aewinning · 1 year
I love your baizhu fics so much and I was wondering if you had any nice baizhu fic recs? I’m especially fond of zhongzhu and im really starved after reading through most of yours 🥹
Sure do! A bit of a mix here, not a TON to rec since there's not a lot of it out there yet but these are all worth a look!
In general I adore any of OrphanText's works with Baizhu! They're all ZhongChiZhu (which I'm making a guess that you may enjoy since you've read at least some of my works and I've written that trio), and it's a solid mix of believably canon, AU and modern, with smut, fluff and hurt/comfort. A great grab bag of works, with lots of cultural details thrown in.
I also really love Netrixie's 2-fic ZhongZhu series! It's explicit, and features what I can only describe as Baizhu teasing Zhongli's draconic instincts, leading him on a merry little chase across Liyue before Zhongli catches him and "takes his prize," if you get my drift. I love their dynamic in these, it's very unique.
I usually wouldn't recommend an unfinished work but scattered_roses' "To Look Death in the Eye" is so good that I can heartily recommend it for what's already there. It's a fantastic exploration of ZhongZhu finding each other and growing closer, and Baizhu dealing with his illness and mortality. If you give it a shot be sure to leave a nice comment encouraging the author to give them some motivation to continue! (Actually it would be nice if you could do that for ANY of these fics - it's a small community of shippers since Baizhu isn't released yet, and commenting is probably the best thing you can do to support the creation of new content!)
Alainey has a great fic called "of winding mind" about Zhongli contemplating retirement and talking it over with Baizhu, and they're very close and soft together and it's lovely <3 (Alainey has also written more Baizhu content you can check out but I haven't had a chance to read it all yet! Much of it is ZhongChiZhu.)
And last but certainly not least is particulate's "double yolk bridge," in which Zhongli rescues Qiqi from Hu Tao's clutches and grows close to Baizhu as a result. It's also a very soft, intimate work in many parts and I love that vibe for them.
Hopefully you're able to find something here that's new and appealing for you! I'm anticipating a flood of new content for this ship when Baizhu comes out, so hang in there. In the meantime I'm also working on Foul Eggacy 3 if that's something you're interested in!
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commander-daine · 4 years
what pants are those in your screenshot with the wintersday sweater? o: I haven't seen those, I've only seen the sweater. How do you get the pants?
They’re the Corsair Leggings from the meta-achievement for “All or Nothing!” You can also get them by completing the Thunderhead Peaks reward track in WvW or PvP.
Do note that it’s the Light leggings though - the medium and heavy armor skins both have poofy elements to them, but neither has the neat pattern. The link I gave has links to all three for comparison.
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aewinning · 1 year
Sure am!
My dirty dark not-so-secret is that I originate from the depths of the Homestuck fandom, where I was massively into a character called the Psiioniic who got strapped into a ship and connected to it with living wires and made to power it using his mind while he spent thousands of years in agony against his will. (whee!)
When I saw Scaramouche, a long-lived character I already very much enjoyed, strapped into a giant robot with wires, my brain did a record scratch and went "oh you mean I can adapt all my old weird kinks into this? say less." and went ahead and wrote it because like. Follow your dreams, manifest your own brand of weirdness into the galaxy, etc. etc. etc.
Sounds like you enjoyed it, I'm glad to hear it resonated!
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aewinning · 1 year
@bittermachine sent the deep fic writer asks list to me in Discord and asked a whole bunch of them. I figured I'd go ahead and post my answers on tumblr in case anyone else was interested! And of course anyone is free to ask more from the list as well.
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Getting out a first draft. Once that's there the revision and editing process is a breeze, even if involved. But actually getting words down is sometimes an extremely painful task.
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
If I don't receive feedback or support I'll drift along from project to project when my brain decides it's ready to write something. If people vocally support something I've written and say they want more, that tends to get me thinking about what 'more' would look like and sort of guide my interest that way for my next projects.
9. what's your writing process like?
