hoosbandewan · 7 months
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"I was cooking all the way through the battle. A slice of my fried bread sunk a U-Boat."
Requested by @adragonprinceswhore 💕
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
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Inka! A fellow Swede and a total sweetheart. I first spotted @adragonprinceswhore when the first chapter of Rumours showed up on my dash. I was intrigued by the combination of Fleetwood Mac and HotD, so I read it not really knowing what to expect and was immediately hooked. I think I must have driven everyone I spoke to up the wall in DMs telling them to read it. You are super sweet and incredibly supportive, and I love that our conversations consist solely of sharing memes that dare not see the light of day anywhere else lmao. Blommor till dig, min älskade <3
Favourite fic of theirs: Rumours
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youraverageaemondsimp · 6 months
how it feels not being able to read the fic you've saved to binge read just because you have midterms and you got no fucking time at all 😭
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tag game 🤭
rules: color the sentence that's true about you
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
this is a whole lot of yellow lmfao
no pressure tags: @marthawrites @schniiipsel @aemonddtargaryen @aemondsbabe @adragonprinceswhore @arcielee @black-dread @lovelykhaleesiii @aemondsbabygirl @valeskafics @connorsui
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Hi friends!
My name is Inka and I used to have a blog here called adragonprinceswhore.
Some time ago, I deactivated my account because I felt like my interest in fandom, and especially writing, was dwindling.
In an attempt to not lose my interest in writing completely, I left Tumblr and focused solely on continuing my two ongoing series.
To those of you who followed me over to AO3; you don't know how grateful I am for your support. Today, I saw that Colour My Mind, Bring Me Back reached 300 kudos. That warms my heart and makes me so incredibly glad. Thank you thank you thank you! ❤️❤️
Some time away has been good. It has stopped me from renouncing HOTD and writing completely, and now all the new promos have made me miss tumblr and being a full-on weirdo here. Having a blog is my only outlet and I don't think I can watch season 2 without screaming about it on tumblrdotcom
When I deleted my account I didn't think much of it; it's just a blog after all. But to be honest, I am sad that all the lovely engagement with you; the comments and reblogs, asks and discussions, are all gone. And I understand that the comments I left for you are all gone as well, which hurts my heart the most. But, you know, that's life, innit.
Anywayyyyy, premiere toniGHT?! I am already losing my mind 😌
Can't wait to see those dragon wankers in action in two weeks 🤩
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st-eve-barnes · 6 months
I was tagged by @whitedarkmoonflower and @gemini-mama
Thank you, ladies, these are really scary accurate!
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No pressure tags: @neonhairspray @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @eltherevir @adragonprinceswhore @bottlesandbarricades @arcielee @vipervixxen @aemonds-fire
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Hi luv, do u have any Tom Bennett fic recs? I miss my man <3
Of course! 🥰🥰
@assortedseaglass has an ongoing series, The Seamstress & The Sailor, which is one of my absolute favourites.
My bestie Jess @thought--bubble also has an ongoing series, There Is Still Hope… Isn’t There?, as well as a one-shot, Like a Dream. 💗
@anjelicawrites has written three one-shots and a miniseries here. If you’re also into polycules, then she has written a couple of poly fics with Tom x Reader x Billy Taylor, which you can find here.
@ewanmitchellcrumbs has written some fantastic Tommy B fics, which you can find here.
@targaryenrealnessdarling has two one-shots, A Promise Woven In Silk and ‘Til The Sky Burns.
@arcielee has a completed series, Dancing In The Dark, as well as a one-shot, It’s Not Tonight.
@moris-auri has an ongoing miniseries, I Can’t Steal You (Like You Stole Me). It’s only one chapter so far, but i‘m enjoying it already. 😊
@theoneeyedprince has an ongoing series, As The World Burns.
I’m definitely forgetting people, I’m sorry. My brain is all over the place at the moment. If anyone sees this, then feel free to add any Tommy B recs of your own. ♥️
Adding two one-shots, Maybe and Tell Me You Missed Me, by @adragonprinceswhore.
