akihaharu-blog · 7 years
{Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress} 004 Mysterious Space
Ye Ling Yue didn’t know how long she had slept for, but she woke up to an itchy nose. The unique scent of the earth after a rain shower came at her in waves.
Ye Ling Yue opened her eyes and found herself in a blurry and misty wild field.
Ye Ling Yue looked down, only to see the Vitality Condensing Grass she was hugging earlier to have disappeared.
Some steps away, there was a very green wild plant, but it wasn’t the Vitality Condensing Plant.
Ye Ling Yue clearly remembers that when Mother had given the Vitality plant to her, it was definitely yellow and wilting.
In just the time of a good night’s sleep, the Vitality Condensing Grass has already completely changed its appearance. Its stem was strong and sturdy, the color was very vibrant green, and the rate that it’s growing at is also very good.
Ye Ling Yue made a few steps forward then saw that on the side there was a blackish brown colored rock. On it, there was an inscription that read: “The Primordial World”
The three words was written very sharply and carved in deeply into the stone. The writing style was elegant and unrestrained. It appears to have been carved into just by someone’s fingers alone.
This place called The Primordial World was only one li[1] wide or so. What is ahead is unknown.
“Ling Yue. The sun’s up now. It’s time to get up for training practice,” Ye Huang Yu’s voice reverberated by her ear.
Her consciousness returned and when she opened her eyes, Ye Ling Yue found herself not in The Primordial World any longer.
An infant’s blue eyes flashed across the wide mist the moment Ye Ling Yue left.
After Ye Ling Yue left The Primordial World, she reorganized her thoughts and then recalled that her mother was going to begin teaching her martial combat today.
Three days later, outside of the Ye family’s northern manor. The sun’s rays were faintly beaming down from the tree branches.
A slim and skinny person’s silhouette was currently running around the northern manor. Iron sand bags were tied to each of Ye Ling Yue’s legs. She had already been running for one shichen[2] now.
Ye Huang Yu was a very strict and harsh person. On the very day that Ye Ling Yue became determined to learn martial combat, she had already come up with a strict training plan.
Every morning and evening, Ye Ling Yue has to go out for a run for one shichen, and then is proceeded by a meditation session for another shichen.
Vital energy was thickest during dawn and dusk.
Such an intense training plan seemed impossible to the frail and weak Ye Ling Yue.
But since beginning on the first day, Ye Ling Yue showed no signs of quitting, and endured on with it.
Drips and drips of sweat fell onto the ground. With every step she took, there would be another water stain on the ground. Even Ye Ling Yue’s muscles and bones were crazily calling out to her.
But she still didn’t give up. Sweat came down like the rain, making it seem as if she had just crawled out from the water by the time she finished her two shichen run.
Ye Ling Yue then proceeded to sit down getting into a meditation position and began to breathing exercises.
Ye Huang Yu’s demand was for her to run for one shichen and meditate for another shichen every day and night, but Ye Ling Yue doubled it and ran for two shichen followed by a two shichen meditation session.
Even if her memories were not very clear, Ye Ling Yue still faintly remembered that it was only after accidently consuming some kind of medicinal pill from the strange cauldron that she had become smarter and returned to normal.
That medicinal pill still had some other effect left over which increased Ye Ling Yue’s results from training.
So the more crazily and intensely he trained, the medicinal effect of the pill would be absorbed more quickly by her body. Counting today, the medicinal effects left in her body should be more or less all absorbed by now.
Yue Ling Yue’s nose, mouth, skin, and even her entire body’s pores began to greedily suck in the earth and sky’s vital energy as if it were bellows.
Ye Huang Yu watched Ye Ling Yue as she meditated faraway.
Yue Huang Yu originally thought that her daughter only wanted to start training because of a sudden moment’s interest, but from what she’s observed, it doesn’t seem to be that way with her almost insane intense training these past few days.
That child, truly wants to train.
Her daughter’s personality is strong and determined like hers. But in the end is this good or bad. Yu Huang Yu looks on with a complicated expression on her face.
Just at this time, the focus of Ye Huang Yu’s eyes suddenly shifts. She noticed that on Ye Ling Yue’s skin, a reddish-brown like light begins surfacing up.
That light indicates the strengthening of her skin from vital energy. Normal punches and kicks can longer do any harm to Ye Ling Yue.
But the beginning of skin and body strengthening is only available to those who have a cultivation level of at least two.
Martial combatants are divided into nine levels. Although she doesn’t know why Ye Ling Yue had already become a level one cultivation martial combatant, Ye Huang Yu only thought of it as a coincidence.
But in a short three days, her daughter surpassed another level. There is no way this is coincidence.
After a full two shichen, as the last of the mysterious energy burned up, Ye Ling Yue opened her eyes. She leaped up, only to feel that her body was quick and light like a bird.
“Why does the vital energy in the dantian feel even more plentiful now?” Yu Ling Yue said surprised.
“That’s because you just surpassed into level two.” Ye Huang Yu smiled as she walked up to her.
She’s surpassed another level, but this time it was suddenly during meditation.  
“Mother. I want to learn the same kind of fighting technique Ye Qing used when we sparred that day.” Ye Ling Yue seized the opportunity to ask seeing that Ye Huang Yu had an excited expression on her face.
Ye Ling Yue is a woman, and coincidentally so, she’s a woman who loves to remembers grudges. She remembers the incident with Ye Qing, and she will definitely get revenge.
“You just barely learned how to walk and you want to begin running already. The fighting technique Ye Qing uses is our Ye family’s most basic technique. The name is called Striking Thunder. The Ye Family rules say that you can only begin learning it after reaching level three cultivation. Once you reach it, I’ll definitely teach you.” Seeing the itching to start learning expression on her daughter’s face, Ye Huang Yu couldn’t help but start laughing as she helped her wipe the sweat off her forehead.
Cultivation level three. She will definitely accomplish it! Ye Ling Yue vowed silently in her mind.
[1] Li = area equalling to roughly 2/3 square meters or 0.667 square metre/0.797 square yard.
[2] Roughly 2 hours time. 12 shichen = 24 hours.
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akihaharu-blog · 7 years
[Genius Demon Empress] 003. Advancement
Sorry for not being able to post in such a long time. Long story short, a string of bad luck. Hard drive dying and losing my precious files in a very untimely period of time of papers and exams seasons, then being forcefully dragged on an unwilling vacation and finally catching the damn flu.....which I just recovered from. So I’m sorry. But. LIFE....doesn’t go the way I want.
I’ll probably have regular releases again, except schedule will change for sure. I’m working hard to catch up ><. 
PS. Chapter is half edited. I thought it might be better to just release it first then edit later when I have more time. Oh and some changes to terms, just because it sounds better. Human arcanist => mortal arcanist. Sounds...less...human? More fantasy-ish? I’ll make changes to previous chapters later.
“The Canonical Text of Summmoners?” For some reason, Yue Jing Hua felt that the name was somewhat familiar, as if she’s heard something similar thing before, but couldn’t remember where at the moment.
“This one’s an incomplete one left from the ancient times. According to it, it says its owner is a Shaman Summoner expert and can make contracts to summon beasts. After that Shaman died, his canonical text was left behind on the battlefield. I came across this book by chance and bought it. This book is only an incomplete one, but Shaman Summoners have gone extinct for so many years now, and since Shaman Summoners are strong, their items can be spread around forever,” Ol’ Xia sighed with sentiments. This canonical text is his shop’s main featured treasure.
“Between Shaman Summoners and Arcanists, which is stronger?” There are no memories nor information about Shaman Summoners in this body of “Yue Jing Hua”’s, which means, Shaman Summoners have already become extinct on Azure Dragon Continent.
“I’m not quite sure about that, but according to [Events in the History of the Azure Dragon Continent], the Shaman Summoners were once one of the most respected races of Azure Dragon Continent, and about ten thousand years ago, by just relying on an arcane beast army of a few hundred, they were able to cause the whole continent to descend into chaos. They are the true Children of God, and the so-called Shaman Summoners are powerful beings who are able to summon and forge contracts with arcane beasts. A bronze grade summoner can contract up to two low grade arcane beasts. The power of one low grade arcane beast is equal to three to four mortal arcanists, which means one a bronze grade Summoners can go up against several nine-grade mortal arcanists. So what do you think, aren’t summoners a powerful existence?” Ol’ Xia said with a face of reverence. Since he’s been running this general store for so long, he’s heard many kinds of gossip and rumors.
Once Ol’ Xia began talking, he wasn’t able to close his chatterbox anymore. He dragged Yue Jing Hua around and talked about many more things relating to summoners. Such as, the different grades of summoners, and that a summoner’s canonical text is split into different ranks of diamond, gold, silver, and bronze.
“Could I take a look at that summoner’s canonical text?” After receiving Ol’ Xia’s tacit agreement, Yue Jing Hua walked over to where the summoner’s canonical text was stored.
The summoner’s canonical text was about the size of two hand’s palms. The cover has a special layer of red paint applied on to it. After opening the canonical text, there were only three pages inside.
“Page one: Shen Lan. Birth – Year 110 of Azure Dragon Continent. Death – Year 210 of Azure Dragon Continent. Attributes – Bronze grade summoner. Skill(s) – Seduce; is able to confuse a low grade arcane beast for a short period of time, making it temporarily lose its offense abilities. Page two:  Strength Rabbit; a winged second rank fire arcane beast; its explosive force is astonishing. Page three: Mole King; is able to summon other mole rat arcane beasts; loves living in colonies.”  
Since Shen Lan is already dead, and the summoner’s canonical text is incomplete, the grade of this summoner’s canonical text has already dropped to the lowest, since the cover is grey and dusty.
Yue Jing Hua closed up the summoner’s canonical text with easy grace, a shining gleam flashed across her eyes.
“Looking at your attire, you must be from Shang. It just so happens to be the season when academies are holding their entrance exams for new recruits.” Ol’ Xia looked at her sharply. He noticed that when Yue Jing Hua was looking around the general store just now, she had stopped and looked at the second rank arcane stone the longest.
During the autumn of every year, people from the few countries around would come and take the entrance exam on Hundred Beasts Mountain.
“I’m participating in an academy’s entrance exam; I need to find one second rank arcane stone or spirit gem.”  Yue Jing Hua didn’t hide anything from the kind old man in front of her. If that summoner named “Shen Lan”’s ability was seduction, then Yue Xiao Qi’s is “insight”. She is able to differentiate a person’s good and bad intentions in a flash of a moment.
“Which academy’s entrance exam is it for? A normal academy’s entrance exam only requires students to obtain a grade one arcane beat or spirit plant, and they have an instructor accompanying them as well. It’s too dangerous for one person to go alone.” Catching a grade one spirit beast or looking for a rank one spirit plant is much easier compared to obtaining a second grade arcane stone or spirit gem.
Yue Jing Hua raised her brows. It looks like “Yue Jing Hua” had fell for someone trap on this exam’s difficulty.
“I’m used to moving around alone,” she said indifferently as she placed to items she bought into her bag. Only when one is alone will there be no risk of being backstabbed at the most critical moment.
Ol’ Xia opened his mouth to say something. He found a kind of loneliness in this young child’s body, a type of loneliness which seeped out from deep within the soul.
But this loneliness was mixed with an unusual amount of confidence.
On the account of this child’s confidence, the Ol’ Xia who never liked to meddle in other people’s affairs, did something even he was surprised about afterwards, “Kid, “ Ol’ Xia changed the way he addressed her. He took out a sheet over parchment, “This is a map of the center of Arcane Beast Valley. A few types of second grade arcane beasts and the regions they live in are marked on it, so this may be of use to you. But of course, this map isn’t free.”
Yue Jing Hua was surprised. But immediately after, she noticed that Ol’ Xia’s gaze fell onto her old and worn-out deer skin armor. She began to smile; different kinds of vigor bursted out from within her eyes. “How should I repay you.”
“Sell me the arcane beast skins and fur you obtain. I just need to obtain some small profits, that’s all.” Ol’ Xia narrowed his eyes, seeing Yue Jing Hua off as she disappeared out the door.
After leaving the tree house, she relied on the map left behind by Qi Feng and the rest of his group. Yue Jing Hua immediately found a quiet place near a creek nearby.
After the curtain of night fell, when the sun completely set, the cover of night completely covered up the entire creek.
Yue Jing Hua set up a bon fire, and scattered some beast expelling powder nearby. After taking of the deep skin armor, she took out the items she got from the general store, and put each one before her.
Most of the needles she bought from Hundred Beasts Mountain, are bone needles used for sewing the skins and furs of arcane beasts, so they were a bit thicker than the needles you normally use for embroidery.
Her fingers quickly swept across the ten plus embroidery neeldes, and chose seven or eight needles of different sizes.
She concentrated all of her attention then breathed out a breath of air, and slowly walked into the water.
A glacial radiance reflected at the very tip of the steel needle. Arcane-qi rushed into the tool and even though these were only a couple of steel needles, but if other arcanist saw it, they would definitely jump out in fear. This was only something an advanced jade-arcanist could achieve.
