aewinning · 22 days
This is your friendly warning to blacklist hsr and/or sunday if you're not into Star Rail or don't like Sunday or don't want spoilers because it's been two weeks and I'm too ferally obsessed with this man to hold off on a Sunday reblog flood in my queue any longer.
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commander-daine · 3 years
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At long last, complete Season 2 mastery! Thank you so much to @karl-heisenbergs-limp-wrist​ and @thelittlestnorn​ for going on that adventure together with me and making it possible!
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aewinning · 11 months
Fontaine/4.x+ Predictions
I'm throwing some big bold Fontaine/4.x predictions out so I can reference this in a year and find out just how right or wrong I was. Under a cut because it's a wall of text and b/c it involves obscure lore not everybody's read.
(No leaks involved. If you've seen leaks that confirm or contradict any of this, please don't send them to me or discuss them in replies. As you can see, the lore theorycrafting is half of the fun for me!)
Yes, this is the tip of the iceberg on my lore theories. No, this is not a comprehensive prediction of the entire Fontaine plot, just bits of it I feel are foreshadowed. Yes, I'm citing a lot of shit so that when I go back through this a year from now I can see why I thought what I thought.
I think about Genshin lore too much, this truly is live footage of me every time a single new crumb of information is divulged.
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Massive wall of text incoming b/c I can't stop rambling once you start me up on Genshin lore.
The theories:
Fontaine fucks up and Celestia gets involved
My big pet theory that I've been nursing for over a year now, ever since we started hearing from bit NPCs in minor events about Fontaine's energy problems, is that I think Celestia is either going to drop a nail on Fontaine or at the very least finally become relevant to the main plot in a big way by sending someone to intervene with Fontaine's technology and the mockery Focalors is making of the judicial process. (They might not care enough to intervene in the average judicial process, but she's literally the capital-letters God of Justice, and it's supposed to be her ideal. If she's abandoned it, they might not be happy.) They're also hovering over what we can assume to be the location of Fontaine, which is not a good sign.
This theory was strengthened when reading Rene's Investigation Notes in the Khvarena of Good and Evil questline, which indicate that Fontaine has done research on Khaenri'ah's use of abyssal power as an energy source, which was warned against by some of Khaenri'ah's own people but ignored (to disastrous outcome). There are a lot of parallels being set up between Khaenri'ah and Fontaine in those notes and with all the mention of sinners in the Final Feast trailer narration, and I'm not sure they bode well for Fontaine.
It's possible that the energy generator machine that Persikov and the other Fatui were working on as far back as 2.8's Golden Apple Archipelago were meant to help them gain a foothold in Fontaine; after all, solve the desperate nation's energy problems, and you suddenly hold a lot of power in the nation and can even hold their energy source ransom until your demands are met. I wouldn't be surprised if "the Fatui control Fontaine's energy future and use it as leverage" is a plot point.
(Although back in the day I thought it would be Pantalone behind that plot, not Arlecchino, because economic and political manipulation seemed his style and we hadn't heard anything much about Arlecchino yet. Hell, Arlecchino had been mentioned like once in-game then, in Inazuma's "The Very Special Fortune Slip" hidden questline, and was still referred to as male at that point.)
2. Neuvillette is unjustly imprisoned by Furina; Charlotte figures it out
I think Neuvillette is going to be imprisoned by Furina (who's pretty obviously the hydro archon Focalors), foreshadowed by the bars going over his face but not Clorinde's when they're walking in the sewers in the trailer. This will likely be either Furina framing him for something (foreshadowed by her burning what seems to be evidence while complaining about the lack of plot twists and entertainment, while he's literally 'framed' by the burning photo) OR a political imprisonment because they have an ideological clash.
Neuvillette seems to actually want justice, Furina seems to want a show. She seems very pouty and childish; if he tries to discipline her or remind her of the true meaning of justice, she could very well order him arrested and turn it into a grand trial to feed her lust for entertainment. And it could certainly be a combination framing/political imprisonment as well. Very French Reign of Terror style.
Charlotte may figure this whole situation out; in the trailer she's investigating photos with a puzzled look on her face as if she sees something wrong with them, and in the TCG event she offered to let us take out an ad in the paper if we ever needed it, in exchange for our assistance during the event. Now, the pictures were of Navia, not Neuvillette, so this may be an unrelated plot, but surely she's going to help us sleuth up the truth of something with foreshadowing like that.
