#all mouse baybee
kingofsalmonids · 8 months
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
Hi! I have a bit of an odd question. Do you think it’s possible to read your VC fics having zero familiarity with the source material? More accurately, how can I get acquainted enough with what’s canonically relevant in order to be able to read them? I am a long time fan of alllll your Sheith fics and have read them all so many times I can’t even count anymore. I saw you mention some similarities between Keith and Armand (?) in a comment and Immediately tried reading your latest VC fic but it went right over my head 😭. I can’t put into words how much I appreciate your writing - and how read to filth *I* feel when reading your stuff LOL - so I won’t try, but I hope you can tell it’s a lot. My latest rereading binge was set off when I saw you post about the new chapter of ttsr! on twitter and I lostttt it, I literally think about that fic every day (if you can give me any teasers at all about the next chapter, I will die and hopefully resuscitate when it’s posted). In any case, in the meantime, I’d love to read your other works. Any tips would be much appreciated. Either way, thank you so much for all you’ve already put out there. <3
dfasdhkgj oh my gosh WHAT A QUESTION AND IT'S SOMETHING IVE THOUGHT ABOUT SO MANY FUCKIN TIMES !! You're not even the first to ask! And I've answered in both directions because I've had VC people read my Sheith fics!!! OH LORD OKAY LISTEN LET'S HAVE A SEAT FOR A MINUTE. (Also thank you so much omg 🥹🥹🥹)
Okay to break this down!!! My main two ships I’ve posted about are either Armand/Daniel or Marius/Armand and they can BOTH be Sheith analogs imo, especially because I think Sheith fandom is SO fic heavy and we have so many sort of like established tropes and fanon for the way people approach Shiro! 
But starting with Armand on his own, here’s what you need to know:  He’s 500 years old but he was turned when he was 17! He’s always going to look like he did when he was 17 in 1497!!!!! He’s from the RENAISSANCE BAYBEE!!! But he grew up spending a lot of time in a monastery and he was ABDUCTED when he was like 14ish and SEX TRAFFICKED! And then he’s found & rescued by a vampire named Marius, who’s like 1500 years old and very lonely and looking for a companion! Marius is convinced that it will backfire if he tries to turn any old rando into a vampire and what he really needs is like a BLANK SLATE that he can groom for vampirism. When he finds Armand, Armand is so fucking traumatized that he doesn’t remember how to talk, doesn’t remember where he’s from, has no memory of being trafficked, etc. Marius is also feeling traumatized so he feels a connection to this person and decides THIS IS THE ONE and he takes care of him for a few years and winds up turning him. (They have a lot of sex and stuff it’s wild.) I actually wrote an AU based on it for Sheith one time on Twitter so this might also explain it!!!
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Then blah blah a lot of traumatic shit happens, they get separated, they don’t see each other until the 1980s lol. Armand also spends like 300 years in a cult. And in the 1970s he meets DANIEL! And if you are aware the first book of this series is called INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, Daniel is the interviewer! He’s the one who interviewed the vampire!!!! And Armand STALKS HIM LMFAO and threatens him and they play a cat and mouse game. But then they start getting used to each other and kinda enjoy seeing each other and they wind up being lovers. This goes on for like TWELVE YEARS during which time Daniel is like slowly killing himself with alcohol because he wants to be a vampire so bad and Armand refuses to turn him. Eventually Daniel is like dying of liver failure or whatever and Armand turns him because he can’t handle the thought of losing him.
What I think Armand has REALLY IN COMMON with Keith and why they’re fun to write about is that like
- They’re both orphans and their experiences being orphaned and losing people at young ages really dictates a lot of their behavior and how they treat others. I think a ton of Keith’s characterization comes down to his abandonment issues and for Armand it’s the same. There’s some added drama with Armand because he’s a vampire so like, he’s so convinced that vampires can’t have meaningful relationships with their makers (because of his own maker) that he can’t bear to turn Daniel. It’s a lot like how Keith, in his human version, can’t get close to people and doesn’t even try to. Even looking like the entire time he’s with Voltron he really never bonds with anybody,  even way later in canon when he admits he doesn’t think any of them are friends. AND HOW HE FUCKIN HAS NO ISSUE LEAVING THE TEAM TO JOIN THE BLADES BECAUSE HE’S NEVER FELT SUPPORTED BY ANYBODY EXCEPT SHIRO? 
- I think also that Keith deliberately makes himself unpleasant to people (ie: immediately stealing Shiro’s car) so that he can have some control over people coming in and out of his life. Like, if he pushes them away first they can’t leave him. And like with Armand, his cult years remind me of this too. Like in VC there’s a LOT of Catholicism in the themes of the writing and Armand was very religious when he was alive, and then he winds up indoctrinated by this cult. He spends 300 years living in filth, in rags, under a cemetery, not allowing himself any type of creature comforts because the cult believes that vampires are a tool of the Devil. In VC there’s a lot of themes of like, abstinence/absolution/penance and so I think there’s some thematic resonance here when it comes to like, forcing yourself to be uncomfortable because you think you deserve to be. And also just like, after a life of abandonment and trauma picking SOMETHING to have control over, even if it's not healthy.
- A huge theme in VC is also the concept of the vampire as the outsider, which is how the author intended it. So like all the ways vampires are on the outside of society or humanity is always kind of infused to the stories and I think same can be said for Keith being Galra!!!!! And in VC there’s always this thing about how like, the vampires all do terrible things and the stories still ask us to love them, and I think the vampires always eventually are just asking to be loved! They’re all just looking for love !!! And I MEAN. I MEAN???? KEITH????? 
