#again sorry for letting it rot
anyhow-everything · 4 months
bestie .... im having ..... binchan thoughts
https://twitter.com/jislvtt/status/1750676034096111646 https://twitter.com/minomoroll/status/1749652343803777527
-may, @skzms
Oh my god, I'm so sorry for letting this just rot in my inbox! I saw it, wanted to respond later, and then apparently forgot :D But guess what guess what guess what!!!! This ask now has the honour of being the first piece written on my newly fixed laptop. (This is pre-skz binchan)
Binchan both are more of a night owl, they often spend hours upon hours in the studio obsessing over that one detail to get the song just right. Take after take just doesn't seem to fit, and after years of working together, they know each other very intimately and often can tell just by the slightest detail about the other that something is off. This is how they find themselves in a rather unique position some day: after a rough morning with early and hectic schedules, during which both had to pretend that they're fine and not desperately want to go back to bed, they finally get to lock themselves in the studio and do what they truly love; create music.
Chan already visibly relaxes the moment the first notes hit his ear drums, and Changbin follows soon after, closing his eyes and just letting himself get carried away by the beat for a bit. "So, we left off yesterday with the transition to the pre-hook, right? I kinda want something there, something unique, something that shows our own flavour, just to set the mood for the powerful hook that's to come. I just don't know what I want exactly? Let's work on that for tonight, just play around a bit, experiment, we still have time for this" he sets out the agenda for the night. And since the leader has spoken, this is exactly what they do. They goof around, trying out different sounds melodies and rhythms, just to see what feels right. But alas, nothing seems to work. It's fun at first, like little children who found out that hitting something makes noise, so they do it over and over again. And they fail. Each time. Over and over again. The sun is long gone by now, everything's dark outside and the building is mostly empty when Chan finally lets out a defeated sigh. "I swear this song is going to kill me at some point. Nothing works! Why does nothing work? What am I doing wrong?"
It's now that Changbin takes a first real look at his leader after quite some time of being laserfocussed on work, and he sees it immediately. The little frown. The slumped shoulders. The way his hands fidget. He's agitated, and it makes him loose control over his racing (and most likely self-deprecating) thoughts. He needs a distraction, something to set his mind right again, and he needs it now. And Changbin has just the idea. "Hyung, do you trust me?" "Of course I trust you, Changbinnie. Why?" "Here, let me try something. Close your eyes. Don't look, just feel what's going on around you"
Chan looks skeptical, but closes his eyes nonetheless. Takes a deep breath. Listens to his quickened heartbeat. And feels.
The first thing he feels is the cold breeze of the air conditioning hitting his right shoulder. The second thing he feels is the seam of his cropped shirt brushing against his rips, trapped between chest and arm. The third thing he feels is a hand gliding over his cheekbone. The fourth thing he feels is hot breath tickling against his neck. The sixth thing he feels are plush lips against his own. Slow. Relaxed. Soft. Not like the rushed and stressed day he had, but like a summer breeze kissing him, reminding him that it's there, but not actually interrupting. He kisses back.
They've kissed before, plenty of times, both sexually and platonically, but not like this. Never like this. Never like they have all the time in the universe, never like a hurried second is a wasted one, and never like nothing else in this world could burst their little bubble right now. Before it always felt like they needed to hide, like they needed to quickly get this over with, like they had to be aggressive to keep intruders out. This is new. This is nice. This is comfort. He never wants this to stop.
And so he doesn't. He kisses back, he leans into his friend, he slowly lets his hands explore his body, and in what simultaneously feels like eternity and an blink of an eye they end up naked on the couch, bodies entangled, heated contact shared between just the two of them. It's everything and nothing at all, and Changbin does everything just right. He's sweet, he's careful, but he knows his leader by now, he knows what he likes, and - even more importantly - he knows what he needs. There is no screaming, or marking, or harsh words. Just sweet compliments, soft giggles and little sighs emitted by the two of them, until they collapse into each other's arms panting.
It takes a while for them to recuperate, but when they do, Chan is already overflowing with ideas. "So, I thought, we always wanted the hook to be impactful, right? And so we wanted the transition to also be impactful. But, what if - instead of monotony - we go for a contrast? Make the transition smooth, make it soft, just broaden the spectrum of this song, showcasing the bandwidth we truly have! What'd'ya think?" Changbin smiles and Chan's entire world lights up. Within then more minutes the song is finished. The boys go home satisfied and happy, and everything becomes even more colourful when they get home and immediately are attacked by their favourite quokka asking for cuddles.
