knario47 · 1 year
Pablo Deluca
Personaje femenino perteneciente al bando de Adirane cautivada antes de 1489, año en que ya se documenta la venta de esclavos palmeros en Valencia. Fue obligada a ser intermediaria entre los suyos y el Cabildo de Gran Canaria y el gobernador Maldonado, en los años precedentes a la invasión castellana de la isla de Benahuare:
“Entre finales de 1491 y abril de 1492, Maldonado, el Obispo de Canarias y el Cabildo catedral, prepararon la conquista de Tenerife y La Palma. Remitieron como emisario a Francisca de Gazmira (palmera), ama del regidor Diego de Zurita, la cual convenció, (engañada por los cristianos que le prometieron su libertad) a los principales jefes palmeros llevándolos a Gran Canaria donde fueron bautizados y devueltos a su isla con la consigna de hacer proselitismo entre su gente. El camino quedaba acondicionado para el taimado y ambicioso Alonso Fernández de Lugo” (F. Morales Padrón, 1978).
Francisca de Gazmira se constituye, después de la invasión de La Palma en 1493, en la defensora de sus hermanos isleños esclavizados ante la justicia española. Aparece también como Francisca de La Palma denunciando a Lugo al que acusa de vender como esclavos a 22 muchachos palmeros como rehenes de los convertidos y cautivar a cien más, matar a dos cabezas del bando territorial, impedirle salir de la isla para defender sus derechos, agraviar a sus parientes y robarles su ganado (Dto. del 28-02-1495, E. Aznar Vallejo, IEC, 1981).
Las Crónicas históricas refieren la resistencia y rebelión de los benahoritas al esclavismo de Lugo:
“Los palmeros, como vieron a Alonso de Lugo fuera de la isla, levantáronse más de trescientos palmeros, los cuales hacían mucho daño. Desto fue avisado Alonso de Lugo, que estaba en Tenerife(…) y mandó por capitán de la isla de La Palma, para que la quietase, a Diego Rodriguez de Talavera (…) y con ellos, después de algunos reencuentros que tuvo, los desbarató, aunque le costó algunos soldados que le mataron y muchos heridos” (Abreu Galindo, 1602, Ed. 1977).
Más adelante, en 1500, una vez incorporada la isla a la Corona española, Francisca de Gazmira presentó un litigio en la Corte en defensa de los palmeros bautizados de los bandos de paces y esclavizados por Lugo, que intentó sobornarla sin éxito para anular su denuncia:
“1500 Julio 25. Granada. Iniciativa a don Juan de Silva, conde de Cifuentes, alférez mayor y miembro del Consejo, para que determine en el pleito de algunos canarios, que dicen ser libres y estar sometidos a servidumbre(…) estando suficientemente probado su justicia por el hecho que doña Inés Peraza diese a Francisca de Gazmira 60.000 maravedís para que no continuase el litigio…” (E. Aznar Vallejo, “Dtos. canarios en el Registro del Sello”, 1446-1517, IEC, 1981).
En relación al hábitat de Francisca de Gazmira, que dio origen a su antropónimo, el siguiente documento aclara su ubicación:
“Sevilla, 27 de junio de 1500…estando en las yslas de La Palma e Tenerife, puede aver syete años poco más o menos, diz que tomó por propia abtoridad treynta e tres vecinos de la ysla de La Palma del bando de Gazmira, a donde dicen las cuevas de Herrera, y los cabtivó a todos e a sus mujeres e fijos e familia, seyendo como diz que heran christianos e de pazes…”(A.Rumeu de Armas, “La política indigenista de Isabel la Católica”, 1969)
Gazmira < lit:”wa s iemira”=”este (lugar) a (hacia) lo abierto”, del vb.“ar, iura”(R)=”abrir” y de la variante participal “mar, iemira”=”estar abierto” (Ch. Foucauld, 1951, dial. tuareg Ahaggar). Evolución: “wa s iemira > wasmira > guazmira > gazmira”, por contracción, conversión labio-velar “wa>gua” y cambio “s>z” en el sistema fonético del dialecto tahaggart. Podría asociarse pues a un lugar abierto o espacioso después de traspasar un lugar estrecho. Si nos atenemos a la información que transmiten las Crónicas históricas se confirma la ubicación y las dos entradas o pasos a la Caldera de Taburiente:
“Tazacorte y Los Llanos, hasta donde dicen las Cuevas de Herrera, Amagar, Tijuya, todo este espacio y término de tierra llamaban antiguamene los palmeros en general Adirane (…) la otra entrada, más común y frecuentada, se llama Adamancasis, que es por las Cuevas que dicen de Herrera” (Abreu Galindo, 1602, Ed. 1977).
