#after the 5th day im bored out of my mind and ready to go home
florencewellch · 1 year
I don't wanna sound ungrateful, but I'm begging my family to remember other places that aren't Salvador exist
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mingissmile1117 · 3 years
Hello! I decided to post this ff on here as well! It would really mean a lot and help me out if you could also check it out on my wattpad:)!! Don't feel obligated to though.
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Chapter 1, Late Wednesday Nights
1574 Words
Seonghwa didn't want to work at this damned bar for the rest of his life. Smelling vomit and having to drag heavy limp body's outside really does something to a person's sanity. He swore, if he had to mop up sticky alcohol residue on the floor from clumsy drunks spilling their drinks one more time he was doing to snap his own neck.
The night was coming closer, and so was Seonghwas shift. Since it was a Wednesday night, almost everyone that was here from the evening had left, by their own will or forced to from security. The tired man stared off into space, mindlessly wiping off the soapy shot glasses behind the counter.
He came to when the bell from the door chimed softly. Annoyed, he groaned quietly. Who comes to the bar this late on a Wednesday night?
When he looked up, his breath hitched, stuck in his throat. Standing at the entrance was a man of short stature. He adorned a blonde buzz cut. His chin was slim and complimented by a sharp jawline that could cut through diamonds. The man's eyes were beautiful; deep chocolate brown irises and long, black eyelashes. His lips were the perfect shade of pink and deliciously plump. Overall, he was quiet the pretty man.
"Hello!" Hongjoong waved his hand, trying to get Seonghwas attention.
Seonghwa blinked, swallowing dryly. "Sorry- sorry. Welcome! Have a seat." He said with a smile, throwing his towel over his shoulder and resting his hand on his hip. "What can I get for you?" He asked the man across the counter, eyes taking in all his sharp features.
Hongjoong sat down on the barstool and rested his hand on the counter, slowly tapping his fingers. "Give me a minute to think." He asked politely.
Seonghwa nodded. He looked down at Hongjoongs hand, taking note of his panted nails and multiple rings.
"Woah... that's hot..."
Seonghwa thought to himself, a soft blush spreading across his cheeks. He cleared his throat, going to the counter behind him pretending to do something to distract himself.
"Sir?" Hongjoong softly raised his voice.
"You can just call me Seonghwa." The man said, looking back at the blonde with a playful smile.
"Well, Seonghwa, I'd like a margarita, if you don't mind."
"One margarita for?" Seonghwa turned around, looking at the blonde with a raised eyebrow.
"Hongjoong." The shorter man smirked.
"One margarita, coming up for Hongjoong!" Seonghwa said brightly, his hands getting to work as he started to whip up the drink.
"So hongjoong-" Seonghwa averted his gaze. "What brings to here at this time of night?" He asks.
The blonde sat back in the barstool, the three undone buttons on his flannel exposing a sliver of his chest.
"Got bored while taking a nightly stroll and decided I had some cash to burn." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't you have work in the morning? It's a Wednesday after all." Seonghwa looked up at the other.
"No not really..." Hongjoong bit his lip.
"Well you have to make an income somehow, what do you do?"
"I guess you could say I'm a freelance artist." The blonde titled his head, smirking as he bit his tongue between his teeth.
"Well Mr. Freelance artist," Seonghwa slid a cold glass across the counter, "You're drink is ready."
Hongjoong raised his eyebrow, chuckling softly as he set a 10 on the counter. "Thanks." He picked up the glass, his rings clinking against the surface.
The blonde stared into his drink, spinning it softly and watching the ice clash with eachother. "So Seonghwa, what do you do? Ya know like out of this bar?"
The red haired man blushed, looking down at the counter he was leaning on. "I like to make YouTube videos, they're really nothing much though. I live with my two roommates though who are pretty interesting. One of them really likes to cook, so I get to taste test his food all the time!" Seonghwa stopped himself before he starting rambling too much. "Ah sorry..." He scratched the back of his neck, a little embarrassed.
"It's alright. I like hearing you talk." He said with a playful grin, "I also like people who can carry a conversation by themselves, I'm not that much of a talker." He took a sip of his alcohol, tipping his head back sensually.
The night carried on as Seonghwa talked to his hearts content while Hongjoong listened adoringly.
The were in their own little world, one at a barstool and the other behind the counter. Stars filled the dark sky as the moon shone brightly over the tall buildings. Crickets chirped softly in the grass between the cracks of the sidewalk.
They were brought back to reality when the apple watch on Seonghwas wrist started beeping frantically. "Oh- it's closing time already?" He said disappointed, tapping the screen on his watch to turn off the alarm.
"How about I give you a ride home after I clean up the place a bit?" Seonghwa immediately offered, not losing the chance to get this man more. "You said you walked here right? Plus it's pretty late out, I don't think any of the cab places will pick up." He said with a knowing smirk.
"I'm sold." Hongjoong sat back in the stool, crossing one leg over the other. "I'll wait for you then." He smiled.
Seonghwa grabbed the blondes empty glass and began to clean up the back of the counter.
