#also any of the lavafalls
musashi · 11 months
Do you have a favorite part of the depths? One you keep returning to / one you find just most aesthetically appealing?
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blasphemyisjustforyou · 9 months
If anyone has any fabric mods they'd recommend that don't change vanilla too much (so, stuff like AE2 or whatever are out of the question) for my mostly-vanilla 1.20.1 playthrough please recommend some I've thrown together a small list and tossed it in with a basic fabric setup and I want more stuff. Quality Of Life things are appreciated (ex a beds mod that lets you customize your bed more (I already have one though dont recommend another)) or inventory solutions that aren't super OP earlygame (stuff like iron chests are fine because its fairly progressive) (I do already have iron chests though). Fluid tanks are also fine because there's no good way to store lava in vanilla and having lavafalls as a house feature is the best thing ever but a pain if you can't carry 8-32 buckets of lava at once without making 8-32 buckets.
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m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2001): Sin City
#1: Sin City
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Main author(s): Edward Cripps (Ed)
Release date: July 19th, 2001 (database, updated version)
Version(s) played: Updated version
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 1 (MAP01 replacement)
Despite being titled Sin City, this map has nothing to do with the comic book series with the same name. It’s basically a map made for ZDoom, created in over four months, and inspired by Doom II’s The Spirit World.
So let’s see how this map kicks off 2001.
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I will start off by saying that this map looks good. Sure, it suffers from having too much brown but its architecture makes it not boring to me. And I like the idea of a castle built next to a volcano. We even go to what I think is the volcano’s center in a cave with the blue key (at least that’s how I interpret it). I only wish that the castle’s textures were more diverse.
The music replacement is also really good I might say. Nothing else to add.
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This map is also standard in terms of its size and complexity. It’s easy to understand where to go and it doesn’t feel boring when you play it with No monsters enabled.
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This map also has some cool ideas sprinkled in-between. There is a room behind the blue door, where when you try to exit it, the door will start opening up very slowly while you are ambushed by the Imps. I also really like what the author did with the red key. You see, the key is near the beginning of the map but it’s deep in lava, near the lavafall. You must traverse the map in order to make two gargoyle faces pour out blood to cool it all down.
You basically turn lava into the fucking Kool-Aid to get the red key! It’s so stupid but it’s fucking hilariously awesome!
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Sin City is piss easy. Unless you are having a case of bad luck, you might end up not even taking any damage due to the map having no hitscanners. Just some stealth enemies here and there. After grabbing the yellow key, you practically end up mowing everything on sight thanks to the just-teleported Plasma Gun. You don’t even have to worry about health due to the armor and the secret Soulsphere. And yes, there is enough ammo to not worry about this aspect too.
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And that’s all I can say about Sin City. A pretty good start for the WADs of 2001. It may be too brown sometimes, but the rest of this map makes me severely ignore this problem. Worth your time.
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Next time we will be taking a look at another WAD created by Richard Wiles.
I’ll see you then.
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brigadeinvader · 5 years
So I’ve decided to play Normal dificulty Minecraft for the first time in honor of the new ver (14) since I’ve been playing on either Pacifist or Creative for uhhhh forever
Here’s what went down so far:
Spawned in a river right next to a plains/forest edge village (what are the odds)
The village has two fletchers, some four letherworkers, one mason, one armorer, one farmer and some three normal villagers
There is a single plot of plantations with wheat, carrots and potatoes, as well as a composter
The water of the plantations flows down to a cave right under it, which I left alone for like a week cuz my dumbass wasn’t going to explore it with a wooden axe and a stone pickaxe
There’s cats (!!!!) all around the village
Fed a cat two salmons in hopes it would become my pet but it just ran away. I gathered more salmons but I still can’t find that one cat
The village is an absolute hot mess
It’s huge and I still can’t find my way around it
There’s two iron golems roaming it, babies
There were three pumpkins on the riverbank where I spawned
The village is filled with small lakes so guess where the pumpkins and sugarcanes are growing
The only bed unocuppied at night is on the second floor of a two story house with four beds, so that’s where I slept for the first two weeks or so
Found a hole/cave nearby in the plains where I sealed the lavafall and gathered like three stacks of cobblestone
Night came around but my bitchass went to sleep at sunset so no mobs could spawn
Still had to fight off two creepers come morning
At like the third day an enderman came to visit the village and I hid in one of the houses until it went away
One of the chests in the houses was filled with bread and apples
The villagers began disappearing at around the beginning of the second week
The farmer, two simple ones and a letherworker were nowhere to be seen but there were no villager zombies come morning so I was confused af
There are wolves in the nearby forest but since I’m a coward and haven’t fought any skeletons yet I can’t befriend them :’(
Killed a buncha spiders as I was gathering oak wood tho
Decided to build a house for myself in the village, so I gathered wood planks, wood and cobblestone like crazy
Still ran out of staircases several times
Finally found out how to make smooth stone and I felt stupid
Made a stone sword and like a stack of torches and decided to venture into the cave in the middle of the village
Turns out the missing villagers had fallen down the plantations and the flow of the water was keeping them inside the cave
Dunno how they hadn’t died yet
Blocked the water leak and got them out 
Turns out the cave is massive and filled with iron and coal. Have explored like a half of it 
Didn’t find any skeletons tho
One chest in the village I’ve been filling with rotten meat so uhhh sorry whoever lives there lol
Made a blast furnace and two smokers, as well as a campfire
Since the armorer kept entering my house I also made an iron door, a wood button and a pressure plate
Also made a crossbow and some shears to FINALLY make a bed for myself (no I don’t like killing the sheep)
Traded some pants with one of the rescued lether workers and like three stacks of arrows with one of the fletchers
My sole source of emeralds is the mason bc he trades clay for it, and the riverbank next to the village is filled with the stuff
Fished a bowl out of the river??
The next time I see a skeleton they’re going down
I made lanterns and I love them
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quirkity-doo · 6 years
Can you do fire and leafy? :V {Also im the Anon that did the Leafy that had her eyes closed :D}
I’m not sure what you mean by the Leafy that had her eyes closed, maybe you have the wrong person or Tumblr ate it? Either way, Fireafy is a classic ship. Doing this brought me right back to 2013, full of angsty theories and drawing the two of them holding hands. 
Who said “I love you” first Leafy, technically But this was long before the show started or before either of them had any feelings for each other. It was just Leafy being Leafy. Later on, Firey said it for real first. It was in space, off camera, after she was recovered. 
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background I’d think the both of them would have the two of them. They are each other’s best friends after all. 
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror Firey is the only one who can, since he can’t shower. He calls her nice and pretty. 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts Leafy. She buys all sorts of gifts for him. 
Who initiated the first kiss They were riding off into the sunset on the hang glider. They were some ways away when Leafy did something bold and kissed him. She caught on fire. And fell. Firey, stunned and not knowing how to control the hang glider, crashed into the pine forest. And thus began BFDIA.  
Who kisses the other awake in the morning Neither, really. It’s a bit to dangerous for either of them to do that without Firey eating yoyleberries (and Leafy would rather not see those again any time soon, thank you very much.) Leafy will sometimes kiss his hand or something, though. 
Who starts tickle fights Firey, but with warning. He can control his temperature but he doesn’t want to scare her and make her think she’ll burn. Leafy can’t surprise-hug him without his heat flaring up and her catching on fire. 
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower Neither. Firey will die in water and Leafy never wants to see another lavafall again. 
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch Leafy, that sweetheart. 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date Both of them. Their history was so weird, they weren’t quite sure how to handle it. 
Who kills/takes out the spiders Firey is scared of spiders, and Leafy will always kindly take them out. 
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Firey. Alcohol really revs him up.
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falcolmreynolds · 6 years
Dungeons and Discord, session five: The Crystal Desert
The party takes a day to recover from the Plane of Water in the Material Plane; they make some jewelry, Lorelai works on the postal situation, and Zackrow hunts for some pastries.
Their next venture into the Rift is an unusual one - Minato was dredging through Alexander’s basement, and consequently Lorelai accompanied the other Riftwatchers through.
When they head through, they find themselves in a network of massive, magma-filled caverns. They have entered the Elemental Plane of Magma, and now will play a high-stakes game of The Floor Is Lava while following the Nav-Box northeast.
After overcoming several trials and tribulations and several large rivers of magma, they discover a stone obelisk holding a glowing yellow crystal shooting beads of energy off into the caverns somewhere. Wary, the party avoids the stone (after looking the stone over and discovering that it’s drawing magic from the ambient plane) and continues deeper into the caves.
After a time they enter a cavern larger than any they have seen before - they cannot see the walls or the end, and inside there is a vast expanse of sand, but the sand glimmers the same yellow as the one in the obelisk before. The party doesn’t see any danger, but there’s no life here at all. They head inwards and all seems well... until they start feeling the effects of the desert on them. They are exhausted and endangered; they find the skeleton of a great white dragon sprawled amongst the vast glowing dunes; it contains a mysterious scroll, which they pick up and take with them. Minato rejoins the party as well, having bravely headed into the Rift when she realized her party had gone without her.
With their knowledge combined, the party realizes the crystals are what’s causing them to feel so awful - and they hurry onwards through the Crystal Desert, still taking exhaustion from the essence of the plane itself. Lorelai manages to protect one party member from the energy of the Desert, and they finally find where the Nav-Box tells them the Source is located and dig it out of the crystalline sand. It’s locked in a small box, which they take and book it out of the desert.
On the way back, the party decides to investigate the strange energy flowing from the obelisk. They follow it to a small tower, which they quietly investigate. They discover it to be a a mad sorcerer’s tower, and he is dead inside of it. They also discover four captives locked in cages being dosed with various levels of radiation. Two are beyond saving, and the party mercy-kills them, but two are able to be saved. The party loots the tower, saves the two living slaves, and leave - before breaking the cavern roof and burying the tower under a lavafall.
As they approach the Rift again, something bursts from the wall and attacks them, and at Lorelai’s urging, the party flees. They make it back through the caverns to the Rift when the beast (dubbed the Large Dangerous Thing) attacks again, and they run through the Rift and break the Source as quickly as possible.
The party made it through, with the slaves... with one exception, which they only realize once they’ve shut the Rift down.
Tiska didn’t make it through.
Tiska’s trapped.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #23
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/fortnite-how-to-find-fortbyte-23/
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #23
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Last Edited: July 14, 2019 at 11:50 PM
The Fortbyte Event came to Fortnite with the launch of Season 9 on May 9, 2019. Fortbytes are collectible computer chips that have been scattered across the map. There are a total of 100 Fortbytes and finding them all will unlock a hidden image which reveals information on Season 9. The image has yet to be uncovered.
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New Fortbytes unlock every day, typically with only 1 new one per day. However, on the first day of Season 9, 18 Fortbytes were unlocked. The Fortbyte event is only available to Battle Pass owners.
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Below is a table of all 100 Fortbytes and clues to gathering them (constantly updated). The majority of them are self explanatory, however some are not. A more specific and detailed walkthrough to finding the more difficult Fortbytes can be seen below.
If you see a blue number on the table below, you can click on it and it will take you directly to the walkthrough for that specific Fortbyte!
Fortbyte #: How to Find: #1 Gain 175,000 XP #2 Hidden within Loading Screen #6 #3 Accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point #4 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped #5 Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club #6 Accessible with Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert #7 Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella #8 Found within Junk Junction #9  ? #10 Gain 60,000 XP #11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot #12 Accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel #13 Found within location within Loading Screen #2 #14 Found within an RV Park #15  ? #16 Found in a desert house with too many chairs #17 Found inside a wooden fish building #18 Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot #19 Accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building #20 Found at the center of any of the first three storm circles #21  ? #22 Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass #23 Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint #24 Found within Fatal Fields #25 Battle Pass Tier 40 #26 Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker #27 Found somewhere within map location A4 #28 Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard #29  ? #30 Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park #31 Found at a meteor crater overlook #32 Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point #33 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10 #34 Found between a fork and knife #35 Gain 225,000 XP #36 Accessible by Sentinel of a frozen island #37 Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park #38  ? #39 Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 #40 Accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert #41 Accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger #42  ? #43 Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand #44 Battle Pass Tier 20 #45  ? #46 Battle Pass Tier 100 #47 Found between Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battlebus #48 Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne #49 Found in Trog’s ice cave #50 Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins #51 Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana Stand #52 Accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory #53 Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair #54  ? #55 Found within Haunted Hills  #56  ? #57 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 25 times #58 Accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores #59 Accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant #60 Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant #61 Accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall #62 Accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion #63 Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields #64 Accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain #65 Found in a basement movie set #66 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 75 times #67 Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform #68 Found within a snowy town book shop #69 Found inside a stone pig building #70 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped #71 Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 #72 Found within Salty Springs #73 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6 #74 Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast #75 Found within an airport hangar #76 Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building #77 Found within a track side taco shop #78 Found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake #79 Found within an arcade #80 Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim #81 Accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge #82 Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of the Block #83 Found in a rock garden near the coast #84 Battle Pass Tier 60 #85 Gain 30,000 XP #86  ? #87 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, on Solos 50 times #88 Found somewhere within map location J3 #89 Accessibly by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores #90 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 100 times #91 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 #92 Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall #93  ? #94 Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake #95 Found at a solar panel array in the jungle #96 Battle Pass Tier 80 #97 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8 #98 Found within a viking longhouse #99 Gain 125,000 XP #100 Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Fortbyte #2 is hidden within Loading Screen #6. Additionally, it also serves as the Week 6 Hidden Fortbyte.
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The key to finding Fortbyte #2 is hidden within the Week 6 Loading Screen and description, which can be seen above.
The description reads, “Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted.” This clue, combined with the loading screen itself, will lead us to the holo-clock tower building in Neo Tilted.
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So, head to Neo Tilted and look for the big holo-clock tower building. If you’re not sure what it looks like, it can be seen in the picture above.
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Once you find it, make sure to land on top. As you land, you should see Fortbyte #2 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #3 is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #3 is to make sure that you have the Skull Trooper Emoji unlocked. The Skull Trooper Emoji is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 58. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
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Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the western most point of the map, which can be seen in the image above.
As you land, you’ll see a small sign with a big W and a compass on it as well as Fortbyte #3.
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Simply use the Skull Trooper Emoji and Fortbyte #3 will unlock and allow you to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #4 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped.
To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Plasma Trail Contrails unlocked and equipped. The Plasma Trail Contrails are unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 89. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, the next step is pretty simple.
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All you need to do is head to Loot Lake and skydive through the four rings. The first ring will come up pretty quick after you get off the Bus, so make sure you’re ready!
As you go through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #4 waiting for you! It is important to note that you must skydive through the rings and not glide. However, you can glide in between the rings to make sure you’re on target.
Fortbyte #5 is accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #5 is to make sure that you have the Laid Back Shuffle Emote unlocked. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 95. If you haven’t made it that far, check out our Weekly Challenges guides to get some extra XP.
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Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the dance club in the snowy region of the map. You can see the exact location of the dance club on the map above.
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You’ll find Fortbyte #5 sitting in the middle of the dance floor. Simply use the Laid Back Shuffle Emote and Fortbyte #5 will unlock and you’ll be able to add another Fortbyte to your collection.
Fortbyte #6 is accessible by using the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert. Before you do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Yay! emote unlocked, which is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 14. If you haven’t gotten that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
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Once you’ve dealt with that, you’ll need to head to the desert biome and find the ice cream shop location. The shop is located to the left of the race track, which is on the bottom right corner of the map. You can see its exact location on the map below.
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As you’re flying over the ice cream shop, you should see it illuminated in neon.
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As you land, go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #6. Simply use the Yay! emote and the Fortbyte will unlock!
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Fortbyte #7 is accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella. This means that before you can do anything, you need to have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked. It is unlockable at Tier 8 of the Season 9 Battle Pass. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Week 2 challenge guide.
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Once you have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked, queue up a game. You’ll want to head to the rocky area located just below The Block. It’s exact location can be seen on the map below.
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If you’re still not sure where you’re going, just head towards The Block. As you’re floating through the air, you’ll want to go to the location marked by the red arrow.
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Once you get there, head down the path that takes you underground. On your right, you’ll see a wooden platform and Fortbyte #7. Grab some materials and build up to it.
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Once you’re close, use the Cuddle Up Emoticon and Fortbyte #7 will unlock!
Fortbyte #8 can be found within Junk Junction. There are no hidden tricks that come with finding Fortbyte #8, it is as straight forward as it sounds. All you need to do is head to Junk Junction.
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Once you’re there, head inside the main building and you’ll see Fortbyte #8 sitting on a mattress in plain sight.
Fortbyte #11 can be found beneath a circling jungle parrot.
This clue is a bit vague, but is going to lead players to the right of the Pressure Plant. You can see the exact location that you need to go to in the map below.
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As you land, you should see a parrot circling Fortbyte #11.
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Land next to the circling bird and you’ll see Fortbyte #11 sitting next to a tree waiting to be picked up!
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Simply run up to it and search it like normal to add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #12 is accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #12, you’ll need to have the Nana Nana Spray unlocked. The Nana Nana Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 57. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
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Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the molten tunnel location which is located at the volcano. As you can see in the image above, you’ll need to head to the location where the lava stops flowing.
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As you arrive, you should see a concrete tunnel. Hop on the rocks and go through the tunnel. On your right, you should see Fortbyte #12.
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Use the Nana Nana Spray and Fortbyte #12 will unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #13 can be found at a location which is hidden within Loading Screen #2, which can be seen below.
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This will lead you to bottom right corner of the map, which is circled in red.
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Once you get there, you will see three dinosaurs and a small house close to the road. Go behind the small house where you will find a port-a-potty. Approach the portable restroom and you will see Fortbyte #13.
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Fortbyte #14 can be found within an RV Park.
This clue will lead players to the RV park located to the left of Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the RV Park on the map in the image below.
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As you land, you should see a green RV sitting in the center of the park.
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Land next to that RV and you’ll see Fortbyte #14 waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #16 can be found in a desert house with too many chairs. This should lead players to the desert biome, just south of Paradise Palms. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
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As you’re flying to the marked location, you’ll want to look for a small grouping of houses. This is where Fortbyte 16 is located. The exact house is marked by a red arrow on the image below.
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Head into the bottom floor and you should see Fortbyte 16 sitting by a bed on the floor!
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Fortbyte #17 can be found within a wooden fish building. This will lead you to the top right corner of the map, in the ponds between Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
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You’ll find Fortbyte #17 inside of the wooden fish that is in the bottom left pond. Here is what it looks like flying over the pond.
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Fortbyte #17 is located in the bottom part of the fish’s tail.
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Fortbyte #18 can be found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot.
This clue is going to lead players to a small little shed between the two Named Locations.
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You can see the exact location of the shed on the map above.
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As you land, you should see a shed sitting next to a pine tree.
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Head inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #18 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbtye #19 is accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building.
The first step to finding Fortbtye #19 is making sure you’re wearing the Vega Outfit. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn XP.
Now that that is sorted, you’ll need to find the spaceship building. You can find the spaceship south of Shifty Shafts just past the mountain. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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As you’re getting close, you’ll see the giant metal spaceship. Head to the front side, which is indicated in the image below by a red arrow.
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Once you land, you’ll see a ramp connecting the middle of the ship to the front. As you can see in the picture below, Fortbyte #19 is right behind that ramp.
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Destroy the ramp and as long as you’re wearing the Vega Outfit, you can add Fortbyte #19 to your collection!
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Fortbyte #20 is found at the center of any of the first three storm circles.
This is one of the strangest hidden items to unlock during the Fortbyte event. It is a little bit strange, because the location is going to be different for every player. However, the premise is still the same, you can find Fortbyte #20 in the center of any of the first three storms.
You can go about this in many different ways, however we would suggest taking your time on the Battle Bus and gliding to the ground, as you wait for the first storm to form.
So, hop on the Battle Bus and ride it out until it forces you off. Once you’re kicked out, open your glider and float for as long as you can.
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About halfway to the ground, the storm will form. Open your map, find the center, and set a marker. Then, you can glide to the spot you marked and find Fortbyte #20!
You’ll be able to recognize it by the purple lightning bolt. Simply run up to the Fortbyte, search it like normal, and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #22 is accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have Rox Spray unlocked in the Season 9 Battle Pass. Rox Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 6.
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Once you’ve made sure that you have it unlocked, you’ll need to head to Neo Tilted. The underpass is located on the bottom left side of Neo Tilted. It’s exact location on the map can be seen below.
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As you’re flying over Neo Tilted, look for an 18 wheeler on the ground, this will help lead you to Fortbyte #22. As you’re flying over, it looks like this.
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Land by the 18 wheeler and you should see Fortbyte #22 a few steps ahead of you. Make sure to use the Rox Spray to unlock it, then you will be able to search it and add it to your collection of Fortbytes.
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Fortbyte #23 can be found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint.
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This clue is going to lead players a mountaintop to the west of Loot Lake. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #23 on the map above.
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As you land on top of the mountain, you should see Fortbyte #23 sitting along the edge by a tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #24 can be found within Fatal Fields. Once you land at Fatal Fields, head to the main house. Once inside, go up the steps to the second floor. Enter the second room on your right and you find Fortbyte #24 in the back right corner between the desk and reading table.
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Fortbyte #26 is accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #26, you’ll need to have unlocked the Bunker Jonesy outfit, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now, you’ll need to find the snowy bunker location. This clue will lead you to a tiny snowy island that is located off of the main island. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
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As you land, you should see a small wooden bunker (it is more of a shack), which the arrow is pointing to in the image below.
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Once you land, run inside the snowy bunker and you’ll find Fortbyte #26 waiting for you!
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Fortbyte #27 can be found somewhere within map location A4.
While this clue is a bit vague, it should give players a pretty good idea of the general location of Fortbyte #27.
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As you can see in the map above, you’re going to want to head just north of Snobby Shores, to the right of a small mountain.
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As you land, you should see Fortbyte #27 sitting next to a tree, ready to be picked up.
Fortbyte #28 is accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard.
This is one of the more unique and harder Fortbytes released so far in the event and will likely take a bit of time to unlock.
For starters, you’ll need to head to the desert junkyard location, which is located to the south of Paradise Palms.
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As you can see on the map above, you’re going to want to land at the northeast corner of the junkyard. As you land, you should see a couple of colorful panels against a wall with a lever in front of them.
To unlock Fortbyte #28, you need to pull the lever and watch the panels, memorizing which ones light up. Then, you’ll need to repeat the pattern by hitting the panels with your pickaxe or by shooting them with a gun.
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You’ll have to go through a few rounds of this, but if you repeat every pattern successfully, then Fortbyte #28 will unlock!
Fortbyte #30 can be found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park.
This clue is pretty clear, to find Fortbyte #30, you’ll need to look between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. While this clue is a little bit vague, finding Fortbyte #30 isn’t difficult at all. The exact location of Fortbyte #30 can be seen on the map below.
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As you can see, Fortbyte #30 can be found right next to the bottom of the mountain next to Haunted Hills.
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Close to the mountain, you’ll see two big trees. Fortbyte #30 will be sitting in between those two trees waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #31 can be found at a meteor crater overlook. This should lead us to the biggest crater hole on the map, Dusty Divot.
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In order to find Fortbyte #31, you’ll need to be overlooking the crater hole. There just so happens to be a perfect spot to overlook Dusty Divot behind Dusty Diner.
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You’ll want to head to the warehouse closest to the Divot. Once you’re inside, you will see Fortbyte #31 sitting on a walkway, waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #32 is accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point of the map. The first thing that you’ll need to do is have the Kyo Pet Back Bling unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 28.
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If you don’t have it unlocked, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northern most point of the map. The will lead you to a small point on the top of the map, its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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Fortbyte #32 will be sitting next to some rocks. As long as you have the Kyo Pet Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to pick it up (as you can see, I don’t have it Back Bling unlocked).
Fortbyte #33 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10.
