#also also bertie was like 9 to 10 years old when all this happened
WIP Wednesday
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Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!” 
Chapter 10 will be posted soon.
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I’m excited to finish writing Chapter 10 because a lot is happening and there's still more to come. At the end of Chapter 9, Buck and Eddie were trying to cope with everything that happened during and after Jonah's criminal trial. At the end of day two, Buck had a major panic attack, he asked Eddie to get him out of the courthouse and Eddie drove them home instead of taking Buck back to the loft. Then Buck scheduled an emergency therapy appointment with Dr. Copeland and later that night, after Chris and Buck were already asleep, Eddie spent time trying to decide if he should make an emergency appointment with Frank instead of scheduling one with his new therapist, Dr. Theresa because Frank's a trauma therapist and she's not. He was strongly considering it since both him and Buck were faced yet again with additional ramifications from the shooting.
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Here are two snippets from chapter 10, i.e., one for Buck and one for Eddie.
“Let me show you a picture of my husband and our son.”  He says as he struggles to pull his cellphone out of his pocket.  “My grandson bought me this doohickey thing-a-ma-jig and if it wasn’t for him setting up the Face uh… face um…”  He looks at Buck and asks, “What do you young folks call it?”
“Uh... Face ID.”
“Yeah… that, then I wouldn’t know how to get into this thing to get to my pictures.”  Rhett scrolls through the photos app and after he finds the one he’s looking for, he holds his phone up so Buck can see it.
“See… this is me and my son.  Now that picture is about 50 years old and I was a lot younger than I am now. My son had just turned 13 and I was 31 I think..." He trails off then looks up like he's counting. "Yeah, 81 minus 50 is 31, that's right, I was 31 years old. The picture is in my phone because my grandson, he had it… well I don’t know what he did to make it show up in that thing-a-ma-jig but… it’s in there so I can show it to people instead of carrying pictures around in my wallet like I used to in the 1970s.”
Buck takes the phone, examines the picture, smiles then says, “He looks just like you.”
“Aww, thank you… everybody says that but you know what?”  Rhett says as he leans in like he’s about to tell Buck a secret.
“What?”  Buck asks.
“He’s my son and I love him dearly but biologically… he’s not mine. Alexander is my husband's son because he was married before we met but...” He shakes his head. “she died.”
Buck’s eyebrows go up so high, they almost touch his hairline.
Rhett sees Buck’s reaction, then he leans over, uses his elbow to bump Buck's arm and says, “Biology doesn’t make a family kid!”
Almost immediately Buck remembers the way a lot of people have said he looks like Bobby and Chris looks like him but until now, he hadn’t really given it too much thought because he didn't want his heartbroken. But after listening to Rhett share his story of how he found love and the way he made a family with the man of his dreams; he's starting to realize all of it means something.
Where is Buck?  Also, who is Rhett and why is he telling Buck about his life?
One of the firefighters uses the battering ram to open the door and after it's open, they step aside so Bertie and Eddie can enter the 9-1-1 caller's home.
“Hello?”  Bertie calls.
“I’m in here.” A voice from farther inside the house replies.
Bertie and Eddie follow the sound of the woman’s voice and when they make it to the kitchen, that’s where they find her.
After she sees them, the patient says, “Oh, thank you for coming.  I’m here alone and if it wasn’t for my alert necklace, I fear... no one would have ever found me”.
Bertie looks at Eddie then she looks at the patient.  “Maam, can you tell us your name?”
“Loni… it’s Loni.”
“Ok, Loni can you tell us where it hurts?”  Eddie asks.
“My back.  I slipped in some water I spilled… I thought I mopped it all up but I must have missed it.”
“It’s ok, we’re here to help.”
Bertie looks up at the two firefighters who just walked in and asks, “Could you two please get us a backboard for her.”  Then she turns her attention back to Loni.  “You live here alone?”
“Yes… I have for the last 50 years.  After my husband died, I figured I’d never find love again so I bought a new house and moved all the way out here for the peace and quiet because I like it.”
Bertie raises her eyebrows and Eddie notices it.  Even though they’ve only been working together for a couple of days, it didn’t take long for him to learn that Bertie speaks her mind.  That’s why he’s sure she’ll say something about Loni after they transport her to the hospital.
Who is Bertie?  Why is Eddie partnered with her and what is she going to tell him after they drop Loni off at the hospital?
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 -Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 -After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are part of the foundation when a couple builds a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was the 6x18 ending for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck finally having a mental breakdown and Eddie being there for him the same way he was there for Eddie in season 5.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1 - 9 are already available on AO3.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks and @shortsighted owl. (My apologies if you've already posted.)
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hello! how about 🖊️ for syrryl :3c (@griffith-and-co)
Hi thank you so much! Sorry this took a bit but I had a story I really wanted to share so I had to write it up and then fix it up and then run it by my partner but anyway…I present: the story of how Syrryl lost his eye.
Despite being about Syrryl, this story actually begins with Bertie. Well, to be more accurate, it begins with Bertie's half brother, Bronn. The two shared a somewhat absent mother and Bronn, the older by a good eight years, ended up having a large hand in raising Bertie. They were very close, especially as Bertie was heavily bullied and had few friends. Until the day Bronn presented his graduating thesis regarding an extremely controversial socio magical theory, namely that a skritt hive mind could be just as, if not more than, effective and powerful as the asuran collegial krewe system. This was…not well received. Bronn was laughed out of both the college of Synergetics and Rata Sum as a whole. He disappeared into the Brisbane Wildlands and was quickly dismissed and forgotten by almost everyone, except his heartbroken little brother.
Until he returned a year later leading a guerilla army of skritt with the intent of proving his theory by force. He lead several brutal attacks on Metrica Province, using his guardian abilities to rally and command the skritt with a precision never seen before and burning lab after lab to the ground. Peacekeeper forces were overwhelmed as Bronn and his army quickly approached Rata Sum with the intent of overthrowing the Arcane Council itself. Which, of course, in the eyes of the Council could not stand. High Councilor Flaxx sent out an elite team of Arcane Eye agents, including a 16 year old Syrryl Silverset.
Syrryl had been pressed into Flaxx's service, after he was caught stealing a rare power crystal from the High Councilor's office to power his Infinity Ball experiment. The young asura had already gained Flaxx's attention after he killed his krewe leader, Varkk, for betraying his krewe to the Inquest. For his crimes Syrryl was given a choice: go to jail for a very long time or put his already impressive skills to work in Flaxx's employ. He chose the later.
A full team of highly trained and equipped Arcane Eye agents were sent after Bronn. Bronn caught almost all of them in a firestorm so powerful they were incinerated instantly, turned to pure carbon. Using his comrades' deaths as a distraction, Syrryl managed to get close enough to actually strike Bronn, but was quickly overcome by his superior firepower. In a moment of leniency, Bronn chose to spare Syrryl's life. But not before burning the young asura's left eye out with the head of his staff as a warning. Syrryl and the only other surviving member of the team, Rakt, managed to flee back to the safety of Rata Sum.
Bronn's revolution didn't last much longer. His hold over the skritt began to falter and more and more golems were being sent out of the city to deal with the chaos. He was soon forced to flee back into Brisbane Wildlands. It would be a very long time before Bertie saw his brother again, and it was not on good terms.
Meanwhile, Flaxx used Syrryl's own research to implant a new proto-type of the Infinity Ball into Syrryl's eye socket. It increased his reaction time and aiming capabilities and made Syrryl even faster and deadlier than before. The events of the uprising also cemented Syrryl's place as Flaxx's personal assassin and he would fulfill that role with efficiency, though not loyalty, for another ten long years.
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 10
PART 1: WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Chapter 10 - A Very Weasley Invitation
On the morning we were leaving Hogwarts for the Summer, Tulip and I woke early to pack. If Penny knew we weren't packed yet she would've scolded us yesterday. After we were all done we went down to grab a quick breakfast as our Prefects were trying to get us to Hogsmeade Station as soon as possible for us not to miss the train.
The ride was very different from the one we had when we were arriving at school last Fall. For one, Charlie and Bill joined us. We all knew each other very well now and we were all close friends. AND we had at least twice the number of sweets as the last time.
After the third Chocolate Frog, Charlie gave up as he didn't get any new cards and decided to open my Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans instead.
We started to discuss what we were going to do over the Summer.
Penny was excited as she, her little sister, and her parents were going to visit some relatives that had a vacation home in Brighton and she couldn't wait to spend some time at the beach. The rest of us were quite puzzled as we couldn't understand what was so fun about such a Muggle vacation. She explained that due to her dad being Muggle, he and her mum agreed that once per year they have to do something that Muggles do as he had enough magic at home.
Tonks said that she has at least 4 pranks she can pull on her parents, as she was still not over the name that they gave her. She also said that she was not looking forward to visiting some family relatives, her parents made her tag along to every year. They didn't have any children and they kept nagging Tonks to change her hair color to normal.