Also, a series, Just For A Moment, by @humanpurposes.
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humanpurposes · 5 months
do u have any recommendations for modern dark or toxic aemond? i feel like u r the only one i dare ask 🫣 xx
I’m kinda honoured?? 😍 I need dark/toxic modern Aemond like I need oxygen so I've GOT U
If anyone has any more recs or self promo feel free to add to the list! I’m always looking for more sick and twisted Aemond fics 😈
Goes without saying these all have dark elements, targcest, manipulation, noncon/dubcon, violence in some cases so proceed with caution
x reader
The Commune by @adragonprinceswhore
Misery by @elaratyrell
Til Death Do Us Part by @asumofwords
Rip my heart, heal my soul by @flowerandblood
burn and bleed by @sapphicrhaegon
(I'm sneaking in a Michael Gavey fic if you're into that because) Stuck on You by @ewanmitchellcrumbs is actually a masterpiece and I reread it all the time
ALSO Ange has an upcoming dark!modern!Aemond fic called Cozened Indigo which I'm really really really normal about :)
x other character(s)
Like, everything by @sapphicrhaegon if you’re into Helaemond. I love curves and curses, and two children in a motel is on my reading list 😈
the game by catalystcomet (Aemond x Helaena with a bit of Daemon)
suck it and see by parlamante (Aemond x Rhaena)
stargirl interlude by faded_moon (Aemond x Jaeheara)
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hoosbandewan · 7 months
Hiya! I really love your gifs and saw that requests are open! I’ve never requested gifs before so if I’m going at this all wrong then feel free to delete 🩷 I wonder if you could gif World on Fire when Tom Bennett comes back from the navy the first time and sits in the kitchen talking to his dad? When he says “I was cooking all way through the battle. A slice of my fried bread sunk a u-boat”? Thank you~ 💞
Hi, darling! You are absolutely going about requesting gifs in the right away, and thank you for your request! (:
And YES, oh my goodness, I absolutely can and will gif this scene for you! I've been meaning to get to this one because his sweet little cheeky face is just too much!
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
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Body Electric
Pairing: Tom Bennett (World on Fire) x f!reader x Billy Taylor (The Halcyon) Warnings: Angst, mentions of PTSD and familial death, (consensual) infidelity, voyeurism, smut. Word count: ~3.9k
Summary: Tom's been sullen since returning from the Navy, and when his sister, Lois, moves from Longsight to London it heralds the end of the honeymoon period of his and his wife's marriage. Deciding a trip to the capital is just what they need to reignite the flame, Tom's wife gets much more than she bargains for when they check into The Halcyon, and she flirts with the handsome young bell boy to make her husband jealous.
Author's note: For @adragonprinceswhore and @mefools. This is not a crack fic. I have warped canon (I mean, I had to get these two to exist in the same AU anyway), so Billy didn't die when he was drafted, and has gone back to his old job at The Halcyon. No tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
Dappled sunlight plays upon Tom’s sharp features, the occasional shadow of a tree or building passing across his face as the train speeds through the British countryside. He’d look beautiful, bathed in golden hues, were it not for the pensive expression he wears, and the faintest of dark circles that linger beneath his eyes.
She can’t remember the last time he looked genuinely happy - perhaps it was their wedding day?
Her and Tom had met in secondary school, and she’d thought he was an idiot to begin with; handsome, but always mucking around in lessons, never able to take anything seriously. It wasn’t until they’d both left that they’d become an item. She’d go to the weekly dances at the Pavillion, and every week he would ask her out. The first three times she had said no, not wanting to get mixed up with a known troublemaker. On the fourth occasion she’d relented, simply in the hopes that if she said yes he’d leave her alone. But she’d found she enjoyed his company, he made her laugh effortlessly, and when his blue eyes gazed into hers it made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered. When he had kissed her it had stolen all the air from her lungs, and from that point on she was smitten with Tom Bennett.
The night before he shipped out for the first time, she had thought he meant to slam the bed’s headboard through the brickwork of the wall with the force with which he took her. However, she had smiled to herself when she’d felt the pleasant ache between her thighs the next day.
