#adriaan van dis
dutchjan · 1 year
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February 20, 2023
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twafordizzy · 28 days
Breyten Breytenbach Dicht Afrikaans
bron beeld: sahistory.org.za Voorspraak wees stil mijn hart / en treur maar niet / je moet stil bij mij blijven / in het leven in de dood wen je aan het duister / zoals ik aan jouw donkerte / gewoon zal raken / onze zaak is dan gewonnen het luisteren is onze woonplaats / wij tweeën zullen leven / voor een leven dat niet hier is / je moet me helpen samen zullen wij woorden etteren / die als…
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iklees · 8 months
KliFi / Adriaan van Dis
De ondertitel is "Woede in de republiek Nederland". Ergens in de nabije toekomst is Nederland een republiek geworden, met een president die erg doet denken aan Baudet. Jákob is als kind met zijn ouders naar Nederland gekomen, als vluchteling uit Hongarije in 1956. Nu is hij oud, inmiddels weduwnaar, en woont hij in het oosten van het land op een terp. Als er een klimaatramp plaatsvindt en grote delen van Nederland overstromen, zit hij veilig, totdat de machthebbers zijn huis vorderen om er een opvangkamp in te richten. Daardoor kan hij zich niet langer afzijdig houden van de meedogenloosheid van het bestuur. En komt hij in gewetensnood, door de wetenschap dat hij iets moet doen, de twijfel over wat hij kan doen, en de angst om dat te doen.
Het heeft lang geduurd voor ik thuis was in mijn nieuwe taal. Maar nu ik eindelijk de weg weet en voor het eerst van mijn leven een boekje schrijf, woon ik in een republiek waar ik wéér op mijn woorden moet passen. Er is een huiver in mijn pen gekropen en al jaag ik hem elke dag weg, mijn mond is óók een beetje bang geworden. Klemtoon, hapering, pauze, het gebruik van ironie of overdrijving -- ik moet goed nadenken over wat ik wel en wat ik niet kan zeggen; wat zijn de consequenties van mijn uitlating? Een handgebaar, opgetrokken wenkbrauw -- alles wordt geïnterpreteerd. Fluisteren is onverstandig, om maar te zwijgen van het zwijgen. De nieuwe voorzichtigheid heeft toneelspelers van ons gemaakt en ons leven is steeds meer theater geworden. Camera's volgen ons voor ons eigen bestwil. Telefoons en computers luisteren mee (de nieuwste televisie kan ook de kijker zien -- made in China). Zelfs onder vrienden is het beter om over het weer te praten. Het mooie weer. Halve woorden worden slecht verstaan.
Een somber verhaal, omdat het helemaal niet ondenkbaar is dat het zou kunnen gebeuren.
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elmasinthetree · 11 months
normal dutch novel moment where the main character looks at a weapons store display and gets an erection because he vividly imagines killing himself with one of the guns on display
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pien-art · 1 day
girl how do you write a whole essay on colonialism and war crimes being glorified by the west,,, and then in that same essay say you stand behind the state of israel???
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attributed to Hendrik Pothoven - Portrait of Johannes le Francq van Berkhey -
Hendrik Pothoven (25 December 1725 – 29 January 1807) was an 18th-century drawer and painter from the Northern Netherlands.
According to the RKD he was a pupil of Frans de Bakker and Philip van Dijk. He was a follower of Frans van Mieris and Adriaen van de Velde; he is best known for his portraits, landscapes, and engravings. He worked in his native Amsterdam until 1764, when he moved to The Hague, where he later died.
Johannes le Francq van Berkhey (1729–1812) was an 18th-century painter, scientist, physician and poet from the Dutch Republic.
He was born in Leiden. According to Roeland van Eynden and Adriaan van der Willigen in their dictionary of artists known as Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche schilderkunst, he was a pupil along with Petrus Camper of the genre painter Louis de Moni. His grandfather was an art dealer in Leiden and brought him up after his father died.
According to the RKD he is known as an illustrator and author, and was a pupil along with Petrus Camper of the painter Carel Isaak de Moor. He is best known for his illustrations of natural history objects. According to his author page in the DBNL, he is known for his Natural History of the Netherlands in 4 volumes which he wrote from 1769 to 1776. He died in Leiden.
