#aka salty licorice
canisalbus · 6 months
i need to know. would Machete be able to handle licorice?
In modern au yes, in original canon no, probably not.
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splatoonpolls · 8 months
as i get the final details of the splatoon oc tourney ready
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klarionthewizard · 1 year
Imperial Headcanons: Thrawn
-can't draw a stick figure to save his life
-writes lovely poetry if you don't mind an excess of blood, war, death, tactics, and hunting instincts metaphors
-his best work is in his native language, his Sy Bisti stuff is decent, some of his favorite metaphors don't carry over that well into Basic
-hates the idea of eating bugs
-is deathly allergic to capsaicin, the way he finds this out is very unfortunate
-bleeds white, this makes his uniform convenient for him and hell for his medics
-can and will bite, every bite leaves scars
- has a rumor circulating about him that says that his bite is poisonous. It's not true but Thrawn does nothing to correct it
-in the end, all the rumor manages is to confuse Thrawn about the difference between being poisonous and venomous
-mostly carnivorous but adores jorgan fruit
-has a ridiculous sweet tooth even by Chiss standards, could and would eat an entire crate of licorice by himself if you let him
-his favorite licorice is the salty brown kind, this information nearly caused a mutiny on the Chimera
- can't see as well in the dark as a human without his infared sight
-his range of vision is something like 425-1200nm, this means he can't see most shades of purple
- actually likes the taste of bacta
-also adores lum ale (which is an actual canon thing, the ale anyway, and apparently what bacta tastes like)
-likes strategy games, his favorites are Rack and Ruin, Stay the Course, and Alterstar
-thinks dejarik is over rated and not challenging enough
-wears subtle red and very occasionally gold eyeliner
-when he can be convinced to do something elaborate, his skill with eyeliner and eyeshadow art is ridiculous
-loathes the texture of lipstick
-his office has an arcane organization system that appears messy to the outsider. the only thing that looks organized is his art collection
-will walk off being shot, absolute baby about getting anything more serious than a three day cold
-the piece of Chiss tech that he misses the most are the blasters. the Imperial ones are atrocious to everyone but Thrawn has a special hatred for them that's infamous among Imperial command
-least favorite art styles: suprematism and pop art because he's a major art snob
-favorite art styles: specifically Chiss impressionism and Denon's neoclassicism, though he has a fondness for street art of any flavor because of how inventive and interesting it can be
-seems like he would be a sad drunk, is actually very inquisitive and impulsive. this is a problem because his basic is very bad when he's drunk
-is one of the few people Piett knows that can outdrink him without cheating (aka: using the force to filter the alcohol out of your blood, my lord)
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mintywolf · 6 months
A Long Road Home - Page 40 Author Notes
Page 40
She culled the Karens. ;)
Also alas Imogen can’t use Mage Hand to get things off high shelves at work because some customer would complain. Probably Esther Hayes.
In Ye Olden Times when the theory of humors in disease was still prevalent (debunked with the advent of germ theory in the 1850s but the practices based on it remained in common use until the late 19th century* ) the first treatment given to a patient would be to rid them of “excess” humors by bloodletting and inducing vomiting, doubtless rendering an already miserable person even moreso. Leeches, fire cupping, or a lancet were used for the former, and mustardseed or antimonials (made with the toxic metal antimony :[ ) were used for the latter. Mustardseed was also used to make poultices for sore throats and respiratory ailments. Licorice was used for sore throats and itchy skin. Baths from epsom salts or oatmeal were (and are) used to relieve the itchiness from rash-causing diseases like the one the town is currently experiencing.** Quinine was actually mostly used for malaria so one person is confused about what’s going around. Belladonna (aka deadly nightshade), although toxic, actually had some effectiveness as a preventative for scarlet fever if taken early after exposure. And laudanum, as I have mentioned before, was used for everything. So there’s some context for all the assorted shopping lists bombarding Imogen over the first three panels.
(* which I mention because Exandria’s technological level as of C3 seems to be early Industrial Era, although my Gelvaan aesthetic also has some 1880s and 1930s elements. And magical healing seems to be reserved for the privileged, given the high cost of healing potions, how many strings the relatively-anonymous Bells Hells had to pull to get help for Laudna, and the number of people who seem genuinely surprised when FCG offers them healing out of kindness. Most people probably rely on home remedies.)
** which hasn’t been made obvious yet but it will on the next page. You can see some suggestion of the eponymous scarlet on Imogen’s neck in the bottom left panel though.
So a long time and several fandoms ago a friend used to give me a hard time about my over-reliance on melodramatic Victorian novel disease as a plot device (specifically, targeting the heroine — or her best beloved — with it) so I imposed a rule on myself that I could only deploy it once per fandom (with the assumption that I’d have a different audience every time) and it had to drive the story forward. And friends, the time has come.
But I mean, come on. I couldn’t hang that gun on the wall and not have it go off and hit one of them.
