#after 24 hours its wiped off the face of the earth practically
royalarchivist · 1 year
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With over 20 members currently on the QSMP and more on the way, it's almost impossible for a single person to stay up to date on everything that happens, even with help from QSMP's official Twitter recap accounts.
For people who are interested in QSMP's story, characters, and/or streamers but don't have time to watch hundreds of hours worth of VODs, I've created the QSMP VOD Timestamp Archive.
If there's a particular lore moment you missed live and can't find, search for it in the archive!
Timestamps include quotes, notable lore events, and funny interactions. Interesting or important moments from each stream are bolded for emphasis. I'm also adding short summaries for lore-heavy / eventful stream.
I've organized the document so it should be easy to navigate, and you can CTRL + F to search for specific streamers and/or events.
Complete VOD playlists, recaps, and additional resources are also included in the document for people who might be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of QSMP content out there. It's never too late to get into the series!
If you have a streamer you watch consistently, consider writing down important timestamps to help fellow fans! You don’t have to take detailed notes like mine – even one or two timestamps can be a real lifesaver. If you have any helpful timestamps you want added to the list (or even a 1 sentence summary of a particular stream), send it to me via DM so I can add it to the archive.
I am just one person, so unfortunately this archive is by no means comprehensive, but I'm constantly updating things and adding more streams and timestamps to the document. I've been working on this project for a while now, so even though it's not complete, I hope people find it useful!
[ VOD Timestamp Archive ]
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duhragonball · 3 years
I was thinking about Goku and Krillin's friendship and it occured to me that they spent months training with Roshi together but then only saw each other for maybe a day every few years. Have you ever had a realization that tripped you out like this?
This is a really good ask, anon, and I just wanted to take a moment to say so. 
I have had a few ‘a-ha’ moments like these, but I’m kind of blanking on specific examples.  I’ll see what I can come up with.
1) For openers, there’s the whole thing where the Red Ribbon Army has a Dragon Radar, but it’s nowhere near as sophisticated as the handheld one Bulma invented.  I think the same holds true for Emperor Pilaf, but his gang is only three people.   You’d expect the RRA to have the best equipment possible, because that’s their whole deal, and by normal standards they probably do have the best possible Dragon Radar... but Bulma’s is simply that much better, because she’s on another level.   And it’s easy to overlook that, because Bulma’s supposed to be a genius teenager, like Donatello in TMNT, but the RRA’s Dragon Radar is the first hint that she’s even more special than we could have guessed. 
2) Rewatching Dragon Ball in 2019, I gained a new appreciation for the filler episodes where Mr. Popo trained Goku.  The first time I saw them, I was hoping we’d see Goku grow up and make progress over the three year gap, but instead they just focused on his early days on the Lookout, with Popo just saying things and Goku failing to understand.  It was very frustrating to watch.  
But in 2019, I noticed that all those episodes get paid off in the Piccolo Junior fight.   Popo kept telling Goku to be “quicker than lightning” and “quiet as the sky”, and Goku just couldn’t figure out how to do that, let alone fight at the same time.   He had to unlearn all the stuff that had helped him defeat King Piccolo, and he couldn’t do it... at first.    But by the time he fought Piccolo Junior, he put it all together, as demonstrated with his big finishing move.   Piccolo thought he had vaporized Goku, only for Goku to fly up into the air and crash into him.   Why didn’t Piccolo sense Goku’s presence?   Because Goku had learned to become as “quiet as the sky”.  Why couldn’t Piccolo dodge it?   Because Goku had learned to become “quicker than lightning.”  So it vindicates those filler episodes pretty nicely.   They weren’t just marking time, but they were setting up what the manga was going to do later.
3) I think last year, it hit me that Vegeta had probably never lost a fight before he went to Earth.   That alone isn’t probably any big deduction.  The only people stronger than him were all working for Frieza, and he knew to steer clear of them until he was ready.   But it explains why he was so giddy about the zenkai effect.   He had always known about it, but he never mentioned or cared about it until he experienced it for himself after losing to Goku, and then Zarbon. 
Yeah, I think this occurred to me during a conversation about Vegeta killing Nappa instead of helping him.   In theory, Nappa could have recovered and gotten a lot stronger, just like Vegeta did.   But Saiyans Saga Vegeta didn’t care about that.   He only gave his henchmen one chancemand discarded them as soon as they lost.   This attitude would also explain why he never dared to challenge anyone at a higher level.    He knew no one would show him any mercy, so the zenkai boost would have been meaningless to him. 
So he might have regretted killing Nappa after he experienced the zenkai firsthand, although he was so drunk on his own increased power that he probably never stopped to consider it.   But before Earth, Vegeta probably dismissed the zenkai as a crutch for lesser Saiyans.   In his mind, a truly great Saiyan never loses battles in the first place.  Or so he believed, until he lost a few times, and became stronger for it, and had to reconsider.
And that also explains how he warmed up to the Super Saiyan Legend over the course of one afternoon.   He and Goku made such sick gains that week that he started to wonder if you could zenkai your way to Super Saiyan, and then he was begging Krillin to shoot him just so he could get a step closer.
4) In the same vein, it occurred to me at some point that Bardock was probably stronger than King Vegeta, and neither of them realized it.   Maybe it was just a dub-ism, but I’m pretty sure “Father of Goku” has a line about Bardock’s power level being 10000.   At the time it was released, 10k wasn’t that big a deal, but in the Saiyans Saga, Vegeta was somewhere around 18-24k. Later, he would claim to have surpassed his father as a child, so I think it’s fair to assume that King Vegeta must have been in that 10,000 neighborhood. 
Which makes a nice subtle commentary on why the Saiyan Kingdom failed. They tried to breed better warriors, putting all their stock in the royal family, when the true secret lay in warriors like Bardock, who were constantly getting clobbered and healed.  Prince Vegeta only started to make real progress once he began fighting on that same regimen.
5) Also about “Father of Goku,” Frieza only wanted Planet Kanassa subjugated because of the psychic powers of its inhabitants.   I think the dub insinuated that the planet itself gave people those powers, but whatever the case, Frieza heard about these people with unusual powers and wanted them stamped out immediately.   Just like he wiped out the Saiyans over the Super Saiyan Legend, and just like he planned to destroy Namek to prevent anyone else from using the Dragon Balls. 
In short, Frieza fears and despises legends.  Why?  Because he’s so powerful that real people can’t hurt him, so his fears naturally turn to half-truths and folklore.   He chases down ghost stories and rumors, because let’s face it, what else does he have to occupy his time.   That’s why King Cold was happy to have the Saiyans working for him, while Frieza wanted them all dead.   Cold didn’t share Frieza’s hangups.   Cold barely knew what a Super Saiyan was, while Frieza thought about it all the time. 
6) One day I thought about that timeline where Cell killed Trunks and took the time machine to find the androids.    That specific timeline is pretty much empty.  The Z-fighters are all dead, and so are all of the androids and Trunks.  They don’t even have a Cell anymore because he went back in time and never returned.   There’s still a population, I guess, because the Trunks of that world wouldn’t have just stood by while Cell absorbed everyone on Earth, but that’s about it.   Bulma might have survived Cell’s attack on Trunks, but she’d be the only “name” character on the board.  It just sounds like a pretty depressing world.   Maybe this was the timeline Whis picked out to relocate Blunks and Future Mai in Dragon Ball Super.
7) It sort of blows my mind that the entire Majin Buu arc takes place over a couple of days.    Like, episode 207 through 250 all takes place over one day.   We know this because Goku only had 24 hours to be back in the living world, and that time was cut short by his use of SSJ3.  Then the Elder Kai started doing his ritual to make Gohan stronger, and that took like 25 hours, I’m pretty sure.  That wrapped up in #262, and there was no break in the action from that point onward, all the way up to the defeat of Kid Buu in #287.  So yeah, eighty episodes over two days.   It’s practically real-time footage, save for skipping over the Elder Kai’s ritual and Goten and Trunks practicing and sleeping. 
It’s hard to catch on to this, though, because so much stuff happens in the anime version that leads you to think that it’s a much longer span of time.    After Vegeta wrecks the stadium, the anime can’t decide whether or not Mr. Satan would stay there or return to his dojo.   In the Fusion Saga, Mr. Satan wanders from Buu’s house to the nearest town, then he wanders to the next town over, doing his “Last Man on Earth” bit, except this all happens during the Gotenks/Super Buu fight, which barely lasts half an hour.   In the afterlife, Chi-Chi is worried that she can’t find Gohan, but she wouldn’t have even been there that long, and wouldn’t she still be in line to meet King Yemma?  She was one of the last Earthlings to die, so how did she end up in heaven so quickly?
8) I used to think Movie 13 (the Hirudegarn one) was canon, but the last time I watched it, I noticed all these glaring problems.  They use the Dragon Balls in this one, which means it has to be set six months after the wish to make everyone forget about Majin Buum which means it’s been a year since Kid Buu was defeated.  Okay, fine, except Gohan and Videl are still in high school.   Shouldn’t they have graduated by then?   
More importantly, their high school and Bulma’s house seem to be in the same city.   I guess that’s an easy mistake to make.   It took me a long time to even notice, but Orange Star High is in Satan City, which is a totally different place from West City.   I mean, right?  They’re not terribly far apart, but they’re not the same place either.
Then again, they seemed to make the same error in Episode 287, where Bulma’s out shopping and Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 foil a robbery.   Are they in West City or Satan City?  Maybe there’s more to this...
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rokutouxei · 3 years
the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
ikemen vampire: temptation through the dark theo van gogh / mc | T | [ ao3 link in bio ]
The challenge seemed pretty simple: to try to befriend the university bookshop’s most sour employee, Theo van Gogh. As a literature major with a boatload of book recommendations on her back, it ought to be a simple task indeed. But as she uncovers what lies between Theo’s pages, the more she finds it harder to become closer to him without having to put the feeling directly into words. What can she learn from Theo about what it means to stay—and how can she teach Theo about what it means to let go? | written for ikevamp big bang 2020!
[ masterpost for all chapters ]
You will let my tender hook Catch the folded darkness inside you, let me occupy The dented place at the base of your throat. - "One Life", Carlomar Arcangel Daoana
She wakes up late.
Comically late.
No hangover, thank god—but it’s 11am and she’s dressed in lent pajamas in a bed that isn’t her own. She shoots up to sitting position in a second, and standing in a minute, trudging out the room to the bathroom at the end of the hall.
By the time she’s up and out of the room, a little more awake, Dazai and Arthur have already long gone, the only remnants of their presence the bit of glitter that they had wiped onto the sofa they nestled in.
And text messages.
She squints when she reads it, not because she had a hard time reading what it said, but—because she couldn’t believe what it said.
A series of text messages from Dazai:
[ 7:23 | Dazai ] ur still asleep but ur friend kinda hot
[ 7:24 | Dazai ] ofc I woke up first but his eyelashes tho???
[ 8:32 | Dazai ] pls tell me he’s not a douche bc im rly gonna jump him
[ 9:03 | Dazai ] mgonna jump him
[ 10:19 | Dazai ] abt to find out if he’s got the magnum sized dong u promised
Oh, god, what has she done.
With a groan, she heads down the hallway, phone securely in the pocket of the sweatpants, to see Vincent and Theo preparing a meal in the kitchen; Theo preparing some sort of fillet (fish? Chicken?) and Vincent frying some onions and garlic on the stove, filling the kitchen with a nice aroma.
“Good morning,” she says softly, as she shuffles onto one of the dining table chairs.
“Thought you died,” Theo says with a snort; but once he turns around to face her, all derision goes away in his face and is replaced by a quiet surprise.
Vincent beams as he turns to get the fillets from Theo. (It’s chicken.) “Good morning. Did you sleep well? No headache?”
She shakes her head. “Nope, I’m good. Thanks for letting me sleep here last night and for the clothes.”
“Of course, no problem at all,” Vincent answers, turning back to the pan. The chicken makes a sizzle as it meets the oil.
Theo is still staring at her with an odd look on his face.
“Earth to Theo?” she calls out, waving her hand in front of her. “Something wrong?”
“Broer. Why did you lend her my clothes.”
“You know how most my shirts are, paint-stained in all the weird places.”
She feels the cling of the cotton around her skin so differently, so suddenly. Oh.
“She wouldn’t have minded, she was drunk.”
That’s correct, but—
Vincent smiles at Theo, the kind of smile one makes when they can see through someone; she’s filled with a kind of relief at knowing that Vincent can do that to Theo. Maybe the man isn’t an impenetrable a character after all. “No need to be shy, Theo.”
“I am not,” he insists, finally tearing his gaze away from her and heading to the sink to wash the used chopping board and the knife. “I just don’t want her wearing my stuff.”
She smirks. He is shy. True, she didn’t get the opportunity to think about what she was putting on last night because she was so tired and knocked out by the alcohol, but…if that was the price she had to pay to see this side of Theo she doesn’t have the opportunity to witness often, then it was worth it. Oh, the ever put-together Theo, brought to his knees by only one person in the world, the one he trusts the most: his brother.  “Is it because your personality is contagious?” she teases, “wouldn’t want to catch that.”
He answers her with a glare. “Reverse. It’s your stupidity that’s contagious.”
“Oh, we’re pretty much equally as stupid, Theo. No need to worry.”
“We are not,” he says, and then Vincent elbows him carefully.
“You really should be a little gentler to your friends,” Vincent comments, as he turns the fillet onto its other side.
Theo grumbles something unintelligible and it makes her laugh. Sitting in the kitchen, watching the two brothers side by side with their back to her as they prepare—she checks the clock—lunch for the three of them, she hums, content. She’s lived alone for all her life here in the campus, and it was one she looked forward to after living in a house crammed with people for most of her life. But sitting here, watching them share the chores and maybe have a little banter with each other—makes her reconsider that maybe, maybe settling down in even the worst of places isn’t that horrible when you’re in good company.
Theo opens the plate cupboard and hands her a set of it with some cutlery. “Set the table at least, freeloader?” He says, though his voice lacks all the venom his words otherwise had.
Okay, she’ll have to reconsider if Theo counts as “good company.”
Theo barely survives lunch with her and his brother because of how much he gets teased by the two. He might argue that this is worse than being stuck with her and Arthur because since it is Vincent, he does not get the leeway to have a comeback, only able to grumble in displeasure at being see-through. They stuff their bellies not only with Vincent’s famed chicken with herbs but also with a hefty amount of laughter.
She slides back (slightly disgusted) into her costume to walk back home in, confident that many other students will be trudging along the streets suffering the same fate. (“Not everyone wakes up as late as you.” “There’s bound to be at least one, right?”) When she comes out of the bathroom, there’s a book on top of his neatly-folded clothes.
They speak at the same time.
“I could wash these first before giving it back if you—” “You had that with you all this time?”
She breaks it with a laugh. “Yeah, it was a Saturday. I didn’t want to break the schedule.”
“You get so thorough about the weirdest things,” he comments, but he takes the bundle in her arms anyway. “It’s alright, I’ll have them. Let me get you a book, too.”
She follows Theo into the studio, where he crouches in front of some bookshelves. Vincent peeps from behind his easel. “You should walk her home,” he offers, as Theo pulls a few books out of the shelf.
“No, it’s alright, I’ll be fine! I’m not drunk or dizzy. The walk will help clear my head.”
“It’s twenty minutes out,” Theo points out, getting up.
“Just promise that if you find me asleep on the street you’ll pick me up?”
Handing Murakami’s Dance, Dance, Dance to her, Theo grins. “I can’t promise that.”
“Oh, Theo, you know you will.”
Even when she is long out of his sight, the smile on his face does not go away. Even as the day shifts into mundanity. Even as he’s carting a bagful of clothes to the launderette. Even as he picks up some groceries on the way home. Even as he prepares dinner for Vincent, who is a few hours deep into painting.
Maybe for a moment, it goes away, but—
He thinks of her and the smile comes back full force.
She spends the rest of Sunday recovering and hiding away in her room after the very socially draining party, but by Monday she’s hopped onto her bike and headed for the literature club’s little gazebo. She’s left a message for Dazai, asking for company. Sure, they spent quite a lot of time together in the past week, after having jumped through thrift stores and boutiques for the perfect Night Circus costume (and yes, she made him read the book beforehand too, for good measure) but Saturday was quite a day. She’s brought a couple of cookies for sharing with him, sitting at their usual spot, looking out at the quadrangle next to it.
“Toshiko-san! Sorry we kept you waiting!”
The plural takes her off guard, and she turns to find that Dazai has brought a rather distracted-looking Isaac along, his hands in the pockets of his slacks. Isaac is always dressed so well—she supposes it’s part of the uniform or something of being seen as a respectable professor—but she sure does want to see him dress down once. T-shirt, shorts, that kind—Isaac seems to take everything too seriously.
The pleasant feeling of seeing a friend she hasn’t met up with in a long time is quickly replaced by confusion, as the science complex is nowhere near the Arts building. “Nice to see you here, Isaac,” she says, but also with the lilt of a question.
Dazai answers said question. “He’s here because he has nothing better to do, so I asked him to come.”
Isaac makes a face that’s both resignation and panic. “He passed by my office.” –and dragged me out because he wouldn’t take no for an answer, she finishes in her head.
“I see,” she answers, even though that’s not really an explanation in itself.
She knows Isaac through Dazai, and Dazai knows Isaac through a very peculiar class: Occultism 101.
A class team-taught by three major colleges in the university—the College of Arts, the College of Science, and the College of Social Sciences—Occultism 101 is one of the more controversial classes on campus because of its nature. It goes through a long history of the evolution and persistence of supernatural beliefs and practices among nations in the world, in that nice gray area between religion and science. There are only two kinds of students in Occultism 101: those who believe and who are genuinely interested, and those who do not believe and would like to spend an entire semester saying “bah! That’s not true!” to themselves all the time.
Occultism 101 is typically taught by professors from the College of Social Sciences and College of Arts with backgrounds in religious practices and other mystical behavior (whether in history or art), and then occasionally, in the middle of the semester, guest lecturers from the College of Science come in to give lectures on how these “supernatural events” may be explainable through scientific means. Say, how the piping system in a building can cause haunted “cold spots”, or how floating dust particles can come up in a photograph as “orbs”, or the likes.
And she doesn’t want to be very stereotypical about it, but a lot of people in the College of Science are pretty… well, square, and so no one really wants to teach Occultism 101, even if it’s only a few meetings in a semester. This is how this job ends up to unwilling, no-choice Ph.D. students such as Isaac.
It was just his luck that Dazai was in the section he taught.
“So, Osamu, care to tell us about your little date last Sunday?” she asks, as the other two have taken their seats across her. Dazai swoons a little at the mention of Sunday. Isaac looks at him with unsureness.
