#adventures into edh
degusart · 6 months
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Look, it was a 1/1 creature vs. four 1/1 creatures WITH FLYING.
I made the right choice.
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A little something I put together on mtgcardbuilder.com
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niuttuc · 1 year
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One of my favorite gimmick commander decks to play for a weekly game I built last year, and turned out pretty fun to play too! The stipulation to build the deck started relatively simple, every (nonland, and some lands too) card being two cards, either split, double-faced, or as I expanded into what it meant, Adventures and kamigawa flip cards got bundled in as well.
With that said, the choice of commander was limited to have enough of a cardpool but also fit the restriction, particularly since this deck was made before the Transformers cards added a lot more option for commanders. The VERY obvious choice would have been Esika, giving access to all five colors. However, after exploring it a bit, I found that I didn’t like the deck that shaped up, five-colors just got access to too many good cards and it didn’t feel much like a jank gimmick deck anymore, didn’t get to play fun cards. However, Esika would allow to have a full-DFC manabase, which I have to admit is appealing by itself, having a full 100 double faced cards.
So I slimmed down to only two colors, white and black, and assembled a midrangey pile of stuff using the versatility offered by every card being two to navigate most of any situation. The commander that ended up at the helm is the newest Edgar, though I have a personal soft spot for Shaile and Embrose as a card, and probably would lean that direction if I was to play the deck again.
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sumomocards · 2 years
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Trickbind with a scene with Joseph Joestar, Wamuu and Kars - nfs References are different scenes from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency by Hirohiko Araki I said I wasn't going to paint other Jojo so soon b-but.... I couldn't resist. 😆
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markrosewater · 3 months
Has there ever been discussion about a commander only product? I feel like there is a lot of design space that would be interesting and balanced in commander but would be bad for legacy. EG: White Plume Adventurer.
I feel like something like dredge or storm has so much untapped design space if limited to edh and not legacy legal.
Commander is defined as legacy legal. If we make something not legal in legacy, it’s not legal in Commander. Note, Wizards isn’t in charge of Commander legality.
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myagic · 9 months
I'm really hoping that I finally get enough adventure cards to make a good edh deck. Bonus points if I can make an entire eldraine showcase deck! I just love the aesthetic of them, and I can't wait!
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somer-writes · 4 months
I meant like Zelda games but if you wanna talk about like R6 or something then pop off king
Lmao i got you homie
Excluding the CDI and Japan exclusive stuff, I've played every Zelda game except for Triforce Heroes and the Warriors titles.
Four Swords Adventures was my first Zelda game <3 I was like 9 or 10 the first time I played it and I've beat it more times than I can count. I used to play it on sick and snow days.
Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game. It has my favorite art direction, my favorite dungeons, and my favorite bosses. Plus I love its dark tone and the way it demonstrates good and evil being a willful choice.
Currently working through TotK but I have an arm injury thats caused me nerve and tendon damage so holding a controller is hard after 20-30 min :( I like TotK more than BotW for gameplay.
Also on my "currently playing" list is FE Three Houses which is incredible btw (dmitri my beloved) and Baldur's Gate 3 (astarion my beloved).
I play a lot of sims. Like multiple thousands of hours of sims. I've been playing since sims 2. Sims 3 is my favorite for gameplay but Sims 4 has an amazing build mode (except i miss auto roofing). im jellypop on the gallery if anyone wants to check out my builds!
and bc its a snow day and im feeling Nostalgic and Wistful, as a kid my older sister and I used to play games together. We've beat Battle for Volcano Island (i want a switch rerelease) so many times. She always played as Sam once we got her and I always played as Danny. we used to watch each other play games by one of us having a walkthrough pulled up in case the other needed it. I watched her play Epic Mickey multiple times this way XD
regarding R6 i actually dont like shooters save Crysis, Deus Ex, and Half-life. I like dungeon crawlers and single player rpgs. i also enjoy point and clicks, match 3, and puzzlers. I hate online games although Guild Wars 2 is pretty dope.
I really enjoy stardew valley and skyrim/oblivion. Also Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch are both incredible games
non video game wise i play a lot of Magic the Gathering. Primarily commander but sometimes pioneer. I dont play arena and i'm not into the lore XD my most serious edh deck is a rat colony deck and my least serious deck is an esior/falthis voltron build. my first build was kalamax <3
I also really enjoy board and card games! Azul, pitch, canasta, hanafuda.
i play killteam sometimes too but im more into the hobby side of warhammer than the actual game
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enbytwink · 9 months
Fun facts about my Skyrim ocs that no one asked for.
Iremyn loves her hair. She was used to not having any choice on what to do with it so now that she does, she's constantly changing it up. It grows fast, too.