This fandom’s enthusiasm for sickfics and whump in general has relaxed my stance a bit though. Before coming here I didn’t realize it was an entire genre and moreover, one that seems to target Imogen almost exclusively. If I had I might have leaned towards the alternative I also considered where Imogen tries futilely to convince an angry mob that obviously Laudna didn’t curse the town with a plague if she has it too. But then they’d be on the run before she had a chance to recover (you know, like after she got resurrected no I’m not still salty about it*** ) which isn’t a very satisfying chapter end. But fear not, this is all reciprocated in a later chapter.
A common thread I’ve noticed in sick Imogen fics though is that Laudna always seems to be much more calm and reassuring about it than she should be, haha. Imogen is the only thing in the world she genuinely cares about and she’s already half convinced that she’s always just a few missteps away from losing her forever. She’d be panicking.
(*** this is a lie. Also you know what else I’m still mad about? That she didn’t get that lil gryphon toy!! She clearly wanted it, she went in looking for a toy because she was feeling vulnerable and childlike and wanted the comfort of something simple intended to make a child happy. (Which is even more clear now since she was in the same regressive emotional state then as she has been recently after Ashton ate the lava shard, which she coped with by making another doll.) Fearne bought it and totally forgot about it. :( We could have had another meat-named doll character this entire time!!!
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lonelyhumanoid · 2 years
If Blizzard gets its shit together for Overwatch 2, I’d love to see a Finnish character added. It definitely needs work but I already have a few ideas for their overall character.
Is either a champion at skiing (a reference to the Winter War where Finland was hugely outnumbered by the Russians but still ended up winning), or was once a trained sniper who has retired and is diversifying their skills.
If skis are used in their moveset, have them work similar to Lucio’s skates.
For some reason, Zarya is genuinely kind of afraid of them, even though they’re way shorter and less fit than her.
Is generally nice to Zarya, but has a kill line there they say “Finland wins…again.”
Their weapon is either a Nordic style sword with futuristic upgrades, or a large axe that can extend like a flail for their ultimate ability.
If they’re a sniper, have them be similar to Ana, but not a healer. They can kill but their weapon isn’t as powerful as Widow’s. They can shoot bullets/darts/devices that can reduce an enemy’s ultimate meter percentage, slow down an enemy, or temporarily disable a random ability. This would definitely make them DPS instead of support due to not being able to heal teammates.
If they use the axe/sword and can move around on something like Lucio (such as a hover/snowboard since they’re trying to diversify, and would be difficult to use with skis unless some sort of modification has been made to accommodate), have the axe or sword increase in damage output the faster they’re going on their method of movement. However, the faster they’re going the more likely they are to swing and miss. Makes them a high risk = high reward character.
Is actually really good friends with Brigitte. They both go to the sauna and gym together, make jokes about each other’s countries, and teach each other their language. But has a kill like for Brigitte and Torbjörn where they say “just stick to building furniture,” referencing IKEA.
Has lines that reference popular Finnish media or other Finnish characters. Such as saying “I’m dancing a hero’s tango tonight” as a reference to the song Sankarin Tango from the game Control.
Uses Finnish sayings in English and Finnish. A possible kill line for Mei could be “now you’re last winter’s snow,” which basically means “you’re old news.”
Slight cliche, but is a big fan of metal. Maybe has a skin where they wear all black with black and white face paint to look the part. They even sing a metal song in the Busan karaoke club.
Breaks the fourth wall (kind of) by talking about how the other team is more salty than their favorite licorice. Reference to Salmiakki aka salty licorice.
Unironically uses the term “perkele” a lot.
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suspected-spinozist · 3 years
Food asks! 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 20
1. What spices do you think are absolutely necessary for any kitchen?
Cumin, coriander, peppercorns, allspice, mustard seed, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, caraway, chili powder, bay leaf. Bonus: I use them all the time but they’re probably not “absolutely” “necessary” – za’atar, anise, sumac, cloves, mace, celery seed.
4. What is the “weirdest”, aka most taboo in your culture, thing you’ve eaten? For example USians are likely to find organ meat, insects, primate meat, etc to be weird/taboo.
I’m not sure! I’m American and I grew up in a family that’s just fine with organ meats. I love liver and cook with it whenever I can. I’m less of a fan of intestines/tendons/etc. but I’ve had them plenty of times at Chinese restaurants and I don’t think of them as especially out there.  On the other hand, I’ve never eaten anything that I personally think of as especially taboo. (If it ever comes up, I’m down to try insects but draw the line at primate meat and brains). And the most taboo food in my current subculture is probably chicken, which I do eat but am working to reduce. 
The strangest food experience I’ve ever had is Korean fermented skate. My debate partner in middle school was a Korean girl and one time her family took us out for dinner after a tournament and made me eat some. In retrospect I think it was good-natured hazing. It wasn’t bad exactly but it’s really really weird, very cartilaginous and just texturally unlike anything else I’ve ever tasted. 
