mantleoflight · 9 months
//OK! SO! I'm doing a lot better and am coming off Hiatus to Semi-hiatus and will be putting asks and threads in the queue. I'm in a much better head space and have been absolutely buzzing on ideas inspired by this season's content.
//Namely extensions of Echo's Hive!AU in which she tries to talk terms with Savathun and ends up as one of her Oubliette experiments instead.
1. Weapon of Sorrow
//The first is "Weapon of Sorrow" au in which Echo is discovered/revealed after being defeated by a trio of guardians and is brought back for examination. It runs on the idea that Hive Magic is meant for infecting and transforming living biological beings, not inorganic life forms like Exos and Ghosts. Yet it still affects inorganic materials, as seen in the Weapons of Sorrow. //This also runs on my HC that all Exos have Alkahest running in their bodies, maintaining their minds and humanity while also adding a biological component to their beings, albeit minimally. //Thus, when Echo is retrieved and her chitin (courtesy of @bandit-prince's hive OC, Taûryx) is removed, her main body is revealed to have been heavily modified by the terraforming ability of the hivified Alkahest (modified/refined radiolaria, IE the exo's blood/only biological component). Where once was the sleek, human-like model of Clovis Bray's exo design, now lay something looking like it was made of knives and bone, much like the Necrochasm and Osteo Striga. //Naturally, Echo's ghost, Whisper, beseeches the Vanguard for help in bringing Echo back as a guardian and cleansing her of the Hive magic Savathun and Taûryx used on her. With some help, they are eventually successful in cleansing and restoring Echo, yet she still feels some effects of being an exo acolyte. This AU actually extends to another AU, a "Bad Timeline" au that combines "Weapon of Sorrow" and "Ties of Binding" which will be detailed in a section below.
2. Bad Timeline AU
//In this second au, "Bad Timeline" mixes the WoS and TtB verses with one of the Bad Timelines where the Exo Stranger came from. In it, Echo becomes her "Weapon of Sorrow" self by design, submitting herself to Hive!Eris Morn as a way to get close to her and Savathun. She does this in order to find the Hive God ritual and use it herself. In this, she would try to become a rival to Eris in the pantheon of hive gods and give the remaining guardians not completely lost to the darkness, a chance at retaking their world with or without the Traveler. //This would be tricky though, since she'd know that she'd need a Worm in the pantheon to do this. So she gets the only one she could find on hand: the one inside the YW's gun. Using different magics, including the Essence Transfer magic utilized in the Scarlet Keep, Echo speak with Xol, contending with him that he was the weakest of his pantheon because he didn't live up to his name. Because up to that point, he hadn't been the Will of thousands, only the will of one. But if he made a deal with her, she would make him the will of thousands, and his tithe would be greater than had ever been for him. //So through this, she becomes Ehkos Ahnan, Hive diety of Ties and Binding, taking strength from bonds between her brood (the guardians who accept her offer). Her first act of binding was binding Xol to his physical form, remaking him and gaining strength from the bonds of love, hate, rivalry, etc. made with and extended to her by other sentient beings. To other's surprise though, she had not relinquished the Light, only hidden it until the time to reveal it came. //Now the Deep and Sky battle within her as she runs against the clock, seeking to become the one Blade willing to carve its place in the universe and allow to shelter beneath her in exchange for obedience to her terms and tithes of Light and violence in defense of their new kingdom.
//We are the ever-grasping hands. Those who accept us are bound to us by our Mercy. We are the ever-shaping truth! Those who reject us are cut down by our blades and bonds! For Mercy can only be given by those Strong enough to carve it from the hands of their enemies! And those whom you gain and bring to me by Mercy are yours by right of Submission. Through this bond, they must tithe and prove themselves worthy of your efforts, your protection, and their place in the world. As well, you must prove yourself worthy to keep them! Carve their place into the chasm that is your domain, claim, and grow! Prove yourselves worthy to be called mine! Aiat!"
