#alien flower
rainsakeart · 19 days
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n3onarcades · 8 months
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mrraapeti · 10 months
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Rift Universe Fruits
1. Chabba Fruit- Sun shaped sour fruit used for lemonade equivalents.  The swirl on the front tastes like cinnamon and is used as a baking ingredient.  
2.  Disapear Fruit- A fruit that tastes like a cross between an apple and a pear.  It disappears when it feels threatened.
3. Gem Fruit- A fruit with delicious flesh that can be eaten without peeling.  Seeds are poisonous.
4. Pie-Pie Fruit- Poisonous and bitter tasting medicinal fruit.  Once refined it can be used to ease indigestion.
5. Frostdrop Fruit-  Fruit that can only be eaten when frozen, lest it melt and become a horrid gooey texture.
6. Grabba Fruit-  Used in stews, a hearty ingredient.  Hallow center, thick but sharp outer spines.
7. Cabso Fruit- A fishy smelling fruit with a sweet cherry flavored center.  The flesh around the center is inedible.
8. Tabua Fruit- Fruit that tastes awful in its base state.  The unpleasant inside is dried and refined into a dust which is used as a spice.
9. Soogar Fruit- Fruit just filled with a sweet syrup.  Is refined into sugar.
10. Myo Fruit- A fruit that has the consistency and taste of raw mammal meat.  Must be cooked to achieve peak flavor.
11. Angel Fruit- A juicy and minty fruit that grows where it snows.  Can be eaten raw or put in a salad.
12. Foya Fruit- A fruit as juicy as an orange and as spicy as a chili pepper.  Great ingredient in hotsauce.
13. Olda Dona Fruit- A Dona fruit that's far too ripe, do not eat this.
14. Bagbang Fruit- Non edible fruit. Seeds are crushed and used as gunpowder.
15. Purpur Fruit- Fruit filled with fresh, sweet water.  Essential on planets with no source of fresh water.
16. Sako Fruit- Fruit shaped like a fish that actually tastes like Gushers.
17.  Cinnakinna- Only perfect for eating when it begins to drip frosting-like syrup.  Any other time it's mediocre.
18. Hottaddi Fruit- Fruit that, when boiled, can be opened and poured out to reveal a hot, sweet drink.
19.  Nuba Dona Fruit- A perfect Dona fruit, tastes like a frosted donut.
20. Shybell Fruit- Translucent fruit with a milky juice within.  Easy to digest and a common ingredient in teas.
Rift Universe Meats
1. Dragon Roast, tough, pressure cook it.
2. Trotters, Meatsaur.  Meatsaur's are alien dinosaurs genetically altered to be ideal food.  
3. Liver, Meatsaur liver
4. Bunbun Kidneys, a toxin/poison neutralizing organ.  Soaked 72hrs before cooking renders it edible.  But why would you eat in the first place, that's gross, they're people.
5. Angel wings, small, sold in pairs.
6. The leg and foot of an unnamed mining species.  Not recognized as a planet with intelligent life, they're free game.
7. Angel leg, fine meats in the Inferno.  Technically illegal but lol you gonna say no to a demon?
8. Demon leg, fine meats in the Inferno.  Yeah them demons be fucky.
9. Entire Side, is fuckin big, animal has pretty patterns on their meat cause they skin is see through.  They live on the cold,  dark portion of Planet Rift.
10. Drumstick, Demon again, but this is pretty big and is usually fried specifically.
11. American-Style Roast, made of the native species of planet Rift, Moomkeys.  No one is safe.
12. Kallopian leg.  They lil predatory horses, but intelligent.  Everyone is food.
13. Tomahawk Steak, a fuckin frog thing, nothing special about them other than they hail from Kallop like the Kallopians.
14. Kabab chunks, angel.
15. Bunbun loin, falls apart when overcooked.
16. Ghost Filet, super hard to get so expensive.  Like not even sold to financially underwhelming people.  Tastes like fish.
