#alicent hightower is so desperate to be happy
The Good Queen
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(Gif not mine)
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing(s): Viserys Targaryen x Fem!Reader, Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen, Harwin Strong x Alicent Hightower, Harwin Strong x Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen x Alicent Hightower, Daemon Targaryen x Harwin Strong (I won’t apologize for everyone being gay for each other)
Tag: hotd the good queen
Warning: Fluff. Happy ending. No one dies (except Aemma, sorry love) and everyone lives. Age gaps. No feud. No greens or blacks. Slight gore.
Word Count: 3,901
Summary: The King must choose a new wife, and Alicent’s older sister, Y/n Hightower, is a suitable choice and a perfect match. For once, Viserys makes a decision that benefits everyone and upsets little few. The Seven Kingdoms are better for it.
Author’s Note: Not a request. Oddly enough, plenty request Otto imagines but never King Viserys. I thought I'd give it a try since I had an idea. But to be honest, Viserys x Reader are sort of background pairing/onlookers of this.
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
It was the most logical choice to pick the eldest daughter of Otto Hightower. It was also all part of Lady Y/n’s plan. After the death of her mother, she had become the guardian figure her younger sister, Alicent, truly needed in her time of grief and loneliness. Older and far more mature in beauty and wisdom, The Lady Y/n Hightower was determined to still give Alicent whatever was left of her childhood and did everything in her power to make her little sister feel loved and accepted. So if there were whispers regarding Alicent, Y/n likely knew about it. One night, her handmaid came into her room and warned her of whispers involving her little sister and the King. The maid spoke of Lord Otto placing Alicent where Viserys could see her after the death of the late Queen Aemma, and Y/n was beyond disgusted and furious.
However, instead of confronting her father, Y/n went behind his back and also placed herself where Viserys could see her. While she couldn’t stop Alicent from seeing the King at night without raising suspicion, she did, however, visited the King between meals and even ask Princess Rhaenyra if she could attend the Small Council meetings to act as another cupbearer. Rhaenyra, excited with the prospect of another woman being a part of the meetings, accepted the proposal. Y/n made sure to fill Viserys’ cup modestly and had even accompanied him in the royal gardens a time or two after that. It didn’t take much effort before he announced to his small council his engagement to her. Rhaenyra, sad but relieved her father found another wife, gladly welcomed Y/n into the family with open arms and was even more excited at the idea of Alicent being ever closer to being a part of her family.
The Hand of the King, however, was less than happy and voiced how displeased he was of her when finding time alone with his eldest daughter, “What have you done?”
“Done?” Y/n questioned from her vanity mirror, removing her earrings after a long day of the people of the court congratulating her.
“He was supposed to marry your sister.”
“Why would he want Alicent, Father?” Y/n tilted her head innocently at the reflection of Otto standing at a distance behind her, “She’s but a child.”
“In the gods' eyes, she is a woman grown.”
“So am I. I am the eldest, so why must she be married off first?”
“She’s the most comely lady in court.”
“If you think me ugly, Father,” she snarled, finally standing up and turning to face her father head-on, “Just say it and be done with it.”
“I had wished to marry you off to your cousin.”
“Ormund is Heir to Oldtown. Surely my uncle would want a better match for him to ally another large house to ours instead of within our own family. You’re a political man. Try to be smarter than the second son desperate for power.”
The insult strained their relationship if it hadn’t been strained already. Lord Otto barely spoke to his eldest daughter after that unless common courtesy compels him to do so, like complimenting her wedding dress before he gave her away to Viserys. Y/n may not have felt love when the King kissed her with the promise of affection and commitment, but she felt relief. Upon watching the way Alicent danced and laughed during the feast that night, entirely unaware and still innocent of childhood, Y/n knew she made the right decision.
It wasn’t long before Y/n was pregnant then the world as she knew it imploded with excitement. The maesters, after tending to all of the former Queen Aemma’s sickly pregnancies, were astonished to see Y/n flourish in quite the opposite direction. In a strange way, she was excited to be a mother, and practically raising Rhaenyra and Alicent helped with that dream.
At first hesitant, the princess grew to love Y/n as her stepmother, especially since the new Queen was her best friend’s sister. Even though Y/n was rumored to be carrying a son inside of her, Rhaenyra tried not to openly worry for her sake. She may be Viserys’ shiny new heir, but the idea of Queen Y/n having a son bothered Rhaenyra, even though Y/n tried easing her worries with the promise of always openly advocating for the princess’ right to the throne. This aggravated Lord Otto for obvious reasons. After Aegon was born, the Hand tried reaffirming his position over his daughter in order to persuade her into raising Aegon as the future king. In return, he got a stone wall, unmoveable even in the strongest of storms.
“You may be the Hand of the King,” Y/n had sneered at her father one night in the safety of her chambers, “But I am the wife to the King. I am the Queen.”
And with his daughter as Queen, Lord Otto found himself in lesser power than when she was just a lady of the court. With her baby boy on her hip, Queen Y/n attended many Small Council meetings, shameless at the stares of men around her when she took her seat next to Viserys, stealing the spot away from his Hand. Over some time, Y/n became to lean towards Rhaenyra when the princess poured her wine and offered small treats to her little half-brother. With the proper influence, Y/n had also convinced Viserys to grant his daughter a seat at the table, no longer a cupbearer. Y/n then happily stepped aside and let Rhaenyra sit next to her father while the Queen sat next to her own. By then, Lord Otto never felt further away from the King, physically and cognitively.
Even less so when his younger daughter was married off under his own nose. Like a carpet pulled underneath him, Lord Otto was forced to walk Alicent down the aisle and be handed off to her new husband, Harwin “Breakbones” Strong. Some wonder who could have ever picked out such a perfect match, while others looked no further than the Queen herself. With her father’s pawns now swiftly taken from him, Lord Otto begrudgingly asked King Viserys for his blessing to resign. Although shocked, Viserys only had to look to his wife before granting his Hand a dismissal.
Tail between his legs, Otto Hightower left for Oldtown, never to return to King’s Landing, even when his daughters produced him grandchildren. In his place, Lord Lyonel Strong was named Hand of the King and he was a better-suited friend to the throne, and most importantly, an ally to his Queen.
Queen Y/n was a busy woman, even while pregnant. Especially while pregnant. She couldn’t afford anyone trying to take away her power and influence when she was knocked down and so she was constantly on the move, no matter how round she got. Her daughter, Helaena, came quicker than Aegon, and so the Red Keep was filled with delight at the announcement of a new princess soon to roam the halls. Rhaenyra was delighted. She was spotted trying to teach the baby girl how to walk, letting her little sister hang onto her hands and trot over her own feet. Alicent was already a proud aunt, but she doted on Helaena much like Y/n used to dote on her own younger sister. It seems as though the Queen had been quite the influence between Rhaenyra and Alicent, both now fully grown, beautiful and proud.
If Alicent was missing her father, she never showed it. Instead, she spent her time excited when she learned she would soon be a mother herself. Watching Y/n raise her children, Alicent had grown to wish to be just like her sister one day. Harwin was kind to his young wife and understood his place in her heart must be shared with the people around her. He knew Alicent loved her sister, the Queen. He knew she loved her niece, Helaena, and nephew, Aegon, and above all, he knew she loved the Princess Rhaenyra. Harwin couldn’t blame Alicent. Harwin had grown to love her, too.
Y/n and Alicent were soon pregnant together, and it felt as though the Seven Kingdoms could not have had a more beautiful, plentiful summer that year. Everyone was happy, whether of the royal family growing or from the prospect of the harvest. Most of King’s Landing was always celebrating and most stomachs were full and warm. With the Queen and her sister expecting, the castle was alive with happiness and love.
However, Y/n knew there was one individual who was internally unhappy. She was no fool. The Queen saw the way Rhaenyra looked at Alicent and the way Alicent looked at Rhaenyra. Surely, Alicent’s unborn child sparked a deep-dwelling of sadness within Rhaenyra, longing still evident in her eyes. Eventually, Y/n saw the way Ser Harwin stared after the princess as well and knew that something had to be done. She wouldn’t dare dream of separating the three, but she knew that Rhaenyra had to marry soon or who knows what sort of rumors might blossom should someone else notice the tension between the princess, Alicent, and Harwin. Rhaenyra needed a husband, despite the princess making it difficult to find a suitor. Y/n knew where to look, but unlike the other times, it would take a lot more effort to convince the King of this match.
“No,” Viserys smiled, despite the clouds looming overhead, “Absolutely not. Daemon is not worthy of my daughter.”
“If you could have your way, no one would be worthy of her,” Y/n sighed, briefly smiling at her husband while rounding the Small Council’s table towards him, her hand brushing over the surface. They were alone at the moment, waiting for the other members to join them, “But she is your heir, and she’s no longer a child. She is unwed, and last I heard, Daemon had recently lost his wife, Lady Royce. As I understand it, their marriage was left unconsummated.”
“Others will look to him to be King, instead of Rhaenyra their Queen,” Viserys retorted.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. Not everyone will be happy, no matter what decision you make, Your Grace.”
She reaches the King, her hands finding purchase on his shoulders as she crossed to stand behind him, rubbing his aging shoulders and physically feeling his body slowly uncoil and relax. Viserys sighs, long and exhausted, his fingers rising to rub his eyes, but instead reach further back and clasp Y/n’s hand instead. She squeezes his hand encouragingly, while Viserys still looked hesitant and forlorn, “He’s not worthy of her...”
“No,” Y/n leans down and kissed the top of his head, “But he does love her. And I think she loves him, too. They are dragons, Viserys, and your kin. Your house sigil requires three dragon heads. If Rhaenyra is to be Queen someday, then she will need heirs of her own. She’ll need dragons. This marriage proposal is not an unheard-of custom, especially for a Targaryen. This alliance will keep your legacy strong long after you and I are gone, and your reign over Westeros will remain peaceful long after Rhaenyra has passed on.”
The Small Council meets that evening, and Viserys announces Daemon and Rhaenyra’s engagement. For supper, that night, King Viserys and Queen Y/n sit beside Rhaenyra and invite the children and Harwin and Alicent along for the celebration as well. Rhaenyra’s eyes sparkled again for the first time in a while, and if Y/n noticed the tight grip her stepdaughter had on her hand, she didn’t comment.
Thankfully, Daemon was on board with this proposal and made no fuss when he was summoned to King’s Landing. Both he and Rhaenyra were married by the end of seven, long days of festivities. The newlyweds decided to temporarily part for Dragonstone, but both rushed back on their dragons when they received word of Queen Y/n and Lady Alicent both going into labor.
Aemond was a difficult delivery, but Y/n was, as always, overjoyed to have the infant brought into her arms. Down the hall, not long after Aemond was born, the Queen could hear a different cry coming out of her sister’s room.
Alicent birthed a son, Jacerys Strong. The whole kingdom rejoiced over their new prince and little lord. Many spoke about the bond the two would share growing up and strengthening the alliance between House Targaryen and House Strong. Lifelong friends were born that day, and Y/n could not wait to raise her children alongside her sisters'.
Rhaenyra quickly became pregnant as well, and by this time, Y/n had noticed the way Rhaenyra and Alicent hold onto each other as they roam the gardens, both of their husbands following them in tow. The Queen doesn’t miss the way the four often spend most of their time together, day and night. Sometimes, Y/n feels as though she’s intruding when watching them all interact. Rhaenyra and Alicent are usually glued to each other’s side, but if not, sometimes Y/n noticed Daemon accompanying Alicent and Harwin attending to Rhaenyra. There are times when even all three are attending to the princess as her stomach slowly grows. Now that she noticed this, Queen Y/n noticed other things as well, like how intense those training sessions between Daemon and Harwin can be.
For the most part, Y/n turns a blind eye and makes no complaint. She doesn’t say a word to Viserys, but she’s seen the way the King watches his daughter with her... group of confidants, and part of Y/n wonders if her husband sees it, too. Perhaps she is not the only one turning a blind eye in order to see Rhaenyra happy with the family her father always wanted her contented with.
Daemon and Rhaenyra’s firstborn is also named Aegon, nicknamed the Younger. Aegon the Elder was delighted when Rhaenyra confessed she named her child after her brother more so than the Conqueror. Viserys was a proud grandfather/uncle, holding the babe in his arms as he sat upon the Iron Throne to announce Aegon’s birth to the court. During the festivities, Viserys even made a lighthearted joke about how his darling wife was so young and it was nearly impossible to believe that she was now a grandmother.
More children came after that, though Daeron would be Y/n’s last after she broke out in fevers once she birthed him. She survived, but after that, both she and Viserys agreed that Daeron would be their last one. Alicent and Harwin bore two more sons, Lucerys and Joffrey, while Daemon and Rhaenyra had another son and a daughter, Viserys II, and Visenya. Despite a few age differences in between, all the children were raised together within the Red Keep and grew up nearly forgetting that they were, in fact, not all direct siblings. They were taught together. They trained together, sewed together, and fought together.
Ten years passed and they were the best years of King Viserys’ life, or so people claim. Even as his health declined, he made no room for sorrow, only joy when his children and grandchildren were involved. One of his favorite pastimes was overlooking the courtyard and watching as his children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews all played together. All of the Targaryen children’s dragons, still small with age, curiously watched them play as well, acting more like large dogs than fiery beasts.
As they got older, some of the boys got rougher. As siblings-who-are-not-really-siblings do, they all occasionally fight or they take their anger out in training. One unfortunate incident was between Aemond and Lucerys. Whilst training, it was clear that the cousins were angry at each other over something minuscule and so they tried to vent using the swing of their swords. Unfortunately, Luke swung hard and Aemond didn’t sidestep in time to avoid it. The very tip of the Strong boy’s sword slashed across Aemond’s eye, leaving behind an unspeakable scene full of blood and screams.
The Queen was summoned right away, directed to Aemond’s chambers where her son was already abed with the Grand Maester tending to him. It was a gruesome scene, even with the wound already cleaned. Aemond’s eye was swollen and angry, a long, ugly cut running through it, trailing down his cheek and over his eyebrow.
The maester moves away from the bed and allows the Queen to take his place by her son’s side as he explained, “I have given as much Milk of the Poppy as I could, Your Grace, but for a child of his size, it would be too dangerous to give him the proper doses he would normally need to relax. The pain has dulled, but it will linger.”
The Queen sits on the edge of Aemond’s bed, “It will heal, will it not?”
“The flesh will heal into a scar... but the eye is lost, Your Grace.”
Y/n’s face crumbles in distress, taking Aemond’s hand in hers while brushing some of his silver hair from his young face, “What happened?”
“An accident in the training yard, Your Grace, as I understand it.”
“Luke cut me!” Aemond cried in anger, “He cut me and I should have left my mark in return! I had my chance and I couldn’t take it! I wish I had!”
"Aemond," his mother warns, eyeing him with a look that only a mother could threaten with her child, “You don’t mean that. I understand your anger and your grief, but at the end of the day, what happened was an accident. Tragic, yes, but an accident. Luke is your cousin. He is a part of your family and he loves you. He would have never intentionally harmed you and you know it.”
She leans forward then and kisses his forehead, just above the top of the cut, "We can get you something to cover it up. Or, once it fully heals, we can replace it with a false eye. A diamond, perhaps? Ruby?"
Her lightheartedness softens Aemond’s anger, slightly, as he relents to his mother’s touch, leaning into her embrace as he entertains her idea, "Sapphire."
She leans back so he could see her smile of approval, "A fine choice, my love.”
The Queen stands up, taking her time to help Aemond lie down and get properly tucked into his covers. She lovingly pets his hair down as she turns to the maester beside her, “Grand Maester. Have some essence of Nightshade brought up to my son’s chambers. He needs time to rest and heal.”
“At once, Your Grace,” the maester bows then exits the room.
Y/n leans back down to her son one last time, bringing his hand up to her face to kiss his fingers, “Be hopeful, son. Women like men with scars."
She leaves the room and makes her long trek to the kitchens. Rounding a corner, she comes across her sister. Alicent was distraught and full of guilt, grasping the Queen's hands in hers as she cries, "I'm so sorry... Harwin and I will punish Luke accordingly."
"There's no need," Y/n is quick to reassure Alicent, her sisterly instincts kicking back in. The instinct never truly went away. It was dormant, but Y/n will always protect her sister, no matter how old she gets, "It was an accident, Ali. Aemond will not resent your son for it. I can imagine Luke is very distraught about what happened. You must attend to him. Reassure him that he was not at fault and I would never hold this over my nephew."
After she sent Alicent back to her family, Y/n returns to her original task and heads to the kitchens. She returns to Aemond's chambers a little while later, carrying a tray of food and drink for her son, ignoring the servants when they offered to carry it for her. Behind her, Aegon, Helaena, and Daeron are hovering in the doorway, poking their heads into the room and trying to get a good look at their brother abed. The Queen sets the tray down and turns back to the doorway with a knowing glance, “Come along. Dine with your brother but then leave him to rest.”
A picnic was made in Aemond’s bed, his mother and siblings surrounding him as they nibbled on bread and cheese. They talked about other things to distract the injured prince, telling stories about their day or laughing at a joke Aegon said. Viserys, in search of his family, limped into the room with his cane not long after, smiling softly at the scene before him.
After sending her other children away to let Aemond sleep, Y/n takes her husband's arm and carefully walks with him to her own chambers. His hair had begun to thin out and a hunch in his back drove him to lean forward or off to the side as he walked crookedly. He was no longer the peaceful, handsome king Y/n had married, and a small ache in her heart hammered every time she looked into his eyes, age spots and wrinkles beginning to form on his pale skin. Despite his troubles with his health, he still never looked happier.
"You are a wonderful woman, Y/n," Viserys held her arm in a firm grip, his kind smile pulling those wrinkles further up his face. His eyes dazzled warmly, happily, without a sign of a lie, "You're a good mother, a good queen, but most importantly you're a good wife. Had I not married you... I am not sure I would be surrounded by the most loving family and ruling such a prosperous kingdom. What would I do without you?"
Y/n smiled back, patting his arm affectionately as they make it down the long hallway of their home, "Best not to dwell on such a question, my love. The Seven Kingdoms are better off without knowing."
Viserys dies in his sleep a few years later. His health had gotten worse and the only thing he allowed the maester to administrate was the Milk of the Poppy to dull the pain. Otherwise, he didn't ask for a cure, nor did he try to even fight his illness. Many often wondered if, in the end, he was waiting to die. Others thought that guilt was a deadly illness and whatever secret the King had, died with him. After being given a window to mourn, the now Queen Regent, Y/n Hightower, crowned Viserys' rightful heir herself.
Queen Rhaenyra's coronation was grand, as what Viserys would've wanted for his beloved daughter. Daemon, his brother, proudly took the name, King Consort, while Rhaenyra named her firstborn son, Prince Aegon the Younger, her rightful heir. Lyonel Strong remained the Hand of the Queen, but his son, Harwin, was named Commander of the City Watch and was given a place at the Small Council's table. His children with Alicent were given titles to many lands, their oldest son heir to Harrenhal. Aegon the Elder was permitted the claim to Dragonstone, while Rhaenyra's other half-siblings were appointed as squires and cupbearers to her court, some were even betrothed to the Strong children.
Y/n, however, remained in King's Landing, despite being granted permission to go back to her family's home, Oldtown. With Rhaenyra's permission, she remained in the Red Keep where she had made a home among her children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Y/n Hightower -once called the Good Queen- died in her bed many years later, after briefly meeting her first great-grandchild to her son, Aegon, and his wife and niece, Visenya.
There were no Blacks. There were no Greens. A hundred years will pass and everyone will know the story of how one woman stopped the Dance of Dragons from ever happening. Or better yet, no one will have ever even heard of it.
A/N: I know, I switched everything up and made everyone confused. This was a form of therapy for me after I wished that everyone in the show would just get along.
Part Two
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girlfromenglishclass · 6 months
In case you were wondering, I HAVEN'T stopped thinking about Alicent Hightower and how she is constantly forced to uphold the institutions that have ruined her life.
She just wants the due of her sacrifices. Think about her position. She's sacrificed her freedom and happiness in order to uphold the institution of the crown and law, and the line of succession. She centers her life on the care of her husband rapist and children.
She had to get married and start having babies purely because Viserys needed a queen, and heirs. And yet, she's not allowed to fulfill her only purpose. Rhaenyra is the heir, not Aegon. So Alicent gave away her youth for nothing. Why bother remarrying if he's going to keep Rhaenyra as heir anyway? But she can make her peace with that.
Then comes Rhaenyra's children. Clearly bastards, defeating the whole purpose of the line of succession. If that is allowed to stand, then Alicent has to admit that her whole life is for nothing. She had to do what she was told, had to give up her freedoms, but for no reason. Where is duty, where is sacrifice?
When she tells Rhaenyra "you flout it all to do as you please," she's not speaking out of jealousy, it's desperation. From Alicent's perspective, Rhaenyra is throwing away the principle that she gave her life for. So yes, she goes for the knife and burns the servants and steals the crown. It has to be for something. Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law.
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A Perfect Score - Chapter 8 - The Fallout | FigureSkating!AU
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Summary: You wait for whatever secrets Larys might have, but they say things get worse before they get better. Right? | Word Count: 8k~ | Warnings under the cut~
Series Masterlist | Links to my Taglists: General Taglist | Aemond Targaryen Taglist
Warnings: angst 💀, smut straight out the gate, semi-public(?) sex, degradation, praise, aemond being a sexual menace, dirty talk, p in v unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), creampie, mentions of emotionally abusive relationships (both platonic and romantic), mentions of injury resulting in loss of sight, lots of swearing, feelings of inadequacy
A/N: oh lord here we go
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It had been a week since you’d last heard from Larys, and the anticipation of what he would return with had your palms sweating as you double tapped your phone screen, seeing if any notifications were there to greet you.
Your heart raced with worry, and it was difficult to not show it around Aemond, now that the both of you were attached at the hip. Every quiet moment, Aemond would try and squeeze in some kind of gesture before inevitably his family would walk in. But as the days went on, instead of biting his lip, putting distance between you and his cheeks blossoming being seen romantically with you, he lingered, making it clear to whoever chose to disturb either of you that he didn’t care if they saw.
He was slowly beginning to care less about that, focussing said care on something else.
As proven by your time together on the tour, Aemond was insatiable.
You honestly don’t know how his dick hasn’t fallen off yet, or that he’s not on some kind of blood pressure medication, by the way he enjoys fucking you into oblivion any spare, quiet moment he gets. Not that it’s something to necessarily complain about. But the more time passed, the more your nerves began to spike, wanting to desperately have him define what was going on here.
Helaena seemed to give the impression this was strange behaviour for him. With the exception of the person Hel so lovingly called ‘that fucking dinosaur’, Aemond’s conquests had been just that. Casual. No strings attached. Sometimes not even necessarily because it had to be, but because he’d shut it down before it went any further.