Seonghwa opened the car door for Hongjoong, letting him in the passengers side. "Wow, what a gentleman." The shorter man joked, getting into the car.
Seonghwa got into the driver's side with a huff. He stretched his body, relaxing into the seat. As he stuck his keys into the ignition he asked, "So whats your address?"
"The apartment building on Dongyo Street. You know the one above the 7-Eleven?"
Seonghwa stopped suddenly and looked over at Hongjoong. "No way, really?" He asked, mouth agape with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" The blonde asked, a little confused.
"I live in that same building! How come I've never seen you before?"
"Oh!? Well I just moved in to the 5th floor a few weeks ago."
"The new floor they just got done building? Makes sense why I haven't seen you yet." He stated as he stepped on the gas, driving out of his parking spot.
Seonghwa had insisted on walking with Hongjoong to his apartment. He wanted to get this mans number so badly, but he was nervous and wasn't quite sure how to ask. "This is your room? E300?" They stopped walking and stood in front of the door. "Mhm, sure is." Hongjoong reached in his pocket, searching for his keys.
"So uh," Seonghwa started awkwardly, completely contrasting from his earlier subtle flirting. "Since we live in the same building and all, I think it would be pretty convenient if we had eachothers numbers."
"Oh well-" Hongjoong was cut off by the door opening, a 6 ft tall man with black hair behind the frame.
"Dude, where have you been?! Get in here! Mingi is literally destroyed our kitchen earlier trying to make dinner since you weren't here- come help clean up!" Yunho pulled Hongjoong inside and slammed the door shut.
"Wait but-" Seonghwa whined. He wasn't that disappointed that he didn't get Hongjoongs number since they lived in the same building, but it was going to be a lot harder now.
He walked all the way downstairs to the second floor, sulking. He opened the door to his apartment, room B6. It was quiet dark as he expected it to be Wooyoung and San were already asleep in their rooms. The read head slid of his shoes at the entrance, trying to be as quiet as possible. He looked in the fridge quickly, trying to see if anything would appeal to his stomach, but nothing did. With a sigh he walked off to his room and sat down at his desk rather than laying im his bed.
He played some random games mindlessly, but he couldn't get that blonde off of his mind. He also thought about that tall man. What if Hongjoong was dating him? Or that Mingi that the dude mentioned? What if Seonghwa made up everything in his head and he didn't even have a chance?
Out of curiosity, Seonghwa typed something into the search bar
"How to know if your crush likes you"
That sounded absolutely childish, he knew that well, but he couldn't help it.
He scrolled and scrolled down the pages past a bunch of wiki how's and reddit pages. Until, he saw a link for a Craigslist added titled
"Spice up your love life and give your soul to this matchmaking devil"
"Oh?" That sounded quite interesting to the man and so, he clicked.
"Feeling lost in love? Not so sure how to win the heart of your crush? Make an 'deal' with this matchmaker and gain you're deepest desires. You'll surely find the treasure you're sought after. " Seonghwa read out loud, an amused smile on his face.
He scrolled down the page, seeing you could "book an appointment" with the "matchmaker".
"You know what? Fuck it."
After typing in some info he really shouldn't be giving out on the internet, he pressed enter.
Man, he was so desperate.
Tomorrow at 5 pm was his "appointment". What a perfect day to be off work.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
The Pregnancy, Part One
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @fuseboxmusebox @princesslahela @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @queencarb @schnitzelbutterfingers @ramseysno1rookie @caseyvalentineramsey @ethanramseyswhore @whippedforethanfreakingramsey
It was two weeks after Ethan and Casey had returned from their honeymoon and they were now back at work. Casey sat at the briefing table in the diagnostics room zoned out on a piece of paper as she focused on trying to keep her nauseous feeling at bay. But it was no use, suddenly she snapped back to reality as she rose to her feet and bolted out of the door to the nearest toilet. This wasn't the first time she had had to bolt to a bathroom to puke like this. This was about the 4th time it was happening this week. Casey flung open the bathroom door bursting in before leaning over the sink and puking out everything that was in her stomach. A knock on the door was followed by a voice asking if she was alright, "I'm fine! she shouted back before spitting out what was left in her mouth and cleaning the bathroom sink and herself up. Once she was done, she opened the door and was surprised to see Baz standing there, a concerned look on his face "Is everything okay?" he asked, Casey nodded "yeah it's fine" she smiled. "Ethan would have come but he's kin-" Baz started to explain but stopped when fast footsteps and a frantic voice came towards them. "Baz. what's taking so long? is she okay? I asked you to report back on the status of my wife ime-" Ethan rumbled but stopped as he rounded the corner, nearly crashing right into both. He took a step back and adjusted his gaze onto Casey, his brow creasing with worry as he looked closely and saw her clammy with sweat. "You're going home" he stated, "What?? Honey, I'm fine. I must have just had a dodgy croissant with my coffee this morning or something." Casey argued calmly, "Or the milk in the coffee was dodgy" Baz chimed in. Casey nodded in agreement. "Nope. Your skin is clammy, you just threw up in the sink, and, you have bags under your eyes. I am not having a member of my team, much less my wife, at work when they are ill. Get your bag and go home." He ordered trying to hide the worry he was feeling, before turning on his heel and walking back to the diagnostics room. Baz followed mouthing a quick "I'm sorry" to Casey.
