#alleymans tarot
publishinggoblin · 2 months
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The 3 Omens, the 4 Maidens, the 5 Dreams...
From The Sinner to The Traitor, the gorgeous cards were designed by The Caretaker from Cryptotheism/Normal Horoscopes, and illustrated for this third edition by Ezra Kimbell!
Come explore the strange Arcana of the Normal Tarot with us as we travel, group to group, across its unique cards. Join us tomorrow as we take a look at the 6 Books-- books of songs, books of chaos, books of war!
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altargarden · 10 months
hi, i have had to make a switch from regular dog food to digestive care dog food for my pup juliet. for just a week's worth of food, it's $100+ and i need a bit of extra help with making the payments less severe on my bank account. additionally, i've had to add this to groceries, fuel money, medication money, and a doctor's visit for some scripts (and a doctor's visit is ~$80).
if anyone has any money to spare (all prices are in USD), i offer:
tarot readings - pay what you want, minimum of $3, 1-6 cards
oracle readings - pay what you want, minimum of $3, 1-6 cards
demon identification readings - pay what you want, minimum of $6.66, 3-6 cards
deity identification readings (for hellenic and kemetic deities): pay what you want, minimum of $8, 3-6 cards
channelling readings (for demonic, hellenic, or kemetic deities): pay what you want, minimum of $10, 1-6 cards.
charm casting readings - pay what you want, minimum of $8, 1-3 throws
art commission - pay what you want, minimum of $10
devotional art - pay what you want, minimum of $10
prayer beads - pay what you want, minimum of $20 + shipping
(NEW) kandi bracelets - pay what you want, minimum of $5 + shipping
(NEW) flower-style kandi cuff - pay what you want, minimum of $7 + shipping
(NEW) kandi multistitch cuff (must have an original design) - pay what you want, minimum of $15 + shipping
(NEW) kandi choker - pay what you want, minimum of $15 + shipping
(NEW) mini-rotator style kandi cuff - pay what you want, minimum of $30 + shipping
(NEW) UFO-style kandi cuff - pay what you want, minimum of $30 + shipping
(NEW) carousel-style kandi cuff - pay what you want, minimum of $60 + shipping
kandi prayer beads - pay what you want, minimum of $15 + shipping
custom sigil - pay what you want, minimum of $3
custom cross stitched sigil on a keychain - pay what you want, minimum of $10 + shipping
i have some books additionally that just aren't safe to keep in my home. please consider buying them:
book of the fallen by martin mcgreggor, used - $10 + shipping
the infernal gospel by rev cain, used - $10 + shipping
the goetia devils by rev cain, used - $10 + shipping
the satanic philosopher by rev cain, used - $10 + shipping
the goetia hymns by rev cain, used - $10 + shipping
i try to keep shipping as low as possible. if you live outside of australia, it will be anywhere between the $10-$40 mark to ship. if you live inside of australia, it will be around $10 to ship. regardless, if you are interested in a physical item, please contact me so we can discuss shipping costs and i can give you an accurate total. items can be combined for one shipping cost, additionally.
payments will be made through paypal or ko-fi.
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morggo · 2 years
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What's inside a girl? Somethin' tells me there's a whole other world.
"The Camgirl" was created for Alleyman Podcast CD Box Set Kickstarter, which launches tomorrow, Oct 4th! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/publishinggoblin/the-alleyman-podcast
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sceptic-witch · 1 month
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Starting my time off with my first bit of tarot study! This week I've been thinking Queen of Cups and what this card means to me, with some help from my Alleyman's Tarot.
This journal companion to Yoshi Yoshitani's Tarot of the Divine is just lovely. I was a bit scared to start writing in it at first but pretty happy with how this very simple page turned out ☺️
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sithisreadingcorner · 8 months
Hi! I hope you're doing Good! My Intitals are N.V.W. 🌈👁‍🗨❤🧙‍♀️
6/18/90! 😋 My question to my Guides / Ancestors mainly my native side, they keep showing up in my dreams in tibial attire! But also believe I have Peruvian/ Ancestors on my bio fathers side too, something of the sort because I also see My Native Amercian from my mothers side, than sometimes South Amercian Natives too from my bio fathers side. (which I have no contact with). Thank you if you can clear this up! Basically do they want my to tap into my Shamanic gifts and abilities? I hope the questions it's not confusing!
Thank you NVW I'm myself doing great, I hope you are doing good as well! 🥰 What an intriguing mystery. Whether your mother's or your father's side of ancestors are trying to talk to you, is not a question that I can investigate through divination (for the sake of this reading I just assumed that both did) - I think if those answers are to be had, they are in your dreams and in your family. What I CAN and did ask however, is this: Why are they appearing in your dreams, and what do they think of you picking up on these gifts and abilities that you are talking about?