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As you can see in the Loading Screen above, there aren’t any obvious clues shown that could indicate the location of Fortbtye #33. However, if you read the description, you’ll find that it reads, “You’re a long way from Lonely Lodge…”
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In a strange way, this clue is actually leading players to Lonely Lodge. So, hop on the Battle Bus and drop at the main cabin at Lonely Lodge.
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If you’re standing on the south end of the main cabin, you should see a smaller building to your left.
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If you go inside, you’ll find Fortbyte #33 sitting in the middle of the room waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #34 can be found between a fork and knife.
This clue will lead players to an underground location next to Fatal Fields. You can see the exact fork and knife location on the map below.
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As you land, you should see a fork and knife outline in the grass below you.
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You’re going to want to head to the handle portion of the knife to find Fortbyte #34.
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Once you’re at the bottom of the knife, you’ll see a small wooden wall that you can bust down. Behind that wall you’ll find Fortbyte #34 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #36 can be found by Sentinel on a frozen island. The first thing you need to do is be dressed as the Sentinel, who is unlocked in Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Once you’re dressed as Sentinel, head to leftmost frozen island on the bottom left corner of the map. You can see the island below circled in red.
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Once you’re at the island, you’ll see Fortbyte #36 close to the edge.
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Fortbyte #37 can be found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park.
This clue is going to lead players to the northern edge of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location on the map below.
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Head inside the front door of the house and go through the first door on your left. If you look underneath the staircase, you’ll find another hidden staircase that leads to the basement.
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Once in the basement, you’ll find a cabinet with a half built wall behind it. Bust out the wall and you’ll see a metal door leading to the bunker.
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Go through the door and you should see Fortbyte #37 sitting in the kitchen floor waiting to be picked up! As you can see, others got here before I did, but there are normally lots of kitchen appliances!
Fortbyte #40 is accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert.
Before players can even think about hunting down the hidden item, they’ll need to make sure that they have the Demi Outfit unlocked. You can unlock the Demi Outfit at Battle Pass Tier 87. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that that’s sorted, you’ll need to head to the sundial in the desert, which is located to the east of Fatal Fields. You can see the exact location on the map below.
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The sundial is located on top of a small mountain.
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Simply land on top of the mountain and as long as you’re wearing the Demi Outfit you’ll find Fortbyte #40 unlocked and waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #41 is accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger. In order to unlock Fortbyte #41, you’ll need to have reached Battle Pass Tier 3. If you’ve done that, then you’re ready to unlock the Fortbyte.
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Durrr Burger is located in Neo Tilted. It is the biggest building in the area and has a rotating holographic hamburger on top of the building.
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Once you’ve found it, land at the building and go into the bottom floor. You’ll see a counter and menus, hop over the counter and head right. You’ll see Fortbyte #41 sitting by a fryer.
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Use the Tomatohead emoticon and you’ll be able to pick it up!
Fortbyte #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand.
The first piece to this puzzle is going to be making sure that you have the Nana Cape Back Bling unlocked. To do this, you’ll first need to have the Bunker Jonesy skin unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to have completed the Jonesy challenge which requires you to collect 40 different Fortbytes. Doing so will unlock the Nana Cape Back Bling.
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Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the banana stand in Neo Tilted. As you can see on the map above, the banana stand is located on the bottom left corner of Neo Tilted.
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As you land, you’ll see a big, bright yellow banana stand.
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Head inside and you should see Fortbyte #43. As long as you have the Nana Cape Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #47 can be found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed Battlebus. You can see it’s location in red on the map in the picture below.
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As you land in the trees, you should see a green camper with an umbrella and some loot.
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Head to the left of the camper and you’ll see Fortbyte #47.
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Fortbyte #48 is accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #48, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Vox Pickaxe unlocked. The Vox Pickaxe is unloackable at Battle Pass Tier 55. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you’ve got all that figured out, you’ll need to head to the gnome beside a mountaintop throne. This location is in the icy region of Fortnite and can be seen on the map below.
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As you land on the top of the mountain, you should see a big rock with a toilet and a gnome in front of it. Destroy the gnome with the Vox Pickaxe and Fortbyte #48 will reveal itself.
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You can then search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #49 can be found in Trog’s ice cave.
This clue is a bit vague, but will lead us to the icy region of the map. Specifically, you’ll find the ice cave location between Happy Hamlet and Frosty Flights. The exact ice cave location can be seen on the map below.
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As you get close, you should see a bunch of icy trees. In the middle of the tree’s is a big opening which leads to Trog’s ice cave.
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Drop down into the cave, and you should see Trog’s house right next to you.
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Go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #49 sitting by some teddy bears!
Fortbyte #50 is accessible at night time inside a mountain top castle ruins. This one is pretty simple, the only thing to note is that it must be night time in the world of Fortnite for Fortbyte #50 to unlock.
The mountain top castle ruins location can be found close to Haunted Hills. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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As you get close, you’ll want to head to the lowest spot on top of the mountain, so that you’re truly inside the mountain top castle ruins
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Follow the arrow in the picture above and it’ll lead you right to Fortbyte #50.
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As long as it is night time, you can pick it up and be on your way.
Fortbyte #51 is accessibly by using the Cluck Strut dance to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana stand.
In order to begin this challenge, you’ll need to have unlocked the Cluck Strut dance, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 31. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
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Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to Peely’s Banana stand, which is located in Neo Tilted. It’s exact location can be seen on the map above.
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Once you land, you’ll see a crosswalk leading to the fruit stand. Use the Cluck Strut dance as you slowly walk across the street and Fortbyte #51 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the dance unlocked so the Fortbyte won’t unlock for me.)
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Fortbyte #52 is accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #52, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Bot Spray unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 85. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to find the robot factory location. Fortunately, this can be found at the Pressure Plant.
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You’ll want to go the top portion of the Pressure Plant and head to the east side. The red arrow in the image above points to the exact location of Fortbyte #52.
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Use the Bot Spray next to Fortbyte #52 to unlock it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #53 is accessible by helping raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair.
This clue is going to take you to the mountain close to Snobby Shores. You can see the exact location on the map below.
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You’re going to need to head to the very bottom of the abandoned mountaintop villain lair to find the disco ball. The easiest was to get to the disco ball is to land about halfway down the west side of the mountain.
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You should see a platform that you can land on, which will lead you inside the lair and take you directly to the disco ball.
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To complete this challenge, you’ll need one other player to help you. You’ll both need to stand on a piece of the dance floor and dance until you raise the disco ball to the top of the pole.
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Once the disco ball has been raised, Fortbyte #53 will unlock and you can pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #55 can be found at Haunted Hills. So, go ahead and hop in a game and head to Haunted Hills. If you can’t remember where it is, you can see Haunted Hills circled in red on the map below.
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Once you’re close, you’ll want to head to the building to the right of building with the tall tower (if you’re facing the back of that building). The building you want to go to has an arrow pointing to it in the picture below.
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Walk inside and you’ll find Fortbyte #55 ready for you to pick up!
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Fortbyte #58 is accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #58 is to make sure you have the Sad Trombone Emote unlocked. The Sad Trombone Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, if you’re facing the houses, you’ll find Fortbyte #58 at the rightmost house on the pavement in front of the house.
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Once you’ve landed at Fortbyte #58, simply use the Sad Trombone Emote to unlock it. You’ll then be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #59 is accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant.
This clue is going to lead us to the Pizza Pit HQ at the Mega Mall, which can be seen in the image below.
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As you land, you’ll want to head to the first floor (one above ground level). As you go in, you should see the ordering counter.
Hop over the counter and head left, you should see Fortbyte #59 pretty quick, sitting next to a wall.
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Use the Durrr! Emoji and Fortbyte #59 should unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #60 is accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked. The Sign Spinner Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 63. If you haven’t made it that far, you can check out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to head to the Happy Oink restaurant in Happy Hamlet.
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You’ll find Happy Oink in the center of Happy Hamlet. The pig sign outside of the restaurant will make it easy to recognize.
Despite what the clue says, you’ll need to use the Sign Spinner Emote inside the restaurant in order to unlock Fortbyte #60.
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So, go inside and hop over the counter. Once you do that, you’ll find Fortbyte #60 sitting on the floor. Use the Sign Spinner Emote to unlock it and then you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #61 is accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall.
The first thing that is needed to unlock Fortbyte #61 is the Sunbird Spray, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the frozen waterfall location, which can be found on the mountain next to Snobby Shores. It’s exact location can be see on the map image below.
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As you get close, you’ll want to head to the upper portion of the waterfall (not the top, just not the bottom). You’ll see what I mean by looking at the red circle in the image below.
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Once you land, use the Sunbird Spray on the waterfall and Fortbyte #61 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the Sunbird Spray unlocked, which is why the image shows it as locked.)
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Fortbyte #62 is accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion.
The first step to collecting Fortbyte #62 is to make sure you have the Stratus Outfit equipped. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 71. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the abandoned mansion location. Fortunately, it is not hard to find. The abandoned mansion is located between Lonely Lodge and the race track. You can see its exact location on the map below.
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To find Fortbyte #62, you’ll need to head to the bottom floor of the mansion.
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If you land at the front of the abandoned mansion, you’ll see a big opening on the right side of the bottom floor. Go through the opening and you’ll find Fortbyte #62 sitting in front of you by a computer and a couch. As long as you’re wearing the Stratus Outfit, you can search the hidden item and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #63 can be found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields.
This clue will lead you to the gas station that is just north of Lucky Landing. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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As you land at the gas station, you’ll see Fortbyte #63 sitting in between two gas pumps.
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There are no tricks here. you can simply search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #64 is accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain. This is one of the easier Fortbyte locations so far! The first thing you need to do is change into the Rox skin, which unlocks at Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Then, you’ll want to head to stunt mountain, which is located on the left side of the map just below Pleasant Park. The exact location of Stunt Mountain can be seen on the map below.
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As you leave the Battle Bus, you’ll want to keep in mind that you need to land on the very top of stunt mountain, so don’t angle down at the ground too much.
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Once you land on top of stunt mountain, you should see Fortbyte #64 sitting close the ledge next to the sign that reads 111 m.
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Fortbyte #65 can be found in a basement movie set. This clue will lead players to the two houses that are located near Shifty Shafts. The exact locations of the houses can be seen on the map below.
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As you land close to the houses, you’ll want to head into the grayish colored home, which is marked by an arrow on the image below.
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Once inside, head downstairs where you will find Fortbyte #65 sitting next to a movie set!
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Fortbyte #67 is accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform.
To unlock this Fortbyte, you’ll need to have the Retaliator Glider unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 79. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Once you have the Glider unlocked and equipped, the rest is simple. To start, you’ll need to head to the southern most Sky Platform, which is marked on the map below.
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As you’re gliding over the platform, you should see some rings floating around the area, which you’ll need to glide through. It is important to note that you must be gliding, not skydiving when you go through the rings.
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As you head through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #67 unlocked and waiting to be added to your collection!
Fortbyte #68 can be found within a snowy town book shop.
This clue will lead players to the book shop in Happy Hamlet. It can be a bit hard to find, but it is located in the NW corner of Happy Hamlet. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
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As you land, you’ll want to look for a book shop called McGuffins. You can see the snowy town book shop in the image below.
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Head inside the book shop and go up the steps. As you go up the stairs, you should see Fortbyte #68 sitting on the floor waiting to be picked up!
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Fortbyte #69 can be found inside a stone pig building.
This clue should lead players to the giant stone pig that is located close to Lucky Landing. The exact location of the stone pig building can be seen on the map in the image below.
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As you get close to Lucky Landing, you should see the stone pig building sitting on a hill.
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Land on top of the pig, towards the head, and bust open the brick. Once you’re inside, you should see Fortbyte #69 waiting for you to pick up!
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Fortbyte #70 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with Vibrant Contrails.
To complete this challnege, you will need to have the Vibrant Contrail unlocked. This item is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenge guides.
Now that we have that sorted, equip the Vibrant Contrail and queue up a game. As the game begins, you’ll want to plan on heading to Lazy Lagoon. As you get close, you should see four rings in the sky.
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As you get close, hop off of the bus and glide over towards the rings. Once you are hovering over the first one, close your glider and begin skydiving through the four rings. If you need to reopen your glider between rings to get your position correct, that’s fine.
As you go through the last ring, you’ll see Fortbyte #70 waiting for you. To collect it, all you need to do is touch it!
Fortbyte #72 can be found within Salty Springs.
This is a rather vague hint, but now we know that we will need to head over to Salty Springs. If you need a refresher, it’s location can be seen on the map below.
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Once you’re close to Salty Springs, you’re going to want to look for a red truck that is flipped on its side. It should be close to a Reboot Van. You can see the red truck marked by an arrow in the picture below.
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Lank by the red truck and you’ll find Fortbyte #72 sitting inside!
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Fortbyte #74 can be found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast. This should lead us to John Wick’s mansion, just to the right of Paradise Palms. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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If you’re still not sure where to go, it should look like this as you’re getting close.
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Once you land, head inside through the garage. Go through the garage door and into the main part of the house.
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To your left, you should see a green painting on the wall and to the left of the painting you should see a door.
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That door will lead down to the basement, where you can find Fortbyte #74. As you go downstairs, you should see a filing cabinet along the back wall.
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Hit the filing cabinet a few times with your pickaxe to find and unlock Fortbyte #74!
Fortbye #75 can be found within an airport hangar.
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This clue is going to lead players to the hangar located in Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location on the map above.
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As you land at Frosty Flights, you’re going to want to go to the hangar with the solar panels in front of it.
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Head inside the hangar and you’ll see Fortbtye #75 sitting in a corner waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #76 can be found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building.
This clue will lead us to the insurance building that is located in Neo Tilted. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, as it is one of the main buildings in Neo Tilted. You can see what the insurance building looks like in the image below.
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Head to the first floor (the one above street level) and you should see a diorama set up. On your right, you’ll see a volcano display.
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Check behind the volcano and you’ll find Fortbyte #76 waiting for you!
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Fortbyte #77 is found within a track side taco shop. This is quite vague, but it should lead you to the bottom right hand corner of the map, near the race track. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
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As you get close, you should be able to clearly see the words “Tacos” illuminated from the back side of the building.
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Head inside and go left, and you should see Fortbyte #77 waiting for you!
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Fortbyte #78 can be found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake.
This clue will lead players to the newly updated Loot Lake.
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The Ranger Tower can be found on the NW side of the renovated area, overlooking the lake. You can see the Ranger Tower in the picture above.
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Climb up to the top and you’ll see Fortbyte #78 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #79 can be found within an arcade.
This clue is a bit vague, unless you just happen to know exactly where the arcade is located. If you’re like most of us, you don’t!
The arcade is located at the Mega Mall. Head over there and land towards the center of the biggest building in the Mega Mall area, where the Pizza Pit HQ is located.
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Face the Pizza Pit sign and turn around 180 degrees. Then, you should see the arcade on the middle floor.
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Go inside and look behind the counter and you’ll find Fortbyte #79 waiting for you!
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Fortbyte #80 is accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the volcano rim.
The first thing you’ll need to do to unlock Fortbyte #80 is have the Bunker Basher Pickaxe. The Bunker Basher Pickaxe is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 38. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
The next clue will obviously lead us to the giant volcano on the map. You’ll want to head to the spot designated by a red circle in the picture below once you get close to the volcano.
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When you land, you should see a rock. Crush the rock using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe and Fortbyte #80 will unlock!
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Fortbyte #81 is accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge. This clue will lead us to the bottom right corner of the map to the desert biome. There are tons of mountaintops and cacti in this biome, but you’ll want to head to the mountaintop near Paradise Palms, it can be seen circled in red on the map below.
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You can see the mountaintop that you want to head to in the picture below marked by a red arrow.
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Once you land on the mountaintop, you should see Fortbyte #81 close to the edge.
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It is important to note that Fortbyte #81 is only accessible during the day. This means that if you queue into a game and it is nighttime in the world of Fortnite, you’ll need to wait until it changes over to daytime, or queue up a new game.
This doesn’t mean that you can get Fortbyte #81 if it nighttime in real life while you’re playing, it simply means that in the world of Fortnite, it must be daytime.
Fortbyte #82 is one of the harder ones to get, mostly because it requires others. It can be found in the top left corner of the map, which is circled in red on the map below.
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Once you get there, you’ll see 3 pressure plates surrounding the Fortbyte. You’ll need to have all 3 pressure plates held down at all times for the Fortbyte to be accessible.
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So, you’ll either need to have a group of friends to help you or hope you get lucky and others are going there too and try to do it in Solos.
However, as time goes on it will likely get harder to do Solo. If you don’t have a squad of friends, it might be worth trying in Team Rumble. You’ll just have to use your mic and hope for some help.
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Another option is to find vehicles and drive them onto the pressure plates. This can be a bit time consuming, but if you’re desperate enough, it may be your only option.
Fortbyte #83 can be found in a rock garden near the coast.
This clue is going to lead us to the east coast of the map, to a small little garden.
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You can see the exact location of the rock garden on the map below.
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Once you land at the garden, you’ll see Fortbyte #83 sitting in by a rock waiting for you to pick it up!
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There aren’t any tricks here, no special skins or emotes. Simply pick it up and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #89 is accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #89, you’ll need to be using the Scarlet Strike Glider. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 39. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
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Now that you’ve gotten that settled, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, you should see some rings appear.
Fly through the rings using the Scarlet Strike Glider and you’ll find Fortbyte #89 waiting for you at the end close to a ramp!
Fortbyte #91 is found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4.
This can be confusing at first, but a little bit of investigative work will lead us to Paradise Palms.
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You’re going to be looking for a store called Keyboard King, which is located next to the tallest building in Paradise Palms.
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As you land, you should see an ATM in front of the building.
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Go up to the ATM and you’ll find Fortbyte #91 (also the hidden Week 4 Fortbyte).
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You can search the ATM to pick up Fortbyte #91 or you can destroy the ATM first then search the Fortbyte, either is fine!
Fortbyte #92 is accessible by using the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall. This means you’ll need to have the Rock Love Spary unlocked, which is earned at Level 2 of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
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Once you have that unlocked, you’ll need to head towards the lava flowing from the volcano. The exact location can be seen circled in red on the map below.
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You’ll find Fortbyte #92 on the first island in the lava. You’ll need to spray the Rock Love Spray before they Fortbyte will unlock. Once you spray the Rock Love Spray, you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #92.
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Fortbyte #94 is accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake.
Before you can begin the hunt for Fortbyte #94, you’ll need to make sure you have the Scarlet Scythe unlocked. This pickaxe is unlockabe by earning the Demi Outfit at Tier 87 of the Battle Pass. Once you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the Scarlet Scythe by collecting 70 Fortbytes.
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Once you’ve got all that sorted, head to the frozen lake that is north of Polar Peak. You can see its exact location on the map above.
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As you land, you should see a flat rooftop frozen in the lake. Land on top of it and bust your way through the ceiling.
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You should now be in a sporting goods store. Head up the steps and you’ll see a blue canoe on the wall next to a counter. Smash the canoe with your Scarlet Scythe and you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #94.
Fortbyte #95 can be found at a solar panel array in the jungle. This will lead players to the upper portion of the map, to the left of Sunny Steps. The exact location on the map of the solar panel array can be seen in the image below.
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As you get close, you should see the solar panel array to the right of the four lakes. Once you land, you’ll see Fortbyte #95 sitting in front of the solar panel waiting to be picked up!
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Fortbyte #97 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8.
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As the clue states, you’ll need Loading Screen #8 to find Fortbyte #97. However, you won’t need the screen itself, you’ll actually need the description, which reads, “Peely and Jonesy first met at Bao Bros. and instantly knew they would be friends forever.”
This clue will lead you to Bao Bros. in Lucky Landing. The Bao Bros. building is pretty easy to spot, because it has a giant dumpling on top of the building.
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As you land at Bao Bros., you’ll want to head to the second floor, where you’ll see Fortbyte #97 sitting by some exercise equipment.
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Even if you haven’t completed the Week 8 Challenges, you can still search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #98 is found within a viking longhouse.
This clue is going to lead us to the viking area in the icy region of the map. The exact location of the viking longhouse can be seen in the image below.
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The longhosue is well, the longest house in the area, and is located in the back of the viking mountain.
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As you go inside, you’ll see Fortbyte #98 sitting next to a couple of tables waiting to be searched!
Fortbyte #100 can be found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted.
This clue is obviously leading us to Neo Tilted, one of the most popular places in Fortnite.
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You’ll need to head to the tallest building in Neo Tilted, which is located in the northern portion of the busy city. The exact location on the map of the tallest building in Neo Tilted can be seen on the map above.
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As you’re landing in Neo Tilted, you’ll want to head to the building with the radio tower, which can be seen in the image above.
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Land on the roof and then bust through the ceiling. You’ll be dropped onto the highest floor where you’ll find Fortbyte #100 sitting right next to you!
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Source : IGN
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hamfan22 · 7 years
Chapter 32 (adopted)
-The next morning-
-Oaks Pov-
I wake up finding Nicole still by my side. “She’s still here, I wonder what she was scared of last night?” I ask myself. I gently and quietly get out of the bed and I put my robe on and go to Nicole’s room. Everything seemed fine, then I remember that she starts school in a few days. “That’s probably why she’s scared” I say to myself. I then see her backpack, she has already bought all the things she needs for school. “She’s going to be a junior, that means next year she’s going to be a senior and that means she’s going to be graduating and going off to college, I don’t think I’ll be ok if she goes somewhere out of state or if she’s dorms, she just came into my life, I don’t want her to leave” I say out loud. “That’s why I’m planning on taking online classes for college” I hear her say. I turn around and see Nicole standing a few feet away from me. “You are?” I ask her. “Yeah, I don’t want to leave either, that and Rachel, Diane and Maddie are doing it as well” she tells me. “That’s great” I say picking her up and hugging her. “I love you dad, I love you so much” she says to me. “I love you too sweetie, I love you so much” I tell her. I don’t put her down just yet. “So when does school start?” I ask her. “What’s today, sunday, and it’s already September 5th, so tomorrow” she says. “Tomorrow, wow summer went by so fast” I say. “Yeah it did, and I have everything I need for tomorrow, I did my summer read, well I did it during the first few weeks of summer vacation, and I have a lot of new clothes, thanks to Pippa, Renee and Jazzy, but I’m still kinda scared, what if I-” she says but I cut her off, hugging her a bit tighter. “You are going to be fine, you are going to be fantastic, and no matter what happens I’m going to be proud of you, I’m always proud of you” I tell her. “Thanks dad” she says to me. I put her down and I leave her to get dressed, I go to the kitchen and start making. After she does she comes to the kitchen and takes her anxiety medication. “So what’s for breakfast?” she asks me. “We are having chocolate chip pancakes” I tell her. “Alright! do you need any help dad?” she asks me. “I do need help, can you run to the convenience store down the street and get me a bag of flour, a bag of chocolate chips and something for yourself” I say handing her some money. “Ok, I’ll be right back” she says putting her shoes on and running out of the apartment. She returns a few minutes later with what I asked her to get and a few mangos. “They have mangos?” I ask her. “Yep, I love mangoes, so I bought three, is that ok?” she asks me. “It’s fine” I tell her. We make the pancakes and then Nicole sets the table and we eat.