You didn’t ask Aemond about that.
Even Alicent had mentioned as such, that she’d never seen her son so happy and content.
So why was there this sicky feeling in your stomach?
It was still so early in the morning that it was dark, the faintest of dark blue in the sky to remind you that the sun was just about to come up. And here you were, not in bed, not snuggled in bed sheets. But skates on, all limbered up and ready to practise.
In lieu of Aemond, you shoved your headphones in and leant against the ledge on your forearms, idly hovering on the ice, scrolling through the various news articles.
Martells: Trouble in Paradise? Qoren in trouble after leaving Sunspear Strip Club with blonde stranger Aemond Targaryen and his muse. He fell first but she fell harder, our source says. Otto Hightower seen giving flowers to Floris Baratheon as she is discharged from hospital
The last one made your nose crinkle.
Course he was seen doing it.
You almost jumped out of your skin and dropped your phone in your hands as a firm, tall body bumped into you from behind, genuinely winding you as your form became sandwiched between it and the ledge.
"Fucking-" you pull out your earphones and throw a look over your shoulder. Knowing exactly who it is.
Aemond smiles apologetically, but not really that sorry, and snakes his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, looking all innocent. But what isn’t so innocent is the way he’s so unabashedly pressed up against you.
You raise an eyebrow, "You done sneaking about?"
He huffs a laugh, the air blowing on your neck as you pretend to scroll on your phone to ignore him, “Was hardly ‘sneaking about’, you’re just going deaf”
He reaches over and scrolls back up, back at the news article you’d ignored a second earlier.
Aemond grins, “Pfft, Aemond Targaryen seen bringing his lover home to meet his family” he recites from the article's title, “do you think they have any idea what actually goes on, hm?”
You roll your eyes partly as his hands drop to your hips, squeezing gently, managing at the same time to grind his hips against your backside. You can’t really ignore the heat that’s beginning to gather in your belly when he does that.
You smirk at him over your shoulder, “Shouldn’t we be practising?”
His hands still make their way over every curve he can find. His mind miles away from said practice.
“Hm. I thought we could practise something else”
You catch his wrist, cheeks bright red as he tries to slip his fingers past the waistband of your leggings, “Aemond!” you whisper-shout, “there’s security cameras!”
“They don’t work” he muses, pressing a few open-mouthed kisses to your neck as he turns his head into you, wilfully ignorant of how embarrassed this is making you, “lucky for us”
His hand slips completely beneath the leggings, expertly sliding between your legs to swipe two digits along your folds. A quiet breathy mewl slips past your lips, your backside pressing softly into his obvious hardness, knowing full well he’ll likely punish you in his own way for teasing him.
“See, now you’re all wet for me” he whispers in your ear, teasing his fingers past your folds just barely, prodding at your slick entrance, “I’ve got myself a needy little slut, haven’t I?”
“Aemond, please -”
You’re not entirely sure how he manages to do it. How you instantly turn to mush when he touches you. When he speaks to you.
You can scarcely believe you ever really hated him.
Sometimes, you wonder if it ever was truly hate.
For either of you, it couldn’t have been.
You feel the way Aemond hums deep in his chest, “But I’m having so much fun teasing you, baby” he coos quietly, pressing the pads of his fingers in tight, soft circles on your clit, spreading what slick had gathered over it. The motion has a stuttered breath slipping past your lips, your hips sinking on him, searching for more contact.
You’re more annoyed than anything that he’s having such a good time watching you squirm, and embarrassment blooms hot at your cheeks.
“Turn around”
Your eyes snap open. His voice is so different, and how easily he’s able to flit from soft, teasing to harsh and domineering always manages to make your knees feel weak.
He pulls his hand free, not even waiting for you to do as he says before he spins you around, shoving your lower back hard against the ledge and kicking your legs apart with one of his. His eye is focussed entirely on the task at hand, jaw tight and his expression completely flat. He looks almost angry, but you know he’s just impatient.
You swallow thickly as he rolls the leggings over your hips, taking the underwear with it so it hangs around your upper thighs. He’s so rough with you that even now, before he’s done anything, that his fingers leave little red imprints where he’s been.
“I’ve been wanting to taste your pussy for days, princess” he muses, slipping to his knees, heedless of the ice leaking freezing water onto his sweatpants, “we’ve not had a spare moment, have we?”
You almost outright sob in want when he presses his face to your core, inhaling your scent deeply like he’s not been between them every day since you arrived back at his home.
“ - fuck - princess -”
You press your lips together to stifle a moan when you feel his tongue part your folds, licking a long stripe over your entrance, a low moan vibrating through your core. Your grip, white-knuckled on the ledge, tightens. As does his on the fleshy skin of your thighs, keeping them wide apart for him to feast on your cunt.
You’re not sure who is really enjoying this more, but based on the sounds Aemond is making while he drags his tongue from your entrance to your clit, lighting sucking on the sensitive bud and moaning while he does it, it would seem he is.
Airiness floods your head and that same pressure is beginning to tighten up in your gut when he grazes his teeth softly against your clit, redoubling his efforts and diving down to fuck you with his tongue, caressing the top of your slick walls with it. He groans as you reach one hand down and tighten it in his hair, ruining the bun he’d had it in. Aemond takes it in his stride, shuffling closer to you and nuzzling his nose against your core, providing pleasure in both ways with the way his sharp nose keeps butting against your bundle of nerves.
Tugging slightly on his follicles, the coil in your belly winds tighter, and you feel your body sinking repeatedly onto him, moving your hips in micro-movements to increase the contact.
“Fuck - Aemond -”
He smirks against you, giving one fat stripe over your folds before breaking away briefly, “You gonna cum for me, princess?” he asks quietly, before moving back in to pleasuring you.
You’re only able to get out hard pants before finding the energy to reply, “Yes, yes…” you chant, your hips finding him over and over, chasing that high.
Aemond pulls away, moving to stand quickly and crashing his lips to yours, his tongue moving against yours and allowing you to share in the heady, exciting taste of your arousal. You moan softly into his mouth, fisting his shirt to pull him closer, putting all of your disappointment at being denied your peak into kissing him back, nipping at his bottom lip harshly as he pulls away.
Instead of looking annoyed at how clearly annoyed you are, he simply smirks, his tongue darting out to clear his lips of any arousal or saliva, soothing where you’d bit him.
“Patience, princess”
He spins you around again before you have a chance to bark back, pushing you over the ledge with a hand flat on your back. Your skates bang against the side and you nearly lose your balance, before Aemond presses his legs against you to keep you stable.
“What the fu-ow!”
Heat blooms on your ass when Aemond slaps it, soothing it with his palm afterwards. It aches there but also between your legs, where more arousal has gathered, desperately needing friction. Or just something.
Aemond huffs a laugh, managing to pull down his sweatpants just enough to sheath himself deep inside you in one smooth motion. The sudden intrusion has your walls stretching to accommodate his size, the slight prickle of pain stoking the fire that had been neglected in your belly. You gasp, grappling forward as he bottoms out and begins immediately pistoning into you, spearing you apart on his cock like it’s the last thing he’ll do.
“ - fffuck, baby - so fucking tight-”  he breathes between thrusts, his hips smacking harshly against yours, “ - so fucking wet for me, always so wet for me, aren’t you-”
You can only manage staggered moans in reply, your body constantly hurtled forward by the brutal rhythm of his cock driving into your heat over and over. You hope to any god out there that he doesn't actually want a proper reply. You’re not sure if you’re even capable of that right now.
“I like fucking you in your skates, with all your clothes on -” he breathes hot against your ear, leaning over and changing the angle, so he hits impossibly deeper, “-just my dirty, little cockslut, aren’t you-”
“-Aemond, please-”
“What” he replies harshly, increasing the intensity of his thrusts. He almost seems frustrated with how erratically his hips push against your backside, with the sounds to match, “gods, you’re so fucking needy for me - just like to be properly fucked, don’t you, princess -”
Your skates drift across the ice with every movement, breasts pressing near-painfully into the ledge. Being fully clothed like this, while you’re meant to be working, feels so dirty, so erotic, that it fans the flames inside you, pushing an all-consuming orgasm through your core, numbing into your limbs, with a wild cry of his name.
“That’s it, good girl - love it when you cum for me, fuck, love being inside you - lov-” he babbles incoherently, before his own voice strains, your core squeezing him so tightly that he spills deep inside you, filling you with his warmth.
You feel his heaved breaths at your back, trying desperately to suck the air back into his lungs.
He stays nestled inside you for some time, only moving away and pulling out after a long moment. You whine softly at the loss of him, hearing the fumbling of him pulling his sweatpants back up. You do the same, covering yourself on shaky legs, feeling the thrum of your own heartbeat through your core.
He’s quiet.
Before you can really ask him what’s wrong, his arms wrap around you from behind. It’s a far cry from the way he was holding/fucking you earlier. It’s soft and tender, like one wrong move and he thinks you’ll break in half. He holds you close, your back pressed against his chest, where you can feel the steady beat of his heart, calming down.
His hands clasp at your front, his chin resting at the crown of your head.
“You okay?” you ask, covering his hands with yours, soothing his hand with your thumb. The action makes your stomach roll, an unfamiliar feeling being stoked within.
You feel him nod.
“Yeah, yeah…fine” he says, barely above a whisper.
Even though he’s not convincing anyone, you don’t prod or pry for more information. You know him well enough that he’d appreciate just your understanding and silence. So that’s exactly what you do.
You just stand, in a comfortable silence, pressed tightly against each other.
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Eventually, he begrudgingly did start practising the finals routine with you. And though both of you were pumping hot in your blood with lust after the quickie, there was always, always something unsaid. You could tell there was something Aemond wanted to say, but didn’t have the courage to form the words.
The last time either of you were at the ice rink at his home, the shared touches were electric, almost painful, and there was then an underlying hostility.
But now.
It felt completely different.
And you didn’t know what to do.
The press were onto you. Both of you, like hounds. Like they could smell something was going on. They’d even started constantly hanging around outside the security gates, waiting for someone to come out, or to catch a glimpse of the supposed couple.
Sat on the bench, unlacing your skates, you look up at Aemond as he pulls on his shoes.
“Just gonna freshen up before lunch, see you inside?” he asks, pulling on his jacket in preparation of being rained on.
You can hear the rattling of the incessant raindrops on the metal roof of the ice rink.
You spare him a smile and nod, “Course”
You don’t know why it surprises you, but he bends down, one hand tugging your face up to his to press a tender, almost loving kiss, as quick as it is, to your lips. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
It has you frozen in your own body as you watch him walk away, slipping out the door, the rain pelting on the ground outside becoming briefly louder as it swings shut, dropping you into silence.
Your lips are warm from him, a deep point in your belly is also.
Just as you slip your shoes on, your phone buzzes in your pocket. Before any other feeling, a lingering sense of unease rolls through you.
Larys Strong has shared a link with you.
Swallowing thickly, you stare at the screen for what feels like hours. And then a follow up email, just with text.
Here is all I have.
With a shaky breath, you swipe his email away and click on the link, which takes you to a Google Drive. Anxiety twists in your chest, feeling very much like you are doing something you shouldn’t. But the not-knowing is driving you crazy, so the loading bar at the top of the screen somewhat aggravates you, impatience humming in your blood.
Two folders.
_Floris Baratheon Incident
And one with your name.
With shaky thumbs, you decide to click on Floris’ first.
Several screenshots of conversations, email exchanges, text messages, even a voice message.
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Do something to her skates.
You immediately recognise the phone number as his.
Otto Hightower sabotaged Floris Baratheon.
Your breath is stuck in your throat, dread rising with the anxiety.
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He had not only wanted Floris out. He was willing to physically harm her, pay someone else to do it, so that her contract would be broken.
The voice recording is largely muffled, making you press the speaker side of your phone right to your ear. But from the sounds of it, it’s Otto.
“I know it’s good to have a Baratheon on our side of the competition, but Floris is nowhere near good enough to launch Aemond into the Olympics. While she likes him, he doesn’t like her. We need some kind of…integrated relationship if we’re going to convince the judges. There’s nobody there on our side anymore, since Viserys died”
He goes on, the recorder muffled. Perhaps in someone’s pocket.
“I can’t break her contract without paying her. She needs to be gone, as soon as possible”
The tone of his voice. Talking about Floris like she’s not a person, makes your blood run cold.
And that’s all there is in that folder. Such a short conversation, like they were just talking about the weather, but really they were planning on how best to ruin a young girl’s life, career and hobby. All for the sake of not paying her because they didn’t like her chemistry with Aemond…
Which begs the question.
Why you?
You don’t really want to admit how sick it makes you feel to see how many things there are in the folder titled with your name. It feels…intrusive. Like people know secrets about you that you, or even Rhaenys, doesn't even know.
After all figure skating isn’t just a career, it’s what you love.
You don’t want them to ruin that for you.
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You can feel your breath pick up, hot tears sitting behind your eyes, and the beginnings of a migraine slipping into your head. Low background.
Bad circumstances.
Is that really all you were? A fucking pity choice?
Not because you were just good at what you did?
Not just because they wanted your skills.
But because they wanted to raise someone they deemed lesser to their level, for sympathy votes.
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Bile rises in your throat at that.
Everything had been meticulously planned. Every movement. Every placement.
The magic of that first night with Aemond feels ruined.
You feel preyed upon. By Otto and whoever he was collaborating with to make this happen, as if they were right there listening against the door and taking turns looking through the keyhole.
And then Otto’s words almost a week prior…
 ‘It is just business. Aemond knows this’
Surely…he couldn’t have been in on this the whole time.
You grip your phone tightly, hearing the case crack in your grip.
There is…humiliation. Betrayal.
But also anger.
You don’t even register the hammering of rain against your face as you stride past the garden, clad only in the exercise clothes you had been in all morning. By the time you’ve slid the doors forcefully aside, your hair is half-soaked, your leggings as well, blood feeling like fire with the anger that courses through you.
You know he's here tonight.
He's always lurking about somewhere.
You push the doors to the library open, the oak banging against the doorframe with a rattle. Otto looks up from his desk with surprise, with an expression that immediately reminds you of the subtle, yet annoying way Aemond used to look at you, before his eyebrows lower and his lips curl upwards, as if amused.
"Caught out in the rain?" He asks, chuckling, completely ignoring the frown your face is set into.
Phone gripped tightly, you take your time walking in before you're at his desk, chucking the device haphazardly in front of him. The list of screenshots litter the screen.
"What the fuck do you call this?"
Otto takes one sweeping look at your phone, not really even reading any of them.
But somehow knowing full well what they are.
"Is there a problem?"
"Is there a prob-" you scoff, laughing incredulously.
If you don't laugh you'll cry.
"First of all, fucking sabotaging Floris' skates?" You throw the words at him, "she could be permanently injured! Her career could be-"
"She had no career" he interrupts, which is slowly driving you mad, "she could not take criticism. Thinks she's better than she actually is"
"Oh, and that's an excuse, is it? She broke her fucking ankle. She might never skate the same and you treat her like…well you treat her like a fucking commodity, like you do the rest of your family!"
"How I conduct business with my family is of no matter to you"
Your hands brace the desk, not backing down one bit.
"I am not your fucking family" you warn, "which brings me to that. Low birth? Common? Bad circumstances? Who the fuck do you think you are exactly!"
"I scouted you for your skills"
"And hoping that me and Aemond would fuck into the bargain. Improve his image, did it?"
"That was merely a bonus"
"Is this what you do to all the women in your life? Force them into the arms of someone else so you don't have to deal with them? So that you can climb higher without having any talents of your own?"
Otto's eyes narrow.
"You don't know a thin-"
"I know you forced your own daughter into the arms of a fucking judge, and she faced the repercussions.
I know you forced Helaena to skate with Aegon, even though she'd be happier doing Singles. But she's too nice for her own good to really hate you for it.
And I know, you forced me to work with Aemond, just hoping, just praying, I'd be stupid enough to throw myself at him. You must have been shaking in your fucking boots when he didn't like me at first"
Otto seems more than anything to be annoyed that you've interrupted him.
"And what do your grandsons get? Aegon fucking hates skating and Aemond-" you scoff, "-he was emotionally abused by a woman decades his senior and you forced him to talk to her"
Otto is quiet.
"Gods forbid Daeron ever chooses to compete professionally. He's the only one who doesn't hate you yet"
Otto stands quickly, brushing your phone back towards you.
"If you release those screenshots my lawyers will destroy you" he warns, "you'll never be signed again, and you'll certainly never make the championships again, I'll make sure of that"
Your mouth opens to bark back.
"And you'll never see Aemond again"
But that makes you freeze and go cold all over. And it might not be the rain sticking to your clothes.
"No contact. Nothing"
You swallow thickly, clenching your fists. Anxiety and fear rolling through you. Your heart drops into your stomach. And Otto wears a victorious grin, which only serves to make you want to vomit.
"You used me for fucking pity" you say, voice strained, trying desperately not to cry.
"And I made you a champion," he responds coolly.
Is that all he ever fucking thinks about?
Even at the cost of his family hating him?
"I'm not entertaining this"
Otto chuckles, "You are bound by the terms of our contract. And I'm sure there's plenty of…other reasons why you'd want to stay anyway"
How could he weaponise Aemond at you like this…
You take several steady breaths.
"Fuck you. And fuck your contract"
"What the hell's going on?"
You swing around quickly, heart dropping at the sound of Aemond's voice. He stands against the doors, looking worriedly between the two of you, his eye wide and concerned. The ends of his hair are wet from the shower you suppose he's just taken, looking much better than you, as the rain drying on you makes your hair frizz up.
Wound tightly with both anger and betrayal, laughing is the only thing you find the effort to do, confusing both the men in the room.
"Yes, why don't you tell Aemond what you've just told me?" You smile, eyes filled with tears in Otto's direction, snatching your phone from the table just as he's about to do the same.
"It is no concern of yours, Aemond" Otto replies distantly.
"If it concerns her then it does concern me"
When Aemond says that, any warmth associated with the affection you have for him turns to dust. Just the sheer weight of the situation makes your body feel like lead, incapable of letting any light in.
"I can't fucking stay here, not with him" you shake your head, the situation entirely overwhelming, trying to just get as far away from Otto Hightower as possible.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Baby - please -" Aemond crowds you, intending to help, his hands on your arms to try and make you just talk to him. His features are set in worry. It's somehow endearing.
But with everything that's happened it just feels like too much, like the walls are closing in on you. Like one touch and you'll explode.
"Please, Aemond, I can't stay here after all he's -"
You don't even have the strength to finish the sentence before floods of tears pour down your cheeks, your throat tightening up.
How you even find the energy to swing the front door open is beyond you.
The last thing you see before walking away from the Targaryen House, is Aemond in the doorway, looking out at you walking through the rain. He wears a look of sadness and panic.
You only briefly hear the echo of Alicent berating someone deep within the house, her malicious, emotional screams bouncing off the walls. You see Helaena, joining Aemond's side, her face sullen. And Aegon, sat in an armchair, looking not at all surprised at the situation, with his hands clasped in his lap.
You can't pretend it doesn't hurt your heart to leave. But you simply cannot be in the same vicinity as Otto right now before doing something you regret.
Without Arryk or Criston's car, you're resigned to walk in the pouring rain to the security gate. Almost not minding the rain compared to what's going to happen.
The press, waiting outside with their raincoats on, all scramble to their feet. Camera flashes clicking loudly against your ears, crowding your space even further, uncaring of personal space. Microphones and voice recorders join them a moment later, accompanied by a waterfall of questions.
With Aemond, he could work the press easily, paving a path wherever he went by virtue of his position in the industry. But now, by yourself, it pains your chest like a stab straight to the heart, the notion that now, as you fight off the press to pave your own escape, tears rolling down your face, that you are very much alone.
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"The number you have called is currently unavailable. Please try again later"
You choke on your own tears and breath. Four times you've called El, to ask if it's okay to come back to the flat you used to share.
Your mind was so blurry, and messy, you'd forgotten she was on holiday with her family. The annual Baratheon get-together. And perfect weather for it too.
For a brief moment, you're almost mad she's not here.
But know that it's just because how utterly lonely you feel, and she'd always been there before to offer a shoulder to cry on. An instant ramen to make. A shitty movie to put on. All to make you feel better.
In the rain, everything looks different, but especially through the misty gaze of the tears that glaze your eyes.
You bend down to slip the spare key from under the doormat, relieved it's still there. She'd probably forgotten about it anyway. It takes a few genuine tries with your rain-slick hands to get the key into the door, but you manage.
Only to be hit immediately with the nostalgic smell of your apartment.
It'd been so long.
It makes you want to cry even harder. It feels warm. Not at all the cavernous, marble, almost clinical feel of the Targaryen House. But cosy, comforting, like a big warm hug, despite nobody being in.
It smells like those Fresh Cotton candles she loves, the basic bitch.
You laugh sadly at that.
You miss her.
The normality. Her late night voice memos. You miss all of it, before everything became so complicated.
Even though you have the whole flat at your disposal, you can't find the energy to do anything useful like cook or shower.
So with rain soaked clothes, sticking uncomfortably to your skin, you just curl up on the sofa, the TV turned down low, just as a means of filling the silence. You almost don't want to go into your room. Seeing it all empty will just upset you even more.
You ignore the frequent buzz of your phone on the sofa, pulling the blanket up to your chin, just entirely numb.
The rain taps incessantly on the window, the way it hits the concrete with such velocity has a faint mist rising from the streets. It's all so grey outside, with only the hum of passing cars and their warm headlights to fill the colourless space as the sun, hidden behind endless clouds, gives way for darkness.
You sigh, feeling your throat tickle with the onset of a cold, probably from walking home in the torrential downpour.
It's so quiet you barely hear it. And the third time it happens you furrow your brows and look over at the door.
Perhaps El wasn't able to go after all?
You wipe your face, striding over the fallen blanket piled on the floor, with no energy to pick it up, and shuffle to the door, undoing all three locks that you and El had installed after an attempted break-in.
The uncomfortable humid waft of the outside is the first thing that hits you, as well as a spray of hot rain.
The second is cold.
Cold all over.
Aemond stands, or rather slumps against the doorframe, one hand rested flat against it and completely out of breath, as if he’d been rushing.
Aemond Targaryen, who hates going out in the rain, hates getting his hair wet, hates walking anywhere that isn’t necessary, prefers to take Arryk’s care even a few minutes down the road and absolutely hates not looking his best, stands there completely drenched, just entirely quiet. Rain has soaked through his clothes, sticking to every square inch of his body.
Like him, the air is taken out of your lungs as well. Frozen in place, and unable to utter a single thing as your throat closes up once again.
Aemond can’t seem to say anything either, he just looks down at you, his expression not unreadable, but so unlike him that you’re not sure if you’ve ever seen it.
Except you absolutely have.