Right now, even though they were just steel needles, they could still easily pierce through a steel plate that was several inches thick.
The map of hundred acupoint of humans clearly appeared in her mind. Yue Jing Hua took up the needle and accurately pressed down on the acupoints, “Heart Transport, --, Mute’s Gate, Sun, Camphorwood Gate…” Every time she said aloud a name, a steel needle which had already been disinfected with fire had pressed into that very acupoint.
And at the same time, the arcane-qi which had been hiding in the steel needle began to become more active, flowing along with the flow of the blood and the tendons and muscles towards the dantian.
After Yue Xiao Qi had brushed up “Yue Jing Hua”’s body, she immediately found out that the arcane-qi inside “Yue Jing Hua”’s body was very similar to the traditional concept of inner-qi found in Cathay traditions and conventions.
According to the Cathay’s oriental studies of martial arts, a human’s inner-qi is not something that is easily dissolvable. In pace with time’s flow, the building up of inner-qi would only continue to deepen and grow more.
The arcane-qi which “Yue Jing Hua” had cultivated for over ten years was also like this. She had begun cultivating arcane-qi at the age of three, and at the age of seven, she had already become first-rank mortal arcanist at the age of seven. At the age of thirteen, she had already become a ninth-rank mortal arcanist, which was only a line away from a jade arcanist. Such talent, can be called first-class.
It only took three years for a genius to suddenly become a good-for-nothing. And whether or not a good-for-nothing can become a genius again, will have to depend on tonight.
Before beginning acupuncture, Yue Jing Hua had concentrated her all her attention and scanned the situation the body was in.
There was a cloud of black smoke like texture of something which had layer by layer, just as if it were a spider web, separating her flesh, blood, tendons and muscles, and organs, making it so that the arcane-qi in the dan-tian unable to gather up and condense together in “Yue Jing Hua”’s body. This is what created the illusion that “Yue Jing Hua” was unable to condense up arcane-qi.
In the 23rd century, research of the composition of the human body had already reached a pinnacle. As a requirement for her job, Yue Xiao Qi once had an old traditional Chinese doctor who had a Shaolin monastery background as her teacher. That old traditional Chinese doctor taught Yue Xiao Qi how to use acupuncture to facilitate the inner forces and blood and vital breath of her body.
But there’s a saying that says that doctors never self- treats themselves. Only someone like Yue Xiao Qi whose a fierce character willing to play around with her life, would be able to treat her body so cruelly.
After all, the acupoints she chose although are the quickest shortcuts to flushing out all of her major veins and arteries by activating the inner force in her body, but at the same time, they are also the utter most dangerous positions. All of those major acupoints are all the human body’s lethal points. Just the slightest bit of carelessness will result in either serious injuries if light or immediate death on the spot if serious.
Along with the insertion of the steel needles, her body began to shudder nonstop. The feelings of comfort and stimulation created by the pain and arcane-qi flowing around became bundles of high pressure electric currents, making people tremble.
This caused her to slip into a state of chaos; losing all sight and the ability to hear, forgetting everything around her.
The black smoke in her organs had been successively forced back, and a mud like texture substance appeared and stuck onto Yue Jing Hua’s skin. Along with the flow of her sweat, drip by drip, it flowed down. The cloud of black smoke in her body was also slowly and eventually dissipating.
Arcane-qi slowly approached the dantian nearby. The entire dantian was like a clay pellet, the place where the black smoke was most concentrated.
She watched as the arcane-qi had no way of breaking through the black gas’ which confined the dantian.
Yue Jing Hua suddenly bit together her jaws, and then pricked towards the second last needle on the Spirit Court acupoint on the top of her head. The steel needle broke from the middle of the needle, sounds of it snapping sounded out.
The broken half of the needle took on the dark red color of blood, and the other half pricked into her acupoint. The figure of person in the water unconsciously shook around, like a dried leaf on the tip of a branch in the winter, and was about to fall down.
Back to the Yue Jing Hua in the water, the ugly lines on the right side of her face seemed as if it had become even clearer. At this time, the right side of her face was burning red like it had been branded with steel. The demonic light rays brightly lit up, and for a moment, the black air in her body began to backthrust, just like a greedy fierce beast, and crazily plunged towards Yue Jing Hua.
The light on the water shined continuously, reflecting the crescent moon and a beautifully charming figure, along her a face which was both extremely beautiful and ugly.
The light upon the water shimmered, and on the water was another tall and slim shadow of a human.
The water ripped again. That person’s face couldn’t be seen very clearly. That person let out a sound of surprise, as if they were very surprised: “Arcane-qi is currenly transforming…forth rank mortal arcanist…third rank mortal arcanist…”
On the creek, the degree chaotic of arcane-qi was transforming nonstop.
The stranger had only ever seen the advancement of arcane-qi, never the rapid drop of arcane-qi.
Such a strange sight made the person who talked couldn’t help but step forward with curiosity.
When the moonlight shined on the person’s face, everything around them immediately lost all color and beauty.
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
{Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-taming Empress} 003: Shortcoming Shielder Mother
It’s out! I changed the order of releases a bit since I just felt like it. Lol. 
Anyways, enjoy!
Some translation changes: primal spirit => vital energy; martial arts => martial combat. I’ll make the changes to the previous chapters too. 
Why? Because it sounds better. More changes may be made, but for now, it’s all good. Expect some translation changes for Genius Demon Empress too. (Sorry I’m so fickle.) 
Oh, and the background settings for each novel is out! Changes may be made because I found a more accurate translation, so I apologize in advance for that, but please refer to it for any confusions! If you have any questions you need clarifying, just ask and I’ll try my best to clarify them! Settings for each novel can be accessed from each novel page!
Commentary: No cliffhanger this time, and ended upon a pretty good note. Good things to happen soon! And still no sign of male lead though. Next chapter’s title is: The Mysterious Space ---- YES! Female lead’s abilities will slowly be shown~~Look forward to it! 
“If I don’t make you make disabled today, I’m not Ye Ling Yue!” Ye Ling Yue seemed as if she was a completely different person. A scary aura emitted from the inside of her.
“Oh? Retard girl wants to show some courage and power now? You people move aside, I’ll let this little retard girl know the difference between a genius and a good-for-nothing today.” Ye Qing snickered and those servants beside him were also laughing while they spread out further.
Ye Qing was already a third rank constitution cultivator. Among the Ye Family’s youngest generation, his abilities are ranked among the top ten.
As for Ye Ling Yue, as a mentally retarded girl, she had never even learned any martial combat before. There isn’t even a chance for her to be of any threat to Ye Qing.
Ye Qing didn’t think high of Ye Ling Yue at all, even going as far as to not using any vital energy at all.
Ye Ling Yue walked a few steps then arrived in front of Ye Qing. She pulled back both of her fists and blasted it towards his chest.
As her punch launched forward, it carried along a slight biting coldness. Just when Ye Qing noticed something wasn’t right…
A cold light rushed out of Ye Ling Yue’s eyes.
The servants were all alarmed. Ye Qing was actually forced back a few steps just with this one punch.
“A first rank constitution cultivator!” Ye Qing had been forced back several steps, and even more so, his chest was in great pain, but the thing he was more astonished at was the punch from Ye Ling Yue just now.
Wang Gui and the others were also dumbfounded too. It’s only just been one shi-chen[1], but the little retard girl is not only no longer mentally deficient, but has also broken through into the first rank of the constitutional cultivator domain all of a sudden too.
“Ye Ling Yue, you actually dared to deceive the family head and secretly learned martial combat! But there’s no use even if you learned it. For your punch just now, I’ll definitely return it back to you twofold.” Ye Qing flew into a rage out of the humiliation he just received. He violently shouted out loud, and then from his two fists, out came two flashes of lightning like lights.
“Quick, run away, Small Young Miss, that’s the Burst Thunder Fists.” Once Liu-ma saw it, she turned pale with fright.
Young Master Ye Qing’s punch was based upon the Ye Family’s basic martial foundation training, so this one punch was no small deal.
Ye Ling Yue had only just broken into the first rank of a constitutional cultivator, there is no way she could be Ye Qing’s opponent who had brought out all of a third rank constitutional cultivator’s power.
During this time of life and death, a shadow flashed inside from the outside the door like lightning, and blocked the front of Ye Ling Yue.
Ye Qing’s punch hit towards the person who came in, and just when his fist was only half a chi[2] away from the person who arrived, Ye Qing heard very clearly, cracking sounds coming his wrist. A strong repulsive force had thrown him away, and smashed him onto the wall.
A pain like his bones being shattered came from his arm. A goddess like woman stood in front of Ye Ling Yue.
The woman’s cheeks were slightly hollow and had a pale complexion, but her posture was very straight, and had beautiful arched eyebrows along with a pair of almond-shaped eyes. She wasn’t angry but an aura of might and power exuded from her. She possessed an indescribable imposing force.
“Ye…Third Miss!” Once the Ye Family’s servants got a clear look of the person who arrived, every one of them received an extreme fright.
Ye Huang Yu, the Ye Family family-head’s third daughter, and was someone worthy of being called the Ye Family’s number one pride.
She had broken through to the first rank of constitutional cultivator at the age of three, and broken through to the lower celestial domain at the age of fifteen. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she had married the wrong person, it was very likely she would have been the first person in the Ye Family’s history, to become the first upper celestial expert.
The Ye Huang Yu of today can’t be compared to the Ye Huang Yu of back then, but even if she has some chronic injuries, she is still a lower celestial expert.
“Ye Huang Yu, you dare injure me. My father definitely won’t let you off so easily.” Ye Qing was in so much pain he wanted to die. His wrist had been dislocated, and some bones in his arm had been shattered to pieces by Ye Huang Yu.
“What do you think your father is, even if he came, I would still attack.” Ye Huang Yu spat out.
Due to Wang Gui and his father embezzling their monthly allowance, Ye Huang Yu goes up to the mountains every one or two months to collect medicinal herbs and hunt some wild beasts to subsidize the embezzled family expenses. Once she goes, she leaves for about ten days to half a month.
Ye Qing and the others know about Ye Huang Yu’s habits, so every month at around these days, they would bully “Ye Ling Yue”, but they would do it very carefully. All were internal or hidden injuries.
“Ye Ling Yue” was also a mentally retarded girl, so she wouldn’t know to go and complain.
If it wasn’t for the fact that she coincidentally came back in time, Ye Huang Yu wouldn’t have known that this whole time, her daughter had been bullied by others. Thinking of this, Ye Huang Yu felt even guiltier.
She can’t even bring herself to allow a scratch on her daughter’s fingers, yet these people dared to injure her.
If Ye Qing’s father didn’t come then it would be fine, but if he dared to come, then she would fight him, if another came, she would beat up both of them.  
“Just watch, I’m going to go tell grandpa.” Ye Qing didn’t dare to talk back to Ye Huang Yu. He could only let his servants support him up and run away.
Behind her back, Ye Ling Yue heard everything. She stuck out her tongue, and gave her mother a silent praise.
Ye Qing’s insults had made Ye Ling Yue mistakenly think that her mother was a cheap woman with a sad and pitiful history as an abandoned wife. Who would have known that she was someone who was so cool that she could drip out icicles and such an extreme shortcoming shielder.
Ye Huang Yu turned her head and saw that her daughter was also looking at her. Her dark eyes were shifting back and forth, up and down. How was this anything like a mentally retarded girl?
For a moment, Ye Huang Yu was stunned stiff.
“Young Miss, Small Young Miss is no longer a mentally retarded girl.” Liu-ma said while recalling.
Ye Ling Yue rolled her eyes. Liu-ma, you’ve already said that for the second time today.
“Mother.” After hesitating for a moment, Ye Ling Yue called out.
Ye Huang Yu’s body began to tremble, and her eyes began to be filled with something hot. She had waited for a full thirteen years for this one call of mother.
Liu-ma attended to the mother and daughter while they were eating. At the dining table, Ye Huang Yu asked a few more things, pertaining to how Ye Ling Yue became so smart.
Ye Ling Yue only gave an ambiguous answer, saying she had hit her head, then when she woke up, she had already become like this.
“Mother, I want to learn martial combat.” Ye Ling Yue put down her chopsticks, then kneeled down and said what she had to say.
After the fight with Ye Qing, it made her strongly realize that if she wants to continue living in this world, she must become someone strong.
No matter who it is, the ones who bully her and her mother, she will never forgive them no matter what.
“Practicing martial combat is not easy, it’s not something you can master in a short amount of time. Ling Yue, are you sure you want to do this?” Ye Huang Yu looked at Ye Ling Yue with a serious expression in her eyes.
“I won’t give up. Mother, please allow this.” Ye Ling Yue said unwaveringly.
Ye Huang Yu realized too, that her daughter had become a completely different person after having gone through this time’s mishap.  
