#also he’s a self proclaimed enemy of the mad dogs
harveylikestoart · 5 months
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Don’t let him deceive you he has a fake katana and will smack you with it.
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fallout-snippets · 3 years
Dude this is kinda crazy but Companions react to you hatching dragon eggs
Cait warns Sole that the second that thing bares its teeth at her she’ll have its head on a plate. Does not trust it at all, how the fuck does something that big fly?
Codsworth is friendly with all animals but gets pretty tired of putting out fires around them. Tries to housebreak it or at least make sure that happens somewhere where he doesn’t have to deal with it.
Curie absolutely in love with it, thinks it’s the most incredible thing she’s ever seen. They shouldn’t be possible! But there it is! Probably ends up taking care and loving it more than Sole.
Danse just can’t believe it. Why would they do that? Why would they bring another monster, another abomination, to the world? He’s not mad. He’s just dissapointed.
Deacon is a self-proclaimed expert on dragons and gives either tips on how to care for it that are so obvious and vague as possible, such as “gotta feed it! to make sure it grows”, or such outlandish facts about dragons that cannot be proven like if the dragon tailswipes a behemoth super mutant it’ll rain diamonds. Never steps a foot close to the thing though.
Dogmeat is a little jealous of Soles new friend that seems to get everyones attention. Will sulk until he gets treats and pets.
Hancock is wary but thinks it’s a cool little fucker. It seems friendly enough, although obviously dangerous, but people have said the same about him. Is extremely careful, takes Soles lead.
MacCready keeps a nice 10 feet away at all times. Don’t even try to get it close to him. There’s a forcefield around it that’s pushing him back. Stares at Sole but doesn’t say anything. His eyes says everything. “Why?”
Nick is concerned about everyone else. Sole can handle it, naturally. Sole found it and it’s Soles responsibility but that thing is going to grow until it’s everyones problem. Suggests making a pen for it off to the side where it has its own space and people don’t have to worry about getting flambéed.
Piper knows animals can smell fear but there’s just no way to be calm around it. Tries to be cool and pet it but shakes the whole time. Wishes Sole wasn’t such an animal friend.
Preston doesn’t understand how something that was so small (relatively) can grow to be so big. Where did it get the food? Does a body-count twice a day just to be sure. It makes Sole happy though. If people start complaining they’ll have to scooch off to the side though. But won’t banish either one of them.
Strong wants to fight it. Gets upset when told no, gets angry when people say he wouldn’t win that fight. Luckily the dragon doesn’t want to fight and thinks Strong just wants to play.
X6-88, like Danse, asks why. Certainly it’s a tactical advantage to have a giant flying lizard breathing fire on your enemies but it’s also a giant beacon to their location, and a challenge to all the idiot raiders out there trying to prove themselves. Nevertheless, it’s Soles pet and as such will be protected and cared for.
Ada, like Dogmeat, is a little jealous. Not that it’s getting all the attention, but that it’s so much cooler than she is. She doesn’t have claws, she can’t breathe fire. Looks up information to see if she can maybe upgrade herself to be cooler.
Longfellow has seen some shit in his days but this is some shit. Has no idea how to act around it but isn’t necessarily scared. Talks to it like an adult human. Would 100% sit on its back when it’s flying though. #YOLO
Gage reacts much like Cait but has a deeper respect for it than her. This is how they’ll never be defeated again. They can conquer the entire wasteland if they want to, if only Sole would stop talking to it in a baby voice and cuddling it like it was a dog.
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of-house-atreides · 3 years
This article is breaking my brain
Have you read this article ?
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TW: mentions of suicide and also I’m an angry petty bitch
Yes I know this article is from like three weeks ago but I just found it... and I have things to say.
I swear I can’t handle this anymore...
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“But today, Loki steps out of his brother’s shadow”... to step in another one. It be the TVA or Sylvie, just... take your pick.
“resuming his role as the God of Mischief” um where? when?
The comedy part is debatable but fine, whatever... I must have missed the noir crime-thriller bit maybe it was between two scenes of Loki getting his ass kicked by literally everyone in this show.
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Yeah you forgot that end-credit scene showing Loki alive and well in IW/Endgame.
And no, alternate/variant Loki doesn’t count, he’s not the same person/character.
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Because of course when you think of Loki you instantly think his story should take place in a “bureaucratic nightmare” -
And why not hire competent experienced people for Multiverse of Madness and Loki? Is this Marvel’s way of telling us they don’t really care about these projects?
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Kevin really said “no experienced writers on this project, let’s just hire whoever” - or maybe it’s a budget thing? Less experience means less zeros on the pay checks?
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Wow, ok.
So not a fan of the movies nor a fan of the character, just a fan of the genre, that explains a lot...
“what was really important to me was stripping away all the fantastical elements” ... ?? I’m sorry?? What?? So removing all the fantastical elements from a show titled after who is supposed to be the main character who is a GOD and a prince from another realm/planet was what was important?? The Trickster God of Mischief, magic wielder, master of illusions NEEDED to be stripped from his FANTASTICAL ELEMENTS???
“find the heart of this story” - is the heart of this story Loki becoming best friends with his (mental and physical) torturer after what? 2 days? Was it falling in love with the ‘superior’ version of himself after only 13 hours together? I’m still looking for the heart of this story.
“what is the relatable message at the center?” - well apparently it’s ‘you can be a God and a warrior with magical powers but still get your ass kicked by literally everyone all the time and never use your strength and skills to fight back’. Or it’s the power of love, idk -
Oh wait, is it falling in love with the female version of himself? For a weird ‘love yourself’ metaphor? That must be it.
Or maybe it’s jet skis.
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Ah yes, the ‘you can be good, actually’ message of this series that is so subtly presented to us...
They really missed the whole fucking point of Loki.
They missed it so bad they made him call himself a narcissist (which he isn’t btw).
For the record, Loki is a prince of Asgard who learnt one day he was adopted and in fact taken from one of Asgard’s worst enemies, the King of the Jotuns, aka Frost Giants “the monsters parents tell their children about at night”. He found out he was not only adopted but also abducted and not out of love. He feels not only betrayed but he thinks he understands now why Odin always favoured Thor and why he’d never have the same love from Odin that Thor has had his whole life. He thinks of himself as a monster and wants to be worthy of Odin’s love. So he tries to get it. And sure, he doesn’t do it in the best way, and yes, he is the villain of that story. But Loki isn’t a villain. He doesn’t like to make people suffer, he did it out of pain, out of hurt. The events in Avengers was after he was thoroughly tortured and coerced by Thanos to invade Earth. There is even a moment in the end when Thor asks him if he thinks this ‘madness would stop under his rule’ (or something along those lines) and he looks unsure and regretful. But due to the fear of Thanos and insecurity about himself (love is weakness or whatever) he keeps going. He redeems himself in Dark World, again in Ragnarok and yet again in IW and he was thrown in the trash for it.
Yes, Loki’s story is complex, but it really isn’t that complex... So maybe Loki is a “scared little boy” but his way of acting out makes sense and there’s a legitimate reason for it that was not explored in the show. And his backstory is probably what she called the “bells and the whistles”... 
“we literally delete his universe” - and apparently you deleted his personality too
“it’s a story of reinvention ... can Loki find goodness in himself?” - again, you’re missing the point. Loki is insecure, but not about his ability to do what’s right, but about whether or not he is worthy of love! Finding goodness within himself comes AFTER!
“Loki’s journey, to me, is really about acceptance of himself” - several questions here, um, first, what about himself does he need to accept? That he’s a Jotun? The show never mentions it. That he’s done bad shit and should forgive himself for it? Give him a reason to. Self-love doesn’t come after being mentally and physically tortured by some guy who acts like he’s your best friend after 2 days of working together and being yelled out that “he can be anyone he wants, even something good”.
Show, don’t tell, isn’t that the point of your job?? The job you begged for??
Loki’s journey should have been about self-love and no, falling in love with the female version of yourself (who keeps saying they have nothing in common (because they don’t!)) doesn’t count!
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“a more mature and darker path” ...
well this is interesting... was making Loki a clown and the butt of every joke part of making the show mature and dark? Were the terrible attempts at humour? Him being beaten up every two seconds? Having him say lines he’d never say in a million years just to be funny but since it’s out of character for him it fails completely? Was making him incompetent and a complete idiot part of that attempt of making the show mature and dark?
Is that why there’s no magic? You cut off the magician so your show would be more “mature and dark”?
Having him cry every episode doesn’t make your show mature and dark.
Loki from Thor, Avengers, the Dark World and even IW is mature and dark. Your Loki from your series is just a pathetic clown.