7. Do you have opinions on types of chili peppers? Types of vinegar? Types of oils?
I don’t have strong opinions on chili peppers beyond use the correct kind for the recipe you’re trying to make. Also, they’re good pickled. A properly stocked kitchen has at least red wine, white wine, balsamic, and white vinegars on hand. Malt, chinkiang, rice wine, and apple cider are important too! Big on vinegars over here. I go through stupid amounts of olive oil on a weekly basis, like the big costco jugs sometimes. (Admittedly I cook for a household of ten). I acknowledge that there are good reasons to have other kinds of oils on hand, but what else do you need, really? 
9. What are some of the dishes you most often cook?
Lentil soup, risottos, kimchi stew, pasta puttanesca, roast cabbage. I’m trying to take advantage of more spring vegetables lately.  
11. Discounting staples, what do you think is the single most important plant or animal or fungus to ever be discovered to be edible?
If we’re defining staple in the narrow technical sense (something that makes up a dominant part of a population’s diet), then it has to be onions, with Brassica oleracea as a very close second.  If cabbage and onions are too staple-y, then citrus and coffee beans. 
20. What food, snack or otherwise, has been getting you through quarantine so far?
It’s changed. When we first went into lockdown my household went a little bit prepper and I ended up figuring out lots of fun things to do with dried legumes – endless lentils stews, lablabi, etc. Then for a while I started ordering unusual candy off the internet because I was really craving novelty. The highlights: milka bar mystery assortment, matcha kit kats, clove sticks, salty licorice. Lately I’ve just been drinking oceans of green tea. 
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your-dietician · 3 years
Foods to Avoid With High Blood Pressure
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/foods-to-avoid-with-high-blood-pressure/
Foods to Avoid With High Blood Pressure
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High blood pressure is a very common condition: 1 in 3 adults in the United States have high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High blood pressure is also one of the top risk factors for heart attack and stroke, according to the American Heart Association.
“High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes your heart work really hard, hardens your arteries and can lead to brain hemorrhage and ultimately to heart and kidney disease, stroke and blindness,” says Sylvia Klinger, MS, RD, registered dietitian and founder of Hispanic Food Communications.
Diet plays an extremely important role in treating and preventing high blood pressure, especially when it comes to sodium. While the Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests Americans eat less than 2,300 mg per day (equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt), most Americans average around 3,400 mg.
“If you have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you will likely be encouraged to prioritize a variety of healthy foods in your diet like lean meats and fish, fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy and healthy fats while monitoring the amount of sodium that’s eaten,” notes Beth Stark, RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition communications consultant based in Pennsylvania.
In particular, one of the most well-known high blood pressure dietary recommendations to help patients lower blood pressure is the DASH diet.
“The DASH diet (aka Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fat-free dairy products, beans, legumes, nuts and lean proteins,” says Lauren Hubert, MS, RD, registered dietitian, also known as The Sorority Nutritionist. “It also has been shown to lower LDL (aka bad) cholesterol levels in the blood, which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke in these patients.”
Besides diet, a healthy and active lifestyle is key to avoiding high blood pressure. “Additionally, it is important to achieve and maintain healthy body weight and exercise regularly,” says Su-Nui Escobar, DCN, RDN, FAND, registered dietitian nutritionist and National Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Foods to avoid if you have high blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, you should be wary of the following 22 foods, according to nutritionists.
Black licorice
“Glycyrrhizin, a sweeter found in black licorice root, may cause potassium levels to drop,” says Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, LMNT, registered dietitian and founder of the food blog Stirlist. “Potassium is an electrolyte that helps play a role in regulating heart rate and blood pressure, so it’s important for those with high blood pressure to either avoid black licorice or only consume a small amount.”
Canned soups
“A high sodium diet is not beneficial for those struggling with high blood pressure because it puts added stress on your heart and blood vessels. This is why canned soups (although very portable and accessible) are not the best option if you struggle with hypertension,” says Hubert. “Some soups can pack 900-1,000 mg of sodium!”
Salty snacks like chips, pretzels, crackers, and nuts)
“Snacks like chips, pretzels, crackers, nuts, etc. tend to be higher in sodium than you might think,” says Stark. “Read labels to find lower sodium packaged snacks that fit your dietary needs and seek out naturally sodium-free or lower-sodium choices like unsalted nuts, apple or banana slices with natural nut butter, fresh veggies and a small amount of hummus or yogurt and fruit.”
Related: 7 Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly
Condiments (like ketchup, mustard, barbecue and steak sauce)
“For many people with high blood pressure, reducing the number of foods with high salt/sodium in our diet is very important to help them control their blood pressure,” says Klinger. “Fortunately, today you can choose condiments and sauces with a lower salt/sodium content. Read the labels to make sure you are getting the lowest amount of salt/sodium content.”