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peridotglimmer · 10 months
Inspired by @myth-blossom 💕 Their post is here!
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Tagging: @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @princess-of-prose @issytheamateurnerd @abschaumno1 @sharo-maneru -- if you feel like it, of course!
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer - My English teacher hated me (and openly admitted she did) but when she recommended this book for me to read for my list, I did, and surprisingly loved it.
Tanglewreck by Jeanette Winterson - This children's book is insane in the absolute best way. I will never forget the scene in the black hole.
Tikkop by Adriaan van Dis - I had to read three of Van Dis' books in the 6th year of high school, and I hated the first two with a burning passion. It was a huge surprise when I turned out to actually like Tikkop.
No et Moi by Delphine de Vigan - Lent to me by my French teacher Mrs Loeff to read during grammar lessons, it completely enraptured me at 15. I refuse to watch the movie because I'd rather keep my own mental images.
Het Grote Boek van Sebastiaan by Mieke van Hooft - My grandmother would read this to me and my brother whenever we'd spend the night there (followed by lullabies that I now sing to our son).
Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques - Honestly, I could have put the entire Redwall series here, but this is the book that 7-year-old Belle read in one go and stayed up all night for to finish, and that made me want to change my name to Rose.
The entire Junie B. Jones series by Barbara Park - When we emigrated to the U.S. when I was six, Junie B. Jones basically taught me English. My mum and I would struggle through four pages a night. I learnt what a school bus was, and a rubber ducky. Later, I'd save my pocket money every week to be able to buy more of them when we went to Barnes & Nobles.
The Twins by Tessa De Loo - The book that nearly made me fail my Dutch oral final. I had a complete blackout, and couldn't answer the question 'what are the main characters' names?' I'm never, ever forgetting their names are Anna and Lotte ever again.
The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - These books aren't particularly amazing. The plot isn't brilliant; the humour is just fine, but they transported me to a different world as a teen, one where abusive family members didn't exist.
The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty - As a teen, the plot blew me away. It also took me thirty minutes this morning to figure out the title of this book because I read it in Dutch, where they decided for some godforsaken reason to rename her Scarlett instead of Bindy.
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rudjedet · 2 years
Ik lees KliFi van Adriaan van Dis want een mens is wel eens nieuwsgierig naar wat een Literair Schrijver doet met genrefictie-knuffelende narratieven en dergelijke, en mijn hemel waar ben ik aan begonnen. Het eerste hoofdstuk was nog interessant, pakkend zelfs, maar inmiddels halverwege hoofdstuk 4 voel ik me hartstikke bekocht. Niet dat het slécht geschreven is, maar wat een typische literaire hoogdravendheid die pretendeert met beide voeten op de grond te staan. En dan die Nederlands-literaire neiging om op de meest vettige manier over seks te schrijven, van het soort tussen-neus-en-lippen-door frases die onder je huid blijven plakken als vliegen. Na een orkaan die de kust verwoestte en lijken die in de achtertuin opgestapeld beginnen te worden: “Vrouwen met geschaafde rondingen zochten steun bij elkaar.” Adriaan, vriend, waarom?
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strrenmeisje · 11 months
thank you @iwillstealyourpotatoes for tagging me!!! <33
last listened to: they also mourn who do not wear black (for the homeless in muskegon) by sufjan stevens! ive been listening to his michigan album a lot lately
currently watching: i can’t watch tv shows for the life of me…. i started watching the sex lives of college girls last week but i kind of dropped it oops
currently reading: dubbelliefde by adriaan van dis! ive also been collecting books for my summer reading, im currently planning on reading: my year of rest and relaxation, the normal heart by larry kramer, giovanni’s room, a passage to india by em forster and the kiss of the spider woman!