-Time Skip-
After breakfast I ask Nicole if she wanted to do something we me, since today was her last day of summer vacation. “I would love to do something with you dad, what do you want to do?” she asks me. “Well I was think maybe we could just stay home and you could teach me how to play MineCraft, again, and we could make dinner together and I can help you pick out your outfit for your first day back to school” I tell her. “That sounds perfect, let’s do it!” she says. She sets up her X-Box and hands me a controler. “Ok so I hope you remember from the last time, lava is not your friend, do not go anywhere near it” she tells me. “I remember, I won’t go anywhere near the lava” I tell her laughing a little. “Great, let’s get started” Nicole says and we start playing. A few hours later we managed to build a decent tree house, with a nice front porch and Nicole added a waterfall and a lavafall (which is basicly the same thing as a waterfall on with lava). Our rooms were also decent, I was still learning how to play so their wasn’t really anything fancy in my room, just a bed, a bookshelf, a crafting table, a furnace, some chests, a door, some windows and a lot of torches. Nicole’s room, now that was a different story, she had a bed, a crafting table, a furnace, a few windows, a door and a lot of torches but she also had, an enchantment table a lot of diamond armor and a diamond sword and pickaxe and a lot of other things that I can’t remember the name of. After a few more hours we stopped playing and we decided on what we were going to have for dinner. “Can we have chicken parmesan for dinner dad?” she asks me. “Sure we can, let’s get started on dinner” I tell her. We start cooking dinner, once we’re done cooking we set the table and we eat. After we eat I help Nicole pick out her outfit for tomorrow. “Ok what about this?” she asks me showing me a pair of black jeans and a "Great Comet" shirt. “It’s great, just the shirt” I say. “The line that says “Helene is a slut” is not a good thing to wear to school” I say. “I forgot, I hate the dress code” she says picking out another shirt. “Ok what about this one?” she asks me holding up a shirt that says “And Peggy” on it. “I like this one” I say. “Me too” she says. “And I think I’ll wear my black sneakers” she says. “Sounds perfect” I say. “Thanks dad” she says giving me a hug. “You’re welcome sweetie” I say hugging her and picking her up. “Ok we have another 2 hours before you have to go to bed so what do you want to do?” I ask her. “I just want to stay like this, and do nothing else” she says. “Ok and we can watch TV” I say bringing her into the living room. I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on. I put on "Law And Order SVU". Nicole moves over a bit so she’s facing the TV. “I love this show” she says smiling. I smile and we start watching TV. After about 2 hours Nicole start to fall asleep. “Come little one, let’s get you to your bed” I say. I hear Nicole laugh a little. “I’m not little” she says softly. “If you’re not little then why do I call you my little girl?” I ask her. “Because you do and I let you” she says to me as I put her on her bed and tuck her in. “Good Night my little girl, I’ll be up early so I can walk you to school” I say. “Ok, thank you dad, I love you dad, good night” she says to me. I then set her alarm and I make sure to check that the windows were locked and the door was locked. I then turn off the TV and the lights and I go into my room. I get ready for bed and then I get into my own bed and fall asleep.
-The Next Morning-
I wake up at around 5:30am. I get dressed and then I go wake up Nicole. As I walk into her room I hear her alarm go off. “Nicole sweetie, where are you, it’s time to get ready for school?” I ask seeing that she isn’t in her bed or her room. “I’m right here dad, I needed to shower” she says walking into her room dressed and ready to go. “Did you take you anxiety medication?” I ask her. “Yep, I took it before I showered” she tells me. “Ok, I’ll go make us some breakfast” I say. “Ok I’ll be right out, I just need to finish getting ready” she tells me. “Ok” I say walking out of her room and into the kitchen. A few minutes later Nicole comes into the kitchen. “Ok so what’s for breakfast?” she asks. “I was thinking eggs and bacon, with some orange juice” I say. “Ok, do you need any help?” she asks me. “I do, can you get the eggs from the fridge, and the bacon too?” I ask her. “Ok” she says as she goes to the fridge and gets the eggs and the bacon. “Here you go dad, anything else I can help you with?” she asks me. “You can help me by cooking the bacon while I cook the eggs” I say. “Ok” she says smiling. She starts cooking the bacon and I start cooking the eggs. After we’re done cooking we set the table and Nicole gets the orange juice from the fridge and I get us two glasses and Nicole pours the orange juice into the glasses and we eat. After we eat Nicole and I put on our shoes and Nicole gets her backpack, her purse and her phone and we go. I walk Nicole to school and once we get to her school she goes to hug me. “I’ll see you after school dad, love you” she says to me. “I’ll be home all day, it’s Monday, a no show day so if you need anything just call me ok, and I’ll have dinner ready for you when you get home, love you too sweetie, have a great first day back” I tell her hugging her. “Thanks dad, I’ll see you later” she says walking into the school. I see James, Mackenzie and Philip, and Rachel, Diane, Maddie, Ariana, Ana, Mia, Ryan, Kyre, and Kevin walk over to her and they all walk into the school together. After I see that she’s safely inside the school I start to walk back to the apartment. I get back to the apartment and I sit down on the couch and turn the TV.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #38
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/fortnite-how-to-find-fortbyte-38/
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #38
Last Edited: July 17, 2019 at 6:24 PM
The Fortbyte Event came to Fortnite with the launch of Season 9 on May 9, 2019. Fortbytes are collectible computer chips that have been scattered across the map. There are a total of 100 Fortbytes and finding them all will unlock a hidden image which reveals information on Season 9. The image has yet to be uncovered.
New Fortbytes unlock every day, typically with only 1 new one per day. However, on the first day of Season 9, 18 Fortbytes were unlocked. The Fortbyte event is only available to Battle Pass owners.
Below is a table of all 100 Fortbytes and clues to gathering them (constantly updated). The majority of them are self explanatory, however some are not. A more specific and detailed walkthrough to finding the more difficult Fortbytes can be seen below.
If you see a blue number on the table below, you can click on it and it will take you directly to the walkthrough for that specific Fortbyte!
Fortbyte #: How to Find: #1 Gain 175,000 XP #2 Hidden within Loading Screen #6 #3 Accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point #4 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped #5 Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club #6 Accessible with Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert #7 Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella #8 Found within Junk Junction #9 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 5 #10 Gain 60,000 XP #11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot #12 Accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel #13 Found within location within Loading Screen #2 #14 Found within an RV Park #15 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 9 #16 Found in a desert house with too many chairs #17 Found inside a wooden fish building #18 Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot #19 Accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building #20 Found at the center of any of the first three storm circles #21 Found inside a metal llama building #22 Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass #23 Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint #24 Found within Fatal Fields #25 Battle Pass Tier 40 #26 Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker #27 Found somewhere within map location A4 #28 Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard #29 Found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin #30 Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park #31 Found at a meteor crater overlook #32 Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point #33 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10 #34 Found between a fork and knife #35 Gain 225,000 XP #36 Accessible by Sentinel of a frozen island #37 Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park #38 Accessible with the Vendetta Outfit at the northernmost Sky Platform #39 Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 #40 Accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert #41 Accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger #42 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 3 #43 Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand #44 Battle Pass Tier 20 #45 Awarded for completing all Season 9 Weekly Challenges #46 Battle Pass Tier 100 #47 Found between Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battlebus #48 Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne #49 Found in Trog’s ice cave #50 Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins #51 Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana Stand #52 Accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory #53 Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair #54 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 4 #55 Found within Haunted Hills  #56 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 10 #57 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 25 times #58 Accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores #59 Accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant #60 Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant #61 Accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall #62 Accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion #63 Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields #64 Accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain #65 Found in a basement movie set #66 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 75 times #67 Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform #68 Found within a snowy town book shop #69 Found inside a stone pig building #70 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped #71 Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 #72 Found within Salty Springs #73 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6 #74 Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast #75 Found within an airport hangar #76 Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building #77 Found within a track side taco shop #78 Found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake #79 Found within an arcade #80 Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim #81 Accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge #82 Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of the Block #83 Found in a rock garden near the coast #84 Battle Pass Tier 60 #85 Gain 30,000 XP #86  Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 8 #87 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, on Solos 50 times #88 Found somewhere within map location J3 #89 Accessibly by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores #90 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 100 times #91 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 #92 Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall #93 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 7 #94 Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake #95 Found at a solar panel array in the jungle #96 Battle Pass Tier 80 #97 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8 #98 Found within a viking longhouse #99 Gain 125,000 XP #100 Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Fortbyte #2 is hidden within Loading Screen #6. Additionally, it also serves as the Week 6 Hidden Fortbyte.
The key to finding Fortbyte #2 is hidden within the Week 6 Loading Screen and description, which can be seen above.
The description reads, “Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted.” This clue, combined with the loading screen itself, will lead us to the holo-clock tower building in Neo Tilted.
So, head to Neo Tilted and look for the big holo-clock tower building. If you’re not sure what it looks like, it can be seen in the picture above.
Once you find it, make sure to land on top. As you land, you should see Fortbyte #2 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #3 is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #3 is to make sure that you have the Skull Trooper Emoji unlocked. The Skull Trooper Emoji is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 58. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the western most point of the map, which can be seen in the image above.
As you land, you’ll see a small sign with a big W and a compass on it as well as Fortbyte #3.
Simply use the Skull Trooper Emoji and Fortbyte #3 will unlock and allow you to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #4 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped.
To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Plasma Trail Contrails unlocked and equipped. The Plasma Trail Contrails are unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 89. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, the next step is pretty simple.
All you need to do is head to Loot Lake and skydive through the four rings. The first ring will come up pretty quick after you get off the Bus, so make sure you’re ready!
As you go through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #4 waiting for you! It is important to note that you must skydive through the rings and not glide. However, you can glide in between the rings to make sure you’re on target.
Fortbyte #5 is accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #5 is to make sure that you have the Laid Back Shuffle Emote unlocked. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 95. If you haven’t made it that far, check out our Weekly Challenges guides to get some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the dance club in the snowy region of the map. You can see the exact location of the dance club on the map above.
You’ll find Fortbyte #5 sitting in the middle of the dance floor. Simply use the Laid Back Shuffle Emote and Fortbyte #5 will unlock and you’ll be able to add another Fortbyte to your collection.
Fortbyte #6 is accessible by using the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert. Before you do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Yay! emote unlocked, which is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 14. If you haven’t gotten that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Once you’ve dealt with that, you’ll need to head to the desert biome and find the ice cream shop location. The shop is located to the left of the race track, which is on the bottom right corner of the map. You can see its exact location on the map below.
As you’re flying over the ice cream shop, you should see it illuminated in neon.
As you land, go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #6. Simply use the Yay! emote and the Fortbyte will unlock!
Fortbyte #7 is accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella. This means that before you can do anything, you need to have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked. It is unlockable at Tier 8 of the Season 9 Battle Pass. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Week 2 challenge guide.
Once you have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked, queue up a game. You’ll want to head to the rocky area located just below The Block. It’s exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where you’re going, just head towards The Block. As you’re floating through the air, you’ll want to go to the location marked by the red arrow.
Once you get there, head down the path that takes you underground. On your right, you’ll see a wooden platform and Fortbyte #7. Grab some materials and build up to it.
Once you’re close, use the Cuddle Up Emoticon and Fortbyte #7 will unlock!
Fortbyte #8 can be found within Junk Junction. There are no hidden tricks that come with finding Fortbyte #8, it is as straight forward as it sounds. All you need to do is head to Junk Junction.
Once you’re there, head inside the main building and you’ll see Fortbyte #8 sitting on a mattress in plain sight.
Fortbyte #11 can be found beneath a circling jungle parrot.
This clue is a bit vague, but is going to lead players to the right of the Pressure Plant. You can see the exact location that you need to go to in the map below.
As you land, you should see a parrot circling Fortbyte #11.
Land next to the circling bird and you’ll see Fortbyte #11 sitting next to a tree waiting to be picked up!
Simply run up to it and search it like normal to add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #12 is accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #12, you’ll need to have the Nana Nana Spray unlocked. The Nana Nana Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 57. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the molten tunnel location which is located at the volcano. As you can see in the image above, you’ll need to head to the location where the lava stops flowing.
As you arrive, you should see a concrete tunnel. Hop on the rocks and go through the tunnel. On your right, you should see Fortbyte #12.
Use the Nana Nana Spray and Fortbyte #12 will unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #13 can be found at a location which is hidden within Loading Screen #2, which can be seen below.
This will lead you to bottom right corner of the map, which is circled in red.
Once you get there, you will see three dinosaurs and a small house close to the road. Go behind the small house where you will find a port-a-potty. Approach the portable restroom and you will see Fortbyte #13.
Fortbyte #14 can be found within an RV Park.
This clue will lead players to the RV park located to the left of Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the RV Park on the map in the image below.
As you land, you should see a green RV sitting in the center of the park.
Land next to that RV and you’ll see Fortbyte #14 waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #16 can be found in a desert house with too many chairs. This should lead players to the desert biome, just south of Paradise Palms. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re flying to the marked location, you’ll want to look for a small grouping of houses. This is where Fortbyte 16 is located. The exact house is marked by a red arrow on the image below.
Head into the bottom floor and you should see Fortbyte 16 sitting by a bed on the floor!
Fortbyte #17 can be found within a wooden fish building. This will lead you to the top right corner of the map, in the ponds between Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #17 inside of the wooden fish that is in the bottom left pond. Here is what it looks like flying over the pond.
Fortbyte #17 is located in the bottom part of the fish’s tail.
Fortbyte #18 can be found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot.
This clue is going to lead players to a small little shed between the two Named Locations.
You can see the exact location of the shed on the map above.
As you land, you should see a shed sitting next to a pine tree.
Head inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #18 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbtye #19 is accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building.
The first step to finding Fortbtye #19 is making sure you’re wearing the Vega Outfit. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn XP.
Now that that is sorted, you’ll need to find the spaceship building. You can find the spaceship south of Shifty Shafts just past the mountain. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re getting close, you’ll see the giant metal spaceship. Head to the front side, which is indicated in the image below by a red arrow.
Once you land, you’ll see a ramp connecting the middle of the ship to the front. As you can see in the picture below, Fortbyte #19 is right behind that ramp.
Destroy the ramp and as long as you’re wearing the Vega Outfit, you can add Fortbyte #19 to your collection!
Fortbyte #20 is found at the center of any of the first three storm circles.
This is one of the strangest hidden items to unlock during the Fortbyte event. It is a little bit strange, because the location is going to be different for every player. However, the premise is still the same, you can find Fortbyte #20 in the center of any of the first three storms.
You can go about this in many different ways, however we would suggest taking your time on the Battle Bus and gliding to the ground, as you wait for the first storm to form.
So, hop on the Battle Bus and ride it out until it forces you off. Once you’re kicked out, open your glider and float for as long as you can.
About halfway to the ground, the storm will form. Open your map, find the center, and set a marker. Then, you can glide to the spot you marked and find Fortbyte #20!
You’ll be able to recognize it by the purple lightning bolt. Simply run up to the Fortbyte, search it like normal, and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #21 can be found inside a metal llama building.
This clue is going to lead players to the giant metal llama just above Junk Junction. You can see the exact location of the metal llama on the map below.
As you land at the llama, you’ll want to land on its back, where you should see a metal door leading into its neck.
Head through the door and go down the ramp.
Pretty quickly, you should run into Fortbyte #21 and will be able to pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #22 is accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have Rox Spray unlocked in the Season 9 Battle Pass. Rox Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 6.
Once you’ve made sure that you have it unlocked, you’ll need to head to Neo Tilted. The underpass is located on the bottom left side of Neo Tilted. It’s exact location on the map can be seen below.
As you’re flying over Neo Tilted, look for an 18 wheeler on the ground, this will help lead you to Fortbyte #22. As you’re flying over, it looks like this.
Land by the 18 wheeler and you should see Fortbyte #22 a few steps ahead of you. Make sure to use the Rox Spray to unlock it, then you will be able to search it and add it to your collection of Fortbytes.
Fortbyte #23 can be found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint.
This clue is going to lead players a mountaintop to the west of Loot Lake. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #23 on the map above.
As you land on top of the mountain, you should see Fortbyte #23 sitting along the edge by a tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #24 can be found within Fatal Fields. Once you land at Fatal Fields, head to the main house. Once inside, go up the steps to the second floor. Enter the second room on your right and you find Fortbyte #24 in the back right corner between the desk and reading table.
Fortbyte #26 is accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #26, you’ll need to have unlocked the Bunker Jonesy outfit, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now, you’ll need to find the snowy bunker location. This clue will lead you to a tiny snowy island that is located off of the main island. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you should see a small wooden bunker (it is more of a shack), which the arrow is pointing to in the image below.
Once you land, run inside the snowy bunker and you’ll find Fortbyte #26 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #27 can be found somewhere within map location A4.
While this clue is a bit vague, it should give players a pretty good idea of the general location of Fortbyte #27.
As you can see in the map above, you’re going to want to head just north of Snobby Shores, to the right of a small mountain.
As you land, you should see Fortbyte #27 sitting next to a tree, ready to be picked up.
Fortbyte #28 is accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard.
This is one of the more unique and harder Fortbytes released so far in the event and will likely take a bit of time to unlock.
For starters, you’ll need to head to the desert junkyard location, which is located to the south of Paradise Palms.
As you can see on the map above, you’re going to want to land at the northeast corner of the junkyard. As you land, you should see a couple of colorful panels against a wall with a lever in front of them.
To unlock Fortbyte #28, you need to pull the lever and watch the panels, memorizing which ones light up. Then, you’ll need to repeat the pattern by hitting the panels with your pickaxe or by shooting them with a gun.
You’ll have to go through a few rounds of this, but if you repeat every pattern successfully, then Fortbyte #28 will unlock!
Fortbyte #29 can be found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin.
This clue is going to lead players to the icy region, just above Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #29 on the map below.
As you land, you should see Crackshot’s Cabin sitting among some trees covered in snow.
Head inside and you’ll find a Christmas tree sitting by the fireplace.
Head towards the tree and you’ll find Fortbyte #29 underneath the tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #30 can be found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park.
This clue is pretty clear, to find Fortbyte #30, you’ll need to look between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. While this clue is a little bit vague, finding Fortbyte #30 isn’t difficult at all. The exact location of Fortbyte #30 can be seen on the map below.
As you can see, Fortbyte #30 can be found right next to the bottom of the mountain next to Haunted Hills.
Close to the mountain, you’ll see two big trees. Fortbyte #30 will be sitting in between those two trees waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #31 can be found at a meteor crater overlook. This should lead us to the biggest crater hole on the map, Dusty Divot.
In order to find Fortbyte #31, you’ll need to be overlooking the crater hole. There just so happens to be a perfect spot to overlook Dusty Divot behind Dusty Diner.
You’ll want to head to the warehouse closest to the Divot. Once you’re inside, you will see Fortbyte #31 sitting on a walkway, waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #32 is accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point of the map. The first thing that you’ll need to do is have the Kyo Pet Back Bling unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 28.
If you don’t have it unlocked, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northern most point of the map. The will lead you to a small point on the top of the map, its exact location can be seen on the map below.
Fortbyte #32 will be sitting next to some rocks. As long as you have the Kyo Pet Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to pick it up (as you can see, I don’t have it Back Bling unlocked).
Fortbyte #33 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10.
As you can see in the Loading Screen above, there aren’t any obvious clues shown that could indicate the location of Fortbtye #33. However, if you read the description, you’ll find that it reads, “You’re a long way from Lonely Lodge…”
In a strange way, this clue is actually leading players to Lonely Lodge. So, hop on the Battle Bus and drop at the main cabin at Lonely Lodge.
If you’re standing on the south end of the main cabin, you should see a smaller building to your left.
If you go inside, you’ll find Fortbyte #33 sitting in the middle of the room waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #34 can be found between a fork and knife.
This clue will lead players to an underground location next to Fatal Fields. You can see the exact fork and knife location on the map below.
As you land, you should see a fork and knife outline in the grass below you.
You’re going to want to head to the handle portion of the knife to find Fortbyte #34.
Once you’re at the bottom of the knife, you’ll see a small wooden wall that you can bust down. Behind that wall you’ll find Fortbyte #34 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #36 can be found by Sentinel on a frozen island. The first thing you need to do is be dressed as the Sentinel, who is unlocked in Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Once you’re dressed as Sentinel, head to leftmost frozen island on the bottom left corner of the map. You can see the island below circled in red.
Once you’re at the island, you’ll see Fortbyte #36 close to the edge.
Fortbyte #37 can be found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park.
This clue is going to lead players to the northern edge of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location on the map below.
Head inside the front door of the house and go through the first door on your left. If you look underneath the staircase, you’ll find another hidden staircase that leads to the basement.
Once in the basement, you’ll find a cabinet with a half built wall behind it. Bust out the wall and you’ll see a metal door leading to the bunker.
Go through the door and you should see Fortbyte #37 sitting in the kitchen floor waiting to be picked up! As you can see, others got here before I did, but there are normally lots of kitchen appliances!
Fortbyte #38 is accessible with the Vendetta Outfit at the northernmost Sky Platform.
The first step to unlocking this Fortbyte is to make sure that you have the Vendetta Outfit unlocked. This outfit in unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 100. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northernmost Sky Platform, which is located just below Lazy Lagoon. You can see the exact location on the map above.
As you land, you’ll want to head to the middle room of the Sky Platform on the upper floor. Inside that room you’ll find Fortbyte #38 unlocked as long as you’re wearing the Vendetta Outfit.
Fortbyte #40 is accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert.
Before players can even think about hunting down the hidden item, they’ll need to make sure that they have the Demi Outfit unlocked. You can unlock the Demi Outfit at Battle Pass Tier 87. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that that’s sorted, you’ll need to head to the sundial in the desert, which is located to the east of Fatal Fields. You can see the exact location on the map below.
The sundial is located on top of a small mountain.
Simply land on top of the mountain and as long as you’re wearing the Demi Outfit you’ll find Fortbyte #40 unlocked and waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #41 is accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger. In order to unlock Fortbyte #41, you’ll need to have reached Battle Pass Tier 3. If you’ve done that, then you’re ready to unlock the Fortbyte.
Durrr Burger is located in Neo Tilted. It is the biggest building in the area and has a rotating holographic hamburger on top of the building.
Once you’ve found it, land at the building and go into the bottom floor. You’ll see a counter and menus, hop over the counter and head right. You’ll see Fortbyte #41 sitting by a fryer.
Use the Tomatohead emoticon and you’ll be able to pick it up!
Fortbyte #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand.
The first piece to this puzzle is going to be making sure that you have the Nana Cape Back Bling unlocked. To do this, you’ll first need to have the Bunker Jonesy skin unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to have completed the Jonesy challenge which requires you to collect 40 different Fortbytes. Doing so will unlock the Nana Cape Back Bling.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the banana stand in Neo Tilted. As you can see on the map above, the banana stand is located on the bottom left corner of Neo Tilted.
As you land, you’ll see a big, bright yellow banana stand.
Head inside and you should see Fortbyte #43. As long as you have the Nana Cape Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #47 can be found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed Battlebus. You can see it’s location in red on the map in the picture below.
As you land in the trees, you should see a green camper with an umbrella and some loot.
Head to the left of the camper and you’ll see Fortbyte #47.
Fortbyte #48 is accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #48, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Vox Pickaxe unlocked. The Vox Pickaxe is unloackable at Battle Pass Tier 55. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you’ve got all that figured out, you’ll need to head to the gnome beside a mountaintop throne. This location is in the icy region of Fortnite and can be seen on the map below.
As you land on the top of the mountain, you should see a big rock with a toilet and a gnome in front of it. Destroy the gnome with the Vox Pickaxe and Fortbyte #48 will reveal itself.
You can then search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #49 can be found in Trog’s ice cave.
This clue is a bit vague, but will lead us to the icy region of the map. Specifically, you’ll find the ice cave location between Happy Hamlet and Frosty Flights. The exact ice cave location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should see a bunch of icy trees. In the middle of the tree’s is a big opening which leads to Trog’s ice cave.
Drop down into the cave, and you should see Trog’s house right next to you.
Go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #49 sitting by some teddy bears!
Fortbyte #50 is accessible at night time inside a mountain top castle ruins. This one is pretty simple, the only thing to note is that it must be night time in the world of Fortnite for Fortbyte #50 to unlock.
The mountain top castle ruins location can be found close to Haunted Hills. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the lowest spot on top of the mountain, so that you’re truly inside the mountain top castle ruins
Follow the arrow in the picture above and it’ll lead you right to Fortbyte #50.
As long as it is night time, you can pick it up and be on your way.
Fortbyte #51 is accessibly by using the Cluck Strut dance to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana stand.
