#dad Sidney Crosby
thedevilrisen · 28 days
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby
"In my defence, I was left unsupervised."
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A little Introduction to Nova -
Nova Vivienne-Taylor Crosby is her father's pride and joy, born February 2nd 2005, Sidney was completely unaware of her existence until an hour after little Nova entered the world.
Nova's mother was an ex-girlfriend Sid described as someone he fumbled the bag with, losing her eight months previous and one month into the unknown pregnancy. Sid never thought he would have such a overwhelming decrepitness associated with him from the mother that she immediately handed over full custody. This is how he ended hobbling down an unnecessarily bright hallway and unknowingly at the time, into the greatest new chapter of his life.
Nova Crosby - Facts!
The girl stands at 5'4 and barely reaches 135 pounds soaking wet and is not afraid to bite!
Known on the ice as firey, quick witted and someone with her father's fighting skills, she is not to be messed with!
She has always been a troublesome baby, toddler, kid, teenager and now, adult. Everyone around her seems to be drawn in by her charisma or what her father describes as 'alluring psychoticness'.
She was drafted 5th overall in the 2024 NHL draft to the New York Islanders and has formed a 'concerning' relationship with Mathew Barzal.
Nova met Luke at a Women in Hockey event her father was hosting when she was 16 and Luke 17, going on 18. Luke's mother Ellen was invited to speak and Luke had begrudgingly chose to come with.
He is very glad he did though, because that's where he met his best friend and unknown at the time future girlfriend who was trying in vain to escape her baby sitter for that night Tristan Jarry.
Luke was thrilled when she was drafted to the Isles because it meant his then best friend was only two hours away.
She has always been super close with the Penguins entire team, she hangs out with the guys in the common room, sometimes joins in practice if Sully lets her and joins in on the team wide prank war. More often than not targeting Dan Potash like Flower taught her so many years ago.
Sidney and Nova are what they would consider the bestest of friends. They tell each other everything. Most of the time. Sid helps Nova through everything and is her biggest supporter and protector. For reference, Sid use to play baseball, he makes sure he keeps his bat polished and on hand especially when Nova brought over her first boyfriend.
Nova also loves music! She is really into Benson Boone at the minute but her go to team karaoke is Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley. (Mainly because Tanger always willingly belts it out with her.)
I look forward to getting to know Nova with you all!
Please send in asks, I'd love to know what you think of Nova!
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hunterrrs · 8 months
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TAYLOR REPORTING SID HAS A CAT (that he’s allergic to???)
from thanksgiving 2021:
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sc0tters · 9 months
Decisions, Decisions | Sidney Crosby
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summary: you begin to prepare for the birth of your baby and the chaos that ensues when Sidney learns about his child.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, legal age gap (reader is 23!)
word count: 3.32k
authors note: Luna told me to carry this story on so I did. I decided to make it into a three part series as I don’t know how to end this off (so let me know what you want to see) but I didn’t want this part to get too long. Regular italics are flashbacks and these bold indented lines are how many weeks pregnant the reader is.
previous part | final part
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It had been three weeks since you learnt you were pregnant.
10 weeks
You felt sick most mornings but he never noticed.
Sidney played oblivious to the fact that he had slept with you acting like that night had never happened.
Your belly has started to grow but it still wasn’t noticeable “you know peanut the size of a prune?” Connor laughed as he had been reading up about his future niece or nephew “I’d like peanut to let me keep my breakfast down.” You pointed out looking at your brother on the FaceTime call.
Connor had to admit that his heart broke for you going through his alone “he should know.” The hockey player pointed out hinting to the father of your baby.
It made you roll your eyes “until he talks to me I’m not telling him anything.” You mumbled fiddling with the end of your shirt.
The minute you learnt about the pregnancy you called Connor “hey I can’t really-“ he cut himself off the second he heard the sound of you crying “you okay?” Connor asked quickly growing alarmed.
You could barely breathe “I’m pregnant Con,” you announced feeling yourself growing sick at the realisation of what was happening.
Thankfully your brother was there to calm you down “he doesn’t know,” you added hyperventilating as your eyes went wide “who are you talking about?” Connor sat on his bed as he didn’t think you were with anyone at that moment.
“Sidney fucking Crosby.”
20 weeks
You were able to keep Sidney unaware of your baby as you had opted for wearing large sweaters which nobody cared about as it was December.
Sidney had stopped arguing with you as much as he picked up that something was off when you lost the energy to fight him “do you want to know the gender?” Your OB asked as she was staring at the ultrasound screen.
