist: @hotdamnbritshmen​
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felicismagic18873 · 4 years
Beyond the Blaze (12)
Summary: 4 Years old, Alyssa Potter finds her life taking a magical turn as she steps into a world of cute green giants, talking robots and misunderstood aliens. All of it is almost enough to make her forget the probable destruction of her own world.
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Tony Stark hated paperwork. It was a known fact, a reality known by anyone who had ever worked under him. Sitting idle reading over boring clauses and fine print was not his thing. Its why he had a legal team, after all. This well-known fact is what Stane used to cover his tracks and deceive the person who he claimed was like a son to him
And it was also the reason Tony never signed whatever was handed to him anymore, actually, he refused to have things handed to him at all.
After Ob-Stane's betrayal, Tony and JARVIS went over any contract he was presented with together. JARVIS could double and triple check each clause and their after-effects within half a minute. This proved to be especially useful during research and paperwork for 'Project Ohana'.
After going through dozens of legal methods and Jarvis calculating their odds of succeeding he at one point considered just throwing a lot of money at the social services and hoping for the best but even that had its risks, risks he was not willing to take, not in this case.
After some research, it was clear that their options were limited to either adopting the kid or somehow getting into contact with the mutant community and figuring something out. Giving the kid up to the system was out of the question and he was saving the mutant option as a last-minute resort.
Adoption it was.
Due to the Newyork invasion, the need for adoptive parents outweighed the need to verify the eligibility of the parent and Tony (not without some semblance of guilt) hoped that it would help to fast track his own application.
But adopting a kid was, evidently, not as easy as it sounded, especially not for a reformed weapon seller. After going through dozens of other legal methods and Jarvis calculating their odds of succeeding he, at one point, considered just throwing a lot of money at the social services and hoping for the best but even that had its risks, risks he was not willing to take, not in this case.
So, in the end, he just sent in the paperwork needed to became a potential adoptive parent hoping for the best, all the while deliberately ignoring the word 'parent'. If anything it was more like him applying to have a roommate, yep, that's it. A tiny roommate
Looking up from his screen, Tony glanced at Dum-E whacking away at a small stool blocking his path, not yet realizing he could just take a few steps back and go around it.
A tiny roommate he'd be responsible for. Perfect.
Bruce was having an exhausting day. He didn't get much sleep the previous night, tossing and turning until he finally gave up and decided to meditate instead. Hulk was restless and no matter what he did, the other guy didn't give a single damn about the physical and mental stress he was causing Bruce.
Then, his meditation was interrupted by a call from Captain America who was keeping his promise of keeping in touch with him. Apparently the guy they were chasing managed to disappear after stabbing him multiple times and breaking Black widow's arm. Not the least stressful news to get first thing in the morning.
During breakfast, as he finished another call asking over the duos condition, Bruce idly contemplated blocking any other calls from the Captain for the rest of the day, Tony would support him wholeheartedly he was sure.
Though considering their last interaction, he was sure Alyssa wouldn't mind either. He realized she might actually be happy about it. Now that was a conversation they had to have soon. Not that particular day or week, but soon.
Bruce looked over the kid munching down apple slices while revising her tables, it was a mystery why such a sweet child would dislike Captain America to the point of making a face whenever his name was mentioned. He wondered if it was something she had picked on from Tony, not that he had could see Tony do such a thing. Then again, Bruce though leaning back against the couch, he didn't imagine Tony would end up trying to adopt Alyssa either. There was something about that that still bugged him.
So, after breakfast, he decided to go down to the lab. He managed to convince Tony to eat a few sandwiches all the while wondering how the man functioned during his working sprees when no one was around. By now even Alyssa had taken to handing random snacks to Tony whenever she saw him.
Once he was sure Tony had finished his food, he approached the issue that he had wanted to discuss with Tony in the first place, his promise to Alyssa about her future, which considering his current situation with the other guy, might not have been the best idea.