Iremyn had an arranged betrothed back home named Edhelis. He's like a slightly less rapey Bishop. Hates his guts, avidly avoids him whenever she visits home.
Both Iremyn and Anden are better cooks than anyone realizes, just because they don't do it often. Iremyn is much better at Falmeri cuisine than anything else, but she learns quickly from Xelzaz.
Maniae is also a good cook, but no one trusts her. She's got this aura about her that puts everyone on edge, they don't trust her not to put jarrin root in their food lol. Maybe rightfully so.
People mistake Riandis for being stupid, but he's very much not. Yes, he's more people smart than he is book smart, but he's book smart enough to have intellectual conversations with Lucien and Xelzaz on the regular.
Anden loves red apples but hates the green ones. Taliesin gets mad at him for never leaving any red ones for him lol.
Llileth isn't exactly sure where she's from, but she usually just goes with Solstheim if asked. Her father gave her up when she was young and her mother wasn't in her life until she was already an adult, so she spent most of her formative years on Solstheim in an orphanage.
Willow is a dark brotherhood assassin! That's how she met Iremyn, she was raised by them from a teenager after they caught wind of her killing her abusive father.
Only Iremyn and Nazir know Willow's real name. Gabriella did too. She lets people call her Pine if they're close enough to her though. (If you don't know, her last name is Pinevale.)
Being around Erryth gives you scary dog privileges, being the 6'2 intimidating looking mer that she is. No one would suspect that she's just a giant teddy bear full of love.
Do not let Visyanis in the kitchen.
Beldhora sometimes goes on little adventures with Iremyn after they meet up again, she can hold her own better than you'd suspect.
Llileth and Riandis were friends since they were both 16 & 17 (Llileth being the older one).
Oc masterpost
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turn-1-sol-ring · 7 months
First Contact: My DeckTechs
Hello Reader (Presumably, anyway). If you got here, you most likely enjoy Magic: The Gathering, and specifically EDH/Commander.
I love talking about Magic. I love playing Magic (Less these days, but any parent of young children will understand, I'm sure). I have a Magic-shaped hole in my life. And, as I'm sure someone once said: If you can't do something, might as well write about it.
Today, I want to talk about my Commander decks, but there is a lot of them. In the Spirit of the 32 Challenge, I'll start at the beginning: White.
The genesis of my White EDH deck starts, funnily enough, with a Red deck. The 2014 Red Preconstructed, Daretti-led Built From Scratch deck. My first introduction to Artifact decks, I quickly, despite the power of the commander, changed the helm with something I was more familliar with: Burn, through the power of Pia and Kiraan Nalaar.
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This created a deck where Goblin Wielder, Mycosynth Lattice and Furnace of Rath all worked in harmony to either generate overwhelming value, or dome your opponents to death. I kept that deck for many years, until the release of the Adventure in the Forgotten Realms Set. See, far too often did I suffer the commonplace issue of "Drawing the wrong half of the deck", and mixing the artifact Sacrifice Fodder with the aggressive robots and burn caused too many non-competitive games. Then I saw him, with his Mutton Chops, low Mana cost, and type line not unlike some of my own DnD characters. It was time to split my Pia and Kiraan Nalaar deck in half, one going to the world of Boros, which we'll talk about another day, and the Value-generating, Sacrifice-worthy half landing in White, under the guidance of Oswald Fiddlebender.
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Story time over, let's jump into the deck.
Oswald Fiddlebender is, essentially, a Birthing Pod for Artifacts. It means that, for our deck, our curve is essential to ensure we get plenty of value to go up our artifact ladder (Something I failed because there is way too many cool artifacts at MV 4). Let's discuss the play patterns of the deck, the paths to victory, and what might make you enjoy this type of decks.
First of all, Oswald is an Enabler-type commander. You will often play him on turn 2 (Maybe on turn 1 if you have that kind of budget) except in Removal-Heavy pods, and many of your cards are heavily enhanced by having him around. A lot of the low-MV artifacts generate value when coming or going, such as Ichor Wellspring and Prized Treasure, so we can get some things out of going up the chain.
From MV 3 to 5, we're mostly looking at value engines and combo pieces, and over that, we're going for either haymakers and win-conditions, or just Value if we don't find an artifact in that MV slot that fulfills that purpose.
For our Win Conditions, this deck primarily functions as a Combo deck. We have a few ways to get there, so let's look at those.
One of the most straightforward, and least likely to happen, is Darksteel Reactor.
