#aerith deserves nice things :c
roseusuitta-a · 1 year
One day, I’ll sort out a Cardd for aerith, as well as the icons — I was given a border and I just have no time to edit things (:
definitely not todays task, but it’s a nice thought.
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rumandsprite · 3 months
I've binged this beautiful mess for several days and, by god, does it deliver! !!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Let me try going chronologically:
Zack!Cloud is absolutely adorable and shows very good acting because you can hear the difference from Zack's dialogue from Cloud's reaction when learning it's Nibelheim where they are heading to.
Definitely see those SephirothxZack fics going on rise after unsettlingly sweet expressions on Sephiroth during Nibelheim. Also those subtle changes on his face in that iconic town in flames scene, just wow.
Rufus's parade was one of the highlights, but some new guy Glenn shenaningans were there like "hello, if you'd like to know more about this subplot please consider buying some spinoff mobile game you've never heard of", because even in the end all I got from this was - Glenn is a) some dude in Wutai working for a man we never saw and who might not even exist, b) has some bitter history with Rufus and c) also is a Sephiroth clone.
Speaking of Rufus, eng voice actor is on point. He is the english equivalent of japanese voice actor who unfortunately seems to have been affected by illness. I'm very sad about that. But good job, eng va and his casting director!
While I'm on this topic, Reno's orignal va loss also saddens me. New jp va is a bit too nasal for me, and there's no Quinton Flynn to soften the blow.
Morikawa Toshiyuki is perfect as always in his rendition of Sephiroth. His gentle speech to Jenova in Nibelheim reactor is just... You just have to hear it.
Ahem. So, Rufus' offer in Junon really surprised me.
Moving on to Costa Del Sol, was nice to see the reason why Hojo appeared there of all places and, oh dear, they made him so creepy it's astounding. The way he so offhandedly and casually offered those girls to "birth a hero" is something else.
I'll skip Corel immediately to Golden Saucer. It's everything I wanted. It's everything I didn't know I wanted. The entrance introduction is Honey Bee all over again but even more cringe. There are no words for this level of cringe. I felt vindicated for the loss of that Honey Bee's bathtub scene in the Remake, that's how cringe it is. I'm sorry, I can't stop staring at Dio's chest.
Now, Cait Sith deserves its own paragraph. It's the best, the cutest, the coolest Cait Sith ever. This "Aeris-ha~n", awww. Animation and design is top-notch, from Cait's small dance to the ears to the moogle's belly jiggle. Reeve has to be some kind of animatronics genius. Also in eng version it has scottish accent. Know why? Because of this
Also, Ghost Hotel's front desk employee is hilarious. He seems to genuinely love his job, goddamn it.
Poor Rude having to work with Elena, lol. Nice sea-salt ice cream, by the way.
Some sidequests are my type of morbid humour. Check out this:
New Gi lore was interesting. Finally I learned how Black Materia was made. Also made interesting possible insight into Sephiroth, with being unable to join lifestream and all.
Vincent va is so good and in jp version I sometimes can hear Rufus's va past timbre. Also, that drip is sick.
Loveless scene was astounding. I'm talking about animation quality here. Dance moves look so smooth and natural, especially cloth mechanics, just look at Jessie's skirt! I have no idea how many hours they put into these.
New Nibelheim also makes more sense than in original. No more "wdym, nothing happened here". Also, Cloud remembered Zack but his mind makes up some things.
It's nice to see Cloud's gradual descent into madness, especially with Roche becoming that. (Why SC tattoo though. I know it's probably Sephiroth Cells, but I just can't unsee SephirothxCloud, lmao). Cloud chasing Aerith for black materia sent chills down my spine.
As did Sephiroth's hysterical laugh when his sword broke but Aerith still died. Yeah, sorry, dude. This is fixed.
Those AU scenes and some unchanging points are interesting to explore for fics though.
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namixart · 3 years
So. Sorry for vagueposting but rant under read more because I'm livid.
