#addy x peni
avatarvyakara · 11 months
Presenting the premier Addy Brock collection from Strands of Webbing!
Starting out with diversion of a canon event because, honestly, [bleep] that noise:
52. React
"DON’T!" she screams. But Ven#m is already halfway towards the M.O.R.B.I.U.S. device, a look of determination on its electronic inFace—
Until, with a grunt, all three point one five tons of SP//dr shoves the other mech out of the way of the beam of light just in time. A nearby building fuses into a twisted mess of metal and glass, like a Vonnegut crystogram.
"What the hell was that for?" comes the angry voice of Addy Brock from Ven#m's modulator.
"Rule number one on this team: you don't get yourself killed to prove a point!" snaps Peni.
Ven#m's inFace expresses strong shock.
"…we're a team?"
"I didn't say that."
That chirpy expression looks really weird in black and neon white. It probably doesn't help that the teenager inside has a much more…smug face, and that Peni can see both of them quite clearly.
"You implied it."
"Shut up. Now help me figure out this thing's weak spot. And don’t you dare die."
(Addy survives. But Peni's not sure, after the loud squeal at the end of the fight, whether her eardrums are going to last the week.)
60. Introductions
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” she tells Gray with a little hesitation, as they sit atop the New Chrysler eating putty-cakes from a street vendor below. “You could actually come over.”
His eyes shine, but his brow wrinkles—for once he’s got the mask off. He looks like Peter Parker. He looks nineteen. (Thirty. Eighty.)
“I don’t know if your folks would be okay with that.”
“You already met Addy.”
“Well, yeah.” Admittedly, she did threaten Gray with a fate worse than death and a mech. Neither of which seemed very effective to the other Spider, who had just laughed. One Saturday she’d be very happy to forget, honestly. (But he laughed, so there was some success that day.)
“I’ve been trying to explain this to them, the whole multiverse thing,” she says, and huffs. “They still think I’m crazy. Or that I’m lying and that I’ve actually just gotten myself some shady lowlife koibito to spite them.”
Gray’s face hardens. “If that word means what I think it means, then they should know way better.”
But it softens again when he looks at her. “But a six-foot-three-inch-tall nineteen-year-old with a face like a darned sock isn’t going to be much help to you, kiddo.”
“You’re literally from another dimension—”
“And I look scary. I won’t be making it easier for you on my own, not with how you say your aunt and uncle are. Maybe you can get Miles and Gwen in on this?”
She wants to protest, but then he says: “Maybe Ham and Peter too, Make an outing of it for the whole cluster. That way the others can distract them a little.”
“...I guess that makes sense.” He’s her best human friend, and she wanted to recognize that. But even so...maybe that would be better. She was able to pass off Miguel as a Mercurial pen-pal with a cosplay addiction (most Earthers will believe anything about the decadent and obscenely wealthy and more-than-slightly inhuman Spacers), but the rest are going to be harder—her black-and-white and cartoon counterparts especially. Telling the whole story, with proof, becomes easier if there are kids her age to help soften the blow. (Plus, Peter B couldn’t look threatening if he tried.)
“You’re not scary, though,” Peni insists. “Not to me.” She grins. “You’re too much of a dork for that.”
He squeezes her shoulder, and gives her a smile no less warm for being in monochrome. “Whereas you frighten the life out of me, doll.”
She hugs him. This time around, he doesn’t resist.
“...seriously, though, what’s in that crispy paste stuff?”
“Sun-fried seaweed, Mercury-style.”
“...it’s not too bad. Tastes kinda like latkes. Like a latke dough, but you can eat it.”
“It’s pretty good. My favourite’s yungay potato.”
“Ah, a lady of quality.”
She laughs at that.
80. Comrade
Adelaide Brock is fourteen when she makes her first two real friends. People who actually get it. Who understand the thrill of the ride, and the joy of the psychic link.
They have their differences, of course. Peni’s more of a drill sergeant in the field, always efficient, applying incredible precision. Addy’s always been more of a performer at heart, and her spider (her spider), Weying, seems to sympathize. Ven#m likes the spotlight, isn’t really up to just fighting and heading home, prefers to mug for the crowds and crow over a few muggers. (And occasionally fantasizes about trapping and eating the monsters they defeat like the oversized prey they are, but that’s spiders for you.) Maybe it’s showboating a little, but hey, if you have a ship, why not display it?
But at the end of the day...Peni saved her life. Soon after, she saved Peni’s. They’re a team. They’re actually talking. And she and Weying have been working together for ages now, and New York loves them. Life is good.
Now, if only Peni would actually let her know who she keeps talking to on that weird 2D group chat of hers...
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
183. Talk
The first time Addy stops by the workshop when Other Peni is there, Other Peni is furious at Peni for suggesting she come and say hi. Genuinely furious.
The second time—after some prompting and a long discussion where Other Peni Parker cries for the first time Peni remembers—Other Peni is there to greet her.