“don’t give viewers the story they are expecting” - I personally wasn’t expecting any story, I just wanted Loki, you know, in this Loki series, supposedly all about Loki, and you guys couldn’t even do that.
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So this is the author of the article speaking here, I’m guessing, and I think they’re giving a summary of the show so far, so let’s break this down:
“This is Loki as we’ve never seen him before” - I 100% agree -
“Stripped of his self-proclaimed majesty” - ok, first of all, Loki is a prince, that’s a fact, he didn’t make that up, and for the few years he was King of Asgard disguised as Odin, he seemingly did a great job, so...
“but with his ego still intact” - ah, yes, his ego, you know, because he’s such a narcissist... oh wait -
yes he has an ego, but he has a regal one, not misplaced entirely either - his ego in the show is basically him underestimating the TVA and Mobius (as well as the Time Keepers) - his ego is him getting offended by the variant: the ‘superior Loki’ - his ego in the show is used as a weapon to humiliate and belittle him.
“he faces consequences he never thought could happen to such a supreme being as himself” - he literally tried to k*ll himself in the first Thor - literally a result of his own actions - when he returned to Asgard in Dark World, he didn’t try to pretend he hadn’t fucked up. He didn’t try to hide what he had done (he tries to deny to Mobius in episode 2 that he was manipulating them at the fair) - he sacrifices himself in IW... but sure, Loki from the series is indeed surprised that he is powerless (even when he doesn’t need to/shouldn’t be)
“there is a lot of humour ... he is taken down a few pegs by the TVA” ... he is humiliated by the TVA - definitely not what we were expecting, I’ll give you that.
“sentenced to a lifetime of bureaucracy” - definitely did not expect that either
and here comes my favorite quote: “it’s a sad Loki without any mischief”
yes - yes - yes
that is a good summary of this goddamn show, a sad, pathetic, powerless Loki without any personality 
“fallen God” - yeah that’s definitely not what I was expecting either from the Loki series so good job on subverting expectations I guess...
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“who is going to win out in this match between them?”
there is no match - Loki is powerless - he’s been turned into a pathetic docile harmless wet dog - Mobius literally mentally (episode 1 and 4) and physically (episode 4) tortures him, both time in an attempt to have Loki do his bidding - Loki is the dog and Mobius is the master - even when Loki ‘tries’ to manipulate him it fails because he’s underestimating them (by overestimating himself) - he uses obvious techniques to manipulate the TVA (episode 2) and nobody buys it because it’s not subtle at all! Loki is smarter than that, he is a TRICKSTER GOD FFS!
“there is an interesting dynamic between them that maybe you haven’t seen with Loki in the Marvel movies” - yeah, maybe there’s a reason for that... like... he wouldn’t... submit so easily... he’d be wary, cautious, cunning... he’d be... himself...
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Sans déconner ?
It’s like whoever wrote the series didn’t actually know shit about Loki... like that wasn’t fucking obvious...
And those lectures were apparently done after the script was written so... again, no surprise there... we can see that
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“we wanted the show to be imbued with mischief” vs “sad Loki without any mischief” choose your fighter
“Loki has this very sensitive, damaged, broken heart with an enormous capacity to feel emotion on the biggest scale.”
Are surprised that only Tom so far has portrayed and talked about Loki accurately?
“loneliness, sadness, anger and grief and loss”
I love this man.
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I do wonder what Mr. Branagh thinks of the show...
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I’m of the people who see a vulnerability beneath those layers of charm and playfulness. I love Loki because he’s smart and cunning and regal, and elegant and sophisticated. I love him cause at the end of the day, he just wants to be loved, and he deserves to be loved.
And in the end, the only Loki I can’t stand is the one from the series.
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orihime00sama · 4 years
Tobitate! Hanafuda - Fate/Prototype Route
This is a translation of the Prototype route of the Toraburu Hanafuda Travel Journal game included in the PS Vita version of Realta Nua, Team “Miss Ayaka and her Three Knights” AKA the Otome route.
This is my first time translating something like this and I’m far from being good at Japanese, so there’s a bunch of lines I’m not sure about. If you have any suggestion or correction, please let me know. I’ll also be linking the translations to the videos in case you want to check out the original (or just hear the voices).
Sajou Residence - Part 1
Ayaka: Hello, everyone. To those of you who are new, nice to meet you. I’m Ayaka Sajou. It’s a long story, but I’m a Master in the Holy Grail War. My Master’s Degree is the Seventh. It’s the lowest, the weakest. Honestly, I want to quit right now, but the circumstances won’t let me. By the way, I don’t have any relatives. I lost my Dad in the previous Holy Grail War, and my elder sister who was one of the previous Masters is… well.
Saber: Ayaka, you didn’t check the mailbox yet, right? I’ll go do it. After that, let’s have some tea.
Ayaka: This is Saber. The first Servant I summoned and made a contract with. He’s the ideal good young man any girl thinks of, in other words, someone like Prince Charming[1]. He’s so perfect that it makes me feel uncomfortable. Also, he’s a bit of an airhead.
Lancer: Osu, good morning~. Oh, the fridge’s got a lotta ham, ain’t it. And there’s sliced bread and eggs and… All that kinda stuff, huh.
Ayaka: That’s Lancer. In the past, he was our enemy but now he’s a barbarian who lodges in our house and raids our fridge without permission. He may be a borderline trespasser, but he’s helped us out many times, so I’ve got no choice but to let him do it. Give and take, give and take. Besides… if you ignore his crude side, he’s the easiest to understand.
Lancer: Oh, you’ve got a serious face early in the morning, Missy. Back to your usual criticisms? Keep your self-hatred in moderation, ‘kay?
Ayaka: I don’t want to hear that from someone who rummages through our fridge with no warnings. Leave me alone. Lancer, are you off today?
Lancer: Ah, I’ve got no plans for today. I’ll tend to the Missy’s garden, or maybe play with the dogs.
Saber: Unfortunately, tending to the garden is my job. It is not your turn to act. Why don’t you get back to your original sheath, Lancer?
Lancer: I’ve been free from the start. But since the Missy asked me to guard[2] her, I gotta do my job. There’s still some unscrupulous bunch left around. Like, for example, a wolf[3] in prince’s clothing.
Saber: Bold of you to say that. Now then, is it an honour or an insult to be treated as a wolf by a wild dog? What do you think, Ayaka?
Ayaka: I don’t know! More importantly, what’s that envelope? There’s two of them.
Saber: Ah, it looks like they were delivered this morning. Here you go.
Ayaka: Err, let me see… “Are you familiar with the hot spring that can make any wish come true? Here is the oldest and best hot spot in Fuyuki City -However, only the wishes of the first group will come true. Please be ready.” … So it says. What is this, are they joking?
Lancer: Incredible… Is it an invitation to a Holy Grail War from another place? What, Holy Grail Wars can happen anywhere?
Saber: Doesn’t it have different rules from ours? Here, Ayaka, another one.
Ayaka: … This is a memo and … a ticket for the bullet train? Let’s see… “I’ll be waiting for you at the Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Spring ♥" … They’re totally looking down on us.
Saber: So, the Fuyuki Holy Grail is actually a hot spring. Ours was a hellish cauldron, so I guess they’re not similar.
Lancer: A hot spring, huh, not bad at all. But well, this is up to you, Missy. What will you do? The other side even sent an invitation to make sure you’d go. Will you jump in?
Ayaka: … That… going by my life plans, I don’t want to go but… (Going by my feelings, it made me mad… Besides, if that hot spring that makes wishes come true is real, then…)
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Archer: I have heard the whole story!
Ayaka: Archer!? Where did you get in from?
Archer: Obviously, from the window! Don’t worry about the little details, Ayaka! Else your cheek lines, lovely and beautiful as a flamingo, will fall.
Lancer: Is that a compliment? That’s a compliment, right?
Saber: What have you come here for, Archer? As you can see, we’re in the middle of a morning reunion. If you’ve come here to settle things, come back through the front door one hour later.
Archer: Hah, you fools. Are you even Heroic Spirits, those proclaimed to have no match on the earth? From the very beginning, we are those who bloomed on the battlefield. We respond to challenges, trample down our enemies, and gather treasures.
Archer: I don’t know about a war someplace else, but if it is a Holy Grail War, then it’s a given that Heroic Spirits would assemble. How can I call myself the original Heroic Spirit, the Senpai of Holy Grail Wars, if I don’t respond to this challenge!?
Ayaka: ………………
Saber: Hmph. As usual, you are a very hot-blooded man. If you want to fight, feel free to do it on your own. I’m against exposing Ayaka to danger.