3. Ties that Bind
//The second AU is set after her Hive verse in which she isn't made into a Weapon of Sorrow but is still discovered and recovered from being an Acolyte. After providing all the information she has and being aided by Eris in her recovery (specifically during and after Season of the Haunted), Echo goes on as usual during the rest of the year. //However, in hearing the call to aid to help Eris with Immaru, Echo defies strong recommendations of her leaving the situation alone and goes to aid Eris. Ikora has strong reservations about letting Echo continue to aid Eris, but Echo insists that with her experience the previous year in the Hive, she would be the best suited to help Eris in her current endeavors. Ikora's fears prove founded as Echo begins to slip into her old Acolyte patterns as she fights and tithes to Eris. //However, despite their efforts and how fruitful they've been, Echo's discovery of Ahsa's involvement puts a huge damper on her efforts. She knows the corrosive power of hive magic and fears they can't last much longer without hurting, or worse, killing Eris and Ahsa. Thus she begins to prepare a secondary plan, which in reality is a terrible idea but what else can she do when good ideas don’t show themselves? //So she contacts an "old friend", and whether by bonding with him as a Darkness Risen ( @aurea-fide) or raising his essence from the weapon of his own destruction, she calls on the weakest of worms with an assertion that he was weak because he hasn't lived up to his name, and a promise that if he abides this new contract with her, he will become that which he claimed to be: the will of thousands instead of the will of one. //In this line of action, she intends to pick up where Eris left off and join the hive pantheon -- not as villain or antagonist to humanity, but as a paracausal advocate and contender against greater powers. //"If the Traveler is the Gardener then I am its guard, for I know by right, all who are born in this universe have a place in it. If this is a garden, then I will tend it and carve a place for all things in this universe.”
Addendum to Ties that Bind is that it would be a precautionary plan. One that is likely discovered and not acted upon since Eris seems to have things well in hand. Seasonally, this is Eris’s journey and our goth girl deserves some good things. UuU
Echo: “and this is why Eris is doing this. Because she won’t fall to the temptation of the Deep like I would. She’s the Stronger Truth, a true light in the blanketing dark. A friend, a protector, a guardian. aiat.”
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sissicocotte · 7 years
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Maison d'hôtes #tropchou #petitparadis #needsomeBrest #sissirepos #brest #breizh #finistere #fistiniere? #ahnan! #swimmingpoule (à Brest, Bretagne)
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realgypsymama · 3 years
Tempe, Indonesia's greatest best kept secret | Dr. Amadeus Driando Ahnan Winarno | TEDxJakartaStudio
Tempe, Indonesia’s greatest best kept secret | Dr. Amadeus Driando Ahnan Winarno | TEDxJakartaStudio
NOTE FROM TED: TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more Continue reading
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husnithahir · 3 years
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Kini doa Uni bukan untuk mengantarkan ammu pulang ke tanah air lagi.. melainkan pulang ke kampung halaman yang haqiqi.. Air mata ini masih terus mengalir sejak mendengar kabar ta. Sesak rasanya dada ini.. Sungguh sangat disayangkan orang sehebat kita', sosok yang sangat menginspirasi, sosok yang sangat dibutuhkan umat, pergi duluan meninggalkan dunia ini. Dibandingkan Uni yang tidak bisa apa-apa ini. Belum sempat uni mengambil banyak ilmu dari kita'. Tapi, terima kasih banyak, sudah ajarkan Uni beberapa hal, terutama bagaimana menjadi orang yang hebat, tapi tetap tawadhu melalui sikap ta' selama ini. Semoga segala amal ta' di terima di sisi Allah. Diampuni semua dosa-dosa ta. Ditempatkan di tempat terbaik di sisi Allah. Untuk kak Ammi, dede Uppa, Akira, dan Ahnan.. Semoga allah beri ketabahan dalam menghadapi ini semua, in sya Allah dipertemukan kembali nanti di Surga. Aamiin.. . . . 📷 : kenangan 2018 . . . #restinpeace #sad #instamood (di Cairo International Airport - Terminal 2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBk2TbJzHO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dhylanboey · 4 years
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Happier, ripped-and-roaring times with my gym bestie, fitfam brother, mentor and top Coach @AhnanRaj! . Shame the gyms are not opened yet during this SG #circuitbreaker #lockdown2020 — but when they do, hell's gonna break loose and we gonna murder us some hardcore irons again, bro! Miss our times of grit and grime. . Side-note, I know some of you keep asking me to give you personal training, fitness and bodybuilding tips, but I'm really not professionally equipped to do so. But Ahnan is 👈😏. . Do hit him up if you need someone to help whip your ass. He's a top-notch quality #personaltrainer, plus all-round honest-to-goodness great guy.. Meantime, stay calm and keep pumping and grinding #fitfamsg!#sgphysiques #sgguys (at 24xfitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtpAQHBVT_/?igshid=17z1s2209evgx
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ghostzali2011 · 7 years
SPORTOURISM - Mempromosikan dan mengenalkan Indonesia bisa dilakukan lewat banyak cara. Di antaranya dengan mengangkat makanan khas Indonesia, tempe. Dan itulah yang dilakukan oleh Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Washington.