“Since you’re already determined to do so, starting tomorrow, I’ll teach you the most basic foundations as an introduction to martial combat. Here’s a strand of Vitality Condensing Grass, it can gather together the vital energy of heaven and earth. Grow this in your room, it’ll be useful for when you begin cultivating in the future.” On this time’s trip up the mountain, Ye Huang Yu’s original intentions were to find some herbs which would be beneficial for her injuries, but she unexpectedly came across this spirit grass, Vitality Condensing Grass.
“Mother, Vitality Condensing Grass is too precious. You should keep it for yourself to use.” Ye Ling Yue could tell that Ye Huang Yu was still injured and on top of that, it’s a chronic injury that was difficult to heal.
“Vitality Condensing Grass won’t do any good for my injuries, only fifth grade medicinal pills and above can heal my injuries.” Ye Huang Yu shook her head. There was no one clearer than her about her own injuries. It’s been all these years, so she’s already lost all hope of getting healed.
“Fifth grade medicinal pills? Mother, if you had the medicinal pills then would your injuries heal?” Ye Ling Yue persisted.
“Silly child, fifth grade medicinal pills are hard to come across even in the provincial capital, even more so for a little place like this small Qiu Feng town. You were injured today, so after eating you should go to bed and get some rest earlier.” Ye Huang Yu was also feeling a bit tired. She stroked her daughter’s hair, and said with a pained tone.
Ye Ling Yue could only hold the Vitality Condensing Grass which looked no different from any random weed in her hands and return back to her room.
Due to losing too much blood, not long after Ye Ling Yue went back inside her room, she began to feel sleepy. She was still holding on to the strand of Vitality Condensing Grass in her hand as she drifted off to sleep.
[1] Shi-chen: One shi-chen = 2 hours.  
[2]Chi: 1/3 of a meter. (~33.33cm) or ~13.12in
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
(Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner) 003. Two-faced Good-for-nothing Girl
I’m finally liberated from midterms!!! Release schedule should be back to normal for now, so the first I’ll release is of course the one that hasn’t been updated for the longest while. Next release for the next series will probably be out soon in about a day or two…or three? 
Some terms might differ slightly from the previous chapters (accident)…I’ll fix them later, so just bare with it for now. Thanks for the understanding!
Commentary: Yun Sheng…your ability to change faces is too impressive…Lol. The beautiful blind male lead makes an appearance next chapter, so look forward to it next week! (Spoiler, Yun Sheng totally creams him. Lolol. XD…and it won’t only be once…nor the final time~)  
A couple of children around ten or so years old ran up from below the slope of the hill.
“A good-for-nothing really is good for nothing. After making me faint, you make me lose this time’s chance to participate in the magic initiation ceremony.” The child who was insulting Yun Sheng earlier at the Temple of Magic pointed at Yun Sheng while being flushed with anger.
“So you’re the little good-for-nothing Yun Sheng, that impostor sorcerer’s daughter?” The village head grandpa so kindly let you two settle down in Jiao Ye Village, and yet you dare bully my little brother? If you apologize by kneeling down and kowtowing before him, then pay him a silver coin, I’ll forgive you.” The one who was speaking was an arrogant youngster, and behind him also stood a few youngsters of the same age.
Unlike the other children of Jiao Ye Village, the youngster who was speaking wore an earth-brown colored martialist outfit, indicating he was a martial apprentice of Zhen Ji Martial Academy.
The Temple of Magic and the Martial Academy are some of Wu Ji Continent’s most basic facilities. From every single country’s village to the capital, there will always be a branch of the Temple of Magic, and in every city and town, there will always be a branch school of the Martial Academy. When the children of a country reach the age of three, no matter male or female, they will be eligible to sign up and participate in the Temple of Magic’s magic initiation ceremony and the Martial Academy’s constitution test.
For the people who pass the tests, they will be able given living subsidies from the country, which is the equivalence of the modern times’ bursaries, but neither of these two things have anything to do with Yun Sheng.
Because Yun Sheng is a good-for-nothing. Someone who is from birth, unable to practice martial skills, and someone who failed the magic initiation ceremony three times, the double good-for-nothing. Because of this, she had received quite a bit of ridicule from the village’s children.
Those who ridicule her would always, for some unknown reason, faint or would start to feel uncomfortable. That’s why no one dares to directly bully her.
The boy who provoked Yun Sheng at the Temple of Magic had a brother named Lei Hu. He’s one of the few youngsters in the village who was sent to Zhen Ji Martial Academy, and is also the boss among the children of the village.
He left the village last year to go learn martial skills, and just returned a few days ago.
This morning, he found out that because of Yun Sheng his little brother had missed the opportunity to participate in this year’s magic initiation ceremony, so he couldn’t help flare up in rage, and brought along a some close friends to find Yun Sheng.
The martial apprentices of the Martial Academy in Zhen Ji had learned martial techniques before, so for a little girl who’s only practiced the most basic absorption breathing technique, and has no way of defending herself, she could only suffer losses.
Under the tree, the youngster’s good looking lips pursed up together. He lazily lifted his hand, and a few jade-green leaves fell onto it.
Yun Sheng’s eyelids lowered. Her eyelashes covered up the vigorous spirit in her eyes. Her cherry lips opened and one word burst out from within: “Scram!”
While speaking, she concentrated her strength at her feet, and her petite body like a spring that was stretched tightly, suddenly launched towards Lei Hu. A solid punch landed directly on Lei Hu’s face.
Lei Hu didn’t expect that she would actually punch him so suddenly, and even more so, he didn’t think that a good-for-nothing who isn’t able to practice martial skills was capable of such moves. He didn’t have his guard up, so he had already flown away. There was a fishy bloody scented liquid stirring up in his mouth.
But a martial apprentice is a martial apprentice, he had went through specialized combat practice. Although he was hit without a warning, Lei Hu had immediately regained his senses. He suddenly shouted, and a light brown colored battle-qi came out and surrounded his body. His back curved up, and a bright green light flashed in his eyes. He had turned into something like a hungry dog.
With his four sturdy limbs, he contracted his strength in midair then forcefully stopped his descent down. His speed increased by several times, just like a ferocious dog ravaged with hunger. Carrying along force which could shatter rocks, he rushed towards Yun Sheng.
“Nng? So he’s a martial apprentice who’s learned some basic techniques before. Force enough to shatter rocks, looks there’s nothing she can do but lose to him.” In the youngster’s hand, a few green leaves had been sucked into an elevating wind. The leaves immediately straightened out like flying knives.
Just as he was about to shoot them out, the youngster’s ears slightly twitched and he stopped all of his movements.
Below the hillside, Yun Sheng also noticed the change on Lei Hu’s body. Her eyes slightly contracted and a very faint string of golden light floated around.
Lei Hu was quick like lightning, but in her eyes, his movements had been divided into a few slow movements just like slow-motion action seen in movies.
Yun Sheng’s movements were very subtle. A beast bone needle suddenly appeared between her fingers. They offend her again and again, but her patience is also very limited.
Just as Yun Sheng and Lei Hu were about to face each other head on, a loud water sound could be heard.
In the little river below the hill, two water-qi snakes which appeared like they were real snakes appeared. The water vapour in the air condensed into droplets, and then the water droplets once again quickly transformed into two balls of water. The two balls of water were just like two bombs. They landed on Yun Sheng and Lei Hu’s body. The two who had been hit by the balls of water immediately became like drowned rats.
“You two, stop right there!” Just when the balls of water landed, an old man with a broad lion like face who was raising a magic staff appeared on top of the hill. Just like an eagle who caught onto little chicks, he carried up Yun Sheng and Lei Hu by their collars, and separated the two apart.
The old man had just appeared but the children on the top of the hill immediately began to scatter around like birds and beasts after discovering a predator.
“Village head grandpa.” Once Lei Hu saw who the old man was, he immediately ceased all of his imposing force from before, and resignedly unclenched his fists, holding down his anger.
The village head of Jiao Ye Vilage was an old man who was over sixty years old. Everyone om the village respected him, because not only is he the head of the village, he is also one of Jiao Ye Village’s few people who was proficient in two types of magic. He is a Magician.
On Wu Ji Continent, people who understood how to manipulate the magic elements would be given different sorcerer titles.
People who pass the magic initiation ceremony, and can sense at least one type of magic element are called magic apprentices.
Above magic apprentices are magicians.
Inside a magician’s body, they can store at least one type of magic element, and use novice level attacks or magical defenses.
On Wu Ji Continent, only about one percent of the people can sense magic elements.
As for becoming a magician, there is only about a one in several thousand chance of becoming one.
Most magicians can only sense one type of magic element, and not even one in ten thousand people may be able to sense two types of elements.
The village head of Jiao Ye Village had been a water and wind type magician who enlisted in the army before.
After he left the military, he retired and returned to his hometown, and took up the village head position.
“Lei Hu, as a martial apprentice of Zhen Ji, you dare to bully a little girl who doesn’t know even know any martial skills. You aren’t afraid of being laughed at like a joke if this gets out.” The village head just so happened to have something to talk about with Yun Sheng. He had watched Yun Sheng grow up, and knew that every day at around the same time, this girl would definitely come up to the hill to take a “noon nap”.
Who would have known that once he came close, he would hear sounds of fighting.
“I didn’t bully her village head grandpa, she, she’s very capable.” Lei Hu can’t not admit, compared to the people of the same age he’s seen at the martial academy, Yun Sheng’s reflexes were much better.
Lei Hu felt wronged. He pointed towards Yun Sheng, but after seeing Yun Sheng’s expression, he immediately became dumbfounded.
“Village head grandpa.” The little girl who was still glaring at him like a tiger watching their prey just a moment ago, now had a pitiful expression of being “very seriously bullied”. Her eyes were brimming with tears while pouting.
Not only Lei Hu, but even the strange youngster below the banyan tree, after hearing Yun Sheng’s “complaints”, the corners of his lips couldn’t help but twitch.
“Lei Hu, you still continue to quibble.” The village head’s head was incessantly aching. He used the hand that was holding up Lei Hu to wave around the bone staff. A light green wind element force transformed into a rope and bound Lei Hu up.
Lei Hu only felt that his body had lightened up, but he had already been thrown down the slope of the hill. “You only return home once every three months, so if you don’t want to be locked up as punishment, then immediately go home. If I see you bully Yun Sheng again, then I’m going to take away one month’s worth of your subsidiary allowance as punishment.”
Lei Hu didn’t dare to say anything anymore, he could only leave with a face covered with grudges.
“Yun Sheng, if anyone else bullies you, then come tell me.” The village head affectionately put down Yun Sheng, then rubbed her head.
Originally, as the village head, he shouldn’t be excessively partial with any one child in the village, but this child, Yun Sheng, her age was about the same as his own granddaughter’s, but was more clever and sensible than any other of the children in the village.
At the age of three she learned how to do house chores, and at the age of four she could already read and write. The Yun family’s herb garden was also solely taken care of by her alone.
Her father had been laughed at by everyone as an impostor sorcerer, so the children in the village continuously went to pick on her and pick fights with her, but he’s never seen her throw a tantrum even once before.
How could this kind of child have that kind of father. On the village head’s stern face, he couldn’t help but reveal a bit of pity.
“Village head grandpa, you had something you wanted to talk to me about?” Yun Sheng shrunk back her little head. She was very unfamiliar with the village head grandpa’s overly intimate actions.
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
{Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-tamer Empress} 002. Mysterious Black Cauldron
I stayed up to finish it, since I have midterms coming up soon, and I can almost guarantee you, my translating progress will slow down and my schedule will be messed up. 
Slight changes have been made to titles since I found better replacements, though it’s really minor, so it almost makes no difference unlike Genius Demon Empress.
I also took the liberty to translate the setting of the story for both your and my benefits. It will be posted up later, because tumblr doesn’t want to cooperate, and I really need some rest first, so it’ll be posted up in each respective novel’s page.
Comments: My god, that rat bastard of a cousin pissed me off. I was trying really hard to make him sound more spiteful, so HATE HIM!!!! Lol, but I found it really funny how he called her mother.....(read it and you’ll know).... since hmm...the next chapter’s title is “Shortcoming Shielder Mother”. And as you may or may not know, anyone who is a shortcoming/fault shielder is FIERCE, CRUEL, AND BRUTAL. Ahem.I’ll let you imagine the rest. But these people, will get what they deserved XD. Oh and I peaked in on the upcoming chapters....Ye Ling Yue’s mother is awesomeeeee. Best mom of the year. 
The moment the cauldron entered into her body, her hand felt like it had been bit by a small snake.
By the time Ye Ling Yue came back to her senses, the strand of cauldron had already completely disappeared.
Ye Ling Yue once again took a look at her hands, she had found on that on her hand, there was now a mark of a small tiny cauldron on it.
The cauldron mark was only the size of a fingernail, but it looked exactly the same as the large cauldron.
After the ancient cauldron had entered in Ye Ling Yue’s body, it became like a birthmark on her palm, no matter how she tried to wipe it off, it still wouldn’t come off.