Bruce looked at Tony with tired eyes "Tony," He sounded exhausted, even to his own ears, "I am not against you. I want her here as much as you do. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't have promised Alyssa anything. Who knows how this will turn out and if it doesn't work, Tony, it will break her heart."
"No, it won't. Because this is going to work, " Tony said confidently while he added to the protocols in Javis's programming relating to the said girl.
Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose, "And how exactly is this plan supposed to work?" He asked in an exasperated manner, "Tony, I can not adopt. Not even if I wanted to, " He stressed the words trying to make Tony understand where he was coming from," and we have no idea whether you will even be considered for the program much less deemed eligible to adopt. So, how can you be so sure this will work?" He stepped between Tony and the screen making Tony look at him.
Tony stilled for a second before continuing, "It'll work because it has to," Tony simply said, waving away the screen, "and if it doesn't we'll just find another way because we don't leave tiny avengers behind."
Bruce let out a tired but fond chuckle letting go of the smidgen of annoyance he felt, " Tiny avengers huh? Is that what we're calling them these days?"
"Yup," Tony popped out the 'P', shrugging. Even in his stained T-shirt and ripped jeans, he looked poised and confident starring down a man that even the army was afraid of, and Bruce kind of loved him for that.
Bruce absent-mindedly wondered how his life had gone from being a ran away to fighting aliens to discussing adoption with Tony Stark. Though the last did not seem so ridiculous after everything he had observed in the past weeks.
He could almost understand the sentiment behind Tony refusing to accept the fact that something may go wrong. He could see that Tony had the same doubts he did but he just wanted to hold onto hope a little longer. To do so otherwise felt like accepting defeat.
Bruce moved away from Tony and picking up the plate Tony had put on the workshop desk, he took the dishes over to the sofa instead. Placing the dishes on the side table he sat down for the first time since coming downstairs an hour ago.
Tony glanced at him once finishing off the task he had undertaken, then joined Bruce on the couch as Jarvis processed the changes. Tony thought that adding a 'Nanny protocol' was the best way of preventing any further incidents like Alyssa's meeting with Loki. It was a good idea, Bruce gave him that but something told him that if Alyssa wanted to get in trouble, there was nothing that could really stop her.
Thankfully, Hulk had calmed down the moment Bruce had entered the lab, he knew the other guy liked tony but he had had no idea how much until now. Bruce stayed silent for a while, closing his eyes and relaxing a bit. He thought over Alyssa's study session the night before. He had started teaching Alyssa from actual books than her practice books, which she had finished in a matter of days, and she took to her studies like a fish to the sea so she had no problem following him as he taught her things like tables and square roots. You know, everyday stuff.  
Speaking of-
"Any news on your application?" He spoke softly, opening his eyes to look at Tony. According to Jarvis after submission of the application, they were supposed to be informed whether or not Tony was qualified for adoption.
Tony stilled, "What day is it?" His eyes had a panicked look in his eyes.
Bruce hoped that the conclusion he had drawn from Tony's reaction was wrong, "Monday." he carefully told Tony, seeing as the panic from the eyes finally reflected on his face. And he knew-
"Shit!" Tony cursed.
Tony had forgotten the date. Bruce controlled a sigh, looking up as if begging for help.
Tony stood up in a quick movement." I was supposed to get the email today, or rather Pepper was. " He ran a hand through his hair, nervousness rolled off of him even though he was trying his best to hide it.
Bruce followed Tony with his eyes as he paced a bit, muttering to himself about how stupid it was that he forgot and that it was all Dum-E's fault for feeding him questionable smoothies, they must have messed with his head. Why else would he forget to set a reminder?
Bruce allowed Tony to rile himself up for a few moments then decided to interrupt the tirade by asking, "Pepper?"
"Jarvis, get me, Pepper" Tony declared before turning to Bruce, "Yes, Pepper. Do keep up Bruciekins." He seemed confused at Bruce's confusion like it was perfectly normal for Pepper to be getting Tony's email.
Bruce frowned a bit, " Pepper is not your PA anymore."