Lancer: But being overprotective is also something to think about. The Missy these days isn’t as frail as you think, Saber. Or what? Are you holing up at home so you can keep her to yourself?
Saber: Wha- I, I don’t have such impure thoughts often.
Ayaka: Let’s go! Saber, I’m going to this Holy Grail Hot Spring. Get prepared.
Saber: Ayaka!? Hah, it was already too late the moment you decided it. It can’t be helped, I’m not on board with this but I’ll accompany you.
Lancer: Missy, do you need your long weapon? If you need it, I’ll lend it to you.
Ayaka: Of course, come with us, Lancer. And you too, Archer. The four of us will conquer Fuyuki City.
Archer: Now you’re talking! As expected from my princess, you know the time to fight.
Ayaka: We’ll depart in 20 minutes. I have to go gather the bird feathers in the yard, so wait until then.
(She runs off)
Saber: Now you’ve done it, Archer. You’re always leading Ayaka down the bad path.
Archer: Good or bad is for Ayaka to judge. You cannot blame me. More importantly… Hey, lend me your ears. I have an idea.
Saber: ?
Lancer: Hn?
Archer: Hot springs are this land’s highest form of leisure. I’ve heard that they are summer resorts where lovers and married couples stay in. How about it? The one who does best in this expedition will get to be in the same room as Ayaka.
Archer: If it is a reward for the battle, even Ayaka who always has her guard up cannot oppose to it. And after your minds and bodies relax in a famous hot spring, the flower of romance will bloom.
Saber: …
Lancer: Incredible… Wait, this is all in your head, right? Didn’t you fail with terrible women?
Archer: It is unavoidable. To debauch is a king’s duty. I have the obligation of consuming fruit and flesh.
Archer: However, what I truly cherish is the one single flower. I’ve gotten tired of rotten meat and juice. Now, what will you do, Saber, Lancer? Will you take a knight’s oath?
Lancer: No, so we’re keeping it a secret from the Missy?
Saber: Okay, I will take it. The one who does best will share a room with Ayaka, right?
Lancer: You’re on board with this!?
Saber: Archer’s proposal makes sense. This is something I never imagined even in my dreams, but now I’ll work together with this man.
Lancer: Good grief… It can’t be helped, I’m on board. It’s a principle to have the feast in front of you, after all.
Archer: HAHAHAHA, how bold, wild dog! Now then, let us duel fair and square, with sharing Ayaka’s room as stake!
Ayaka: Sorry to keep you waiting. What are you four doing? Did you always get along like this?
Saber: N-no, we were just discussing something. Don’t worry about. Once the battle is over, I’ll tell you everything.
Ayaka: In that case, it’s fine, I guess… Well then, let’s go. I don’t know about the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, but let’s show them a difference in history!
(Stage 1 – Vs Team Tokiomi)
Victory Quote:
Archer (Prototype): You fools! You mediocre Heroic Spirits shouldn’t stand before me! Especially you, that golden one over there. Wearing a full body golden armour, there are limits to how inelegant you can be! In that case, I shall take it.
[1] Prince on a white horse
[2] Likely referring to how Lancer becomes her Servant after she lost Saber (and he lost Misaya)
[3] the actual word used was “Okuriōkami” (送り狼) which apparently is a term for “a ‘gentleman’ who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her”.
Fuyuki – Emiya Residence - Part 2
Saber: Ayaka, how about we have lunch here? This mansion is well-maintained, and perfect for resting. Besides, I feel a strange affinity to it. Especially to that storehouse. It must be a renown work of architecture, there’s no mistaking it.
Lancer: I’m more interested on the inside of the house. Like, a surprise attack from the ceiling of the living room. I wonder why Japanese-style houses are so full of openings.
Archer: I am interested in that wall. It may be inferior to skyscrapers, but it has quite the charm to it. Well now, let’s go climb it.
Ayaka: It’s embarrassing, so please don’t wander around too much. What are you, middle schoolers on a field trip!?
Saber: My apologies, that was rude. Indeed, it’s as you say. Even if they are our enemies, we should act in moderation. It’s unfortunate but let’s refrain from lunching. But you’re not taking a break, right? Are you tired, Ayaka?
Ayaka: U-Uh-huh. I’m getting used to the Hanafuda duels but… Isn’t this city weird? Everyone walking around has empty eyes like a dead fish. Could it be a characteristic of this provincial city? Look, there’s a harbour nearby, right? Like an octopus monster came from the sea and turned all humans into its familiars.
Saber: That’s “something like a summon “. You still have that hobby of reading gloomy books like always, Ayaka. Haha.
Ayaka: Don’t call them gloomy! Who cares about my hobbies? We are talking about the dead fish eyes! Look, right there!
Kiritsugu: *chewing*
Saber: …. T-that… His eyes really are empty…
Ayaka: Looks like he didn’t notice us… He’s just been there in a hiding spot, eating from a plastic piece.
Kiritsugu: *chewing* … This is Iri’s homemade cooking. I can eat it. Of course I’ll eat it. Even if it’s onigiri that changed like depleted uranium. *chewing* Ah, I’m happy… Shit, I’m so happy that I even started crying.
Ayaka: It’s better if we leave him alone. He’s gross.
Saber, I know you made this lunch, but let’s leave. I’m sorry, but let’s have it later… Saber!?
Artoria: *chewing* It has a nostalgic, wild taste from somewhere but it’s not bad. Ah, could you give me some tea, lady over there? I’m holding the turkey with both hands, so my hands are busy.
Ayaka: S-S-Saber turned into a girl!? W-what’s going on!?
Saber: Ouch… To suddenly strike my head from behind, that’s unbecoming of the chivalry code… Wait, who are you!?
Artoria: Hmph, from what I see, you are a naïve man, Pendragon. While you collapsed, I took your delicious lunch!
Ayaka: Even if you play it cool, you already ruined it! Saber, who is this? Could she be your younger sister?
Saber: That’s what I want to know! Who on earth are you!? If you are a knight even in the slightest, then name yourself!
Artoria: Hmph, you say “even in the slightest” after I got you, you make me laugh. I am both your shadow and a possibility of your future. *chewing* Draw your sword, Holy Sword Wielder. Show me how much power the original wields.
Saber: … I wonder what’s this feeling of disappointment I never felt before… However, as you can see, we are both of the Saber Class. As an opponent, there is nothing lacking about you. Lancer, Archer, don’t interfe—re!?
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Lancer: Oouaahh, what’s up with this hawk!? Don’t pull my feather accessory! It’s not from your nest!
Archer: Aaargh, step back, Animose! Why are there gorillas around the wall!? And you, Roland, don’t swing me around!  Don’t swing me around!  
Irisviel: Ufufufufu, go get them, wire animals! Flying Guillotine (Hawk’s Name) on the tights-less Lancer! Gattling Brothers (Gorillas’ Name) on the nudist Archer!
Irisviel: If you’re going to make them, gorillas really are the way to go! Primitive power is really different!
Kiritsugu: Iri… What on earth happened? … No, I have to observe this place. I’ve got to find out the reason why the two of us were in a hole!
Irisviel: Ufufu, hahahahaha! Anyone who invades my Sweet Home with Kiritsugu won’t be forgiven! Prepare yourselves, I’ll whip you to the skin of the butt and then throw you out penniless!
Ayaka: And over here, an incredible beauty is getting drunk! What on earth is going on in this city!?
(Stage 2 – Vs Team Kiritsugu)
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: We went a bit overboard… but no matter how you put it, those guys were weird… What’s going on with this city’s Holy Grail?
Part 3
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Fuyuki/Prototype Grail Pit - Part 3
Ayaka: Is this… Fuyuki’s Holy Grail Hot Springs? Rather than a hot spring, this…
Lancer: It looks exactly like our Greater Grail. Did we get tricked?
Archer: No, we probably just took the wrong path. My intuition tells me that if we had gone up on that last crossroad, we’d get to the hot spring.
Ayaka: Is that so? Archer’s got an amazing nose for money and treasures, so I think it might be true… but the ticket says that it should be around here.
Archer: Let me see that… Hoh, I see, so that’s what’s going on. The way is indeed correct. However, it is not meant for us! Saber, this concerns only you!
Saber: What? Why only me?
Archer: FUHAHAHAHA, you still don’t understand, you oaf? This ticket wasn’t sent to Ayaka! It is a love letter overflowing with love that pinpointed you!
Saber: Wha-what!? Don’t tell me… Then, the one waiting for me here is…!
Manaka: SABER!! You’ve finally arrived!  
Saber: !!!
Manaka: Jeez, your face turned so pale. You’re so happy that your face went stiff…Saber really is my prince! I love you! I love you so much to the point I’d sacrifice every life in this planet, Saber!