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king of wands. bone fire. father sleep FOOL: "Lose 10.000 experience points and you must draw again." [Reconstruct crime scenes. Make laws of physics work for the Law.] VISUAL CALCULUS
All right, let's talk about the first three cards to begin with, they were the original reading and the two other cards were an extension of that. From this, I am pretty sure that there is a significance to your ancestors appearing in your dreams and they are trying to reach out, though at this moment it seems they are only reaching you very faintly. I know this is kind of confusing at this time but for now, just try to allow these experiences to talk to you (and most importantly, record them!) From the cards it seems to me that they would like to try to guide you, on the one hand as family to family, and there is also a spiritual nature to it. So basically the answer is kind of... yes in the way I THINK you are asking it but there is something you need to know first.
I think when you are asking whether they are here to expand on your "shamanic abilities" you are jumping the gun. It's clear that you have some kind of ability, there is no doubt about that, but you seem to use the word "shaman" very lightly. I think firstly, before you do anything, think about (and research) what does a "shaman" really do in the cultures of your family. I'm myself way more familiar with circumpolar shamanism and that of the Americas very little, but what I DO know, is that it's NOT a pleasant, bright journey that you can dabble in for self betterment and maybe make some uplifting discoveries on the way. It comes with duties and obligations, and is a very hard path on which the person who must walk it often suffers a lot, and they still have to walk it alone. Most importantly, once you accept that duty, you cannot put it down. Once you are a shaman, you are more of that world than this one, and that might seem like a cool, whimsical thing as you look at it from the outside but in reality it's alienating and lonely, AND there is no take-back. I'm not saying that there are no upsides to it whatsoever but a shaman often, little by little, breaks under the responsibility that they carry and they don't often live that long. Think about that for a moment. Are you sure you want that? Do you think you are ready for that?
Look... here's the thing. I don't know your heart, what kind of passion lives in it, and for the sake of the reading I will assume that you said yes in order to get the message through (though it's also completely okay to say no). And on principle, I will NEVER tell anyone not to follow the passion of their heart and that's also not what your ancestors are saying. They are saying, neither yes nor no, but a secret third thing. They are not closed off to the possibility of you going on this path, but - while they recognize that you are talented - your skills are not even near the level to what is necessary for a beginning shaman. It's not that they CAN'T be, but let's face it... at this moment, they are still very much in the rough.
I asked them, what does NVW need to change in order to be ready for this path? And that's when I got the FOOL. Which means, in essence, what I've already mentioned: they want you to understand that being a shaman is not fun. It is a path where you are completely deconstructed and then put back together again way different, and there is no return to whom you once were - mentally, philosophically, and in the spiritual realm sometimes literally. If you still say yes to all of this, and you are ready to do that, then there is such a calling inside of you that no earthly attachment can dissuade, and not even the most elemental, instinctual fear can diminish, and then maybe you have the true calling of a shaman. But what you also have to keep in mind, that spirituality is not a race for everyone to have the most drastic and painful calling. You can practice spirituality, advance your talents, AND call on your ancestors for help without completely detaching from this world and becoming a shaman. And it seems like your ancestors are 100% happy to do that for you as well.
After all this I thought, what if - IF - all of that still doesn't scare you away, maybe you do have the calling of a shaman, and therefore I am obligated to ask, so I did thusly. If NVW still says yes to that path, what do they need to do for you (the ancestors) to take them on this journey? And thus I got the card Visual Calculus, which is basically the card of the mind's eye. What they are saying is very simple, so allow me to translate. "If you have trained your abilities so and so, that you can stand before us IN PERSON" (may it be a dream, or w/e.) "and ask us that question yourself instead of sending someone to ask them for you, THEN we can talk."