“Uhhhh...Peni? Is that you? You look tired. And...older.”
“...hey, Addy. It’s me. This is gonna sound weird, but...I’m from another dimension and I just...kind of wanted to see you again.”
She sounds so tender.
Addy blinks.
“It’s okay,” says Peni, coming around to the front of the space. “She’s...a friend. Sort of. But you have to keep this a secret. This is beyond mech stuff, it’s insanely important. Swear?”
Addy nods, wide-eyed.
“Good! You two have fun!”
“Peni, you weren’t supposed to—” Other Peni growls, but Peni’s already wheeling herself out.
It should help. She knows it would help her. And she’s about 90% certain Addy will forgive her, and has fifteen different prospective options to hasten that process.
...figures that when she steps back in, Addy and Other Peni give her rather evil grins.
“You know,” says Other Peni casually, “the nice thing about being the same person? It means you’re already well aware of a fair few...embarrassing incidents.”
“...you didn’t.”
“Me? No, no. We just traded life stories. If they match up, it’s just a coincidence, right?”
Addy cackles.
“I’ve created a monster.”
“Aw, lighten up, Choking Hazard.”
“Adelaide Brock, you swore not to tell a living soul—”
“Actually I just said I’d only talk about it with you. And, well...”
Other Peni laughs.
(The sacrifices one makes for the good of one’s fellow Spiders...)
238. Rudolph
“If you think I’m missing this, Peni Parker, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Addy...I don’t know. I mean, yes, you got bitten, but...I’ve never met another Addy Brock out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Addy tosses her head back and offers her friend an easy grin. “Then I won’t get hurt. Simple as that. Trust me, Peni. I know when to pull back now.”
Peni sighs. “Fine. But be careful, right? Follow my lead.”
The red SP//dr enters the hole in space just before the black Ven#m does, and leads the way.
And on the other side—
“Hey!” calls Miles happily, coming over to meet them. “Glad you could make it!”
“...hi,” says Addy, blushing quite pinkly all of a sudden.
Peni rolls her eyes. “Excuse my friend. Addy, this is Miles Morales, Spider-Man. Miles, my best friend and coworker Addy Brock and her Spider Weying, alias Ven#m.”
“...how are you pronouncing that?” asks Ham. “Hey, I thought me and Mister Egg Cream over there were your best friends.”
Gray looks like he’s trying not to grin. Peni can feel a blush coming on herself. “I’ve got four best friends. Addy’s the only one you guys haven’t met yet.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” says Miles easily. “And Happy Hanukkah!”
(“Should I tell him you’re a Zuhariyya Muslim?”
“Nah, it’s okay.”)
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
322. Mitosis
“Don’t count on it working,” says Other Peni. “And be careful.”
Peter cracks his knuckles.
“Just gotta give it the ol’ college try.”
And he walks up to the bulky form of Ven#m. Not as nice-looking as Addy’s, honestly. And a cannibal at that. Joke about it though he may, he doesn’t much like cannibalism.
Peter doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but there’s always such a thing as giving it the ol’ college try.
(Granted, he never went to college.)
—what are you?—
“Me? I’m just a good buddy here to annoy you into spitting out my friend’s loved ones.”
The capsule opens, revealing a tangled mess of cable-like tentacles that snake towards him.
—is Peni so desperate that she’s sending in cartoons to aid in her futile endeavours?—
—don’t make me laugh, little piggy—
—we are Ven#m—
—what are you going to do?—
—“huff and puff and blow my house down”?—
Peter pulls out the giant horn his niece Dahlia sent back from a trip to Switzerland.
“Something like that, yeah.”
362. Celebrity
Do I get one? I get one! Wheeee! ...um. Sorry. Anyway.
My name is Addy Brock. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for five years I’ve been one third of the one and only Ven#m. I’m from New York in the year 3150, I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside the robot I tried to take for a joyride when I was fourteen, and my best friends in the world are Peni Parker and Weying, the aforementioned radioactive spider.
Pretty sure you know the rest. Saved the city, mugged for the camera, saved the city again and again, had a hundredth-of-life crisis during which I, uh...we don’t really talk about that. (I’m banned from Greater Peru until I’m eighty-five, on a completely unrelated note.) But I got back up. Also, I met an alternate version of my best friend who lost her me and really needed someone to keep her laughing. And that’s me. Addy Brock, clown superhero extraordinaire. (Peter Parker? Never heard of him.) Peni may be the OG, but I’m the sequel that nobody knew they wanted but now can’t get enough of. I’ve even been to Mars on business—you know how difficult it is for an Earther to get direct to Mars, let alone for a job? Usually they hire local, or take on seasonal workers from the ecoships. This is big stuff.
...but at the end of the day, I love being Ven#m. And...I like having friends who get it. I got randomly assigned a last name matching my closest genetic relatives, but Peni and her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are the first real family I’ve ever actually had. So guess what? Ven#m is here to stay, with the Parkers, in the Republic of New York, on Earth.
As long as they’ll have me.