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Fried foods (like french fries, breaded chicken tenders, and mozzarella cheese sticks)
“You typically get a double-whammy when it comes to fried foods as they’re high in both saturated fat and sodium,” says Stark. “Think French fries, breaded chicken tenders or mozzarella cheese sticks. Opt for other cooking techniques when preparing meals at home or dining out or enjoy such foods sparingly in your diet.”
Cottage cheese 
“Even though dairy foods typically contain heart-healthy nutrients, cottage cheese can be very high in sodium,” says Pankonin. “Depending on the brand, sodium content can range as high as 400 mg per serving. Again, be sure to check out the portion or serving size in addition to the sodium content.”
Related: What Is the DASH Diet?
Wine and other alcoholic beverages
“If you struggle with high blood pressure, you are going to want to be mindful of your alcohol choices in addition to your sodium intake because alcohol can raise your blood pressure and has been known to be a risk factor for heart disease,” says Hubert. “While you don’t have to give it up, assessing how often you drink and how much you have per serving is important to managing your hypertension and associated risk factors.”
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Marinades and salad dressings
“Bottled marinades, sauces and salad dressings are usually very high in sodium and may also have added sugars. Depending on the product, they may be high in saturated fat too,” says Stark. “Read labels among similar products to find those that are best suited for you or try to make your own marinades, vinaigrettes and sauces from scratch whenever possible. Another option is to enjoy only a sensible amount of a bottled condiment of this kind at a time to keep the sodium, added sugar and fat content within reason.”
“One bottle of soda has 75mg or 3% of recommended sodium intake. The issue is that it does not have any other nutrients, and has 65 grams of sugar,” says Escobar. “This is important because one of the most important aspects in the management of high blood pressure is weight control, and foods high in sugar and empty calories, do not help.”
Cereals and granola
“Some cereals and granola can contain a large number of calories and sodium,” says Pankonin. “In fact, certain brands might contain over 300 mg of sodium per serving and serving sizes are often small. This is why it’s really important to check out both the serving size and sodium content on the nutrition facts label so that you can choose the best option for you.”
High-fat meats
“Limiting overall saturated fat intake is necessary to keep cholesterol levels controlled. When high blood pressure is coupled with high cholesterol, one’s risk for a serious heart condition is greatly increased,” says Stark. “Stick to cuts of lean beef, poultry and pork, as well as fish as one way to be sensible about your overall saturated fat intake. At meals, keep the animal protein to a 3-4 ounce portion and build the rest of the meal around whole grains and vegetables to feel nourished and satisfied.”
“Bouillon cubes are popular for home cooking, but generally they are used frequently in restaurants,” says Klinger. “Try to find or ask for dishes prepared with low salt/sodium or make your own stock with more seasonings and much less salt.”
Beef jerky
“Although protein is important at meals and snacks for weight management and optimal health, beef jerky (and even turkey jerky) is not the best protein source for those struggling with high blood pressure because sodium is added in high quantities to the meat to preserve it for packaging,” says Hubert. “Instead, get your protein from fresh sources to save on sodium!”
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Processed cheeses
“The sodium content is quite high at 800 mg for 2 oz.,” says Klinger. “Look for low sodium cheeses.“
Frozen or delivery pizza
“There are several sodium sources in a classic pizza—the crust, sauce, cheese and meat toppings—making it a sodium bomb. Let’s not forget about the saturated fat coming from cheese and meat toppings like sausage, bacon or pepperoni,” says Stark. “For a better-for-you pizza night, try the DIY route instead with a whole-grain pizza dough ball from the store, lots of fresh veggie toppings, no (or just a little) meat and low-fat shredded cheese. To further enhance the flavor of your pie, sprinkle with fresh garlic or garlic powder (NOT garlic salt), oregano, basil or crushed red pepper flakes.”
Processed meats (like sausages, burgers, and bacon)
“Hypertension puts you at risk for heart disease, which is why it’s important to manage your intake of saturated fats,” says Hubert. “This is why the DASH diet recommends lean protein sources such as chicken and turkey over ones that are higher in saturated fat like sausages, burgers and bacon.”
Related: What Is the Portfolio Diet?
Alfredo sauce
“Just 1/4 cup of alfredo sauce has 15% of the ideal sodium intake. Again, this is a food that people will have more than 1/4 cup,” says Escobar. “For example, one normal size jar (14.5 ounces) has 7 servings. So unless that jar is used to make food for 7 people, it will be more sodium than 340mg per serving.”
Deli meats
“Some of these deli meats can have up to 1,000 mg of sodium per 3-ounce serving,” says Klinger. “This is almost your entire daily allowance of sodium!  Choose low sodium options, which are available.”
Coffee and tea
“While everyone loves Starbucks (and may need coffee or tea to feel like they can function in the morning) – if you have hypertension you must be mindful of your caffeine intake,” says Hubert. “Caffeine found in coffee and tea can temporarily elevate blood pressure, impact your health and make your hypertension worse.”