La voz Adamancasis < “at amânkad tizi”=lit:”el gran capitán el paso” o “el paso del gran capitán” (en relación a Atanausu, jefe del cantón de Azeró), de donde “amânkad”=” hombre que va delante, capitán”(dial. tuareg Ahaggar) y “tizi”=”paso, desfiladero (dial. kabilio) >”adamancazizi >adamancasis(i)”, por cambios fonéticos “t>d”, “t>z” y “z>s”. Este topónimo se refiere claramente al llamado “Paso del capitán” y, por extensión, a El Paso, municipio palmero. Por consiguiente, las Cuevas de Herrera en las que vivía Francisca de Gazmira se ubicarían al suroeste del núcleo poblacional de El Paso, en territorio “abierto” o llano, próximo al Paso de Abajo y Tajuya y en definitiva en la divisoria de los cantones de Adirane y Azeró, aunque en territorio de Adirane o “bando de paces”.
La política esclavista castellana se produjo antes y al final de la década de los 80 del s.XV en La Palma. Así, en un documento del 9 de enero de 1489 quedaron registrados en el libro de cuentas del Maestre Racional del reino de Valencia los detalles económicos de la venta de una “cautiva canaria de once años, llamada Isabel”. En ese año los invasores castellanos esclavizaban a cientos de indígenas canarios y canarias, una de ellas esta niña palmera de once años, de la que se sabe que su comprador fue un mercader español llamado Miguel de Urrea. El nuevo amo tenía el poder de “venderla, enajenarla y hacer según su propia voluntad, así como a cada señor le es lícito y permitido hacer de sus cosas propias” ("La Conquista de las Islas Canarias a través de las ventas de esclavos en Valencia", V.Cortés, AEA, 1955).
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thegreatirene · 7 months
Traveling Witch (Adrian Tepes x witch!reader)
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Rated M (language and violence)
Modern witch reader travels back in time to collect things for her collection and ends up losing a page on how to go back to her timeline.
Part 2
To start off, this is not your first time traveling back in time. Granted it was only maybe thirty or so years but five centuries…it’s probably going to b your biggest jump ever. It’s not impossible, no you’ve known other magic beings able to travel that number of a distances, however…it’s you. The last time you tried to time jump was to the 60’s and you ended up in a whole different country. Mishap’s like that happened a couple more times but you were sure you had it down packed by now.
“Are you sure you want to go that far back? For some rock?” Your mother asked as she paced about the kitchen. She gathered some ingredients for you. “Last time you ended up almost half way around the world. Thank god it was a recent year cause you know not everyone likes our kind sweetheart.” She handed you the package and smoothed her hand down your arm.
“Ma it’s not just any rock it’s a trovant and it is found only in Romania. Plus I want to get one when it’s small! That way I can watch it grow and move,” you turned to put the package in your bag.
“Kind of wondering what else they have over there that I can take back with me?” You question as you and your mother made your way to another room. You opened a door that’s filled with books from wall to wall. In the center a stand with a book center on a podium.
“You and your rocks or whatever. Your room is full of them and now you want more of them?”
“It’s not going in my room. It’s going in the garden,” you said as you twirled around to her “we can have our very own trovant that moves and grows on its own without magic!” You whispered the last part in a excited squeal.
Your mother rolled her eyes but smiled as you made your way over to the book. You hummed to yourself as you looked for the spell you needed.
“Well, don’t go crazy and grab everything you see there. We don’t have enough room for your hoarding.” She said as she waved her hand and the pages turned on their own. It stopped on the exact page you were looking for “mm we’ll see.” You sang as you went around the podium and walked to a nearby mirror.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” your mother walked over to you, “don’t forget your necklace. I can’t be where you go and I know how you get with people so this should protect you against anything.” She put it on you and then smooth your hair down and she looked at you with a loving stare.
