#after ellen has been such a joy
wineauntie · 1 day
evie making friendship bracelets and giving them to everyone on the canucks 😭❤️ that would be so cute. and they’d all have each players initials and number and every bracelet would be unique for each player :(
FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS — family is family au
au masterlist
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Six year old Evie nervously clutched onto Quinn’s hand as they walked into the Canucks locker room. It was just a normal practice, but Evie had recently taken up a new hobby— bracelet making.
And this new hobby led to her discovery of friendship bracelets.
Both, you and Quinn’s, wrists adorned at least 3-4 bracelets made by Evie at any given time.
She’d grown bored of making them solely for you, Quinn, Jack, Luke, Ellen and Jim, that naturally her next port of call was to make friendship bracelets for the Canucks.
Quinn had been more than happy to support Evie's new endeavor, knowing how much it meant to her. As they entered the locker room, Evie held a small, colorful bag filled with bracelets, each one carefully crafted with different patterns and colors, and each player’s initials and number woven into the design.
"Hey, everyone," Quinn called out, drawing the attention of his teammates. "We have a guest here, who has a present for you.”
All eyes turned to Evie as she squeezed Quinn’s hand tighter.
“Hi,” she nervously waved, her small voice echoing around the room.
A chorus of hellos erupted as Evie giggled at the volume. Majority of the team had known and met the little girl on various occasions and each of them grinned upon seeing her.
“Evie has something for you all,” Quinn continued, glancing down at the girl.
The room fell silent once again as the players looked over, curious smiles spreading across their faces. Evie re-tightened her grip on Quinn's hand, flushing with a mix of excitement and shyness.
Elias Pettersson was the first to speak up as he approached Quinn and Evie. Evie had met Petey multiple times, even calling him uncle Petey every now and again.
"Hey there, Ev,” he grinned, crouching down to face her as his hand briefly reached out to ruffle her hair. “What do you have for us?"
Evie took a deep breath, summoning all of the courage she could.
"I made friendship bracelets for everyone," she spoke quietly, reaching into her bag. She pulled out a bracelet with his initials and number, handing it to him. "This one’s for you."
Petey’s eyes lit up as he took the bracelet, immediately slipping it onto his wrist. "Wow, Ev, this is so good,” He smiled, fist pumping the giggling girl. “Thank you!"
One by one, Evie handed out the bracelets, each player accepting their unique piece with genuine delight. She paused in front of Conor Garland, who examined his bracelet with wide eyes filled with admiration.
"This is so cool,” he praised, sticking out his hand for a high five. “You did an amazing job!"
Evie beamed and high-fived Garland, her confidence growing with each player's praise. She handed one to Boeser, who grinned widely.
"I'm never taking this off," he declared, showing the ‘Boeser 6’ blue and green bracelet off to the rest of the team.
As Evie finished distributing the bracelets, Quinn knelt beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"You did great, Bug," he whispered proudly as the team gathered around Evie, and showered her with more compliments and high-fives.
"Looks like you’re apart of the team now," Petey playful saluted her.
Evie's eyes sparkled with joy, her nerves completely dissipated as she looked up to Quinn with a wide grin, tugging his sleeve to get him to bend.
"Thank you, Dad" she whispered once he’d bent down to listen to her.
Quinn chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You’re welcome, Bug." He whispered back, pressing a quick kiss to her hairline.
The players resumed their preparations for practice, each one proudly wearing their friendship bracelet.
The friendship bracelets remained on for the following few games, causing an uptake of curiosity amongst the press and fans.
Quinn, on his way back to the locker room after a game was stopped by an interviewer to talk.
"We've noticed a trend on the team lately—many of the players have been wearing these colorful bracelets. Can you tell us more about that?"
“Yeah, those bracelets were actually made by my daughter, Evie. She recently got into making friendship bracelets.” Quinn smiled, glancing down at his own wrist, which was adorned with several of Evie's bracelets. “I ran out of wrist room so she decided to make one for each of my teammates."
"That's a sweet gesture. How did the team react when they received them?"
"They loved them. It’s not every day you get a handmade gift from a six-year-old.” Quinn chuckled, recalling the day. “Each bracelet was made with the player’s initials and number. It really lifted the spirits in the locker room.”
"That's wonderful to hear. Why do you think it had such a positive impact on the team?"
"Well, I think it's a reminder of what really matters," Quinn said thoughtfully. "It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re wearing a bright, colorful bracele."
"It sounds like Evie has made a big impression on the team. Do you think she’ll keep making bracelets for your teammates?"
"I’m sure she will. She loves making them.” He explained with a faint smile, “She’s even talking about making more for other people too."
"That's fantastic, well, it's great to see the impact such a small gesture can have. Thank you for talking with us, Quinn.”
"Thank you," he nodded and retreated to the locker room.
The interview went viral, with many people commenting that they’d never seen a Hughes brother talk as much as Quinn had in the interview.
Many commenters also acknowledged how his eyes lit up at the chance to talk about Evie.
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goodbuckcharlie · 2 months
I made it | Jack Hughes
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Summary: Jack was Lucy’s first love, they dated in high school but broke up when Jack left for the NHL. After a long debate with a certain older Hughes brother, Lucy decided to invite Jack to her broadway debut, but she didn’t expect him to actually show up.
Warnings: cussing
Notes: well I know I said I would work on the Cole story but I’m kinda stuck rn and this idea came to me. It’s a little shorter than I hoped but I think this one may be my favorite. Also italics means it’s a flash back
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Lucy doesn’t even know what she’s doing. She just got the news that she landed her dream role as Elphaba on broadway. Her high school dream just in arms reach. Her thumb floats over his caller id.
She never had the heart to delete his contact. Not even the guts to change his name. Despite him breaking her heart, he was the one who supported her dreams the most.
It was opening night of her Senior musical. The school musical was Shrek and Lucy was playing Fiona. She kept looking in the crowd, hoping to see a glimpse of her parents, but every time she looked she slowly lost hope. But that dread was quickly replaced with joy as she saw her boyfriend and his family take their seats in the front row. Ellen and Jim were dressed up nice, Jack was dressed nice as well, but his hair definitely shows that he just got out of the shower after practice. Luke on the other hand, let’s just say Lucy was just happy he was there.
At the end of the performance, as she took her bow, Jack was cheering for her so loud that you would have thought he was at a sporting event. Lucy couldn’t help, but blush. Well as much blushing she can do under her green face paint.
Once the curtains close, Lucy rushes out of her costume to see Jack as soon as possible. When she leaves the theater room, she is greeted by Jack holding a bouquet of sunflowers, her favorite flowers.
“You came!!” She pulls Jack into a hug who quickly saved the flowers from being smushed by raising them above his head. He laughs at her excitement.
“Of course I made it.” He kisses her forehead before looking in her eyes, “I’m your number one fan.”
She couldn’t bring herself to call him, but part of her knew she needed to tell someone from that time of her life.
“Hello, who is this?” Of course he didn’t have her number saved.
“This was a bad idea, I shouldn’t have called.” She goes to hang up, but luckily, Quinn recognizes her voice.
“Lucy?! What’s wrong?” She takes a deep breath, before talking to Quinn.
“I’m sorry to bother you Quinn, I just need to tell someone , but I couldn’t bring myself to call him, not after how we left things off.” Lucy holds in her tears.
“Hey you may not be with him anymore, but you are still like a little sister to me.” Quinn’s words brought comfort to Lucy, calming her down. “You can always talk to me.”
One last deep breath, Lucy lets it all go. “Quinn, I’m going to be on broadway.”
“Wait for real!? This is amazing Lulu.”She smiles at the use of the nickname she hasn’t heard for a long time. “What date is opening night, I’ll totally buy a ticket to see it.”
“March 6th, but I already checked your schedule, and you are busy Mr. Captain.” Since this was the first time she talked to Quinn since the break up, it’s the first time she has called him captain. “But it would be knowing someone in the crowd was there for me, besides my brother.”
“You know someone who doesn’t play that day and would drop anything to see you.” She knows exact who she’s talking about.
“No Quinn, I doubt Jack wants to see me after 5 years. He has better things to do.” She still can’t believe it has been this long. “He was the one who broke up with me remember?”
“He misses you Lulu.” She shakes her head in disbelief. She’s seen Jack’s public life, he’s dated other girls, he’s out partying with his friends on the off season, and most importantly he is being successful in the NHL. “You have no idea how many time I’ve been on phone with Jack basically having this exact conversation. Every important game he calls me asking if he should invite you. I always tell him yes, but evidently he never goes through with it.”
“I’ve actually been to a few games believe it or not, last game I went to was the infamous Hughes bowl.” She couldn’t afford the lower bowl seats, but even in the nose bleeds she was supporting Jack, the Hughes brothers.
“Never let Jack know that, he’ll get so upset that you paid to watch him play. Knowing him he would try and figure out how much you spent in total, then would pay you back.” She laughs knowing that would exactly what Jack would do.
“He would also get mad if he knew I bought my own jersey.” She looks over in her closet and sees her number 86 Devils jersey that almost taunts her. “I wear it every game day.”
The two are silent for a little bit before Quinn speaks up. “What if I buy Jack a ticket and send it to him. I won’t tell him about this conversation. He can decide for himself if he goes or not but I can guarantee once he sees that you are performing, he will drop everything to see you.”
“I can’t tell you what to do with your money Quinn , but I can ask that you don’t waste your money.”
“How about this, we make a bet, the Lucy I remember always loved a good bet,” Lucy was very competitive in high school (she still is competitive but she would never tell anyone about that) “If Jack goes, you have to give him another chance . If he doesn’t go, I will never bother you about Jack again.”
“You know what you have a deal.” After making the deal, the two stay on the phone catching up for an hour. They talk about how the team is doing, how Ellen and Jim are and how much they also miss Lucy. They also talked about how Lucy got the role. Overall, Lucy was just glad to talk to one of the Hughes again.
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During his lunch time the next day, Jack got a text from Quinn.
Qball- Don’t fuck it up this time.
There was a link attached. So out of curiosity, Jack opened the link and saw it was a ticket to see Wicked on broadway. He immediately send Quinn a text back questioning what he means.
Qball- Look up the cast idiot.
Jack looks up the cast after he rolls his eyes at his brother. But when he saw Lucy’s name in big letter next to Elphaba, his heart feels like it stopped.
Qball- she wants you to go, but was too scared to ask you herself.
Jack😎- It’s been so long, what would I even say to her when I saw her?
Qball- the truth. You love her Jack and I can’t guarantee she feels the same but she does deserve the closure you never gave her.
Jack😎- after all this time maybe it’s best if I just left her alone.
Qball- I can’t make you go but if you don’t please at least give the ticket to Luke or even mom. Lucy deserves to have someone there to support her.
Jack😎- I’ll think about it, but thanks for letting me know.
Jack let’s put a groan and puts his head down trying to think.
“What’s up with him?” Jack forgot that he was with his team mates but he quite frankly didn’t care. Not even as Luke grabs his phone.