Inilah yang sering disebut Menpar Arief Yahya sebagai prinsip Indonesia Incorporated. Semua lini, semua kementerian dan lembaga berkolaborasi untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia, dengan cara mereka. “Ke depan, sinergi seperti ini akan semakin dibutuhkan,” ujar Menteri Arief Yahya.
Dari Washington, Budi Bowoleksono, Dubes RI untuk Amerika Serikat menjelaskan pada 7 November 2017, KBRI Washington memberi dukungan kepada Amadeus Driando Ahnan dari Indonesian Tempe Movement (ITM) dalam memenuhi undangan untuk berbicara di Harvard Business School mengenai manfaat Tempe.
Menurut Budi, dukungan ini merupakan satu sinergi yang strategis untuk mendukung promosi Tempe sebagai produk budaya Indonesia dalam keseharian masyarakat Amerika Serikat.
Sinergi ITM dengan KBRI Washington D.C. telah berlangsung dalam beberapa bulan terakhir dengan hasil yang sangat baik. “Pada bulan September 2017, kerja sama kedua belah pihak pada pelaksanaan DC Vegan Festival berhasil menarik lebih dari 1.350 pengunjung untuk menikmati kelezatan Tempe. Selain itu, yang tidak kalah penting adalah mendapat manfaat kesehatan dari tempe, serta memberikan pemahaman tentang Indonesia”  ujar Dubes Budi.
Amadeus Driando Ahnan atau Ando adalah pendiri dan koordinator Indonesian Tempe Movement (ITM). Ando diundang sebagai pembicara di Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, AS, pada hari Selasa, (7/11). Ando, mahasiswa S3 Food Science di University of Massachusetts, memberikan sesi berjudul Why Would “Food for the Poor” Tempe Matter for Global Health dalam pertemuan Harvard Global Health Shared Interest Group. Ini adalah komunitas akademisi Harvard lintas bidang yang memiliki minat mengenai kesehatan global. Sekitar 20 anggota komunitas terdaftar dalam kegiatan tersebut.
Dalam kesempatan diskusi bersama para mahasiswa dan peneliti dimaksud, Ando membagi pengalaman ITM sebagai gerakan non-profit dengan tujuan memberikan akses masyarakat terhadap makanan sehat, ramah lingkungan, dan terjangkau. Ando menekankan bahwa tempe bukan hanya sekedar makanan asli Indonesia namun juga membawa nilai-nilai dan local wisdom Indonesia.
Tempe di Indonesia, kata Ando, mempunyai nilai budaya yang tinggi. Meskipun demikian, masih terdapat orang yang menganggap tempe adalah makanan orang tidak mampu, padahal sebetulnya makan ini adalah solusi bagi pemerintah dalam memberikan akses makanan bergizi untuk rakyatnya.
Ando menjelaskan bahwa tempe mempunyai kandungan protein yang hampir sama dengan daging sapi, namun lebih sehat karena tidak mengandung lemak jenuh ganda. Tempe lebih ramah lingkungan karena dalam proses produksinya hanya dibutuhkan 10% dari energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi daging sapi.
“Di Amerika Serikat, Tempe dijual seharga $1,99 untuk 8oz, sementara satu potong steak daging sapi bisa seharga lebih dari 7 dolar” ujar Ando.