- On a shallow note, smol angry bby lol 
- This is completely headcanon territory but I think they each have the same AUTISM CODING; both fandoms notice this lol. Just that they’re like, KINDA WEIRD AND PRICKLY? Don’t always understand social customs, often deadpan!  <3 Armand has a lot of sensory stuff in canon and I think we see this a TON in Sheith fic even though it’s never said specifically on the show that Keith probably gets sensory overload from his Galra traits.
So when it comes to fics, what I love about this is that like I’m sure you’ve noticed like there’s such a WIDE SPECTRUM of Sheith fic because they are so wholesome and support each other so much and are just such a beautiful ship? But then they also fit all the like smut tropes LMFAO like the size difference, the mentor/mentee, Shiro being daddy af, etc. So I think like if you were to read either of these VC ships you could sort of imagine a Sheith analog to make it make sense, whether you want it to be loving or if you just want NASTY DISRESPECTFUL SEX.  
Marius/Armand is a bit like canon Sheith in that there’s the age difference, the size difference, and it’s teacher/student. As an AU you can say: Shiro is an ancient lonely vampire who purchases a trafficked boy to be his apprentice. 
The catch here is like! Marius is a really polarizing character in VC fandom because he can be kind of an arrogant prick sometimes LOL. And he’s very obsessed with like, being patient and wise, and he tries REALLY HARD to be patient and wise but he’s actually kind of petty and has a temper. In a lot of ways, Shiro reminds me of like everything Marius WISHES he was. And like both characters are so obsessed with the concept of PATIENCE, even though Shiro is a bit better at it.
And Marius was ALSO abducted by DRUIDS 😭😩😩😩! Weird coincidence! But Marius was turned because he was taken hostage by some druids and forced into like a Wicker Man religious ritual where he was sacrificed to a vampire and turned against his will and he's real salty about it. IT JUST FEELS A LOT LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO SHIRO, RIGHT? Except Shiro is like a modern person who knows how to do therapy or something.
So I think Marius/Armand fics could also fit the kinda Dark!Shiro trope that a lot of Sheith fics have. Like if you picture how Rifa or Aphor have written dark!Shiro LOL or even like how people characterize Kuron sometimes. Like, still Shiro, but, kind of a dark undercurrent happening. 
The other catch is that Armand and Marius get separated because they get their house raided by the cult (the one that eventually indoctrinates Armand) and they burnt the house down and it’s traumatic for everybody; Marius is severely injured and has to go into hiding for like 100 years to recover, and by the time he finds Armand again he just sees that he’s fully engaged with this cult and he decides to leave him alone and doesn’t risk trying to rescue him because he thinks Armand has like, found his place with them and he can't risk betrayal/rejection.
And like, this is never exactly in canon, but I just think it has so much to do with Why Armand is Like That, and why he has all these Daddy/Maker Issues, and 500 years later it’s why he’s so squeamish about turning Daniel and just cannot do it. 
But having said that, depending what era a fic is set in, Marius/Armand PRE-DISASTER is very much Sheith when it comes to like Daddy & Mentor stuff and that type of vibe. ALSO, IN CANON, A LARGE CHUNK OF THEIR TIME TOGETHER IN THE BOOK IS THEM HAVING BDSM LOL. So there’s that. 
Now! Armand/Daniel, on the other hand!!! imo fits really nicely into like Sheith fic tropes/fanon like FERAL KEITH and DISASTER GAY SHIRO. So the AU would be this: Shiro is a nerdy journalist trying to publish a book about vampires, and Keith is a weird creepy vampire who stalks and fucks with him for years until they start liking each other, Keith becomes his sugar daddy, Keith likes to watch him fuck people and they cry a lot because Keith doesn’t think they can be together and he loves Shiro so much he refuses to CURSE him with vampirism because he thinks of it as a CURSE! They do a lot of kinky stuff and need each other but also sort of resent each other.
And in this situation! The thing about it is that in VC canon, Daniel is the person who HEALS Armand the most!! He learns how to be a person again because he has Daniel!!!! AND SO I JUST THINK THIS TOO IS LIKE, SHIRO IS THE ONLY PERSON KEITH CAN BE HIMSELF AROUND, THE ONLY PERSON HE CAN BE VULNERABLE WITH, THE PERSON WHO GIVES HIM STRENGTH AND HELPS HIM BECOME A BETTER MAN!!!! And in some ways I think Daniel is that to Armand, as well, even if it’s in a real fucked up toxic kinda way because of all the stalking and alcohol abuse and whatnot LOL but I think imagining Disaster Gay Shiro can sorta give you a primer! It kinda reminds of that Sochi fic where Keith is a vampire ??? The “You need to eat something” and he hands Shiro a fucking TOMATO?? That fic LOL. 
Another way I would TLDR this is like, with the dynamic you want, do you want Vampire!Keith with Human!Shiro (Armand/Daniel) or Vampire!Shiro with Human!Keith (Marius/Armand) ? It changes the power dynamic significantly. I think again within the spectrum of Sheith fanon and the huge culture of fanfics we’ve written that there’s so much space for both to fit as Sheith, like if you want feisty feral Keith or if you want like vulnerable uwu bby Keith. LOL. 
One last thing that I think is important to mention LOL is that in the VC lore, the vampires are asexual! Once they become vampires, drinking blood is like THEIR WORLD and it’s so much better than sexual gratification that they lose interest in sex. A lot of VC fic doesn’t honor this but I fucking adore it as an asexual, so if you do decide to check any of my fics out they're gonna be fooling around and not often penetrative sex, because that’s how it is in canon! The vampires will still play with their food and sorta get their pets off but they don’t actually stick it in LOL. 
So I talked a lot, I’m not really sure if this answers your question LMAOOOO. If you did try to read any of my VC fics I think this kinda gives you a primer for the relationship dynamics even if misc canon events get dropped or hinted at that might be out of context. I’m always very happy to answer questions if something doesn’t make sense!