(“Well, then, looks like even reincarnation won’t be enough to let you get away, Addy.”
"And when they get sick of you, me and my aunt and uncle and Other Addy will take over."
“Aw, you guys. Peni Parkers? Ultimate upgrade in superhero mettle. Besides yours truly, of course.”
”How modest.”)
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spiderversechaos · 2 years
Intro: The Spider-Verse movie Earths!
oh boy this is gonna be awhile... let's do this
home to Miles "Shameik" Morales, one of the youngest spiders in our little multiverse!
the year is 2018, following the release date of Into the Spider-Verse movie.
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characters that exist here are:
Dr. Olivia Octavius
Norman Osborn Green Goblin
Ms. Marvel
and many more!
home to the unfortunate Peter B. Parker, the second oldest of the 13 Spiders in this chaos.
this Earth also takes place in the year 2018, following the release date of Into the Spider-Verse movie.
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characters that exist here:
the Fantastic Four
Venom and Eddie Brock
and many more because idk
home to a Gwen Stacy! The one and only Spider-Woman / Ghost Spider of her earth.
this Earth takes place in the year 2018, following the release date of Into the Spider-Verse movie. this is getting repetitive lol
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characters that exist in this earth:
The Lizard (Peter Parker)
Dr. Otto Octavius
Captain George Stacy
The Mary Janes band
and more!
The home to the Noir Peter Parker, the 5th Peter introduced to this chaos please help I ran outta nicknames and arguably he's the oldest by chronologically order
this Earth takes place in the year 1933, with no colours in sight.
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characters that exist here:
Spider-God (yeah it's part of the origin on the original Noir's earth so he's here too)
Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
The Defenders
Home to Peni Parker and SP//dr, the other youngest spider here!
This Earth takes place in the year 3145, according to Peni herself.
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characters that exist here:
VEN#m and Addy Brock
and any more!
Home to the 6th Peter, Peter Porker! The spider-turned-spiderpig hero known as Spider-Ham!
this Earth takes place in 2018 following the release date of Into the Spider-Verse movie.
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characters that exist in this cartoon filled world:
the Scavengers
Doctor Octopussycat (yes that's his name)
and many furry heroes!
home to Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of a future!
this takes place in 2099, when Miguel O'Hara took up the mantle.
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the people who exist:
Fantastic Four
Punisher (Jake Gallows)
X-Men and X-Nation
and many more that I refuse to name!
- Minty
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mask131 · 3 years
AHS look-back: Open house
Open House, or the seventh episode of AHS. Let’s look back at it!
As usual: spoilers ahead, and I’ll take notes along.
# 1994. The year Beau died, noted.
# Marcy is such an under-rated villain character. She is such a piece of trash... All the quiet homophobia, all the straightforward yet careful racism (”There’s a lot of minority men that would love to rape me on the spot” X), the common and mundane greed... 
# We know Constance enters the house whenever she wants, and Addie “her had ways”, but there is still one slight plot hole here - why are the Harmons letting their back door open? Especially after all they went through. It would have made more sense if Constance had maybe kept an old copy of the keys of the house, or stolen some. But this is never explained and it is a little bit too convenient.
# We’ve got yet another clue that Constance did truly paint the murals. Larry knows about them, and wishes to uncover them. Given his obsession with getting the house back for Constance and his inability to move forward from his “happy times” with her, it makes sense he would want to see back the murals she painted.
Oh yes and of course Larry is another example of the “living ghosts” in this story, just like Constance: unable to move on, clinging desperately and angrily to the past. 
# People have pointed out that Tate sudden hatred of Violet’s self-harm is a clue that he knows that Violet is dead - notably he wants her to stop because if she keeps on she might realize she heals unnaturaly, and thus that she is not human anymore. 
# It is quite interesting to see what Tate has in his “secret stash”. A jar from Doctor Montgomery’s collection ; gay porn from Chad and Patrick (and thus was said the famous line “Totally” by Tate when asked if gay porn is hot, and that made hundreds of fanfic writers extremely thirsty) ; a box containing Doctor Montgomery’s surgical tools (I am still wondering whatever Tate’s relationship is with Charles, especially given how close he is to Nora) ; and finally the box containing the “early photographs” of the Montgomery family, Thaddeus and the house in its early years. You can see Tate’s link to Nora hinted because he actually keeps the photograph box longer and caresses it with affection. 
# Behind-the-scene fact: when Moira bits off the man’s penis, she was supposed to spit out the bitten piece of flesh. They did the scenes several time, using a “bloody banana” and they also prepared plastic torn penises for this scene. Ultimately it was cut (probably deemed too gory and shocking), and Moira’s younger actress now hates bananas X)
# In the Entertainment Weekly interview corresponding to this episode, Ryan Murphy explains that originally Marcy was supposed to be killed earlier in the season, and they pushed back her death episode after episode, until they decided to let her survive because they have “too much fun” with this racist and homophobic “incompetent bumbler” and “worst realtor in the world”
# Interestingly, at this point, when asked about Constance’s fourth child, Ryan Murphy said that the viewers would “probably” see him in later episodes, but that he also considered it becoming a “mystery that will not be answered”. It is pretty clear that, like their decision to kill Marcy, they pushed back the fourth child’s appearance episode after episode, until they decided he would not appear at all. Ryan Murphy also mentions that as he spoke they were shooting the final episode, implying that if the fourth child had to appear, it would be in the finale.
