#also i get adrien's mindset rn
miraculouslycool · 2 years
Adrien saying that his life would be much different if not for Marinette hits harder when you realise she was one of the two friendships of his that remained rock solid throughout season 4 (the other being Plagg). Things with Ladybug were crumbling at the time but Adrienette had a very smooth sailing season, starting from him saying no one can make him laugh like her and ending with him saying she's the only one who understands how he is feeling. The greatest thing about all this is even if Adrien wasn't intending to fall in love with Marinette he'd still hold these moments with her with the same amount of regard he holds with the ones he shared with Ladybug, who he is canonically in love with.
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cyaneyedcl · 1 year
incoming 'revelation' ep rant bcs why not, im annoyed
imo, it makes zero sense how out of all the people that fall into lila's bs, alya is one of them, even tho she knows marinette — and now adrien — dont trust her at all. it's so forced in her character that it doesn't connect with who she is and her past actions
alya trusts marinette in everything except on the one thing she should trust her the most, which is why i dont get why has lila always been the exception
like, why was alya suddenly so on board with the idea of "lila fixing chloe", everybody knows she's not changing, we've been through 5 seasons of this show and chloe hasn't had a single redemption arc that lasted more than one ep (and imo, if she does get a full one it'll also be forced)
another thing, chloe letting lila handle the situation without knowing beforehand it was a scheme against marinette was definitely something i was not expecting, chloe is too proud to let herself trust anybody, even less when it was somebody — that as far as i remember — she was against of, so idk what's up with this sudden change of mindset
also, ik the whole classroom is supposed to be all understanding with giving second chances to everybody and what not, but they r TOO naïve, lila has never proven any of the things she's said yet everybody believes her, it's ludicrous. they r putting all their trust on a person that wasn't with them until a few months ago, a practical stranger
bcs lila's entire character has been built on being that random girl that inserts herself in everything that doesn’t involve or need her, she was introduced out of nowhere, chooses to appear in the classroom whenever she wants to, schemes things for a purpose we dont exactly know. she just does things how she pleases and bitches abt it if they dont turn out how she wants them to
idk for which team is she playing for nor what does she plan to win now that she has gabriel's truth and background info, but rn she is just being the pebble on the road for marinette/ladybug, adrien/chat noir, and gabriel/monarch
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hotdadsdrawing · 3 years
My Unpopular/Opinions about Miraculous LB
Yes I'm Categorizing this leave me alone,
-Ladrien, is only good in fanfictions, cannon Ladrien would be LB using her superhero status to date the guy she likes knowing that he doesn't romantically like the girl under the mask
-MariChat, one, the stans are so toxic and two, MariChat should just be a platonic ship and would be horrible in cannon. MariChat works out 100x better when they're just best buds who do best bud things together.
-Adrienette, Adrienette has been really unsettling for the past 2 seasons, Mari is being super creepy obsessed.
-Ladynoir, I fully agree with the cannon that they shouldn't date in mask before they defeat Hawkmoth, it could lead to a lot of danger to both parties and a lot of emotional damage.
-Adrigami, Adrigami is toxic. All Kagami wants is some TLC but Adrien is so in love with LadyBug that he barley notices her and makes her feel shitty, I'm glad they broke up.
PLOT: There is literally no plot progression for any ships so far, Adrienette got the reverse umbrella scene yeah yeah but besides that no one has showed interest in anyone yet (besides Chat obviously). I understand that it's complicated cause of masks and identity but it's been FOUR SEASONS, mf jim and pam were dating by the fourth season.
-Marinette, love her to death but the way she spies on Adrien and constantly stalks him is disgusting and cringey. It's so invasive and if I were Adrien she'd already have a restraining order.
-Tikki, sometimes I feel like she's putting more stress on Marinette. I understand that sometimes everyone needs to hear the hard truth but Mari is 14 years old she does not need a little red god telling her about every mistake she's made.
-Alya, I feel like she's still got that vlogger and reporter mindset when it comes to identities. The fact that she's taking selfies and telling Nino stuff behind Mari's back. She'll get better as the season progresses but it's making me real stressed out rn.
-Adrien, this mf has got to get another personality that isn't "simp for ladybug" and "cause world destruction", I get that it's probably a good distraction from his trauma but he needs to get a hobby istg, maybe collect rocks or smth.
-Nino, perfect character rn.
-Just because Chloe is a disliked character doesn't mean you have to like her, she's a racist, backstabbing, untrustworthy person and her mommy issues don't justify that.
-Zoe is better.
AKUMA VICTIMS: Bro the costumes for so many victims are so bad. Bright colors does not equal good costume.
The names are bad too, "malediktator" nah cause what was that
"befana" is just hag in Italian and it connects to Christmas folk lore, wtf does that have to do with old candies.