There were too many suspicious things, but for the time being Ye Ling Yue wasn’t able to deal with it yet, and she decided to first return home.
After leaving the ancestral hall, Ye Ling Yue relied on the body’s reflexive habits and headed towards the courtyard behind the ancestral hall.
The northern manor of the Ye family consists of the ancestral hall and a back courtyard.
Ye Ling Yue and her mother as well as an old servant who has been serving them for a long time lived in the back courtyard, relying on a meagre monthly allowance to survive.
Some low and short buildings appeared in the direction ahead. Looking at the appearance of the buildings, they looked like it had been reformed from storage rooms.
Some chickens and a bright green vegetable garden were at the front of the buildings, aside from these, there was nothing else. This is the place where Ye Ling Yue lived.
“Small Young Miss, you’re back.” An old woman with a face was full of wrinkles came out from inside. She was coughing incessantly, but after seeing Ye Ling Yue, she happily came up to greet her.
This old woman is her mother’s loyal servant, Liu-ma[1].
For all these years, Liu-ma had taken care of the Ye family mother and daughter all along.
“Liu-ma, you still haven’t completely recovered yet, why did you get up already?” Ye Ling Yue remembered, Liu-ma is usually the one responsible for cleaning up the ancestral hall.
But recently, Liu-ma fell sick, and “Retarded Girl Ye Ling Yue” didn’t want her to overwork herself, so she insisted on wanting to replace Liu-ma to go to the ancestral hall to clean up, that’s why she encountered Wang Gui and those people, and was beaten to death.
It was a very casual question, but when Liu-ma heard it, it was like a sudden clap of thunder had struck down onto the ground, her eyes were filled with disbelief.
“Small Young Miss, you’ve recovered?” Liu-ma excitedly grabbed onto Ye Ling Yue’s hand, and thoroughly inspected her.
There was a clear and bright light in Ye Ling Yue’s eyes, just like any other normal person would have.
Liu-ma was so happy she began to cry. She hugged Ye Ling Yue and began to cry.
“Liu-ma, don’t cry. The wind out here is strong, let’s go inside first.” Ye Ling Yue’s heart was filled with ruefulness. A retarded girl has a retarded girl’s advantages, at least when she’s acting like she lost her memory, no one would suspect anything.
After going back inside the room, Liu-ma noticed that Ye Ling Yue’s body was covered in filth. She hurriedly brought in hot water, and had Ye Ling Yue wash up and get changed first, then promptly went and to prepare something for her to eat.
Ye Ling Yue took the chance to size up her surroundings while Liu-ma wasn’t here.
The room the three people stayed in wasn’t very large. There were only a few coarse and crude furnishings placed inside, a dining table, some long benches, and a mirror beside the table.
She walked over, and in the mirror, reflected “Ye Ling Yue”’s appearance.
It was a face which still possessed the innocent look of a child. Although she appeared a bit malnourished and sickly, her eyes however were like crescent moons. Her eyelashes were long and were raised upwards, her facial features were all very exquisite. She actually already showed a little inkling of a natural born beauty.
After putting down the mirror, Ye Ling Yue caught sight of two books used as wobble-stoppers under the table. She casually picked them up. On the covers of the book, had [Record of Da Xia] written on it and the other, [Introduction to Martialists].
The two books hadn’t been read in a long time. Thick layers of dust had covered the top of the books.
She picked up one of the books, and flipped through it. Ye Ling Yue got a rough understanding of the world she lived in.
She rebirthed in a country named Da Xia. In Da Xia, there were many different administrative areas. The Qiu Feng town the Ye family was located at in is located at the northern most point in Da Xia.
The topography inside Da Xia’s borders was very complicated. There were mountain ranges which were difficult to get to, and deep within the valleys, were many savage and fierce wild beasts.
In Da Xia, no matter if you were an ordinary citizen or from a noble family, eight or nine out of ten people would learn martial combat. There are different ranks for each martialist’s different cultivation levels. It is divided into the nine ranks under the constitution cultivation domain, lower celestial, and upper celestial.
The difference between a normal person and a martialist lies in the dan-tian in a martialist’s body. They can condense together inner force, and so called inner force is actually vital energy.
Vital energy?
Ye Ling Yue was slightly taken aback. She could feel that in her dan-tian, there was a faint and weak energy that was currently moving around.
Could it be, was this little retard girl also a martialist? Having vital energy in the dan-tian was exactly like what the book had described a rank-one constitution cultivator to be like.
“Small Young Miss, what did you take the books used as wobble-stoppers for?” Just as she was thinking, Liu-ma’s voice filled with curiosity broke Ye Ling Yue’s train of thought.
“Liu-ma, have I ever had training in martial combat before?” Ye Ling Yue put down the book.
She can be positive that although that energy in her dan-tian is weak, it was exactly the vital energy aforementioned in Introduction to Martialists.
“When you were young, you learned a few moves from Young Miss.” Liu-ma placed the bowl and chopsticks in place.
Just a few moves and she could already cultivate vital energy, could it be that this body of the predecessor’s wasn’t a retarded girl, but actually a martialist genius?
Ye Ling Yue felt puzzled, then she looked at the top of the table. There was a bowl of brown rice and a dish of dry and dull vegetables.
“This is what we usually eat?” No wonder Ye Ling Yue’s body was so skinny and small.
“Small Young Miss, we don’t have any more money, housekeeper Wang and his son embezzled more of the north manor’s monthly allowance.” Liu-ma sighed.
Housekeeper Wang is precisely Wang Gui’s father, he is in charge of managing the north manor’s affairs in the Ye family.
The Ye family mother and daughter pair are not favoured at all in the Ye family, even servants could bully them, and deduct their monthly allowance.
“Mother doesn’t care about the situation with the monthly allowance?” Ye Ling Yue’s mother is third daughter of the Ye family’s family head. She’s the dignified Third Miss of the Ye family, how did she fall into such a situation like this.
Bang --------
The door was kicked open; a youth clustered around by some servants had strutted in.
“So what if she did try to take care of it. A retarded girl is a retarded girl, you still think that your mother is the Ye family’s genius who everyone respected back then? She’s only a good-for-nothing now, who would care about a good-for-nothing’s life and death.” The youth with fancy clothing raised his head up, his nose facing the sky[2]. He had the appearance of a calf, and had an indescribable unbridledness to him.
This overbearing youth who burst in was Ye Ling Yue’s older cousin, Ye Qing.
After Wang Gui and his crew had beat Ye Ling Yue to “death”, they developed fear only after the event, and hurriedly went to look for their master to death with the aftermath.
Ye Qing had looked around the ancestral hall, but hadn’t seen Ye Ling Yue’s corpse, so he knew she hadn’t died yet.
Ye Qing came to the back courtyard, and just happened to have heard Ye Ling Yue and Liu-ma talking. He didn’t think that the retard girl not only didn’t die, but after she had bumped her head, she actually became cleverer.
“Sixth Young Master, how can you say that about Third Young Miss, she is your blood-related paternal aunt after all.”
“What paternal aunt, you think she fits to be my aunt? She’s only a good-for-nothing who was divorced and sent back home[3], losing all of our Ye family’s face.” Ye Qing pah-ed in disdain.
“What did you say, say it one more time!” Ye Ying Yue’s eyes turned cold like iron. Inside her body, the newly developed vital energy began to wriggle around because of anger.
“I can repeat it a hundred times. Retard girl, let me tell you, because of another woman, your mother was kicked out by your father, and was even critically injured, losing all of our Ye family’s face. You two are both b*tches who no one wants, shamelessly lazing around in the Ye family while leeching free meals and not paying rent.” Ye Qing and the group of servants all started to laugh loudly.
Ye Qing and his crew of people would say these words every time he bullied “Ye Ling Yue”.
During those times, after “Ye Ling Yue” heard them, she would only cry while begging for forgiveness, but everything was different today.
From the bottom of Ye Ling Yue’s heart, hatred rushed out like a volcanic eruption. This hatred, had already been deeply hidden for thirteen years.
Ye Ling Yue pushed aside Liu-ma, she stamped her foot backwards and violently lunged towards Ye Qing.
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
[Genius Demon Empress] 002. Dark Beasts Valley
Big changes in some titles and names for this novel. I went with the direct names for mountain now, since I feel like it has to do with the story (might not), but these names at least tell you it’s related to beasts.
Secondly, the titles. Dictionary lied to me, so I went on google and found some even better replacements for my previous translation. I made a note on the first chapter, in the status updates page by the side bar. 
Main reason I took so long with this is because I was not satisfied with how I translated the names and titles of things, so I went though a big search and this is what I came up with. I might make minor vocab changes in the future if I ever find a need to, I hope you can understand. I already made changes to chapter one, so if you want to re-read it with the new terminology, please do, it sounds sooo much smoother in my head. 
I also took the liberty to translate the setting of the story for both your and my benefits. It will be posted up later, because tumblr doesn’t want to cooperate, and I really need some rest first, so it’ll be posted up in each respective novel’s page.
Comments: This chapter is only showcases an appetizer to her personality, more to come in the future! I guarantee you, if you like arrogant, yet comical when overpowering opponents, you will love her character. She likes calling herself “Great Grandaunt” when she does things in an upcoming chapter, so look forward to that! OH! And my god, the author threw in some many male characters that I have no clue WHICH is the exact male lead, I narrowed it down slightly, but..yeah....Quite novelty. Having to guess which is the male lead, so look forward to that! 
Anyways, enjoy!
The sky just began to light up, but a group of people crowded around at an open, flat area located at the entrance of Arcane Beasts Mountain, looking at something interesting.
Among the crowd of observers, most of them wore coarse and crude chain armor, and carried along light-weight and durable bows, and daggers. These people were all some low-ranked mercenaries who made a living hunting and killing dark-beasts near Hundred Beasts Mountain. They’re willing to do anything, as long as it doesn’t involve risking their lives.
Normally, during around this time, it should be when these mercenaries replenish their fresh water and herb supplies, and prepare to depart for their missions. But today, the situation was slightly different.  
Under a eucalyptus tree which takes three to four people to be able to hug the entire trunk, hung a stark naked man. A smelly stocking was stuffed in his mouth, and only a piece of cloth covered his lower half. The cloth was dripping with blood.
“Is that the Shadow Rats Mercenary Group’s Qi Feng? How did he end up in such a terrible state?” Someone among the mercenaries recognized Qi Feng.
The early morning’s sunlight shined upon Qi Feng’s face. His eyes were staring straight ahead while being filled with panic and terror, making whimpering sounds.
There was no one who went up and let him down. The Shadow Rats Mercenary Group had a habit of going around pilfering, so their reputation was so-so.
“Move,” after an angry reprimand sounded out, a mercenary standing in the front row was crudely pushed aside.
“Looking for deat…” Death hadn’t been completed yet, but after getting a better look at the valiant and intrepid arcane-qi emitting from the person arriving, that third-rank human arcanist mercenary who was only about as strong as Qi Feng immediately stopped talking.
A red arcane light faintly emitted from the arriving person’s body. Red arcane light signifies that the arriving person is practicing fire type arcane arts. Among the five types of arcane arts, it’s the only type which can only be practiced after reaching jade arcanist rank.
At the outskirts of Hundred Beasts Mountain, a place where only the lowest grade of arcane beasts would appear, so for a jade arcanist to appear here, it can be compared to a mid-ranked arcane beast appearing. Just with one hand, they can easily sweep away more than ten human arcanists. Thus, the entire crowd of human arcanists all didn’t dare to whimper even a sound.
The person who walked out of the crowd was precisely the female mercenary which disappeared last night. She had already changed into a new set of clothing.
After getting a nice sleep, she woke up early in the morning to rush to the free market all because she wanted to see “Yue Jing Hua”’s embarrassing situation, but who would have known that she would see Qi Feng in such a terrible state instead.
Her fair hand waved and the wind created from the palm of her hand made the eucalyptus tree chaotically shake back and forth. The rope tied onto the tree snapped, but at that very moment, the place below where the female mercenary was standing, sunk in and became a pit.
The female mercenary was very surprised. She saw with her own eyes that the ground had become a giant hole. In the hole, over ten sharpened wooden stakes were coldly set up in the ground. Good thing her mind was calm enough; with a beautiful turn like a flying sparrow-hawk, she had use the tip of her foot to lightly leap unto the tip of the stake then quickly leapt away and nimbly landed on the ground.
If the female mercenary’s reaction had been even slower for half a second, she would have immediately been pricked into a hornet’s nest.
The woman while gasping for breath, threw the dagger in her hand and the rope tied on Qi Feng’s hand was immediately cut apart.
Just as she got close to Qi Feng,
The lush eucalyptus leaves began to tremble in a strange way. A few black shadows like poisonous hornets rapidly scurried out and attacked towards her throat, chest, subumbilical region, abdomen, and knees.