Regarding my most recent fic, what I think you’d need to know if you want to take a shot:
It takes place around part of the book where Marius and Armand have a huge fight that ends in a BDSM scene of Marius whipping him and Armand crying and stuff and then getting off lol and then they go out to a banquet and Marius kills a bunch of dudes in front of him, and all the dudes are saying lewd shit to Armand about what they want to do with him and how they want to fuck him and etc. 
For Armand & Daniel’s canon, one of the things that happens is that Armand makes Daniel fuck people while he watches, so I decided to ask like, what if this habit is something he LEARNED from Marius, and so I decided to write a fic about Marius watching people fuck Armand after the banquet incident.
Marius has sort of a group home for boys he rescues (but Armand is his fav that he’s grooming lol) so there’s a few mentions of that, and one of the boys is called Riccardo and he’s Armand’s best friend! You’ll also see a namedrop of someone called Bianca who’s this local woman that Marius is in love with lol. 
In the fic there’s also some fuckery like name drops of Andrei (Armand’s given name that he doesn’t even remember) and Ivan (his father that he also doesn’t remember) and there’s a scene with “THE PARENTS” aka Akasha and Enkil. And blah blah LONG STORY LMAO but Marius takes care of The Parents, and they’re like the first ever vampires who are so old as fuck and bored that they’re just catatonic in a shrine where he keeps them safe. And he goes to check on them and stuff and he wants Akasha’s approval so bad and wants her to give him a sign that he should turn Armand and she just is hardcore ignoring him and he’s upset lol. 
Also if this helps to know, Armand’s name is Amadeo if you see that in fics. Same guy! He changes his name to Armand later when he’s a vampire.
If you check out any Armand/Daniel fics they’re a lot more straightforward, I mostly just write porn about them LOL!!!!!! The book kinda glosses over the twelve years that Armand stalked & then bedded Daniel so my fics are just like trying to think about more details about what went on or think about individual incidents that might have happened. 
So yeah! 
I got into VC when I was like 12 years old so it was such a blueprint for me for stuff I like and Marius has always been my favorite character so I think it’s got a lot to do with why I like Shiro so much. And Sheith fandom is such a strong community of writers and I feel like I’ve really thrived there as a fic writer, but I still make time to write about VC because it’s like my main home that I’ll never be able to get over. And I could talk about this all fucking day, I am a disaster!!! 
Anyway thank you so much, this was such a nice thing to say. :D Please talk to me about Sheith and vampires any time and if you do decide to read any vampire fics you can always ask if the details are confusing! But no pressure at all man sometimes like I just do NOT get other ships LOL. Like there are authors I love to death and it’s like I’m reading another language if I try to check out their other fics. 
And finally, re: teasers………….  flattery will get you everywhere, my friend:
“Oh,” Keith says. His temple grinds against the wall as he turns, trying to roll the stiffness out of his shoulders. And if Shiro is going to pretend to be collected, Keith can do that, too. He can be embarrassed that Kolivan walked in on him getting his ass beat later, but he can play it cool. “Hey.”
Shiro’s eyebrow quirks and he motions towards his upper lip, some attempt to be subtle and polite, but Kolivan speaks over it.
“You’re bleeding,” he says. His arms are folded behind his back and he stands straight up, yellow eyes taking stock of him, of the bots, of the mess in the room. 
Keith sniffles. He tastes the blood in the back of his throat. The tip of his nose tingles again and he tugs at the bottom hem of his t-shirt to wipe his face. Cold air hits his exposed belly, and Shiro’s smell gets stronger as he wipes his nose. Less diluted by metalic hint of his own blood. When he looks back up at them, the reality settles in. And Shiro looks small next to Kolivan, but the two of them together make Keith feel like a complete child.
Shiro’s fingers fidget against his helmet some more, and he glances up at Kolivan, watching him for a moment even as he speaks to Keith.
“We just wanted to... check on you,” he says. Keith wonders what Shiro would’ve said if they were alone. And wonder if the adrenaline slowly creeping out of his body would leave him feeling this vulnerable all of a sudden. He turns away from them, finds his discarded baton on the floor and puts it away as an excuse to busy himself. 
“I’m gonna go to the med bay,” he says, to spare Shiro the awkwardness of having to tell him to. He wipes his nose on the back of his hand and peeks at the red smear left behind. He tries to blow his nose on the hem of his shirt, not caring that he’s being disgusting. When he looks back up, Shiro’s face is that same diplomatic-neutral, doing his best not to respond. 
Being around Kolivan isn’t like being around the Paladins, though. Not like Shiro has to pretend Keith isn’t his favorite. Kolivan had called Shiro his mate last night. 
Keith hadn’t told Shiro that, though. Hasn’t seen him alone since. He wonders what Shiro and Kolivan have been talking about. What went on when they watched Keith get brutalized for hours. 
He’s still trying to be professional, though. Maybe he’s being submissive to Koilvan. Trying to show they’re not too horny to function in a fucking war. 
Your mate. Hah. Keith had been too tired to worry about it at the time. Now, he looks back and forth between them, rolling the word over and over in his head. What a strange thing to say.
The silence is awkward, and he wipes his hands on the tops of his thighs. His pajama bottoms still, and he realizes he’s not wearing shoes. He should leave, and has the excuse to, but the two of them are shoulder to shoulder in front of the door. 
“AI is never going to teach you,” Kolivan says. It’s simple, the way he speaks. The pitch of his voice crawls across Keith’s skin. “This program is not smart enough.”
Heat rises in his face. He rubs at his nose again, fidgeting, tasting the blood as it drips down the back of his throat. 
Before he can think of anything to say, Shiro is smiling, gesturing. “It’s good for keeping everyone in shape. The weapons programs help teach them proper form.”
“The whole team does this?” Kolivan asks.