In order to begin this challenge, you’ll need to have unlocked the Cluck Strut dance, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 31. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to Peely’s Banana stand, which is located in Neo Tilted. It’s exact location can be seen on the map above.
Once you land, you’ll see a crosswalk leading to the fruit stand. Use the Cluck Strut dance as you slowly walk across the street and Fortbyte #51 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the dance unlocked so the Fortbyte won’t unlock for me.)
Fortbyte #52 is accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #52, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Bot Spray unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 85. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to find the robot factory location. Fortunately, this can be found at the Pressure Plant.
You’ll want to go the top portion of the Pressure Plant and head to the east side. The red arrow in the image above points to the exact location of Fortbyte #52.
Use the Bot Spray next to Fortbyte #52 to unlock it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #53 is accessible by helping raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair.
This clue is going to take you to the mountain close to Snobby Shores. You can see the exact location on the map below.
You’re going to need to head to the very bottom of the abandoned mountaintop villain lair to find the disco ball. The easiest was to get to the disco ball is to land about halfway down the west side of the mountain.
You should see a platform that you can land on, which will lead you inside the lair and take you directly to the disco ball.
To complete this challenge, you’ll need one other player to help you. You’ll both need to stand on a piece of the dance floor and dance until you raise the disco ball to the top of the pole.
Once the disco ball has been raised, Fortbyte #53 will unlock and you can pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #55 can be found at Haunted Hills. So, go ahead and hop in a game and head to Haunted Hills. If you can’t remember where it is, you can see Haunted Hills circled in red on the map below.
Once you’re close, you’ll want to head to the building to the right of building with the tall tower (if you’re facing the back of that building). The building you want to go to has an arrow pointing to it in the picture below.
Walk inside and you’ll find Fortbyte #55 ready for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #58 is accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #58 is to make sure you have the Sad Trombone Emote unlocked. The Sad Trombone Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, if you’re facing the houses, you’ll find Fortbyte #58 at the rightmost house on the pavement in front of the house.
Once you’ve landed at Fortbyte #58, simply use the Sad Trombone Emote to unlock it. You’ll then be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #59 is accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant.
This clue is going to lead us to the Pizza Pit HQ at the Mega Mall, which can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to head to the first floor (one above ground level). As you go in, you should see the ordering counter.
Hop over the counter and head left, you should see Fortbyte #59 pretty quick, sitting next to a wall.
Use the Durrr! Emoji and Fortbyte #59 should unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #60 is accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked. The Sign Spinner Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 63. If you haven’t made it that far, you can check out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to head to the Happy Oink restaurant in Happy Hamlet.
You’ll find Happy Oink in the center of Happy Hamlet. The pig sign outside of the restaurant will make it easy to recognize.
Despite what the clue says, you’ll need to use the Sign Spinner Emote inside the restaurant in order to unlock Fortbyte #60.
So, go inside and hop over the counter. Once you do that, you’ll find Fortbyte #60 sitting on the floor. Use the Sign Spinner Emote to unlock it and then you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #61 is accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall.
The first thing that is needed to unlock Fortbyte #61 is the Sunbird Spray, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the frozen waterfall location, which can be found on the mountain next to Snobby Shores. It’s exact location can be see on the map image below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the upper portion of the waterfall (not the top, just not the bottom). You’ll see what I mean by looking at the red circle in the image below.
Once you land, use the Sunbird Spray on the waterfall and Fortbyte #61 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the Sunbird Spray unlocked, which is why the image shows it as locked.)
Fortbyte #62 is accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion.
The first step to collecting Fortbyte #62 is to make sure you have the Stratus Outfit equipped. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 71. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the abandoned mansion location. Fortunately, it is not hard to find. The abandoned mansion is located between Lonely Lodge and the race track. You can see its exact location on the map below.
To find Fortbyte #62, you’ll need to head to the bottom floor of the mansion.
If you land at the front of the abandoned mansion, you’ll see a big opening on the right side of the bottom floor. Go through the opening and you’ll find Fortbyte #62 sitting in front of you by a computer and a couch. As long as you’re wearing the Stratus Outfit, you can search the hidden item and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #63 can be found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields.
This clue will lead you to the gas station that is just north of Lucky Landing. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you land at the gas station, you’ll see Fortbyte #63 sitting in between two gas pumps.
There are no tricks here. you can simply search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #64 is accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain. This is one of the easier Fortbyte locations so far! The first thing you need to do is change into the Rox skin, which unlocks at Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Then, you’ll want to head to stunt mountain, which is located on the left side of the map just below Pleasant Park. The exact location of Stunt Mountain can be seen on the map below.
As you leave the Battle Bus, you’ll want to keep in mind that you need to land on the very top of stunt mountain, so don’t angle down at the ground too much.
Once you land on top of stunt mountain, you should see Fortbyte #64 sitting close the ledge next to the sign that reads 111 m.
Fortbyte #65 can be found in a basement movie set. This clue will lead players to the two houses that are located near Shifty Shafts. The exact locations of the houses can be seen on the map below.
As you land close to the houses, you’ll want to head into the grayish colored home, which is marked by an arrow on the image below.
Once inside, head downstairs where you will find Fortbyte #65 sitting next to a movie set!
Fortbyte #67 is accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform.
To unlock this Fortbyte, you’ll need to have the Retaliator Glider unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 79. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Once you have the Glider unlocked and equipped, the rest is simple. To start, you’ll need to head to the southern most Sky Platform, which is marked on the map below.
As you’re gliding over the platform, you should see some rings floating around the area, which you’ll need to glide through. It is important to note that you must be gliding, not skydiving when you go through the rings.
As you head through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #67 unlocked and waiting to be added to your collection!
Fortbyte #68 can be found within a snowy town book shop.
This clue will lead players to the book shop in Happy Hamlet. It can be a bit hard to find, but it is located in the NW corner of Happy Hamlet. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to look for a book shop called McGuffins. You can see the snowy town book shop in the image below.
Head inside the book shop and go up the steps. As you go up the stairs, you should see Fortbyte #68 sitting on the floor waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #69 can be found inside a stone pig building.
This clue should lead players to the giant stone pig that is located close to Lucky Landing. The exact location of the stone pig building can be seen on the map in the image below.
As you get close to Lucky Landing, you should see the stone pig building sitting on a hill.
Land on top of the pig, towards the head, and bust open the brick. Once you’re inside, you should see Fortbyte #69 waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #70 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with Vibrant Contrails.
To complete this challnege, you will need to have the Vibrant Contrail unlocked. This item is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenge guides.
Now that we have that sorted, equip the Vibrant Contrail and queue up a game. As the game begins, you’ll want to plan on heading to Lazy Lagoon. As you get close, you should see four rings in the sky.
As you get close, hop off of the bus and glide over towards the rings. Once you are hovering over the first one, close your glider and begin skydiving through the four rings. If you need to reopen your glider between rings to get your position correct, that’s fine.
As you go through the last ring, you’ll see Fortbyte #70 waiting for you. To collect it, all you need to do is touch it!
Fortbyte #72 can be found within Salty Springs.
This is a rather vague hint, but now we know that we will need to head over to Salty Springs. If you need a refresher, it’s location can be seen on the map below.
Once you’re close to Salty Springs, you’re going to want to look for a red truck that is flipped on its side. It should be close to a Reboot Van. You can see the red truck marked by an arrow in the picture below.
Lank by the red truck and you’ll find Fortbyte #72 sitting inside!
Fortbyte #74 can be found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast. This should lead us to John Wick’s mansion, just to the right of Paradise Palms. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where to go, it should look like this as you’re getting close.
Once you land, head inside through the garage. Go through the garage door and into the main part of the house.
To your left, you should see a green painting on the wall and to the left of the painting you should see a door.
That door will lead down to the basement, where you can find Fortbyte #74. As you go downstairs, you should see a filing cabinet along the back wall.
Hit the filing cabinet a few times with your pickaxe to find and unlock Fortbyte #74!
Fortbye #75 can be found within an airport hangar.
This clue is going to lead players to the hangar located in Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location on the map above.
As you land at Frosty Flights, you’re going to want to go to the hangar with the solar panels in front of it.
Head inside the hangar and you’ll see Fortbtye #75 sitting in a corner waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #76 can be found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building.
This clue will lead us to the insurance building that is located in Neo Tilted. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, as it is one of the main buildings in Neo Tilted. You can see what the insurance building looks like in the image below.
Head to the first floor (the one above street level) and you should see a diorama set up. On your right, you’ll see a volcano display.
Check behind the volcano and you’ll find Fortbyte #76 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #77 is found within a track side taco shop. This is quite vague, but it should lead you to the bottom right hand corner of the map, near the race track. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should be able to clearly see the words “Tacos” illuminated from the back side of the building.
Head inside and go left, and you should see Fortbyte #77 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #78 can be found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake.
This clue will lead players to the newly updated Loot Lake.
The Ranger Tower can be found on the NW side of the renovated area, overlooking the lake. You can see the Ranger Tower in the picture above.
Climb up to the top and you’ll see Fortbyte #78 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #79 can be found within an arcade.
This clue is a bit vague, unless you just happen to know exactly where the arcade is located. If you’re like most of us, you don’t!
The arcade is located at the Mega Mall. Head over there and land towards the center of the biggest building in the Mega Mall area, where the Pizza Pit HQ is located.
Face the Pizza Pit sign and turn around 180 degrees. Then, you should see the arcade on the middle floor.
Go inside and look behind the counter and you’ll find Fortbyte #79 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #80 is accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the volcano rim.
The first thing you’ll need to do to unlock Fortbyte #80 is have the Bunker Basher Pickaxe. The Bunker Basher Pickaxe is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 38. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
The next clue will obviously lead us to the giant volcano on the map. You’ll want to head to the spot designated by a red circle in the picture below once you get close to the volcano.
When you land, you should see a rock. Crush the rock using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe and Fortbyte #80 will unlock!
Fortbyte #81 is accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge. This clue will lead us to the bottom right corner of the map to the desert biome. There are tons of mountaintops and cacti in this biome, but you’ll want to head to the mountaintop near Paradise Palms, it can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You can see the mountaintop that you want to head to in the picture below marked by a red arrow.
Once you land on the mountaintop, you should see Fortbyte #81 close to the edge.
It is important to note that Fortbyte #81 is only accessible during the day. This means that if you queue into a game and it is nighttime in the world of Fortnite, you’ll need to wait until it changes over to daytime, or queue up a new game.
This doesn’t mean that you can get Fortbyte #81 if it nighttime in real life while you’re playing, it simply means that in the world of Fortnite, it must be daytime.
Fortbyte #82 is one of the harder ones to get, mostly because it requires others. It can be found in the top left corner of the map, which is circled in red on the map below.
Once you get there, you’ll see 3 pressure plates surrounding the Fortbyte. You’ll need to have all 3 pressure plates held down at all times for the Fortbyte to be accessible.
So, you’ll either need to have a group of friends to help you or hope you get lucky and others are going there too and try to do it in Solos.
However, as time goes on it will likely get harder to do Solo. If you don’t have a squad of friends, it might be worth trying in Team Rumble. You’ll just have to use your mic and hope for some help.
Another option is to find vehicles and drive them onto the pressure plates. This can be a bit time consuming, but if you’re desperate enough, it may be your only option.
Fortbyte #83 can be found in a rock garden near the coast.
This clue is going to lead us to the east coast of the map, to a small little garden.
You can see the exact location of the rock garden on the map below.
Once you land at the garden, you’ll see Fortbyte #83 sitting in by a rock waiting for you to pick it up!
There aren’t any tricks here, no special skins or emotes. Simply pick it up and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #88 can be found somewhere within map location J3.
You’ll find quadrant J3 on the east side of the map just above Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the quadrant on the map below.
This is a unique Fortbyte in that it can spawn anywhere inside the quadrant, so you’ll need to have a look around to find it.
For me, Fortbyte #88 was located by the small house on the south portion of J3. However, I have also seen it by the trees in the middle of the quadrant and other places.Thankfully, it is usually pretty obvious, so just have a look around and you’ll find it rather quick.
Fortbyte #89 is accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #89, you’ll need to be using the Scarlet Strike Glider. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 39. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you’ve gotten that settled, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, you should see some rings appear.
Fly through the rings using the Scarlet Strike Glider and you’ll find Fortbyte #89 waiting for you at the end close to a ramp!
Fortbyte #91 is found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4.
This can be confusing at first, but a little bit of investigative work will lead us to Paradise Palms.
You’re going to be looking for a store called Keyboard King, which is located next to the tallest building in Paradise Palms.
As you land, you should see an ATM in front of the building.
Go up to the ATM and you’ll find Fortbyte #91 (also the hidden Week 4 Fortbyte).
You can search the ATM to pick up Fortbyte #91 or you can destroy the ATM first then search the Fortbyte, either is fine!
Fortbyte #92 is accessible by using the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall. This means you’ll need to have the Rock Love Spary unlocked, which is earned at Level 2 of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Once you have that unlocked, you’ll need to head towards the lava flowing from the volcano. The exact location can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #92 on the first island in the lava. You’ll need to spray the Rock Love Spray before they Fortbyte will unlock. Once you spray the Rock Love Spray, you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #92.
Fortbyte #94 is accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake.
Before you can begin the hunt for Fortbyte #94, you’ll need to make sure you have the Scarlet Scythe unlocked. This pickaxe is unlockabe by earning the Demi Outfit at Tier 87 of the Battle Pass. Once you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the Scarlet Scythe by collecting 70 Fortbytes.
Once you’ve got all that sorted, head to the frozen lake that is north of Polar Peak. You can see its exact location on the map above.
As you land, you should see a flat rooftop frozen in the lake. Land on top of it and bust your way through the ceiling.
You should now be in a sporting goods store. Head up the steps and you’ll see a blue canoe on the wall next to a counter. Smash the canoe with your Scarlet Scythe and you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #94.
Fortbyte #95 can be found at a solar panel array in the jungle. This will lead players to the upper portion of the map, to the left of Sunny Steps. The exact location on the map of the solar panel array can be seen in the image below.
As you get close, you should see the solar panel array to the right of the four lakes. Once you land, you’ll see Fortbyte #95 sitting in front of the solar panel waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #97 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8.
As the clue states, you’ll need Loading Screen #8 to find Fortbyte #97. However, you won’t need the screen itself, you’ll actually need the description, which reads, “Peely and Jonesy first met at Bao Bros. and instantly knew they would be friends forever.”
This clue will lead you to Bao Bros. in Lucky Landing. The Bao Bros. building is pretty easy to spot, because it has a giant dumpling on top of the building.
As you land at Bao Bros., you’ll want to head to the second floor, where you’ll see Fortbyte #97 sitting by some exercise equipment.
Even if you haven’t completed the Week 8 Challenges, you can still search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #98 is found within a viking longhouse.
This clue is going to lead us to the viking area in the icy region of the map. The exact location of the viking longhouse can be seen in the image below.
The longhosue is well, the longest house in the area, and is located in the back of the viking mountain.
As you go inside, you’ll see Fortbyte #98 sitting next to a couple of tables waiting to be searched!
Fortbyte #100 can be found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted.
This clue is obviously leading us to Neo Tilted, one of the most popular places in Fortnite.
You’ll need to head to the tallest building in Neo Tilted, which is located in the northern portion of the busy city. The exact location on the map of the tallest building in Neo Tilted can be seen on the map above.
As you’re landing in Neo Tilted, you’ll want to head to the building with the radio tower, which can be seen in the image above.
Land on the roof and then bust through the ceiling. You’ll be dropped onto the highest floor where you’ll find Fortbyte #100 sitting right next to you!
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #21
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Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #21
Last Edited: July 16, 2019 at 6:45 PM
The Fortbyte Event came to Fortnite with the launch of Season 9 on May 9, 2019. Fortbytes are collectible computer chips that have been scattered across the map. There are a total of 100 Fortbytes and finding them all will unlock a hidden image which reveals information on Season 9. The image has yet to be uncovered.
New Fortbytes unlock every day, typically with only 1 new one per day. However, on the first day of Season 9, 18 Fortbytes were unlocked. The Fortbyte event is only available to Battle Pass owners.
Below is a table of all 100 Fortbytes and clues to gathering them (constantly updated). The majority of them are self explanatory, however some are not. A more specific and detailed walkthrough to finding the more difficult Fortbytes can be seen below.
If you see a blue number on the table below, you can click on it and it will take you directly to the walkthrough for that specific Fortbyte!
Fortbyte #: How to Find: #1 Gain 175,000 XP #2 Hidden within Loading Screen #6 #3 Accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point #4 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped #5 Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club #6 Accessible with Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert #7 Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella #8 Found within Junk Junction #9 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 5 #10 Gain 60,000 XP #11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot #12 Accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel #13 Found within location within Loading Screen #2 #14 Found within an RV Park #15 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 9 #16 Found in a desert house with too many chairs #17 Found inside a wooden fish building #18 Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot #19 Accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building #20 Found at the center of any of the first three storm circles #21 Found inside a metal llama building #22 Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass #23 Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint #24 Found within Fatal Fields #25 Battle Pass Tier 40 #26 Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker #27 Found somewhere within map location A4 #28 Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard #29 Found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin #30 Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park #31 Found at a meteor crater overlook #32 Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point #33 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10 #34 Found between a fork and knife #35 Gain 225,000 XP #36 Accessible by Sentinel of a frozen island #37 Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park #38  ? #39 Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 #40 Accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert #41 Accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger #42 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 3 #43 Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand #44 Battle Pass Tier 20 #45 Awarded for completing all Season 9 Weekly Challenges #46 Battle Pass Tier 100 #47 Found between Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battlebus #48 Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne #49 Found in Trog’s ice cave #50 Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins #51 Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana Stand #52 Accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory #53 Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair #54 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 4 #55 Found within Haunted Hills  #56 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 10 #57 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 25 times #58 Accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores #59 Accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant #60 Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant #61 Accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall #62 Accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion #63 Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields #64 Accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain #65 Found in a basement movie set #66 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 75 times #67 Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform #68 Found within a snowy town book shop #69 Found inside a stone pig building #70 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped #71 Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 #72 Found within Salty Springs #73 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6 #74 Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast #75 Found within an airport hangar #76 Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building #77 Found within a track side taco shop #78 Found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake #79 Found within an arcade #80 Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim #81 Accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge #82 Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of the Block #83 Found in a rock garden near the coast #84 Battle Pass Tier 60 #85 Gain 30,000 XP #86  Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 8 #87 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, on Solos 50 times #88 Found somewhere within map location J3 #89 Accessibly by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores #90 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 100 times #91 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 #92 Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall #93 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 7 #94 Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake #95 Found at a solar panel array in the jungle #96 Battle Pass Tier 80 #97 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8 #98 Found within a viking longhouse #99 Gain 125,000 XP #100 Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Fortbyte #2 is hidden within Loading Screen #6. Additionally, it also serves as the Week 6 Hidden Fortbyte.
The key to finding Fortbyte #2 is hidden within the Week 6 Loading Screen and description, which can be seen above.
The description reads, “Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted.” This clue, combined with the loading screen itself, will lead us to the holo-clock tower building in Neo Tilted.
So, head to Neo Tilted and look for the big holo-clock tower building. If you’re not sure what it looks like, it can be seen in the picture above.
Once you find it, make sure to land on top. As you land, you should see Fortbyte #2 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #3 is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #3 is to make sure that you have the Skull Trooper Emoji unlocked. The Skull Trooper Emoji is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 58. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the western most point of the map, which can be seen in the image above.
As you land, you’ll see a small sign with a big W and a compass on it as well as Fortbyte #3.
Simply use the Skull Trooper Emoji and Fortbyte #3 will unlock and allow you to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #4 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped.
To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Plasma Trail Contrails unlocked and equipped. The Plasma Trail Contrails are unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 89. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, the next step is pretty simple.
All you need to do is head to Loot Lake and skydive through the four rings. The first ring will come up pretty quick after you get off the Bus, so make sure you’re ready!
As you go through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #4 waiting for you! It is important to note that you must skydive through the rings and not glide. However, you can glide in between the rings to make sure you’re on target.
Fortbyte #5 is accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #5 is to make sure that you have the Laid Back Shuffle Emote unlocked. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 95. If you haven’t made it that far, check out our Weekly Challenges guides to get some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the dance club in the snowy region of the map. You can see the exact location of the dance club on the map above.
You’ll find Fortbyte #5 sitting in the middle of the dance floor. Simply use the Laid Back Shuffle Emote and Fortbyte #5 will unlock and you’ll be able to add another Fortbyte to your collection.
Fortbyte #6 is accessible by using the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert. Before you do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Yay! emote unlocked, which is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 14. If you haven’t gotten that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Once you’ve dealt with that, you’ll need to head to the desert biome and find the ice cream shop location. The shop is located to the left of the race track, which is on the bottom right corner of the map. You can see its exact location on the map below.
As you’re flying over the ice cream shop, you should see it illuminated in neon.
As you land, go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #6. Simply use the Yay! emote and the Fortbyte will unlock!
Fortbyte #7 is accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella. This means that before you can do anything, you need to have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked. It is unlockable at Tier 8 of the Season 9 Battle Pass. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Week 2 challenge guide.
Once you have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked, queue up a game. You’ll want to head to the rocky area located just below The Block. It’s exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where you’re going, just head towards The Block. As you’re floating through the air, you’ll want to go to the location marked by the red arrow.
Once you get there, head down the path that takes you underground. On your right, you’ll see a wooden platform and Fortbyte #7. Grab some materials and build up to it.
Once you’re close, use the Cuddle Up Emoticon and Fortbyte #7 will unlock!
Fortbyte #8 can be found within Junk Junction. There are no hidden tricks that come with finding Fortbyte #8, it is as straight forward as it sounds. All you need to do is head to Junk Junction.
Once you’re there, head inside the main building and you’ll see Fortbyte #8 sitting on a mattress in plain sight.
Fortbyte #11 can be found beneath a circling jungle parrot.
This clue is a bit vague, but is going to lead players to the right of the Pressure Plant. You can see the exact location that you need to go to in the map below.
As you land, you should see a parrot circling Fortbyte #11.
Land next to the circling bird and you’ll see Fortbyte #11 sitting next to a tree waiting to be picked up!
Simply run up to it and search it like normal to add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #12 is accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #12, you’ll need to have the Nana Nana Spray unlocked. The Nana Nana Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 57. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the molten tunnel location which is located at the volcano. As you can see in the image above, you’ll need to head to the location where the lava stops flowing.
As you arrive, you should see a concrete tunnel. Hop on the rocks and go through the tunnel. On your right, you should see Fortbyte #12.
Use the Nana Nana Spray and Fortbyte #12 will unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #13 can be found at a location which is hidden within Loading Screen #2, which can be seen below.
This will lead you to bottom right corner of the map, which is circled in red.
Once you get there, you will see three dinosaurs and a small house close to the road. Go behind the small house where you will find a port-a-potty. Approach the portable restroom and you will see Fortbyte #13.
Fortbyte #14 can be found within an RV Park.
This clue will lead players to the RV park located to the left of Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the RV Park on the map in the image below.
As you land, you should see a green RV sitting in the center of the park.
Land next to that RV and you’ll see Fortbyte #14 waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #16 can be found in a desert house with too many chairs. This should lead players to the desert biome, just south of Paradise Palms. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re flying to the marked location, you’ll want to look for a small grouping of houses. This is where Fortbyte 16 is located. The exact house is marked by a red arrow on the image below.
Head into the bottom floor and you should see Fortbyte 16 sitting by a bed on the floor!
Fortbyte #17 can be found within a wooden fish building. This will lead you to the top right corner of the map, in the ponds between Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #17 inside of the wooden fish that is in the bottom left pond. Here is what it looks like flying over the pond.
Fortbyte #17 is located in the bottom part of the fish’s tail.
Fortbyte #18 can be found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot.
This clue is going to lead players to a small little shed between the two Named Locations.