So. You may have seen my awesome new tattoo. It's great, I love it and it makes me super happy. If you haven't seen it, it's a tattoo of Cloud's Buster Sword covered in Aerith's flowers. The reasoning behind it, as I mentioned in my original post, is that 2020 wasn't really a fun year for anyone. Me? I got through it relatively unscathed, and a lot of it I credit to FFVIIR coming out and working on Wildflowers. I genuinely love it and I'm always excited to share more and more with you guys! I also spent most of the year gushing about the game and the characters to anyone who'd listen, and I don't feel like it's a stretch to say that if not for FFVIIR and Wildflowers I'd be in a much worse place right now, mental health wise. More specifically than just FFVII, it's been thanks to Cloud and Aerith. They're my favourite characters in the game (together AND separately) and honestly probably my favourite characters ever. Period. They're both absolutely comfort characters for me and I break out in a huge smile whenever they're so much as brought up. So, I decided to get a tattoo representing them. Because I wouldn't be doing as well as I am now if not for them. Again, both together and separately. As I mentioned in the caption of the photo I posted of my tattoo.
Now, tonight I got a notification: "[username] reblogged your post!" So, obviously, I went to check it out! Everyone has been absolutely lovely on that post--a lot of compliments and excitement RE: the tattoo--and I wanted to see if there was more of that. There was not. No, what I found in the reblog was [username] very smugly asking me what I would tell people "when C/T end up together again in remake" and I look like an idiot for getting a C/A tattoo. Would I tell them the remake retconned canon? Or would I lie and say it's a Z/A tattoo?
So, they obviously got blocked faster than the speed of light and they deserve none of my or anyone else's attention, but I just kinda need to rant, because hey, none of this is okay! First of all, there was nothing in that post or the tags talking about C/T or just T (don't want this showing up in their tags, I'm not an animal). The tattoo has nothing to do with C/T (or Z/A for that matter), and I did not feel the need to be snippy or talk about the LTD at all. For that matter, even if I did tag it as C/A, it's not really even just a shipping tattoo. First and foremost, it's about Cloud and Aerith in their capacity as my favourite FFVII characters, my comfort characters and the fact that they helped me get through 2020 and the first half of 2021. Do I ship C/A? Yes, obviously. But I'm not yet so deranged that that would be enough to get a tattoo. No, this was about the game and the characters. At any rate, the fact that I didn't tag it as C/T and that they still found the post means that they went snooping through the C/A tag to find it, presumably to get mad and be mean at strangers on the internet just trying to exist in peace. Which is bad enough. [username], if you're out there (and you're not, because blocked), please do all of us a favour and get a life.
Secondly, and most importantly, [username] missed something that's very obvious to somebody with basic reading comprehension skills (I know this is Tumblr but come on). The mental health thing. Now, I don't know where I would be if FFVIIR and Wildflowers hadn't happened at the time that they did, but I'd be in much worse shape. This story and these characters were consistently a huge comfort and escape for me for over a year and a half, and that's the reason I got a tattoo. So, [username] looked at a post of me being happy about my tattoo because it brings me joy and represents characters who bring me joy and got me through a goddamn global pandemic and went "That's nice," and proceeded to spit out whatever verbal garbage came to mind. This is the part that infuriates me. I'm not hurt, I'm not heartbroken, I don't care. But this sort of behaviour is disgusting. I'd be equally livid if I saw it happen to somebody else. Guess what you don't get to do? Shit on people's happiness and intrude like this. For all they know, I could've been in a much worse state than I was--did they ever think about that? That's the part that gets me. Like, who are you to come onto my post, take it way too seriously and be mean about something that represents my coping mechanism? Disgusting. I hope they know that every single character they mentioned, especially their beloved T, would be disgusted with them.