Shiro looks from Kolivan to Keith, then back. Keith sniffles again and pinches at his nostrils.
“We have team exercises,” Shiro says. “Keith puts in some extra time on his own.”
Kolivan’s eyes sweep over the room. It twinges in Keith’s stomach, wondering if Shiro can tell where Kolivan is looking. He has to ask later, when they’re alone. But there’s that eerie feeling that Keith gets, in his spine, that he can read Kolivan’s eyes, even without pupils. It makes him wonder what Kolivan even sees. How he sees. 
And the idea of it dawns on him, the possibility peeling back and back that maybe one day he’ll be able to ask Kolivan about it. When they’re alone.
For a moment his mouth feels dry. He looks between the two of them again and it sets in that… he’s different now. 
Not just literally, like he’s an alien. Besides, he was an alien the whole fucking time and just didn’t know it. No, it’s the knowledge of it. Today is the first day he knows it. And it’s never going to be the same after this. Not really.
Being out here is fucked up. Getting involved was an accident. But. He’s here now. And here’s Kolivan, and Keith can ask him questions, and get to know the others. 
Shiro sneaks him a look, while Kolivan is inspecting the weapons rack. It’s an Are you okay? kind of look. 
Keith chuckles. He grabs a water as he starts heading towards the door. Claps Shiro on the arm as he passes by.
Who the fuck knows anymore. 
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hmshermitcraft · 10 months
mst superhero au part 3 baybee (except its spicier, and i genuinely have no idea how to add scott so hes there in spirit <33)
honestly knowing me im gonna be on this au for a hot second
anyway, i feel like when jimmy and scar are a Thing (what that means, who knows not even them) they either have a scene, or a genuine moment where the hero "captures" the villain. cornered, nowhere to run other than having to surrender.
scar plays by jimmy's rules (it's boring if he does anything else. curiosity killed the cat after all.) he finds himself being picked apart slowly. which... scar did not expect. he was expecting to be ruined fast and rough, but instead he fell apart by jimmy's hands and was put back together. (he would argue that it was more efficient than what he was initially thinking. jimmy wasn't all gentle, however, the bites that are hidden under his outfit are evidence. but hell, the hero sure was in control.)
he really should consider getting caught by the hero more often because fuck he wouldn't mind being knocked down a couple pegs if it meant being under canary again. (even seeing him unmasked made his mind race. maybe scott could join-)
-tn (mb this is vague i have been awake for 20 hours. i am eepy and this has been stuck in my head for a while.)
1 & 2
It's during one of those meetings - their games of cat and mouse that Scar purposefully loses - that Scar forgets where he is. For a brief moment, they aren't nameless heroes, strangers that know each other all too well. Scar, distracted, reaches his hand up, and strokes through one of those fluffy wings.
Jimmy freezes. Scar stares at Canary in horror, flinching his hand away as if he just burned him. The pair hold that silence for a few, far too long seconds.
Then Jimmy coos.
He curls up afterwards, burying his face in his hands. Scar can see the redness he's trying to hide behind them as Canary whines about that being embarrassing. Scar, on the contrary, thinks it was adorable. Sure, he enjoys Canary being powerful and in control. But this? This is adorable.
He thinks of what Scott what think of them right now, how he'd report on this. But, mostly, he wants to know if he can get Jimmy to make that noise again.
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paint-n-thinner · 2 years
i like your smurf content but- another time smurf hair was shown (besides the lost village) was in the season 4 episode "Symbols of Wisdom," where brainy uses magic to grow a beard bc he wants to be like papa smurf. and his beard is red.
wasnt gonna say anything bc ignoring this is fine and all HCs/designs are valid, but then i saw your new post explaining the reason you give them blue hair is bc one of the few times we see smurf hair is in the lost village and its blue
so i just wanted to let you know brainy is a redhead
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hmm valid point if i really cared abt following the shows lore like it was the 10 testaments, and ive seen the episode ur referring to, but i mostly treat the brainy beard thing as a throwaway gag since it happened in one ep and never brought up again, and honestly the hannah barbera show isnt the most consistent with its lore lmao im treating the flashbacks with young papa smurf also the same
at the end of the day the notes i wrote were 4 myself mainly and i honestly follow lore VERY loosely (i mean u got years worth of comics, shows and movies lore) and i mainly cherrypick things that i like from different smurf media (certain characterizations that i like best etc) and mash it up together with purely madeup lore and personal hcs lol
so yeah honestly most of my smurf stuff is like 25% canon 75% personal bullshit, we have fun here baybee 😈 and honestly canon would leave them all bald LMAOO
in conclusion; i like absolutely butchering characters and stiching back together, example being mickey mouse. that mf is from the 30s and has a bunch of lore that i once again cherrypick and now ive bastardized his character that definitely does not match with family friendly corporate mascot mickey the public knows nowadays
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also im allergic to contrasting colors
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infinitelysilvr · 2 years
pinned post time lmao
i'm beetlejuice/hollow/Ingo, they/he pronouns, im arospec ace. yall can call me any nicknames based on Ingo/beetlejuice/hollow or the hollow knight. or something based on my username ig anyway i figured i should make a main account since i dont. actually have one. so i'll probably use this to post stuff that isn't directly osha and stuff or to rb my art and writing from other accounts
also my messages dont work so if you want to message me use @infinitelysilvr3
tags under the cut, mostly for me so i can find stuff later
Types of content:
Beetle Writes - my writing Beetle Draws - my art Beetle Talks - me saying things Beetle Reblogs - me reblogging things Beetlequeuece - my queue Stim - Stimmy Posts Beetle Buddies - my ocs :D Ask - that's an ask Anon - asks by a masked stranger
Special Fellas:
Subway Master Ingo - Am Train Manne :) Shadow the Hedgehog - both the character and the game Giratina - Gira :) Litwick / Lampent / Chandelure - Luxa :D Zorua - Both zorua and zoroark
All Pokemon Tags:
List became too long. Can be found here.