current obsession: ever since george michael’s birthday last week ive been listening to a lot of his music again. ive been also been thinking about maurice a lot these last couple of days! oh and ive also started making my new battle vest so thats been on my mind too👩🏼‍🔬
tagging 9 people is a drag so im only tagging elm @elmasinthetree hi elm
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kikotapasando · 8 days
CITRO i Wardakosta ta sera un akuerdo di koperashon
    CITRO i Wardakosta ta sera un akuerdo di koperashon Siman pasa CITRO a sera un akuerdo di koperashon nobo ku Wardakosta. Akinan tabatin presente den e ‘boothuis’ di CITRO, Adriaan van der Hoeven, Presidente, Sue-Wen van Daalen, Sekretario i Sonia Moniz de Faria, Tesorero, Lusette Verboom, Virgill Kemper i Izzy Gerstenbluth. Pa parti di Wardakosta Karibe Hulandes tabata presente, Direktor di…
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franciscovanjole · 3 months
Het migratiedebat gaat gek genoeg nooit over migratie, altijd alleen maar over de eindbestemming
De titel ‘De kolonie mept terug’ dekt de lading goed. Het betoog van Adriaan van Dis voelt af en toe als een klap in je smoel omdat hij je confronteert met onaangename werkelijkheden over Nederland. Niet alleen de koloniale misdaden an sich maar ook de manier waarop ze altijd toegedekt of ontkend werden. Ik moest denken aan wat Quinsy Gario ooit vertelde over zijn motivatie om ‘Zwarte Piet is…
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cestvreth · 4 months
The dear @prideandperdition tagged me for a fun lil game. I miss these! 😭
last song: A Strange Place to Land by Temple Fang
favorite color: greeeeeeensssssssss!!! and earthy yellows like ochre. And earthy reds. but greeeeeeeens
last movie/show: lmao I don't remember. I watched some episodes of Vinland Saga a few weeks ago and I watcht The Dark Night Rises too. But that was also some time ago.
next on my watchlist: I hope I'll be able to watch The Boy and the Heron in cinema.
last game: Sims 3
last book: De Wandelaar by Adriaan van Dis, currently readin Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt (my beloved)
sweet/savory/spicy: depends on mood and food lmao, I prefer salty popcorn but am also a slut for some candy. Dinner = spicy
relationship status: taken for almost 6.5 years now damn
last thing i searched online: movie titles from the batman trilogy
current obsession: my cats!!! and sketchbooks.
greatest flaw: oh I have many. I can get jealous/envious and when that happens I can get passive-agressive, for example when I feel lonely and my partner is hanging out with (mutual) friends. I think that is the most important one.
fic i'm currently reading: none, fics aren't my cup of tea.
I tag @blodbranddod @betweenthefairiesandme@hiljaisuudesta@dungeon-creature
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twafordizzy · 8 months
Van Dis verwoordt de onzekerheid van junior
Het ontbreekt aan foto’s van een jonge Adriaan van Dis; bron beeld: schooltv.nl Naar zachtheid en een warm omhelzen is de laatste roman van schrijver Adriaan van Dis (1946). Hij beschrijft daarin de jonge na-oorlogse jaren van Adriaan, in wie we de schrijver zelf (kunnen) herkennen. Adriaan moet zijn ouders huis verlaten en trekt in bij Opa, die er een dienstmeid op na houdt: Ommie. Met Ommie,…
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patemccabe55 · 9 months
Luxurious Hotels in Bali
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A Brief History Of Bali
Bali is one of the most popular destinations for tourists worldwide. The island's stunning beauty, coupled with its warm subtropical climate, have made it a firm fixture on the vacationers' planner's agenda. It is now almost impossible to visit the island without thinking of the many beautiful Balinese people, their incredible culture, and the breathtaking landscapes that have inspired countless photographers.
The history of this stunning island is rich and interesting. Much of what we know about Balinese culture and society was shaped by the West. The first recorded contact between Westerners and Bali occurred in the 16th century when Ferdinand Magellan passed through the island on his voyage around the world. Magellan was the first Westerner to reach the island, and he was immediately captivated by the beauty of the place. His subsequent letters home revealed an all-time low in his health, which eventually led to his death on his return journey from the island.
The next significant encounter with the island was on July 21, 1628. That year the Dutch explorer Adriaan Joosten van Eycken arrived with his ship the Hyaena. Eycken was also captivated by the beauty of the island and decided to settle there. He founded the city of Bali which means ‘protector of women' in the language of the Balinese. The explorer is credited with establishing the first school in Bali, which still functions today. He also introduced the sport of cricket to Indonesia. However, much like Ferdinand Magellan, Van Eycken's time on the island was tragic, as he died a year later from an infection contracted during a routine medical exam.