“Something to remember me by,” he’d told her with a wink and that trademark smirk of his.
Something to remember indeed.
She’d barely recognised him when he’d returned. He was thin, tired, didn’t laugh as freely, and learning that his father had passed when the Bennett family home was shelled had darkened his mood further. He hadn’t stayed long, enough to argue with his sister, Lois, and enough to find his way between her thighs once more and make her swear to him that she’d marry him when he came back.
Of course she had said yes, there was no one in the world she could imagine wanting to marry more than Tom. But with how things are between them these days she is left wondering if he’d married her because he loved her, or because she was the one thing left in Longsight that he could anchor himself to.
They’d married quickly when Tom was discharged for the final time, the war at its end. It had been an intimate affair, and despite the toll his service to his country had taken on him, Tom still gazed into her eyes on their wedding night and made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered.
But then Lois had announced she was taking Vera and moving to London - her and Connie had found a place they could share. A fresh start. She had hinted at wanting to move away from Longsight before, and Tom had dismissed it, insisting that the family must stay together. 
He was furious when she’d chosen to go anyway, refusing to be part of the send off party for her at the train station.
“This is where mum and dad are buried, how can she do this?!” He’d raged.
“They’re just headstones, Tommy,” she had tried to reassure him, “memories go everywhere with you.”
“You wouldn’t fucking understand,” he’d seethed back at her, “you’ve still got both your parents, what have I got?!”
“You’ve got me, you’ll always have me,” she’d said quietly.
He’d fallen silent at that, bowing his head and averting his gaze. It made her chest ache to see him that way.
It’s been close to a month since they were last intimate, and she has done her best to be patient and understanding. His time in the Navy has put him through a horrendous ordeal, coupled with losing Douglas, and his sister moving away, so she doesn’t pressure him.
However, she misses her husband. She feels that he is abandoning her each time he retreats into himself, going somewhere she can’t follow. Like two ships in the night, they pass each other by, laying in the same bed physically but emotionally never further apart.
When a letter arrives from Lois, letting them know she’s settled and would love for them to visit, she jumps at the opportunity. She has some money put aside from her job at the factory, and her and Tom never got to have a honeymoon, this would be the perfect way for them to rekindle the romance in their marriage.
She is shocked, yet thrilled, when Tom actually agrees to it, and the pair of them arrange a week’s worth of leave from their respective jobs, arranging to stay in a hotel rather than impose themselves upon Lois’ hospitality. There’d be plenty for them to do while they’re there, and she can’t wait to see the sights of Piccadilly Circus and Carnaby Street, she’s never been to London before.
Tom has stared silently out of the window the entire train ride from Manchester, though she knows better than to believe he’s taking in the scenery. It’s merely so he doesn’t have to make conversation. She can live with that, she is certain that once they’ve had their romantic week away that he’ll be much more talkative on the journey back.
Everything will be fine once we’re checked into The Halcyon.
It is early evening by the time they arrive, and Euston station is a crowded rush of people when they step onto the platform. She is fearful of it for a moment, never having seen so many people all in one place at once, until Tom takes her by the hand, guiding her through the crowds towards the taxi rank. Her heart soars at the gesture, a hopeful smile tugging at her lips over his protectiveness. Perhaps he is not lost to her after all.
She stares in wide eyed wonder out of the window of the black cab as it drives through the streets of London. It is similar to Manchester in its greyness and vastness, they both have all the trappings of big city living, however, the heart of London beats to an entirely different rhythm than that of Manchester’s. The capital seems harsher, more relentless than the northern locale that she calls home. She wonders if perhaps this is the right place to try to rekindle the spark in hers and Tom’s marriage after all.
That is until they step into the foyer of The Halcyon. Her heels click against the black and white tiles of the foyer, her mouth agape as she takes in the opulence of the huge pillars, the palm trees that flank either side of the entrance, and the yellow and orange hues of the stained glass panel in the ceiling. How could they not reignite their passion when they were going to live like royalty for a week?