“Hidden traps!” Knowing that things were turning bad, the female martialist could only throw away Qi Feng. Within her wide sleeves, she utilized both her hands and feet, and a few arcane blades shot out.
In a split second, the tree was ablaze in red light. The hidden traps and arcane blades collided into each other.
The pitiable Qi Feng didn’t receive anyone’s help. He fell into the big pit, and even before he could make it in time to make a muffled sound, he had been stabbed into bits and pieces.
That female martialist was someone who has a wide range of experience. After withstanding multiple attacks from different angles, she was finally able to clearly see the real appearances of the hidden traps from the different directions. There was something made of a type of poisonous wood found in Hundred Beasts Mountain – iron-thorn wood crafted poisonous arrows. This poison in this these poisonous arrows were deadly and immediately upon contact, it will create death; the weapon’s ability to kill is very high.
Over ten wooden arrows shrouded the vital areas all around her body. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had already broken through human arcanist, improving her five senses, then she probably would have fallen into those traps.
Though even if it was like so, when the female martialist had landed down, she was still in a state of sorry plight. Several places on her clothing had already been torn apart.
Yue Jing Hua? It can’t be Yue Jing Hua. She’s only trash who can’t even condense together arcane-qi, there is no way she can capture Qi Feng, and even more so unable to set up such sinister and vicious traps.
There must have been someone who saved her.
The female martialist coldly stared at Qi Feng who had stopped breathing long ago. She quickly looked among the crowd, but hadn’t found any suspicious looking people, and even more so, she wasn’t able to spot that ugly face of Yue Jing Hua’s.
It failed, and now next is to…the female martialist muttered to herself for a short moment, and then the beautiful face under the mask recovered back to normal.
Hundred Beasts Mountain is very large, it won’t be easy to find the Yue Jing Hua who strayed away from the group of schoolmates she was going training practice with, but that doesn’t matter, as long as that person is still at Xuan Li Academy, Yue Jing Hua will definitely need to get into the magic branch. If she wants to pass the exam into the magic branch, then she must obtain a second grade arcane beast’s arcane stone or a plant’s spirit gem. Neither arcane stones nor spirit gems are that easy to obtain.
Yue Jing Hua, we’ll sit back and see how things play out. On the contrary, I want to see if you’re able to actually live to return to the capital.
The female martialist left behind Qi Feng’s body. She swung her sleeves and left.
Based on the sentiments that they were both mercenaries, a few mercenaries in the crowd of observers dragged Qi Feng out of the pit, and carelessly buried him in some uncultivated place outside of the Hundred Beasts valley. There are at least a thousand mercenaries who die in this region every year.
After the crowd dispersed, one person was concealed in a small thicket not too far away.
From the appearance of the female mercenary to her leaving, and the whole process of the trap being ensnared and eliminated, Yue Jing Hua had been hidden on the side. She had hid her breath, so no one had discovered her movements.
The female mercenary of unknown identity is much more difficult to deal with than she thought she would be. If she had to compare then, Qi Feng who had died by her hands would be an infant who could barely walk, and she herself is a child who only started to learn how to walk because of her past life’s skills, then that jade arcanist woman is a child who already knew how to run.
The Yue Jing Hua as of now is definitely not the other’s opponent.
But sooner or later, one day, she will definitely return that person with tenfold or even a hundredfold of revenge.
After getting nothing much from interrogating Qi Feng last night, Yue Jing Hua was only able to force out that the real culprit pulling the strings from behind to scenes who wanted to entrap “Yue Jing Hua” could possibly appear in the free market during daybreak.
After utilizing the limited time she had to set up the traps, she waited on the side, and sorted out the remaining memories the body had of “Yue Jing Hua”.
This continent “Yue Jing Hua” lives on is called Azure Dragon Continent. Azure Dragon Continent is a mysterious and ancient continent. In the air of continent, there is an endless amount of arcane spirit-qi. Under the influence of that arcane spirit-qi, even normal inhabitants of the continent could live until eighty years old. There is also a special group of people on the continent who calls themselves God’s Children.
The natural constitutions God’s Children possess differ from those of normal people. They are able to convert the arcane spirit-qi drifting above in the continent’s air into their own arcane energy. These people have been given the title of arcanist by those who inhabit the continent.
In addition, due to the existence of the spirit-qi in the continent’s air, the plants and animals on the continent also differ from organisms on earth. Some of the high grade ones can even take on a human form, and possess intelligence like a human does. No matter high grade or low grade, all of these organisms are called arcane beasts and spirit plants.
“Yue Jing Hua” was originally one of “God’s Children”. “She” was born into a noble family of the powerful country Long Zhan Empire in the East Continent. For many years, she had always been treasured deeply by her family clan, due to “her” having quite good natural talents in the arcane-qi aspects. “She” had received teachings on being an arcanist which hadn’t differed from what males would have received, but these teachings were mostly textbook knowledge, “she” had never actually put it into practice.
The reason she entered Hundred Beasts Mountain, the place where arcane beasts gather, is because after “she” became unable to condense arcane-qi and also encountered her family clan’s bankruptcy, she had to go seek refuge her maternal family’s family clan in the country of Shang, she could only enter into Xuan Ji Imperial Academy, to seek a cure for her situation.
In order to obtain this one chance to qualify to enter into Xuan Ji Imperial Academy, “Yue Jing Hua”’s mother had to sell off a part of her dowry to gather enough for “her” equipment and travel expenses. “She” must pass this training practice session, and for the training practice session, she must obtain a second rank arcane stone or a spirit gem.
While sorting out the memories, Yue Jing Hua also found out that this body which may seem like a good-for-nothing, still concealed quite a few secrets.
First, “Yue Jing Hua” isn’t really a good-for-nothing, “she” is very intelligent, “she” can clearly remember all of the existing basics of Azure Dragon Continent she had learned from before she was eleven. But due to certain reasons, after being poisoned when she was thirteen, she could no longer condense arcane qi.
Secondly, and also the most important discovery, “Yue Jing Hua”’s dan-tian was never damaged, “she” is only unable to use it.
In order to get a better understanding of the secrets of “Yue Jing Hua”’s body, the Yue Jing Hua who had rebirthed, i.e. Yue Xiao Qi, went into a general store in the free market.
Since the free market was the main supplying point for people before entering into Hundred Beasts Mountain, all sorts of items and facilities you need are here. The market consists of weapon shops selling different types of weapons and defense items, small restaurants and inns providing meals and lodging, pharmacies selling herb supplies, and also general stores specializing in selling different kinds of parts from arcane beasts.
All of these shops have one common point, and that is that all of them are built up on trees, in order to provide a somewhat more effective defense against sneak attacks during the night from arcane beasts.
“Ol’ Xia’s General Store” is a very normal looking, average general store in the free market. The location of the store is a bit remote, having been built on top of a hundred year old pinewood tree at the northern most side of the free market.
When a female customer walked into the general store, the shopkeeper of the general store, Ol’ Xia, was wiping clean the store’s most conspicuous item, an old and worn-out book like always. This book was something he had gotten only recently.
The general store’s wooden door had been pushed open, “Shopkeeper, I need a set of silver acupuncture needles.”
The shopkeeper pushed up the presbyopic glasses which rested on the bridge of his nose. He was already over sixty years old, and had a bit of presbyopia. After getting a clearer view of the appearance of the person who came in, Ol’ Xia enthusiastically asked questions.
“Honourable customer, what are these silver acupuncture needles you mentioned? I don’t believe I have ever heard of it before.” Ol’ Xia felt embarrassed, he had been running this general store for so long, but it was his first time hearing this silver acupuncture needle thing.
“I forgot that this place probably doesn’t call it acupuncture needles, then just give me a set of embroidery needles. I want needles of different sizes, and also needles of all kinds of constructions. Aside from those, also give me a bottle of strong alcohol and a few flint stones, as well as waterproof oilpaper, a sack for water, salt, and powder for eliminating insects too. Before “Yue Jing Hua” had been taken over, aside from the deerskin armour for defense and that decoration dagger, she didn’t have any tools for surviving in the wild. Looks like her cheap mother was just like “Yue Jing Hua”, noble ladies who didn’t have half an inkling of common sense on how to survive in the wild.
Ol’ Xia gave her a response then hurriedly rushed off to gather the items the customer needed.
While waiting for Ol’ Xia to gather the items, Yue Jing Hua strolled around in the general store.
There was everything you needed in the general store, but the kind of items which had been stocked up the most with were things related to low grade arcane beast, like seeds of lizard grass or a fire wolf’s fur for example…the goods in the general store were all very complete, and each item had a corresponding price marked for it, ranging from several silver coins to one gold coin.
Among the items, the most expensive things were the arcane beast’s arcane stones. Just the price for a normal one rank Wood Weed’s beast gem is already fifty gold coins, a second rank Wind Fox’s arcane stone is as expensive as two hundred gold coins.
“The things you requested are all here, altogether it is twenty one gold coins. May I ask, you do have any other things you require?” The prices of goods in the Arcane Beasts Valley are very high, so twenty one gold coins isn’t some high number, but Ol’ Xia was still treating her with enthusiasm like before, this gave Yue Jing Hua a rather good impression of him. After she paid the money, she began to engage in some small talk with him.
“It must be your first time going into the wild for training practice. The reason why an arcane stone’s price is so high is because arcane stones are rare. Among every ten or even twenty or thirty low rank arcane beasts, sometimes you can only obtain one arcane stone.” Ol’ Xia didn’t have any expectations for these newbies entering in Arcane Beasts Valley for the first time, but after hearing Yue Jing Hua proficiently listing out a whole pile of items needed for surviving in the wild, his view slightly changed.
“I still have one thing I want to ask you. Why is the price marked for that book so high?” Yue Jing Hua suddenly changed the topic, and pointed towards that book, which is precisely the book with an old and worn-out cover Ol’ Xia was wiping clean in the beginning. The marked price was ten thousand gold coins.
Ol’ Xia turned around and looked. Some pride appeared in his aged eyes: “Because that book is no normal book, that is a book which only the Shaman Summoner Tribe can use, the Canonical Text of Summoning.”
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
(Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner) 002. Little Lolita of Another World
Comments: Well, we got a little preview of our male lead. Pretty new, seeing that the male lead isn’t some ancient powerful, but youthful looking king of something.  Though...(spoiler....actually, not really since this is how all novels like this goes)he’s still super talented. Not too much showcasing of power from our MC yet, but it’s going to come, don’t worry, just sit back and wait for the good show to begin ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ. To prove it, I'll reveal the next chapter's title: "Two-faced Good-for-nothing Girl" 
And, the author graciously published in advance how each specialization’s ranking system is! This helped me so much. I’ll post it up here so you can get a better idea of it first.
I would like to note that sorcerer and magician are NOT the same here. I translated the specialization to sorcerer, and the rank 2 of the sorcerer’s ranking system as magician. And I’m really sorry, I can’t think of anything other than “beast whisperer” for rank one of summoner..author didn’t give me much to work with...keywords of it..beast, communicator, language. If anyone has any better suggestions, please do tell, I’d like to given some choices to choose from ><
(Author's Note:
Sorcerer's Ranking System: Magic Apprentice, Magician, Great Magic Expert, Magic Master , Holy Magic Master, Heaven Magic Master, Holy Magic King, Magic Sovereign, Divine Magic God. 
Summoner's Ranking System: Beast Whisperer, Combat Beast Summoner, Commander Summoner, Shaman Beast Master, Holy Beast Master, The Thirteen Great Governor Summoner[1], Eight Directional Divine Summoner, Red-clothed Summoner Sovereign. 
Martial Artists' Ranking System: Martial Apprentice, Martial Artist, Martial Master, Martial Venerator, Martial Marquis, Great Martial Master, Martial Sage, Martial King, Martial Sovereign.)
Yun Sheng never lost consciousness even during the very moment the taxi exploded. She only felt that her body had been ripped apart in a blink of an eye, and her consciousness was like a leaf that lightly fluttered off. Immediately, she once again heavily fell down onto the ground, her body felt as if it had been crushed. She felt incomparable pain.
A wanton laughter sounded out near her ear: “I crushed this vile spawn, Yun Cang Hai, so what if you’re a genius sorcerer who’s might not be even seen once every century, you still can’t save your wife and child.”
Ten plus black clothed, masked men wantonly laughed loudly.
The moment her body fell onto the ground, her body felt incredibly painful. Yun Sheng discovered, she had become an infant. On top of that, an infant who dropped to its death?!
Isn’t this the transmigration you often see in novels!
The infant had only been born not too long ago; being so forcefully thrown onto the ground by someone, she had immediately died.
It was during this very opportunity that Yun Sheng’s soul took advantage of and entered into the infant’s body.
The infant’s body was extremely frail, if it didn’t receive emergency treatment soon, even if she lived, she would still only be a handicapped.
Yun Sheng noticed that on the infant’s wrist was the very same bracelet she had worn in the modern times. She had transmigrated along with her family-handed-down jade bracelet!