Frozen meals
“Frozen meals are an epic time-saver, but if you have hypertension and it’s getting worse… it might just be time to get your hands dirty in the kitchen!” says Hubert. “Frozen meals pack tons of sodium and even some saturated fats, even when you try to stick to healthful brands. This is why learning how to cook homemade meals at home is so important as part of the DASH diet and managing your hypertension.”
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Dill pickles
“Most pickles are particularly very high in sodium,” says Klinger. “One medium pickle has 930 mg of sodium!”
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Lunchables (Turkey and cheddar cheese)
“One serving of this particular Lunchables has 670mg of sodium (28%),” says Escobar.
Next up: Here Are the Top Health Facts You Should Know, from Your Blood Pressure to Your BMI
Sylvia Klinger, MS, RD, registered dietitian and founder of Hispanic Food Communications
Beth Stark, RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition communications consultant based in Pennsylvania
Lauren Hubert, MS, RD, registered dietitian, also known as The Sorority Nutritionist
Su-Nui Escobar, DCN, RDN, FAND, registered dietitian nutritionist and National Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, LMNT, registered dietitian and founder of the food blog Stirlist
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existingforautumn · 6 years
Tag 20
So I got tagged in this by @poisoned-blessed-and-burned and it’s 20 questions to get to know you better.
Thank youuu 😄
You are meant to tag 20 people, so I will tag as many as I can at the bottom of this post.
Name : Eleanor or Ellie for short
Nicknames: my current nicknames that I know of are kiddo, salty, ElB, Dave, and on my main group chat “0 days without incident”
Height: around 5"4 (so short 😑)
Nationality: British
Favourite fruit: tinned peaches or cranberrys
Favourite season: Autumn (who would have guessed)
Favourite plant: succulents and cacti in general, oak trees, roses, poppies (aka anything that isn’t lillys)
Favourite scent: cocoa, coco nut, lavender, chamomile, vanilla sometimes
Favourite colour: dark grays, greens, purples, blues and vibrant reds
Favourite animals: cats, otters, squirrels, foxes, badgers
Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: coffee for the mornings and afternoons, licorice tea for the evening
Average sleep hours: fluctuates alot, but probably around 6?
Dog or Cat person: Cat person! Though I like most dogs ( I dislike Jack Russells more than I can say though)
Favourite fictional characters: uhhhhh I tried to limit myself to 2 characters per series soooo. Aragorn Aeowyn Saruman, Buffy, Ash Williams, Joel & Clementine, Liet Kynes Duncan Idaho & Alia, Rudy Steiner, Jhonathan Strange & Mr Norrel, Thomas Cale & Vauge Henri. Honestly there are so many more, I could list characters forever
Favourite bands: Behemoth, type o negative, ghost, darkthrone, mayhem, satyricon, gojira, mercyful fate, death. (Once again I could list so many but I will stay at 10)
Number of blankets: 1 duvet, 1 quilt, 1 hot water bottle
Dream trip: Norway sightseeing, France mountain biking, Greece sailing
Blog created: I don’t even know anymore
Follower Number: 190
Random Fact: I’m allergic to 15 things… yeyyyyyyy.
I tag @southofheaven94 @somethingkvlt @nekrofilth @toburnoutforever @frazfrog @jayautumn @baptismonfire @bappyonfire @aphoticon @pinhead-in-stilettos @into-solitude @bathory-babe @moonslices @steelepuppy @arcusxx @kvlt-cvnt @anestheticvulture @a-borderline-babe @a-m-n-e-5-i-a @lloydifer
Thank you for putting up with my rubbish ^_^
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
A Lot of People Hate Sno-Caps. Those People Are Wrong.
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Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit
These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy.
I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps.
I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy.
Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here:
From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps.
M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that?
Buncha Crunch
Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch!
Reese’s Pieces
I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich.
From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others.
You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?!
Junior Mints
Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater.
Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces.
The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven.
Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies.
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there.
Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish
See above.
Mike and Ike
I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long.
Good & Plenty
Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse.
Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not.
Red Vines
Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup?
Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3ks7ycD https://ift.tt/35CKOCu
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Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit
These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy.
I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps.
I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy.
Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here:
From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps.
M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that?
Buncha Crunch
Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch!
Reese’s Pieces
I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich.
From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others.
You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?!
Junior Mints
Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater.
Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces.
The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven.
Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies.
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there.
Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish
See above.
Mike and Ike
I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long.
Good & Plenty
Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse.
Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not.
Red Vines
Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup?
Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3ks7ycD via Blogger https://ift.tt/2RyUndq
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milkayart · 7 years
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my take on this food bandwagon, meet poor misunderstood salty licorice aka salmiakki, or akki salmi as i prefer to call her
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Have I done it all?
Last week I ended my internship - it have been some very busy weeks for me; doing the internship and working 3-5 days at my jobs as well. I’m very pleased that I ended my internship some time before starting on my thesis, and thereby being able to take some time collecting my thoughts and getting a overview of “how to write a thesis”. It’s really starting to stress me out! :( D 
BUT! I want to post my learning objectives to show what my aim with my internship was:
1. How different nutritional groups works in terms of hormones (a deeper degree then taught through the education)
2.Optimizing my transcription skills through online course videos.