Tulip was going to try and convince her dad to tell her what kind of job he has and what exactly do they keep in the Department of Mysteries. She told us that she tried every year. When she wasn't going to be busy with that she was going to help her mum with her shop in Diagon Alley. She kindly invited us all to come and visit if we happen to be there any time during the Summer.
I started to tell the group about my plans. I knew I was going to try and convince my mum to get my Second Year books as soon as we get the new list even though I knew she would probably say no. Getting me the books so in advance meant that she wouldn't get me out of my room all Summer.
I knew my dad was probably going to be busy at work. However, mum did say in the last letter she sent me that she managed to get a week off work in July so we are going to go and see dad in Egypt. When I told that to the group, I couldn't help but chuckle as Bill couldn't hide his jealousy about me going to Egypt to see my 'father, the curse breaker' as he called him.
We were also probably going to visit my aunt in Scotland. Something that I was really excited about because she is an Abraxan breeder and she always let me feed and pet them. I was hoping though that we wouldn't go to my other aunt and uncle who lived in America. Just getting there was a mess and they always thought highly of themselves as they debated how MACUSA was better than the British Ministry for Magic.
And I would just love to see their faces when I would tell them that one of my best friends is a Half-Blood. Marrying Muggles was prohibited in America and they strictly stood behind the law.
Charlie and Bill then told us all about the Summer at the Burrow. How they will play Quiddich in the backyard. How Bill will try to hide a gnome from Fred and George so Charlie could befriend him and how they already knew that Percy would bombard them with one hundred questions about Hogwarts.
I looked through the window, watching the blurry trees and clouds. I couldn't stop myself from imagining what an amazing Summer it would be if I could spend it at the Burrow with Charlie. Playing Quidditch and meeting all of his family sounded much more fun than listening to my American relatives. Just as I scored an imaginary goal against Charlie, a voice woke me from my daydream.
“Nova?” Charlie gently shook my shoulder with his hand.
“Huh?” Was all I could manage in reply.
“So, what do you think?” He grinned at me.
“What do I think about what?” I looked confused.
“I just asked you if you think your parents would let you come and visit us at the Burrow in August.” Charlie chuckled as he saw that he caught me mid-thought.
“What about it, Nova?” Bill repeated the question.
“What about everybody else?” I looked at the girls. It would be weird if the Weasley brothers only invited me, wouldn't it?
“They already said that they can't make it. What were you daydreaming about that you were in so deep?” Charlie grinned.
I've made many friends in my First Year at Hogwarts, but I've spent the most time with Charlie. He knew me better than anyone and all those days we spent by the Lake, he had learned that I am big on being in my own head.
Knowing that he was probably the only one who understood me I couldn't help the blood rushing to my cheeks.
“Oh, Abraxans.” I said quickly, not wanting to admit that the invitation to the Burrow was exactly what was on my mind.
Charlie and Bill agreed that once they find their mum in the crowd at Platform 9 ¾ they would ask and make plans for my arrival immediately. Bill also wanted me to meet their mum as he wanted to introduce the girl that was the reason his little brother got such good grades in his First Year.
Soon enough the Hogwarts Express stopped and we all sighed. We hugged and said goodbye. Penny and I had tears in our eyes, while Tulip and Tonks played it tough as though they were not going to miss us at all even though we all knew that wasn't true.
I stepped off the train with Bill and Charlie and waved to the girls until they disappeared into the crowd.
I was on my toes trying to find my mum in the crowd.
“There she is!” Charlie and I said at the same time as he as well spotted his mum.
I told Charlie that I was going to come to them after I get to my mum. He nodded and grabbed Bill's elbow so that he could show their mum how good of a big brother he was for not losing him in the crowd.
“Mum!” I ran to her and she welcomed me with open arms and squeezed me in a tight embrace.
“My sweetheart.” She started to brush my hair with her fingers. “I've missed you so much! I can't wait for you to tell me all about your First Year.” She cupped my face and looked at me as if she forgot how I looked like.
“I will mum, but before we go, could I introduce you to someone?” I asked eagerly.
“Oh, to who? Penny? Tulip? Tonks? Oh, I would love to see her pink hair!” My mum clapped her hands happily. “Or perhaps that boy you kept telling me about in your letters?” She winked at me.
“Mum! I'm twelve!” I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what that wink meant.
“That doesn't matter, I've befriended your father in our First Year as well.” She kept persisting.
“All he cares about are animals, mum.” I shook my head.
“So do you.” She smiled. “Oh, you'll see when the hormones kick in.” She swang her hand and stroke my hair again as I lead her through the crowd to where the Weasleys were.
“Molly?” My mum said surprisingly.
“Olivia? Oh my, I haven't seen you in ages!” Molly cupped her face in surprise as she stepped closer to my mum and they hugged.
Mum smiled as she saw my surprised face.
“Sweetheart, this is Molly that I've told you about. We were the best of friends when we were Hogwart's students.” She looked at Molly, who smiled excitedly at her. “You know Molly, the one that I exchange letters a couple of times per week.” She explained further as she saw my surprised face.
“Your mum is best friends with my mum? You're Olivia Blackwood?” Charlie's mouth forgot how to close itself. “Misses, ma'am, madam.” Charlie added quickly realizing that calling my mum by her full name before she even knew who he was, was a bit rude. His freckled face turned pink.
“Oh!” My mum clapped her hands together. “Are you trying to tell me that the boy you called your best friend in one of the letters is one of Molly's sons?” My mum was over the roof with excitement.
I turned pink immediately as my mum just revealed to Charlie, his mum and older brother that I called him my best friend.
“I'm your best friend?” Charlie whispered. I didn't think my cheeks could turn pinker as I felt the heat on them double. I threw a quick look at Charlie, who was scratching the back of his head.
“You're my best friend too.” He said shyly.
“Mum, this is Charlie's friend that I was telling you about, Nova.” Bill stepped in as it was obvious we were too shy to introduce each other to our mums.
“You're the brilliant young lady that helped my darling boy to such good grades?” She kneeled down to me and gave me the tightest hug I have ever gotten.
“Oh, dear. I am so happy that I've sent you that jumper.” She cupped my face and mouthed a silent 'thank you' which I think was for Charlie's success in his First Year.
To both mine and Charlie's delight, his mum suggested for both my mum and me to visit them during the Summer. My mum had to decline her invitation as she only got one week, we were visiting dad, off but she was more than happy to accept the invitation in my name and Molly told her that she should send her an owl when we get back from Egypt.
I didn't meet any other members of Bill and Charlie's family as their dad stayed at home making sure the twins didn't burn down the house.
Just as Charlie was telling me that he can't wait to see how much his three-year-old sister grew, my mum said that we have to go.
I gave Bill and Charlie a big hug.
“I can't wait for you to come to the Burrow.” Charlie whispered to me as he hugged me.
They all waved at me and my mum and until we lost them in the crowd I didn't stop waving back.
“Oh, sweetheart. I am so happy that you got such great friends. The Weasleys are just the warmest people!” She squeezed my hand. “I am sure your girls are just as wonderful and I hope I get to meet them soon.”
I then told her all about Penny's vacation plans and tried to plan the time we could visit Tulip in Diagon Alley.
“Darling, you have no idea how happy I am for you that you had such a wonderful year at school. Your dad and I couldn't wish for anything more. I hope you know how lucky you are to find such a group of friends in your First Year.” She smiled at me.
I smiled back, as I couldn't agree with her more.