Good thing the jade bracelet was also here. Yun Sheng’s consciousness turned towards it, and then from within the bracelet, a faint light came out and entered into the infant’s body.
The remnant power of the bracelet quickly mended the infant’s heart vessels.
Those ten plus black clothed men hadn’t noticed the changes happening to the infant’s body.
“Let go of my child,” the angry man descended down from the sky while waving a strange bone staff in his hand.
Yun Sheng had never seen that kind of bone staff before. On the tip of the staff, there were five cat’s eye gemstones, the size of the jade color gemstones were like blood dripping carnelians. All at the same time, they immediately lit up.
All of a sudden, the murky sky turned completely red like fire, just like a smelting furnace. Several fire balls which resembled boiling molten-iron bubbles appeared.
The man was brandishing around the bone staff while everywhere was on fire. Several fire balls, like rain in a rainstorm smashed towards the ground.
The sky and earth instantly became a sea of a netherworld prison, raging flames ablaze.
The fire balls rolled downwards and smashed onto the perpetrators’ bodies. The ten plus people transformed into burning corpses at the exact same time.
That fire was incomparably devastating. Before the black-clothed masked men could even wail and beg, they had already become a pile of scorched ash.
The bone staff wielding man knelt down on the ground in pain. He let out a trapped beast-like grieving wail, both his eyes were like empty holes. He raised his bone staff up high, and accurately aimed it at his head. He put forth his strength and pulled it down.
Both his wife and daughter were already dead, what meaning would there be to continue living.
A feeble breathing sound broke the man’s movements.
He stiffly turned around, and tremblingly carried up the dying child.
Yun Sheng’s eyes widened. In her jet-black eyes reflected the man’s appearance.
It was a young man who had become a father only not too long ago.
He originally should have been happy, but the man before her was dishevelled, and his face was covered with injuries. But even if he was this like, it still couldn’t cover up the man’s original dashing figure and his bursting talent.
The man must have experienced some major hardships. There was only despair and grievance in his dim eyes, just like a patient who has contracted an incurable disease. That kind of sorrow deeply stung Yun Sheng who was a doctor.
He, had already lost the desire to live.
She, needs to save him. To make him regain the desire to live again.
Yun Sheng waved around her hand, forcing out her body’s last shred of energy, and cried aloud.
Hearing that crying sound, the man’s dying ember-like eyes flashing across a smear of radiant splendour. His eyes gradually recovered its brightness. He carried up the infant, and staggeringly headed towards a small village.
The dark dawn behind the man quietly ended. The sun re-rose and lit up the earth.
Time quickly slipped by, and six years have already passed. When the sophora flowers bloom all over in the Jiao Ye Village’s herb garden, a sorcerer initiation ceremony is carried out in Jiao Ye Village’s Temple of Magic.
“Perception of magical elements, none.” An old magician with completely white hair and a white beard glanced at the pure black magic-gauging crystal ball, and shook his head.
This is already the third time. Yun Sheng, this child, from the age of three had already begun participating in Jiao Ye Village’s sorcerer initiation ceremony, but every time she hadn’t been able to sense any magical elements.
“Thank you, magician grandpa. I’ll come try again next year.” Yun Sheng lifted up her head. She’s only five or six years old, has an egg-shaped face, big eyes, and was wearing a set of worn-out but clean clothing. Due to being poor, she lacked nourishment, making her even thinner and weaker and smaller and shorter than the people her age.
After finding out the results of the sorcerer initiation, Yun Sheng’s young and tender face revealed a calmness which completely didn’t match with someone of her age.
“What a shameless fellow. A fake sorcerer’s daughter still dares to come to the Temple of Magic, you really don’t fear the Deity of Magic’s punishment?”
Just as she was leaving the Temple of Magic, a few children who were also here participate in the sorcerer initiation ceremony came. Someone spit out some saliva towards her.
Yun Sheng agilely dodged and avoided it.
The expression in her eyes was ice cold, just like a tyrannical and haughty little stray cat, glaring at that child who was making things difficult for her.
Yun Sheng’s eyes seemed as if it were magical. Being stared at her like that, the child who had spit at her, his mind seemed as if it had jumped into that pair of captivating eyes. Her pitch-black eyes, was just like an endlessly dark starry sky, it seemed as if it could swallow a person’s consciousness whole.
That child’s brain suddenly echoed out a buzzing sound. His legs weakened, then he sat down on his bottom and fainted away.
The child’s peculiarity alarmed the surrounding spectating crowd of villagers. The villagers immediately rushed forward.
Yun Sheng took back her line of sight, and took the chance to sneak away from the Temple of Magic.
Following along a small path, she walked all the way until the village’s highest point, towards a small hill.
Jiao Ye Village’s scenery was very beautiful. The spring day’s sun was shining, while the pleasantly warm spring breeze blew over the dog’s-tail grass on the hill. A few red dragonflies had stopped on the tip of the dog’s-tail grass. Below the hill-slope, a small jade belt-like river gently flowed.
Yun Sheng laid down. In her mouth, she chewed on a dog’s-tail grass, and stared at the azure sky.
It’s already been six years since she, Yan Yun Sheng, a female doctor with a soul from the modern times, transmigrated to Wu Ji Continent where magic and martial arts were highly respected.
She changed from an orphan to a young village girl who along with a drunkard father, depended on each other for survival. They had similar names, the only difference was the surname, but their natural endowments were so far apart like the sky and the earth.
The calamity that occurred when she was born, made Yun Sheng’s sinews and vessels[2] from since she was small become very frail. She can’t practice martial arts, she is unable to sense magical elements, and she cannot train and practice in magic.
From a female doctor who could make people from both the white and black worlds[3] become terror-stricken just by hearing her name to trash who can’t cultivate both magic or martial arts?
Yun Sheng sat up, there was an extra smear of confidence in her smile at the corner of her lips.
Trash? How absurd!
She is definitely not a good-for-nothing. As long as she has her Shennong[4] bracelet, there will be a day, when she rises up to the top of the world again.
Yun Sheng stroked the jade bracelet on her wrist. This jade bracelet had transmigrated along with her. From the moment she was born, it was already on Yun Sheng’s wrist. It’s also the only thing she has that is related to her past life.
Yun Sheng’s drunkard father had been vexed for a while, after many times of trying and failing to take the bracelet off from his daughter’s wrist, it was only then that the jade bracelet avoided the misfortune of being taken by her drunkard father to pawn and exchange for alcohol.
It was exactly twelve o’clock, the day’s midpoint, exactly when the energy of the sun in the world was at its highest point.
Yun Sheng crossed her legs and sat, her fingers formed into position, making a standard Taoist meditation posture.
The jade bracelet emitted a glistening light. The sun seemed as if it had been split apart, large amounts of five different colored lights were absorbed into the bracelet.
Along with the jade bracelet absorbing more and more light, a sheen layer of light resembling mother-of-pearls floated above Yun Sheng’s skin. In the bright light, her facial features became more exquisite, and her figure also stretched a bit just like poplar and willows.
A thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.
In the vessels which were damaged in her early years, the inside was now like a mountain stream, bubbling and flowing, becoming fuller and more developed.
More and more of that mountain stream accumulated and converged together, forming a gold layer in the veins and arteries.
Only a “boom” sound was heard, the inner energy which had been cultivated for six years flooded out like an overflowing dam.
One of the human body’s eight extraordinary meridian channels, the yang linking vessel had been opened up.
With one part every three years since Yun Sheng had started cultivating the skill of jade marrow from when she was three, she was finally able to use her body’s inner energy to open up the first of her body’s eight extraordinary meridian channels.
Yun Sheng was immersed in her cultivation, so what she didn’t know was, at this very time, on a an ancient banyan tree full of branches and lush leaves on the same hill-slope, a pair of deep and profound eyes had “seen” the whole thing.
The juvenile slovenly laid above the tree-trunk. It was a young boy who didn’t fit in at all with Jiao Ye Village’s simple and plain atmosphere.
The juvenile was young, only about ten years old or so. Even though he was wearing some ordinary sackcloth clothing, his wheat colored skin along with his robust body revealed an aggressive, dominating aura which wasn’t at all inferior to old generals experienced in the battlefield.
“Absorbing the essence of the sun? How interesting, didn’t think that there would be someone who knew such a highly advanced skill in such a small mountain village.” The young boy full of interest, “sized up” Yun Sheng.
Suddenly, Yun Sheng opened her eyes.
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
{Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress} 001. Rebirth of the Retarded Girl
Yaay! Okay so, a little change to how my notes are going to work from now on. Unless I think it’s absolutely necessary to make a note for it, I will just leave it alone. If anyone has any questions they need clarifications on as to what it means, feel free to contact me or leave a comment below and I’ll gladly answer it for you! It’s just I don’t want to waste more time making notes and all, so please understand!
Second, I hope no one take offense to the term I had to use; “retard” wasn’t my first choice of word since it sounds too jarring. I originally used “fool” and “foolish” but...it just didn’t sound right. So please don’t get offended by my intentions to make it sound better. I tried, I really tried. o(*´д`*)o
Onto the comments!!: This series is the author’s latest of the three she’s written so far, and I have to say. She really has improved in terms of splitting and planning content. This chapter ended on a real cliffhanger! *Cues the evil laughter* 
Ugh....when I was translating a certain part involving those servant-slaves...UGH. Can’t wait for some sweet revenge. 
And something else that’s different is...(slightly spoilerish)...no transmigration (time/dimensional space travelling), just pure, straight-up rebirthing! Interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen many non-transmigration rebirths...
BUUUUT anyways!! Enjoy! *Cues another session of evil laughter*   
Country of Da Xia, Qiu Feng Town.
In the Ye family ancestral hall, all kinds of offerings were placed on the rectangular sandalwood-carved table. In the center of the ancestral hall was a simple and unadorned black cauldron[1]. It had a few incense sticks stabbed in it, the scented smoke curled and floated around in the air.
The door pushes open, and a small and thin figure enters.
It was a thirteen, fourteen year old young girl. Her face was only the size of the palm of a hand, her facial features were all very exquisite, though unfortunately, her hair was dishevelled, and along with a pair of sluggish eyes, it made her beauty like seem like a pearl which had been covered over with dust and dirt.
Just as the young girl arrived to the side of the table, some people suddenly scurried out.
“Excellent, capture that thief.” A few loathing slaves grabbed the young girl by her hands and feet, and pressed her against the ground.
“Wuu…wuu.” The young girl was frightened. She wanted to escape from those people’s hands, but unfortunately, how could her strength compare with these loathing slaves of the Ye family who had begun learning martial combat since young and have already cultivated their bodies to a rank-one.
“Ye Ling Yue, so it was you, you retarded girl. Who gave you the nerve to come and steal the offerings from the ancestral hall table.” The slave who was talking is Wang Gui, he was the Ye family’s sixth young master, Ye Qing’s trusted aide.
The one who is pressed down on the ground is Ye Qing’s younger cousin, Ye Ling Yue. She may be a Miss of the Ye family, but in the Ye family, her position is even lower than servants.
Only because Ye Ling Yue is the Ye family’s shame. She is mentally retarded.
“Not…fault…cleaning.” Panic filled Ye Ling Yue’s pale face.
“You still dare to quibble.” Wang Gui didn’t give her a chance to defend herself, giving Ye Ling Yue a few slaps to her face.
Wang Gui is a practitioner of a martial combat, so with just a few slaps, Ye Ling Yue’s face has already become very swollen.
Ye Ling Yue’s body, like a kite that had its string cut, flew out and rammed into the cauldron which touched the floor in the ancestral hall. She let out a string of muffled noises.
“The retarded girl isn’t moving at all, don’t tell me she’s dead. Seeing that Ye Ling Yue hasn’t moved for a long while, a few of the Ye family slaves thought she had died.
“How can she die that easily, that retarded girl has always been beaten like this for over ten years and she still lived fine. Young master already said so too, this is called a cheap person’s life is always someone who is hard to kill.” Wang Gui’s thoughts were also just as vicious. His eyes swept around, and noticed the incense cauldron beside Ye Ling Yue.
The Ye family’s ancestral hall had been bought by the Ye family’s family-head over thirty years ago, this incense cauldron had been preserved in here from since then.
Wang Gui walked up to it, and pushed aside the lid of the cauldron, then grabbed a handful of incense ash.
“You people, pry open that little retarded girl’s mouth. Since she likes to steal food, I’ll let her eat until she’s full today.”
The slave servants giggled. In their eyes, even a stray dog is better than Ye Ling Yue.
They held down Ye Ling Yue’s hands and feet, while stuffing the incense ash of who knows how long hasn’t been cleaned up for into her mouth.
The moment the incense ash had been stuffed into her mouth, there was a round object which had slid down Ye Ling Yue’s throat.
Once the object had entered into her stomach, retarded girl Ye Ling Yue could only feel a burst of scorching hot pain in the dan-tian in her abdomen.
The endless amount of hotness was very hot, bone eroding and heart scorching hot, just like as if her entire being was burning until nothing remained.  