The older woman had a soft spot for you after you let it slip that the baby daddy didn’t know about his child “yes-no-maybe?” You shrugged watching the screen as you didn’t know what you wanted “yes, yes I do.” You finally settling on an answer.
She laughed taking the pictures for you “you are the proud mother to a baby girl,” she announced as you thought you’d be happy to hear that, you dreamed of having a daughter since you were young.
But now that it was a reality you couldn’t help but grow nervous thinking about her not knowing her father.
Surely this was going to be the push that you needed to tell Sidney the truth.
25 weeks
The day had finally arrived, not for you to give birth, but for the rematch against the Blackhawks. This time in Chicago.
You begged Connor to keep his mouth shut but as you watched him cross check Sidney, you knew your request had fallen on deaf ears.
Connor practically had smoke coming out of his ears he was so angry “should have kept your dick in your fucking pants.” He spat as he shoved his finger into the older man’s chest.
Sidney wanted to laugh as the rookie took him on “your sister tell you about everyone she sleeps with?” Sure Sidney knew that you were close to your brother but surely this crossed a line.
The Blackhawks player sucked at his teeth “she tells me about the ones who don’t step up.” Connor pointed out as he hit the older players shoulder before he skated off “what the hell is he talking about?” Sidney muttered to himself as he locked eyes with you on the bench.
He was definitely going to talk to you about it now.
From the moment the game ended you were trying to avoid Sidney, that worked until you got back to the hotel “y/n wait!” The Canadian called out as he saw you walking to your room.
Your legs tried to move faster as you tried to hold onto your notebooks that were in your hand “hey!” Sidney grumbled as he grabbed your hand spinning you around in the process.
The books slipped from your hand landing on the ground with your favourite ultrasound picture sliding right in front of Sidney’s feet.
You felt your heart drop as the boy leaned down to pick it up “is it mine?” His voice was soft as he looked up to see that the colour had drained from your face.
Sidney would have been panicking but this was like the final piece of the puzzle of the words that Connor had put into his head “Sid-” you sighed looking down at the ground “is this child fucking mine y/n!” The hockey player raised his voice causing you to step back with tears welling in your eyes.
Part of you felt like you needed to sit down “if you’re asking if it’s from that night then yes.” You mumbled as you nodded letting your hand slip under your sweater as you felt a kick.
Peanut had been enjoying her active moments during her fathers hockey games “and you didn’t think it was important to tell me?” Sidney let out a dry laugh as he ran his fingers down his jaw.
It was surprising that nobody was seen in the hall as you two had this conversation “you didn’t exactly make it sound like wanted to know about it.” You pointed out as you tucked your hair behind your ears.
The morning after you woke up to an empty bed, actually an empty apartment.
Sidney had slipped out whilst you were fast asleep “sorry y/n,” he mumbled pressing a kiss to your forehead.
There were no two ways about it, Sidney felt disgusting thinking about what he had done. You were this young beautiful girl who had her whole life ahead of her but here he was trying to screw it up. He thought you were beautiful, the kind of girl his parents would want him to bring home. Most of all he loved how you spoke to him, no girl that he’d ever met had that sent him back the shit that he gave you.
Four months ago when his mom came to town and finally got the chance to meet you it took her four minutes to realise that her son was in love with you.
And that was the reason he left. Sidney told himself he that he was doing the best thing for you, because deep down inside if he continued to tell himself that the life of a bachelor was for him then maybe he’d forget about you.
But that wasn’t what went through your mind as you were left hurt with no sign of life from the older boy.
Your pride got in the way and stopped you from ever asking him why he left you that night.
Sidney’s eyes pierced your soul as he contemplated telling you why he left “I had a right to know about this child,” he pointed out crossing his arms.
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes “just like I had a right to know where you were in the morning?” Your words hit him like a slap in his face.
When he remained silent you nodded pushing past him “look I don’t expect you to understand this or be on board.” You announced trying to be mature about the fact that you were growing his child in your belly “but I’ve survived this far and your daughter doesn’t need you if you’re going to not really give a shit about you.” You added tapping his shoulder as you watched him stare at the ultrasound picture in his hand.
With that you decided to leave him as you walked to away “daughter?” Sidney furrowed his eyebrows letting his thumb rub over the image of the baby “you’re gonna be a girl dad.” You nodded leaving him alone in the hall.
Tears formed in his eyes as he realised what his actions had meant for him.
