#all I want is to unlock the legacy achievement then I’m done with this save
itspupppycat · 5 months
Y’all! I really wanted to reach gen ten by the end of 2023 but I let myself get distracted by sharing on here and now the pressure is on. That means no new Langley posts until after the new year so I can focus the few hours I have each day on actually playing the game.
I mean Katelyn (generation nine heir) is about to be an child so it won’t be much longer before she is a young adult. I just have to make sure I remember to take pictures for you all while I’m hyper focused on the task.
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newsies-of-corona · 4 years
Varian & Affirmation
And we’ve got another one, folks! This one hit hard for me for sure. Just the way that the show set it up...it’s incredible. So without any further adieu...
“Well, shall we get started?”
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So I’m just going to come right out and say it: Varian is selfish in Season 1. The whole way through. (Now don’t leave yet! If you know me you know how much of a fan I am of this complex alchemist and this is not a hate post by all means!)
But yes. Throughout the whole of Season 1, Varian has a very self-centered mindset that’s hard to pick up on at first, but it’s there. Here’s some dialogue examples:
“I am sure that I, Varian, can unlock the mystery of your hair with the power of science!”
“Hey Flynn Rider? Wanna come with?”
“It doesn’t matter. The truth is all I really wanted to do was impress you, I thought that if I showed you what I was capable of you might see something in me.”
“Actually he’d probably be impressed. At least I hope he’d be impressed.”
Most of these quotes sound perfectly innocent, and they are! But it’s the motives behind them that make them more self-centered. Varian’s main goal, his life blood practically, is affirmation. He yearns to be adored and recognized for his achievements. It’s a perfectly normal and human want. I myself struggle with this all the time. But when it’s the only thing that you strive for? The only thing that makes you happy? It effects everything that you say and do. If you dig deep into these quotes, you can see what he’s really craving.
By discovering the mystery of Rapunzel’s hair, Varian gets credit and especially admiration. By showing his idol his inventions, he’s expecting Eugene to tell him what a genius he is or how amazed he is that this fourteen year old kid could build all this. The third one is just wanting Cassandra to recognize him since he looks up to her, and went to great lengths to impress her. Even when he helped her, it was still because he wanted to impress her and get her to help him in return. Throughout that episode he’s trying so hard to get her to compliment his work. In three of these examples, he gets the adoration he asked for. But that’s the problem: he asked for it. Eugene and Cass essentially tell him the same thing, “you’re a great, smart kid with good intentions.” And both times he responds more...despondently. For Cass it’s “thanks for saying that.” For Eugene it’s just looking at him sadly because this wasn’t what he wanted to hear. In essence: it isn’t enough.
And the last quote obviously represents the affirmation he craves the most, his father’s, and the one that he doesn’t get.
Even slight comments like “I build it myself,” “of my own design,” and “wanna see my new invention?” all have the underlying motive of craving affirmation from his peers. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but since Varian often has tunnel-vision and can’t see the consequences of his actions, it quickly becomes an issue. Especially in the case of, of course, the black rocks.
Taking it Too Far
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We find out that Varian discovered the rocks in Great Expotations. Rapunzel inadvertently tasked him with figuring out how to get rid of them, and in his mind he needed to. To impress her and possibly all of Corona. So he ran tests and got reprimanded by his dad probably more than once. But this is the biggest thing he could ever do: rescue his village and the kingdom and make his dad proud in the process. That’s why he wanted to come with him and hopefully talk to the king. Yes, in this case he actually wants to help his village, he’s not heartless and he cares a lot, but he’s predominantly focusing on the rewards that will come after he figured it out.
Of course we know his plans go awry again, but he never stops focusing on his goal of making his dad proud of him. Seriously...NEVER.
Taking it WAY Too Far
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Enter: Villain Arc. Suddenly his need to be adored and affirmed flips upside down. He doesn’t want compliments anymore, he wants people to fear him, respect him, and listen to him.
“I have asked for help and have been ignored, I will not be ignored any longer!”
“I tried asking for help in a civil manner but was denied by everyone in Corona. So, unfortunately, this is my only remaining recourse.”
“I’ll make them hear me...”
I touched on this in my Confidence analysis, but Varian never loses his drive. And his want to be revered, consumes him. Even when he goes to prison, he joins Andrew and takes over Corona to be feared. But he soon realizes, it’s still not enough. His want for revenge doesn’t satisfy him or make him happy, it just makes him feel worse as the weight of what he’s done gradually crashes down on him.
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By the time Rapunzel comes back, it’s all an act. He’s not craving adoration anymore. He just wants a way out of this cycle of disappointment that isn’t getting him anywhere. You can tell from the lines, too.
“Me? No, not really.”
“So that no one will forget they turned their back on my father!”
“I took their queen prisoner! I threatened their princess! I helped these guys take over their kingdom!”
Now the first one is small, but it actually shows a lot of development (even if he says it in a rather dorky way) because he’s not taking credit for something or taking the “fear” that he wanted so badly. The second one just sounds like a threat but it’s not “they turned their backs on me,” like it was in season 1. It’s back to his father, and it’s, in a way, humbling Varian by taking himself out of the picture. And of course the last one is the most evident: he’s listing his faults and realizing he doesn’t deserve the adoration he used to crave so much.
Making it Right
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During Varian’s redemption...we see these thoughts really come to light.
“All I ever wanted was for my father to be proud. But if he were free from the amber now, and saw everything I’ve done, well he’d be ashamed.”
This is his turning point. This is where he owns up to how warped and twisted his mindset was and makes an effort to fix it with Rapunzel. Not for himself; not for the glory, but because it’s the right thing to do. He knows he messed up with the Quirineon, and he’s literally willing to die to make up for his mistakes. This is a direct contrast to his previous statement: “I will make you proud of me, dad. If it’s the last thing I ever do.”
Because if he dies fixing his mistakes, he doesn’t expect any kind of praise. He’d leave a legacy of horrible deeds that would never make his dad proud; but he’d be saving Corona and that’s all that matters. Of course he doesn’t actually die, thank goodness, and Rapunzel saves Corona instead, but he’s learned something from this whole experience. And one thing he especially didn’t expect was for Rapunzel to keep her promise after everything. And even when his dad finally says those words...they were supposed to mean everything, but they don’t. It still isn’t enough. Especially not after everything that’s happened. I touched on this in another analysis as well, but he feels like he doesn’t deserve those words.
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From this point, Varian has a whole new outlook on life, not dependent on gaining recognition. He’s still the cocky, confident alchemist we know and love, but he shows off his inventions because he’s proud of them, and that’s enough. He saves Corona from the red rocks because he genuinely wants to help his kingdom, he doesn’t have any underlying motives whatsoever. He helps with the Demanitus Scroll because he wants to help Rapunzel figure everything out. And at the end he helps defeat Zhan Tiri because he knows he can help, and he genuinely wants to. (And here’s where I get emotional.)
Varian doesn’t once ask for compliments or a “thank you” throughout season 3, yet that’s exactly what he gets. After all of those years of seeking and yearning for adoration, he finally gets it when he doesn’t need it anymore.
In every selfless thing he does for Corona, he gets a reward in some way. When he rescues the kingdom from black rocks, he didn’t ask for anything in return, yet his reputation was restored. When he agreed to help with the scroll, he actually got to work in Demanitus’ Lab, someone he’s admired forever. And when he helps with the portal, he gets to go see Demanitus’ tomb and I mean...
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that’s the happiest we’ve ever seen him. And it isn’t just the big things either, it’s the little ones. The way that Rapunzel calls him “a genius,” when he doesn’t ask for it or allude to it in any way. The “good job, buddy,” that Eugene tells him after he fixes up the balloon. And every time he’s complimented, he stays humble. He even responds one time with “just doing my part.”
And at the very end of his arc, after all of that selfless work he did for Corona out of the goodness of his own heart, he’s given his very own title of “Royal Engineer.” An official position in the kingdom that people truly look up to and respect.
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This is honestly one the most well-done character arcs I’ve ever seen, because it’s absolute poetic justice. At the beginning, Varian is so focused on his own need of affirmation that he forgets everything else, and jeopardizes himself on multiple occasions. Especially when his motives become warped. But when he finally sets his pride and his own ambitions aside and realizes he’s already enough, that’s when he gets the respect and adoration that he had always wanted. And that my friends...is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
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digressfromreality · 3 years
The Fall of Baby Might
Lana Yagi had been famous from the moment it was revealed who her father was, All Might, Japan’s number one hero. But had that revelation been worth it: the media scrutiny, the burden of legacy, the crippling seeds of doubt? Did Lana crumple under the pressure?
Izuku x Lana x Tomura
Part 6 / Part 8
Part 7. “I couldn’t find the words to mend your heart.” (Mend You by Times of Grace)
After the meltdown at Izuku’s agency, Lana had strategically kept her distance. Which Izuku had willingly accepted without a fight. The only time she had allowed him in her presence was when she was lying in bed, holding her eyes shut and trying to steady her breathing.
She pretended to sleep to avoid their awkward tension.
She didn’t know whether Izuku knew or not, but every night after that fight, he still greeted her forehead with kiss and soft words of an apology mumbled to the silence of their room. It took all her will power not to move when he did so. His shallow words made her heart feel so…heavy.
Her last venture out of the apartment had caused their current estrangement. The longer she stood by Izuku’s side, the more realizations came; she didn’t belong there.
Slowly months had melted by, without improvement.
As the days began to blend and bleed together, Lana felt her former life spiraling out of control.
Her head barely above a sea of emotions, and everyone who supposed cared about her could not see it, or as her anxiety put it, they chose not to see it.
It was so lonely.