“Billy!” The dark haired woman manning reception calls around the corner, once they’ve checked in. “Come and help Mr and Mrs. Bennett with their bags.”
A tall, lean young man, who can’t be any older than twenty, rounds the corner. He’s handsome, with bright blue eyes, and mousy hair that’s slicked back beneath the cap of his black and grey bellboy uniform.
He gives her a tight lipped smile, the tips of his ears turning pink as he looks at her and she can’t help the way she preens at his flustered state.
Still got it.
“Second floor, Billy,” the receptionist tells him as he leans down to grab their suitcases, “room twenty six.”
Billy nods. “Right this way, please, Mr and Mrs. Bennett,” he says, directing them towards the lifts.
She can feel the bellboy’s gaze upon her in the tight confines of the elevator and smiles to herself. At least someone was appreciative of her.
He takes his leave, bidding them both a good evening once their luggage is deposited outside of their room door, and her and Tom are left alone once more.
Tom whistles low as they enter, flicking on the lights, and she feels pride swell in her chest that he’s impressed by the lavish surroundings. A shiver of excitement runs through her as her eyes move over the crisp white pillows and crimson duvet that adorn the bed, thinking that this might be where they’ll finally make love for the first time in a month.
It’s a beautiful room; lace curtains hang in the windows, ornate floral wallpaper decorates the walls, there’s a writing desk by the window, and a yellow velvet armchair is placed off to one side by the bed.
Turning back towards Tom, she steps towards him, sliding her hands up his chest, over his jacket. She smiles demurely up at him, her voice a soft purr. “So, Mr. Bennett, what shall we do now?”
“It’s been a long journey, love,” he tells her, taking one of her hands and brushing his lips against her knuckles. “Let’s just get some rest, yeah?”
“Oh…okay,” she nods, stepping back and looking away. She feels like she might cry, as disappointment weighs heavily upon her chest. This is not how she imagined their first night here would go at all.
As she lays in the darkness, listening to the strange sounds of the city, motor cars and loud voices, all seeping in through the closed window, she can’t seem to fall asleep. She turns her face towards Tom, who lays facing away from her, wondering if he’s awake too.
“Tommy?” She whispers.
“Yeah?” He whispers back.
She pauses a moment, and when she speaks again she’s unable to disguise the tremble of emotion in her voice. “Do…do you still love me?”
He rolls to face her then, and the devastation of what she’s implying is evident in the arch of his eyebrows and parting of his lips, illuminated by the light of the streetlamp that pours in through the lace curtains. She feels a lump in her throat, regretting having asked.
“Course I do,” he says earnestly, tugging her towards him, and she buries her face in his chest. He presses his lips to the crown of her head, rubbing her back. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, “I’ve been letting you down.”
They stay like that for the rest of the night.
The next morning they sit in the hotel’s dining room for breakfast. Tom idly smokes a cigarette, a full English in front of him, while she butters her toast.
“Gonna go and see Lois today,” he tells her, taking a swig from his tea cup.
“I thought we’d arranged to visit her on Sunday?” She asks, frowning in confusion as she sets her knife down on her plate.
“We are,” Tom says, blowing smoke out through his nostrils - a gesture she has long since learned is a sign of irritation on his part. “But I’m gonna go see her today - alone.”
You’re going to start an argument, and then come back in a bad mood.
She sighs, folding her hands in her lap. “And what am I supposed to do?”
Tom shrugs. “Go to Carnaby Street, or whatever it was you were saying you wanted to do while we’re here.”
“Tommy, we’re supposed to do those things together, and I don’t wanna walk around London on my own!”
He nods, stubbing his cigarette out on the yolk of his fried egg, causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. He had barely touched his food, he never does anymore.
“Alright, look, I’m only gonna be gone a couple of hours, then we can do whatever you want. Why don’t you order some drinks for when I get back, and we can start our holiday properly?”
“You promise?” She asks with a small smile.
“Cross my heart,” he says, taking a final swig of his tea. He stands from the table and presses a kiss to her temple.
“And promise you won’t be horrible to Lois?”
“I’m not promising anything for that mardy cow,” he says, giving her a wink, before walking off.