The next recorded contact with the island was in 1797, when George Windsor, the Prince of Wales (later King George IV) was shipwrecked off the coast of Indonesia. In the aftermath of the disastrous shipwreck, the Prince and his party spent two weeks on the island. His visit inspired the first British Royal Geography Tour which focused on the island, paving the way for future interactions between the two countries.
Luxury On A Budget
When it comes to traveling luxuriously, it is essential to know how to indulge without going overboard. Whether you want to indulge in an upscale meal or a luxury hotel stay, there are plenty of options available on a budget. If you want to indulge in a little of everything, where should you go? What kinds of experiences should you try?
One option is to spread the luxury throughout your trip. Stay in a five-star hotel in Bangkok and eat at expensive restaurants in the city. Or in Istanbul, Turkey, stay at a four-star hotel and eat lunch at an upscale restaurant. You can use the hotel pool, get a massage, and indulge in whatever your heart desires without having to worry about whether or not you can afford it. This is the kind of luxury that even the most frugal traveler cannot resist.
Another option is to spread the cost of the trip over a longer period of time. Let's say you want to visit two countries, one of which is Thailand and the other is Malaysia. You could stay in a luxury hotel in each country for a couple of days, then move to a lesser hotel in the next country you visit. You can buy train or plane tickets a couple of weeks in advance to ensure you have a luxurious travel experience without having to break the bank. This is one luxury that even the most money-conscious traveler cannot resist.
Plan Your Trip To Take Advantage Of Off-Peak Season
If you want to travel luxuriously, it is best to plan your trip during off-peak season. Peak season means that there are a lot of people traveling and the demand for luxury goods and services is high. For example, if you visit Bali between October and December, there will be a lot of other tourists around and you will not be able to escape the crowds. If you visit the island between April and June, however, you will have the glorious Balinese climate to yourself. You will not have to fight for a table at an outdoor restaurant or a spot at a hotel pool.
Peak season is best avoided if you want to indulge in a luxurious experience. You will not be able to relax and take advantage of the beautiful weather if you are worried about whether or not you can afford a certain accommodation, restaurant, or attraction.
When To Visit Bali
Since Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, it is important to know when to visit the island. There are plenty of things you need to consider, such as the weather and the tides, but also your own health and what brought you to the island in the first place. If you have visited the island in the past and want to return for a visit, it would be best to wait until after the dry season. The coastal areas and the tourist spots along the coast are prone to flooding during the wet season which can seriously damage your belongings. The best time to visit the island is between June and October which is when the weather is good and the tides are low. This will give you the best swimming opportunities and keep your belongings safe from floods. During the off-peak season (winter and spring) the temperatures are quite low which gives you the opportunity to explore the island in a cozy atmosphere without the oppressive heat that the peak season brings with it.
Where To Bali Luxury Resort
Where you stay in Bali will impact your experience overall. It is best to stay at an upscale hotel near the airport which has a shuttle service to take you to other parts of the island. The hotel has an indoor pool, and you will be able to take a bus up to one hour to the nearby coast where you can find many beautiful beaches. Many hotels in Bali offer direct access to the beach through a private walkway or poolside bar.
Beachfront properties are the most luxurious and offer the greatest variety of amenities. They are the perfect choice for anyone wanting to indulge themselves during their trip to Bali. These hotels sit right on the beach with beautiful views of the water and nearby islands. There are typically restaurants, pool areas, bars, and hammocks for guests to lounge in.
The most luxurious hotels in Bali will typically have their own private spa, beautiful pools, and restaurants. Some even have their own dive centers which offer PADI accredited courses, allowing guests to explore the underwater world! You should book spa treatments and massages in advance if you want to take advantage of them since the demand for these types of services is quite high during peak season. If you are looking for an authentic experience, stay at a beachfront property. However, if you are wanting to indulge yourself, it is best to choose a less luxurious hotel with a pool.