A day where distractions would be welcomed, but always seemingly in the distance. Lana’s gaze brimming with a saltiness that wasn’t easily swept away. Nothing but anxiety and a seeping coldness, filled her days. No love, no warmth.
Lana walked aimlessly through the apartment trying to clear her thoughts. It was exhausting to realize time and time again how underqualified she truly was, she needed to find a way from Izuku. A clean break.
She stood in front of opened closet, unsure what move to make next. Should she start packing? Did she even want to take anything with her?
She had money, truly little of her money was tied to Izuku’s, she could easily leave everything behind and just buy new. The problem was getting away.
Would the world let her leave him? Doubtful. There’s no way they would let her hide and fade away into obscurity.
And Izuku would blame himself.
The sound of the doorbell had taken her by surprise. She didn’t remember anyone informing her that she would have company. She shoved the bag back into the closet and closed the door.
She sauntered toward the door not really caring if she looked like a mess, whoever would get over it.
A random gentleman was smiling at her maliciously.
Lana nearly slammed the door instinctively but stopped herself at the last moment. The gentleman said nothing as he evaluated her appearance.
Her eyes were listless, almost despondent as Toga’s eyes trailed down her unkempt appearance. Was this how eyes looked when they finally broke? Perhaps, Tomura would let her play with her later. She could get Lana’s eyes to sparkle.
Suddenly fingers wound themselves into her hair, yanking her abruptly from her doorway. “Hiya sweetpea!” Toga giggled, giving her a sloppy peck on the cheek. Lana nearly screamed as chunks of the man’s face dropped to the floor as Toga’s façade had literally melted away in front of her.  Before she could blink Toga shoved her through a gateway.
Her knees fucking hurt after being tossed upon the ground like that. Her pulse quickens, recognizing the tiled floor.  “Here you go boss man, one cutie patootie as you asked for!” Toga booped her nose, before making a lazy exit.
After a pregnant pause, Tomura broke the silence.  
“I’ve missed you.” She looked up at him flabbergasted. She never would have imagined him saying that, in a sincere tone no less!
His smug face made her look away, embarrassed.
“How was it?” Terrible, he bet.
Lana was still unwilling to meet his eyes.
“Was it everything you dreamed about?” Unlikely.
Lana’s hands clenched and relaxed.
“How have the heroes been treating you?” She bit her bottom lip, trying to hold in her rage. Her feet started to move on their own, each step pounded the tiled floor with gusto.
His words were sharper than any blade he could have showed her. They both knew the truth.
Sitting on what appeared to be a dilapidated throne, Tomura sat there haughty as a king would. Watching her every step with smug dignity. Her anger was refreshing. He just needed to push her buttons a little further to guide her to the correct route.
“Everything handed to you, the fame, the money, a legacy that no one hoped to compete with.”
She sneered, her lip curling in distain, “Yes, and what does legacy done for me?” She dared to step forward in anger, “Other than be a burden staining everything I do? What would your father do? What would your father think? Would he be proud of you’re doing? I’m nothing without him!”
Her rage was fulfilling as it was delicious, each step closer to him it seemed to lose her grip on what was so well hidden. The facade woven so intricately over each crack, embedded deep within every festering scar, the silence she had worn so elegantly as a mask began to crumble.
“Nothing, you say?” His question broke her of her destructive reverie. She blinked, losing what momentum her ire had, she had gotten too close, much too close to him. “Do you feel that you’re the only one who spiraled and toil in a pit of despair? How the disappointment and fear came to be so familiar? The darkness you created, is ever growing.”
“I’m here to save you from all that want to use you.” She contemplated; her eyes hyper fixated on his extended hand.
The heroes.
The media.
All the burdens attached to the name, Baby Might. She was looking for a family, not the shadows of those who don’t see the real her.
For once, it seemed the churning in her gut wasn’t from the anxiety of what was yet to come, but rather from excitement.
She took Tomura’s hand.
Lana crawled in Tomura’s lap. He sighed content as she rested her head on his shoulder.
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kaelsims · 3 years
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An update for my Donovan family legacy!
I’ve made the decision that I want to transform this legacy into a Build a City Challenge. I just feel that I don’t have enough drive to keep going without giving myself something more concrete to work towards. Plus, thanks to @melsie-sims and a few others, I am obsessed with BACCs right now. I’m transforming this save in an attempt not to abandon it, honestly.
What this means for the blog:
Updated post banners, post links, and blog links!
More focus on other families!
More concrete goals!
What this means for the gameplay: 
Storywise, this is happening because after a year of successful living and in fact, flourishing, this venture has proven to be one worth pursuing. It is only now that there is the option to move in new Sims, though they will have to earn CAS points first.
Some things will no longer be allowed.
Interacting with non playable characters (e.g. “townies” which will be the following previously introduced sims: Orlando and Lucas Dark, Nadia and Lillian McCormick, Crystal and Cason Murdock, and Giselle and Eddie Quinn). I will be able to interact with them again after completing 5 gold level parties, at which point I will also include them in the household count, though not as households that can earn achievements.
Using plopsy will no longer be allowed until a Sim (likely Adelaide) completes the Lady of the Knits aspiration.
Children will be allowed to go to school because one of the possible options for that rule is that you have at least five children or teens in the town (they are all toddlers at the moment, but most were born around the same time. As of the time of writing this, the Donovan’s have two toddlers, the Yamakazi’s have… I think two toddlers and a baby, and the Ralston’s have… some little ones…) at least one Sim has three skills up to a level 6 (which has been done by Lucy).
Electricity can continue to be used, as Lucy maxed out the handiness skill at some point.
Services are now locked until we have ten households in the world. As of right now we officially have three. When we unlock the ability to interact with “townies,” I will count it as having seven households (Donovan, Yamakazi, Ralston, Dark, McCormick, Murdock, and Quinn). Daycare/Nannies will not be unlocked until a Sim maxes out the parenting skill.
Starting in the second year of living in Newcrest, Lucy will take on a job as Mayor. This will keep her away from the home now and the bulk of the household responsibilities (raising the kids, keeping the garden, and tending the animals) will fall to Adelaide.
Rotational gameplay.
Starting in the second year of living in Newcrest, the gameplay will rotate between three families (for now). Those families are (of course) Lucy and Alelaide Donovan, Hiro and Yokota Yamakazi, and Vanessa and Rocky Ralston.
NOTE: I chose these three families to be my main “founders” because Rocky is Adelaide’s best friend and Yokota is Lucy’s best friend, not for any other reason. Upon the writing of this I don’t even remember their traits, so I’m kind of going to have to shoehorn them into the roles I’m deciding for them.
My goals that I hope to work on for the rest of the time we are focusing on these households (and not their children):
Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration. This will probably be completed by Lucy or Adelaide- I’m leaning Adelaide because Lucy will be busy with the new job and maxing the charisma skill so we can move someone else in, but she will have to finish the Lady of the Knits aspiration first. I want to complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration to be able to open up Sulani as our next world.
Unlocking FOUR community lot types (so that next generation we can move to Sulani):
Museum (need 10 masterpiece paintings (completed by Hiro) and 10 excellent sculptures (Lucy)).
Park (level 10 gardening and 3+ families. The families are already achieved (classified as a parent and a child) by the Donovan, Yamakazi, and Ralston families. Lucy is at level 9 gardening, so hopefully she will be able to max this out during the spring of year two).
Pool (have experienced a heatwave, level 10 wellness and fitness. To be completed by Vanessa).
Spa (level 10 wellness, to be completed by Vanessa).
Personal Note: A “Joker” point, acquired by completing an aspiration, can also be used to bypass ONE of these requirements. For example, if Vanessa has completed the wellness skill but not the fitness skill, a JOKER POINT can be used to allow us to open a pool and a spa at the same time.
Complete the Party Animal Aspiration to unlock the ability to make clubs, which will become important as more Sims are made important to gameplay (to be completed by Rocky).
Have someone (anyone) take up a part time job after townies are unlocked.
(IL) Fisherman: Reach level 10 in the fishing skill.
Perhaps Yokota, as she has been fishing with Lucy multiple times.
Have Vanessa take up a job in the athlete career after maxing fitness.
Have Hiro take a position in the painting career after maxing painting.
What to expect to see soon:
(Re)Introduction posts! Everyone already knows about the Donovan’s (though they will receive a re-introduction post as well to iron out the backstory of Lucy and Adelaide), but these posts are where you will learn more about the Yamakazi’s and the Ralston’s!
Rotational Gameplay: The Donovan family will continue into spring, then pass the torch (and journal) over to the Yamakazi family for the summer, to the Ralston’s for the fall, and back to the Donovan’s for winter (probably. This might change based on newcomers to town. Note, I will probably never play the “townie” families, especially since I am marking them as unable to complete any of the goals for me).
Lots of struggling! I have no idea how I’m going to do at this, so wish me luck!
If you made it to the end of this post… well. More power to you, and I really appreciate it! I hope that everyone can enjoy the new turn that this blog is taking, and that it helps me stick with this save file instead of abandoning it… like I do to all the others… Hell, wish me luck on this one too!
| rules. | intro. | tag. | chrono. | family trees. | scoresheet. |
NOTE: rules are new, created by punzelsims and organized by melsie-sims. scoresheet is new, organized by melsie-sims.
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vg-sanctuary · 3 years
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Moonsprout Games - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC - 2019
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I don't like the core gameplay of 99% of all RPGs, but the ones I do like have been some of my favorite games I've ever played. case in point, Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, a modern interpretation of the classic Paper Mario formula and an ideal example of indie developers adding to the legacy of a cult classic. its main feature is turn-based combat with action commands, like old Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi series, and strategy in its intentional design and small health and damage numbers that goes way beyond "spam damage and heal every third turn, use mana items as needed". (in case you want to be 100% blind for your playthrough, past the Keep Reading link are some very minor spoilers: an item a specific cook can make after a side quest, some basic enemies, environments that are about halfway through the game, and the names of some medals.)