(Isaac has had the miserable experience of being the victim of Dazai’s flirtation at some point in time. One can see how that has instead simmer into a rather tentative friendship. All is well.)
Dazai rests his elbows on the table and places his chin on the palms of his hands. “He’s so dreamy.”
“No he isn’t,” she swiftly replies, without thought.
But Dazai pretends not to have heard it. “He’s not looking for a serious relationship though,” he adds. “Not that I am, either.”
“You aren’t?”
“No, sweetie,” Dazai explains. “But he’s my type and I’m his type and we couldn’t just leave it at that so I have his number now, and a little… arrangement.”
The word hangs in between them, swaying.
Oh no, that’s not any good. “What arrangement.”
“You don’t need to sound so concerned.”
“This is Arthur we’re talking about,” she insists, and the name makes Isaac flinch a little.
“Doyle, the med student?” Isaac asks, and she turns to him, blinking.
“You know him?” Remembering Arthur during the party, her mouth falls into a small o. “He knows you too, doesn’t he?”
Isaac scoffs. “Who in this university doesn’t?” Arthur’s pretty well-known to be a flirt. Something like having a checklist of bedding at least one person in every department—a rumor that would have been a little more shameful if the rumors also didn’t say how he was so good at it.
She nods. “Well, fair enough.”
“No, no, he’s an absolute sweetheart to me, so it’s definitely a you problem,” Dazai insists. “It’s just a friendship with benefits, yanno?” He emphasizes every of the following syllables with his tone and his hands: “Nice, big, hefty benefits.”
And even Isaac, who usually refrains from commenting no matter how much he has to say, has to quip with “Terrible choice, really.”
And she has to agree. “I respect you, but not your taste, Osamu.”
Dazai grins. “Understandable.” He picks up one of the sandwiches she’s prepared. “You make it sound like I’m the only one making bad decisions though.”
“Excuse me?”
He turns to Isaac. “You should have gone to the Halloween party. She brought her little boy toy.”
She scoffs. “He is not my boy toy.”
“You sure do have him around your finger though, getting in matching costumes and all that,” Dazai says. “Spends Saturdates with him all the time.”
The only strategy that will work in times like these is straight-up ignoring him. “Anyway—” she begins, about to steer the conversation away when Isaac speaks up.
“It’s nice to hear you’re getting close to other people,” he says softly. Isaac has a way of speaking that makes it always seem like he’s spent so much time thinking about what he said before he actually said it; so sometimes it’s hard to gauge if he’s saying it casually or entirely seriously.
So she blinks. “You make it seem like I have no friends, Isaac.”
“I-It’s not that!” he suddenly blurts. Ah, there. There’s the usual Isaac. “You’ve spent so much time focusing on your work lately, it’s nice to know you’re relaxing with other people sometimes.”
And he doesn’t say it, but she sure does hear it: the you haven’t been to the astronomy club in a while and it’s made me worried about you.
She doesn’t go religiously, but she used to attend fairly often to hang out with the other members and just look up at the stars. Isaac tries to organize at least two sessions in a month, one to look at the moon, and another to point at the stars. She hasn’t been able to catch them in a bit.
But then, slowly, as the image of the view outside the astronomy club’s hangout is refreshed in her mind, the way the physics building rooftop is just high enough to provide a good view of the rest of the campus below, the city downtown, just at the right place on campus that at night, the rest of the sprawling town’s streetlights trickle out like golden LED veins through the threes—an idea begins to implant itself into her head.
Taking root immediately.
She likes to go up here to think. She really shouldn’t have had permission to go up there on her own, in her free time, since they have rules about club hours and the likes, but Isaac is a close friend and gave her a spare key, so she can come and go as she pleases. And sure, the Grove is a nice, quiet place for book clubs and maybe doing homework if one doesn’t need an electric socket, but up here in the astronomy club’s “the Rooftop”, she feels like she can float away into the vast ocean of her thoughts and get lost in them for a moment.
She feels small up there. And that’s a good feeling.
She won’t tell it to Isaac’s face but it’s one of the primary reasons why she applied for the astronomy club in the first place. The stars are great no matter how dumb she is at physics, but the view—it’s really something else.
What does the world look like from the point of view of a star? How tiny are human lives in the vast expanse of the universe? How long have these stars been out there, how long will they stay out there, how much longer will they stay in this universe more than we will?
…This is why Theo teases her for being a literature major: all these goddamn metaphors.
And for a split second, she thinks…
Maybe it isn’t that bad to share that same quiet space with him?
…You know, to talk books.
“About that…”
Isaac and Dazai turn to her.
“Mind if I sneak in an outsider to the Roof?” she asks, facing Isaac with genuine hope in her voice.
Isaac only shrugs. “Do as you please,” he says casually, taking a cookie from her little box on the table.
And she grins like he’d just given her the light of the world. “Thank you, Isaac.”
Dazai shakes his head, because he knows she’s got no denying herself out of this one the next time.
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haloud · 5 years
anonymous prompted: michael realizes he's a butthead when alex puts his wellbeing on the line for the pod squad. maybe he's the key to bringing max back or he helps/saves isobel from something.
i feel like i went a tiny bit off prompt, but i hope it still satisfies anyway! ^-^
Isobel isn’t hard to find. He just has to drive out to somewhere in between the shafts of the turquoise mines and follow the sound of heavy objects breaking. Cresting a hill, he stares into the setting sun down at the little practice area she’s set up, littered with the detritus of furniture and what looks like the remains of Noah’s car. He had wondered what happened to the stuff from her old house that they couldn’t burn, and he definitely approves of the new use it’s been put to. Efficiency, and all that.
He picks his way halfway down the hill before she notices him, but she doesn’t mean it when she sends a chair leg whistling past his ear. If she’d meant it, it would have hit him.
“Consultations by appointment only; our hours are on the website, actually,” she says sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
“Good to know. Luckily, I’m not here for a consultation.” He jingles his keys. “I’m just your chauffeur.”
“I don’t think your services will be required, thanks!” She waves him off, still using the same saccharine tone, fluttering her eyelashes.
Shrugging, Alex turns on his heel and leaves her to it. He goes back to his car to the sound of splintering wood and shattering glass, and he stretches out his legs in the front seat to wait. He had the foresight to bring a book along with him. But before he settles in, he thumbs open his phone and texts: found her. Not in danger. Deep breaths.
The sun is beginning to set by the time the noise stops and Isobel appears at the top of the hill. Hands jammed in her pockets, she approaches the car, her long legs eating up the ground in long, furious strides.
“I don’t need a chaperone,” she snaps the second he begins to roll down the window, “And I can’t believe Michael is too much of a coward to come babysit me himself. Frankly, I thought you had more self-respect.”
“Maybe I just care about your well-being. Or about the danger you’re putting yourself and others in by isolating yourself right now.”
“’Care about my well-being.’” She laughs, a harsh sound. “Pull the other one.”
“I care enough to stick around so you don’t have to walk home.”
The half-sneering, half-wistful way she says the word is familiar enough to hurt.
“I’m offering you a free ride, Evans,” he says, “Even if it’s just to the liquor store and back to the caves. Just get in.”
After a half-minute more of a staring contest, she huffs and rounds the car to haul herself into the passenger seat. It’s somewhat gratifying to know that he can out-stubborn even extraterrestrial patience.
“Glove box,” he says. She pops it open, unscrews the cap of the bottle of acetone inside, and takes a deep swig, all without saying thank you.
“Take me to Max’s place,” she says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
A couple miles down the road, Isobel says, “Well, out with it. I’m sure you’re got an inquisition planned about why I keep disappearing.”
Alex keeps his eyes on the road, dusty gray and seemingly infinite. “I’m not asking questions because I know what it’s like. To need to find your own power regardless of how it makes other people think of you.”
Isobel stares out the window, chewing her lip, her arms folded tightly in front of her. The wind has snatched her hair out of its braid, and tangled flyaways catch the sun and turn bright white. Mud flakes off her boots, staining the floor of the car. Her cheeks and nose are raw from the cold, and above them her eyes are just as icy. She’s ignored Alex for the entire drive, but he doesn’t mind the silence.
He continues, “And I’m not trying to lecture you, either. Like I said. I know.”
She scoffs and tosses her proud chin. “But you are going to tell me I’m being irresponsible, aren’t you.”
“No. No lecture.”
“Then unlock the door and let me out, Manes.”
Breathe in for four. Hold. Out for eight. That’s a low blow, and Isobel knows that, so he won’t give her a reaction. And he isn’t even done breathing before she cuts her eyes at him, twists her mouth, and says,
“Apology accepted.”
“Just finish your PSA and stop torturing us both.”
“All I’m saying is that there are people who care about you, and when you drop off the face of the earth for 24 hours, those people worry. Just a text. You don’t even have to say where you’re going. Just let someone know before you disappear.”
“People, huh? I know my brother. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t asked you to fight his battles for him.”
“No, he didn’t. Call it executive decision making.”
“And what are you going to call it when he gets pissed at you for meddling?”
“Executive decision making,” Alex says, and unlocks the door without  telling her about his other executive decision. He unlocks his phone, and under his latest text it says Read 18:13. He climbs out of the car, and Isobel rolls her eyes in his direction.
“I don’t need you to walk me to the door. You’re a real gentleman, though, congrats…”
She trails off as the front door opens. Both of them look up, but Isobel isn’t able to say any more than
Before Michael is in her arms, squeezing her so tightly she coughs, forcing her head up so he can bury his under her chin. The fear radiates off him in uncontrolled waves, and if even Alex can feel it, Isobel must be drowning. Her eyes look slightly red as she wraps her arms around him in return and squeezes him just as hard.
“Michael,” she sighs, half annoyed, half apologetic.
In for four. Hold. Out for eight. Alex smiles as he watches the siblings embrace, Isobel laughing a slightly watery laugh as Michael starts to rock them back and forth, still clinging on for dear life.
If he can’t fix anything else, if all his plans fail and the worst comes to pass, at least he can win at little things like this.
As he turns to leave, Isobel says to Michael, “Oh my god, let go, I need a shower twelve hours ago and keeping me from it is a hate crime.”
And Michael replies, “No. You did this to yourself. You’re a TK master now that you’ve done your badass training montage so you’re gonna have to carry me everywhere if you don’t want to be in brother jail for the rest of your life.”
“Even into the shower?”
“Um, gross?”
Alex laughs and twirls his keys around his finger. He even has a bit of a bounce in his step as he heads back to the car. Even hoarse and unused, Michael’s voice already sounds leagues better from the terrified shell he was that morning when he called to tell Alex he hadn’t been able to get ahold of his sister for two days. It’s a win, and he’s learning to appreciate the little ones.
He startles a bit at the call and at the hand that grabs his shoulder and spins him around, but that’s nothing compared to the jolt he gets when he turns right into Michael’s broad, warm chest. Michael’s arms come up around his back, his palm stretching out against his spine, and Michael drops his forehead to Alex’s shoulder and takes a huge, shuddering inhale.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs back, cupping the back of his neck.
“Thank you.”
“Any time.”
“No. Seriously. Thank you.” He pulls back slightly to look Alex straight in the eye. “You didn’t have to. It wasn’t fair of me to ask you. But I knew…somehow, I knew you would. I knew that you were the one person I could call, no matter what. So. Thank you.”
Alex’s mouth falls open, and he—he just has no response. Without permission, tears start to well up in his eyes, a massive aching lump closing up his throat. Michael looks at him with gaunt eyes, but the hollowness that’s been there since—since—is replaced with a shining trust that Alex, that Alex doesn’t know how to handle even though it’s the only gift that could mean anything at all.
“Alex,” Michael says, and holds him even tighter, pulling him in so now Alex is the one with his head resting on someone’s shoulder.
“You’re incredible. You…” Michael sighs. “Thank you.”
And Alex just…closes his burning eyes, sinks into the familiar heat and scent of Michael, and lets himself be shielded from the biting autumn wind.
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luciferpens · 4 years
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( HARRY SHUM JR, MALE, HE/HIM ) ⌇ have you seen KAI YEOH around icaria? they are the 35 year old child of HERMES. they remind me of a THOUSANDS OF FILLED BOOK SHELVES, SLIPPERY FINGERS WRAPPED AROUND A LOCKPICK, INFALLIBLE MEMORY, and A CARING NATURE. They’ve been on the island for 18 years.
FULL NAME: Kai yeoh
FACE CLAIM: Harry Shum Jr.
AGE: Thirty-five
SEXUALITY: pansexual & panromantic
DATE OF BIRTH: June 1, 1985
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male he/him
EDUCATION: H.S. Diploma. 
GODLY POWERS: Enhanced thievery; he can steal practically anything without being seen. Prophecy & intelligence: These two combined into one allowing Kai to have a perfect memory and ability to tell people small glimpses into their future or their past depending on what he needs to know to help them get to what they need. Persuasion: He can sometimes persuade people into doing whatever he wants or pushing people to do what they actually want to do without inhibitions. 
Orphan -- dropped off the day he was born or within a day or so
Had a habit of leading parents to their perfect child -- even, no especially, if it wasn’t himself.  Think Good Luck Chuck.
He was a bit chaotic as a little kid -- either soulful guide or a pickpocket trickster. 
TW: Child abuse
At nine he was fostered; but he saw something he shouldn’t have and him, along with the bio kids, were all sent back to the foster system (they were trafficking foster kids)
Was bullied as a kid in school for being a foster kid. 
His second foster home (12) screamed and yelled. so he stole money from them
The third (13) abused him; he was sent into the hospital four times most on life support or something similar. 
The fourth (16) got him addicted to perception drugs. When he was pulled out he went through severe withdrawals but is doing good now.
The fifth (17) he doesn’t even try to think of. Its just dark. He refuses to talk about it. 
End TW
He found out around 17.5 years old that he was a hermes kid after a slip up from a caregiver. Hermes appeared after a prayer and moved him to Icaria
He met Angelia the librarian. His older sister. She treated him like a son and took care of him while also teaching him the ways of the infinite library that moves around the world. (Think TARDIS but just a huge library) 
At 24 he adopted another foster from his old home who he realized was a demigod. Her name is Dory. He’s raised her as his little girl since she was 10.
Angela died when he was 25 and he has since been the head librarian. 
Kai has no earthly idea who his parents are. Or, well at least who his mother is. He arrived at the orphanage’s doorstep on the first of June wrapped in a blanket with talaria embroidered on the blanket. All throughout his infancy he was a calm and quiet child. Why he hadn’t been adopted out right, when babies are usually the first to go? He’s got no idea. All he knows is that for the first five years of his life? Things were relatively normal for someone living in the american orphanage system. He learned to take care of himself, how to bathe, wipe his own ass, how to dress and look semi-decent. No one was going to help him do it -- not really. But, he made friends -- then saw them get adopted and rarely ever saw them again after that. The average life of an orphan in the system.
When he was five though, things started to change. It all started with a simple sentence. “I’M NOT THE ONE YOU WANT, HE IS.” It slipped out of Kai’s mouth before he understood what he was saying, his finger pointed to a boy playing with a toy a few feet away. The parents were confused but took it as a sign Kai didn’t want to go with them. They adopted the kid not long after. This started a chain of events, parents would come in, they’d look at Kai and think “I want him” but Kai would point them to a child they actually wanted, the one that would fit their family best. Think Good Luck Chuck but with adoption instead. This was a trait he kept up for the next 12 years that he was in the foster care system.
Strangely enough -- Kai was okay with it. It kept him out of bad situations with parents who would have ended up sending him back, it kept him with others and helped them find good homes. Sure, it was lonely, it was depressing and quiet at times, but he knew he was doing some good in the world by being there. Besides? Who wouldn’t want to find their perfect family? All those kids got it… he wanted it too. So he worked on himself, he tried to be a model kid, tried to be a happy-go-lucky despite being in the system. As a young boy he was highly intelligent, curious, playful and quick. He was known around the orphanage as both a leader and a trickster. His siblings never quite sure which version of him they were going to get on any given day. Would he be the clever trickster that could steal anything out from under your nose or would he be the soulful guide that helped families find their perfect child? No one knew, hell he didn’t even know.
At 9 he was fostered for the first time, unable to convince the family that he wasn’t who they wanted. (He had no recommendation because no child jumped out to him as being perfect for that family) They took him home and for the first time in his 9 years he saw what a somewhat normal family was like. It started so simply, so happily. Kai was enjoying being part of a family, of having siblings and a mom and dad. The new family took him to the doctors, took him to camps, he had sleepovers with class friends, he played sports. He actually felt like a normal child. Things had been going so well… but life had other plans and he now knows… was trying to protect him. The thing that would end up with him back in foster care, was his insane memory. He could recite anything he ever read, almost any conversation he had. This by itself, not a bad thing, a bit of a burden, but not horrible. (Imagine remembering every word someone ever said to you and feeling like your brain could be overly full at times) The issue came when his mischievous trickster side reared its head and he snuck around the house in the middle of the night when they had a babysitter.
TW: CHILD ABUSE He found things he shouldn’t have, files that talked about how the money they got was spent, files that documented previous children -- ones he saw no proof of around the house. Files that lead a curious 9 year old to recite word for word to his social worker one day on a check up -- and ended with all of the children, even the family’s biological ones being taken away from them. He wouldn’t find out till he was a teen that the family had been “losing” teens for over a decade; claiming they ran away from home and just ended up back in foster care…. When in reality they were trafficking them. Selling the foster kids to the highest bidder; he wouldn’t find out until his mid 20s that most of those kids? They ended up addicted to drugs or dead, abuse of all types having driven them mad.
Back in the home, now 10 going on 11, Kai fell back into old habits; Pointing families to the perfect kid, helping out around the orphanage by taking care of the younger kids, pulling little tricks, stealing small things when he was out and about. Kai was -- back to his normal. An orphan who did his best to hide that fact at school. The kid who stole and lied his way into any clothing or food he would possibly want. An orphan who did his best to look normal. Trying not to get bullied for the oversized, dirty clothes that were a standard of being an orphan. He went in and out of four more foster homes before he aged out of the system. Each one having their own serious issues; It had started with the yelling in the first family since almost being sold. They yelled and screamed and called him all sorts of names. Soon Kai had stopped caring what people said and only cared how they acted. And his own acts? Well he stole money all the time from the family since he felt it was a good payment for dealing with their yelling. Soon he was taken then placed in another home…. This time it was physical, they said little to him and if they did it was always cold and mean. They hit him though, bet the ever living hell out of him. He ended up in the hospital four times on life support before they took him away. The third family had actually been decent -- but the bio kids in the house abused drugs and -- well soon Kai had fallen into that as well. Luckily for Kai he was ripped from that family after a couple of months, and while withdrawal had been hell on earth, he got past it. The fourth? He was 17 when he was put into his fourth and last foster home. And, well the fourth he was there for ten days before he ran away and showed back up at the orphanage. Kai doesn’t talk about what happened in that home, he’ll ignore any references to the last home.