Neuvillette is also...something. His eyes resemble Khaenri'ahn eyes, he's got the Kleelike pointy ears, and his cool blue hair streaks are certainly interesting. Oceanids can mimic other creatures so he could be an Oceanid (and given that they were spies of the previous archon that would set him up nicely for opposition to Furina). He could be Klee's species. He could be a Khaenri'ahn.
Whatever he is, he's NOT standard modern Teyvat human, and he's NOT the previous hydro archon despite the hair streaks because we know from the Khvarena of Good and Evil questline and Vourukasha's Glow artifact set that the previous archon died and was anchored beneath the Harvisptokm in the form of the giant Gaokerena lotus to purify abyssal influence in the region.
Neuvillette, I've got my eye on you. (Both eyes. While twirling my hair and kicking my feet.)
1b+2b. Neuvillette replaces Furina as hydro archon
I fully understand this is an unlikely scenario so it's not as firmly a prediction as much as a "this would be interesting," but if Celestia brings judgment on Fontaine it is possible that the hydro archon slot opens up, either because they repossess Furina's gnosis and find a new archon, or because they straight-up kill her (can you fucking imagine the shock from the community if they kill an archon off? but they'd still get to sell two separate units as archons, it'd be a win/win for them).
If this happens the logical choice for a replacement would be Chief Justice Neuvillette, especially if he was in opposition to the behavior that put her on Celestia's shitlist. I can see it now: Celestia repossesses the gnosis, gives it to him, he says thank you, the Celestians fuck off to be mysterious again, and he turns right around and hands it to the Fatui in exchange for getting the hell out of Fontaine. (Or for some other reason.)
I highly doubt they'll go this route, but I would love to see it. Not only would it even out the archon gender ratio a bit, but it would answer the question of how a change of archonhood takes place, which we still haven't seen since Morax hasn't been replaced as geo archon yet. And I think it's a question we deserve to have answered before the end of the game. If not here, then perhaps in Natlan (see point 7 below).
3. Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, and Arlecchino
This is a pretty common/obvious theory but I agree that the siblings are all likely working for Arlecchino, likely unwillingly. She runs the House of the Hearth which takes in (and sometimes causes) orphans and trains them for the Fatui; we've seen several NPCs that came from them before and many of them consider each other brothers and sisters.
I don't think Lyney and Lynette are related to Freminet by blood; I think they consider him a sibling due to being raised together. The resemblance between Lyney and Lynette is clearer, especially with the twin names, but names can be changed, so I don't even treat it as confirmed that those two are blood related until proven otherwise, especially since Lynette has cat features and Lyney doesn't.
Both Lynette and Freminet seem to have robotic features, and we know that Fontaine has robots and Snezhnaya has the technology for segments, plus we've seen Albedo as a homunculus and Scara as a puppet, so artificial humans are very much within the realm of possibility for Teyvat. Lynette is said to have rather mechanical behavior, and Freminet's constellation is literally 'Automaton.' So I think it's likely enough that one or both of them aren't flesh and blood humans.
To take that a step further, I think it's possible that Lynette died at some point, and the current Lynette is a mechanical replacement OR a robotic body being inhabited by her soul (Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist style). Lyney may have had to pledge loyalty to Arlecchino and the Fatui in order to rescue or recreate his sister through these means, OR it's possible they were already in the House of the Hearth and Dottore or somebody else damaged the original Lynette while experimenting with her.
Dark. And quite the fun twist if it's true, tbh.
4. Navia and Clorinde
Navia gives off a 'gentleman thief' vibe to me but lady version, and Clorinde shoots directly at her in the trailer, indicating she's playing the role of the detective or law enforcement officer tracking her down. I don't have coherent thoughts here on a lore front really, I'm just really excited for the possibility of gentlewoman thief rivals to lovers/enemies with benefits lesbians.
Clorinde's outfit looks a bit historical Navy inspired to me, so maybe she's a member of the Navy, but I'm not really sure why she'd be chasing criminals if that's the case.
5. Wriothesley, Sigewinne, and the Tower of London
I don't have a solid opinion on whether Wriothesley is blind or not as possibly hinted at by his fumbling for the cup, but I think it'd be cool if he was! People point to him looking at papers or at Sigewinne as evidence that he's not, but 'blind' as a term does not always mean complete lack of sight, for one, and if we assume he's a vision user as a seemingly playable character then there could be alternative methods he reads things with, such as using elemental sight to read ink with crushed-up elemental rocks in it or something.