She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
Fuck’s sake, Tommy.
She goes back up to the room once she’s finished her breakfast, and takes a long, hot soak in the bath. Almost two hours have passed by the time she has her make-up finished and her hair curled. Dressed in lingerie and a satin robe, she is still deciding on an outfit when she realises Tom will be back soon and she hasn’t ordered their drinks.
Calling down to the hotel’s switchboard from the phone on the desk, she asks for a glass of white wine and a whisky to be sent up to the room. Ordinarily, Tom is a lager drinker, but she decides he deserves a treat as they’re on holiday.
Ten minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and the bellboy from yesterday stands on the other side, holding a tray with the drinks they’d ordered.
She smiles warmly, watching him blush as he bows his head and enters the room, setting the tray down on a nearby table.
“Thank you…Billy, wasn’t it?” She asks, cocking her head.
He presses his lips together in a tight smile, glancing at her before looking shyly away again. It’s clear her state of undress is having an effect on him. “Yes, Mrs. Bennett,” he says, clearing his throat and straightening, clasping his hands behind his back. “Will that be all?”
Excitement flutters in her lower belly. It’s been a long time since a man has reacted to her so bashfully, and she’s enjoying it. She isn’t ready to let Billy slip away just yet.
“No need to be so formal, sweetheart,” she coos, “you can call me by my first name.”
He shuffles from foot to foot, huffing a nervous laugh. “Sorry, Mrs…sorry…”
“How old are you, Billy?” She asks, stepping towards him.
“I’m twenty-one.”
Seven years my junior. Not as bad as I’d thought.
“Did you serve, Billy?”
“Yes,” he says with a proud smile. “I manned the anti aircraft guns at the barracks for three years.”
The sound of a key in the lock draws both their attention towards the door, as Tom walks through it. Just as she’d anticipated, his expression is sour. He’s argued with Lois. 
“I’ll leave you both to it,” Billy says, with a polite nod of his head.
She knows how this will play out. Billy will leave, and Tom will allow his bad mood to ruin their day, either by refusing to leave their hotel room, or simply sulking his way around London when they’re supposed to be having a good time. Opting to use the current situation to her advantage, she decides to be tactical, and give her husband a reminder of what he’s missing out on. If he sees another man flirting with his wife, perhaps it will snap him out of this.
“No need to be in such a hurry, Billy, we were just getting to know each other. Or do you have somewhere you need to be?”
Billy eyes Tom carefully as he walks past the both of them, taking the whisky from the tray on the desk and sipping from it.
“Well, my shift finishes in ten minutes,” he says distractedly, “so I s’pose I could–”
“Perfect,” she cuts him off, taking his arm and guiding him to sit next to her on the edge of the bed.
Tom remains silent, taking a seat in the armchair and placing his glass on the table next to it. His jaw is set, gaze dark. He only ever looks like this when he’s sparring for a fight, but if this is what it takes, then so be it.
“Do you have a sweetheart, Billy?” She asks softly, fingernails grazing his thigh, causing him to flush bright red.
“Er…well…” he removes his cap, keeping his gaze fixed on it as he turns it round in his hands. “There was a maid that worked here…Kate, her name was. I fancied her…really fancied her, but she moved back to Ireland to be with her family when the worst of the bombing hit.”
“Oh, you poor love,” she soothes, giving his hand a squeeze. “I expect a handsome lad like you has girls queuing up.”
The click of Tom’s lighter pulls their focus back to him, and he exhales a plume of smoke, staring intently at them both. “Do you fancy my wife?” He asks Billy, with a steely gaze.
Billy swallows thickly, eyes widening in panic as he opens and closes his mouth.
“It’s okay, Billy,” she says gently, “you don’t need to be shy.”
“Well…I hope you don’t mind me saying, Mrs…sorry…but I think you’re beautiful.”
This time it’s her turn to feel embarrassed, and she averts her gaze as she feels her skin grow warm.
“Yeah, she is beautiful isn’t she? Would you like to kiss her?” Tom asks, lifting his glass and taking a deep drink from it, his eyes never leaving Billy.