This is what I got for you NVW. 💖 I hope this helps and I wish the best for you on this journey! And tbh if there is any development ngl I'm really curious, so if you are comfortable sharing it please drop me an ask what happened 😳 I hope you can reach your ancestors! 🥰
september readings (1 of 8)
tips? 💗
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outlikethat · 2 years
the Alleyman’s tarot
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I backed this enormous project, and at the time, mostly thought “this is SO COOL!” I didn’t think it would particularly be a practical deck. a week after its arrival, I’m here to retract that assumption. the Alleyman’s deck, at least for me, appears to be a very usable reading deck, apart from the physical difficulties it presents.
yes, it’s enormous. I got all the boosters, which I think is more than double the number of cards in a standard tarot deck. the whole deck barely fits into my hand. there are — twelve, I think? very different Death cards, and multiples of several other cards, AND a whole lot of nonstandard cards.
the cardstock is thin, though according to publisher/creator @publishinggoblin it’s very high quality (with which assessment, having cut a hole in my own Hole card, I concur). (in addition, having attempted to burn the removed hole piece, I must confess I’m absolutely consumed with curiosity— PubGob has said they’re burning several cards in the “touched” decks, and that stuff didn’t burn at all when I tried. it blistered strangely, and then the soot brushed right off it. but I, as usual, digress.) what this stock also is, though, is very VERY slippery. seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with a deck this slick in my life. combine that frictionless, enormous deck with my small hands, and yep, I’ve sprayed most of the cards across the floor multiple times already just taking it out of the box. (I’ve got a piece of ribbon in there under the deck as a hoist, by the way, which can be seen in the picture above.) put one card atop another, and it could end up anywhere, slipping off or gently spinning. it’s absolutely impossible to shuffle, at least for me; I’ve been “shuffling” it by dealing out a carpet of cards in various orders and from various points in the deck until the deck is gone, and then restacking the little piles out of sequence. (it’s not a bad method. gets one in the mood, anyway.)
the book is also on a shiny, slippery stock, and the paper is thin. given how the card interpretations, in particular for the additional cards, are all over the place and out of order (requiring lots of flipping back and forth for a reading), I suspect the spiral binding really isn’t going to last very long at all, unfortunately. aesthetically, too, a dull or matte stock would have served the conceit of both deck and book far better. (and, ideally, this is very much a deck that would have benefitted from a book with room to add one’s own notes.)
that’s my complaints out of the way. onward!
first off, it is indeed SO COOL! there are so many cards and they’re so varied. sure, I don’t like some of them, but there are far more that I love. plus, I’ve had more than a few decks in my time where I absolutely adored certain cards, thought they were the best of their kind. and then the deck as a whole was weakened by one or two other cards I didn’t like at all. first: oh hey, cards I love, have you met the Alleyman’s? and second, wrt the Alleyman’s, see first.
several cards have foiling, and, delightfully, the foiling is in different colours, which makes the deck lovely viewed edge on. the back of each card is different too, with the back of the deck it belongs to! were I a more intuitive reader, I could probably read the card backs alone.
I didn’t get the fancy box, but the box I did get is very nice (I might end up painting it at some point. I might not. I haven’t decided yet.) it’s pleasing, holds all the cards and the additional coin and poker chip, is lined with felt, and has a nice swing latch on it. it IS hard to get the deck out, but my ribbon sling fixes that easily enough.
but how does it read, you say? so listen. as I said above, I didn’t really have high expectations that way. I’ve spent a long time and too much money looking for “the perfect” deck to read with, and for the most part, haven’t found it. I have a number of beautiful decks, some of which it turned out didn’t agree with me at all in reading, and others that are “very good, except…” or “really good for these particular kinds of readings but not for these other kinds.” out of all my lovely decks, I mostly wind up reading with my Universal Waite (nicer colours than the original flavour Waite decks, sure I wish some of the cards were more exciting or less conservative, but it’s straightforward, all-purpose, and I don’t have to squint at a card going “what was that one again?” and get the book out).
the Alleyman’s deck is not straightforward, but to my surprise, the wide variation and seeming chaos of it is extremely useful for me, person with adhd. this is not something I’d ever considered before, but after only a few days of reading with the Alleyman’s, it’s clear that in some ways the aesthetic consistency of the more artistic decks I’ve always been drawn to actually works against me. the beautiful artwork can confuse or obscure my perceptions of the symbolism, and even my immediate recognition of the cards. I do not have this problem with the Alleyman’s deck. every card is clear. moreover, the relationships between the cards are much more distinct to me, and additional relationships reveal themselves in the ways the different art styles mesh or complement or conflict. I’ve always had to work to get a story out of my spreads, but the Alleyman’s wants to tell stories.
the interpretations in the book are also very good, clear, and helpful. I enjoy the writing style and the conceit of the Alleyman a great deal, as well as the “notes” from Seven, and so far they’ve served me very well in reading. it is, in general, a deck that encourages creativity, and seems to have a very grounded, practical bent overall, at least in my hands (which again, may come as a surprise given how seemingly off the wall it is). it is certainly a deck that leans to the unconventional in a reading, revolutionary, queer— but it’s not disconnected from reality. the description of one of the cards - oh yes, here it is, Tradition — says, among other things, “the only way to embrace the world is to be chaotic, like this deck”. but the seeming chaos of this deck exists firmly on the foundation of the traditions that it’s challenging, dismantling and reconstructing, growing out of them in the most encouraging and hopeful manner.