3. Getting a better understanding of nature as medicine and phytotherapy
4. Working with and being able to acknowledge endocrine disorders and endocrine disruptive drugs/toxins.
How have I done this?
1.1. The main focus in my internship, and in todays society, when it comes to complication with hormones are insulin and cortisol.  As writting in a early post, such things as coffee e.g. has a negativ impact in your body and make the adrenals release cortisol and adrenalin - this is the same that happens when your being acute stressed, the release of this hormones are meant for situations just as running for your life. When cortisol is released for the adrenals, it sends a signal to the liver to release glykogen, this makes our blood levels rise, and that’s the reason we feel energized when we’re drinking coffee. When the glykogen is relased it affect the insulin levels, so changes are, if you have problems with your cortisol, you probably also have problems with your insulin.
 An overproduction of cortisol can result the adrenals tiring out, and cause multiple different symptoms such as:
craving salt and salty foods
craving sucker
Lost of libido
Unable to handel stress
Mild depression
Unstable bloodsucker
Trouble concentrating 
Trouble remembering 
2.1. Almost all I have been doing is transcribing video - I have been using different methods, mostly to make a variation for myself. Mostly I just sat and listen to video in earplugs and notes down the word - this, of course, took a looong time, but all transcribing does.  If I didn’t feel like writing anymore, i’d sit with my phone and repeat the word into the microphone, with then wrote it for me - thank you to the clever minds of technology!  The done texts were for my internships host students/participant and what been to be use at normal document, you would as if it was a book, therefore i would not to code anything, write observation or the small thinking noises such as hmm, um, oh. etc. 
3.1 oh phytotherapi, so interesting, so confusing. Here I learn how all the wonderful herps, follows etc. can affect the body in the most positive way! one aspect of this area is called “adaptogener” which helps the body handel stress, reduce aging, reduce risk of cancer and heart diseases. It help normalize hormone production, brain function, organs, organs systems, “detoxing”, immunesystem, mood, libido, sleep and much more.  Adaptogener can be herbs such as:
Glycyrrihza glabra aka. licorice 
4.1 After mention all the above and learning much more, that last learning objective have been a combination of all of them. I wouldn’t be able to just look at a person and see that they have low estrogen levels eg. but after talking to them and learning about the troubles and symptoms, i would differently be able to get an idea of it. I know this because it has already happened, it has happened with clients from my job at the fitness center, at my other job with a colleague and a cause with my mother. I, of cause, can treat them the way a hormone therapist can, but I can give them tips to help in another directing then how their lifestyle current are. 
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lumen-tellus · 7 years
You fall sick.
(It is tolerable, mind-blowing intolerable, and maybe a good thing. In that order.)
The first person to visit you, after Aidan shoves you into your bed with the strictest look of ‘dad please just rest before I resort to something drastic maybe’ that you had to give into eventually, is definitely not a person you figured would be all that concerned to come visiting.
“Your brother mentioned that you caught a cold or something.” Angelica answers the unasked question, flipping through a small worn notepad that she brought along for some reason. “So I decided to come in and check on things.”
“Who paid you?”
You try to cough aside the mucus building up, watching the definition of ‘unimpressed’ forming on the woman’s face. “We’re not related, but that doesn’t mean I can’t care.”
“Yeah. So---” You rub your nose, more irritated at yourself than at the cold, unnecessary downpour that led to your current sorry state - and try to keep clearing the gunk in your throat. Still not very effective, but you might just be getting somewhere? Maybe, maybe. “Who paid you to care?”
Angelica rolls her eyes and stuffs the notepad into her coat’s oversized pockets. “Maybe something called ‘my upbringing’.” She gives you a pointed look. “For us, at least, it’s normal to care for family. So shut up and take the peaches I got.”
There are plenty of things to question there, but the walls muffle a sudden yell, and you distinctly notice the smell of something burning.
The second person to visit you, having accompanied the first, is someone you swear to god is out to kill you right now.
“Aww, Pizza Boy, scared of a little medicine?” May mixes something in a bowl, purposefully making the spoon hit the rim more times and more annoyingly than should be possible. Whenever she lifts the spoon up, green-blue liquid spills from it, and you are positively sure this is not medicine.
“Say ‘aah~!’ my sweetheart,” she cooes so, so mockingly, edging a spoonful of the unknown poison down your way. “If you don’t, a hundred needles will stab your heart.”
“...That’s for pinky promises.”
“And haven’t we promised?” She hums. “You’re in our mess, even if you make for an unfortunately distant branch now. Well, not even a branch, you’re there is more the answer---”
She keeps trying to put the spoon in your mouth, and you keep trying to edge away, deeper into your pillows and your blankets. The idea of just pushing her away somehow is tempting, but you have the foresight - despite the haze of a cold - to figure that might just lead to a mess to clean up. “Anyway, since you’re halfway part of our family now, it’s only courteous to help. Then I get free karma points to redeem at my local karma shop!”