Tony rolled his eyes a bit, " Yes, I know. I was the one who gave her my company, remember?" Then looking at Bruce his features softened a bit, "She insisted that I give her email as the contact, something about rash actions and yadda yadda," He explained making talking signs with his hands.
Honestly, it made a lot of sense. Something Bruce had noticed over time was that Tony felt everything so very deeply. It was both a blessing and a curse. Small things that Bruce would not even think twice about seemed to ring with Tony, like him making dinner or Alyssa deciding that her Iron man Pj's were her favorite and wearing them whenever she could get away with it. Tony would try to hide it but Bruce could usually catch the fond smile tucked away at the corner of his lips.
But at the same time, it also made him very susceptible to being hurt which was probably the reason he tried not to let people know exactly how much he felt. But those that did know, a small group that now included Burce, knew that when he was overwhelmed he acted, well, reckless.
Who knows what Tony would have done if he read the email while as emotionally charged as he was nowadays, it was definitely a good idea for Pepper to break whatever news was in there to him gently, to act as a buffer.
It took about a minute before Pepper appeared on the screen. They were lucky that she picked up, seeing the fact that she was surrounded by a mountain of paperwork and probably would be busy the whole day. She was in the office working, which made sense since it was only ten in the morning.
"Mr.Stark, " Pepper spoke absently her eyes still locked on the papers before her, her red hair stood out against the bland decorations of the office. The frown on her face as she rubbed her forehead hinted at an upcoming headache. Bruce winced with sympathy.
Tony threw open his arms and grinned, "Peppermint!" He said with such affection that even Pepper couldn't help smiling, breaking the professional act she was trying to keep, as she put down her pen and leaned back on the chair, "Give me the good news, come on lay it on me."
Pepper shook her head looking amused, '' Uh-huh" She closed the file with the pen acting as the bookmark and rested her chin on her palm "What exactly do you want Tony? I'm busy." She gestured at all the files, "Oh Hello, Doctor Banner," She finally noticed him, giving a small wave of her hand.
Bruce raised a hand in greeting, " Bruce is just fine, Miss Potts." His lips twitched at the impatient look on Tony's face.
"Then I insist on Pepper," She replied ignoring Tony's attempt to talk.
"The email, Pep! The email!" Tony finally burst out.
Peppers' face fell, she picked up a pen and started fiddling with it, not meeting their eyes and even before she spoke Bruce knew it wouldn't be good news.
"I didn't call because, well, I hoped to tell you in person," Pepper spoke quietly as if she was talking to herself, she looked at Tony for a second as if deciding whether or not it was okay to tell him. "Tony they didn't reject your application," She began slowly, "but it's under process. " She took a deep breath, bracing herself, "Tony, taking in your, well, colorful past, the process could take up to five to six months and that's just my minimum estimate," The pen was put away as Pepper; looked at Tony for his reaction.
Bruce also found himself focused on Tony. It was easier to focus on him than the dread that filled his stomach. He knew this was going to happen and yet nothing could have prepared him for the sudden sorrow he felt. Somehow the little girl had wormed her way into both of their hearts, even Hulk loved the little beastie.
Tony's face became blank before settling on what Bruce was starting to recognize as his go-to expression to process what was happening. His lips pressed close, eyes focused somewhere left to the screen and a small furrow between his eyebrows.
It took a few moments for Tony to break out of his thoughts. He wordlessly took one of the projections floating around and crumpled it in his hands like a ball. No one spoke, letting him gather his thoughts.
Tony threw the ball from one hand to the other eyes fixed on the bluish glow as he paced, "Okay," He started, taking a small breath, " it's fine, we're fine. We can figure something out." He stopped with a sudden jerk, "You know what doesn't make sense," He turned to look at Pepper, " They are willing to put the responsibility of the entire country, no the entire goddamn planet on our shoulders but when it comes to taking care of a kid I'm too irresponsible? Seriously? Assholes!" He threw the crumpled ball angrily towards the projection of a goal.
The goal flashed a new high score as the ball went through.