I’m really looking forward to working more with this deck and shaping it to my needs. it might be “the perfect deck”, it might not, but it’s certainly a uniquely exciting and stimulating one, with a lot to say.
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worm-dark · 1 year
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Front and back design for a unique card created especially for @publishinggoblin's Alleyman Tarot Deck. This project raised a record-breaking 1.4 million dollars on Kickstarter and maintains an enthusiastic online following. Current Alleyman projects include a podcast and expansion pack!
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puukkolesbo · 2 years
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my first addition to the alleyman's tarot using the blank booster pack! the long distance lovers - thematically appropriately made with stickers my ldr girlfriend gave me
meaning in a reading would be that there is good things in your life that are worth waiting and fighting for, that even in a non-ideal situation pros can outweigh the cons. it's a promise of a reunion & a reminder to appreciate what you have
reverse meaning speaks of hopelessness and lack of trust & encourages you to take a look at your own insecurities. is it the distance or is it you that is keeping you from what you want?
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crypticaerratica · 1 year
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Coming soon, The Alleyway Oracles from @publishinggoblin! May 16th! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/publishinggoblin/the-alleyway-oracles My 5 of Media in the #alleywaytarot as part of the strange suited cards, and the doom fool is in the #oracleofplay! There's also a deck I'm not in, the #oracleofsecrets!
"Plz cryptica, tell us more!"
Sure thing!
From the alleyway, the Alleyman comes bearing three new decks, collected from the decks of this world and gathered to hand for you to claim.
The Alleyway Oracles are speaking; are you listening?
Take charge of your own fate and cast the cards. The alleys of the world whisper the future if you but listen.
The Three Fates, The Three Moirai, The Three Alleyway Oracles. Speak to the past, present, and future with three new decks born of the Alleyman.
You walk your same route every day, past the same store fronts, the same alleys. But today you take a detour down the alley… Only to find something strangely new.
The Alleyman returns, walking the alleys of the midwest. Can you find him, or only the decks he leaves behind?
Every day you hold your breath for that moment, that spark of the strange. When the people and places you know are… other. Here, just in this alley…
You see the same scam artist as always, tricking fools from their money. But today, he looks at you. Tells you that for 17 cents, he can do something he has never done before… What would you like to know?
"plz cryptica, tell us about each of the decks individually!"
Sure thing!
100 cards to foretell 100 fates, the Alleyway Tarot rests just there within reach down the dark and heavy alley. Do not mind the refuse, it carries messages among wrappers.
The Alleyman’s other tarot, how many has he pieced together? The Alleyway Tarot is 100 cards, unknown to its cousin.
The Alleyman returns through his cards. What fortunes will you discern from his new tarot? THE ORACLE OF PLAY
Each day we make our choices to walk past the park, to ignore the strange doll in the shop window, to stay to routine. But the Oracle of Play beckons you on. Even in the grey of our lives there is room for possibility.
Give your divination space to a thoughtful oracle that wishes to imagine better worlds to live in. Do not despair or give your work only to the shadows. There is joy in the future.
When things are their darkest, do not turn away from the light. It’s miraculous and buoyant. Let it take you into its story, one we all share, and let your heart Play. THE ORACLE OF SECRETS
The Oracle of Secrets finds those who suffer, whispering back that it hears you. It knows you. The cards may cut you, but they will help you understand why. Breathe deep, then draw.
Your Shadow work will thank you.
There are hard questions and hard answers ahead. But you are ready to walk into the dark, and the Oracle of Secrets will guide your way.
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graellsia-isabellae · 2 years
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My deck is mainly the Alleyman’s Tarot, with a handful of Welcome to Night Vale and my own Greta Van Fleet cards.
Message me with what you’d like to know about and I’ll send you a free three card spread and interpretation. I’ll get through as many as I can!
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publishinggoblin · 1 year
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The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter
It's time. The Alleyway Oracles are live.
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Three new decks. The 100-card, mismatched Alleyway Tarot. The 60-card, bright and joyous Oracle of Play. The 60-card, dark and brooding Oracle of Secrets.
Which oracle are you listening to...?
The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter
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nyktomancer · 1 year
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I'm glad to announce that I now own a copy of the Alleyman's Tarot!
The readings I've done with it so far are very deep, straight to the point, and wildly interesting. I have the feeling that this deck tends to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear, which is so cool imo - I'm so happy with it.