“Love you”
“Love you too Ma”
The both of you hugged and she walked back to the podium. You smiled at her through the mirror and than looked at yourself. Bringing your right index finger to the side of the mirror you slit your finger on the little blade that stuck out to the side. Watching the blood drip down your finger you spoke “У̷̡͔͓͔̃̌͐̀̏̿̂͜ш̸͙̤͋͗̇̄р̷̦̗̖̰̈́͆̈́̌л̵̜͉̤̟̑̈̈͂͌̂͝ц̷̠̘̲̜̼̫̄̊̄͂д̵̼̥̊̆͂͑ ̷̮̝͔̟͗̀̈́̂́͘͜в̶̧͂д̷̟̮̔̀̔̈́̅а̶̨̙͖̄д̴̢̖̞̫̔̐̓̎̎̓̒у̵̨̧̲́̈́͊̌т̴̰̋̀͗̽͆͘с̴̲̫̰̘͔̞̊͋я̸̤̖͚̘͆͊̆͛͠ ̵̲̊в̶͍͕̮̝̈́о̷̼̳͉̼̀л̵̧̞̋͌̀̉̀́а̵̧̬͇̯̮̹̇̃̄͜͝ ̴̡͈͔̼̟̹́͝х̶̨̣̟͍̬̙̒͋̑̿͑̽з̷͖̠͔͍͙̫̝̑́̆̈́а̸̢͖̤͚̻̣̭͑б̶̦͂” you drew a sigil as you spoke the words. The mirror started to glow in a blue white light.
You licked your finger clean and watched as the flesh mended together. You turned to look at your mother once more and blew her a kiss as you walked through the mirror. Everything is white as you walked the tunnel of time. Nothing can be seen and it is a bit haunting as the only thing you can hear is the clicking of your shoes.
You can see the other side of the opening and hope that it’s to a safe place. You stop as you came to the opening and looked and waited to see if anyone walked by. After a minute you poked your head out and saw no one and fully walked through.
“So far it looks fine” you looked back at the mirror and watched the mirrors light dim and than it turned back to a normal mirror. It looked as if you were in a hallway. Stone walls and what seemed like lightbulbs along the walls. There were three ways you can go but only one of them you can see was a set of stairs that went up. Those were in front of you. Seeing as that was the first thing that seem to lead out you took the stairs.
“What the fuck” you looked up at the stairs as it lead higher than you thought it was going to be.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” You grunted as you made your way up the steps. At least they were stable enough for you to walk up them. After a short while and a bit out of breath you made it to the door and put your hand on the knob. Closing your eyes and whispered to yourself a small spell. You push your mind eye out and looked passed the door. It seemed like there was no one near by and the place looked somewhat kept. As you returned you blinked a couple of times and opened the door.
It opened up to a foyer, it was huge and a bit dark, a few candles on the wall flickered and waved wildly as the wind from the door hit them. The air was stiff and smelled a bit off but not like no one was living there.
You knew where you wanted to go when you were back at home and hoped that you were here, Dracula’s castle. You read books and did a lot of research to be very sure that you found the right location and not the one that tourists went to.
You listened for any kind of life and could neither hear or feel anything. You let the breath you were holding go and walked further into the foyer.
“Yea looks like what a vampire would live in,” you said as you looked around and than up to the high ceiling, as much as you could see. You made your way to the front door but stopped as the hair on the back of your hair stood up.
“Cine eşti?” Came the male voice that sounded like it was right behind you. You stayed facing forward but answered, “I’m sorry I don’t speak Romanian,” you turned slowly to look at the man. There was no one “hello?” You called out as you scanned the area but saw no one. You did hear a steady heartbeat. One you didn’t hear a while ago before you entered the foyer.
“Întreb încă o dată. Cine eşti?” The male voice came again this time you were able to pinpoint the location. He was behind you, you could feel him and smell him. The energy from him came hitting at you and you could tell he was threatened and angry. Swallowing the spit in your mouth you raised your hand slowly, “listen I don’t speak your language and it seems like you don’t speak mine. So how about-“ you were grabbed by the back of your neck and slammed down onto the concrete floor. The wind was knocked out from you in a instant.
“Pentru ce ai venit aici?! Ești și tu aici să mă păcălești!” He yelled at you as he forced your face to the floor. You gritted your teeth as you tried to breathe again. “Please…” you whimpered out as he pressed you harder. You whispered a spell and a flash of light came out of you throwing the man off of you. Rolling onto your back you took a couple of breaths and held your torso. Warmth came to your hand and you rubbed it over your body as you focused where it was hurting.
“O vrăjitoare” the man said as he got up, “Nu contează, voi scăpa de tine, chiar dacă știi un pic de magie.” You raised your head in time to see he swung a sword ready to cut you. You rolled away and looked where the sword landed.
“Are you trying to kill me!!! Are you insane!” You yelled as you got on your knees and crawled away. “I’m very sure murder isn’t allowed in Romania! So stop it or I’m calling the cops!” You screeched as your hand met the wall “I swear to god! Back off man!!” You went into your pocket trying to fish out your phone when he shouted at you again.