Lancer: Well, we’re off then. Hang in there, ladykiller.
Archer: Fu, so you’re dropping out alone. Time to pay the piper[1], Saber.
Ayaka: ………
Manaka Sajou. My sister, six years my elder. She’s Saber’s former Master who, in the previous Holy Grail War, advanced through almost invincible. I don’t like to talk about her so I’ll spare you the details, but if I had to describe her, I’d say she’s a super devilish genius who wouldn’t die even if you killed her.
Manaka: Now, come over here, Saber. I prepared a special bath just for you. Oh, unless you’d rather have dinner first? Or just like last time in front of the Holy Grail, YOU’LL • HAVE • ME?
Ayaka: Huh, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, Saber. So something happened between you and my Big Sister. In front of the Greater Grail, too?
Saber: T-this is a misunderstanding! What happened was that I impaled (with the Holy Sword) a mad Manaka from behind with a thud!
Ayaka: From behind… with a thud… for real!?                                            
Manaka: Uh-huh, that’s right♥!  That passionate way, it felt like the world froze for a moment… That’s why… I’ll do the same to you, Saber. Goes without saying, I’ll do it from behind. Leaving no gaps, every nook and cranny of your body. Just like a large-flowered flower. No, like the stars of the shinning sky. Receive my tentacles until you’re all shiny and slippery♥!
Saber: That’s no good, Manaka. It’s true that I betrayed you twice. The first time when I backstabbed you. The second time when I made a contract with Ayaka. So, I’m prepared to have you seek revenge.
Ayaka: Saber…
Saber: But, now let’s remember words of love that are more heroine-like. A girl your age shouldn’t say things like “receive my tentacles"⋆.
Lancer & Ayaka: Urk…!
Manaka: Saber…! Yes, from now on I’ll be more careful! How about the lovely “Manaka Slaughter Whips”?
Ayaka: I’ve been thinking about it since back then, but could it be that you actually are a perfect match for Big Sister, Saber?
Lancer: Well, they’re both airheads, after all. Maybe they could work out as lovebirds[2].
Manaka: That’s right, you people I don’t know. Saber and I are fated lovers. I won’t forgive you if you get in our way. Or rather, I don’t need you. I’ll burn you all on the Greater Grail later.
Ayaka: ….! Don’t tell me, the townspeople looking dead inside was your doing, Big Sister?
Manaka: Yes. Since I had spare time waiting for Saber to come, I went and took over Fuyuki City. After all, in a wedding ceremony, the more the merrier, right? Of course, right after that, I’ll turn everyone into zombies.
Ayaka: … I really can’t let her do as she pleases… I feel bad for her, but just by being here she’s evil. Saber, Lancer, Archer, let’s go! This time for sure, I’ll seal my relative’s disgrace!
Manaka: Fufufu, very well. Welcome, Miss Obstruction. I’ll play with you to kill my bore— Eh? Relative? You? Such a plain character?
Ayaka: Oh geez, you really couldn’t tell…! Just how self-centered are you, Big Sister?
(Stage 3 – Vs Manaka)
Defeat Quote:
Manaka: Ahh, you finally came back to my hands, Saber! First, let’s have some tea, then an afternoon nap. I have so much I want to talk about with you!
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: Thanks for helping me, everyone. I couldn’t have won alon— eh? The Hot Spring as the reward? Right after this? Well, it can’t be helped if it’s a reward but… I have a bad feeling about this…
[1] Just adding this here because this was actually my first time hearing this idiom:
to pay expenses for something, and thus be in a position to be in control;
to pay a monetary or other debt or experience unfavourable consequences, especially when the payment or consequences are inevitable or a result of something one has enjoyed.
[2] Baka couple
Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Springs -  Part 4 - Ending
Ayaka: And so, after we safely defeated Big Sister, put her to sleep with a sleeping pill, coffin-packed and delivered her to the Church… we finally arrived at the Hot Spring, but…
Ayaka: No way, mixed bathing!?
Lancer: Oh, this is something you don’t see often these days. The guy who made this was really smart.
Saber: Yes, this is what they call gender equality. By the way, Lancer, how about taking at least a towel? It’s minimal manners to wrap it around your waist.
Lancer: My bad. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten. What about you, swimsuits are forbidden, y’know? We’re both men, so there’s nothing to hide, right?
Saber: Of course, I didn’t bring such a boorish thing. Having a swimsuit is desecrating the hot springs. Isn’t that right, Ayaka?
Ayaka:  Argh, you guys— No, Lancer is one thing, but Saber! This is a mixed bath, are you okay with this!? Could it be you don’t understand the meaning of mixed bath?
Saber: I do. It’s a public bath without a men’s bath and a women’s bath. I’ve heard that this culture has been familiar to Japan since the Edo period.
Lancer: Yeah. Well then, I’m going ahead to the dressing room. You should hurry too, Missy. You promised that the reward would be the hot springs. Don’t tell me you’re going to take that back?
Ayaka: I-it’s true that I said that, but…
Saber: Ayaka, a lord must always go through with their servants’ rewards. It goes without saying, but that’s a condition to becoming a first-rate Master.
Ayaka: Wha-wha-wha—
Saber: Well, it’s my turn. Come, let us take off our clothes and enter the hot spring.
Ayaka: Guh, Saber you idiot———! I can’t believe that only at times like this you guys get along…! (But this is bad, this development is bad…! Think, me! I can’t avoid the mixed bathing no matter what… In that case… That’s right!)
Ayaka: Wait, you two. A little timeout! I’m going in first, so until then, don’t go in!
Lancer: Uh? Well, I don’t mind.
Saber: Neither do I. Both getting in first or getting in later are good.
Ayaka: Geez, those animals! Heh, but that became fatal. Just you watch, this is my counterattack.
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(That huge wall behind her is the result)
Saber & Lancer: Y-you had that move!?
Ayaka: Uff, I’m saved… “Make a wall to separate the genders in the hot spring.” I ended up using it for such a stupid wish but it’s a story that sprang up from the start. I guess a wish like this is something within my means.
Lancer: How could this be? The Missy’s Eleventh-Hour strength is the real deal… What will we do, Mr. Knight? Even though the treasure is right in front of us, we’ve been left in limbo.
Saber: …. Lancer, no matter how you put it, we are weapons of mass destruction. The Noble Phantasms we wield are not for saving people.
Lancer: Right. Fine, let’s destroy it.
Saber: Yes, let’s destroy it.
Ayaka: Wh— I can hear you clearly from here! What are those two thinking!?
Saber: Let’s do it on 3. Even if it’s a wall created by the Holy Grail, if it gets hit by a direct hit of our Noble Phantasms—
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Archer: Hold it! And you still call yourselves renowned Heroic Spirits? How can you not understand a bashful girl’s feelings!?
Archer: You fools! Cool down your heads and reflect on your actions! If you fool around in the bedroom, that’s your secret, but this is a hot spring! A place for decent relationships!
Lancer: What…
Saber: … on earth?
Archer: In the first place, seeing the bride’s nakedness is only after marrying properly! I, the King of Heroes, will not allow you to destroy this wall without Ayaka’s permission! Now, correct yourselves, you idiots! Listen well! I won’t let you disgrace Ayaka’s purity while I’m alive!
Saber: S-such seriousness! I can’t believe it, are you Ayaka’s mother?
Archer: At least call me her Big Brother! I have the “reliable university student senpai” position, after all!
Lancer: Oh, in that case, I’m the unpopular host of the neighbourhood. I’m one of the Missy’s senpai in senior high school.
Saber: Wha… Then, what about me? Rider is the classmate, so what other positions are there?
Archer: Hm… How about the blond exchange student who homestays at the Sajou house?
Lancer: Oh, that sounds nice. How about one who speaks Japanese in a funny way but is actually the prince of a certain country? It’s a pretty fitting role, right?
Saber: Guh… It’s frustrating but I can’t deny it.
Saber: It looks fun, so let’s think about the setting a little more. In the meantime, what does Ayaka do in the first place?
Ayaka: Like I said, I can hear you clearly. They’re getting all excited… Don’t they actually get along really well? Geez, and I’m the only one here… Oh well, I don’t mind. It’s a nice bath, and it’s a refreshing travel mood. I’m glad I came.
Ayaka: In reality, these are just alternate versions of ourselves, but doing something like this once in a while isn’t bad. Right, Dad?
Saber: By the way, Ayaka. Why did you, who hates fighting, decide to do it this time? Were you attracted by the hot spring?
Ayaka: Hn? It’s not that I hate fighting, it’s just that I don’t like going through scary experiences.
Saber: What?