That day Chan learned something important, and he made a promise to himself. Harmony is important in a group, yes. But harmony doesn't mean similarity, it means complementarity. It means knowing each other and knowing each other so well that you can be a support system without having to be asked first. If he wants to form a successful group, he needs to make sure of that first. And that is how the "testing" has started.
Where these the binchan thoughts you were having, lovely?
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fumifooms · 21 days
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Dad always said I was like him
Meijack and Chilchuck Tims Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ 1: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 2: Bug like an angel, Mitski / 3: Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle / 4: The Third Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart / 5 & 6: FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK,", Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 7: Batman: Year Three (1989) / 8 & 9 : FROM THE MAKERS OF […], Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 10: Wilt, CJ the X / 11: How Do We Forgive Our Fathers, Dick Lourie / 12: Milk and honey, Rupi Kaur / 13: / 14: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 15: Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong / 16: untitled, joan tierney v 17: Drunk, The Living Tombstone / 18: unknown
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it, and still you stand next to your mother just as silent and just as stoic as her during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight, out of mind. And he’s never really been there, even when he was there, after all.
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frankiebirds · 25 days
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every day i think about elle and morgan going on vacation together and at least morgan wanting reid to come with. what were their intentions. were they bisexual in nature. also im also almost certain that this is the first time morgan calls reid "pretty boy" and it's while he's inviting him on vacation with him. it's 2005/2006 you cannot be this bisexual at your government job.
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yeah i think elle also wanted him to join them.
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misspoetree · 4 months
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💕 Happy Valentine's Day 💕
(from the sappiest mf in the whole KP Universe)
[many more text post memes]
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
Hot ss take
Rainbow steve absolutely has trauma and maybe even a scar/scars from early on when he and sabre were fighting. Sabre feels so so horrible about it, even tho rainbow steve has completely forgiven him and has told him a thousand times it was just a misunderstanding and that it's ok. But sabre still remembers it and tears himself up abt it inside.
Rainbow steve is just sad sabre keeps on getting upset about it when he's said so many times that it's okay. He still has nightmares sometimes, but both the dreams and the memories themselves are jumbled and fuzzy and full of static, so he should be fine right? Even tho sometimes, especially when weakened or around large amounts of lava he just feels
But they'll survive. They'll get through it, together. Even when rainbow steve wakes from a particularly bad nightmare crying, and sees his best friend, not enemy, sabre there to comfort him. Even when rainbow sees sabre eerily still, staring off into nowhere while tense with puffed up feathers, and tackles him into a hug. They're safe, and they're together
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thehallstara · 2 years
actually. actually. gonna get spicy for a hot sec but blaseball fans please learn antisemitic stereotypes so you stop playing into them and giving them to players you design to hate please for the love of g.d
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mummer · 8 months
"sara snow" as if that could have ever been a real name. get real. That is a drag name
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
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darrowsrising · 2 months
Ajax 🤝 Alex
Deserved better. Just better. Much better.
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raineyraven · 2 years
c!eret. bestie. my good sir. you could totally take cdream in a fight i believe in you. body that motherfucker. you know you want to.
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gayspock · 11 months
what if I wss emo instead 🤔
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cosmic-kaden · 5 months
*makes weird popping noises with my mouth*
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skunkes · 2 years
I've been following you for a long time and you seem a lot more confident about your art and in general and it makes me happy! just more relaxed and at ease
yeeeeees it's been a combination of a lot of things ^_^ i feel like ive finally started Getting somewhere with art + my learning mindset (even though i still feel like im devolving lol...+ like im behind + im never gonna actually be good...idk. finally having a new oc to draw + improve with helped. the doodle pages have helped bc my brain is just Suited for them + the structure, took me a long time to figure that out!!!)
I dont think I'm more confident in general but I've just got more distractions (proof that I just needed. a Friend to talk to since I usually. do not get to talk to anybody but family, if at all, more than once a week, if at all) from the usual bad stuff + ruminations, and I willed my brain to Work.
Like, I finally just had the motivation to fully reinvent myself as the person I've always wanted to be ^_^ fully leaning into I'd Wanna Be Treated This Way, I'd Want Someone to Do It For Me, I Want to Make Someone/Anyone's Life a Little Easier etc...+ idk! sometimes i feel i come off as Fake (but like i am still an evil little hater LOL) but it's helped ^_^ everything sucks but it's helped...
dont get me wrong im still in the exact same awful situation wrt my future and life and current housing but like I'll have a good meal or a nice interaction and its the new best day of my life, ykwim? I can handle it a little better...conditioned self to get excited over what little i have (like rn im excited to go to bed bc im excited to eat lunch tomorrow)
anyway thank yu ^_^ sorry for da paragraphs <- guess that hasn't changed!