“That’s just---”
Bad mistake. She shoves the spoon into your mouth, and for a few minutes you gag on the burning sensation of something bitter and licorice-flavored going down your throat.
The third person to visit you, after the havoc of everything, is your niece.
A habit from back home, you are told, has left her kneeling on the carpeting, her small hands clutching the sheets on the bed’s edge. It looks almost apologetic, and you know that it is apologetic - on behalf of her well-meaning aunt and her well-meaning attempt at... Actually, you know what, you can’t even rationalize any of that as a kindness, so you’ll give up on that.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Bren...” Sylvia mumbles quietly to herself while her eyes flicker. You can only see the top half of her head, the way you’re lying down. “Auntie didn’t mean to do that.”
“...Yeah, I know.” She meant to murder you with a dubious concoction. “All’s well that ends well... or something.”
She blinks at you, eyebrows furrowing lightly. You get the feeling she’s looking right through you. “Will you feel better soon, then?”
You nod slowly, sniff a bit, and reach out for the tissue box. The girl passes it over quicker, and you take a couple at once. “A lil’ cold isn’t going to do worse than what I’ve already got.”
A moment of quiet. “Uncle Bren is more sick?”
“No, no...” You shake your head, even though that doesn’t mean anything if at all, so opt for reaching out and patting her on the head. The familial touch is important, you remember hearing - whether from a book or maybe your niece’s mother, it’s stuck somehow. “I’m just surprised that you came. It’s just a small cold, really.”
She raises her head a bit, and you can glimpse something like a smile at the corners. “Because this is a surprise visit! To make Uncle feel better!”
“Then---” You almost feel like grinning at her cheerfulness. “You’re doing a pretty good job.”
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geekybiologist · 7 years
LWA ep 16 Liveblog part 1
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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46 seconds in and we have our first reference to Finland! 
Yes I’m taking Santa Claus, he’s ours. 
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H-hapansilakka?? OMG yes
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Ratikka! Nelonen! Helsinki! THIS IS WHERE I LIVE lol obviously not the tram but THIS IS UNDOUBTEDLY MY HOMETOWN
HSL MAINITTU... likaså HRS????? men öööh vadå S, Svenska riket??
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Misalakki that’s a new brand of salmiakki, also known as salty licorice, a Finnish delicacy
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Akko hei, kuules nyt, Helsinki ei kylläkään ole mikään tuppukylä
tai no siis ehkä vähän
mut tää on mun kotikaupunki et vähän ajatusta siihen mitä sä suustas päästät
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Siinä se meiän ärrä nyt on!
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Itse haaveilin aina lapsena Tiimarissa asumisesta, mut kaipa se R-kioski on kans ihan kiva paikka asua 
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Poroa ja... stroganoffia? 
En ole varma jos haluan tietää mitä “pitanoita” on
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Muumipappa spotattu! Niinkuin myös Robert’s Coffee?
Kasvain, se on suomalainen, enpäs tiennykkään. Jolla on wikipedia sivut suomeks, ruotsiks ja ...japaniks? Niin jaa- nillähän on liike Fukuokassa. Mä kyllä luin siitä kun itse asuin japanissa ja hain kaikkea suomalaista sieltä, mutta ei näitä asioita ikuisuuksia voi muistaa.
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jaha, eipä sitten. Hapansilakka piirakka it is. 
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Her? Viimeksi tunsin Jannen miehen nimenä, mutta mikäs siinä. Kääntäminen on vaikeaa työtä.
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No onpas heillä suomalainen pöytä. En ole kyllä koskaan herkutellut piirakoilla noin, mutta arvostan puisia aterimia ja niin tietenkin Loten äidin lappalais henkistä pukeutumista joka jäi mainitsematta aiemmin.
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siinä kun Akko on häpeällisesti sylkemässä elämän henkeä pois, Sucy osoitta jälleen kerran miksi hän on waifu-materiaalia.
Pehana, jos tää jakso ois tullu ulos silloin kun GSC Animate Café:lla oli niitten LWA kollaboraatio, oisin ehdottomasti vaatinut karjalanpiirakoita hapansilakka piirakoita, enkä tyytynyt Sucyn sienirisottoon. 
Mitä Lotte silloin tarjoikaan? Mulla on vielä tuo lappunen jossain...
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aa joku Nightfall purilainen. Jos se ens kerralla on hesen hamppari niin sit ollan sujut. 
Nyt mä oon taas käyttäny ihan liian paljon aikaa tähän ja tästä on tullu sairaan pitkä et jatkoa seuraa
Lol sorry if you speak English and expected something else than me yelling about stuff in Finnish. It’s a natural instinct and can’t be helped. 