If you are looking for a hotel with additional attractions, consider the vibe of the place. Look for hotels that have a ‘village' feel to them. The more ‘organic' the attraction, the more authentic the experience will feel. For example, Pura Dalam Villas & Spa, which is situated right on the beach with direct access to a private pool, is one of the most luxurious hotels in Bali. The villas offer beautiful accommodation and guests can indulge themselves with a 25-minute massage or take a cooking class with a renowned local chef. Nature enthusiasts can take a walk through the surrounding jungle or watch an impressive sunset from the villas' private sea-facing pool.
What To Do In Bali
Depending on how long you are staying in Bali, you will have the chance to do a lot. The island is quite large and has something interesting to offer everyone. From snorkeling tours to cultural orientation walks, there is always something going on in Bali. Check the local newspapers and magazines for events and happenings in the island. Museums and galleries in Bali will be open for limited hours and admission is free, so you will not have to worry about whether or not you can afford to pay. These are just a few tips to help you make the most of your trip to Bali and have a luxurious experience. Remember to look for bargains and discounts whenever possible since the island is rich in cultural beauty and has a fascinating history. You will not regret visiting Bali if you want to indulge yourself during your trip. The best thing is that you can do this without having to break the bank since the island is very affordable.
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avetruth · 1 year
Nathan Sid : Dis, Adriaan van
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Nathan Sid : Dis, Adriaan van https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2022/04/nathan-sid-dis-adriaan-van.html?feed_id=7007
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
South African actor Franci Swanepoel 50 has died
Franci Swanepoel Photograph: Gallo Photos/Theana Breugem South African actor Franci Swanepoel has died. She was 50. In line with stories, Swanepoel died in her sleep and was discovered on Sunday morning. A reason for demise has not but been made public. Swanepoel was greatest recognized for her position as Toeks Jobert within the kykNET soapie��Binnelanders.  She starred in a number of Afrikaans exhibits, movies and stage productions all through her profession. Franci Swanepoel has died. She was 50 years previous. In line with Maroela Media, the South African actor died in her sleep and was discovered on Sunday morning. A reason for demise has not but been made public. “The information continues to be very restricted. We perceive that she died in her sleep, however the particulars are nonetheless unclear,” Swanepoel’s enterprise associate at Makiti Productions, Marius van de Wall, advised Netwerk24. The expertise company, Expertise-ETC, confirmed the information on Instagram. “You can be beloved and missed till the tip of time,” it wrote within the caption alongside a photograph of Swanepoel. Swanepoel was a prolific Afrikaans TV presenter, information reader, producer, director and actor. She starred in a number of exhibits together with her position as Toeks Jobert within the kykNET soapie Binnelanders. She additionally starred in Getroud met Rugby and Sterlopers. Movie credit embody Die vierde kabinet, Stroomop and Lien se Lankstaanskoene. She was filming an upcoming new drama sequence on kykNET on the time of her demise, kykNET boss Waldimar Pelser advised News24 in a press release. “Franci was busy filming a drama sequence for kykNET. She was a valued colleague and a pricey buddy to many and we’re extremely shocked and saddened over the information of her demise.” Swanepoel, who was born in Johannesburg and matriculated at Linden highschool. She graduated with a drama diploma from the College of Stellenbosch. She was the leisure business daughter of reports anchor Nic Swanepoel who died in 1998 and mom Marida Swanepoel, who is likely one of the creators and producers of kykNET. She is survived by her husband Max Baer, mom, older brother Jan Adriaan and older sister Elsje. Following the information of her demise, fellow South African actors paid tribute to the veteran star. “Along with her distinctive expertise, class and intelligence, Franci was an distinctive individual. Heat, honest, trustworthy. A lot care about our business,” fellow actor Lizz Meiring tweeted. Swanepoel’s Getroud met Rugby co-star Adriaan Marais shared a message of condolences on Fb. “I should not have phrases. Dearest Franci Swanepoel, you bought your Angel wings. Who’s going to hearken to all of the bike discuss with me? I discovered a lot from you as an actor and as an individual. I’ll miss you extremely, my buddy, all that enjoyable speaking, laughing and crying. At present my tears are for you. Thanks for all the religion and love you’ve proven me over time. Relaxation straightforward.” SEE MORE TRIBUTES HERE: Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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