Queer Beetles - Any and all queer content Hollow Knight - Hollow Knight FNAF - Five Nights At Freddy's (All Types) Undertale - Undertale stuff DND - Dungeons And Dragons Ace Attorney - Ace Attorney Pokemon - Pokemon Cats - All cats big and small Crystals - Crystals! Puns - Punny posts Catgirls - Catgirl posts Mouse Girl - Mousegirl Posts Important - Posts I think are important Language To Remember - Terms in other languages I want to keep track of Star Wars - Star Wars Deltarune - Deltarune Comics - All Comics Solarpunk - Solarpunk :)Minecraft - Minecraft Birds - Birds Dogs - Doggos The Stanley Parable - The Stanley Parable Warriors - Warriors the cats books Science - Any and all things to do with science Music - Musicy things Politics - Political things I remember to tag in case people dont wanna see Legend Of Zelda - That's zelda baybee Mad Science - Science but cooler and probably an osha violation OSHA - osha vibes Wildlife - animals that live outside. Not domestic animals Vocaloid - All vocaloid things Renaissance Faire - That thing with the recreation and all that Star Trek - Star Trek LARP - Live action role play ATLA - Avatar The Last Airbender Kirby - Kirby! Furbies - furbieessss Mario Bros - The mario brothers series and spinoffs Power Rangers - Go Go Power Rangerssssss Fish - fish posts. fsh Sharks - bitey fish posts Studio Ghibli - You know the studio with the ponyo and the howl Animal Crossing - Fun little animal chill game :) animal crossy Sonic the Hedgehog - the go fast franchise Sonic the Hedgehog Lore - because apparently i have too many thoughts abt this Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanons - for when the official parts of the franchise disappoint me
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problemsynth · 3 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better - tagged by @kentuckycaverats (yay)
tagging: @blood-bound, @jasina85, @findingtarshish, (pretend ive added more bc im blanking here)
3 ships: mouse/sol (you know what im about. i chew on them always.) uh nothing else really (sorry, nothing else is running rampant in my head)
first ship: (ough) its was dave/kat
last song: i mean nothing to you by saint agnes
last film: godzilla! it was really fun!
currently reading: nothing :(
currently craving: coffee
fav color: teal blue specifically the iridescent blues of feathers
relationship status: single-ish
last google search: vtm rules and refs
current obsessions: vtm, its all vampires all the time baybee.
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send me 👶🏻and i’ll hc about our muses’ child
Name: thalia charlotte olivares
Birthdate: september 4th
personality headcanon: 
even though teo isn’t her biological father, she’s incredibly playful like him and extremely open with her feelings and all that. i feel like she doesn’t really have the whole ‘guarded’ thing ama has because she’s never been through hardship that she’s had to deal with on her own. she’s always, always, always had family by her side. so, she’s just all around easy-going and the one - other than holden - making jokes. actually i feel like in a modern verse thalia would get along with holden and they basically drive everyone nuts with their impressions sdjhsdks. but yeah, basically this silly girl with a big heart, who can be serious when she needs to be.  
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: “mi amor” and that’s because it’s ama’s favorite word. like she’ll call everyone “mi amor”, even in a non romantic way. but she especially calls both teo and little thalia that.  just straight up “watch where you’re going, mi amor” “stop being an idiot, mi amor” just yeah, ama would be the reason why she said that first. 
did they get in trouble in school: yes, haha. thalia is that kid who has to say SOMETHING or she’ll die. which sometimes means making a joke she’s not supposed to make during class. 
which parent were they more attached to: i’d say she loves both parents equally. and she doesn’t play favorites cause they both love her a lot. 
what was their favorite toy: a little drum set that got on ama’s nerves but she never complained about because ‘sticking it to the man’ and all that. lol , even if she’s a baby. 
did they cry a lot as a baby: nope. not a crier at all.
movie they watched over and over: elmo in grouchland in modern stuff. And because of that thalia knows how to perfectly imitate elmo. in older stuff probably something micky mouse related and she can imitate mickey
what was their favorite subject in school: english. She loves to write like her mama does. Hates math even though she’s good at it. 
were they social growing up or quiet: very very very social and always unapologetically herself. 
which parent do they take after: lol teo, which is funny.
what do they grow up to be: oh oh oh probably nothing famous. she probably teaches preschoolers and tutors kids because i can see her really liking kids. 
three random headcanons: (1) Can have really long conversations about her specific topic of interest at the moment. She went through a stage where she was OBSESSED with the history of theater props, so she made like, little diagrams and pictures of props and wrote down their history in a journal. then she sat teo and ama down and showed them what she did. Ama’s like :o the whole time cause WOW OKAY GO GIRL (2) Was in a punk rock band as a drummer, and like, she did a damn good job of it. She just can’t stand the noise, so she never did anything with her talent. (3) Loves to cook. She makes the best meals and everyone’s always excited when she makes food for them that night. 
likes & dislikes: (+) hoolahooping, movies, teaching, writing sci-fi shit, reading gothics, listening to janis joplin baybee, being in charge in life, eating ice cream, making people smile (-) accidentally hurting people’s feelings, failure, maths, boogers, body humor, shouting of any kind, crying, spiders.
do they get along with their parents: yes, she loves them. 
Faceclaim: rach/elle vin/berg
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@kittybennett​ / @adelaide-kane​
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katsranchmod · 4 years
@no-mans-pokeverse tagged me over at @luckykatsranch
Favorite color: Blues and greens, but silver’s a neat color too
Last Song I Listened To: I’m Still Standing
Favorite Musician: Elton John fits here, I think
Last Movie I Watched: all the way through? Fantasia
Last Series Watched: Ducktales (reboot)
Favorite OC: This is dependent on mood
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Mostly sweet and savory, but overall all three of them
Bubbly Water, Tea, or Coffee: CO-FFEE! YEAH BAYBEE!