That night Otto forced him to speak to Alys Rivers, he wore an expression of panic.
Shoulders rolled forward to appear smaller.
Eyebrows furrowed in worry, his good eye downcast and sullen.
The expression of being entirely lost.
He’s still being pelted with rain when you step forward, dissolving entirely into silent tears, your arms holding his torso so tightly, you’re surprised he reciprocates.
Everything else fizzles out. And you hate how cringy it sounds in your head, but all there is is just you two, and this moment, his arms, wrapped snugly around you, almost entirely encompassing your form. Such tenderness from him he has only afforded you a handful of times.
But this. This is something else. Not just tenderness.
But neither of you dare to approach that.
It just feels too good to be around him, to have him like this. You don’t want to think about anything else.
Aemond feels how you tremble, trying to hold in the sobs, so much that it hurts in your chest.
“Oh, Princess…” he soothes, one hand moving up to stroke the back of your head, your face firmly planted against his neck.
You wonder, in the hours since you stormed out, what he now knows.
So you don’t open the floodgates just yet.
Giving one last squeeze, you pull away, wiping the rain and tears off your face with the back of your hand and gesture inside.
“You want to come in?..”
He almost looks shocked you’ve asked, but understanding that both of you need to talk.
As if by habit, Aemond toes off his shoes before he shuts the front door behind him, following you into the warm, cosiness of your shared apartment with El.
Instinctively, you load the kettle with water and click it on, a few silent seconds passing before it begins to hiss with life.
“Where is she?” he asks, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking around at all the little nick-nacks on various shelves. Not cluttered, but busy enough to feel like a home.
Your turn, having been staring at the kettle, “What?”
He shoves his hands in his pockets, the wet fabric dragging across his skin, “Your flatmate. El, right?”
How did he remember that?
“O-oh, um…she’s away with her dad” you reply, swallowing thickly with nerves and turning back to pour a mug of tea for yourself and a coffee for Aemond.
You don’t see it, but there’s a subtle smile on his face as he watches you, for not having to ask him how he likes it.
“Thanks” he says softly, as you slide a mug over the counter in his direction.
Seeing Aemond in this kind of environment is nothing short of weird.
Having seen him in environments professionally, such as ice rinks and competitions, as well as being inside his home, surrounded by space and expensive items, gives you an impression of him akin to a celebrity, someone out of reach.
But here, in the tiny apartment, lit with brown and amber hues, where the living room and the kitchen are quite literally the same room, he looks so comically tall and broad, he almost swallows every bit of the room he’s in.
But it’s nice, seeing him in a different light.
He seems different.
He leans on the arm of the sofa, facing you in the kitchen, taking a scalding sip of his coffee, which is nowhere near drinkable, and then leaning over to pop it on a coaster on the coffee table.
It’s hard to contain the smile that drifts onto your face. At least he’s kept his manners.
And then, Aemond clasps his hands, sighs and does that thing where he tries to look small again.
“Just after you left, Alys came to the house”
Just like that, your heart is frozen again. But instead of dread, there’s anger.
But not at him.
“Why?” you ask, warming your hands with the mug.
Aemond shrugs, not meeting your gaze, “Probably to cash in on whatever petty shit she can get her grubby hands on”
You’re glad he speaks about her with some level of aggression. She deserves more than that.
"She probably saw the articles. Pictures of you leaving. Thought she might be able to worm her way back in somehow now that Otto is on his ass" he adds.
Fuck. They work fast.
Maybe it's for the best you didn't check your phone. It's probably Rhaenys, wondering what the fuck is going on.
Brief embarrassment runs sharply through you.
He takes a breath, “Otto told us everything”
You raise an eyebrow, “us?”
He nods, “All of us. Mum. Aeg, Hel”
You blink, your throat feeling sore from not letting the emotion out, keeping it bottled inside until you have the answers you want.
The answers you need.
“Did you know?” you ask, voice wavering. Feeling awful for even suggesting it.
Aemond looks up at that, his mismatched blue eyes reflecting the warm amber light of the room.
“I knew…that he was scouting, and had his eye on you to replace Floris” he answers slowly, watching your face, careful about his words, “but, honestly, that’s it, baby, I promise”
The term of endearment has your tummy doing a tiny backflip.
You let that absorb for a moment. Grateful that Aemond is affording you the silence for it.
Clearing your throat, “But you didn’t know why?”
He shakes his head once.
“I hate to ask it, it’s just becau-”
“Because I said all that shit about, class and…who you were, I know” he interrupts, but with a voice that softens, “and I understand why you’d assume that I knew”
He stands, taking short, careful steps towards you, his fingers playing with each other, “But I promise, I didn’t know…any of that shit. I admit, I could have done more, and I could have been better to you from the beginning, and protected you from all this.
And I’m sorry for that”
You look up at him, breath hitching for a moment having not realised how close he is.
“And I will always be sorry for it” he adds, discreetly reaching for your hands.
His gaze is downcast, looking at your hands in his.
“There’s so much I need to tell you”
You realise that this isn’t just going to naturally occur.
That he is asking for you to listen to him. That for so long, nobody bothered to ask how he was, or how he was dealing with everything. The abuse from Alys. The chronic pain.
Nobody had ever really asked him.
And after everything, how could you not?
He at least deserved to get it all off his chest.
“Let’s sit down, okay?”
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You sit on the sofa, nibbling on your thumbnail as Aemond speaks, surprisingly animated, and without hardly taking a breath. Only doing so every now and then to sip the rapidly cooling coffee.
He starts essentially from the beginning. The situation with this father. The absentee. Who couldn’t give a shit about the four children he had with Alicent if he tried. Often he forgot their names and pretended sometimes, as if they didn’t exist. Eventually, Alicent was not exempt from this behaviour.
You learn that this ‘friend’ Alicent was referring to so lovingly when you returned from the semi-finals, was in fact Aemond’s older half-sister, Rhaenyra. He explains as much as he can from his own perspective, tagging it all off with ‘well, how would you feel if your best mate started getting it off with your dad?’.
Point taken.
Rhaenyra never went professional. She moved abroad, remarried, had more children.
But not before kicking the wasp’s nest, as Aemond put it.
You, of course, know of Jace, being friendly with him and seeing him every now and then, practically in the same line of work. But even less about his younger brother, Luke, since he was several years younger and still unsure about the industry.
After all, once you're in, you're in.
But you didn’t realise that Aemond was related to them in some capacity.
And that when they were all children, having grown up together, after a largely innocent duel using fake, wooden swords, Luke, no more than a child who didn’t know any better, bought an actual knife. A steak knife, no less. One that Aemond vividly remembers, as the serrated blade tore through his skin after a scuffle.
Of course, Aemond knew it was accidental, but that wasn’t exactly the first thought running through his mind at the age of 10.
Rhaenyra paid the medical bills and swiftly left the country on the first flight out, but not before some choice words were had between her and Alicent first.
It sounds spectacularly messy.
And Aemond had been stuck in the middle of all of it. Having lost sight in his left eye, a scar lining his face, spent weeks in hospital without his own father there and a new chronic condition as a result.
No wonder he’d felt so alone.
Like any of the siblings, figure skating was impressed on them from an early age. And Otto, as per Aemond’s explanation, had jumped at the opportunity when Aemond was doing well despite not having sight in one eye. So much so, that he’d spent a large part of his formative years just competing. Not doing things that a normal teenager would do.
Having to grow up far too quickly.
He’d started wringing his hands at this point in the story. The tell-tale rolling of his shoulders forward and his leg bouncing with nerves.
“I regret the day I arrived in Harrenhal. Shit ice rink anyway”
Enter. Alys Rivers.
By his description, she’d clocked him the moment she saw him. Even now, he says, he does a double take whenever he sees a woman with long black hair, his heart going fast.
He doesn’t go too in-depth. Only that she made him feel validated at first, said all the right things.
Did all the right things as well.
But he wasn’t ashamed to admit that. He was more ashamed at how much he had bought into it all those years ago. How she’d attempted to make herself like a barrier between him and his family, especially Alicent, and for a long while, it had worked. He hadn’t stepped into the Targaryen house for months, spending every waking moment with Alys and only Alys any moment he could get.
What shocked you the most, was how it managed to last even six months.
He had said that she’d been his first sexual partner, and that she used that against him multiple times but he never really saw it until afterwards. Said that ‘she was the only one who was going to love him. Because she loved him unconditionally, despite his deformity’.
That made you feel ill.
How could she say something like that?
It had all ended quite forcefully. Otto had discovered that Alys had managed to get a hold of Aemond’s bank details, taking little bits and pieces from the shared company account, before getting too ahead of herself, and withdrawing large chunks at a time. Eventually exposing her long-standing behaviour.
For a while, Aemond tried to justify it. Saying they were gifts.
It was only when he returned home and Alicent broke down crying, that he said he’d finally sobered up, after months of being forcefully drunk on Alys Rivers.
Otto was less sympathetic. Urging him that ‘as a man, it is your responsibility to deal with this on your own’.
“He knew the pregnancy thing was bullshit…” Aemond carried on, the blanket somehow ending up on his lap, shared between you, “...but she was trying anything and everything to shake the allegations that she was ever stealing from us, from me, rather”
He sighs.
“She just wanted to get anything she could out of me” he adds, his voice wavering, “and she would’ve done…’til there wasn’t any of me left”
You shake your head, “Otto was cruel making you talk to her”
Aemond swallows visibly, moving his shoulders at the memory.
“I said I’d cut off ties with Otto as soon as I can”
Your eyebrows raise, the empty mug almost falling out of your lap.
“What?” you half-shout, “Aemond, I-I don’t want you to just do this because of-”
“It’s not just that, it’s fucking - it’s everything he’s done to us” he adds, his gaze meeting yours, as if to emphasise, to make real everything he is saying, “-everything he’s done to me. Aeg. Even Mum…”
You can tell by the way he trails off, that it’s a sore subject. Perhaps one broached many times, but never resolved.
He fucking loves his mother so much. Empathises with her pain like he shares in it. Sometimes his long, sad expression, reminds you of how she often looks.
“I’ve wanted to for a long time” he mutters, “I fucking hated you for it then, but you were right, I never liked it. I just did it because I thought it would…achieve something, I don’t know”
You know what he means but daren’t not say it.
He thought that pursuing it professionally would buy his love. Both his father, then Otto.
One he’s not had from any male figure in his life.
You swallow over the lump in your throat. It must be so much weight on him. And it shows, in how light he looks even now, telling you the very bare minimum.
“What he did to you was the last straw…”
Your eyes flit up, to meet him. That same rolling feeling spreads over your tummy, like opening the curtains on a sunny, summer morning and bathing yourself in light.
His look right now is both intense and soft at the same time. Willing you to believe him in case there’s any indication that you don’t.
“...Mum was in floods of tears when she found out. Said you were good and kind. That you never judged us. Never judged her” he adds, words breaking with emotion in between.
You huff, playing with your fingers "high praise then" you joke.
But he smiles despite it, “...she loves you, you know”
That cracks a smile from you. The first one in hours. Your cheeks burn from the tears and rain on it, and yet it feels nice. You watch with barely-concealed, softened joy as Aemond cracks his own smile, one side of his lips turned up just ever so slightly, in his classic Aemond-esque sort of way.
You wouldn’t trade that smile for the world.
“I do too”
Air is sucked from your chest, mouth entirely dry, as the sheer heft of what he’s said begins to sink in.
Did he really just say that?
Am I in a fever dream?
He nods, "I think I have for a while"
You want to speak, to hug, to kiss him, but nothing will come out. Your body won’t move in accordance with your brain, and your hands get pins and needles all of a sudden. Without you realising, warmth seems to have made its way down your face, dripping off your jaw.
All the while, Aemond just sits there, watching your reaction.
You love him too.
And before you even know it, in place of words, your lips are pressed desperately against each other, hands clamouring for any bit of clothing or skin you can find. Aemond groans as you tilt your head, deepening the kiss and allowing tongues and teeth to wrestle against each other. His hands cup your ass as he tugs you over his lap, breathing heavily into your mouth with each break for air.
Instinctually, your hips grind on him, feeling him harden instantly beneath the damp sweatpants, your hand reaching down to stroke his length to full mast with your palm.
His hands are everywhere. Thighs, waist, breasts, tangled in your hair. While his lips map out your entire body where he can from this angle, leaving marks with his teeth over the column of your neck, still rippled to attention from goosebumps. You squeeze around him with your thighs, directing all your want into just that movement, to tell him how much you need him.
“Bedroom” he breathes, “where?”
You answer as your hands dip beneath his shirt, smoothing over his tacky skin, feeling his muscles contract.
“Down the hall, first right, but there’s no bed sheet-” you gasp as he lifts you, pressing needy, open kisses to your swollen lips.
“I don’t need fucking bed sheets for what I’m about to do to you”
Aside from when he deposited you on the bed, the mattress squeaking comically, making you look at each other and giggle like two little love-sick teenagers, Aemond is entirely soft, tender, taking his time like this is the last moment he’ll ever get to properly be with you.
Even the act of undressing is painfully slow and sensual, despite the clear hunger in both of your gazes. Everything he does now, has your stomach fluttering pleasantly. Irreversibly.
And it’s something you’ll never get sick of.
He was never one for making too much noise in bed. But here, as his cock pistons into your desperate heat over and over, your former bedroom alight and hot with sex, Aemond whimpers, whines and groans, depending on what’s going on, right against the crook of your neck. One hand on your throat, his fingers encircling it and tightening the closer he gets to the height of his bliss, pleasantly robbing your brain of just the right amount of air to feel like you’re floating.
Your orgasm builds embarrassingly fast, from everything, the heat of the moment, him.
And doing this knowing he really wants to.
Nearing the peak of your pleasure, his thumb snakes between you and rubs your clit in tight, careful circles, hurtling you towards the precipice. All while his pelvis smacks with the sound of your arousal against yours, with your legs pulled tightly around him, and his grip not letting go.
With each thrust of his cock into you, he kisses your neck, and utters.
“I love you”
Then your jaw.
“I love you”
And finally your lips, just as your pussy tightens around him.
“ - fuck - I love you -”
He pulls his head up to look down at you just in time to watch as you fall apart, white-hot pleasure running like fire in your veins as your pussy flutters around his cock, taking him over the edge with you. His hooded, lusty gaze focussed entirely on you, until his brows furrow himself, lips hanging apart only slightly, as he finishes deep inside you.
The only sound is hurried breaths, and every now and then the mattress squeaking as a result of only the tiniest of movements.
Aemond huffs, leaning up on his elbows, the chain slipping out beneath his shirt and dangling in your face, the chill of the metal against your chest making you shudder. His hair, already having been ruined by the rain, hangs in lazy wavy strands around his face.
An exhausted breathy laugh falls out his mouth, his warm hand making its way back up to your face, sighing as he sees you lean your cheek into it.
He looks so perfect like this, is the first thing that comes to mind.
But the words that come pouring out your mouth are completely and entirely natural.
Really, the point of no return.
The only moment Aemond Targaryen remembers of his life before loving you, is when you say so clearly, with such devotion, adoration and care.
“I love you too”
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard | @blairfox04 | @hb8301 | @jamespotterismydaddy | @mochi-rose | @nenelysian | @natty2017 | @randomdragonfires | @risefallrise | @theoneeyedprince | @thelittleswanao3 | @tsujifreya | @urmomsgirlfriend1 | @valeskafics | @watercolorskyy
Aemond Taglist (1): @asp3nxx | @avidreader73 | @bellaisasleep | @boofy1998 | @cathy1514
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yandere Alicent Hightower Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I wanted to write something for our Green Queen and this is what came out. A romantic and a little confusing headcanon, but I hope you like it anyway! Forgive me for any mistakes, but I'm sleepy so there's that. Good reading! 💚
❝tw: obsessive behavior, mention of jealousy, manipulation, denial of feelings, messy writing.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!alicent hightower x gender neutral!reader.
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Alicent knew she was in love with you. She always knew she loved you deeply but never had the courage to admit her feelings because she knew they were wrong. They had to be. Alicent tried her best to contain her tendencies, her feelings, but every night she caught herself thinking about you, how much she wanted to be with you.
She had to stop denying them, it wasn't healthy for her and it wasn't fair to you. It wasn't an easy task, considering how reserved and insecure she was about her feelings. She already knew she loved you long before she realized it, but she didn't know how to deal with them, how to suppress them.
Alicent Hightower is very reserved when it comes to showing her feelings. She never knows how to deal with them in a healthy way and ends up reacting in a way that is completely contrary to how she really wants to and she always ends up blaming herself for it. She desperately wants to grab you and tell you everything she feels without caring about anything, but she can't do that. She can't allow herself to do that.
She's not sure when she fell in love with you, but she guessed it was when she met you. Alicent could feel that the air had changed the moment your eyes met and you smiled at her. So ethereal that she almost knelt right there. All she could do at that moment was wave back, speechless and stunned by your presence. From her perspective, that's when she fell in love with you.
And it was her most anguished moment. For she was a married woman and with the King, she could never have you. The Queen's heart broke in that moment at the prospect of never being able to tell you how she felt. But that didn't stop her from yearning for you, every night, every day, she yearned for you and your attention. When she was with her children, in her husband's bed, she thought of you. It was in those moments that she knew she needed to end this once and for all, she couldn't think of another person that way. Not while she was married.
Needless to say, that's not what happened. Alicent managed to avoid you, she was the Queen and had this advantage going for her, but she was dying inside. Every day you weren't around her a part of her died. She needed you like she needed oxygen to live. But she managed to hold on, she persevered until when she saw you too close to someone else and something inside her exploded. Jealousy, anger, it all came out at once.
She didn't know what had happened to her when she summoned you later into her private chambers and revealed everything she felt like a devastating wave. Alicent told you how much she loved you, how much she tried to fight those feelings but she couldn't take it anymore and couldn't bear the idea of seeing someone else close to you. Not when this was her place. She finally vented and when she finished speaking, she approached you and pulled you into a kiss with passion and force. For the first time in her life she wasn't thinking about the consequences but was doing what she wanted.
Alicent felt alive for the first time in a long time when she kissed you. When you lay in her bed, naked and in love and in the silence of the night, you made love for the first time. She didn't remember being so happy. When you were lying side by side and covered by just one blanket, Alicent knew she was loved. And she loved you and would be cursed forever if you were taken from her. She made a promise to herself that nothing and no one will take you away from her and anyone who tries will suffer the severe consequences.
She is incredibly understanding and kind to you, nothing but love in her eyes and cuddles exchanged when no one was watching you. Alicent loves to sneak into the Red Keep like a child in the dead of night and escape to the comfort of your arms. She knew there would be consequences for her and you if anyone found out about this affair, but she didn't care. The thrill of being caught in your loving arms was what made her nights even better.
Alicent is not exactly possessive, but she is jealous, she just knows how to control herself. She feels jealous in a milder way, but it's still jealous and depending on who made her jealous, she'll make sure they don't dare get in her way again. Alicent will be seething with jealousy as she watches them interact with you, her nails digging into her hands and leaving marks. Her eyes will be full of tears when she comes to meet you later and she will make you tell her how much you love her, with her words and her body.
She is an unscrupulous manipulator. Alicent doesn't mind using others to make you hers, manipulating your feelings, making you feel guilty, because at the end of it all, you will be with her and that is a price worth paying. You are hers and always would be, and she knew it, but she likes to be sure and act before she suffers the consequences.
Alicent never knew what it was like to love someone so devotedly, so fervently and keep them for yourself at any cost. She have never feel that way until you come into her life and she finds out that she would do anything to have you. She just knew that she needed you desperately and felt like she couldn't think straight when she didn't know what you were doing or who you were with. She just needed you and she always would. And Alicent will do everything in her power to make this happen.
Once Viserys was dead and Aegon was King, she would be free to love you without worrying about being caught. You could stay together until death and no one would get in your way. She will be sure of that. You would always be stuck by her side, for the rest of your life. Isn't that romantic? Just you and Alicent.
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bloodynereid · 6 months
Tinsel, Gold and Dragons
(modern au!)
pairings: rhaenyra targaryen x fem! reader, past rhaenyra x alicent
tw: kissing, alicent bashing, alcohol consumption, talk about hooking up, hatred of the holiday season??
description: You were wondering how the hell this family had so many attractive people. Rhaenyra’s brain was currently not computing, she was pretty sure this was called bisexual panic but it had never really happened to her in real life before.
a/n: hiii hope you enjoy this little fic i randomly wrote last night. i've been kind of missing just writing stuff that isn't requests so hopefully this is still ok haha. ALSO i'm 100% an alicent defender, she's the loml so just remember that a lot of this is from rhaenyra's pov and not my own thoughts about her character. anyways hope you enjoy this and happy holidays <3 (might write a part 2 at some point but who knows?)
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Rhaenyra Targaryen never liked the holiday season. After her mother died things just got worse and the boring parties she was always subjected to only got more boring. The welcome reprieve of baking gingerbread in the kitchen with her mom was gone in seconds and now holidays just reminded her of everything she had lost.
This year’s party was going to be the worst one by a long shot. Rhaenyra had to deal with Alicent fucking Hightower - oh sorry Targaryen now… that was something she still hadn’t accepted. I mean how do you even cope when your best friend suddenly starts fucking your dad in secret, gets pregnant, marries him and then proceeds to act like she’s Virgin fucking Mary?
The answer is with a lot of scotch, stupid hookups and long hours studying. She was desperate to get her law degree so she could finally do something and it also meant she could start working at her uncle’s law firm.
Currently though she was stuck in her father’s house whilst her new toddler half-brother threw temper tantrums and broke anything in his vicinity.
It was Christmas Eve and Viserys had nearly decided to cancel the annual Christmas party, in favor of “family bonding” but Alicent had somehow convinced him to keep it on. Rhaenyra did not want to think about what she had done to convince him. She nearly gagged at the mere idea of it.
Smoothing out the material of the dark red dress with a slightly higher slit than what would be considered appropriate, Rhaenyra let out an audible sound of satisfaction. She looked fucking hot. Plus Alicent would freak when she saw it, perfect.
Once upon a time Alicent Hightower had been her best friend, and probably something more but now… all that Rhaenyra could muster up for her is a cold chill of utter hate and rage.
Rhaenyra was thrown out of her thoughts when her phone called out the familiar ringtone that belonged to her uncle.
“Daemon… you do know that people can text now don’t you?”
“Haha, you can call me old all you want but you might regret it when I don’t tell you how I’m about to save you tonight.”
“Please tell me you found a way to make them all die fiery deaths.”
“Nothing as dramatic as that but I assure you it’s still the perfect escape.”
“Are you going to leave me in suspense while I endure this torture or…”
“Fine, you spoiled princess. We’re having a little party at the firm and since you’re coming to work here soon…”
“You didn’t.”
“But I did.”
“Fuck off. You mean I can actually leave this party.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t already.”