It’s painful……so painful. Ye Ling Yue grabbed onto her throat. There was something wanting to come out from her throat.
Until scars of blood had appeared on her neck from her grabbing, the heat had never mitigated for even a bit. Her suffering was so hard to endure, she ran towards the incense cauldron head first. Fresh blood appeared from her forehead.
“Dammit, the little retarded girl really died?” Wang Gui stepped forward and looked, and found that there was no movement whatsoever from Ye Ling Yue.
The slave servants looked at each other in dismay. Now they feel the fear of their actions, the little retarded girl’s position may be low and petty, and she isn’t given any value of importance, but in any case, she is still an authentic Miss of the Ye family.
“What are you still in standing there in a daze for, hurry and go find Young Master.” Wang Gui was panic-stricken. The few of them escaped.
In the ancestral hall, Ye Ling Yue’s small little body curled up into a ball.
Waves and waves of the feeling of intense fire burning her body carried on non-stop.
“Mother.” Ye Ling Yue helplessly shouted, but there was no one who responded to her.
Slowly, the feeling of scorching heat disappeared. Ye Ling Yue’s five viscera and six bowels all twisted together.
Not knowing how much time had passed, in her mind, a “boom” sound appeared, like something in her dan-tian had suddenly exploded.
Her eyes –– suddenly opened. In her previously sluggish eyes, was now filled with brightness like the remaining scattered stars of dawn.
A sharp light quickly flashed across in her eyes.
What came into her eyes was a simple and unadorned but grandiose room. In the middle of the room was a rectangular table. Offerings and ancestor memorial tablets were placed upon it.
“I, rebirthed.” Ye Ling Yue mumbled. She looked at her hands.
She was small and thin, and covered in scars of all kinds and sizes. This was a girl’s body that had gone through and endured much hardship from bullying and humiliation.
She stood up, and attempted to recall the information belonging to this body. But due to the reason of being mentally retarded, in her brain was only some broken and fragmented memories.
It looks like she still needs some more time to adapt to this body.
Just as she turned around and was about to leave, Ye Ling Yue heard a string of “zizizi” sounds passing by her ears.
Not far off, on the old incense cauldron, the puddle of blood which Ye Ling Yue had left behind when she ran into it earlier, was currently going through a transformation.
The blood, at a clear speed the naked eyes could see, was seeping into the cauldron.
A rush of cold air scurried up from Ye Ling Yue’s feet, but strong curiosity prompted her to walk up instead.
The moment her hand touched the cauldron, a strange thing happened.
Swish ––
That old cauldron, which originally needed no less than two or three people to lift up, transformed into a string of black light and entered into the palm of her hand.
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
[Genius Demon Empress] 001. Insult
Sorry, notes will be up soon, my head's aching so I don't feel like making 12/13 photoshopped notes yet. Though there's nothing too much to explain anyways, so it should be fine.
Quick note though, "Dark" and "Dark-qi". I capitalized Dark because it's not the darkness kind of dark but the spirit energy of the world the MC lives in so to avoid confusion with darkness' dark, it's all capitalized. [Edit]: It’s been replaced by arcane now as to reduce my confusion when translating and it sounds smoother and slightly easier to imagine. So now everything is arcane-qi, arcane light, or arcanist,etc. Sorry for the confusion!
Comments: Man, the author loves killing off characters initially with explosives. Not that I'm complaining, it's just funny how the MCs of a series dies in the beginning by exploding into a billion pieces. I can totally imagine if the characters could talk with the author, they'd be complaining like no tomorrow.
Anyways, next chapter will definitely showcase more of Miss. Yue's personality and badassery. Definitely look forward to it!
Azure Dragon continent. Around the outer most area of Hundred Beasts Mountain, a few shadows stealthily carried an unconscious girl.
The moonlight seeping through the cracks between the trees are pale like frost, shedding upon the unconscious girl’s hair.
Swiftly moving across to a hidden place, the leader of the masked people throws the unconscious girl onto the ground, then tosses out a bag of gold coins: “She’s yours now.  As long as you don’t kill her, you can do whatever you want.”
The voice of the person speaking is melodious, sweet, and mellow; very obviously, it’s a woman. Except a shred of gloominess and coldness are mixed in with her words, making people shiver even though it’s not cold.
“DaRen[1], please feel free to be reassured, we the Shadow Rats Mercenary Group already took the money, so we’ll definitely complete our assignment. Besides, this time’s transaction only has advantages, no disadvantages.” The men to rub their hands together, and exposed their yellow teeth which has been darkened by smoking and drinking. They avariciously stare at the prey on the ground. Thinking of the good time they’re going have in a moment, they let out a vulgar laughter.
The kidnapper woman glances at the unconscious girl. A sneer appears on the corner of her lips. She pulls the girl’s hair upwards, behind the long black silk-like hair, was half of the outline of the girl’s graceful face.
The unconscious girl is very young. Her fine and exquisite body is bundled in a slightly worn-out deerskin soft-armour. On her waist, she carried a dagger gleaming with coldness.
The exposed half of the girl’s face, could bully frost and surpass snow [2]. She had eyebrows which were as thick as if they were nature itself [3], a completely straight nose, honey lips which sparkled even if nothing was put on, and near perfect facial features.
In those mercenaries’ eyes, flashed across a smidge of breath-taken, and couldn’t help but say in chorus: “Good gracious, we’ve never seen such a beautiful woman before in our lives. She truly is worthy of being Long Zhan Empire’s number one beauty.”
“She was the number one beauty, but now she’s nothing but trash who someone who can’t condense arcane-qi [4] and someone who’s dan-tian [5] is about to be crippled, that’s all,” the masked woman’s five fingers gathered together, then a spiral of sinister arcane light pierced into the unconscious girl’s body.
The unconscious girl cried out a sound. Her long hair, as if it were a rag had been forcibly pulled apart. After the gold light entered her body, her spine curled up together, and she threw up bits of blood from the corner of her mouth.
The other side of the girl’s face appeared out in the open. An ugly pattern of marks was closely spread-out all over the right side of her face.
The left and right side of her face contrasted beautiful and ugly, making it seem all the more out of place. Those mercenaries immediately showed at face of revulsion.
The masked woman satisfiedly took back her hand, “Don’t worry, even though her face is destroyed, her figure on the contrary is very good. The few of you should carefully enjoy it. Tomorrow afternoon, bring her bare naked body to the free market outside of Hundred Beasts Mountain and leave it there, that’s all you have to do.”
Witnessing the woman crippling the other person’s dan-tian in just the moment she raised a hand, her cruel methods and profoundness of her cultivation caused these mercenaries who have been accustomed to seeing all kinds of fierce life-and-death battles can’t help but shrink back their neck.
After the woman finished talking, her body disappeared with a shuffling motion from these people’s faces.
“Da-ge [6], this person’s origins and identity are not normal, what if someone looks into this?” Seeing that that extremely mysterious woman’s shadow already completely disappeared, the people from Shadow Rats Mercenary Group began to show hesitation.
“She’s only a good-for-nothing from a bankrupt family, what’s there to be afraid of. That woman just now was so vicious and merciless, and so generous with money. One hundred gold coins, this isn’t a small number.” The Shadow Rats Mercenary Group is an incompetent, lowly mercenary group. Even the group’s main backbone, Qi Feng is nothing more than a third-rank human arcanist, even everyday meals are a problem. It’s a very rare opportunity to encounter such an easy profitable mission like this.
Staring at that fine and exquisite figure, Qi Feng swallowed some saliva. He impatiently tore apart the girl’s deerskin armour, exposing her dove-white like fair chest.
Just as the deerskin armour was torn apart, the finger of the girl who was unconscious since the beginning twitched.
Consciousness gradually beginning to gather up, Yue Xiao Qi who sunk into unconsciousness when the bomb exploded and the large building collapsed with a loud rumble, gradually recovered her consciousness.
Soft and wet soil, and the scent of wet grass.
In the 23rd century CE Yue Xiao Qi lived in, the entire globe’s rainforests went extinct. Only in a few large nations’ countries’ could you smell this kind of scent. Yue Xiao Qi’s brain became a bit clearer.
Forest? She should be in the Hexagon stealing the strongest weapon the U.S. army recently obtained, why is she in a forest.
Year 2238 CE, NASA discovered what is supposedly a record of humankind’s strongest weapons in history on the Gamma satellite in the Milky Way.
The Americans utilized several hundred international code-cracking experts and half a year’s time to decipher this record’s first page.
Yue Xiao Qi and another female spy, Zhen Ni, infiltrated the heavily guarded Hexagon, under the orders of stealing the top-secret data which has a market value as high as six hundred billion international currency.
After successfully cracking through the authorities’ defenses, and stealing the record with the strongest weapons recorded inside, Yue Xiao Qi opened that mysterious weaponry record due to needing confirmation.
It was a book with a strange name; its size was similar to the Holy Bible – Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge.
After flipping past the title page, Yue Xiao Qi could only see a few pages of blank space. Due to being flabbergasted because of the strange book in her hand, it had caused Yue Xiao Qi to be careless for a moment, making her overlook Zhen Ni’s movements.
In a moment of seconds, the U.S. Army’s defences completely activated. In a rain of firearms and a hail of bullets, sounds of Zhen Ni’s insane laughter, reverberated by her ears.
Because of jealousy, Zhen Ni’s mentality became twisted, she frantically clamored: “Yue Xiao Qi, aren’t you the internationally ranked number female spy? Now even if you grow wings you can’t fly [6]. If it weren’t for you, the person Liao Zui loves would be me, the internationally ranked number-one, queen card female spy would also be me. Die, Yue Xiao Qi.”
Yue Xiao Qi, someone who lived aloofly in both the dark and light worlds [7], wandered under both the sunshine and the moonlight, the astounding female spy.
She does whatever she wants, is wildly arrogant, haughty, and also deterministic.
Even as she is being betrayed by her companion, under the rain of firearms and hail of bullets, she was still able to retain her indifferent mild yet tender smile. Not even a twitching her brows and eyes, she shot a bullet at suicide brooch she always wears on her body. In it, it stores explosives strong enough to make an entire large building collapse.
She may be dying, but Zhen Ni’s alarmed yelling before her death and a whole army’s begging made her feel very carefree.
As a female spy, unexpected encounters can happen at any time.
Even if it is the female spy Yue Xiao Qi, someone who has never failed before since starting her career at fifteen, and the Cathay Alliance’s most legendary female spy.
When the bullet detonated the explosives, her body tore into fragments. The moment fresh blood rushed out, her blood sprayed onto the Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge she was holding against her chest.
A hollow and distant sound, like it came from the Ninth Heaven, the highest of heavens, arrived and echoed beside her ears: “Congratulations, you have successfully opened the Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge.”
The first moment after she regained her consciousness, disarrayed yet sorrowful fragments of memories entered into Yue Xiao Qi’s brain.
Transmigration? Reincarnation? Large amounts of information rushed into Yue Xiao Qi’s brain in a moment of lightning and thunder [8].
She, didn’t die, she had entered into her body.
Someone who lives in an unknown continent outside of Earth, into the body of a girl named Yue Jing Hua.
As a top-notch spy, in the shortest time possible Yue Xiao Qi filtered out a few of the most useful information for her current situation.
Who is this body’s original owner, why was she taken here by force, and how to escape from this situation?
Name: Yue Jing Hua
Family background: The daughter of the direct blood line of a fallen noble family from Long Zhan Empire.
Personal experiences: Began learning martial arts at three, could condense arcane-qi at seven, advanced on to human arcanist when she was ten, becoming an arcanist, and advanced through to ninth-rank human arcanist at thirteen.
Also at age thirteen, Yue Jing Hua was poisoned and became disfigured, her dan-tian became damaged, so she was unable to condense arcane-qi, and her cultivation dropped below human arcanist.
Age fifteen, after her family went bankrupt because her biological father, Grand Duke Xue Ying, wasn’t good at running businesses he disappeared. Yue Jing Hua and her mother as well as her younger brother, all went to seek refuge at her maternal side’s family in the country of Shang.
The area Yue Jing Hua is located at is called Hundred Beasts Mountain. The reason she would appear here is because she has to participate in Xuan Ji Academy’s entrance exam along with some companions.
Not long after entering into Hundred Beasts Mountain, Yue Jing Hua encountered a raid from these mercenaries disguised as bandits. Among the companions she was with, no one was willing to come out and help. After a surprise attack from a female mercenary, Yue Jing Hua received a serious injury, and silently passed away.
Her memories come to a sudden stop, a man’s voice from in front of her breaks the silence like a housefly’s buzzing.  
“Such white skin and soft flesh, girls from noble families really do make people feel ecstatic,” Qi Feng groaned.
The groaning immediately turned into a wave of miserable howling. Following soon after, sharp pain came from the area between Qi Feng’s thighs and he instinctively began to quickly fall backwards. A flash of white light immediately burst out from within his body, a suit of rock armour began to form over his skin.