Ayaka: This time it was full of opponents we’d obviously beat. It’s just like Archer said, we’re their senpais. That’s why I didn’t think we’d lose to anyone except Big Sister. After all, they were all within our range, right?
Lancer: …
Archer: …
Saber: I understand what you want to say. Yes. It’s hard to explain but the one I fear the most is Ayaka.
Random Duel Quotes:
“All right, all right♪!”
“Uwaah… What a careless mistake…”
“Too bad for you!”
“I won’t give you any openings.”
“I’ll be taking that.”
“You shouldn’t look somewhere else.”
“Guess this is what they call ‘killing two birds with one stone’.”
“I’m not done going wild yet.”
“Praise this unfaltering procedure!”
“Something like this isn’t enough!”
Ayaka & Saber
A: “Please, come to me! Saber!”
S: Yes, here I go, Ayaka!“
S: "You’re doing well, Ayaka.”
A: “T-thanks… This is just the usual, though.”
S: “What, this is just a scratch.”
A: “Are you alright, Saber?”
Ayaka & Lancer
L: “Let’s start, Missy?”
A: “Right, this time it’s a speed match, Lancer!”
A: “Good job, Lancer.”
L: “Not yet, there’s still more to come, Missy.”
L: “Ouch…!”
A: “Lancer, here, have some ointment!”
Ayaka & Archer
A: “Are you alright, Ayaka?”
A: “Y-yes, thank you very much.”
Tokiomi & Kotomine
T: “Impossible! I refuse to accept such an ending!”
K: “Hoh? Are you that frustrated, my teacher?”
“Rather than the nonsense of victory or defeat, what truly is an eyesore is that conceited, prideful face of yours! Let us continue. I won’t allow you to refuse!”
Artoria & Iri:
A: “I’ll stave them off here. You have to retreat!”
I: “It’s alright, Saber! Believe in your Master!”
“Hanafuda duels sure are fun, Saber!”
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“If you still will not give me your name, then stand up and come at me!”
Kerry & Iri:
K: “It’s enough, Iri. We have to retreat for now.”
I: “Y-yes… I’m sorry, dear.”
“For a mere toy to try to defy me.”
“Come forth, city of decadence. The night is long, sweet and cruel.”
“You do really cruel things to a lady.”
“Save me, Saber!"  
—————— Character art
Ending CG in high quality
My Final Thoughts
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tackypies · 4 years
the great pastiche: sherlock holmes (alter)
Where the original Sherlock is the personification of the concept of detective, this Sherlock is born of his ever-mutating legacy. Dynamic, hungry, and erratic of temperament, he can be described as the crystallization of conflicting "truths" regarding Sherlock Holmes.
In other words: a runaway character study who blames the original for his state.
My take on what a Holmes (Alter) would look like! Also mirrored on AO3. Check out more beneath the cut.
BASICS Class: Archer Alignment: Chaotic Evil Canon Source: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
PARAMETERS Deck: QAABB Strength: C Magic: A+ Agility: A++ Endurance: C Luck: E Noble Phantasm: EX
CLASS SKILLS Independent Action (A+) - Increases Critical Strength by 12%. Magic Resistance (E-) - Increases Debuff Resistance by 5%. Mad Enhancement (EX) - Increases Buster Card performance by 12%.
SERVANT SKILLS Innocent Monster (EX) - Gain Critical Stars each turn (3 turns) (6-12). Incr. party's Critical Strength (3 turns) (20%-40%). Reduces own Defense by 20% [Demerit] (3 turns).
... if the Master looks carefully, they will catch a glimpse of innumerable eyes blinking from the shadows of his coat.
A Seven Percent Solution (EX) - Apply Guts (1 time, 5 turns) (3000-5000). Increase NP Gauge (30%-50%).
The readers refused to accept the outcome of Reichenbach Falls. Their outcry was powerful enough to usher in Holmes' return, even though survival should have been an impossibility. Throughout the ages the great detective would be "reborn" time and time again. Time travel, cybernetics, witchcraft, inexplicable forces, sheer luck: all these were acceptable "truths" of Sherlock Holmes' life, for Watson's biographies cannot be confirmed as an absolute, accurate account.
Although Holmes' endurance and strength is remarkably average for a Servant, he is extremely tenacious and difficult to kill.
Illusion (False) (B+) - Apply Invincible to all allies (1 turn). Incr. party's star generation rate (3 turns) (30%-50%).
By its strictest definition, illusion is a form of magecraft that manipulates the mind's perception. Holmes accomplishes this feat through his mere existence. The passion stirred by his adventures created a simple mass delusion: "Sherlock Holmes was a real person." Whether or not such a man existed was a non-issue, for fervent fans sought the character they fell in love with - not a true human being. Even as Holmes pastiches continued to be churned out, entire organizations piously combed Doyle's stories to piece together the "real man's" life.
For Holmes, this skill acts as a form of mental persuasion. For example, he can trick Servants with lower-ranked Magic Resistance to believe that a building or person before them has vanished into thin air. He is limited to a city block with his illusions, as he cannot force others to believe in the fantastical and outrageously impossible.
NOBLE PHANTASM The Great Hunt: No Matter How Improbable the Truth Is Rank: EX Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Unit (Self) Effects: Reduces all enemies' defense for 3 turns. Party-wide NP Gain up for 3 turns. Party-wide damage up for 3 turns. Overcharge grants stars.
The fanatical hunt for "truth" in the midst of fiction, actualized as a level of magecraft capable of altering the properties of its subjects. Regardless of whether the proof is present in the actual World - whether it was forged or whether it existed at all - Archer is capable of proclaiming "This is true for Sherlock Holmes," so long as he can elucidate on the connection. By a verbal declaration, he is able to modify his parameters and that of his allies.
He can likewise create weaknesses in his opponents through this manner of conspiracy, though the process becomes insanely complicated and difficult if the targeted Heroic Spirit is close to the Age of Gods. The reach of his Noble Phantasm is most effective past the 1700s. Those prior to that era have an easier time of rejecting his claims and maintaining their integrity, for their ties to Doyle's works are even more tenuous.
In short: even pastiches have their limits.
PROFILE Where the original Sherlock is the personification of the concept of detective, this Sherlock is born of his ever-mutating legacy. Dynamic, hungry, and erratic of temperament, he can be described as the crystallization of conflicting "truths" regarding Sherlock Holmes.
In other words: a runaway character study who blames the original for his state.
Bond 1 Prone to quoting the pastiches he's comprised of. Unbearably theatrical. His mannerisms reminds one of a first year drama student desperate to pass.
Bond 2 "Sherlock Holmes" is a concept belonging to the people. Regardless of who or what the detective was, the masses' love for him overrode even Doyle's canon. A secret serial killer, a deluded drug addict, a modern day police officer, and so on - Archer is the vessel of these endless possibilities and wears the appropriate mask after carefully assessing the situation.
The original Sherlock stripped away the darkness of uncertainty while Archer only deepens it. Though he remains a detective, his obsession is with himself.
Bond 3 ○ Independent Action: A+ Though Arthur Conan Doyle was the creator of the great detective, his work's "life" continued and evolved beyond his death. The concept of "Sherlock Holmes" adapts to any place, time, or genre. ○ Madness Enhancement: EX Archer should not exist. He is the manifestation of contradictory lives that cannot coexist. In exchange for serenity of mind, his NP and magic parameters have increased considerably. The Master can have a rational conversation with him but must tread carefully. This Holmes is driven first and foremost by fanciful "what ifs" and is desirous of a wonderful detective drama. As a Servant, he is inherently unreliable. ○ Magic Resistance: E- “It's unusually low, you say? Well, I am entirely at the writer's mercy.” “... of course I can't change it!”
Bond 4 Sherlock Holmes was not a villain. He was written with his faults, but those made him all the more charming to the target audience. Still, Archer regards the original canon with bitterness. “The carelessness of Doyle and Watson made me what I am now."
The contradictory details regarding Watson's war wound and wives, the mention of cases never elaborated upon, the shroud of secrecy surrounding Holmes' personal life... all of these excited the imaginations of Doyle's readers and established a rampant following devoted to deconstructing, rewriting, analyzing, critiquing, theorizing, and adapting the detective. At some point, the entity Sherlock Holmes ceased to become a single story and exploded into a plethora of wild tales.
Archer will valiantly play the part of the hero if it suits the story and will just as gleefully play the part of a monster. For a character to be loved by the readers, he must fulfill their fantasies.
Bond 5 Ultimately, he is an anti-hero born of love and fascination. A story that lives beyond its pages and continues to grow is one that resonates deeply with the people. Archer is aware of this fact and, though he will lament his condition, he refuses to berate the readers. Satisfying them is his purpose as a fictional character. In that, he has wildly succeeded.