“You’re my savior.”
“Knight in shining armor and all that. Just remember to get me a good present this year.”
“When do I ever disappoint you?”
“There is also another surprise waiting for you when you get here.”
“Daemon… what have you done?”
“Nothing. There’s just someone I think you should meet.”
“Oh God, maybe I won’t go.”
“You know you’re too desperate not to, plus she’s your age so you won’t have to deal with boring old men like me.”
“She’s a she?” 
Rhaenyra perked up, she hadn’t had a date in a while and ever since Alicent she hadn’t even tried to step her foot back into that pool. A string of meaningless hookups with men had done nothing to quell the heartbreak side of the whole situation. This would probably be good for her. 
“Yes. So I guess that means you’re coming?”
“Should I send a car over?”
“Don’t bother, I’ll just drive Syrax.” Syrax was a birthday present from Daemon, a beautiful and subtly gold car that drove like a dream.
“Ok, see you soon Nyra.”
“Bye, Uncle.”
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Rhaenyra sped through the streets of King’s Landing in the comfortable leather seat of her car. The bright Christmas lights that adorned the shops made a bright smile appear on her face. She may hate the holidays but at least the lights and food were incredible.
She arrived at the tall building that held Caraxes, Daemon’s law firm and named after his first dog but no one needed to know that. She gave her name to the security guard before parking the car in one of the empty spaces.
Her red dress fluttered in the cold breeze as she waited for the elevator to open. The firm was located on the 60th floor, the penthouse. Rhaenyra always loved being up high so the height was never a problem. What was annoying was how long it took her to actually get up there.
When the elevator doors finally opened at the correct floor, loud Christmas music echoed through the floor and she could clearly hear cheers coming from the area close to Daemon’s office.
Since the secretary was nowhere to be seen, Rhaenyra walked the now familiar route towards her uncle’s office. Weaving through a variety of cubicles she found a large Christmas tree and a small bar had been set up outside her uncle’s office.
“NYRA!” A loud voice that corresponded to her uncle slurred out and his tall frame ambled towards her. Within moments she was suddenly caught in a warm embrace and she returned the hug with her smaller arms wrapping around his torso.
“When did you have time to get this drunk, uncle?” Rhaenyra asked when they finally parted.
“Oh you think this is drunk, darling. Don’t you remember me at that New Year’s-”
“Andddd I’m going to stop you right there. I still get trauma flashbacks.”
“I must say, you look absolutely stunning Nyra. I’m sure our dear Alicent flipped when she saw you.”
“You should have seen her face when I told her I was going to unfortunately not attend her party.” Rhaenyra and Daemon shared a laugh before Daemon spotted someone in the crowd and a smirk appeared on his face.
“Y/N! I have someone you should meet.” 
Rhaenyra followed Daemon’s line of sight and found the most beautiful woman she had probably ever seen. You were wearing a dark blue floor length dress which was held up with spaghetti straps. A pashmina scarf looped around your elbows and you had a smile on your face as you approached the two of them.
“You summoned me?” You asked when you finished weaving through the sea of people.
“Well yes, I wanted you to meet my niece. Rhaenyra this is Y/N, our newest and most promising associate.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” You said as you offered a hand to the stunning silver haired woman. You were wondering how the hell this family had so many attractive people. Rhaenyra’s brain was currently not computing, she was pretty sure this was called bisexual panic but it had never really happened to her in real life before.
“I-uh, nice to meet you too.” Rhaenyra stuttered out as she took Y/N’s hand and shook it.
“Well I’ll leave you two to it.” Daemon said with a conspiring tone in his voice before he disappeared into the crowd.
“So… Daemon’s been singing your merits all over the office for a while now so I think I have an unfair advantage here.”
“Oh God, what has he been saying?” Rhaenyra groaned out as she dramatically swept a hand over her hair.
“Nothing bad, I promise. You’re getting your law degree at The Citadel, right?”
“How’s that? I was debating going there for a while but ended up going to Oxford instead.”
“It's hell but worth it, I hope.”
“I totally get that, Oxford was like medieval torture but I’m happy it landed me in this place.” You said as you swept a hand in the direction of the office space.
“Wait, how old are you?” Rhaenyra suddenly asked before her face contorted in embarrassment. “Shit, that was rude, sorry.”
“Ha don’t worry, I get that all the time. I’m 25.”
“24.” Rhaenyra offered back in solidarity.
“We’re basically the same age then.” You said with a wink before you took a sip of the amber liquid in the glass tumbler.
“Probably why Daemon shoved us in this little corner together.”
“I’m for one glad to be stuck in this little corner with you.” You said as you smirked in Rhaenyra’s direction. A light blush started to dust Rhaenyra’s cheeks.
“I’m glad too, but I’m desperate for a drink. This week has been hell.”
“You don’t like the holidays either?”
“Hate them.”
“We have something else in common after all.”
You spent the rest of the party sitting next to Rhaenyra in Daemon’s office. You drank sparingly, not wanting to be drunk since Rhaenyra needed to drive back and you didn’t want to act like a fool in front of her.
Rhaenyra felt like this was the first time in years that she felt truly happy. It was nice just to talk and gossip and be free to actually be herself. With Alicent it felt like she was walking on eggshells before the incident and now it was near impossible to be in the same room alone with her. But with Y/N…
At first, Rhaenyra went into this wanting just to have a quick hookup but those hours spent talking or maybe it was the alcohol that got to her head but she decided she deserved something better. She deserved someone better.
“Do you need a ride home?” Rhaenyra asked when people started to mill out of the party. Y/N turned to her in surprise before a gentle smile lit up her face.
“It wouldn’t be any trouble?”
“Not at all, but don’t think this is some kind of selfless act - maybe I just want to spend more time with you.”
“Well, we just have to indulge in your selfish desires don’t we?” You said with a twinkle in your eyes and a laugh on your tongue.
“You have no idea the scope of my selfish desires.”
“I would like to find out…”
Rhaenyra basically dragged you down to her car after that little remark. As she drove through the streets of King’s Landing, you took a leap of blind faith (or maybe love) by gripping the hand that lay between the two of you. Rhaenyra instantly threaded her fingers through yours and you spied a small smile making its way to her face.
Once she pulled up in front of your apartment building Rhaenyra bit her lip and turned to look at you - still completely in awe of how pretty you are.
“We arrived.”
“That we did.”
“Well… do you uh-”
“Do I what?” Rhaenyra said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Rhae… I- do you want to come up?”
“Only if we can have a date tomorrow.”
“It’s Christmas Day.”
“I’ll think of something.”
“Hmm… deal.” You said as a giddy smile graced your lips. Suddenly the feeling of soft lips meeting against yours startled you out of your reverie and you jumped to thread your fingers through her silky hair.
“You are so beautiful.” Rhaenyra mumbled against your lips before slipping her tongue to delicately stroke yours. It seemed impossible that your smile could widen even more but it did.
“Mmm, says you. You fucking goddess.” You said when you both finally pulled away. Panting and grinning like idiots.
“This is certainly turning out to be a very merry Christmas.”
“Ho ho ho.”
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rhaenyra is an bisexual icon just like her uncle and we love her for it !!
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
for the kingdom: part I
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summary: being the youngest daughter of alicent, you hadn’t known what it was like to feel restraint until you had been betrothed to the eldest son of queen rhaenyra for a pact. for who? for the kingdom.
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!reader
warnings/notes: eventual smut (none in this part), mild enemies/rivals to lovers, tension tension tension, arranged marriage, mentions of incest (helaena & aegon), mature themes, sort of toxic relationship i guess, more in the following parts
part: I, II, III, IV
The day that you dreaded the most eventually dawned upon you.
The grand halls were now packed with people, lords and highborn families reveling in House Targaryen's opulence. Your family is seated beside each other at the table in front, facing the guests.
Your body desperately wants to be freed from the beautified torture device called your gown. The red and green accents signify the unification of the once divided houses.
The youngest daughter of Alicent Hightower betrothed to the eldest son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The loud drums sounded while the guests diverged, leaving a clear aisle as the grand door opened to the family of your betrothed. Rhaenyra and Daemon walked in front, while in the middle stood Jacaerys, with his siblings and distant family walking behind.
He had a welcoming look on his face, much like the looks on both of your families. His eyes never leave yours as he arrives at the front. You gracefully stood to your feet, walking over to the front of the table where Jacaerys had waited for you.
"My betrothed." He announces with pride, taking your hand and kissing it. The crowd was applauding and cheering at the sight. You two smiled at each other before turning to the crowd and proceeding back to your places, knowing full well that the smile meant anything besides happiness.
"Be welcome to your future king and queen consort, the heir, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, and the queen's youngest daughter, Princess Y/N Targaryen!"
Half an hour had passed and it had bored you significantly. Wanting nothing more than to ditch the feast and ride your dragon around Westeros and have fun. So far, you have only been concerned with putting on a pretty face for the crowd and eating your food while listening to the best wishes of your guests. There was not a word spoken to each other after the earlier event of Jace kissing your hand.
"There's nothing wrong with smiling, you know." Jacaerys whispers discreetly in your direction. You side-eye him. "And yet, there is everything wrong with this marriage."
Jace heaves a heavy sigh at your response. The two of you were betrothed out of duty. With Rhaenyra offering up his son to wed Alicent's daughter to certify the alliance between the two families and to keep the House Targaryen unified and as one, it was only in a matter of a few deliberations that Alicent agreed to the proposal.
The prince dutifully accepted his betrothal, not seeing much of it aside from it being his responsibility as the heir to the iron throne after his mother.
You, on the other hand, despised it. Growing up, you were surrounded by your family. Your mother's degrading words towards the other family, followed by your brothers' comments—Aemond, specifically— Rhaenyra's family didn't have a good image in your mind.
You were never the heir, nor were you in front of the line. You were the youngest in the family, and you expected to be their last choice.
But now here you were, every bit of freedom you once had now stripped away from you in a matter of agreements that you weren't informed of. No more sneaking out at midnight, controlling and playing with highborn children your age, irresponsible feuds with knights, drunken nights in the streets, no more fun.
Although you two appear to be happy with each other, that patience of yours is gradually fading.
Leaving your face resting on your palm as you watched blankly at the crowd, your betrothed handled the guests, wishing the both of you good wishes.
"I know you don't desire this, but remember who you are going to be." Alicent interjects, filling your cup with wine again. "You are going to be queen consort. You are, one day, going to rule the 7 kingdoms and that is not the attitude nor the face of a future queen to her subjects and husband."
You snort at your mother, finding it hypocritical coming from her. "Thank you for the encouragement, mother." You say with heavy sarcasm, taking the cup of wine in front of you and downing it. Your older brother, Aegon, smirking at the sight of you drinking the wine in one singular chug.
Jacaerys asked for your hand once more, standing over you as you heard the instruments go into the deep and traditional rhythm for dancing. The deep thunder of the instrument resonating throughout the grand hall made everyone watch you two closely.
Your little dance with the prince was far from comfortable; it was full of tension, full of strict movements, and challenging glances from you. Jacaerys was different. He had composure, disciplined movements, and the face of a future king: proud, confident, and charismatic.
"I heard you sneaked out last night, ordering your guard to not follow you." Jacaerys speaks, his eyebrows arching.
"And where would I be, dear husband?" You replied, twisting your head sweetly to smile at him. Something you always do when you need one of your suitors to do something.
He chuckles at you, the look you gave him seemingly doing nothing. "In the bars, I'd venture."
You hum, narrowing your eyes in a challenge. His answer wasn't really what you expected. "And do you believe the hearsay? That I did sneak out? That I ordered my guard to stay put?"
Jace juts his lips out a bit, analyzing your face. He then discreetly shakes his head no, so discreetly that you're sure only you could have noticed it.
"No. I choose to believe the word of my betrothed rather than a nobody's."
Your arms pulled him close, resting around his neck as you held the back of his head. His breath fans over your exposed neck.
"If it makes you anymore secure, I didn't."
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The ceremony of your wedding has finished.
Both of you were officially husband and wife, future king and queen of the 7 kingdoms.
Dreading the exact moment your lips touched his. It seemed more like a peck than an actual kiss. Not until you take the matter into your own hands. Kissing the prince deeply. The two of you pursing your lips silently as you pulled away.
You have gone back to your now shared chambers, changing back into your casual dress, ridding yourself of the extravagant accessories and jewelry that they placed on you. Thinking of going back to the hall after leaving Jacaerys there.
Your eyes go over the interior of the room. The once messy and very-you chambers that you owned are now different. The bed was different, the furniture inside was different, the colors and accents were different as well. Everything was.
The air shifted from where you had stood. It's settling all the more in your head. You can never be free now.
Forever chained up by the duty you are placed into.
You clutch the necklace you received from Jacaerys before the wedding, a piece of Targaryen ancestry given to him by his mother for you, made from pure Valyrian steel.
"Is everything alright?" A soft voice speaks in the silence of the room.
You're back in your head by then, seeing your husband watching you with concern from the doorway. "Aside from our wedding, yes. Everything's fine." You nod at him.
Jacaerys felt himself grow sympathetic at your look, knowing that you probably dreaded this marriage the most.
"Y/N, I'm sorry... for, uhm, all of this. For being betrothed to you." Jacaerys begins to speak, getting a curious look from you. "It wasn't my desire to take you away from your freedom. However, it is still our duty to uphold the responsibilities bestowed upon us."
The man walks closer to you, placing his hands behind his back.
"Whatever you are feeling now, Y/N, I feel the same way. I am merely doing this-" "What am I feeling, Jace? You seem to speak blindly about feeling the same way I do." You raise your eyebrow at him in demand. "I don't know. Hate? Loathe?" Jace quietly chuckles, eyebrows furrowing the same way. "Regardless of it all, like I said, it is our duty. And I swear to do my best as the heir to the iron throne," he breathes, "and also... as your beloved."
He lowers his head at you out of courtesy, and you look at him blankly, never really one for nice things. His head slowly rose up to see you looking at him suspiciously, analyzing him. "What is it that you are asking, Jacaerys?" You ask directly.
"I am asking for us to look beyond our differences. We are already wed. There is nothing we can do to be apart from each other, no matter how much we desire to be. The best thing we can do now is... accept it. Tolerate each other."
You sighed loudly, placing your hands on either side of his chest. "It seems that you are right."
The prince was confused. It was only a few hours ago that you told him that this marriage was the most outrageous thing you had ever experienced in your entire life. Telling him that you'd rather be put back into your mother's womb than accept the marriage.
But here you are now. Could it be a change of heart like Jacaerys had hoped for?
"Instead of loathing you, I should be thankful to be betrothed to you. It's not every day that you get betrothed to a... strong," you patted his chest, his body tensing as his jaw clenched, keeping a straight face and calm composure.
"Handsome, and respectful man." You finish with a mocking grin on your face. Waiting for the man in front of you to burst at the sensitive subject.
He should have known that there truly wasn't anything that you accepted in the whole agreement. You are too far down in the rabbit hole of hate to ever see him differently. even if only as a companion and not as a lover.
"Strong enough to protect me..." He watches you through the mirror as you walk around him, letting your hand glide across the expanse of his chest.
"Your brothers have influenced you, I see." He laughs dryly. The prince walks away from you with a vague smirk. He faced you as he sat on one of the large plush chairs near the bookshelves, undoing the laces of his shoes as he started to get ready for bed.
"Don't expect a reaction from me anytime soon, princess. I can assure you, I've already given enough reaction to your brothers. I pretty much do not care and you should too, Y/N."
You look at him dumbfounded, him merely brushing you off like you weren't taunting him since the second he entered your shared chambers. He kept his eyes focused on unlacing his shoes, not noticing that you were in front of him once more.
He hums at you, awaiting your word as you stand in front of him silently. "Is that so? Then, you wouldn't care even if I called you a bas..." You let the words trail off at the end, tilting your head to the side. Wanting to push your husband's buttons.
Jacaerys looks at you with an indescribable glint in his eyes, waiting for you to finish the word. He rises to his feet as he takes a step forward, deep brown eyes staring down figure as he urges you to finish your sentence.
"Go on."
You take a step towards him as well, not backing down from the prince. Tilting your head at him, the sides of your lips slowly lift.
The prince waited for the word he had expected to come out of you. Your lips were already shaped to whisper the word.
The air became even more tense with the two of you being an inch away from one another. His breath hit your face the same way yours hit his. Both of you were standing your grounds, your eyes staring at him in amusement.
When you remain silent, he scoffs quietly before walking past you. He undoes the ties and buttons of his top before changing into a more comfortable top, then changes into his pajamas, all the while you had your eyes glued on his movements.
You watch the tall man in fascination, seeing him tidy up the cushions on the massive bed as he finishes changing, facing you with cautiousness. His hands were clasped in front of him.
"Do you wish to go to bed?" His voice echoes loudly throughout the room, his arm extending towards the bed.
You start pulling at the strings of your gown, and Jacaerys looking in the opposite direction, much like a young boy's reaction to someone undressing in front of him. He stood awkwardly, face tout and blank.
You scoff loudly at him, "We're married, Jacaerys. Let's get rid of the malice already." You pull off the dress and put on a night gown, thin and short enough to go just a few inches past your knee. You'd soon be the one running your hand all over my body, ravishing and touching it however you pleased. Full of want and desire."
Jacaerys clenches his jaw once more. His feet were firmly planted on the soft carpeted floor as he waited for you to finish changing.
"You see, women are expected to preserve their maidenheads for their betrothed. To keep themselves pure and clean for their husband." You walk over to the prince, crossing your arms on your chest as you stand in front of him once more.
"What would you think if your wife's maidenhead had already been taken, dear husband?"
He takes a second to watch over your face, his features firm and blank again just like earlier.
"A maidenhead does not make a woman any less of one. Whether or not you still have your maidenhead does not make you any less pure, nor does it make you dirty. It is your choice to lose it to whoever you want to."
Your lips stretch downwards into a subtle smile, his eyes slightly narrowing at your expression. You swallowed the lump in your throat before climbing onto the bed and laying on one side.
Jace finally gets to breathe properly after that, exhaling deeply as he joins you in bed. Both of you are lying straight up awkwardly, a clear boundary between the two of you.
"Have you ever bedded a woman, Jacaerys?" The mockery in your tone made him roll his eyes. He pursed his lips in silence as he ignored you.
"Since we are to be together for as long as time permits us, I believe it is only appropriate for me to know about my partner's experience." You sat up on the bed to grin at him, provocatively placing your hand on top of his strong chest. Loving the way his face hardened and reddened at the topic.
He continues to ignore you, his mouth sealed shut while staring at the ceiling.
"Come on, there's nothing to be-"
"Y/N." Jacaerys cuts you off sternly, glaring at your teasing look. "If my experience is such a dire thing for you to know, I can let you experience me right now if it pleases you."
You laughed at the annoyed look on his face, the way this conversation was sensitive for him made you amused.
"Trust me, Jace. If I wanted to experience you, we wouldn't be fully dressed right now, sitting on our bed, a meter apart."
Your sarcastic giggles filled his ears, letting your body fall back on the soft cushion as the two of you remained separated by the invisible barrier.
"Good night." He sighs.
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"Have you two done it?" Aegon asks you as soon as you enter the library. He and Aemond were sitting opposite each other while Helaena sat on the couch not far from them, quietly sewing an image of a bug.
"What do you mean 'it'?" You glare at him, sitting far away from the older sibling.
His eyes widen while shrugging plainly, his arms moving in front of him as if holding a woman's waist from behind before he started thrusting into the air. Laughter came out of his mouth while you and Aemond looked at him with an "I am disgusted" look. Your forehead creased in disgust, throwing one of Aemond's books at the older man, eliciting a groan from him and a tired sigh from Aemond.
"Don't ever do that again. I don't want a visual of what our sister has to suffer each night." You spoke fluidly, desperately trying to erase the past ten seconds out of your memory.
"Suffer!?" Aegon exclaims. "The only one suffering out of all of us is you. Having wed that unexperienced bastard of an heir, I doubt he could please you even with all of his efforts." He spat, Helaena warning him about his words. The four of you share a knowing glance at one another, letting the library fall silent because of Aegon's continuous badmouthing of the Queen's sons.
"But who cares, right? Future queen of the seven kingdoms," Aegon spits, taunting you. The title at the end sounds condescending rather than encouraging.
"You do know that I can order the guards to cut off your tongue, right?" You titter back, eyes flickering at him in challenge. He snorts at that before letting the subject go.
The time in the library was cut short when a familiar figure walked in. The only odd one out in the library amidst you four. Your brothers glaring at his every step while Helaena kept herself busy. Not bothering to indulge herself in the internal wars between your husband and your brothers.
Aemond sneaked a glance at you, the sides of his lips rising as he eyed the younger man.
"Brother." He spoke, his voice full of mockery.
Jace maintains his blank expression, nodding subtly in recognition. He kept his hands behind his back as he walked over to you, your brothers' stare following him.
"May I excuse my wife for a moment, brothers?"
The two men arched their eyebrows at you, and you did the same as you smirked subtly at them. "She's all yours," upon Aegon's response, you rose up to stand in front of your husband. Hearing Aegon mutter another taunt under his breath before chuckling, "brother."
Jace's jaw clenched at the mocking of his brother-in-law, extending his arm out for you to hold as he led you out, ignoring the useless remarks of your brothers.
"Where are we going?" You ask. Attitude laced your tone as you kept a poker face.
The man holding your hand leads you out to the courtyard, a single horse appearing into view, making you glare at him. Awaiting his response.
"We're going to see the 7 Kingdoms. Mother had told us to bond." Jace speaks with a frown. His hands pulling at the saddle on the horse while you cross your arms, not daring to move from your position.
"Bond? With you? I'd rather stay here." You started walking back to the halls before Jace spoke again.
"It's an order from the queen." His firm face and clenched jaw told you that he hated this just as much as you did.
You glare at him furiously, shaking your head in defiance. Telling him that you'd rather feed yourself to your dragon than ride with him on a single horse around Westeros. You could be training, or resting in the godswood, or better, toying with the men around the Red Keep. Anything is much more entertaining than going around the kingdom with him.
"Very well," he responds casually. "We'll ride our dragons then."
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cambion-companion · 2 years
alicent gets SO much hate from the fandom even from aemond writers 😔 i trust you and your good taste that you don’t hate her and write something where aemond’s wife and alicent absolutely ADORE each other and aemond loves to see it and is so happy about his two favourite people in the world being so close
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Yes, the more I watched the show the more I grew to like Alicent until her line "Hesitance to murder is not a weakness", then I was like "yep I love this woman."
The Driftmark scene is such a powerful one, I included some of the dialogue. Alicent's reaction was justified, no one was backing her up, or taking responsibility for MAIMING her son, so she felt the need to escalate the situation. And good for her.