He seems rather military, and Fontaine seems to have a strong military presence in general with some of the Melusine giving off a British bobby (police) vibe visually. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a structure reminiscent of the Tower of London, potentially where Wriothesley works and Neuvillette gets held when imprisoned.
No solid thoughts about Sigewinne yet other than I'm guessing she's going to be a healer or support, since she's little and cute and taking care of someone in the trailer. I assume she's a Melusine.
6. Chenyu Vale and Qiaoying Village (and Yilong Port?)
They're coming. I can feel it in my bones that at last we will go to the long-awaited Baizhu homeland. Why? There have been multiple sources indicating that they're placed between Liyue and Fontaine, likely between Fontaine and Qingce Village. I think 4.4 should be Lantern Rite judging from the usual calendar, and that would be a prime time for it to pop up - the main Fontaine story should be over at that point, and we'll be back in Liyue anyways. It will also be the Year of the Dragon, which might mean time for some juicy Zhongli or Liyue lore. Though they might move Chenyu Vale elsewhere in the 4.x schedule if needed.
This region will likely utilize Fontaine's diving mechanics. Legends about the region in weapon and artifact lore discuss powerful sunken jade artifacts in the rivers and lakes of the region, which would make a storyline revolving around finding them the perfect excuse to introduce the diving mechanics to a non-Fontaine region. Given the name and the lore, it's very possible that Baizhu's signature weapon Jadefall's Splendor is one of those pieces of jade, reclaimed.
For that and multiple other reasons, I believe Baizhu will be relevant to the main storyline here. Not only does he have a personal vested interest in finding interesting and powerful old artifacts or knowledge that might aid in his search for immortality, but Changsheng is intimately connected to the region lorewise. The Echoes of an Offering artifact set doesn't mention Changsheng by name, but it does discuss an adeptus named "Herblord" in Chenyu Vale and tell her story, and Changsheng is referred to as an "Herblord" in Baizhu's story cutscene. There's no reason to refer to them both with such a specific unusual term unless they're one and the same.
(I also have a theory that the other woman in the artifact lore is Madame Ping. The other woman is referred to as a fish adeptus, and Madame Ping's younger self in cutscenes has fish motifs and a fishtail silhouette, so I believe she's likely a koi as her adeptus form. I am highly tempted to write a Changsheng/Madame Ping fic because y'all there is something incredibly wlw happening in that artifact lore. I am also not going to be surprised if Madame Ping's younger form becomes playable in conjunction with Chenyu Vale story.)
7. Natlan
As a final far future prediction: In Natlan, Capitano will likely challenge the pyro archon for her gnosis and possibly even replace her. We know he's headed to Natlan and also "has the courage to challenge gods as an ordinary mortal" from Varka's Weinlesefest letter, and if Pierro is simply the "Director" of the Fatui as labeled in the Winter Night's Lazzo description and not a numbered harbinger, Capitano may occupy slot #1, which would be in line with his name as the Captain. We've been told by Nahida that the top three harbingers rival gods in terms of power, and I feel like if any god would answer a martial challenge with their gnosis on the line it would be the God of War, especially if the challenger was backed by another archon. I TRULY hope we see a fight between them.
(I also wanna see someone guillotined in Fontaine to fit the vibe but I highly doubt that will happen in Genshin. I think Signora was the most violent death we'll get onscreen.)
Anyways I hope someone found this titillating or educational and we can all look back at this and laugh at how wrong I was a year from now, but occasionally my farfetched theories do work out, such as when I looked a the Echoes of an Offering set lore on its release a full YEAR before Baizhu's release and excitedly vibrated to a friend about how it HAD to be related to him or Changsheng.
(I have theories past this point in the game too but they mostly rely on esoteric Gnostic text parallels more than in-game foreshadowing/content so I'm less confident in them.)
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aewinning · 10 months
Hmm trying to figure out if would be acceptable to also reblog Star Rail stuff here or if people wouldn't like that. I'd tag it all as 'hsr' so you could block it if you wanted, and there probably wouldn't be a ton of it.
If you've got an opinion on that feel free to drop a reply or message or ask!
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aewinning · 10 months
tfw you get caught up in research and end up watching a 25 minute video about cummerbunds because you wanted to write one throwaway line about them.
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aewinning · 1 year
I love your baizhu fics so much and I was wondering if you had any nice baizhu fic recs? I’m especially fond of zhongzhu and im really starved after reading through most of yours 🥹
Sure do! A bit of a mix here, not a TON to rec since there's not a lot of it out there yet but these are all worth a look!