Sesi interaktif yang berlangsung selama 90 menit tersebut menarik antusiasme peserta untuk mendengar secara langsung pengalaman memulai dan mengembangkan gerakan ITM. Disebutkan bahwa gerakan ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi kesehatan global. ITM menjadi contoh organisasi yang unik karena memadukan unsur ilmiah, budaya, seni, dan bisnis sosial dalam pelaksanaannya.
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rumahnkri-blog · 7 years
Keren, 'Kehebatan' Tempe Sudah Sampai Harvard
Keren, ‘Kehebatan’ Tempe Sudah Sampai Harvard
Keren, ‘Kehebatan’ Tempe Sudah Sampai Harvard RumahNKRI – Tempe menjadi salah satu makanan yang mudah ditemui di Indonesia. Namun sebagian rakyat Indonesia menganggapnya sebagai penganan kalangan kelas bawah. Padahal, tempe memiliki kandungan protein setara dengan daging sapi. Bahkan menurut Pendiri dan Koordinator Indonesia Tempe Movement (ITM) Amadeus Driando Ahnan, tempe lebih sehat dibanding…
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babybuletgani · 7 years
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Sejumlah praktisi dan akademisi berusaha membuat tempe naik kelas di negeri sendiri, mulai dari peningkatan mutu hingga mencari pengakuan dunia lewat UNESCO. Berhasilkah? Tempe sudah populer hingga ke mancanegara, tapi masih masih dianggap makanan murahan di negeri sendiri. Di sudut Pasar Leather Lane di London, Inggris, sebuah kios milik William Mitchel tampak ramai dipenuhi pengunjung. Jam makan siang waktu itu, dan mereka mengantre demi nasi tempe yang hanya dijual setiap Rabu, Kamis, dan Jumat. William Mitchel adalah warga Inggris yang belajar membuat tempe di Jawa. Dia memproduksi tempe sendiri di rumahnya di pinggir kota London, dimasak, lalu dijajakan di pasar. Warga Indonesia yang tinggal di Jepang, Rustono, malah dijuluki sebagai raja tempe. Dia membangun usahanya sejak tahun 1997 dan kini telah mengolah satu ton kedelai per hari. Tak cuma di Jepang, produksi tempenya sudah merambah ke Meksiko dan Korea. Di dunia internasional tempe sudah dikenal dari Indonesia. Ada orang Indonesia bilang tempe dipatenkan di Jepang, itu tidak benar, Itu bohong besar. Di luar negeri tempe itu 'magic food', kalau di Meksiko dibilangnya 'heaven food'. Mungkin berlebihan tapi mereka bilangnya begitu, apalagi di Jepang. Jadi masyarakat dunia menganggap tempe itu luar biasa sekali, tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan makanan yang lain. Dengan junk food misalnya, jauh. Tempe memang dikenal sebagai makanan sehat yang punya protein tinggi dan daya cerna yang bagus. Banyak ahli gizi mengatakan bahwa kandungan protein tempe hampir menyamai daging, susu, atau telur. Satu keistimewaan lain adalah kandungan vitamin B12 yang umumnya hanya ditemui pada produk hewani. Dalam proses fermentasi, vitamin ini terbentuk dalam tempe sehingga bagus untuk kaum vegetarian. Tapi penghargaan yang tinggi di luar negeri ini tampak tak sebanding dengan persepsi masyarakat tentang tempe di negara sendiri. Rustono, yang belajar membuat tempe di Jawa, mencontohkan frasa 'mental tempe' yang biasa diartikan lemah atau orang yang merasa terjajah. Sebagai pengusaha, dia juga kerap dianggap remeh. "Ada waktu itu teman saya bilang, 'jauh-jauh ke Jepang kok buat tempe.' Intonasinya kelihatan sekali mengesankan tempe sebagai sesuatu yang murahan, enggak mutu. Masih kita rasakan. Paradigma itu masih kuat. Inilah satu paradigma yang perlu diubah. Dan Rustono tidak sendirian. Amadeus Driando Ahnan-Winarno, 24, bersama ibu dan kakeknya mendirikan Indonesian Tempe Movement, sebuah gerakan yang ingin mempromosikan tempe