TW END After each incident Kai became a bit colder, a bit more closed off. He went from a happy boy to a teen who’s look could cut you, whose words made you fork over your money and who’s memory you could never doubt and never wanted to go up against (people tried but they always lost that bet.) Once he was back at the orphanage and now 17.4 years old he spent all his free time at school and trying to avoid the home. To avoid seeing kids get their happy endings with their perfect family while he was left without. He made a family of friends and spent much of his free time sleeping over at their houses but -- it was never the same. No place felt quite right. It was around this time that he came back to the home and the oldest care worker was cleaning the kitchen. She started to talk about the night he had shown up. How his blanket had talaria on it and how they almost named him Hermes until they saw the name Kai scribbled onto the blanket. She pulled the blanket out of a closet and handed it over to him. That night he spent hours looking up mythos around Hermes, about where the blanket could have come from and who his mother might have been.
The research -- revealed some interesting things. Little things he had always noticed about himself stuck out as similar to Hermes. The ridiculous ability he had to steal anything without ever being noticed, how easily he could convince people do do whatever he asked, his -- insane memory. Now, Kai had never been a religious kid, but seeing how similar he was to Hermes? He prayed that night to the greek god knowing nothing would happen….. Except it did. Hermes showed up the next morning pretending to be a parent wanting a kid and asked to see the teens. He found Kai and the two spent the next day together -- and that's when Kai learned all about the greek gods, about how HE was a demi-god, about how he had powers and skills and how there was a whole island of people like him. Those who had powers and those who would allow him to -- live his life how he wanted without the shackles of the foster system and american government.
Without a second thought Kai said he wanted to go, he had no skills, no real job experience but -- well it had to be better than this. So Hermes’ took him, he was 17.5 years old when he arrived on the island. Hermes set him up in a house and then -- introduced him to the library. A building that comes and goes as its needed. It can appear anywhere in the world at any moment, it appears, always, as a small one story building that looks like it’d be one -- maybe two medium sized rooms; but when you open the door? It’s massive, as far as the eye can see, floors reaching for the sky, thousands and thousands of rows of shelves. It was bigger on the inside. Just like the TARDIS from his favorite TV show. He was instantly greeted by the librarian, an elderly woman with a sweet smile who grabbed him by the cheeks and said “AH, MY NEW ASSISTANT. NICE TO MEET ANOTHER HERMES KID.” She was like him, able to tell what it was people needed then to give it to them. He was left with her -- and for the first time in his life he actually was home. The stacks of books and this old lady -- this was where he was meant to be.
Angelia became the mother he never had, she taught him how to control his skills; they played games of stealing things from one another without being caught, Angelia taught him languages, she tested his memory, tested his ability to figure out what people really needed -- and then she taught him how to predict the future a derivative power of what people needed and wanted but more precise. Angelia taught him how to cook, how to do basic “adulting” things, she treated him like a human and for the first time in his life? As a kid -- She let him just have fun without worrying about food, about safety and others. And Kai? Kai finally learned to relax -- just a little. He learned to trust… just a little. In Kai’s mind, there was no one better on this earth than Angelia. She was a saint of a demi-god.
For the first time in his life Kai was also able to explore who he was as a person, he came out as bisexual, slept around and actually got himself a boyfriend for a short period of time. The two were quite happy but all good things must come to and end and around the age of 24 the two broke up and went their separate ways. Since then Kai hasn’t settled back down, he’s enjoyed being single and is a frequent face in Phryne much to the dismay of Angelia who wanted nothing more than to see him settle down and get married.
When he turned 23 he met the Larsen kids and realized that one of the children back at the home was irrily similar. After a talk with their father he knew what he had to do. He rushed back and within a week had adopted Dory. Dory had been a child he had seen come in and out of the home since he was 13. A cute little girl who wanted nothing more than to be loved and understood. Her love of bees needng to be appreciated as well. But she kept getting sent back, her love and understanding of bees being to much for most families. He knew she was a demi-god like him and just needed the right family -- and and -- he was the right family. Now she was his. His 10 year old to take care of. He brought her back to the library, set her up in her own room, and spoiled her like he had always wanted to be as a kid himself.
When dory was just hitting 11 she called him papa -- and his heart melted. He became even more wrapped around her finger. He'd do anything for that little girl. Between Angelia and Dory Kai had finally found himself a family and a home. Angelia did her best to try and set Kai up on dates, trying to find him that last little bit of a missing family she wanted so desperatly to see him have. She didn't care if it was a man, a woman or someone non-binary. She just wanted to see her own "adopted" son get something she never had; a true love. Someone to share it all with. A wedding.....
Sadly, Angelia would never get to see him marry. She died just three weeks after his 25th birthday. Kai had had 8 long wonderful years with his older sister/mother. But he had to step up and become the librarian. Before she passed she had trained him in every aspect that was the library. That they had the position and honor of gathering the history of the world in written text. It wasn’t something they actually wrote so much as it was -- like a digital download. The library would appear in a country, a new book would appear on the proper shelf and they’d leave to go onto the next. Over and over again. People came and went to the library -- never questioning why they could only see it once a month, or why they seemed to forget it existed until the day it appeared. They never questioned why they always had to trade knowledge for knowledge they just -- accepted it and moved along.
Kai now is the head and only librarian. He is looking for a pupil, someone to train and help him run the library. A part of him hopes it's another Hermes’ kid… or another orphan. One he can help like Angelia helped him. Kai lives in a smallish apartment inside the library. Kai is an eccentric, fashionable and all around chill guy. He cares deeply about others but does a good job of hiding it behind a facade.
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taste-thewaste · 5 years
If They’re Green (Madderton Fic)
Anon asked me to write for fluffy prompt #24, “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Thank you! This one really took on a life of its own and is the longest drabble i’ve ever done at around 1400 words (so a story? lol) This is suuuuper fluffy and schmoopy and soft and I’m kind of in love with how it turned out? The boys are so soft and stupid in this and I just love them. I hope you guys enjoy. 
Rich was positively knackered. Shooting The Eternals was one of the most draining experiences of his career thus far, and every night he came home from the shoot completely exhausted, pausing only for a few moments to shove some food into himself before falling into his bed and passing out. He hadn’t seen Taron in weeks, having lost his boyfriend to a plethora of engagements before an extended holiday in Aber with his family and his own crazy hours at work on the film. They spoke as frequently as possible, in the car on the way to the set or in between Taron having dinner with his family and helping his sisters with their homework. 
Richard missed Taron desperately, so much that it was almost a relief to be working 14-hour days because it stopped him from concentrating on the way his heart felt like it was caving in. He missed T’s easy smile, the way it lit up a room. He missed his fluffy hair, officially grown back in as much as it would ever be, and the way it felt like the soft fuzz of a baby animal when he ran his fingers through it. He missed Taron’s hips, legs, thighs. 
One morning, Richard was on his way in to the set when his phone vibrated. Taron’s picture lit up the screen, and a smile lit up his face. “Hiya, T.” 
“Dickie, darling. How’s it?” 
“On my way to work, you know. What’re you up to?” 
“About to have breakfast with the family.” 
“That sounds lovely. What else is on the agenda for today?” 
As Taron started to prattle away, telling Richard about his plans to take his sisters to the park and wander the beach, Richard’s heart started to ache again. This boy of his, this beautiful boy. They’d been reduced to stolen moments, four-minute phone calls and sleepy voicemails, Facetime when they could catch each other. His bed was empty and it was cold and this whole thing was bloody awful. 
When Taron paused to take a breath, Richard blurted it out. “Oh, T. I miss you.” 
He heard Taron’s brief exhale on the other line. “Rich. You have no idea.”
“This is terrible. I need you.” Richard gripped his phone tightly. 
“We’ll be back together before you know it, love. And in the meantime I get to practice my naughty text messages,” Taron said, his voice dipping lower on the word naughty, and Richard chuckled. 
“I know, but…” 
“Eh, I got to go, darlin’. I’m so sorry. Buck up, okay? Promise?” 
“Yeah, alright. Love you.” 
“And I love you,” Taron said, and then the line was dead and he was gone, and Richard was back at work and missing him again.
By the end of the day, Richard was down for the count. He had the next two days off, and he was ready to relax and get some proper rest. As soon as he got home, he fixed himself dinner and when he was finished eating, he changed into a tight t-shirt, shed his pants, and popped a sleeping pill. Despite his exhaustion, Richard knew himself and he knew that if he didn’t take a sleeping pill, he’d be up at dawn like normal, which wasn’t in his plans for the next day. 
He was about to head into his bedroom, body aching to slide down between his sheets, when he heard a knock at the door. He groaned, wondering who on earth it could be, and almost fell over when he saw Taron at the door. 
“Missed me?” Taron asked with a cheeky grin on his face, and Richard barked out a laugh and gathered the shorter man in his arms. 
“You’re damn right I missed you,” Richard said in a low growl, kissing Taron long and hard and then dipping his head down, nuzzling his neck. Taron scrunched up his shoulders, a grin from ear-to-ear as Richard’s scruffy face scratched the sensitive skin of his neck. 
“God, this feels good,” Taron muttered under his breath, and Richard nodded, saying little. 
After a few moments, Taron kissed Richard’s forehead. “Wanna grab a drink?” 
Richard nodded, but noted how sluggish he was starting to feel and let out a groan. “Oh, fuck. I didn’t know you were coming so I took a sleeping pill. I’m going to be dead to the world here pretty soon. I’m sorry, love.” 
Taron’s face dipped in disappointment. “No worries. There’s always tomorrow.”
Richard nodded. I like the sound of that. Tomorrow.
A half hour later, Richard was snuggled underneath the covers in his bed, Taron curled up next to him. Richard’s mouth was open as he snored, softly, and his chest rose and fell evenly. Taron stroked one finger down his cheek.
“Diiiiickie,” he said softly. Part of Taron thought that maybe Richard had exaggerated how deeply he would be asleep, and he was bored, and wanted a lot more than the small amount of affection he’d gotten since he’d been here. It had been weeks, damn it. 
“Rich. Rich,” Taron said, a little more insistently, running his fingers through Richard’s hair. Richard didn’t stir, and it brought a small smile to Taron’s face, seeing him sleep so peacefully. He knew how grueling things had been for him lately. 
He’s sleeping so soundly, Taron thought, continuing to run his fingers through Richard’s soft curls. Like nothing could wake him. 
A thought suddenly occurred to Taron, and his small smile turned into a positively wicked grin. 
I could have some fun with this.
Richard shifted, consciousness flooding his body all at once, and he sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He always felt a little groggy after taking a sleeping pill, and it didn’t occur to him for a few moments, until he saw the suitcase in the corner, that Taron was there. He smiled and rolled out of bed slowly. He went into the bathroom to take a leak and brush his teeth before joining Taron out in the living room. 
Taron, meanwhile, was putting the finishing touches on a big brunch for Richard, the same lecherous grin from the evening before crossing his face as he heard Richard start to stir in the bedroom. He was pouring the orange juice when he heard it. 
“What the FUCK?” Richard screamed from the bathroom, and Taron started to giggle. 
Rich, clad only in his briefs, came rushing out into the living room. When Taron saw him, his giggle morphed into a full-blown guffaw as he clutched his stomach in laughter. “Oh, it’s even better seeing it like this!” 
The grey streak in Richard’s hair, that tiny quirk of his that had always made Taron think of him as a distinguished gentleman, had been dyed a vivid green, as though someone had crushed up a handful of shamrocks and mixed them into his hair. Richard’s cheeks were pink, and they turned even pinker as he watched Taron doubled over in laughter.
“What the fuck did you do?!” Richard yelled, practically hysterical. “I have to go into work in a couple of days, what the fuck, Taron?!”
“Oh, relax, Dickie, it washes out, you’ll be just fine,” Taron said, straightening up and wiping very-real tears from his eyes. “You look lovely, anyways,” he said, beginning to giggle again. 
“When the hell did you--” 
“Last night. You were right, those sleeping pills really do knock you out,” Taron said, going over and putting his arms around Richard’s waist. “Come on, give me a smile. You know you want to.” 
Richard shook his head and disentangled himself from Taron’s arms, throwing himself on the sofa and crossing his arms like a toddler. Taron, still chuckling, brought a plate of bacon over and sat next to Richard. 
He casually picked a piece of bacon up and held it out to Richard, who said nothing. Slowly, he brought the piece of bacon over to Richard’s mouth and pushed it onto his lips, playfully, trying to get him to eat. Finally, Richard acquiesced, opening his mouth and letting Taron feed him a few bites. 
“Hungry, Shrek?” Taron asked innocently, his eyes wide and trying not to giggle. Richard tried not to laugh, tried desperately, but failed, bursting out into peals of laughter. 
“That was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done,” Richard said, grabbing another piece of bacon from the plate and chewing on it. 
“I know,” Taron said happily, running his fingers through the green patch of light curls. 
“You’re sure it’ll wash out?” 
“Yeah, of course. I think.”
“You THINK?”
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rendiggitydog · 5 years
The gang’s all here!
"Welcome every-hermit! To the annual Partner Problem event! This is our first year getting everyone to play, so welcome!" X smiled as the crowd of hermits below him cheered. "I'll explain the rules for the newbies."
"I will draw two names out of a helmet. Those two people will be fitted with curse of binding boots, which magically link the pair. These boots will force you to stay within 3 meters, or 10 feet, of each other. You will wear the boots for 24 hours, and then the spell will dissolve. Make sense?"
Heads bobbed in agreement.
"Then let's begin!" X picked up the helmet at his feet, shuffling the papers inside. "Zedaph..."
Zed jumped, excitedly looking around for who his partner might be.
"...and Welsknight!"
There were assorted congratulations as Wels and Zed found each other, grinning excitedly.
"Alright, quiet down! Next up: Tango and Iskall!"
Laugher and groans. The two pranksters high-fived, already whispering mischievously.
"Stress and Grian! False and Jevin! Scar and Python!" X rattled off the names, each greeted with excitement. "Me and Cub! Cleo and Mumbo! Impulse and Joe! Docm and biffa! Rendog and TFC! And that's everyone! Line up to get your boots, and thanks for coming out!" X glided down from his make-shift pedestal, throwing open a chest full of glowing leather boots.
The hermits filed through with their partners, pulling on their new boots and testing the limits. Slowly, the plateau emptied, everyone heading their ways for the day.
"Work with me here, love!" Stress laughed, trying to pull Grian away from the store window.
"Sorry! They made a new tnt, and this one is player-friendly!" Grian hopped up, beaming as he returned to Stress' side.
"We can check it out after I return Impulse's backup elytra he let me borrow. It's been a couple weeks and I need to return them!"
"What ho, and salutations!" Joe waved as he and Impulse appeared over the ridge.
"Hi Joe! Impulse! How are you doing?"
"Really well! We're taking turns picking the pass time, so it's been fine."
"We were just on our way to Impulse's home behind the sea foam." Joe gestured in the direction of Impulse's bay area.
"How delightful! Well, I just wanted to return your elytra I borrowed. Thanks again!" Stress handed over the wings, which Impulse accepted gratefully.
"I was wondering where I left those, thanks!"
"Okay, can we go look at the tnt now?" Grian shifted back and forth, glancing back at the tnt.
"Fine. As long as we can go ice mining later for my castle." Stress threw a humorous look at Joe and Impulse as Grian rushed back to the storefront. "Bye!"
"Those two must be having a ball." Joe remarked as he and Impulse calmly continued their stroll.
"So this is the vault, huh?" Ren gaped as TFC led him down.
"Sure is."
"Wow... It's so big..."
"Thanks, I've put a lot of time into it."
"Tin, how did you find the time to do all this?" Ren peeked through a door, taking everything in.
"I've just cracked down and worked hard, that's all." TFC pulled some stone out of a chest without slowing his walk, heading for the next room he needed to finish.
"Woah, that was slick! You didn't even stop walking, you just grabbed that stone, like Whoosh!" Ren exclaimed, swooping his hand through the air.
"Oh, you know it. This way."
The large vault narrowed to a corridor, which the two squeezed through, reaching a decent-sized room, half excavated. Tin set right to work, mining at the wall with one hand and picking up the stone with the other. The older man relaxed in his element, killing a zombie without hesitation when it crept up on him. Ren simply watched in awe at the grace. He was startled out of his trance, however, when TFC tugged on their binding boots.
"I gotta put some stuff away, come on."
Ren followed slowly. "That was crazy. Like, you were just mining, but it was like a dance! Does that make sense? We don't need to go to my base later, we can just stay here for all 24 hours! Can I help?"
Tin rubbed his temples as he tossed the last of the stone in a chest. "You can have the most important job of all."
Ren perked up. "The most important?!"
"Hold these." Tin shoved a bunch of shulker boxes into his arms.
TFC set back to work, tossing the stone into the boxes as he went. Ren didn't mind holding the stone- he was just glad to be part of the process.
"This is fantastic! Why don't we hang out more often? You're so cool Tin!" Ren babbled on in excitement over the menial labor.
"Hey Ren-" TFC quickly cut in. "If you don't talk, I'll do something cool."
Ren gasped loudly, and sealed his lips. Tin shook his head, silently laughing as he dual-wielded a second pickaxe, blowing Ren's mind.
Well hullo!" Cleo and Mumbo waved as they approached Scar and Python. The two were sitting in the grass outside Scar's terraforming shop, flower crowns and necklaces all around them.
"Heya! How are you two?" Scar greeted as Mumbo and Cleo sat next to them.
"Pretty good! Neither of us had a whole lot to do, so we're visiting everyone else. What are you doing?" Cleo picked at the grass.
"We've been making flower chains! Wanna learn how?" Python displayed the chain he was currently working on.
The four hermits soaked up the sun as they weaved flower crowns, half-asleep from its warmth and sweet aroma. At some point, False and Jevin stumbled by, tears of laughter streaming down their faces.
"How's it going?" Scar giggled, already knowing the answer.
"Could be better-" False wheezed, wiping her tears. "May we-?"
Jevin and False tripped over each other and collapsed in a pile of giggles. The group talked and laughed for hours, while the sun slowly fell. The stars twinkled into sight, and they fell asleep stargazing.
"Alright," Tango breathed. Iskall nodded, and they slowly dipped their wings in sync. After practicing all day, they were finally coordinated enough to cause some mischief.
Two glowing dots walked the grounds outside the newest ConCorp studio- two hermits holding torches in the night.