# And we have yet again a neat answer about the sentience of the house:
“Rubber Man” is I think by far my favorite episode. I think it’s very psychological and I think one of the things about the house is that it’s always conspired to help people or drive them crazy. In the next episode, it kinda does both. Suffice to say, there are several characters in the next episode who want that baby and will do anything to get it.
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lilwritingraven · 4 years
Searching for Hope
Part Four
John Seed x Female Deputy/OC
Summary: After her encounter with John, Audry seeks refuge amongst some fellow friends.
Trigger Warnings: Verbal Abuse
Notes: I want to thank @proudspires for beta reading this and making sure it doesn’t sound crazy! And thank you to everyone who has been reading this series and leaving comments. It really makes my day!
She was back in the water, each wave lapping across her thighs. Still dressed in her old black tank and green cargo pants, a favorite of hers these days. Her shoes were gone, toes curling in the sand.
What held her attention, however, was the figure shadowed by the blinding headlights of the van. She could tell who it was, even before he spoke.
“Worthless.” Worthless. Worth less. W o r t h l e s s. The words echoed as a whisper, floating in the air around her. “Stupid.” Stupid. Stu pid. S t u p i d. She cried out, each word a punch to her gut.
“Please, stop,” she wailed, taking a step back into the water, hand flying to her chest.
“Look at yourself. Getting knocked up by some cultist? I knew you were a low life nothing.” Nothing, noth ing, n o t h i n g.
“No-“ She was gasping, unable to catch her breath.
“You’ll never be a good mother.” Audry clenched her eyes shut, hands covering her ears.
“Shut up!” Tears fell, dripping into waves. “You don’t know anything!”
She was alone when she opened her eyes, cloaked in darkness. The van had disappeared along with him. Her father.
She sensed John before he spoke, his hand brushing lightly over her shoulder. “Audry.” His voice was light, humming her name in the way she liked. She leaned against his chest, head resting against his cheek. His hand curled around, resting lightly against the base of her throat. Slowly, agonizingly, getting tighter. “You’ll never be free.”
Alarm rang through her, any thoughts of escape flying out the window as his other arm came around her waist. He pushed the hem of her shirt up, fingers splaying against the skin of her stomach. “John, please…” She was always begging him these days, it seemed.
“You’re mine now.” His lips came to rest on her temple, speaking the words to her mind. “This child, our child, will need somebody to protect it.” Her heart sank, his laugh vicious. “World knows you can’t do it.”
She struggled again, but John held tight. “Leave me alone!” Desperate. She was desperate to get away. She couldn’t handle being held down, brought back too many memories of-
She was yanked awake, opening her eyes to bright lights and a face- someone standing over her, holding her down. “Audry, you need to sit still!” She knew him, had last seen him when…
“Amazing Grace-“
“Sheriff?” The shock of it was enough to send her falling back against the bed, chest heaving. Stood above her, hands on her shoulders, was Whitehorse. He was looking down at something. Someone, she realized. Someone who was pulling a string through her side.
“There we go.” His voice was rough, as familiar as her own. It brought tears to her eyes.
Audry reached up, fingers wrapping around his. “I thought- I was so worried you had-“ He looked back to her, features softening.
“Listen child, there will be time for catch up later. Right now, there’s more pressing issues. How far along are you?” It made no sense; how did he know? Audry gaped at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“But, when, how did you?”
“Pastor Jeffries informed us. Good thing too, the adrenaline alone would have killed that poor thing in there.” The look he gave was so tender Audry found herself squirming away, remnants of her dream still floating in her peripherals.
“I was 7 weeks when John-“ the words choked her, for reasons other than what Whitehorse had guessed.
He squeezed her shoulder, trying to be comforting. “He doesn’t know where you are. He won’t be a problem anymore.” Not true.
“Where am I?”
“The Henbane. We’ve taken up refuge at the prison, but don’t worry yourself with that.” He grunted as he stood, nodding at the woman stitching her side. “For now, you rest. You’ve got some healing to do.”
She could have told him that the last thing she wanted was to go back to her dreams, but it somehow didn’t seem important. Before he could leave, she grasped at his sleeve. “Please, can you call Adelaide?”
He paused, grimacing just a moment before allowing a small nod. “I’ll do what I can.”
Adelaide Drubman was more of a mother to Audry growing up than her own had been. So, when she came storming through the prison into the makeshift hospital, Audry could have cried with relief. She ignored the pain the pull of her stitches caused to give the older woman the hug she herself wanted.