Sit at computer, open Scrivener (which I have customized to look like the AO3 theme I read in, Reversi), open a cherry Bing energy drink, and start writing. From there I tend to have two modes: distracted, where I can't focus for shit and end up tabbing out often to scroll tumblr or twitter so I don't feel like exploding when the words won't come, or hyperfocused, where I'll sit down and write literally all night or until the fic draft is finished. There is no in-between for me.
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
I've used it to vent heavy feelings before back when I was writing for the Homestuck fandom, but it's also helped me find a fair few friends I wouldn't have found otherwise. It's a good hobby for connecting with people.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
Cool but not cold, quiet or with instrumental music that fits the vibe and doesn't distract me, no strong smells unless they're sweet (I'm very sensitive to smells), a dim or dark room, a second screen for research, an ergonomic keyboard and a comfy chair, nobody else around, and an endless supply of Bing energy drinks.
Yes, it specifically has to be Bings. I hate the taste of most energy drinks and tea and coffee but the original cherry Bings are a delightful way to perk me up and help me focus. They're also just part of the routine at this point - I think I pavlov'd myself into only being able to write with them or something, back in my Homestuck days. Something else cold and carbonated can at least help me focus in a pinch if I don't have Bings though - it's really the cold bite and the carbonation that help me more than the caffeine.
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
Pride, of course. Not in the sense that I think I'm better than anybody else, but why would I spend the time creating and sharing something I wasn't happy with? Also I have no shame. Live life free of cringe and judgment.
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
Sometimes, and usually in what I guess would be a negative way. Either "wow they write so much, how do they do that?" or "wow, this is so good, I wish I could be that good/write like this." But then at other times I'll come across fic that's wildly ooc or has terrible grammar/spelling/formatting and I'll be like "but at least I'm not *this* bad" and click back out lmao. So it probably balances out.
Occasionally I'll see a fic that's just terrible or has a concept I don't vibe with that has more views/kudos/whatever than mine but in that scenario I tend to just lament for the state of fandom nowadays (old man shakes fist at cloud meme: "so this dreck is what's popular nowadays!?") But I'm aware comparing yourself to others is a bad habit so I try not to do it in either direction, it just manages to sneak through sometimes anyways.
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
Hard question but probably the fact that a few of the people that subscribed to me back during my Homestuck years read my Genshin fic even if they don't play Genshin. I personally don't tend to read fic without the context of the series because the interest just isn't there for me, so it's a huge compliment to me that someone would like my writing enough to stick with me through a fandom change.
18. Do you only write when you’re inspired, or do you try and sit down at specific times and write no matter what?
I usually only write when inspired because it's like pulling teeth otherwise, and not worth the time and frustration. It's a hobby, not an obligation. But by 'inspired' I really mean 'focused' because there are plenty of times where I have inspiration but I'm running up against a mental wall when I try to write.
I've been having this issue recently trying to write Foul Eggacy 3 - the whole thing is plotted and outlined, I have 2.5 scenes written, but for the past few weeks every time I sit down to try to write I only get a few paragraphs written even if I sit all night because I just can't focus and the words won't come easily. I'm trying to push myself more than I usually would on this one because I'd like to release it before Baizhu's release in 3.6, but I won't force it. I'm only going to release it before then if it's done and I'm satisfied with it. I want to get it right the first time.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
I don't really think there's such a thing as an 'ideal' fic but. I guess the dream would be to someday be able to write a longfic of people falling for each other convincingly, with good pacing, a believable scenario, and the hottest fucknasty sex as a payoff for sticking with it. It doesn't have to have much in the way of 'plot' as long as the character and relationship development is good.
I'm just not great at longfic because of my focus and memory issues; I often have to reread what I've already written even in a one-shot fic if it gets too long, to make sure dialogue and tone stays similar throughout a fic and I didn't forget anything. Something like the Foul Eggacy series is already pushing my boundaries since I have an entire AU constructed for it, so I've had to reread the first two fics multiple times while outlining/writing 3 to remind myself what I've already revealed to readers, catch the foreshadowing I dropped, etc. And of course lots of note-checking! But the bigger the work or series, the harder it gets. I have massive respect for people that write good longfic because of my own difficulties with it.