Tagging: @professor-ivyrose @e-and-mona @micheleandlissasblog @magma-mouse @galarianrocket and anyone else who comes across this
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kalofi · 3 years
my s/o convinced me 2 say this not anonymously so here goes lol- hi :] when i found ur art i went :O!! bcus ur benrey!!! looks like me!!!!!!!! n that rlly inspired me 2 draw benrey how i rlly wanted 2 draw them aftr not doing that bcuz i felt kinda pressured 2 draw them like. not more round and stylized? idk i just wanted 2 say that ur art inspires me 2 draw more round than i usually do !!!! :] sincerelyyyy, mouse!
this made me smile so super big u dont even KNOW. im rly glad ur able to connect w my benry thats what its all about baybee!! round is a v good shape to b in my opinion!!! big BIG lov to u 💗
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marinatedegg · 4 years
tagged by @nito-onna  to do the “get to know me” tag!! thank u as always 💘
1. are you named after someone? nope 2. when was the last time you cried? one month ago... (i watched howls moving castle when i was pmsing lmao) 3. do you like your handwriting? i used to...! now i just try to write legibly and bigger so i can read it later lol 4. what is your favorite lunch meat? spam and ham!!! but not like sliced/sandwich ham, i mean Ham ham 5. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? i wanna say no, but perhaps... i’d like how low commitment they are and be ok with that 6. do you use sarcasm? yesyes 7. do you still have your tonsils? yes. there was this kid in my elementary and people made fun of him bc of his bad breath and he got his tonsils taken out and moved schools hope hes ok now 8. would you bungee jump? absolutely not 9. what is your favorite kind of cereal? honey bunches of oats!, cinnamon toast, and cap’n crunch 10. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope 11. do you think you’re a strong person? i think i give off the image that im a strong person but im just good at internalizing things 12. what is your favorite ice cream? coffee ice cream! and pineapple gelato (if i can ever find it...) 13. what is the first thing you notice about people? their smiles and how they carry themselves (posture, how act around certain people...)  14. what is your least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? first place i show weight gain is my face/cheeks! 15. what color trousers and shoes are you wearing now? navy shorts with white hearts on them lol 16. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? an orangey yellow 17. favorite smell(s)? coffee, baked goods, anything citrus 18. who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my brother 19. favorite sport to watch? soccer and volleyball lol 20. hair color? brown 21. eye color? brown 22. do you wear contacts? no 23. favorite food to eat? spicy food and desserts 24. scary movies or comedies? comedies... im weak 25. last movie you watched? logan! 26. what color shirt are you wearing? black  27. summer or winter? winter 28. hugs or kisses? hugs!!! all the way 29. what book are you currently reading? ive had “pieces of you” by tablo on my desk for the past 2 months and i still havent read it 30. who do you miss right now? my sister :-) 31. what is on your mouse pad? gudetama on a slice of bread 32. what is the last tv program you watched? baek jongwon’s alleyway restaurant 33. stones or beatles? beatles... to be fair. my dad basically had their whole discography on his car cd’s so i had no choice 34. what is the furthest you’ve traveled? korea! 35. do you have a special talent? organizing/quickly cleaning up?... i guess when i make things it quickly becomes second nature...? 36. where were you born? texas baybee
tagging: @ihatebuildings @souheii @milkcrepe
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fan-art-ic · 6 years
small compiled list of some of my fav go fics for new fans ( @burngormanlesbian )
Something Ordinary by  literature_and_ocean_waves
“You kidnapped the Antichrist?!”Aziraphale’s shrill screech echoed harshly throughout the dingy bookshop. Crowley looked sheepishly at his expensive, snakeskin shoes. “Kidnap is such a strong word,” he said. “I rather like liberate."
this shit is so sweet basically domestic tadfield au
The Rose Thief and the Priest by  ImprobableDreams900
When horticulturist A. J. Crowley sees a rare breed of rose in a churchyard, he decides he won't stop until he can get a cutting—even if he has to go through the church's stuffy priest to do so. 
this one owns my ass baybee! god i think i’ve read it like, 5 times just for this one fucking part
build me a city, call it jerusalem by gyzym
Man begets man begets The Tales of Men, and there's nothing godly in that; Those Above and Them Below haven't any need for the stories humans have been hungry for since the snake and the Angel with the flaming sword. 
this one is just. it’s just fucking poetry i dont even know any other way to quantify it it’s stunning as hell
Ordinary People by daegar
there’s no summary but basically it’s a human au where aziraphale is ezra a bookshop owner and crowley is tony the shop remodeller. they gay dumbasses for each other over paint and tea
parallel by procrastinatingbookworm
There are some things even demons cannot stomach, some things even the Devil fears. 
some fantastic meta analyzing the similarities of war and death to aziraphale and crowley, i’ve reread it thrice at least
Crown of Thorns [The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse] 'Verse by irisbleufic
i’m not even gonna put the summary here this bitch speaks for itself. its nearly 250k of Aziraphale and Crowley moving to the countryside and learning to love each other for the first few chapters, but beyond that it’s basically their whole life there and their neighbors and friends and it really is wonderful but honestly you better be ready for some long ass writing do not attempt to read all of it @ 3am and then finish it in the next 24h like i did. i think ive read the beginning few chapter like,,,,,,5 times
this is just what’s off the top of my head/what i remembered to bookmark in a 3am daze, hope this helps get yall kickstarted
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Season 2 Episode 19 - Momo
Thou art as cool as a cucumber, also there have been nooooo murders at all and Blemish is definitely on holiday and not at all dead with his wife who is also alive.