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The Electric Uh-oh
Poppy Valentine was your average 9 year old witch. She enjoyed playing Wizards Chess, Gobstones, and absolutely adored a great Quidditch match. With Mom (a stay at home witch), Dad (who worked as a reporter for the Daily Prophet), and little brother Brian who had just turned 6, life could not be more perfect. Until, it wasn’t. July 18, 1961. This is where our story begins. But far from where it ends: Poppy woke early this morning. She had that sinking feeling in her stomach. The moment she open her eyes, she knew that something was going to happen today. She just had no idea what, or how drastically it would change her world. “Mum. Mum!” “Yes Poppy, dear. What is it?” “ Where’s dad?” “He had to go into work early this morning. Great Godric! Brian! Get away from the oven!” As Poppy rolls her eyes at the familiar sounds of her mother trying to keep her brother alive, she continuously paces in circles. She walks about the family room and stands in front her favorite picture. It’s mom and dad’s wedding photo. They’re feeding each other cake and laughing. This picture always made Poppy so very happy. She was nearly over the moon when her parents informed her that she was also in the beautiful picture. ‘You were just the tiniest little sprout in your mum’s stomach.’ She remembered dad recalling ‘No bigger than my thumb nail.’ “Poppy Alexandria Midnight Rose Valentine!” The sound of her mother’s voice startled Poppy out of her day dreaming. And by the sound of her full name, she knew she was in trouble. “I’ve called your name 5 times. Quit daydreaming and get yourself ready. We’ve quite a bit of errands to run today. Poppy dashed up the stairs and quickly threw on her favorite jean jumper. Still, as she stood in front her full length mirror, the sinking feeling in her stomach told her that something about today wasn’t right. She hadn’t bothered telling her mother, thinking that she must’ve had butterflies in her belly like she gets when she sees the 10 year old wizard kid who lives about 4 blocks down. She shook off the feeling and raced down the stairs and out of the door, joining her Mother and Brian who were already in the car. As the day progressed, Poppy forgot all about the sick feeling in her stomach. Now, she was focused on her Bertie Botts every flavor beans. How she longed for a pistachio flavor or even fudge brownie! As she chewed on a handful of jellybeans, an announcement came through the Radio. “You’re listening to WWN. The Wireless Wizarding Network…” Just then, the feeling in her stomach hit her like a ton of bricks. “Breaking News! I’m your host, Don Kadelly. Death Eaters have attacked The Daily Prophet Headquarters. Though some have been accounted for, 50 witches and wizards are dead, 32 are missing presumed prisoner, and 18 members including the editor are drastically injured. There is nothing known of the condition of those who narrowly survived the attacks. Stay tuned with your friends here on the Wireless Wizarding Network for any updates. For WWN, I’ve been your host, Don Kadelly.” Poppy could see the color washing from her mother’s face. She became nervous. Suddenly, the sinking feeling she’d fought with all day made perfect sense. She knew something bad was going to happen today. This was it. Where was dad? Was he okay? Was he hurt? Poppy looked at her mother’s face through the rearview mirror and it was obvious that the same questions plagued her mind. As she turned the car around, she raced toward The Daily Prophet Headquarters with hot tears streaming down her face. As they turned the corner, the carnage that lye before them was inconceivable. Just outside the office doors, Jennifer Valentine stared in horror and shock at the sight of her beloved husband’s mangled body in a pool of blood. She jumped out of the car and raced to be at his side. She grabbed his hand and wailed out in pain and disbelief. Through broken sobs, she spoke to him. “Oh, Jack. Please. Please, my love. Don’t leave us. We need you. The kids need you. I need you!” As her tears fell upon his face, he spoke to her. His words
were broken and quiet. “Jennifer. Jennifer!” She gasped and rubbed a hand across his face. “Now now. Hush, my baby. No need to… ” “Honey I don’t have much time.” Poppy watched from the car in utter shock. She watched helplessly as the blood poured from his mouth. How could this happen? She wept as she held her brother’s hand. “Jennifer, I love you. I have always loved you. I can’t hold on much longer. You… the kids, you’ll all be fine dear.” “No. No! You can’t leave me! I need you!” “I’m so sorry, my Queen.” Moments later, Jackson Gregory Valentine Jr. closed his eyes, and passed away. 10 Months later, everything is different. After the funeral, Brian rarely uttered a word. Mom remained depressed, but in a miraculous stroke of luck, love found her again, and she began dating a kind young Wizard. Poppy however, this whole ordeal affected her hardest of all. She became a rebellious adolescent and the pain in her heart was visible in her eyes. She resented Cole. Her mom’s new boyfriend. Things in the Valentine home were tense to say the least. One morning, everything came to a head. Once again, Poppy and Cole were arguing at the tops of there lungs. “I don’t care, Poppy! Your mother and I don’t want you hanging around this crowd!” “I have absolutely had it with you! You’re nothing but a fat, ungrateful, useless, uncultured swine, and I hate you with everything in me!” “I’ve been nothing but nice to you since day one! But you don’t seem to appreciate it! I’m done with you!” I wish you would have died, instead of my father.” Cole’s breath froze in his lungs and his eyes glassed over. Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand in order to strike her. Jennifer watched in shock and frustration as Poppy’s eyes burned with white hot fury. All of a sudden, as Poppy stretched her hands in front herself in order to block the blow, electric currents shot from her finger tips striking Cole directly in his throat. The house was consumed with a deafening silence. Poppy stared at her fingers as though they had betrayed her. “What have I done? I have to go.” As Cole lye on the floor, smoke rising from his hair and scorch marks on his clothes and face, Poppy raced upstairs and threw her clothes into a bag. As she was packing, her tear drenched eyes fell upon the last picture of her dad. She held the picture in her hands and held it close to her heart. “I’m so sorry Daddy. I’ve failed.” As night fell over the land, Poppy Valentine opened her bedroom window, jumped out, and disappeared into the woods.
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kingsmakers · 4 years
You know me already 😈 All numbers for Phoenix
1. What is their blood status (pureblood, muggleborn, etc)? What are their thoughts on the concept of blood status?
Pure-blood. Initially, she’s very much in the same mindset as her parents - she thinks that pure-bloods are superior, even if she does believe Voldemort’s actions to be extreme. Over time, as she begins to lose more and more people to the First Wizarding War, she’s super disillusioned by the concept of blood status.
2. What is their wand wood and core?
Pine, dragon heartstring
3. Do they bring a pet to Hogwarts with them?
She does! She has a ragdoll cat called Saturn.
4. What Hogwarts house were they sorted into? Why did the hat put them in that house over the others? Was it a quick sorting or a hatstall? Are they happy with their sorting? What Hogwarts house would they least fit into?
Oh, Slytherin was a natural fit for Phoenix. I would say that she least fits Gryffindor - self-preservation is in her nature, not bravery.
5. What subject is their favorite at Hogwarts? Which is their least favorite? Is their favorite the same as their best subject?
Ironically, Phoenix is best at Defence Against Dark Arts. However it isn’t her fave - she prefers Charms.
6. What electives do they chose in third year?
7. Do they earn more house points or do they lose more?
As a Prefect, Phoenix definitely does tend to try and earn as many house points as she can. When she becomes Remus’s girlfriend and hangs out more with the Marauders, she begins to lose more. In her final year as Head Girl, she definitely earns more though.
8. How do they do on their OWLs? On their NEWTs?
Phoenix does very well on her OWLs, better than either of her brothers. The same can be said for her NEWTs, considering she achieves results that are good enough for her to later become a mediwitch at St Mungo’s.
9. Thoughts on Quidditch? Do they play? And if so what position do they play?
Phoenix enjoys Quidditch, and yes, she plays as a Chaser on the Slytherin team from her fifth year onwards.
10. What Wizarding treat (bertie botts, chocolate frogs, etc.) is their favorite?
Definitely Chocolate Frogs! It’s a craving of hers when she’s pregnant with Orion too, which is amusing considering Remus always has chocolate, and he finds it a bit hilarious that it’s her craving.
11. What is their Patronus? What happy memory do the use to conjure it?
I’m corny and it’s a wolf. Before her brother’s death, she would use memories of Regulus but when it became too painful, instead it’s any happy memory of Remus, particularly when he kisses her on the forehead.
12. What is their Boggart? What happens to it when they cast Riddikulus?
Her Boggart is her deceased husband, Evan Rosier. When she casts the spell, he turns into an old man with a very long beard.
13. What does Amortentia smell like to them?
Roses, sandalwood and chocolate.
14. What spell is their favorite? Which do they use the most?
Silencio. She uses it on the Slytherin boys often when they won’t shut the fuck up.
15. If they needed it, what form would the Room of Requirement take for them?
The first time she uses it, it’s for a surprise birthday evening with Remus. After that I think she tends to use for a place of escape in her later Hogwarts years.
16. If they trained as an Animagus what form would they take?
A black swan.
17. What do they do/want to do after Hogwarts?
Phoenix was never really sure at first, because her only expectation was to marry a wealthy pure-blood man. However after all the pain and death she’s endured, she decides she wants to become a mediwitch so that she can save as many lives as she can.
18. Which Unforgivable Curse would they be most likely to use? What would be the reason for it?
Cruciatus. There are certain people she really wants to hurt.
19. Which Unforgivable Curse would they hate to have used on them the most?
Imperius. Phoenix feels like she has little enough control of her own life, the last thing she needs is something literally controlling her every move.
20. Which Deathly Hallow (wand, stone, or cloak) would they want? Why?
The Elder Wand, so that she could become unbeatable.
Tagging @drbobbimorse & @papergirlverse  because they also asked about Phoenix!
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luucypevensie · 4 years
ik it's a lot but could you do all the hp questions for my baby Cordelia??
I was waiting for someone to ask me this! Thank you Maddie!
1. What’s their blood status (pure blood, muggleborn, etc)? What are their thoughts on the concept of blood status?
Cord is a muggleborn, and when she came to Hogwarts, she was shocked by the whole blood status concept. The shock wore away into disgust, and in the end, Cord thinks it’s just absolutely ridiculous
2. What is their wand wood and core?
Applewood and Unicorn hair
3. Do they bring a a pet to Hogwarts with them?
Absolutely! As a belated birthday present, Cord’s Aunt Andrea bought her a barn owl that she named Horus (after the Egyptian god)
4. What Hogwarts house were they sorted into? Why did the hat put them in that house over the others? Was it a quick sorting or a hatstall? Are they happy with their sorting? What Hogwarts house would they least fit into?