And Adelaide never disappointed.
“Audry, I swear you’re trying to give me a heart attack. What’s this I hear about you getting captured and nearly killed by John Seed?” Her hands were all over Audry, pulling her shirt up, inspecting every square inch she could get her hands on.
“Addie, please,” Audry didn’t think her face could burn any brighter, looking at the other infirmary patients. Grabbing Addie’s hands, she brought her attention back. “Please. I need to talk to you. Somewhere,” her eyes glanced around the room again. “More private.”
Addie was not sensitive about privacy. “Audry, you don’t need to be modest with them. I’m sure they’ve all seen their fair share of boobs, penis’ and vaginas. Now come on, let me see the damage.”
Audry had been wrong; her face did get hotter. “Addie! That’s not what I meant, please.” She pulled them both towards the back room, where the makeshift doctor was residing.
“Alright darlin’, anything you need. You, out.” Addie pointed at the doctor/veterinarian. He scrambled away, smart enough not to make an argument. She sat Audry down and waited patiently, giving her full attention.
Audry swallowed, looking around the room to try and find her nerve. “I need- What I mean is- It’s like…” She let out a grunt, frustrated with herself. “I’m… I’m pregnant-“
“You’re what-“
“And John is the father.” Audry finished, cutting Addie off. The other woman leapt from her chair, sending it tumbling behind her. Audry looked down at her hands, despair pulsing through her veins. “I thought I could just continue fighting, just be, I don’t know, careful? But…” She released her breath, the strands of her hair flying into the air.
Addie was rooted to the spot, gaping at Audry. “Now, darlin’ I know you know how to use protection. Hell, I was the one who gave you your first condom!”
“Addie-“ Audry’s face grew horrified, but the older girl continued on.
“So, please, explain to me how this happened.” She folded her arms over her chest, looking down her nose at Audry; a look Audry had gotten many times growing up. She may not have been her mother by blood, but that never stopped Adelaide Drubman.
Audry bit her lip, playing with her fingernails. “I, um, might have been just a little, teensy, tiny bit… drunk…” She flinched at her own words, feeling the stupidity welling to the surface. “It didn’t pass my mind.”
“Audry,” And Addie laughed. “Was he really that good in the sack? That you couldn’t even stop to put on a condom?”
Audry did not want to be having this conversation. “Adelaide, please. There are more pressing matters than- than how good he was in bed.” Yes, her face was on fire. No, she would never live this conversation down. “How am I supposed to help, to save Burke, and Joey, and… and-“ She hadn’t thought about him since this all started, and shame ripped her open. “Oh my gosh, Staci!”
Addie grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up and into a hug as the sobs racked her body. “Shh, honey. It’s not your fault. I can help you. I’ll call my nephew, and have my bastard ex-husband send Hurk Jr. out here to help. You’re not alone in this.” Addie pushed the hair behind her ear, wiping a stray tear from her honeyed eyes.
“I- I don’t know if it will help. What if John finds out? Joseph seems to have a pretty good idea. They’re probably looking for me right now!” Panic rose like bile in her throat, threatening to overwhelm her. She gripped onto the older woman’s shirt like a lifeline. “I can’t be trapped with them. I can’t be owned by them.”
“That will never happen.” It was rare to hear Addie snarl, which is probably what made it that much more frightening. “Nothing will happen to you. I won’t let you leave my side.”
Audry looked up at the woman, eyes searching hers, nerves calming slightly. Slowly, her fingers began to relax. “Okay. Okay, I trust you.”
At that, Adelaide grinned. “What’s not to trust, darlin’?”
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bestnewsmag
New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/whatsapp-down-chat-app-launches-new-update-after-worldwide-outage/
WhatsApp DOWN - Chat app launches new UPDATE after worldwide outage
Ed-out a new software program update – as chat app customers throughout the globe complain the famous software isn’t working, following a outage devastating international outage in advance this week.
    By using AARON BROWN Posted: 08:29, Fri, Might also 5, 2017 | Updated: 08:29, Fri, May five, 2017
5 WhatsApp users are nonetheless reporting masses of outages, as the app pushed out a new replace WHATSAPP • GETTY WhatsApp users are nonetheless reporting masses of outages, as the app-driven out a new replace WhatsApp suffered a gigantic outage on Wednesday night time, with customers in the United kingdom, Europe, Asia and America left not able to send and obtain text messages, pics, or films.
–– Commercial –– The Fb-owned messaging app started out to revel in issues from the 9 pm remaining night.
Independent website DownDetector, which tracks social remarks round a sure topic to monitor outages throughout the globe, confirmed hundreds of WhatsApp users experiencing connection issues.
WhatsApp customers in all parts of the world had been not able to get admission to WhatsApp for a few hours WhatsApp spokesperson A spokesperson confirmed that WhatsApp becomes back up-and-walking last night.
“earlier nowadays, WhatsApp customers in all elements of the world had been not able to get right of entry to WhatsApp for a few hours,” the spokesperson advised Engadget.