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
Friends and a degree of confidence! I've met a *lot* of people over the years through my writing, people that came to follow me on tumblr after reading my fic or talking to me in comments, some of who ended up being good enough friends that we talk regularly on Discord.
As for the confidence, I certainly can't say writing fic has 'fixed' my confidence issues, but getting even a kudos, much less a nice comment or a reblog/retweet/rec of my work, really boosts my mood. And it's nice to feel like putting fic out there is giving back to fandoms that pull me through tough times. Like yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of writers I'll never be as good as - but that's fine. As long as I'm putting a net positive into the world with my fics, helping someone get through a bad day by reading about their fave being wrung dry, that's enough for me.
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aewinning · 1 year
A small little Q&A meme I was tagged in by @kae-karo! Your cat messing up your post gave me a good laugh, thank you so much for the bonus cat pic at the end <3
currently reading?
Just a bunch of fic as I clear it out of my inbox, honestly! I do need to get back in the habit of reading regular books again as well but the brain doesn't focus like it used to and fanfic is a lower executive dysfunction barrier to jump over since I already know the characters and setting.
2. favorite color?
Purple, my beloved! Also a big fan of blues and greens and anime/JRPG-villain-hair platinum.
3. last song?
Klee's character demo song! I was talking to @bittermachine about marching band stuff and thought about how Klee's character demo song has a very big band feel to it, and would probably make a good song to march to, so I went and listened to it again. Extremely catchy, 10/10, will listen at sporadic intervals again.
4. last movie?
I don't do a lot of movies so it was probably the Way of the Househusband live action movie I watched with a friend a few weeks ago. Show-wise I'm working my way through Buddy Daddies and Chainsaw Man (mostly so I have context for all the AkiAngel on my dash/timeline) with the same friend, one of each per week.
5. sweet/spicy/savory?
sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet! I am a very picky eater in general but if it's sweet I am much more likely to enjoy it.
6. currently working on?
Foul Eggacy 3 but it's been rough going. I've written some of the middle scenes but the opening scene is fighting me hard. (Poor Childe has been ready to lay these eggs for weeks as I slowly open the document and add a few lines every few days.)
I'm still going to try to post it before Baizhu's release, but I can't promise it'll happen because I don't want to compromise on quality. The series is near and dear to my heart and I don't want to shrug and say 'good enough' just because canon Baizhu may contradict things! If he does, then I will at the very least deliver on 3, though I might not write some of the supplementary bonus scenes I'd considered depending on how far off the mark I was.
I followed quite a few Genshin people on tumblr when they fled Twitter but I'm not sure who all is still active to tag, so - if you're interested in answering these questions, do so and then ping me so I can read your answers!
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aewinning · 4 months
Hihi loved your latest fic!! You're very casual about things and you keep it light and fun! Checking out your portfolio now 🧡🧡🧡
Very happy to hear that, I hope you find something else that hits the spot!
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aewinning · 5 months
21? 22??
(these are from the Fic Writer Asks!)
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Absolutely, and I imagine most writers probably have. Sometimes a scene resists so much that no amount of editing will get rid of the feelings of tension and incorrectness when you read it. If the scene is unimportant you can scrap it or summarize it (but it probably wasn't unimportant if you were trying so hard to get through it). If a scene like that was important though, sometimes the best solution is to just save a backup copy of the scene, just in case, then erase what you've written and rewrite it on a day where the brain juices are flowing a little better. Start it differently, have someone say something different - just take a different path. Often, that helps it flow better.
I don't do this a lot since I tend to work with longer scenes and one-shots rather than multi-scene/chapter works, but sometimes it's unavoidable.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Generally I have at least a vague idea, but sometimes the characters surprise me. This is especially true for sexy oneshots where I'm like "ah okay you guys are done fucking, time to wrap up" and the characters decide that no, actually, they're going to do proper aftercare or talk about something serious while their defenses are down. Which is fair enough, I suppose!
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aewinning · 5 months
8, 10?
(these are from the Fic Writer Asks!)