Sighing, Casey collected her bag, slipping off her white coat and headed towards the elevators, pressing the button and waiting to get in. Once it arrived at her floor, she stepped and punched the button for the ground floor. She had quite a way to go down, so she occupied herself by pulling out her phone and headphones to get them ready for her journey home on the bus. Halfway down to the ground floor, the elevator stopped, and someone stepped in, also punching the button for the ground floor. "Hey" the person said, making Casey jump. She looked up to see her bright-eyed friend Bryce standing in the elevator with her, "hey" she said back with a small smile. "What's up?" he asked as he took in her glum expression. "Ethan's sending me home because I was just sick in the sink upstairs. I honestly don't think it's anything serious, but he doesn't want 'a tired and sick member of his team. much less his wife.' at work. I mean he didn't even allow me to use mouth wash or one of those chewy toothbrush things. he just demanded I got my bag and go ho-"Casey rambled on but stopped as Bryce put a gentle hand on her shoulder holding out half a pack of gum with a smile, "Take it. I have two more packs in my locker" he said softly. Casey gave a thankful smile and took it. The two hugged goodbye and went their separate ways.
Later that day, Casey was feeling tons better as she sat on the couch at home bored. She's done everything she could have. She'd watered the house plants, walked their dog, Bleu. She's even gone round the whole house cleaning and anti-bacterialising every surface that she could. So now, she was sat staring out the window at the garden with nothing to do. Suddenly, the house phone rang making her jump but she sprinted to answer it, desperate for human interaction. "Yes! Hello! This is Casey Ramsey speaking. How may I help you??!" she shouted down the phone excitedly waiting for an answer from the person on the other end, but instead was met with a familiar deep, rich chuckle "How are you?" Ethan asked. "ugh. it's you" she replied in a teasing tone, with a smirk on her lips. "oh. charming!" Ethan said back, sounding a little taken aback and offended. Casey just laughed. They spoke for the remainder of Ethan's lunch break before hanging up and going back to what they needed to do. When Ethan got home late that night, he found Casey asleep in bed, with Bleu snuggled next to her on his side of the bed. "Charming. I've been replaced by a puppy" he mumbled to himself amusingly. He cleaned up the left-over takeout containers and snapped a picture of Casey and Bleu, before then grabbing the spare blanket, taking he couch for the night, not wanting to disturb the cute situation in the bedroom.
The next morning, he woke up to the sound of Casey yet again in the bathroom puking. Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled to the bathroom, his heart breaking in his chest when he turned to go into the bathroom at the sight of his wife hunched over the toilet crying and throwing her guts up uncontrollably. He walked in and crouched down beside her, holding her hair back and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Once the nausea spell was over Casey stood up and brushed her teeth, Ethan leaning on the door frame, looking at his wife, his brow was creased with concern. "What's going on babe? this is about the 5th day in a row this has happened" He asked with a voice full of worry. She didn't know what it was she felt, but the next thing she knew, Casey was slamming her toothbrush on the counter and snapping at her husband. She felt bad but somehow her outburst felt justified. "Why don't you think about what we've been trying to do for months. what we no longer use when we're intimate together. Why don't you just stop being such a stupid, dumb ass excuse of a man and THINK!" she screamed in his face before stomping past him back to the bedroom and slamming the door. Ethan stood there for a moment trying to process what just happened. Childhood memories came flooding back. He started to think Casey was going to start treating him the same as his mother did before she left him and his father all those years ago, but he knew his wife. and random outbursts for no reason were not her thing. Then suddenly it dawned on him. A child. They had been trying to conceive a child for almost 7 months now. Suddenly he felt what Casey must be feeling. Pure fear. she was scared, and rightly so. He knew they had been trying for a while but for it to have possibly happened after only almost 7 months of trying was quicker than either had anticipated. He went downstairs and got her a glass of water and some toast, went back upstairs gently knocking on the bedroom door before entering with the tray. "Hey. Um, I got you some breakfast. Nothing too heavy, just some lightly buttered toast and water" He said cautiously as he held the tray out. Casey sat up and took it from him. Not daring to look him in the eyes, with the guilt she felt for her unjustified, but in her mind at the time completely justified, outburst. Ethan sat down beside her, pulling her close to him to show her it was okay. "i love you" he reassured her as he kissed a deep meaningful kiss to her temple, whilst she took a bite of the toast. After she had finished breakfast, she apologized to Ethan and the two took a warm shower together, washing each other and sharing gentle hugs with tender kisses. Soon it was time for them to head to work. They planned to leave a bit earlier so that when they got there Casey could do a pregnancy test before her shift started.