“We’ve got now fixed the problem and apologize for the inconvenience.”
WhatsApp: Hidden Suggestions, Hints and Functiaddaccessories You In no way Knew Mon, June 20, 2016 WhatsApp is the arena’s most famous messaging app however you possibly don’t know all of the Hints and Capabilitiesaccessories hid up its sleeve. Right here’s the whole thing you want to realize to master WhatsApp.
PLAY SLIDESHOW WhatsApp – Hidden Hints and Capabilitiesaccessories you possibly don’t know, but surely have to be using WHATSAPP • Explicit NEWSPAPERS 1 of 10 WhatsApp – Hidden Hints and add-ons you probable do not know, however honestly have to be the use of
But, notwithstanding the fix being in vicinity – loads of WhatsApp enthusiasts were left unable to access the app.
DownDetector remains tracked hundreds of outage reports, with WhatsApp customers left not able to attach the following morning.
Amid those fresh outage reviews, WhatsApp pushed out a new replace for iPhone owners.
Unusually, the brand new software program replace does not appear to reveal any new add-ons – with some of the new software program Addi tie accessories covered within the ultimate iOS replace
  hundreds of WhatsApp customers are nonetheless reporting problems with the appDOWNDETECTOR hundreds of WhatsApp users are nevertheless reporting troubles with the app WhatsApp customers within the Uk and Europe are nevertheless complaining approximately problems with the appDOWNDETECTOR WhatsApp customers in the Uk and Europe are still complaining about problems with the app The changelog states that the May 4th update consists of, the capability for voice assistant Siri to read your today’s messages in iOS 10.three and later.
WhatsApp claims the brand new update additionally consists of “visible upgrades to the Calls tab, Touch Info and Organization Data screens”.
According to the iOS changelog, the new version of the app also consists of functionality to “pick multiple statuses without delay and forward or delete them”, as well as “aid for Persian”.
these software program Functiaddaccessories were all pushed out on April 21st.
Indignant WhatsApp users have taken to Twitter to whine approximately the updateTWITTER Angry WhatsApp users have taken to Twitter to whine about the update WhatsApp customers have joked the new update might be a restoration for the outagesTWITTER WhatsApp customers have joked the new replace will be a fix for the outages The replace has not enabled a few customers to connect to WhatsApp nicely TWITTER The update has no longer enabled some users to connect with WhatsApp nicely once more That has to lead a few online commentators to take a position that the brand new iOS update has something to do with the global outage.
“Is it this fancy new WhatsApp replace that triggered problem!” one user tweeted.
Any other delivered: “WhatsApp’s surprising update is not making this any higher. Lol.”
One WhatsApp person posted: “What the… First, you leave us without carrier and now you wanna coins in with an update @WhatsApp #nogood”
The online speculation that this latest iOS update is linked to the global outage has not been confirmed Via WhatsApp.
The news comes as Facebook introduced that WhatsApp had topped more than 1.2billion month-to-month active users global.
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avatarvyakara · 2 years
Strands of Webbing
A Spiderverse Fanfic
Prompts 289-300
“Taking it Easy”
First | Previous | Next
289. Lineage
“Now just stay close to Uncle Pete, and you’ll be just fine,” soothes Peter.
“Um...I already have an Uncle Pete,” says Charlie through the modulator. “You know him. You’re more like a crazy deformed-mandrill grandpa.”
“Oh. Huh! Well.”
“Not that that’s a bad thing! Anyway, I never knew my real grandpa, Grandma ate him a few months before my mom was born. So it’s kind of nice.”
“...okay? Thanks, I suppose...”
Doing Spider-training usually involves fewer existential crises. (Usually. That time with Miles doesn’t count.) But Charlie’s learning fast, considering the fact that he and his siblings are all out as Spiders-Man for the first time.
Plus, Peter’s world is a decent training ground, given that it doesn’t have too many really bad villains left after all these years.
“Show me what you got, kid.”
Just annoying ones, mainly.
Charlie is good at swinging, surprisingly—well, the twenty or so spiders operating the web-shooters are good at swinging. But combat is an area where he still needs a lot of work.
“What’s wrong, Spider-Man?” taunts Tarantula, holding Charlie down with the sole of his boot. “No quips today?”
“¿Qué?” says Tarantula distractedly, swiping near the neck of the suit with a razor-sharp claw.
Which is promptly blocked by a hand that doesn’t quite seem to bend right.
“Spiders-Man, not Spider-Man. Also, Seamus suffers asthma attacks and you’re squishing him. Could you remove your boot, please?”
Whatever the terrorist was expecting, over eight hundred seemingly indestructible cartoon spiders crawling out of a quickly-deflating Spider-suit is apparently not among them
He tries to stamp on one. It doesn’t have the desired effect. It’s like kicking a brick.
wHat dId wE JuST SAy, hums a shrill voice in the air, as the spiders crawl up the villain. sEaMUs hAS bOOkmArk lUng, aNd You tHInk stEppIng oN hiM Is goINg to hElp ClEaR HiS COnGesTIon? GOod grIeF tHeRe’s nO ResPeCT foR PeOple wiTh DISabiLitiEs theSe DaYs.