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Just wrapped up: two Baizhu Zine fics that won't be seen for a while
Needs editing: A short Wriochi sickfic
Over half done: Wriothesley/Clorinde/Neuvillette sexploration fic. I have had SO much fun with this one and am eager to get it out but it's been stalled for literal months at 'mostly done' because I can't refocus on it
Not actually working on but want to work on at some point: an extended full version of the Zhongli/Neuvillette gnosis play-adjacent drabble I did for Wanksgiving
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Somehow neither my Kaeya/Diluc or dead dove fic got hate which was a pleasant surprise. I was also a bit shocked at the overwhelming support for the Neuvillette/Tartaglia/Zhongli oviposition fic ft. tentacle dick Neuvi that I wrote for @bittermachine. I'm glad that so many people were into Neuvilette's tentacle, eggs, and pretty frilly pussy. There's hope for horny fandom yet.
Thanks for the ask!
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aewinning · 1 year
Hey you!!! Long time no chatting (uni is still kicking my ass, possibly harder than last time) it's me, the anon who begged for the scara/tighnari maintenance fic (tbh i still brag about that, it was an AMAZING fic). I just read "A Certain Dreamlike Quality"!!! Fucking chef's kiss. Very very nice. Lovely concept as usual. And Kavetham felt even more in character than ever. I really really liked the comment about Kaveh treating Alhaitham's granny's journals with care, it was very sweet. And i also started thinking about that whole porn trade in Port Osmos. Like yeah it makes sense, Teyvat SHOULD have pornography. Probably not what u wanted the reader to focus on but it did seem like a nice subtle world-building element. Either way, really good work!!! Also ur gonna get Baizhu soon!! I think i remember u being excited about him finally being playable. If im mistaken then sorry lol. Im saving up for kaveh. Anyways have a nice day!!! Looking forward to more delicious writing!! 🤗
Hello hello! Welcome back and I hope university eases up on you soon! Thank you for the kind comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the fic, it was so much fun to write. I do hope to do more for them at some point especially after Kaveh's profile/lore drops, but right now I'm working on getting out the third fic in my Baizhu/Childe/Zhongli series haha.
I did spend a lot of time figuring out where Alhaitham would go for sex research of the places we've been, lol. I probably thought about it TOO much, to be honest. My thoughts:
Mondstadt probably has plenty of naughty content, being as open as it is, likely in poem or novel form for the most part? Liyue probably has more traditional erotic paintings and a few instruction manuals, often in less savory sales stalls off the main street (like under the docks).
Same for Inazuma, though it may not be an art form that's flourished while Inazuma was in the grip of so many decrees. I bet it's about to undergo a renaissance though, with the loosening of restrictions and resumption of imports. And Sumeru...the Akademiya probably has some dry old books on sex from people that have never had it, focusing on anatomy, but I imagine Port Ormos the party town probably had quite the fun knowledge capsules when the Akasha was functioning, haha.
Fontaine is probably about 5 years out from filming the first adult movie. idk about Natlan's current status due to the game's allergy to giving us Natlan lore, but Snezhnayans probably pass dirty mags around the barracks and give each other handies to keep warm. And you KNOW there are a lot of pinups that look suspiciously like the Harbingers, lmao.
You are also correct that I am hella looking forward to Baizhu! He's who I've most looked forward to ever since I met him when I started playing in 1.3. Two years of waiting! I have about 360 wishes saved for next patch and unfortunately I want Nahida, Nilou, Baizhu, AND Kaveh, but the good news is that I'm 40ish into pity on a guarantee right now. I may decide to skip Nilou in favor of going for Baizhu's weapon, we'll see. I refuse to go below 180 pulls before his banner, he WILL come home one way or another.
Good luck on your own Kaveh pulls when the time comes! He looks like a really fun unit and I'm planning on triple crowning him myself b/c babygirl deserves to be treated just as well as Alhaitham even if he's not a 5 star. (Which will make...4 dendro guys triple crowned for me. Send help, I have an addiction.)
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aewinning · 1 year
Baizhu question anon: rest assured I have your question and will be answering it, but it may take me a day or so since I need sleep before I comb through my bookmarks and make you a little rec list. But I do indeed have Baizhu fic to rec!