Once they got to work, Casey kissed Ethan goodbye for the time being as he was starting an hour before her. She made her way to the nearest toilet and took the test. Her stomach grumbled so she put the test back in the box wrapped in tissue before shoving it back in her bag. She washed her hands then made her way to the cafeteria, where she purchased a yogurt and an apple juice. Soon 25 minutes had past, and she was nervous to look at her results. She was walking the hallways to a bathroom when she saw Tia. Bryce's girlfriend. "Tia!" she called out. Tia looked up and smiled at her "Hey Casey. What's up?" she asked friendlily "Could you check something for me? I'm a bit nervous" She confessed. "Sure" Tia answered politely, with a smile. Casey reached in her bag and passed her the test. "I took this. I need to know what it says" She told her. Tia nodded and went into the nearby storeroom. Casey followed her and faced in the opposite direction once they were inside. Tia opened the box and unwrapped the tissue. She stared at the test, a warm happiness spreading through her as a smile grew on her face. "well?" Casey asked nervously as she turned around. Tia shrugged as if she was going to say what Casey was dreading. The test is negative. But was taken by surprise when Tia turned the test to face her and it read a strong positive result. "omg." she gasped happily, stumbling back into the shelves, hand going to her stomach. "I... I'm" she was so speechless she dropped her bag and hugged Tia extremely tight as tears streamed from her eyes. Suddenly she pulled back with realization, "I've got to tell Ethan!" she exclaimed quietly, Snatching the test from Tia in excitement. Forgetting about her bag as she sprinted out of the storage room and to the elevators. Punching the button, impatiently waiting. "come on. come on." she pleaded. Soon the doors went ping and she sprinted in punch the button for hers and Ethan's floor. As it made it's way up it felt like it was taking an eternity to get to her husband. When she finally reached the floor, she sprinted out of the elevator and straight around the corner into another doctor. "so sorry. I'll make it up to you later!" She shouted as she sprinted to the diagnostics room. Looking through the glass windows as she approached, she was glad to see Ethan alone and she burst through the doors. Startled by the crash he looked up from his computer, seeing his wife standing there out of breath, then back at the time on his screen. "You don't start for another 23 minutes Casey why're yo-" he started to talk but Casey cut him off, "No. Babe, be quiet. come here. and kiss me. now" she demanded. Perplexed by what she just said, Ethan saved the files he was working on and walked over to her. Once he was close enough she grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him with the type of passion and love he had never felt before. It made him lightheaded. As much as he enjoyed, he pulled away and searched his wife's eyes trying to find an answer, but he couldn't. They were too lit up and wild with emotion. Then Casey placed the test in his hand. He looked down at it and almost fainted when he saw the result. Staggering to sit in a chair he looked at his wife with a newfound love. It was one that was deeper than the kind of love they normally shared. "we... we.... we're having a child" he said breathlessly as he felt himself tearing up. Casey sat next to him. "Yeah. We're going to be parents" she whispered happily. Leaping up suddenly, Ethan pulled Casey up with him sweeping her into another passion and emotion-built kiss. He couldn't describe this feeling. It was like happy had taken a drug, and the drug had taken a drug before happy took the drug it took. The two stood in the middle of the room sharing their moment of happiness. They knew they were at work, but everything felt like it was a million miles away. In that moment it felt like it was just them and their child.
From that moment on Ethan knew that he would do everything in his power to keep his child and love of his life safe. He said till death do us part two months prior to this moment, and he intended to carry through on that promise. Because even though he didn't know much outside of the medical world. He knew one thing. That he loves his family and will forever.
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With Love, She.
Clang! Blaam! Boom! The echoing sounds of the utensils falling down startled her from her trance. ‘Ughhhh, he’s going to be furious again!’, she thought to herself, picking up the plates in a hurry. It was not the best of days for her. Lunch was not yet ready; the maid has not yet come and Nirav has once again spilled rice on the floor. Arun was about to come home and he would not be pleased with this work. And yet another load on her growing and immeasurable life. She cursed her father under her breath and began trotting the 3-way road again. ‘Hey, you! I am working so hard to maintain the house and you keep a petty fight for some rice? Today, it ends! You are going to clean up the mess!’, she exclaimed with suppressed anger. But then Nirav looked back at her, gave her a mischievous grin and ran out of the house in a flurry. ‘One day, that boy is going to get it from me. But what can I do? My heart doesn’t allow it.”, she told to herself. Exhausted, she returned to her usual chores with a half-hearted attitude. Cleaning the house, doing the dishes, is that my life? Don’t I have dreams? Shouldn’t I too reach failure and then work hard to rise? As she fell into the ever-growing abyss of her thoughts, her mind reached out and grabbed a memory. ‘Daddy, when will we go to the museum?’, the little girl cried at the top of her voice. Her father, in an ever-calming voice replied,’ Don’t you worry child! As long as this elephant is with you, he will ride you to the museum, with free lollipops!”, The girl was now laughing and calm with the help of the tickles from her daddy. On the rickshaw, she asked her father, “Daddy, yesterday I heard the 5th class girls cry about life in the corridor instead of studying. Humph, what cry-babies!”