Sidney was going to have to change things quickly.
26 weeks
Sidney sat in the cafe as he patiently waited for you to arrive “hey y/n,” he was clearly nervous as he saw you walk in.
You were wearing your new favourite sweater that had PITTSBURGH printed out in big bold yellow letters on the grey material “hi,” you mumbled awkwardly standing there as he clearly going for a hug “what did you want to talk about?” You asked sitting down in your seat.
He took in how gorgeous you looked even with no makeup on and your day five hair in a messy bun “look I want to be apart of our child’s life.” Sidney confessed softly not wanting possible fans from around him to hear what he had to say.
Your eyes went down to the menu “c’mon y/n I deserve a chance.” The hockey player reached out to place his hand on yours “how do I know you’re not going to leave one day when shit gets too hard?” You placed your hands on your lap still clearly hurt about what he had done all those months ago.
It had made you feel stupid offering your body up to someone in the way you had done for him only to then watch him leave before the sun came up “all I’m asking for is a second chance.” Sidney pleaded as he let his hands wrap around his coffee cup.
Connor’s voice was in your head reminding you of the fact that you were scared to do this alone “one chance, you fuck it up and you’re out Crosby.” Your warning reminded him that you were mad at him and that despite there being a child inside of you it wasn’t going to make everything okay.
“I won’t let you down Bedard.”
“I’m not the one you should be promising that to.”
28 weeks
Now almost everyone knew about your baby after one of the rookies saw you in nothing more than a vest and leggings when he walked into your office unannounced and let it slip to the rest of the team. The comments and questions were quickly shut down when Sidney threatened them all with extra laps, which of course you greatly appreciated.
But that didn’t matter as you were sat in the doctors office alone staring at the forms that you had to fill in “sorry I’m late,” Sidney’s loud entrance caused all of the expecting fathers in the waiting room jaws to drop.
He sat in the seat next to you as he placed his hand on your knee “I started thinking that you weren’t going to come.” You confessed drawing a smile from his lips “you lack faith in me y/n,” you wanted to hit him but you couldn’t when your doctor stuck her head out of her office “nice to see that the dad is joining us.” She sent you a wink as you walked into her office.
Sidney felt like a nervous wreck as he watched you pull your sweater over your belly “you’ve seen a whole lot more of me before Sid.” You pointed out sending him a smile which quickly left your face as the cold gel hit your stomach “felt that before y/n,” Sidney matched your teasing tone as you stuck your tongue out at him.
Your OB laughed as she watched the interaction between you two “want to see how peanut is doing?” She asked pulling your attention away from the boy in front of you.
The hockey player raised his eyebrows “peanut?” He cocked his head “hey you weren’t ever when I voted-” you were cut off when your baby popped up onto the screen.
“Peanut is perfect.”
30 weeks
Sidney had spent the last two weeks learning all about your child as he watched you begin nesting “should we get both?” Sidney asked holding up two different car seats.
A laugh left your lips as you shook your head “she does not need two car seats or two strollers.” You crossed your arms feeling like his wealth was truly showing.
The boy placed the box back on the stand “peanut deserves whatever she wants,” he pointed out as he made you laugh again “our daughter is gonna wrap you around her finger so tight it’s gonna hurt.” You smiled as you placed your hand on his shoulder looking at the one stroller you preferred more “peanut should get this one.” You added pointing at it.
He nodded picking the box up as he followed you to the next section “her and her mom already do,” Sidney mumbled to himself as he referred to your earlier comment.
You spun around furrowing your eyebrows “you say something?” You asked causing his eyes to go wide “nope.” Sidney was quick to shake his head desperately hoping that you didn’t hear what he said.
31 weeks
The last six weeks were spent for Sidney trying to win you back “I’m just asking for one meal!” Sidney complained as he had been trying to persuade you to go to dinner with him for the last fifteen minutes “look Sid the last thing I want is to wear some uncomfortable shoes and try to fit into a dress that would have fit me pre peanut.” You pointed out as you knew what the hockey player would plan.
It made the boy frown “what do you want to do then?” He asked wondering if that was how low you thought of him.
You pursed your lips together as you thought about it “pizza and a movie.” You also wanted a bubble bath but that didn’t feel like something that you should mention to Sidney especially after the last time he saw you naked you ended up with a baby in your belly.
It didn’t even take him a minute before he nodded “you got yourself a deal Bedard,” Sidney had to admit that it sounded peaceful having a movie night with you before little peanut was born.