Cord is sorted into Slytherin, which the whole point of her story. When she was under the Sorting Hat, they had a little convo about all the houses and she asked why no one seemed to like Slytherin that much. The Hat gave her a little bit of background, and Cord made up her mind right there and then that she was going to turn around Slytherin’s reputation. She was warned that she might run into some trouble with her housemates, but Cord was determined. Everyone was shocked when the Hat finally yelled “SLYTHERIN!” after their 5 minute conversation. As for which house she would least fit into, I think that would probably be Gryffindor because she values determination more over chivalry
5. What subject is their favorite at Hogwarts? Which is their least favorite? Is their favorite the same as their best subject?
Charms is definitely Cord’s favorite, as well as her best, subject. She loves actually being able to perform magic because it’s something that she never thought she would be doing. As for her least favorite subject, it’s Potions, though it’s not because she doesn’t love the subject. It’s her least favorite because Cord hates Snape (even though he’s her Head of House)
6. What electives do they chose in third year?
Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies (she got permission to take more than two electives)
7. Do they earn more house points or do they lose more?
Definitely lose more, because she sasses Snape all the time. Though, around the other professors, she’s usually a really good student, thus earning back some of those points she lost
8. How do they do on their OWLs? On their NEWTs?
Cord does REALLY well on both her OWLs and her NEWTs, she’s neck-in-neck with Hermione concerning top grades in their year
9. Thoughts on Quidditch? Do they play? And if so, what position do they play?
Cord really enjoys Quidditch, and wants to play after first year. However, Malfoy gets the Seeker position in second year, leaving her to wait until third year to try out. She goes for the Keeper position because she played goalie in soccer growing up. Her skill as a goalie really helped her, and much to the other Slytherins’ chagrin, Cord was made the new Slytherin Keeper
10. What Wizarding treat (Bertie Botts, chocolate frogs, etc) is their favorite?
Cord ADORES Cauldron Cakes; she loves any baked goods like cupcakes in the muggle world, so she would gobble up a bunch of them on the train to Hogwarts
11. What is their Patronus? What happy memory do they use to conjure it?
Cord’s patronus is a gazelle (hint hint nudge nudge). As for her happy memory, it’s her, Daphne, Tracey, the Golden Trio, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott all together in a meeting for the Hogwarts Jane Austen book club, laughing and being happy together
12. What is their Boggart? What happens to it when they cast Riddikulus?
Cord’s boggart originally was her parents, but after the Department of Mysteries battle, her boggart became her girlfriend, Cheyenne. Whenever she cast the Riddikulus spell, Cheyenne becomes an old lady with a long gray braid
13. What does Amortentia smell like to them?
To Cord, it smells like the ocean, the Quidditch pitch after a good soak, and treacle tart for Harry
14. What spell is their favorite? Which do they use the most?
Silencio, she uses it to turn off the voices of the Slytherins who make fun of her and her status as a muggleborn
15. If they needed it, what form would the Room of Requirement take for them?
Well, I came up with this headcanon that Cord, Daphne, and Tracey (the Antimony Trio) form a band during their years at Hogwarts, similar to the Hex Girls. After their first performance in third year, they would use empty classrooms to practice. However, after Harry discovers the Room of Requirement for the DA, the Antimony Trio begin using it for band practice on non-DA days. In sixth year, they held a private concert in the Room of Requirement before the holidays for DA members (it was AWESOME)
16. If they trained as an Animagus, what form would they take?
A black panther
17. What do they do/want to do after Hogwarts?
Honestly, Cord wants to work in the Ministry to better Muggle relations with the Wizarding World. She feels like both worlds could learn from one another more
18. Which Unforgivable Curse would they be most likely to use? What would be the reason for it?
The Cruciatus Curse; she actually used it on the Death Eater that killed Cheyenne because she was so upset and furious
19. Which Unforgivable Curse would they hate to have used on them the most?
The Killing Curse; she couldn’t bare to imagine what would happen to her aunt if she were killed since they lost her parents
20. Which Deathly Hallow (wand, stone, or cloak) would they want? Why?
The Resurrection Stone; Cord would only use it to see her parents one more time to say goodbye to them because they were taken away from her so suddenly. She would probably also reassure Harry’s parents, Sirius, and potentially Remus (I’m debating actually killing him off because I hated his and Tonks’ death sm) that she would look after Harry and make sure he doesn’t get into anymore trouble haha
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wizcrdingheadcanons · 7 years
EDH Zacharias Smith (any admin ❤)
HelloAnonymous!   Zacharias Smith by Esther
What doestheir bedroom look like?  Zacharias Bedroom is painted in a dark yellow-ish colour,not because of his House, but his mum. (he could choose between yellow andbeige) he has an old wardrobe and desk made of dark wood and a cheap-lookingIKEA bed. the are some books, but they look as if they weren’t read in a longtime
2.  Do they have any daily rituals? no, he doesn’t, except for makinghis bed right after getting up 3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often? He playsQuidditch in the hufflepuff team,and trains for it thrice a week. He did playsoccer in a team when he was a kid, but stopped after going to Hogwarts.
4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy? Hewould get in, claim a hob and try to make some porridge while the people whowere in the kitchen are like super fricking annoyed because they are actuallypreparing something edible (his porridge is not)for dinner and need that hob 5.  Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) His policy is: if ican walk around, its fine ( wich leads to piles of clothing in the corners ofthe room because he doesn’t have to walk around there) He also doesnt vacuum oranything wich leads to his mum and dad always being like super annoyed because you can’t just have this much dust in yourroom ,boy 6.  Eating habits and sample daily menu He actually wouldn’t have aeating schedule or even proper meals if it wouldn’t be for his parents orhogwarts. If he’s on his own his meals are crisps, takeaways and chocolate. 7.  Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time Hereally enjoys wasting time by napping or trying to enchant stuff and he lovesit. he does it 24/7 and isn’t even stopped by approaching examns. 8.  Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging  9.  Makeup? no 10.  Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such? He doesn’t have any (im trying to subtly avoid the fact that my vocabulary isn’t big enough to include words like Neurose and that im too tired to google)
11. Intellectual pursuits? He tries to get every release of the magic startime, a magazine talking about astronomy
12. Favorite book genre? he actually doesn’t read so much, but if ,he’s
all in for graphic novels
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general? he’s straight, but generally accepts lgbtqa+ people. From time to time he does get a bit too interested in peoples sexual orientation (like constant asking people if they’re straight) 14. Physical abnormalities?  (Both visible and not, includinginjuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.) he hasan allergie against peanuts ( he ate a whole pack of party peanuts when he wasfour and nearly died of the consequences)15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?His smallest short term goal is to get Justin flinch-fletchley to eat aberty botts bean, his biggest to get his mother to allow him to paint his room
16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?His smallest long term Goal is a firebolt, his biggest to pass allN.E.W.T.S as the best of his class
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dressHis style is always changing and developing, but always comfy. he doesn’tlike to wear suits but really enjoys wearing sweaters, sweaatpants,jeans andother normal muggle stuff. when he discovers robes with small quidditch playerson them at madam malkins, he’s head over heels.
18. Favorite beverage? He actually really enjoys sparkling water with somehibiscus syrup and hes devastated when he discovers that Hogwarts doesn’t haveit. He then started begging his mum to send some wich lead to the wholehufflepuff table being obsessed with it within two weeks.19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night? He likes torepeat the day in his head, concluding the events, thinking about the newestgossip and trying to remember that spell from earlier in class.20.  Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them? He didhave the normal muggle chidhood ilnesses such as hay fever, scarlet fever andchicken pox, but also dragon pox, wich lead to him being in st. mungos for sixweeks.21.  Turn-ons? Turn-offs? His biggest turn on may be when girls puttheir hair in a bun and a few strands of hair are still falling in their faceand neck. He also looks for inelligence and loyalty. His turn offs are anythingPink, when people ask too many questions and when his potential partners havenot even a trace of self esteem22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what wouldhappen? a mess. Zach would start drawing things he knows, like hisfavourite singer, decide that  it looksrubbish and start another thing. in the end the paper is completly covered inhalf finished scribbles, lyrics and patterns.23.  How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganizationmanifest in their everyday life?he is reaaally unorganized and constantly loses his quills or homework. theteachers are slowly losing their nerves because he forgets so much.
24.  Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they evencare about intellectual pursuits at all?He’s really good at astronomy wich is why he tries his best to become bestof his class. oter subjects such as dada or care of magical creatures don’tmean so much to him.