Yue Jing Hua’s body may have been disabled, but she did after all come from a noble family, she does have some knowledge and experience.
The white light on Qi Feng’s body is precisely a third-rank human arcanist arcanist’s skill – rock transformation. It can for a short duration of time allow the skin to become as hard as rock. It is very hard for a normal person’s attacks and weapons to harm it.
This must be quickly dealt with as soon as possible. She absolutely cannot allow him to complete his rock transformation.
A pair of elbow, like iron clubs popped up from the ground, and ruthlessly attacked towards Qi Feng’s knees just when the white light still hasn’t completely taken form yet.  
Transformation skills from arcane-qi require a bit of time, and during that amount of time, is exactly when Qi Feng’s combat capabilities are at its weakest. His legs numbed for a moment then he kneeled down.
“Bang bang bang”, a few elbow attacks came like shots of bullets, quickly and ruthlessly, just as if those elbow grew eyes, each attacked towards his knees, abdomen, chest, and neck.  
Qi Feng collapsed down on his back. The girl swiftly leaped up. A flash of light from her waist appeared. The cold light from the dagger on her waist shifted, and then the sound of blood spurting echoed.
Those two mercenaries both gasped, and subconsciously protected their crotch area. Though it’s late, Qi Feng had already fallen down and was endlessly rolling around on the ground.
This girl, her methods are very sinister.
Her back faced the dim light of the night, the girl’s face was hidden under her dishevelled hair. Only a pair of clear eyes remained, it was glinting a fierce light like a beast would.
At a rapid speed, Yue Xiao Qi’s brain began to revolve: the enemy are three male adults, their heights are about 175cm, and all are adept at martial arts.
One of them has temporarily lost the ability to fight, the remaining two’s standard are rather poor. Two minutes are enough to take care of these two.
Just as the two mercenaries had yet to come back to their senses and react, their sight blurred again, and the girl disappeared once more.
The Yue Jing Hua who has been labelled as a good for nothing, her feet suddenly became like a top that grew legs, and met those two mercenaries head-on in close distance.
Another whack from her elbow collided into the mercenary on the left’s face. Only a cracking sound was heard, then the bone on bridge of his nose cracked; mucus and fresh blood mixed together.
“Pftpft”, ten slender jade-like fingers directly stabbed into the mercenary on the right’s eye sockets. His black beads [9] burst out, his vision immediately becoming blurred.
Attacking with both hands one after another in quick succession, she proceeded on to grabbing the two hefty fellows’ necks, and “peng [10]” there was another loud sound.  
The two mercenaries who were full of vim and vigour just a moment ago are now weakly laying on the ground, their faces covered in blood, their appearances completely gone.
Making underhanded moves [11], breaking bones, poking eyes, not one move is not an utmost sinister technique.
Qi Feng straightened himself up with difficulty. What he could only see though was the Yue Jing Hua who had been labelled as a “good-for-nothing”, quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately defeating his subordinates. The expression in his eyes finally changed, from his initial disdain to fear.
After taking care of those two, Yue Xiao Qi was slightly astonished. Yue Jing Hua’s body was unusually easy to use. No matter if it’s her jumping ability or ability to exert force, every move she learned from her previous life was carried out without any breaking. The only thing that’s inadequate is when she was fighting, she was unable to re-direct qi from her dan-tian.
However, before attempting to get a full understanding of this body’s problems, she still needs to properly “take care” of Qi Feng and the person hidden behind him manipulating things from behind the scene.  
There’s revenge to get but she chooses not to get it, then that isn’t Yue Xiao Qi
“What what do you want to do,” Qi Feng stuttered, while looking at the “Yue Jing Lan”’s evil-spirit like face while she got closer step-by-step. A smile of unknown intentions blossomed from her cheeks, like an enchanting fluttering jimsonweed [12] in the dark night.
Who said that Yue Jing Hua was a good-for-nothing who couldn’t condense together arcane-qi. All her moves just now were all fatal. How is this some newbie who came to Hundred Beasts Mountain to learn and practice, this is obviously an evil street ruffian who’s familiar with all kinds of fighting techniques. 
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akihaharu-blog · 8 years
(Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner) 001. Sky-high Breakup Fee
My first chapter;;
Please forgive my mistakes. This is the reason I need practice;;;;;
Now my comments to the story: Wooooow. That guy. That girl. Liked how she handled it XD. But the ending was a bit abrupt, though yes, I know she has to die for things to move on...
X City, in a music cafe. The sounds of a piano flow like water.
Yun Sheng stares at the cheque before her.
She is sitting across a man and a woman. The man has a handsome, natural, and unrestrained appearance. The woman is young and fashionable. In comparison, Yan Yun Sheng who's body is emitting the scent of herbal medicine appears very out of place.
"Yun Sheng, let's just break up. This cheque is worth a hundred thousand. It's for the tuition fees you've helped me pay for these past few years," The man is very well-dressed, and every movement he makes carries along a feeling of a cultured scholar's aura. 
He is Liu Ming Lang, he came from M City and has a doctorate in medicine. He was hired at a high salary in X City's Number 1 Peoples Hospital.
Looking at Liu Ming Lang's manner, no one would be able to guess, just a few years ago, he was still just a poor student who had just graduated from medical school. His skills were just average, and he had to rely on his girlfriend Yan Yun Sheng's support, only then was he able to go study abroad.
After several years of separation, she thought it would be an eternity with her university lover, but what came out of it is only a cheque for a hundred thousand?
A mocking smile emerged on Yan Yun Sheng's delicate and pretty face.
As if he was stabbed by Yun Sheng's smile, Liu Ming Lang didn't allow time for her to open her mouth to refute, and just took the chance to say first: "It's not me who's abandoning you after seducing you, it's because you're too disappointing. Look at you right now, good or bad, you're a talented student who graduated from the department of clinical medicine of a famous medical science university, but you don't have any thoughts on moving upwards, and inherited some little family Chinese medicine clinic instead. Any one of our university schoolmates are doing better than you. You also don't know how to put on make-up, and you're a mess from head to toe."
Yun Sheng grabbed the cheque and flung it onto Liu Ming Lang's face, "If you want to break up, then don't beat around the bush, and even more so, don't blacken the name of traditional Chinese medicine. It's true I don't have any future prospects, I can't compare with Qian Wei Wei[1] , the daughter of the Director of the Bureau of Public Health who's sitting right next to you, who can help you buy houses and cars, and on the way help you obtain a high income job. Liu Ming Lang, you're just a high class gigolo."
She already found out about Liu Ming Lang's actions of throwing away someone for someone else long ago from others' mouths.
Yun Sheng's voice has power, her every word is clearly enunciated. Everyone in the music cafe could hear everything very clearly.
This kind of melodramatic scene which only appears in dramas isn't seen very often. The people in the cafe all look over here with curiosity, pointing and criticizing Liu Ming Lang and the young woman beside him.  
Liu Ming Lang's complexion looks terrible. He hurriedly pulls up his new girlfriend who's about to act up and leave.
Liu Ming Lang just takes a few of steps then suddenly collapses to the ground. He painfully clutches his abdomen, and sufferingly shoutes out: "It's......acute appendicitis, Wei Wei......call 112[2]."
Qian Wei Wei is so scared that her complexion turned deathly pale. Where would she have ever seen this kind of thing before, she can't even utilise her cellphone properly anymore.
The owner of the cafe is clever, after going up and examining him, he helps by calling with the first aid telephone.
It's currently the peak of when people are going and getting off work, so it would take the ambulance at least twenty minutes or more to get to the cafe, except Liu Ming Lang's already rolling on the floor in pain.
Yun Sheng looks at this on the side with a cold stare.
"Is there a doctor here who can help give some emergency treatment first?" Waiting for a whole five minutes, Liu Ming Lang's already so much in pain he was practically going to pass out. Having no other choice, the owner could only ask about in the cafe.
"She......she's a doctor. She's Ming Lang's old schoolmate. I heard her clinical surgery treatment skills were the best in university," The daughter of an official, Qian Wei Wei finally returned to her senses and points at Yun Sheng.
Liu Ming Lang also thought of this. Covered in sweat, he struggles to climb up to Yan Yun Sheng's feet, "Yun Sheng, you......know how to alleviate my pain. For the sake of our past......"
"For the sake of money. I can let you hold out until the ambulance arrives. But my medical fees aren't low. Only offer, five hundred thousand. Whether you want my treatment or not, it's up to you," Yun Sheng looks at the man who's laying on the floor like a dog. This is the man who she loved with all her life in the past.
"You're insane, five hundred thousand, why don't you just go snatch it instead," Qian Wei Wei shouts abusingly.
"Wei Wei, give it to her......if it goes on like this......I'll get intestinal perforation," Liu Ming Lang can't hold on any longer. He himself is a western medicine doctor, so he is very clear that when you encounter this kind of situation, if you don't hand it properly, the consequences are very serious.
Anything Yun Sheng says or does, she always completes it to the dot. If she says she can do it, then she can definitely accomplish it.
Qian Wei Wei hesitates for a moment, then writes a cheque and passes it to Yan Yun Sheng.
Only after this did Yun Sheng crouch down. You can only see her taking out a pack of needles from the pocket of her jacket. The needles are long and slender, with a millimetre of thickness, and assumes a golden color. However, only experts in acupuncture and moxibustion can use these golden needles.    
She put her palm on Liu Ming Lang's three yin meeting point[3] and the inferior-great-void point[4] . Her actions are natural and smooth, resembling very much like a master's movements.
Liu Ming Lang is in severe pain, and is already starting to go unconscious. He could only see the side of his ex-girlfriend's clear and white face.
Yun Sheng's palm is pressed against his body. He only feels an ice-cold and gentle energy rushing into his body. His body from head to toe instantly feels relieved by a lot.
After Yun Sheng takes her hands away, she suddenly pulls down Liu Ming Lang's pants.
"What are you doing?" Qian Wei Wei is dissatisfied now.
"Acupuncture," Yun Sheng casually mentions. On the horizontally projecting part of Liu Ming Lang's first and second lumbar vertebra, she stabbed in a needle. Only one needle.  
"It's not painful anymore?" Liu Ming Lang sits up, his entire body already drenched in sweat. He astonishingly examines himself all over.
"You'll still need surgery, I just temporarily relieved your pain," Yun Sheng packs up the cheque and golden needles. Her expression composed.
One needle and she can make an acute appendicitis patient recover back to normal?
Five hundred thousand for medical fees!
Among the surrounding crowd of citizens, someone suddenly yells out: "You're the famous X City's Jade Hand God Needle, Yan One Needle."
For the past few years, the most famous person in the traditional Chinese medicine world is precisely Yan One Needle. Rumors say her gender is a mystery, she's quick to appear and then disappear every time, and to treat patients, she only uses one needle, with just that she controls people's lives and deaths.
She never easily intervenes, but every time she does, her medical fees are exactly five hundred thousand.
Yun Sheng didn't reply, she leaves the music cafe, only leaving the dumbstruck Liu Ming Lang and Qian Wei Wei behind.
For Yun Sheng's level of needle manipulation, to alleviate the pain from acute appendicitis, she only needs to use her family's passed down technique, the secret spirit needle to flush out the acupuncture point, she doesn't need to use actual needles.
Her last needle was in fact for impairing the kidney. Even if Liu Ming Lang paid five hundred thousand, it won't change the fact that he can no longer be a man in the future.
Walking out of the cafe, Yun Sheng sent that cheque under an anonymous identity for a disciplinary inspection. She believes that the lead story on the news tomorrow will definitely be very spectacular.
No matter female or male, anyone who offends Yan Yun Sheng, will surely never have a good end.
A taxi coincidentally stops nearby. A man wearing a baseball cap and a black jacket comes out. He hurriedly gets of the car, and bumps into Yun Sheng.
The man doesn’t apologize and just rushes off.
Yun Sheng gets into the taxi. Her tears rush up despite her not wanting it to. She hadn’t noticed that when the man got out of the car he had left behind a black plastic bag.
Nearly ten years of emotions and waiting, but what awaited her was this kind of an ending.
She unconsciously rubs the jade bracelet she’s wearing on her wrist, and says aloud to herself: “Grandfather, could it really be like you said, our Yan family goes against the Heavens by changing destiny by saving too many people, so we’re all fated to die early or spend our lives by ourselves until the death.”
Yun Sheng who is immersed in recalling her memories, hadn’t noticed that the radio in the taxi was broadcasting a news report.
“Urgent notice, recently, X City has been have had many cases of vicious explosions occurring. It is suspected that terrorists are going around to taxis and areas with large crowds and setting up explosives. If any citizens have found any suspicious personnel or unknown black plastic bags, please report it to the police ASAP.”
About five minutes later, a taxi which was just driving along the road suddenly exploded with a “BOOM”. Black smoke billows in the air. It is already definite that the female passenger and the taxi driver won’t be able to be saved no matter what efforts are put in, and died right on the scene.
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