“wow, vg-sanctuary posting about a game that's not even two years old at time of writing? and it's an RPG? are you not a retro/legacy blog anymore? who are you and what have you done with the writer?” I still am a retro/legacy blog, mostly, just this time I thought I'd share something that its developers still get money from, and whose developers aren't mega corporations. and I just beat it, enjoyed it, and really felt like writing about it because it still doesn't have the popularity it deserves even after that puppet guy on YouTube talked about it. not that this post is going to reach any significant number of people, but still. I'll write about some more indie games sometime in the future. (and indeed I am writing about another RPG and you better believe it has a lot to talk about.)
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anyway, Bug Fables starts with a brash little bee called Vi and a polite and honorable beetle named Kabbu wandering into an explorer's guild and not having a partner to join the guild with. they reluctantly decide they're going to fight together because companionship is a requirement for this guild, foiling off each other and sometimes off their third friend Leif, a blue moth they find in a cave, for the whole game. every character has a distinct personality and all the party members get some valuable character development through a side quest, which I really liked, but I'm no connoisseur of RPG stories. while I'm on story, people that come here looking for a well-made world will get what they want from the many optional lore books hidden around the world.
the plot becomes more complex and compelling as the game continues, though it generally lets gameplay take the spotlight. which is great, because the gameplay is also mostly great. about a third of it is doing puzzles on the overworld using the abilities of each character to move forward a la the Mario & Luigi series. they generally make use of whatever your newest overworld ability is, and some areas early on have inaccessible things you have to come back to, sort of like a Metroidvania except it isn't required to do this for progression. some puzzles take longer they could because they involve using Kabbu's horn to repeatedly fling an ice block many times over a distance. it's never egregious, but it could have been faster if the guy would use his arms. this is a minor caveat and not a majority of the game.
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a lot of people probably don't know how the combat for this or Paper Mario works, and it's really important to Bug Fables, so I'll explain that here. it's turn based, which is typical, but basic attacks and skills need you to time a button press to do as much damage as possible. you can also time a button press when an enemy attacks to take less damage. Paper Mario and Bug Fables also both have medals instead of other equipment that give characters higher max HP or a new skill, for example. you have limited medal points and stronger medals require more points.
this is going to sound like a lot, but any RPG's combat will sound like a lot if you try to detail it in a single paragraph. the game introduces these things slower than I am here. in Bug Fables specifically, the character standing in the front of the group does one extra damage but is more likely to be attacked, and you can pass turns from one character to another in exchange for that character dealing one less damage (which is a lot because basic attacks only deal two damage by default). certain enemies can only be hit by certain attacks; some enemies fly, so Kabbu can't hit them until Vi knocks them down with her beemerang. not a typo, beemerang. and many of Bug Fables' status effects have upsides -- being paralyzed reduces damage taken everything by one, poison has many medals that make it a good thing, and being asleep heals the sleeping character every turn. there are others that are straight up bad things, though, and usually don't come until later. all of this adds up to even small encounters having strategic depth, which is great, and if you don't feel like small encounters you can just avoid them. skills that would typically be relegated to one character, like healing and support skills all going to one, are instead split between party members to make decisions more difficult in a good way. there's also a lovely medal that instantly kills any enemy the game deems too easy for you, sort of like in Earthbound.
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I figure I spent more time doing housekeeping like cooking (simple A+B=C or A-becomes-B crafting), buying items, and arranging medals in Bug Fables than in any other RPG, which is because it was designed that way. by the way, cooking recipes start hidden, but a foodie at each restaurant will share some strong ones for free, which is a big help early on. anyone who's played The World Ends with You (i.e. me) will be spoiled by its excellent quality of life: no consumable items and you instantly heal to full after every encounter. it makes items seem like a ridiculous formality that RPGs only still have because they've had them for years, but in Bug Fables any item that isn't simple healing -- a lot of them aren't simple healing -- has great strategic use, and the exact way you spend your medal points can determine whether you win or lose any fight, especially bosses. for example, one character having one extra damage for two turns when they typically only do two is pretty important, especially when they use an attack that does multiple hits, and having it in item form saves valuable medal points and skill points. part of that time was kind of a waste, though, because I generally had one set of medals I use for multiple enemies and one I use for single enemies like bosses. being able to save loadouts would have helped a lot. I would like to compliment Bug Fables on allowing you to restart any boss with different medals without having to repeat cutscenes, and commend it for letting you do-over your level up bonuses late in the game when it starts to matter.
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it's not like spending a lot of time on strategizing before fights is strictly mandatory. I was mostly playing on hard mode where enemies have more health and more difficult attacks, and mostly with a medal called Hard Hits that makes all enemies deal one extra damage in exchange for extra money after each fight. it can be less difficult if you'd like, but it's never mindless; even if you're doing a strategy that manages 20 or 30 damage (again, a lot in this game) in a single turn, it takes effort to choose your medals to do so much damage and actually play the strategy out in combat. the combat strategy is the best part of Bug Fables, and it makes each fight almost like a puzzle. I've typed some form of "strategy" six times so far, which is fair because it's the best part of Bug Fables. don't let it put you off, though, it's RPG combat strategy, not chess-like or RTS or something, so if you've enjoyed any other turn-based RPG it should be easy to get used to.
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it's also worth mentioning the ample side content. each chapter of the game unlocks a handful of side quests, some about trading, some about combat, and almost as many bonus bosses as main bosses. you're allowed to fight them fairly early on, and a few become available after the final boss that are actually a bit harder than it in classic Paper Mario fashion. basically, if you like Bug Fables, there's a lot of it to play. there's even a trading card minigame because of course there is. it's fairly fleshed out, too, and unlike the one in Chocobo Tales the animations between turns don't take six years. the reward for the whole card side quest isn't something that's important for combat, so you can skip it if you don't like it; I didn't especially like it so I think that was a great decision on the developers' part.
rewards for some of the other side content, though, are so good it's kind of a wonder they can be completely skipped. it doesn't make the game harder to not have those skills or medals, but they are some of the best in the game and undeniably really useful. they make great side quest rewards in that sense, but it's important to know for the people that usually wouldn't do side content. I don't know if that's a common kind of player, but just in case. (this game's 100% achievement has been earned by a sky-high 5.9% of players on Steam. usually it's more like 2% or less. the point is none of the extra content is overly obtuse.)
I will complain about the forced stealth sections though. and be astounded that they fixed the main issue with them in the last stealth section. these are minor caveats and take well under an hour total unless you're really, really, really bad at sneaking, but they bothered me when I got to them. I mean, I understand why they're in the game, I understand why Zelda has them, but I didn't really like them. the main issue for all but the last stealth section is that there's no vision cone or other indication that "if you stand here they will see you" or even an opportunity to recover from mistakes which are incredibly important for playable stealth. the last stealth section does have a vision cone and does have an opportunity to recover from mistakes, which is a great step up. I would like to use even more italics to remind you that these sections total less than an hour of gameplay. Zelda: Breath of the Wild's forced-ish stealth was much worse than this.
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I don't know where else to put it, so I'll add here that the soundtrack is great and the graphics are perfectly Gamecube-y and the sprites capture the cuteness of Paper Mario really well, even though they're, you know, bugs. each environment is distinct and themed well, and each one’s music matches well. I really wish I knew how to talk about music because there are a lot of different songs in this game that work well for what they go with. boss music sounds intense and boss-y and appropriate for each boss you're fighting, the not-music hits just right, and everything else feels good. some songs use Nintendo 64 MIDI instruments, which I loved. and the bee boss music has a synth that sounds like bees buzzing.
anyone that likes RPGs -- and even some people that don't -- will probably enjoy the story and strategy that make up the excellent Bug Fables. it goes beyond being a homage to Paper Mario and becomes its own thing entirely, though its roots are obvious from the art style. not that this takes away from it -- Paper Mario is a great legacy, and this manages to be even better. for all its little bad things there are a dozen great ones. I admit I haven't played the classic Paper Mario games, but this made me want more -- I guess I'll have to go back while I hope for Moonsprout Games to continue forward.
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c-s support + paired endings + night of the ball
*i’m a bit iffy on the order of the b and a rank supports here because it implies ferdinand’s b support can’t be unlocked until post-skip, so be mindful of that while reading!
Ferdinand: Hello, Professor. May I speak with you? F: You seem to hold Edelgard in high esteem. That is my impression, at least. F: I was just wondering, what do you think of Edelgard? You seem to hold her in high esteem.
>She's a good student.
F: Hm. She is certainly talented. No doubt about that.
F: But I wonder... What is your opinion of me? I am quite talented too, am I not?
>She's got a lot to learn.
F: Well now! That is not what I expected you to say. You clearly have high standards.
F: And what is your opinion of me? I am at least her equal, am I not?
F: Be honest. Do not hold back. Pretend that I am just a regular person, not the scion of a noble house.
>I think you two are evenly matched.
F: Evenly matched?! Me? With her?!
>I don't want to hurt your feelings, but...