25.How do they see themselves 5 years from today?He sees himself in five years exactly the same as now. he thinks hes reallygood the way he is, and that he doesnt need to improve, wich leads tostagnation and unfriendliness
26.  Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans ifthings don’t workout?After school he wants to follow his dad by becoming a healer in st mungos.He wants to marry and have children and a small cottage in cork.
27. What is their biggest regret?That he joined the DA. he originally intended to find out more about CedricDiggorys death, but when he failed, he joined anyways in hope to find out oneday. He may’ve learned a few practical things that year, but all in all heregretted his descision.
28.  Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?their best friends are the boys from the dorm, his worst enemy is probsvoldy
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What dothey do?) He tries to save him and his stuff, other peoples belonging aresecond, their lives come after his.
30.  Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family membersuddenly dies) He would barricade himself in the dorm room and cry forthree days straight, letting no one in, not even the other boys living there.31. Most prized possession?His grandmothers Teapot ( she gave it to him when she died and he nevercared for anything else as much as for this teapot)
32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?I think , that he actually thimks of all of his possesions as his preciosthimgs and is very protective.
33. Concept of home and family?  Helives with his dad (wizard) and mum (muggle) in a small cottage near Belfast.he has no siblings but sees the neighbours kids as such. he grew up in a lovingand nice environment (wich didnt stop him from shitting on harry in book 5)34.  Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to‘TMI’?)He likes to have his own things private but is himself the gossip queen ofall. he always knows everything about everyone and tries to get tosecret/private information at any cost
35.  What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?He really likes making maps of the Stars in astronomy but doesn’t see anysense in it.
36.  What makes them feel guilty?that he didn’t fight in the battle of hogwarts
37.  Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?Actually a good mix of both, with dash more of emotional decision-making
38.  Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality? A type B personality
39.  What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?The hot chocolate that his mum always makes when he feels down.
40.  Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex?Neither?He does have a superiorty complex and is sure of his opinions as the betterones.
41.  How misanthropic are they? A bit. a teeny, tiny bit so smal, that you can’t even see it.         Just kidding.
42.  Hobbies?Quidditch and mapping the night sky in astronomy
43.  How far did they get in formal education? What are their views onformal education vs self-education?He visits the Hogwarts wizarding school in great britain and thinks thatformal eductaion is far better than self-education
44.  Religion?He is an Atheist and believes in nothing but Magic
45.  Superstitions or views on the occult? Because he’s a wizard and actuallyhad lessons in divination, he believes in it as Magic and is sure that itexists
46.  Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds? He doesask directly and without shame about what interests him, even when the Questioncould be very awkward or even triggering for the asked person.47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal? Independence.He wants a girlfriend who knows what she wants and is sure of her actions, butat the same time gives him advice, answers honestly and gossips a lot.48. How do they express love? by asking about things that might interestthe other person, offering his jacket,giving them a whole bottle of hibiscussyrup without any reason. he tries to be subtle about it, but everyone knows.49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting stylelike? HIT IT! HIT IT! HIT IT! HIT! HIT! he would just try to hit anythingand doesn’t have any technique50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not? He is terrified ofdying since he saw his Grandmother pass away. He gives his best to stay away from anything deadly
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Love me ?
I was tagged by the lovely @alyssiamking
Tag  @lovingandawkward 
Set I
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Emma Watson (first one that came to mind)
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
I would want to be looked up for my work and recognized for it, thankfully it’s not something that would get you stopped on the street or something cause i hate being the center of attention.
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
Depends on the call. If it’s something important for a teacher or the university or something then yes.
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
No anxiety about things that may or may not happen, doing the work i like and having time to hang out with friends or do an hobby.
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
Just sang “You give me something” earlier in the car cause it was playing and i love the song, then kept repeating it softly ahah
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
I’d say the mind, just cause both my grandparents have Alzheimer so i know it’s super terrible not to remember who you are.
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
Argh no, i hate to think about death it just gives me a lot of anxiety so. Just hopefully it won’t be a prolonged illness.
8. Name three things you and your partner must to have in common.
Sarcastic humor, love to have different experiences but at the same time understanding the need for quiet relaxing time.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
My parents, mostly my mom.
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
My father be less pushy and filled with anxiety that eventually rubbed off on me.
11. Take four lines tell  your life story in as much detail as possible.
I had a normal happy childhood, my parents were always caring and loving so was a major part of my family, always regarded as the “star child” from out family and friends. 2 years ago i went on Erasmus to England, best time of my life, just want to work on something i enjoy, find love and be happy with myself.
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
stop stressing about everything, controlling my thoughts an axiety.
Set II
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I would want to know how to control my thoughs and worries, and what tecnique works best for me when i’m having a crisis. Also how can i let go and love.
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
I’ve dreamed of going abroad to work. I’m going to do it now that i’ve finished my masters.
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Finishing my master’s without faling any course and having an 18 on my masters’s thesis and work.
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
Honesty, the ability to care about someone, loyalty. 
17. What is your most treasured memory?
me and my friends at primary school reenacting harry potter and the philosopher’s stone. We had scripts and everything a girl was the only one with the tape so she wrote down the lines. I was Harry and my best friend was Ron. I just remember sitting on the stone wall pretending it was the Hogwarts train and eating gummy beans of course they were supposed to be Bertie botts every flavor beans.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
Finding my mom collapse on the kitchen floor after she had a mini stroke.
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
I would try not to hold back so much and life as if no one was watching.
20. What does friendship mean to you?
It means loving and caring for someone, no matter the distance between you, knowing that they can count on you for anything, but at the same time absolutely knowing you can count on them as well, that if you need they’ll be there for you.
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
Very important.
22.  share something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
I don’t have a partner.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
My childhood was very happy, we are very close, though we have a lot of “family” that is not actually blood family but we consider them more than some of my aunts/uncles and cousins.
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
She’s my world.  
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share … “
My love.
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I have anxiety, sometimes i will stress too much about things, and i know that they are not rational or logical but i can’t help it. Also i tend to cry when i am stressed or angry, that does not mean i am too emotional, it’s just the way my body reacts.
28. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
5th - 9th grade was pretty embarashing cause i was chubby and the guys in my class made fun of me and called me names.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
I teared up while my godmother made the speech on my graduation dinner 3 weeks ago. By myself... probably one week before that i cried non-stop for a week because of master thesis stress.
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Rape, abuse, war.
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
I may regret not doing certain things but i usually am pretty honest about everything.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
dam it.... argh i hate this question so much. my laptop probably, cause it had all my photos of the family trips, erasmus year, my friends, my family.
36. Share a personal problem
I don’t have a lot of experience to write down on my curriculum so i’m freaking out a bit
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viggletips · 5 years
Here’s what is coming to Netflix in May.
Also, what’s leaving on May 1.
Avail. 5/1/19 Knock Down The House — NETFLIX FILM This rousing documentary follows four extraordinary women—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Amy Vilela, Cori Bush, and Paula Jean Swearengin—who take on the congressional establishment by mounting grassroots campaigns and building a movement during a time of historic volatility in American politics.
Munafik 2 — NETFLIX FILM Haunted by terrifying visions, a Muslim healer finds his faith tested when he helps a woman locked in battle, body and soul, with a diabolical leader.
Angels & Demons Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Casper Chasing Liberty Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Part 1 & 2 Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat Dumb and Dumber Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Gosford Park Gremlins Hairspray (1988) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Her Only Choice Hoosiers Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer: Season 2 John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky Just Friends Revolutionary Road Roswell, New Mexico: Season 1 Scarface Scream Snowpiercer Taking Lives The Da Vinci Code The Dark Crystal (1982) The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Revolutions To Rome With Love Wedding Crashers Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Zombieland
Avail. 5/2/19 Colony: Season 3
Olympus Has Fallen
Avail. 5/3/19 A Pesar De Todo — NETFLIX FILM After their mother’s death, four sisters learn a shocking family secret and embark on an adventure to discover the truth about their genealogy.
All In My Family — NETFLIX ORIGINAL From documentarian Hao Wu comes a heartfelt portrait of how he created a thoroughly modern family in America, only to face the dilemma of introducing his same-sex partner and their children to his deeply traditional parents and relatives in China.
Alles ist gut — NETFLIX FILM A woman sexually assaulted by her new boss’s brother-in-law tries to move on as if nothing happened, but the night weighs heavily on her mind and body.
Cupcake & Dino – General Services: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The brothers are back for more adventures in the limitless world of general services, where no job is too big, small or silly for this dynamic duo!
Dead to Me — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A dark single camera comedy about a powerful friendship that blossoms between a tightly wound widow and a free spirit with a shocking secret.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile — NETFLIX FILM A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy from the perspective of Liz, his longtime girlfriend, who refused to believe the truth about him for years.
Flinch — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Faced with various frightening and uncomfortable events, contestants in this game show had better not flinch — or they’ll suffer painful consequences.
Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage — NETFLIX FILM On the run from a dogged internal affairs agent, a corrupt cop reluctantly teams up with a defiant teen to unravel a conspiracy — before it’s too late.
The Last Summer — NETFLIX FILM Standing on the precipice of adulthood, a group of friends navigates new relationships, while reexamining others, during their final summer before college.
Mr. Mom
Supernatural: Season 14 True and the Rainbow Kingdom: Mushroom Town — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Do-gooding True can solve any problem, from a runaway boaty-float to a sideways sleepover, and a sticky mess at her very own birthday party!
Tuca & Bertie — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Two bird women — a carefree toucan and anxious songbird — live in the same apartment building and share their lives in this animated comedy.
Undercover — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A major ecstasy producer living in luxury on the Dutch-Belgian border faces big changes with two undercover agents begin moving in on his operation.
Avail. 5/4/19 Like Arrows
Avail. 5/6/19 Abyss — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A prosecutor discovers that she’s been reincarnated into a different person after getting into an accident — and also learns she’s not the only one.
Avail. 5/7/19 The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution
Queen of the South: Season 3
Avail. 5/8/19 Lucifer: Season 4 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL As Chloe struggles to come to terms with Lucifer’s disturbing revelation, a rogue priest sets out to stop a long-rumored prophecy.
Avail. 5/9/19 Bathtubs Over Broadway
Avail. 5/10/19 Dry Martina — NETFLIX FILM An odd encounter with a fan and a tryst with that fan’s ex-boyfriend leads a sexually adventurous singer on an escapade in Chile.
Easy: Season 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Diverse characters fumble through the modern maze of love, sex, technology and culture in Chicago.
Gente que viene y bah — NETFLIX FILM After her partner cheats on her, an architect returns to her hometown to reassess her life with the help of her eccentric family. Based on the novel.
Harvey Girls Forever!: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The hardworking Harvey Girls are back, making new enemies in the form of older siblings, finally meeting their boy-band idols — and more!
Jailbirds — NETFLIX ORIGINAL At the Sacramento County Jail, incarcerated women fight the power and one another as they try to make the best of life — and love — on the inside.
Pose: Season 1
ReMastered: The Lion’s Share — NETFLIX ORIGINAL ReMastered: A long form documentary series of high profile, in-depth stories about music’s impact on society, as told by critically acclaimed directors, with each episode revealing surprising insight beyond the expected or commonly known. Lion’s Share tracks South African journalist Rian Malan’s journey to find the original writers of the legendary song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” which earned over 15 million dollars in royalties for American groups like The Tokens, Pete Seeger and the Weavers. Malan discovers the original writer, a black South African named Solomon Linda, whose family currently lives in poverty in the slums of Sweto. Driven by his own guilt that his uncle was one of the architects of apartheid, Malan goes after fat cat businessmen in the US music industry to force them to pay their fair share to Linda’s family.
Shéhérazade — NETFLIX FILM Fresh out of prison and forced to fend for himself on the streets of Marseille, 17-year-old Zac falls in love with a young prostitute Shéhérazade.
The Society — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Society follows a group of teenagers who are mysteriously transported to a facsimile of their wealthy New England town without any trace of their parents. Their newfound freedom will be fun… but it will also be very dangerous. As they struggle to figure out what has happened to them and how to get home, they must establish order and form alliances if they want to survive.
Wine Country — NETFLIX FILM During a vacation to Napa Valley, a group of longtime friends reunites and revisit past choices in this hilarious and heartfelt comedy from director Amy Poehler.
Avail. 5/12/19 Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj: Volume 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Hasan Minhaj’s Peabody Award-winning series returns with new episodes, bringing his unexpected comedic perspective to current global events and pop culture.
Avail. 5/13/19 Malibu Rescue — NETFLIX ORIGINAL When a long list of shenanigans lands Tyler in hot water, he’s forced to suit up and spend his summer training for an elite junior lifeguard program.
Avail. 5/14/19 revisions — NETFLIX ANIME When Shibuya time-warps to 2388, high schooler Daisuke and his friends are conscripted by AHRV agent Milo to fight the hostile cyborg race, revisions.
Still LAUGH-IN: The Stars Celebrate — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The stars come out for this special tribute to “Laugh-in,” the revolutionary sketch comedy show of the 1960s and ’70s.
Weed the People
Avail. 5/15/19 Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!
Avail. 5/16/19 Good Sam — NETFLIX FILM When a mysterious good Samaritan, aka “Good Sam,” leaves $100,000 cash on seemingly random doorsteps, New York City TV news reporter Kate Bradley (Tiya Sircar) sets out to discover Good Sam’s true identity and motive, turning her personal life upside down.
Take Me Home Tonight
Avail. 5/17/19 1994: Limited Series — NETFLIX ORIGINAL 1994 is an hour-long 5 episode investigative documentary series that will tell the story of one of the most critical years in Mexico’s history.
Chip & Potato — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Chip is a little pug going through life’s firsts with the encouragement of her secret mouse-friend, Potato.
It’s Bruno — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A digital series that follows a man and his beloved dog Bruno strolling around his neighborhood.
Maria — NETFLIX FILM A woman whose parents were killed by a gang when she was a child grows up to be a hired assassin. Unfortunately, trying to leave that past behind is proving to be more difficult than it seems.
Morir para contar — NETFLIX FILM Seeking answers after a life-changing incident in 2012, filmmaker Hernán Zin interviews other war reporters about the personal toll of their work.
Nailed It!: Season 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Nicole and Jacques are back to judge the chaos in the kitchen, from half-baked doll cakes to delightfully creepy edible clowns.
See You Yesterday — NETFLIX FILM Two Brooklyn teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker and Sebastian Thomas, build makeshift time machines to save C.J.’s brother, Calvin, from being wrongfully killed by a police officer.
The Rain: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Trapped in the Zone, Simone and her friends must find a cure for the virus Rasmus is carrying before it kills him — and the rest of humanity.
Well Intended Love — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A third-rate actress with leukemia becomes entangled with CEO Ling because she needs him for treatment. In order to receive bone marrow transplant sooner and to continue her career as an actress, Xia Lin enters into a secret marriage with Ling Yi Zhou, the CEO of a company. Despite the conspiracies and misunderstandings they encounter, the two find true love.
White Gold: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL After forcing Walsh out, Vincent’s headaches include answering to a gangster boss and a new rival salesperson who’s scooping up all the best jobs.
Avail. 5/18/19 The Blackcoat’s Daughter
Avail. 5/20/19 Prince of Peoria: Part 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL While Teddy works toward finishing his application for MIT’s summer robotics program, Emil tries to squeeze even more fun out of his time in Peoria.
Rosario Tijeras (Mexico Version): Season 2
Avail. 5/21/19 Arrow: Season 7
Wanda Sykes: Not Normal — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Emmy Award-nominated actress and 30-year comedy veteran, Wanda Sykes, delivers a sharp-witted and hilarious critique on the state of the world in her first Netflix comedy special, Wanda Sykes: Not Normal. The one-hour special addresses the comedian’s perspective on the current political and cultural climate, which she can only describe as, well … not normal!
Avail. 5/22/19 A Tale of Two Kitchens — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Two countries, two restaurants, one vision. At Gabriela Cámara’s acclaimed Contramar in Mexico City, the welcoming, uniformed waiters are as beloved by diners as the menu featuring fresh, local seafood caught within 24 hours. The entire staff sees themselves as part of an extended family. Meanwhile, at Cala in San Francisco, Cámara hires staff from different backgrounds and cultures, including ex-felons and ex-addicts, who view the work as an important opportunity to grow as individuals. A Tale of Two Kitchens explores the ways in which a restaurant can serve as a place of both dignity and community.
One Night in Spring — NETFLIX ORIGINAL When Lee Jeong-in and Yu Ji-ho meet, something unexpected happens. Or it just may be that spring is in the air — and anything is possible.
The Flash: Season 5
Avail. 5/23/19
Riverdale: Season 3
Slasher: Solstice — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Rampaging serial killers leave carnage in their wake as their next victims fight to stay alive in this honor anthology series.
Avail. 5/24/19 After Maria — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Short following families in Puerto Rico who are currently living in FEMA hotels around New York City. Their stories will unfold observationally over the course of the next month as they face the extreme situation of getting kicked out of the hotel or are forced to go back to Puerto Rico. Many people see these families as illegal immigrants and don’t want them here. We follow these families as they try to maintain their Puerto Rican identity, but assert their American citizenship.
Alta Mar — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Mysterious deaths aboard a luxurious ship traveling from Spain to Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s reveal secrets surrounding two sisters traveling together.
Joy — NETFLIX FILM Joy is a young Nigerian woman, caught in the vicious cycle of sex trafficking. She works in this merciless system of exploitation to pay off debts to her exploiter Madame and supporting her family in Nigeria.
