Regardless of one's particular enneatype, it is important to observe all the nine cores in one's experience, and to penetrate experientially into all nine delusions which keep one's egoic experience going.
A. H. ALMAAS. Facets of Unity, The Enneagram of Holy Ideas
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camillevanneerart · 1 year
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hameed - graphite | 20 x 12
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acidphreak · 1 year
….the relinquishing of the conviction that we could know what to do and that we are inadequate because we cannot
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crosstheveil · 3 months
If you remember times when you were in love, you'll recall that the other person seemed all loving, shining, wonderful. Right? Then after a few months, you wonder where the loving, shining wonderfulness disappeared to. You think it must be that he stopped loving you. But no, those qualities were an illusion to start with. It was a projection of your own essence. This doesn't mean your partner doesn't have essence of his own, but that wasn't what you were seeing. You were projecting your essence onto him. That was what you were really in love with!
— A. H. Almaas
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dimensional-tourist · 2 years
Inner realization is a process of shedding, of losing what one takes oneself to be, to ultimately become what one is, without need for any external support, not even one’s mind. This description is not metaphorical; one actually experiences the disappearance of great realms of one’s identity. As one goes deeper and deeper, one realizes that one is shedding concepts that one had taken to be absolute truths.
A.H. Almaas
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waves-of-eternity · 2 years
It’s taken me a lot to realise how everything is here to serve the awakening of consciousness. Everything is here to serve your evolution.
I wouldn’t come to realise a Non-Dual state of awareness, without all the suffering along the way.
It’s been challenging, but if it brings you to a higher state of awareness, it’s always worth it.
Loss of a loved one, fractured bones, prison, drug/alcohol addiction, physical health issues, anxiety, depression, financial issues, women leaving you in the dirt. You name it, it’s all served me well!
The suffering is a transformational tool. For the majority of us, this is our calling home, we can’t bare the suffering much longer. Paths home are different for all, everybody has a unique journey. Is suffering essential? Yes and no. I feel, without the suffering, unless you’re truly dedicated to awakening to truth, you won’t discover it. Adyashanti and A. H. Almaas are two prime examples of being dedicated to discovering truth, without there being a high degree of suffering. Most of the enlightened who walk amongst us came to a pristine state of awareness through intense suffering.
Eckhart Tolle is an example of someone who was in an intense state of suffering, suicidal in fact. At the age of 29, in the state of a deep depression, Eckhart went through a powerful transformation which altered every level of his being. Suffering was the key component to Eckhart’s transformation.
Suffering isn’t essential, unless you’re giving every minute of every day to inquiry, and you’re devout to discovering truth. However, if this isn’t the case, the best way is always suffering. In whichever way it comes, suffering will awaken you out of all the bullshit and illusions you hold so true.
So, be grateful! All the shit which comes in life, I thank it all. As painful as it can be, being an addict with health issues, your partner walking out on you etc. it’s all there to serve your evolution.
“All the ups and downs are grace in different wrappings, sent to refine consciousness. Say thanks to them all” - Mooji
It’s all grace. Even the tough times where you feel like giving up! Just hang on in there, tune inwards and you’ll see. When the heart awakens, you’ll have everything you’ll ever need.
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jahanbakhsh · 3 months
"True will is actually nothing but complete surrender to what is experienced in this moment [...] True will does not involve surrender to another person, but to yourself, to life, to your experience, to the truth of now."
"The moment we say "no" to our experience, we are using false will [...] So when true will is operating, it enhances our awareness of what is there."