Chunt is a badge-badge again, awh yeehh baybee!
Also, so glad Momo is back, such a poor, overworked mouse with human strength
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winstonhcomedy · 5 years
How’d Winston Do Last Night? 10/31
Last night was a spooky night of salacious comedy. I definitely had a moment last night where I was probably at my scariest.
Last night was Home Sweet Home and I don’t think that’s an open mic I’ve had the opportunity to talk to you all about. It is every first, third, and fifth Wednesday of the month in Richmond.
 It is hosted by my really good friend Jacob McFadden. Jacob used to run an open mic at a spot called Pie before it closed down. I unfortunately never got to do that show, but I try to get to HSH every chance I get. 
Jacob is a really strong comic who unfortunately isn’t out as much as he used to be. I’ve booked him on some shows and he always follows through with a strong set. Right now he is going through a super tough time, because his baby niece passed away suddenly. This was the first time I’d seen him since then but he did seem in good spirits but def more somber than usual. I don’t usually do this, but if your heart compels you click this link and donate money to the ASPCA in her name. I know it would mean a lot since she absolutely loved animals! 
Thanks guys!
HSH is a grilled cheese restaurant and bar with an upstairs loft area where the comedy shows take place. Everybody gets about 5 to 7 minutes, and there are never any content restrictions. The crowd can be hit or miss, but it is usually a productive mic. 
I got to the show last night dressed as Calvin and Hobbes, and got to chill with Francesca Lyn and her boyfriend/good friend of mine Clay Shoaf. Fran had mouse ears on and Clay was wearing a graphic hat, bit jacket, and was carrying a joke book of “hilarious one liners”. 
Clay used to come out and do comedy a lot more, and in all actuality he was the very first person in the Richmond comedy community who was not only nice to me, but that I considered a friend. He also performed on the first Clash of the Comics that I was on.
When Clay was going up every night and really hitting it hard you could always expect some interesting and funny takes from him. He is definitely a comic who modeled himself after guys like Doug Stanhope, but the difference is unlike most of the people who try to copy that style; Clay had a unique take and strong joke writing ability. There were countless times where Clay would bomb don’t get me wrong, but even then I always looked forward to hearing what new shit he had to talk about.
Since he has put comedy on the back burner for the last year or so I’ve come to really appreciate when he comes out to mics. When he is out it usually means something inventive/weird/offensive/wild is going to happen. Which I always love to see.  Clay isn’t everybody’s cup of tea and I fully understand that. But there is literally nothing that brings me greater joy than seeing a group of new comics see Clay Shoaf for the first time.
It was kind of a light crowd but nothing too bad. The people were a little talkative, but they were into it. Danny Dunlea went first and didn’t have the hottest set. People were still shuffling in, and seemed disinterested.
Next was my set. Jacob likes to have fun with intros so I got brought up as a white nationalist which was exciting. I did a little light crowd work and got some good pops then started working on my jokes. I referenced Jim Crow and a dude was like too soon, I told him a white guy dressed as Kanye West for Halloween doesn’t really get to make that call.  That got a good laugh and I kept doing my material. It went well. Definitely felt like I started to get them into it. I ended with a brand new joke, and it went well. I’d give this set a B-. It was fun and spooky!!!!!
Afte me was Francesca. She did a sweatiest I gave her and it went ok. She got some laughs out of some interesting premises. She had a good line about Lunchables and Andes Mints, and she closed out about how she only sleeps with Wiccans. All in all pretty good set for the crowd.
After her was Clay. Clay was doing a character called Comedian Big Lil’ The Comic. He was a grizzled hacky road comic. He came up shit on the room a bit, sat down, and read out of a joke book. By the end of it he was pitching his bumper stickers, and begging people to buy from him. It was a great character and my favorite set that I got to see of the night. He had sunglasses and a ridiculous hat on and it just sold the whole thing. 
After his set my buddy Bryan Williams went up and did ok. He talked about how small his dick is since he is asian which is a joke he knows I hate. It got some laughs, but he’s a new dude who is still struggling to find himself on stage. He talked about being Bi which is my favorite thing he talks about because he doesn’t look like a stereotypical bi/gay guy. He will figure it out, but he’s always a good hang. I love the dude.
After him was Mu Cuzzo. Funny new comic who was trying to work out his crowd work. He is doing ok for 2 minutes until he points to a girl in the audience and starts talking about her “slutty” outfit. She took this to mean He thought she was a slut so she got up and is yelling at him for being rude and calling him a slut. It was crazy uncomfortable. It was also hilarious to see someone who has their ass cheeks hanging out arguing the differences between her “naughty” schoolgirl outfit and a “slutty” schoolgirl outfit. She wasn’t crazy or mean, and she went the route of trying to embarrass him. Telling the audience, “I hope you laugh at this man’s jokes. He’s a bad man.”
She left and took her bf with her, and Mu kept doing crowd work. Rule #1 of crowd work is ladies don’t like being referred to as sluts. It was a good learning experience for him. Crowd work is a lot harder than most comics give it credit for. 90% of comics who shit talk it do not have the ability to do it. Joke writing is amazing and important but crowd work is a difficult and important skill to master.
During this whole thing I walk upstairs and caught Bert Martling going through my stuff and flipping my backpack inside out again. I had already told him that if he did it again I was going to fight him. I had reiterated this several times over the past couple weeks. 
I caught him while he was in the middle of it and Mu was still on stage. So I just started yelling at him. I got so heated, and it was the angriest I’ve been in a long time. Bryan and Francesca were right next to it when it was happening and they looked mortified. Especially Bryan. The look on his face was hilarious.
I don’t like resorting to yelling, but that is a super personal boundary to cross. I legit carry everything in that backpack. I have my MacBook, my headphones, all of my joke books, my glasses, my wallet, and lots of stuff from work including drawings from my students; and quite honestly I don’t want or think anyone should go through anyone else’s bag. That is an invasion of privacy, and super messed up. Especially after already saying it was off limits.