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Just wait 20 turns and win. Easy, obviously. In all seriousness, we have a few options that plan on stalling the game as long as possible, and Contagion Engine as our main way to proliferate. It's expensive and clunky, but that's kind of the point of the deck, in a sense.
Most of our other win conditions are tied to Krark-Clan Ironworks, a staple of artifact-centric combo decks.
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One of the easiest combo to achieve is, using our Commander'a ability, Myr Retriever > Junk Diver > Krark-Clan Ironworks. While this, by itself, is not a combo yet, this sets up multitude of way to achieve infinite mana with cards like Cloud Key, Semblance Anvil or Slagstone Refinery. You can then use that infinite mana to win in a couple ways, like blowing up the board with infinite castings of Spine of Ish Sah, Darksteel Forge + Nevinyrral's Disk + Mycosynth Lattice, or using your infinite sacrifice loop for a infinite tokens with Summoner's Station or infinitely big dork with Daring Archeologist.
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Another Combo-y path is Untappers and Ability doublers for our Fiddlebender. While I don't have Rings of Brightheart in the deck, it would feel right at home here. Using cards like Illusionist's Bracers to double our artifact yield, and untappers like Umbral Mantle and Thousand-Year Elixir to more rapidly progress through our artifact ladder will provide more explosive turns and faster combos. Knoe, however, that the deck can struggle to produce the colored mana necessary for those explosive turns, so focus on Mana Rocks that produce colored mana
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Now, my version of the deck is not optimal. There is plenty of cards that would work great in that deck, so let's list a few of my favorite ones.
Mishra's Self-Replicator is another win condition for when we reach infinite mana, and by providing expendable copies of a 5-mana artifact, it allows us to easily reach the top of oir artifact curve through Oswald.
Rings of Brighthearth is a powerful combo enabler, is easily tutorable by our wide selection of 2-drop artifacts, and allows us to spend more colorless mana for more artifacts.
Portal to Phyrexia is a pretty hot addition to our top line, currently dominated by Darksteel Forge.
Since we already have Summoner's Station in the deck, we could go full theme and grab Grinding Station, Salvaging Station, and Blasting Station to have the full combo and win with style.
Altar of the Brood is an innocious addition that would provide us with possibly the cheapest path to victory, mana wise.
If you hate everyone at your table, Possessed Portal is a card that will make that abundantly clear (Fun Fact: It is my understanding that you can still Dredge with this card in play. Do with that information what you will).
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That's mostly it for my little tour of my Mono-white Artifact Sacrifice deck, helmed by Oswald Fiddlebender. Hopefully, this will make you interested in trying the deck! I will return with another installement with my next deck in WUBRG order, skipping Blue, and going to monoblack from a Universe Beyond, thanks to The Mind Flayer.
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creowiz · 10 months
Title: Enterprise Data Hub vs. Data Lake: Choose Your Data Adventure!
Ahoy there, data enthusiasts! If you’re navigating the vast sea of data management, you’ve probably heard of two intriguing islands: Enterprise Data Hub (EDH) and Data Lake. But fear not! We’re here to help you find the perfect data paradise for your organization! Subhead 1: What’s the Buzz about Enterprise Data Hub? Picture EDH as a bustling data metropolis where all data roads converge. It’s…
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degusart · 6 months
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sometimes, this game is very stupid
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iosluck393 · 2 years
Chao down poki
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niuttuc · 1 year
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Today’s recent commander sleeper is from this year’s commander legends set, and is another adventure (told you I had a soft spot for these) and it’s Recurring Nightmare at home! Ok, fine, it’s a very terrible version of recurring nightmare, but Recurring Nightmare is banned in commander, so that’s probably fine.
Altar of Bhaal is a cheap black artifact you can activate for 3 every turn to reanimate any creature from your graveyard. While it will cost you one of your existing creatures, and with an exile to avoid being able to loop a couple creatures easily across turns, it will gladly accept being fed a token every turn for constant reanimation.
The closest thing legal in Commander is probably something like Whisper (that needs two creatures) or Hell’s Caretaker, but both are fragile creatures that need to wait a turn to do their thing. This can function immediately if you have five mana and is a bit harder to remove, while still providing a lot of value.
The sorcery half is also there, a 4/1 Menace for 3 isn’t the worst deal ever, it’ll definitely get some damage in if you need it.
Overall, if your deck wants reanimation and has disposable token or nontoken bodies to spare, give this card a try for just a quarter!
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sumomocards · 2 years
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Magda, Brazen Outlaw - nfs I was asked to paint a Magda in Jojo's style. This is the result, lol
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cteranodon · 3 years
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viktinitheman · 3 years
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I’m ready to build my new commanders for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms! Bring it on, handsome octopus-people! 🐙
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