F: You think she is better than me?!
F: I was just being modest before. F: Honestly, I have always prided myself on being superior to Edelgard. F: But evidently that is not your perspective. Hmm... F: I suppose there is only one thing to do. I must demonstrate my excellence!
>That's not necessary.
F: Nonsense! You have entirely underestimated my abilities!
>I can't stop you.
F: Precisely! You cannot stop me! I will prove that you have drastically underestimated me.
F: You think I could ignore such a slight upon my honor? Not likely. Come, Professor!
F: We will begin with battle. Edelgard's skills in combat are no match for mine. F: I heard that, just the other day, she defeated a Demonic Beast without assistance. F: Well, anything Edelgard can do, I can do better—and in half the time! F: Professor, you can be my eyewitness and timekeeper. F: Here we go! F: Two at once? That's... Well, it will be fine. F: Argh! I can't do it! F: It seems you have saved my life. I... Thank you, Professor.
F: Hah! Haagh! Take that! Yaa! F: Aaargh!
>You're fighting more intensely than usual.
F: Yes. I am in a hurry.
>What's up?
F: Oh, you know. There is always something. It never ends.
F: Lately I have been feeling uneasy. Impatient. F: Edelgard claims victory after victory. She never stops. F: Five years ago, she ascended the throne and swept away the corrupt nobles. My father included. F: I always thought I would be the one to unseat him. But she did it instead—with all the ease and indifference of someone cracking an egg. F: She put my father under house arrest. She stripped House Aegir of its power. F: Rather than accepting a role as her puppet, I left. Now I fight to topple the Empire. (other) F: Now, as the head of House Aegir, I serve Edelgard. I have to accept that I am her subordinate, working beneath her to reunify Fódlan. (black eagles route) F: The disparity between Edelgard and myself is...obvious. F: She never stops moving forward. Single-minded. Never wavering. F: But where does that leave me? Here, flailing about, going nowhere, contributing nothing...
>That's not true.
F: But it is! That is the reality. F: Not once, since our days at the academy, have I exceeded Edelgard's abilities. F: I saw her as a worthy opponent. She did not even see me as a contender. She did not even consider me at all. F: Perhaps my standing now is a little better than it was. But I am still playing second fiddle. F: As the head of the noble House Aegir, I must be able to achieve results. F: But all my efforts have come to nothing. F: Results are everything. I have not shown results, so I will be stagnating here forever.
>But you have achieved results!
F: I appreciate your kind words, but you are wrong.
>It's the journey, not the destination.
F: I appreciate that, but it is not enough to persuade me.
F: I know that I have a massive wall to climb, and I must climb it alone. F: Even so...may I ask a favor?
F: Professor, please keep an eye on my progress. F: I would appreciate if you were always by my side, bearing witness to my accomplishments.
F: Hmm. What an interesting way of looking at life. F: Ah, it is you! Just at the right time.
>You're working late.
F: Oh, is it nighttime already? I must have gotten carried away.
>The right time?
F: There is something I wanted to discuss. F: Something about you... F: I am starting to believe that you are a true hero. F: You hold the lost Crest, you wield the Sword of the Creator, and you lead everyone in battle against great enemies. F: Not only that, but you are a strategist. F: You stand alongside rulers, supporting them, advising them. F: You give everyone direction, so they know what needs to be done. F: You do not seem particularly ambitious. And yet, you accomplish so much.
>That's high praise.
F: I am not exaggerating. Everything I said is true.
>That's true. I'm not ambitious.
F: I am amazed that you can say so.
F: I have been reading about the history of Faerghus, you know. F: The Kingdom's founder, Loog, the "King of Lions," had two advisors. F: One of them was Pan, the "undesiring strategist." F: According to historical records, Pan wanted nothing for himself. He devoted himself entirely to Loog. F: He had tremendous power, but he never seemed concerned about his legacy. F: So, in the old chronicles, there is hardly any mention of Pan's deeds. F: All that we know is that he helped Loog, his friend and leader. F: To think, someone could be so virtuous.
>I've never heard of Pan.
F: It is not surprising that you have never heard of him. I did not even know his name until recently. F: But when I watch how you conduct yourself, I feel that I am seeing the unknown deeds of Pan. F: It is only a thought, of course, but it makes me feel rather happy. F: Even if it is not in the pages of a history book, a life can be full of achievement! F: I know that I will never be greater than Edelgard. She will always surpass me. F: I know that I will never prevail over Edelgard. Even if I defeat her on the battlefield... F: I am what I am. F: Like you and this "undesiring strategist." F: I will do what I'm called to do, even if no mark of me remains in the history books.
F: It has been a long, hard road. Would you agree?
>No, not really.
F: Haha! You cannot humor me even a little?
>It certainly has.
F: Perhaps we can agree that every long road comes to an end.
F: Every long road comes to an end. F: That is when friends who have walked together must go their separate ways. F: You will guide Fódlan. I will return to my rightful position as Duke Aegir. (black eagles route) F: You will guide Fódlan. I will return to my position as Duke Aegir. (other) F: Life will go on. It must.
>So it seems.
F: I once asked something of you. F: I asked you to bear witness to my achievements. F: But even if I achieve nothing and there is nothing left of me after I am gone... F: I still want you to see me.
>What do you mean?
F: I mean that I want you to be my wife! F: I need you as much as I need my next breath. More, perhaps. F: I hope that you need me too.
>I understand.
F: That is it? F: You hear noble Ferdinand von Aegir declare his love for you, and all you say is "I understand"? F: This is torture! Please, if you are going to refuse my proposal, simply tell me.
>Need isn't a strong enough word.
F: I am not sure I understand...
>I love you, Ferdinand.
F: You do? Does that mean...
>Let's get married!
F: Really?! F: Ah, my head is ringing with pure joy! Like a thousand bells! F: It is even greater than the joy of victory in battle. It is victory in life itself!
F: Ahem. Apologies. I got a little carried away there. F: I am shaking... I cannot control it. F: It would be no exaggeration to say that my whole life, everything I have done, has led me to this moment. F: I am overjoyed! Oh dear, I might faint...
>I'm happy too.
F: Give me a minute or two to regain my balance before you say anything too fantastic...
>You look pretty unsteady.
F: Who me? Not at all! I am better now. Really.
F: Imagine, making our way through life, side by side. The whole world has taken on a rosy hue. F: Ah, it is no use. I cannot stay upright. Please, let me lean on your shoulder. F: That is better. We are as close as can be. F: From now on, we will lean on each other. Thank you, my love.
paired endings
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Ferdinand, who had assumed his inherited position as Duke Aegir. Ferdinand overcame a slew of obstacles to reform his territory and that of House Hrym. He chose not to accept an official position in service to Byleth, instead advising her only informally as a spouse. History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but make no mention of his marriage. Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time. (golden deer + church route)
After taking her place as the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced her marriage to Ferdinand, who had assumed his place as Duke Aegir. The archbishop's husband overcame a slew of obstacles to reform his family's territory and Hrym but took no official position with the church, providing only guidance and support in his capacity as a loving spouse. History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but they make no mention of his marriage to the archbishop. Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time. (blue lions route)
Byleth and Ferdinand celebrated their marriage with a lavish wedding, but almost immediately afterward, the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest. After being named Duke Aegir, Ferdinand overcame a slew of obstacles to help House Hrym and his family's territory recover. At the same time, he fought alongside his spouse for a true, lasting peace in Fódlan. History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but they do not make mention of the hard-fought battles he endured alongside his wife. Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time. (black eagles route)
night of the ball
F: Hello, Professor. F: I just needed a quick break from the festivities. Fancy running into you here.
>You followed me, didn't you?
F: I beg your pardon?! Absolutely not! It is simply a coincidence.
F: The heir to the great house of Aegir, chasing after a woman in the dead of night! The very thought of it!
>What a nice coincidence.
F: Yes, a coincidence...
F: Anyway, seeing you here, I cannot help but recall the legend of the Goddess Tower. F: It is said that when a man and a woman meet here by chance on the night of the ball, their paths become one. F: The goddess blesses them and ensures a harmonious union.
>I heard it differently.
F: Oh, you heard the legend too? How was it different?
>That the goddess is sure to grant any promises made here?
F: Ah, perhaps that is how it goes, come to think of it.
>Are you sure that's the legend?
F: Indeed, that is how it goes. Or at least, that is the version I heard.
F: How long have we known each other now? About nine months, by my count. F: The passage of time is swift indeed. F: Listen. I need to tell you something. F: After I graduate, I must pass stern judgment on my father. F: His greed got the better of him. He has strayed far from the righteous path. F: As the next Duke Aegir, I will succeed him as prime minister, and it will fall to me to hold him accountable. F: Only then can I justly guide the Empire's subjects and work to create a better world. F: That is my dream, my will, and my future. F: I pray that I will have the courage to fulfill my solemn duty and that I will have your support.
>Of course. I'm with you.
>I'm always happy to listen.
F: Thank you. F: Knowing that you are on my side, I feel unstoppable. F: Yes... I really only wished for someone to hear me out. I chose you for that honor. F: Well, shall we head back? F: Plenty of people must be wondering where you went. F: Specifically the legions of men who would like to dance with you! F: To be honest, I count myself among them.
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timemachinesims · 5 years
Sailor Moon Legacy Challenge (Get Famous Rewrite)
Required Packs: City Living, Get to Work, Parenthood, Seasons, Cats and Dogs, Get Famous (Optional: Vampires) (June 2019 Edit - Optional: Island Living) - feel free to adjust if you don’t have these to make something workable.
Unless stated otherwise, assume sim must reach top of their career and complete their aspiration.
Heirs can be selected however the player likes, and don’t have to be biological heirs. Adoption is allowed. You can move the household to different lots throughout challenge. Aging is on. Lifespan normal. Seasons can be whatever, but I like two weeks.
No money or real estate cheats. No unfair mods. Or, you know, do whatever you like and play in a way that’s fun for you. It’s a video game, for pete’s sake.
SUPER BONUS CHALLENGE: have all generations have the SAME CAT who you keep using age-down treats on and refuse to let die
and/or Run a cat legacy while you play - family must always have at least one cat and all cats should be descendants of first cat
Optional Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow

 Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Music Lover 

Career: Detective 

 Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Other: Cursed to never find love -can never have a boyfriend/girlfriend or get married -can’t have any other sims move in with them either, making them a single working parent -master singing skill (if possible, make this what you’re famous for) -reach video gaming level 5 (BONUS: Win a prize at the Ultimate Gaming Test in GeekCon) OPTIONAL BONUS: have to accept all dates asked on, must date as many sims as possible EXTRA EXTRA HARD OPTIONAL BONUS: if you have a risky woohoo mod, no “try for baby” allowed. If you’re accepting all dates, must woohoo on each date, and no birth control allowed.
GENERATION 2: Sailor Moon
Optional Colors: White, Pink, Dark Blue, Magenta 

Traits: Good, Glutton, Childish

 Career: National Leader (Politics Career, Politician Branch)

 Aspiration: Soulmate
Other: A Miracle Romance -Must unlock Sixam through Rocket Science -Must marry an alien
GENERATION 3: Tuxedo Mask
Optional Colors: Black and White Traits: Kleptomaniac, Loves Cats, Family Oriented Career: Veterinarian - Must have a four star clinic and at least one five star review. (Honestly getting a five star clinic is too hard in this game - I won’t make you do that). I’m saving Doctor for Mercury, so that’s why he’s not that.

Aspiration: Super Parent
Other: Looking for the Silver Crystal  -complete the Crystal Collection -Max out the Mischief skill (primarily through stealing)
HINTS AND TIPS (added August 2019): This generation is a really involved one. I think possibly the hardest. So, some things to help: 1) He has to complete the Super Parent aspiration, but that doesn’t mean that has to be the first aspiration he takes. Even if he immediately changes it, if the first aspiration he takes is a Nature aspiration, he’ll get the “collector” bonus trait, which will help him find rare crystals faster.  2) Endless crystals and minerals spawn on the Scientist career lot. He can join the career and just ignore his work and harvest all day. Don’t worry about getting fired, you can just join the job again. Plus, actually playing the career for the career’s sake is Pluto’s job!  3) The game is on normal lifespan, but there is no rule against (for this or any other generation) using a Potion of Youth from the reward store.  4) Take advantage of lot traits to help him gain skills more quickly. “Peace and Quiet” is especially useful for reading parenting or mischief books (do try to get as much mischief as possible through stealing, though. It’s really fun!) 5) Once your vet clinic reaches four stars, you are under no obligation to keep playing the career. You can walk away and never open the clinic again, or even sell it. You have other goals to accomplish! 6) Given how much of Mercury’s generational goals are in childhood, it’s probably best to save having kids (or at least your heir) until you can put your focus there entirely. 
GENERATION 4: Sailor Mercury
Optional Colors: Blue

 Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Unflirty

 Career: Doctor

 Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Other: Studious to a Fault -can never skip school or play hooky -must always do homework AND extra credit work -must always be careful when making school projects -must always “study hard” while at school -always do the studious thing (if applicable) during schoolday text prompts. -Achieve Good Manners and Responsible reward traits. -complete the Whiz Kid childhood aspiration. 
(Their childhood is gonna suck, but they can lighten up once they become a young adult, though they must reach the top of the Doctor career.)
OPTIONAL HARD VERSION: A Perfect child. Just try to get all the good Parenthood traits, maybe all the scout badges. Max out all toddler skills. EVERYTHING. This is an overachieving child. 
GENERATION 5: Sailor Mars

Optional Colors: Red, Purple

 Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, Non-Committal 

Career: (not necessarily in this order, but these are the selections) 1. Critic or Style Influencer 2. Business or Social Media, 3. Secret Agent or Astronaut. This sim may not repeat any of the careers of their ancestors. Careers have to get to high enough level to complete aspiration. CAN try to max out final career as a bonus.

Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Other: Hates Men - Cannot talk to men. (I mean, you won’t get punished if you look away for a second and they’ve done some stuff autonomously, or if the game requires it to advance). If the food stall owner or gardener or whoever is a man, this sim can’t talk to them (other sims in household don’t have this restriction).
An exception MAY be made for 1. any male children
2. if heir is a female sim who is going to have kids and you don’t want to just make a beautiful trans lesbian for her to fall in love with (or make HER a trans lesbian) or adopt (or use a same sex pregnancy mod), then an exception may be made for the subsequent heir’s sperm donor (though she may not marry him and after pregnant must end the relationship, and not amicably).
An exception is NOT made for any male parents of the sim, who this sim doesn’t like. This sim may only talk to male parents to fight with them or perform mean/mischievous interactions and may declare their father(s) their enemy.
- max out the wellness skill - make a BFF in their lifetime
GENERATION 6: Sailor Jupiter
Optional Colors: Green, Pink, Floral Patterns 

Traits: Romantic, Foodie, Neat Career: Gardener in the Floral Designer track

 Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Other: Overcoming Rejection, Living in Domestic Bliss - Sim must be rejected on an “Ask to be Boyfriend” or “Propose” interaction, end the relationship, and find new love. - Max out the Baking skill, Cooking skill, and Gourmet Cooking sell baked goods through a stall or vending machine or other retail mechanic - must throw a wedding event when they get married, bake their own cake, and get a gold rating.
GENERATION 7: Sailor Pluto

Optional Colors: Black, Maroon, dark shades

 Traits: Loner, Perfectionist, Gloomy

 Career: Scientist

 Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Other: I Always Wanted To Fight By Your Side - Sim can only make one adult friend, but befriend as many children an animals as desired. - Sim must become BFFs with at least one child (can be their own), companions with at least one cat, and then die from something other than old age. - Child must witness death. This does mean you have to work faster to complete aspirations. Game can be manipulated to cause death (build walls around swimming pools or whatever you would like), but use of cheat codes/mods to induce death is not allowed.
GENERATION 8: Sailor Uranus

Optional Colors: Yellow, Navy 

Traits: Active, Goofball, Bro

 Career: Tech Guru (eSport Gamer)
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Other: Destined Couple - Sim can only have one romance over their life. - Sim must marry their BFF. - Sim must perform at least two romantic interactions with their significant other every day (starting with the dating stage - as soon as they have any kind of commitment).
GENERATION 9: Sailor Neptune

Optional Colors: Teal, Seafoam Green, Blue Traits: Creative, Snob, Art Lover

 Career: Painter (either branch) Aspiration: Musical Genius
Other: Deep Sea Submerge - must have a swimming pool and swim at least once a day - Must max out fishing skill - Must have an aquarium and fill it with sim-caught fish, including at least two rare fish.
SAILOR NEPTURE - ISLAND LIVING EDIT (June 2019 - might edit as I find out more about the pack)
Traits: Replace “Art Lover” with “Child of the Ocean”
Other: Deep Sea Submerge (v2) - must become a mermaid - can only fill hydration need by swimming in the ocean - must max relationship with dolphin 
GENERATION 10: Sailor Saturn
Optional Colors: Purple, Black