Word count: 1366
Aemond x reader | fluff | Pro Alicent Hightower | Sweet drabble
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The shouting is what had alerted you to something being amiss in the castle, raised voices echoing up the empty stone corridors as you poked a curious head out your bedroom door.
You had been sent to be princess Helaena's handmaiden at the age of thirteen, finding the Red Keep to be suffocating most of the time, thankful for this chance to travel elsewhere. Driftmark had proven to be lovely, even if the reason for your journey was not at all a happy one.
Pulling on your heavy nightrobe, you made your way hastily toward the sound of shouting coming from a firelit room at the end of the hallway. You peeked in, seeing that it was indeed very crowded, children clinging to their parents as Viserys and Alicent argued. You spotted Helaena over by the large fireplace standing beside her brother, Aegon. Next to them, sitting on the sofa, blood covering his swollen face...you gasped audibly, drawing the attention of those standing nearest to the entrance.
Aemond clearly very injured, the boy you'd become close friends with had stitches running down the left side of his face, his eye...you blinked back a sting of sudden tears, his eye had been slashed out. Not caring what gossip arose from your actions, you hastened to Aemond's side. He looked up at you in mild surprise at your sudden appearance, his expression turning stony as he tried to turn the injured side of his face away from your probing gaze.
You touched his hand that clutched at the cushions, opening your mouth to say something, but a scuffle of movement behind you caught your attention as Alicent went for Viserys' knife and turned toward Rhaenyra and her children.
Rhaenyra intercepted her, the two women locked in a standoff with the other, Alicent gripping the blade tightly in her shaking hand.
"You've gone too far." Rhaenyra said emphatically, still holding tight to her once-friend's arms.
"I?" Tears streaked down Alicent's face as she continued struggling. "What have I done, but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law while you flout it all to do as you please!"
"Alicent, let her go!" King Viserys, old as he was, looked livid as he yelled at his wife.
"Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?" She continued, taking no heed to the king. "It is trampled under your pretty foot again."
"Release the blade, Alicent." Otto's measured voice this time, trying to reason with his daughter.
She continued staring at Rhaenyra, refusing to drop the knife, her expression morphing from desperation to a look of betrayal. "And now you take my son's eye, and to even that you feel entitled."
"Exhausting, wasn't it?" Rhaenyra at last responded. "Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are."
With a sharp cry, Alicent broke away from her grasp, bringing the dagger down, cutting deep into Rhaenyra's arm. The room fell deathly silent, each person present sensing the gravity of what had just occured. The dagger fell from Alicent's open palm, clattering on the stone floor.
The heavy air was broken as Aemond spoke, drawing your attention back to him as he approached Alicent. "Do not mourn me, mother." His voice was soft, tired. "It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."
You knew his words were more to draw attention away from what had just occurred, his mother injuring the heir to the Iron Throne. Though young, Aemond was no fool, and neither were you. You were aware of his abiding love for his mother, watching as he took her hand in both of his, laying his injured head against her chest.
The scene cleared quickly after that, parents ushering their frightened children back to bed. You lingered in the hall, wanting to stay by your friend's side. Helaena touched your shoulder, smiling at you weakly before departing the room as well.
After several long moments, the room was empty save for you, Aemond and Alicent. It took minutes more for Alicent to come back to herself, taking a deep breath and looking down at her son. "Come, Aemond, you need to rest in order to heal."
Her gaze lifted to you, seeming surprised to see you standing still by the fire. "Y/N, the hour is late. You should also be in bed."
You noticed Aemond didn't look at you, standing motionless, gripping his mother's hand loosely.
"Can I be of any help at all, your grace?" You weren't sure why, but the question you posed, and the earnestness behind it, had an effect on the queen. Her expression softened, lip trembling slightly. "I will call on you in the morning, Y/N. For now, get some sleep."
Call on you she did, and for many weeks following it was Alicent and Aemond you spent the majority of your time with. Helaena didn't seem to mind, in fact she would accompany you often, helping where she could, fetching hot water and healing ointments for her younger brother.
Aemond's demeanor at your presence, at first tense and cold, eased as time passed. He looked at you more, allowing you to change his bandages and read to him at night.
Alicent was warm toward you, quickly becoming someone you looked to as a maternal figure, filling an ache in your heart you'd been unaware was there. Her gratitude for your help and care was obvious, it grew apparent not many others in the castle shared your sympathies for the prince. You heard many unkind whispers spreading throughout the Keep, doing your best to pay them no attention.
One day, Aemond almost fully healed, you were packing up the many salves and ointments the maesters had provided. Alicent approached you, touching a warm hand to your shoulder as she often did. "Y/N, you have gone above and beyond any expectations I had of you in helping my son. You are the handmaiden of my daughter, I know you are friends but why do you care so for Aemond's wellbeing?"
You looked up into her face, smiling slightly. "I heard what happened, I saw how alone you were that night. No one else helped, and I don't think that's fair."
"Oh child." Alicent's eyes grew bright with unshed tears as she pulled you against her in a tight hug. "You are a balm sent from the Mother Herself." She lowered herself to crouch at your level, cupping your chin with her hand. "If you ever find yourself in need of anything, you come to me."
She placed a brief kiss to your forehead before sending you out of the room, back to your normal duties.
From then on, the two of you became close as though she were your actual mother and you, her daughter. Many years passed; she was the one you went to when you had questions about growing into womanhood, about all troubles that weighed upon your mind. Your bond with Aemond only strengthened as well, he sought you out often in your reading nook of the library. You would stay up late nights with the prince discussing all interesting things from the history of dragon riding to the customs of Ancient Valyria.
When you were sixteen and he thirteen, Aemond began teaching you some Old Valyrian, at your request. He saw how much Alicent adored you, her face brightening into a fond smile whenever you walked into a room. He loved you for it. There was precious little that brought true happiness to Alicent, her affection for you soothed her troubled heart.
Aemond observed your interactions often with a soft smile upon his face, his feelings for you slowly growing from friendship to something more. He couldn't name what it was that had changed, there were precious few in his life whom he could say he genuinely loved. His mother was top of that short list, his one defender, the woman who had vouched for him when no one else did. Your evident devotion to her, the time you spent talking to her, leaning your head on her shoulder, had left a warm impression upon Aemond's heart. He wouldn't forget the peace you brought those he cared for most, and he intended to make sure you stayed in their lives.
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bi-disaster-yn · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Overstimulation
Pairing: Alicent Hightower x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is determined to make up for the lack of pleasure Alicent experiences in her marriage.
Contains: top!Reader, bottom!Alicent, overstimulation, fingering, strap on sex 18+, Minors DNI!
A/N: Absolute gay brainrot over Alicent in her nightgown in the scene below. Just 1 chance Emily Carey I’m begging!
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Every time Alicent climaxed, it’s like she’d came for the first time again. Even though with your help she was no longer a stranger to desire, she managed to surprise herself with how good it felt every time. You were only too happy to keep reminding her.
Her pretty features contorted in pleasure as she bounced on your fingers. You sat with your back against the headboard, admiring the beautiful queen riding you and chuckled internally at your own luck. You curved your fingers inside her and circled her sensitive bud skilfully with your thumb.
Your free hand reached up to undo the drawstring on the bodice of her nightgown, revealing her soft and supple tits that bounced in rhythm with her. Still looking up at her, you reached forward and latched your mouth round one of her hardened nipples, smiling against her skin as she threw her head back in intense pleasure.
“I’m going to do it again.” She warned with a breathless moan, positioning her hands on your shoulders. She had already came once on your fingers and now you had decided to overwhelm her.
“Please do.” You grinned devilishly up at her.
Before, Alicent’s body had never been treated as her own but as a mere pawn in a political game much bigger than the both of you. It was your own personal mission to ensure that she felt as much pleasure as possible to make up for the lack thereof she experienced from her husband, King Viserys.
Your thumb danced over her clit, increasing in pace as she began to grind herself against your fingers. She bit on her lip, squeezing on to your shoulders as her body started to tremor.
A scream escaped her throat as your fingers still worked on her with vigour. You kissed along her collarbone, whispering small tokens of encouragement.
One of her hands flew from your shoulder to clasp over her mouth. The servants knew that she wasn’t with the king tonight and she was desperate not to rouse suspicion. Her nights with you were her saving grace and she’d do anything not to jeopardise that. Such a task was made near impossible with your clever fingers in her pussy.
As her orgasm started to subside, she looked down to you and kissed you hungrily, mewling slightly into your mouth as you pulled your fingers out of her. It wasn’t long until your hands found her waist and without breaking the kiss, you had spun her round on to her back and were on top of her.
“It’s still sensitive.” She told you in between kisses as she squirmed beneath you. It was clear from the way you had one of her wrists pinned down and were pulling her nightgown up that you wanted another one out of her.
“That’s what makes it better.” You replied, pulling her nightgown over her head so she was completely naked in front of you.
Her milky skin looked even softer in the pale moonlight. Really, it was a shame that such a beautiful body had not been worshipped before. In truth, the King’s neglect of his wife’s happiness angered you but also served as motivation to make up for his shortcomings and make her drunk on you.
You pulled off your own robe to reveal a leather strap, complete with a wooden cock - the very sight of which made Alicent’s eyes widen as she propped herself up on her elbows to inspect it.
One of your friends who worked at a brothel had told you about such an instrument that they had used before on the men from court. You had regaled the story to Alicent one night while she lay on your chest. Whilst you both giggled, you couldn’t help but notice how she looked at you fervently and then went silent, as if she was considering you with it.
“Where did you get that?” She enquired, looking up at you with doe eyes that inspired a deep fire within you.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is what I’m going to do to you with it.” You replied, closing the distance between you both with another deep kiss.
You guided the cock towards Alicent’s entrance, slowly pushing it in and eliciting a sharp gasp from her. She put her arms round your neck, looking down at the gap between you to see the cock seated deep inside her.
You began to slowly roll your hips and couldn’t help but smile as she arched back so that her chest met yours. Your lips found her neck as you began to confidently thrust deeper.
“Is that good, my sweet one?” You mumbled against her skin.
“Yes.” She whimpered, tears forming in the corner of her eyes from all the stimulation.
“All for you, my queen.” You nipped at her neck and curved one of her legs around your hip in order to make her feel as much of your cock as possible. She winced at the further intrusion and dug her nails into your shoulders, dragging them down your back.
You hissed at the pain but enjoyed it simultaneously. Your hand once holding her wrist now moved to press on to her sternum, holding her in place on the bed while you wildly rutted into her.
Clearly, you had found her sweet spot as Alicent began to desperately mewl and wail beneath you. She made some attempts to thrash around as though her body couldn’t possibly contain all of the pleasure. The tears rolled down her face now as she cried out.
“It’s too much!” She pleaded with you. “I can’t!”
“I know you can.” You smirked down at the true beauty before you. Brunette locks scattered across the bed surrounding Alicent’s face with her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth hanging open. A woman overcome.
You moved your hand previously on her hip to her mouth and slipped three fingers inside. She suckled sweetly on them, moaning against them which, although muffled, sounded like she was being pushed over the edge.
Her hands flew from your back to the sheets at either side of you, raking at them and gripping on them for some sort of reprieve. The young queen spasmed in pleasure beneath you as you continued to fuck her through her orgasm. She bit down on your fingers, clearly overpowered and strung out by all the stimulation.
“That’s it. See, I told you the sensitivity made it better.” You cooed at the delicate woman beneath you who was panting when you pulled your fingers out of her mouth.
Her chest heaved as you placed a single lingering kiss to her lips before laying opened mouthed kisses down her still convulsing body, with an obvious intent of continuing to please her.
“You can give me one more, can’t you?”
Tag List: @freshmoneyalmondathlete @laenordeservedbetter @horny4knives @ajordan2020
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thedeathlysallows · 2 months
Is It Over Now? (9)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: And did you think I didn't see you?
Warnings: Canon typical Targaryen incest. Simp!Aemond. Brief mentions of violence. Aemma is getting pretty depressed and desperate tbh
Tag list: @callsignwidow (I’m so sorry I forgot originally. I promise it wasn’t intentional)
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"What do you mean I'm not allowed to see my own grandmother?" You glare up at Criston Cole, the smug bastard. The joy of denying you and confining you to your room, as if you're some petulant child that wouldn't eat their vegetables rather than a princess and heir to the throne that you are, is all over his face.
"Princess Rhaenys is confined to her room as well. Neither of you are permitted to see your dragons either. Your lord husband has commanded you to prepare for the coronation." Cole bows stiffly before turning sharply on his heel and marching off, sword clanging at his side.
Your hand falls to your stomach as a wave of nausea washes over your body.
So, this is it.
You're well and truly a prisoner as your uncle seizes the Iron Throne.
You want to scream and rage and slit Aegon's miserable throat all at the same time. Most of all you want your mother. It should be her coronation you're commanded to prepare for... and it wouldn't need to be a command either. You'd do it happily. Dutifully.
But you won't do it now. Not for Aegon. Never for Aegon. You're finished allowing him to use you as it pleases him. He'll never lay a hand on you again, and neither will Aemond. How could you be expected to debase yourself in such a way? To give the brother of your mother's usurper children? No, you won't. If Aemond expects it he can take a mistress for all you care.
With your mind made up on the matter, your eyes flit over to the dress some maid or other had laid out on your bed before your kicked all of them out in your rage upon returning to the Keep. The material is long and flowy, meant to drape over your body in a way you'd find attractive if your weren't so upset. The color is the same deep green of House Hightower that you always see Alicent in.
You hate it with such an intense passion that you subconsciously find yourself reaching for the small dagger on Aemond's desk.
"Don't," comes the cool voice of your husband. His fingers wrap around your wrist and he pulls your back to his chest. His other hand splays across your stomach, warming your skin beneath his touch. "The dress is too pretty to ruin."
"I have no need of it as I won't be attending this joke of a coronation. Aegon can choke on his wine."
You feel Aemond's lips twitch against your hair. "I'm sure His Majesty won't be happy to hear his favorite niece say such a thing."
"But his brother is?"
"Or perhaps his brother is simply relieved to find a chasm growing between his wife and the King."
"The chasm is big enough to swallow you as well, Aemond. Do you think I'll ever forgive any of you for this? Do you think I'll happily fall in your bed after this?"
Aemond's hold on your tightens. "Our bed. We are married after all."
"Yes, but for how much longer?"
"What does that mean?" His voice is icy. Dangerous even.
Aegon’s promise before he dragged you back to the Keep with him bounces around in your head. No one can stop me from taking you for my own.
"Nothing," you find yourself reassuring Aemond. "It's only... you're all starting a war. I don't understand how none of you see it. What will the first casualty be? Me? You?"
He turns you around to face him, his hand moving from your stomach to your cheek. "You're safe here."
"Am I? I'm confined to our room, unable to see my grandmother or Vermithor-"
"How old were you when you claimed Vermithor?"
You blink in confusion, uncertain of Aemond's sudden question. "Young. Too young perhaps."
"You were five." His violet eye seems to stare into your very soul as he speaks, laying your very essence bare before him. "It was impossibly brave of you. And idiotic."
"What's your point."
"You wanted Vermithor and you claimed him by any means necessary. That is why my grandfather deems you important enough to imprison. You truly are the blood of the dragon and he's terrified."
Your brow furrows as you take in Aemond's words. "I think you place too much importance on me."
"I could never. You're everything to me. I've waited for you for years and I won't let anyone take you from me now. You're safe with me, my love, this I promise." His gaze flicks down to your lips as he draws you closer, craning his head down.
Your earlier promises of never letting him touch you again fly from your mind as you melt into the softness of his hands. He holds you like he's unworthy of you, like you're something so unbelievably precious to him. He kisses you in the same way. Aemond's lips are gentle and loving as they move against yours. He rushes nothing and savors everything.
"Let me keep you safe," Aemond whispers against your mouth.
The desire pooling between your thighs almost drives you to distraction, but you muster enough focus to nod before wrapping your arms around his neck and stealing another kiss. Aemond reciprocates in kind, his cock throbbing in his trousers as you whimper and grind yourself against him.
Aegon had once told him pretty words could get him anywhere with a woman, but everything Aemond said to you he meant. They were more than pretty words. Every single bit of it was true. He loves you and he'll make you love him in turn no matter what.
"We need to get dressed," Aemond finally manages to say between kisses.
Your hand trails down between your bodies, resting on his hard cock. "And if I would rather get undressed, husband?"
Aemond has to resist the urge to bend you over his desk and fuck you senseless until that pretty little mouth of yours can only say his name. He wants it so badly he can practically feel your cunt around him, but you don't deserve to be fucked like some common whore. No, you deserve to be worshipped. Ravished.
"We don't have time." He hates the way your face falls when he says it, but it's true. There's no time for everything he wants to do to you. "Afterwards, I promise."
"You're making a lot of promises today." Your attempt at humor falls a bit flat as neither of you are in the mood for it. "Aemond, please, don't make me watch."
His thumb traces your cheekbone softly. "You're attendance is required; however, I'll see what I can do about reuniting you with Vermithor if you'll come."
You aren't stupid enough to believe you'd be left alone with your dragon, but it's a step in the right direction. Maybe... maybe this is how you should play their little game. Let them think you've been tamed and domesticated until you can earn enough of their trust that you can get back to your mother.
A plan starts to form in your head.
"Alright," you say to Aemond. "I'll attend."
Aemond kisses you briefly. "I'll wait for you just outside the door."
You nod, watching him leave before heading to your closet and selecting a different dress. This one is a deep red that clings to your body and ends in a long train. It's slightly difficult to get it on by yourself, but you somehow manage, meeting Aemond in the hallway. He observes you with a raised brow though says nothing about your choice of attire. Getting you to agree to come was tricky enough. He isn't about to demand you change clothes.
"Come," he says as he offers you his arm.
The two of you walk in silence to the dragon pit where you join the royal procession, standing on the dais in front of the smallfolk. Many whisper and point at you until Aegon enters and begins walking towards the Septon. Swords clang as he walks beneath, coughs and sniffles coming from the crowd. In the distance you think you can hear Vermithor's mournful cry echoing the hollow feeling in your heart. Aemond, for his part, seems to sense this as well and holds your hand in his.
Aegon's crowning passes in a blur. You hear little of it and completely ignore when he looks in your direction for some sort of sign you accept him. Unlike Alicent and Helaena, you don't curtsy. You don't even nod as Aemond does. You stare straight ahead into the crowd, a few faces staring straight back with pity.
As the crowd cheers Aegon's name you feel as though you'll pass out. That should be your mother wearing the conqueror's crown. All of this is so, so wrong-
Screams cut off your thoughts as debris scatters across the room. The dust settles and you see your grandmother astride Meleys. She meets your eyes and smiles sadly, mouthing the words be strong. You take several steps forward before Aemond wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back.
"Let me go," you cry out. "Let me go!"
Aemond shakes his head. "No. You let her go."
You wail and kick, fighting against him with everything you have, but it's no use. Aemond is much stronger than you and keeps you in place easily until Rhaenys flies off.
Without you.
You collapse against Aemond's chest and sob until he has to carry you out.
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sl-ut · 1 year
Hii could you maybe write something sweet soft nsfw with Alicent?
simple pleasures
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pairing: alicent hightower x fem!reader
description: soft nsfw headcanons with queen ali.
warnings: smut (obvi), swearing, reader has a bush lol
words: 1.1K
date posted: 03/01/23
i would like to begin this by pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that alicent hightower is a–religiousness aside–lesbian, and follow that up by making it clear that our girl is a power bottom.
alicent wants control–she craves it–while simultaneously seeking the kind of pleasure and soft affection that she never received from her husband. 
The queen arched her back, cooing softly as two fingers curled inside her. The pillows were soft against her back, providing some cushioning between the intricate wooden headboard and her soft flesh. Her legs twitched, a jolt shooting through her entire body as her lover pressed her tongue to the sensitive bundle of nerves, using her spare hand to part the protective folds of skin to provide herself with better access. 
alicent does not like to be rough with her lover, nor does she wish for y/n to be rough with her. the only sexual experiences she has had prior to her relationship with y/n were with her husband, who was more of a hit and run kind of guy (rip viserys, gods rest his soul). to her, sex with y/n is a beautiful thing, allowing her to feel loved and show y/n how much she cherishes her. it is a time to tell her kind words, to encourage her to let go–not call her a whore for wishing to pleasure her. 
that being said, there are some circumstances where she might feel inclined to be a bit more hands-on with her lover.
that being said, there are some circumstances where she might feel inclined to be a bit more hands-on with her lover.
that being said, there are some circumstances where she might feel inclined to be a bit more hands-on with her lover.
days were much longer now that her son was the king, and if it had not been her husband’s dying wish, alicent would have loved nothing more than to have washed her hands of aegon’s foolishness the moment he came of age. evenings when she returned to her chambers after particularly draining small council meetings and paying off yet another poor girl who had fallen victim to the young king’s appetites, there was no sight more pleasing to her than finding her lover waiting for her.
these were the kinds of nights when alicent might be more interested in some kinky stuff–she might tie her lover to the bed, spank her, perhaps touch herself in front of her and not allow y/n to touch her. she’s using her as she pleases, telling her what to do and how to touch her, and punishing her for failing to listen.
A loud slap echoed around the candle-lit room, the air silent but for the quiet crackling of the fire and the soft cries of pleasure that left the pair of women as they moved together on the bed, accompanied by the clapping of skin as their hips moved desperately together. Y/n squealed as the force behind Alicent’s slap had her tipping forward, her left ass cheek stinging and burning under the assault. 
“Did I tell you to stop?”
Y/n shook her head, quickly moving her hips to find a steady pace, pressing her dripping core against the queen’s. 
still, as she’s spanking her and ordering her around, alicent is also making sure that y/n isn’t feeling uncertain of how she is doing, and always makes sure to praise her when she is doing a good job.
Y/n’s thighs began to tremble as she continued her movement, face scrunching in concentration as her head fell back to allow her weak moans to leave her throat more easily. Alicent grinned up at her wickedly, taking hold of her hips and moving them for her as she rapidly became enthralled in the pleasure. 
“You are doing so well, my love.”
“You look so beautiful.”
“Show me how good it feels. Come for your queen.”
but more often than not, she wants it slow. alicent adores being able to glance down and observe as y/n parts her legs and slides in between, hearing her precious noises and falling apart as y/n praises her. 
alicent loves the casualness of intimacy. she wants y/n to know how much her love means to her, but also wants her to feel comfortable enough in her presence that it no longer feels like she is queen of the seven kingdoms, but rather that she is simply a woman who gets the pleasure of sleeping beside the one she loves.
she most treasures the nights where sex has very little to do with anything. of course, both of them are insatiable when they are left alone with one another, and will likely end up touching each other in some way, but her preference is when that comes later on.
alicent is the type of gf to have a bath drawn with the finest of oils and scents, only to instruct y/n to get in the second that they’re alone. she likes to sit at the side of the tub as she gets to pamper her lover, usually caving and joining her after y/n asks her for the twentieth time. 
some nights she will ask that they simply lay in bed and talk quietly about their days. more often than not, she’ll request that they do so in the nude, appreciating the feeling of y/n’s bare flesh against her own as they whisper about courtly gossip. usually, alicent will find her fingertips tickling at the mound of curls at y/n’s pubis as she listened to her explain what she had heard about jason lannister’s new betrothed. 