No complaints for season four but the filler episodes are horrible.
-The pig miraculous is so corny. "The Power of Kindness" NAH
-When the Butterfly miraculous isn't being used for evil it'd be kinda useless
-Max uses the horse miraculous so well and they need to use him more often
-Aspik. Just Aspik.
-Mylene is great for the mouse, the costume is VILE though.
-The Snake miraculous' accessory is completely useless for any type of climbing or jumping that the rest of the hero's do. This also applies to the turtle, pig, horse and peacock.
-Monkey miraculous is extremely useless to any enemy that has WORKING LEGS, they can just walk away from the very small toy banana.
-I know Ladybug has her magic compact but where does Chat keep all his stuff, how does he just pull out the magic camembert that can transform them. Does he have magical cat pockets?
-Lila looks amazing in the fox miraculous, I'm sorry someone had to say it, she rocks it so hard and the character design on that costume is too good for a bad person.
-Zoe looks 10x better in the bee miraculous than Chloe, the mask on Chloe makes her face look all wonky and Zoe's transformation is so much cooler.
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box-of-birds · 3 years
Chloe for the ask game!
And kagami as well (sorry I'm curious!)
Thank you!! And don't be sorry, I love talking about both of them 💖
How I feel about this character: 
I love her! She has a lot of potential to be a sort of antihero, I think. I have a soft spot for characters who were raised with bad parents/unhealthy mindset and now are trying to be better. I don't want her to completely get devoid of her meanness though, just tone it down.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Felix, Kagami, Adrien, Jess, maybe Alya and Nino
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Adrien (again), Pollen (let them have a friendship pleeease), Sabrina (with them repairing the bond they had)
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
Uhh, I dunno
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
Feloe is holding this spot rn
my cross over ship:
I don't have any so I'll ignore this question ✌
a headcanon fact:
One of my favourite headcanons is that she starts keeping flowers for Pollen and ends up with a mini-garden 💕
How I feel about this character: 
She is one my favourites. I love how she's cute and badass, can be confident and forward but also adorably awkward, and how she tries to make friends. She is just. So good.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Adrien, Chloe, Alya, Nino, Felix
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Adrien and Nino (again)
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I don't know if I have any, this is a hard question 😅
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I just want her to be happy and have her friendship with Adrien and Marinette not be ruined. Also I'd love for her to be introduced to Nino but I doubt that will happen 😔
my OTP:
a headcanon fact:
I like to think that she's neurodivergent in some way, and as she makes friends who all have different experiences, she realises that. They are supportive of her and some of them turn out to be ND as well.
Thank you again for the ask!
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hanaasbananas · 3 years
#4, 6 18 and 20 for the author asks :)))
Hey anon! Thanks for the asks, lets see... this got kinda long so i'll put half of it under the cut.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you're really proud of (explain why, if you like)
This is from my first ever ML fic it's all a game of chance (they say in wonderland)
He’s never used cataclysm on a person before, and he wonders. What will it look like? Will it be instantaneous? Or will he watch the light go out in his fathers’ eyes as his skin and bones, and organs all crumble slowly into ash…will it satisfy him? Soothe the raging, black cat inside him that howls to killhimkillhimkillhim, demanding punishment, revenge, retribution?
Will it be enough?
Adrien is in a really dark place for almost the entirety of this fic, and I just remember trying to get into that mindset of his, where he's feeling so angry and despairing and hopeless, and then he gets his miraculous back and all he can think of is getting revenge, but he still doesn't know if it will actually make him feel better.
Another one of my favourite passages from that fic that is similar is:
“A life for a life” Gabriel sounds glib. “You already know that” he brushes imaginary lint from his suit “can you honestly say you wouldn’t make the same trade?” His words stir at something inside him. The part that would do anything, that would willingly blacken his soul just to see Marinette smile again. But then he thinks of the years spent fighting side by side; making sure that goodness would prevail. He thinks of how horrified she would be to see him fall so far. (How she would forgive him anyway.)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I answered this yesterday-here
18.Do any of your stories have alternate versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them
Since most of my stories are oneshots, I don't really change or abandon plotlines because they're so short.
Having said that, when I came up with the idea for Phantoms in the Dark- I had an entirely different direction I thought about going in. This is that:
When I was first plotting it out and trying to figure out what year the story should take part in, I originally had it during Napoleon's reign, after the French Revolution.
Adrien was going to be a disillusioned soldier who had returned from Napoleon's failed Russian military campaign in 1812, having lost faith in the rulers of his country. So originally, I had him as a deserter from the army who had stolen the ladybug and black cat miraculous from his father when he deserted-which was why Gabriel was after him because he'd promised the Emperor that he'd have guaranteed success with the miraculouses in his posession.