"Cub and X?" Iskall whispered into the dark. Tango nodded, pulling out a stack of eggs.
"Ready... GO!"
Cackling loudly, Iskall and Tango pelted the ground with eggs, watching X and Cub dance away from them. One figure glanced up, spotting the pair in the air, and shook their fist dramatically.
"You're not even Poultry man!" X's voice called after them, but they were already flying away.
"Fan-frickin-tastic!" Iskall howled.
"They thought we were poultry man!" Tango slapped his leg. The wild excitement distracted him, and Tango wobbled before plummeting to the earth.
"Gah!!" Iskall spammed rockets, desperate to stay in the air. However, Tango's limp body dragged him down, and the two splashed into the water violently. The sounds of drowneds instantly lit a fire under them, and they paddled tiredly to the shore.
"Hehe, worth it." Iskall wiped his hair from his face, sand getting everywhere.
Tango panted as he collapsed on the sand. "Absolutely."
"Huzzah!" Zedaph triumphantly held up the blue parrot. He and Wels had been searching the jungle for hours, and this was the first bird they found. They were tired and bruised, but it was worth it.
"Did you hear that?" Wels whispered.
Zed rolled his eyes. "For the last time, Wels, it was probably an ocelot. We can sail home if you'd feel better about it?"
"Yes please!" Wels sighed in relief as they made their way to the shore. The rustle of leaves behind them made Wels jump again. "Let's go." He glanced over his shoulder as he pulled out a boat.
"SNEAK ATTACK!" Doc and Biffa lunged from the bushes, diamond swords drawn. Their armor and faces were coated with mud and leaves, their binding boots streaked with war paint. Somebody screeched (cough Zedaph) and everything happened all at once.
Suddenly, the attack was over as soon as it started. Biffa ran too far ahead of Doc, and the two tumbled into the sand at Zed's feet.
Doc looked up bashfully, his helmet falling from his head. "Fancy meeting you here.."
Zed blinked. "...Well now I don't think this is a coincidence, us meeting in the jungle like this, you crying Sneak Attack!! But okay!" Zed laughed, releasing his tension.
"I suppose our mission was a failure, then?" Biffa sighed with a grin.
"I suppose so- but you did scare Wels pretty well!" Zed patted Wels on the head, as he had fallen over in his freight.
"I told you so!!"
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imustspeakmyheart · 6 years
A day late, but here’s my submission for the @junosteelfluffweek day 6, Comfort. Special thanks to my bud @illbecreativelater for giving me part of the idea for this!
Peter convinces Juno to teach him a dance on the anniversary of Ben’s death.
Read it here under the cut, or on ao3
Juno walked up the street towards his apartment with his hands shoved deep in his pockets and a mood sour enough to make other people out in the street actively avoid him. Good thing that they did; Juno felt like the next person to look at him even slightly wrong would end up getting punched. It was usual for Juno to be angry on this particular day, probably because he spent the rest of the year in desperate daily scramble to not think about his brother’s death. Repression is a handy coping skill until running away from the problem stops being an option. Pushing down the fact of Ben’s death on the day of his actual death was too vile, too unimaginable, even for Juno. So he spent a whole day dwelling on just that.
Only usually he made sure to swamp it with cases, with chores, responsibilities, things to distract from the chorus of voices in his mind reminding him of what this day represented. Just because he stopped blaming himself for Ben’s death years ago, didn’t mean it was any easier to deal with. Today, however, had been miraculously devoid of cases to solve or leads to follow up on. Rita had dismissed him not four hours into his workday. “I’ve got it all sorted nicely, Mistah Steel. Really not much for you to do around here, except paperwork I guess but are you really looking for that? Didn’t think so. Why don’t you take the afternoon off, huh?” She’d been right, of course. He wasn’t super excited about doing paperwork all day; while absolutely mind-numbing, it didn’t do much to distract him.
He’d tried to find something, anything, for him to do but, growing increasingly frustrated, he’d just given up eventually. So that’s where he was now, trekking back to his shitty apartment where he’d be forced to stew in his sadness by himself because of course it so happened that Peter had planned to be away from Mars that whole month. The only saving grace Juno felt right then was that at least he was too annoyed to actively feel upset about Ben yet.
When he finally got to his building it was barely late afternoon. Juno shouldered the door to his complex open and stomped up the stairs like they’d personally offended him. Honestly, right then they were doing just that. With his usual flashfire temper elevated to a bonfire it didn’t take much to feed the flames.
Juno unlocked his apartment, ready to throw his jacket on the hanger and collapse on the couch right after. Instead, he noticed that the lights were already on and Peter Nureyev was sitting on one of the arms of the couch wearing a suit, wine glass in hand and legs delicately folded into the picture of practiced nonchalance. Juno’s eyes naturally lingered on Nureyev for a few moments, but when his eyes slid away and noticed the state of his apartment… All Juno’s furniture was shoved out of its usual position to leave a sizable space in the middle of it.
“What the hell, Peter.” Juno grimaced and shifted his attention back to the very attractive, very smug thief sitting on his couch. Underneath the confusion and the steady grief that was settled inside of him, Juno felt a slow blooming warmth flood him simply at the sight of Peter. All his annoyance was almost forgotten then, in that moment. Almost.
Peter only smiled that fox’s smile of his and languidly got up from his seated position, picking up another wine glass from a table that had been moved to stand next to the couch. As Juno kept staring at him, expecting an answer, Peter handed him the glass and stepped closer to him.
“Why, my darling, that’s no way to welcome your partner who has just spent 24 hours on a crowded interstellar space shuttle just to prepare a little surprise for you.” Peter cocked his eyebrow and waited for Juno’s response, punctuating the end of his sentence by taking a slow sip of his wine.
“It is a way to welcome someone who fucked up my whole apartment, but hey what do I know.” Juno responded a bit petulantly. It wasn’t as if they couldn’t easily put his scant furniture back in their rightful places, but Juno was tired and not in the mood for any of Peter’s spontaneous flights of fancy. Not today, not when all he wanted to do was crawl in his bed and sleep away the guilt and sadness that still ate away at him on that particular day. With a small irritated shake of his head, Juno moved to put the wine glass down, putting some distance between him and Peter and subsequently turning his back to him.
“Look, today is just not the day to be doing shit like this, can we just put everything back where it was and go to sleep, I just wanna sleep this off and move on.”
“We certainly could do that, Juno, but I thought--” Juno felt Peter’s hand slide over his right shoulder with the intention of making him turn back towards him.
“You thought what, Peter? That we’d just have a nice night doing whatever it is that you planned? That I could just forget what today means? Fuck, Peter, do you even know what day it is today?” Turning around, Juno harshly shrugged off Peter’s hand. Tears were pricking at his eyes and he fought with himself to keep from letting them spill. In front of him, Peter had a sad sort of frown on his face, his hand still reached into the space where it had been shrugged off of Juno’s shoulder. Slowly, he lowered his hand and put it in his pocket instead.
“Of course I know what today means, dear. Which is why I thought,” Peter paused, waiting to see if he’d get interrupted again. When Juno gave a stiff nod, he continued. “I thought that you might teach me a dance.”
Juno sucked his lower lip between his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, feeling some tears find their way onto his cheeks. Looking at Peter, his genuine, hopeful face, Juno couldn’t find it in him anymore to be angry. He just wanted his bed back in its place and to sleep with Peter holding him close.
“Peter, I--,” He breathed a shuddering breath “I can’t think about dancing. Not tonight. Not the time.” With all the fight drained out of him, Juno couldn’t help but move towards Peter again, endlessly pulled in by his gravity. Without thinking about it, the whole movement as effortless as breathing, Peter met him halfway. Juno placed a hand on Peter’s waist and leaned on his tip-toes to give Peter a quick peck on his lips.
He’d intended to give his lover the proper welcome that he hadn’t given due to the shock of, well, everything that had happened since he came home, but Peter leaned his face away from any further kissing he tried to initiate. Instead, the thief took his hands out of his pockets and reached up to frame Juno’s face, using his thumbs to wipe at the tender skin below his eyes that was moist with the few tears that had escaped him during their little fight.
“My darling, I’m going to need you to hear me out, all right?” The honest entreaty in Peter’s eyes was all that kept Juno from snarking like he usually might. When Peter was satisfied that he wasn’t going to be interrupted, he continued.
“I simply think you might give it a chance to do something, well, fun today. Rather than the usual self-flagellation you insist on-- now, Juno, don’t give me that look. I know full well what grief is, but don’t you think maybe we can try to do something to celebrate your brother’s life rather than mourn his death? You’ve done your fair share of mourning, I can only imagine. You’ve done your due. I think it’s time, don’t you?
“Teach me a dance, any dance, your brother must have shown you at some point. You talk so fondly of watching him dance, please Juno. Humour me. Humour yourself.”
There was a long moment of silence, of Peter just cradling Juno’s face as Juno tried not to get too choked up on the love that he could so clearly see in those tender eyes that were looking at him. Then, softly:
“Okay. Okay, uh. Have you ever heard of a Venusian Waltz?”
At the answering shake of Peter’s head, Juno hummed and extricated himself from Peter’s hold on him, shrugging off his coat that he’d never taken off. He threw it over couch and out of the way before joining Peter again who’d been waiting with a small smile on his face, obviously glad his plan to get Juno to dance was working.
“All right, my dearest detective. Venusian Waltz you said?” Peter smiled and took his comms out of one his pockets, music flooding the room moments after. Then he raised up his arms, ready to have them directed wherever the dance required them to be. Juno huffed out a breath. He could do this, he had to remind himself. For Ben.
So he stepped close to this impossible thief of his and pulled one of his arms to rest around his middle, taking the other hand in his own delicately. It didn’t escape him what a ridiculous figure they probably cut together, dancing ballroom with one person dressed for the occasion and the other dressed in hand me down casual wear. Ben would have laughed at them, Juno was sure. Hell, he couldn’t help but chuckle himself when he caught a glimpse of them in his mirror, stumbling through Juno’s shitty living room with his furniture piled into one corner.
“Peter, if you don’t relax and let me lead, this isn’t going to end well.” Turned out it was an ordeal to teach someone to dance when their natural instinct was to take the lead in any aspect of their life. Including ballroom lessons, evidently.
“If you make a comment about me being a lady, this whole lesson is over, you hear me? We’re not on earth in, what? When was the last time people were still dicks about that kinda stuff, I should let Rita look that up actually.” And Juno was gearing up to say more, but Peter’s ringing laughter distracted him.
“All right, All right, I’m a terrible student, I get it. I’m sorry, lead the way my lady.”
 They spent hours like that; Juno attempting to teach, Peter being an incorrigible tease while also being a quick learner. All the stupid mistakes he kept making were likely just for the benefit of Juno, to make him laugh or to make him pout so Peter could lean down to kiss the pout away.
Eventually it was evening and their hands had dropped from the formal position the dance required to just hanging slack next to their bodies, fingers still entwined but because they simply could not imagine letting go, not because the dance demanded it. Juno’s forehead was pressed against Peter’s shoulder as the shuffled around the room slowly, tired but not willing to end the day yet. He could feel Peter’s breath stir his hair, listening intently as they’d been talking in soft tones, the universe comprised of nothing but that apartment on Mars and their entwined hands.
“Just. I think Ben would be happy to see I still remember this dance enough to actually teach someone else. My boyfriend no less. Say something like ‘nice catch, Super Steel’ and then have this stupid grin on his face that meant he was going to grill me about it mercilessly once we’d be alone together.” Juno huffed out a laugh, nosing at Peter’s shoulder.
“I’m glad to know your brother would find me a catch.” His tone was joking, but Juno could tell Peter was genuinely moved by that idea. And the more Juno thought about it, unburdened by the crippling grief that usually come with such thoughts, Peter and Ben would have really hit it off. He felt the sadness of that in his chest, that sadness that comes with missed opportunities and things that could never be. But, most remarkably, it also came with the inkblot spread of warmth that mingled with that sadness, creating a feeling Juno wasn’t entirely familiar with.
He thought maybe it meant something like love, like family. Like Ben was there with them right now, having taught Peter the Venusian Waltz through Juno like he otherwise might have done himself on another special occasion. Ben had always said this Waltz was a staple at weddings, Juno remembered he’d always insisted on teaching him this Waltz. Juno never thought he might need it until a certain thief had asked him for a dance. And that was a thought he’d keep to himself, for now.
“Of course he would. You make me happy, that would have been reason enough for Ben to like you. That, and you’re both insufferable smug teases. Fast friends, I’m sure.”
Juno felt Peter take in a breath, elated and content. The hand he held in his own squeezed just a little tighter and the arm around his middle snaked just a little closer. Peter’s lips pressed against Juno’s crown and the smile there made warmth well up in Juno’s chest. The music played on uninterrupted in the background, their bodies swaying effortlessly to the changing tunes of different songs.
“I would have loved to have met him, Juno.” And this time Peter’s voice was dead-serious; Juno could even hear a slight choked-up quality in his words, a small stumble that gave him away. He wouldn’t point it out if Peter would ignore the tears that had undoubtedly soaked through his dress-shirt by now.
“Yeah.” Juno said, through tears and grief and love all welling up. “Yeah..” And he hoped Peter knew that a ‘thank you’ was somewhere in there.
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
35+112 from the recent list cc please?
Our Little Future
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12378978/chapters/33550002
“It’s ok, it’s ok baby. It’salright, it’s alright…” Sara keeps going on with her tear-coated words as shesits curled up in the med bay chair, the baby cuddled and screaming against herchest.
She looks over at him with panic inher eyes as she speaks, and it matches his own, the reality sinking in thatthere’s nothing they can do here.
24Hours Earlier
Too many questions, not enoughanswers; that’s what Leonard thinks about this whole situation.
It all started with a sketchysounding distress signal in the middle of the night, Rip claims there was nomessage but he doesn’t buy that. Then there was responding to that distresssignal in which Rip refused to let any of them set foot off the ship, and thento top it all off he had come back on board holding a baby of all things.
No, none of this was sitting wellwith Leonard at all.
It isn’t helping that Rip hascalled both himself and Sara into his office. He doesn’t know what on earth theCaptain could want them for; especially not when he clearly has something elsehe needs to be dealing with.
If the look on Sara’s face as theymarch down the hall side by side is anything to go by then he would be willingto bet money that she’s every bit as confused and suspicious as he is.
When they enter the office Riplooks…well, awful. He has bags under his bloodshot eyes and his hair is more ofa mess than usual, but at least the mystery baby he’d brought on board a fewhours ago is sleeping soundly. Granted, it’s on a blanket on the floor in thecorner but it isn’t like Rip would be stupid enough to step on it.
“I have to go on a mission.” TheEnglishman all but blurts out, thus it isn’t exactly a shock that it only addsto the confusion.
“Ok…” Leonard drawls, “Who are youtaking with you?”
“No one, Mr. Snart.”
“Yeah…” Sara drawls out, “That’snot a good idea.”
Rip sighs, like this is theabsolute last conversation that he ever wants to have, but he goes on talkinganyway.
“While I would normally agree withthat statement Ms. Lance, it is a worse idea that any of you accompany me.”
“Hmmhmm,” Sara hums disbelievingly,“And why might that be?”
“And does it have anything to dowith that?” He can’t refrain from asking anymore, not when there is a babygurgling over in the corner as it starts to wake up.
Hunter glances over at it and hishead falls only to be barely caught by his fingers, his thumb and his indexfinger massaging at his nose.
“I am wiping both your bloody mindsafter this,” he mutters.
“Excuse me?” Len asks, hand flyingto his holstered gun.
“You’re not doing anything to ourminds.” Sara tells him sternly and Leonard is fairly certain that if it weren’tfor the already waking baby in the corner Hunter would be screaming right aboutnow.
“Yes I am, Ms. Lance.” He stillmanages to snap while somehow keeping his voice down. “Because the timeline ischanging, quickly, and it will change even more drastically if you rememberanything that I am about to tell you.”
“You’re not making sense Rip,” Lendrawls and when he suddenly he finds himself on the receiving end of Rip’sglare he steps back just a bit.
“I know Mr. Snart, I know. Just… Ohbloody hell, I’m not sure what to make of the current state of the timelineanyway.” He grumbles, partially to himself and partially to… either them or theceiling, Len isn’t exactly sure which. Then he sighs, like he has finally had amoment of clarity in the midst of all this madness, and he looks directly atthe two of them. “It’s a long story, but, about the baby… It’s yours.��
Hunter is looking at them, both ofthem, and Leonard feels like all the oxygen has just been sucked from hislungs. His brain isn’t processing the words, not correctly anyway. It’s hisbaby? But why is Hunter looking at Sara? Why does she look just as stunned ashe feels? Surely she would know about any baby of hers.
A part of his head does rememberwords such has “timeline” and “future” but before he can get to those thesquealing cry of an infant interrupts the tension and suddenly his eyes aresnapped to the corner.
His body goes ridged, his sensesparalyzed by the sound; which is ridiculous. At least Sara doesn’t seem to havereacted any better, as it’s Hunter who has to go pick up the wailing child andbounce it into content, before he deposits it into Sara’s arms and she stumblesawkwardly when taking over.
It’s in that moment, where Sara isholding their apparent child, that Leonard finally gets his voice to work.
“How?” He demands, and Rip huffs.
“When I took you all from thetimeline I did so because you were inconsequential.” He says, starting withwhat they all already know. “Upon Savage’s defeat I intended to return you tothe moment I took you from, but as you’re both aware, things changed. Withthose changes the timeline began changing as well, and one of those changes isour little friend here.”
By now Len can’t help but to peerover Sara’s shoulder for a look at the baby nestled in her arms. He has toadmit, it’s young but it does hold some resemblance to them both. It’spractically bald, the little hair it does have a nearly invisible blonde, andit’s fair skin matches Sara’s almost perfectly. It’s blue eyes remind him ofthe ones he sees in the mirror, just more confirmation that this is real.
“Why is she here?” Sara asks andfor a second Len wants to ask how she’s so sure the baby is a girl, but thenthe more that he looks at it’s facial features he starts to see it; plus it iswearing a onesie decorated with pink and purple butterflies.
“Because, Ms. Lance, that distresssignal we received was from your future selves. Someone is after them, a formerassassin for the Time Masters. They needed to send their daughter somewhere hewould never think to look for her-”
“So they sent a message to a pastversion of the Waverider.” Len finishes for him, and The Captain nods.
“Looking for anything in thetemporal zone can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, and if theassassin can’t find you until years from now, we know he won’t find you here.”
“Where are you going?” Sara asks,and to that Rip smirks.
“To help you.”
After Rip leaves the two of themstand in the office for an immeasurable amount of time, until the baby startsfussing, and then they numbly make their way back to his room solely becauseit’s closer than hers.