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aewinning · 1 year
oh my god you have a tumblr. fuck yes
Sure do! It's my natural habitat, I've been here in one form or another for over a decade now. Much more comfy with the environment here than twitter. Welcome in and I'm glad you found me here ^_^
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aewinning · 2 years
Im immensely flattered you actually went ahead and wrote it and I apologise it took me so long to find it!! 😭💖 But my god it really came at the perfect time. I lost my 50/50 to Tighnari yesterday lol.
I still can't believe you actually wrote it aaah!!! It was perfect!!! I really really enjoyed their little banter in the beginning. It felt very natural and engaging!! Not to mention, it felt a bit like foreplay, if it makes sense? Really good at building up the tension!!! And Scara asking about Haypasia really pulled at my heartstrings aaah. I honestly didn't expect that but it was such a nice touch.
What really got me going tho was all the medical language and how it felt for Scara considering hes not quite mechanical nor organic. The descriptions of the scalpel going against skin/tube.... Just. Wow. Very hot. Had me asking myself if i might have a kink for if ngl. The combination of pain and pleasure and not being sure which is which..... And with Tighnari being so indifferent but also weirdly complacent.... Aaah it was genuinely very very hot.
Thank u so much for writing this!!!! It was wonderful and i appreciate it a lot!!! 😭💖 It goes without saying that I'll be keeping an eye out for more of your writing and hopefully next time it won't take me this long to find it (uni keeps me so busy its honestly sad). Thank again for writing!!! 💖
Aww no need at all to feel bad about not seeing it for a while, life happens and it'll always be there even if you miss something at first. I had a BLAST writing the fic, it was very self-indulgent so I thank you for the inspiration! Very glad you enjoyed it 🥰 (And yes you would not believe the amount of surgical tool and procedure research I did for the fic lmao, glad it translated into something enjoyable.)
I really enjoy that it's unclear what ratio of organic to robotic Scara is.. We know he can eat and breathe but doesn't have to. He has no heart. His character stories say he's been wounded and 'repaired,' not healed. He's clearly got emotions. He lights up during his skill but who's to say if that's due to mechanical bits, relation to an archon, or simple magic power? So you can really do almost anything you want with him physically, haha. Makes it fun to push him beyond human limits.
Also by 'lost your 50/50 to Tighnari' you mean WON right? Right??? /s (Itto and Wanderer are both great so I hope you get whichever you were aiming for! But Tighnari is nice too, my Tighnari/Kazuha/Kuki/Fischl team has kicked ass in Spiral Abyss lately.)
Good luck with university and thank you for the kind words!
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aewinning · 2 years
Uuuh i didnt expect an answer, much less such a long one!! Im kinda swooning~
I get what u mean with their dynamic. Its not quite what started brewing in my own head afterwards but i totally get what u meant with it. The image of scara just dropping in from time to time is so funny to me. Poor Alhaitham wont catch any breaks lol
Also im surprisingly looking forward to that tighnari/scara fic (i say surprisingly bc ive only shipped tighnari with cyno til now but this definitely feels interesting to explore)!!! It sounds so hot just like a concept. Scara and humiliation just. Yes. Absolutely. Omg. Tighnari will certainly get one hell of a show what with his special hearing and sense of smell huh?
I took a peak at ur pinned post as well and I have to say that Baizhu/Kaeya fic also caught my eye lol. There's just so many endless possibilities~ Im looking forward to reading more of ur stories!!!
Haha, I am very much a "get me talking about something I'm interested in and I will ramble forever" person (I think most authors are), and I will always answer asks unless they're invasive, hateful, spammy, etc.
I'm not sure if I will write the Tighnari/Scara or not, I worry that it's too conceptually similar to the Scara/Alhaitham/Kaveh one, but we shall see. Tighnari brings a different vibe and I love him very much. (And I agree that Tighnari and Cyno are a delightful ship! One of my faves. I'm just a huge multishipper and tend to brainrot equally about both rarepairs and common ships, haha.)