"In this culture we usually think of will as masculine, a hard masculinity. But ultimately, the will is feminine. The true relationship of the will to essence is a receptivity to the truth, an attunement with reality" One of the symbols of true will is a crescent moon, which is receptive. The crescent moon with the star in the center represents the receptivity to oneself, to your true self. So the receptivity is to the truth of oneself. (Almaas in Diamond Heart, Book II: Will) "A straight line teaches us to develop our will-power, but the will must always be subject to intelligence and inspired by the heart. Those who are driven by will-power alone are constantly at war with others and with themselves, and the effect is disastrous. At the same time, however, the will is always the motivating power behind our acts; there is nothing more worse than to be lacking in will-power. We need to have a strong will, therefore; we need to be capable of advancing in a straight line, and at the same time we must be able to use a wavy line- that is, to move forward with intellectual discernment and kindness of heart." (Omraam in Cosmic Balance: A straight line and a curved line)
Linking A.H. Almaas to Omraam on will on masculinity and femineity.
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dandanjean · 3 months
Les facettes de l'unité
La plupart d’entre nous croient que la réalisation spirituelle consiste à devenir plus heureux, plus libres, plus nobles, tout en conservant l’essentiel des contours et des catégories de notre manière habituelle de faire l’expérience de la réalité. Derrière cette attitude il y a une conviction répandue que le « travail de développement personnel », y compris le travail psychologique, peut…
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clarasgaleverden · 6 months
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lesbian-hello-kitty · 9 months
WHERE is mi mujer???? Im done playing
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usunezukoinezu · 11 months
Being free to be one’s personality is not freedom.
-A. H. Almaas, Essence
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all these "discoveries" people are making from convoluted enneagram surveys could be made much more easily if yall just read Almaas and the Sufis
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jualrmhbekasi · 2 years
TANPA DP, WA 0896-0333-9231 Jual Rumah Murah Antapani Bekasi
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"TANPA DP, WA 0896-0333-9231 Jual Rumah Murah Antapani Bekasi Butuh Hunian Keluarga
""PT Mutiara Karya Propertindo""
Jalan Manggis, Kampung Jl. Cinyosog No.02, Desa Burangkeng, Kec. Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17320
(Masuk gang ada Pohon Asem Besar)
Langsung OWNER 0821-2213-6599 https://wa.me/6289603339231
Maps: https://g.page/pt-mutiara-karya-propertindo?share
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TANPA DP, WA 0896-0333-9231 Jual Rumah Murah Almaas 3 Bandung Kota Bekasi Butuh Hunian Keluarga
""PT Mutiara Karya Propertindo""
Jalan Manggis, Kampung Jl. Cinyosog No.02, Desa Burangkeng, Kec. Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17320
(Masuk gang ada Pohon Asem Besar)
Langsung OWNER 0821-2213-6599 https://wa.me/6289603339231
Maps: https://g.page/pt-mutiara-karya-propertindo?share
rumahmurahalmaas3bandungkotabekasi #rumahmurahalamsuterabekasi #rumahmurahalindabekasiutarabekasi #rumahmuraharcamanikbandungbekasi #rumahmurahabdinegaracileunyibekasi
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crosstheveil · 6 months
The fundamental thing that happened and the greatest calamity is not that there was no love or support. The greater calamity which was caused by that first calamity is that you lost the connection to your Essence. That is much more important than whether your mother or father loved you or not.
Your conflicts, all the difficult things, the problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are actually yours. They are specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else. The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to yourself. You are not going to go in the right direction unless there is something pricking you in the side, you, “Look here! This way!” That part of you loves you so much that it doesn’t want you to lose the chance. It will go to extreme measures to wake you up, it will make you suffer greatly if you don’t listen. What else can it do? That is its purpose.
— A.H. Almaas
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TANPA DP, WA 0896-0333-9231 Jual Rumah Murah Antapani Bekasi
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"TANPA DP, WA 0896-0333-9231 Jual Rumah Murah Antapani Bekasi Butuh Hunian Keluarga
""PT Mutiara Karya Propertindo""
Jalan Manggis, Kampung Jl. Cinyosog No.02, Desa Burangkeng, Kec. Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17320
(Masuk gang ada Pohon Asem Besar)
Langsung OWNER 0821-2213-6599 https://wa.me/6289603339231
Maps: https://g.page/pt-mutiara-karya-propertindo?share
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