Y/n’s chest heaved as she came down from her high, fingers laced into Alicent’s dark curls as she continued her toothy assault on her neck, the digits that had only just slipped out of Y/n’s tender hole massaged sweet circles on her clit to help her in a gentle come-down.
Alicent pulled away from her lover, continuing to massage her beneath the sheets as she leaned up to rest on her elbow, “You were saying?”
alicent needs more love. yes, her methods of parenting are very questionable, but have you also seen what kind of shit she’s dealing with? 
final statement: alicent hightower is a dreamy, sapphic queen who needs a gf to take care of her and bring her happiness and many orgasms.
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dany-is-my-queen · 2 years
A Question Of Loyalty II
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 6.8k
Note: First of all, I cannot thank all of you guys enough for the love you’ve given to this story. To be completely honest, I don’t know how many chapters are left, maybe 2, maybe even 4. After the 1 season of House of The Dragon ended, I’m in blank really. I’m currently reading Fire & Blood, where “The storm broke and the dragons danced”. So, I don’t want to spoil you, therefore I’m unsure on how much to include in futures chaps… I already have a few ideas though, solid ones that you’ll read soon. Anyways, sorry for my rambling lol. Enjoy! These are flashbacks, to give context of what occurred before the part I.
Part 1
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
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Oh how you rejoiced in taking off to the mountain tops to liberate your mind for a while. You didn’t take after your father, not being a big fan of the sea and sailing, instead, you fell in love with the skies. Silverwing was the best dragon you could ever dream for. Not having hatched one of your own, unlike Laenor, you claimed the she-dragon when you were only nine, you almost gave Rhaenys a heart attack when she was told you’ve been seen soaring the skies atop of her. “Your great grandmother would be proud. But don’t be hot-headed, Y/N.” The Queen Who Never Was remarked. You wore a grin of satisfaction when your mother praised you.
You admired Queen Alysanne, you’ve read all about her contribution to the Realm in the ruling of her husband, King Jaehaerys I, therefore, you aspired to become like her, that’s why you gathered the courage to mount the silvery beast. She was relatively docile and friendly to strangers, so it was natural the bond that bloomed between you.
You lodged in King’s Landing since then, with Silverwing residing in the Dragon Pit with the rest of the dragons.
“Care to join me for a ride, cousin?” Rhaenyra offered beaming.
“Today is your nameday, my Princess. Do you want to spend it with me?” Rhaenyra was turning ten and five, you were the same age and that aided you to feel comfortable around one another. And you found common ground on flying. She nodded eagerly, grabbing gently your forearm.
“Nothing would make me happier.”
How could you refuse the Princess of the Kingdom? You were being reckless and selfish, to say the least. King Viserys and Queen Aemma were hosting a huge feast and jousting to celebrate the “Realm’s Delight”, but she had other plans in mind. You tagged along without a second thought.
“Where are we going?” You asked once you were ready to take depart.
Dragonstone was a short flight from the Capital, the dank island was forsaken, except for a dozen servants that kept the Castle in good conditions. You landed ashore, unsure on why Rhaenyra would want to be there.
“We could move here. Just the two of us.” The Princess’s voice unwavering. You modestly chuckled. After all, it is rightfully mine”
“It would get a bit lonely, don’t you agree?” You demurred, she shook her head.
“Not really, we have Syrax and Silverwing. They can keep us company.”
“Would that suffice, my Princess?” She looked you straight in the eye, you had never felt so intimate with anyone before.
“It would, for me. I’ll never be the son my father so desperately seeks. There’s no place for me there. Not one that will lead me to a happy ending.” The confession staggered your heart, the princess felt so alone, so isolated, under the shadow of an unborn male child. “We could visit Driftmark from time to time. I know you’d miss your family.” She insisted, you contemplated this absurd notion for a minute.
“What about Alicent?”
“What about her?”
“Wouldn’t you miss her?”
“Would you?”
“Yes. She’s our friend.”
“She’s way too dutiful. She will marry soon and forget about us.”
“You reckon?”
“We could do as we pleased here. I needn’t worry about you marrying some fat Lord. We could wed instead, I’ve read about the ancient Valyrian ceremonies. I would make you happy.” There was no malice, nor ambition, solely innocence and hope. You were bewildered, couldn’t believe what Rhaenyra was professing, she was not jesting. Her stomach knotted, worried you’d look at her with disgust, but you cupped her face in your hands. The moonlight shone on the water and on her blue eyes. Rhaenyra has never looked more beautiful, her hair waving gracefully in the blowing wind, her lips so inviting, flushed cheeks.
The naive, ingenious part of you wanted to seal your consent with a fiery kiss, your first kiss. To affirm to her that you would marry her to the tradition of your Houses. Then that vision faded in your mind, she was the Princess, the only child of the King & Queen. That hunch… telling you she was destined for something greater than breaking the rules and committing this kind of madness. It could never be.
“Nyke’m isse jorrāelagon rūsīr ao. (I’m in love with you) Even if for some bizarre reason my father decided to make me his pronounced heir. I would give it up, I’d give everything up to be with you. In a heartbeat.” In this moment in time, Rhaenyra bared her deepest desires and dreams to you. Despite this, you balked off. Fixing your coat and climbing on Silverwing before she could stop you, dodging her face. This was the right thing to do, the wise action. They wouldn’t let you be together, she was more than you deserved. You felt like an absolute coward, you were. The silver dragon flapped her wings into the night sky, heading back to King’s Landing.
Syrax hopelessly yowled. Which meant she was feeling her rider's heartache.
There are days… where you find yourself wishing you had said yes to Rhaenyra, to had carried on with her unhinged proposal. Your parents haven’t urged you to get married, for which you were grateful for. After the incident with the Princess at Dragonstone, you grew asunder. She avoided you like the plague, barely granting you a word when in the same space. Whereas with Lady Alicent, you only grew closer. You enjoyed her company, and making her laugh.
“Do you get homesick?” Alicent asked while reading a book with you laying on her lap.
“Of course. Being apart from my siblings is hard. But being here allows me to spend time with you. That’s a fair exchange.” You missed the way Alicent blushed. “Do you?”
“Yes, I miss my brother Gwayne. My cousins. Hightower was warmer… I felt closer to the Gods. And to my mother.” You knew she still had a difficult time recalling the demise of her mother.
“Let’s pay a visit to Oldtown then.” You bluntly suggested, attempting to lift her spirts. Alicent giggled.
“It’s a prolonged way from the Keep. It’d take months… my father won’t let me be absent for that long.”
“Lucky for you. I happen to know someone who could take us there in no time.” You smirked, Alicent understanding now who your carriage was.
“Y/N, are you out of your mind! I would fall off Silverwing somewhere across the Roseroad and my body would never be located.” You chuckled at her overemphasis more so cause she possessed a serious look on her delicate features.
“Don’t be dramatic, Alicent. You’d be clutching my waist the entire flight. I’ll have the dragon keepers saddle her properly for your safety. It would be an unforgettable quest. C’mon, my lady. Picture it, instead of reading old tales and histories we can have an experience of our own. We can even make a quick stop on Highgarden, have you been there?” Alicent did want to go, it felt like a lifetime opportunity. If only she wasn’t terrified of mounting a dragon…
“The many rivers, the canal crisscross and its cobbled streets, the breathtaking mansions. I wish to see the place where you grew up. Please?”
It didn’t take much to convince Alicent, she was surprised herself. She was willing to overcome her fear for those beasts… if it meant to share this voyage with you.
Alicent approached your dragon with dread creeping in. “Touch her.” You encouraged her, she delayed, you guided her fingers to the long neck of Silverwing.
“Promise me if I die you’ll say to my family that I’m sorry and that I love them.” Alicent quipped but did mean it. You pressed a peck to her temple to soothe her.
“I’d never let anything happen to you.” That was all the reassurance Alicent needed.
“May I?” You asked gently.
“You may.” You helped her climb, following behind, she cleaved steady your lower back. “I still don’t know how I persuaded my father to let me go.”
“He was in a good mood, I guess. Now, don’t make a hasty move cause if you do Silverwing might toss us away by accident.” You tried to feign a serious tone. She stiffened and tighten her grip, you bursted out laughing again and she nudged you softly.
“Y/N! Don’t tease.”
“Sorry sorry. You’re stuck with me. Sōvēs, Silverwing!” The ride to her home was pure bliss. She never would have wager that she’d enjoy riding in dragonback. She wasn’t sure if it was the thrill of it or the mere fact that you were the one with her. That was the very journey that showed her what true love felt like. Disguised as adventurous friendship, she realized she was head over heels for you.
It hasn't been long since you returned to the Capital from your excursion with Lady Alicent. You sat next to her at the tournaments, this time celebrating the upcoming birth of the King's first son. Rhaenyra watched you from her seat. You felt quite uncomfortable, more so because that fire inside you kept burning wildly whenever she was around. There was a new knight in town, Criston Cole, you overheard, the Realm’s Delight seemed smitten by him, and you suddenly felt sick, jealousy twisting in, you paid no attention, Alicent was gossiping about the other participants.
Queen Aemma died in childbirth, you wished you were there for Rhaenyra, but she built her walls higher than they have ever been.
Rhaenyra was proclaimed heir by the King, as you once suspect it would happen. She’s destined for greater things. The same tape replaying in your head. The Lords from all across the Kingdoms swore fealty to her, your House among them.
A few moons passed and Alicent was betrothed to the King, news that surprised Rhaenyra, though not you. It relieved you, for he wasn’t to take you nor little Laena to wife. Alicent has told you about her private visits to Viserys, solemnly swearing it was his father’s goal all along.
“My interest for men is as dull as dishwater.” She commented one day. Gaining your curiosity.
“Whatever do you mean? I know you desire not to marry him. Does that…-“
“I’m not going to elaborate. Just… remember this. I will always be yours.”
“I need to prepare. See you at the ceremony, lady Y/N.” She ran out, leaving you very, very confused.
It’s been four years since the royal wedding. Four years since you decided to leave court to be with your family and stop pondering about her, or rather, about them. Then proceeded to head for the fighting on the Stepstones, aiming to bring some help to your father and brother, only to be dismissed upon your arrival. You argued with your sire at the Valeryon camp on Dwarfstone. “No, Y/N. Not a chance.” Corlys rejected you. There was no bargain on the table. “This is no playground, no training yard. This is a dangerous zone. I cannot and will not risk your life.”
“But father- my dragon can make the difference, I’m capable of fighting as well-“
“I know, sweet daughter. I know you are. Even more capable than half my men here, but you are no soldier, Y/N. You have no practice in these things. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen while you’re in this bloodshed.” Your father finished explaining his concern. You were upset about it, by all means. How were you to learn if not by being in an actual war.
That didn’t halt you though. Laenor disagreed at the beginning. Unhappy to oblige to your request, you implored for his help on this one. And so he gave it. He unfolded the plan of supposedly surrender to the Crabfeeder and the Triarchy, proposing a desperate gambit, using Daemon as bait to lure the Crabfeeder's forces into the open to eliminate them all at once. “Gods be good, if father kills me after this, know that it’ll be on you.”
You ready yourself, locating on the top of the highest peak, standing by until further signal from Laenor.
It was time when you spotted Seasmoke emerged. You trailed behind them, setting ablaze the Triarchy soldiers astride Silverwing, wiping out the archers overlooking the battlefield. A lost arrow almost hitting you, you dodged it effectively. As they forced reel, Corlys and Vaemond leaded a brutal counterattack against the enemy, while Daemon pursued Drahar into the caves. As the Velaryon forces claimed victory, Daemon dragged the upper half of Drahar's bisected corpse behind him. Your father’s vassals gazed upon the skies to find you and your she-dragon roaring with strength.
You were back at Driftmark. Your father scolded you, and Laenor. But it was worth it, you knew deep down he was proud of you. Quite the woman you were becoming, what did you need a husband for?
Your mother welcomed you with a hug that lasted for hours, she also reprimanded you though, “Still hot-headed.” And Laena hugged you as well. “I can’t believe you went off to war to escape your feelings from a certain Targaryen princess.” Your sister hissed, mocking you.
“I can’t believe you claimed Vhagar.” She smiled warmly at you. “I’ve missed you, little sister.”
“So have I.” Then you proceeded to visit your dragons.
“Rhaenyra flew in here weeks ago. You were on the Stepstones. She seemed to be in a hurry. Like she sought rescue.” Laena nonchalantly depicted. Why would she?
“What did she want?”
“Other than to say hello to her favorite cousin, I have no idea. She said something about the King organizing a tour for her with the most noble lords in the Realm. At this time, she is to continue holding audiences for her hand in marriage.”
“Oh?” Rhaenyra on the search for a husband… that didn’t sit well with you.
“She’s to be here too.” The youngest Valeryon added.
“I doubt that she’ll find her golden knight here.” You scoffed, you couldn’t face her, not yet. “However, none of my business.” Laena looked at you incredulously but didn’t push it. “I will go to King’s Landing to check on the Queen. I didn’t even say goodbye the last time. Accompany me?”
“I’d love to, but I don’t want to leave mother. And you will surely be wrapped up.”
“Off with me then.” You said your farewells to your parents & siblings and set your route to the Capital.
It was perfect timing, you thought. The Princess was touring the Realm, therefore she wouldn’t be any near the Keep, you could visit Alicent without fretting of seeing Rhaenyra.
You still loved her, that was very much true. It was different now though… you felt braver than you did those days back in Dragonstone when you fled and abandoned her. You owe an apology, to both of them really. “I’ll always be yours.” What did Alicent mean with that? Always be your best friend? Did she was enamored by you? Was that another reason for the girls to be in odds with one another? Were you to blame?
You arrived at the gates of the castle, you were nervous but masked it pretty well, then proceeded to greet the King, “Lady Y/N! So good to have you back. Your non-appearance hasn’t gone unnoticed.” Viserys hospitably welcomed you.
“Thank you, your Grace. I’ve missed it as badly. How’s Princess Rhaenyra?”
“She’s… disobeying me as usual. Don’t know if you are aware but we arranged a tour for her to choose her own consort. Yet she came back earlier than scheduled, moons for it to be over.” You opened your eyes in realization of what that meant, fortunately Viserys didn’t notice it.
“I see, your grace. That sounds a lot like her.”
“You’ve grown distant. That saddens me. Since her fifteenth nameday she’s hasn’t been the same, she’s upset and depressed. Perhaps you could rekindle your relation with her now that you’re both around.” He encouraged you, you played the part.
“You’re right, you’re Grace. That would warm my heart, hopefully hers too.” Rhaenyra did remember what happened that evening, it still burdened her, guilt swamping all over.
The tide was set the other way around. But you longed to see her, them.
Daemon was there, as expected. And you were invited to the gathering held in the goodswood to the younger prince’s honor. The King got somewhat drunk, and was sharing stories of his teenage years along with Daemon, who had a smirk on his face. The Queen and the Princess were there as well.
“Oh lady Y/N. Glad you could join us.” Viserys alluded to you in such an effortless manner, you approached them, situating in between him and Rhaenyra. “You know, this is also for you. I heard about your bravery on the latest war. You did brought fire and blood to the enemy. What is it you want as a reward for your courage? Never would expect you were a warrior but you are very much like your sire Lord Corlys.” Daemon sniggered under his teeth, and Alicent was blowed.
“It is not glory I’m after, nor a reward, your Grace. But I truly appreciate your nice words.”
“How modest. You’re one of a kind, my lady. Lucky the man that gets to keep you.”
“Yes, indeed very lucky.” Daemon mocked. You paid no mind. Viserys spoke again. Did the prince was always this annoying?
“My lady wife has told me about the trip you once ventured in together. Wandering the skies on dragonback. If I had a dragon myself, I could take her on a similar adventure. Just like my grandparents once did.”
“Yes, husband. I had a great time with lady Y/N. We visited the Citadel also, it was magical. I cherish it dearly.” Alicent reminisced fondly, so did you. The Princess shifted awkwardly.
“If you excuse me, I’ll go see the new tapestries displayed in the gallery.” She excused herself and dashed from you. Daemon tracking after her.
Shortly after, you requested to speak to the Queen alone.
“Before I start apologizing, let my tell you. You look stunning in that dress.”
“I was not sure that the Targaryen colors would fit me.” Alicent bashfully answered the compliment. You admired her under the afterglow.
“They certainly do. Red and black highlight your skin, your Grace.” She was as red as the morning sun, feeling like lady Alicent Hightower again, not “The Queen.”
“You flatter me. But what is that that I heard that you went to war? You didn’t even say goodbye, Y/N. I was left alone.” You felt bad, too selfish really to stick around Alicent’s side, but living in the same place that the silver-head was way too intoxicating, you wagered she hated you, not realizing you had hurt Her Grace along the way. “I…- realized that I have few friends lately.”
“I’m sorry, Alicent. I needed time away from court and also, you had your duties. Tending to the King, looking after your children. I can’t wait to meet the little princelings.” She softened, albeit, it was true, she had limited time to spare yet she would have found it for you.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You came back.”
“The King requests your presence, my Queen.” Rhaenyra declared, faking a courtesy.
“Thank you, stepdaughter.” She barely spared a glance to the Princess. “We will resume our conversation later.” You bowed and she was gone. Rhaenyra was walking away from you.
“Princess… may I speak with you for a minute?” You attempted. Rhaenyra didn’t stop her pace. “Rhaenyra.”
“My uncle is waiting for me.”
“How long are you going to ignore me?” The question coming more like an accusation. She turned around.
“I? You were the one that brushed me aside years ago. You didn’t care about seeking me out. You then left the city. You return and launch into her arms first. I do not owe you anything, Y/N” You didn’t have a reply, for it was the truth.
You did jilt her, and she was far from being over it. But you fairly did leave because you loved her, more than your heart could admit, and the fact that you couldn't be with her was too much to bear. Little did you know that that was all she wanted, even though you spurned her once you were younger, she still wished to court you, woo you. You were dying to tell her she swept you off your feet a long while back.
A big terrible lack of communication set your paradise ablaze, the two of you burned and turned to cinders, but… where there were fire, ashes remain, right? You were a wine stained gown, one Rhaenyra could no longer wear.
Did Rhaenyra resented you? Or did she harbored her old feelings for you? She was a mystery, one you wanted to unravel. You love her, not past tense. You love her in the present.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t resume your talk with Her Grace, a servant girl came shyly to inform you that she was nursing her newborn daughter Haelena, and later the King might “need” her. You didn’t dwell on the last part, as it was a duty she had, yet in her face was written her distaste for her obligations.
Later that evening you derived in a lengthen bath. You lit up some candles, wrote a couple of letters meant for Driftmark and leaned on the big window frame that had a gorgeous view of the city. The Dragonpit and the Sept could be spotted from there. Averting your thoughts as far as possible from the Targaryen Princess, to no avail, then back to the young Queen, “Alicent must be exhausted, the King ought to let her have a break” you pondered.
When slumber was finally kicking in, all of the sudden, you listened loud thumps on your door, it startled you. One, two, three times in a row. You rose and unlocked it to find the culprit of your insomnia. The Princess was wearing common page-boy’s clothes. Her hair was messy, her lips slightly swallowed? She was trying to catch her breath.
“Ummh…-“ She studied you for a lingering moment.
“Are you not going to let me through?” You stepped aside while you closed the door. Puzzled and doubtful of her abrupt appearance.
“The hour is quite late, Princess. Are you lost?” You cursed and cringed at the dumb question you had just made. “Are you tipsy? And why are you wearing that?” Rhaenyra seemed overwhelmed by your interrogation.
“Nyke’ve missed ao, ao kostagon’t imagine skorkydoso olvie.” (I’ve missed you, you cannot imagine how much) The Realm’s Delight blunted out, you hardened. It does something to you when she starts speaking in Valyrian… “Skoro syt haven’t ao sought issa hen? (Why haven’t you sought me out?) Ao jikagon naejot zȳhon, se dōrī rūsīr issa. Skoro syt?” (You go to her, and not to me. Why?) Rhaenyra inquired with bitterness in her airing. You focused on your feet, a coward you were.
“Nyke…-“ (I…) What the hell were you suppose to say? She horned in, stepping closer to you. The atmosphere growing thicker and thicker.
“Ao fucking gūrotan zȳhon isse Silverwing. (You fucking took her on Silverwing) She snarled. Gaomagon ao jorrāelagon zȳhon?” (Do you love her?) Mere inches from your mouth, Rhaenyra stood dangerously near, not being cautious at all. You were to give in. “Daor, ao don’t. Ao jorrāelagon issa.” (No, you don’t. You love me) That was an statement. Her body was calling on you. You melted under her fiery, powerful gaze and grabbed onto dear life to her waist, splashing your lips with hers with pure desire.
Those embers rising from the dead, turning into raging flames. Rhaenyra shoved you roughly to your bed muttering no more word, she unbuttoned her shirt, removed your own garments just as rapidly, you were now completely naked.
“Take off my pants.” She commanded, you unfastened the zip and she climbed to your lap, tangling herself onto you, kissing you again. “I want your fingers inside me, your mouth, I want you.” She impeled, a wild animal ready to attack their prey. “I need you.”
Rhaenyra mentioned nothing about loving you that night, nothing about running away together or anything of the sort. Her hunger and thirst for you the only things present in that room. She was intoxicating, addicting, all your cares in the world gone once you were inside her and she you. Nothing else mattered.
You’ve been up in the clouds with her, and now you understood what it felt like to be consumed by dragon fire.
The aftermath of such events have not left consequences, but what you learned afterwards stirred your feels.
In the morrow, the sun rays were making their way in, you found a small letter under your pillow, you unfolded it and peeped at Rhaenyra’s fancy handwriting. “Rhaenagon issa rȳ Rhaeny’s Hill, nyke jaelagon naejot show ao mirros.” (Meet me at Rhaeny’s Hill, I want to show you something)
You were beyond content for the night prior, Rhaenyra was all you ever wanted, the love of your life, you naively convinced yourself. Mayhaps this time around you could declare your love, flee to Dragonstone and wed. Fuck them all, you thought. We will make our stand if anyone should dare oppose. Surely she would leave it all behind, like she said those years ago.
There was already another potential heir, Aegon, Alicent’s son would be accepted, all Viserys had to do was change the proclamation. Rhaenyra and you could have your happy ending.
You were on your way to assemble with her, but halted on the way to glimpse at Rhaenyra and Alicent seemingly arguing. You’ve never been one to eavesdrop, yet curiosity got the best of you.