 Traits: Squeamish or Vegetarian or Lazy (to replicate her illness), Evil, Cheerful 

Career: Criminal (Oracle Branch) or Master Vampire
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Other: It’s The End Of The World As We Know It
-Go to town killing sims, burning down property, destroying everyone’s happiness. The more bodies the better. The more witnessed death the better. The more damaged property the better. - Sim must repent before they die, and retrait themselves into good (using in-game retraiting potion in the rewards store) - Repair at least one damaged relationship - from full red to full green.
GENERATION 11. BONUS ROUND - Sailor Chibi Moon
Optional Colors: Pink

 Traits: Childish, Geek, Player’s Choice 

Career: Player’s Choice

 Aspiration: Player’s Choice (but might I recommend Successful Lineage or Mansion Baron?)
Other: It’s a bright new future in a brand new world. Make the best world possible from the ashes of the past generation.
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simalienn · 6 years
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So, I’ve decided to begin ANOTHER challenge. I’m not quite ready to accept that Pixel is gone from my shameless legacy, so I’m avoiding opening that save to play on without him..  In the meantime I’m going to be playing the “After The Storm Challenge” A challenge that I wrote as an adaption of the ‘SETTLERS CHALLENGE’ All credit goes to the original creator, I’ve kept A LOT of the original content, and have really just re-written their challenge to suit my own play style/needs...  So, If you’re keen to play along with the rules I’m following, I’ll post my rewrite of the challenge under the cut....   Annnyway, Introducing....
Norah & Az Tribble.
Norah Tribble: (Primary Founder) Aspiration: Outdoors enthusiast  Traits: Dog lover, Hot Headed, Family oriented.  Az Tribble Aspiration: Angling Ace  Traits: Loves the outdoors, Evil, Self assured Also, I can’t be bothered with a banner for this challenge just yet.. I may or may not create one down the track.
After The Storm Challenge.
After your founders village was wiped out by a catastrophic storm and the very few who survived all fled to take refuge in other villages, it was left up to  your founder to stay behind alone and begin to rebuild the community to what it had once been. 
Aim: Pick any sims 4 world,(except San Myshuno) bulldoze everything and start rebuilding from scratch.  
Rules -
- Pick a small lot to build a starter house for your founder - Money cheat can be used, but the house must be under 45,000 simoleons. Once you have your house built, set family funds to $0. 
-Your founder must be a Young Adult.- Life span must be set to normal.
- You may not travel to other worlds - (Unless traveling to complete a task for your heir’s aspiration- they must go alone - or going on Vacation to Granite Falls -family may join)
- Heir must be a child of the previous heir - The method you use to select your heirs is entirely up to you. 
- All children (other than the next heir) must move out when they age up to YA - Only the heirs spouse may be moved into the family and must not bring any funds with them. - Traits and Aspirations for new family members are always randomized using a trait generator. - When adding a new family to your village use a die or number generator set 1-6 to decide how many sims will be in that family. (If you roll 5 or 6, it MUST be a 2 parent household, if you roll 4 or under, it’s up to you weather you create a 2 parents, or a single parent household.)
-Story progression allowed if you have MCCC..
-You can either build your own lots, or download them from the Gallery. You may even choose to save the original premade game lots to your library before you bulldoze them and add them back as you unlock them. - Completely up to you how you do it.
-Each Heir must complete their aspiration before moving onto the next heir.   -Each heir can only unlock up to 2 community lots in their lifetime.
- You may begin the challenge with a ‘founder couple’ rather than a single founder if you prefer, but you must select one as your primary founder.
-(Optional) Only the founder/Heir can be played, all other sims in the family are to be left on free will. If you include this rule, you can also have a ‘helper’ if you choose (One other sim in the family who is allowed to perform 5 interactions a day to help out ie. Water plants, feed the baby… etc.)    There is also an exception for this rule during the school restriction part of the challenge, where you’ll need to control your child/teen sims in order to have them complete the homeschool rules. (explained in restrictions section)
Restrictions -
School - Children cannot go to school until you have at least 8 children/toddlers living in your village (only 2 children from your own family can count within the 8)  Until then they are ‘homeschooled’ each child is to complete homework (including extra credit if it’s an option) & earn at least one skill point each day - The skill point can be any skill you choose.
Hospital   -Hospital births are not allowed and woohooing could always lead to pregnancy, Either set risky woohoo to 20% or if you don’t have MCCC use a die (or number generator set 1-6), rolling a 1 = ‘Try for a Baby’ and  2,3,4,5 or 6 = ‘Woohoo With’  You may also ‘try for baby’ any time you like if your aim is to have a child…
Electricity - No Item that requires electricity is allowed until you have 2 community lots and 12 sims (your sims included) in your village, also ONE sim in your household must have level 4 handiness.
*Exceptions to this rule being Lights, Fridge and Stove, Although if you want to make it more difficult, apply this rule to everything.
Careers - Your founders/Heirs cannot have a ‘normal’ job as there are no companies or infrastructure in your village. To earn Money they can sell items they find, create or grow… (ie. Painting, Fishing, collecting, harvesting.)  To unlock career’s there must be at least 2 community lots, 15 sims in your village and your sim must have at least level 4 of any skill related to the career they wish to join. eg. Writing skill for writing career, cooking to be a chef etc.  (this is only required for one skill if multiple skills apply to a career)
Lots  -  
It depends on what world you choose to rebuild how many of each lot type will be required, (I’m doing Newcrest) the world you choose will also determine how long/how many generations your challenge will be (world with more lots will take longer)
Newcrest - 6 Community Lots & 9 Residential Lots
Willow Creek - 7 Community Lots & 14 Residential Lots
Oasis Springs - 9 Community Lots & 12 Residential Lots
Windenburg - 13 community Lots & 14 Residential Lots
Brindelton Bay - 6 community Lots & 10 Residential Lots
*Note: Your founders lot counts as one of your residential lots.
- Add lots by going to manage world, clicking on the lot you wish to build on then click build mode.
Requirements for adding Residential Lots -
- Be Charismatic: For each sim in the family who achieves level 6 charisma a new household can be added.
-  Throw Parties: Achieve a gold medal party to add another household/house. This can only be done once for each party type and only housed sims from within your village may be invited to these parties - no homeless sims, or sims visiting from other villages/worlds.
- Improved infrastructure: For each community lot built, a household/house can be added.
Requirements for Adding Community Lots -
It’s up to you as to which of these lots you add and in which order you add them….You just have to stick to the number required of each lot type for each world as mentioned above. -preferably only one of each community lot type per world, although some of the larger worlds may need more than one of some eg. If you’re rebuilding windenburg you may want 2 bars or parks etc.) 
Also, a few of the lots listed require game/expansion packs, so you’ll need to pick and choose your lots  depending on what packs you own.  
-Bar. Heir must have level 6 mixology skill & own 2 full grown (and alive) cow plants.
-Night club. Heir must have 6 friends outside of the family & Level 3 on any instrument -Library.  Heir must have Level 6 of writing skill and published one excellent book with the publisher - Church/Wedding Venue.  Heir must have level 6 Charisma skill & found a soulmate.
-Park. Heir must have Level 6 in gardening skill & have grown 3 excellent plants -Museum.  Heir must have level 6 Logic skill & carve 3 sculptures on the woodwork table.
-Art Gallery. Heir must have Level 6 Painting skill & painted 2 master pieces -Cafe/bakery. Heir must have level 6 homestyle cooking skill & go on 2 gold level dates.
- Restaurant. Heir must have Level 6 gourmet cooking skill & held a gold level dinner party 
-Gym.  Have level 6 fitness & Join the fitness career. - Vet Clinic. Heir must have level 6 pet training skill & max level friendship with a pet. 
- Bowling Alley. Heir must have level 6 comedy skill & joke about fashion with 4 different sims. - Spa. Heir must have level 6 in wellness skill & own a massage table - Ruins. (windenburg) Heir must have level 6 mischief & Befriend a ghost
Each community lot can also be bought for $6000 simoleons if you’re not able to/don’t want to do the required tasks to unlock them. To do this you need to have the money in your family funds BEFORE you begin building, you then subtract that money from the funds using the money cheat to pay for it. 
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Writers Are Easy to Scam
I am a publisher, and I know the tricks. I know how eager writers are to achieve momentum in their careers. They will toss their money in any direction that seems like it may lead to notoriety or even just a handful more readers. Stories are legacy, a sort of imaginary offspring, and any risk is worth it if it might giving those children a shot in this cruel world. I also know what it feels like to get taken by a scammer. For me, it was an online agent scam, and it cost me $3,000. I was younger then but still knew the risks. I knew it was likely fake, but what if it was real? What if it unlocked whatever mystical door had been sealing off my deserved fortune and fame? Thosewhat if’s cost thousands of writers their savings and plunge them deep into debt all the time. We are easy pickings for unscrupulous vanity presses, and the figureheads of one of the most unscrupulous publishers in the region are now awaiting trial. Tate Publishing’s fall from grace didn’t surprise anyone who has worked in the writing industry in Oklahoma over the past decade. Boasting Christian values and a discerning eye, this vanity press got greedy and took on all comers. Kids books, memoirs, psychedelic rock bands, comics. If you had the money to pay, they would welcome you into their stable of authors. But they got greedy, couldn’t fulfill their contracts, and also got caught with their hand in the till. But here are two truths about Tate Publishing that have been lost in the spectacular implosion of this reviled company: They were selling products that writers actually do need: editing, cover design, production. Tate also did employ very talented people to provide these services. A vanity press can have value because there are more projects out there than legitimate publishers. Most of these books are not marketable enough for traditional publishers, but that doesn’t minimize the book’s value to its author and its following. These small projects can be well-served by a vanity press or other self-publishing company that has the resources to make the product as presentable as possible. The reason Tate positioned itself as a publisher rather than just a service provider was that they could not sell editing, cover design, and production to authors without christening their clients as “published authors.”