Rim of the World — NETFLIX FILM Four misfit campers must band together and conquer their fears in order to save the world during an alien invasion.
She’s Gotta Have It: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Romantic turmoil, artistic challenges and an eye-opening trip to Puerto Rico set Nola Darling on a new course.
The Perfection — NETFLIX FILM A troubled musical prodigy (Allison Williams) seeks out the new star pupil (Logan Browning) of her former school with shocking consequences in this elegant and terrifying suspense ride, the most buzzed-about movie at last year’s Fantastic Fest.
WHAT / IF — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A raw, voyeuristic examination of acceptable people doing unacceptable things. A conflict driven series of high stakes morality plays with a first season narrative focusing on two struggling newlyweds who accept a powerful woman’s ethically perilous proposition to secure a badly needed financial windfall.
Avail. 5/27/19 Historical Roasts — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Renowned “Roastmaster General” Jeff Ross’s new half-hour comedy series Historical Roasts brings together A-list comedians in period-appropriate garb to celebrate prominent historical figures of the past, from Presidents (Abe Lincoln) to Rockstars (Freddie Mercury) and everything in between. Based on the Los Angeles live show of the same name, the six-episode series is “teaching history a lesson” and honoring some of the most important voices of our time the only way they know how — with a searing roast. Launching globally on Netflix Monday, May 27, Historical Roasts features a stellar lineup of comedian guest stars including Bob Saget, John Stamos, Natasha Leggero, Jaleel White, Fred Willard, Nikki Glaser, Rachel Feinstein, Ryan Phillippe, Ken Marino, Gilbert Gottfried, Seth Green, Yamaneika Saunders, and Neal Brennan to name a few. The series is produced by OBB Pictures.
Outlander: Seasons 1-2
Avail. 5/28/19 Disney’s The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Avail. 5/30/19 Chopsticks — NETFLIX FILM An under-confident but talented girl, who is sidestepped at every stage of her life, seeks out an enigmatic con to help recover her stolen car from a goat-loving crazy Mumbai gangster and in the process finds her confidence and place in the sun.
My Week with Marilyn
Svaha: The Sixth Finger — NETFLIX FILM A minister who researches religious cults turns to his Buddhist monk friend for help investigating a new group with mysterious origins.
The One I Love
Avail. 5/31/19
Always Be My Maybe — NETFLIX FILM Everyone assumed Sasha and Marcus would wind up together except for Sasha and Marcus. Reconnecting after 15 years, the two start to wonder… maybe?
Bad Blood: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Five years after the death of mob boss, there’s a new king of the Montreal drug trade — until a new breed of mafiosos arrives from Italy to wrestle the city from his grasp.
Black Spot: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Major Weiss’s recovery prompts residents to question the odd circumstances she was found in, and how she survived injuries that would kill anyone else.
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL What if a teenager built up a drugs empire from his bedroom in Leipzig? Inspired by real events.
Killer Ratings — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The true-life story of a Brazilian TV host who literally killed for ratings — and used his crime TV show to cover up the grizzly truth.
When They See Us — NETFLIX ORIGINAL A four-part limited series from director Ava DuVernay that continues themes from her documentary 13th, her exploration of the criminal justice system through the true case of the Central Park Five – 5 young teenagers who were wrongfully accused and convicted of rape.
Leaving 5/1/19 8 Mile Chocolat Cold Justice: Collection 3 Dances with Wolves Disney High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dr. No Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind For Your Eyes Only From Dusk Till Dawn From Russia with Love Godzilla GoldenEye Hostel Jaws Jaws 2 Jaws 3 Jaws: The Revenge License to Kill On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Sixteen Candles Sliding Doors Somm Somm: Into the Bottle The Birdcage The Dirty Dozen The English Patient The Lovely Bones The Notebook The Other Boleyn Girl Tomorrow Never Dies Watchmen
Leaving 5/11/19 Switched at Birth: Seasons 1-5
Leaving 5/15/19 Bill Nye, the Science Guy: Collection 1
Leaving 5/19/19 Disney’s Bridge to Terabithia
Leaving 5/22/19 The Boss Baby
Leaving 5/24/19 Southpaw
Leaving 5/31/19 I Know What You Did Last Summer West Side Story (1961)
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jamathon · 6 years
Ask me! I'll answer honestly
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? lit 7′0″ 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) cat 3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? met gala type fancy for sure.  4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Just dance 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day? My gf, boulder, art, 
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? "pwease no steppy” 7: What is your opinion on life? V weird. v cool 8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] I tihnkkkk it was melancholic but i shud take it again bc it’s def changed  9: Are you ticklish? very 10: Are you allergic to anything? not that i know yet 11: What’s your sexuality? gay bi gay bi gay bi.  12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Tea 13: Are you a cat or dog person? cat 14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? whichever one is least lonely. probably merperson. 15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Alex bertie!! 16: How tall are you? 5′4 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Kiwi 18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] likeee 125 19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? pass. 20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Ocean.  21: Are you religious? No 22: Pet peeves? A . Lot. im so impatient.  23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Diurnal! 24: Favorite constellation? uhhhh *panics and looks around kitchen* the big spoon 25: Favorite star? North bc i used to see it every night after work and i didn’t know it alr had a name so i named it after my gf as a romantic gesture hahhahaha 26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? Yuh 27: Any phobias or fears? Afraid of loneliness  28: Do you think global warming is real? shut up.  29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Havent thought about it 30: Favorite movie? Scott pilgrim 31: Do you get scared easily? Yes 32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 1 33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] my blogs a 10 even tho i still have the OG tumblr theme 34: What is a color that calms you? blue 35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Iceland 36: Where were you born? baltimore 37: What is your eye color? hazel 38: Introvert or extrovert? both 39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? hahahhaha yesss 40: Hugs or kisses? bofa 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Would love to visit boulder i miss the mountains & weather a lot 42: Who is someone you love deeply? Rayven 43: Any piercings you want? septum tbh 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? yes. v hot 45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? not anymore 46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Rayven is my crush and also my gf she’s about to turn 21 which is exciting!! this feels like show n tell haha 47: What is a sound you really hate? fingernail scratching jeans 48: A sound you really love? keys jingling 49: Can you do a backflip? no 50: Can you do the splits?  no 51: Favorite actor and/or actress? emma stone  52: Favorite movie?alr asked. scotty P. 53: How are you feeling right now? fine but restless bc of a tummy ache 54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? back to black acctuallly im tired of dying it  55: When did you feel happiest? idk 56: Something that calms you down? tumblr 57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] havent had an evaluation in years so idk! 58: What does your URL mean? that’s my JAMATHON!!! To describe a good song. A word i tried to make happen. like fetch. except not original, just “jam” with “athon” added.  59: What three words describe you the most? Understanding. Funny. Intense.  60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes 61: What makes you unfollow a blog? If they dont post enuf memes 62: What makes you follow a blog? Memes 63: Favorite kind of person: Funny, outgoing, spontaneous  64: Favorite animal(s): Whales 65: Name three of your favorite blogs. eh idk 66: Favorite emoticon: the drooling one 67: Favorite meme: too many 68: What is your MBTI personality type? intp idk if that’s right 69: What is your star sign? capricorn  70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? no 71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? i like layers. probably my leather jacket w black pants and a my yellow shirt. it makes me feel cute 72: Post a selfie or two? too hard 73: Do you have platform shoes? yes 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I used to be double jointed and could bend my finger back to touch my hand, unsure what happened but now i have 0 party tricks 75: Can you do a front flip? yeah probably 76: Do you like birds? So much!!!!!! 77: Do you like to swim? no!!!!!! 78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming... 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: pollution 80: Some thing you wish did exist: cures 81: Piercings you have? ears 82: Something you really enjoy doing: playing music/drawing/taking pictures 83: Favorite person to talk to: rayven 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? cupcakes 85: How many followers do you have? like 100 on this blog now hahaha 86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? yes but will I? No. 87: Do your socks always match? No 88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? No 89: What are your birthstones? Turquoise  90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Fox 91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? I want to be creative but when i think about it...a red rose.  92: A store you hate? The grocery store bc im there all the time 93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? zero now but at the beginning of the year i was drinking around 4-5 a day.  94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly 95: Do you like to wear camo? nah 96: Winter or summer? Used to be winter but nothing is good in the south. 97: How long can you hold your breath for? not long at all it gives me anxiety 98: Least favorite person? some of the people ive met in the past year have been atrocious.  99: Someone you look up to: My roommate Chris.  100: A store you love? I could spend all day in H&M  101: Favorite type of shoes? vans 102: Where do you live? ....atlanta 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Yes bc my girlfriend is and we always share food so like... i guess i eat meat on my own but that’s liike once a month haha 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? hmmm...bismuth. 