Her head snaps up, looking at her husband with wide eyed shock.
Why is he asking that?!
“Tommy…” she says hesitantly, an edge of warning in her tone.
“It’s fine, love,” he takes another drag of his cigarette, settling further into the armchair, observing the both of them. “Go on, kiss her.”
Returning her attention to Billy, he’s shuffled closer, looking at her questioningly.
“Is…is this okay?” He whispers, leaning in.
She nods, closing the gap and her lips meet his. He is hesitant at first. His kisses are not as forceful as Tom’s, his lips are softer. As she reaches up to cup his cheek, he seems to grow more confident, applying more pressure, a quiet hum of approval rumbling in his throat. It makes her core throb to be desired like this.
When they finally part for air, she is breathless and flustered. She looks straight to Tom. He sits, watching them casually, fingers wrapped around his glass in one hand, propped on the arm of the chair, his cigarette burning low between his forefingers in the other.
“Do you wanna touch her?” He asks Billy, a low, darkened edge to his voice.
“Yeah…yeah, I do,” Billy answers, sounding more poised than he had just moments before.
“Go on then,” Tom instructs, “brush your thumb over her nipple, she likes that.”
She gasps softly as Billy leans in again, capturing her lips with his own once more. A quiet moan escapes her as she feels his hand tentatively slip into the opening of her robe, his thumb swiping gently over the lace of her brassiere.
He is not as self assured as Tom, Billy’s touch is featherlight by comparison, but it’s been so long since someone has paid this kind of attention to her that she responds to it just the same. She arches against Billy, her tongue slipping into his mouth as she hears his cap drop to the carpet with a soft thud.
“You can fuck her, if you want to,” Tom rasps, and she glances over at him, as Billy’s desperate kisses move down her neck. His blue eyes are still dark, she’s no longer able to tell if it’s from anger or arousal, the two states look much the same when he wears them.
There’s a part of her mind that’s screaming at her that this is wrong, that they should stop. However, if this is what it takes to get Tom to notice her again, then she’ll do it, and selfishly she’s enjoying how it feels.
Billy pushes her back, and she goes willingly. “Are you sure this is okay?” He whispers, his voice betraying his nerves.
She nods, untying and opening her robe, to reveal the lacy lingerie set she wears beneath.
Billy draws in a sharp inhale, before hurriedly unfastening his belt and unzipping his trousers with shaky hands.
He freezes, looking at Tom. “I…I don’t have a sheath.”
“Don’t need one,” Tom replies nonchalantly, crushing his cigarette butt out in the ashtray. “Best not keep her waiting.”
She pulls the gusset of her knickers to one side as Billy hovers over her. She can feel she’s soaked already. Billy is not quite as girthy as Tom, but still an impressive size that causes her breath to catch in her throat as he starts to press inside.
Tom chuckles quietly from where he sits. “She’s tight, isn’t she? Tightest little pussy I’ve ever had. Go careful.”
His words cause her to ache with want, and she moans wantonly as Billy bottoms out with a grunt. He’s gentle, much more so than Tom would be, slowly withdrawing before pushing back in, a dusting of pink prominent across his cheekbones.
“You won’t break her,” Tom tells him, “can just imagine how wet and warm she feels. Fuck her harder, and wrap one of her legs around you. She goes mad for that.”
She cries out, white hot sparks of pleasure swirling in her gut as Billy does as he’s told, the shallow pants of his breath puffing hotly against the side of her face.
Turning her head, she looks at her husband and he smirks, eyes raking over the scene before him as Billy continues to rut into her.
“T–Tommy…” she moans.
With each push of Billy’s hips into hers, she can feel her climax building, she’s right on the precipice, but it seems Billy is too. He tenses, a groan escaping him.
“Don’t you dare come inside her,” snaps Tom.
As if on cue, Billy pulls out, making her whine at the loss, coating her thighs in his hot spend as his jaw slackens and his brow furrows.
Before she’s had a chance to recover, Tom is rising from his seat towards the bed. “You can go now,” he tells Billy.