In general I adore any of OrphanText's works with Baizhu! They're all ZhongChiZhu (which I'm making a guess that you may enjoy since you've read at least some of my works and I've written that trio), and it's a solid mix of believably canon, AU and modern, with smut, fluff and hurt/comfort. A great grab bag of works, with lots of cultural details thrown in.
I also really love Netrixie's 2-fic ZhongZhu series! It's explicit, and features what I can only describe as Baizhu teasing Zhongli's draconic instincts, leading him on a merry little chase across Liyue before Zhongli catches him and "takes his prize," if you get my drift. I love their dynamic in these, it's very unique.
I usually wouldn't recommend an unfinished work but scattered_roses' "To Look Death in the Eye" is so good that I can heartily recommend it for what's already there. It's a fantastic exploration of ZhongZhu finding each other and growing closer, and Baizhu dealing with his illness and mortality. If you give it a shot be sure to leave a nice comment encouraging the author to give them some motivation to continue! (Actually it would be nice if you could do that for ANY of these fics - it's a small community of shippers since Baizhu isn't released yet, and commenting is probably the best thing you can do to support the creation of new content!)
Alainey has a great fic called "of winding mind" about Zhongli contemplating retirement and talking it over with Baizhu, and they're very close and soft together and it's lovely <3 (Alainey has also written more Baizhu content you can check out but I haven't had a chance to read it all yet! Much of it is ZhongChiZhu.)
And last but certainly not least is particulate's "double yolk bridge," in which Zhongli rescues Qiqi from Hu Tao's clutches and grows close to Baizhu as a result. It's also a very soft, intimate work in many parts and I love that vibe for them.
Hopefully you're able to find something here that's new and appealing for you! I'm anticipating a flood of new content for this ship when Baizhu comes out, so hang in there. In the meantime I'm also working on Foul Eggacy 3 if that's something you're interested in!
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aewinning · 1 year
Sure am!
My dirty dark not-so-secret is that I originate from the depths of the Homestuck fandom, where I was massively into a character called the Psiioniic who got strapped into a ship and connected to it with living wires and made to power it using his mind while he spent thousands of years in agony against his will. (whee!)
When I saw Scaramouche, a long-lived character I already very much enjoyed, strapped into a giant robot with wires, my brain did a record scratch and went "oh you mean I can adapt all my old weird kinks into this? say less." and went ahead and wrote it because like. Follow your dreams, manifest your own brand of weirdness into the galaxy, etc. etc. etc.
Sounds like you enjoyed it, I'm glad to hear it resonated!
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aewinning · 1 year
I'm stuck in bed with a foot injury and a broken PC while I wait for a new part to get here at the end of the week at earliest. So I can't work on foul eggacy 3 like I wanted to, and while I have ao3 emails I could catch up on, being on my phone severely impacts my motivation and ability to type meaningful coherent comments, which I want to do bc the authors deserve them.
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aewinning · 1 year
@bittermachine sent the deep fic writer asks list to me in Discord and asked a whole bunch of them. I figured I'd go ahead and post my answers on tumblr in case anyone else was interested! And of course anyone is free to ask more from the list as well.
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Getting out a first draft. Once that's there the revision and editing process is a breeze, even if involved. But actually getting words down is sometimes an extremely painful task.
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
If I don't receive feedback or support I'll drift along from project to project when my brain decides it's ready to write something. If people vocally support something I've written and say they want more, that tends to get me thinking about what 'more' would look like and sort of guide my interest that way for my next projects.
9. what's your writing process like?
Sit at computer, open Scrivener (which I have customized to look like the AO3 theme I read in, Reversi), open a cherry Bing energy drink, and start writing. From there I tend to have two modes: distracted, where I can't focus for shit and end up tabbing out often to scroll tumblr or twitter so I don't feel like exploding when the words won't come, or hyperfocused, where I'll sit down and write literally all night or until the fic draft is finished. There is no in-between for me.
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
I've used it to vent heavy feelings before back when I was writing for the Homestuck fandom, but it's also helped me find a fair few friends I wouldn't have found otherwise. It's a good hobby for connecting with people.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
Cool but not cold, quiet or with instrumental music that fits the vibe and doesn't distract me, no strong smells unless they're sweet (I'm very sensitive to smells), a dim or dark room, a second screen for research, an ergonomic keyboard and a comfy chair, nobody else around, and an endless supply of Bing energy drinks.