sebagai pangan sehat yang juga gaul dan keren. Dia membagi cerita tentang manfaat tempe yang bagus untuk bodybuilding di forum anak muda, mereka tampak tidak percaya karena tempe itu kesannya ndeso, tidak keren. Padahal, tempe adalah makanan tinggi protein yang cocok dikonsumsi anak muda yang sedang rajin olah raga untuk membentuk tubuh mereka, kata mahasiswa S3 jurusan Food Science di Amerika Serikat itu. Respons itu malah membuat Amadeus dan komunitasnya semakin semangat mengadakan Tempe Workshop di berbagai kota dan kampanye di media sosial. Forum Tempe Indonesia sudah mulai mengusulkan untuk menjadikan tempe sebagai warisan budaya tak benda di UNESCO. Berbeda dengan Jepang, Korea, dan Meksiko misalnya, Indonesia belum ada budaya pangan yang telah diakui dari organisasi dunia itu. Tapi, satu pemikiran lalu muncul: sesusah itukah mengubah pandangan orang Indonesia terhadap budayanya? Sampai harus menempuh jalan panjang ke UNESCO? Yang jelas, pengajuan tempe sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia masih cukup panjang karena hingga kini masih dalam tahap penyusunan kelengkapan dokumen.
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diyanahmadsaputra · 7 years
Sebagai Wujud Rasa Syukur, Komisioner KPU Lamtim Gelar Tasyakuran Khotmil Qur"an -Ayokelamtim.com
Sebagai Wujud Rasa Syukur, Komisioner KPU Lamtim Gelar Tasyakuran Khotmil Qur”an -Ayokelamtim.com
Matarambaru, Ayokelamtim.co – Sebagai wujud rasa syukur atas keberhasilan putra-putri tercintanya Farih dzoriful ahnan, Adellia dwi mafaza dan rosa romaita dalam mengikuti pembelajaran mengkaji Al-Qur’an Wana Hari, Komisioner KPU Lampung-Timur menggelar acara Khotmil Qur’an yang bertempat di kediaman kecamatam matarambaru Minggu (23/07) .
Dalam sambutan Ahnan mewakili sohibul hajat, ” Alquran…
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ayokelamtim-blog · 7 years
Sebagai Wujud Rasa Syukur, Komisioner KPU Lamtim Gelar Tasyakuran Khotmil Qur"an -Ayokelamtim.com
Sebagai Wujud Rasa Syukur, Komisioner KPU Lamtim Gelar Tasyakuran Khotmil Qur”an -Ayokelamtim.com
Matarambaru, Ayokelamtim.co – Sebagai wujud rasa syukur atas keberhasilan putra-putri tercintanya Farih dzoriful ahnan, Adellia dwi mafaza dan rosa romaita dalam mengikuti pembelajaran mengkaji Al-Qur’an Wana Hari, Komisioner KPU Lampung-Timur menggelar acara Khotmil Qur’an yang bertempat di kediaman kecamatam matarambaru Minggu (23/07) .
Dalam sambutan Ahnan mewakili sohibul hajat, ” Alquran…
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mantleoflight · 5 months
//I'm reading this and thinking of my two characters, Darius/Duir Al'Harash and Echo/Ehkos Ahnan and how they would stand to claim the right and role as Seconds for Xivu and possibly Savathun. Yul & Honesty for Darius as he dutifully caries the mantle his crusade against Xivu has brought him. And either Xol or Ur for Ehkos and her desire to change the way things are.
//Gosh I really like this writing - it gets my tired brain juices bubbling!
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ssongjx-blog · 10 years
Thank you for the warm welcome and i’ll make sure to talk to you like everyday if it’s needed ´chuckles;
Talking to me everyday— Geez, I like you already. /chuckles; Let’s be great friends, yeah? And what should I call you, dear?
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jungeu · 10 years
ahnan replied to your post “i need attention?????????”
I'm here for that
i'm in love.
bbangsu replied to your post “i need attention?????????”
gives you attention!!!
thank you princess, awwwww.
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