You can see the exact location of the shed on the map above.
As you land, you should see a shed sitting next to a pine tree.
Head inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #18 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbtye #19 is accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building.
The first step to finding Fortbtye #19 is making sure you’re wearing the Vega Outfit. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn XP.
Now that that is sorted, you’ll need to find the spaceship building. You can find the spaceship south of Shifty Shafts just past the mountain. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re getting close, you’ll see the giant metal spaceship. Head to the front side, which is indicated in the image below by a red arrow.
Once you land, you’ll see a ramp connecting the middle of the ship to the front. As you can see in the picture below, Fortbyte #19 is right behind that ramp.
Destroy the ramp and as long as you’re wearing the Vega Outfit, you can add Fortbyte #19 to your collection!
Fortbyte #20 is found at the center of any of the first three storm circles.
This is one of the strangest hidden items to unlock during the Fortbyte event. It is a little bit strange, because the location is going to be different for every player. However, the premise is still the same, you can find Fortbyte #20 in the center of any of the first three storms.
You can go about this in many different ways, however we would suggest taking your time on the Battle Bus and gliding to the ground, as you wait for the first storm to form.
So, hop on the Battle Bus and ride it out until it forces you off. Once you’re kicked out, open your glider and float for as long as you can.
About halfway to the ground, the storm will form. Open your map, find the center, and set a marker. Then, you can glide to the spot you marked and find Fortbyte #20!
You’ll be able to recognize it by the purple lightning bolt. Simply run up to the Fortbyte, search it like normal, and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #21 can be found inside a metal llama building.
This clue is going to lead players to the giant metal llama just above Junk Junction. You can see the exact location of the metal llama on the map below.
As you land at the llama, you’ll want to land on its back, where you should see a metal door leading into its neck.
Head through the door and go down the ramp.
Pretty quickly, you should run into Fortbyte #21 and will be able to pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #22 is accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have Rox Spray unlocked in the Season 9 Battle Pass. Rox Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 6.
Once you’ve made sure that you have it unlocked, you’ll need to head to Neo Tilted. The underpass is located on the bottom left side of Neo Tilted. It’s exact location on the map can be seen below.
As you’re flying over Neo Tilted, look for an 18 wheeler on the ground, this will help lead you to Fortbyte #22. As you’re flying over, it looks like this.
Land by the 18 wheeler and you should see Fortbyte #22 a few steps ahead of you. Make sure to use the Rox Spray to unlock it, then you will be able to search it and add it to your collection of Fortbytes.
Fortbyte #23 can be found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint.
This clue is going to lead players a mountaintop to the west of Loot Lake. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #23 on the map above.
As you land on top of the mountain, you should see Fortbyte #23 sitting along the edge by a tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #24 can be found within Fatal Fields. Once you land at Fatal Fields, head to the main house. Once inside, go up the steps to the second floor. Enter the second room on your right and you find Fortbyte #24 in the back right corner between the desk and reading table.
Fortbyte #26 is accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #26, you’ll need to have unlocked the Bunker Jonesy outfit, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now, you’ll need to find the snowy bunker location. This clue will lead you to a tiny snowy island that is located off of the main island. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you should see a small wooden bunker (it is more of a shack), which the arrow is pointing to in the image below.
Once you land, run inside the snowy bunker and you’ll find Fortbyte #26 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #27 can be found somewhere within map location A4.
While this clue is a bit vague, it should give players a pretty good idea of the general location of Fortbyte #27.
As you can see in the map above, you’re going to want to head just north of Snobby Shores, to the right of a small mountain.
As you land, you should see Fortbyte #27 sitting next to a tree, ready to be picked up.
Fortbyte #28 is accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard.
This is one of the more unique and harder Fortbytes released so far in the event and will likely take a bit of time to unlock.
For starters, you’ll need to head to the desert junkyard location, which is located to the south of Paradise Palms.
As you can see on the map above, you’re going to want to land at the northeast corner of the junkyard. As you land, you should see a couple of colorful panels against a wall with a lever in front of them.
To unlock Fortbyte #28, you need to pull the lever and watch the panels, memorizing which ones light up. Then, you’ll need to repeat the pattern by hitting the panels with your pickaxe or by shooting them with a gun.
You’ll have to go through a few rounds of this, but if you repeat every pattern successfully, then Fortbyte #28 will unlock!
Fortbyte #29 can be found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin.
This clue is going to lead players to the icy region, just above Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #29 on the map below.
As you land, you should see Crackshot’s Cabin sitting among some trees covered in snow.
Head inside and you’ll find a Christmas tree sitting by the fireplace.
Head towards the tree and you’ll find Fortbyte #29 underneath the tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #30 can be found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park.
This clue is pretty clear, to find Fortbyte #30, you’ll need to look between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. While this clue is a little bit vague, finding Fortbyte #30 isn’t difficult at all. The exact location of Fortbyte #30 can be seen on the map below.
As you can see, Fortbyte #30 can be found right next to the bottom of the mountain next to Haunted Hills.
Close to the mountain, you’ll see two big trees. Fortbyte #30 will be sitting in between those two trees waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #31 can be found at a meteor crater overlook. This should lead us to the biggest crater hole on the map, Dusty Divot.
In order to find Fortbyte #31, you’ll need to be overlooking the crater hole. There just so happens to be a perfect spot to overlook Dusty Divot behind Dusty Diner.
You’ll want to head to the warehouse closest to the Divot. Once you’re inside, you will see Fortbyte #31 sitting on a walkway, waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #32 is accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point of the map. The first thing that you’ll need to do is have the Kyo Pet Back Bling unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 28.
If you don’t have it unlocked, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northern most point of the map. The will lead you to a small point on the top of the map, its exact location can be seen on the map below.
Fortbyte #32 will be sitting next to some rocks. As long as you have the Kyo Pet Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to pick it up (as you can see, I don’t have it Back Bling unlocked).
Fortbyte #33 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10.
As you can see in the Loading Screen above, there aren’t any obvious clues shown that could indicate the location of Fortbtye #33. However, if you read the description, you’ll find that it reads, “You’re a long way from Lonely Lodge…”
In a strange way, this clue is actually leading players to Lonely Lodge. So, hop on the Battle Bus and drop at the main cabin at Lonely Lodge.
If you’re standing on the south end of the main cabin, you should see a smaller building to your left.
If you go inside, you’ll find Fortbyte #33 sitting in the middle of the room waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #34 can be found between a fork and knife.
This clue will lead players to an underground location next to Fatal Fields. You can see the exact fork and knife location on the map below.
As you land, you should see a fork and knife outline in the grass below you.
You’re going to want to head to the handle portion of the knife to find Fortbyte #34.
Once you’re at the bottom of the knife, you’ll see a small wooden wall that you can bust down. Behind that wall you’ll find Fortbyte #34 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #36 can be found by Sentinel on a frozen island. The first thing you need to do is be dressed as the Sentinel, who is unlocked in Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Once you’re dressed as Sentinel, head to leftmost frozen island on the bottom left corner of the map. You can see the island below circled in red.
Once you’re at the island, you’ll see Fortbyte #36 close to the edge.
Fortbyte #37 can be found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park.
This clue is going to lead players to the northern edge of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location on the map below.
Head inside the front door of the house and go through the first door on your left. If you look underneath the staircase, you’ll find another hidden staircase that leads to the basement.
Once in the basement, you’ll find a cabinet with a half built wall behind it. Bust out the wall and you’ll see a metal door leading to the bunker.
Go through the door and you should see Fortbyte #37 sitting in the kitchen floor waiting to be picked up! As you can see, others got here before I did, but there are normally lots of kitchen appliances!
Fortbyte #40 is accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert.
Before players can even think about hunting down the hidden item, they’ll need to make sure that they have the Demi Outfit unlocked. You can unlock the Demi Outfit at Battle Pass Tier 87. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that that’s sorted, you’ll need to head to the sundial in the desert, which is located to the east of Fatal Fields. You can see the exact location on the map below.
The sundial is located on top of a small mountain.
Simply land on top of the mountain and as long as you’re wearing the Demi Outfit you’ll find Fortbyte #40 unlocked and waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #41 is accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger. In order to unlock Fortbyte #41, you’ll need to have reached Battle Pass Tier 3. If you’ve done that, then you’re ready to unlock the Fortbyte.
Durrr Burger is located in Neo Tilted. It is the biggest building in the area and has a rotating holographic hamburger on top of the building.
Once you’ve found it, land at the building and go into the bottom floor. You’ll see a counter and menus, hop over the counter and head right. You’ll see Fortbyte #41 sitting by a fryer.
Use the Tomatohead emoticon and you’ll be able to pick it up!
Fortbyte #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand.
The first piece to this puzzle is going to be making sure that you have the Nana Cape Back Bling unlocked. To do this, you’ll first need to have the Bunker Jonesy skin unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to have completed the Jonesy challenge which requires you to collect 40 different Fortbytes. Doing so will unlock the Nana Cape Back Bling.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the banana stand in Neo Tilted. As you can see on the map above, the banana stand is located on the bottom left corner of Neo Tilted.
As you land, you’ll see a big, bright yellow banana stand.
Head inside and you should see Fortbyte #43. As long as you have the Nana Cape Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #47 can be found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed Battlebus. You can see it’s location in red on the map in the picture below.
As you land in the trees, you should see a green camper with an umbrella and some loot.
Head to the left of the camper and you’ll see Fortbyte #47.
Fortbyte #48 is accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #48, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Vox Pickaxe unlocked. The Vox Pickaxe is unloackable at Battle Pass Tier 55. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you’ve got all that figured out, you’ll need to head to the gnome beside a mountaintop throne. This location is in the icy region of Fortnite and can be seen on the map below.
As you land on the top of the mountain, you should see a big rock with a toilet and a gnome in front of it. Destroy the gnome with the Vox Pickaxe and Fortbyte #48 will reveal itself.
You can then search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #49 can be found in Trog’s ice cave.
This clue is a bit vague, but will lead us to the icy region of the map. Specifically, you’ll find the ice cave location between Happy Hamlet and Frosty Flights. The exact ice cave location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should see a bunch of icy trees. In the middle of the tree’s is a big opening which leads to Trog’s ice cave.
Drop down into the cave, and you should see Trog’s house right next to you.
Go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #49 sitting by some teddy bears!
Fortbyte #50 is accessible at night time inside a mountain top castle ruins. This one is pretty simple, the only thing to note is that it must be night time in the world of Fortnite for Fortbyte #50 to unlock.
The mountain top castle ruins location can be found close to Haunted Hills. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the lowest spot on top of the mountain, so that you’re truly inside the mountain top castle ruins
Follow the arrow in the picture above and it’ll lead you right to Fortbyte #50.
As long as it is night time, you can pick it up and be on your way.
Fortbyte #51 is accessibly by using the Cluck Strut dance to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana stand.
In order to begin this challenge, you’ll need to have unlocked the Cluck Strut dance, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 31. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to Peely’s Banana stand, which is located in Neo Tilted. It’s exact location can be seen on the map above.
Once you land, you’ll see a crosswalk leading to the fruit stand. Use the Cluck Strut dance as you slowly walk across the street and Fortbyte #51 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the dance unlocked so the Fortbyte won’t unlock for me.)
Fortbyte #52 is accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #52, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Bot Spray unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 85. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to find the robot factory location. Fortunately, this can be found at the Pressure Plant.
You’ll want to go the top portion of the Pressure Plant and head to the east side. The red arrow in the image above points to the exact location of Fortbyte #52.
Use the Bot Spray next to Fortbyte #52 to unlock it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #53 is accessible by helping raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair.
This clue is going to take you to the mountain close to Snobby Shores. You can see the exact location on the map below.
You’re going to need to head to the very bottom of the abandoned mountaintop villain lair to find the disco ball. The easiest was to get to the disco ball is to land about halfway down the west side of the mountain.
You should see a platform that you can land on, which will lead you inside the lair and take you directly to the disco ball.
To complete this challenge, you’ll need one other player to help you. You’ll both need to stand on a piece of the dance floor and dance until you raise the disco ball to the top of the pole.
Once the disco ball has been raised, Fortbyte #53 will unlock and you can pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #55 can be found at Haunted Hills. So, go ahead and hop in a game and head to Haunted Hills. If you can’t remember where it is, you can see Haunted Hills circled in red on the map below.
Once you’re close, you’ll want to head to the building to the right of building with the tall tower (if you’re facing the back of that building). The building you want to go to has an arrow pointing to it in the picture below.
Walk inside and you’ll find Fortbyte #55 ready for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #58 is accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #58 is to make sure you have the Sad Trombone Emote unlocked. The Sad Trombone Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, if you’re facing the houses, you’ll find Fortbyte #58 at the rightmost house on the pavement in front of the house.
Once you’ve landed at Fortbyte #58, simply use the Sad Trombone Emote to unlock it. You’ll then be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #59 is accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant.
This clue is going to lead us to the Pizza Pit HQ at the Mega Mall, which can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to head to the first floor (one above ground level). As you go in, you should see the ordering counter.
Hop over the counter and head left, you should see Fortbyte #59 pretty quick, sitting next to a wall.
Use the Durrr! Emoji and Fortbyte #59 should unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #60 is accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked. The Sign Spinner Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 63. If you haven’t made it that far, you can check out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to head to the Happy Oink restaurant in Happy Hamlet.
You’ll find Happy Oink in the center of Happy Hamlet. The pig sign outside of the restaurant will make it easy to recognize.
Despite what the clue says, you’ll need to use the Sign Spinner Emote inside the restaurant in order to unlock Fortbyte #60.
So, go inside and hop over the counter. Once you do that, you’ll find Fortbyte #60 sitting on the floor. Use the Sign Spinner Emote to unlock it and then you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #61 is accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall.
The first thing that is needed to unlock Fortbyte #61 is the Sunbird Spray, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the frozen waterfall location, which can be found on the mountain next to Snobby Shores. It’s exact location can be see on the map image below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the upper portion of the waterfall (not the top, just not the bottom). You’ll see what I mean by looking at the red circle in the image below.
Once you land, use the Sunbird Spray on the waterfall and Fortbyte #61 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the Sunbird Spray unlocked, which is why the image shows it as locked.)
Fortbyte #62 is accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion.
The first step to collecting Fortbyte #62 is to make sure you have the Stratus Outfit equipped. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 71. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the abandoned mansion location. Fortunately, it is not hard to find. The abandoned mansion is located between Lonely Lodge and the race track. You can see its exact location on the map below.
To find Fortbyte #62, you’ll need to head to the bottom floor of the mansion.
If you land at the front of the abandoned mansion, you’ll see a big opening on the right side of the bottom floor. Go through the opening and you’ll find Fortbyte #62 sitting in front of you by a computer and a couch. As long as you’re wearing the Stratus Outfit, you can search the hidden item and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #63 can be found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields.
This clue will lead you to the gas station that is just north of Lucky Landing. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you land at the gas station, you’ll see Fortbyte #63 sitting in between two gas pumps.
There are no tricks here. you can simply search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #64 is accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain. This is one of the easier Fortbyte locations so far! The first thing you need to do is change into the Rox skin, which unlocks at Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Then, you’ll want to head to stunt mountain, which is located on the left side of the map just below Pleasant Park. The exact location of Stunt Mountain can be seen on the map below.
As you leave the Battle Bus, you’ll want to keep in mind that you need to land on the very top of stunt mountain, so don’t angle down at the ground too much.
Once you land on top of stunt mountain, you should see Fortbyte #64 sitting close the ledge next to the sign that reads 111 m.
Fortbyte #65 can be found in a basement movie set. This clue will lead players to the two houses that are located near Shifty Shafts. The exact locations of the houses can be seen on the map below.
As you land close to the houses, you’ll want to head into the grayish colored home, which is marked by an arrow on the image below.
Once inside, head downstairs where you will find Fortbyte #65 sitting next to a movie set!
Fortbyte #67 is accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform.
To unlock this Fortbyte, you’ll need to have the Retaliator Glider unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 79. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Once you have the Glider unlocked and equipped, the rest is simple. To start, you’ll need to head to the southern most Sky Platform, which is marked on the map below.
As you’re gliding over the platform, you should see some rings floating around the area, which you’ll need to glide through. It is important to note that you must be gliding, not skydiving when you go through the rings.
As you head through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #67 unlocked and waiting to be added to your collection!
Fortbyte #68 can be found within a snowy town book shop.
This clue will lead players to the book shop in Happy Hamlet. It can be a bit hard to find, but it is located in the NW corner of Happy Hamlet. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to look for a book shop called McGuffins. You can see the snowy town book shop in the image below.
Head inside the book shop and go up the steps. As you go up the stairs, you should see Fortbyte #68 sitting on the floor waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #69 can be found inside a stone pig building.
This clue should lead players to the giant stone pig that is located close to Lucky Landing. The exact location of the stone pig building can be seen on the map in the image below.
As you get close to Lucky Landing, you should see the stone pig building sitting on a hill.
Land on top of the pig, towards the head, and bust open the brick. Once you’re inside, you should see Fortbyte #69 waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #70 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with Vibrant Contrails.
To complete this challnege, you will need to have the Vibrant Contrail unlocked. This item is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenge guides.
Now that we have that sorted, equip the Vibrant Contrail and queue up a game. As the game begins, you’ll want to plan on heading to Lazy Lagoon. As you get close, you should see four rings in the sky.
As you get close, hop off of the bus and glide over towards the rings. Once you are hovering over the first one, close your glider and begin skydiving through the four rings. If you need to reopen your glider between rings to get your position correct, that’s fine.
As you go through the last ring, you’ll see Fortbyte #70 waiting for you. To collect it, all you need to do is touch it!
Fortbyte #72 can be found within Salty Springs.
This is a rather vague hint, but now we know that we will need to head over to Salty Springs. If you need a refresher, it’s location can be seen on the map below.
Once you’re close to Salty Springs, you’re going to want to look for a red truck that is flipped on its side. It should be close to a Reboot Van. You can see the red truck marked by an arrow in the picture below.
Lank by the red truck and you’ll find Fortbyte #72 sitting inside!
Fortbyte #74 can be found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast. This should lead us to John Wick’s mansion, just to the right of Paradise Palms. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where to go, it should look like this as you’re getting close.
Once you land, head inside through the garage. Go through the garage door and into the main part of the house.
To your left, you should see a green painting on the wall and to the left of the painting you should see a door.
That door will lead down to the basement, where you can find Fortbyte #74. As you go downstairs, you should see a filing cabinet along the back wall.
Hit the filing cabinet a few times with your pickaxe to find and unlock Fortbyte #74!
Fortbye #75 can be found within an airport hangar.
This clue is going to lead players to the hangar located in Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location on the map above.
As you land at Frosty Flights, you’re going to want to go to the hangar with the solar panels in front of it.
Head inside the hangar and you’ll see Fortbtye #75 sitting in a corner waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #76 can be found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building.
This clue will lead us to the insurance building that is located in Neo Tilted. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, as it is one of the main buildings in Neo Tilted. You can see what the insurance building looks like in the image below.
Head to the first floor (the one above street level) and you should see a diorama set up. On your right, you’ll see a volcano display.
Check behind the volcano and you’ll find Fortbyte #76 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #77 is found within a track side taco shop. This is quite vague, but it should lead you to the bottom right hand corner of the map, near the race track. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should be able to clearly see the words “Tacos” illuminated from the back side of the building.
Head inside and go left, and you should see Fortbyte #77 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #78 can be found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake.
This clue will lead players to the newly updated Loot Lake.
The Ranger Tower can be found on the NW side of the renovated area, overlooking the lake. You can see the Ranger Tower in the picture above.
Climb up to the top and you’ll see Fortbyte #78 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #79 can be found within an arcade.
This clue is a bit vague, unless you just happen to know exactly where the arcade is located. If you’re like most of us, you don’t!
The arcade is located at the Mega Mall. Head over there and land towards the center of the biggest building in the Mega Mall area, where the Pizza Pit HQ is located.
Face the Pizza Pit sign and turn around 180 degrees. Then, you should see the arcade on the middle floor.
Go inside and look behind the counter and you’ll find Fortbyte #79 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #80 is accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the volcano rim.
The first thing you’ll need to do to unlock Fortbyte #80 is have the Bunker Basher Pickaxe. The Bunker Basher Pickaxe is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 38. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
The next clue will obviously lead us to the giant volcano on the map. You’ll want to head to the spot designated by a red circle in the picture below once you get close to the volcano.
When you land, you should see a rock. Crush the rock using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe and Fortbyte #80 will unlock!
Fortbyte #81 is accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge. This clue will lead us to the bottom right corner of the map to the desert biome. There are tons of mountaintops and cacti in this biome, but you’ll want to head to the mountaintop near Paradise Palms, it can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You can see the mountaintop that you want to head to in the picture below marked by a red arrow.
Once you land on the mountaintop, you should see Fortbyte #81 close to the edge.
It is important to note that Fortbyte #81 is only accessible during the day. This means that if you queue into a game and it is nighttime in the world of Fortnite, you’ll need to wait until it changes over to daytime, or queue up a new game.
This doesn’t mean that you can get Fortbyte #81 if it nighttime in real life while you’re playing, it simply means that in the world of Fortnite, it must be daytime.
Fortbyte #82 is one of the harder ones to get, mostly because it requires others. It can be found in the top left corner of the map, which is circled in red on the map below.
Once you get there, you’ll see 3 pressure plates surrounding the Fortbyte. You’ll need to have all 3 pressure plates held down at all times for the Fortbyte to be accessible.
So, you’ll either need to have a group of friends to help you or hope you get lucky and others are going there too and try to do it in Solos.
However, as time goes on it will likely get harder to do Solo. If you don’t have a squad of friends, it might be worth trying in Team Rumble. You’ll just have to use your mic and hope for some help.
Another option is to find vehicles and drive them onto the pressure plates. This can be a bit time consuming, but if you’re desperate enough, it may be your only option.
Fortbyte #83 can be found in a rock garden near the coast.
This clue is going to lead us to the east coast of the map, to a small little garden.
You can see the exact location of the rock garden on the map below.
Once you land at the garden, you’ll see Fortbyte #83 sitting in by a rock waiting for you to pick it up!
There aren’t any tricks here, no special skins or emotes. Simply pick it up and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #88 can be found somewhere within map location J3.
You’ll find quadrant J3 on the east side of the map just above Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the quadrant on the map below.
This is a unique Fortbyte in that it can spawn anywhere inside the quadrant, so you’ll need to have a look around to find it.
For me, Fortbyte #88 was located by the small house on the south portion of J3. However, I have also seen it by the trees in the middle of the quadrant and other places.Thankfully, it is usually pretty obvious, so just have a look around and you’ll find it rather quick.
Fortbyte #89 is accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #89, you’ll need to be using the Scarlet Strike Glider. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 39. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you’ve gotten that settled, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, you should see some rings appear.
Fly through the rings using the Scarlet Strike Glider and you’ll find Fortbyte #89 waiting for you at the end close to a ramp!
Fortbyte #91 is found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4.
This can be confusing at first, but a little bit of investigative work will lead us to Paradise Palms.
You’re going to be looking for a store called Keyboard King, which is located next to the tallest building in Paradise Palms.
As you land, you should see an ATM in front of the building.
Go up to the ATM and you’ll find Fortbyte #91 (also the hidden Week 4 Fortbyte).
You can search the ATM to pick up Fortbyte #91 or you can destroy the ATM first then search the Fortbyte, either is fine!
Fortbyte #92 is accessible by using the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall. This means you’ll need to have the Rock Love Spary unlocked, which is earned at Level 2 of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Once you have that unlocked, you’ll need to head towards the lava flowing from the volcano. The exact location can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #92 on the first island in the lava. You’ll need to spray the Rock Love Spray before they Fortbyte will unlock. Once you spray the Rock Love Spray, you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #92.
Fortbyte #94 is accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake.