Still struggling to catch his breath, Billy nods, clambering off of her and fastening his trousers and belt back up. He stoops to pick up his cap, before hurrying towards the door, followed by Tom.
She lays there, dumbfounded and breathless, through glassy eyes she watches Tom hand Billy a bank note. “You’ll not tell anyone about this, d’you understand?”
“Y–yes, sir.”
She hears the door click closed, and Tom walks back over to the bed. His pupils are blown wide with lust and it sends a shiver through her.
“Enjoy yourself, love?” He asks, grabbing her thighs and tugging her towards the edge of the mattress, making her squeal.
“Are you angry with me?” She asks quietly, feeling shame bloom heavily within her chest.
“No,” he says distractedly, attention focused on her core. His thumb swipes through the stickiness that’s been left on her thigh, spreading it slowly over her skin. “No, I’m not angry.”
“You’ve been so absent lately,” she says sadly, propping herself up on her elbows. “Just wanted your attention.”
He straightens, nodding in understanding. “Yeah, I get it. I’ve been neglecting you, and that’s my fault. But don’t worry, I won’t anymore. Now–”
She clenches around nothing as his hands move to his belt, and she hears the metallic clink of it opening. “Now you have my full attention, and I’m gonna make sure you get all of it.”
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fan-goddess · 8 months
✨The List Of K!nktober Requests✨
In order of when they were requested, should be updates regularly
If you’d like to be tagged in any then don’t hesitate to comment!
Here’s the link to the prompt and character list
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If it has the link then it’s done, they won’t be everyday but hopefully be done by end of October. There are no promises though
• Aegon Targaryen with sex pollen, breeding kink + public sex {requested by @lovelykhaleesiii}
• Ettore and breeding kink {requested by @humanpurposes}
• Alicent Hightower and religious kink {requested by @hightowhxre}
• Billy Washington and public sex + getting caught {requested by @adragonprinceswhore}
• Osferth and face sitting {requested by anon}
• Dom!Aemond and BDSM/edging {requested by anon}
• Modern!Aemond and religious guilt {requested by @chompchompluke}
• Aemond Targaryen and breeding kink {requested by anon}
• Modern!Aemond Targaryen and public + edging/denial {requested by anon}
• Dark!Billy Washington and religious/innocence kink {requested by anon}
• Billy Washington and face sitting {requested by anon}
• Modern Aemond and getting caught {requested by anon}
• Tom Bennett and public sex {requested by anon}
• Aemond Targaryen and sex pollen, getting caught + public sex {requested by anon}
• Osferth and mutual masturbation {requested by @arcielee}
• Ettore and public sex and face slapping {requested by anon}
• Tom Bennett and corruption/innocence {requested by @madelynwal}
• Aemond + Helaena Targaryen and threesome, breeding + getting caught {requested by @watercolorskyy}
• Modern!Aemond Targaryen and role play {requested by anon}
• Tom Bennett and face sitting +/or mutual masturbation {requested by @sylasthegrim}
• Billy Washington and edging/Denial {requested by @babyblue711}
• Modern!Aemond Targaryen and corruption {requested by anon}
• Aemond Targaryen and daddy kink + innocence kink {requested by anon}
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Fave Fic Tropes! ✨
Here‘s another tag game I came across, and wanted to share it with you! Just highlight the trope you like more! 🤭
coffee shop or flower shop • alternate universe or fix-it • enemies to lovers or childhood friends • angst or fluff • love at first sight or pining • modern au or historical au • soulmate or unrequited • fake dating or secret dating • breakup and makeup or proposals and weddings • get together or established relationship • oblivious pining or domestic fluff • hurt/comfort or crack • meet the parent or meet cute • time travel or parallel universe
Just tagging a few people (no pressure): @adragonprinceswhore @aemondsbabe @targaryenbarbie @barbiedragon @succnfuccubus @connorsui @schniiipsel @kaelabear
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venmondiese · 19 days
I LOVE your aemond fics 😍😮‍💨🥵 he’s so hot and mean in your fics just my taste fr 😌 do you have any similar aemond fic recs?