17. T-Bone, unnamed slum animal.  Common meat eaten by the people at the Base of Rift City's buildings.  Tastes like 'gator.
18. Trotters, human hands.  We are all meat.
19. Angel Wing, large, sold individually.
20. Meatsaur Tongue, eaten by higher class Rift residents.
21. Meatsaur strips, for your fussy lil baby who demands tendies.
22. Demon Bacon, tastes like sin. 
23. Macro Ham, made from different cuts of Macros, giant insects, all glued together.  Presented as cold cuts.
24. I may have mis-numbered the picture.
25. Bunbun Arms, chewy.
26. Dragon Neck, enjoyed by older Rift generations.  Not very good really but it's TRADITION.
27. Ribs, unnamed giant bird found on rift.  Kinda cruel to eat this considering the birds are peaceful.
28. Sard Tail, like eating a fucking fetus you monster.  Sards reproduce by budding, dropping their tail end so it can reform into a new Sard.  You're awful for eating this.
Rift Universe Plants
1. Sky Bush, a bush that floats through the air.  Good luck to spot one.
2. Mercy Belles, flower named after an act performed in Rift's history.  A pair of frighten sisters offered these flower to a Rift colonizer as they begged for their life.  They were not spared.  Bad luck to give one to someone you like.
3. Coro Tree, secretes a sap that eats away at the tree itself.  
4. Peaktre Tree, small tree often trimmed into shapes.  Sprouts flowers on the leafy portion a translucent reflective dangly flowers below.
5. Hoverleaf bush, remarkable due to the fact that the leaves float, but is otherwise poisonous.
6. Devil's Tail stalk, secretes a tasty yet often throat-closing sap.
7. Brealla, tall stalks of harmless plant that can be used a defense against Rift's acid rain.
8. Marsh Mall, mushroom that tastes like chocolate and gets you high as fuck.  Dangerous in high doses.
P. Fliver, mobil plant native to Kallop.
10. Relp Cabbage, loved by herbivores of Rift.
11. Triproot, root-system that relies on its preytripping and falling into it's tendrils.
12. Speaksies, aka Screamers.  Replays what it hears to excess when a living thing nears it.  Fields of these flowers are  completely devoid of any life with a heartbeat.
13.  Scarebros, also found in fields but uses a humanoid figure to deter other humanoids from nearing it's flower.  Grows  better in well cared-for farms, humanoid figure can be harvested as farm-animal feed.
14. Orbit Berries, tastey!  Picks up small objects and flings them at enemies.
15. Space Rose, the first flower found by human astronauts.  Not really a flower, it's a demon below the planet they were on.
16. Garlands, leaves that grow from a mold found only on ceilings.
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curlybuttumbl · 10 months
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unidentified fucking THING
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footballzombie · 7 months
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Oscar and Tato
they’re liek friends/enemies or whatever. the friendship is onesided tho Oscar hates Tato
ill shitpost about Dave someday
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gardentranquility · 1 year
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Today i offer
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live flower reaction
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shannonknight · 2 years
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Another alien flower in between portrait commissions, adapted from a sketchbook drawing. 🐣
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neonmixtapetour · 2 years
YEA YEA YOU GOT IT BUDDY WELCOME TO TUMBLR!!! i hope you enjoy your stay you seem VERY cool
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love me some reed and an autism flower
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aeontriad · 2 years
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👽 🌺
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anterma · 7 months
I need a honest opinion. Which version is better
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mebis-art-dump · 3 months
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faint familiarity
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kyurochurro · 2 months
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you’re out of this galaxy, valentine!! 💙💌💛
(super late spirk valentines drawing! jus pretend I posted this on the 14th LMAO I meant to get this out on time but I kept getting sick and busy with boatloads of uni work 🥲)
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curlybuttumbl · 10 months
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I can officially sleep again
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1st-1 · 1 year
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lieximhuman · 4 months
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Shinji my beloved :)
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