... still...
Extra (Unlocked After Interlude) The fact that he is an imitation matters little. A pastiche's purpose is to deceive and entertain its audience. This "Sherlock Holmes" will strive to do both until his end.
MAX BOND CRAFT ESSENCE: SUSSEX DOWNS Effects: When equipped on Sherlock Holmes (Alter), increase all allies' Critical Damage by 10% and NP Gain Rate by 10%, as long as he is on the field.
When you have no past, you are permitted to be everyone and everything. A genius detective. The product of an affair. Jack the Ripper. A demented cocaine addict. An ego-maniacal doctor. And so the list goes on.
There is little I can call mine. Regardless of who I become or where I am placed, those inconsequential pieces are the constants of my existence. The companionship of John Watson. The love for a Stradivarius. The comfortable hearth of Baker Street 221B. The admiration of bees.
Yes. "Sherlock Holmes" lived peacefully in Sussex Downs, tending to his hive. That is one of the few indisputable truths I can cherish.
INTERACTIONS Sherlock Holmes (Ruler) ▓▓▓▓. In other words, he wants nothing to do with him. James Moriarty The fated rival. Though, it appears he's going by the name "Mr. Dandy," now? Which pastiche was this? ... he came up with it himself? Ah. He really hasn't aged well. Henry Jekyll Hyde is much more fun. Helena Blavatsky She's still pretending to be young, huh? Mash Kyrielight An ardent brown-noser of the original. ... even so. He treats her as if she's a higher-ranking employee in a corporate workplace. Scheherazade She is the same as him. Nobody knows the truth of those nights, save for her. He genuinely wishes to speak with her, but... It seems his wild nature terrifies her. As a result, he looks but can never find her. It is a bit like a dog chasing a cat. Hessian Lobo Reminds him of Toby. Even if he is a little more bitey. He doesn't care for the rider, only the wolf.
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brothermouzongaming · 4 years
My Game Awards thoughts
I'm not going to cover everything that happened but I am going to go over some news breaks, my thoughts on the ceremony as a whole, some announcements we got/ ones we didn't, and maybe some "entitled gamer rage" just cause I can.
results for the awards here
The Xbox Series X announcement was unexpected but it is a nice jab from Microsoft to get the idea of the console in the minds of people even if it's just the physical look alongside what I can only assume was supposed to display its power and graphic fidelity. The ball is in Sony's court, I can't wait to see what they come up with. I suspect E3 2020 will be when we get something similar to what Microsoft did but maybe even bigger since they've had the time to work on it by then.  
Let's stay on Microsoft for a minute cause that Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 trailer was... a trip. If Microsoft keeps this up I'm definitely going to have a difficult choice to make come holiday 2020. The tone and visuals of the trailer as a whole are disturbing and gorgeous all at the same time. I was captivated the entire time and love the more psychological/mythological mesh they're really diving into. I literally had to go and watch it before I moved on to other topics while writing this.
That shark game Man Eater got another trailer, I am kind of surprised that hasn't come out yet. Not hyped or anything but I mean it does look like fun the way Untitled Goose Game does. Woooah here she comes (sorry couldn't help myself).
No More Heroes 3 coming out with the big weird trailer. Seriously I was so intrigued and caught off-guard. Touche Nintendo, every day you bring me closer to getting a Switch. Bastards.
GodFall a self-proclaimed "slasher-looter" action rpg by Gearbox Productions dropped a vague, but beautiful, cinematic teaser. It also subtly drops that it will come to PS5 and PC. This is the first mention/marketing for the PS5 at all, and it's through a short CGI trailer that tells us nothing. Weird.
Ghost of Tsushima got a great cinematic/ gameplay trailer that was teased at the State of Play event Sony just had. It was entertaining and gorgeous but I need more gameplay, still very interested.
Sons of the Forest This is interesting because it appears to be a very interesting step forward after The Forest's 2014 release. Definitely leaning into the blend of mysticism and body horror with the new trailer emphasizing on a sexually confusing four-legged woman and several fleshy faceless husks clearly intended to be enemies. I gotta try The Forest especially if this one fulfills the fantastical horror it advertises.
Control not only won Best Art Direction and was nominated for many more awards, but they also dropped new content. Bless. Expeditions are a new repeatable mission type that sends you into a Jukebox (if you've played it you'll bear with me here) where you can get new and high-grade mods as well as an outfit. This requires you to scavenge the world for the coins that get you into the...Jukebox...world place. The rewards seem meager, like what is going to keep me coming once I beat the highest tier and get the outfit? That said, it's a nice reason to pop Control back in and boy is it nice, even better with the patches that improve performance and finally let the game flow the way it's supposed to. I wish it was a little deeper and maybe there's more to it than we know now, but it's clear that this is supposed to hold players over until the first DLC drops. Not a complaint, more of a matter of fact.
Wolf Among Us 2 was announced...interesting... I guess they really are pushing that whole "TellTale is back" thing huh. We'll see, they can't afford to fuck that up. It's clear this is a tactical move to build hype and get people wanting that game they've been wanting since 2013. Why not come back with the one game you know anyone who cares about "TellTale" will, therefore, care about? Makes sense to me, don't fuck it up new guys.
Where the fuck was my Batman announcement? The Harry Potter rpg that we know is in development? BioMutant, where the hell is that game? There are so many games in development and some even close to release that really could use some shine on a stage like this. Since I'm out to prove a point: Last of Us 2? Marvel's Avengers? RE3? Dying Light 2? Vampire Masquerade 2? Watch Dogs Legion? Psychonauts 2? Moons of Madness? Digimon Survive? Since we're so focussed on turning back time (more on that later). OddWorld? Little Nightmares 2? I hope my disgustingly exacerbated point is made, we could've had so much more. One or two of any of those games would've made it way much better.
My point is if I'm Geoff Keighley and I'm ending one of the biggest broadcasted gaming-related events of the year and it ends with a FAST AND THE FURIOUS GAME? You bet your ass I'm taking however much Google paid for all those bullshit (though entertaining) Stadia commercials and I'm sweetening the pot for Sony, Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Nintendo, WB Montreal, Capcom, literally anyone for an exclusive news drop of some kind. I'm sure any of those studios could've been persuaded in the name of publicity and hype and could've met/exceeded the excitement levels for a Fast and the Furious game. Fucking pathetic, is this 2009? Did you see those graphics?
Also...Green Day...? Seriously did I wake up in 2009 and no one told me? You have CHVRCHES on stage, you're handing out awards to bands and composers, you have a full orchestra for more musical numbers than even I'd care for...and you thought Green Day should be the headliner. I understand it was more of a personal choice by Geoff since he's a big fan but fucking hell go to a show don't subject us to it.
All in all, this night was pretty underwhelming with some flashes of entertainment strewn throughout. Yes, you have huge moments like Microsoft announcing the Series X, but when those are followed by minutes of Stadia commercials, moments like "Teh ken" and "This is gaming it's supposed to be free. Free love," and the myriad of obscure and nothing announcements it really shows that there are just some demons this award show can't seem to shake. No, I don't expect full gameplay reveals and walkthroughs but there is a middle ground between twelve-second trailers for new IPs and full-on presentations.
Ikumi Nakamura was there so I'm gonna start demanding she appears at all Game awards/ presentations thank you very much.
edit: all this ranting bullshit and I never mention that in my opinion, I think DMC5 should've taken GOTY. I totally understand why Sekiro won because it's great. It's deep, beautiful, visceral, rewarding; but so is DMC5. What tipped the scale was how much fun I had playing DMC5 and no Sekiro isn't for conventional "fun" but I thoroughly enjoyed DMC more and that really is what it boils down to when everything else is so evenly matched.