Sara starts heading for his bed,the spot she normally claims for herself whenever they’re in her, but then shemakes an awkward turn for his desk chair. Things between them are still new,still a little unclear since The Oculus, and now, suddenly, the baby squirmingon her lap…
It’s a bit much.
“Our future selves sure have a sicksense of humor.” He says and Sara snorts.
“I’ll say,” She agrees, “You wouldthink sending your kid back in time to your past selves would be dangerous.”
“Yeah,” he huffs in agreement, “Youwould think.”
It’s at that moment that the babymoves on from fussing to full out crying, startling them both.
Sara stands up and begins bouncingher gently, trying to calm her, while Leonard wracks his brain for what to do.It’s been a long time since he’s last taken care of a baby so young, but heremembers that whenever Lisa would get like this it was usually one of twothings, her diaper or her stomach.
Sara’s already ahead of him,checking the diaper but she shakes her head.
“I’ll go to the galley, maybeGideon can make her a bottle.” He says, excusing himself.
Luckily Gideon is able to help and,even luckier, he doesn’t run into anyone on his journey there or back. When hegets back to the room Sara is still pacing in circles while the baby screamson. There’s no discussion about it as she takes the bottle from him and settlesherself down on his bed, if a bit awkwardly because of what she’s holding. Theyboth exhale when the baby quiets, suddenly occupied with its food, and theawkwardness returns.
“What do you think her name is?”Sara asks, breaking the silence, and Len sighs as he takes a seat beside her.
“Don’t know, it’s not like we’veever talked about what we would name a kid.”
Sara nods in agreement, but scoffs“Well we can’t keep calling her baby.” She remarks and he hums in agreement,but he says nothing.
He’s mesmerized by the sight beforehim. Sara, sitting with a baby cradled in her arms, their baby, and feeding hera bottle. He knows that they’re a long way off from this, by a lot. But, still,he can’t deny that it look kind of appealing.
They don’t tell the others who thebaby is. Hell, they aren’t even surewho the baby is, and they do decide to continue calling her “baby”, “kid”, orvarious other little pet names for as long as she’s in their care. Maybe theywould’ve talked about a name if they had realized Hunter wasn’t going to beback for this long. It’s been hours, so many that the ship is now well into itsnight cycle and the two of them are laying on his bed with the baby sandwichedin-between them.
“We aren’t going to roll over andcrush her!” Sara exclaims in a whisper through the tense quiet. The bed isn’tlarge, yet they’ve left an amble amount of space for the kid, probably morethan necessary, and neither of them has moved an inch since going to bed.
“While I’m sure you’re right, Istill don’t think I’m going to sleep.” He whispers back.
“Yeah, me either.” She says beforefinally rolling on her side.
Her eyes don’t go straight to him,but instead to the baby, then to him, and then back to the baby.
“What are you thinking?” He asksand she shrugs, eyes still glued to the baby.
“After the league… I gave up anyideas had about ever being a mom. Then after the pit I didn’t even think Icould.”
He stays quiet for a minute, aboutto ask what she thinks about all that now, when she suddenly props herself upon her elbow.
“Len,” she says, alarmed, stilllooming over the kid. He looks, nearly falling off the bed when he shifts, andhe sees it.
There’s blood dripping out of thebaby’s nose, and her face is all scrunched up.
“She’s bleeding,” he blurtsstupidly, “Why are you bleeding?”
He doesn’t know why he asks the baby that, because itisn’t like she can answer him, but it’s as if she’s trying because suddenlyshe’s screaming louder than she ever was earlier and this time he does fall offthe bed.
By the time he picks himself upSara already has the baby in her arms and with nothing more than a glance ateach other they take off towards the med bay.
“Gideon!” Leonard all but roars atthe ceiling when they arrive, Sara clamoring into one of the seats andmurmuring words of comfort into the baby’s ear. “Something’s wrong with ourdaughter!”
“Actually Mr. Snart, my files haveno record of a child between yourself and Miss Lance.” The AI replies, calm asever.
“This isn’t time for the knowingtoo much about our futures crap, Gideon. We-”
“Len!” Sara cuts him off and hewhirls around, half expecting the situation to suddenly be worse.
Judging by Sara’s wide andterrified eyes, he’s confident that it is.
“He’s going after me,” she says,and he must look confused, which he is, because she clarifies. “The assassin.”
“Isn’t that where-”
“Not that me,” she warns him, “Theonly version of me he would stand half a chance at getting, nine monthspregnant me.”
He feels his blood run cold.
“Hunter!” He hisses, his handfingers flying to comm but there’s nothing but static on the other end.“Hunter! Hunter!”
“Leonard!” Sara snaps, bringing hisattention to her. “He can’t hear you.”
“We have to do something!” Hesnarls desperately, “We can’t just-”
“We won’t!” She interrupts,refusing to let him finish that sentence, tears coating her eyes. “Gideon, whatare the last records you have of me in the timeline?”“I must advise against telling you too much about-”
“Gideon!” They both snap and the AIcomplies, so Len gets Mick over the comms and gives him the location, leavinghim and Sara with nothing to do but hope.
“It’s ok, it’s ok baby. It’salright, it’s alright…” Sara keeps going on with her tear-coated words as shesits curled up in the med bay chair, the baby cuddled and screaming against herchest.
She looks over at him with panic inher eyes as she speaks, and it matches his own, the reality sinking in thatthere’s nothing they can do here.
“Well the good news is your futureremains in tact,” Rip says, standing along with Leonard and Sara outside of thejump ship.
“Thanks to Mick and Ray,” Sarareminds him while Len, hesitantly, hands him the baby to bring back to her owntime.
“Yes,” Rip admits, “Anyway, amnesiapills are on my desk, I expect you to have taken them by the time I return.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Len brushes offand Rip frowns but disappears into the jump ship.
“So?” Sara asks once the jump shiplaunches, “Are we taking those pills?”
He thinks about it for a second,carefully, and then turns to face her. “I hope she comes along.” He says,earning a raised eyebrow from the blonde. “But, maybe it’ll be best if we don’tsee it coming.”
She nods, “Fair enough,” she says,stepping closer and her arms winding up around his neck. “Mick needed to go afew years into the future to save her, and me, so looks like we’ve got time.”
“Good,” he says through a smirk, “BecauseMick’s already wiped his memory.”
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malecsecretsanta · 6 years
Merry Christmas, @damnyoudaddario!
Wishing you a happy holiday! i hope you enjoy your fic ♡
Heart’s Home
“I’m going to hazard a guess that Christmas isn’t much of a celebration for shadowhunters,” Magnus said breezily, handing Alec a to-go cup. His own was cradled against his chest, pressing warmth into the exposed skin where his shirt was unbuttoned.
“Not really. At least not in my family.” Lifting the edge of the lid, Alec peered in at the frothy drink, sniffing it experimentally. “What did you say this is?”
“It’s called chai. I think you’ll like it,” Magnus chuckled, plucking a paper sleeve from the stack by the counter and sliding it up Alec’s cup.
After a tentative sip, Alec smiled, licking foam from his top lip. “That’s pretty good!”
Looping his arm through Alec’s, Magnus steered them towards the door of the coffee shop, immediately greeted by the harsh cold when it was opened. He tugged his scarf tighter around himself and gripped his coffee closer. “Well, I think something ought to be done about that.”
“Like what?” Alec teased, shoulders hunched against the cold and his free hand stuffed into the pocket of his wool coat. It had been a gift from Magnus, as Alec had never owned anything of such high quality, let alone an article of clothing. It still smelled faintly of Magnus from when it had hung in his closet among his own clothes before it was given to him, and when there was a breeze, it wafted around him pleasantly.
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”
“It doesn’t have to be a surprise for me to love it, Magnus,” Alec pointed out, glancing over at Magnus with sincere eyes.
“You’re too low maintenance, Alexander. I’m going to break you of that habit eventually. Even if it takes centuries.”
“We’ve got time.” Alec rubbed at his nose with the back of his gloved hand, turning pink.
“Are you too cold?”
“I’m fine.”
The light dusting of snowfall that glazed the streets, sidewalks, and their clothes was too beautiful to miss. As such, Alec had insisted they go out to get their coffee, as opposed to Magnus simply summoning it to the loft. Weather was rarely something he had the luxury of enjoying, and on his days off, with Magnus to encourage his indulgence, he liked to take the time. Besides, there was something innately appealing to him about watching the little white flakes get trapped in the soft spikes of Magnus’ dark hair and eyelashes.
Magnus slid his hand down Alec’s warm to intertwine their fingers, squeezing affectionately. “So what’s on the agenda for today? Do you think we can manage to keep ourselves occupied for a full 24 hours without any work commitments?”
“I’m sure we can figure something out. Maybe some holiday decorating.”
“Really?” The surprise in his voice was not well disguised, and Alec immediately raised his eyebrows in response.
“Sure, why not? It sounds nice.”
As soon as they arrived back at the loft, Magnus shrugged off his jacket and scarf and fluttered his fingers towards the stereo, soft Christmas music playing like white noise.
Alec made himself at home on the couch, taking a satisfied sip of his drink. Magnus dropped down next to him, and Alec immediately pulled his feet into his lap, untying his boot laces. “So where should we start?”
“Hmm…” Magnus murmured, a deep rumble in his chest. “I was thinking the decorations should go up first, and then the tree.” With a flick of his wrist, a pale glow illuminated multiple surfaces of the loft, shimmering with what looked like a projector’s image of all different types of decorations. “This is how I was picturing it.”
“And where do you want the tree?”
The images disappeared and Magnus’ hand dropped back into his lap. “I think we’ll have to figure that out as we go.”
“Sounds good to me.” Alec absently traced his fingers over protruding bone on Magnus’ ankle and through the soft hairs starting just above.
“Mmm, if you keep doing that, I’ll have no motivation to do anything at all, and I’ll have to just…” Magnus rolled his hand lazily, indicating the use of magic.
Alec chuckled and leaned in close to Magnus, noses almost touching. “Well we can’t have that, can we? Not on our day off.” His lips were pulled up into a smile when they brushed Magnus’, and Magnus swallowed his soft chuckle as they kissed. When something cold hit Alec’s cheek he pulled back slowly, looking at Magnus in confusion.
Small, wet snowflakes were falling from above their heads and were landing in their hair and eyelashes. A stray flake was what had caught Alec’s attention, a cold little sting on his skin.
“Ambiance?” Magnus offered with a grin. “Sorry.”
“It’s kind of nice,” Alec allowed, wiping one from the tip of Magnus’ nose.
Magnus scrunched it in response, making a face at Alec. “Should I bring in the decorations before we get too distracted?” In a wave of magic, boxes appeared in front of them, neatly stacked on the floor. “Let’s get to work.” Gliding over to the top box, Magnus started rifling through the contents, pulling some things out while moving others around strategically.
Inspecting each of the items that were left out, Alec turned them over carefully in his hands. Some of them looked like museum artifacts that he felt guilty for touching while others clearly cost a few thousand dollars at least and seemed out of place in his rough hands.
“I’m a bit of a pack rat when it comes to Christmas,” Magnus admitted, noticing where Alec’s attention lay. “Some of those I’ve had for centuries.”
“Tell me.” Alec gingerly took the candelabra Magnus offered to him and ran his finger over the raised detail on the base.
Magnus was more than happy to oblige, weaving intricate stories, rich with detail and flourishes unique to him. The way he saw the world and experienced people was all his own and colored all of his tales. Alec got lost in it, simply putting things where Magnus directed without a second thought.
“Oh, and I almost forgot…” Magnus swept past the mostly empty boxes to the hall closet and pulled out a small object made of Popsicle sticks and spray painted gold with glitter. “Madzie sent this to us the other day. She’s been practicing her summoning spells.”
When Alec looked closer at it, he realized it was a bit of a wobbly looking star, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Where should we put it? Maybe on the mantle?”
“Go for it.” Magnus handed the star over and banished the boxes back to storage before stepping back to get a wide view of the main room from the foyer. “I think the tree would look good up against the doors off the balcony. The backlight of the moon would be really beautiful.”
Looking over his shoulder, eyebrows raised intently, Alec gave him a smile. “Sure, whatever you want.”
“Alexander,” Magnus said with faux exasperation, rubbing his hand over his goatee, “this is your Christmas too. Don’t be a passive participant.”
Alec laughed, striding over to Magnus and putting his arm around his waist. With his nose pressed to Magnus’ temple and lips at his ear, he murmured, “I think that’d be perfect.”
With a satisfied hum, Magnus’ magic swirled into a small dense fog of pale blue, leaving the tree in its wake. “How’s that?”
“It’s great.”
Magnus summoned the box of tree decorations into Alec’s hands and carefully extracted a few strands of soft, silver tinsel. “I’m going to start with this.” Tossing it around Alec’s neck to tug him in close, Magnus’ lips brushed against his lightly.
Alec chased after him when he started to move back, the box between them the immovable object and their longing for more the unstoppable force. It was an unending give and take that they got lost in, and even when they parted, their foreheads were still touching and their eyes still closed, preserving the warmth of the atmosphere.
The tickling sensation of the tinsel sliding off Alec’s neck jolted him out of the syrupy haze, and he returned his attention to the string of lights sitting on top of the ornaments, needing to be untangled.
Once all the decorations were in their rightful places on the tree, Alec shifted the couch slightly to more directly face the balcony doors. The dark velvet sky, dotted with small stars was a beautiful backdrop for the tree, and he’d never seen anything quite like it. There was something overwhelmingly pleasant about the soft glow of the lights mingled with the subtle scent of the tree sap.
“Do you like it?” Magnus asked, sitting down next to Alec on the couch, leaning on his shoulder. As an afterthought, he dimmed all the lights down to allow the strands of lights on the tree to shine brighter.
“I do. We’ve been missing out at the Institute.”
“If you made some space in your ops center, you could put a gorgeous Christmas tree in there,” Magnus laughed. “If you can convince the head of the Institute to consider your proposition.”
“I think he could be persuaded.” Alec reached over for Magnus’ hand, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin between his index finger and thumb.
They sat in silence for a while, legs tangled and fingers intertwined, bathing in the quiet calm. The only sounds to be heard were their soft breathing and the occasional rush of wind brushing over the windows.
Alec closed his eyes for a moment, sighing with satisfaction.
Magnus hummed softly in reply before saying, “There’s one thing left to do.”
Cracking one eye open, Alec followed Magnus’ finger that was pointing up at the ceiling to see a small flower hanging above them. “What is that?”
“I think Izzy’s mentioned that before. People kiss underneath it, right?”
“Indeed. It stems from the Norse myth about the god of the summer sun, Baldur; son of Odin and Frigga. One night, he had a dream foretelling his death, and when he told his mother about it, she was frightened. Not only would she lose her son, but the earth would be plagued by darkness without him. She made all known elements, animals, and plants vow to cause no harm to Baldur, but there was one enemy of his that she didn’t receive a promise from: Loki. He knew of one plant that Frigga had overlooked.”
“He fashioned it into an arrowhead and had Baldur shot with it. Just as Frigga had feared, upon Baldur’s death, the earth was swallowed by darkness and all of its creatures mourned him. But after some time, a miracle brought Baldur back to life, and Frigga was overjoyed at having her son back, and when she wept, her tears fell on the leaves of the mistletoe, creating the white berries. She decreed that mistletoe would never again be used to harm, but would instead become a symbol of love and peace, and people would kiss underneath it in celebration of that promise.”
“Is it only for Christmas?”
“Well, traditionally,” Magnus murmured, suppressing a smirk that had his lips pulling up at the corners.
“Since when have we ever been traditional?”
“Good point.”
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thorne93 · 7 years
Just My Luck (Part 6)
Prompt: Imagine accidentally walking into the men’s bathroom and seeing this fine specimen (James McAvoy)
Word Count: 3755
Warnings: Language, attack/violence/domestic abuse, mention/attempted rape, sexual harassment,
Notes: Collab fic with my girl @cocosierra94!!! Internal thoughts are in Italics, texts are in bold
Tags: @marvel-imagines-yes-please @nilalovessadness @tacohead13 @captain-fuckinglevi @bohemianrhapsody @amarvelouswritings @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes- please @superwholocked527 @myparadise19982sand @missinstantgratification @thejulesworld​  @rda1989 @marvelloushamilton @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @hardcollectionworldtrash @igiveupicantthinkofausername
James Mcavoy Tags: @bohemianrhapsody86 @lenawiinchester
“Michael,” you greeted in a wary tone.
“Y/N,” he responded as he pushed his way into the apartment, sending your heart racing as panic snaked its way through your veins. You began backing away from him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d take what’s rightfully mine,” he bolstered.
“Michael, we broke up,” you reminded cautiously, still trying to put as much distance between you two as possible.
“No, you left me. I didn’t agree to shit. See, you think you can move to a big city, get a fancy new job, and start fucking some famous dude and it’ll hide what you really are...but it doesn’t, Y/N. Trust me. You’re still the scared...stupid...lonely...little girl I met all those years ago.”
“No, I’m not,” you said in a trembling voice.
“Yes, you are! You’re still a slutty, waste of trash!” he shouted before he slapped you hard across the face.
“Michael, please! Don’t do this!”
“You think you’re too good for me?” he questioned, bellowing. He drew up his fist and hit you hard in the cheek, enough to disorient you for a moment as you fell to the floor then tried to scramble away from him.
“Please!” you begged, already crying.
“You’re so pathetic. You don’t even fight back.”
He was right, you don’t fight back, because when you fought back in the past, he got worse.
“What’s the matter? Little boyfriend not here to protect you so you just cower down?” he asked before he kicked your stomach and you let out a yelp. You thought you’d throw up or pass out from that kick alone.
“Please,” you whispered, tears streaming hard and fast.
“How about I show you what a real man looks like? You need reminding!” He grabbed your hair by the fistful and yanked you on your feet as you screamed and tried to fight against him and the pain on your scalp.
“Michael! No! Please! Let me go!” you begged.
He threw you on the bed and held both of your arms down with one arm as he placed his legs between yours, forcing them open. You writhed and bucked, trying to get free, but nothing was working. Michael was twice your size. He worked on his belt.
“Don’t worry, darlin’, when I’m done, you’ll remember what a real man feels like.”
“Michael, I’m begging you, please don’t do this!” you tried again, nearly screaming as tears spilled onto the bed.
“I have to, Y/N,” he said as he grabbed at your underwear and ripped them away, your humanity and dignity going with it. You felt so...awful in that moment. You wished someone would come save you, hear your screams, hear the bed slamming around as you tried to move. “Shut up,” he ordered, putting his other free hand on your mouth. You continued to try and scream though, but it was merely muffled high pitched squealing.