And even if none of this was the case, even if I did go off the deep end and get a tattoo because ooohh cute ship, even if I didn't have any mental health issues associated with it--even if all of that. They still thought it was appropriate to take a post of someone just trying to share a tattoo that they loved and be rude and mean-spirited and smug on it. While specifically looking through the C/A tags too, let's not forget that sad cherry on this pathetic sundae. What kind of person do you have to be, to act like this and think you're in the right? This is the most sincere "Get a life" I've ever said, Jesus Christ. Guess what? Shipping isn't that big of a deal! I know, radical. You know what is a big deal? Assholes like this trying to make everyone else's lives worse for... reasons? Kicks? I genuinely can't fathom the thought process you'd have to go through to end up at "I'll be mean to this person I've never met who's just having fun and being happy. Serves them right." I just... I'm upset. Not for myself (I truly do not care about one internet troll), but just in general that this kind of people exist. Vile. Get a life, and I'll go show my tattoo to people whose opinion I actually care about.
And, for the record, if FFVIIR does end with canon C/T (which, honestly, I really don't think it will resolve the LTD at all), I'd just still tell people that the tattoo was never meant to be, like, some deranged "I SUPPORT THIS SHIP AND I WANT IT CANON OR I'LL LIGHT MYSELF ON FIRE" thing. It is, and always was, meant to represent two of my favourite characters who helped me through a really rough spot. Simple as that.
Also they got an ask from someone congratulating them on "putting toxic C/As in their places" I'm gonna fucking piss myself. Go eat a bag of dicks, fuckhead, and leave me alone.
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stephicness · 6 years
Final Fantasy XV Favorites :: Tag Game
I was tagged by @chocobro-hijinks, @julezrulezzz​, and @ffxvwrites​. Thanks for the tag, my friends!
Favorite Chocobro
Maaaaan, you’re asking me such a hard question off the bat? How come you’re doing this to me? Well, I think I can give you a different answer for different reasons.
Gameplay-wise in terms of combat mechanics, Ignis is by far my favorite to have played with. His combat was just so fluid, even in comparison to Noctis’s fluid armiger system he had going for him. And the incorporation with the elemental spelldaggers? That was super dope!
Relation-wise, I find myself being drawn to Noctis compared to the others in our group of protagonists. The idea of duty coming before oneself and the isolation leading to such a personality (and really sad sense of underlaying depression too), he’s a really relatable character because he’s got such realistic feelings behind it all.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC)
PSSH. If any of you follow my blog, you’d probably know right off that bat that it’d be Ravus Nox Fleuret. Not because of my personal bias and obsession with High Commander Asshole over here, but because out of all of the other fighting styles, he was by-far the most in-sync with Ignis when he was featured in Episode Ignis as the companion. Not to mention his kit for combat is really cool! Lightning damage, high agility, and a devastating AOE attack? Oooh man, what a badass!
And he helps Iggy kick Onion Boy’s butt. c,: I think that’s really sweet of him.
Favorite Minor Character(s)
Why, Ravus again, of course! I feel like out of all of the characters -- sans the main four -- Ravus has by far the most interesting tale. At least, one that was actually got legitimate context on. It’s also really amusing, considering that Ravus, I think, got the most content add-ons compared to any other minor character in the game. He got Verse 2, he got Episode Ignis, he gets a facial model in Comrades. And he faced more crisis points in his story, which ultimately makes him one of the most well-rounded characters in the series. I adore him~
Favorite Villain
Oh, Ardyn for sure. It’s kinda weird to ask that because alot of the others characters in the story, I feel, were not really villains. Okay, maybe Verstael and Glauca were, but Ardyn seems to weed his way into their stories, and I think he’s what ultimately made these characters so evil to begin with. I mean, perhaps you could even argue that Verstael isn’t too bad either. He was once a really well-known and well-respected general and researching, and it wasn’t until Ardyn weaseled in that Verstael was twisted with a need for power. Heck, I think the Wiki even said that Verstael didn’t want to use humans for such a horrible project, but Ardyn convinced him otherwise.
Ardyn’s a monster. But the fact that he did such a good job at being a monster gives him a thumbs up from me in the villain book.
Favorite Kingsglaive Character
Hm... Not gonna lie, but I never really got too heavily invested in Kingsglaive -- it’s why I sometimes stay clear of writing much on it because I never found the characters to be too appealing, as they didn’t get much background or a chance to really grow on screen -- sans for Nyx, since he’s our protagonist.