Bruce pressed his lips together and took a few calming breaths then he walked up to Tony and laid a gentle hand on his forearm. Tony immediately turned all his attention towards Bruce, the nervous energy almost emitting from his body. Bruce gestured to the chair placed near the working station. To his surprise, Tony didn't argue. He just allowed himself to be pushed into the chair
Tony cursed under his breath and threw his head back, staring at the ceiling, his fingers drummed an erratic beat on his thigh. Bruce could almost see the calculations happening behind his eyes, probably about their next step. Tony exhaled through his nose then said in a considering manner, "Didn't Rhodey once date someone in the CPS maybe he can-"
"Tony, they're just doing their jobs." Bruce interrupted before Tony could go on with that line of thought.
Tony cursed again.
Bruce absently noticed that Pepper was being too quiet, he glanced at her but she looked lost in thoughts. It took a few seconds for her to break the depressing silence.
"There is one way," She said softly like it wasn't meant to be heard.
Tony removed the hand he had placed over his eyes and gave her a very hopeful look. Bruce was mostly curious to see what she came up with.
"Look, I was thinking....maybe I can adopt her."
Everything stood still for a second.
Pepper took a deep breath, exhaling through her nose. She corrected her posture, sitting up straight and looked straight at Tony, "I was approved for adopting two years ago.", She admitted, "I was planning to adopt anyways. And with what you told me about Alyssa's mutant status, well why not now?" She stopped for a second, "This way she can get the training and protection she needs without any legal problems and you get to be with her, " She nodded to herself, Bruce wondered whether she was convincing them or herself, " I can move into my floor at the tower if you haven't given it away" Pepper raised her eyebrows leaning back in the chair looking smug.
Tony kept starring at her before breaking out into a huge smile, "That is...great. Perfect! " He laughed happily, "Pepper potts you are a lifesaver! I love how your mind works, really, no joke. You are the most amazing woman I've ever met. You can adopt her and once I'm cleared-"
"We'll just transfer the rights." Pepper completed his thought and the old-time friends shared a satisfied smile, Bruce wondered whether this is how they looked after a successful deal. Their years of friendship were evident by their casual understanding of each other's thoughts.
"Miss Potts,-" Bruce couldn't stop himself from interrupting the small celebration though he knew it might work out better for them if he didn't.
"Pepper." Pepper corrected.
"Pepper then. Pepper you don't feel pressured or coerced to do this, do you? " He asked, wanting to make sure, "Because we can figure something else out, Adoption... it's not a small decision."
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't okay with it Bruce." Pepper let out a small reassuring smile, "You guys saved hundreds of lives, this is my chance to at least save one."
It made both of the men pause for a second as they looked at each other.
"If you're sure."," Bruce asked again, looking straight towards her to see any sign of discomfort.
"I am"." Pepper leaned back on her chair and replied confidently.
"Okay then," Bruce agreed and allowed himself to return her smile if Pepper was okay with it, he had no problem with the idea. It was the best they could do right now and honestly when he thought about it, Alyssa could use Pepper's influence in her life.
"So now that we've established that Pepper is willingly doing this, I am gonna give a green light on the shopping cart for Matilda," Tony declared as a list full of children's clothes, toys, and other necessities appeared on a side screen.
"Sure," Bruce chuckled, knowing he was the one who had acted as the figurative red light. "Knock yourself out,"
"Nothing strawberry flavored," Pepper warned with a stern look.
Tony looked like he wanted to argue before thinking otherwise," Nothing strawberry flavored." He agreed.
Alyssa was used to getting ready for parties and get-togethers, her uncle loved taking her to his parties, cause while Dudley usually ended up making a scene, she was usually well behaved. Even her aunt loved to show off the girl they had taken in from the kindness of their hearts ( as if she didn't insist on dumping her in the orphanage the whole first year Alyssa stayed with them), she wanted people to see how well they had raised her.
So, it wasn't a new thing to get ready in a pretty dress but that night she got ready with extra attention. Mista Tony had picked out a beautiful red dress with a bow in the back for her and she loved it. She combed her hair, pulling them back in a half up half down ponytail with Bruce's help, it was a bit tilted but you couldn't tell when she moved around and she also tidied up her room, packing away all the workbooks that littered her bedside table.