Before you can begin the hunt for Fortbyte #94, you’ll need to make sure you have the Scarlet Scythe unlocked. This pickaxe is unlockabe by earning the Demi Outfit at Tier 87 of the Battle Pass. Once you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the Scarlet Scythe by collecting 70 Fortbytes.
Once you’ve got all that sorted, head to the frozen lake that is north of Polar Peak. You can see its exact location on the map above.
As you land, you should see a flat rooftop frozen in the lake. Land on top of it and bust your way through the ceiling.
You should now be in a sporting goods store. Head up the steps and you’ll see a blue canoe on the wall next to a counter. Smash the canoe with your Scarlet Scythe and you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #94.
Fortbyte #95 can be found at a solar panel array in the jungle. This will lead players to the upper portion of the map, to the left of Sunny Steps. The exact location on the map of the solar panel array can be seen in the image below.
As you get close, you should see the solar panel array to the right of the four lakes. Once you land, you’ll see Fortbyte #95 sitting in front of the solar panel waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #97 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8.
As the clue states, you’ll need Loading Screen #8 to find Fortbyte #97. However, you won’t need the screen itself, you’ll actually need the description, which reads, “Peely and Jonesy first met at Bao Bros. and instantly knew they would be friends forever.”
This clue will lead you to Bao Bros. in Lucky Landing. The Bao Bros. building is pretty easy to spot, because it has a giant dumpling on top of the building.
As you land at Bao Bros., you’ll want to head to the second floor, where you’ll see Fortbyte #97 sitting by some exercise equipment.
Even if you haven’t completed the Week 8 Challenges, you can still search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #98 is found within a viking longhouse.
This clue is going to lead us to the viking area in the icy region of the map. The exact location of the viking longhouse can be seen in the image below.
The longhosue is well, the longest house in the area, and is located in the back of the viking mountain.
As you go inside, you’ll see Fortbyte #98 sitting next to a couple of tables waiting to be searched!
Fortbyte #100 can be found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted.
This clue is obviously leading us to Neo Tilted, one of the most popular places in Fortnite.
You’ll need to head to the tallest building in Neo Tilted, which is located in the northern portion of the busy city. The exact location on the map of the tallest building in Neo Tilted can be seen on the map above.
As you’re landing in Neo Tilted, you’ll want to head to the building with the radio tower, which can be seen in the image above.
Land on the roof and then bust through the ceiling. You’ll be dropped onto the highest floor where you’ll find Fortbyte #100 sitting right next to you!
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Source : IGN
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #28
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Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #28
Last Edited: July 16, 2019 at 4:08 AM
The Fortbyte Event came to Fortnite with the launch of Season 9 on May 9, 2019. Fortbytes are collectible computer chips that have been scattered across the map. There are a total of 100 Fortbytes and finding them all will unlock a hidden image which reveals information on Season 9. The image has yet to be uncovered.
New Fortbytes unlock every day, typically with only 1 new one per day. However, on the first day of Season 9, 18 Fortbytes were unlocked. The Fortbyte event is only available to Battle Pass owners.
Below is a table of all 100 Fortbytes and clues to gathering them (constantly updated). The majority of them are self explanatory, however some are not. A more specific and detailed walkthrough to finding the more difficult Fortbytes can be seen below.
If you see a blue number on the table below, you can click on it and it will take you directly to the walkthrough for that specific Fortbyte!
Fortbyte #: How to Find: #1 Gain 175,000 XP #2 Hidden within Loading Screen #6 #3 Accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point #4 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped #5 Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club #6 Accessible with Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert #7 Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella #8 Found within Junk Junction #9  ? #10 Gain 60,000 XP #11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot #12 Accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel #13 Found within location within Loading Screen #2 #14 Found within an RV Park #15  ? #16 Found in a desert house with too many chairs #17 Found inside a wooden fish building #18 Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot #19 Accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building #20 Found at the center of any of the first three storm circles #21  ? #22 Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass #23 Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint #24 Found within Fatal Fields #25 Battle Pass Tier 40 #26 Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker #27 Found somewhere within map location A4 #28 Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard #29 Found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin #30 Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park #31 Found at a meteor crater overlook #32 Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point #33 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10 #34 Found between a fork and knife #35 Gain 225,000 XP #36 Accessible by Sentinel of a frozen island #37 Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park #38  ? #39 Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 #40 Accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert #41 Accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger #42  ? #43 Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand #44 Battle Pass Tier 20 #45  ? #46 Battle Pass Tier 100 #47 Found between Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battlebus #48 Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne #49 Found in Trog’s ice cave #50 Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins #51 Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana Stand #52 Accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory #53 Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair #54  ? #55 Found within Haunted Hills  #56  ? #57 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 25 times #58 Accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores #59 Accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant #60 Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant #61 Accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall #62 Accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion #63 Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields #64 Accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain #65 Found in a basement movie set #66 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 75 times #67 Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform #68 Found within a snowy town book shop #69 Found inside a stone pig building #70 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped #71 Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 #72 Found within Salty Springs #73 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6 #74 Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast #75 Found within an airport hangar #76 Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building #77 Found within a track side taco shop #78 Found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake #79 Found within an arcade #80 Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim #81 Accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge #82 Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of the Block #83 Found in a rock garden near the coast #84 Battle Pass Tier 60 #85 Gain 30,000 XP #86  ? #87 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, on Solos 50 times #88 Found somewhere within map location J3 #89 Accessibly by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores #90 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 100 times #91 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 #92 Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall #93  ? #94 Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake #95 Found at a solar panel array in the jungle #96 Battle Pass Tier 80 #97 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8 #98 Found within a viking longhouse #99 Gain 125,000 XP #100 Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Fortbyte #2 is hidden within Loading Screen #6. Additionally, it also serves as the Week 6 Hidden Fortbyte.
The key to finding Fortbyte #2 is hidden within the Week 6 Loading Screen and description, which can be seen above.
The description reads, “Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted.” This clue, combined with the loading screen itself, will lead us to the holo-clock tower building in Neo Tilted.
So, head to Neo Tilted and look for the big holo-clock tower building. If you’re not sure what it looks like, it can be seen in the picture above.
Once you find it, make sure to land on top. As you land, you should see Fortbyte #2 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #3 is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #3 is to make sure that you have the Skull Trooper Emoji unlocked. The Skull Trooper Emoji is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 58. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the western most point of the map, which can be seen in the image above.
As you land, you’ll see a small sign with a big W and a compass on it as well as Fortbyte #3.
Simply use the Skull Trooper Emoji and Fortbyte #3 will unlock and allow you to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #4 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped.
To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Plasma Trail Contrails unlocked and equipped. The Plasma Trail Contrails are unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 89. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, the next step is pretty simple.
All you need to do is head to Loot Lake and skydive through the four rings. The first ring will come up pretty quick after you get off the Bus, so make sure you’re ready!
As you go through the fourth ring, you��ll find Fortbyte #4 waiting for you! It is important to note that you must skydive through the rings and not glide. However, you can glide in between the rings to make sure you’re on target.
Fortbyte #5 is accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #5 is to make sure that you have the Laid Back Shuffle Emote unlocked. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 95. If you haven’t made it that far, check out our Weekly Challenges guides to get some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the dance club in the snowy region of the map. You can see the exact location of the dance club on the map above.
You’ll find Fortbyte #5 sitting in the middle of the dance floor. Simply use the Laid Back Shuffle Emote and Fortbyte #5 will unlock and you’ll be able to add another Fortbyte to your collection.
Fortbyte #6 is accessible by using the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert. Before you do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Yay! emote unlocked, which is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 14. If you haven’t gotten that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Once you’ve dealt with that, you’ll need to head to the desert biome and find the ice cream shop location. The shop is located to the left of the race track, which is on the bottom right corner of the map. You can see its exact location on the map below.
As you’re flying over the ice cream shop, you should see it illuminated in neon.
As you land, go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #6. Simply use the Yay! emote and the Fortbyte will unlock!
Fortbyte #7 is accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella. This means that before you can do anything, you need to have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked. It is unlockable at Tier 8 of the Season 9 Battle Pass. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Week 2 challenge guide.
Once you have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked, queue up a game. You’ll want to head to the rocky area located just below The Block. It’s exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where you’re going, just head towards The Block. As you’re floating through the air, you’ll want to go to the location marked by the red arrow.
Once you get there, head down the path that takes you underground. On your right, you’ll see a wooden platform and Fortbyte #7. Grab some materials and build up to it.
Once you’re close, use the Cuddle Up Emoticon and Fortbyte #7 will unlock!
Fortbyte #8 can be found within Junk Junction. There are no hidden tricks that come with finding Fortbyte #8, it is as straight forward as it sounds. All you need to do is head to Junk Junction.
Once you’re there, head inside the main building and you’ll see Fortbyte #8 sitting on a mattress in plain sight.
Fortbyte #11 can be found beneath a circling jungle parrot.
This clue is a bit vague, but is going to lead players to the right of the Pressure Plant. You can see the exact location that you need to go to in the map below.
As you land, you should see a parrot circling Fortbyte #11.
Land next to the circling bird and you’ll see Fortbyte #11 sitting next to a tree waiting to be picked up!
Simply run up to it and search it like normal to add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #12 is accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #12, you’ll need to have the Nana Nana Spray unlocked. The Nana Nana Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 57. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the molten tunnel location which is located at the volcano. As you can see in the image above, you’ll need to head to the location where the lava stops flowing.
As you arrive, you should see a concrete tunnel. Hop on the rocks and go through the tunnel. On your right, you should see Fortbyte #12.
Use the Nana Nana Spray and Fortbyte #12 will unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #13 can be found at a location which is hidden within Loading Screen #2, which can be seen below.
This will lead you to bottom right corner of the map, which is circled in red.
Once you get there, you will see three dinosaurs and a small house close to the road. Go behind the small house where you will find a port-a-potty. Approach the portable restroom and you will see Fortbyte #13.
Fortbyte #14 can be found within an RV Park.
This clue will lead players to the RV park located to the left of Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the RV Park on the map in the image below.
As you land, you should see a green RV sitting in the center of the park.
Land next to that RV and you’ll see Fortbyte #14 waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #16 can be found in a desert house with too many chairs. This should lead players to the desert biome, just south of Paradise Palms. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re flying to the marked location, you’ll want to look for a small grouping of houses. This is where Fortbyte 16 is located. The exact house is marked by a red arrow on the image below.
Head into the bottom floor and you should see Fortbyte 16 sitting by a bed on the floor!
Fortbyte #17 can be found within a wooden fish building. This will lead you to the top right corner of the map, in the ponds between Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #17 inside of the wooden fish that is in the bottom left pond. Here is what it looks like flying over the pond.
Fortbyte #17 is located in the bottom part of the fish’s tail.
Fortbyte #18 can be found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot.
This clue is going to lead players to a small little shed between the two Named Locations.
You can see the exact location of the shed on the map above.
As you land, you should see a shed sitting next to a pine tree.
Head inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #18 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbtye #19 is accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building.
The first step to finding Fortbtye #19 is making sure you’re wearing the Vega Outfit. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn XP.
Now that that is sorted, you’ll need to find the spaceship building. You can find the spaceship south of Shifty Shafts just past the mountain. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re getting close, you’ll see the giant metal spaceship. Head to the front side, which is indicated in the image below by a red arrow.
Once you land, you’ll see a ramp connecting the middle of the ship to the front. As you can see in the picture below, Fortbyte #19 is right behind that ramp.
Destroy the ramp and as long as you’re wearing the Vega Outfit, you can add Fortbyte #19 to your collection!
Fortbyte #20 is found at the center of any of the first three storm circles.
This is one of the strangest hidden items to unlock during the Fortbyte event. It is a little bit strange, because the location is going to be different for every player. However, the premise is still the same, you can find Fortbyte #20 in the center of any of the first three storms.
You can go about this in many different ways, however we would suggest taking your time on the Battle Bus and gliding to the ground, as you wait for the first storm to form.
So, hop on the Battle Bus and ride it out until it forces you off. Once you’re kicked out, open your glider and float for as long as you can.
About halfway to the ground, the storm will form. Open your map, find the center, and set a marker. Then, you can glide to the spot you marked and find Fortbyte #20!
You’ll be able to recognize it by the purple lightning bolt. Simply run up to the Fortbyte, search it like normal, and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #22 is accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have Rox Spray unlocked in the Season 9 Battle Pass. Rox Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 6.
Once you’ve made sure that you have it unlocked, you’ll need to head to Neo Tilted. The underpass is located on the bottom left side of Neo Tilted. It’s exact location on the map can be seen below.
As you’re flying over Neo Tilted, look for an 18 wheeler on the ground, this will help lead you to Fortbyte #22. As you’re flying over, it looks like this.
Land by the 18 wheeler and you should see Fortbyte #22 a few steps ahead of you. Make sure to use the Rox Spray to unlock it, then you will be able to search it and add it to your collection of Fortbytes.
Fortbyte #23 can be found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint.
This clue is going to lead players a mountaintop to the west of Loot Lake. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #23 on the map above.
As you land on top of the mountain, you should see Fortbyte #23 sitting along the edge by a tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #24 can be found within Fatal Fields. Once you land at Fatal Fields, head to the main house. Once inside, go up the steps to the second floor. Enter the second room on your right and you find Fortbyte #24 in the back right corner between the desk and reading table.
Fortbyte #26 is accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #26, you’ll need to have unlocked the Bunker Jonesy outfit, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now, you’ll need to find the snowy bunker location. This clue will lead you to a tiny snowy island that is located off of the main island. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you should see a small wooden bunker (it is more of a shack), which the arrow is pointing to in the image below.
Once you land, run inside the snowy bunker and you’ll find Fortbyte #26 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #27 can be found somewhere within map location A4.
While this clue is a bit vague, it should give players a pretty good idea of the general location of Fortbyte #27.
As you can see in the map above, you’re going to want to head just north of Snobby Shores, to the right of a small mountain.
As you land, you should see Fortbyte #27 sitting next to a tree, ready to be picked up.
Fortbyte #28 is accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard.
This is one of the more unique and harder Fortbytes released so far in the event and will likely take a bit of time to unlock.
For starters, you’ll need to head to the desert junkyard location, which is located to the south of Paradise Palms.
As you can see on the map above, you’re going to want to land at the northeast corner of the junkyard. As you land, you should see a couple of colorful panels against a wall with a lever in front of them.
To unlock Fortbyte #28, you need to pull the lever and watch the panels, memorizing which ones light up. Then, you’ll need to repeat the pattern by hitting the panels with your pickaxe or by shooting them with a gun.
You’ll have to go through a few rounds of this, but if you repeat every pattern successfully, then Fortbyte #28 will unlock!
Fortbyte #29 can be found underneath the tree in Crackshot’s Cabin.
This clue is going to lead players to the icy region, just above Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #29 on the map below.
As you land, you should see Crackshot’s Cabin sitting among some trees covered in snow.
Head inside and you’ll find a Christmas tree sitting by the fireplace.
Head towards the tree and you’ll find Fortbyte #29 underneath the tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #30 can be found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park.
This clue is pretty clear, to find Fortbyte #30, you’ll need to look between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. While this clue is a little bit vague, finding Fortbyte #30 isn’t difficult at all. The exact location of Fortbyte #30 can be seen on the map below.
As you can see, Fortbyte #30 can be found right next to the bottom of the mountain next to Haunted Hills.
Close to the mountain, you’ll see two big trees. Fortbyte #30 will be sitting in between those two trees waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #31 can be found at a meteor crater overlook. This should lead us to the biggest crater hole on the map, Dusty Divot.
In order to find Fortbyte #31, you’ll need to be overlooking the crater hole. There just so happens to be a perfect spot to overlook Dusty Divot behind Dusty Diner.
You’ll want to head to the warehouse closest to the Divot. Once you’re inside, you will see Fortbyte #31 sitting on a walkway, waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #32 is accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point of the map. The first thing that you’ll need to do is have the Kyo Pet Back Bling unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 28.
If you don’t have it unlocked, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northern most point of the map. The will lead you to a small point on the top of the map, its exact location can be seen on the map below.
Fortbyte #32 will be sitting next to some rocks. As long as you have the Kyo Pet Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to pick it up (as you can see, I don’t have it Back Bling unlocked).
Fortbyte #33 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10.
As you can see in the Loading Screen above, there aren’t any obvious clues shown that could indicate the location of Fortbtye #33. However, if you read the description, you’ll find that it reads, “You’re a long way from Lonely Lodge…”
In a strange way, this clue is actually leading players to Lonely Lodge. So, hop on the Battle Bus and drop at the main cabin at Lonely Lodge.
If you’re standing on the south end of the main cabin, you should see a smaller building to your left.
If you go inside, you’ll find Fortbyte #33 sitting in the middle of the room waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #34 can be found between a fork and knife.
This clue will lead players to an underground location next to Fatal Fields. You can see the exact fork and knife location on the map below.
As you land, you should see a fork and knife outline in the grass below you.
You’re going to want to head to the handle portion of the knife to find Fortbyte #34.
Once you’re at the bottom of the knife, you’ll see a small wooden wall that you can bust down. Behind that wall you’ll find Fortbyte #34 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #36 can be found by Sentinel on a frozen island. The first thing you need to do is be dressed as the Sentinel, who is unlocked in Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Once you’re dressed as Sentinel, head to leftmost frozen island on the bottom left corner of the map. You can see the island below circled in red.
Once you’re at the island, you’ll see Fortbyte #36 close to the edge.
Fortbyte #37 can be found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park.
This clue is going to lead players to the northern edge of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location on the map below.
Head inside the front door of the house and go through the first door on your left. If you look underneath the staircase, you’ll find another hidden staircase that leads to the basement.
Once in the basement, you’ll find a cabinet with a half built wall behind it. Bust out the wall and you’ll see a metal door leading to the bunker.
Go through the door and you should see Fortbyte #37 sitting in the kitchen floor waiting to be picked up! As you can see, others got here before I did, but there are normally lots of kitchen appliances!
Fortbyte #40 is accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert.
Before players can even think about hunting down the hidden item, they’ll need to make sure that they have the Demi Outfit unlocked. You can unlock the Demi Outfit at Battle Pass Tier 87. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that that’s sorted, you’ll need to head to the sundial in the desert, which is located to the east of Fatal Fields. You can see the exact location on the map below.
The sundial is located on top of a small mountain.
Simply land on top of the mountain and as long as you’re wearing the Demi Outfit you’ll find Fortbyte #40 unlocked and waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #41 is accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger. In order to unlock Fortbyte #41, you’ll need to have reached Battle Pass Tier 3. If you’ve done that, then you’re ready to unlock the Fortbyte.
Durrr Burger is located in Neo Tilted. It is the biggest building in the area and has a rotating holographic hamburger on top of the building.
Once you’ve found it, land at the building and go into the bottom floor. You’ll see a counter and menus, hop over the counter and head right. You’ll see Fortbyte #41 sitting by a fryer.
Use the Tomatohead emoticon and you’ll be able to pick it up!
Fortbyte #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand.
The first piece to this puzzle is going to be making sure that you have the Nana Cape Back Bling unlocked. To do this, you’ll first need to have the Bunker Jonesy skin unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to have completed the Jonesy challenge which requires you to collect 40 different Fortbytes. Doing so will unlock the Nana Cape Back Bling.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the banana stand in Neo Tilted. As you can see on the map above, the banana stand is located on the bottom left corner of Neo Tilted.
As you land, you’ll see a big, bright yellow banana stand.
Head inside and you should see Fortbyte #43. As long as you have the Nana Cape Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #47 can be found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed Battlebus. You can see it’s location in red on the map in the picture below.
As you land in the trees, you should see a green camper with an umbrella and some loot.
Head to the left of the camper and you’ll see Fortbyte #47.
Fortbyte #48 is accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #48, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Vox Pickaxe unlocked. The Vox Pickaxe is unloackable at Battle Pass Tier 55. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you’ve got all that figured out, you’ll need to head to the gnome beside a mountaintop throne. This location is in the icy region of Fortnite and can be seen on the map below.
As you land on the top of the mountain, you should see a big rock with a toilet and a gnome in front of it. Destroy the gnome with the Vox Pickaxe and Fortbyte #48 will reveal itself.
You can then search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #49 can be found in Trog’s ice cave.
This clue is a bit vague, but will lead us to the icy region of the map. Specifically, you’ll find the ice cave location between Happy Hamlet and Frosty Flights. The exact ice cave location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should see a bunch of icy trees. In the middle of the tree’s is a big opening which leads to Trog’s ice cave.
Drop down into the cave, and you should see Trog’s house right next to you.
Go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #49 sitting by some teddy bears!
Fortbyte #50 is accessible at night time inside a mountain top castle ruins. This one is pretty simple, the only thing to note is that it must be night time in the world of Fortnite for Fortbyte #50 to unlock.
The mountain top castle ruins location can be found close to Haunted Hills. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the lowest spot on top of the mountain, so that you’re truly inside the mountain top castle ruins
Follow the arrow in the picture above and it’ll lead you right to Fortbyte #50.
As long as it is night time, you can pick it up and be on your way.
Fortbyte #51 is accessibly by using the Cluck Strut dance to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana stand.
In order to begin this challenge, you’ll need to have unlocked the Cluck Strut dance, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 31. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to Peely’s Banana stand, which is located in Neo Tilted. It’s exact location can be seen on the map above.
Once you land, you’ll see a crosswalk leading to the fruit stand. Use the Cluck Strut dance as you slowly walk across the street and Fortbyte #51 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the dance unlocked so the Fortbyte won’t unlock for me.)
Fortbyte #52 is accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #52, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Bot Spray unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 85. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to find the robot factory location. Fortunately, this can be found at the Pressure Plant.
You’ll want to go the top portion of the Pressure Plant and head to the east side. The red arrow in the image above points to the exact location of Fortbyte #52.
Use the Bot Spray next to Fortbyte #52 to unlock it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #53 is accessible by helping raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair.
This clue is going to take you to the mountain close to Snobby Shores. You can see the exact location on the map below.
You’re going to need to head to the very bottom of the abandoned mountaintop villain lair to find the disco ball. The easiest was to get to the disco ball is to land about halfway down the west side of the mountain.
You should see a platform that you can land on, which will lead you inside the lair and take you directly to the disco ball.
To complete this challenge, you’ll need one other player to help you. You’ll both need to stand on a piece of the dance floor and dance until you raise the disco ball to the top of the pole.
Once the disco ball has been raised, Fortbyte #53 will unlock and you can pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #55 can be found at Haunted Hills. So, go ahead and hop in a game and head to Haunted Hills. If you can’t remember where it is, you can see Haunted Hills circled in red on the map below.
Once you’re close, you’ll want to head to the building to the right of building with the tall tower (if you’re facing the back of that building). The building you want to go to has an arrow pointing to it in the picture below.
Walk inside and you’ll find Fortbyte #55 ready for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #58 is accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #58 is to make sure you have the Sad Trombone Emote unlocked. The Sad Trombone Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, if you’re facing the houses, you’ll find Fortbyte #58 at the rightmost house on the pavement in front of the house.
Once you’ve landed at Fortbyte #58, simply use the Sad Trombone Emote to unlock it. You’ll then be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #59 is accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant.
This clue is going to lead us to the Pizza Pit HQ at the Mega Mall, which can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to head to the first floor (one above ground level). As you go in, you should see the ordering counter.
Hop over the counter and head left, you should see Fortbyte #59 pretty quick, sitting next to a wall.
Use the Durrr! Emoji and Fortbyte #59 should unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #60 is accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked. The Sign Spinner Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 63. If you haven’t made it that far, you can check out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to head to the Happy Oink restaurant in Happy Hamlet.
You’ll find Happy Oink in the center of Happy Hamlet. The pig sign outside of the restaurant will make it easy to recognize.
Despite what the clue says, you’ll need to use the Sign Spinner Emote inside the restaurant in order to unlock Fortbyte #60.