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venjix5 · 4 years
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Professor N. Shroud's profile by venjix5
"Damn you, Twilight SPARRKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLELLLLE!!!!!" —Professor N. Shroud's villainous breakdown after seeing the Elements of Harmony in the chest are gone. Professor Nigel Shroud (also known as N. Shroud "enshroud") is a mad scientist and powerful evil warlock who is bent on world domination, and main antagonist of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and Age of Equestria 3: Shrouded Darkness. He is a human and the archenemy of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. This dark scientist dreams of dominating Equestria and the human world, but his constant plots to create his N. Shroud Empire are always thwarted by Twilight and her friends. He is the mastermind for turning Sunset Shimmer evil and freed Tirek in Tartarus. Species: Cyborg (formerly human) Gender: Male Height: 7ft Alias: Boss (by his minions) Sir Professor N. Shroud Shroud Lord N. Shroud Emperor N. Shroud Supreme Emperor N. Shroud The Dark Emperor The Emperor of Shadows The Emperor of Equestria (self-proclaimed) The Emperor The Dark Lord Master N. Shroud Master Doctor Doc Nigel Mr. N The Dark Warlock The Greatest Scientist of All Equestria The Greatest Scientist and Dark Warlock of Equestria Evil Scientist Dark Scientist A Man with a Red Eye A Red-Eyed Stranger The Great N. Shroud Master of Mechanics Ruler of Robotics Monster Evil Human (by Princess Celestia) The Evil Warlock (by Star Swirl the Bearded) The Evil Sorcerer The Mechanical Tyrant The Mechanical Emperor King of Robots The First Human who came Equestria Evil Genius Dad (by Guno and Muno) Daddy (by Guno and Muno) Crazy Old Man (by Sunset Shimmer) Professor Dorkenstein (by Rainbow Dash) Mad Man (by Twilight Sparkle) All the Darkness (self-proclaimed) Occupation: Scientist Technologist Technocrat Tyrant Dark Lord Ruler of the N. Shroud Empire Ruler of N. Topolis Ruler of Equestria (in the bad future) Founder and CEO of N. Mare Enterprises Mastermind Billionaire Dictator Warlock Canterlot adviser (formerly) Hobby: Creating robots. Taking magic. Corrupting magic. Ruling. Ruling the world. Deal-making. Spreading darkness. Attacking Twilight and her friends. Tormenting ponies. Making ponies and creatures suffer. Manipulating people and creatures. Turning ponies, people, and other creatures into his robotic slaves. Polluting and destroying beautiful lands. Enslaving ponies and other creatures. Commanding his army. Causing destruction in many places. Mocking his enemies whenever he can and whatever he can. Antagonizing Twilight and her friends. Pound or electrocute Nobo for being so sarcastic, rude, and insulting to him. Playing his organ. Goals: Conquer both Equestria and the human world by any means necessary. Rule the Multiverse. Plunge the whole world into darkness. Build his mechanical utopia N. Shroudland. Kill Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Get revenge on everyone for his abused torment and unhappy life in the past. (later in the story) Wipe out all life in Equestria and the human world and rebuild the two worlds into his dystopia with robots, machines, and darkness. Type of Villain: Tyrannical/Power-Hungry Mad Scientist and Warlock Allies: Nano Nobo Guno (daughter) Muno (daughter) Bronk Dennis (bodyguard and right-hand man) Susan Nina (spy) Diamond Dogs The Dazzlings Queen Rabia Prince Solaris Queen Chrysalis N-Series Henchbots Robot Minions Lord Tirek Cozy Glow (for now) Enemies: Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Applejack Fluttershy Sunset Shimmer Starlight Glimmer Sci-Twi (human Twilight) Humane Six Star Swirl the Bearded Princess Celestia Princess Luna Spike Other ponies Other humans (some of them) Voice Actor: Mark Oliver Japanese Voice Actor: Takaya Kuroda or Ainosuke Kataoka Personality: N. Shroud is a cruel, ruthless, dark, power-hungry, sinister, ambitious, megalomaniacal, cunning, brutal, egotistical, arrogant, tyrannical, sadistic, masterful, cold-hearted, determined, thuggish, wrathful, fearsome, and manipulative evil genius who is constantly planning to take over the world. He is very vengeful and hateful with a deep grudge towards humans for abusing and laughing at him, and ponies for rejected him. He despise ponies the most who dare to defy him, tolerating only his own. An important subject to note is that, unlike the other villains of the show, N. Shroud is extremely serious, menacing, dangerous, psychopathic, and a pure evil monster. He frequently refers to ponies as "worthless mules" and other insults generally directed at ponies. He is one of the most malicious, sadistic, and dangerous villains in the show, often attempting to kill, control, or otherwise torment ponies. He is willing to deprive innocent creatures of their free will to get them to work for him, he is willing to turn formerly beautiful communities into severely polluted wastelands, and he doesn't show any remorse for any of his actions. He turns anyone into robotic slaves if they don't obey him. However, he does still have a lighter side, attending villain parties and events, and when in a good mood. And he also shown that he has a comical side and with a sense of humor. Although, he was once a nice, kind-hearted person. But then, when he was a little child, he accidentally enter the portal to Equestria. He was very curious and interested in Equestria, ponies, and Equestrian Magic. He then developed a excessive in the unknown. He was just an excited little kid dreaming about the new discovery. However, no one believed him when he told them about the magic world he went, they all call him a crazy liar and started laughing at him. It broke N. Shroud's heart. Due to his painful past, he became cruel, sadistic, and cold-hearted. Despite his opposing personality, N. Shroud has rarely shown emotions other than anger or hatred. However, it should be noted that, despite N. Shroud's evil nature, he has shown that he has a soft side of him; that he cares for his robots like Nano, Nobo, Guno, Muno, and Susan. Although, N. Shroud sees Nobo as his primary punching bag for being so sarcastic and lazy. He treats his robot daughters Guno and Muno with great care and kindness, even going as far as to act as a parental figure to the young robots. History: 500 years ago, after Princess Celestia sealed Nightmare Moon, in the 19th century, when he was little boy, Nigel Shroud is the first human to discover Equestria, he was very obsessive and interested in Equestria, ponies, and Equestrian Magic. He then developed a excessive in the unknown. However, he couldn't prove their existence and once he saw one, no one believed him when he told them about the magic world he went, they all laughed at him thinking he’s a crazy liar. Being laughed at and treated cruelly all of his life, he has grown a deep hatred of all humanity. Thus he decided to abandoned his life in the human world and decided living in Equestria instead. Few years passed, Nigel works at Canterlot as an adviser as well as pursue a teaching degree (apparently because he liked telling ponies what to do) and learning of Equestria Magic. However, he later became so obsessed of the ponies’ magic, that he has thought a plan to use them to taking over the Human World under his rule and finally have his revenge on the humans who mocks him. Later, Nigel abducts 10 ponies and tried experimenting on them and harnessing their magic to attain for himself. However, Princess Celestia knows his evil plan and arrested him for his crimes. He was on trial for his crimes of kidnapping ponies and try to drain their magic. Nigel tries to apologize Princess Celestia for his actions, but Celestia refuses, for she has seen that his greed and hatred in his heart. Celestia sentence Nigel Shroud exiled, return to his world and never come Equestria ever again. But, Nigel swore revenge, someday he would return, and all of Equestria and the Human World would bow at his feet. As the years progressed, he began to build an army of robots and transformed himself into a robot. Apparently all these years been exiled from Equestria, driven him into a deep-seeded hatred for humans and ponies and love of technology. Extremely tech savvy, he loathes humans and ponies. This has lead him to adopt the philosophy that technology is the only thing that can be trusted. He modified himself so that he could rule whatever remained as their mechanical king. Utterly convinced with his twisted belief that the results of a world conquest orchestrated by him would make the world a better place and benefit all its inhabitants. Using his unmatched genius, N. Shroud began his plans, spending his entire life on his self-righteous mission. He also had been studying dark magic for 500 years and become the most powerful warlock in Equestria and the Human World. Abilities and Powers: Claws (Professor N. Shroud has razor sharp claws, which he repeatedly used in attempts in combat or murder.) Enhanced Strength Enhanced Speed Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Agility Enhanced Endurance Enhanced Durability Vast Dark Powers Vast Mastery of Powerful Dark Magic Umbrakinesis Shadow Ball Projection Shadow Mimicry Dark Energy Manipulation Dark Energy Blast Magic Cancellation Magic Reflection Cyborg Eye (N. Shroud's eye gives him several optic visionary functions he can use simultaneously, such as Zoom-in, Thermal vision, Night vision, X-Ray, and more.) Dark Electrokinesis Dark Pyrokinesis Aerokinesis Cryokinesis Geokinesis Laser Vision (with his Cyborg Eye) High Intelligence Super-Genius Class Intelligence Vast Knowledge Mastery of Tactics Marksmanship High-Level Fighting Skills Incredible Mastery of Swordsmanship Leadership Telekinesis Telekinetic Choke Hi-tech Weaponry Expert Piloting Skills Mechanical and Technological Engineering Skills Technopathy Teleportation Umbrageous Teleportation Bionic Physiology (N. Shroud is half man and half robot.) Ponified Negation (Thanks to his robot half, everytime he goes Equestria he can't get ponified.) Longevity (N. Shroud is stated to have been alive for a hundreds of years without showing any signs of aging thanks to his robot half, making him one of the oldest characters in the series.) Mastery of Disguise Mind-Reading Negation (N. Shroud has an advanced firewall in his system that can block Sunset Shimmer's mind-reading magic.) Mind Control Immunity Fourth Wall Awareness (Possibly due to his state of mind, N. Shroud is seemingly aware he lives in a fictional world. Like telling the audience that even though they might see through his disguise, they should not tell Twilight of it.) Craftsmanship Magic Intimidation Mastery of Deception Mastery of Manipulation Portal Creation Summoning Summoning Robot Minions Full Control on his Robots Ability to turn other people and ponies into a painting Political power and supreme authority over his empire Gravity Manipulation Petrification Petrification Immunity Petrification Cancellation Smoke Generation Bubble Imprisonment Crystal Imprisonment Plunder Vine Manipulation Ability to pass through walls and objects Technology Expertise Charisma Clairvoyance Deception Control of his hive mind Possession to his robots Prehensile metallic tendrils Psychic connection to his robots Access to his robots' memories Vast resources Levitation Flight Weapons: Laser Gun Ion Blaster Mallet Robot Vehicles Mechs Metal Gauntlet Arms Armor N. Shroud's Staff Staff of Sacanas Magic Staff Sword Dagger Energy Whips Halberd
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conflictcrafter · 4 years
The Humanity of Lord of War
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when you make an artwork, you have to figure out your role. being the maker of something is the surface role. and it is necessary. the next step is to pick a shovel and dig. or mine.