. The father burst out into laughter, responding with a question,” What do you thing life is sweetie?”. “Life is when Ms. Rose doesn’t give us homework and gives us ice-cream!”, she exclaimed in an innocent voice.” But what is life daddy?”, she repeated herself, her innocent and childlike mind wanting to know everything and being restless. Her father, now in a graver voice, replied,” Look at those puppies running frantically behind their mother with utmost love and hope that she will feed them. She does feed them, but without herself eating, knowing that her children come first, even more than her life. That’s life. It is the cruelest thing in the world, but when accompanied with a certain something it makes your life meaningful.’ “Ice cream?”, she answered the question diligently. “Haha-ha! No, my precious darling! Its love!”, he told her. “And remember, no matter what life gives you, remember that love always makes it what it is, and you get to decide what’s life and what’s love”. “Then I love love so much!”, she proclaimed to everyone. She continued to lick her lollipop joyously, unbeknownst to her what life was going to make her do. TTRRRRRRIINNNGGGG! The loud ringing of the doorbell startled her, causing her to cut her own finger a little on the skin. She grimaced in pain as she ran to answer the door. “Hey, sweetheart! Today was so stressful and boring! Could I get a cup of water please? And why is rice lying on the floor? Has Ritesh done this? How can he so irresponsible? Why have you not controlled him yet?”, came in the questions as Arun stormed inside the house from work. “I’ll take care of it, I’m sorry, had a lot of work today.”, she replied trying to stop the bleeding simultaneously. “Did you just cut yourself? How can you be so careless, huh? Sometimes I feel like life is so cruel, always doing this to me!”, Arun castigated her. All she could do was give back a fake smile as Arun brought the bandages. She felt a little comfort even though the wound was stinging a lot. “Let me go buy today’s dinner from outside, you take some rest.”, Arun convinced her. As soon as Arun was gone, she was back to cleaning the dishes, wiping an invisible tear off her eye. Damn you, dad! Why did you have to leave me so early? If it wasn’t for that rickshaw accident that
day, you would have been still here, with me, not lying in a hospital bed for 20 long years, she cursed under her breath. She turned off the tap, wound still stinging, and proceeded to clean the mess on the floor. She knew her life wouldn’t be same after that accident, the sounds of the crash still ringing in her ear, even after 20 long years. She had dreamt to be an IAS officer, make a difference to her nation, but that obstacle set her back at least by a lifetime. Her mother, influenced by relatives and peer pressure, got her married off to Arun Apparkumari, a GM at an MNC. He is a good man, but sometimes doesn’t feel the way that she feels. And, 2 children later, here she is, a grown independent woman by society, but a shattered yet dreaming little girl by heart. She did what she only could do about her miserable life, weep, sometimes for long times alone, as she kept on her apparent duty of daily chores. Just a few footsteps away, a door closed, listening to the unheard sorrows. The next day early morning, she boarded the bus to meet her in-laws, for whom she was the only caretaker. As she took a seat near the window, a wave of fresh air flew through her face. This was the only part she liked about the bus ride. She could see the everchanging world in its glow, nature and man working together to create a sustainable and luxurious life. Cars swept past the bus, metros riding over, people in a hurry to do something important, most importantly women rushing to work, trying to bring about a change in the society. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl, dressed up fashionista style, on a motorbike and smoking a cigarette speeding through the roads, hurling obscenities at other drivers. That brought back a fond memory from her twenties. It was nostalgic time again. ‘Hey Sathya! Come fast! If Mom finds out about this, they’ll throw me out of the house for sure!”, she shouted in excitement as her friend Sathya came running towards her. “Its fine da! Anyways it’s our last day meeting. Who knows what will happen after you get married and sent off? Start cleaning vessels now itself! You will have practice!”, she laughed hysterically looking at a sulking face. “Come on fast! We have no time to lose!”, she shouted as they both started on a rental bike. As the wind rushed through her face, and her skin feeling the true touch of mother nature, she rode the bike as far as the road took her. It was the happiest she had been in a while. Since her father’s accident, her whole house was in chaos as her gullible mother ignored her pleas and, with the advice of the so-called relatives, fixed her marriage. The only way to spend all her pent-up anger was today. She wouldn’t do anything to miss today’s thrill. That day lived up to its name. Playing with Sathya on the beach, teasing and laughing about the men following them, fun with the waves and finally icecream on the rocks witnessing the grandest and splendor sunset. “What is life da?”, she asked her friend, repeating the question for as long as she had known Sathya relishing her ice-cream. “According to me, it would be travelling the world with my love and enjoy doing what I do. What about you? What’s your thoughts?”, Sathya replied relishing her ice-cream too, not knowing the ripples it caused. She began to wonder about her life after marriage. She was in a deep abyss now, with no way out or no one to help her. When will I get this feeling again? What will happen to me? What about my dreams? “Hello, snap out of it! You’ve gone and dropped the ice cream, now you’ve made me go crazy!”, Sathya said sarcastically. But she ignored that and asked her, “But why only roaming around the world? Why not follow your dreams and pursue your passions? Isn’t that supposed to make you happy? Sathya with a calm mind answered her question,” My dear friend. You have confused yourself with life. Life is not always cruel. When I meant the world trip, I was not going to obviously enjoy the trip. It was the person I love that I’m going to enjoy with. That’s what makes