“Dude, dead ass I have no clue what you’re saying but you need to chill,” you flashed your hand towards him and before he could reach you, he froze. Frozen in his spot you got up and made your way over to him slowly.
“Ok we’re gonna start this over again, k. But first I need something from you..” you stepped in front of him.
“I’m gonna do a little spell but don’t be alarmed…or I guess you will be seeing as you don’t understand me” you said as you gave him a weary smile. You chanted a small spell as you waved your hand over his face. Once you were done you placed your hand on his shoulder bring him down just a little bit.
“I’m sorry for this part but it’s real quick and I’ll explain” you leant close to him and kissed his lips. The man was shocked as his eyes grew wide and he tried to move but couldn’t. You stepped back “ok we should be able to understand each other now” you said.
You stepped back a bit more giving you and the man space. Once you thought was a good distance you snapped your fingers and he fell to one knee. He brought a hand to his mouth as he stared at the floor.
“Listen I was trying to find my way out. I didn’t steal anything,” you paced back and forth slowly, “was trying to look for an exit and I did and than you atta-“ you fell back onto your back.
“Seriously!” You winced as you looked up at the man.
“How dare you!” He growled as he bared his teeth at you. You noticed his canines were long and it hit you as soon as you saw the rest of his face.
“Wait are you a-“ he pressed his hands around your throat and squeezed. Your breathing was cut short as he pressed down.
“First you enter my home even with the warnings outside. Than you kiss me without my permission” he squeezed harder “you’re gonna die here unless you tell me who you are.” He bit out as he got close to your face.
You patted his hands as you tried to breathe and looked at him as your vision became watery with the tears in them. He didn’t seem to want to let go as you tried to form words but nothing came out. You had enough and gathered enough energy into your hands and smacked his head with it. It sent him flying towards the doors and smashing them in the process.
Gasping for that lungful of air you coughed and turned towards the door. You could see him laying motionless and than jolt as he turned on his back. You sat up and spoke “my name is y/n l/n” you rasped as you rubbed your throat.
“I’m not from this country. I’m from ___” you got up as you walked over to the man. “I kissed you as a way to speak your language so we can both understand. I am sorry for it, I would also be upset if some stranger kissed me without my consent but this was the only spell I knew.” You sat down on one of the steps of the building.
The man groaned as he rubbed his eyes and muttered to himself. “Yea you were trying to kill me and I panicked so my bad if I used to much force on you.” You said.
You got up and walked over to his figure on the ground, “I know you,” you squat down blocking the sun from his face “Adrian Tepes, Dracula’s son. Didn’t think I’d see you here.” He froze as you said his name and than mentioned his father. You watched as he brought his hand down from his face and looked at you with what you can only guess as anger and a bit worry swirled in.
You sighed again as you placed your hand over his chest freezing him. “Listen, you really need to stop attacking people before they can get a few words out. It’s getting tiring and I hate wasting my energy on dumb shit like that.” You sat down this time next to him. Letting the wind blow through your hair as you took a deep breath and relaxed for a bit. You didn’t think you’d meet THE Adrian Tepes, even though it’s his family castle. You kind of thought he had passed or something but I guess you were wrong.
Here he lay watching you as you watch him watching you. Weird.
“You can speak. I only froze your body.”
“How do you know me?”
“My family has books on you and your family. Nothing bad they didn’t haunt you or them. I’m guessing you guys were friends or they knew you guys or something. I don’t know my mother doesn’t know much and my grandparents are too old to remember about their own family tree. So I should be glad that at least some of them bothered writing it down cause geez” you laughed as you rubbed your eyes and than ran your fingers through your hair.
“…..” he stayed silent.
“Swear I’m not a stalker. Just my peoples know your peoples. Nothing crazy, I didn’t even come here for you but for some rocks for my garden back home.”
Adrian squinted his eyes at you, “I’m so serious they’re called trovants. Apparently they grow and can reproduce! I was like ‘oh I’m so getting some of those for my garden’ and now I’m here” you animatedly said as you looked over at him.
“I like collecting weird and unexplainable things so those rocks would be right up my alley.” You smiled.
“You’re very strange.” He said as he eyed you. This time around you can tell that he wasn’t that angry. He was still on edge but you were sure you could let him up now that he knows you’re not there to harm him, hopefully.
You chuckled “yea well,” you turned to sit on your knees. “I’m gonna let you go now but please don’t attack me again. It’s really annoying and I hate wasting time.” You said as you looked at his face. He’s very pretty even prettier than the paintings you have seen back at home. His voice is even better than you could have imagined. Rich and deep like pure honey being poured onto speakers being used.