“Oh shit is this for real.” Jack groans again. “Damn dude Lucy looks hot as fuck.”
Jack’s head shoots up and he glares at Luke.
“What, on the cast list there’s a link to her Instagram. And I’m just stating facts look.” Luke hands Jack back his phone and he sees that Luke was right. Lucy had gotten rid of her braces and glasses which he also found adorable, but there was something about her matured look that made Jack awe struck.
“Who’s Lucy?” Nico asks looking over Jack’s shoulder.
“Jack’s high school sweetheart.” Luke says looking Lucy up on Instagram on his own phone. “Jack was an asshole and dumped her when he got drafted. He legit dumped her over text.”
“That was 5 years ago asshole.” Jack mutters
“She’s really talented.” Jack was playing a clip that she posted of her singing and everyone could hear it. “You really fumbled the bag dude.”
“You think she’s single?” John says while Luke showed him pictures of Lucy. “If so you think you could put in a good word for me?”
“Fuck off.” Jack feels himself getting angry but he doesn’t understand why, Lucy was no longer his, and he lost his right to get over protective of her years ago. He storms off out of the living room out to his room m. Luke follows him.
“Come on Jack, you have no right to be upset.” Jack knows Luke is right but he pouts anyways. “So what are you going to do about that ticket?”
“Maybe mom should go, you know how much she misses Lucy.” Jack says looking at a photo that Lucy posted for her birthday. It was a picture of her in high school laughing. Jack was cropped out of the photo but he can still picture the memory in his head.
“Did you not read what Quinn said?” Luk sits down next to Jack. “She wants you there Jack. She wants your support. Don’t you at least think she deserves that?”
“I do support her and she deserves all the support in the world, but she also deserves better than me.” Jack hold back his tears in front of his brother. “I remember the text her brother sent me. The day I broke up with her, I blocked her so I couldn’t see her response. A hour later, Carson texted me telling me that I would never find anyone better than Lucy and that I would have to watch in regret as his big sister became a star. Harshest words I’ve ever heard from an 11 year old.”
Both brothers laugh as the remember Carson, who actually looked up to Jack until the break up. Luke remembers being told to fuck off by the 11 year old, when he tried reaching out to Lucy after the break up.
“I thought in that moment, he was right. I still think he is right, I don’t deserve to walk back into her life now that it’s more convenient for me.” Jack looks at his desk where he keeps a picture of Lucy and his family after her first musical during their freshmen year.
“Yeah maybe you don’t deserve her after what you did, but there is no denying the love you two shared.”Luke puts his hand on Jack’s shoulder before continuing, “I’m not the best at advice so I’m just going to repeat what Quinn said that she deserves closure.”
“I just want her to be happy, Luke.” Jack cries as Luke holds his older brother.
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A few months later and a lot of hard work, it was finally time for opening night. After hours in the makeup chair, Lucy was as ready as she’ll ever be.
As she is waiting to go on she can’t help, but think of Jack.
The two were sitting in Jack’s room as they often did. As long as they had the door open per Ellen’s request. They were watching a movie on Jack’s computer as the cuddled under the sheets.Lucy was able to convince Jack to watch Wizard of oz.
“So you are telling me there is a musical where the pink witch and the evil witch are best friends and it’s about how the evil witch becomes evil?”
“Yes and it’s considered to be one of the greatest musicals of all times.” Lucy turns and faces Jack, “One day, I’ll be that evil witch. Although her name is Elphaba.”
“And I’ll be in the crowd cheering you on.” Jack smiles before kissing her cheek, “plus you’ll be the hottest green chick ever.”
Lucy laughs to herself before it’s show time. She seriously doubted Quinn’s plan, but she wasn’t going to let Jack’s absence ruin her night. Because at the end of the day, her little brother was there and that’s all she needed.
Speaking of Carson, he was sat in the orchestra seating, Lucy wanted to get him front row seats but he knew how die hard wicked fans are so he said he was fine where ever he sat as long as he could see her. Carson also brought his girlfriend who just like Lucy was into Musical theatre. Lucy never told Carson this, but his relationship reminded her so much of hers and Jack’s relationship at their age.
Carson and his girlfriend, Macy, were quietly talking during the intermission when Carson realized who was sat a seat away from Macy.
Jack Hughes.
Carson got silent and Macy noticed as well. Of course Macy knew who Jack Hughes was and she also knew about the ‘asshole nhl player the broke Lucy’s heart.’ And with Jack’s appearance tonight and Carson’s reaction, the girl put one and one together. She grabs onto Carson’s hand to comfort him before the house lights dimmed signaling the end of the intermission.
At the end of the performance, it was time for final bows. When it’s Lucy’s turn to bow the crowd and cast all go wild in applause. Lucy looks for her brother and Macy in the crowd but gasps when she locks eyes with Jack Hughes.
Jack is standing up while he cheers her on. She sees Carson who is three seats away. Carson glares at Jack while cheering on Lucy and she hide her laughter at the sight .
When the curtains close and Lucy’s costars all ambush her in hugs, Macy prepares for the worse. Carson goes over to Jack who hasn’t noticed him yet.
“Car don’t do anything stupid.” Carson just ignores her and he taps on Jacks shoulder.
Carson looks very different from what he did when he was 11. He now had a mullet and an eyebrow piercing (one that his friend did in his garage one day much to Lucy’s disapproval). But he was also now 6’0 and had a scarier demeanor. Honestly Jack was only able to recognize him from a photo Lucy had posted on her instagram. Jack goes to say something but Carson holds his hand up.
“Save it, as much as I never wanted to see you ever again, she wants you here so I respect that you came.” Carson softly grabs Macy’s hand, “we are going to the stage exit to go meet up with her. She takes 20 minutes to get out of all her makeup and costume. If you finally want to act like a man and treat my sister like she deserves you are welcome to join us, but if you are only here cause your latest one night stand stood you up or something like that, don’t waste her time and go back to Jersey.”
Jack is stunned as Carson and Macy walk away, but he quickly regains his composure and follows after them. While waiting outside, Jack watches the couple interact. He sees grumpy Carson and his happy girlfriend who is trying to calm him down. He smiles as he remembers how grumpy he got after a bad practice or a bad game and how Lucy would cheer him up.
Actors and actresses leave one by one until it’s time for Lucy. She is radiant as she greets fans and signs playbills. At the end of the group of fans was where Carson ,Macy and Jack stood. When she finally gets to Jack she couldn’t look away.
Carson pulls her out of her trance by hugging her. Macy joins making it a group hug. The teens hold on for a second before letting Lucy go.
“You did amazing out there.” Macy was always star struck at Lucy’s talents, reminiscent of how Carson idolized Jack.
“We are going to head home, I’ll drive your car.” Carson says grabbing Lucy’s car key. He then looks at Jack and then back at Lucy, “Don’t do anything stupid, but also don’t be afraid to give him another chance. I hate to say this, but I always like how happy he made you.”
“Thanks Car.” She leans up and kisses her brother’s forehead before he turns to Jack.
“Don’t fuck this shit up. Break her heart again and I’ll put your ass on the long term injury list.” Jack nods as Macy pulls Carson away.
“Damn when did he get scary?” Jack and Lucy laugh. When the laughter dies down, she looks at Jack with the same adoration she had for him when they were kids.
“You came.” Finally she hugs him, after many years yearning for his warmth.
“Of course I made it.” He says returning the hug. “I so told you that you would be the hottest green chick.”
Playfully she shoves Jack who just laughs. To get away from the crowd they walk to Jack’s car and on the walk they catch up.
“So Carson lives out here now?” Jack recalls Carson saying that he was going home earlier.
“Yeah I got custody of him about a year ago. Mom passed away shortly after you left and dad just got worse. It was no place for him, so I took my dad to court.” She shivers slightly so Jack gives her his jacket before she continues her story. “I have no idea what I’m doing raising a 16 year old, luckily my neighbor helped me out and now Carson is dating their daughter Macy.”
“You know from the small interactions I saw them have, they remind me of us.” Jack test the waters and holds her hand, which she gladly accepts, “Speaking about brothers, Luke and Quinn miss you.”
“How about you Jack, did you miss me?”
“More than anything.”
Jack opens the car door for Lucy and helps her get in before he got into the driver side.
“So miss Broadway do you have any plans tonight or can I take you out to eat?” Jack says while putting his seatbelt on.
“ I have no plans Mr NHL.But if we are going out I need time order delivery for Carson and Macy” Jack pulls out his credit card from his wallet.
“Use my card.” She tries to decline his card, but he shakes his head, “Lucy it’s the least I could do.”
She sighs before calling Macy to ask what they want for dinner. After she got the response, Lucy went and ordered food for the teens. She tried to enter her card, but Jack snatched her phone and entered his card instead.
“So now that, that’s take care of. Would you like to go out to dinner?” He hands her the phone back.
“You know I could really go for a good burger and fries, that’s if your professional team of dietitians would allow that.” Jack smiles remembering one of his favorite dates with her.
Jack had just gotten his license and he was driving around in Quinn’s hand me down car. Right after passing his drivers test, he drove straight to Lucy’s house.
“So where does the princess want to go?” Jack asked as she got into the car.
“You know I could really go for a burger and fries.” She gets into her seat and Jack takes her to their favorite local diner.
When they arrive, the host seats them at their favorite table. While they wait for their food, Lucy tells Jack about her day.
“And in front of everyone my voice cracked, god it was so embarrassing, Jacky.” She hides her face at the memory.
“I bet you have the cutest voice cracks.” The love struck boy laughs as his girl rolls her eyes at him.
“No voice cracks are cute Jacky.”
“Well yours are cause they come from you.” Their food finally arrives and they both grab a fry off the other person’s plate. Something they have done since they started dating. They called it ‘checking for poison’ but it was just one of those silly couple things.
“I love these little moments.” Lucy says as she bites into Jack’s fry.
“Well we have a whole lifetime full of little moments waiting for us.” He says while eating Lucy’s fry.
“A burger and fries sound wonderful, Lulu.”
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The two had dinner and it was like nothing changed. They shared food like normal, they talked like it was just a normal Wednesday dinner.
They finished their food and were getting ready to head out and of course Jack paid. Afterwards the two sit in Jack’s car, which was another thing they did often when they dated.
“You’re telling me that Carson became an islander fan after everything happened?” Jack chuckles at Carson’s pettiness.
“Yeah, he even forced me to take him to a game, where we met a few of the players.” She pulls up a picture they took where Carson was wearing a islander jersey and Lucy was just in a normal sweater as they stood next to a couple players, “One of the guys actually asked for my number.”
“Which guy?” Jack felt himself getting jealous.
“Oh Jacky I don’t even remember.” Of course she did after all she did give him her number. But she looks away from Jack. “Even if I did it was a year ago Jack.”
“You obviously do remember, you won’t look at me right now.” Jack doesn’t mean to be sassy towards Lucy, but let’s be honest, being sassy is in his dna.