31 weeks
Sidney walked into your apartment with a smile as he held the three boxes of pizza “didn’t know which one you wanted so I went with your favourites.” He explained as he placed the white boxes on the table “you don’t know my favourite pizza Crosby,” you pointed out knowing that it was not going to be something he’d just pick up on.
Instead the boy smirked “got Hawaiian because you’ve been craving pineapple, margarita because of your cheese craving, and pepperoni because who doesn’t like pepperoni?” Sidney looked proud of himself as he turned around to see that you were staring at him in awe “what?” He furrowed his eyebrows when you kept silent.
Surely it had to be the pregnancy hormones that made you think he was kissable in that moment “nothing,” you shook your head deciding to go for a piece of pizza instead as you hoped it would make your brain forget about the boy who stood next to you.
32 weeks
The moment Sidney’s parents learnt that they were going to be grandparents they were on the next flight into Pittsburgh “your mom already loves me Sid,” you reminded him as you watched the Canadian wipe his palms on his pants “I’m worried about what she’s gonna do to me.” Sidney mumbled feeling like he was going to throw up.
You sighed turning to let your whole body face him “look we have survived this long acting like we have it together so let’s just continue doing that?” You proposed as you wrapped your hands around his hoping that it would calm his nerves.
Sidney blinked his eyes as he thought about kissing you “right that was probably stupid of me to even suggest that.” You mumbled quickly retracting your hands as your eyes went wide.
He was quick to act as he hooked his fingers under your jaw bringing his lips to your own. At first you were shocked that he kissed you but then instead you just melted into the kiss groaning as his tongue slid across your lower lip “we’re here!” Sidney’s mother called out causing the two of you to jump away from each other.
Well that was a conversation for another day.
33 weeks
To say you were irritated was putting it lightly.
Alex had called you at almost midnight saying that Sidney was drunk at some bar flirting with a girl. The blonde had picked up on the car rides you were taking with Sidney as he took you to your doctor appointments, he knew Sidney was the father of your baby and he didn’t even have to ask “he’s back there.” The reason why he had called you was because Alex didn’t want Sidney screwing up the relationship that he had with you “Sidney!” You grumbled ready to hit him.
Your were in your leggings and some old training camp shirt that Sidney had given you “hey baby,” the boy smiled as he held his arms out so that he could hug you.
What he didn’t expect was that you’d reach out to slap him instead “I’ll let you deal with him,” the girl mumbled shaking her head as she left figuring that there were easier battles to fight than one that involved the pregnant woman.
The boy poured his lips as he cupped his cheek where you had hit him “what was that for?” He asked letting out a gasp as you pulled him through the crowd of people to the door “can you please grow up Sidney?” You begged wanting to have this conversation with a sober Sidney.
That seemed to do the trick as he nodded finally realising how sore his cheek was “you’ve got a hit on you Bedard,” he complained feeling his jaw throb.
You crossed your arms “what the hell was that Sid?” You asked as tears formed in your eyes.
Tonight you should’ve been watching reruns of the bachelor, not trying to deal with your drunken baby daddy “just wanted to have a fun night before the baby came,” Sidney confessed not seeing how stupid he sounded.
It took everything in you not to hit him for a second time that night “you don’t get to do things like that anymore,” you shook your head feeling like the biggest idiot in the world “to think that I thought you’d actually want me too.” You let out a laugh as tears formed in your eyes.
Sidney’s expressions softened “y/n,” he reached out to grab your hand but you were quick to pull away.
All of those memories preparing for peanuts arrival, the moments shopping, trying to build her crib together, seeing her little body grow in each scan, the way you’d grab Sidney’s hand and place it in your belly the second she kicked, all felt like they were getting thrown down the drain in that very moment.
So with all of the respect that you had left for yourself you tucked your hair behind your ears “I’m going to go and stay with my parents for a bit,” you had mentioned before that you wanted to go up to your families lake house before Peanut was born so that you could get some time in the sun beforehand.
Sidney nodded “thought you wanted me to come with you.” You had offered to bring him along as everyone was desperate to meet the man who your child was going to call her father.
You sniffled as you shook your head feeling a tear roll down your cheek “figure your shit out and when you do you know where to find me.” Your words weren’t nearly as harsh as they could have been when you placed a kiss on his cheek before you walked off leaving Sidney all alone on the street.
For some reason this really felt like he had fucked up this time.