us all happy. Life doesn’t give us obstacles; it gives us the stairs. Now whether you run on it or trod is your choice.” That sentence was stuck in my mind for a long time. “Madam! Please wake up, the stop has arrived”, said the bus conductor carrying out his duty. Back to the stairs once again, she thought as she got off the bus. Back at home, Arun was waiting. To make a difference. She reached home early. In spite of all the things that she did for her in-laws, they never quite respected her and treated her the way she should. But, she did it for her satisfaction, the way her father told her. Anyways she got to eat some ice-cream on her own! As she opened the door, out came a deafening yell. “SURPRISE!!!!”, screamed Arun, Nirav and Ritesh at the top of their voices. “Happy life celebration day, you idiot!”, Arun screamed sarcastically. “What took you so long? Do you know how much time Nirav spent baking that cake? Even with his girlfriend he doesn’t talk this much time with!”, he joked. “DAAAAAD! IM JUST 11!”, Nirav screamed blushing, a pink color slowly rising on his cheeks. “What’s all this going on?”, she asked with genuine astonishment. “I’ll tell you later, but first have this ice-cream cake. And that too your favorite! Pan masala flavor!”, Arun exclaimed. “Papa, I was busy writing the card. That’s why I gave him the wrong flavor. Don tease me!”, Ritesh shouted feeling guilty. And then, that day, she had a blast. Singing songs, going through old photos, charades with the family and a surprise visit from mom. It was the happiest she had been in days. She wiped out the pains of the last few weeks and embraced the day with full hands. “So now that the kids have gone to sleep, tell what does this life celebration day means, Mr. Party planner?” she asked Arun as they sat near the balcony. “Before I say that, I want to say thanks!”, he replied. “For what?”. “For everything. For the days you had to go to raise those 2 kids to keeping up with my atrocities and my mood swings, taking care of the relatives, and for facing everything that life gave you. It’s going to change from now”, he replied staring at the night sky. “I still don’t get it. What are you trying to thank me for now? It’s not even my birthday!”, she replied still in shock. “It’s even more special! Its Mother’s Day. See, when life doesn’t exactly give what you want, it is up to us to make sure that we squeeze the best out of it. And mothers always do it. They have to. And they always. It’s hard, people won’t get the pain, the losses and the challenges that come with it. But what they also miss is the small tiny happy moments that comes along with it”, he replied calmly to her. And that’s when it hit her. It hit her hard. What her father said. What Sathya meant. What she was missing most of her life. Life is not the true pleasure. It is love. Her love towards her family. Her love that keeps her going every single day, making her strive to just see the smile on her children’s face, to always love her husband no matter what. Its love that makes us feel alive, not life. “Nirav heard you weeping that day. And I almost felt the pain when he said it to me. So, as a family we are going to give you the greatest gift we can think of. Or at least to us accordingly. I can’t afford a necklace or something….”. “Just say it Arun”, she laughed. “Our love and support. From now no matter what you do, when you do or how you do it, its going to be your way. Let it be opening a restaurant or trying for a job or even being lazy like me, no matter what the society or any bloody person says, we will support you. Its your life, you apply the love to it, it will reward you back. That is what today’s life celebration day was. From now, you are not just a hardworking woman. For the society, you are the mother”, he said her, meaning each and every word from his heart. And that day she made a decision. It is going to be love that will lead her, not life. That day she understood what the world tried to express to her in different ways. That day, she
understood love. That day, she became her. With all the love from the multiverse, Ragav
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minimickzy · 6 years
TomHolland2013 posted  || Tom Holland
Request: Just something I wrote long ago 
Summary: Social Media style Imagine! Reader is in a movie with Tom and hangs out with him and the cast of Spider-Man HC. Please let me know what you think!
Characters: Tom Holland x Reader, Zendaya, Harrison, Jacob
Word count: 2200+
Warning: Fluff, soft make out 
a/n: I took this off my wattpad and changed a bit because I think I’ve grown as a writer at least a little! Infinity War has launched me back into the Marvel fandom so feel free to send in requests <3 also idk why I’m posted this so late but hey, why not?
Tumblr media
Instagram 4:21pm July 5th
@(y/u) posted:
[picture of Tom sleeping on table]
Wake up, I want a wrap on set so I can go home! #[movie title]
TomHolland2013 and 170,693 other people liked this
4:31pm TomHolland2013: wow stalker much??
4:32pm (y/u): wow professorial Much?? @tomholland2013
User1: oh my god I ship it
User2: CUTE!! ❤❤❤😩
User3: agh Tom is toooooo Hot, my eyes BURN!!
Instagram 2am July 7th
@TomHolland2013 posted:
[photo collection of you, Tom, and Harrison with cake smeared on faces]
Fun night out with the mates!!
@hazosterfield @(y/u)
10:34am (y/u): delete this, I look like shit!
12:37pm @tomholland2013: um? Bish where? @(y/u)
User2: Um, did @tomholland2013 just call @(y/u) hot??? IM DECEASED
12:38pm @(y/u): you did not just quote a vine
5:32pm @hazosterfield: stop bickering like a old married couple!! @(y/u) @Tomholland2013
Instagram [Dm] July 13th
12:34am Tom: oh my god!