“What happened last night, Rhaenyra?” Alicent bluntly asked, she was taken aback. So were you. Alicent was angry no doubt. “My father made worrying allegations, that you’ve been with your uncle.”
“Well, yes. I haven’t seen him in years. We went out to have some fun in the city. What of it? Other than sneaking out of the castle and drinking wine. I did not do anything serious.”
“He said that you fucked Daemon in a pleasure house!” Alicent lowered her tone and curtly exclaimed, you made sense of the sentence. Your heart sank at it. Did she? she was with you…
“That is a vile accusation.” Rhaenyra retorted.
“You Targaryens do have queer costumes.”
“Daemon took me to several taverns, we got very drunk, yes. I wanted to go home but he wished to continue. He was my escort and without him I couldn’t head back, we ended up in a brothel, we did see a show there but I was solely a spectator. Then he ran off with some whore therefore I had to make my way to the Keep on my own anyway.” She concluded by embellishing word-for-word that "Daemon never touched her" at all and swore this on her mother's memory. If that was the version she had explained to you, would you actually believe it? Nothing else happened… Something was amiss.
“How do you think Y/N will react to these news?”
“She need not to find out.” Rhaenyra was now… planning on deliberating keeping secrets from you. Not from your protection but to save face. She went to you the way she did, because she WAS to have sex with Daemon but he got cold feet, so she then went to her alternative, to satisfy her own needs, ones aroused by another person? Your eyes were welling with sour tears. You were only a second choice, she didn’t miss you, she didn’t even love you anymore. You were merely a vessel, one she needed to find release, no love was involved.
“Why do you keep behaving like this, after me and the King have strived to find you a good, suitable match, you go putting yourself in a position where your virtue could be call into question. Spitting the ones that care?”
You ran off, unable to keep listening to the bickering, you climbed onto your dragon as fast as you could, shrugging off the one belonging to the culprit of your crying. You didn’t show to the Hill, for obvious reasons. Leaving Rhaenyra waiting until sundown with your favorite flowers and the same unhinged proposal.
A couple of days have passed and you barely have spent time in the castle, instead riding all day. Alicent haven’t told you what she has learned, yet the rumors were all around like flies. You knew she didn’t because she was trying to shield you, to spare you the pain, not to save Rhaenyra of shame.
On the the third day since the conversation between them, it was announced that you would be traveling to High Tide, to propose the marriage between your brother Laenor and Rhaenyra. It hasn’t even been a week yet and now this? Rhaenyra was becoming your sister? The Gods were being cruel to you, punishing you for your sins, most likely. You knew of Laenor’s nature, as he did yours. As a matter of fact, your parents also knew, Corlys only to waved it off describing them as “phases”.
Lord Lyonel Strong has been made the new Hand of the King, surely Rhaenyra had Ser Otto dismissed from his rank for filling her father’s ears with his denouncements. He has always been calculated, he wants a Hightower on the throne.
It was good to be back, home always offering some fresh air. Laena politely invited the guests in, in the courtyard was Laenor with Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, a good friend of yours too, and his closest “companion”. You hugged them tightly, no welcoming party for your father was one to hold grudges, since the King rejected both his offers to marry their daughters a rift has been set between House Velaryon and the Iron Throne, you never would have wed His Grace though, thanks the heavens he didn’t persuade it nor ponder about the it too much.
“It is so rare to see you on a boat.” Your mother jested. “You never grant Silverwing a break.” You tittered warmly.
“Wherever has Laena gone to?”
“She’s with Rhaenyra. They’re having breakfast. Wanna join them?”
“No, no. It’s fine, I’m not hungry. How’s Meleys?” You shifted awkwardly and changed the subject, staring at the sea.
“Are you okay, daughter?” She looked at you expectantly. “I know that your love for her runs deep. I’m your mother, dear. A mother knows her children’s heart. Don’t shun your emotions, my darling girl. There’s nothing to be embarrass of. This is what’s best for our Houses, for the Realm. Your brother will do a good consort, your father may take advantage for his pride, know that I do not. I care about your happiness as well, you’ll find a pretty lady, or a maiden, you’ll find someone for you to spend your life with. That in my bones I know. And your mother will support you no matter what.” Rhaenys embraced you firmly, pecking your forehead. How lucky you were to have her.
Laenor encountered you nearby the beach. He approached you.
“I’m not enthusiastic for this marriage, Y/N. Not more than you, or her. It does not mean anything, I have just talked to her… we’ve come to a mutual arrangement; we will perform our duty for our families, produce heirs… but otherwise we will both continue having our own private romantic relationships. It will be hard, painful even. I am sorry, Y/N, so so sorry.”
“If I was a man, I could wed her instead of you. Everything would be perfect. Everything. A secret behind close doors…- I don’t know if I can do it.”
“Joffrey agreed to it. Better than nothing, better to lose you. She is very keen to you, she claimed to love somebody, genuinely… she did not say who. But she assured it, she was referring to you, Y/N.”
“It is not your fault, Laenor. I… I’m doomed to feel the way I do. I wish I could get over her and go on with my life.” There was resentment in your voice, hurt.
He gave you an apologetic smile, and squeezed your hand in a comforting manner. You would care not for the Throne nor political station, but for taking her to wife, a sad, sad reality.
You were prepared to set sail, this time your whole family attending the latest royal wedding. You couldn’t find sleep as usual and headed to the balcony of the castle. A turmoil, one you so wretchedly wanted to get rid of.
“You are very, very elusive, my lady.” Rhaenyra’s voice startled you, your only exit was jumping off the cliff. “I’ve been trying to locate you.”
“Princess.” Again, she looked gorgeous, her hair down on her shoulders.
“You didn’t show up. Are we back here again?” We shared that night together, we were one. And yet… I’m once more a stranger to you?” She spat, wounded by your actions as if you were the one to blame.
“You got what you wanted, Rhaenyra. You have no use for me now.”
“What? What are you talking about? I need you, Y/N. Now more than ever.” She strolled closer, attempting to caress you. You deflected, her touch would only ignite a further wildfire.
“You needed somebody to fuck with!”
“Has Alicent uttered her gossips again? She does that to tear us apart, she’s always aiming for that.”
“No, Rhaenyra. Alicent has nothing to do with this, drop it.”
“My lady… I’m so confused right now. I came to you because I did miss you, we were separated for too long it was time we reconciled. I still want you, Y/N. As much as I did when we were fifteen. Things have changed, I’m the heir to the Throne, I’m to marry your brother, who would have visualized any of this? There’s a role I got to fulfill now, something that’s bigger than both of us. But that does not mean that we cannot still be intimate, I spoke to Laenor about it and he’s agreed.”
“You want me as what, as a lover? A friend? A companion? A whore?” The last noun was a whack to Rhaenyra, a punch to her heart and an insult to her alone.
“You’re unbelievable.” She stormed out from the rooftop, leaving you sniveling, for the hundredth time.
The long-awaited royal wedding ceremonies finally began; first a grand feast in the Red Keep, to be followed by seven days of tournaments and spectacle, culminating with the marriage ceremony. The Velaryons arrived on their dragons, Laenor on Seasmoke, Laena on the older Vaghar, and your mother Rhaenys on the Red Queen, Meleys. Meanwhile, your father Corlys, yourself and the full Velaryon fleet rolled in the harbour, (Silverwing was nesting on the Dragonpit) as the city's bells tolled out to greeting you for the festivities. Alicent saluted you warmly, taking in your accent, you reciprocated.
At the Great Hall; Viserys and Rhaenyra sat at the middle of the high table set up in front of the throne's base and received each group of Lords with their respective families. You decided to contrast your sibling’s outfits by wearing an imposing golden dress. At the high table you sat beside Rhaenys and Laena. Daemon appeared out of nowhere, but you paid no heed to him.
Shortly after, Alicent entered through the main doors, intentionally interrupting the King in the middle of his speech. She was dressing in a green gown, her features cold as ice.
You engaged in a cordial chat with some of the Tyrell acquaintances you’ve made while visting Highgarden, Rhaenyra and Laenor were on the dance floor sharing the first ball, couples following behind.
“May I have this dance, my lady?” The youngest son of Lord Tully submitted his hand to you, he was being a total gentleman, but the glare Rhaenyra sent his way shot to kill.
You flown graciously side by side to her, cursing your pace, she saw this a good opportunity to whisper with audacity; Issi ao naejot sagon bisa āeksio’s, līve pār? (Are you to be this lord’s whore, then?) Rhaenyra taunted you, thanks the Gods no one there understood Valyrian, you didn’t get the chance to defend yourself at her boldly rudeness when you were swapped to dance with Laenor.
“You’ll have dozens of suitors after my wedding, dear sister. I bet none of them will be as infatuated with you as the Green Queen herself.” You poked him softly, he chortled. From across the room, Alicent was staring at you in awe, she was drooling and she care not to camouflage it.
However, you got distracted when you observed Rhaenyra and Daemon speaking to one another awfully close, it angered you, how dare them? Your blood boiling ever hotter when he grabbed harshly her cheeks, in an attempt to kiss her. The entire Hall was interrupted by a piercing cry from a different part of the feast floor.
A brawl has broken out in the packed room, but it became clear that at the center of it Criston Cole has begun pummeling Joffrey Lonmouth. Your brother managed to struggle his way through to them and tackled Criston off Joffrey, but Criston rose and punched out Laenor, resuming his aggressive punches. You watched from afar, having reached the high table, you spotted Rhaenyra being carried in the arms of Harwin Strong, you sighed but worried for your brother. That fucker murdered your brother’s lover and no one did nothing to seize him.
As the result of it, some hours later, all of the guests have been ordered out and King Viserys has cancelled the seven days of festivities and games leading to the wedding ceremony. Instead, determined to finish this as quickly as possible, Viserys called in the High Septon to wed Rhaenyra and Laenor in a private exchange of vows in front of their respective parents and close advisors, you among them of course, too shocked for the queer behavior of that “knight” (if he can be considered as that anymore). They were proclaimed husband and wife, Rhaenyra pretended you were not there, your heart breaking for the whole situation, and for the loss of your friend and your brother’s paramount. Alicent in the other corner with Viserys, he dropped to the floor in a full faint. They are not to consummate their marriage tonight, that was unquestionable.
You felt nauseous, tossing and turning, you wanted to go flying but Silverwing was most certainly napping, you didn’t want to bother her just because you were a mess, again. The way Daemon and Rhaenyra were interacting with each other, you were repulsed by his fucking cockiness in her fucking wedding, her disrespectful and degrading comment. Recalling not so long ago she was in a brothel with him doing the Gods know what, jealousy, anger, sadness… all flooding you. And to make matters worse, she was officially married to Laenor, how were you to endure it? She didn’t fight for you, didn’t show you more than lust. It was too much, simply too much.
You got out of your chambers and found yourself on the Queen’s quarters, fortunately the King was beyond worn out from today to request her, you didn’t bother on waiting for Ser Harold to announce your presence, you shouted for her. “My Queen! My Queen!” You alarmed her and she was confused as to why would you be yelling her name this tardy.
“Ser Harold, you may go. Lady Y/N, come on in.” He did as instructed, you walked inside, she scowled, was she angry now too?
“Would you slap me if I were to kiss you right now, your Grace?” You cut to the chase. “May I?” Already breathing her in.
“You may.”
You pulled Alicent to you, pressed her mouth to yours, she was indeed mad, for Criston has told her he eavesdropped the night the accusation of the Princess and her uncle transpired, he longed for her as well, so out of range, by the brief chat he had with Ser Joffrey, and the constant rejection of the Princess, he had a breakdown. Alicent’s heart broke too, but in all honesty she saw it coming, she was only relived neither of you could get the other one with child, yet her hatred for Rhaenyra only grew darker. Alicent loathed Rhaenyra, but she did not despised you, on the contrary, she adored you with all her might, she was sick of being repressed by her feelings, by her “sins”, that she bursted and kissed you back like she’s never kissed anyone before.
She undressed more than her body to you, she demonstrated all the things she’s been feeling since you were on dragonback together, not a speck of regret in her. She was shy at first, way too unexperienced unlike the Princess, altogether she find out women are the only ones that make her feel this way. Never one of breaking vows, that night she stopped being a wife, a queen, she was a teenage girl making love with the one she loved, and you, you took her as she was, a mother of two, the consort of the King, a childhood friend. You were to discover your feelings for her, and it wasn’t like you were using her to get the Targaryen Princess out of your system… for it was impossible. It was all connected, but that night you made sure to reciprocate all that Alicent felt for you, and it wasn’t one sided at all.
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importantchaosgiver · 4 months
The Griffin And The Dragon:
A Most Pure Soul
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Summary: After leaving Dragonstone and arriving in King's Landing, (Y/N) keeps a careful eye on Alcatrax as he recovers. But others also have careful eyes... on her...
Warnings: Fluff, some slight tension, slight mention of blood
No One's POV
(Y/N) chuckled softly as she looked ahead. The sight was truly amusing as well as heartwarming. Most believed griffins were vicious creatures, never to be tampered with. Well, this sight would beg to differ. Alcatrax was laid down as children from the town gathered around him, stroking his feathers or tail. The grey griffin looked rather pleased with himself, loving all the attention. (Y/N) was staying at King's Landing as per permission of Viserys. Ever since what happened at Dragonstone, she had to leave. She hadn't told him of the... encounter she had with Daemon. Truly, she didn't think it really meant anything. Daemon was known for being rather brash with his decisions. Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
So, whilst Alcatrax was busy with the children, (Y/N) walked away, holding a small bundle of flowers in one hand, smiling at townsfolk and giving them either a 'good morning' or a compliment. If course, that surprised a few who had never seen her, but understood Concordia's ways and accepted the niceties.
She picked a couple more flowers before she sensed someone behind her. Turning around, she saw Rhaenyra. "Oh, hello, princess. A fine day, is it not?" (Y/N) asked with a smile. "Yes, I guess it is," she muttered. Hmm, teenage attitude. "How are you today?" (Y/N) queried, keeping a calm and relaxed tone. Rhaenyra let out a sigh. "Fine," she said shortly. The older princess held out a flower. "Here, princess. It will go very well with your dress and hair," she said. Rhaenyra looked pleasantly surprised and took it. "Thank you," she muttered. "No need to thank me. Let that smile shown. For even the heavens can see it. Come, let's see how Alcatrax is with all those children," (Y/N) said, gently taking Rhaenyra's hand and guiding her to the griffin.
From afar, away from prying eyes, there stood Viserys Targaryen and Otto Hightower. They were watching Princess (Y/N). "She seems exceptionally good mannered and so happy," Viserys muttered, smiling a little at seeing the happiness that had culminated just from her presence alone. "She is a foreigner, your grace. From quite a distance away," Otto said. This wasn't what he anticipated. "It was the court's will that I am to be wed again, was it not?" Viserys asked, looking at Otto. "Indeed, your grace. But, perhaps, it would be better for you to marry someone closer. In Westeros," Otto explained, trying desperately (not that he showed it) to make him somewhat closer to his own daughter, Alicent. "But, the princess is so well mannered, kind of heart. She even made Rhaenyra smile. I do not believe I have seen a beauty such as her and a soul as pure as she," Viserys said. Of course, he hadn't forgotten Aemma. He never would. But, (Y/N)... there was something about her. Something that made even him smile a little. Otto couldn't respond to that. He couldn't plant any seeds of doubt. Because it was all so true. He needed a different approach, and quickly.
All of a sudden, (Y/N) fell with a yelp. It made everyone stop as she picked herself up from the ground. Rhaenyra went to her side instantly. As well as Alcatrax. What caused her to fall? Well, a couple of women were sneering at the kind hearted princess. But, (Y/N) didn't give them a second glance. She got to her feet, Alcatrax gently nipping her hand. "Oh dear," she sighed softly. Her hand had been scraped. And by the feeling of it. So was her knee due to the stinging. But, she wasn't overreacting. It was just a couple of grazes. All it needed was a good clean and dressing. "Are you alright?" Rhaenyra asked. (Y/N) gave a soft chuckle, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It is fine, princess. Just a couple of mere scratches. Do not worry. I am not made out of glass," she said with a smile. Viserys turned to Otto and gave him a look that said: 'See what I mean?'.
She went back to the chambers she had been staying in. But, as she was about to tend to her injuries, a knock came upon the door. "Yes?" she queried. A knight entered and bowed a little. "The king has requested your presence, my lady," he said. That was odd. Viserys was asking for her? Intriguing. So, she followed the knight without question, coming to the king's chambers which further took her by surprise. The knight knocked. When a voice said 'come', he went in. "The Princess (Y/N) of Concordia, your grace," the knight said as she walked in, curtsying politely. Although, the graze on her knee twinged a little. She looked at Viserys with a shy smile. He was sat at a table with a model of King's Landing. It was very impressive. Viserys smiled upon seeing her, dismissing the knight. When the door closed, the king indicated to a seat. "Please, my lady. Sit," he said. She complied and sat down, looking at Viserys, wondering what the nature of this summon was.
He walked over to her, crouching in front of her. "I heard you sustained an injury earlier. May I see?" he asked, holding out his hand. She chuckled. "It is not anything bad," she said, showing the palm of her left hand. It was slightly pink and shiny from where skin had been scraped off and some beads of blood showed through from where the skin had been broken. There was some dirt and some small rocks on her hand too. Viserys gently took her wrist, making her look at him. "Allow me," he said, a bowl of warm water and a cloth being brought over. He cleaned the graze. He was surprised though, her hands were small in his. Her hand was dainty, soft and small. It was quite... cute.
(Y/N) remained quiet as he cleaned the graze. She wasn't shifting uncomfortably or showing any signs of discomfort or pain. Once her hand was clean, Viserys gently bandaged it. "Your knee, my lady," he said, rinsing off the cloth. That made her gulp a little. She timidly lifted her skirt over her left knee. Her skin looked so soft. Despite the more sizeable graze on her knee cap. Viserys took a deep breath shifting to kneel. (Y/N) looked at him in surprise as his hand held the back of her knee. She felt a shiver go down her back at the touch of his hand. His palm was slightly cold upon her skin. And Viserys could feel the soft and smooth texture of her skin as he cleaned away any grit and blood from her graze. He worked in silence as (Y/N) looked back and forth from him to his hands. After some minutes, he bandaged her knee and looked up at her. Her eyes locked with his. In his mind, she looked... ethereal. The sun shining behind her. Illuminating her features. And those eyes... the shades of (e/c) was truly captivating. "Thank you, your grace," she whispered, putting her skirts back into place, some of her hair falling in front of her face. Before she could brush it back, Viserys leaned forward, tucking it behind her ear, his fingertips momentarily brushing her jaw.
"No need to thank me, my lady," he muttered with a soft smile. (Y/N) could feel her cheeks flush a little. She was blushing in front of the king?! She then presented a flower. A small bundle of white snowdrop flowers. "My gratitude, your grace," she whispered, standing up. Viserys got to his feet too, gently taking them, his fingers brushing hers. It made her blush even more. She ducked her head and quickly left, her heart beating a thousand miles per minute. She leant against a wall outside, her breathing quick and heavy, her cheeks blazing hot, her limbs slightly shaky. What was going on with her? Could she...? No! But, she might...
And here we have it. Hope we're liking the tension. Definitely trying to make some sort of love triangle. Don't worry. It's kinda going to go back and forth. Just bear with me, it'll be good, I promise.
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dracodazaii · 3 months
The Green Queen And A Greener Future
Chapter 1
ao3 edition
Alicent awoke with a gasp. Glancing down at herself, hands downwardly beside her, battered in bloody blisters but with a clear youthfulness clinging on. The Green Queen was alive once more, no longer stuck in a tower left to linger alone, away from society, meant to rot with her regretful thoughts and mournful anger regarding her children, and her grandchildren’s fates.
She took a cursory gander below, seeing the indigo gown of her the late Helene Hightower that had persistently haunted her dreams and nightmares.
Surely, she wasn’t back on that day.
One of the worst days of Alicent’s life. A moment which truly represented the downward turn of her life, where there was no semblance of happiness to linger within her. After upholding the duties of a religious daughter (to behave in order to please her father) Alicent was now to be bound to a man older than her. Her elder of a monumentous margin and a rotting-corpse of a coward,
A man haunted by guilt regarding his misaction with poor Aemma Arryn, yet continued to poorly treat his other wife, all in the name of twisted regret which caused him to betray the precedent which had given his position. He regarded his other children as non-entities, ignoring their existence to give his first-born the attention she lacked in his venture for an heir. Yet when Alicent gave him the son be desired, he went against his previous belief, all in the name of Aemma Arryn.
Aegon was not of the blood of Aemma, so in the mind of Alicent’s husband, he wasn’t worthy of the Crown. He wasn’t Viserys’ precious Baelon, The Heir For A Day, and he would never be given his birthright.
The Hightower girl decided that surely the Gods had sent her back to this godforsaken day for a reason. She had to forsake her young self’s innocence and act relentlessly in pursuit of her childrens destiny. Alicent could not bear to have her family destroyed due to their lack of preparation in befitting Aegon the title he deserved. Yet the juvenile girl knew that she also had to treat Aegon nicely, and aide him in understanding his duties without being a harsh authoritarian parent, alike to her father.
Alicent in-part resented Otto Hightower.
The scheming man whose relentless pursuit of the Iron Throne resulted in the demise of her children, yet she could not deny that he was right in his intention to give Aegon the title as heir. Viserys was King due to being the eldest-living Targaryen man, yet goes against this precedent in a twisted pity for the daughter he neglected, and the wife he butchered. His actions in attending to Rhaenyra so incessantly then resulted in him to hypocritically repeat these disrespectful actions with his first wife and first-born with the latter part of his family.
A knock breaks Alicent’s deep-rooted analysis of her life and broke her focused state. A young maid clamours in with instructions, “Lady Alicent, King Viserys wishes for you to join him at the Small Council Meeting.”
This was the moment. The breaking of a friendship by the results of two treacherous fathers, yet Alicent knew this was necessary. She could not bear to face Rhaenyra with the love deep within her heart, for gazing into her violet eyes will only bring memories of war and murderous actions. The Princess’s resentment of Alicent during this moment would cause her to forsake her siblings and regard herself as heir, disregarding the fact that she was fully expectant of Daemon as heir up until her mother had birthed a son.
She idly took herself out of her bedchambers, legs near unable to move, knowledgeable of the fate pertaining to Alicent once she reached the scene.
Entering the Small Council’s Meeting Room, Alicent strided over to her father, intent on avoiding the eyes of Viserys.
Silence lingered between both the father and daughter, both unwilling to speak until Viserys himself spoke aloud his intentions which Otto so desperately craved for his lineage.
Rhaenyra was late. But Alicent knew she was coming.
Unless Alicent had incorrectly envisioned her future, falsely in a state of madness, she knew that Rhaenyra would be here to witness her friend’s rise in station.