In case you're interested, I have added a new listing on my ko-fi, which I called "Lessons from the Alley." It is a pay-what-you-want reading, in which 1€ = 1 card (up to 10 cards max.). Any question you want, or a general reading!
Perhaps it'd be interesting to get advice for the new year...? :)
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piplupod · 2 years
why does no one post about their customizations to their alleymans tarot deck goddamn i want to see other ppls creativity and ideas
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zenshamanicart-blog · 2 years
I have now read with the Alleyman Tarot for five people, and some commonalities have appeared for me.
First up, huge thick stacks of cards are a pain to shuffle. The deck also has some cards with foiled edges and some not, and the foiled cards are just slightly larger than the others, which makes shuffling interesting. I divided the deck in half and shuffled the halves, then halved those and shuffled 'em together.
I don't know if it was the readings, or just this deck, but it tended towards deep spiritual topics, inner work, emotional wounds type readings. Some decks are for relationships, some like to talk to other entities, this deck wants to stare into your soul and have a long talk about your self care and self soothing routines.
I found it easy to read with, despite the size, shuffling, and intense inward gaze. The meanings are right there, clear on an intuitive level; it makes sense, even the 'extra' cards are insightful and on point.
Both cats wanted to join in on the readings, which is a good sign to me. They like the deck's energy, or perhaps my energy while reading with it.
four stars, one off for mismatched card size and difficulty shuffling. will read again!
(and thank you to everyone that let me read for them, this was excellent practice!)
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sithisreadingcorner · 7 months
Hi! Hope you're doing great, I would love to join the monthly reading if it's still open 👀
My initial is A, birthdate 26/04/1999 ☁️
My question will be, can i get any message or guidance from the universe regarding my manifestation? Thank you in advance!
Hello A, and welcome! Of course you may! 🥰 Let me see what the universe has to say about this. 👀
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three of wands reversed. the gloaming reversed. queen of wands
Okay. Just from what I'm seeing, based on the cards, is that you have been waiting on this manifestation for a long ass time and there is either fuckall happening or it's taking WAYYYY longer than you expected, like literally a snail's pace. And idk if thats the truth or not but it checks out inasmuch as you wouldn't be coming to me if you had manifested that thing already, right?
I wanna say something about manifestation in general, and that's not necessarily what the universe is saying, I just personally want to share that with you. If you asked me what I think of all that "just think about it really hard and it will fall onto your lap" mumbo-jumbo. What I would say, is that... I believe in it! 😳 You would find it hard to imagine if you knew me, but I actually believe that some people can do that. I kinda look at it as like, an inverted evil eye. If evil eye is real (which I do believe) 🧿 there has to be some kind of equal opposite to it that is also real, so... sure. Let's call it manifestation. The thing is, that these people (for whom it works, I mean) then go on and write books and make youtube videos that try to sell you the method that worked for them as something that works for EVERYONE in the world, ALL THE TIME. Oh, it didn't work for you? That's because you didn't believe hard enough. No, HARDER. Oh, you were thinking the wrong thing. Don't listen to Susan, listen to me, Susan is a charlatan and I have the real thing. Etc, etc. And whether their intention with this is good or bad, is another can of worms, but here's the thing.
Manifestation is a kind of spell, and in every spell the most important ingredient is you. And the way you are doing this right now, according to the universe, is not gonna work. I can even tell you what is wrong and how you can fix it. I don't know what Susan and Becky told you, but it seems to me that you are almost... forcing yourself to have as little agency in your manifestation as possible, because if you do something about it, literally anything, that's bad for the success of it. This is categorically wrong and actually the opposite of it is true. You have to act in accordance to your goals, and that is the spice, that little extra-somethin-somethin, that will make the magic happen. 🤌Think about it like this. It's like you are a planet, a celestial body, and you pull objects toward yourself in a lattice of actions and consequences. This always happens, but if you don't move, the paths don't actually change, and everything stays the same.
I pulled a cookie fortune for you, which says "You should think of yourself every once in a while." THATS what im talkin about!
I hope that helps you A, and fingers crossed for your manifestation 🙏💜
september readings (3 of 8)
tips? 💗
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r41nbowrumpusp4rty · 2 years
found some free tarot cards on the sidewalk, Im gonna try to smooth them out a bit b4 adding them to my alley man's tarot
if anyone knows what deck this is id love to know so i can add the artist to my guide book
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as far as this floor-tune (fortune) goes the ten of disks was significantly father away from hermit and strength which were right next to eachother. I also saw strength first, hence the order of the cards in my pic.
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