She wasn't as messy as Dudley but she wanted to make a good first impression. She was gonna meet Tony's Pepper today. She remembered seeing the red-headed lady that day in the living room but Tony explained that she didn't mean what she said and that she was going to help them now, she was the reason Alyssa got to stay with Tony and Bruce. Alyssa wondered if that meant she was now Alyssa's Pepper too.
If what Mista Bruce said was true then Pepper was going to be like Melina but Alyssa already had a Melina. She put a hand over her heart then clutched the Lilly shaped pendant tight until it left imprints on her little hand. Sometimes at night, she found herself thinking of what might have happened to her friend and it upset her to the point of holding in sobs. She missed Melina to the point of hurting.
Alyssa broke away from her thoughts, putting down the last dish on the dinner table. She had undertaken the task of setting the table each night, after such a long time of doing chores it felt weird sitting idle so she'd managed to get Bruce to assign her some simple ones.
"Pepper alert, " Tony declared from where he was lounging on the couch reading over some files.
Alyssa looked up seeing the said woman entering the penthouse. Miss Pepper looked very pretty, she was wearing a grey dress with some sort of coat on top. It reminded Alyssa of the people Uncle Vernon used to have on his business parties so Alyssa decided that she must have come straight from work.
Pepper greeted Bruce first then gave a short hug to Tony before turning towards Alyssa, she bowed down a bit to meet her eye to eye, " And you must be, Alyssa. Its good to finally meet you."
Alyssa smiled at her and curtsied, remembering what Melina taught her," Its good to meet you too, Miss Pepper. Thanks for helping us." The locked stayed warm around her neck, the warmth of it comforting her a little bit.
Miss Pepper looked a bit surprised before she smiled, "Anytime sweetheart and I'd really like it if you called me Pepper."
Alyssa thought over it for a while, "Okay, I can do that. " She nodded happily.
"Hey! That's not fair. " Tony exclaimed playfully.
Alyssa grinned at Tony before turning back towards Pepper, " I'm going to go wash my hands now, excuse me."
If she had stayed a bit longer she would have seen Pepper turn to Tony with an amused smile and ask, "Did you teach her that? The curtsy and stuff? "
To which Tony shrugged, "Nah, that's just Alyssa."
She would have also seen the thoughtful look on Pepper's face but as she was too busy washing her hands, she didn't see any of that.
When Alyssa returned, the adults were already sitting around the table, discussing things like lawyers and stuff. She climbed into her chair next to Tony and listened to them carefully even if she didn't get some of the things they were talking about.
The food tasted as great as always, Mista Bruce was a really good cook even better than Aunt Petunia or the lady from the street over who always had yummy food at her parties. They talked about a lot of things, what kind of books Alyssa liked to read and how far along she was in her studies. It was nice
Then Mis-Pepper told her about the adoption process and how everything was going to work. They told her that she'd have to live with Pepper for at least six weeks before the adoption becomes legal, then they might have occasional visits from a social worker but that was about it. Alyssa thought over it for a while before tentatively asking if she could still go to the lab with Tony and study with Bruce, Please.
Her request seemed to stump all of them for a while then they hurriedly explained that not much had to change since Pepper was moving to the tower. She would have two rooms, one that she already had and one on Peppers floor and she'd have Peppers name as her guardian, that's it.
Alyssa took a breath of relief, she was glad she didn't have to leave even if she did like Pepper.
It wasn't long before it was her sleeping time, this time however Pepper joined the two men in tucking her in. Alyssa snuggled deep into the covers and looked up at the three people standing around her bed, two of which she already loved and one she was sure she could learn to love. She blew a kiss, smiling as Tony and Bruce caught it and placed it on their heart just like she had once told them. Pepper looked on with a curious but happy smile.
Alyssa was asleep within minutes, safely burrowed beneath the covers, her family surrounding her.
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