I don’t blame Tate for this as much as I blame writing teachers who still push the myth that being published has inherent value. However, it is better to have no publisher than to have the wrong publisher. If I were to proselytize to emerging writers across the country, that would be the first law I would bring down from the mountaintop. So I’m gonna repeat it. I’m gonna set it off in a new paragraph. I’m gonna bold it. It is better to have no publisher than to have the wrong publisher. I was taught in college that the aim of every author is to get an agent, then get a publisher. Any other route would delegitimize your career. You would be seen as amateur, as unworthy of serious consideration. In truth, it is much better to sidestep publishers and agents early in a career. Build the readership, build the demand, then leverage that for a good publishing deal. I tell new writers to stop thinking of the old route and think more in terms of the indie rock scene: Start small and build a following locally through blogs, journalism, zines, and other outlets that will help you attract early interest, but also strengthen your own technical writing skills. Interact online with your fans and other writers (Pick one or two social media outlets and hit them hard to develop a web of connections that will pay huge dividends when you are ready to release your first book.). Produce everything you can locally, and learn every aspect of the industry (but always pay money on professional editing and cover design). Don’t publish your first manuscript. Don’t publish your second manuscript. Don’t publish until you have a book you are so desperate to release into the world that you’re willing to push through the grueling promotion schedule of an unknown/little known author.
Know your audience, know where your audience interacts, know who your audience respects, know where they get their leads on new authors. When you talk to that audience, develop a reputation for being one of them first, then push your own project once you’ve developed their respect. To be fair, publishers are not without value. We can act as important filters for readers, and when we take on a book, that is us telling our audience that we are vouching for the quality of the story. I am proud of the work that my company has done and also proud that we’ve placed integrity ahead of profits since our inception. We want to make money selling books to readers, and we want our artists and authors to trust us in the process. Not every publisher does business the way we do, and that is okay as long as the publisher is up front about the process. If you do come across a publisher that seems legitimate and is interested in your work, consider these things: How many titles do they publish a year? Is there logic to the types of titles they publish, and is there a reason your title would fit in their catalog? Are they asking for money up front? Do they have a web presence? What online reviews can you find?
If it looks like the publisher doesn’t have a distinguishable tone in the types of books they publish, then your title will absolutely get lost in the catalog. Even if their intentions are good, they don’t specialize in your audience, so they won’t know how to market to your audience. If you do get picked up by a publisher, understand that you are still expected to do the heavy lifting. You need to set up the media interviews, you need to book yourself at book fairs, conventions, and other events. You are your own marketing rep, basically. No one can sell your book like you can, so don’t expect a publisher to magically move 300,000 copies. If you aren’t willing to work as hard promoting your book as you did writing it, then a publishing contract isn’t going to be the key to you retiring to a life of words. A good publisher is only a support apparatus. If you want to be a full-time writer, then you have to learn to love/like/put up with the marketing end of the process at least until your career begins to perpetuate itself. Again, it is better to publish yourself than to have the wrong publisher, so don’t be afraid to take your manuscript to a local printer. There are legitimate agents and publishers, but they want writers with a track record of working hard. It is no different than applying for a job. You need to show that you are willing to sacrifice to make your titles sell but also produce marketable content. Do that first, develop your audience, and the real deal publishers will come looking for you.
-Charles Martin
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netmetic · 6 years
Open Wireless Sensors: A Better Way for Factories to Embrace IIoT Cord-Cutting
I’m listening to music on my headphones. This is an easy process because of Bluetooth* standards. This easy format lets me connect any of my headphone sets into a phone, PC, or smartwatch anywhere I go. That’s the beauty of open technologies.
As we discuss in our paper “Reduce IoT Cost and Enable Scaling Through Open Wireless Sensor Networks,” manufacturing environments do not enjoy these benefits with their sensor networks. A century or so of submersion in proprietary sensor technologies has left today’s enterprises with solutions incapable of easy integration with the organization’s modern IT systems. In some cases, this integration can be done, but only within the confines and considerable expense of the solution provider’s own ecosystem.
As a sizable manufacturing company, Intel is no stranger to these issues. We need better sensor approaches as much as anyone else, and we believed that conducting a successful proof of concept (PoC) within our own walls could help other interested parties see how to follow suit and help grow demand for low-cost scalable plug-and-play sensor networks. Overall, we were committed to finding scalable solutions so that the next wave of developers could enjoy affordable, compatible approaches to breaking open today’s sensor bottlenecks.
Our paper describes how we were successful in this pursuit. We deployed over 100 Bluetooth Low Energy sensors; achieved long distances of 30 feet and had over 99% reliability in a harsh and challenging production environment; and used readily available, off-the-shelf components throughout the solution.
In the event that anyone thinks that our results are exclusive to Intel or our fab environment, I wanted to offer a few broader use case examples to serve as inspiration.
Monitoring Exhaust Laterals
This was the application in our PoC because it was a simple way to start, and most tools have exhaust. Exhaust requires monitoring in order to ensure that machines are healthy and outputting within specification. Wireless sensors enable pressure to be monitored at practically any point in the exhaust system for fractional costs. Of course, the same is also true of wired sensors—especially if those sensors were placed at the time of original fixture construction or if we spend large amounts of money to install cable to all the places we want to monitor.
If the exhaust configuration changes, or if the company wishes to change or add sensors over time, then the cost to run new infrastructure to additional wired monitoring points is about 20x more expensive than installing wireless alternatives. Wired approaches also tend to require more gateways because of the 1:1 nature of their connection to gateways that will bridge them to the internet. Those gateways will be part of the proprietary solution and are likely to be more expensive to install and support/maintain. Not least of all, the cost of wiring and the labor required to install that wiring need to be considered.
With wireless, a sensor may be based on a platform such as the Arduino Primo Core. Wireless sensor costs could easily be half that of a proprietary wired equivalent. Obviously, there are no wires to worry about. In our PoC, we connected to Intel IoT Gateways. We chose to standardize the wireless upstream data being sent to a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker. Unlike the data publication used in proprietary solutions, MQTT is open and allows nodes to connect as subscribers, publishers, or both. You can think of it as blog content, such as this article. Intel posts the article into a general content engine, and users who subscribe to the blog can filter by metadata tags to see only the articles that interest them. With MQTT, our wireless sensor data can be published to any subscriber in the system that wishes to receive a live data stream from, in our case, exhaust laterals. This is a key feature in allowing IT analytics systems to use of manufacturing floor data—which was previously unavailable—for higher productivity, safety, and tool longevity.
Chemical Monitoring
Liquids are necessary in almost any manufacturing operation, and companies need to monitor the temperature and levels of these liquids. Often, chemicals move around on factory floors, such as when they’re taken from storage, placed near a machine, and then moved back into storage, potentially in a different location than where they started. This mobility obviously makes fixed, wired sensors problematic if not impossible, depending on the liquids and environment. Nevertheless, monitoring remains essential. Many chemicals are expensive. Some must be exceptionally pure. If they fall outside of their allowable thresholds (think of someone accidentally leaving a batch on a dock), replacing them might cost tens of thousands of dollars. They might even damage their host machines.
Building wireless temperature and level sensors is not the toughest of engineering feats. Imagine the millions of dollars such a simple tool will save manufacturers everywhere in the near future.
That really is the point. Companies have been using proprietary legacy manufacturing sensor technologies for so long, and the habit of using them is so ingrained throughout industries, that it can be hard to see that there are lower cost methods of connecting sensors. Our PoC shows that the door to an enterprise scalable, plug-and-play wireless sensor network can be unlocked, opening the way for connecting new sensors and publishing data to be as simple and transparent as, say, connecting a Bluetooth headset to an audio device.