The thing with Napoleon (and don't quote me on this its 12.40am right now and I can't be bothered to properly look this up-this is just from memory) was that when his campaigns were succeeding, things were going alright, but with continued military failures, it was affecting the country's resources and economy-especially with mandatory conscription meaning all able bodied men and boys were fighting in the wars.
Adrien then became a highwayman because he saw the effect the wars were having on the people and wanted to do something about it.
In this version, he actually gave Marinette the earrings as well-which would have been why the inn was later ambushed at the end, but the outcome would have been the same because Chat had told her she had to keep the miraculous hidden and they'd done the ambush expecting her to transform and thus prove she was in possession of it, but Marinette did...something else instead.
This would have been WAY more complex so I scrapped it because i'm lazy and a shitty worldbuilder & also because I wanted to focus more on the characters than the historical context of events and I would have wanted to do loads of research or it would have driven me crazy to have my setting be inaccurate.
So that's how we got 1788 instead. The year before the revolution really kicked off, but with enough stirrings and political things going on that I could pepper it into the story lmao
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you've included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Idk if I have any meta's for my work rn-maybe I'll write one when I finish Forgotten Promises, but for now here's a fun thing I don't think anyone noticed in Phantoms.
In chapter 9, Chat talks about the mythology of a phoenix-bursting into flame and then being reborn etc etc and then he talked about his mother:
“In mythology, the Phoenix is a bird that bursts into flames and rises anew from it’s own ashes. I like to think that my mother is like that bird. That she was freed from my father as she longed to be for so long.” “My father—” Chat’s voice was rough. “My father is a...formidable man. Mother feared him as much as she loved him, I think, though she never let me see it. I idolised my father as a child, and she didn’t want to ruin my perception of him,” he chuckled humourlessly. “She needn’t have bothered. He did that himself, later. “I just-I wish her freedom hadn’t come at the cost of her death.”
And then later in the story....Marinette and Chat are reborn. It's a nice little detail I think that isn't really picked up on but I do love a bit of sneaky foreshadowing 😏
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really struggling with working from home as usually am someone that’s out and about. obvs committed to self isolation/distancing, but do you have any tips?
yes bc this rly is my time to thrive
alright so:
- have a routine. it doesn’t need to be down to The Minute™️ like we are when we’re working in capitalism hell, bc that doesn’t make sense. but it should involve things like: this is when i’m waking up (e.g., by 9); this is when i’m eating my meals; this is when i’m doing this particular part of this task; this is when i’m going for a walk, etc etc. & like if u have deadlines, still prioritize scheduling those in
- put ur phone in DND when ur working
- listen to podcasts that aren’t constant news abt covid19: call your girlfriend & who? weekly are my favorites
- yoga w adriene’s 30 day home journey is so great :)
- don’t feel the need to wear “work clothes”—thats classist racist gendered & also just weird. wear what makes u feel the most human—but do put on clean clothes every day
- if it helps reset ur brain, shower when u get up, & before you’re going to wind down
- don’t watch tv before 7 pm
- don’t do Any work in bed
- this is all over the place for ppl rn but. don’t drink a lot? idk what that means for you but i would say don’t drink more than u would on a random regular monday night
- talk to ur friends !!!!!! facetime them! laugh w them!
- go. on. a. walk!! literally. you must if it’s at all safe to do so (just stay away from ppl obviously)
- make ur bed
- idk ppl have this weird mindset that like! now’s the time to learn how to cook an incredible meal, & learn a new instrument, & get in rly good shape, & get ahead on ur work. like to make our lives worthwhile in the middle of a pandemic u have to Do Things, you have to Be Better. that’s insane & also driven by unhealthy capitalism. i think we have a rly results oriented culture—if you’re not first you’re last—& it’s easy to tie our identities to that, to assisociate self worth with what we’re able to Produce, & how quickly & better etc.
but this is literally a global pandemic. it’s scary & uncertain & if anything it’s a time to slow down, to follow your body’s natural rhythms, to ground, to meditate. to practice stillness—in the moment, in your home, in your career & your relationships. i think i’m rly doing well in this time bc a) i’ve forced myself to have a strict routine for years for my own stability, but b) that routine always has the maximum amount of space for quiet, for calm, for laughter when i need it. you don’t have to Accomplish anything to be worthwhile as a person, your worth isn’t tied to somehow being better than someone else during a pandemic.
so whatever stillness looks like for you, try to honor it. our bodies & minds are Begging for it, all the time, & i am getting better & better at listening as the time goes on. when in doubt: stand up tall & breathe into all four corners of your chest & down into your spine, thru the front of your body; push your shoulder blades down & together, lift your chin; breathe out thru ur mouth, all your energy going thru your back body thru ur heels back into the earth. i promise u, no matter What’s happening, that it’ll help
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