“Why does it matter Jack? You’ve had other girlfriends why couldn’t I date someone else?” Lucy tries not to cry, but a few tears slip out, “Do you know how hard it was to watch you have other girlfriends while I stayed stuck on you. Yes I did give the Islander player my number, but I told him I wasn’t interested in a relationship. I told every guy that had any interest in me that I wasn’t interested. You want to know why Jack? Because they weren’t you.”
Jack stayed silent not knowing what to say.
“And now you just come back here like you didn’t single handed break my heart last time I saw you,. Oh wait I didn’t even see you when it happened did I Jack.” She cries some more finally letting all of her emotions out. “I should hate you, I really should. But tell me why I feel nothing but love for you.”
“Lucy, there is nothing I regret more than, breaking up with you. I was a coward, but please give me another chance.” He wipes away her tears, “Those girls were my failed attempts on forgetting you, but nothing worked. I know I don’t deserve it but please give me a second chance.”
“I don’t know Jack, I don’t want to promise you anything. But I can say, I’m willing to try again slowly.” Jack smiles and he holds her hand. 
“That’s all I could ask for.”
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Between hockey games and Lucy’s shows, the two spent any free time together. Despite the busy schedules, they found the time to go out. Tonight, Lucy was singing the national anthem at Jack’s game versus the Islanders.
“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the star of broadway’s Wicked, Lucy Masters, with the singing of our national Anthem.”
The crowd cheers before getting silent for Lucy. She sings beautifully and when she hits the high note at the end, the crowd went wild. The song finishes, and she finally locks eyes with Jack. She gives him a little wave before she is ushered off the ice.
At the end of the game, the devils won 4-0. Carson ,who surprisingly wore a Hughes 43 jersey instead of his regular Islander Barzal 13 Jersey, was hyped by the win. He went into a rant as the pair waited for Jack to leave the locker room.
“Damn I miss hockey.” Lucy loves seeing Carson happy more than anything. She was glad that he decided to come, seeing it as a step in the right direction.
“You know if you aren’t too rusty at it, we can go shoot the puck together one day.” Both Lucy and Carson look over and see Jack. He pulls Lucy into a hug. “Hands down the best performance of the night goes to you Miss Lucy.”
“I am not so sure about that, a shut out game and both you and Timo getting two points? Much more impressive.” Lucy praises Jack causing Carson to gag.
“Come on Carson, let’s leave the lovers alone.” Luke comes out of nowhere and directs Carson towards his car. Lucy and Carson were spending the night at Jack and Luke’s place so they didn’t have to drive back to New York this late. So Luke was okay with driving Carson back while Jack and Lucy have a car to themselves. Carson leaves with Luke, but not until he sent a few menacing glares at Jack.
“Just so you know, the team chirped the hell out of me when Luke told them how scared I am of Carson.” To be fair, now that Carson is one of the best high school prospects of the 2025 class and has scouts coming to almost every game now, especially since he is a leftie, he’s a scary teenager.
“In your defense, his pitch is reaching an average of 88 miles per hour as a junior. I would be scared of him too.” Jack looks at Lucy and smiles as he sees her in his jersey.
“You look so good in my number.” He steps back and acts like he is taking a photo of her with an invisible camera, “Picture perfect baby.”
“Jacky you are such a dork.”She turns around and walks away while smiling. Jack runs up behind her and pulls her into a hug.
“I’ll gladly be a dork if that means I’m your dork.”
Jack had been miserable as Lucy was gone at a two week long theater camp. Luke thought if Lucy didn’t get home soon, Quinn would kill Jack. The day she was coming back, Jack sat by the door waiting for Ellen to come back with Lucy. He originally wanted to come with but he forgot to finish his chores the night before so Ellen made him stay home and wait.
When his mom’s car pulls in to the driveway, Jack bolts out the door, almost like a wild animal. Lucy gets out of the car and Jack tackles her in a hug. He gives her small kisses all over her face.
“I missed you, I missed you, I missed you.” Jack repeats this mantra as Lucy struggles to wiggle out of his hold. All the while, Lucy is dying of laughter.
“Get off me you dork.” It takes Quinn pulling Jack off to get Lucy free. He then picks up Lucy like a sack of potatoes and runs away from Jack. The boys run around, as Jack tries to get Lucy back.
“Quinn put the poor girl down.” Ellen calls out. Quinn puts Lucy down carefully and Jack runs over and grabs on to Lucy like a kid hold their favorite toy.
“Fear not fair damsel, your hero has saved you from the ugly ass troll.” (QUINN BABY DON’T LISTEN TO THIS YOU ARE VERY PRETTY) Quinn just flips off his brother before heading back into the house, “I think your hero deserves a kiss for saving you.”
“You’re lucky I find you cute, you dork.” Lucy pulls him down into a kiss. Jack can’t help but smile.
“I may be a dork, but I’m your dork.”
“You’ll always be my dork Jacky.” Lucy pulls him down into a kiss. Their first kiss in five years. Jack would freeze time and live in this moment forever if he could. Sadly time has to go on and the pair pull apart. “Let’s go home Jacky.”
Hand in hand, they leave the arena, full of hope for the future of their relationship.
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sc0tters · 10 months
Addicted | Luke Hughes
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summary: when Alex and Trevor decide to voice their feelings about you it causing Luke to reevaluate his own.
song: Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
request: yes/no
warnings: mention of underaged drinking, slight bit of swearing.
word count: 2.03k
authors note: this song has been calling my name since I put it on the playlist, and let me just saw that I’m not upset in the slightest. This picture of Luke made me laugh so much that I had to put it in. If you want to check out the rest of the celly you can do so here!
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Luke had been in love with you for years.
Thoughts of you consumed his mind from the moment he woke up until the moment he went to sleep. His heart rate would increase and his palms would grow sweaty as he watched you run across campus before you’d tackle him into a bear hug even though you saw him the day before. Every time you were in a more revealing outfit he’d stumble on his words like he had never spoken English before. Every year it was like half of his brain cells never made it to the lake house as all he could do was watch in awe as you’d walk around in shorts and your bikini tops.
But it was fine because you felt the same way as Luke.
The first time you realised this was after a ballet recital of yours when you were six and somehow Ellen convinced all three of her sons to come and Luke said that your tutu was pretty on you.
It like your whole world combusted in that moment as your semi toothless grin joined the conversation “you think so pookie?”
“I know so sparky.” Luke was never one to shy away from complimenting you and it made you swear he only did it to screw with you. The way your cheeks turned crimson red as you’d chew as the inside of your cheeks trying to hold in the inevitable squeal of joy at the compliment.
All of the scales seemed to increase when you went off to college, your friendship grew stronger as you remained his number one supporter, your love for him grew deeper as his eyes never left you at parties because other girls were never what he wanted. Clearly since everyone else could see this you would should have as well, right?
Totally absolutely positively wrong.
His love for you could have been written in big pieces of card in front of your face and it might as well have been like you were reading another language because you wouldn’t have believed it. The same thing went for Luke, every guy you turned down never made him feel more confident. In fact it usually made him feel worse.
You had the most athletic players flirting with you, the start football and baseball players all weren’t good enough for you. So what was to say that some hockey player would be what you wanted?
Luke was usually a confident man, he got that from being around Jack that it became a learnt trait. Yet you seemed to make him feel like a normal kid again. There was no need for the title of being drafted, or for his family name. To you he was just Luke or your pookie and it slowly ate up at him.
Just like every other year July meant it was lake house time. It was the third day of the trip and it was hotter than ever, literally the sun was scorching and you were out soaking it all up. Your bikini was the smallest one in your closet and it avoid the tan lines your top string was undone as your stomach lay on your towel.
Luke had been enjoying the sight he really was, your feet occasionally bounced as you had your favourite songs blaring through your AirPods and it was a sight that made his mouth water.
But when Trevor and Alex walked back in from the porch and started talking about you it caused the youngest Hughes boys mood to turn for the worse.
Trevor shook his head as he grabbed a drink from the fridge “I don’t know how you haven’t made a move yet Hughesy,” he confessed as he cracked the cap of the bottle open.
Alex nodded in agreement “huh?” Luke furrowed his eyebrows as he knew that they were talking about you.
The Ducks player smiled “y/n is out of this world,” he pointed out as none of the older boys were stupid, you were a pretty girl and they all knew it.
Except Trevor was the only one who ever let you know about it, the constant flirting that came from his lips during this lake house trip. It seemed you being over the age of eighteen let you move away from the title of only being Luke’s friend.
Words of warning wanting to tell Trevor to fuck off were desperate to leave Luke’s mouth yet they couldn’t as you walked into the living room.
An oblivious smile formed on your face “what are y’all talking about?” You asked as you reached into the fridge to grab the container of cut up mango that you had made earlier that morning.
Trevor let his outstretched hand reach into the container as he took a piece “just about going for a ride on the boat later,” he lied as his eyes never left your mouth as some of the fruit juice dribbled down your chin landing on your bikini top “hope there is room for me on that boat,” there always was room for you but you were enjoying flirting with Trevor.
Sure you weren’t attracted to him like that but he certainly wasn’t harsh on your eyes “for you sparky? Always.” The nickname was one that you had picked up when you were five, you learnt what electric currents were when you found two wires in Quinn’s room and decided to place them together. The eldest Hughes couldn’t help but laugh when he walked in to see how your eyes lit up like you were in a candy store.
Luke scrunched his nose at the smile you sent the ducks player as you continued you eat your mango but when you pushed your hair behind your ears letting your chest now be on full display the Hughes boy could no longer take it “put this on,” he mumbled as he held out his baseball jersey.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked white fabric “okay?” You shrugged as you took the Tigers home jersey and slotted your arms into it.
But that didn’t seem to be enough for Luke as he came over to you and began to button the buttons up “Luke!” You groaned saying exactly what Alex and Trevor were thinking as they sent the boy a glare “perfect,” Luke smiled as he softly pulled your hair out of the jersey letting it lay flat behind your back.
His dagger eyes were sent to both Alex and Trevor the entire day, even on the boat when Quinn was teaching you to drive it and even when you were on Luke’s lap.
“Am I missing something?”
Your question pulled Luke out of his thoughts as he looked at you “what?” He asked as he let his fingers draw over your leg.
It irritated you as you could see that something seemed to be going on between Luke and the two older boys “you seem mad at them,” you sighed as your lips formed into a pout.
Sure it might have been childish to be upset but Luke usually told you everything “it’s nothing,” he shook his head causing your fingers to grip at your can of seltzer.
Yet your pokes didn’t go quiet like he’d hoped “Luke-” your soft words were only met with a glare “just drop it okay?” His complaint was only met with your wide eyes.
Thankfully at that time you were in need of a new drink. So you got up to get yourself a refill.
The boys watched in amusement as you walked back into the house “you really fucked that one up Lukey,” Trevor teased only adding to the boys anger.
Luke clenched his fist “you need to shut the fuck up dude!” He warned as he got up as he pointed his finger at the older boy.