“You’re gonna enjoy this,” he promised and he was about to invade you, when suddenly he was wrenched backwards. You sat up immediately and started to scoot back on the bed in fear. But then you saw what had happened. James had pulled him back and punched him hard in the jaw. Michael dove at James and you screamed, fearing he would hurt him. Michael punched James a few times in the face as they landed together but then James got the upper hand and was able to start hitting back, and they eventually were back standing, their fists raised.
“You just can’t leave her alone, can you?” Michael asked in a huff.
“I could say the same about you. Now I can either kill you here and now for breaking in and assaulting my girlfriend, or you can leave and never return.”
“Yeah, you and what army?” he asked.
“I don’t need an army. I have friends in low places that can make sure you’re never seen or heard from again and your body will never be found.”
“I could tell the cops you threatened me,” he said.
“Oh, yes, see how well that goes over when they learn why I threatened you. Leave now or guarantee your swift execution in the next 24 hours.”
Michael clenched his jaw before nodding side to side then walking out, where James ran and locked the door and even pushed a chair under the door knob.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked as he entered the room and came towards you.
You shook your head and started crying. He ran toward you and held onto you quickly, kissing your head.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry I didn’t get here earlier.”
You just continued to cry, unable to say anything. You were still shaken from the entire thing.
“This is all my fault.” His voice quivered as he watched you tremble with fear, the room filled with the echoes of your sobs.
“I should have never let you leave. I shouldn't have said those things. You aren't naive, you just have such a big heart. I just wanna keep it safe, but instead I hurt it and Y/N I'm so so sorry.”
You could feel the warmth of his tears seeping through your shirt, staining your skin. You sat up to gaze into the eyes of your protector. You could see just how much he meant every word of what he was saying.
“I promise he'll never hurt you again, and I swear on my life I'll do anything to protect you.” He gingerly put his hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear before he continued on.
“I know this is a terrible time to admit this but I--”
“I love you,” you cut him off managing to say the words before your brain could tell you to.
“You do?” he asked, slightly gasping.
In the midst of all the insanity, you managed a laugh.
“Well, of course. James, I love you, that’s why it hurt so bad when you said that about me. I thought you were finally seeing me for who I really am - just some farm girl in a big city. You could have any pick of Hollywood babes and for some reason you are dating me…” You sighed, then took a deep breath. “I just thought you were wising up and were trying to get rid of me.”
“Get rid of you?” he questioned as if the idea were absurd. “Good God, no! I want you more than anything. I definitely don’t have ‘any pick’ of anyone in Hollywood, but even if I did, I’d choose you a thousand times over because I love you and everything about you. You’re real, you’re loving, you’re kind, you’re smart...Why on Earth would I want anyone else?”
You meekly peeked up at him through your lashes. “They’re prettier?” you said as if you were offering the world’s weakest excuse.
“I take it back, you are naive,” he said with an eyeroll. “Y/N, you’re beautiful. Inside and out.” He kissed your nose. “Now, what do you want to do to put all of this unpleasantness behind us?”
“I’m not sure, maybe...just a movie?” you offered, just to forget everything.
“That can be done.”
You switched on your TV in your bedroom and you two got situated under the covers to cuddle, feeling right at home in his arms, as you two drifted to sleep, the events of the day too much to deal with physically or emotionally.
You were woken up by your phone ringing. You grabbed it and answered it quickly so you wouldn’t wake James as you snuck out into the living room.
“Hello?” you whispered.
“Hey there, pumpkin face!” your Papa said.
“Papa! It’s so good to hear from you!” you said into the phone with delight.
“You too. Your Nana and I haven’t heard from you for a few weeks, everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah, everything’s fine. I’ve just been busy and went on vacation, we just got back,” you explained.
“We? Did you go with Rachel?” he asked.
Shit. You forgot he didn’t know about James.
“Uh, no, I went with my new boyfriend James,” you slowly informed, hoping the lashback wouldn’t be too severe.
“New boyfriend? Hmm…What’s he like?”
“He’s great, Papa,” you started. “He’s kind and sweet and caring. He’s an actor. You’d probably really like him.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. No one is good enough for my girl,” he said and you could practically see him smiling on the other end of the phone, warming your own heart.
“What do you say I bring him down for a bit?” you asked. “I miss you and Nana. I’d love to see you and it’d be a chance to meet him.”
Truth was, you just wanted to be home after the traumatic event. You wanted to be somewhere familiar, safe, and welcoming.
“We’d love that, pumpkin.”
“Great, I’ll get something worked out and I’ll see you soon!”
You traded “I love you’s” and “goodbyes” and hung up just as James was sleepily coming out of his room.
“Who was that, darling?”
“My Papa. I invited us down there. What do you say?” you asked as you snaked your arms around his waist.”
“I’d love to. I have to go back to work for a while though, probably three weeks. I have to go to Vancouver for five days of shooting, then LA for a week, then somewhere in London for an interview…”
“I get it, you’re busy. That’s fine. Rachel probably needs me back at the office for a bit.”
You looked at the calendar on your phone. “So what about the 2nd through the 7th? Would that work?”
“That’s my only free time,” he answered as a beaming smile came to him.
“Then it’s a date. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”
“Me either,” he said with a grin.
The month seemed to fly by, even with James away, it was okay because you were working nearly round the clock with Rachel. Lots of summer movies were coming out and you were interviewing everyone from Indie films to Marvel. You talked to James as much as you could, but between his schedule and yours, it was hard. But in a way the separation was good. It was healthy to have some time apart, and while you missed him, you loved some “me” time with long nights in the tub, junk food nights, a night or two with just Rachel.
Finally, the day to go back home to your farm arrived. You made it clear to James to not pack anything nice - no suits, no ties, no expensive shoes, nothing he cherished. This was a strictly jeans and shirt sort of household. He was more than happy to accommodate that request.
Papa picked you up at the airport in the new truck he got, having James sit in the back and you upfront with him. The ride was quiet because when Papa drove, he just wanted the sound of music to fill the car, not a lot of chitter chatter.
Once you drove way out into the country on your thousand acre farm, you hopped out of the truck into the big farmhouse, calling out for Nana.
“Nana!” you called, finding her at the sink, rinsing vegetables from the garden. You threw your arms around her and she laughed in response.
“Y/N! You’re here. Where’s your boyfriend?” she asked, looking around you.
“Oh, shoot, I left him outside,” you said with a bit of an embarrassed grin. “I just wanted to see you so bad.” You hugged her again and with that, Papa and James entered the kitchen.
“I think you forgot something in the truck,” Papa teased.
You laughed and made your way over to your quiet boyfriend. “Nana, Papa, this is James McAvoy, my boyfriend.”
“So good to finally meet you,” he said as he shook their hands.
“You--you’re Scottish,” Nana noted with a surprised grin.
“Yeah, he’s from Scotland, but he’s in the States a lot,” you explained.
“I can't say I've ever met a Scotsman especially not one as handsome as you!” Your nana gave a chuckle causing James to blush a little bit.
“Heheh, thank you, ma'am.” James shuffled his feet, not sure what else to say.
“Alright Anne, that's enough harassing the boy for now. James, why don't I show you to your room, then you can help me fix the fence out front before it gets dark?”
“Phil, I'm pretty sure Y/N can show him where her room is,” your nana chided.
“I'm sure she can too, but I'm gonna show him his room. No offense, son, I'm just old school.” Your papa shrugged, clearly not going to apologize for his rule.
“Phillip! Let them be!” Nana scolded.
“It's alright, Mrs. Y/L/N, we're actually used to not sharing a room,” James explained. “Lead the way, sir,” James said, smiling at you as he passed by.
Once they were up the stairs, you went and began helping Nana with getting dinner ready.
“He seems nice,” she mentioned quietly.
“He is. He’s wonderful.”
“How did you two meet?” she asked.
“Through work. Rachel was interviewing him and I guess we sort of hit it off.”
“Oh, how sweet.”
The two of you caught up on what you’d been doing at work, that they had bought a few more horses, and that they had to sell off 50 acres from the southeast plot because times were rough. You felt awful and wanted to help them. You knew they were getting older and needed more help around the farm, financially and physically.
Eventually, James and Papa made their way down the stairs and outside, where you watched him through the kitchen window try to help Papa nail up a few boards and stretch some cattle fencing. You and your Nana couldn’t help but giggle.
“He hasn’t exactly been around a hammer, hmm?” your Nana teased.
“No, he’s not used to this at all,” you answered with a grin while James seemed to not understand how to properly hold a board. “Hold on,” you told your Nana and went outside.
“Need some help?” you offered, walking up.
“Oh, Y/N, thank God you’re here,” James said. “How do I bloody hold this thing?” James asked gesturing to the entire fence.
You laughed. “Here.” You grabbed the clamp, lifted the board, clamped it in place, grabbed the hammer and nails, and within two minutes, you and your papa accomplished what had taken them ten minutes to do.
“Wow, you really know your way around this stuff,” he admired.
“Yeah, now why don’t you help Nana finish up inside?” you requested politely.
“Sure thing,” he said with a beaming smile.
As soon as he was gone and you and your Papa finished the last fence and went to do the nightly feedings, he said, “That kid couldn’t hammer his way out of a paper bag, huh?”
“Papa!” you lightly chastised, before laughing. “Yeah, you’re right. But that doesn’t make him a bad person,” you said, quickly defending him.
“I didn’t say it did, pumpkin. Everyone has their strong suits. He just isn’t on the work end of a hammer,” he noted as you two walked to the barn.
You laughed lightly as he threw his arm around you.
“Wow I forgot how much I missed your lasagna.”
“Yeah, Anne, you really outdid yourself this time, sweetie.”
“Well I had an excellent sous chef to help me,” she said, winking to James.
“So you're good in the kitchen and in front of a camera eh Jamesy boy?” Papa asked.
“Hey, he has other talents too, Papa! He's actually a great fighter,” you mentioned, completely forgetting you hadn’t told them yet.
“Fighter? Why on earth would you need to fight?” Papa wondered, stabbing into his food, frowning at your boyfriend, curious.
“Nana, Papa, I wasn't gonna mention this but… Michael came back. Of course Michael being the jerk he is, tried to ‘take me back’ by force…” You swallowed. “He attacked me in my apartment when I was alone, but thankfully James came to my rescue that time and another time when he was being a drunk fool.
“Oh honey, why didn't you tell us sooner! Are you alright?” Nana asked, leaning over and touching your arm.
“Yes, Nana, I'm fine. I just didn't want you guys to worry so much. I know things haven't been so great around here and you don't need the added stress. Besides James kicked his a-- I mean butt really good, so he won't be a bother anymore.”
“It's about time someone gave him a good ass kicking, I'd have done it myself if Anne would have let me. He would have been dead meat.”
“Oh Phil, that's exactly why I didn't want you to do it!” Nana said, rolling her eyes in exhaust.
“Sweetheart, do you want my 12 gauge? Just say the word and you can have it to protect yourself from that bullheaded jeerk.”
“No, Papa, I think James made his point when he beat him up,” you noted, squeezing James’ hand.
Your papa seemed to understand that you trusted this man, so in a way, he had no choice but to do the same. He’d seen you with jerks before and didn’t want James to be another one, but so far, he had given him no reason to think he would be like the others.
Everyone headed to bed, of course, your room and James’ were across the hall from one another.
“I’m sorry about this,” you noted, standing outside your bedroom.
“It’s quite alright. I know how your grandfather feels. It’s just a few nights. I’ll miss you in my arms, but maybe you’ll visit me in my dreams,” he noted before leaning into kiss you. The instant your lips made contact, your Papa came out of his room.
“Alright, break it up,” Papa said, gruffing.
“Papa,” you groaned.
“Lights out. Some of us have to get up at 4,” he reminded, wagging a finger at you.
“You’re right.” You sighed. “Good night.” You kissed James quickly on the lips and you two went into your separate rooms.
Your papa woke the whole house so you all could get to work. You and James were on feeding duty and it was a blast watching James try to get the hang of everything. He knew some things, so he wasn’t completely helpless, but he was nowhere as broken in as you were.
At one point, you went off with one of the ranch hands to help bale hay in the far west field while Papa asked James come with him to the North fields to mend some more fences.
“So, James, I wanted to talk to you,” Papa started, stretching out some cattle wire.
“That's never good,” James half-joked, terrified of your gun-toting grandfather.
“No, no, don’t worry, my boy. I just wanted to say, I’ve seen a lot of men hurt my little girl. I don’t want to see it happen again, and I may be old, but I’m no fool. I know I can’t protect her from everything, but I’d like to think I can help soften some of life’s blows, if you know what I mean.”
“I think I do,” James concurred.
“Good. Now, you seem like an upstanding fella, and I know that people can grow to have their differences, I also know that in your line of work, the lifestyle is different.”
James stood quietly, listening, as Papa instructed him on what to do.
“I’m just saying, should you ever realize Y/N isn’t what you want any more, or you’re ready for something else, or you two grow apart, or whatever happens, let her know before it’s too late. Sort your differences out or leave or do whatever you have to to avoid as much hurt as possible.”
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting her,” James informed.
“Oh, I know. Most people don’t, but I’m old and I’ve got a lot of siblings and nieces and nephews and aunts and uncles and cousins, and I’ve seen how easily a marriage or relationship can fall apart from lack of communication and go to a point of no return. I’m just telling you, before it hits that point, let her know. Be as kind to my girl as you can be, even if you have to let her down, do it in the nicest way possible.”
“You’re very wise, Phil,” James noted kindly. “I see where Y/N gets it from.”
“Yeah,” he noted, bending down to secure the fence. “Well she gets her stubbornness from Anne, but don’t tell them I said that,” he said with a coy grin.
“Haha, I won’t.”
“Now, let me show you how to properly use that hammer,” Papa offered.
The two of them worked on the fences some more and as they moved on throughout the day, James got up the courage to ask something.
“I was wondering...I want to ask Y/N if she’d like to move in together, that way I can be there to protect her and care for her better...What do you think? Do you think it would be something she would go for? Would you have a problem with that?”
“You mean y’all haven’t done that yet?” Phil asked, surprised.
“Uh, no. I wanted to run it by you first,” James answered.
“Huh. Why are you asking me?” he wondered.
“Well, you mean everything to her, you know her best. I think it’s only right that I ask for your opinion on something that would be a huge change in her life, and be sure that you’re okay with it. I wouldn’t want to do anything that would upset you, you mean too much to her.”
Phil took a moment, standing up to look at James. “How about that,” he muttered, seemingly to himself. “Well, I know times are different than when I was your age. I don’t exactly agree with it, but I can give you my blessing. So long as you ask Y/N and she’s completely sure with it, you seem like a decent guy.”
“Thank you, Phil.”
“Don’t mention it. And don’t forget, I do have that 12 gauge should anything happen,” he reminded with a wink.
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anerdinallherglory · 7 years
Approaching Sun (5)
Author's Note: Again, sorry for the wait. I have been reading your guys’ reviews and am thoroughly touched by what you have had to say! I wish I could respond to them individually to thank you guys for your thoughts, but am unfortunately getting by on very little time. So, thank you so so so much! I appreciate you!
I hope you enjoy this chapter. It’s the longest one yet (trust me, I know they’re short. The wait will be worth it!) Also, I picture Kakashi to be the kind of mentor/hokage who can’t help but meddle in the lives of his students. I don’t know why, but I picture him as the type of sensei who continues to keep a close eye on his mentees and watches out for them.
***This fic is tightly adapted to Sasuke Shinden and Sakura Hiden. Please read the novels or refer to the summaries. I'm tired of waiting for their story, so have decided to write it myself.
Pairing: SasuSaku
Summary: After 2 years, Sasuke returns to the village where friends anxiously await him. Still troubled by the mysteries of Kaguya and his personal guilt, Sasuke is split between friends and his journey. One specific pink-haired individual has perhaps waited for him with far more dedication than anyone else. Troubled by rising casualties and international dependence on her abilities, Sakura is torn between her love for Sasuke and her duty to her village.
 (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4)
Chapter 5: "Sunshine and Rain"
 Sasuke frowned at the red and white fan displayed on the stone in front of him. The last time he had visited this place, he had come with Orochimaru and Taka in order to reanimate the first four hokage and learn what the purpose of a village was. His family's district had been in rubbles and Sasuke had barely managed to locate the stone door that concealed a hidden meeting place beneath the shattered structure of his clan's Nakano shrine. When the Akatsuki had showed up to claim Naruto, the village was completely destroyed by Pein. Despite its location on the outskirts of the village, the Uchiha compound hadn't escaped destruction.
Now, it had been cleared from the shattered pieces of wood and stone that had piled on top of each other. In its place rested an expanse of endless green, free from buildings or any familiar structures that Sasuke remembered from his childhood. There was a sudden sadness that overtook him as he remembered his childhood home and the people who used to occupy the space before him. Other than the memorial before him, there was no lingering evidence of the clan who once lived here.  And yet, there was a part of Sasuke that was relieved when he saw the place of his family's massacre wiped from the face of the earth.  
After he had left Sakura's several nights ago, he had turned towards the Uchiha compound. Just as he arrived at the border, he had suddenly redirected his path towards the forest surrounding the district. He had been weary from his travel and didn’t want to face the ruins of his clan that night. Not in the dark, where the memories of his family's death would have surely haunted him. Instead, he decided to camp out among the trees for a few days until he was ready. It had become a common practice of his, sleeping in the forest. Despite Kakashi's efforts to provide him with a room, the Uchiha had insisted against it. What was the point, he had thought. It wasn’t like he was staying long, anyway.
Now, as he looked at the memorial, his thoughts flashed back to the Konoha Military Police Force building. It had been in the same location as the previous one. Had that building escaped the demolition or had they simply rebuilt it the exact way it had been before? The Uchiha crest that he had evaluated just a few days ago stuck out strongly in his thoughts. What was the point of rebuilding it with the Uchiha crest just as it had been when the clan served as the police force?
"I had a hunch you might be here."
Sasuke turned slowly to face the ninja who had suddenly appeared behind him, unsurprised. Of course, Kakashi always had a way of showing up when he was least expected--or wanted, for that matter.
"And I suppose you are looking for me, for a reason?" he replied. It came off more disrespectful than Sasuke had meant it. But it was still better than all the snide comments that had come to the surface of his tongue upon being interrupted by his former sensei. Despite his efforts to change, Sasuke supposed that he would always possess that signature sarcasm of his.
The white haired man came to stand beside him and together they appraised the memorial.