105: Do you drink milk? No 106: Do you like bugs? Not in the south. 107: Do you like spiders? NO. 108: Something you get paranoid about? Bugs. 109: Can you draw: NO. 110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? people love prying idk at this point 111: A question you hate being asked? are u a boy or a girl has definitely gotten old 112: Ever been bitten by a spider? yes 113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yesssssss 114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? depends 115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: my gf 116: Favorite cloud type: rain cloud 117: What color do you wish the sky was? orange.  118: Do you have freckles? yes 119: Favorite thing about a person: humor 120: Fruits or vegetables? veggies 121: Something you want to do right now: sleep but im restless :( 122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? hmmmm depends 123: Sweet or sour foods? sweet for sure.  124: Bright or dim lights? bright bc i need new glasses and cant see in dim light 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? dragons  126: Something you hate about Tumblr: nothing really 127: Something you love about Tumblr: takes my mind off everything 128: What do you think about the least? everything i shud be thinking about 129: What would you want written on your tombstone? something super funny that i cant think of rn 130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? John cena bc i think he’d find it funny 131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? Inability to fake happiness  132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? sometimes! 133: Computer or TV? computer bc its both 134: Do you like roller coasters?  no 135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? yes 136: Are your ears lobed or attached? lobed bruh 137: Do you believe in karma? idk 138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? strong 8.5! I don’t think im too shabby most of the time actually 139: What nicknames do you have/have had? kiwi 140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? yes named Kiki  141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? plenty  142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Depends 143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Receiving  144: What makes you angry? people not being nice really irks me 145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1 146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? tag yourself im nonbinaries  147: Are you androgynous? i’d say  148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: lately it’s been my chest. it’s p hot 149: Favorite thing about your personality: I’m funny.  150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. uhh idk 151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? the uhhh one w swords  152: Do you like BuzzFeed? ya 153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] Tindeerrrrr  hah 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? uh idk 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? ya 156: What embarrasses you? a lot 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: when other people are noticably anxious  158: Biggest lie you have ever told: idk 159: How many people are you following? lots  160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? lots 161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? like 50 162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? like 3,000 ishhhh  163: Last time you cried and why: My birthday bc one of rayvens gifts was ....so ....fuckin..sweet 164: Do you have long or short hair? short 165: Longest your hair has ever been: long 166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? It’s annoying lmfao 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Only bc im nosy 168: Do you like to wear makeup? no 169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no 170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yup
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poeticslab17-blog · 7 years
Ms. Tweedy Questionnaire
1. What would you consider a defining moment in your life? The first time I ever killed a roach. It was a traumatic experience for me. I stomped it out of fear in my childhood bathroom. I was 12 and scared of its jittery movements. But when I realized what I had done, when the roach twitched, half alive, half not, I was devastated. I decided that I would dedicate my life to repenting for this act of violence. That’s when I started my home for displaced roaches. 
2. Who is your idol? My Grandma Bertie. She was an ass kicking, kick ass woman. She was an internationally ranked bowler and she started playing when she turned 70, talk about moxie! She was the most alive and the most dead on that bowling alley (that is, because she died at 97 years old from happiness when she bowled a game with straight strikes. What a way to go.)
3. What do you surround yourself with? My roaches!!!!! And the music of Klaus Nomi. 
4. What do you dislike about yourself? Well I am prone to isolationism. When I was 12 till I was 13, I locked myself out in Grandma Bertie’s barn and just read for a year straight. I had Grandma and Aunty Lola (my Grandma’s lover) slide me meals and books under the door. I was lucky to have the company of many chickens or I might have gone mad. But I get this way every couple of years, it’s a doozy. It’s unhealthy. 
5. What are your guilty pleasure movies/songs/books/shows? (Top three of each!) MOVIES: I love the Bridget Jones series. SONGS: What can I say, I love One Direction’s first three albums, they are just so full of life and remind me to be goofy. BOOKS: I grew up on pulp romance books. SHOWS: I enjoyed Chicago quite a bit, anything with pizzaz and high kicks are good to me.
6. What can be found in your pockets at any given time? As a rule, I don’t wear pockets. But I suppose if I did, I’d carry some candies and maybe a roach or two to show them the world.
7. What was the reason for your last doctor’s visit?  I woke up one morning to all my teeth gone. I was all gums! No one really figured out why that happened, they called me the toothless wonder and sent me off to get fillers. It was a strange, strange day.
8. What’s your favorite animal? Do you share any of its characteristics? I really love!!!! Roaches!!!!! They are so silly and playful and fun loving. What I love about them most is that they will adapt to any situation and be just as happy living there as anywhere else. Also they fight death like nothing else. I admire that, I constantly try my best to live like the roach.
9. When is your birthday? October 31st, 1976
10. If you had to pick one, what is your theme song? Walking On Sunshine :^)
11. What is/are your hobbies? I like caring for my roaches (Ms. Tweedy’s Home For The Displaced Roach is a non-profit and doesn’t make any money). I like going to dinner with my beau. I enjoy french films and making deviled eggs.
12. What’s your philosophy? LIVE LAUGH LOVE
13. What would be your high school superlative?  Hmmmmm Most Likely To Live Off The GRid
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kingsmakers · 4 years
I see your “all numbers for Phoenix” ask and raise you to do all numbers for Cassiopeia for the OC ask ;)
1. What is their blood status (pureblood, muggleborn, etc)? What are their thoughts on the concept of blood status?
Cass is a pure-blood, but both of her younger brothers are half-bloods, so she really could care less about blood status.
2. What is their wand wood and core?
Cedar, unicorn hair.
3. Do they bring a pet to Hogwarts with them?
She actually inherits her uncle Regulus’s owl, Glory. The creature is over 20 years old at this point and batty as hell, but it’s so sentimental to her that she refuses to get a new owl until Glory dies.
4. What Hogwarts house were they sorted into? Why did the hat put them in that house over the others? Was it a quick sorting or a hatstall? Are they happy with their sorting? What Hogwarts house would they least fit into?
Cass is a Ravenclaw. It was actually a toss up between that and Gryffindor, but Cass is proud of her house, even though it leaves her parents scratching their heads because they really didn’t expect it.
5. What subject is their favorite at Hogwarts? Which is their least favorite? Is their favorite the same as their best subject?
Cass is best at Potions, and it’s also the subject she enjoys the most.
6. What electives do they chose in third year?
Following in her mum’s footsteps, she picks Alchemy.
7. Do they earn more house points or do they lose more?
Oh, a real mix. Cass never makes Head Girl, but she does become a Prefect, so she’s like, I need to be respectable.
8. How do they do on their OWLs? On their NEWTs?
With the stress of Voldemort’s return etc, she doesn’t do as well in her OWLs as she could have. However despite the trying circumstances of her final year at Hogwarts, she actually does really well in her NEWTs.
9. Thoughts on Quidditch? Do they play? And if so what position do they play?
She does! She plays as the Keeper on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, from about her fifth year.
10. What Wizarding treat (bertie botts, chocolate frogs, etc.) is their favorite?
Bertie Botts, she loves exploring the myriad flavours. Also tricking people into eating her least faves.
11. What is their Patronus? What happy memory do the use to conjure it?
A fox. She uses memories of her brother (later brothers when Alfie is born).
12. What is their Boggart? What happens to it when they cast Riddikulus?
The Dark Mark hanging in the sky. When she casts the spell, it turns into a face pulling out a tongue.
13. What does Amortentia smell like to them?
Musk, the scent of fresh rain, firecrackers
14. What spell is their favorite? Which do they use the most?
Flipendo. She’s used it multiple times on the Weasley twins when they annoy the hell out of her.
15. If they needed it, what form would the Room of Requirement take for them?
A quiet space to study, because between the Weasley twins and their pranks and her younger brother, she can’t get a bloody moment’s peace in.
16. If they trained as an Animagus what form would they take?
Similar to her Patronus, I think she’d want it to be a fox.
17. What do they do/want to do after Hogwarts?
Cass wants to be a hitwitch or an Auror (ironically, I have her biological father Evan Rosier as a hitwizard before he’s caught out for being a Death Eater).
18. Which Unforgivable Curse would they be most likely to use? What would be the reason for it?
Imperius. She would hate herself for it, especially since like trauma because she knows her dear daddy was a Death Eater who used Unforgivables, but she thinks it’s the least harmful of the three.
19. Which Unforgivable Curse would they hate to have used on them the most?
Killing. She knows that it would absolutely break her mum and step-dad to lose her, and she fears the idea that if anything happened to her it might send Phoenix spiralling.
20. Which Deathly Hallow (wand, stone, or cloak) would they want? Why?
The Resurrection Stone. There’s a love/hate relationship there with her dad, particularly his dark legacy, but I think she would want to know what life would have been like had he...you know, not been killed by Aurors.
Also tagging @itsjustgracy, @luucypevensie, @wokenhardies & @papergirlverse coz gosh a bunch of y’all asked Cass questions
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