It seemed like this was all bubbling up over today “just go ahead all to her,” Quinn’s voice was soft as he knew that you were on his brothers mind.
The youngest Hughes boy took a large gulp as he remembered that he had lashed out at you first.
Your head remained in the fridge as you looked at the different options for drinks.
The cool air on your face made you grow calm. It was soothing as you tried to not cry, you knew you were overreacting but all of Luke’s actions today seemed to weigh up on you in this never ending battle that you had created based on the feelings you felt towards the boy. Your thoughts were pulled away from your brain as the sound of the glass sliding door shut.
You turned around and was already faced with Luke “Jesus Christ!” You cursed as you clenched your chest.
Luke’s face softened as he looked at you “sorry,” he apologised as he crossed his arms.
He wanted to reach out to hug you “why are you so mad at them?” You asked as you watched the hockey player pick at the bracelet on his wrist.
All of the explanations that went through his mind all didn’t sound valid “it’s stupid,” that was the honest truth, he knew he was over reacting but that didn’t make it any less irritating to deal with.
You scoffed as you sat on the counter “that never stopped you from telling me,” you pointed out as most nights were spent with Luke in your bed laying his bed on your chest as you combed your fingers through his hair.
The way your lips were plump and your cheeks were tinted with a hint of red from the sun that had landed on in them made you look so very kissable.
But Luke remained stood where he was “they think you’re hot,” he explained with his voice barely a whisper as though he was ashamed to admit to it.
Your laugh made him feel better “do they now?” It was a clear stroke to your ego as you watched the boy grow embarrassed.
It shouldn’t have been nearly as amusing as it was “you thinking I’ve got a new best friend to get?” You joked causing him to furrow his eyebrows with annoyance.
Luke situated himself between your legs “‘ts not funny,” he mumbled as he rested his head on your shoulder.
A smile found its way onto your face “it’s pretty funny,” you nodded as you hooked your fingers under his jaw forcing him to look at you.
Your eyes were soft as they studied every feature on his face as though it was the first time you’d seen his face “it doesn’t matter if they think I’m hot,” you explained as you watched his face grow confused “only matter if it comes from a guy who hasn’t even said it.” You added as your tongue darted between your lips.
The hockey remained as clueless as ever when you let your thumb run along his jaw “who?” He was almost asking because he needed to finally hear that dose of reality of who it was that went through you mind in the way you went through his.
A moment of silence was heard so loud that a penny dropping wouldn’t even be noticed “looking right at him.” You confessed causing his eyes to widen.
It was like he was at a crossroads as the ball was now in his court. Truly nothing went through his mind as he was desperate to find the right course of action. The girl he had loved for all of these years, the girl he had longed for to be more than just friends, the girl was you and here you were with all of your cards out waiting for him.
Yet there he was frozen in time.
Again it seemed like it was your turn once more. So you leaned forward as you kissed him, it was brain meltingly perfect. Like that moment you do something that feels so good it makes your brain all hazy, like that.
Luke pulled away with his smile as his finger ran over your lips “what’s got you all smiley?” You asked as you cocked your head.
“I got the girl of my dreams.”
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bedsyandco · 6 months
Oooh Ellen asking Luke for a favor and when he agrees she tells him to go to the airport and pick up his wife. And they’re so happy to see each other. And Vi finally tells him.
“Luke, do me a favour,” Ellen says as they’re eating breakfast
“Yeah,” Luke answers
“Go pick up your wife from the airport,” she says and Luke drops his spoon in his cereal
“She’s here?” Luke asks softly and Ellen nods
An hour later Luke’s waiting for her at the airport, his heart clenching painfully when he spots her walking towards him. Dark circles under her eyes which indicates that she’s slept just as badly as he did these last few nights.
She slows her steps and stops a few inches in front of him not knowing if Luke wants to touch her right now. Luke makes the decision for her when he tugs at the belt loops of her jeans and presses her against him, his arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace.
His head drops to her shoulder and it takes her a few minutes to realize he’s crying.
“Baby,” Violet whispers softly, her hand finding a place in his hair, and he lifts his head.
“Let’s go home, I have so much to say to you,” violet says, brushing a fallen tear away.
When they get to Ellen and Jim’s house, Luke is grateful that his mom got everyone out of the house and him and Violet can talk alone.
Violet smiles softly when her and Luke enter his childhood bedroom, they have so many memories in this room.
“You’re not allowed to leave me. You promised me forever and I’m holding you to that promise. You’ve never been a liar Vi, don’t make yourself one.”
“Lu I’m so so sorry-“
“No. Don’t apologize. You were right, I was expecting you to stay home after we had kids. Take care of them like my mom took care of us. And that wasn’t fair to you. Your dreams and your career are just as important as mine and I’ll do whatever I can to help you achieve them. And in the future when we have kids, we’ll figure it out baby. I’ll do whatever you want me to okay? None of this is worth it if I can’t come home to you at the end of the day.” Luke says and Violet has stopped trying to prevent herself from crying.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers and Luke’s expression goes from shock to pure joy.
“You’re pregnant?” He questions and she nods
“We’re gonna be parents?” he says picking her up and twirling her around
“Oh my God,” he breathes as he puts her down and sinks to his knees in front of her, gently kissing her stomach.
“My baby is in there,” Luke says smugly and Violet hits him on the shoulder
“Our baby,” she corrects
“Our baby. A little bit of you and me. Gonna be one awesome kid.” Luke says with a grin on his face
“Are you happy?”
“The happiest. You make me the happiest,” Luke says standing up and kissing her softly.
“You have my heart Violet Hughes,” Luke whispers against her lips.
“You have mine, always.” She replies
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toasttt11 · 6 months
introducing charlotte
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Charlotte EJ Lucia Jacklyn Hughes was born april 3, 2020.
Quinn Hughes and Frances Gomez became friends when Quinn moved to Vancouver and one night they got together. Frances wanted nothing to do with the child and gave full custody to Quinn, not even wanting to the name he picked.
Charlotte- Quinn had always secretly wanted to name his child charlotte after reading charlotte’s web.
Ej- Quinn took the first initials of his parents names for one of his daughter’s middle names.
Lucia- Quinn picked that as one of her middle name in honor of his little brother Luke.
Jacklyn- Quinn picked that as one of her middle name in honor of his little brother.
When Quinn found out about his friend been pregnant with his child he immediately started looking for houses, having lived in an apartment since he moved to Vancouver.
Quinn started noticing early on Frances wanted nothing to do with having a child and he knew he wouldn’t only be a father but a mother as well.
Quinn cried tears of joy when he found out he was having a daughter.
Quinn bought a doll with lots of hair and watched hundreds of videos so when his daughter came be would be prepared.
When Charlotte was born Quinn immediately fell in love with his daughter but especially her eyes, which are a soft green, and he took a picture of her eyes and sent it the Canuck’s equipment manger and asked for his tape to be that color from now on.
Charlotte as a baby would wrap her tiny fingers around Quinn’s hand or hair and wouldn’t let go gaining the nickname love bug from her father.
Charlotte was a calm baby never crying or screaming in the middle of the night, the only times she would cry in the middle of the night Quinn figured it out she just wanted to sleep with her father and not in the crib.
Ellen adores her granddaughter, enjoying there being another girl in their family. Ellen will always make time to visit Charlotte and they will go shopping and gets their nails done. When Ellen is ever shopping without Charlotte, Ellen will still find outfits for her Charlotte and send it to her.
Jim has a really big soft spot for his granddaughter and she likes to sit on his lap and watch hockey with him.
Luke was 17 when Charlotte was born so they are the closed in age and Luke and Charlotte are best friends.
Luke brought a stuff animal shark went he came to meet his niece and she carry’s it with her everywhere.
Luke and Charlotte will just be sitting together and Charlotte will just be babbling and Luke talks back seeming to always understand his little niece.
Charlotte first word was LuLu for her uncle luke. Quinn had to facetime Luke and told Charlotte to tell uncle Lu what you just said and she said lulu, Luke wont admit it but he teared up from hearing her speak to him.
When Jack found out he was going to be an uncle he immediately got a baby size Nj Devils jersey for his niece.
Jack always begs Quinn to come and bring Charlotte out for the Devils family skate so he can have his niece there with him.
The devils team all love Charlotte and love when she comes to the games or they are playing the canuck’s.
One of Charlottes favorite places is their lake house and she always wants to be in the water or on the boat.
Charlotte loves Elias and always claps her hands and squeals when seeing him.
When Charlotte was first born, Quinn didn’t want to trust any babysitter so he would bring her to their practices and he would set the stroller near the glass so she could see and would bring a big fluffy blanket for her and Charlotte would fall asleep every time to the sound of hockey.
On away games there was no way Quinn wasn’t bringing his daughter with him, and luckily his coach has no problem letting the sweet girl join them. She would be with quinn the entire time expect when he had to be on the ice and then she would fall asleep in her stroller or someone on the team would carry her or one of wags would take her for the game and play with her in the family box.
Quinn brought his daughter onto the ice the second she could stand on her own and she loved being on the ice, a bright smile on her face the entire time.
As she grew up she was always a more clumsy child but the second she got on the ice she moved with insane elegance unlike her uncle jacky who has tripped over his feet many times on the ice.
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thedevilrisen · 1 month
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby
"In my defence, I was left unsupervised."
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A little Introduction to Nova -
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby is her father's pride and joy, born February 2nd 2005, Sidney was completely unaware of her existence until an hour after little Nova entered the world.
Nova's mother was an ex-girlfriend Sid described as someone he fumbled the bag with, losing her eight months previous and one month into the unknown pregnancy. Sid never thought he would have such a overwhelming decrepitness associated with him from the mother that she immediately handed over full custody. This is how he ended hobbling down an unnecessarily bright hallway and unknowingly at the time, into the greatest new chapter of his life.
Nova Crosby - Facts!
The girl stands at 5'4 and barely reaches 135 pounds soaking wet and is not afraid to bite!
Known on the ice as firey, quick witted and someone with her father's fighting skills, she is not to be messed with!
She has always been a troublesome baby, toddler, kid, teenager and now, adult. Everyone around her seems to be drawn in by her charisma or what her father describes as 'alluring psychoticness'.
She was drafted 5th overall in the 2024 NHL draft to the New York Islanders and has formed a 'concerning' relationship with Mathew Barzal.
Nova met Luke at a Women in Hockey event her father was hosting when she was 16 and Luke 17, going on 18. Luke's mother Ellen was invited to speak and Luke had begrudgingly chose to come with.
He is very glad he did though, because that's where he met his best friend and unknown at the time future girlfriend who was trying in vain to escape her baby sitter for that night Tristan Jarry.
Luke was thrilled when she was drafted to the Isles because it meant his then best friend was only two hours away.
She has always been super close with the Penguins entire team, she hangs out with the guys in the common room, sometimes joins in practice if Sully lets her and joins in on the team wide prank war. More often than not targeting Dan Potash like Flower taught her so many years ago.