After a few minutes of silence, "Actually, I'm not the only one who has been looking for you." Sasuke received this comment with even more silence. They both knew who Kakashi was referring to. Sasuke had been purposefully avoiding Sakura's bright charka signature ever since he had walked her home a few nights back. It hadn't been too difficult, considering her almost 24 hour presence at the hospital. The hospital was the area he had been staying the farthest away from. Not only was he avoiding Sakura, but he had been dodging anyone whom he had past connections with, especially those who maintained contact with the pink haired kunoichi.
Not receiving any response, Kakashi continued, "I'm here because I've recently received word from Yamato. He says I have a significant number of ninja who are seeking to become Konoha citizens, thanks to you."
Sasuke looked at the Hokage then, understanding dawning on his features. He made an effort not to look even slightly sorry. Instead, the Uchiha smirked and said, "Well, what was I supposed to do? Leave them how they were?"
The ninja Yamato was referring to were the ninja Sasuke had recently released from their bounds to their previous "owners" in a place called the Coliseum. Located on an unmapped island in the middle of the ocean, wealthy individuals gathered at this place to fight their ninja against competing ninja. The rules were that if a ninja was to lose in one of these fights, the owner of the victorious ninja received the losing ninja as their own. If a particularly strong ninja were to partake in the fight, different owners would offer up their strongest ninja in battle in order to acquire the ninja for their team. This was how they advanced their power. He had visited this place with Orochimaru in order to meet Oyashiro En, the leader of Bright Lightning Group's original owner. He had been rumored to collect kekkei genkai and Orochimaru had entered Sasuke in the fight--without his knowledge--with the hope that Sasuke's sharingan might draw the man out. Oyashiro took the bait and Sasuke defeated the man's ninja that had been pitted against him. During the meeting with the repulsive man, Sasuke had acquired the information he sought about Bright Lightning Group. Afterwards, he challenged all the owners in the coliseum, offering the Uchiha kekkei genkai to any who were brave enough to put their ninja forward. In the end, he had been victorious against them all, had acquired them as his own, then set them free. Of course, Yamato, being in constant surveillance of Orochimaur's activity, was nearby and Sasuke entrusted him with the freed ninja.
Kakashi lowered his Hokage's hat, turning to look Sasuke squarely in the face. The mask on his face didn’t hide the prominent lines of a smile as he said, "I suppose not. It seems you are doing the right things this time around."
A palm landed firmly on his left shoulder, and Sasuke couldn’t help but widen his eyes at the sudden contact from his former sensei. It had been years since he had received a compliment from anyone, let alone any form of physical contact. It was even more surprising coming from Kakashi, a man Sasuke had once believed to be far too disappointed in the Uchiha’s past to acknowledge their previous bond.
As if reading his mind, the white-haired ninja spoke, "With everything that's happened recently and seeing how much you are making a difference in peoples' lives, I just want to tell you that I am proud of you. It's good to have the old Sasuke back."
As Kakashi removed his hand and began to walk away, Sasuke was stunned at the words still ringing in his ears as they worked their way into his heart. His gaze followed his former sensei as he walked towards the direction he had come.
"Oh," Kakashi added, turning back to face him. "I suppose since you’re the reason for all our new citizens, you won't mind helping me welcome them to Konohagakure."
Sasuke's momentary shock faded at hearing this but before he could interject his argument, the Hokage waved and quickly said, "See you at the gates bright and early day after tomorrow." He quickly disappeared.
"Tch," Sasuke grumbled, turning promptly back to face the Uchiha crest memorial. Smooth Kakashi, praising him just before assigning him work to do. Unbelievable. Grabbing his left shoulder, the Uchiha couldn’t help let a smile escape as he replayed Kakashi's words in his mind.  
Standing alone in the tall grass, the breeze tossing his hair across his eyes, Sasuke glanced up at the sun. It was warm on his face and Sasuke found that he quite liked the feeling of it. Everything seemed a little brighter these days, a little warmer. For so long, Sasuke had lived in darkness, numb to all feeling except for the hate that guided his path as an avenger. As if he had been stuck in perpetual winter, the sun seemed to be revealing itself to him a little more each day, approaching him, causing a spring of feeling to rejuvenate him.
After Kakashi had left her that night, Sakura found herself not being able to sleep again. Her thoughts kept wondering to Sasuke as she thought about him leaving the village again. She wanted nothing more than to seek him out. Unfortunately, his chakra was nearly nonexistent, as he kept it completely concealed. The only reason she knew he was still in the village, was because Kakahi told her to "go visit a friend." If there was one person the Uchiha had to stay in contact with, it would be the Hokage.
The day after that, Sakura had been so tired that she slept throughout the entire day. She would wake up to eat, use the bathroom, and she even attempted to get up and sit on the couch at one point but ended up falling asleep again. She hadn't realized just how tired she had been and was relieved to feel her chakra replenishing slowly.
At the crack of dawn, the following morning, Sakura was wakened by the faint streams of light spilling across her face from her window. Despite the birds singing outside, Sakura could hear the steady "pit-pat" of the rain on her roof. Glancing out the small window on the left side of her bed, Sakura watched the rain hit her windowsill for a few minutes, then quickly decided to open the window to sit out a little pot of flowers that Ino had given her under one of the drops that was spilling off the awning. She frowned at the sight of her wilting flowers.
Glancing around her apartment, Sakura noticed that like her flowers, her apartment had also been neglected.  Unfortunately, due to her almost consistent pace at work, Sakura hadn't been able to clean her apartment in some time. There were clothes towering in the corner of her room, dishes piled in the sink, and thin layer of dust on almost every surface. She sighed at the sight of it, knowing what her mother would say if she were to see her daughter living in this state. Well, it was decided then.
Jumping out of bed, Sakura tied her hair up, changed into some cleaning clothes, and set to work. The rain was a lulling sound and even though she spent hours scrubbing and washing, the noise eased her mind and she began to feel a little of the stress lift off of her shoulders. At one point, Sakura wanted to open all the windows so the rain could come make its noise inside, but she knew that would be a silly thing to do.
Instead, she decided to cook. It wouldn’t be long before her food would go bad. She hadn't eaten much the past few days and a lot of her groceries had already expired. Deciding to cook all of what she had left, Sakura ended up making enough food to feed an entire family. As she chopped the tomatoes, she couldn’t help but think of the ninja whose favorite food was the red fruit. She remembered Naruto arguing with the Uchiha about whether or not it was a vegetable or fruit. Of course, they had asked her and she told them it was a fruit. She smiled at the fond memory.
Glancing out the kitchen window, Sakura noted that the rain was beginning to get a little heavier. Where was that certain Uchiha right now? What would he be doing? She looked at all the food around her. Well, she could take him something to eat—it was the perfect excuse. If she went looking for him now, would she even find him?
Slipping into the rain coat hanging next to her door, Sakura cradled the bento close to her body to avoid getting it wet. Stepping out into the rain, she glanced in the direction of the Uchiha compound. Well, it was a good place to start.
Sakura was a lot closer to the compound now, being on this side of the village. Why she had moved closer, she had no idea. Maybe it was because she wanted to completely separate from her parents, or perhaps she wanted to live as far away from her other friends as she possibly could. It was difficult for Sakura, seeing everyone move on and find happiness while she waited and waited for the same man who was here and now avoiding her. What did she do in her past life to deserve falling in love with a man who had no desire for her? Would she ever find her own happiness?
When Sasuke was in prison, Sakura had often tried to visit him. She wasn’t allowed to see him except for the occasional "check-up" appointment that she was allowed to perform in order to make sure he was healthy and not rotting away behind bars. He would perk up slightly when he sensed her chakra signature enter the building and it broke her heart to see the man she loved bound the way that he was with a seal over his eyes. How they had ever managed to reduce him to such a state, was simply because he let them. She would touch his shoulder kindly and ask him all the procedural questions a doctor would ask their patient. She wasn’t allowed more than 40 minutes at a time with him, but in those 40 minutes she would tell him what was going on outside with everyone. Sometimes, but more rarely, would he participate in conversation with her. Once, hearing the guards’ footsteps returning, Sasuke leaned towards her, asking "When will you come back?" She hadn't been able to give him a definite answer.
Looking down at the package in her hand, she wished she would have been able to do more for him back then. The only thing she had ever been able to do was work her hardest and wait for him. Would there ever be a day where she could walk by his side, assisting him on his journey?
After a few wet minutes in the rain, Sakura looked up at the small wooden entrance that read "Uchiha." Carved into the supporting posts were two red and white fans, the Uchiha family crest. Well, Sakura thought, here we go. Stepping through the entrance, Sakura found herself staring out at a field of tall grass. She looked left and right, not seeing anyone. He heart sank a little but then she noticed that in the center, rising from the grass, stood a large pillar of stone emblazoned with the Uchiha crest. As Sakura got closer, she could see that the names of every Uchiha had been etched onto its surface. It surprised Sakura to see. She had been here after the destruction had been cleared but never saw the memorial. In fact, she had the feeling that nobody had. Did Kakashi do this? It was something she could see her former sensei doing. She supposed he did it in secret to protect it from would be violators, those who held a grudge against the Uchiha clan.
Squinting in the rain, she reached out to touch its surface. It was cold and wet as the rain bounced off of it. A feeling of sadness overcame Sakura as she trailed her fingers down the list of names, coming to rest over "Uchiha Itachi" and then "Sasuke Uchiha" whose name was at the very bottom of the list.
She jumped away from it, jerking around on reflex. The bento she had been carrying fell from her hands, the contents spilling out onto the grass. She pulled her hood back from her face to see the figure standing before her.
A rain-drenched Sasuke stood staring at her, a touch of confusion in his features. His coat was completely soaked and water poured from his bangs, running down the sides of his cheeks. For a second, the rain almost made it look like Sasuke was crying, and Sakura couldn’t help but realize where she was and imagine what a young, distraught little Uchiha experienced in this place.
"Sasuke?" she called out to him, raising her voice a little over the developing rain. She bent down, scooping up the spilt contents back into its box. "You frightened me."
"What are you doing here?" he asked, taking a step towards her.
"I came to bring you some food" she gestured to the bento, trying to smile at him through the sheets of rain. "I didn’t think I would actually find you, though. I'm sorry it’s ruined."
"Come on," he said tiredly, waving her to follow him. She quickly did so and followed him towards the woods, wondering what she had done wrong. Sasuke took them to the thickest part of the forest where the trees blanketed the sky, shielding them from most of the rain. He stopped at a large tree, taking his coat off and hanging it on a branch. She glanced around her feet, noting the remains of a campfire and a disassembled structure which she assumed was some kind of tent. Realization suddenly dawned on her.
"Sasuke, you're not sleeping out here, are you?"
He glanced over at her, then sat down, leaning his back against the tree. After a long second, he replied, "It suits me."
She frowned at the sight of him, dirty and wet. When was the last time he had gotten to rest in a proper house? When was the last time he had access to running water and fresh food? She shook her head in disbelief.
"Did Kakashi not--"
"Yes," he interrupted, redirecting his gaze away from her, "he did. I refused."
She squatted down, making herself level with him and saying, "But you're drenched."
His eyes flashed over at her, slight annoyance sharpening his voice as he replied, "I wouldn’t be, had someone not been standing like an idiot in the rain. Aren't medic ninja supposed to know something about colds?"
She frowned at him, narrowing her eyes at his attitude. Had coming here really made him this annoyed with her? If he hadn't concealed his chakra, if he hadn't made every attempt to avoid her since walking her home that night, then she wouldn’t have had to stand out in the rain like a total idiot. She refused to tell him these things. She also resisted the urge to throw the remains of the bento box at his face. Her scowl softened slightly when she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the rigid way he held his body, all signs of fatigue.
Suddenly, she grabbed his coat from the branch and threw it at him instead. He caught it, his only visible eyebrow raising in surprise.
"Come with me. You need a shower."  
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akihaharu-blog · 7 years
{Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress} 004 Mysterious Space
Ye Ling Yue didn’t know how long she had slept for, but she woke up to an itchy nose. The unique scent of the earth after a rain shower came at her in waves.
Ye Ling Yue opened her eyes and found herself in a blurry and misty wild field.
Ye Ling Yue looked down, only to see the Vitality Condensing Grass she was hugging earlier to have disappeared.
Some steps away, there was a very green wild plant, but it wasn’t the Vitality Condensing Plant.
Ye Ling Yue clearly remembers that when Mother had given the Vitality plant to her, it was definitely yellow and wilting.
In just the time of a good night’s sleep, the Vitality Condensing Grass has already completely changed its appearance. Its stem was strong and sturdy, the color was very vibrant green, and the rate that it’s growing at is also very good.
Ye Ling Yue made a few steps forward then saw that on the side there was a blackish brown colored rock. On it, there was an inscription that read: “The Primordial World”
The three words was written very sharply and carved in deeply into the stone. The writing style was elegant and unrestrained. It appears to have been carved into just by someone’s fingers alone.
This place called The Primordial World was only one li[1] wide or so. What is ahead is unknown.
“Ling Yue. The sun’s up now. It’s time to get up for training practice,” Ye Huang Yu’s voice reverberated by her ear.
Her consciousness returned and when she opened her eyes, Ye Ling Yue found herself not in The Primordial World any longer.
An infant’s blue eyes flashed across the wide mist the moment Ye Ling Yue left.
After Ye Ling Yue left The Primordial World, she reorganized her thoughts and then recalled that her mother was going to begin teaching her martial combat today.
Three days later, outside of the Ye family’s northern manor. The sun’s rays were faintly beaming down from the tree branches.
A slim and skinny person’s silhouette was currently running around the northern manor. Iron sand bags were tied to each of Ye Ling Yue’s legs. She had already been running for one shichen[2] now.
Ye Huang Yu was a very strict and harsh person. On the very day that Ye Ling Yue became determined to learn martial combat, she had already come up with a strict training plan.
Every morning and evening, Ye Ling Yue has to go out for a run for one shichen, and then is proceeded by a meditation session for another shichen.
Vital energy was thickest during dawn and dusk.
Such an intense training plan seemed impossible to the frail and weak Ye Ling Yue.
But since beginning on the first day, Ye Ling Yue showed no signs of quitting, and endured on with it.
Drips and drips of sweat fell onto the ground. With every step she took, there would be another water stain on the ground. Even Ye Ling Yue’s muscles and bones were crazily calling out to her.
But she still didn’t give up. Sweat came down like the rain, making it seem as if she had just crawled out from the water by the time she finished her two shichen run.
Ye Ling Yue then proceeded to sit down getting into a meditation position and began to breathing exercises.
Ye Huang Yu’s demand was for her to run for one shichen and meditate for another shichen every day and night, but Ye Ling Yue doubled it and ran for two shichen followed by a two shichen meditation session.
Even if her memories were not very clear, Ye Ling Yue still faintly remembered that it was only after accidently consuming some kind of medicinal pill from the strange cauldron that she had become smarter and returned to normal.
That medicinal pill still had some other effect left over which increased Ye Ling Yue’s results from training.
So the more crazily and intensely he trained, the medicinal effect of the pill would be absorbed more quickly by her body. Counting today, the medicinal effects left in her body should be more or less all absorbed by now.
Yue Ling Yue’s nose, mouth, skin, and even her entire body’s pores began to greedily suck in the earth and sky’s vital energy as if it were bellows.
Ye Huang Yu watched Ye Ling Yue as she meditated faraway.
Yue Huang Yu originally thought that her daughter only wanted to start training because of a sudden moment’s interest, but from what she’s observed, it doesn’t seem to be that way with her almost insane intense training these past few days.
That child, truly wants to train.
Her daughter’s personality is strong and determined like hers. But in the end is this good or bad. Yu Huang Yu looks on with a complicated expression on her face.
Just at this time, the focus of Ye Huang Yu’s eyes suddenly shifts. She noticed that on Ye Ling Yue’s skin, a reddish-brown like light begins surfacing up.
That light indicates the strengthening of her skin from vital energy. Normal punches and kicks can longer do any harm to Ye Ling Yue.
But the beginning of skin and body strengthening is only available to those who have a cultivation level of at least two.
Martial combatants are divided into nine levels. Although she doesn’t know why Ye Ling Yue had already become a level one cultivation martial combatant, Ye Huang Yu only thought of it as a coincidence.
But in a short three days, her daughter surpassed another level. There is no way this is coincidence.
After a full two shichen, as the last of the mysterious energy burned up, Ye Ling Yue opened her eyes. She leaped up, only to feel that her body was quick and light like a bird.
“Why does the vital energy in the dantian feel even more plentiful now?” Yu Ling Yue said surprised.
“That’s because you just surpassed into level two.” Ye Huang Yu smiled as she walked up to her.
She’s surpassed another level, but this time it was suddenly during meditation.  
“Mother. I want to learn the same kind of fighting technique Ye Qing used when we sparred that day.” Ye Ling Yue seized the opportunity to ask seeing that Ye Huang Yu had an excited expression on her face.
Ye Ling Yue is a woman, and coincidentally so, she’s a woman who loves to remembers grudges. She remembers the incident with Ye Qing, and she will definitely get revenge.
“You just barely learned how to walk and you want to begin running already. The fighting technique Ye Qing uses is our Ye family’s most basic technique. The name is called Striking Thunder. The Ye Family rules say that you can only begin learning it after reaching level three cultivation. Once you reach it, I’ll definitely teach you.” Seeing the itching to start learning expression on her daughter’s face, Ye Huang Yu couldn’t help but start laughing as she helped her wipe the sweat off her forehead.
Cultivation level three. She will definitely accomplish it! Ye Ling Yue vowed silently in her mind.
[1] Li = area equalling to roughly 2/3 square meters or 0.667 square metre/0.797 square yard.
[2] Roughly 2 hours time. 12 shichen = 24 hours.
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fahimahammedssss · 4 years
Use This Great Tips About Dogs To Help You Better Understand
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It's a great feeling to own a dog. They are happy, loyal and friendly. They can be great friends to you, your children and your parents. To repay them, you've got to make sure you are doing the best job you can to take care of them. Here are some tips you can use to do that.
Just like people need regular yearly physicals, dogs need the same thing. Because your dog is unable to speak, you may not know for sure when your dog feels sick or has an injury. A yearly checkup will help you find any problems before they become huge issues.
If you are interested in providing your dog with the healthiest of diets and making positive contributions to the earth's environment, make his food from scratch. You can buy locally grown organic ingredients and provide him all the proteins, carbs and fats he needs with no preservatives while reducing the waste from packaging as well.
When giving your dog a bath, make sure that you only put on shampoo that is intended for canines. Using lukewarm water, get the entire body wet and then begin applying the shampoo to their face, working your way down their body. Wait a few minutes and then take a washcloth and wipe off the suds from your pet's face. Wash off the rest of the shampoo as well.