Read the IT@Intel Solution Brief, “Reduce IoT Cost and Enable Scaling Through Open Wireless Sensor Networks,” to find out more about our wireless sensor tests and the benefits that such approaches can bring to your manufacturing environment.
The post Open Wireless Sensors: A Better Way for Factories to Embrace IIoT Cord-Cutting appeared first on IT Peer Network.
Open Wireless Sensors: A Better Way for Factories to Embrace IIoT Cord-Cutting published first on https://jiohow.tumblr.com/
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Crazy Train: Part three
Antella, Warren, and Grogarath are chained and escorted back to the druid city to participate in the ceremony, which is a series of potentially life or death trials for honor and glory to their god whose name I don’t remember because this was months ago. He’s a god of the hunt, and that’s all I know. Usually their most seasoned warriors -- people who’ve trained for this their entire lives -- participate, but because our group dun fucked up super bad, we’re going in. Considering we’re low level and have no experience or training for this kind of thing, we’re screwed. Even worse, we all have to survive every single trial. If we fail even one, Farroway’s going to have a war on its hands.
Warren is a mixture of furious and completely heartbroken, and he hasn’t said a word to Antella or Grogarath for the entire trip. In fact, he hasn’t even so much as glanced at either of them. Regardless of whether they win or lose, he’s lost everything. He can never return to his home, and instead of his many academic achievements, he’ll forever be known for nearly inciting a war. Even his parents will get a lot of shame and disdain heaped on them because of his tarnished name, and their legacy will be forever muddied. Grogarath’s only regret is... Actually, despite being a huge dick and causing literally everything that’s happening, he has no regrets. He’s an asshole. Antella at least feels pretty bad that they’ve pretty irreparably ruined everything Warren’s worked for up to this point. Warren may be a racist prick, but he doesn’t deserve this.
They make it to the trial grounds are are given the courtesy of choosing which of the trials they want to assign each other. There’s three trials: One where they must face down three werecreatures -- A wereboar, a werepanther, and a werewolf -- and take a tooth from each. One where they must cross a field of ice and lava and defeat a monster to claim a magical item. The final trial is dueling the forms of ten fallen champions from the previous years to the death (technically unsummoning since they’re basically already dead) one after the other. Grogarath is all about that ice-lava challenge since he’s a fire dude, and Antella volunteers for the third trial since she’s the fighter, which leaves Warren for the first.
Warren is just completely despondent like “yeah okay sure I guess whatever” and Grogarath gets super annoyed like FFS STOP MOPING AND AT LEAST PRETEND YOU WANT TO LIVE IT’S NOT LIKE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE IS RUINED JUST SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON OR YOU’RE GOING TO GET US KILLED AND YOUR HOMETOWN THROWN INTO A WAR.
And Warren just fucking 180′s from zero to eleven and tells Grogarath off because this whole mess started because he just couldn’t resist the urge to be spiteful, and he even goes at Antella because she got in on the spite-and-inconvenience-warren game and she couldn’t keep an eye on Grogarath long enough to stop him from assaulting someone. He just goes on and on that they’ve ruined everything and just couldn’t help him at all, then tells them that if they survive this, he’s leaving the group. He’s just so pissed off and wants nothing at all to do with them and he’s just 10000% DONE. Armed with only his staff and whatever knowledge he’s got, he’s escorted into the arena for the first trial.
The first creature they let out is the wereboar. It charges at him right out of the gate, and Warren fails the save. THE FIRST ROLL AND WARREN FAILS. IT’S LIKE HE DOESN’T EVEN WANT TO LIVE. Thankfully, Gloon (That’s the rght way to spell his name, but I’m too lazy to fix it in the other posts) still owes us a miracle for helping him get his followers back to the ocean. It’s a shame to use it on THE FIRST GODDAMN TURN, but he decides to save Warren and gets him out of the way just in time for the boar to smash its skull into the side of the ring, killing it instantly. The god of the Hunt is angry about the interference, but he doesn’t do anything just yet. Warren gets his second wind and decides to fucking try instead of resigning himself to failure. Warren takes the tooth from the boar, and the trial continues.
Next out is the werepanther. Warren knows from his studies in animal behavior that it likely won’t charge at him like the pig did, and it’ll try to hide itself in the shadows and wait for the perfect chance to strike. After a bit of waiting and readying himself, the panther strikes! He’s barely able to dodge it, then uses his staff to club t right in the mouth. He’s not trying to kill it; after all, killing them isn’t the challenge. He just has to get their teeth. His intention was to hit it hard enough to knock out a tooth. Instead, he accidentally critted and caved its entire face in and fucking murdered it. WHOOPSIES. Grogarath is super impressed, and Antella doesn’t know what’s happening because she passed the hell out already because of her fear of blood. Wimpy cowardly nerd Warren is a BEAST.
Lastly comes the werewolf. Warren really doesn’t want to kill this one because he already feels bad about killing the last one. He’s a nerd, not a murderer. He takes a swing at the werewolf and misses, and the werewolf grabs him and throws him into the body of the wereboard from earlier. The boar cushions the blow enough that he doesn’t lose a shit ton of health like he would’ve if he straight up smashed into the wall. As the werewolf approaches, he gets an idea. He takes a bone laying nearby -- They don’t exactly clean the arena floor so there’s skeletons and stuff a plenty just laying around -- and tries to trick the werewolf into playing fetch. I mean, yeah it’s a giant murder machine, but it’s still kind of a dog. By all means, this absolutely should not work, BUT IT DOES!!! HE THROWS THE BONE AND THE WEREWOLF CHASES AFTER IT. While it’s distracted, Warren sneaks up on it and smacks it in the mouth and manages to knock out a tooth.
The trial is complete, and Warren is declared the winner. Antella and Grogarath tell him how impressed they are and congratulate him for his success, but he shuts them down saying he’s still angry at them and going to leave the group if they survive. He refuses Antella’s apology, though Grogarath is just kind like “well fine then fuck you too nerd i never liked you anyways “
Next up is Grogarath for the second challenge. The party and all the spectators relocate to a vast icy field covering a giant lake of lava -- Don’t ask me how the flip that’s possible just suspend your disbelief a little bit more -- and on the other side is a giant icicle with the magic artifact inside. Grogarath has to make his way across the ice without falling into the lava and claim the artifact to win. He initially plans on jumping from one piece of floating ice to the next, but Antella shouts at him not to because his giant orc ass will break the ice on impact and he’ll sink into the lava. She gets in a ton of trouble for helping him, and the officials make it known that if she or Warren do that shit again then Grogarath will be disqualified and they’ll fail.
I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before, but Grogarath has a wizard cape that he ties around his wast and wears like a belt. It was a passive-aggressive parting gift from his parents who wanted him to become a fire mage instead of a rogue. Anyways, thinking quickly, he decides to untie the cape from his waist and rip it into strips or fabric, then tie the strips together to make a long rope. He ties one end to one of his throwing daggers and uses the dagger kinda like a hook to stab ice blocks and pull them toward him so he can walk across. He makes it to the glacier with the icicle, and he tries to use a fire blast to melt it. Unfortunately, the icicle is immune to heat, though he notices a keyhole.
Just then, two fire golems emerge from the lava and attack. Unfortunately for them, Grogarath is immune to burn damage, so their attacks barely damage him. In fact, Grogarath fucking 300-STYLE SPARTA KICKS ONE OF THEM BACK INTO THE LAVA LIKE A BOSS. The other one, which he sees has the key on a necklace, gets grabbed by the throat, has the key necklace ripped off, and then gets thrown into the lava. Grogarath uses the magic key to unlock the icicle, and he retrieves the magic artifact.
He is declared victor of the second trial. However, before they can continue onward to the third and final trial back at the arena, a high priestess tells the group that one of them must enter the realm of their god before facing the fallen champions; apparently, he’s so impressed with their performance that he wishes to speak to one of them. The only problem is that in order to enter into his realm, one of them must commit ritual suicide and prove they’re unafraid of death and therefore worthy to be in his presence. Whoever chooses to speak to him will be revived if the meeting goes well. If not, then RIP YOU’RE DEAD FOREVER WHICH MEANS YOU ALL FAIL TRIAL OVER FOR YOU LET THE WAR BEGIN
Without consulting the others, Warren volunteers himself. He’s so furious with Antella and Grogarath that he considers dying to be a welcome vacation from them. He’s led away to an altar to perform the ceremony while Grogarath and Antella can only watch with fear and worry -- Antella for Warren’s safety and well-being, and Grogarath because Warren has THE WORST SPEECH SKILL AND THERE IS A 95% CHANCE HE’LL FUCK UP. Grogarath is doubtful Warren will actually be able to go through with it, though. And he’s partially right. Once Warren is on the altar and has the hunting knife in his hands, he starts losing his nerve. It’s one thing when he was just being edgy, but now that the reality of what he’s supposed to do sets in, he’s having second thoughts. However, if he refuses, then the priestess will consider his refusal of such a high honor a direct insult and will kill him where he stands.
He’s dead either way, but at least if he does the ritual then there’s a chance he’ll be able to come back. With trembling hands, he stabs himself in the stomach. He fucking survives and is now in terrible pain. He finally dies after improperly removing the knife and gutting himself.
>>> Part 4
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