You sigh as you regained yourself and waited for his answer.
“I promise” you smiled and snapped your fingers. He moved to sit up and looked at you “soooo I know we got off on a bad start but if it’s ok with you I would really like to-“ his arm came swinging at you. He hit an invisible wall or some sort of force field. He grimaced when he looked at your face and slowly brought his hand down.
“Are…are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!” You shouted as you got up onto your feet and looked down at him. “I TOLD YOU I WASN’T GONNA ATTACK YOU OR HURT YOU AND YOU STILL GO FOR IT!!!” You waved your hand around as you walked away from him and towards the castle.
“I SWEAR to god you men are all the same! I guess being a dick head doesn’t change even if you’re from 600 years ago! Like what the fuck is that shit! I give you my fucking word and you still TRY to attack me!” You kicked the rest of the door that was broken off the henges and walked in.
“I’m so glad I put on my protection charm cause I swear! You men can’t be trusted!!” You went looking for your bag as you continued your rant. At this point Adrian walked in behind you worry on his face as he watched you grab your bag from the floor and looked at him. He held his hands together and swallowed as he made eye contact with you.
You walked up to him as you gritted your teeth and stood right in front of him. You didn’t exactly meet eye to eye but you were able to get him to look at you as if you were a giant to him. “I would think a man from your time would be more gentlemanly and shit but you’re just like the rest of them.” You poked his chest as you said the last few words. His brows scrunched as he took in the words you had said to him.
“Out there? What did you mean?” He asked as he watched you breath heavily from the rant you had.
You blinked at him, “what?”
“What did you say before?”
“You’re a shit man?”
“Before that, when we were outside, you said something about years…”
“…..” you thought about what you said and than spoke again. “The 600 years part??” You tilted your head as you thought about it.
“Yes 600 years…what year do you think it is?” He watched you.
“2023?” He looked alarmed and than stepped back as he got a good look at you again.
“What?” You said as you held your bag close to you. You watched as his eyes traveled from your feet to your face. “Why are you looking at me like that?!?!”
“I don’t think you know where you are right now.” He walked towards you and than gently grabbed your arm. He tugged on it to make you walk with him and you followed. He walked you back to the entrance and than nodded towards the outside.
When you looked you saw the body’s that were impaled. You gasped as you stepped back and looked at the horror that was in front of you. You don’t know how you missed all of that but maybe the anger that you had for Adrian blindsided you.
“What the fuck….what??” You looked at him as you felt numbness run through your body. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
“I’m calling the cops.” You pulled out your phone and dialed the number. You held the phone up to your ear and pulled it away as a screeching noise came from it. Adrian looked at the device in your hand as you frantically hung up and redialed only for the same noise to happen again.
“What the fuck is going on!” You shouted as you turned the phone off to see if that works. Adrian walked over to you slowly. He watched as you pressed the side of your phone and the screen turned back on. He was amazed and walked closer to you.
“Back up” you held your hand up to him.
“What is that?” Adrian asked as he pushed your hand down and looked at the hand that was holding your phone.
“It’s a phone.” You looked at him and then to your phone once it turned back on and you went to dial again.
He watched as you held it up to your ear and pulled back again. “I think we need to have a talk” he said as he looked at you. You looked at him and lowered your phone as he lead you to a different room.
“Cute kitchen” you said as you sat at the seat Adrian pulled out for you. He thanked you and sat in the sit next to you.
“You are not in your time” he said as he laid his hands on top of the table. He waited and watched to see how you would react. He watched as your eyes flickered with confusion and than you threw your head back and groaned.
“Oh for fuck sakes!” You rubbed your face and than looked at him. “This is the second time I traveled back in time. But this time around I went FURTHER than I did last time!” You put your head down with a thud and groaned.
The both of you sat there in silence until he cleared his throat. “Do you mind if I looked at the… thing you had before?” You turned your head to look at him and fished around in your pocket. You laid your phone on the table and he went and grabbed it.
“What is this?”
“It’s called a phone. You can call people and do a lot of stuff on it….to a degree.”
He felt the phone around and it flashed on when he pressed the button on the side. He flinched when the screen flashed but looked as he saw your Lock Screen. It was a picture of you and your mother. The both of you smiling up at him. He looked at you and then the phone and then back at you. You could see he was confused and you puffed a laugh.
“It’s done with a camera. Here look,” you pushed his hand down and pressed the camera icon. It switched and now he could see his face. Adrian looked in bewilderment as he got close to the screen.
You could see his eyes moving back and forth. Which you were guessing was him trying to look at his eyes as they move but can’t.