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tysonhos · 3 months
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so dapper
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sportsthoughts · 2 months
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prettiest when he's dazed and confused - 4/4/24
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thornescratch · 1 year
The entire group of Metro Division All Star players agreeing that Sergei Ovechkin should lead them onto the ice.
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jackhues · 6 months
can you do a blurb of sidney meeting bee for the first time
ooh i'd love to! i hope you guys like this :)
buttercup's world! au masterlist
sidney couldn't feel his hand.
his baby momma was in labour and in the process of turning his hand into mush. he didn't even know it was possible to grip something that tight, but of course, pain made people much stronger than they were sometimes.
and giving birth was not an easy process.
he'd been in the delivery room for a few hours, driving the child of his mother here the second she called to let him know her water broke. her parents weren't in contact with her, but sidney's parents were waiting at home. waiting for sidney to call and tell them their grandchild was here.
"i can't do this, i - i don't want to do this," she cried, shaking her head.
"you're so close, just one more push, come on," the doctor encouraged her. "you got this, one big push."
sidney smoothed her hair back, "hey, you're so close. it's almost over, i promise. just one more, and then the baby's going to be here."
sidney and his baby mom weren't in a relationship, they hadn't been in one for months now. their relationship itself was pretty short-lived, but sidney knew she was in pain and she didn't to be alone right now.
considering it was kind because of him she was here, he knew the least he could do was be there for in whatever way she needed. and right now, she needed someone there for her emotionally.
so that's what he was going to do.
"it's almost over," she repeated, nodding her head slightly.
at the doctor's cue, she took a deep breath, pushing once again. sidney wrapped his other hand around the one that was crushing one of his, encouraging her.
at the sound of a small cry, he gasped, turning his head to see the doctors and nurses holding a small baby. before he even understood what was happening, the nurses wiped the infant, rubbing quickly.
the baby's cries grew louder, a part of sidney breaking at that sound. but then the umbilical cord was cut, and the baby was placed on mom, a blanket over them both.
"congratulations," one of the doctors said to sidney. "it's a girl. let's give mom and baby a few minutes, i need you to fill out a few forms first."
sidney nodded numbly, his brain moving a little slower than he was used to. he just saw his daughter being born, she was right there. he was a dad, he was her dad.
somehow, sidney found himself in an office, a few forms in front of him.
"what's this?" he asked.
"well, mom told us you were giving up parental rights and were simply going to pay child support," doctor started. "since that was decided before birth, we need you to fill these out immediately after birth. that way, you can avoid complications later on."
sidney stared at the papers, realizing how close he was to just... giving up the right to having his daughter. a simple signature, he'd signed lots of things before, and he'd never have to worry about her. nothing beyond the money he'd be giving away monthly.
but for some reason, the pen felt incredibly heavy.
sidney looked up at the doctor, "is there any way we can put this off for now? i just - i mean, i just had my kid. i want, i want some time to think this over."
the doctor nodded, "you can choose to do this at any time. doing it right now would simply be the most effective and simple way. you can do it later, but be ready for a longer legal process."
"thanks doctor."
sidney made his way back to the room where mom and the baby were, finding mom half asleep and the baby in the crib.
he made his way over, peering inside and finding a small bundle, wrapped in a pink blanket and a matching little hat. her eyes were closed, long lashes leaning against her cheeks as she slept soundly.
she was perfect.
"you can hold her, you know?" the nurse spoke to sidney. "do you need help?"
"thanks, i'm - i can hold her," he assured her. he had a little sister, he had younger cousins.
he didn't remember being this nervous to hold them.
were they this small as well?
reaching into the crib, sidney took the little girl into his arms, her head fitting perfectly in the crook of his elbow. she scrunched up in the blanket, causing sidney's eyes to widen.
"shh, it's okay my princess," he whispered softly, rocking her in his arms. "i've got you. daddy's got you. you're okay, my love."
slowly, she relaxed in his arms, comforted by the sound of his voice. sidney smiled a little, continuing to talk, letting his baby know that she was safe, and that she'd always have someone to love her.
slowly, she cracked an eye open, and then another, looking up at her dad for the first time.
sidney froze in his tracks, feeling like he'd just been sucker punched. her big hazel eyes matched his perfectly, her hand wriggling under the blanket to try and get free.
sidney took that hand out, tearing up a little as she wrapped her tiny hands around his finger, squeezing tightly as if asking him to stay. sidney pressed a kiss to her hand, tucking it back in the blanket and rocking her.
she yawned, blinking a few times, before turning her head towards sidney and closing her eyes once again.
he took a seat on the couch, overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. he pressed a soft kiss to his little girl's forehead, knowing one thing for sure.
he wasn't going to leave her.