1:53am You: what?!
1:53am Tom: Tessa just shook my hand
1:54am You: I thought this was serious
3:24am Tom: I don't know what's more serious than my dog putting her paw on my hand and moving it up and down??
3:27am You: Tom it's 3:27 am go tf to sleep
8:35am Tom: I think it was a dream
8:37am Tom: I tried again this morning, She doesn't know how to do it anymore
8:43am You: 😢😢😢
[(y/u) is live on Instagram]
9,367 viewers July 15th 3:45 pm
"Hey guys, it's me (y/n)" you say, "and me, Tom Holland!" Tom pushed you aside to get in the shot. You laughed and shoved him over a little so you both fit in the frame. "We're on set here in uh, Toronto. It's kinda boring actually." Tom laughed. You started to read though some of the comments:
User2: Tom please say quackson for me!!
User3: ILYSM
User4: Hi from London!
You nudged Tom, "say quackson." He shot you a gentle glare, "No, absolutely not." You gave him puppy dog eyes in a lame attempt to change his mind, "Please." "Why." "Because the viewers are asking for it.... I'll give you a peak on the cheek." He rolled his eyes, "if you want me to say it that bad.... Quackson." You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, then went back to the comments:
User1: OTPPP
User2: are they dating??
You laughed and started to answer questions left by the viewers, trying to ignore the pinkish tint on both your and Toms cheeks.
[live ended]
iMessage July 15th
5:33pm Tom: hey
5:33pm You: what's up?
5:35pm Tom: no hi?
5:36pm You: hi, what's up?
5:36pm Tom: better 😂, and Haz and I are meeting up with Z so I was wondering if you wanted to come along?
5:36pm Tom: we could pick you up around 7ish?
5:42pm You: um, sure. What are we doing?
5:42pm Tom: idk, Z invited us over to just hang out and maybe watch a movie
5:43pm You: okay, I'll be ready
Zendaya's Snapchat Story July 16th
[video from the side, of you asleep in toms arms under a blanket while Harrison is pointing and smirking with the caption 'this is what you guys get for falling asleep after one movie' and Zendaya laughing in the background]
[picture from front of you and Tom with Zendayas Bitmoji blowing a kiss]
[picture of you hiding your face with one hand and flipping the camera off with the other. Your hairs a mess and you’re wearing Toms shirt from yesterday. Tom’s in the background laughing and Haz is pulling a funny face. With the caption of '(y/n) is not a morning person']
Interview with (y/n) (y/l/n) and Tom Holland, July 20th [cut to 6:34 minutes in]
Interviewer: "So, on Zendaya's Snapchat, 4 days ago we saw some cute sleepy cuddling snaps of the two of you. And fans want to know if your dating or what's the story behind that?"
Tom: "I mean no, we're just friends, and the story is that we were both just really tried and fell asleep."
You: "yeah, I just needed a pillow."
Interviewer: "so then that morning shot of (y/n) in your shirt... that was just..."
Tom: *chuckles* "she was just cold and spilled something on her shirt so I gave her mine and got one that I had forgot at Z's"
Interviewer: "oh so you and Zendaya then" *smirks*
Tom: "no, we're friends, nothing more."
Interviewer: "So, you two have no feelings for each other?"
Tom and You share a awkward glance
Tom: "uh..."
You: "do you mean Me- an-and Tom or Tom-"
Tom: "well I mean yeah we have a great time together. Thank you."
Tom put a hand on your back and moved you along still rambling.
Instagram [Dm] July 20th
4:02pm You: That lady really grilled us, huh?
5:23pm Tom: I know right
5:32pm Tom: do you think I was too rude?
5:32pm You: no, you saved my rambling ass tho, Thanks
5:33pm Tom: don't mention it
6:18pm Tom: Z's house? 8:30ish
6:19pm You: meeting there or driving together?
6:20pm Tom: pick you up at 8
6:20pm You: 👌🏻
Instagram July 20th 8:37 pm
@TomHolland2013 posted:
[photo of you driving and him pulling a goofy face]
stuck in traffic with my favorite lady @(y/u)
163,827 people liked this, 12437 comment
User1: where you going?
@Zendaya: so I guess your running late than, huh?
User2: date night?
@TomHolland2013: oh yeah, whoOps. Sorry 😢 @zendaya
Instagram July 20th 10:47 pm
@Zendaya posted:
[picture of Tom, Zendaya, Jacob, Harrison and you]
We're going live in ten minutes!! Playing truth or dare so give us some good ones!
462,729 people liked this, 19299 comments
[Zendaya is live on Instagram]
15,682 viewers July 20th 10:58 pm
"Hey guys!" Zendaya waved to the phone and then spun it around your small circle so you all could wave. "Okay so how this is going to work, is we'll go around and ask truth or dare and then you guys pick what we do... so... yeah and I'm gonna start!"