I did really like Crowe alot though. She deserved better.
Favorite Astral/Divine Being
Probably Ramuh. Every time he appears, I have to shout ‘IT’S GRANDPA!’ He’s the best grandpa. c,:
Though I also really do like Bahamut alot -- even if he is kind of a dick. There was a reason why I threw in that Dragon Daddy Bahamut card to FFXV CAH, after all. ;D
Favorite Character Overall
I really like Ravus. Like, alot. So much that it’s probably unhealthy. Please call for a doctor. 
Favorite Weapon
I’m a warpstriking whore, so I always have the Ragnarok sword equip whenever I play Noctis. Sometimes I forget that I could just attack and I end up warpstriking so much that I fall into Statis and go ‘WHY CAN’T I ATTACK?’ You have other moves, Steph. Use them. >:I
Favorite Location
I really like Lestallum alot for some reason. It’s a humble city, not too big, not too small, busy enough to always have something going down. I find myself in Lestallum more than anywhere else -- sans Altissia, but that’s because I need that x3 Leville there. v.v
Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt
I really enjoyed that Legendary weapon questline that you get post-game. Forgot the name of it entirely, but those bossfights were super fun to take on! Though the last one was a bit too easy because I got pissed off and one-shot it with the Ring of Lucii. THOSE LASERS WERE JUST SO FRUSTRATING. But then again, it was my fault for trying to kill a level 99 enemy at level 60.
The Dread Behemoth timed hunt was pretty fun to do too! Fought him before the ring was buffed, and so it took me a solid hour or two to wail on him. Ran out of potions, ran out of teammates, but for some reason, Gladio was still standing enough to help keep me alive? Now that’s a good shield!
Favorite Boss
In terms of the story, I thought the Ravus boss battle was the most fun -- especially when I was screaming/crying the entire time. ‘What the fuck, Ravus?!’ ‘Ardyn, what did you do?!’ ‘DON’T GETSUGA TENSHO ME, YOU BASTARD.’ Yup, that was a fun fight. c,:
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc
I think my favorite monster... Is probably that Dread Behemoth again. In terms of boss-fights, that is. It’s one of the more challenging ones I’ve had, but it still has a nice little place in my heart~ In terms of design though, I really like the Chadarnook. So pretty, and the rotting wood motifs to highlight that ‘nature is beautiful, woman is beautiful, but so is death’ vibe? Aaaye~ Now that’s an example of a great design!
Favorite Songs
Somnus is probably my favorite track out of the soundtrack. Like, you know how each FF game has that signature sound that really just gets your eyes welling up for one reason or another? For me, Somnus really does that for me whenever I listen to it. Similar to To Zanarkand or Aerith’s Theme, the moment you hear those first notes it just gets you so immersed in the emotion all over again.
Favorite Boss Theme
Hm... I’m really torn... Perhaps in terms of legitimate boss theme, it’s Ravus Aeterna for sure. I mean, the composition of this song just is so chilling and reflects just how horrible the fight is the entire time, the dread and the torture that is to basically suffer and then be forced to put down a twisted and corrupted man who didn’t deserve such a fate. That, and when the song is basically called Eternal Ravus, it just makes you even more sad because RAVUS WAS PULLED BACK TO THIS SHIT. GIVE HIM A BREAK, PLEASE!
Veiled in Black is also a really nice battle song too, though it’s not for bosses really. c:
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event
Dude, the Character Swap Update is, like, the sexiest thing they’ve done in the game, not gonna lie. Like, I didn’t think too much of it at first, but then I played as Prompto taking on the Grove dungeon, and I was screaming. It’s so cool and so useful...! Just wish you can legit run around as a different boy instead of just swapping back to Noctis.
Favorite Episode DLC
I feel like it’s almost unfair to compare. Episode Ignis is by far one of the best DLCs in my eyes -- especially when they took so much attention and care into that DLC over the others, I feel. That, and it made the most sense in the story plot, I feel, than the other DLCs.
That and, you know, Ravus.
Other Favorites of Note: 
Except for Chapter 9.
Fuck Chapter 9.
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