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @mysticaldonkey ,  @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91  , @moldenhauers, @hischierdevils, @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj , @fandom-oneshots-etc , @ajbird18 , @cherrysodadevils , @cixrosie , @iikximii , @xcicix , @wbkz3gras , @cole-mcward48 , @starjoyyy , @eagerkya , @idontlikelizards , @trevzeags11 , @al-lie-cat , @kjohnson-91 , @bitchy55 , @privatemythss
join my taglist!
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
we love family outings 🥰🥰
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goaliekisses · 1 year
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that sidgeno connection
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m3tth4ws · 4 months
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crosby & miller — all star skills 2024 © kevin sousa / getty images
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hunterrrs · 6 months
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SO SHAPED. (apparently he took jake and chad to in-and-out in arizona last year)
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barzzal · 1 year
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PIT @ ANA 10 FEB 23
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martyrbat · 5 months
instead of dangerous new year resolutions that capitalize off my insecurities or dwelling on any of the shit that happened today, im learning how to knit :) im awful at it, probably always will be because FUCK my hands are so shaky—and im having a blast in making the soppiest stitches known to man and that motion alone
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[ID: twenty stitches of light pink yarn on a single metal knitting needle. END ID]
(^ guy who will go through all these before getting one (1) knit stitch on)
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thornescratch · 1 year
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jackhues · 3 months
request: sid at bee's high school graduation
requested by: @abbycole :)
bee peered through the curtains, trying to find her dad.
she was prepped in her graduation robe and cap over her dress, with her hair braided down her back - courtesy of the stylist she had for years.
it was finally the day of her high school graduation, which might not seem important to most people, but it was special for her. and her dad. it meant that the two of them made it this far. and it meant that they were going to be separated soon. with bee going all the way to california to study at stanford... it wasn't going to be easy.
but today, they didn't have to think of that. it was a day to celebrate and not think of the future and how little time they'd have left.
and then she saw her dad, sitting right up at the front row, making polite conversation with some of the dads around him, but she could tell he wanted to ignore them. he was just too nice for that.
bee snapped her head up at the sound of her name, before straightening up. she made her way across the stage, stopping by the principle and taking the diploma from her.
"congratulations," she smiled at bee, "you're going to great things, i know it."
"thank you," bee smiled back, unafraid of that statement. she was going to do great things, it was time she realized it.
she posed for a few pictures, laughing a little as she saw her dad ignore the other guys trying to talk to him (and maybe sneak an autograph). he took out his phone and snapped a few pictures of bee, giving her a thumbs up as she continued across the stage and down the stairs.
she waved at her dad once more, before rushing back to her seat to watch the rest of the ceremony. she clapped dutifully as every graduate was announced, even cheering as some of her friends walked down.
the ceremony zipped right past and the next thing she knew, her name was being called on to give the valedictorian speech.
she made her way to the stage again, smiling a little at everyone clapping and some of her friends cheering her on.
taking a deep breath, she began her speech. she talked about school and how she'd cherish the memories. stressing over her exams and tests, laughing with her friends in the hallways, winning games and celebrating by going to the mall afterwards. because that's what they were now: memories. she thanked her grandparents and her aunt, and then all of her 'uncles' who helped out - causing a few of them in the crowd to hoot in response.
"but most of all, i'd like to thank my dad," she looked up at him in the crowd. he was teary eyes and smiling, but bee knew he was proud of her. "everything i've done, he's supported me and loved me, more than two parents ever could. i wouldn't be here today, giving you all this lovely speech, if it wasn't for him. i may be his number one fan, but he's my biggest in return. thanks dad."
she finished off her speech with a few more words, before making her way down the stage. she took a detour to where her dad was sitting (how could she not), giving him a big hug.
"i'm so proud of you," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. she was wearing her heels, making them nearly the same height.
bee smiled at that, realizing just how much she'd grown - they'd both grown - over their time together. she really wouldn't have been here if it weren't for him.
they'd have the summer together, at least.
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idontlikeem · 1 year
I also think this may interest you but the Penguins are looking to acquire Cambot from Ottawa 👀
oh anon i saw that this morning and have been vibrating at a very high frequency ever since. if it happens i will be utterly intolerable for days. maybe weeks.
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