Yes, it specifically has to be Bings. I hate the taste of most energy drinks and tea and coffee but the original cherry Bings are a delightful way to perk me up and help me focus. They're also just part of the routine at this point - I think I pavlov'd myself into only being able to write with them or something, back in my Homestuck days. Something else cold and carbonated can at least help me focus in a pinch if I don't have Bings though - it's really the cold bite and the carbonation that help me more than the caffeine.
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
Pride, of course. Not in the sense that I think I'm better than anybody else, but why would I spend the time creating and sharing something I wasn't happy with? Also I have no shame. Live life free of cringe and judgment.
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
Sometimes, and usually in what I guess would be a negative way. Either "wow they write so much, how do they do that?" or "wow, this is so good, I wish I could be that good/write like this." But then at other times I'll come across fic that's wildly ooc or has terrible grammar/spelling/formatting and I'll be like "but at least I'm not *this* bad" and click back out lmao. So it probably balances out.
Occasionally I'll see a fic that's just terrible or has a concept I don't vibe with that has more views/kudos/whatever than mine but in that scenario I tend to just lament for the state of fandom nowadays (old man shakes fist at cloud meme: "so this dreck is what's popular nowadays!?") But I'm aware comparing yourself to others is a bad habit so I try not to do it in either direction, it just manages to sneak through sometimes anyways.
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
Hard question but probably the fact that a few of the people that subscribed to me back during my Homestuck years read my Genshin fic even if they don't play Genshin. I personally don't tend to read fic without the context of the series because the interest just isn't there for me, so it's a huge compliment to me that someone would like my writing enough to stick with me through a fandom change.
18. Do you only write when you’re inspired, or do you try and sit down at specific times and write no matter what?
I usually only write when inspired because it's like pulling teeth otherwise, and not worth the time and frustration. It's a hobby, not an obligation. But by 'inspired' I really mean 'focused' because there are plenty of times where I have inspiration but I'm running up against a mental wall when I try to write.
I've been having this issue recently trying to write Foul Eggacy 3 - the whole thing is plotted and outlined, I have 2.5 scenes written, but for the past few weeks every time I sit down to try to write I only get a few paragraphs written even if I sit all night because I just can't focus and the words won't come easily. I'm trying to push myself more than I usually would on this one because I'd like to release it before Baizhu's release in 3.6, but I won't force it. I'm only going to release it before then if it's done and I'm satisfied with it. I want to get it right the first time.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
I don't really think there's such a thing as an 'ideal' fic but. I guess the dream would be to someday be able to write a longfic of people falling for each other convincingly, with good pacing, a believable scenario, and the hottest fucknasty sex as a payoff for sticking with it. It doesn't have to have much in the way of 'plot' as long as the character and relationship development is good.
I'm just not great at longfic because of my focus and memory issues; I often have to reread what I've already written even in a one-shot fic if it gets too long, to make sure dialogue and tone stays similar throughout a fic and I didn't forget anything. Something like the Foul Eggacy series is already pushing my boundaries since I have an entire AU constructed for it, so I've had to reread the first two fics multiple times while outlining/writing 3 to remind myself what I've already revealed to readers, catch the foreshadowing I dropped, etc. And of course lots of note-checking! But the bigger the work or series, the harder it gets. I have massive respect for people that write good longfic because of my own difficulties with it.
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
Friends and a degree of confidence! I've met a *lot* of people over the years through my writing, people that came to follow me on tumblr after reading my fic or talking to me in comments, some of who ended up being good enough friends that we talk regularly on Discord.
As for the confidence, I certainly can't say writing fic has 'fixed' my confidence issues, but getting even a kudos, much less a nice comment or a reblog/retweet/rec of my work, really boosts my mood. And it's nice to feel like putting fic out there is giving back to fandoms that pull me through tough times. Like yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of writers I'll never be as good as - but that's fine. As long as I'm putting a net positive into the world with my fics, helping someone get through a bad day by reading about their fave being wrung dry, that's enough for me.
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aewinning · 1 year
A small little Q&A meme I was tagged in by @kae-karo! Your cat messing up your post gave me a good laugh, thank you so much for the bonus cat pic at the end <3
currently reading?
Just a bunch of fic as I clear it out of my inbox, honestly! I do need to get back in the habit of reading regular books again as well but the brain doesn't focus like it used to and fanfic is a lower executive dysfunction barrier to jump over since I already know the characters and setting.
2. favorite color?
Purple, my beloved! Also a big fan of blues and greens and anime/JRPG-villain-hair platinum.
3. last song?