So, go inside and hop over the counter. Once you do that, you’ll find Fortbyte #60 sitting on the floor. Use the Sign Spinner Emote to unlock it and then you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #61 is accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall.
The first thing that is needed to unlock Fortbyte #61 is the Sunbird Spray, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the frozen waterfall location, which can be found on the mountain next to Snobby Shores. It’s exact location can be see on the map image below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the upper portion of the waterfall (not the top, just not the bottom). You’ll see what I mean by looking at the red circle in the image below.
Once you land, use the Sunbird Spray on the waterfall and Fortbyte #61 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the Sunbird Spray unlocked, which is why the image shows it as locked.)
Fortbyte #62 is accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion.
The first step to collecting Fortbyte #62 is to make sure you have the Stratus Outfit equipped. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 71. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the abandoned mansion location. Fortunately, it is not hard to find. The abandoned mansion is located between Lonely Lodge and the race track. You can see its exact location on the map below.
To find Fortbyte #62, you’ll need to head to the bottom floor of the mansion.
If you land at the front of the abandoned mansion, you’ll see a big opening on the right side of the bottom floor. Go through the opening and you’ll find Fortbyte #62 sitting in front of you by a computer and a couch. As long as you’re wearing the Stratus Outfit, you can search the hidden item and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #63 can be found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields.
This clue will lead you to the gas station that is just north of Lucky Landing. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you land at the gas station, you’ll see Fortbyte #63 sitting in between two gas pumps.
There are no tricks here. you can simply search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #64 is accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain. This is one of the easier Fortbyte locations so far! The first thing you need to do is change into the Rox skin, which unlocks at Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Then, you’ll want to head to stunt mountain, which is located on the left side of the map just below Pleasant Park. The exact location of Stunt Mountain can be seen on the map below.
As you leave the Battle Bus, you’ll want to keep in mind that you need to land on the very top of stunt mountain, so don’t angle down at the ground too much.
Once you land on top of stunt mountain, you should see Fortbyte #64 sitting close the ledge next to the sign that reads 111 m.
Fortbyte #65 can be found in a basement movie set. This clue will lead players to the two houses that are located near Shifty Shafts. The exact locations of the houses can be seen on the map below.
As you land close to the houses, you’ll want to head into the grayish colored home, which is marked by an arrow on the image below.
Once inside, head downstairs where you will find Fortbyte #65 sitting next to a movie set!
Fortbyte #67 is accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform.
To unlock this Fortbyte, you’ll need to have the Retaliator Glider unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 79. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Once you have the Glider unlocked and equipped, the rest is simple. To start, you’ll need to head to the southern most Sky Platform, which is marked on the map below.
As you’re gliding over the platform, you should see some rings floating around the area, which you’ll need to glide through. It is important to note that you must be gliding, not skydiving when you go through the rings.
As you head through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #67 unlocked and waiting to be added to your collection!
Fortbyte #68 can be found within a snowy town book shop.
This clue will lead players to the book shop in Happy Hamlet. It can be a bit hard to find, but it is located in the NW corner of Happy Hamlet. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to look for a book shop called McGuffins. You can see the snowy town book shop in the image below.
Head inside the book shop and go up the steps. As you go up the stairs, you should see Fortbyte #68 sitting on the floor waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #69 can be found inside a stone pig building.
This clue should lead players to the giant stone pig that is located close to Lucky Landing. The exact location of the stone pig building can be seen on the map in the image below.
As you get close to Lucky Landing, you should see the stone pig building sitting on a hill.
Land on top of the pig, towards the head, and bust open the brick. Once you’re inside, you should see Fortbyte #69 waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #70 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with Vibrant Contrails.
To complete this challnege, you will need to have the Vibrant Contrail unlocked. This item is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenge guides.
Now that we have that sorted, equip the Vibrant Contrail and queue up a game. As the game begins, you’ll want to plan on heading to Lazy Lagoon. As you get close, you should see four rings in the sky.
As you get close, hop off of the bus and glide over towards the rings. Once you are hovering over the first one, close your glider and begin skydiving through the four rings. If you need to reopen your glider between rings to get your position correct, that’s fine.
As you go through the last ring, you’ll see Fortbyte #70 waiting for you. To collect it, all you need to do is touch it!
Fortbyte #72 can be found within Salty Springs.
This is a rather vague hint, but now we know that we will need to head over to Salty Springs. If you need a refresher, it’s location can be seen on the map below.
Once you’re close to Salty Springs, you’re going to want to look for a red truck that is flipped on its side. It should be close to a Reboot Van. You can see the red truck marked by an arrow in the picture below.
Lank by the red truck and you’ll find Fortbyte #72 sitting inside!
Fortbyte #74 can be found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast. This should lead us to John Wick’s mansion, just to the right of Paradise Palms. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where to go, it should look like this as you’re getting close.
Once you land, head inside through the garage. Go through the garage door and into the main part of the house.
To your left, you should see a green painting on the wall and to the left of the painting you should see a door.
That door will lead down to the basement, where you can find Fortbyte #74. As you go downstairs, you should see a filing cabinet along the back wall.
Hit the filing cabinet a few times with your pickaxe to find and unlock Fortbyte #74!
Fortbye #75 can be found within an airport hangar.
This clue is going to lead players to the hangar located in Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location on the map above.
As you land at Frosty Flights, you’re going to want to go to the hangar with the solar panels in front of it.
Head inside the hangar and you’ll see Fortbtye #75 sitting in a corner waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #76 can be found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building.
This clue will lead us to the insurance building that is located in Neo Tilted. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, as it is one of the main buildings in Neo Tilted. You can see what the insurance building looks like in the image below.
Head to the first floor (the one above street level) and you should see a diorama set up. On your right, you’ll see a volcano display.
Check behind the volcano and you’ll find Fortbyte #76 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #77 is found within a track side taco shop. This is quite vague, but it should lead you to the bottom right hand corner of the map, near the race track. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should be able to clearly see the words “Tacos” illuminated from the back side of the building.
Head inside and go left, and you should see Fortbyte #77 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #78 can be found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake.
This clue will lead players to the newly updated Loot Lake.
The Ranger Tower can be found on the NW side of the renovated area, overlooking the lake. You can see the Ranger Tower in the picture above.
Climb up to the top and you’ll see Fortbyte #78 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #79 can be found within an arcade.
This clue is a bit vague, unless you just happen to know exactly where the arcade is located. If you’re like most of us, you don’t!
The arcade is located at the Mega Mall. Head over there and land towards the center of the biggest building in the Mega Mall area, where the Pizza Pit HQ is located.
Face the Pizza Pit sign and turn around 180 degrees. Then, you should see the arcade on the middle floor.
Go inside and look behind the counter and you’ll find Fortbyte #79 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #80 is accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the volcano rim.
The first thing you’ll need to do to unlock Fortbyte #80 is have the Bunker Basher Pickaxe. The Bunker Basher Pickaxe is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 38. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
The next clue will obviously lead us to the giant volcano on the map. You’ll want to head to the spot designated by a red circle in the picture below once you get close to the volcano.
When you land, you should see a rock. Crush the rock using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe and Fortbyte #80 will unlock!
Fortbyte #81 is accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge. This clue will lead us to the bottom right corner of the map to the desert biome. There are tons of mountaintops and cacti in this biome, but you’ll want to head to the mountaintop near Paradise Palms, it can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You can see the mountaintop that you want to head to in the picture below marked by a red arrow.
Once you land on the mountaintop, you should see Fortbyte #81 close to the edge.
It is important to note that Fortbyte #81 is only accessible during the day. This means that if you queue into a game and it is nighttime in the world of Fortnite, you’ll need to wait until it changes over to daytime, or queue up a new game.
This doesn’t mean that you can get Fortbyte #81 if it nighttime in real life while you’re playing, it simply means that in the world of Fortnite, it must be daytime.
Fortbyte #82 is one of the harder ones to get, mostly because it requires others. It can be found in the top left corner of the map, which is circled in red on the map below.
Once you get there, you’ll see 3 pressure plates surrounding the Fortbyte. You’ll need to have all 3 pressure plates held down at all times for the Fortbyte to be accessible.
So, you’ll either need to have a group of friends to help you or hope you get lucky and others are going there too and try to do it in Solos.
However, as time goes on it will likely get harder to do Solo. If you don’t have a squad of friends, it might be worth trying in Team Rumble. You’ll just have to use your mic and hope for some help.
Another option is to find vehicles and drive them onto the pressure plates. This can be a bit time consuming, but if you’re desperate enough, it may be your only option.
Fortbyte #83 can be found in a rock garden near the coast.
This clue is going to lead us to the east coast of the map, to a small little garden.
You can see the exact location of the rock garden on the map below.
Once you land at the garden, you’ll see Fortbyte #83 sitting in by a rock waiting for you to pick it up!
There aren’t any tricks here, no special skins or emotes. Simply pick it up and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #89 is accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #89, you’ll need to be using the Scarlet Strike Glider. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 39. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you’ve gotten that settled, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, you should see some rings appear.
Fly through the rings using the Scarlet Strike Glider and you’ll find Fortbyte #89 waiting for you at the end close to a ramp!
Fortbyte #91 is found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4.
This can be confusing at first, but a little bit of investigative work will lead us to Paradise Palms.
You’re going to be looking for a store called Keyboard King, which is located next to the tallest building in Paradise Palms.
As you land, you should see an ATM in front of the building.
Go up to the ATM and you’ll find Fortbyte #91 (also the hidden Week 4 Fortbyte).
You can search the ATM to pick up Fortbyte #91 or you can destroy the ATM first then search the Fortbyte, either is fine!
Fortbyte #92 is accessible by using the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall. This means you’ll need to have the Rock Love Spary unlocked, which is earned at Level 2 of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Once you have that unlocked, you’ll need to head towards the lava flowing from the volcano. The exact location can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #92 on the first island in the lava. You’ll need to spray the Rock Love Spray before they Fortbyte will unlock. Once you spray the Rock Love Spray, you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #92.
Fortbyte #94 is accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake.
Before you can begin the hunt for Fortbyte #94, you’ll need to make sure you have the Scarlet Scythe unlocked. This pickaxe is unlockabe by earning the Demi Outfit at Tier 87 of the Battle Pass. Once you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the Scarlet Scythe by collecting 70 Fortbytes.
Once you’ve got all that sorted, head to the frozen lake that is north of Polar Peak. You can see its exact location on the map above.
As you land, you should see a flat rooftop frozen in the lake. Land on top of it and bust your way through the ceiling.
You should now be in a sporting goods store. Head up the steps and you’ll see a blue canoe on the wall next to a counter. Smash the canoe with your Scarlet Scythe and you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #94.
Fortbyte #95 can be found at a solar panel array in the jungle. This will lead players to the upper portion of the map, to the left of Sunny Steps. The exact location on the map of the solar panel array can be seen in the image below.
As you get close, you should see the solar panel array to the right of the four lakes. Once you land, you’ll see Fortbyte #95 sitting in front of the solar panel waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #97 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8.
As the clue states, you’ll need Loading Screen #8 to find Fortbyte #97. However, you won’t need the screen itself, you’ll actually need the description, which reads, “Peely and Jonesy first met at Bao Bros. and instantly knew they would be friends forever.”
This clue will lead you to Bao Bros. in Lucky Landing. The Bao Bros. building is pretty easy to spot, because it has a giant dumpling on top of the building.
As you land at Bao Bros., you’ll want to head to the second floor, where you’ll see Fortbyte #97 sitting by some exercise equipment.
Even if you haven’t completed the Week 8 Challenges, you can still search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #98 is found within a viking longhouse.
This clue is going to lead us to the viking area in the icy region of the map. The exact location of the viking longhouse can be seen in the image below.
The longhosue is well, the longest house in the area, and is located in the back of the viking mountain.
As you go inside, you’ll see Fortbyte #98 sitting next to a couple of tables waiting to be searched!
Fortbyte #100 can be found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted.
This clue is obviously leading us to Neo Tilted, one of the most popular places in Fortnite.
You’ll need to head to the tallest building in Neo Tilted, which is located in the northern portion of the busy city. The exact location on the map of the tallest building in Neo Tilted can be seen on the map above.
As you’re landing in Neo Tilted, you’ll want to head to the building with the radio tower, which can be seen in the image above.
Land on the roof and then bust through the ceiling. You’ll be dropped onto the highest floor where you’ll find Fortbyte #100 sitting right next to you!
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Source : IGN
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #27
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Fortnite: How to Find Fortbyte #27
Last Edited: July 14, 2019 at 11:50 PM
The Fortbyte Event came to Fortnite with the launch of Season 9 on May 9, 2019. Fortbytes are collectible computer chips that have been scattered across the map. There are a total of 100 Fortbytes and finding them all will unlock a hidden image which reveals information on Season 9. The image has yet to be uncovered.
New Fortbytes unlock every day, typically with only 1 new one per day. However, on the first day of Season 9, 18 Fortbytes were unlocked. The Fortbyte event is only available to Battle Pass owners.
Below is a table of all 100 Fortbytes and clues to gathering them (constantly updated). The majority of them are self explanatory, however some are not. A more specific and detailed walkthrough to finding the more difficult Fortbytes can be seen below.
If you see a blue number on the table below, you can click on it and it will take you directly to the walkthrough for that specific Fortbyte!
Fortbyte #: How to Find: #1 Gain 175,000 XP #2 Hidden within Loading Screen #6 #3 Accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point #4 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped #5 Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club #6 Accessible with Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert #7 Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella #8 Found within Junk Junction #9  ? #10 Gain 60,000 XP #11 Found beneath a circling jungle parrot #12 Accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel #13 Found within location within Loading Screen #2 #14 Found within an RV Park #15  ? #16 Found in a desert house with too many chairs #17 Found inside a wooden fish building #18 Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot #19 Accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building #20 Found at the center of any of the first three storm circles #21  ? #22 Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass #23 Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint #24 Found within Fatal Fields #25 Battle Pass Tier 40 #26 Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker #27 Found somewhere within map location A4 #28 Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard #29  ? #30 Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park #31 Found at a meteor crater overlook #32 Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point #33 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10 #34 Found between a fork and knife #35 Gain 225,000 XP #36 Accessible by Sentinel of a frozen island #37 Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park #38  ? #39 Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 #40 Accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert #41 Accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger #42  ? #43 Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand #44 Battle Pass Tier 20 #45  ? #46 Battle Pass Tier 100 #47 Found between Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battlebus #48 Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne #49 Found in Trog’s ice cave #50 Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins #51 Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana Stand #52 Accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory #53 Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair #54  ? #55 Found within Haunted Hills  #56  ? #57 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 25 times #58 Accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores #59 Accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant #60 Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant #61 Accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall #62 Accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion #63 Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields #64 Accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain #65 Found in a basement movie set #66 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 75 times #67 Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform #68 Found within a snowy town book shop #69 Found inside a stone pig building #70 Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped #71 Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 #72 Found within Salty Springs #73 Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6 #74 Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast #75 Found within an airport hangar #76 Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building #77 Found within a track side taco shop #78 Found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake #79 Found within an arcade #80 Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim #81 Accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge #82 Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of the Block #83 Found in a rock garden near the coast #84 Battle Pass Tier 60 #85 Gain 30,000 XP #86  ? #87 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, on Solos 50 times #88 Found somewhere within map location J3 #89 Accessibly by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores #90 Finish Top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solos 100 times #91 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 #92 Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall #93  ? #94 Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake #95 Found at a solar panel array in the jungle #96 Battle Pass Tier 80 #97 Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8 #98 Found within a viking longhouse #99 Gain 125,000 XP #100 Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Fortbyte #2 is hidden within Loading Screen #6. Additionally, it also serves as the Week 6 Hidden Fortbyte.
The key to finding Fortbyte #2 is hidden within the Week 6 Loading Screen and description, which can be seen above.
The description reads, “Only the best snipers can take out a holo-clock tower lamp from the rooftops of Neo Tilted.” This clue, combined with the loading screen itself, will lead us to the holo-clock tower building in Neo Tilted.
So, head to Neo Tilted and look for the big holo-clock tower building. If you’re not sure what it looks like, it can be seen in the picture above.
Once you find it, make sure to land on top. As you land, you should see Fortbyte #2 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #3 is accessible using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #3 is to make sure that you have the Skull Trooper Emoji unlocked. The Skull Trooper Emoji is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 58. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the western most point of the map, which can be seen in the image above.
As you land, you’ll see a small sign with a big W and a compass on it as well as Fortbyte #3.
Simply use the Skull Trooper Emoji and Fortbyte #3 will unlock and allow you to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #4 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails equipped.
To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Plasma Trail Contrails unlocked and equipped. The Plasma Trail Contrails are unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 89. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, the next step is pretty simple.
All you need to do is head to Loot Lake and skydive through the four rings. The first ring will come up pretty quick after you get off the Bus, so make sure you’re ready!
As you go through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #4 waiting for you! It is important to note that you must skydive through the rings and not glide. However, you can glide in between the rings to make sure you’re on target.
Fortbyte #5 is accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #5 is to make sure that you have the Laid Back Shuffle Emote unlocked. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 95. If you haven’t made it that far, check out our Weekly Challenges guides to get some extra XP.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the dance club in the snowy region of the map. You can see the exact location of the dance club on the map above.
You’ll find Fortbyte #5 sitting in the middle of the dance floor. Simply use the Laid Back Shuffle Emote and Fortbyte #5 will unlock and you’ll be able to add another Fortbyte to your collection.
Fortbyte #6 is accessible by using the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert. Before you do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Yay! emote unlocked, which is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 14. If you haven’t gotten that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Once you’ve dealt with that, you’ll need to head to the desert biome and find the ice cream shop location. The shop is located to the left of the race track, which is on the bottom right corner of the map. You can see its exact location on the map below.
As you’re flying over the ice cream shop, you should see it illuminated in neon.
As you land, go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #6. Simply use the Yay! emote and the Fortbyte will unlock!
Fortbyte #7 is accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella. This means that before you can do anything, you need to have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked. It is unlockable at Tier 8 of the Season 9 Battle Pass. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Week 2 challenge guide.
Once you have the Cuddle Up Emoticon unlocked, queue up a game. You’ll want to head to the rocky area located just below The Block. It’s exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where you’re going, just head towards The Block. As you’re floating through the air, you’ll want to go to the location marked by the red arrow.
Once you get there, head down the path that takes you underground. On your right, you’ll see a wooden platform and Fortbyte #7. Grab some materials and build up to it.
Once you’re close, use the Cuddle Up Emoticon and Fortbyte #7 will unlock!
Fortbyte #8 can be found within Junk Junction. There are no hidden tricks that come with finding Fortbyte #8, it is as straight forward as it sounds. All you need to do is head to Junk Junction.
Once you’re there, head inside the main building and you’ll see Fortbyte #8 sitting on a mattress in plain sight.
Fortbyte #11 can be found beneath a circling jungle parrot.
This clue is a bit vague, but is going to lead players to the right of the Pressure Plant. You can see the exact location that you need to go to in the map below.
As you land, you should see a parrot circling Fortbyte #11.
Land next to the circling bird and you’ll see Fortbyte #11 sitting next to a tree waiting to be picked up!
Simply run up to it and search it like normal to add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #12 is accessible by using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #12, you’ll need to have the Nana Nana Spray unlocked. The Nana Nana Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 57. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that we have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the molten tunnel location which is located at the volcano. As you can see in the image above, you’ll need to head to the location where the lava stops flowing.
As you arrive, you should see a concrete tunnel. Hop on the rocks and go through the tunnel. On your right, you should see Fortbyte #12.
Use the Nana Nana Spray and Fortbyte #12 will unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #13 can be found at a location which is hidden within Loading Screen #2, which can be seen below.
This will lead you to bottom right corner of the map, which is circled in red.
Once you get there, you will see three dinosaurs and a small house close to the road. Go behind the small house where you will find a port-a-potty. Approach the portable restroom and you will see Fortbyte #13.
Fortbyte #14 can be found within an RV Park.
This clue will lead players to the RV park located to the left of Lonely Lodge. You can see the exact location of the RV Park on the map in the image below.
As you land, you should see a green RV sitting in the center of the park.
Land next to that RV and you’ll see Fortbyte #14 waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #16 can be found in a desert house with too many chairs. This should lead players to the desert biome, just south of Paradise Palms. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re flying to the marked location, you’ll want to look for a small grouping of houses. This is where Fortbyte 16 is located. The exact house is marked by a red arrow on the image below.
Head into the bottom floor and you should see Fortbyte 16 sitting by a bed on the floor!
Fortbyte #17 can be found within a wooden fish building. This will lead you to the top right corner of the map, in the ponds between Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps. The exact location can be seen on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #17 inside of the wooden fish that is in the bottom left pond. Here is what it looks like flying over the pond.
Fortbyte #17 is located in the bottom part of the fish’s tail.
Fortbyte #18 can be found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot.
This clue is going to lead players to a small little shed between the two Named Locations.
You can see the exact location of the shed on the map above.
As you land, you should see a shed sitting next to a pine tree.
Head inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #18 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbtye #19 is accessible with the Vega Outfit inside a spaceship building.
The first step to finding Fortbtye #19 is making sure you’re wearing the Vega Outfit. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn XP.
Now that that is sorted, you’ll need to find the spaceship building. You can find the spaceship south of Shifty Shafts just past the mountain. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you’re getting close, you’ll see the giant metal spaceship. Head to the front side, which is indicated in the image below by a red arrow.
Once you land, you’ll see a ramp connecting the middle of the ship to the front. As you can see in the picture below, Fortbyte #19 is right behind that ramp.
Destroy the ramp and as long as you’re wearing the Vega Outfit, you can add Fortbyte #19 to your collection!
Fortbyte #20 is found at the center of any of the first three storm circles.
This is one of the strangest hidden items to unlock during the Fortbyte event. It is a little bit strange, because the location is going to be different for every player. However, the premise is still the same, you can find Fortbyte #20 in the center of any of the first three storms.
You can go about this in many different ways, however we would suggest taking your time on the Battle Bus and gliding to the ground, as you wait for the first storm to form.
So, hop on the Battle Bus and ride it out until it forces you off. Once you’re kicked out, open your glider and float for as long as you can.
About halfway to the ground, the storm will form. Open your map, find the center, and set a marker. Then, you can glide to the spot you marked and find Fortbyte #20!
You’ll be able to recognize it by the purple lightning bolt. Simply run up to the Fortbyte, search it like normal, and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #22 is accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have Rox Spray unlocked in the Season 9 Battle Pass. Rox Spray is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 6.
Once you’ve made sure that you have it unlocked, you’ll need to head to Neo Tilted. The underpass is located on the bottom left side of Neo Tilted. It’s exact location on the map can be seen below.
As you’re flying over Neo Tilted, look for an 18 wheeler on the ground, this will help lead you to Fortbyte #22. As you’re flying over, it looks like this.
Land by the 18 wheeler and you should see Fortbyte #22 a few steps ahead of you. Make sure to use the Rox Spray to unlock it, then you will be able to search it and add it to your collection of Fortbytes.
Fortbyte #23 can be found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint.
This clue is going to lead players a mountaintop to the west of Loot Lake. You can see the exact location of Fortbyte #23 on the map above.
As you land on top of the mountain, you should see Fortbyte #23 sitting along the edge by a tree waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #24 can be found within Fatal Fields. Once you land at Fatal Fields, head to the main house. Once inside, go up the steps to the second floor. Enter the second room on your right and you find Fortbyte #24 in the back right corner between the desk and reading table.
Fortbyte #26 is accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #26, you’ll need to have unlocked the Bunker Jonesy outfit, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now, you’ll need to find the snowy bunker location. This clue will lead you to a tiny snowy island that is located off of the main island. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you should see a small wooden bunker (it is more of a shack), which the arrow is pointing to in the image below.
Once you land, run inside the snowy bunker and you’ll find Fortbyte #26 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #27 can be found somewhere within map location A4.
While this clue is a bit vague, it should give players a pretty good idea of the general location of Fortbyte #27.