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nerice · 1 year
god im thinking again abt. malenia turning caelid into a scarlet rot wasteland and it was absolutely not what she intended. fighting and being prepared to kill radahn is one thing but they were too evenly matched, leaving her either no other choice but to unleash scarlet aeonia/it happened beyond her control because the goddess of rot would not let her champion die, functional empyrean or not (i always always think about malenia whispering smth to radahn in that final moment. she knew what was about to happen..) but malenia is not about destruction!!! conquest, sure, for miquella's sake but the age of unalloyed gold is built on ideals of peace and equality, especially for the afflicted, the outcasts. unalloyed gold is beauty and flowers and dreams. not whatever the scarlet rot turned caelid into,,,, and sure sure demigod slumber/malenia having to be carried back all the way to the haligtree sanctum and the timeline is extremely unclear (it is implied she only wakes up when you enter her boss room) but i also like the idea of her. giving up on it all. defending the empty womb of miquella's tree, again, sure, but going out and securing territory? beating back her siblings? after what happened with radahn, what she did to radahn...... + the implication of the next time she goes into god slumber she will emerge as goddess of rot / fully an avatar of an outer god; not only was her twin taken from her, leaving her with no choice but to await his return tm, the battlefield is also taken from her because does she really want to chance that happening again? h.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
that post 100% sums up how i feel about springtrap's later designs like, you're telling me that the franchise's main overarching villain and antagonist, a sinister and menacing person who was genuinely terrifying (at least personally) with actions and a design to prove it (his purple era jsjs and ofc Springtrap), got reduced to THAT????
like this dude was a cold blooded murderer who built killer machines and after getting killed by his own creation, his corpse fused with it and was revived by sheer will. this mf who just refuses to fucking die turned into a weird looking burnt ass rat which at this point it's pathetic like bro was LIMPING, he's literally hanging by a thread and you want me to take him seriously?? lol
maybe this is a fitting end for him, an old rotting man who once was an ambitious and well respected man who used his talents for harm and got away with it for decades, now sits as a joke, a pathetic corpse who refuses to die due to his cowardness, completely powerless and not threatening, just a damn cockroach. serves him right
yah y'see i wouldn't have minded it as much (although i would have been disappointed) if it felt like they were going for that lol. the whole, "goodbye pathetic lil loser bunnyman uwu" thing. like there's a good way ta write an end ta an evil extravagant character like him where he fizzles out pathetically and make it GOOD,,,,but i just feel like there was no forethought abt it,,,,like they TRIED ta make him menacing in the bossfight and ending!! they built his miserable ass up!!! ugh
it happened just really abruptly like as soon as he came back he was gone, which is just. really pathetic. and if they wrote it better i might have enjoyed that but as of now? with security breach having little to know story as it is? its pathetic in a really embarrassing way. its like they didn't know what the fuck ta do w/him and just slapped something tagether
like i get that for ppl who hate him its like a fistpump in the air ta be like, "haha! fuck u man!! die again!!" but,,,,,putting aside my obvious thirst for him,,,,,,its just a really hollow end for a character that has so much chutzpah narratively yk? is there a term for the opposite of fan service b/c thats what it felt like lol. hater service? LMAO
like hello? pizza sim was his perfect physical end???? what they were doing next w/him infecting ppl's minds was really interesting why did they stop that!!!!!!!!!
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dimitrscu · 2 years
seeing people say things like “malenia should have admitted defeat after phase one, but nooo she had to get back up and keep fighting” makes me laugh every time cause what the hell does that even mean? she should have just let you kill her and not fought back?
most fights in this game are exactly the same like mohg is there stealing your health the whole time until he practically full heals (with your blood) in phase two, godrick cuts his arm off and attaches a dragon head to himself before coming at you full tilt, rykard goes “very well then guess i’ll beat you with this giant sword as you won’t let the snake eat you” and of course the best one being godfrey. the dude rips off the safety and embraces his warrior side, not too dissimilar to malenia in the sense he too has been holding it back all this time.
like come on now they all go ham in their phase two that’s the whole point. honestly it’s like these people have never played a fromsoft game before
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