Klee's character demo song! I was talking to @bittermachine about marching band stuff and thought about how Klee's character demo song has a very big band feel to it, and would probably make a good song to march to, so I went and listened to it again. Extremely catchy, 10/10, will listen at sporadic intervals again.
4. last movie?
I don't do a lot of movies so it was probably the Way of the Househusband live action movie I watched with a friend a few weeks ago. Show-wise I'm working my way through Buddy Daddies and Chainsaw Man (mostly so I have context for all the AkiAngel on my dash/timeline) with the same friend, one of each per week.
5. sweet/spicy/savory?
sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet! I am a very picky eater in general but if it's sweet I am much more likely to enjoy it.
6. currently working on?
Foul Eggacy 3 but it's been rough going. I've written some of the middle scenes but the opening scene is fighting me hard. (Poor Childe has been ready to lay these eggs for weeks as I slowly open the document and add a few lines every few days.)
I'm still going to try to post it before Baizhu's release, but I can't promise it'll happen because I don't want to compromise on quality. The series is near and dear to my heart and I don't want to shrug and say 'good enough' just because canon Baizhu may contradict things! If he does, then I will at the very least deliver on 3, though I might not write some of the supplementary bonus scenes I'd considered depending on how far off the mark I was.
I followed quite a few Genshin people on tumblr when they fled Twitter but I'm not sure who all is still active to tag, so - if you're interested in answering these questions, do so and then ping me so I can read your answers!
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aewinning · 1 year
*arrives 15 minutes late to the 36 star Abyss club with starbucks*
I'd like to thank the Academy but also and especially Alhaitham, Yaoyao, Kuki Shinobu, Xingqiu, Tighnari, Kazuha, Zhongli, and Fischl.
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I'm putting the stats for my team under the cut as a reminder to myself that this was my team setup when I finally managed it. There's definitely room for improvement especially on artifact stats and I really need to farm an Emblem set for Xingqiu someday...but fuck it, I did it!
Team 1: hyperbloom and a half, "Alhaitham earned his third crown today but I keep pummeling Scaramouche so violently that all the parts are crushed and I don't get enough for talents" edition
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Team 2: quicken, "I wish I had a second Kuki instead of Zhongli here for extra quicken, but I didn't get so much as a scratch on me so I'll take it" edition
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aewinning · 1 year
(tw: dental work)
Had to have a tooth extracted today and got through it by imagining it was Dottore doing it, lol. Used to pretend I was a (Homestuck) helmsman going through maintenance when I got cavities filled so this is the natural evolution, I suppose. Fandom soothes in strange ways.
(Now you understand why I enjoy writing Scaramouche maintenance so much, I have a massive helmsman kink.)
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aewinning · 1 year
Genshin crack theory I'm noting down for posterity: what if the Tsaritsa is a Descender and her related ability to know/remember things that others don't means she knows something major that inspired her goal? (Her goal seems to be creating a new world, but whether that's a metaphorical reshaping of the current one or a physical destruction of Teyvat or a reset of Irminsul or something else is really hazy right now.)
To the best of my knowledge there's no current lore pointing toward the inability of Descenders to become Archons, and that would be a really neat twist for one of them.
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aewinning · 2 years
Hmm I've got a mostly completed Chaeya fic but it's in second-person POV since I started writing it a LONG time ago when I was having trouble switching over to third-person. I know not a lot of people are into second-person POV. Wondering if I should try to finish and publish for Kaeya's bday or not. 🤔
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aewinning · 2 years
Thinkin' about Scara whump. I want that man to cry.
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aewinning · 5 months
21? 22??
(these are from the Fic Writer Asks!)
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Absolutely, and I imagine most writers probably have. Sometimes a scene resists so much that no amount of editing will get rid of the feelings of tension and incorrectness when you read it. If the scene is unimportant you can scrap it or summarize it (but it probably wasn't unimportant if you were trying so hard to get through it). If a scene like that was important though, sometimes the best solution is to just save a backup copy of the scene, just in case, then erase what you've written and rewrite it on a day where the brain juices are flowing a little better. Start it differently, have someone say something different - just take a different path. Often, that helps it flow better.
I don't do this a lot since I tend to work with longer scenes and one-shots rather than multi-scene/chapter works, but sometimes it's unavoidable.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Generally I have at least a vague idea, but sometimes the characters surprise me. This is especially true for sexy oneshots where I'm like "ah okay you guys are done fucking, time to wrap up" and the characters decide that no, actually, they're going to do proper aftercare or talk about something serious while their defenses are down. Which is fair enough, I suppose!
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