“Press that white button there” you pointed at the screen. He did and than a soft flash went off and he blinked as he saw that his image was taken. You went to the album and showed the picture he took.
“See and now there’s a picture of you. I have this app that lets you put these filters on you and be all cute and shit.” You said as you moved your chair over and exit from the camera and angled the phone to see your face. Once it opened you went looking for the yellow icon and pressed it. You went looking for the obvious filter you wanted to try on him first.
The doggy filter came on and the dog ears bounced onto the screen and on Adrian’s head. He looked confused with his eyes wide. He touched his hair but felt nothing. When his mouth opened the tongue came out and scared him. He dropped your phone and then looked at you.
“What witchcraft is this?”
“I know right. It’s pretty cool how technology works. I’m still a bit confused with it myself and I’ve been exposed to it longer than you.” You laughed as you took your phone back. You looked to see if you had any bars and saw none. It was empty which you figured would happen.
“Ah shit my phone is about to die too.” You whined as you put your phone to sleep.
“Listen I don’t have a lot of time and I really need to go and look for what I’m looking for before the spell wears off and I’m stuck here until the blood moon.” You got up and adjusted the bag around you. Putting your phone back in your pocket “it was really nice meeting you Adrian. Even though you tried to kill me a bunch of times. Maybe when I go back to my timeline I can see if you still live in this castle and we can hang out.” You smiled as you walked back out of the kitchen and towards the front door.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Adrian placed his hand in front of you. “Unlike your time there are monster out there that will kill you.”
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blues824 · 2 years
Request: Hello! I was wondering if I may request a Shinobu Kocho! Reader with Black Butler (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, +Undertaker & Snake.) The reader having her personality and hiding behind a cheery facade to hide the anger she holds against demons for killing her sister. maybe also her jealousy towards other people for having a stronger body, wishing she also had stronger body. (+her teasing Ciel)Her swordsmanship skills as well where it’s the reader adding poison to her blade to kill demons (in this case, demons like Sebastian and Claude.) But also having exceptional knowledge in the medical field and being a doctor Since Shinobu is heard to be very beautiful stated by Zenitsu to be able to “make a living on her looks alone.” I think the reader should would also be very beautiful (not like they aren’t already) and to a touch of elegance like a butterfly and just be very graceful and light on her feet. - @mistress-ofpink
This anime was actually the first anime I’ve ever watched. My cousin was scrolling through different streaming sites and we saw it and were like “ThIs LoOkS iNtErEsTiNg” and now I’m here… years later… on Tumblr… making fanfics about it. Also, the Undertaker’s name is Adrian, right? Could have sworn that was it but I’m second-guessing myself.
Thanks for the request, by the way!
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Ciel Phantomhive
Mans knew from the get-go that you weren’t happy at all. As a person in political power, he knows a fair amount of politicians who fake a smile towards him and then complain that he’s super young behind his back.
Ciel wouldn’t say he particularly liked demons very much, but he likes them far better than angels. However, there are days where he would like to pair up with you and kill Sebastian for being annoying. 
What he doesn’t appreciate about you is that you like to tease him. A lot. You tease him about being so young and so very short and how his temper was shorter than he was. He has scolded you on multiple occasions about this, but it’s never effective.
He understands your whole “wishing for a stronger body” sentiment. He too wishes he were physically stronger. After all, he has asthma and can’t do much. At least you can actually do something about your wish, Y/N.
You take over as his caretaker because of your extensive medical knowledge. After all, your descendants and siblings all were demon slayers and doctors. You’re also an exceptional swordswoman. You make up for your lack of physical endurance by dipping your blade in poison. He will often take you on missions to assist Sebastian in anything.
Ciel will admit that you are very beautiful. The first time you were called for your expertise in poison, he had his breath taken away. Literally. Mans had an asthma attack because you were so pretty. Then with your knowledge and how you were graceful in everything you did? Mans could have died right there if it weren’t for you helping him out.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He also knows that you are very angry. He’s a demon, he can sense emotions. Also, he can read people and he can read you like an open book. He can see the slight strain on your everyday smile and the near-to-snapping glimpse through your cheerful attitude.
He knows of the demon who killed your sister. It is so unfortunate that someone as great as you had to suffer such a terrible loss. He understands that you have gotten a very negative impression of all of demonkind and wishes to convince you that not all demons are… horrible. 
You tend to be a bit of a tease, often pointing out how much he acts like a father to Ciel or how he ‘runs a tight ship’ in the Phantomhive household. Sebastian knows that it’s lighthearted, so he will often tease back. All in good fun.