Baizhu and Kaeya are faves of mine so you can expect more of both of them out of me in the future in all sorts of combinations 🥰
Thank you so much for the kind words, I was honestly having a bad day today and your delight with my niche-as-hell fic has really helped my mood <3
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commander-daine · 5 years
I saw your tags on the Logan fanart. Just out of curiosity, how old do you think Logan is? I've always imagined him 30ish at the beginning of the game, so around 37 during War Eternal. Not really old, but on the tail end of being considered young lol
Just looking at him at the beginning of the game, he looked to me like he was 25-30...and my brain kind of forgot that he would have aged with us, lol. It assigned him an age and stuck with it.
At that point he already had a storied past and was commander of the Seraph, so it’s realistically probably closer to 30 as you said - making him around 37/38 now.
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commander-daine · 5 years
A little baby elephant stumbles into your ask box, holding a small letter in his mouth. He hands the note to you, “I love you. You are a wonderful, loved person.“ Pass it on to the first ten people on your dash 💌 🐘 And plenty of warm hugs coming your way 💞 I hope your day is going well.
Aww, thank you. Lots of great vibes going around today
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commander-daine · 5 years
-stumbles in- don't mind if i just -crashes into a wall- just get these -drops armfull of numbers- over to you--- 39, 33, 26, 18, 17, 12 :3c
Do they get the urge to jump from high places?
Yes! Maybe it has something to do with air behind her preferred element or something, because she’s been climbing and jumping out of trees without a care since she was a kid. This habit has only been enabled with the addition of gliders and griffons. You’ll often see her jump in free-fall until the last possible second because she loves the feel of the air whooshing by. I’m sure she gives higher-ups in the Pact a heart attack every time she does it.
How would they respond to being asked to watch over a child for an afternoon?
It depends on who was asking and why. She’s not opposed to children, she just doesn’t have much experience with them. If it was important, or for a friend, she would definitely say yes. It kind of depends on the child, but I’m picturing her being sort of a “cool bisexual aunt” figure - shows up, keeps you occupied with griffon rides and starts teaching you swordplay or how to use a basic healing cantrip or some basic Canthan symbols or whatever else the child showed an interest in or affinity for. 
She’d also probably tell stories that destroyed the child’s vision of their heroes - I’m picturing Logan showing up to pick up this important noble’s child, and finding Daine and the kid having a tea party and laughing over stories of Logan losing his temper and storming out of dungeons because of Rytlock. (Daine, wiping a tear out of her eye and laughing: “I almost left to go get popcorn when Destiny’s Edge first met back up, it was just so much like a cliche scene from a holo-movie.”)
Would they ever spend an afternoon in a library? What section would they spend the most time in?
Absolutely! The section she spent time in would be dictated by whatever needed researched at the moment. So...usually dragons. But if there was no impending threat to the world she’d probably be researching stuff on history or the Canthan language. She firmly believes Cantha is still intact, and would love to go see the home of her ancestors someday.
Could their personality or interests be considered “flighty?” Do they change their mind/interests often?
No. Daine is a massive worrier, and tends to overthink and overplan if given enough time to do so. Thankfully(?) the Commander is never given enough time and information to make good choices, so she often has to go “oh fuck, oh fuck, we’ll go with option...” *rolls dice* “...two.” If she changes her mind about that stuff it’s after the fact, when the consequences have already happened/they actually have information about it.
Do they daydream? Of what?
She daydreams all the goddamn time to the point where it can be a problem. She can get very hyperfocused on her own thoughts and zone out, making her easy to sneak up on in those scenarios. Usually it’s anxieties and ‘what-if’ situations, but uh. It also often involves smooching and more indulgent activities.
How do they deal with experiencing physical pain?
She’s learned to shrug most of it off quickly by now, usually by using earth attunements to reduce damage and water attunement to heal it. But sometimes an Elder Dragon bitchslaps a cave ceiling onto you, and even she’s not powerful enough to shrug that off. She’s going to be numb to things for a little while thanks to adrenaline and sorrow, but once that recedes a bit she’ll let a medic lead her away. Cue a collapse and the need to bite down on something while the medic works on her crushed leg. She’ll put on a brave face during recovery though (and she’s definitely not going to be getting the rest the doctor tells her to get).
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