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kernyen-xo · 7 years
Hey @playbackhero, I almost unfollowed you after I read about your Vibram fetish 😂
Thanks for the tag, btw 😁
Uno - Snackage I enjoy candy 🍭 that for the most part doesn’t involve chocolate. Like for instance, tangy/sour taffy, gummi, chewy, whatever like both black and red licorice, Circus Peanuts, Good and Plenty, Cherry Chan, stuff like that. Now with that said, my sweet tooth is nothing compared to my love for the savory and salty; chips, hard salami, liverwurst on crackers with capers and chopped onion. Beef jerky, salted cocktail peanuts, and even some crackling.
Due - Naps aka (S)naps I need my (s)naps and often take them on the couch without any planning. In other words I rarely think or say, “Okay, I’m gonna settle down for a nap.” Often times I awake from a snooze with knitting splayed on my lap, maybe a book or magazine still in my hands, a fresh cup of caffè or tè gone cold, or homework 📚 around me, which, btw, is why I mostly use pencil instead of pen (I would find pen marks all over my hands, even my face, after a nap). It’s rare that I’ll stop what I’m doing, knowing that a snooze is coming on. But I do enjoy my (s)naps.
Tre - Oh Bother While I realize they’re not a waste of time, I hate putting on socks and my bra. Not because I don’t like wearing them, but mostly because they’re a bother putting on, if that makes sense. I know. 😆
Quattro - Grasshoppah I have a thing for balance and order. If I don’t have it in my surroundings, i.e., decor, etc., it drives me nuts. Now these are things I refer to, not so much the people and/or circumstances in my life. I have plenty of imbalance and disorder when it comes to people and circumstances. But on some weird level even the chaos in my life is organized.
Cinque - Poetry I used to write poetry and have a few uploaded to some obscure sites and one or two published in just as obscure volumes of poetry.
Sei - Backgammon A few years back my cousin and I used to own and operate a backgammon ladder in an online gaming community. We eventually shut it down because of the drama. I swear that instead of running the ladder, I spent most of my time being a guidance counselor and a Kung-fu fighter.
Tagging the 10: @knottedsnowflakes @kisforkite @catharticexperience @toodarkpark @burnrubber-breakhearts @apricotica @acertainjennuhsaisquoi @incexual @starrysky0612 @marc-who
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
A Lot of People Hate Sno-Caps. Those People Are Wrong. added to Google Docs
A Lot of People Hate Sno-Caps. Those People Are Wrong.
 Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit
These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy.
I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps.
I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy.
Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here:
From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps.
M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that?
Buncha Crunch
Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch!
Reese’s Pieces
I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich.
From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others.
You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?!
Junior Mints
Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater.
Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces.
The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven.
Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies.
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there.
Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish
See above.
Mike and Ike
I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long.
Good & Plenty
Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse.
Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not.
Red Vines
Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup?
Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend.
via Eater - All https://www.eater.com/21438302/movie-theater-candy-ranking-sno-caps-are-the-best
Created September 16, 2020 at 11:26PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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daagodfatherofsolar · 6 years
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#NationalCandyDay is observed annually on #November4th. Candies come in numerous #colors, shapes, sizes and varieties and have a long history in popular culture. It was in the late 13th century that the Middle English word #candy began to be used, coming into English from the Old French cucre candi, derived in turn from Persian Qand and Qandi, cane sugar. People use the term candy as a broad category that includes candy bars, #chocolates, #licorice, sour candies, salty candies, tart candies, hard candies, #taffies, #gumdrops, #marshmallows and much more. Way back in time, before sugar was readily available, candy was made from #honey.  The honey was used to coat fruits and flowers to preserve them or to create forms of candy.  There is still candy that is served in this way today, but it is typically seen as a garnish. Originally a form of medicine, candy calmed the digestive system or cooled a sore throat.  At this time, combined with spices and sugar, candy only appeared in the purses and the dishes of the #wealthy. It was in the 18th century that the first candy is believed to have come to America from #Britain and #France.  At this time, the simplest form of candy was Rock Candy made from crystallized sugar. However, even the basic form of sugar was considered a luxury and was only attainable by the wealthy. :***M & M’S — #M&M’s are milk chocolate drops with a colorful candy coating on the outside. The candies were first manufactured in 1941 and were given to American #soldiers serving in the Second World War. M&M’s are produced by Mars Inc. #Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups — Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are round chocolate disks that are filled with a sweet, creamy peanut butter filling. The cups were first manufactured in 1928 by the #Hershey’s company.  *** #MakersMark #Bourbon Balls - do we really need to say anything else? Our fine chocolates are made in #Kentucky with a bourbon infused confection center, covered in dark chocolate and topped with a #pecan half. ... box of bourbon balls contains 36 pieces of pure goodness. #love #phototheday    ...brought to you by #DaaGodfather aka #DaaGodfatherOfSolar  #ClimateChange #LovePeace (at Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpxb9Z5l12X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ny6fnj4ezd6u
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