Sebastian is very strong. He doesn’t really understand the whole “I want a stronger body” thing, but he will be willing to lend an ear as he does his tasks. He will also be willing to give you a workout regiment and make you meals that could get you physically stronger if you so desire.
Like Sebastian is the ‘father’, you take over as the ‘mother’ of the household. You tend to be a bit more on the motherly side. Plus, your medical knowledge is held in high regard around the world. Your skills as a swordswoman aren’t something to laugh at either. You are basically a human version of Sebastian. You always offer your services to the Phantomhive household.
Sebastian knows that you are gorgeous. You’ve had to turn down many suitors because they always want you to quit your work to tend to them and their every need. You are always graceful in your movements and you always hold yourself with great dignity. Even when fighting with a sword, you are always so elegant. You're his beautiful butterfly, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Alois Trancy
I think Alois needed someone like you in his life if I’m being completely honest. While he remains oblivious to your anger, you understand him. You're motherly and nurturing towards him, and he can count on one hand how many people act this way towards him.
From what I can tell, he also despises demons. However, Claude is an exception to his hatred. He hopes that he can make you see him in the same light he does. He always mistreats his staff, but because of you he is starting to understand that that behavior isn’t acceptable.
On his good days, you both tease each other a lot. Of course, it’s nothing harmful. He will often call you his “wifey”, “future wife”, “honey”, or something along those lines. Not only is it a fun nickname, it also allows everyone to know that you are taken. You reciprocate these affections.
I don’t think Alois is strong either, but he doesn’t wish to be stronger because he has Claude to boss around. If he ever sees you sad, he’ll be sad too. Then you have to comfort him even though you are the one who was originally upset.
Alois is always impressed by your knowledge not only as a medical professional, but also as a combatant. He will continuously ask you if you and Claude could perform a jousting skit or something of that sort.
I feel like Alois was sick or something and Claude summoned you to help. The former was taken aback by your beauty and thought he died and went to Heaven because who is this angel?? You were just so graceful and elegant in everything you did in the Trancy Manor. Mans has heart eyes for you.
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Claude Faustus
He too also knows of your intense anger and hatred for demons. It was amusing to him how you had to work with the thing you hate most. He sees how your smile falters when he walks into the room behind Alois. The rage behind those kind eyes could battle a demon’s.
Mans is kind of like the demon who killed your older sister. He’s apathetic: every emotion he shows is a facade. However, he wouldn’t do anything like that without a direct order. However, it brings a strange pain to his chest whenever he sees you distance yourself from him. 
The teasing tends to be one-sided. You tease how Claude’s basically standing ‘in loco parentis’ for Alois. Very rarely will he ever oblige you and tease you back. When he does, it will be a nickname to try and get you flustered. 
As a demon, he’s strong. He’s been on fair playing grounds with Sebastian, so yeah. Like the crow demon, Claude will lend an ear if need be. He would also help you train and have the chef prepare meals that could get you to a physically stronger state. 
He appreciates your willingness to help around the Manor. From you, he’s learned how to ‘take it easy’. You often prepare different blends of teas that have different healing properties for the both of you to enjoy in your free time. When you are called away, you will leave him a few notes telling him how to deal with certain medical situations that are most probable to happen.
He finds you to be as soft and gentle as a butterfly. You always seem to flutter around gracefully, and it’s not something he sees everyday. However, you are fleeting like one, being a well-known doctor and all. If he had it his way, you’d have permanent residence at the Trancy Manor. He loves you dearly, and secretly wishes you wouldn’t leave.
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Y’all are perfect for each other, I swear. He knows of the anger you keep hidden and manages to bring it out and help you. You both bring out the best in each other. However, he sees your strained smile whenever Sebastian enters the funeral parlor.
He also was the one to reap your sister’s soul. It was rather unfortunate that she had to leave this world at such a young age, but it’s just life. He understands that this is a serious topic, so he will never joke about it.
Teasing is like a competition to the both of you. Who can make the other flustered/annoyed first? You will walk around the building, calling each other ridiculous nicknames. You would tease him about his obsession for the dead, and he would make fun of you for your obsession with insects.
Adrian is pretty strong himself, so he doesn’t understand your insecurity. However, he will be willing to listen to you if you need it. And while it doesn’t seem like it, he grasps onto every word that slips from your mouth as if it was your lifeline.
Your medical knowledge is extensive and very useful in the funeral home. However, you are often called away as a famous doctor. Adrian always has a small pout whenever you tell him that you have to leave for a business trip. When performing an autopsy, you both will often finish each other’s sentences when voicing your observations.