Sidney and Nova are what they would consider the bestest of friends. They tell each other everything. Most of the time. Sid helps Nova through everything and is her biggest supporter and protector. For reference, Sid use to play baseball, he makes sure he keeps his bat polished and on hand especially when Nova brought over her first boyfriend.
Nova also loves music! She is really into Benson Boone at the minute but her go to team karaoke is Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley. (Mainly because Tanger always willingly belts it out with her.)
I look forward to getting to know Nova with you all!
Please send in asks, I'd love to know what you think of Nova!
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dilf-din · 1 year
Daisy, Give Me an Answer (Joel Miller x female reader)
WC: 2400
Warnings: none, fluff city baby!!
Summary: reader is a cook in the Jackson meal hall, she and Joel bond over their love for southern cooking. She isn’t named, but has a nickname that is used two or three times.
A/N: this is my first time writing for Joel, so please let me know what you think :-)
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Living in Jackson was an apocalyptic version of a dream come true. Everyone there had suffered through their own personal hells over the past two decades. Loss and struggle common threads between all of the residents. After a few years, you finally felt your shoulders relax. The danger kept out by the fence and the brave folks who patrolled each day. You started to believe that this is where you would spend the rest of your time on earth, free from the tendrils of cordyceps and the brutality of FEDRA.
You checked the clock that ticked steadily on your mantle to see your shift at the meal hall was nearing. Some of the men on patrol had bagged a few sizable deer the night before, so you would all be eating well for the next few days. Some of the meat was already curing to be turned into jerky, but the bulk of it was going to be used for roasting into stews. You laced your boots up and slipped on your lighter jacket. It had been a mild fall so far. The cold not yet settling in. You plucked your faded apron off the hook by the door and draped it over your arm as you made your walk down the dirt paths to the meal hall. The mountains rose behind you, afternoon sunlight streaming down and dancing on the orange and gold leaves decorating the hills. The school had just let out for the day and a group of children were chasing each other up the street beside you, one of them carrying a beat up soccer ball. You smiled fondly at them. They had known no other life like you and the older residents. They found joy easily in the open air and a simple toy left behind from one of Jackson’s original residents.
You let yourself into the mess hall and joined the other cooks who had shifts tonight. First, hanging your jacket in the small, makeshift break room off of the main prep area, then, pulling your apron on. It was a faded power blue covered in small embroidered daisies. It had belonged to your grandmother, one of the only remaining pieces of your old life. Your grandmother had taught you everything you knew about cooking. The two of you stood side by side countless mornings rolling out biscuits to spread with her homemade jams, strawberry and blackberry always in plentiful supply.
You had taken her recipes and opened a small eatery in your hometown in Tennessee. That’s where you were working when the world fell apart. You survived for years on expired canned goods and tasteless FEDRA rations, so to be somewhere with fresh ingredients and a functioning kitchen again was more than you ever dreamed. Tonight’s menu was stewed venison with some potatoes and carrots out of one of the greenhouses, cornbread, and slow cooked cinnamon apples.
“Daisy’s here!” a cheerful voice rang out as you dried your hands on your apron and joined who had become your closest friends in the large room. Your nickname had come from your apron, but you didn’t mind it. It made you feel close to your grandmother who you missed with an indescribable ache. She passed the year before the world went to hell. It hurt at the time, but now you were thankful that she never had to fight like you had.
Jenna and May were sisters in their 30’s, just children when the outbreak happened. One was washing apples, one was slicing and placing them in a large metal bowl. You were thankful they had each other. A lot of people had no one left.
Ellen was older, hair white where there used to be blonde. She was humming an old hymn while she carefully peeled the vegetables, saving the scraps for the compost pile.
Michael was a heavier set man in his 50’s. He had a full beard streaked with gray, a kind smile, and round cheeks. His strong arms were busy butchering one of the deer’s hindquarters. He smiled warmly, “Hello, Daisy,” a deep southern voice crooned.
“Hi Mikey,” you smiled finding yourself in charge of the cornbread. Fresh milled cornmeal, farm fresh eggs, some honey from one of the hives in Jackson, it was a crowd favorite. The sweetness of it made those of you with southern roots particularly fond of the way it reminded you of the world before.
Aside from the kitchen staff and Maria, you didn’t have many friends there. You knew everyone by name though. You had served them all hot meals hundreds of times. Most people came through the line caught up in their own conversations, not paying much mind to the person behind the counter.
You thought of one face in particular who loved your cornbread. Joel Miller had rolled in last fall with his daughter in tow. The local women all whispered about how handsome he was, the chatter reaching his ears almost immediately upon his arrival. You could tell it made him feel awkward, so you decided you wanted to be a friendly face in the crowd for him. He was always polite in line, saying “yes ma’am, no ma’am, thank you, no thank you.” You had bonded over your southern roots. Though Texas was a bit of a stretch from Tennessee, you both held similar temperaments and upbringings. Not that you had sat and talked to him for hours. You mostly held light conversations together while you waited for the line to keep moving. A few times after everyone had been served, he waved you over to join his family while you scanned the room holding your own tray.
He had a tough exterior, but your southern touch when it came to the kitchen brought out what you only assumed to be the old Joel, the one who hadn’t fought tooth and nail to survive. You thought fondly of him while you mixed the batter together and filled several pans to bake in the industrial oven the kitchen was blessed with.
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The dinner crowd filtered in slowly tonight. The September sun sank low in the sky painting everything with navy and purple shadows. You scanned the room for Joel, beginning to get nervous when you realized he wasn’t back from patrol yet. The cornbread was running low, so you took the biggest remaining piece and tucked it out of view saving it for him.
A few minutes later, the doors swung open, and in strolled the Miller brothers. They both looked exhausted, mud caking their boots and well up the front of their jeans. They found their place in line, only a few people ahead of them. “Daisy,” Tommy smiled tipping his hat. “Looks good,” Joel’s low voice rumbled. “Oh!” you exclaimed reaching for the piece of cornbread you had set aside for him, “I saved this for you,” you explained sliding it onto his tray.
The look on his face was hard to describe. “I, well thank you,” he stammered. You swore you saw a faint blush creep into his cheeks. Tommy knocking him in the ribs with his elbow. “I just, I knew it was your favorite so when you were late I wanted to make sure you got a piece,” you said suddenly feeling awkward.
“That was mighty kind of you,” he smiled, something you didn’t see often. “It was nothing,” you smiled back as he moved forward with his tray.
May elbowed you once he was out of earshot, “Well that was cute,” she whispered, “I didn’t know you had a crush on Joel.”
“May, I’m a little old for crushes,” you joked. But maybe she was right. There was a reason so many of Jackson’s resident women fawned over him. He was handsome, polite, always willing to lend a hand. You watched his figure move across the room and take his place next to Ellie. She instantly lit up, mouth running a mile a minute about something. You smiled watching them and he looked up to catch your eye. You looked away quickly and excused yourself to finally get your portion, but when you found yourself looking for a spot to eat, he waved you over, a warm smile on his face. You suddenly felt nervous, your breath was quickening. Oh god this is so silly, you thought. It’s just a piece of cornbread, it didn’t mean anything.
You collected your thoughts and walked over to their table and sat across from him. Tommy and Maria were on the other end catching up about their days paying no mind to the three of you. “What brought you in so late, Cowboy?” you questioned setting your napkin in your lap. “One of the horses got stuck in a mud pit,” he sighed rubbing his face with his broad hands, “Took us a while to get her free.” Your eyes went wide, “You were able to get a horse out of a mud pit with just the two of you?”
If you didn’t know any better, you would say he looked smug for a second, “I did about 80% of the heavy lifting, Tommy kept getting stuck too,” he said loud enough for his brother to hear. “Bullshit,” he called over the table with a grin on his face, “You don’t have to try to make me look bad to impress a lady,” he teased. Joel’s cheeks for sure went red this time. “I’m impressed with you both, that’s some serious strength,” you said trying to ease the tension.
“Joel’s super strong,” Ellie commented stealing an apple off of his plate. “I’ve seen him lift all kinds of heavy stuff,” she continued with her mouth full.
“We were contractors,” Joel explained, “Spent all day lifting lumber and whatnot.” He and Tommy recollected together for a few minutes about their past work before Tommy and Maria excused themselves.
“Ellie, you go on ahead home and I’ll meet you there,” Joel said gathering the empty trays on the table to walk them to the table they amassed on at the end of the night waiting for the cleaning crew to come in. She skipped out the door after giving him a knowing look. “Do ya mind if I walk ya home?” he asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Not at all,” you smiled, “Let me just go grab my coat,” you excused yourself to the back room where you had left it earlier. Joel stood in the doorway to the meal hall, one boot propping it open while he waited for you. That nervous feeling settled in your chest again and you tried to dismiss it. Surely he was just being polite, returning the favor. There’s no way this meant more than that, right?
Joel gave you a small smile as he opened the door fully for you to pass through, “After you,” he nodded. It felt trite considering the state of the world, but you couldn’t help but smile that he took the time to attend to such little things still.
“I bet you’re looking forward to that shower tonight,” you commented, further taking in the state of his mud caked clothes.
His brow furrowed and this time you were certain that his cheeks had flushed crimson. “I guess I don’t smell too hot, huh,” he said sheepishly, the toe of his boot connecting with a small rock and kicking is along the dusty path.
“Oh! That’s not what I meant! I mean, you’ve probably definitely smelled better,” you stammered. You could see him sinking farther into himself drawing a small laugh from your lips. You touched a hand to his arm causing him to tense up, both of your feet stopping. “I am so thankful that you and our other brave townsfolk handle patrol so that people like me can stay behind and stew apples and bake cornbread. It doesn’t feel like an equal exchange at all, but I don’t think horses like me, so my hands are tied,” you rattled on. Joel cracked another small smile, his feet falling back into line with yours.
“What do you mean horses don’t like you?” he bemused.
“They never have, the pony I rode for my sixth birthday being the first of many.”
His chuckle came easily. “Well I’ll put in a good word for you if you’d ever like to swing by, maybe bring some of those apples.”
“You think they’ll listen?”
“Oh sure, Callus loves pretty ladies,” he drawled, that slightly cocky smile playing across his lips.
“Oh, do you bring pretty women to meet him often?”
His cheeks were beet red this time, “Oh, no I just, I—” he stammered.
“I’m just messing with you, Cowboy,” you chuckled.
“What about you? Do you save pieces of cornbread for everyone?” he shot back with a raised eyebrow.
“Can’t say I do,” you shrugged. “This is me,” you said stopping and gesturing over your shoulder at the small house.
“Well, thank ya for thinking of an old man like me. It means a lot to feel looked after,” he smiled warmly.
“I uh, I’d love you make you a proper country dinner one night. You can let me know your favorites, and I’ll see what I can do,” you somehow got out, unsure of where the sudden boldness had manifested from.