Tarantula faints.
The spiders mill about for a while, then start to crawl back into the suit.
Peter watches the whole thing in horrified fascination.
“Er...nice work, kid. Kids.”
tHaNKs grANdPA pEteR, say the spiders.
“Um...you didn’t bite him or anything, right?”
Someone kicks the modulator back to life as the suit fills up.
“Oh. Good.”
Next week, Peter gets news that Tarantula has apparently moved to Argentina. He’s tempted—slightly—to book a flight for himself too.
Although it is a lot quieter in New York for a while after that.
290. Mulaney
“But we’ve got to keep checking the news, right? All this stuff with the new President, it’s like having a hospital in a horse. A living, normal-sized horse, and a normal-sized hospital that might be functioning. What is a hospital doing in a horse? Well, how are we supposed to know? All we know is there’s a hospital in a horse, and it’s really [bleep] hard not to wonder what the [bleep] is going to happen next.”
Comedy nights over the Web-chat are a bit of a mixed bag when Ham gets involved.
291. Public
Fine, you really wanna do this one last time? We’ll do this one last time. And then you get the hell out of my office.
My name is J. Jonah Jameson, Junior. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and what did you think I was going to do, put on a mask and my whole life on hold to start using these insane powers? What do you take me for? No, what I did was, I finished up that report on our soldiers in the Korean War, came home...found out that my wife had...had been mugged and killed while I was away...and went back to the press. Made some decent investments using my newfound Good Sense, started up a company (the Joan Darling, J.D. Foundation), kept the Bugle running smooth as silk, got married again and technically adopted my wife’s niece, fostered another kid from a family who took me in during the War while we worked on getting her family out of Pyongyang, saw my son Jon land on the Moon...
And that’s been the last twenty-odd years of my life.
Look, if you’re looking for me to tell you that I became a masked hero and went around making a mess of things, you won’t get it. I don’t like masks. I don’t think heroes are heroic all the time. So I might be handy in a fight, I might have hunches that make me the envy of the world of journalism, but I’m not going to go out and make an alter ego. Anything I do, it’s gonna be as J. Jonah Jameson.
That said...with a company dedicated to buying and selling stocks that produces tens of millions of dollars in revenue, a newspaper that’s the pride of New York, and a network of agents trying to find kids with superpowers and help them learn to control them, J. Jonah Jameson can do a lot.
Done? Good. Get out.
292. Theory
“You getting any of this?” Peter asks Porker, who shakes his head.
An angry mixture of Spanish, Japanese, and Hindi technical terms flies through the air. Peni has SP//dr to translate, Miguel has Lyla interpreting a little behind real-time, and Roshni’s mask contains a built-in Rosetta function in the eyepatches. None of which is available to Peter, who is from 1930s Manhattan and barely speaks passable English (“Be nice to yourself, Gray”).
“Far as I can make out,” says Porker’s future counterpart, “they’re all trying to find a way to explain holographic technology, but the physics in each world is different enough that it shouldn’t actually work. Something to do with the nature of light in each universe.”
—which is interesting because I seem to work in all of them despite my quantum-locked photonics array being fairly unique to Miguel’s world—
—Roshni thinks I might be a reincarnation of someone, like that stock market computer in her world which successfully proved in court that it had been a Vietnamese fisherman in another life—
—Miguel doesn’t believe in reincarnation and Peni believes it wouldn’t have any effect on my projections even if I were—
—so basically they’re comparing quantum theories and screaming at each other—
—which is fun to watch—
“Lyla? Aren’t you supposed to be translating?”
The hologram gives Peter a wry look.
—I can multitask, you know—
293. Sling
As it turns out, the Hudson Valley is actually a great place to try this out.
“You ready?” Peter asks, cautiously—
Man, if he’d known giving Mary Jane her own web-shooters would make her this happy he would have done it years ago.
“Uhhhh, Peter?!”
“Here we go!” he says, catching her just before she falls and landing on a tree branch. “Just, you know, thwip, and double-tap to release. Here—” He takes her left hand. “How about we go together for a while?”
She nods and smiles and squeezes that hand and he tries not to float off the branch. “So! Where to?”
“Hmm. Ladies first?”
She grins. “Right. Onward!”
Thwip and release. Thwip and release.
Half an hour later they’re completely lost in the summertime woods and Peter cannot find a single reason to care.
294. Realize
Miles had a crush on Gwen right from the start. Gwen thought Miles was kind of cute until he gave her an impromptu haircut, but warmed up to him again fairly quickly. They’ve been best friends—among one another’s best friends—for years.
They’ve also had a kind of on-again-off-again relationship for most of that time. Not quite committed but...well, there have been opportunities to see other people and they haven’t really used them even when they’re on a break.