Sometimes, Adrian thinks your beauty is misplaced. It doesn’t belong in a depressing place like a funeral home. He’s grateful that you decide to stick around and even put up a permanent residence in the home. Your kisses are soft but fleeting, much like the butterflies you love to observe. You both are the metaphor for Life and Death.
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Now where have you seen someone like this guy? You are getting serious deja vu from this guy. Nah but seriously he can read you like an open book. He’s glad your anger isn’t directed at him, but you’re still angry and it’s kind of scaring his snakes.
When you tell him about your sister and that her death was the reason for your never ending rage, he and his snakes become a lot more understanding. Webster and Goethe slither around your arm and shoulders as their way of giving you a ‘hug’.
You tend to tease Snake about his shyness, and you make sure he knows that it’s all light-hearted. You would never even think of teasing him about anything he was super insecure about. You would call him endearing nicknames (i.e. Honey, My lovely Snake, etc.) to fluster him. You’d do the same for each of the snakes (who all love you a lot). 
I’d say he’s around average strength, but if you combine his strength with his snakes, then he’s possibly the most underrated character in the series. He can’t do much about your insecurity, but he’s always willing to listen to you if you need to talk.
For your medical practice, this relationship is actually beneficial for the both of you. With Snake’s and Webster’s permission, you will collect a poison sample from the latter and create an antidote in case something happens. The former will admire your concentration and hard work. In exchange, you would do your best to learn how to speak to Snake’s snakes. They will all be super patient with you if you make mistakes. It’s that you’re trying that matters!
The first time Snake laid his eyes upon you, he could have fainted. You were just a blessing in his life and he thanks the stars that you would choose someone like him. Not only do you not judge him, but you admire his scales and you often trace them gently with your finger. Your smile immediately puts him at ease. When he asked you out, he used his actual voice. Mans is committed.
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sessizharfler · 1 year
Seni, sen giderken gelen yağmurlara emanet ettim
O çok sevdiğin kır çiçeklerine, vazgeçerek sonbahardan
Seni taze ilkbaharlara emanet ettim
Seni çıkmaz sokaklardan uzun yollara
Karanlıktan, aydınlığa emanet ettim
Derinlerden bulutlara, siyahlardan beyazlara emanet ettim
Tüm yazgıları silip ellerimle, seni başka bir kadere emanet ettim
Seni kendimden sakınıp, bir başka kalbe emanet ettim
Seni bir felaketten esirgeyip, bir umuda emanet ettim
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meyuskartanesi · 1 year
kalbim sende dursun, bana unutmayı anlat severken...
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Elinde cennetin kayıp haritası, kalbinde kelimeler, yüzünde anahtarı..
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wastiyere · 11 months
"Bir yalan devrilirken önünde Maskesi düşerken mucizelerin!"
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gemteeth · 5 months
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Meet Adiran 🖤
A sinner who is a "saved soul" known by Father Barnabas when they were living. He is a mysterious demon who seemed to take over the musical industry overnight. His powers are mostly unknown but he does have a healthy rivalry with Verosika Mayday.
And an odd fixation on making his presence known to Mammon's money maker, Mimos. Adiran takes his position very seriously, even going as far as visiting the clown when he's off duty. Right at Ravvi's front door.
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baybeys · 1 year
Aşık olacağınız kişiyi bulun, sonra bırakın sizi öldürsün.
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hepeksikk · 11 months
Senin gönlün meshur ve musahhardır, mazursun.
Sen gamın ne olduğunu hiç bilmedin, mazursun.
Ben sensiz bin gece kan yuttum,
Sen bir gece sensiz kalmadın, mazursun!
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r-o-z-z · 8 months
Her vedanın ardında bir bekleyeni vardır kimsenin bilmediği
Ve her gözyaşının altında bir dua kimsenin duymadığı
Çevir gökyüzüne başını.
Bakma arkana!
Daha sert basa basa, daha güçlü!
Anlat bu kara şehrin yollarına ak adımlarınla!
Gitmek yenilmek değildir kazanmak da!
Gitmek gitmektir işte.
Hepsi bu...
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geceyamurundakibirii · 9 months
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supbreak20 · 3 months
Free my girl Adrian all she did was be mentally ill and stab a corpse to frame my client
I know de killer fucking did it so leave my girl alone PHOENIX WRONG
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birhatira · 1 year
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biz senle.
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gemteeth · 4 months
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Have a little bit of priest
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kendincenaz · 9 months
Zaten moralim bozuktu birde bu şarkı çalmaya başladı
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