“I’d like that a whole lot,” he smiled. He drew your hand to his mouth and planted a kiss. His hands were calloused and hardened, but his lips were heavenly soft. “I’m gonna get that shower now.” He hesitated for a moment, “Would you like to come over for a cup of tea in say, half an hour?” he said shyly. “These mild nights won’t last, we can sit on the porch. Ellie might even play us a few songs.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” you smiled and he retreated down the street. People were filing into their homes for the evening. Once on the other side of your own door, you leaned against it and let out a sigh. It had been a long time since you had done things for pleasure, your brain still defaulting to survival mode most days. You never thought you would feel butterflies uncurling their wings in the pit of your stomach again. Stretching their tired legs from years of dormancy. But there was that flutter, and you had a feeling it wasn’t going to end any time soon.
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ineffable-rohese · 7 months
Good Omens, or the Disruption of Gay = Death
CW: historical homophobic violence and death
@queerfables recently wrote an excellent meta on slash fiction and the concept of "Taking Away the Glass". I had some thoughts, which I was going to add as a reblog, but this seems to spiraled away from the original post, so I'm posting this on its own, but I'm referencing their ideas and references, so maybe go read that first.
This is especially for those of you who are, say, under 25 (which is apparently most of Tumblr), and who haven't had much opportunity to learn queer history. Let me say, I'm not a queer historian. I am a queer who has lived through recent history and can reasonably clearly remember the last at least 35 years of it, and I was fortunate to have had schooling that did include some earlier queer history and didn't shy away from queer topics. (I recognize now what a revolutionary bit of teaching that was.)
I also want to acknowledge that I'm writing from a place of relative privilege, as a white cis woman living in a progressive part of North America, and that some of what is history for me is still life for others. I am speaking from my own personal experiences here -they are by no means universal. But I think it's important for us to share our stories, so this is part of mine.
When You're Dying in America, at the End of the Millenium
Fables quotes a video by thingswithwings as saying "Homosexuality, or just loving touch between two people of the same gender, is equivalent to death in this media narrative." In the 1980s and 1990s, when Good Omens was written and first published, that wasn't a metaphor. When I was a baby proto-queer, what I heard about being gay was that it killed you.
My formative memories of what it meant to be gay weren't pride parades or even riots. It was gay men dying by the thousands and governments and religious leaders ignoring them at best, and welcoming their deaths at worst. To be gay, and a gay man in particular, was to be marked for death. It wasn't until a straight white boy who got it from a blood transfusion died that AIDS became something that "normal" people had any empathy for and governments really started to act.
The gay representation I rember in the media as a moderately sheltered child from the 80s and 90s with left-of-center middle class white parents was news about AIDS, Philadelphia (death from AIDS), Ellen (cancelled after she came out), and eventually RENT (desperately trying not to die of AIDS or capitalism). I knew a very small handful of out gay adults, and no trans adults at all.
My first time being in a large group of queer people was a vigil for Matthew Sheppard, who had been beaten and left to die tied to a fence. I remember being terrified. I wasn't out yet. I knew people who hated us might be there, this group of mostly young queer people gathering with candles to cry over a boy we'd never met, and over the many others who had died just for being what we were. I'd never even kissed a girl yet. I only knew my queerness in relation to death.
In the last decade or so of the 20th century, being queer was about grasping any bit of joy you could from a world that very clearly would prefer you were dead. It was defiance and anger and fear every time you held your love's hand, or kissed them in public. My second date with the person who would become my spouse was interrupted by some dude in a truck shouting slurs at us was we walked down a quiet street. We laughed it off - no one had thrown anything, or beaten us, so it wasn't a big deal. It should have been a big deal, but we couldn't let it be. When you're marked for misery and death, you can't let the little things get to you. You just hold each other's hands as tightly as you can and defiantly keep walking.
An Angel and a Demon and Immortality
Good Omens was written during some of the darkest days of the AIDS epidemic (which is still ongoing, by the way), before there were effective treatments, when gay = death. It is a mainstream, mass-market book. It wouldn't be shelved in the "Gay and Lesbian" section at the book store, it would be shelved with humour, or possibly fantasy.
And yet, here we have these two beings. An angel and a demon, with an unlikely friendship, and who are very clearly written as gay. Or, at least, as percieved as gay by outside observers. Aziraphale in particular is (in one of my favorite lines) "gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide," and "THE southern pansy" (self-proclaimed). Together, they are "consenting bicycle repairmen" (Neil Gaiman's explanation for context) who Anathema was safe with the whole time.
Whether you caught the subtextual shippyness of their relationship (and to be honest, I only did a little when I first read it), they were very obviously written as precieved-gay characters, in a story where their precieved gay-ness wasn't the cause of their downfall. Yes, an 11 year old calls Aziraphale a faggot. But he doesn't get arrested or beaten of killed - he just gets covered in cake. And he loves cake! The attempted insult just rolls off him like water off a duck's back, because he has no pressure not to be visibly gay.
Becuase, see, unlike us humans, unlike his gay contemporaries, he is not marked for death. He's an angel. He's immortal. Even more, he was made by God, exactly how God wanted, presumably, and that is intelligent, English, and so very gay.
Niel and Terry are saying so much here. You can be gay and loved. You can be gay and have a deep relationship. You can be gay because that's how God made you. You can be gay forever, through all time, with someone beside you, finding joy in your life.
You can be gay and not die. You can be gay and live.
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Firefly family name etymology:
It’s no secret their names are chosen from stories, a coverup of sorts, but the family does have real names as well, at least for the most part, with the exception of Otis. That’s because he chose his own name, giving it at least some significance still.
We’ll start with him, since he’s the oldest of the Firefly children. The name Otis means ‘leisure.’ He’s a man who doesn’t feel threatened by much. Even when shit starts to hit the fan in the second two films, he remains joking, cocky, and proud. Leisure is in his relaxed bones, even when he’s furious and scolding and violent. Even in the way he stands, with his shoulders sagged and his crotch forward, is a leisurely poster.
The second child is RJ. Full name Rufus Junior. More complicated because of its simplicity, the meaning of his name is ‘reddened.’ While there’s no personality connections there, it can possibly offer insight on his killings. Blood is red and the Firefly family home is deeply soaked in blood. It’s assumed they’ve been killing for the entirety of the children’s lives, though that’s somewhat unclear. However if Rufus got his hands ‘reddened’ when he was young (accounting for the secondary meaning of junior) then it does imply that the family allows their small children to kill as well. A minor detail, but considering the shared insight on the whole family, shows RJ being dedicated to them first and foremost.
Next is Baby. Of course this, along with Angel Baby, are her nicknames. Her true name is Vera Ellen. Together, the double name has the meanings ‘true’ and ‘brilliant.’ She was her parents pride and joy and was named ‘truly brilliant’ after the way she shined to them. However I see it as a signal that she isn’t just a pretty, happy face too. She's also as intelligent as others in the family, despite her mental health and delusions. Thus it serves as a warning not to underestimate her. She’s every bit as cunning as her brothers, in on all the plans, with twice the protection because she’s her Mama and Daddy’s little star.
As for the Firefly parents themselves, there’s Mama. Her real name is Gloria, which means ‘honor.’ Befitting of the common matriarch in the family, everything they do is to her liking. Even Otis comes down to supper and brings Wolf because he knows that would make her happy. After her death, they raise hell and fight to survive and honor her. They made a promise to her, and to the other family they lost, to not go down without a fight. All those bullets they took was to honor her. Her name represents the symbol she presents to the rest of her family.
Except Earl, who we don’t see her interact with. Because of what he did he’s been exiled from the Firefly family, but it’s worth noting that his name can mean ‘lion.’ It would seem the man had a bad temperament to do what he did, and likely without much warning. He pounced and struck and Tiny was hurt, so Earl was no longer part of the family. In that sense, it reflects his nature as a dangerous animal, a monster to them.
His replacement as consistent patriarch and father to Baby is Spaulding. While his nicknames include Captain Spaulding and Cutter, his government name is Johnny Lee Johns. Combining the meanings of Johnny ‘graced by god’ and Lee ‘poet,’ he’s symbolically been gifted his ability to wax poetic and monologue. Spaulding spends his very last moments of life ranting and monologuing in that disturbing and cruel way the Firefly family does. To us, it doesn’t seem like poetry, but his wisdom to the family is important. His poeticism isn’t his word choice, it’s the way he can use words to crush a victim’s spirit, or to scare and unsettle them right into the arms of his waiting family members down the road to be hunted.
The final member of the family, at least in order of introduction, is Foxy. He’s Otis’ half-brother, so he has his own surname that he doesn’t share with anybody else. His name obviously is not a Marx character like the rest of the family’s nicknames as well. Foxy is just the shorthand of his middle name, Foxworth, full name Winslow Foxworth Coltrane. Winslow means ‘grave’ or ‘burial.’ His rescue of his brother, and thus his entrance into the story, is necessary because of death. Cutter is dead, Mama is dead, RJ and Tiny are dead, and Otis and Baby likely aren’t long behind. Foxy is a figure of the family, who is only essential in the loss of life, so his name is significant in marking him with that death. Foxworth can mean ‘homestead’ which only adds to the tragic meaning there. His family is dead, his home gone and burnt to the ground, and he wasn’t there to see it or defend them too. The death of all those family members and the loss of his home is the reason for his determination to save his remaining two siblings, and be included in the family. Baby and Otis don’t consider him part of that fight, but he’s just as wounded by it. Coltrane is symbolic of ‘wild energy.’ The result of the above trauma for him is his manic attitude. Even as calm and flat affected as he can seem, he turns cruel and sadistic when push comes to shove. All of the Firefly family can fit into that trope, of completely unhinged assholes, but Foxy wears the specific name that says it’s a part of him. Showing that he is a memeber of the family regardless of his prison stint that had him separated from the rest.
Firefly, of course, is a name chosen from characters and likely not their legal name, but it’s the one they use. The little insect fireflies symbolize ‘hope.’ The family reminds each other to be hopeful, because they see themselves as untouchable. Nobody can stop them, it seems at least, and Baby has to be reminded of that when she’s in Mexico grieving her Mama and Daddy. The love they have and the hope they share exists despite their evil and destructive nature, showing that they are a family unit deep down. Afterall, the point of these three films was to show what happens when the killers have support and love and family behind them for once, and how less likely their victims are in such a case to survive.
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d-criss-news · 4 months
Suddenly Seymour! See an exclusive first look at Darren Criss and Evan Rachel Wood in Little Shop of Horrors
The "Glee" and "Westworld" alums star in the Westside Theatre's off-Broadway production through March 31.
After her biting performance on True Blood and violent Westworld adventures, Evan Rachel Wood is no stranger to a bloody good time — but now she's the one in danger of being bitten.
The Emmy-nominated actress just made her debut as Audrey in the Westside Theater's ongoing production of Little Shop of Horrors alongside Emmy-winning Glee and The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story star Darren Criss as Seymour, and EW has an exclusive first look at the new costars in action.