As you can see in the map above, you’re going to want to head just north of Snobby Shores, to the right of a small mountain.
As you land, you should see Fortbyte #27 sitting next to a tree, ready to be picked up.
Fortbyte #28 is accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard.
This is one of the more unique and harder Fortbytes released so far in the event and will likely take a bit of time to unlock.
For starters, you’ll need to head to the desert junkyard location, which is located to the south of Paradise Palms.
As you can see on the map above, you’re going to want to land at the northeast corner of the junkyard. As you land, you should see a couple of colorful panels against a wall with a lever in front of them.
To unlock Fortbyte #28, you need to pull the lever and watch the panels, memorizing which ones light up. Then, you’ll need to repeat the pattern by hitting the panels with your pickaxe or by shooting them with a gun.
You’ll have to go through a few rounds of this, but if you repeat every pattern successfully, then Fortbyte #28 will unlock!
Fortbyte #30 can be found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park.
This clue is pretty clear, to find Fortbyte #30, you’ll need to look between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. While this clue is a little bit vague, finding Fortbyte #30 isn’t difficult at all. The exact location of Fortbyte #30 can be seen on the map below.
As you can see, Fortbyte #30 can be found right next to the bottom of the mountain next to Haunted Hills.
Close to the mountain, you’ll see two big trees. Fortbyte #30 will be sitting in between those two trees waiting for you to pick it up!
Fortbyte #31 can be found at a meteor crater overlook. This should lead us to the biggest crater hole on the map, Dusty Divot.
In order to find Fortbyte #31, you’ll need to be overlooking the crater hole. There just so happens to be a perfect spot to overlook Dusty Divot behind Dusty Diner.
You’ll want to head to the warehouse closest to the Divot. Once you’re inside, you will see Fortbyte #31 sitting on a walkway, waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #32 is accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point of the map. The first thing that you’ll need to do is have the Kyo Pet Back Bling unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 28.
If you don’t have it unlocked, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the northern most point of the map. The will lead you to a small point on the top of the map, its exact location can be seen on the map below.
Fortbyte #32 will be sitting next to some rocks. As long as you have the Kyo Pet Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to pick it up (as you can see, I don’t have it Back Bling unlocked).
Fortbyte #33 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10.
As you can see in the Loading Screen above, there aren’t any obvious clues shown that could indicate the location of Fortbtye #33. However, if you read the description, you’ll find that it reads, “You’re a long way from Lonely Lodge…”
In a strange way, this clue is actually leading players to Lonely Lodge. So, hop on the Battle Bus and drop at the main cabin at Lonely Lodge.
If you’re standing on the south end of the main cabin, you should see a smaller building to your left.
If you go inside, you’ll find Fortbyte #33 sitting in the middle of the room waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #34 can be found between a fork and knife.
This clue will lead players to an underground location next to Fatal Fields. You can see the exact fork and knife location on the map below.
As you land, you should see a fork and knife outline in the grass below you.
You’re going to want to head to the handle portion of the knife to find Fortbyte #34.
Once you’re at the bottom of the knife, you’ll see a small wooden wall that you can bust down. Behind that wall you’ll find Fortbyte #34 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #36 can be found by Sentinel on a frozen island. The first thing you need to do is be dressed as the Sentinel, who is unlocked in Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Once you’re dressed as Sentinel, head to leftmost frozen island on the bottom left corner of the map. You can see the island below circled in red.
Once you’re at the island, you’ll see Fortbyte #36 close to the edge.
Fortbyte #37 can be found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park.
This clue is going to lead players to the northern edge of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location on the map below.
Head inside the front door of the house and go through the first door on your left. If you look underneath the staircase, you’ll find another hidden staircase that leads to the basement.
Once in the basement, you’ll find a cabinet with a half built wall behind it. Bust out the wall and you’ll see a metal door leading to the bunker.
Go through the door and you should see Fortbyte #37 sitting in the kitchen floor waiting to be picked up! As you can see, others got here before I did, but there are normally lots of kitchen appliances!
Fortbyte #40 is accessible with the Demi Outfit on a sundial in the desert.
Before players can even think about hunting down the hidden item, they’ll need to make sure that they have the Demi Outfit unlocked. You can unlock the Demi Outfit at Battle Pass Tier 87. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that that’s sorted, you’ll need to head to the sundial in the desert, which is located to the east of Fatal Fields. You can see the exact location on the map below.
The sundial is located on top of a small mountain.
Simply land on top of the mountain and as long as you’re wearing the Demi Outfit you’ll find Fortbyte #40 unlocked and waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #41 is accessible by using the Tomatohead emoticon inside Durrr Burger. In order to unlock Fortbyte #41, you’ll need to have reached Battle Pass Tier 3. If you’ve done that, then you’re ready to unlock the Fortbyte.
Durrr Burger is located in Neo Tilted. It is the biggest building in the area and has a rotating holographic hamburger on top of the building.
Once you’ve found it, land at the building and go into the bottom floor. You’ll see a counter and menus, hop over the counter and head right. You’ll see Fortbyte #41 sitting by a fryer.
Use the Tomatohead emoticon and you’ll be able to pick it up!
Fortbyte #43 is accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a banana stand.
The first piece to this puzzle is going to be making sure that you have the Nana Cape Back Bling unlocked. To do this, you’ll first need to have the Bunker Jonesy skin unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 23.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to have completed the Jonesy challenge which requires you to collect 40 different Fortbytes. Doing so will unlock the Nana Cape Back Bling.
Now that you’ve got that sorted, you’ll want to head to the banana stand in Neo Tilted. As you can see on the map above, the banana stand is located on the bottom left corner of Neo Tilted.
As you land, you’ll see a big, bright yellow banana stand.
Head inside and you should see Fortbyte #43. As long as you have the Nana Cape Back Bling on, it will unlock and you’ll be able to add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #47 can be found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed Battlebus. You can see it’s location in red on the map in the picture below.
As you land in the trees, you should see a green camper with an umbrella and some loot.
Head to the left of the camper and you’ll see Fortbyte #47.
Fortbyte #48 is accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #48, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Vox Pickaxe unlocked. The Vox Pickaxe is unloackable at Battle Pass Tier 55. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you’ve got all that figured out, you’ll need to head to the gnome beside a mountaintop throne. This location is in the icy region of Fortnite and can be seen on the map below.
As you land on the top of the mountain, you should see a big rock with a toilet and a gnome in front of it. Destroy the gnome with the Vox Pickaxe and Fortbyte #48 will reveal itself.
You can then search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #49 can be found in Trog’s ice cave.
This clue is a bit vague, but will lead us to the icy region of the map. Specifically, you’ll find the ice cave location between Happy Hamlet and Frosty Flights. The exact ice cave location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should see a bunch of icy trees. In the middle of the tree’s is a big opening which leads to Trog’s ice cave.
Drop down into the cave, and you should see Trog’s house right next to you.
Go inside and you’ll see Fortbyte #49 sitting by some teddy bears!
Fortbyte #50 is accessible at night time inside a mountain top castle ruins. This one is pretty simple, the only thing to note is that it must be night time in the world of Fortnite for Fortbyte #50 to unlock.
The mountain top castle ruins location can be found close to Haunted Hills. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the lowest spot on top of the mountain, so that you’re truly inside the mountain top castle ruins
Follow the arrow in the picture above and it’ll lead you right to Fortbyte #50.
As long as it is night time, you can pick it up and be on your way.
Fortbyte #51 is accessibly by using the Cluck Strut dance to cross the road in front of Peely’s Banana stand.
In order to begin this challenge, you’ll need to have unlocked the Cluck Strut dance, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 31. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to Peely’s Banana stand, which is located in Neo Tilted. It’s exact location can be seen on the map above.
Once you land, you’ll see a crosswalk leading to the fruit stand. Use the Cluck Strut dance as you slowly walk across the street and Fortbyte #51 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the dance unlocked so the Fortbyte won’t unlock for me.)
Fortbyte #52 is accessible with Bot Spray inside a robot factory.
Before you can unlock Fortbyte #52, you’ll need to make sure that you have the Bot Spray unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 85. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to find the robot factory location. Fortunately, this can be found at the Pressure Plant.
You’ll want to go the top portion of the Pressure Plant and head to the east side. The red arrow in the image above points to the exact location of Fortbyte #52.
Use the Bot Spray next to Fortbyte #52 to unlock it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #53 is accessible by helping raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair.
This clue is going to take you to the mountain close to Snobby Shores. You can see the exact location on the map below.
You’re going to need to head to the very bottom of the abandoned mountaintop villain lair to find the disco ball. The easiest was to get to the disco ball is to land about halfway down the west side of the mountain.
You should see a platform that you can land on, which will lead you inside the lair and take you directly to the disco ball.
To complete this challenge, you’ll need one other player to help you. You’ll both need to stand on a piece of the dance floor and dance until you raise the disco ball to the top of the pole.
Once the disco ball has been raised, Fortbyte #53 will unlock and you can pick it up and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #55 can be found at Haunted Hills. So, go ahead and hop in a game and head to Haunted Hills. If you can’t remember where it is, you can see Haunted Hills circled in red on the map below.
Once you’re close, you’ll want to head to the building to the right of building with the tall tower (if you’re facing the back of that building). The building you want to go to has an arrow pointing to it in the picture below.
Walk inside and you’ll find Fortbyte #55 ready for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #58 is accessible with the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores.
The first step to unlocking Fortbyte #58 is to make sure you have the Sad Trombone Emote unlocked. The Sad Trombone Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 46. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, if you’re facing the houses, you’ll find Fortbyte #58 at the rightmost house on the pavement in front of the house.
Once you’ve landed at Fortbyte #58, simply use the Sad Trombone Emote to unlock it. You’ll then be able to search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #59 is accessible with the Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant.
This clue is going to lead us to the Pizza Pit HQ at the Mega Mall, which can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to head to the first floor (one above ground level). As you go in, you should see the ordering counter.
Hop over the counter and head left, you should see Fortbyte #59 pretty quick, sitting next to a wall.
Use the Durrr! Emoji and Fortbyte #59 should unlock. Then, you can search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #60 is accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of Happy Oink restaurant.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked. The Sign Spinner Emote is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 63. If you haven’t made it that far, you can check out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Now that you’ve gotten that sorted, you’ll need to head to the Happy Oink restaurant in Happy Hamlet.
You’ll find Happy Oink in the center of Happy Hamlet. The pig sign outside of the restaurant will make it easy to recognize.
Despite what the clue says, you’ll need to use the Sign Spinner Emote inside the restaurant in order to unlock Fortbyte #60.
So, go inside and hop over the counter. Once you do that, you’ll find Fortbyte #60 sitting on the floor. Use the Sign Spinner Emote to unlock it and then you’ll be able to search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #61 is accessible by using the Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall.
The first thing that is needed to unlock Fortbyte #61 is the Sunbird Spray, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll need to head to the frozen waterfall location, which can be found on the mountain next to Snobby Shores. It’s exact location can be see on the map image below.
As you get close, you’ll want to head to the upper portion of the waterfall (not the top, just not the bottom). You’ll see what I mean by looking at the red circle in the image below.
Once you land, use the Sunbird Spray on the waterfall and Fortbyte #61 will unlock! (Unfortunately, I do not have the Sunbird Spray unlocked, which is why the image shows it as locked.)
Fortbyte #62 is accessible with the Stratus Outfit within an abandoned mansion.
The first step to collecting Fortbyte #62 is to make sure you have the Stratus Outfit equipped. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 71. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
Now that you have that sorted, you’ll need to head to the abandoned mansion location. Fortunately, it is not hard to find. The abandoned mansion is located between Lonely Lodge and the race track. You can see its exact location on the map below.
To find Fortbyte #62, you’ll need to head to the bottom floor of the mansion.
If you land at the front of the abandoned mansion, you’ll see a big opening on the right side of the bottom floor. Go through the opening and you’ll find Fortbyte #62 sitting in front of you by a computer and a couch. As long as you’re wearing the Stratus Outfit, you can search the hidden item and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #63 can be found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields.
This clue will lead you to the gas station that is just north of Lucky Landing. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you land at the gas station, you’ll see Fortbyte #63 sitting in between two gas pumps.
There are no tricks here. you can simply search it and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #64 is accessible by Rox on top of stunt mountain. This is one of the easier Fortbyte locations so far! The first thing you need to do is change into the Rox skin, which unlocks at Tier 1 of the Battle Pass.
Then, you’ll want to head to stunt mountain, which is located on the left side of the map just below Pleasant Park. The exact location of Stunt Mountain can be seen on the map below.
As you leave the Battle Bus, you’ll want to keep in mind that you need to land on the very top of stunt mountain, so don’t angle down at the ground too much.
Once you land on top of stunt mountain, you should see Fortbyte #64 sitting close the ledge next to the sign that reads 111 m.
Fortbyte #65 can be found in a basement movie set. This clue will lead players to the two houses that are located near Shifty Shafts. The exact locations of the houses can be seen on the map below.
As you land close to the houses, you’ll want to head into the grayish colored home, which is marked by an arrow on the image below.
Once inside, head downstairs where you will find Fortbyte #65 sitting next to a movie set!
Fortbyte #67 is accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform.
To unlock this Fortbyte, you’ll need to have the Retaliator Glider unlocked, which is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 79. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides to help you earn some extra XP.
Once you have the Glider unlocked and equipped, the rest is simple. To start, you’ll need to head to the southern most Sky Platform, which is marked on the map below.
As you’re gliding over the platform, you should see some rings floating around the area, which you’ll need to glide through. It is important to note that you must be gliding, not skydiving when you go through the rings.
As you head through the fourth ring, you’ll find Fortbyte #67 unlocked and waiting to be added to your collection!
Fortbyte #68 can be found within a snowy town book shop.
This clue will lead players to the book shop in Happy Hamlet. It can be a bit hard to find, but it is located in the NW corner of Happy Hamlet. Its exact location on the map can be seen in the image below.
As you land, you’ll want to look for a book shop called McGuffins. You can see the snowy town book shop in the image below.
Head inside the book shop and go up the steps. As you go up the stairs, you should see Fortbyte #68 sitting on the floor waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #69 can be found inside a stone pig building.
This clue should lead players to the giant stone pig that is located close to Lucky Landing. The exact location of the stone pig building can be seen on the map in the image below.
As you get close to Lucky Landing, you should see the stone pig building sitting on a hill.
Land on top of the pig, towards the head, and bust open the brick. Once you’re inside, you should see Fortbyte #69 waiting for you to pick up!
Fortbyte #70 is accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with Vibrant Contrails.
To complete this challnege, you will need to have the Vibrant Contrail unlocked. This item is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 26. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenge guides.
Now that we have that sorted, equip the Vibrant Contrail and queue up a game. As the game begins, you’ll want to plan on heading to Lazy Lagoon. As you get close, you should see four rings in the sky.
As you get close, hop off of the bus and glide over towards the rings. Once you are hovering over the first one, close your glider and begin skydiving through the four rings. If you need to reopen your glider between rings to get your position correct, that’s fine.
As you go through the last ring, you’ll see Fortbyte #70 waiting for you. To collect it, all you need to do is touch it!
Fortbyte #72 can be found within Salty Springs.
This is a rather vague hint, but now we know that we will need to head over to Salty Springs. If you need a refresher, it’s location can be seen on the map below.
Once you’re close to Salty Springs, you’re going to want to look for a red truck that is flipped on its side. It should be close to a Reboot Van. You can see the red truck marked by an arrow in the picture below.
Lank by the red truck and you’ll find Fortbyte #72 sitting inside!
Fortbyte #74 can be found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast. This should lead us to John Wick’s mansion, just to the right of Paradise Palms. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
If you’re still not sure where to go, it should look like this as you’re getting close.
Once you land, head inside through the garage. Go through the garage door and into the main part of the house.
To your left, you should see a green painting on the wall and to the left of the painting you should see a door.
That door will lead down to the basement, where you can find Fortbyte #74. As you go downstairs, you should see a filing cabinet along the back wall.
Hit the filing cabinet a few times with your pickaxe to find and unlock Fortbyte #74!
Fortbye #75 can be found within an airport hangar.
This clue is going to lead players to the hangar located in Frosty Flights. You can see the exact location on the map above.
As you land at Frosty Flights, you’re going to want to go to the hangar with the solar panels in front of it.
Head inside the hangar and you’ll see Fortbtye #75 sitting in a corner waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #76 can be found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building.
This clue will lead us to the insurance building that is located in Neo Tilted. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, as it is one of the main buildings in Neo Tilted. You can see what the insurance building looks like in the image below.
Head to the first floor (the one above street level) and you should see a diorama set up. On your right, you’ll see a volcano display.
Check behind the volcano and you’ll find Fortbyte #76 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #77 is found within a track side taco shop. This is quite vague, but it should lead you to the bottom right hand corner of the map, near the race track. Its exact location can be seen on the map below.
As you get close, you should be able to clearly see the words “Tacos” illuminated from the back side of the building.
Head inside and go left, and you should see Fortbyte #77 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #78 can be found within a Ranger Tower overlooking drained lake.
This clue will lead players to the newly updated Loot Lake.
The Ranger Tower can be found on the NW side of the renovated area, overlooking the lake. You can see the Ranger Tower in the picture above.
Climb up to the top and you’ll see Fortbyte #78 waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #79 can be found within an arcade.
This clue is a bit vague, unless you just happen to know exactly where the arcade is located. If you’re like most of us, you don’t!
The arcade is located at the Mega Mall. Head over there and land towards the center of the biggest building in the Mega Mall area, where the Pizza Pit HQ is located.
Face the Pizza Pit sign and turn around 180 degrees. Then, you should see the arcade on the middle floor.
Go inside and look behind the counter and you’ll find Fortbyte #79 waiting for you!
Fortbyte #80 is accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the volcano rim.
The first thing you’ll need to do to unlock Fortbyte #80 is have the Bunker Basher Pickaxe. The Bunker Basher Pickaxe is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 38. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guides.
The next clue will obviously lead us to the giant volcano on the map. You’ll want to head to the spot designated by a red circle in the picture below once you get close to the volcano.
When you land, you should see a rock. Crush the rock using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe and Fortbyte #80 will unlock!
Fortbyte #81 is accessible during the daytime near a mountaintop cactus wedge. This clue will lead us to the bottom right corner of the map to the desert biome. There are tons of mountaintops and cacti in this biome, but you’ll want to head to the mountaintop near Paradise Palms, it can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You can see the mountaintop that you want to head to in the picture below marked by a red arrow.
Once you land on the mountaintop, you should see Fortbyte #81 close to the edge.
It is important to note that Fortbyte #81 is only accessible during the day. This means that if you queue into a game and it is nighttime in the world of Fortnite, you’ll need to wait until it changes over to daytime, or queue up a new game.
This doesn’t mean that you can get Fortbyte #81 if it nighttime in real life while you’re playing, it simply means that in the world of Fortnite, it must be daytime.
Fortbyte #82 is one of the harder ones to get, mostly because it requires others. It can be found in the top left corner of the map, which is circled in red on the map below.
Once you get there, you’ll see 3 pressure plates surrounding the Fortbyte. You’ll need to have all 3 pressure plates held down at all times for the Fortbyte to be accessible.
So, you’ll either need to have a group of friends to help you or hope you get lucky and others are going there too and try to do it in Solos.
However, as time goes on it will likely get harder to do Solo. If you don’t have a squad of friends, it might be worth trying in Team Rumble. You’ll just have to use your mic and hope for some help.
Another option is to find vehicles and drive them onto the pressure plates. This can be a bit time consuming, but if you’re desperate enough, it may be your only option.
Fortbyte #83 can be found in a rock garden near the coast.
This clue is going to lead us to the east coast of the map, to a small little garden.
You can see the exact location of the rock garden on the map below.
Once you land at the garden, you’ll see Fortbyte #83 sitting in by a rock waiting for you to pick it up!
There aren’t any tricks here, no special skins or emotes. Simply pick it up and add it to your collection!
Fortbyte #89 is accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores.
In order to unlock Fortbyte #89, you’ll need to be using the Scarlet Strike Glider. It is unlockable at Battle Pass Tier 39. If you haven’t made it that far, consider checking out our Weekly Challenges guide.
Now that you’ve gotten that settled, you’ll want to head to Snobby Shores. As you get close, you should see some rings appear.
Fly through the rings using the Scarlet Strike Glider and you’ll find Fortbyte #89 waiting for you at the end close to a ramp!
Fortbyte #91 is found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4.
This can be confusing at first, but a little bit of investigative work will lead us to Paradise Palms.
You’re going to be looking for a store called Keyboard King, which is located next to the tallest building in Paradise Palms.
As you land, you should see an ATM in front of the building.
Go up to the ATM and you’ll find Fortbyte #91 (also the hidden Week 4 Fortbyte).
You can search the ATM to pick up Fortbyte #91 or you can destroy the ATM first then search the Fortbyte, either is fine!
Fortbyte #92 is accessible by using the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall. This means you’ll need to have the Rock Love Spary unlocked, which is earned at Level 2 of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Once you have that unlocked, you’ll need to head towards the lava flowing from the volcano. The exact location can be seen circled in red on the map below.
You’ll find Fortbyte #92 on the first island in the lava. You’ll need to spray the Rock Love Spray before they Fortbyte will unlock. Once you spray the Rock Love Spray, you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #92.
Fortbyte #94 is accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake.
Before you can begin the hunt for Fortbyte #94, you’ll need to make sure you have the Scarlet Scythe unlocked. This pickaxe is unlockabe by earning the Demi Outfit at Tier 87 of the Battle Pass. Once you’ve done that, you’ll unlock the Scarlet Scythe by collecting 70 Fortbytes.
Once you’ve got all that sorted, head to the frozen lake that is north of Polar Peak. You can see its exact location on the map above.
As you land, you should see a flat rooftop frozen in the lake. Land on top of it and bust your way through the ceiling.
You should now be in a sporting goods store. Head up the steps and you’ll see a blue canoe on the wall next to a counter. Smash the canoe with your Scarlet Scythe and you’ll be able to pick up Fortbyte #94.
Fortbyte #95 can be found at a solar panel array in the jungle. This will lead players to the upper portion of the map, to the left of Sunny Steps. The exact location on the map of the solar panel array can be seen in the image below.
As you get close, you should see the solar panel array to the right of the four lakes. Once you land, you’ll see Fortbyte #95 sitting in front of the solar panel waiting to be picked up!
Fortbyte #97 can be found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8.
As the clue states, you’ll need Loading Screen #8 to find Fortbyte #97. However, you won’t need the screen itself, you’ll actually need the description, which reads, “Peely and Jonesy first met at Bao Bros. and instantly knew they would be friends forever.”
This clue will lead you to Bao Bros. in Lucky Landing. The Bao Bros. building is pretty easy to spot, because it has a giant dumpling on top of the building.
As you land at Bao Bros., you’ll want to head to the second floor, where you’ll see Fortbyte #97 sitting by some exercise equipment.
Even if you haven’t completed the Week 8 Challenges, you can still search it and add it to your collection.
Fortbyte #98 is found within a viking longhouse.
This clue is going to lead us to the viking area in the icy region of the map. The exact location of the viking longhouse can be seen in the image below.
The longhosue is well, the longest house in the area, and is located in the back of the viking mountain.
As you go inside, you’ll see Fortbyte #98 sitting next to a couple of tables waiting to be searched!
Fortbyte #100 can be found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted.
This clue is obviously leading us to Neo Tilted, one of the most popular places in Fortnite.
You’ll need to head to the tallest building in Neo Tilted, which is located in the northern portion of the busy city. The exact location on the map of the tallest building in Neo Tilted can be seen on the map above.
As you’re landing in Neo Tilted, you’ll want to head to the building with the radio tower, which can be seen in the image above.
Land on the roof and then bust through the ceiling. You’ll be dropped onto the highest floor where you’ll find Fortbyte #100 sitting right next to you!
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Source : IGN
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