The Princess had arrived, knowing of her father’s intention to declare his engagement, smiling up at his as he glanced at his daughter, yet Alicent knew that this joyous moment would change drastically as King Viserys would not be marrying Laena Velaryon, but had chosen her, the companion of his daughter, and the dutiful child of his Hand.
Alicent kept her hands aside, unwilling to cripple them, reluctant to showcase her anxious temperament as she had once done as a young maiden.
Viserys had begun to spoke, excitement brewing in the eyes of both Corlys Velaryon and Otto Hightower. “I have decided to take a new wife.” He pauses, looking once more at Rhaenyra, intent on gaining her approval as she nods in agreement with a smile of slight reluctance regarding his decision, yet mindful of her father’s duties to remarry.
“I intend to marry.” He pauses again briefly glancing at Alicent’s face, the girl he’s intent on marrying yet arrogantly hadn’t dared declared his intentions privately.
King Viserys continued his statement,“The Lady Alicent Hightower, before spring’s end.” Bewilderment spread throughout the chambers, Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen both astonished at his seemingly unforeseen choice.
The Lord Of The Tides erupted in anger, incessant on arguing with Viserys, intent on his daughter Laena gaining the position of Queen. Yet Viserys shut this vocal disagreement down, using his authority as King which he ever so rarely employs, as Alicent’s father smugly glances at the bereaved Lord Velaryon.
As Corlys and Rhaenyra stormed out of the room in the face of this perceived betrayal, Alicent stood beside her father, intent of acting calmly, as her father lingered beside her ear and whispered in a self-satisified smirk, “My dear daughter, see what I’ve gotten you. My future Queen.”
Seeing the cowardly way Viserys declared his intention to marry her, uninforming both her and Rhaenyra beforehand, Alicent knew that the nightmarish vision she witnessed in her mind was truthful and she was prepared to act, in pursuit of happiness for her children and unwilling to bring the murderous actions of Rhaenyra’s faction anywhere near them.
Her love for Rhaenyra as her childhood companion could not compare to Alicent’s love for her children and she couldn’t dare to have Rhaenyra sit the throne if it would result in the bloodshed of her beloved offspring.
Sitting peacefully at the Godswood where she spent her days with Rhaenyra, Alicent knew her once-friend was intent on confronting her, regarding the actions of Viserys. Yet she lingered on, calmly reading the history of Westeros and the calamities faced when Aegon the Conqueror brutalised Westeros.
Footsteps lumbered across the greenery, and Alicnet look upwards, witnessing a brutal storm of anger on Rhaenyra’s face. “How long?”
She continued, “How long have you hidden this from me?” Betrayal written on her features as she spoke, relentless in her attempt to gather the truth from Alicent.
The Hightower girl would instead refute these accusations. As only servants to the Crown were aware of Alicent’s clandestine meetings with Viserys and they were loyal to both King Viserys and Otto Hightower; and any unnecessary acknowledgment of these claims would destroy the reputation of the Hightowers and undermine Alicent’s future authority as Queen. Furthermore Viserys himself instructed her not to mention their conversations with Rhaenyra, so Alicent was only ever so dutily acting as her King had instructed her, and he himself would be too cowardly to admit his transgressions to Rhaenyra, unwilling of facing confrontation.
Alicent then uttered half-truths, “I was unaware of this Rhaenyra.” Her voice erupted with an emotional confusion, “King Viserys had never once declared his intentions to me or my father!”
The Targaryen Princess was confused, acknowledging that her childhood companion was unwilling to lie, as a religious maiden, yet unsure what the reason her father had picked Alicent could be.
“He’s known me since I was a young girl, your first companion in Kingslanding. I’m your friend so I’m unsure why he picked me, I swear to you Rhaenyra!” Alicent continued, unwilling to compromise herself to any degree, even if there was only herself and Rhaenyra present, she would not have promiscuity linked with her in any manner at all.
The Targaryen was enraged, yet unsure now of who to present her anger at, believing herself to have perhaps been too rash in perceiving her closest friend as a scheming harlot. She was unwilling to speak, ashamed in her accusatory words and absconded from the Godswood without any more words spoken to Alicent.
As her friend-turned-enemy rapidly vacated, Alicent sat back at the weirwood tree, saddened at the presence of Rhaenyra, her childhood companion, yet was intent in acting ruthless in pursuit of her children’s happiness, believing that would ensue once Rhaenyra was ensured to never sit the Iron Throne.
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Betrayal? You know so much about it, don't you? (Daemon Targaryen)
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"My lord, It has been a boy, they named him Aemond." The maester said, which led to her father rejoicing.
"Ahh yes, all enough to usurp the old cunt and then make one of them as King of the Seven Kingdoms!" Otto rejoiced, without seeing the lethal look he received from his second daughter
"Well father, I may leave to take care of the prince Aegon. He shall become a good King one day." replied the princess royal, the title which was gifted by Viserys on her 18th name day. "My daughter, he shall be!"
"My appreciation for taking care and loving my step-niece, Laenor." Leanora Hightower showed empathy to the boy who was forced to push away his feelings and marry a woman. "Tis I should be apologizing, princess. I have thought bad of your name."
"You are right. My father is a cunt and my sister is desperate to make her drunk son king. What shall I do?"
"You are the daughter of the hand? Don't you want your bloodline on the Iron Throne?"
"No, I don't want to risk my children's life to make them princes or kings. They shall be lords and noblemen." Leanora replied, making Laenor gawk at her, he had never seen a kind Hightower
"Aemond shall be a great warrior one day, he has the talent to be." Alicent joined in on the conversation with Laenor. Leanora was truly happy that Alicent was finally noticing her second son and not Aegon.
"He really does"
"I agree"
"Well, my Queen and my Prince, I shall go back to Rhaenyra and comfort her for the loss of her best friend" Leanora felt bitter saying that, as she was the one true friend the Princess of Dragonstone had. She had never acknowledged her after her sister's marriage to her father.
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'Princess, I am very sorry for your loss, I shall pray for Laena's soul, she was a good woman. She will always be remembered"
"I'm sorry, what shall I address you again? Princess or Princess Royal?" Rhaenyra asked, mockery lingering in her tone telling her that she did not deserve that title, she did not even look at Leanora, her gaze was just on Daemon Targaryen. Leanora scoffed internally, the princess held too much pride to even talk to her. Let alone being smitten with a man who had just lost his wife.
"Princess Royal," that was all said by Leanora before she knew what she had to do. Daemon Targaryen was Laena Velaryon's husband, she knew that the princess Rhaenyra was in love with him when she was of age
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"My condolences on the loss of your wife, Prince Daemon," said Leanora, Daemon heard the 'sincerity' in her voice
"She died the death of a Dragon rider, and for that she wanted me to be grateful." Daemon replied, making Leanora honestly fell bad for him, he was rejected in the name of a hand and was replaced with a cunt of a man, she felt bad for that. "Did your sister send you?"
"No, why would she send me to speak with you. I know that she does not support your actions, but she is not the kind of person to use weakness against her opponent, Daemon."
"Tis you know about your sister that much, hmm?" Daemon chuckled, making Leanora confused.
"Hightowers love to have power, don't you? Are you trying to seduce me, Leanora Hightower?" Daemon had already pulled Dark Sister with one hand and was gripping her bodice with another. He was aiming Dark Sister right at her chest, if she moved closer, the sword would be cutting her skin.
"Is it working, Daemon Targaryen," the moment she said that, Daemon's grip on her waist tightened and blood was pouring from her chest, the sword hadn't reached her heart but was only piercing on her skin, making her moan in pain.
"Is this because of Rhaenyra, are you afraid that she'll marry me?"
"You wish, my dragon can burn anyone into a crisp." Daemon chuckled "Dragon? What dragon?"
"You did not know?"
"what are you referring to?" Daemon asked "I am not a Hightower, my prince. I am the bastard daughter of your brother, my hair is hidden by the maester's dye."
"You're- You're older than Rhaenyra?" Daemon stuttered, it was his destiny to end up with a niece.
"Yes, but I have no interest for a crown"
"Listen, you are a Hightower, a house lower than Targaryens. I shall marry you and take you as my slave, nothing else."
"I am a princess royal, the title was given to me by my father I am not a slave to be bought" the words were no true, if Daemon had asked to marry her, she would be delighted. The words were given large spaces as Daemon had already started to kiss her neck.
"I shall not marry you."
Taking your silence as confirmation, his smirk widened, "I could simply reach out and take what I wanted, but I like to think of myself as a somewhat honorable man. So I'll give you a choice." 
Daemon held out his leather gloved hand to you, his fingertips nearly brushing the front of your gown he was so close now. "Make it easy and come with me now, or run and take your chances in the forest. If you can escape me, you have my word I'll let you go. But," Suddenly those fingertips were hooked in the neck of your gown, jerking you up against his chest and reminding you of his superior height now that you had to tilt your head up to meet his gaze, filled with wicked intent. His fingers slid lower, sliding between your breasts and resting against your skin as he inclined his head towards you, "If I catch you, I will not be gentle, dārilaros."
Dārilaros. Princess. His accented High Valyrian made your thighs clench. Or maybe it was his fingers rubbing soft circles against your skin. Your gown still clutched in his fist, refusing to let you stray so much as an inch away. 
"I'm not a princess." You breathed, your only defense sounded as useless in your ears as you knew it was. 
"Had your father given me what I asked for that night at my brother's wedding, you would be my princess already." The sudden darkness in his tone sent a shiver across your skin, but he didn't give you time to think any further, "Now make your choice before I make it for you." 
"Then release me, Daemon. I have a new life to begin now that you have taken a torch to my old one." There was a part of you that could have happily taken his hand. With his scent in your lungs and feeling every inch of his body pressed against you it might have even been easy. 
But you craved surrender no more than gentleness. 
You expected to see a flash of anger in his eyes. Perhaps disappointment. Instead he radiated satisfaction. Like you'd woken a sleeping beast he was tired of keeping contained. He released you, pushing you back a step into the trees. "Run." 
So you had. 
It felt like hours had passed. You knew it wouldn't be long before you reached the creek. You could follow it to the break in the trees and then into the hills. You knew the land better than Daemon. Surely it gave you the upper hand. 
Every sound had nearly made you jump out of your skin. Every shadow making you sure he was closing in. Your mind playing tricks on you in the darkness.
You told yourself that lie about having an advantage a dozen more times as your muscles grew sore, but you could make out the familiar path you'd traveled before in the distance. Just a little bit further and -
A pair of strong arms wrapped around you from behind, pulling you off your feet and spinning you around so quickly the world blurred until you found yourself pressed up against the rough bark of a tree trunk. Daemon's warm body pinning you there. Your gasp of surprise lost in his grunt of satisfaction.  One hand snatching your wrist and pulling your arm behind your back. He leaned in close, his breath tickling tendrils of your hair by your ear as his fingers twisted through the strands, pulling hard enough to make you gasp again, "I did warn you that I would not be gentle." 
Despite your lungs burning for oxygen you managed a breathless smile. You turned your head as much as his grip would allow, "Why do you think I ran?" 
You saw only a flash of that same darkly satisfied smile before he spun you around again, releasing your wrist but keeping his grip in your hair. Your back now against the tree as his mouth depended on yours in a rough, demanding kiss. His teeth sinking into your bottom lip to elicit another gasp before his tongue was invading your mouth. Claiming every inch for himself as his other hand settled on your hip. You could feel the curve of his lips as you twined your arms around his neck, pulling him closer still. 
Still feeling the spot on your lip that he'd bitten...wondering what his mark would look like in your skin. How it would feel.
"I'm going to make you mine," He promised against your lips, his hands slipping from your hip and hair to seize the front of your gown again. Only this time he tore the rich fabric straight down the middle, ripping at the fabric without ever breaking the kiss. Those gloved hands that had just claimed dozens of lives were ripping away the remains of the fabric, leaving a trail of heat across your skin. 
You reluctantly unwound your arms from his neck and instead grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling impatiently at until he raised his arms and helped you, tossing it aside  to the grass without a second thought. 
When your dress lay in tatters at your feet he pushed you back when you tried to kiss him again. His hand wrapping around your throat and keeping you pinned to the tree trunk as he took a small step back. Chuckling at your huff of annoyance, "Patience, my little qēlos. I didn't go through all the trouble of ripping it off not to admire what lies beneath." 
You felt a rush of heat across your skin at the way he studied you. His entire gaze focused on you and sweeping over every inch of your body. A sort of marvel in his eyes like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. Naked hunger blazing in his emerald colored eyes. 
"What does that mean?" You breathed out, one hand resting over his. Trying to distract yourself from the cool night air nipping at your bare skin and the growing ache between your thighs waiting for him. Your study of the dead language was not nearly as robust as his.
"Star," He answered, his other hand working to undo his pants as he tilted your head up with his grip around your throat, "My light in the night sky that led me exactly where I wanted." 
It was your turn to study him without the barrier of his clothes. Just as his had, your gaze dropped to take in his muscular form. His peerless skin only disturbed by a collection of faded scars. His victories tangible in his flesh. 
He slowly stroked his hard cock, clearly enjoying leaving you tongue tied so easily. When your eyes found his in the darkness again, he flashed you another dark half-smile, "I've been dreaming of your cunt since the night we met; don't keep me waiting any longer." 
You weren't sure you could even if you wanted to.
You moved your hands to his hips, urging him closer. Spreading your legs wider when his foot urged yours further apart. Letting out a sharp breath as he ran the head of his cock along your wet slit. A stark reminder of the need that had been building since you saw him in the garden. 
Since you saw him at the wedding. 
Since every letter he'd sent you since promising to make you his no matter who stood in his way. No matter how many villages he had to burn to the ground to have you. 
Since the last one when he'd told you when he gave you a choice, he wanted you to run. 
Daemon's hand tightened around your throat as he pressed through your spongy walls, groaning with you at how tight he felt there. For just a moment he paused, looking to you. You nodded. No hesitation. 
With one sharp thrust he was buried in your depths. Making you gasp at the mixture off pain and pleasure. Need exploding through your entire body. You sunk your nails into his skin, feeling the roughness of the tree behind your back as his his ground into yours. 
His hand slid around from your throat to twist in your hair, cranking your head to the side as his thrusts grew faster. More brutal, claiming you all over again. Your hands moved up his back, letting your nails strike along his warm skin as you pulled him closer. 
He dipped his head down and began kissing along your neck. His warm breath ghosting against your skin. His tongue ran over your pulse point. He groaned again, lips moving against your flesh like he couldn't bring himself to pull away, "You taste sinful." 
He was sin. 
"Mark me," You begged breathlessly, rolling your hips into his. Desperate for more. For him. Ever since he'd bitten your lip you craved that same spike of pleasure again. You wanted to be his. You wanted everyone to know you were his. 
His hand slid between your bodies, palm flattening against your stomach, the rough pad of his thumb finding your clit as if he already knew your body like the back of his hand. You could feel his cock jerk with need in your depths, gasping as his cock rammed into your g-spot. You were so close to release. 
"Beg me again my desperate little slut, and I'll give you whatever you want." His fingers tugged harder at your hair. His words suggesting he held all the power, but his demand was just as much a plea. 
Ignoring the sting of pain, you turned your head, locking on to his gaze, "Please, Daemon." Your moaned out, barely capable of speech. God his name tasted so good on your lips. After weeks of seeing it written at the bottom of his letters you didn't think it could get better. But a piece of paper and ink couldn't show you the dark blaze of possessiveness burning in his eyes. 
"Hold still." He jerked your head to the side again, his teeth sinking into that sensitive spot his tongue had touched. You cried out at the flash of pain, at the pressure of his thumb against your clit, tracing rough circles against your throbbing bundle of nerves. 
"Not yet." 
His demanding growl left you disoriented. You could feel your muscles tightened like a coiled spring. That flash of pain almost pulling you into oblivion. 
In the blink of an eye he had withdrawn from your core, ignoring your confused whine. He pulled you to the soft earth beneath you, hovering over you. Caging you beneath him, pressing you into the dirt. 
There weren't words to describe how he looked towering over you in the moonlight, that wild hunger etched into every line of his face. 
In one harsh thrust he was inside you again, both your moans lost in the stillness of the night. He seized your wrists, slamming them down on either side of your head, holding them there more securely than chains ever could have. 
You wrapped your legs around him, savoring every second, feeling your body build towards your peak once again. Shivering at the feeling of your sweat running over the mark he'd left on your neck. 
You came together. The world shattering around you into a tidal wave of bliss. You screamed at the overwhelming pleasure. You committed the sound of his moans to memory, wanting to replay them again and again. 
Daemon fucked you through every second of the high. Your bodies pressed together. Your thighs trembling around him. The sounds coming out of your own mouth were foreign to you. You watched him tip his head back, his eyes rolling backwards and you were sure you'd never seen anything as addictive as his pleasure. 
In the aftermath he leaned into you, his forehead pressed against yours as you both struggled to catch your breath. His hands still clutched tightly around your wrists, his cock still buried in your core. 
Were you the devout lady your brother warned you to be, you'd be worried for your reputation. Instead you basked in the scent of sweat and sex and let your mind sink into the afterglow. 
"Thoroughly fucked is a good look on you," Daemon murmured, eliciting a smile from you as he pressed his lips to your forehead. 
Your eyes slipped closed as he shifted. You might have just drifted off then and there, but your body felt his absence like a physical ache. He moved again and you yelped in surprise as he suddenly flipped you on to your stomach, slapping his palm against your ass. Confusion taking over as he pulled your arms behind your back. You turned your head in time to see him bring the ruined fabric of your dress to his mouth, biting down and tearing off a piece. "What are you doing?" 
Daemon was already busying himself with binding your wrists together, pausing only long enough to press his finger against his lips, shushing you. 
When he was done he pulled you on to your knees. Behind you he pulled his pants back into place. He left the remains of your gown in the dirt, but grabbed his shirt to throw over your naked body. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. You didn't realize what it was until he bent and fastened the clasp around your neck. 
A silver necklace with a dragon's claw pendant. Clutched between the claws was an opaline stone, the same color as the stars above you that he'd compared you to. 
"Consider it a wedding gift." He kissed the top of your head before pulling you to your feet. Before you could ask again, he bent and tossed you over his shoulder, his arm looped tightly across your thighs to keep you in place. 
"And what should I consider this?" You asked, giggling. You could feel his smirk as he began walking in the direction of the manor.
"Enjoying The Revenge to Rhaenyra"
𝕸𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞/𝖔𝖓𝖊-𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
(Plus, I can make this a series but only if I get 100 likes and reposts)
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tinfairies · 1 year
Please elaborate on the Targaryen eye colors. I haven’t seen someone with a set opinion on their eye color
Okay so I'll go in order of age
Viserys having blue eyes makes a lot of sense to me, he isn't a "real" Targaryen in the sense that, he has no bloodlust and no interest in dragons outside of am academic level.
He has the classic silver hair of Valyrians like his parents, but his eyes reflect the fact that true Targaryens are few and far between since they've been "breeding" with non Valyrians for generations.
Aemma has blue eyes to reflect her Arynn heritage. She's not really a Targaryen either, yes her mother was but she didn't really grow up with the Targaryen values like Viserys and Daemon. She is an outsider despite having Targ blood, and silver Valyrian hair. The blue eyes reflect that.
Daemon has purple eyes. It feeds into his blood supremacy, and how he deems himself better than others just because he is a Targaryen. He is a perfect example of a true Targaryen, bonded with a dragon, silver hair, purple eyes, he weilds Darksister. It's like a nazi with Hitlers gun
Alicent has brown eyes, classic Hightower color. I don't have any symbolism on it I just think brown eyes are pretty
Rhaenyra has blue eyes like her parents. She is a perfect reflection of both, and her reflecting Viserys is what draws Daemon to her. All he wants is attention from his brother, so being in a relationship with his neice is a perfect way to get that. Even if he doesn't get that attention, he can still look at Rhaenyra and see Viserys in her and be satisfied. Rhaenyra being a Targ helps Daemon in his supremacy, his sons with her are "purebred" and I believe that both Viserys II and Aegon III have purple eyes like Daemon. Rhaenyra fuels Daemon's fantasies.
When Rhaenyra looks in the mirror she sees her mother, and it breaks her almost everytime. After Aemma's death she could hardly look at herself and covered the mirrors in her room. Though as she ages she looks at herself and her eyes and is happy to have a piece of her mother with her forever.
Aegon has lilac eyes. A horrible reminder that he is a Targaryen. He is a prince. He is the heir.
He hates that he can never escape his fate, no matter how hard he tries, how much he drinks, how much milk of the poppy he does. He will always be Aegon Targaryen heir to the Iron Throne.
He'd happily pluck out his eyes and trade them for Aemond's if it was a viable option.
Helaena has blue eyes, she doesn't fit into the family, not traditionally. She looks a lot like Rhaenyra and by default, a lot like Aemma. Viserys is a girl dad through and through and doted on her when she was a child, though nothing like he did with Rhaenyra. Her blue eyes mark her as an outsider like Aemma, despite being a Targaryen kings daughter.
Aemond has blue eyes, in parallel to Aegon, Aemond hates his eyes, though for different reasons. Aemond wants his brothers purple eyes, to look like a true Targaryen. He has the dragon, the desire for battle, and knowledge on his family's past.
He desperately wants to be seen as a Targaryen, as the heir, he loves his mother but being a Hightower isn't enough. He carries his father's last name, why can't he reflect that?
Daeron has brown eye like Alicent. This marks him as a true outsider. He carries the last name, but he's in Oldtown, his eyes are brown and if you didn't know any better you'd never think of him as a Targaryen.
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eschercaine · 2 years
I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves... once and for all. Let them rule together. ��� Rhaenyra Targaryen, House of the Dragon 1.06
Did Alicent accept the proposal? No. Instead, she embarrassed Rhaenyra in front of the Small Council. And Alicent insults her sons, calling them plain-featured.
How sweetly the fox speaks when it’s been cornered by the hounds. She is desperate. She feels the earth washing away beneath her feet and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only daughter to one of her... plain-featured sons. — Alicent Hightower, House of the Dragon 1.06
Plain-featured? Does she have a perfect eyesight?
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Alicent refused Rhaenyra’s proposal then marries Helaena to Aegon, who ignores her most of the time, except when he’s drunk. And he even r*ped her handmaiden, Dyana.
After hearing that she has an unhappy marriage, Jace asked Helaena to dance.
Look at her smile.
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Jacaerys Velaryon, respecter of women™.
Despite being plain-featured, as Alicent pointed out, he is well-mannered and works hard in his studies. He could have been a fine king.
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If Alicent had accepted the marriage between the two, Helaena would be very, very happy just like in those few seconds that she has with Jace.
But no, she sacrificed her only daughter’s happiness and marries her to a trash of a husband so that a Hightower blood sits on the throne.
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