Talk to the veterinarian about the proper amount of food for your dog. Even though many people stick to the label on the can or package of the dog's food, sometimes these guidelines might not work for the type of dog that you have. This could lead to your dog becoming obese. Speak with your veterinarian about what your dog's needs are and what amounts are proper.
Although the sound may be cute, your dog's nails shouldn't click along the floor when it walks. That's a sign that the nails are too long. The nails should actually just barely touch the ground. Seek the advice of a professional on what tools are the best for giving your dog a pedicure.
Know the basics of pet first-aid if you have a dog in your family. Being able to react quickly in an emergency, such as your pooch being bitten by a snake, can mean the difference between life and death. Read a good book on the subject or ask your vet to brief you on the basics.
Be careful around Christmas time with a dog in your home; it's the busiest time of year at 24/7 animal clinics! Things like hanging and tree lights pose a danger to your dog, as they could become tangled or gnaw their way down to raw wires. The loveliest of Christmas plants are also hazardous to a dog's health, so take extra care during holidays.
Just like humans, dogs need to get a good amount of exercise each and every day. If your dog does not get the exercise it needs, it health will decline, and so will his attitude towards life. Take the time to exercise your dog for at least a half hour each day for the best results.
To make your dog happy and increase the bond between you, try learning how to give him a massage! It's been shown in recent studies that structured massages are highly beneficial to a dog's health and can improve their overall well-being. This activity can also be very relaxing for you as well.
Stay involved politically for your dog. Watch for local legislation that may be passing through the system, restricting and regulating dog owner's behavior and rights. Breed-specific laws are typically the result of media hype. You should always call the authorities.
Don't let too many people train your dog. Training methods vary by person, and multiple trainers can confuse the dog. Have a single person focus on training your dog, and have anyone else work to reinforce what the dog is learning. No matter what their opinions are, they should stick to the rules set by the trainer.
Yelling at your dog or displaying any other violent behaviors are not good options. Your dog will fear you and establishing a bond with your pet will be very hard. The best way to train your dog is to use positive reinforcement and simply say no in a firm voice when you catch your dog misbehaving.
Punish your dog carefully. You should never punish your dog for a mischief that happened more than fifteen minutes ago since your dog will probably not establish a connection between the punishment and the bad behavior. If you catch your dog misbehaving, say no in a firm voice and have your dog sit in a corner for a few minutes.
Never give your dog away for free, no matter how desperate you might feel to get rid of it quickly. Even if you can not care for the animal, it is still your responsibility to be sure that it will have a good life to come. Instead, take the time to investigate the person that you will give it to and charge a re-homing fee to ensure that they are serious about caring for the animal.
If you are looking into getting a dog you should ask as much about the dog that you can think of. For example, you will want to know about its mannerisms, level of activity and how affection it is. Ask whatever you can think of, so that you do not regret your decision later.
In order to potty train a puppy, it is of utmost importance to take the dog outside frequently. Doing this will familiarize your puppy with the association between outside and going to the bathroom. Failure to do this will result in a harder time breaking your new family member of his/ her bad habits.
After reading the tips, you should have a good understanding of the kinds of tasks you can undertake to care for your dog. You can always make improvements, so make sure you put the tips into practice. When you start seeing results, you'll be glad that you did, and your dog will be happy too.
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lisagintexas · 4 years
Life after Death?
This is the big question often asked. What happens after we die? Are we gone forever, or do we go to heaven or hell? Is reincarnation the answer? Are we dead till a resurrection?
I will try to bring up as many scriptures as possible that speak about death and life after death to understand more clearly what the scriptures say. The first scripture I can find regarding the dead is Deut.18:9-11 which says, “When you come into the land...you shall not learn to follow the detestable acts (abominations) of those nations...there shall not be found among you anyone who...practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.” These are evil acts according to God. It seems all of these things can be done and are done by the nations. What it means to “call up the dead” I don’t know, but it’s dealing with the spirit world that exists and is off limits to those obedient to God.
In 2 Kings 4:32-35 we see Elisha prayed for the dead son of the Shunamite women as well as stretching himself out on the child and then God resurrected the boy from the dead. So from this example it seems the boy being dead did not immediately go to heaven or hell, but was resurrected back to physical life by God. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, referred to the dead boy, saying “he has not awakened”, as if being dead is like being asleep.
Speaking of Josiah who was a righteous king in Judah, God says, “Surely I will cause you to join your ancestors in death, and you will die a natural death in peace.” 2 Kings 22:20 There is no mention of heaven or hell, just dying like those before him.
Here’s how David speaks about death. Psalms 6:4-6 “Return, O LORD, deliver me! Oh, save me for Your mercies’ sake! For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give You thanks?” Psalms 13:3 “Consider and hear me, O LORD my God; Enlighten my eyes, Lest I sleep the sleep of death.” Psalms 31:12 “I am forgotten like a dead man, out of mind.” Psalms 76:6 “At your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and the horse were cast into a dead sleep.” Psalms 88:10-11 “Will You (God) work wonders for the dead? Will the dead arise and praise you? Will your loving kindness be declared in the grave?” Psalms 115:17 “The dead do not praise the LORD, nor any who go down into silence.” Psalms 143:3 “For the enemy has persecuted my soul, he has crushed my life to the ground, he has made me dwell in dark places, like those who have long been dead.” Psalms 146:3-4 “Do not put your trust in princes nor in a human beings in whom there is not salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; in that very day his plans perish.” Those are David’s words considering death. He didn’t talk at all about going to heaven and praising God after death, or going to hell to be tortured forever. Rather, death seems to be a place of nothingness, no words, no actions, like sleep.
Job says, “If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes. You will call, and I will answer You; You will desire the work of Your hands.” Job 14:14-15. Job seems to believe in a life after death, and speaks metaphorically of a change of some type that he will wait for while dead in the grave.
Solomon, the man known for the wisdom given to him by God, speaks this way. Prov. 11:4 “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.” Prov. 11:19 “As righteousness leads to life, so he who pursues evil pursues it to his own death.” Prov. 12:28 “In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.” Since we know nobody escapes death, the life Solomon mentions must be a life after death and is connected to the way we live, our righteousness. In Ecclesiastes Solomon says, “Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.” (Eccl. 12:7) Scripture says there is a spirit in man given by God, and according to Solomon this spirit returns to God at death.
Isaiah also makes some note worthy comments about death. He prophesies in Isa. 25:8 that God will “swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces.” This is future hope that death will no longer exist. Paul quotes this in 1 Cor. 15:54-55, and John speaks also of this in Revelation 21:4.
Ezekiel 37:12 says, “Therefore prophesy and say to them (the dry bones of the house of Israel), “Thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel...I will put my spirit in you, and you will live...” This seems to be a prophesy of life after death for Israel, a resurrection to physical life.
Malachi 4:1-3 speaks of a day coming when the wicked will be stubble and will be burned up. He says “those who fear God’s name will trample the wicked. For they will be ashes under the soles of your feet.”
Jeshua (Jesus) speaking to the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, says, “You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures or the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, nor can they die anymore, but are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob: God is not the God of the dead but of the living.” (Matt. 22:29-32, Luke 20:34-38) Jeshua supported the teaching of the resurrection of the dead and life again for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
At the death of Jeshua, saints were resurrected from their graves. (Matt 27:52-53). They were seen by others. If at death, the righteous go to heaven, why were these righteous coming out of their graves to physical life?
Jeshua said regarding those who provide a great meal and invite the poor, crippled, lame or blind instead of their friends, that “you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” (Luke 14:13-14). Again, teaching that works of righteousness will be rewarded at the resurrection, not immediate life in heaven at death.
Jeshua also said, “the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgement.” John 5:28-29 Jeshua did not speak of heaven and hell but of a resurrection for both the good and the evil.
Martha talking about Lazarus, her brother who had been dead four days, said to Jeshua, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jeshua said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” Again, a resurrection is the teaching, and life eternal at the resurrection for those who believe in him. And then Jeshua prayed to God and Lazarus was raised from the dead. (John 11:23-23,44). If he had gone to heaven, why was he now raised from the dead.
If one goes to heaven or hell at death, why did Jeshua stay in the grave for three days and three nights and then was resurrected from the grave and seen by many for 40 days?
All through the book of Acts the apostles spoke about the resurrection of Jeshua and the hope of the resurrection for us. Peter says, “the patriarch David, is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne, he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption, This Jesus, God has raised up.” (Acts 2:29-32). David, still asleep, dead, in the grave, foresaw the resurrection of Christ.
Peter and John taught the people and preached about Jesus and the resurrection from the dead. (Acts 4:2, 33). Paul also preached to them Jesus and the resurrection. (Acts 17:18,32). Paul said, “concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged.” (Acts 23:6, 24:21) Paul believed in the hope of the resurrection, not going to heaven at death. In his defense before Governor Felix he said, “I have hope in God, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust.” (Acts 24:15). It seems he agrees with Jeshua.
Paul discusses in 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 that some say there is not a resurrection of the dead, and proclaims, if this is true, Christ is not risen, and our faith is futile and we are still in our sins. He also says those who have “fallen asleep in Christ”, referring to the dead saints, have perished. But this is not so, because Paul believes in the resurrection of Jeshua and therefore a resurrection of the dead saints. Is this immediately upon death?
He makes clear, “Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” So if Christ is the firstfruits, meaning the first to rise from the dead, then any righteous believers before Christ are still dead in their graves. Paul continues, “for since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive. But each one in his own order; Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Chirst’s at His coming.” (1 Cor. 15:20-23) So when are all the dead in Christ resurrected from the dead? At Christ’s coming is what Paul says. Until then they are asleep in the grave. Just as Jeshua was dead, asleep in the grave three days and three nights until the Father resurrected him. So the saints wait in the grave until the coming of Jeshua.
Paul describes the body we will be raised in, saying “it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body...as we have borne the image of the dust, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.” (1 Cor. 15:44, 49). Jeshua was raised from the grave in a different body than what he had before death. So we will be raised also in a heavenly body like him.
Continuing Paul says, “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God..I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed.” (1 Cor. 15:50-52). The goal is to inherit the kingdom of God, not heaven. Jeshua told us to pray, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matt 6:9-10) God’s kingdom is in heaven now, but we are to pray that it will come here also. His kingdom will be on earth, and we will be inheritors of it.
Just as Paul said in the book of Acts that he was being judged for his hope in the resurrection from the dead, he also said to the church in Philippi (Philippians 3:10-11), “that I may know him (Jeshua) and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Paul’s hope was the resurrection from the dead.
In 1 Thess. 4:14-16 Paul says, “if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who sleep. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we will always be with the Lord.” Paul seems to say the same thing to the Thessalonians as he said to the Corinthians. Those asleep in Christ, the dead saints, will be resurrected from the dead, and those alive will join them and Christ. Where do they go after they meet Christ in the clouds? Jeshua is coming down from heaven, the saints are going up in the clouds to meet him. The angels standing by the disciples when Jeshua went up into the clouds out of their sight said, “Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11). This portrays him coming back to earth. Revelation 5:9-10 speaks of those redeemed by Jeshua’s blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation becoming a kingdom and priests to God and reigning on earth. Revelation 20:4-6 speaks about those who will live and reign with Christ for a thousand years, saying they are in the first resurrection and that they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him one thousand years.
The author of the book of Hebrews says “All these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.” (Heb. 11:39-40) He was speaking about all the faithful that had died previously. They still await the promise of the resurrection.
It also says, “others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.” (Heb.11:35) This implies there is more than one resurrection if there is a better resurrection. The book of Revelation also says, “this is the first resurrection, blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection; over such the second death has no power”, (Rev. 20:5-6). If there is a first resurrection than again it is implied there is another one. Jeshua spoke of two resurrections, one to life and one to judgment. Paul also spoke of a resurrection for the just, and for the unjust.
Revelation 20:7-13 speaks of “after the thousand years have expired...I saw a great white throne judgment...I saw the dead, small and great standing before God, and the books were opened. And another was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books, the sea gave up the dead...death and hades delivered up the dead...they were judged each one according to their works.” This is a different resurrection than the resurrection of the just to eternal life. This resurrection is all the dead and a resurrection to judgement as Jeshua spoke of.
John speaking metaphorically refers to Jeshua as cleaning out his threshing floor, and gathering his wheat into the barn; but burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Matt. 3:11-12) This is not being tortured forever in a hell fire, but burned up, as John says in a lake of fire and dead forever. Jeshua also spoke about this in the parable of the wheat and tares. (Matt. 13:24-30). The tares are bound and burned and the wheat gathered into his barn.
These scriptures teach a resurrection of the just at the return of Jeshua, alive in the kingdom of God as priests for one thousand years, followed by a resurrection of the unjust and a judgment for them according to their works. In the end, it says, “anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire...which is the second death.” (Rev. 20:15, 21:8) Ultimately, life is over for those in the judgment who choose not to obey God.
In Hebrews 12:22-23 it speaks to the Christian Jews saying they have not come to Mt Sinai but “you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the entire gathering and assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect...”. This doesn’t say the firstborn are in heaven, but enrolled, or registered there. It also says the spirits of the righteous are there, not the person. Solomon said the spirit goes back to God who gave it. (Eccl. 12:7). John 19:30 says, Jeshua “gave up his spirit”.
Here’s my outlook. When we die, the spirit in mankind goes back to God. The body is dead in the grave, and is asleep, knowing nothing, until the resurrection of the just or unjust. The righteous are resurrected at the return of Jeshua, or changed if still alive. They are resurrected or changed into a body like Jeshua was when he was resurrected. Paul calls this a spiritual body. Jeshua said he was not a spirit, but that he had “flesh and bones”. (Luke 24:39) This is different than the human, natural body, which is flesh and blood. He was able to appear in a room without coming through the door. (John 20:19) He still ate food, broiled fish and honeycomb. (Luke 24:42-43). He was unrecognizable to those who knew him till their eyes were opened and he was able to disappear. (Luke 24:31) The righteous will reign with Jeshua on earth for one thousand years and will never die again. This will be the kingdom of God on earth with Jeshua as king. The unjust will be resurrected to a judgment either to be written in the book of life and given eternal life or cast into the lake of fire to die. Whether or not this judgement is over a period of time or immediately is not clear from scripture, but it seems reasonable to me that there will be time where all will have an opportunity to understand what is true and to choose to obey God.
What about near death experiences? You can read many scientific opinions regarding NDE’s. I know they don’t happen to everyone who is clinically dead. The brain is not something we completely understand in my opinion. But, presuming NDE’s confirm going to heaven and hell does not make sense to me since I don’t think the scripture validates this outlook. I believe the word of God should be our foundation, and if knowledge we get doesn’t agree with scripture, either we don’t understand scripture, or the knowledge that disagrees with scripture is not a full understanding of what is true.
I believe our hope should be the resurrection of the dead, especially the first resurrection where the second death has no power. A life of faith and righteousness leads to this hope.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
How to operate a marathon in space
On Sunday, astronaut Tim Peake will take on the London Marathon course just some miles above it. But what are the challenges of is participating in a weightless milieu?
As if going to get infinite wasnt enough of certain challenges, British cosmonauts Tim Peake is now taking part in a marathon up there, to coincide with the London Marathon this weekend. So how on clay( or not) do you actually run a whopping 26.2 miles in a weightless environment?
The only other person to have done it is Nasa cosmonaut Sunita Williams, who ran a marathon in space on a treadmill in 2007. On completing the endeavour she said: Hooyah! I am done. Williams ended her run in about four hours 24 minutes.
Running in space is not as strange as it sounds; in fact, its part of a series of practices astronauts do daily to thwart the loss of physical fitness and to abate damage to bones and muscles from living in micro-gravity.
There are some hurdles to overcome before they can even specify paw on the treadmill. Firstly, there is a requirement fasten themselves on, to keep from swimming off. When we run we secrete any particular load when the paw contacts the dirt but runners in space can choose how much of an impact they want to take by adapting the buckles that keep them in place to have more or less slack. The machine itself is on a vibration-isolation method so the athlete doesnt impart heavy onus on to the space station structure.
Space Agency medic Dr Jonathan Scott justifies: The only mode to get astronauts to lope is to secure them down to the treadmill and the harness moves over their shoulders and around their hips. Its secured utilizing a series of clips that attach to the machine itself, which can be adjusted according to the consignment the athlete requires. More loading is more challenging, but it makes the harness can feel unpleasant; its like trying to run with a heavy rucksack. Astronauts need to combine the right velocity and the right loading to make their lope defying but not extremely uncomfortable.
Scott says Peake is typically loaded with 70 -8 0% of his normal body weight, which does practising challenging for him, but this is the only way often passes for about 45 times, so they are likely need to adjust this for his marathon run.
One tiny step watch a video on how to run aboard the International Space Station
Another consideration when running in space is hydration. Scott says Peake will hydrate utilizing sips containers that are videotapeed or Velcroed to the treadmill around him. He will also have the support of some of his crewmates if he requires refreshment handed to him.
He has some carb gelatins with him, which he took up in preparation. However, when you eat on Earth, meat has weight, it was therefore sits at the lower end of your stomach, but in micro-gravity it moves around. This represents Peake will have to consider his pre-race meal carefully, and he cannot snack too close to the hasten itself or during the race. He is also going to need to be careful not to eat too much.
Peake is also going to need to wipe away sweat, Scott says, because in micro-gravity perspiration had not yet been weight and so persists to the scalp. He may find himself going sweatier than customary due to the fact that the space laboratory temperature is around 23 C.
Another quirk of running in micro-gravity is that all the gases in the air are the same weight. While on Earth the breath we breathe out is warmer than that we breathe in and so disbands away, this doesnt happen in space. To stop an accumulation of carbon dioxide around Peake, the cavity ship requires good ventilation and the treadmill chamber is particularly well ventilated.
Peake has been trained for the race just like everybody else, according to Scott. Because the space programme is busy, there is only a certain sum of time to spare for exert, and we cannot double or triple that time, so he has been doing longer passes at the weekend in his own duration, as anybody else would. He has been building up his time, moving for the purposes of an hour to an hour and a half.
Scott adds that the impact on Peakes body is also same to what you would know-how on Earth, although there are different objections associated with this. His legs will still be tired after the hasten, but he is not going to be using just as much loading as a ordinary athlete who utilizes 100% figure heavines. This symbolizes his legs wont detect quite the same forte of influence, but he has the additional challenge of passing with a harness on his hips, which will be defying for his legs and upper form.
In principle, there is always extending normally; his heart rate will go up and his physiological reply will be similar to that felt on Earth. Having said that, he does face unique challenges, different to those faced by a ordinary runner.
The post How to operate a marathon in space appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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