The Westside's award-winning off-Broadway production kicked off in October 2019 with Jonathan Groff as Seymour and Tammy Blanchard as Audrey, and has since seen a cavalcade of stars step into the roles. Recent Seymours have been Gideon Glick, Jeremy Jordan, Conrad Ricamora, Skylar Astin, Rob McClure, Matt Doyle, and Corbin Bleu. The roster of Audreys include Lena Hall, Maude Apatow, Joy Woods, and Constance Wu.
“The casting of this show has become one of the greatest joys of our lives,” Little Shop producers Tom Kirdahy, Hunter Arnold, and Rob Ahrens, said in a statement in December when Wood and Criss were announced as joining the cast alongside Bryce Pinkham as Orin the dentist and Stephen DeRosa as Mr. Mushnik.
“The fact that in year five, we continue to attract talent like Evan Rachel Wood and Darren Criss is a testament to Howard Ashman’s and Alan Menken’s Little Shop of Horrors being one of the finest achievements in musical theater — and to Michael Mayer’s perfectly and joyously staged production," the statement continued. "As two of the most daring, enticing, and dynamic stars of their generation, we cannot wait to see the magic that real-life friends Evan & Darren bring to their roles.”
Loosely based on the 1960 black comedy movie The Little Shop of Horrors (starring Jack Nicholson as Orin!), Ashman and Menken's Little Shop of Horrors follows the bloody misadventures of a well-meaning florist named Seymour as he attempts to raise a snappy, tough-talking, man-eating plant named Audrey II. Their musical premiered off-off-Broadway in 1982 before eventually hitting Broadway proper, then then became a movie starring Rick Moranis and Ellen Green in 1986.
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mrs-johansson · 11 months
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Tumblr media
Part 16:
Date night for the Avengers?
Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson step out to dinner with the Cole sisters. Evans and the Civil Rights lawyer, Léa Cole went public with their relationship a couple of months ago and now they are hanging out with two of Hollywood’s highest-grossing actresses. Johansson seems to be spending her week in Los Angeles as Y/n Cole is shooting her new movie Bombshell. The two have been getting close this year, making multiple public appearances together. The Black Widow actress is set to star in Cole’s first directing film, Jojo Rabbit later this year. Sources say: “They enjoy each other’s company a lot. Y/n is a big fan of Scarlett’s work and they easily bond over their shared passion. Scarlett enjoys how exciting and new Y/n’s approach to the comedic history script is and both of them enjoy working together already.” The two’s relationship seems to be as private as possible. Maybe there’s more to it than we see.
I mean it’s not that bad. The last sentence is maybe the worst but other than that, there’s nothing wrong with it.
“So, you’re leaving for Europe, right?” Ellen asked from the opposite chair from me. “Yes, that’s the plan. But I’m gonna jump back home for just a couple of days before that,” I said. “Where exactly in Europe though?” “Prague in the Czech Republic. Very beautiful city.” “And are you nervous? I mean this is your first directing job. How are you feeling about that?” “I’m nervous of course, but mostly I’m expected. Taika is a very good friend of mine and it feels much easier to start all this with someone like him by my side. And of course the amazing actors on the cast, it’s really a privilege to start this journey with amazing people.” “Speaks of the actors in the movie,” Oh no, there we go. “Scarlett.” She said and I nodded. “You’ve been hanging out a lot recently, how’s that going?” She asked with a smile. She seems genuine. “Great, we’ve been going over the script a lot, preparing for shooting. She’s an awesome person, so yeah we’re friends.”
“Y/n,” Scarlett called out from the kitchen. “Yup,” I answered. “Come here for a moment.” I got up and walked to her. She was just fixing up some quick dinner while I dealt with some late stuff for the traveling stuff and our arrival, accommodation for the whole staff, and things like that.
“What’s up?” I stood next to her, watching as she moved around. “I was thinking…” she started and suddenly I got nervous. Don’t know why, I just did. “Yeah?” I cleared my throat and glanced at her face, looking for any sign of what she’d say. “And I thought maybe we could share an apartment while we’re there. I mean the staff and everyone wouldn’t think anything of it, but if they do, honestly I don’t care. And it could be fun, Rose will be there too, and I’m sure she’d be happy too.”
I smiled so widely, my face started to hurt after a while. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and the way how casually she just said that. “I would love that. I’m just saying Rose and I will gang up against you,” I smirked and she laughed. Her cheeks rounded and slowly turned a shade of pink. “Oh I’m sure you will,” she looked at me after she turned off the stove.
Her light eyes were lit by the kitchen lights, while also showing the shadow of her nose on her left cheek. She had her glasses on which I adored so much. Her hair slicked back roughly, and her white shirt hung off her shoulder loosely.
“Scarlett, I love you.”
I couldn’t hold back. I just couldn’t. I love her. With every fiber of my body. She has it all. She makes me laugh when I feel the most dull, she brings me joy after a long day. Her thoughts make me wonder, while also fascinated. Her genuine laugh after the worst joke I made is my proudest moment of the day.
“And I love you,” her words felt like fresh air after coming up from under the water. That smile on her face is something I will never ever forget. She is different from everyone who I’ve dated before and it is probably the biggest blessing.
I pulled her into the most emotional kiss we probably shared so far. My hands on her cheeks and hers around my waist, holding me close. I had goosebumps from all the love I felt in that moment and I’ve never wanted to leave that moment. It was heaven on earth.
Telling our friends I think was the best idea in this time of our relationship because it was really going strong. Everyone was so happy and supportive which was the best feeling ever. I felt very secure in my place and so did Scarlett and it was so easy to share our love. We already talked about telling our families, and I felt really happy and at ease.
This week though, I fly out to Prague with Taika first then the cast joins us next week. I packed everything last night and I was ready to go.
The city was a dream. It was a whole different world than New York and I was very excited to explore all this. I settled into our temporary apartment and sent Scarlett pictures of the place, which by the way looked fantastic.
Taika and I started preparing everything. We got the table read ready for next week, checked the filming locations one more time, got to know Prague a little and it was quickly next week when everyone arrived.
“Y/n!” Rose started running as soon as she touched the ground. Stepping out of the car Scarlett was quick to notice me waiting for them in front of the apartment building. Her adorable smile was one of the highlights of the day.
“Careful there,” I called out to the little girl, and in a second she jumped into my arms. “Heeey,” I caught her and hugged her close. “I missed you, honey,” I kissed the side of her head and pulled away to see her face. Her blonde hair was cutely curled with a flowery clip attached. “I missed you too.” Although I noticed a little scar on her nose. “What happened to your nose, Rosey? Did you bump your nose?” I asked brushing a little piece of hair out of her face.
“I fell in school. We were playing,” she said while holding onto my hand. She is the cutest person. “Yeah, did you cry?” I asked softly and she shook her head and I dramatically gasped. “You didn’t?” “Big girls don’t cry,” she said proudly and I smiled. “You are a big girl, huh?” I stood up and then picked her up, turning to her mother.
I embraced her with a tight hold and let out a relieved sigh as soon as she wrapped an arm around me. “Hi baby,” her delicate whisper made me smile, and leaned my head against hers. “Hi,” I simply said since Rose was very close to me to hear anything.
“Should we check out your room, big girl?” I asked Rose and she smiled widely and nodded. “Let’s go then.”
The next day we got to the table read and I was nervous to talk in front of everyone. Taika and I sat in the front middle, and all the actors were around the long tables. Scripts, water, and nameplates were strictly placed for everyone. Once everyone settled down Taika looked at me with a reassuring smile. “I’ll start. Don’t be nervous though,” he patted my shoulder and stood up.
He made everyone laugh and honestly, it was worse going after him. I felt the pressure. I nervously looked around and my eyes quickly found Scarlett who was already looking at me. She sent me a soft smile and a small nod. Okay, so it’s visible that I’m freaking the fuck out.
The next thing I know, Taika just sat down and everyone was waiting for me. Okay, just look confident.
I stood up and cleared my throat before smiling lightly. “Hello everyone. I hope everyone got to settle in nicely and got to get rid of jet lag, if you did I’m jealous,” the room chuckled or at least smiled. “I’m very excited for all of us to work together, I think we all have very great opportunities to learn from each other. Taika and I worked on this for a while and it means the world to us that it finally comes alive and we couldn’t have imagined it better, thanks to you. And honestly, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of our project. I hope you guys will have fun and enjoy this amazing city. And thank you again,” I let out a sigh and not gonna lie I got emotional a little bit from this.
I haven’t really realized what we’ve been doing for years with Taika. It is finally coming alive and I can barely process it. It’s an indescribable feeling.
Later that day, the whole cast was set to go out to dinner to get to know each other better.
“It wasn’t that bad right? My speech. Did I look scared as hell? I think I was even crying while talking,” I rented while also doing my makeup. Scar was getting Rose ready since she was already done.
“It was great. You looked relaxed honestly. It seemed like you knew what you wanted to say and everyone saw how grateful and excited you were. It was cute,” she said. “From your perspective maybe.” “From everyone's perspective. It was great, believe me.”
Weeks passed and I was having the time of my life. Directing was something that I enjoyed so much. It was a lot of work, yes but I loved every second of it.
“Let’s go from the top. Roman, you do what you did so far, it’s amazing buddy,” I smiled at him and he did too. “Thank you.”
“Alright, ready everyone?” I looked at Scarlett and she nodded, then at the crew and when it was settled I turned back. “Action!”
Once the cameras started rolling, Scarlett was unbothered by the outside world. Seeing her work just made me more in love with her. She was so passionate about it and it was amazing to see her do this.
Opening the door as quietly as possible, I slipped into the apartment like a fucking ninja. But then I saw the kitchen lights lit.
Taking off my shoes I slipped further into the flat. “Scar?” I whispered and the next second Scarlett’s popped out in the dim lights from the kitchen. “You’re home late,” she whispered, a sad smile on her face. I guess I look tired.
Dragging myself to the kitchen, I reached for my girlfriend, holding onto her hand first and then hugging her. “Why are you still up?” I mumbled with my eyes closed, my head resting on her shoulder. “I was learning lines and I couldn’t sleep,” she said. Her speaking vibrated off of her skin. “You okay?” I lifted my head and she nodded with a smile. “Of course, just tired that’s it,” she gave a kiss on my head and let me go. “You want something to eat? We had takeout for dinner, I got you some in case you’d be hungry,” Scarlett moved to the fridge. “I just want to sleep,” I yawned, waning against the counter. “Let’s go then.” “I’m gonna shower though,” I stood straight on my feet and made my way to the bathroom, but before that, I glanced into Rose’s room and saw her fast asleep in her bed.
Taking a shower I was moving so slowly but I managed to get into my pajamas after it. Scar was already in bed, reading her script and highlighting things with a pink marker. “I feel like my brain is not working,” I scooted into the bed, pulling the covers up until my neck, turning towards Scarlett. “You’re in tomorrow?” She asked. “Not until lunch,” I sighed. “Then you sleep until then, you’re gonna exhaust yourself,” with one more soft kiss on my lips, she put the script aside and turned off the light. As soon as she settled in, I cuddled up to her side. “Sleep well baby,” her arms wrapped around me. “You too, I love you.” “And I love you.”