Nothing formal. It can’t be. Stay in either dimension too long, even with proper food and rest, and they start glitching. Moving it past a certain stage would mean acknowledging the very real possibility that they risk effectively pulling their partner into a death-trap, regardless of advanced healing abilities.
But Gwen makes Miles feel fearless, and Miles makes Gwen feel soft, and that’s something both of them both of them need almost as much as they need the other.
295. Credit
“Nanotech!” boasts Peni excitedly. “And I’ve got it set up to realign itself with the local universe—” she ignores the sotto voce cough of “*Already did that*” from Miguel— “so whatever the local exchange rate and computer software is will be mimicked by the card. Except in my dimension because they’d recognize it, and the pre-electronic eras are harder, but...”
“...we have money,” says Peter B.
Peni rolls her eyes, but chuckles. “That’s right. We have money.”
“Oh thank God.”
296. Siblings
Benjamin P. Parker is older than his sister by all of about eight months. He has also never met her before.
The three-year-old toddles across the floor to where Uncle Peter (always Uncle Peter, he looks like Daddy but he isn’t and he must remember that, says Mommy) is holding a small squirming...thing.
“Sorry, she’s still not used to this kind of travel—” he says.
Miles, who is babysitting, grins. “Hey, no sweat. Hey, Benjy, come and meet May.”
Benjy looks at the mewling...person, he thinks, and wonders why she is in his house—
—and then there’s a strange flash of BenjyMayUnclePeterMiles—
He blinks.
“She’s like me,” he tells his babysitter.
“That she definitely is, Little Bee,” says Miles, smiling. “Just don’t go climbing the walls with her yet, okay?”
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
298. Perceive
“...you wanna come see?” asks Goggles.
Cindy’s not quite sure how they got to this point.
The other Spider shuffles awkwardly.
“You know. The Hobbit. Don’t know much about this Jackson guy, but Peter B. seems to like the way he did Lord of the Rings, and it would help your catch-up plan, so...”
There are a million reasons that this is a bad idea, not least of which is that this sounds remarkably like a date and she’s not entirely sure dating is on the cards for her just now. But then Goggles is trying to be more modern, right? And in the modern day people go to the movies with other people and it’s not necessarily a date. And they’re friends, or at least “fellow Spiders with self-made webbing and a mild disconnect from modern society”. And it’s not like there’s any other connection, because despite checking again and again the pheromones don’t seem to go off around him like they do with some of the others. (We speak not at all of the Incident on Earth-65, thank you.) So if there are any ulterior motives...
If there are any ulterior motives, which again given Goggles’ general nature is unlikely, then they’re caused by biology that’s slightly more regular than whatever happens because of their respective spider-bites.
Silk grins.
Not that that’s a problem. (Because it’s not a date.)
“You know about popcorn?”
Goggles snorts. (It’s a friendly sound.) “Probably.”
“Heh. Just checking. So...maybe this Friday?”
Cindy has a mild panic attack on the bus, and they end up swinging there, but Goggles doesn’t seem to mind. (“You wanna head back?” “No, it’s okay, I got this. Just need a minute.” “Take your time, sweetheart.”) There’s a moment of very slight confusion about paying “Dutch”, but that’s smoothed over soon enough. (“You know the card covers it no matter what, right?” “That’s not the point, though...” “It kind of is, though.”) The story is a little strange, the love triangle confusing, the battle scenes mildly preposterous to two crime-fighters, and the idea of turning a children’s book into...well, basically a war film is absurd for both someone who treats the original books like a second Torah and someone who actually quite liked the original three films. They spend a good two hours afterwards complaining (“kvetching”, in Goggles’ words) and laughing about it as they swing back to Cindy’s apartment and get mildly distracted by an attack from the Lizard. (Who apparently is not a genius time-travelling dinosaur in Goggles’ world, who knew?)
And then Peter tips his hat and says thank you and goodnight, and smiles pretty warmly for someone in monochrome, and pulls a loaf of what looks like homemade cornbread out of a pocket. (“It was Peter B.’s idea, I know it’s a little squashed...” “It smells really good. Thank you.”) And says goodnight again, which she echoes back. And leaves.
(And no pheromones. Not a sniff.)
It’s not a date.
Which neither of them thought it was, obviously.
(And the next time she sees him she is definitely not inviting him over to watch the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring on DVD. Because that would be much easier for him to interpret as a date. But then, it would only be polite, right? Plus, her home, so less chance for a sudden attack of agoraphobia. If she were doing that. Which she isn’t.)
Somehow the cornbread actually tastes good.
299. Sweet
Everyone from the Spider-Gang—the Original Six—is a little tense when Miles logs on.
But he’s beaming wide.
“I’m a big brother!”
The cheers and whoops at the birth of one Mirasol Erin Morales echo across the multiverse.
300. Midnight
Another year, come and gone.
The city is still standing.
And it’s so, so nice to know they’re not alone.
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