Thank you soooo much, it warms my heart to know that people enjoy my little silly things!!
Similar Aemond fic recs that i ABSOLUTELY love:
teacher's pet by @sapphire-writes
second part: lessons by @sapphire-writes
Claim by @girlsworldillusion
the first taste by @thekinslayed (which is aemond x reader / reader x michael gavey)
Aemond finds new ways to make you cum by @li0nn3stuff
give you my lovin' by @thekinslayed (which isn't mean aemond perse, but it is one of my favs of all time)
pretty, pretty by @aemnd
not aemond; but a very good michael gavey hate sex: hate fucking michael gavey by @kolsmikaelson
not aemond; but a cregan x reader x jace that drives me insane: i get drunk on jealousy by @fairysluna
there also was hockey!aemond by my lovely adragonprinceswhore but she deactivated :( so rip to that masterpiece
if any of you know other fics of mean aemond, let me know to add it!
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arcielee · 4 months
Do you have any fic recs for other characters that Ewan has played?? Tom especially??
Okay, I have my tags [☆ arcie's library & ☆ arcie's fic recs] but you mentioned one of my favorites played by Ewan soo...
My darling anon, do I ever.
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Here are some Tom fucking Bennett ficrecs 💖
For series I adore:
The Seamstress & The Sailor by @assortedseaglass This is definitely one of my favorites. Hilde portrays Tom in a way the WoF writers envy and her OCs that she knits into this story are just so perfectly flawed. This is a slow burn and I just love every word.
Gone With Regrets by @myfandomprompts One of my first Tom Bennett stories I have read and I absolutely fell in love. Her Tom is such a scoundrel with a heart of gold and I fucking adored it.
As the World Burns by @theoneeyedprince This has another rich OC. I love the interactions she has with Tom so far, just this palpable tension between. The story is new, but with how Justine delivered with A Refined Taste, I have complete faith in that I will love this one as well.
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One-shot delights & depravities I love:
I enjoyed @exitpursuedbyavulcan 12 Days of Smuff, especially the Tom Bennett pieces that fed into one another. They were delicious.
@helaelaemond has written some of the raunchiest Tom Bennett x reader stories that always leave me weak in the fucking knees.
@aemondsbabe [Homecoming] & @happilyhertale [all her Tom Bennett x reader] & @adragonprinceswhore [her Tom Bennett x reader] are other one-shots I have read and enjoyed thoroughly.
@valeskafics has written for Tom Bennett x reader, but she also writes for the Ewanverse in general, and since you mentioned characters 😈
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And since you mentioned other characters...
@troublesomesnitch did this Abraham x reader piece that had me chewing on my furniture.
@fallingintoyourlilaceyes has written for Osferth and Michael Gavey and it is also delicious.
@itbmojojoejo did this piece for Ettore that I fucking loved: Home Sweet Prison [but I just noticed there was another one, omg 👀]
And for those who got to see Salad Days, Redemption by @babyblue711 was just wonderful.
Oh! Honorable mention to that sad, wet cat Billy Washington. Most of the writers I have mentioned have also written for him because how can you not?? Look at him! 😭
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Please note this is such a small selection of the talent that is on this hellsite. Feel free to reblog with with some of your favorites!
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Happy holiday y´all!!!
So in the spirit of the holiday and another year coming to an end I want to thank all of you for making time on this earth a little more bearable. Over the past months I have not only found my passion for writing again, but also the most amazing and beautiful people I could have asked for. I want you to know that I could not be more grateful for that.
💖: @chompchompluke @schniiipsel @ajthefujoshi @bl4ckph0enix @randomdragonfires @humanpurposes @hopelesswritergall @adragonprinceswhore @fan-goddess @the-common-cowgirl @barbieaemond @aemonddtargaryen @aemondtarqaryens @eyelinerandcigarettes @fairysluna @visenyasdragon @marthawrites
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humanpurposes · 1 month
Hi. Did adragonprinceswhore deactivate? I can’t find them. Thanx 🤍
Hey, yeah she did :( She's still on AO3 if you want to read her fics!
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