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mercurygray · 5 months
Small poke for Ruth and Toye pretty please?<3 — @shoshiwrites
Her name is Mary Ellen, and I want you to picture the cutest, most-round-cheeked, black haired baby girl you can. This child is capable of producing the biggest smiles on her father's face and she is his pride and absolute joy.
She's her mother's pride and joy, too, but that's…different, somehow. Showing off his daughter after everything he's been through feels like another way to spite the war, for Joe. Having the parents that she does has taught her a lot about the world's prejudices and has made her an incredibly kind young woman who wants to go into physical therapy as a career, to help out men like her dad. Joe is fond of saying that she's brainy, like her mom. Ruth says she doesn't know where she got that.
Just the one, though - so waited for, and so wanted. Ruth doesn't talk about that part much.
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agent-cupcake · 1 year
*read horrorshow the nth time*
do you have any fav horror movies to recommend?
I've probably recommended all of these before but here we go again with the bad takes! Wahoo! OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD
The Exorcist - my most favorite horror movie ever. I don't think a lot of people find the actual spooky ghosty stuff scary (unsettling for sure) but the characters are next level and the production and acting are unmatched. Ellen Burstyn's performance as a mother losing her mind trying, and failing, to save her daughter is haunting. It also lead to me doing my best Greek grandmother impression whenever I say Dimi, so there is that.
Jacob's Ladder - an inspiration for the first Silent Hill, this movie portrays unreality as well as Perfect Blue. It's super disorienting and impactful, I watched it coming out of a project focusing on the Vietnam War and... yeah, it's pretty miserable. Although there is a lot of horrific imagery, t's a genuinely heart-breaking film in some places. The core of horror is trauma, right?
Hereditary - the ending is pretty scary, but the thing that stands out in this movie is how miserable it is. Like with the previous two I wouldn't recommend it on the fear factor, it's more of a character deconstruction through the lens of a horrifying situation. Alex Wolff's character is masterfully written and executed. Obviously I've never dealt with such severe trauma, but his response and mental decline is very relatable.
Midsommar - It's the cult movie. People say it's boring, I disagree, but it's not really scary either. More... uncomfortable. I love that the protagonist is already in such a vulnerable and destructive state. Like she's just not doing well. It's been a huge inspiration in my own writing, and Florence Pugh is lovely. Like with Anya Taylor-Joy, it was interesting to see her get so popular after being a contentiously reviewed horror movie.
Blair Witch Project - who hasn't seen this? It remains at the very top of the found footage genre for a reason, the entire thing is amazing. People say it's lost its luster with the oversaturation, but I disagree, the acting and style of the OG sets it apart.
The Witch - the first thing I ever saw Anya Taylor-Joy in before she was everywhere. Solid movie, it uses all period accurate dialogue. It's not my favorite from a horror standpoint, but the scenario alone is sickening enough to be a selling point. The dad character's actor has a nice voice, don't @ me.
Perfect Blue - there is nothing I could say about Perfect Blue that hasn't been said before, but it is a masterpiece. Watch it. If you like animation, if you like psychological studies, if you like feeling real icky, watch it. Just do it.
Se7en - more of a thriller I suppose, but it definitely works as a horror. It's up there with my faves and is another movie that's been an inspiration in my writing.
It Follows - I mention this because I was listening to the soundtrack, but its a beautifully shot film with a very strong aesthetic vision. It's the "demon STD" movie, which is dumb and imo pushes some really harmful narratives about STD's and I'd say that the far more impactful reading is sexual trauma.
Suspiria (2018) - I'm not one for body horror but there's a scene in this that just... woah. I've never seen the original but I know the new one is very different, and it's amazing. I might be alone in this but it's a shame Dakota Johnson is in such trash movies because I think she's so cute.
The Shining - another classic that must go on this list because it is, unironically, just that good. Shelley Duvall deserved better, that's a fact. That her performance was so fantastic is astounding to me. It's funny that people say that her reaction is unrealistic when that was her genuine reaction to being put in a traumatic situation. Amazing film, she is a star.
I'm definitely missing some movies but such is the way my brain doesn't work. Thank you for your time <3
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april-is · 1 year
April 17, 2023: Mammogram Call Back with Ultra Sound, Ellen Bass
Mammogram Call Back with Ultra Sound Ellen Bass
So this is what I’m here for, to see inside the mute weight of my right breast, heavy handful of treasure I longed for as a girl when I cried behind the curtain in the Guerlaine sisters’ corset shop. Those tender spinsters could hardly bear my tears, as they adjusted the straps on a padded lace bra. I had to wait another year before my breasts swelled like wind-filled sails and many were the explorers carried away, searching for perfumes and spices, the nerve-laden nipples singing through the wires. But never has there been a joy like this as I lay in the pale green cool of radiology. The lineage of death has swerved around me. More happy love! more happy, happy love! As the wand of the ultrasound glides over my flesh, revealed is a river of light, a bright undulant tangle of lobules and milk ducts, ligaments and tissue, harmless and radiant against the black fat. I could be looking up at the night sky, this wispy band of brilliance, a shining spur of the milky way galaxy, and I, in my infinitesimal life, will, at least for tonight, keep these lovely atoms before I must return them to the stars.
Also:  » Question, May Swenson » from Seven Skins, Adrienne Rich » Oh, Robert Creeley » After the First Child, the Second, Mary Austin Speaker
Today in: 
2022: Catastrophe Is Next to Godliness, Franny Choi 2021: Weather, Claudia Rankine 2020: The Understudy, Bridget Lowe 2019: Against Dying, Kaveh Akbar 2018: Close Out Sale, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz 2017: Things That Have Changed Since You Died, Laura Kasischke 2016: Percy, Waiting for Ricky, Mary Oliver 2015: My Heart, Kim Addonizio 2014: My Skeleton, Jane Hirshfield 2013: Catch a Body, Oliver Bendorf 2012: No, Mark Doty 2011: from Narrative: Ali, Elizabeth Alexander 2010: Baseball Canto, Lawrence Ferlinghetti 2009: Nothing but winter in my cup, Alice George 2008: Poppies in October, Sylvia Plath 2007: I Imagine The Gods, Jack Gilbert 2006: An Offer Received In This Morning’s Mail, Amy Gerstler 2005: The Last Poem In The World, Hayden Carruth
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calzona-ga · 1 year
Grey’s Anatomy’s revolving door just keeps swinging. On the heels of Ellen Pompeo’s exit as a series regular and showrunner Krista Vernoff’s announcement that this season will be her last (for now, anyway) comes word that Kelly McCreary is also departing.
The Thursday, April 13, episode of ABC’s resurgent drama will mark the actress’ final appearance as a series regular, according to our sister site Deadline. Her character — Meredith Grey’s half sister, Maggie Pierce — will likely leave Seattle rather than stay and work on her foundering marriage to fellow doctor Winston Ndugu, (As of this week’s episode, the couple was still living apart. Read the full recap here.)
“After nine seasons, I am saying goodbye to Maggie and her Grey Sloan family,” read a statement from McCreary, who, like Pompeo, will make return visits later in Season 19. “It has been a tremendous honor to be a part of such a legendary television institution… I will always be grateful to [creator] Shonda Rhimes, Krista Vernoff and ABC for the opportunity, and to the incredible fans for their passionate support.
“To spend nine years exploring a character inside and out, while reaching a global audience with impactful stories, is a rare gift,” she added. “It has afforded me an opportunity to collaborate with, learn from and be inspired by countless brilliant artists both in front of and behind the camera. Playing Pierce has been one of the true joys of my life and I leave with profound gratitude for every step of this journey. I am excited for this next chapter and what the future holds.”
McCreary made her debut as Richard Webber’s surprise daughter with the late Ellis Grey at the tail end of Season 10. The following season, the then-newcomer was bumped up from guest-star to series-regular status.
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glygriffe · 1 year
December Fanfic Reading & Rec
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To start the New Year positively, let's celebrate the creativity of some fellow writers I had the pleasure to read in the last month.
I want to share the good stuff in my life and, so far, Tumblr has been a good place for that for me. Let's continue sharing the joy of fanfiction!
As a "warning", know that I read mostly Supernatural themed short stories in December. I vaguely sorted them into categories to help others find what they like.
Gen fic
Untitled Reader POV where the reader is living in the bunker with the boys, by @ellen-reincarnated1967. Whatever happened, the Winchesters are here for her. (No pairing)
Out of the closet: a bit of Destiel fluff by @bobwess on AO3. Dean is pretty sure Cas is stealing his clothes, but he isn't sure what to do about it. (Dean x Castiel)
Phone: A cute little AU drabble for Destiel Month by @blessyourhondahurley (Dean x Castiel)
Untitled: Castiel choosing to let his vessel age for… reasons by @aheavenlycreature (Dean x Castiel)
The Steadfast Soul: A wonderful piece about Sam by @posingasme, full of all kinds of love. (Creature!Sam, Very Sastiel-lite, brotherly bound)
We Are Hope: a Castiel ficlet on life and hope and Dean Winchester in early season 15. By @rauko-creates (lite Destiel)
Brotherly Figures: A series with Sam and Dean, both as big brothers to an OC! By @spnexploration (No pairing)
Untitled post-15x18 ficlet: Dean and Cas’ using their words by @queerstudiesnatural (Castiel x Dean)
Snow Globe: a moment of truth and fluff between Dean and the reader by @waywardnerd67 for a Christmas bingo challenge. (Dean x Reader)
Teen and Up
Total Eclipse: A story about longing by @posingasme on AO3 (Sam x Castiel)
Carry on my wayward sons: So much brotherly love in this combo art/fic by @peach-coke created for Supernatural Hiatus Creation (No pairing)
Ghost of Christmas present(s): Christmas fluff after the finale (link toward the AO3 post) by @mittensmorgul (Dean x Castiel)
Like you did: a growing old together story by @posingasme on AO3 for the Gabriel reverse bang 2022 of @gabrielbigbang (Destiel, Sabriel)
Prompted: wonderful short stories by @bobwess (on AO3), some sweet, some tragic, from Bob's own Twitter prompts. I read chapter 9 and chapter 10 in December and I loved them! (mind the TW for each chapter: Ch. 9 has MCD and possibly homicide; Ch. 10 is pure domestic/Christmas fluff.)
And for stuff unrelated to Supernatural:
Change, a beautiful (and sad) poem by @rauko-is-a-free-elf (original work)
How do you write poetry for someone who is your every moment?, a poem by @rauko-creates (original work)
Don't Drool on Me: By @lemonlillybee (on A03) a kind of slice-of-life sickfic of Tony Stark acting as Peter Parker's parent figure - I didn't even know Iron!Dad was a thing before September, but I found it awesome!
Happy reading, happy sharing, and...
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