Now some people are going to be like, “that’s not a big deal Winston. I don’t know why you’re freaking out rn.” Well screw you guys. I had to leave last night because I double checked in the bag and one of the drawings my students made got ripped when he was doing it. I had to leave or I was going to absolutely lose it again. 
To me it was the equivalent of going through a lady’s purse. It’s such an invasion, and a line that in my opinion shouldn’t be crossed. I can legit take a joke about anything. You can joke about me, my joke, my family, my religion, who I date, what I believe in, and I will laugh right along with you. But if you invade my privacy like that I am not going to be ok with it, and quite frankly I don't think anyone should be.
After this happened I watched Jameson Babbowski do a weird ass set as a Geraman dude with a ridiculous hat. Like just a wack wizards cap. He had a Bose speaker playing some German techno song but it was so low literally no one could hear it. He had fun, and it was super weird. This is the kind of thing I love to watch. People did not get it, but he committed. 
So I left and Bert eventually sent me an apology message and I accepted it and moved on. I don’t hate Bert, I’m not mad at Bert (anymore), and I don’t even dislike him. I just felt violated, a boundary had been crossed, and I didn’t feel respected as an individual or a man. I accepted the apology and he and I are on good terms now. 
After leaving I got about 7 or 8 messages from people asking about it. Literally nothing travels faster than gossip in the comedy community. I love all of my fellow comics, and I love all of you laydees/baybees!!!
This was a dramatic but fun night. Tonight I”m off to Baltimore and can’t wait to hopefully have a good show. I’ll be back to recap tomorrow. LOVE YOU LAYDEES!!!!! xoxoxo KISSES!!!
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I got tagged
basically i have to answer these 20 questions and then tag 20 people but dont feel like tagging anyone so whatever Tagged by: @imagineians Name: Daniel Nicknames: Dan, Dad, Mouse zodiac sign: Virgo height: 5′2 Sexual orientation: gay but maybe a lil bi im honestly not sure at this point ethnicity: mostly white european but it's Spanish so idk how white that really makes me favorite fruit: strawberries or raspberries they're both gr8 favorite season: autumn!! best time for fashion!! favorite book: The Tao Of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff favorite flower: apricot blossoms favorite scent: fresh laundry favorite color: either white or yellow favorite fictional characters: i've never really thought about it but probably Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls because she is me coffee, tea, or cocoa: tea all the way baybee average hours of sleep: 7-10 hours maybe cat or dog person: dogs but cats are neat too number of blankets you sleep with: two most of the time dream trip: i'd like to go some place that has a lot of cool beaches but i dont have a specific place i want to go blog created: summer of 2013 or 2014 i cant remember number of followers: 600 something ?
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Music Review: Jay Som - Everybody Works
Jay Som Everybody Works [Polyvinyl; 2017] Rating: 3.5/5 Crystal ball emoji, trumpet emoji, the emoji heart with the vibes radiating from its top. Insight, play, and vulnerability make up the communication style of Jay Som, the project of Bay Area-based multi-instrumentalist Melina Duterte. Seeing Duterte live last summer made me want to get out my guitar and text myself with it, drafting a love letter with just a few spare chords. The direct, emotive appeal of her live shows (and of last year’s Turn Into) is built out into full-band arrangements on her latest full-length, Everybody Works. The album is, in her own words, about “finding some peace within yourself” as an adult. “Last time I was angry at the world,” she said of her earlier work. “This is a note to myself: everybody’s trying their best on their own set of problems and goals. We’re all working for something.” Safe in a sexy way, Everybody Works is about pleasure that comes at no one’s expense. Inventive chamber-rock arrangements are laden with hooks and drops of meaning. On “1 Billion Dogs,” one of many highlights, drums set up Duterte’s vocals and then let her loose; each pause in the form predicates a next-level utterance. On “Everybody Works,” soft verses and loud choruses alternate just appropriately enough to please, as little phrases cascade within bigger ones. On “Baybee,” the big-beat chorus encourages us to dance, but it doesn’t require it: “I’ll play a game or song/ If you don’t feel right.” That last line repeats as a refrain until we really hear its condition: “If you don’t feel right.” Pop music manipulates; this record only makes you feel good if you want it to. Much has been made of the fact that Duterte made the album in her bedroom, which is mostly a moot point, given that bedrooms are where most good music is made today. In any case, the music sounds great, featuring synth riffs, horn lines, and double-tracked duets of guitar and voice, fricative timbral taffy that catches, tugs, and sticks. Compression comes when the mood calls for it, even as mud is made of lines like “Nerves caught around my neck/ I called out for help/ My words turned into ash/ They went nowhere/ As if I’m barely there,” on “(Bedhead),” a detuned, gauzy fragment of a recording that recollects the best avant-indie: Modest Mouse when noise reigned, Broken Social Scene at peak redux. Ultra-present vocals and sparkly guitars are placed upon a hazy bed of mids, a hybrid approach. At 2:07, an elegant glitch reboots the phrase, and it literally begins again, replenished. This production supports the narrator’s account of getting back on her feet. In a hyper-mediated, post-fact, worn-out world, reliable narrators are few and far between. I wonder about myself sometimes: when I was 22, as Duterte is, or even 23, I was anxiously over-eager, easily made irate. If age is nothing but a number, why do I find myself marveling at the way she assures us on the standout single “The Bus Song,” with measured wisdom, “Take time to figure it out/ I’ll be the one who sticks around”? Hints of piano, bursts of bass, melodies of light she made herself, for days. If you’re in need of someone you can count on, take comfort. Jay Som is here to stay. http://j.mp/2mNYDUB
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