The game was fun, viewers ate it up. You went around a few times before Zendaya clapped her hands together and said goodbye to the watchers and turned her phone off for the night. "Okay, now for the real ones." Harrison smirked. You knew it was coming but you hoped they'd just leave you alone. "Tom, truth or dare?" Jacob asked with a grin you knew too well playing at his lips, "Uh," Tom shot Harrison a nervous smile, "dare?" "Okay! well you both had to have known this was coming, but... the sexual tension is actually killing us." Zendaya said motioning to Jacob, Harrison and herself. You felt your cheeks turning beet red.
"I'd normally say just kiss, But... this time I'm thinking the classic seven minutes in heaven." Harrison pipes up. "Okay. (Y/N)," Tom stood up and put his hand out for you. You took it and pulled yourself up, shooting a glance back at the group and then let Tom pull you to a closet that was out of earshot.
Harrison came behind you and shut the door so you were now surrounded by darkness and you were trapped. "So..." Tom chuckled, "we don't have to actually do anything, but we should talk, I mean there's something here, you can't tell me you don't feel it." He trailed off almost to a whisper. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel it." You smiled as His hand brushed against your arm. You reached for it holding it tight in your grasp.
You reached with your other hand up to find his cheek. "Maybe... we could, you know, just to defuse the tension." You let a shaky breath. "Well I mean- I don't- we should really give them something right?" Tom said stepping closer to you. "Most definitely." You pulled yourself up to meet his lips.
It just felt right, you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He lightly pushed you against the wall and you put your hands in his hair, "this feel so good." "Agreed." You let out a small laugh, "Tom? Remind me why we didn't do this sooner." "I have not the slightest fucking clue." You moved your lips back his and melted in his arms. "should we tell people? The press I mean." You asked "I don't even know," Tom laughed and joined him going back into a makeout session. 
But sadly the two of you were met with the door swinging open. "So, how was it." Harrison smirked, you patted down your hair and smiled a little. Tom came out behind you and Harrison started laughing. You turned to see what was so funny and saw Tom had your lipstick smeared all over his lips and a little on his neck. You chuckled and used your thumb to wipe some of it off. When you went back to the living room Tom clapped his hands and yelled "we're official." You smiled and sat down as the others lightly cheered, this time not afraid to let his arm find its way around you.
"We're not going to release it to the press yet. We don't want or need the extra drama." You smiled. Zendaya nodded, "as long as the air is loose I'm good." And it was. Tom and You were a lot more relaxed and could exactly act on your thoughts that you used to push aside.
Instagram July 26th 2:16 pm
@TomHolland2013 posted
[picture of you and Zendaya laughing at a beach]
Feels great to have such a beautiful view @(y/u) @zendaya
278,352 people liked this, 43,680 comments
User1: oh my god is Tom and Zendaya dating??
User2: @user1 Or Tom and (y/n)
User4: ploy anyone?
User5: I wish I was Tom
(y/u)'s Snapchat Story July 27th
[picture of you driving looking away in the background of Toms selfie. Caption: hacked]
[video from lap of you singing to the radio and then Turning to Tom. "Are you videoing me?!"]
[picture of you at stop light smiling at the camera. Caption: paparazzi following us for like 10 miles, we just want to eat 😢😢]
[video of you ordering food at (y/f/ff)]
[video's of the women working at the window freaking out because you and Tom are talking to them, you laugh and take a selfie with them and Tom though the window and sign a napkin for each of them]
"Those women were so nice." You smiled, walking into your apartment with Tom trailing behind with the food. "Yeah" Tom plopped on the couch and turned on E! News as you put your bag and keys away. "Seriously, you want to watch that?" You laughed sitting down next to him. The host was taking about the latest 'Hollywood break-up'. "I wanna know what's the drama in the entertainment world." He smiled as you rolled your eyes at him. "But the love in LA wasn't lost today," The host said, "Tom Holland and (y/n) are rumored to have a relationship behind closed doors, today Tom and (y/n) posted riding together to pick up some fast food and surprise the employees working in the drive threw window." She spoke as the video's and photos played on screen. "We're the drama" Tom smirks, and you let out a little laugh. "Can we watch a movie now?" He nods and changes to Netflix.
@TomHolland2013 Instagram Story 11:56pm July 27th
[picture of you asleep on his chest. Caption: goodnight Instagram]
Instagram Dm July 29th
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:48pm Tom: (y/n)
1:48pm You: yes?
1:49pm Tom: I think we should tell people
1:49pm You: Its been 9 days
1:50pm Tom: so can I post a happy 10 days love, tomorrow?
1:56pm You: Really?
1:56pm Tom: yes
1:57pm You: okay... but I get to post one too.
1:57pm Tom: THANK YOU!
Instagram July 30th 10:22am
@Tomholland2013 posted:
[picture of him holding you bridle style]
Happy 10 Days love @(y/u) 😘   📸// @hazosterfield
162,729 people liked this, 102,478 comments
(y/u): ❤❤ can't believe you used this picture!
User4: I want death SKSNSNAKNS
Zendaya: congrats you crazy kids
Tomholland2013: I love this photo @(y/u) and thank you Z @zendaya
[let me know if you’d like to be tagged for marvel/peter parker or Tom holland imagines in the future]
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