we do not determine roles for the heck of it. we do it because it is both the goal and the core. the goal, the core, and the means should align. and when things are in order, beauty emerges, organically, even when the surface looks chaotic.
Andrew Niccol knew what his roles are in Lord of War. one of them is to explore an inquiry: what does it mean to be human?
this question has been explored in many punk films. Ridley Scott and Philip K Dick's Blade Runner films comes to mind. George Miller has also examined the question specially well in the recent Mad Max: Fury Road. these films put humanity in future punks, in a certain point in post-humanity, to hammer the question down.
Lord of War doesnt play with punks (we can call it presentpunk though). the historical events and the political conditions depicted in the film still ring bells. theoretically, the question is easier to grasp since it's set categorically in the present. this film, again, is not a punk where this question of humanity is often explored. but this is why literature or film is so beautiful: narrative elements, in this case the setting, bare different ways to answer the same query. also, familiar settings may bring out the most outlandish of answers.
What does it mean to be human 1: Beware of The Dog
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Yuri (Nick Cage), after making his first gun trade, approaches his younger brother Vitaly (Jared Leto) who cooks in their Jewish family restaurant. while Yuri convinces Vi to be his gun trade partner, Yuri notices a poster in the kitchen that says: Beware of The Dog. "We dont have a dog (also why you put that in the kitchen?)," said Yuri. to which Vi responded:
"To remind myself to beware of the dog in me. The dog in me who wants to fuck everything that moves, fight and kill weaker dogs. I guess it's a . . . to remind me to be more human."
halfway through the film, Vi succumbs into cocaine addiction due to Yuri's involvement in his life. it was as though the film was telling us that Vi is indeed a dog. running and fucking around.
but when Vi finally met "a girlfriend," he changes and leaves the cocaine. Yuri comes back into his life and convinces him again to be his partner. in a deal in Sierra Leone, Vi, now sober, witnessed the bloody effects of illegal gun trade to African civilians. 
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in an effort to sabotage the deal and potentially save innocent people, Vi is able to blow half of the arms and is consequently killed by the warlords.
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Vi dies a martyr. loyal dogs die as martyrs. martyrs transcend humanity.
What does it mean to be human 2: I Won’t Fail as a Human Being
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Yuri returns home to his wife Ava Fontaine (Bridget Moynahan) who now knows about her husband's illegal gunrunning business.
Ava is informed by idealistic Interpol agent Jack Valentine (Ethan Hawke) of her husband's illegal arms activities. he reminds Ava that her parents were gunned by people who got their guns illegally from arms dealers like Yuri.
later that evening, Yuri comes home to a naked wife, unable to wear her silk sleeping dress, unable to lie on their bed, because to her, "Everything’s got blood on it."
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she confronted Yuri and he finally confessed to his wife his real occupation. she tells Yuri to stop it since they have enough. but Yuri said he couldnt just quit because it isnt about the money. it is what he is good at.
Ava tells her husband that she "is a failed actress, a failed artist. But she doesnt fail to be human."
while Yuri feels that being human means getting one's dreams, having a lucrative lifestyle, proving to other humans that one is the best; for Ava though, humanity is as simple as not inflicting harm to other human beings.
What does it mean to be human 3: The Reptile Tail
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after being confronted by Ava and Vi, Yuri finally decides to go legit. suddenly, he is not an arms dealer anymore, and he got agents confused.
this is the part of the film that youd wish the main character has truly changed, with all the things and relationships he has at stake, youd want the main character to change. Niccol teases us that, that narrative relief. but if you know how plot works, you know Yuri hasnt reached that ultimate fall.
so after going legit, he is pulled back into the arms dealing business by the self-proclaimed president of Liberia, Andre Baptise.
you would want to feel that Yuri would be doing it forcibly in fear for his family's safety. but no. when the scene with him and the Andre cuts, we hear Yuri:
"At four and a half months old, a human fetus has a reptile's tail—a remnant of our evolution. Maybe that is why I could't escape. You can fight a lot of enemies and survive. But if you fight your biology, you will always lose."
Yuri's biological mumbling here is based on the evolutionary development studies of Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) which theorizes that embryonic stages of development reflect the previous adult evolutionary forms of the specie (ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny).
Yuri is basically saying that since humans were previously non-humans, reflected by having actual tails while developing in the womb, humans will always go back in to behaving as animals. and that we can never fight it.
Yuri is wrong. for starters, Haeckel's hypothesis, the Recapitulation Theory, is long defunct.
while embryos have "tails," this does not represent the evolutionary process of a specie.
we don't have embryonic tails because thats how we evolved. we just had tails. that's just it.
thus, we are not echoes of a long evolution of reptiles. and what Yuri is telling himself is merely a rationalization defense mechanism to justify his illegal arms dealing.
and it's completely human to rationalize immoral behavior.
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in insisting biology and in exercising rationalization, Yuri has perfectly demonstrated the frailty of human beings: giving intellectual justifications to humans' animalistic tendencies. Yuri has satisfied the id in booming his ego.
but being human isnt only about rationalizing.
being human also means thinking about the welfare of other human beings.
Yuri has become, if not the best, one of the bests in illegal arms dealing. in essence, he has become a superpower in the trade. but Yuri, in Nietzsche's eyes is far from being an Ubermensch.
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in Kant's eyes, Yuri has trampled the categorical imperative.
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in our eyes, Yuri is not a hero.
and this is what makes him human: his acceptance of life's dramatic irony. he knows, he sees, he "appreciates" the negative implications of what he does, and what's coming. yet he still does it. he is helplessly and happily trapped like all of us.
although we follow closely the life of Yuri, in a "story" perspective, it's Vitaly that ultimately follows the heroic arc. Vitaly is the proxy hero to Yuri, Yuri doesnt undergo metamorphosis. but Vitaly does.
hence the film is a character study of how a human being can become a monster: by allowing and being part of something that is systematically bad and irreversible.
Niccol illustrates the monstrosity of Yuri not by making the character violent. he ingeniously does it by portraying Yuri as a kind and generous person who often describes and treats the people who are really close to him well. he, in his monologues, talks a great deal about them in good terms. yet he never talks about himself in such way. in fact, he never talks about himself at all.
and this where NIccol's genius comes: he makes Yuri seamlessly not talk about himself because in truth, Yuri hates himself. and a monster is a monster is he hates himself.
in the end, nothing is solved. what wins is the human basal instinct to harm others and at the same time, be detached from it. more than a narrative work, the film is a challenge:
how much humanity are we willing to let go to feel human?
the film has managed to be an artwork that also talks about important world issues. and if there is something that an artist should takeaway from the viewing, it should be seeing how art and function can go together neatly.
the only failure of the film, albeit minor, is despite the great research that the creative production team has gone through to parallel real events, it fell short in interpreting Interpol's function properly. Interpol doesnt at all conduct arrests.
aside from that, Lord of War is a solid 9/10 for its take on the question of humanity.
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_____ non-film image sources in order of appearance:  1. https://image.slidesharecdn.com/defensemechanism-160520104849/95/defense-mechanism-40-638.jpg?cb=1463741864
2. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/30/22/3b/30223b65bc57c735199209472b57c0b3.jpg 
3. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/16/e2/c016e21b69049ab2c7a02caa1bd9e24d.jpg 
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